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BANCO CENTRALDEL这个符号的钱是哪国钱啊.能换多少人民币

这是秘鲁的货币,秘鲁以前是西班牙的殖民地,因此上边的符号是西班牙语,是秘鲁中央银行发行的货币。秘鲁的货币原为索尔(Sol), 但1985年又发行新币印蒂,1印蒂=1000索尔,1991年秘鲁政府批准发行新货币,以新索尔代替印蒂,这也是目前秘鲁的流通货币,原印蒂及索尔都早已停止流通,1新索尔=1000000印蒂。上边提高的可能就是新索尔,最近兑人民币的汇率是2.2929,也就是一新索尔兑换人民币2.2929元。






秘鲁中央储备银行banco central de reservad el peru

eminem&50 cent唱的rap game的歌词有谁知道?谢谢~

Hook: Adam Levine]My life, my life我的宿命我的宿命Makes me wanna run away让我不断的想逃脱这里There"s no place to go但却无处可逃No place to go无处藏身All the confusion所有的困惑It"s an illusion like a movie是一场错觉编制的电影Got nowhere to go毫无藏身之处Nowhere to run and hide让我无处可躲No matter how hard I try不管我怎样努力的尝试[Verse 1: 50 Cent]Yeah, 03, I went from back filthy to filthy rich没错从03年我就擦净秽暗的历史开始向成功靠近【2003年 50cent发布了首张专辑"Get Rich or Die tryin"】Man, the emotions change so I cannever trust a bitch人心总是在不断的改变这也是我为什么从不信任所有人I tried to help niggasget on, they turned around and spit我曾试着帮助哥们儿在游戏中站住脚 他们却转过头恶言中伤Right in my face, so Game and Buck, both can suck a dick就在我的面前,所以Game和Buck现在都可以给我闭嘴Now when you hear "em it may sound like it"s some other shit再去听听他们的歌吧 或许早已不是当时的感觉Cause I"m not writing anymore, they not making hits因为我已经不再帮他们操刀 他们再也无法推出金曲I"m far from perfect, there"s so many lessons I done learned我离完美还差的太远 但是却一直没有停歇学习的脚步If money is evil look at all the evil I done earned如果金钱是恶魔 看看我到底赚了多少的"鬼魅"I"m doing what I"m supposed to, I"m a writer, I"m a fighter我现在只是去完成我本该做的事 扮演好作词人和 勇士的身份Entrepeneur, fresh out the sewer, watch me manuever一个刚刚从贫民窟走出来的企业家 看看我是怎么运筹帷幄What"s it to ya? The track I lace it, it"s better than basic但对于你们来说 我谱写的音乐又是什么至少比大多数的歌手要强太多This is my recovery, my comeback, kid这就是专属50cent的"Recovery" 象征着我回归的专辑[Verse 2: Eminem]While you were sipping your own kool-aid getting your buzz heavy当你还在喝着你的Kool-Aid 醉态迷离的时候I was in the f-cking sheds sharpening my machete我却仍在录音室打磨这着我的"嘻哈弯刀"Sipping some of of that revenge juice, getting my taste buds ready间歇的时候抿一口"复仇"的果汁,让我的味蕾得到充分的刺激To whoop down this spaghetti, or should I say this spaghett-even?接下来我要好好"收拾"这些意面,或者我该叫它"复仇拉面"更加贴切I think you f-cking meatballs keep on just forgetting看来你们这些蠢蛋和肉丸特别擅长遗忘事实Thought he was finished, motherf-cker, it"s only thebeginning觉得我已经江郎才尽 傻 们给我听好 这只是刚刚开始He"s buggin" again, he"s straight thuggin",f-ck who he"s offending我将再次重振江湖,最直接的凶残 肆虐所有前来挑衅的人He"ll rip your vocal chords out and have them bitches plugged in the从喉咙扯出你的声带 然后把他们塞进Motherf-cking wall with 3000 volts of electricity高压3000瓦特的电流墙Now take the