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英语单词“cause”的基本用法如下:1、cause 用作名词的基本意思是“原因,起因”,指产生一种后果的起因,也可指导致某事情发生的人或事物,是可数名词。2、cause 也可作“理由,缘故”解,是不可数名词。3、cause 还可表示极力维护或支持的“目标”“原则”“运动”或“事业”,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。4、cause 用作动词的基本意思是“导致”,指某人、某物、某条件、某事件等“给……带来”“使发生……”某种结果。本词说的是原因,而强调的却是“结果”,这种因果关系是真正的、直接的、根本的。5、cause 只用作及物动词,多接抽象名词、代词作简单宾语;也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词 to 的宾语;还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,这里的动词不定式通常带 to。英语单词“cause”常见的短语搭配包括但不限于:(1)immediate cause [法]近因 ; 直接原因 ; 直接诱因。(2)Cause trouble 寻衅滋事 ; 闯祸 ; 闹事 ; 制造祸端。(3)main cause 主因 ; 主要原因 ; 主体根源 ; 原因主要。(4)major cause 主要原因 ; 重要事由 ; 重要原因 ; 主要病因。(5)efficient cause 动力因 ; 直接原因 ; 有效原因 ; 有效原因说。(6)failure cause 失效原因 ; 故障原因 ; 失效的原因 ; 故障原因英语。(7)assignable cause 非机遇原因 ; 指明原因 ; 可指定的原因 ;[科技]可指出的原因。(8)chance cause 机遇原因 ; 偶发原因 ;[科技]偶然原因 ; 机遇因素。以上内容参考:百度百科-cause


这两个词的意思很相近,通常是可以互换使用的。为了安全起见,最好用 because引导从句,因为同 because引导的从句相比, for引导的从句(英文中称为 for- clause)的用法要受到某些限制: 1 for引导的从句不能位于它所解释的动词之前: Because it was wet he took a taxi. 因为下雨,他叫了一辆出租车。(这里不能用 for。) 2 for引导的从句不能位于 not, but或任何连词之后: He stole, not because he wanted the money but because he liked stealing. 他偷东西,并不是因为他想要钱,而是他有这种毛玻(这里不能用 for。) 3 for引导的从句不能用于回答问题: — Why did you do it? — I did it because I was angry. —你为什么这么做? —因为我生气才这么做的。(这里不能用 for。) 4 for引导的从句不能单单用来复述已讲过的话,而必须包括新的内容: He spoke in French. She was angry because he had spoken in French. 他讲法语。因为他讲法语,她生气了。(这里不能用 for。) 但是说: She was angry, for she didn" t know French. 她生气了,因为她不懂法语。(这里用 for是正确的,也可用 because。)之所以有这些用法上的限定,其理由是 for引导的从句不能直 接说明某一特定动作发生的原因,而只能提供一些起帮助解释作用的附加说明。 例句如: The days were short, for it was now December. 天短了,现在已是 12月了。 He took the food eagerly, for he has eaten nothing since dawn. 他狼吞虎咽地吃了起来,因为他从天亮就没吃过东西。 When I saw her in the river I was frightened. For at that point thecurrents were dangerous. 我看见她在河里时,吓坏了。那个地方水流非常危险。 在口语中, for从句前常稍停一下。在笔语中,在此处常有一个逗号。有时也用一个句号断开,如最后一个例子所示。上面三个例句中也可用 because,但用 for更好些。

