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allowances for sales returns and allowances与什么账户对应,代表什么意思


family allowances 什么意思

family allowance英 [ˈfæmili əˈlauəns] 美 [ˈfæməli əˈlaʊəns] n. (工资以外的)家庭津贴Your neighbour tells you that your children are eligible for family allowance. 你的邻居告诉你,你的孩子有资格领取家庭津贴.


5.1 Codes and Definitions 5.1.1 Permanent Discount 001 – Permanent Discount: The vendor provides CTC with a permanent discount off the quoted price of the Merchandise that is equal to the stated percentage. Discounts must be taken off invoice, and must be no smaller than one decimal place in percentage. 5.1.2 Percentage In Lieu Allowance 201 – Percentage In Lieu Allowance: The Vendor agrees to provide a financial commitment to help compensate for the expense involved in handling defective merchandise. This program allows the Vendor the option of having customer-returned defective merchandise destroyed at store level, rather than having it returned to the Vendor. The Vendor provides a financial commitment to support the Tire Percentage in Lieu Program. At the end of each quarter, the actual return rate is determined, and then a shortfall or surplus is calculated at SKU level. The Shortfall/Surplus calculation is: _ Based on a Rolling 12 month calendar _ Based on Actual Sales and Returns (at landed costs) at CTC stores _ Rolling 12 month shortfall/(surplus) = POS at landed cost *( Actual Return Rate – % in Lieu Rate) Where: _ % in Lieu Rate is the original return rate entered on the Vendor Discount, Allowances and Rebates form. _ Actual Return Rate = returns at landed cost in the last 12 months / POS at landed cost in the last 12 months. The Shortfall/Surplus is then rolled up to the Vendor level and either a debit (shortfall) or a credit (surplus) note is produced and applied to your account as follows: _ 1st Quarter Billing = Shortfall/Surplus *1/4 _ 2nd Quarter Billing = (Shortfall/Surplus *2/4) less Q1 billing _ 3rd Quarter Billing = (Shortfall/Surplus *3/4) less Q1 & Q2 billing _ 4th Quarter Billing = (Shortfall/Surplus) less Q1, Q2 & Q3 billing This calculation ensures that no more than one quarter"s activity will be credited/debited to your account in any given quarter. Example Rolling 12 months – example using 2004 (Q1 Jan. – Mar., Q2 Apr. – Jun., Q3 Jul. – Sept., Q4 Oct. – Dec.) Quarter Relevant rolling 12–month period Note: If you do not provide a percentage in lieu discount, you must issue a permanent Return Authorization Number in the column labelled Additional Vendor Information on the Discounts, Allowances and Rebates form in the quote package. All handling costs related to returned product will be passed on to you. This option is to be discussed in detail with the Category Manager. 5.1.3 Vendor Support Discounts 202 – Co-Op Advertising Allowance: The Vendor agrees to provide a financial commitment to support the Tire Co-op Advertising program. This program helps to offset the cost of the flyer program, television advertising, and catalogue production among other advertising initiatives, specific to Tire. Tire will initiate and execute all related Advertising programs at their discretion.