other end,dump them, then plug them, mother-ckers in each然后把另一头声带也扯下来 然后塞进你每个人的One of your eyesockets cause I thought you might finally f-cking see的眼窝里 这样在3000瓦特的高压刺激下 或许你才能看清楚真相That"ll teach you to go voicing your cocksuckin" opinion to me这将教会你们这些混蛋如何管好你们的嘴巴以免妄加评断I done put my blood, my sweat and my tears in this shit我已经投入了太多的鲜血 汗水和泪水 渗透进这个音乐f-ck letting up, you"re gonna end up regretting you ever betted against me我永远不会的松懈自己 那些曾经打赌说我将会失败的人最终将会后悔莫及Feels like I"mma snap any minute, yeah, it"s happening again现在的我好像又干劲十足 是的 这种感觉的又的回来了I"m thinking about the same我成天总想着一件事Mother f-ck everybody that"s up in this bitch, but 50!如何的肆虐这场游戏中的每个人 除了50cent!Cause this is all I know, this is why so hard I go因为这就是我现在清楚的 也是我为什么韵脚变得这么强烈I swear to God I put my heart and soul into this more than anybody knows我向上天发誓 我对音乐的投入 超过你们熟知的其他任何人I"m trapped, so all I do is rap, but everytime I rap I"m more trapped我又陷入了深深的迷障 我所做的只有音乐但是每次音乐却又让我越陷越深And I rap myself right into this bubble, oh oh, I guess it"s bubble wrap自己仿佛是所在泡沫中的困兽 或许我是被裹在泡沫包装里This is like a vicious cycle, my life"s in a crisis我的生命就这样恶性循环着 在恐慌中度日Christ, how was I supposed to know shit would turn up like it did?上帝 请教授我如何预测身边随时将要发生的凶险与不测Feels like I"m going psycho again感觉现在的我又重新变得丧失理智And I might just blow my lid或许即将冲破瓶颈 将给这个游戏带来更多的刺激Shit, I almost wish that I would have never made Recovery, kid我有时候甚至希望我从来没有发不过"Recovery"这张专辑 孩子们【"Recovery"是Em回归之作,也代表着他从slim shady的疯狂到Eminem的成熟转变】Cause I"m running in circles with我感觉 我又陷入了新的一轮宿命的漩涡[Verse 3: 50 Cent]I haven"t been this ****ing confused since I was a kid自从我是个孩子到现在 从来没有这样的困惑过Sold like 40 million records, people forgot what I did4000万的唱片销量 也不能让歌迷回忆起从前的我Maybe this is for me, maybe或许这是由于我个人的原因Maybe I"m supposed to go crazy或许我又应该对说唱燃起重新的疯狂Maybe I"ll do it 3 AM in the morning like Shady或许我应该像Shady一样 成为这场游戏的杀人狂魔Psycho killer, Michael Myers, I"m on fire like a lighter复活节夜晚丧失理智的Michael Myers,烈火燃烧的像个打火机Tryna say the same classic, get your ass kicked想说一些如同以前一样经典的唱词 让歌迷重新振奋Man crook, wrap your head up in plastic十恶不赦的恶魔 用塑料缠住你的头部Pussy, now pick the casket, dirt nap with the maggots娘炮门 快来自己选一款喜欢的棺材 幻想一下死亡的场景It"s tragic, it"s sad it"s这场悲剧多么的凄凉Never gonna end, now we number one again屠杀永远不会停止 现在我们又重新夺回了宝座With that frown on your face, and your heart full of hate现在你眉头紧锁 心里又充满了对我不满的怒火Accept it, respect it接受这个现实 并学会尊重真相This a gift God gave me like the air in the lungs这是上帝赐予我的天赋 就像生命需要氧气And every f-cking thing with itHipa是我生命不可缺少的一部分