as,for ,because都表示因为时,用法怎么区分

as,for ,because都表示因为时,用法怎么区分 as和for在表示因果关系时,表示因果关系较弱,就是说 可能是由……原因引起的,但并不能确定 而because表示关系较强,基本上可以肯定是这个原因 类似于 间接原因和直接原因的区别 because:因为.强调直接原因. since:因为.强调双方已知无需用说明的事由. for:因为.强调一种推测.但不一定是事实. as:强调一般因果关系.用于句首. Because she"s ill,she can"t go to my home.因为她病了,所以她没有来我家. 注:because后接句子,而because of后接短语. Since everyboby is here,let"s begin our meeting. 既然大家都到了,那就开始开会吧. Day breaks,fro the birds are singing. 因为鸟儿在唱歌了,天可能亮了. As he was not well,i decided to go without him. 由于他身体不太好,我决定不带他去. because ,since,for,as,with 都表示因为时有什么区别? because,一般放在主句后,常表示说华人认为这种原因或理由是听话人所不知道的。 eg;why were you absent? because i was not well because之前可以加 only, simply,just等强调词 也可用否定词"not"eg:not because…but…… since,"既然"是一种“附带原因”,表示事物关系上的自然结果,往往放在句首,相当于“now that” as"由于"比前面两个语气弱,多用在日常谈话中,表示明显的因果关系 for"因为"表示的是附加的理由,推断的理由,只能放在主句后且用逗号 隔开 eg:the oil must be out,for the light went out 问一下,在英语中表示因为时,FOR,AS,SINCE,BECAUSE 的区别和用法~~ because, as, for, since这几个词都是表示“原因”的连词,语气由强至弱依次为:because→since→as→for;其中because, since, as均为从属连词,引导原因状语从句;而for 是并列连词,引导并列句。 1. because表示直接原因,它所指的原因通常是听话人所不知道的,其语气最强。常用来回答why的提问,一般放于主句之后,也可以单独存在。例如: (1)I stayed at home because it rained. 因为下雨我呆在家里。 (2)Because Lingling was ill, she didn”t e to school. 玲玲因病,没有上学。 (3)Why is she absent? 她为什么缺席? Because she is sick. 因为她病了。 此外,在强调句型中,只能用because。例如: (4)It was because I missed the early bus that I was late for school. 我上学迟到是因为我没有赶上早班汽车。 2. since侧重主句,从句表示显然的或已为人所知的理由,常译为“因为”、“既然”,语气比because稍弱,通常置于句首,表示一种含有勉强语气的原因。例如: (1)Since he asks you, you”ll tell him why. 他既然问你,那就告诉他为什么吧。 (2)Since everyone is here, let”s start. 既然大家都到齐了,我们就出发吧! (3)Since I understood very little Japanese, I couldn”t follow the conversation. 我日语懂得不多,因而听不懂对话。 3. as是常用词,它表示的“原因”是双方已知的事实或显而易见的原因,或者理由不是很重要,含义与since相同,但语气更弱,没有since正式,常译为“由于,鉴于”。从句说明原因,主句说明结果,主从并重。例如: (1)We all like her as she is kind. 我们都喜欢她,因为她善良。 (2)As I had a cold, I was absent from school. 因为我感冒了,所以没去上课。 (3)As Xiaowang was not ready, we went without him. 由于小王没有准备好,我们只好不带他去了。 4. for用作连词时,与because相似,但它所表示的原因往往提供上文未交待过的情况。for不表示直接原因,表明附加或推断的理由,因此for被看作等立连词,它所引导的分句只能放在句子后部(或单独成为一个句子),并且前后两个分句间的逻辑关系不一定是因果关系,其间用逗号隔开,且for不可置于句首,for的这一用法常用在书面语中,较正式。例如: (1)The days are short, for it is now December. 白天短了,因为现在已是十二月份。 (2)It must have rained, for the ground is wet. (从“地面潮溼”作出“下过雨”的推测,但地溼并不一定是下雨所致, for不可以换为because。) (3)The ground is wet because it has rained. (“下雨”是“地上潮溼”的直接原因。) 前后两个分句间有一定的因果关系时(有时很难区分是直接原因,还是推测性原因),for与because可以互换使用。例如: (4)I could not go, for / because I was ill. 我没能去,是因为我病了。 (5)He felt no fear, for / because he was a brave boy. 他没有害怕,因为他是个勇敢的男孩 since和because表示因为的时候用法的区别 since强调结果,because强调原因。 给你几个例子感受一下: She is crying because her little hamster just died. I really hope that she would e, since I miss her so so much! 也就是说,在有since的句子中,since后面紧跟着的内容(原因)并非是作者想强调的(只是顺带提一下);而在有because的句子中,because后面紧跟着的内容(原因)是作者想强调的。 for和because of在表示因为时有什么区别 for 有表示目的的意思 He ran quickly for winning the game. 他跑那么快是为了赢得比赛 because of 与for 相同 后面都是加名词短语 He ran qucikly because of he game. 他跑那么快是为了这场比赛 但是because of 和because不同 because of 后面只能加名词短语 而because后面加的是句子 “at,to ,for”都表示 “方向;朝向”时 怎么区分?怎么使用? to表示动作的方向,或目的地,例如: The dog went to the boy. Have you ever been to a basketball game? He went to New York. at可以表示动作所瞄准的目标,例如: The boy threw the bone at the dog. Look at the blackboard. The crowd threw stones at the police. for表示“前往”,即要到达的目的地。如: I"ll leave New York for Washington tomorrow. I don"t know when they left for Washington. The train for Washington has already arrived. work on和go on with 都表示继续工作时, 怎么区分使用? work on就是继续工作 go on with是继续 第一句两个都能用 第二句用work on 表示因为的三个词because. since. for 的用法和区别 1) 关于 because:语气最强,表示直接原因,可用于回答 why 提出的问题、引导表语从句、用于强调句等,而其余三者均不行: “Why didn"t he e?” “Because he was ill.” “他为什么没来?”“因为他病了。” My stomach hurts because I have eaten too many apples. 我肚子痛,因为苹果吃得太多。 That"s because you can"t appreciate music. 这是因为你不能欣赏音乐。 It is because he is honest that I like him. 是因为他诚实我才喜欢他。 (2) 关于 since 与 as: a. 两者所表示的原因都是人们已知的,即对已知事实提供理由,而不是表示直接原因。since 比 as 语气稍强,且比 as 略为正式,它们引导的从句通常放在主句之前,有时也放在主句之后: As you weren"t there, I left a message. 由于你不在那儿,我留了个口信。 Since you are wrong, you should apologize. 你既然错了,就应该道歉。 b. since 可用于省略句,而其他三者不行: Since so, I have nothing to say. 既然如此,我无话可说。 (3) 关于 for:是并列连词(其余三者为从属连词),它有时可表示因果关系(通常要放在主句之后,且可与 because 换用);有时不表示因果关系,而是对前面分句内容的解释或推断(也要放在主句之后,但不能与because 换用)。比较: The ground is wet, for (=because) it rained last night. 地面是溼的,因为昨晚下过雨。 It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning. 昨晚一定下过雨,你看今天早上地面是溼的。 (此句不能用 because 代 for) to和for都表示“给”的时候,如何区分用to和for for的意思是:为了 而to的意思是:给,有的时候把for翻译成给只是口语化的问题