ACCA中关于capital allowances和loss relief的问题

  这个要解释清楚有点麻烦,毕竟F6书上没有类似例题。  站在长远的眼光去考虑tax planning,capital allowce可以说是收入的调节账号。(capital allowance是optional choice,由自己决定要claim多少,比如足额20%WDA是100,你可以只报50,或者30,或者0,随便你,因此你可以把capital pool留到未来使用)  以individual为例(其实company类似),在今年已经是trading losses的时候,就要考虑whether to claim capital allowance,or claim a reduced allowance,因为capital allowance,会增加今年的trading losses。 要综合考虑当年的全部收入情况,来决定这样是否有利。  如果我今年是basic rate tax payer,预期未来一直是higher rate tax payer,我可以把capital allowance留到未来,这样可以以最高税率拿到relief.如果今年claim了,那以后能claim的就会越来越少,因为你未来的capital pool会减少。  我还是觉得说不清楚,还是编个题给你看吧  假如  今年trading losses before capital allowance是10,000。另有salary 是50835(gross),capital allowance general pool b/f 50,000,今年没有addition 或者disposal.明年salary也是50835,明年trading income before capital allowance为零。  比较:  A)  今年不claim任何captial allowance(pool c/f仍为50000),只claim s64 loss relief  50,835-10,000-6035=34800  tax liability=34800*0.2=6960.  假设明年tax rate跟今年相同, 明年claim 20% capital allowance  明年 adj trading loss就是:0-0.2*50,000=10,000loss  明年income tax:(s64 is claimed)  50835-10000-6035=34800  tax liab=34800*0.2=6960  两年tax总合是6960+6960=13920  Pool c/f 50000-10000=40000  B)  今年既claim loss relief(S64),又claim20% capital allowance  今年的adj trading loss 就是10000+0.2*50000=20000loss  income tax:50835-20000-6035=24800  tax liab=24800*0.2=4960  pool c/f=50000-10000=40000.  明年不claim capital allowance,这样C/F到后年pool里剩下的数额才与(A)一致。  明年 :50835-6035=44800  明年tax liab=34800*0.2+(44800-34800)*0.4=10960  两年总合:4960+10960=15920,比option a整整多了2000镑的税。  这是因为,captal allowance在option A里,是以40%的effective tax rate拿relief的,而在后者中只以20%的effective tax rate拿relief。  50000*0.2=10000  二者的差额10000*(0.4-0.2)=2000。

ACCA中关于capital allowances和loss relief的问题


allowances for receivables是什么意思啊~~~~~



allowancesn.津贴( allowance的名词复数 ); 补助; 1 限额; 定量 2 免税额; 例:Munificent allowances are another wheeze to rob the taxpayer.另一个抢劫纳税人的不满之声就是优厚的津贴了。



跪求翻译 Teanslate the following sentences into Chinese.(30points)




为什么Manufacturing Overhead 不计入work-in-process?

首先,M O/H 分为actual M O/H 和applied M O/H,在这里,后者就是你说的要allocated 的overhead,要和Direct Material (DM),Direct Labour(DL) 在一起,三个都要计入WIP。在这里applied M O/H可能要用到pre-determined overhead rate 和 hours 来算。其次,Actual manufacturing overhead 是后来算的,它包括IndirectMaterial (IDM),Indirect Labour (IDL) ,Others manufacture expenses。最后需要用actual M O/H和applied M O/H 比大小,如果Actual M O/H > Applied M O/H: Underapplied Overhead ,反过来是overapplied overhead. 差异应该计入COGS里。因为实际的overhead必须要整个生产过程都结束了才能知道,而wip必须是在生产过程中就要了解的,所以就需要applied M O/H,同时要记入wip里。但由于这只是估计的,所以最后要和实际的相比,差额要反应在减少,或者增加COGS的分录里,最后要反映在表里。

为什么Manufacturing Overhead 不计入work-in-process?

首先,M O/H 分为actual M O/H 和applied M O/H,在这里,后者就是你说的要allocated 的overhead,要和Direct Material (DM),Direct Labour(DL) 在一起,三个都要计入WIP。在这里applied M O/H可能要用到pre-determined overhead rate 和 hours 来算。x0dx0ax0dx0a其次,Actual manufacturing overhead 是后来算的,它包括IndirectMaterial (IDM),Indirect Labour (IDL) ,Others manufacture expenses。x0dx0ax0dx0a最后需要用actual M O/H和applied M O/H 比大小,如果Actual M O/H > Applied M O/H: Underapplied Overhead ,反过来是overapplied overhead. 差异应该计入COGS里。x0dx0ax0dx0a因为实际的overhead必须要整个生产过程都结束了才能知道,而wip必须是在生产过程中就要了解的,所以就需要applied M O/H,同时要记入wip里。但由于这只是估计的,所以最后要和实际的相比,差额要反应在减少,或者增加COGS的分录里,最后要反映在表里。

memory could not be allocated process please all applicaytions and try again 中文什么意思

是不是写错了?是不是这样?memorycouldnotbeallocatedfortheprocess.pleasecloseallapplicationsandtryagain 不能为此进程分配内存,请关闭所有程序,并重试

为什么Manufacturing Overhead 不计入work-in-process.