此句"like punctured tyres, diversions of traffic, sudden descent of fog"在句中作什么成分?

应该算是条件从句中主语的补语。具体分析看看:先分析词性,这里的like应该是介词,表示“像……”的意思然后从语义分析成分关系,like及后面的一系列例子,是对accident的修饰(举例说来有哪些事故可能性)。If no accidents occur on the way是条件从句,从句中的主语是accidents,like及其后的部分构成介词结构,是主语的补语。

quartus ii, 破解失败,运行程序总报错“specified license is not valid for this machine”


Neck drop center back to center front是什么意思

Neck drop (center back to center front)领深(后中到前中)


在做题中一般都会有相应的短语出现,你要仔细观察题目。常见的短语attract on. 吸引……be absorbed in. 专注于……concentrate on.集中注意力…… drawd one"s attention.引起某人的注意, 可以根据短语做题。

scicence 职业名称是什么?

science职业名称是 Scientiet

ability的名词意思 abroad形容词和副词的意思 ebsent形容词 accent名词

ability能力abroad出国的adj. 在国外adv.ebsent没见过,是absent吧缺席的accent重点,有时可以理解成特点

group centroids plots的标准翻译是什么?


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一个简单解决方案#rpm -e --nodeps mysql#yum install mysql

__knowledge of space develops rapidly in recent years A man"s B men"s Cmens" Dmans" 选哪个解释

A.Man"s2014-03-14 21:20

__knowledge of space develops rapidly in recent years A man"s B men"s Cmens" Dmans" 选哪个解释

A man指人类, 不加冠词,不加S【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问

"violent and disturbing scenes"与"violence and disturbing scenes"意思一样不一样?


violent crime has increased by 10 percent since last year.为什么violent前不加the?


C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataTencentQQPCMgrVulFileVer.xml文件损坏该如何修


求一篇文章 开头是:How to concentrate on studies is the biggest question that students all over the

题目:How to Concentrate on Studies 出处: buzzle.com作者:Ashwini Kulkarni Sule 日期:5/31/2011How to concentrate on studies is the biggest question that students all over the world face when it"s exam time. Well, here are some simple tips that should help you with concentration.Human mind is tricky and funny in its own way. The more you try to train it, the more resilient it becomes. It does not follow any definite thought process, random thoughts just enter and exit your mind at their own will. However, eventually something grabs your attention and your thoughts start lining up in order. This process is called concentration and unfortunately it does not occur voluntarily! While most of us can watch TV programs with rapt attention or read a novel with great focus, concentration seemly evades us when we open a textbook. Open a book and your mind is immediately filled with delightful thoughts about upcoming football game or the last conversation with your girlfriend or that most awaited vacation after exams. No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot make yourself sit for 15 minutes and absorb the content in the book. If the above description fits you, follow these tips on how to concentrate on studies better. Tips on How to Concentrate on StudiesAs mentioned above your mind has this uncanny knack of avoiding things that you force upon it. So if you simply tell your mind to concentrate, concentrate and concentrate, it will do everything except that. The secret of concentration lies in tricking your mind into believing that you actually love to do something which you really don"t. Besides, you can also alter your environment a little so as to make studying a better experience. Plan Your TimetableInstead of picking up any textbook and reading it, it is always best to have a study plan ready. A good plan helps you to stay on track. However, be realistic with your timetable and do not expect too much out of yourself. If you have never studied late night in your life, then there is no point in allocating nighttime study hours. Similarly, plan your timetable in such a way that difficult subjects are dedicated more time. Introduce VarietyIf you study for 5 hours at a stretch, you are bound to get bored. Your attention span will start diminishing within hour or so. Hence, it is recommended that you keep on switching your subjects so that you do not get bored. However, make sure you dedicate at least 2 hours to each subject at a stretch. Combine your study sessions with well deserved breaks. After studying for an hour, grab a bite or take a walk in yard for 5 minutes. Take InterestThis is the most important aspect of concentration. Unless you like what you are doing, it is not possible to focus on that task. Hence, you have to take interest in what you are studying. You can start with your favorite subject and move on to difficult ones, once you get the knack of studying. You can also take the difficult subject when your mind is most alert and refreshed. Spare the most interesting ones after meal time, when your mind is sheepish. Set Up a Study AreaIt is better to have a dedicated study room where you can concentrate properly without any distractions. If that is not possible, you can set up a study table in a secluded corner in your home. Make sure you study at this place and nowhere else. This helps your mind to automatically focus when you sit on your study table. Make sure the place is well-lit and ventilated. Get Rid of DistractionsYou will never be able to concentrate if you are surrounded with all types of distractions. Switch off your cell phone or simply put it away if you are likely to check messages every now and then. Turn off the television and let the music play only in background, if you must listen to it. Make sure you are isolated from activities of other members in house. Meditation techniques for concentration also help you stay focused. Get Enough RestYour mind will be at its sharpest only if you let it rest for sufficient time. Sleep for at least 6 to 8 hours depending upon your individual requirements. Eat healthy meals and reward yourself some free time after studies. You may even ask a friend to study with you, so that you are more motivated to concentrate. However, make sure your study session does not turn into a gossip session.

recently和 latest的区别

我给你简单说一下,Recently 是副词,一般单独使用,多放在句首(也可以放在句中或者句尾,其实,放在哪儿都没错)。eg. Recently, I don"t feel very well.(最近我感觉不太舒服)Latest 也作最近讲,同时还有最新的意思(一般情况都用这个最新的这个意思,翻译成汉语我们习惯性会翻译成最近的)。但是它是形容词,使用的时候后面必须跟一个名词。eg.This is the latest news.这是最近(最新的)的新闻。你从这两个方面区分就很容易了!