because 是从属连词,接表示直接原因的从句,一般放在主句的后面,也可放在主句前面,它表示的语气最强,在回答why的问句时,必须用because. 例如:The swimming pool won"t be open today because they"re making repairs. 游泳池今天不开放,因为他们在修理. Why did you move to France? 你们为什么搬到法国? Because my father found work in Paris. 因为我父亲在巴黎找到了工作. 注意:在英语中用了because后,不可再用so. for 是并列连词,用来附带解释说明前一分句的原因或理由,for引导的并列句,一般放在所要说明的句子的后面. 例如:I went to see him,for I had something to tell him. 我去见他,因为我有事要告诉他.


这两个词的意思很相近,通常是可以互换使用的。为了安全起见,最好用 because引导从句,因为同 because引导的从句相比, for引导的从句(英文中称为 for- clause)的用法要受到某些限制: 1 for引导的从句不能位于它所解释的动词之前: Because it was wet he took a taxi. 因为下雨,他叫了一辆出租车。(这里不能用 for。) 2 for引导的从句不能位于 not, but或任何连词之后: He stole, not because he wanted the money but because he liked stealing. 他偷东西,并不是因为他想要钱,而是他有这种毛玻(这里不能用 for。) 3 for引导的从句不能用于回答问题: — Why did you do it? — I did it because I was angry. —你为什么这么做? —因为我生气才这么做的。(这里不能用 for。) 4 for引导的从句不能单单用来复述已讲过的话,而必须包括新的内容: He spoke in French. She was angry because he had spoken in French. 他讲法语。因为他讲法语,她生气了。(这里不能用 for。) 但是说: She was angry, for she didn" t know French. 她生气了,因为她不懂法语。(这里用 for是正确的,也可用 because。)之所以有这些用法上的限定,其理由是 for引导的从句不能直 接说明某一特定动作发生的原因,而只能提供一些起帮助解释作用的附加说明。 例句如: The days were short, for it was now December. 天短了,现在已是 12月了。 He took the food eagerly, for he has eaten nothing since dawn. 他狼吞虎咽地吃了起来,因为他从天亮就没吃过东西。 When I saw her in the river I was frightened. For at that point thecurrents were dangerous. 我看见她在河里时,吓坏了。那个地方水流非常危险。 在口语中, for从句前常稍停一下。在笔语中,在此处常有一个逗号。有时也用一个句号断开,如最后一个例子所示。上面三个例句中也可用 because,但用 for更好些。

the great cause of communism

3. give his life to

Because I Love you 歌词加中文翻译

Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You Lyrics I will not make the same mistakes that you did 我不会犯你犯过的错误 I will not let myself 我不会让我自己 Cause my heart so much misery 导致我的心情如此苦恼 I will not break the way you did, 我不会破坏你的方式 You fell so hard 你坚强的倒下 I ve learned the hard way 我已经学会那条艰辛的道路 To never let it get that far 去不让它永远都到那里为止 Because of you 因为你 I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我从来不远离人行道 Because of you 因为你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 我学会在安全的地方玩耍所以就不会受伤 Because of you 因为你 I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me 我发现很难去相信自己以及所有在我身边的人 Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我害怕 I lose my way 我迷失方向 And it s not too long before you point it out 在你指出问题的不久前 I cannot cry 我不能哭 Because you know that s weakness in your eyes 因为你知道我的弱点 I m forced to fake 我被迫去伪装 A smile, a laugh everyday of my life 微笑.大笑,在我的生命当中的每一天 My heart can"t possibly break 我的心不可能碎 When it wasn"t even whole to start with 甚至当它一开始就不是完整的 Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I watched you die 我看着你死去 I heard you cry every night in your sleep 我听见过你每天晚上在床上哭泣 I was so young 我当时太小 You should have known better than to lean on me 你应该知道一些比依靠我更好的办法 You never thought of anyone else 你从来没有考虑过别人的感受 You just saw your pain 你只看见自己的伤痛 And now I cry in the middle of the night 现在我在深夜里哭泣 For the same damn thing 也是为了同样谴责的事 Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt Because of you 因为你 I try my hardest just to forget everything 我尽我最大努力去忘记所有事 Because of you 因为你 I don t know how to let anyone else in 我不知道如何容纳任何人 Because of you 因为你 I m ashamed of my life because it s empty 我为我的生活感到羞耻 因为它是空的 Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我害怕 Because of you Because of you

