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及物动词 vt. 1.有关于, 关系到 These problems concern all of us.这些问题与我们所有的人都有关系。It doesn"t concern me at all.此事与我毫不相干。The principal issues in dispute concern the duration of the future treaty.有争议的主要问题牵涉到将来条约的期限。This is a great event that concerns the future of our company.这是关系到我们公司前途的大事。The second question concerns our method of work.第二个问题牵涉到我们的工作方法。We are firm where our principles are concerned.在涉及原则问题时我们是坚定不移的。In short, the style concerns not what a writer says but how he says.简言之, 风格不是跟作者说什么有关, 而是跟如何说有关。The police are anxious to interview everyone concerned in last night"s accident.警察急于会见与昨晚事故有关的每个人。2.使担忧, 使烦恼 Our losses are beginning to concern me.我们的损失使我担心起来。3.[常用于被动语态]使关心;从事,参与,使卷入,使陷入,牵涉到(常与with 或 in连用) More than two students have been concerned in this affair.这件事情牵涉到两个以上的学生。


CET4 IELTS 考 研 CET6concern音节划分:con▪cern生词本常见度:高频词,一定要记住哦!去背诵英 [kənˈsɜ:n]美 [kənˈsɜ:rn]vt. 涉及,关系到; 使关心,使担忧; 参与n. 关心; 关系,有关; 顾虑; 公司或企业复数: concerns过去式: concerned过去分词: concerned现在分词: concerning第三人称单数: concerns双语例句1. Issues such as these were not really his concern.他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题。来自柯林斯例句2. A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other"s feelings.一段美满的恋情需要彼此关心并体恤对方的情感。来自柯林斯例句3. The technical aspects were the concern of the Army.技术方面由陆军负责。来自柯林斯例句4. Today"s organic wine producer is typically a small, quality-conscious family concern.现今的有机葡萄酒生产商一般是注重品质的小型家族企业.来自柯林斯例句5. Leo went on, his dark eyes wide with pity and concern.利奥接着说下去,他的黑眼睛瞪得大大的,充满怜悯和关切。来自柯林斯例句




concern怎么读:concern[kən"sə:n]n.关心, 关心的事, 忧虑vt.涉及, 影响, 关心, 企业concern,英文单词,名词、动词,作为名词的意思是"担心,忧虑;关爱,关心;关心的事,负责的事;关系;公司,企业;(非正式)复杂的物体",作为动词的意思是"影响,牵扯(某人);关系到,涉及;使担心"。例句与用法:This restaurant is a family concern.这家饭店是由一家人经营的。These problems concern all of us.这些问题影响到我们每一个人。How much money I earn is none of your concern.我挣多少钱与你无关。双语例句I have no concern with his mistakes. 我和他的错误没有关系。All persons with you do not concern. 所有的人都和你没有关系了。I have but one concern - our mission. 我只关心一样事情--我们的任务。


  concern既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道concern做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来concern的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   concern作名词的意思:   关心;关系,有关;顾虑;公司或企业   concern作动词的意思:   涉及,关系到;使关心,使担忧;参与   concern的英语音标:   英 [kənˈsə:n] 美 [kənˈsɚn]   concern的时态:   现在分词: concerning   过去式: concerned   过去分词: concerned   concern的英语例句:   1. Issues such as these were not really his concern.   他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题。   2. A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other"s feelings.   一段美满的恋情需要彼此关心并体恤对方的情感。   3. The technical aspects were the concern of the Army.   技术方面由陆军负责。   4. Today"s organic wine producer is typically a small, quality-conscious family concern.   现今的有机葡萄酒生产商一般是注重品质的小型家族企业.   5. Leo went on, his dark eyes wide with pity and concern.   利奥接着说下去,他的黑眼睛瞪得大大的,充满怜悯和关切。   6. The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease.   针对公众对该疾病的不断蔓延日益担忧,从而出台了这一举措。   7. This action makes a mockery of the Government"s continuing protestations of concern.   这一行动是对一再声明表示关注的政府的嘲弄。   8. He expressed concern that the ship might be in distress.   他担心船可能会遇险。   9. I think your concern is misplaced. Ackroyd is no threat to anyone.   我认为你多虑了,阿克罗伊德不会对任何人构成威胁。   10. The group has expressed concern about reports of political violence in Africa.   该团体对有关非洲政治暴力的报道表示关切。   11. Oryx is a Dallas-based oil and gas exploration and production concern.   奥瑞克斯是一家设在达拉斯的石油和天然气勘探生产公司。   12. Without her care and concern, he had no chance at all.   若非她的关心和照顾,他根本没有机会。   13. There is worldwide concern about the destruction of the rainforests.   全世界都在关注热带雨林遭到破坏的问题。   14. There is a concern about replenish-ment of the population.   有人担心人口的补充问题。   15. The noise would have provoked alarm and neighbourly concern.


concern[英][kənˈsɜ:n][美][kənˈsɜ:rn]vt.涉及,关系到; 使关心,使担忧; 参与; n.关心; 关系,有关; 顾虑; 公司或企业; 第三人称单数:concerns过去分词:concerned复数:concerns现在进行时:concerning过去式:concerned以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.My concern is, will potential employers agree? 但我担心的是,潜在雇主们会这么想吗?


concern英[kənˈsɜ:n]美[kənˈsɜ:rn]vt.涉及,关系到; 使关心,使担忧; 参与n.关心; 关系,有关; 顾虑; 公司或企业网络关注; 关怀; 忧虑第三人称单数:concerns复数:concerns现在分词:concerning过去式:concerned过去分词:concerned形近词:discernsecerndecern双语例句1As, it is urgent for related departments to more strictly enforce laws and regulations to resolve the country " s food safety problems, which concern everyone " s health.因此,有关部门更加严格地实施法律和规章来解决涉及每个人健康的国家食品安全问题是很急迫的。
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