Not until recently和until recently的区别和用法是什么???









两者均可表示“最近”、“近来”,区别如下:1. 按传统语法:lately 通常用于否定句或疑问句,recently 通常用于肯定句。但在现代英语中 recently 也经常用于否定句或疑问句,而 lately 也经常用于肯定句(尤其是在美国英语中以及与 only, much, a lot 等连用时)。  2. 从使用的时态来看:两者都经常与完成时态连用,也可与一般过去时连用(但此时用 recently 比用 lately 更经常)。如:He"s only lately [recently] begun working here. 他只是近来才开始在这里工作。  I haven"t been sleeping well recently [lately]. 我最近一直未睡好。  His visits used to be rare, but lately [recently] he has been here quite a lot. 他过去很少来(拜访),但现在却来得很经常。  I have seen a lot of her lately [recently]. 我最近经常见到她。  Did she have a party recently? 她最近举办过聚会吗?  注:两者通常都不用于将来。如:  最近我们要去巴黎。  误:We will go to Paris lately [recently].  正:We will go to Paris soon.  另外,lately 有时还可与一般现在时连用,指现在的习惯(但是recently 一般不这样用)。如: He doesn"t like watching TV lately. 他近来不喜欢看电视。  We used to visit London once a week, but lately we go there twice a week. 我们过去总是每周去一次伦敦,但最近我们每周去两次。  



recently ,more recently, very recently

recently 最近more recently 最近以来recently = 最近 --> Very recently:这个very是形容"更加"近期的意思 - 加重语气用的


也不是那么绝对 大多时候与现在完成时态have done连用 也可与现在时态及过去时态连用. 如 There"s few business recently. he was in Paris recently I did not know it until quite ~. 我一直到最近才知道这件事希望能帮到你 满意请采纳 谢谢!


recently ["ri:səntli] adv. 最近;新近


recently做副词,“最近”修饰修饰全句 I"m very busy recently完全正确 可以放在句首,recently,She has been queer .


recently,表示"最近,近来"之意,强调时间点,多用过去时,表示时间长度,多用完成时,但不可用于将来时态中.She was here only recently.她最近才来过这.She has been queer recently.她最近身体不舒服.


it"s the same!




recently ["ri:səntli] 读作:瑞森特里 adv.最近;新近


recently 英[ˈri:sntli] 美["risṇtlɪ] adv. 最近,近来;不久以前;近日;新近 [例句]She prodded mr. nishikido recently.她最近这样刺激nishikido先生。


2.动名词(短语)作宾语1)I enjoy living here.我很享受住在这里。解析:动名词”living” 作谓语动词enjoy的宾语,此动作与谓语动词同时发生,且与其逻辑主语I为主动关系。




用现在完成时. 例句: The weather has been very mixed recently. 最近天气总是阴晴不定.

句子有recently一般用什么时态,不是应该是用现在完成时吗?因为last several





recently ["risṇtlɪ]打开下面的网页听读音:http://www.iciba.com/recently








recently 英[ˈri:sntli] 美["risṇtlɪ] adv. 最近,近来;不久以前;近日;新近 [例句]She prodded mr. nishikido recently.她最近这样刺激nishikido先生。




两者均可表示“最近”、“近来”,区别如下: 一、按意思来看:1、recently英 [ˈri:sntli]   美 ["risṇtlɪ]  adv.近日,新近,最近,近来,不久以前The bank recently opened a branch in Germany这家银行最近在德国开设了分行。2、lately英 [ˈleɪtli]   美 [ˈletli]  adv.近来,最近,不久以前Dad"s health hasn"t been too good lately 爸爸的健康状况近来不太好。二、按传统语法:lately 通常用于否定句或疑问句,recently 通常用于肯定句。但在现代英语中 recently 也经常用于否定句或疑问句,而 lately 也经常用于肯定句(尤其是在美国英语中以及与 only,much,a lot 等连用时)。  三、按时态频率:从使用的时态来看:两者都经常与完成时态连用,也可与一般过去时连用,但用 recently 比用 lately 更经常。1、Did she have a party recently? 她最近举办过聚会吗?  2、He doesn"t like watching TV lately. 他近来不喜欢看电视。  扩展资料:近义词:一、(距离最近的) nearest二、(最近的将来) in the near future,soon。例如:nearest英 ["nɪərɪst]   美 ["nɪərɪst]  adv.最近的,最亲近的adj.近的( near的最高级 ),亲密的,近似(亲属关系)近亲,如:I pointed at the boy sitting nearest me.我指了指坐得离我最近的男孩。参考资料来源:百度翻译-recently参考资料来源:百度翻译-lately