Because You Loved Me (Theme From "Up Close And Personal") 歌词

歌曲名:Because You Loved Me (Theme From "Up Close And Personal")歌手:Céline Dion专辑:The EssentialBecause You Loved MeCeline DionFor all those times you stood by meFor all the truth that you made me seeFor all the joy you brought to my lifeFor all the wrong that you made rightFor every dream you made come trueFor all the love I found in youI"ll be forever thankful babyYou"re the one who held me upNever let me fallYou"re the one who saw me throughthrough it allYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"t speakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I a Because you loved meYou gave me wings and made me flyYou touched my hand I could touch theskyI lost my faith, you gave it back to meYou said no star was out of reachYou stood by me and I stood tallI had your love I had it allI"m grateful for each day you gave meMaybe I don"t know that muchBut I know this much is trueI was blessed because I was loved byyouYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"tspeakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I amBecause you loved meYou were always there for meThe tender wind that carried meA light in the dark shining your love intomy lifeYou"ve been my inspirationThrough the lies you were the truthMy world is a better place because ofyouYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"tspeakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I amBecause you loved meYou were my strength when I was weakYou were my voice when I couldn"tspeakYou were my eyes when I couldn"t seeYou saw the best there was in meLifted me up when I couldn"t reachYou gave me faith "coz you believedI"m everything I amBecause you loved meI"m everything I amBecause you loved me

cause stress什么意思

cause stress引起应力双语例句1Overuse can cause stress fractures, are very small cracks in the bone.使用过度可导致应力性骨折(骨头上极小的裂缝)。We block out those things that cause stress and make us anxious.我们将那些引起压力、使我们焦虑的事情拒之门外。3HDPE can cause stress cracking easily with affection of environment,which limits its application in industry.HDPE易受环境的影响产生应力开裂,这限制了其在工业上的应用。

英语句子结构分析,because of在这个句子做什么成分?

这是短语,作原因状语。意思=because,,只不过短语后面是名词或代词,不是句子,而because后面是句子。比如He didn"t go to school because he was ill =because of his illness.(但能用完整的句子时就用句子,because是针对why的回答)。





i cause problems on purpose怎么回答?

答:这个英语句子的中文翻译是:我是有意/ 故意惹事的。对于这个句子我们可以这样来回答:Why?/ What makes you think so? / Really? I don"t believe you.

the pain I cause,itmakes me laugh 是哪的歌词?

BOOMKAT - THE WRECKONINGI came I saw I kick some assThe pain I cause it makes me laugh"Cause the way I do my thing is strangeI just inject myself into your veins, yeahCan"t run can"t hide There"s no way outThe sun will rise and it"s aboutTime for the wreckoningTime time for this girl to singDamn if I thought that you would change And my life would stay the sameAnd when you don"t even care about meYou know, you don"t give a damnWell things will come and things will goAnd one thing I know for sure is thatYou don"t give a damn about meAnd so, I"m walking out the door (oh yeah um)Can"t move can"t breathe it"s gettin darkThe beast has come to steal your heartSo you better practice your screamWell you may not live your dreamsThings will come and things will goAnd one thing I know for sure is thatYou don"t give a damn about meAnd so, I"m walking out the door.The wreckoningThe wreckoningThe wreckoningOh, it"s timeThe wreckoningThe wreckoningThe wreckoningOh, it"s timeDamn if I thought that you would change And my life would stay the sameAnd when you don"t even care about meYou know, you don"t give a damnThings will come and things will goAnd one thing I know for sure is thatYou don"t give a damn about meAnd so, I"m walking out the door.The wreckoningThe wreckoningThe wreckoningOh, it"s timeThe wreckoningThe wreckoningThe wreckoningyou dont give a damnAnd I"m running from my problemsI got my funny face painted onAnd then I"ll think of what you said to meAnd then I"ll think of what you did to meI"ll think of you and probably laughAnd then I"ll think of you and probably laughAnd then I"ll think of you and probably laughAnd then I"ll think of you and probably laugh!You"re the one I"m running fromDamn if I thought that you would change And my life would stay the sameAnd when you don"t even care about meYa know, you don"t give a damnWell things will come and things will goAnd one thing I know for sure is thatYou don"t give a damn about meAnd so, I"m walking out the door.The wreckoningThe wreckoning The wreckoningOh, it"s timeThe wreckoningThe wreckoningThe wreckoningOh, it"s time

The Nylons的《Because》 歌词

歌曲名:Because歌手:The Nylons专辑:Because...