首先,M O/H 分为actual M O/H 和applied M O/H,在这里,后者就是你说的要allocated 的overhead,要和Direct Material (DM),Direct Labour(DL) 在一起,三个都要计入WIP。在这里applied M O/H可能要用到pre-determined overhead rate 和 hours 来算。其次,Actual manufacturing overhead 是后来算的,它包括IndirectMaterial (IDM),Indirect Labour (IDL) ,Others manufacture expenses。最后需要用actual M O/H和applied M O/H 比大小,如果Actual M O/H > Applied M O/H: Underapplied Overhead ,反过来是overapplied overhead. 差异应该计入COGS里。因为实际的overhead必须要整个生产过程都结束了才能知道,而wip必须是在生产过程中就要了解的,所以就需要applied M O/H,同时要记入wip里。但由于这只是估计的,所以最后要和实际的相比,差额要反应在减少,或者增加COGS的分录里,最后要反映在表里。

为什么Manufacturing Overhead 不计入work-in-process.但是manufacturing overhead allocated

首先,M O/H 分为actual M O/H 和applied M O/H,在这里,后者就是你说的要allocated 的overhead,要和Direct Material (DM),Direct Labour(DL) 在一起,三个都要计入WIP。在这里applied M O/H可能要用到pre-determined overhead rate 和 hours 来算。其次,Actual manufacturing overhead 是后来算的,它包括IndirectMaterial (IDM),Indirect Labour (IDL) ,Others manufacture expenses。最后需要用actual M O/H和applied M O/H 比大小,如果Actual M O/H > Applied M O/H: Underapplied Overhead ,反过来是overapplied overhead. 差异应该计入COGS里。因为实际的overhead必须要整个生产过程都结束了才能知道,而wip必须是在生产过程中就要了解的,所以就需要applied M O/H,同时要记入wip里。但由于这只是估计的,所以最后要和实际的相比,差额要反应在减少,或者增加COGS的分录里,最后要反映在表里。



since process

前面讨论的是病,所以the best treatment是针对这种病而言的,不是针对已经得了病的人而言的,所以是预防而不是好转. 另外remission在形容病的时候是好转,是针对结果而言的,而不是一种treatment.


glaces栗子chestnut板栗栗子   板栗【科属】为壳斗科栗属的种仁。   【别名】 板栗、大栗、栗果、毛栗、棋子、栗楔,毛栗子,封栗(粤语称呼)   【英文名】chestnut 【C】n   【性味归经】性温,味甘平;入脾、胃、肾经。   【功效主治】养胃健脾,补肾强筋,活血止血。主治反胃不食,泄泻痢疾,吐血,衄血,便血,筋伤骨折瘀肿、疼痛,瘰疬肿毒等病症。 营养成分  每100克含蛋白质5.7克,脂肪2克,碳水化合物40~45克,淀粉25克。生栗子维生素的含量可高达40~60毫克,熟栗子维生素的含量约25毫克。栗子另含有钙、磷、铁、钾等无机盐及胡萝卜素、B族维生素等多种成分。   1. 栗子中所含的丰富的不饱和脂肪酸和维生素、矿物质,能防治高血压病、冠心病、动脉硬化、骨质疏松等疾病,是抗衰老、延年益寿的滋补佳品;   2. 栗子含有核黄素,常吃栗子对日久难愈的小儿口舌生疮和成人口腔溃疡有益;   3. 栗子是碳水化合物含量较高的干果品种,能供给人体较多的热能,并能帮助脂肪代谢,具有益气健脾,厚补胃肠的作用;   4. 栗子含有丰富的维生素C,能够维持牙齿、骨骼、血管肌肉的正常功用,可以预防和治疗骨质疏松,腰腿酸软,筋骨疼痛、乏力等,延缓人体衰老,是老年人理想的保健果品。

excessive extreme的区别



office2003必须是完整版的.到控制面板-》管理工具-》服务,把下面的服务DCOM Server Process Launcher和COM+ System Application启动,然后过几秒你再试试能不能用。  复制的 我也在是这个问题 。刚解决了。