recently是什么意思 recently怎么造句

1、recently是什么意思:主要用作为副词,译为“最近;新近”。 2、造句:(1)Hes been overdoing things recently.他最近过于努力了。 (2)The company recently slimmed its product line.该公司最近缩减了生产线。 (3)There have been several muggings here recently.最近这里发生了几起行凶抢劫案。


recently 可以用于现在完成时,也可以用于一般过去时。 如:The council recently drew fire for its intervention in the dispute. 委员会最近因为介入该起争端而遭到批评。 扩展资料   1.现在完成时"完成用法"的特点是动作不延续,因此,该时态只能与表示不定的过去时间状语(如:already,yet,before,recently等)、频度时间状语(如:never,ever等)、包括现在时刻在内的时间状语(如:this morning / month /year...,today等)连用。   例如:Have you found your pen?你已经找到你的.钢笔了吗?   例如:Mary has done her homework . Mary有做她的家庭作业。   2.现在完成时的"未完成用法"指的是动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直延续到现在,或可能还要继续下去。   例如:He has lived here since 1978.自从1978年以来,他一直住在这儿。(动作起始于1978年,一直住到现在,可能还要继续住下去。)   例如:I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部队已经呆了五年多了。(动作开始于5年前,一直延续至今,有可能还要继续下去。)


recent的意思:最近的。读音:英[ˈriːsnt]、美[ˈriːsnt]。释义:adj. 最近的;近代的。常用搭配:in recent years 最近几年中recent development 最近发展,最新发展more recent 较新的recent造句如下:1、In recent years, people pay more and more attention to the nutrition and composition of food.近几年人们越来越关注食物的营养和成分。2、Recent events makes us anxious every day.近期发生的事件使我们每天焦虑不堪。3、This is the recent invention from our laboratory.这是我们实验室最新的发明。4、There have been many changes in recent years.近几年发生了许多变化。5、Several major earthquakes have hit the country in recent years.近几年几场大地震袭击了这个国家。


  lately和recently都有最近,近来的意思,是一组近义词。你想知道lately与recently用于什么时态吗?下面是我为你整理的lately与recently的时态,希望大家喜欢!   lately与recently的时态   lately做副词相当于recently,表示"最近,近来"之意,强调时间点,多用过去时,表示时间长度,多用完成时,但不可用于将来时态中。   lately 意为"近来,最近",相当于 recently ,可置于句首也可置于句末。   have you weighed yourself lately?   你最近称过体重吗?   Where have you been lately?   前一向你到哪里去?   What is he do lately?   他最近干什么?   She was here only lately.   她最近才来过这。   She has been queer lately.   她最近身体不舒服。   Prices have shot up lately.   最近物价暴涨。   I haven"t seen him lately.   我最近未见过他。   He reads the news lately.   他最近获悉这个消息。Theposterreads   Have you seen them lately?   你最近见过他们吗?   Have you seen Kate lately?   lately与recently用法辨析   1. 按传统语法:lately 通常用于否定句或疑问句,recently 通常用于肯定句。但在现代英语中 recently 也经常用于否定句或疑问句,而 lately 也经常用于肯定句(尤其是在美国英语中以及与 only, much, a lot 等连用时)。   2. 从使用的时态来看:两者都经常与完成时态连用,也可与一般过去时连用(但此时用 recently 比用 lately 更经常)。如:   He"s only lately [recently] begun working here. 他只是近来才开始在这里工作。   I haven"t been sleeping well recently [lately]. 我最近一直未睡好。   His visits used to be rare, but lately [recently] he has been here quite a lot. 他过去很少来(拜访),但现在却来得很经常。   I have seen a lot of her lately [recently]. 我最近经常见到她。   Did she have a party recently? 她最近举办过聚会吗?   注:两者通常都不用于将来。如:   最近我们要去巴黎。   误:We will go to Paris lately [recently].   正:We will go to Paris soon.   另外,lately 有时还可与一般现在时连用,指现在的习惯(但是recently 一般不这样用)。如:   He doesn"t like watching TV lately. 他近来不喜欢看电视。   We used to visit London once a week, but lately we go there twice a week. 我们过去总是每周去一次伦敦,但最近我们每周去两次。   recently的造句   1. The council recently drew fire for its intervention in the dispute.   委员会最近因为介入该起争端而遭到批评。   2. New $750,000 infomercials, featuring artists like Cher, have recently hit the screens.   耗资75万美元、有雪儿等艺人出镜的新的名人电视促销节目近来播出了。   3. He recently did the catering for a presidential reception.   他最近承办了一次总统招待会的宴席。   4. The banks have had precious little to celebrate recently.   银行最近没几件值得庆贺的事。   5. She has recently begun to slouch over her typewriter.   最近,她坐在打字机前就开始变得无精打采的。   6. Columbia recently resigned the band for a cool $30 million.   哥伦比亚唱片公司最近以3,000万美元的高价再次签下这个乐队。   7. The wood had been recently polished to bring back the shine.   木头最近经过抛光又恢复了光泽。   8. I have recently been suffering from pain and numbness in my hands.   我近来双手一直疼痛麻木。   9. Some managers have recently raised objection to the PFA handling these negotiations.   一些主教练最近就英格兰职业足球运动员协会负责这些谈判提出了异议。   10. Marla was recently seen slinging her shoes at Trump.   最近有人看见马拉朝特朗普扔鞋子。