because 和healthy怎么读(要用中文谐音告诉我)

because:逼叩死 healthy:黑儿fing(fing读一声)

because i was hurt,so i want to take a break为什么take a break不能换成rest


enjoy it because its happening 什么意思


一家人翻译成英语怎么读Because we are family forever缩写

什麼意思 。。

Jessy McCartney的because you live 的歌词

分类: 音乐 解析: Because You Live Jesse McCartney Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart It"s the end of the world in my mind Then your voice calls me back like a wake up call I"ve been looking for the answer Somewhere I couldn"t see that it was right there But now I know what I really know Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has ice as many stars in the sky It"s alright, I survived, I"m alive again Cuz of you, made it though every storm What is life, whats the use if your killed inside I"m so glad I found an angel Someone Who was there when all my hopes fell I wanna fly, looking in your eyes Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has ice as many stars in the sky Because you live, I live Because you live there"s a reason why I carry on when I lose the fight I want to give what you"ve given me always Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has ice as many stars in the sky Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has everything I need to survive Because you live, I live, I live

《one day》中的turn around because怎么连起来唱?



causes读音为[ku0254z]或者[ku0254:z]。一、释义1、名词:原因;事业;病因;理由。2、动词:导致;使;引起;产生。二、其他形式原形:cause、过去分词:caused、现在分词:causing。三、同义词Basis、foundation、origin、reason、root。四、反义词Effect、impede。五、相关词组1、cause pain.(引起疼痛。)2、cause trouble.(引起麻烦/问题。)3、determine cause.(确定原因。)4、cause damage.(导致损害/破坏。)5、Common cause.(共同原因/普遍原因。)6、main cause.(主要原因。)7、primary cause.(根本原因/主要原因。)8、probably cause.(可能的原因。)causes相关例句:1、The scientist is trying to determine the causes of the mysterious illness that has been affecting the population.(这位科学家正在努力确定影响人口的神秘疾病的原因。)2、The heavy rainfall was one of the causes of the flooding in the area.(大雨是导致该地区洪水的原因之一。)3、The teacher explained to the students the causes and effects of the industrial revolution.(老师向学生们解释了工业革命的原因和影响。)4、The investigation revealed that the main causes of the accident were negligence and lack of proper maintenance.(调查揭示了事故的主要原因是疏忽和缺乏适当维护。)5、The doctor is conducting a study to determine the causes of the high rate of cancer in the region.(医生正在进行研究,以确定该地区癌症发病率高的原因。)


“caused”的英语读音为 /ku0254u02d0zd/。其中,音标 “/ku0254u02d0/”表示单词的第一个音节的发音, /z/ 表示音素的发音。该单词的重音在第一音节上,即“cau” 部分,读音要重读。“caused”是“cause”的过去式和过去分词形式。“cause”是引起、导致、原因的意思。 “caused”则表示这个过去发生的动作或事件是由某个原因或某个行为所引起的。例如,“The accident was caused by the driver texting while driving.”意思是这个事故是由于司机开车时发短信所引起的。caused的例句1、The heavy rainstorm caused flooding in many low-lying areas of the city.(大雨导致城市许多低洼地区发生了洪水。)2、His careless attitude caused him to fail his driving test.(他粗心的态度导致他驾驶考试不及格。)3、The sudden snowfall caused traffic chaos on the highways.(突然的降雪导致高速公路上的交通混乱。)4、Smoking is one of the most common causes of lung cancer.(吸烟是肺癌最常见的原因之一。)5、The factory"s toxic waste caused pollution in the nearby river.(工厂的有毒废料导致了附近河流的污染。)


"cause"的音标是 [ku0254u02d0z]。"cause"是一个常见的动词,用来描述引起、导致或造成某种结果或影响。下面是一些常见的用法和表达方式:1. 引起,导致:The heavy rain caused flooding in the area.(大雨导致该地区发生洪水。)2. 造成,产生:Smoking can cause serious health problems.(吸烟可能导致严重的健康问题。)3. 使遭受(困难、疼痛等):The accident caused him a lot of pain.(事故给他带来了很多痛苦。)4. 引发,诱发:Stress can cause headaches.(压力可能引发头痛。)5. 促使,引导:His passion for music caused him to pursue a career in the music industry.(他对音乐的热爱促使他在音乐行业寻求事业。)6. 使产生特定感觉或反应:The movie caused me to cry.(这部电影让我哭了。)7. 引发讨论或争议:His controversial statement caused a heated debate.(他的有争议的言论引发了一场激烈的辩论。)8. 为…提供原因或解释:He caused the accident, which is why he had to pay for the damages.(他是事故的原因,这就是为什么他必须赔偿损失的原因。)此外,"cause"还可用作名词,表示原因、事业或目标。例如:1. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.(火灾的原因仍在调查中。)2. She dedicated her life to the cause of education.(她将一生奉献给教育事业。)3. They are fighting for a just cause.(他们正在为一个公正的事业而战。)