翻译:success will be rewarding for parents and teens alike

处理与改善与青少年的沟通是不容易的,但是成功对于父母和青少年来说都是奖励。reward 奖励alike 同样地

alienation is not necessarily a nuisance or it m

alienation is not necessarily a nuisance or it my be too fond of异化不一定是一个麻烦或是我太喜欢

alienation is not necessarily a nuisance and may be too fond of什么意思

意思是疏远不一定是讨厌,也可能是太喜欢了。alienation n. 疏远; 离间; (觉得周围环境与自己格格不入的) 疏离感; 离心离德; [例句]Resources are not subject to alienation.资源不得让渡。not necessarily 不见得; 未必,不一定; [例句]Speed and safety are not necessarily incompatible.速度和安全未必不相容。be fond of v. 疼; 喜爱,爱好; 待见; [例句]Others may be fond of titles and honours, but I am not.人皆好名,我则不然。



求 Justin Timberlake的 Spaceship Coupe中文歌词!!

spaceship coupe太空飞船 Justin timberlake Hey, yeah, yeah Hey, I wrote this song for you嘿,这是为你写的歌 Listen Everybody"s looking for the flyest thing to say每个人都在找吸引的故事来说 (flyest thing to say) But I just wanna fly但是我只想飞翔 (fly away with you, you, you, you)和你一起 I don"t wanna be the one to alienate, yeah (alienate)我并不想疏远 You see, I"m trying to find an alien you in (you, you, if it"s cool, cool) 你知道我在努力寻找有你在的外星国度 We can"t take an airplane我们无法乘坐飞机 Where we"re going is way too high因为我们将去的地方是那么的高 Going where the day sky turns into night到达那个日夜交接的地方 I got the windows special tinted for the stars为了和星星相称,我把窗户也染上了色彩 that get too bright在夜空中如此明亮 And I saved you a seat, so let"s ride为你准备了专属座位,开始翱翔 Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船里 There"s only room for two (Me and you)只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top down we"ll cruise around我们环游宇宙 Land and make love on the moon在月亮上着陆,开始浪漫的一夜 Would you like that?你喜欢吗? Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船 There"s only room for two (Me and you) 只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top of you wrapped up我将你紧紧包裹 In my space lover cocoon.在我的爱巢中 And I love it when I hear you say我喜欢听你吟唱 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh(自行YY) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Sing to me快唱给我听 I love it when I hear you say我喜欢听你吟唱 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Sing to me快唱给我听 Now everybody knows现在所有人都知道 that you"re from outer space (outer space)你来自外太空 But honey, I just want to turn out this space但是亲爱的,我只想和你留在这外太空 with you (you, you, you, you)和你一起 So drive me to your galaxy where I could play, yeah带我到那个我可以随心所欲的星际 (that milky way)到银河系 And sugar I"ll take my time甜心,我们可以慢慢来 And show you the backseat view, view, if it"s cool, cool向你展示太空的美景 We can"t take an airplane我们无法乘坐飞机 Where we"re going is way too high因为我们将去的地方是那么的高 Going where the day sky turns into night到达那个日夜交接的地方 I got the windows special tinted for the stars为了和星星相称,我把窗户也染上了色彩 that get too bright在夜空中如此明亮 And I saved you a seat, so let"s ride为你准备了专属座位,开始翱翔 Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船 There"s only room for two (Me and you)只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top down we"ll cruise around我们环游宇宙 Land and make love on the moon在月亮上着陆,开始浪漫的一夜 Would you like that?你喜欢吗? Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船 There"s only room for two (Me and you) 只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top of you wrapped up我将你紧紧包裹 In my space lover cocoon.在我的爱巢中 And I love it when I hear you say我喜欢听你吟唱 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh(自行YY) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Sing to me快唱给我听 I love it when I hear you say我喜欢听你吟唱 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Sing to me快唱给我听 Now break it down现在 Hey...嘿 This is the part这个环节 Where you and me你和我 and all of the stars collide tonight还有星星之间相互碰撞 This is the part接下来 Where we take off我们起飞 And then we fly far away, far away, far away在太空中自由翱翔 Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船 There"s only room for two (Me and you)只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top down we"ll cruise around我们环游宇宙 Land and make love on the moon在月亮上着陆,开始浪漫的一夜 Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船 There"s only room for two (Me and you) 只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top of you wrapped up我将你紧紧包裹 In my space lover cocoon.在我的爱巢中 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh... Baby, can"t you see all the stars?宝贝,你能看见这星星吗? They shine, they shine它们这么的闪耀 Just for you专门为你而闪耀 I said oh, yeah, yeah我说过的 Just hop into my spaceship coupe只要到我的飞船里来 I saved a seat for you我为你准备了专属座位 Right here next to me就在我的身边 I"m gonna take you to the moon我要带你到月球上 Then I"ll make you say让你只对我说 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh(自行YY) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh I love it when I hear you say我喜欢听你吟唱 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh(自行YY) Then I"ll make you say让你只对我说 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh(自行YY) Baby this is the part宝贝接下来 Where you and me你和我 and all of the stars collide tonight还有星星之间相互碰撞 This is the part然后 Where we take off我们起飞 And then we fly far away, far away, far away在太空中自由翱翔