recently的读法是英音 [ˈri:sntli],美音 ["risṇtlɪ]。adv. 最近,近来;不久以前;近日;新近。recently 的例句1、India has recently relaxed its restrictions.印度最近放宽了相关限制。2、Even corporate bonds have become more transparent recently.即使是公司债券近来也变得更加透明。3、She can also learn about recently published science.她还可以了解到最新发表的科研成果。4、Some has been cleared fairly recently.有些是新近才清理出来。5、This argument suffered two blows recently.近来这种论点遭遇了双重打击。6、Have you rung up your mother recently?你最近给你妈妈打过电话吗?6、The weather has been very snowy recently.近来天气多雪。


如果这个recently表示最近持续的一种状态,这种状态在继续,那么显然应该用现在完成时.比如,I"ve took care of my poor old dog recently since he is ill.我最近在照顾我那条生病的老狗.或者,How are you recently?你最近怎么样?都表示一种可以持续的状态. 如果这个recently指的是现在这个时间点之前发生了的事情,显然应该用一般过去式.如:I heard about this news recently.我最近听说这个消息.听说不是一个持续的动作状态,要么就听说了,要么就没听说,也不能正在听说,当然用一般过去时. 当recently 用来修饰从句时,同样视这个动词是表示一段持续的状态,还是一个一过性的动作来确定时态.比如:I just heard the news that your wife would just gave birth of your first baby recently.我刚听说你妻子最近给生了你的第一个孩子. 再比如:I know you have endured so much recently.我知道你最近忍受了很多.




lately做副词相当于recently,表示"最近,近来"之意,强调时间点,多用过去时,表示时间长度,多用完成时,但不可用于将来时态中。 lately 意为"近来,最近",相当于 recently ,可置于句首也可置于句末。presentlyad. 一会儿,不久;现在,目前


  两者均可表示“最近”、“近来”,区别如下:  1、按传统语法:lately 通常用于否定句或疑问句,recently 通常用于肯定句。但在现代英语中 recently 也经常用于否定句或疑问句,而 lately 也经常用于肯定句(尤其是在美国英语中以及与 only, much, a lot 等连用时)。  2、从使用的时态来看:两者都经常与完成时态连用,也可与一般过去时连用(但此时用 recently 比用 lately 更经常)。  如:He"s only lately [recently] begun working here. 他只是近来才开始在这里工作。    I haven"t been sleeping well recently [lately]. 我最近一直未睡好。  His visits used to be rare, but lately [recently] he has been here quite a lot.  他过去很少来(拜访),但现在却来得很经常。  I have seen a lot of her lately [recently]. 我最近经常见到她。    Did she have a party recently? 她最近举办过聚会吗?  注:两者通常都不用于将来。如:  最近我们要去巴黎。  误:We will go to Paris lately [recently].    正:We will go to Paris soon.  另外,lately 有时还可与一般现在时连用,指现在的习惯(但是recently 一般不这样用)。如:  He doesn"t like watching TV lately. 他近来不喜欢看电视。  We used to visit London once a week, but lately we go there twice a week.  我们过去总是每周去一次伦敦,但最近我们每周去两次。