It was in 1916 _________ the Olympic Games were stopped because of World War


Because Of You 凯莉克莱森的歌词

I will not make the same mistakes that you did I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery I will not break the way you did, You fell so hard I"ve learned the hard way To never let it get that far Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I lose my way And it"s not too long before you point it out I cannot cry Because you know that"s weakness in your eyes I"m forced to fake A smile, a laugh everyday of my life My heart can"t possibly break When it wasn"t even whole to start with Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I watched you die I heard you cry every night in your sleep I was so young You should have known better than to lean on me You never thought of anyone else You just saw your pain And now I cry in the middle of the night For the same damn thing Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt Because of you I try my hardest just to forget everything Because of you I don"t know how to let anyone else in Because of you I"m ashamed of my life because it"s empty Because of you I am afraid Because of you Because of you

Life is like walking in the snow ,because every step shows .不知道啥意思

Life in the Snow我有的,非常奶思这个,里面应有尽有,而且都是的,戳我简芥~…就能看到

英语作文the cause of stress graduate student不少于300字,不要网上粘的,

Why did the graduate students recently have so many stresses,such as the diffculty of finding jobs plus the formidable press of marriage.The answer lies in two major factors both from the society and students themselves. With more and more graduates pouring out from colleges excluding sufficient jobs offered by the society,these youngesters who are quite puzzled when stepping out to seeking openings.Another,due to the flawed-harsh management of the most of universities in our country,graduates can not catch hold of enough exercise.Hence,luck has not gone to them. In my opinion,firstly,the government ought to sent out new laws to encourge graduates to creat chances of workinh themselves,along with policies to give rose to the poineering work of these individuals. secondly,stuents need to consider the stress as a reminder of an urgent boost for their capability and professional skills.

求英文歌,歌词大概是这个Hold me cause you say you never runa

歌曲名:You Say You Know Me歌手:K.T.专辑:So HungryLifehouse - You & MeWhat day is it?And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can"t keep up and I can"t back downI"ve been losing so much timeCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youAll of the things that I want to say just aren"t coming out rightI"m tripping on wordsYou"ve got my head spinningI don"t know where to go from hereCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youThere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outEverything she does is beautifulEverything she does is rightCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youand me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youWhat day is it?And in what month?

I enjoy my work because it not only helps others but also help me. 是什么意思?


语法错误:I’m unusual because almost all young men seem to like basketball.

seems like basketball

I think we have a spy in our regiment because the


——what was it that caused the party to be put off? ——( )the invitations。


因为是我的人英文版歌词 英文歌名叫 because you are the one 求求亲了 尽快 我技能大赛要的

[SORN] I feel a little tremble in my heartI feel the little changes in your heart[G.NA] Although I know you"re leaving me todayCan"t say a word, just let you goAnd just hide my everything[SORN]So close but far awayHoping you would come my way[G.NA]Wish I could just let you hear my heartCould there be another way to start?[SORN]Because you are the oneBecause you are my loveNo matter how hard I try to leave you, let you goCannot go[G.NA]Because you are the oneBecause you are my one and only loveGuess it"s just time for me to stop the tears, I knowI thought it was too good to be so trueThe way you held me, the way you told meThose words of "I love you"[SORN]Now all the times with youEvery minute spent with you[G.NA]All the little broken promisesWish I could just mend them back again[SORN]Because you are the oneBecause you are my loveNo matter how hard I try to leave you, let you goCannot go[G.NA]Because you are the oneBecause you are my one and only loveGuess it"s just time for me to stop the tears, I know[SORN]Every day and every nightI"ve been waiting for you to come back[G.NA]You were my world, my soul, my everythingI can"t help loving you, but now it"s time to move on[SORN]But still you are the one[G.NA]But still you are my love[BOTH]Hoping you realize my love for you is real ([G.NA] you know it"s real), don"t you know[G.NA]Because you are the one ([SORN] because you are the one)Because you are my one and only love[SORN]Guess it"s too hard for me[G.NA]To leave you, let you goAnd now it"s time for me to finally say Goodbye


其实as有两种意思 一个是,因为,而另一个是,当 就是说,as可是当作because,也能当成是when father step in as i"m doing homework father step in when i"m doing homework 当我在做功课时,爸爸进来了. i cannot go home as it"s raining now i cannot go home because it"s raining now 我不能回家,因为现在正在下雨. 所以,as和because两者都能换着来用. 要是说该用哪个,就要看你自己的语感了.



cause i’m so hot语法错了吗


because of you的歌词

我英文不好,不过给你推荐另外一首because of you,地址是 98度唱的.