police[英][pəˈli:s][美][pəˈlis]n.警察部门; 警方; 警察; 治安; vt.(警察、军队等)巡查; 维护治安; (委员会等)监督; 管制; adj.警察的; 有关警察的; 第三人称单数:polices过去分词:policed现在进行时:policing过去式:policed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Some threw stones at riot police. 一些人向防暴警察投掷石块。

关于Princess Alexandra 谁能告诉我呀??

Princess Alexandra 现在已经不是王妃了,1995年和丹麦二王子结婚,2005年离婚,现在称为Countess of Frederiksborg菲特烈堡女伯爵。全名弗雷德里克斯堡伯爵亚历山德拉·克里斯蒂娜(Alexandra Christina, grevinde af Frederiksborg),婚前名亚历山德拉·克里斯蒂娜·曼丽(Alexandra Christina Manley),香港人,丹麦前王妃。1964年6月30日生于香港父亲查德·曼利(Richard Nigel Manley)是出生于上海的中英混血 (爷爷是英国人,奶奶是中国人)母亲克里斯塔·玛丽亚·曼利(Christa Maria Manley)是波兰和奥地利血统文雅丽于家里三姐妹中排行最长。文雅丽于1969年至1971年在鲗鱼涌英童小学就读,1971年至1974年在己连拿小学就读,1974年至1982年在港岛英童学校就读。中学毕业后她于1983年至1984年离港赴奥地利维也纳的Wirtschaftsuniversität攻读国际商贸。1984年至1986年她于日本东京就学,1989年至1990年于英国伦敦进修。文雅丽于1986年至1989年先后于花旗银行及怡富集团香港分部任职证券经纪人。1990年至1995年于GT管理(亚洲)有限公司任职,主管销售及市场,于离职前是该公司副行政总裁。她年幼曾于香港圣公会受洗,于下嫁丹麦王子前后改宗丹麦国教信义会。同时她于结婚前按要求放弃英国国籍,成为丹麦国民。文雅丽极具语言天份。她的母语是英语,同时会流利的德语、法语,及一定的粤语、日语。移居丹麦后据闻她不足百日即学会丹麦语,数年后其丹麦语甚至已没有口音。她对华人社会颇有认识,尤其中式食物,于一次访问中她曾表示自己很喜欢吃皮蛋。1994年丹麦约阿希姆王子赴港于一丹麦船务公司实习,期间结识文雅丽,不久即向她求婚,成为当年于香港哄动一时的新闻。二人于1995年11月18日在丹麦Hillerød的弗雷德里克斯堡教堂结婚。1999年诞下长子尼古拉王子,2002年诞下次子费利克斯王子。婚后文雅丽双亲亦移居丹麦,其父获丹麦女王授予大十字勋章。文雅丽婚后即受到丹麦民众的爱戴。她热心社会公益,出任丹麦红十字青年团、丹麦视障人士协会、动物基金会、ARKEN现代艺术博物馆、丹麦联合国儿童基金会等多个组织的监托人,被誉为“北欧的戴安娜王妃”。于成为丹麦王妃后,文雅丽依然保持与香港的联系,例如1997年6月尾她就曾偕同丈夫回港出席香港主权移交纪念活动。但在香港期间她都比较低调。2004年夏天,丹麦及邻近的挪威、瑞典谣传约阿希姆王子伉俪将会离婚,2004年9月二人提出离婚,于2005年4月8日正式生效。传媒一般认为二人离婚是由于文雅丽投身公益事业,而约阿希姆王子则热中于派对及赛车等娱乐,二人性格不合而致。与戴安娜的际遇不同,离婚后文雅丽的皇家头衔没有被裭夺。她的头衔只是由“皇室殿下”(Royal Highness)改为“殿下”(Highness)。2005年4月16日,丹麦女皇宣布册封文雅丽为弗雷德里克斯堡伯爵(腓特烈堡女伯爵),以保证其贵族身份不会因她未来可能再婚而失去,然而此头衔不可被其后代继承。她于2007年3月3日与摄影师约根森(Martin Jorgensen)再婚,此后她的头衔将会易为“阁下”(Excellency),同时“丹麦王妃”的称呼亦会失去,只会保留其伯爵称呼。

ferry、helicopter 、spaceship、 aeroplane哪个特殊?