recently翻译:最近。读音:英[ˈriːsntli]、美[ˈriːsntli]。释义:adv. 最近;新近变形:比较级 more recently、最高级 most recently。同近义词:newly/new/of late/lastadv. 最近;新近recently造句如下:1、We have met with him recently.我们不久前和他见了一面。2、My study has got progress recently.最近我的学习进步了。3、Recently, I am in a bad mood.最近我的心情不好。4、Have you seen any good films recently?最近有什么好电影看吗?5、My long-lost friend Beth recently contacted me again over Facebook.和我失联已久的朋友Beth最近又在Facebook上联系上我了。


lately做副词相当于recently,表示"最近,近来"之意,强调时间点,多用过去时,表示时间长度,多用完成时,但不可用于将来时态中。 lately 意为"近来,最近",相当于 recently ,可置于句首也可置于句末。 have you weighed yourself lately? 你最近称过体重吗? Where have you been lately? 前一向你到哪里去? What is he do lately? 他最近干什么? She was here only lately. 她最近才来过这。 She has been queer lately. 她最近身体不舒服。 Prices have shot up lately. 最近物价暴涨。 I haven"t seen him lately. 我最近未见过他。 He reads the news lately. 他最近获悉这个消息。Theposterreads Have you seen them lately? 你最近见过他们吗? Have you seen Kate lately?




1、句型使用不同:按传统语法:lately 通常用于否定句或疑问句,recently通常用于肯定句。但在现代英语中 recently 也经常用于否定句或疑问句,而 lately 也经常用于肯定句(尤其是在美国英语中以及与 only, much, a lot 等连用时)。2、语气不同:lately的意思是“最近以来”,强调时间持续的过程;recently的意思是“最近”“近来”,比lately和of late更加庄重。Have you been there lately?你近来到那里去过吗?I have seen him quite recently.我最近见过他。3、用法不同:lately与一般过去时连用,用于肯定句中。在肯定句中,lately常与only,much,a lot of等连用。recently没有特殊要求。


lately做副词相当于recently,表示"最近,近来"之意,强调时间点,多用过去时,表示时间长度,多用完成时,但不可用于将来时态中.lately 意为"近来,最近",相当于 recently ,可置于句首也可置于句末. have you weighed yourself lately? 你最近称过体重吗? Where have you been lately? 前一向你到哪里去? What is he do lately? 他最近干什么? She was here only lately. 她最近才来过这. She has been queer lately. 她最近身体不舒服. Prices have shot up lately. 最近物价暴涨. I haven"t seen him lately. 我最近未见过他. He reads the news lately. 他最近获悉这个消息.Theposterreads Have you seen them lately? 你最近见过他们吗? Have you seen Kate lately?


How are you recently?你最近怎么样?


两者均可表示“最近”、“近来”,区别如下:1.按传统语法:lately 通常用于否定句或疑问句,recently 通常用于肯定句.但在现代英语中 recently 也经常用于否定句或疑问句,而 lately 也经常用于肯定句(尤其是在美国英语中以及与 only,much,a lot 等连用时).2.从使用的时态来看:两者都经常与完成时态连用,也可与一般过去时连用(但此时用 recently 比用 lately 更经常).如:He"s only lately [recently] begun working here.他只是近来才开始在这里工作.  I haven"t been sleeping well recently [lately].我最近一直未睡好.  His visits used to be rare,but lately [recently] he has been here quite a lot.他过去很少来(拜访),但现在却来得很经常.I have seen a lot of her lately [recently].我最近经常见到她.  Did she have a party recently?她最近举办过聚会吗?注:两者通常都不用于将来.如:最近我们要去巴黎.误:We will go to Paris lately [recently].  正:We will go to Paris soon.另外,lately 有时还可与一般现在时连用,指现在的习惯(但是recently 一般不这样用).如: He doesn"t like watching TV lately.他近来不喜欢看电视.  We used to visit London once a week,but lately we go there twice a week.我们过去总是每周去一次伦敦,但最近我们每周去两次.