我在酷狗上搜索到的一首歌曲Forever And Ever - Because I Love You,求歌词。

你好 很高兴回答你的问题 ,歌词是这样的Gareth gates--anyone of usBy:miko-song 宋I"ve been letting you down downGirl I know I"ve been such a foolGiving into temptationI should have played it coolThe situation got out of handI hope you understandIt can happen to anyone of usAnyone you think ofAnyone can fallAnyone can hurt someone they loveHearts will breakCos I made a stupid mistakeIt can happen to anyone of usSay you will forgive meAnyone can failSay you will believe meI can"t escapeMy heart will breakCause I made a stupid mistakeA stupid mistakeShe was kind of excitingA little crazyI should have knownShe must have altered my sensesAs I offered to walk her homeThe situation got out of handI hope you understandIt can happen to anyone of usAnyone you think ofAnyone can fallAnyone can hurt someone they loveHearts will breakCos I made a stupid mistakeIt can happen to anyone of usSay you will forgive meAnyone can failSay you will believe meI can"t escapeMy heart will breakCause I made a stupid mistakeA stupid mistakeA stupid mistakeShe means nothing to meNothing to meI swear every word is trueI don"t wanna lose youThe situation got out of handI hope you understandIt can happen to anyone of usAnyone you think ofAnyone can fallAnyone can hurt someone they loveHearts will breakCos I made a stupid mistakeIt can happen to anyone of usSay you will forgive meAnyone can failSay you will believe meI can"t escapeMy heart will breakCause I made a stupid mistakeA stupid mistakeAnyone you think ofAnyone can fallAnyone can hurt someone they loveHearts will breakCos I made a stupid mistakeA stupid mistake翻译:女孩,我知道我曾经是一个傻瓜从而能对诱惑我应该发挥它很酷局势一发不可收拾我希望你明白这可能发生在我们任何人任何你想到的任何人都可以下降任何人都不能伤害到他们所爱的人心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误这可能发生在我们任何人说你会原谅我任何人都可能会失败说你会相信我我无法逃脱我的心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误一个愚蠢的错误她是剌激有点疯狂我应该知道她改变了我的感觉正如我曾想去她家局势一发不可收拾我希望你明白这可能发生在我们任何人任何你想到的任何人都可以下降任何人都不能伤害到他们所爱的人心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误这可能发生在我们任何人说你会原谅我任何人都可能会失败说你会相信我我无法逃脱我的心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误一个愚蠢的错误一个愚蠢的错误她对我意味着什么我什么都不是我发誓句句属实我不想失去你局势一发不可收拾我希望你明白这可能发生在我们任何人任何你想到的任何人都可以下降任何人都不能伤害到他们所爱的人心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误这可能发生在我们任何人说你会原谅我任何人都可能会失败说你会相信我我无法逃脱我的心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误一个愚蠢的错误任何你想到的任何人都可以下降任何人都不能伤害到他们所爱的人心将突破因为我犯了一个愚蠢的错误一个愚蠢的错误

Because Of You 歌手:Kelly Clarkson 专辑:Breakaway 谁有这首歌曲的中文歌词?谢谢

I will not make the same mistakes that you did我不会和你犯相同的错误I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery我不会允许自己给自己的心带来如此多的痛苦I will not break the way you did, You fell so hard我不会改变你的做法(有疑惑),你已如此不幸I ve learned the hard way To never let it get that far我已经知道不让它发展成那样的艰难的方法Because of you ,I never stray too far from the sidewalk因为你,我从不离开正途太远Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt因为你,我学会为了不让自己受伤而在安全地带流连Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me因为你,我发现很难相信自己甚至身边的人Because of you I am afraid因为你,我很害怕I lose my way And it s not too long before you point it out当我迷失自我,你很快为我指明道路I cannot cry Because you know that s weakness in your eyes我不能哭泣,因为你知道那正是你眼中的懦弱I m forced to fake A smile, a laugh everyday of my life我被迫要在生命中的每一天假装微笑、开怀大笑My heart can t possibly break我的心不可能破碎When it wasn t even whole to start with因为它从一开始就未曾完整过Because of you ,I never stray too far from the sidewalk因为你,我从不离开正途太远Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt因为你,我学会为了不让自己受伤而在安全地带流连Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me因为你,我发现很难相信自己甚至身边的人Because of you I am afraid因为你,我很害怕I watched you die我眼看着你死去I heard you cry every night in your sleep我听着你每晚睡梦中的哭泣I was so young我还太年轻You should have known better than to lean on me你早就应该明白你不能依靠我You never thought of anyone else你从未顾及到别人You just saw your pain你只看到了自己的痛苦And now I cry in the middle of the night而现在我在每个午夜哭泣For the same damn thing却是为了相同的该死的东西Because of you ,I never stray too far from the sidewalk因为你,我从不离开正途太远Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt因为你,我学会为了不让自己受伤而在安全地带流连Because of you I try my hardest just to forget everything因为你,我拼命的想要忘记过去的一切Because of you I don t know how to let anyone else in因为你,我不知道如何接纳任何人Because of you I m ashamed of my life because it s empty因为你,我因生活的空虚而感到羞愧Because of you I am afraid因为你,我很害怕Because of you Because of you因为你,因为你

lead to 和cause 的区别

lead to 带领 引领 cause 发生

Because of Love 歌词

歌曲名:Because of Love歌手:Brian Simpson专辑:Closer StillBecause Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraid

—Attention, please. The plane has to be put ______ because of the heavy fog.—Oh, bad luck! We h.