keenest prices 是最低价格吗? 有这种用法吗? 为什么不用 cheapest price ?


软件工程 constant是什么,求谁帮忙解释下constant.success是什么意思

CONSTANT就是计算机中常量的意思比如return Constant.SUCCESS;这条语句就是返回成功常量的意思满意请采纳





华为交换机 trunk access 是什么意思


process与progress的区分,要能讲明白的 举几个典型的例子

看起来相似,其实意思很好区分 process是进程 in the process of something 而progress是指进步 就像make progress 取得成绩 缺的进步 记住这两个短语就可区分开来

process and progress有什么区别?



process主要是过程的意思,名词,比如你的成长过程--growing up process,再比如说,做作业的过程--the process of doing homeworkprocedure有步骤的意思,比如实验步骤,我们老师上实验课的时候经常说(我在新加坡)progress进步的意思,同样的,新加坡的学校每天都要宣誓,最后一句就有这个词--为我们的国家追求幸福,繁荣和进步--其中的进步那个单词就是用的“progress


process主要是过程的意思,名词,比如你的成长过程--growing up process,再比如说,做作业的过程--the process of doing homeworkprocedure有步骤的意思,比如实验步骤,我们老师上实验课的时候经常说(我在新加坡)progress进步的意思,同样的,新加坡的学校每天都要宣誓,最后一句就有这个词--为我们的国家追求幸福,繁荣和进步--其中的进步那个单词就是用的“progress”


  process主要是过程的意思,名词,比如你的成长过程--growing up process,再比如说,做作业的过程--the process of doing homework。  procedure有步骤的意思,比如实验步骤,我们老师上实验课的时候经常说(我在新加坡)。  progress进步的意思,同样的,新加坡的学校每天都要宣誓,最后一句就有这个词--为我们的国家追求幸福,繁荣和进步--其中的进步那个单词就是用的“progress”。

Romances这个单词是什么意思? Romantic罗曼蒂克的 Romance浪漫 Romances罗曼史?

Romances是 Romance 的复数形式,可译成:浪漫史(通常指短暂的),爱情故事,传奇故事等.例:she is a compulsive reader of romances .她热衷于阅读爱情故事.Medieval romances 中世纪的传奇故事




device torage的意思是设备存储

it may not alaways be pieasant to have so many new experences allat once 的翻


句子翻译 The famous charity"s appeal to aid poatwar Greece had been so sucessful it

charity"s 慈善机构的 aid potwar Greece 希腊战争的救助(那个potwar应该是什么战争的名字,)那个著名慈善机构的关于对希腊战争救助的呼吁是如此成功。



Process Characterization Matrix 翻译成中文,啥意思?


several places是什么意思

several places几个地方双语例句1The brown vinyl covering all the horizontal surfaces is coming unstuck in several places.水平面上复盖的棕色塑料布有几处地方松脱。

求翻译 love faces-trey


Correct the sentences.是什么意思?


correct the sentences是什么意思


24 hour Emergency Raffces Medical什么意思啊


medical devices是什么意思

medical devices医疗器械双语对照词典结果:medical devices[医]医疗用具; 例句:1.The system has powered nuclear power plants and medical devices, and rim is alreadyusing it to run its playbook tablet. 该系统一直被用于核电站和医疗设备,rim已经开始将它用于playbook平板电脑

medical devices是什么意思

medical devices[医]医疗用具; 例句:1.Apis are also enabling more intelligent medical devices. 借助API,医疗设备也更加智能。2.Manufacturers use the same technique to sterilize manydisposable medical devices like syringes and needles. 制造商使用相同的技术消毒一次性的医疗设备,如注射器和针头。

medical devices是什么意思

medical devices医疗设备medical devices[医]医疗用具; 例句:1.The system has powered nuclear power plants and medical devices, and rim is already using it to run its playbook tablet. 该系统一直被用于核电站和医疗设备,rim已经开始将它用于playbook平板电脑。