more recently用什么时态

more recently用现在完成时。More recently the trend of swapping spaghetti for vegetables has been championed by clean-eating experts. 最近,用蔬菜代替意大利面的做法得到了清洁饮食专家的支持。recently后跟现在完成时,recently可以用作副词,翻译为最近、近来。现在完成时是过去的动作或状态持续到现在,对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。完成时态的构成分为两部分:一是助动词,二是实义动词的过去分词-ed。词义辨析:recently, late, lately, of late这是一组同根词,都表示时间的“迟”“晚”“近”。其区别是:late的意思是“迟”“晚”,反义词是early;lately的意思是“不久前”“最近”,即not long ago;of late的意思是“最近以来”,强调时间持续的过程;recently的意思是“最近”“近来”,比lately和of late更加庄重。例如:We went to bed late.我们很晚才上床睡觉。




recently的读法是英音 [ˈri:sntli],美音 ["risṇtlɪ]。adv. 最近,近来;不久以前;近日;新近。recently的例句1、India has recently relaxed its restrictions.印度最近放宽了相关限制。2、Even corporate bonds have become more transparent recently.即使是公司债券近来也变得更加透明。3、She can also learn about recently published science.她还可以了解到最新发表的科研成果。4、Some has been cleared fairly recently.有些是新近才清理出来。5、This argument suffered two blows recently.近来这种论点遭遇了双重打击。6、Have you rung up your mother recently?你最近给你妈妈打过电话吗?6、The weather has been very snowy recently.近来天气多雪。


recently 英[ˈri:sntli] 美["risṇtlɪ]。adv;不久前;最近。双语例句1、Though ‘ rage-quit" was recently added to OxfordDictionaries.com, screen rage"s chances look less than stellar. “怒退”(玩游戏时队友不给力,被对方铲杀,愤怒退出)不久前才被收入牛津在线词典,不过“屏怒”一词被收录的可能行似乎并不大。2、He"s become the target for a lot of criticism recently. 他最近成了众矢之的。3、e"s had a really rough time recently. 他最近真是困难重重。4、ave you used it recently? 你最近用过它吗?5、They"ve been seeing a lot of each other recently. 他们近来老泡在一起。


recent的意思:最近的。读音:英[ˈriːsnt]、美[ˈriːsnt]。释义:adj. 最近的;近代的。常用搭配:in recent years 最近几年中recent development 最近发展,最新发展more recent 较新的recent造句如下:1、In recent years, people pay more and more attention to the nutrition and composition of food.近几年人们越来越关注食物的营养和成分。2、Recent events makes us anxious every day.近期发生的事件使我们每天焦虑不堪。3、This is the recent invention from our laboratory.这是我们实验室最新的发明。4、There have been many changes in recent years.近几年发生了许多变化。5、Several major earthquakes have hit the country in recent years.近几年几场大地震袭击了这个国家。

recently的意思 recently怎么解释

1、recently:最近,近来 2、Her books have gained popularity recently.她的书近来大受欢迎。 3、I guess from his red eyes that he has been working too hard recently.我从他红红的眼睛猜想,他准是最近工作太辛苦了。

recently什么意思 recently怎么造句

1、recently,英语单词,主要用作为副词,译为“最近;新近”。 2、造句: (1)Hes been overdoing things recently.他最近过于努力了。 (2)The company recently slimmed its product line.该公司最近缩减了生产线。 (3)There have been several muggings here recently.最近这里发生了几起行凶抢劫案。

how are you recently是什么意思

how are you recently你最近怎么样how are you recently你最近怎么样

recently 谓语动词用什么时态



副词,用来修饰动词,可以放在动词前或后I recently have been to China/I have been to China recentlly.

recently 是什么时态的时间状语

一般现在时, I eat bananas recently.

句子有recently一般用什么时态,不是应该是用现在完成时吗?因为last several


recently与什么时态连用 与一般过去时还是现在完成时?

这个有好几种.具体情况定. 我推荐几个句子吧.这样比较直观一点. A person recently married. 新近结婚的人 a recently enlisted soldier. 一个刚被征募的士兵. How are you recently? 最近怎么样? Sales have slumped recently. 销售额近来下降了. The accident occurred recently. 这件事故就发生在最近. History of recently visited sites 最近访问站点的历史 Not long ago; recently. 不久前;最近 Recently many students shot up. 最近许多学生吸毒. Have you lose weight recently? 你过来体重减少了吗? He gained some weight recently. 近来,他的体重增加了. The company has recently acquired a new office building in central Boston. 这家公司最近在波斯顿市中心买了一幢新的办公楼. Things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. "近来情况变得如此糟糕,以致他决定节食了." 常用的是完成时. 希望对你有所帮助哈,^_^
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