用法不同。access,,主要用作名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意为 通道;进入;机会;使用权;探望权;(对计算机存储器的)访问;(情感)爆发 。作动词时意为 接近,使用;访问,存取(电脑文档) 。作形容词时意为 (电视节目或时间等)对外公开的 。chance,n. 可能性;机会;偶然性;v. 偶然发生;碰巧;冒 ... (的险) 读音:英 [t_ɑ_ns],美 [t__ns] 1、chance作 机会 解时,用以指能做某事的一种侥幸的或偶然的机会或可能性,它的修饰语可以是of或for短语。两者都可表示机会的意思。

describe a process什么意思

describe a process描述一个过程双语例句1It alone cannot describe the details behind each step in a process.其本身并不能描述流程的每个步骤的细节。2With BPEL, you can describe a long-running, multistep process of abusiness transaction using activities to encompass atomic transactionsfor individual process steps.有了BPEL,您就可以使用活动来封装各个流程步骤的原子事务,从而描述业务事务的长时间运行且多步骤的流程。

AMD Sempron(tm) processor LE-1250支持地下城么


what is the expected excess of premiums over claims,given that the husband survives 5 years





表达式, 所有额外的字段计算和语法都叫表达式


表达式, 所有额外的字段计算和语法都叫表达式



complete process是什么意思

这意思会因前后的内容有所不同:1.This is a complete process. 这是个完备的流程;2.You need to complete process. 你要完成作业流程;




pattern英 [?p?tn] 美 [?p?t?rn] n.模式; 图案; 花样,样品; 榜样,典范vt.模仿; 以图案装饰vi.形成图案在地理中应该是模式的意思。processesn.工序; 过程( process的名词复数 ); 做事方法; 工艺流程v.处理; 加工( process的第三人称单数 ); 审阅; 审核网络进程; 流程; 操作在地理中应该是 进程的意思


pattern英 [ˈpætn] 美 [ˈpætərn] n.模式; 图案; 花样,样品; 榜样,典范vt.模仿; 以图案装饰vi.形成图案在地理中应该是模式的意思。processesn.工序; 过程( process的名词复数 ); 做事方法; 工艺流程v.处理; 加工( process的第三人称单数 ); 审阅; 审核网络进程; 流程; 操作在地理中应该是 进程的意思


包裹 和 碎片采纳我哟!


Piece 是量词,片


pieceKK: []DJ: []n.1. 一个,一张,一片;一块[C][(+of)]Could you give me a piece of paper?你能给我一张纸吗?2. 部分,片断,破片[C]3. (构成一组东西的)一个,一件;棋子[C]4. (艺术)作品;曲,篇[C]The pianist played a piece by Chopin.钢琴家演奏了一曲肖邦的作品。5. 一则消息,报导[S1]Here is a good piece of news for you.有个好消息要告诉你。6. (商品的)单位;(布等的)一匹,一卷[C]7. 钱币[C]8. 工作量,产量[the S]vt.1. 拼凑;拼合[(+together)]2. 修理;修补[(+up)]She"s piecing the torn dress.她在补被撕破的衣服。满意请采纳。




piece [pɪːs]n. 块, 篇, 片v. 拼凑; 修理; 拼合; 修补




应该改出句子才好作出判断,就单字来说,只能泛泛而谈。 piece 有两种词性。     1、名词:指整体中的一部分,意思是“片儿”、“块儿”、“段儿”、“条儿”,等等 用作量词   a piece of bread 一片儿面包  a piece of furniture 一件儿家具  a piece of chalk 一支粉笔  a piece of land  一块土地  a piece of news 一条新闻  a piece ofpaper 一张纸 用作具体名词   speak one"s piece 陈诉某人的意见  standard pieces 标准件  aten-cent piece 一枚十分硬币     2、动词:指把…拼接起来修补,如:   He pieced together the vase. 他把花瓶的碎片粘起来。  Motherpieced a quilt yesterday. 母亲昨天补了一床被子。 但是没有 pieces"s 这样的形式。要么是名词的复数形式或动词的单数第三人称形式 pieces,要么是 piece is  或 piece has 的缩略形式 piece"s,


Piece 是量词,片



On Excessive Packaing 如何写英语作文

Nowadays it is quite common to see that some very small goods are wrapped in the boxes which are as big as a shoebox. And it is also quite natural for us to open several boxes or wrappers before we finally find the item we buy. These examples demonstrate that overpackaging has become a quite common phenomenon in our daily life. What are the causes of this problem? On the one hand, in order to make more profits, many manufactures usually wrap their products with many unnecessary materials. On the other hand, many customers think that the delicately packaged goods are superior to those with plain packaging. The emergence of excessive packaging has led to many bad impact that can"t be neglected. It is not only a waste of materials but also creates a huge amount of domestic waste which contributes to the environmental problems. To change this situation, I think we should take the following measures. First, laws must be made to impose restrictions on packaging. Second, the government should use various media to arouse customers" awareness that packaging doesn"t equal to quality, and also let them know the bad impact of it.


bI am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.




keepyourheadupprincess歌词翻译如下:When she was younger, she would pretend当她还是个小女孩她终日幻想That her bedroom was a castle, she was fairest in the land卧室就是她的城堡她是世上最美的姑娘And she got older, and it all changed而随着年岁渐长时过境迁There was no time for make believe and all the magic slipped away忙碌的生活消蚀她的梦境魔法悄然幻灭Until the light in her eyes it was all but gone直到她眼中的光芒消失不见"Cause all the dreams that she had turned out to be wrong童年的梦境变成愚蠢的错误So keep your head up princess "fore your crown falls亲爱的公主抬起你的头别让皇冠落下Know these voices in your head will be your downfall脑海中的那些声音只会阻碍你闪闪发光I know it gets so hard but you don"t got far to go我知道此刻举步维艰但你并不会受困于此Yeah, keep your head up princess, it"s a long road亲爱的公主抬起你的头这条路漫长却值得And the path leads right to where they won"t go因人迹罕至而开满鲜花I know it hurts right now but I know you"ll make it home我知道此刻难免痛苦但你终会回到你的城堡So keep your head up所以抬起你的头Yeah, keep your head up昂首向前吧And now she"s grown up, works at a bar长大后的她在酒吧谋一份职She traded make shift gowns for serving round from sunrise "til it"s dark早出晚归工作公主不再为自己梳妆打扮And all her friends got, someone to hold身边朋友都遇见自己的白马王子And she"s got no one else, still not prepared to make it on her own她却始终孑然一身And now the light in her eyes it"s now all but gone此刻她眼中的光芒消失不见"Cause all the dreams that she had turned out to be wrong童年的梦境变成愚蠢的错误So keep your head up princess "fore your crown falls亲爱的公主抬起你的头别让皇冠落下Know these voices in your head will be your downfall脑海中的那些声音只会阻碍你闪闪发光I know it gets so hard but you don"t got far to go我知道此刻举步维艰但你已经快要成功Yeah, keep your head up princess, it"s a long road亲爱的公主抬起你的头这条路漫长却值得And the path leads right to where they won"t go因人迹罕至而开满鲜花I know it hurts right now but I know you"ll make it home我知道此刻难免痛苦但你终会回到你的城堡So keep your head up所以抬起你的头Yeah, keep your head up昂首向前吧One day you"ll find your way back to the start终有一天你会回到梦开始的地方One day you"ll live in your dreams终有一天梦中一切都会变成现实One day you"ll wake up and girl you"ll be a queen终有一天你会发现你就是自己的女王So keep your head up princess "fore your crown falls亲爱的公主抬起你的头别让皇冠落下Know these voices in your head will be your downfall脑海中的那些声音只会阻碍你闪闪发光I know it gets so hard but you don"t got far to go我知道此刻举步维艰但你已经快要成功Yeah, keep your head up princess, it"s a long road亲爱的公主抬起你的头这条路漫长却值得And the path leads right to where they won"t go因人迹罕至而开满鲜花I know it hurts right now but I know you"ll make it home我知道此刻难免痛苦但你终会回到你的城堡So keep your head up所以抬起你的头Yeah, keep your head up昂首向前吧


prince 王子princes 王子(复数)princess 公主顺便一提, 公主复数是 princesses。


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