D 试题分析:选择中几个单词和put搭配使用,分别表示穿上,上演;放好,抛弃;提供,建造;推迟,阻止。句意:请注意,由于大雾,飞机不得不推迟气氛。——哦,太倒霉了。我们现在必须等等了。结合语境可知选D.

the flight has because of the bad weather。


trigger, cause, induce的区别?

trigger-to make sth happen very quickly ,esp. a series of events(尤指一系列的事情抑或是爆炸)cause-to make sth happen,esp. sth bad(侧重点可能更偏向于坏的结果)induce-三中含义:一、诱发某事的发生(persuade sb to do sth that doesnt seem wise)二、引产,催生(medical)三、to cause a particular physical condition诱发(某种身体反应)

英语语法问题-请问cause 和 trigger有什么区别吗?

cause 是因为,后面接原因trigger是激发,引起的意思,后面接事情的结果

Because We Are 歌词

歌曲名:Because We Are歌手:Soulero & Hellberg专辑:Monstercat 010: ConquestBecause Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraid

Because of you 的歌词

because of you 歌手:kelly clarkson 专辑:breakaway I will not make the same mistake that you did. I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery. I will not break the way you did, you fell so hard. I"ve learned the hard way to never let it get that far.Because of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkKelly ClarksonBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side, so I don"t get hurtBecause of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me, Because of you, I am afraid.I lose my way and it"s not too long before you point it out. I cannot cry because I know that"s weakness in your eyes. I"m forced to fake a smile, a laugh, everyday of my life. My heart can"t possibly break because it wasn"t even whole to start with.Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalkI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me, Because of you, I am afraid.I watched you die, I heard you cry in the night in your sleep. I was so young you should"ve known better than to lean on me. You never thought of anyone else you just saw your pain. And now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing. Because of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side, so I don"t get hurtBecause of you I tried my hardest to forget everything. Because of you I don"t know how to let anyone else in. Because of you I"m ashamed of my life because it"s empty. Because of you I"m afraid, Because of you.

求Kelly的because of you的中英文对照歌词!


谁把Kelly Clarkson的《Because Of You》歌词用中文谐音给我写出来

《Because Of You》 I will not make the same mistakes that you did爱为哦那没 乐塞迷死逮雷就爹I will not let myself爱围殴那累麦塞喔Cause my heart so much misery铐子卖哈艘玛曲米则里I will not break the way you did,爱围殴那不累可 勒为由碟You fell so hard由非喔搜哈I"ve learned the hard way爱屋冷勒哈维To never let it get that far吐捏我累碟给类发Because of you必考早由I never stray too far from the sidewalk爱捏握死追类吐发佛兰乐噻哇哦Because of you必考早由I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt爱冷吐普雷嗷勒塞噻搜矮墩给喝Because of you必考早由I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me爱法裔碟哈图出拉丝那喔里米 吧诶里玩呃乱米Because of you必考早由I am afraid爱夜幕呃负累I lose my way爱炉子买为And it"s not too long before you point it out嗯叠词那图乱比否由跑跌嗷I cannot cry爱肯那库赖Because I know that"s weakness in your eyes必考在獳类此武夷捏死音药热爱死I"m forced to fake按发哦死图飞客A smile, a laugh everyday of my life呃死买哦 呃拉夫 诶里得嗷买来My heart can"t possibly break卖哈肯跑色不理布雷克When it wasn"t even whole to start with问业我真一文后土四大为Because of you必考早由I never stray too far from the sidewalk爱捏握死追类吐发佛兰乐噻哇哦Because of you必考早由I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt爱冷吐普雷嗷勒塞噻搜矮墩给喝Because of you必考早由I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me爱法裔碟哈图出拉丝那喔里米 吧诶里玩呃乱米Because of you必考早由I am afraid爱夜幕呃负累I watched you die爱哇球带 I heard you cry every night in your sleep爱喝酒哭来 诶里奶音药私立I was so young爱握搜样You should have known better than to lean on me由秀黑腹耨木倍的脸吐里闹米You never thought of anyone else由捏沃尔骚奥夫诶你玩哎哟死You just saw your pain由假骚药呸And now I cry in the middle of the night嗯闹爱库赖音勒米豆嗷勒奶For the same damn thing佛乐先导性Because of you必考早由I never stray too far from the sidewalk爱捏握死追类吐发佛兰乐噻哇哦Because of you必考早由I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt爱冷吐普雷嗷勒塞噻搜矮墩给喝Because of you必考早由I try my hardest just to forget everything爱踹卖哈跌死家兔佛给诶里行Because of you必考早由I don"t know how to let anyone else in爱蹲獳好土咧诶你玩爱哦新Because of you必考早由I"m ashamed of my life because it"s empty爱麽睡嗷买来必考一次诶母体Because of you必考早由I am afraid碍眼呃负累Because of you必考早由

请问Kelly Clarkson "because of you"的歌词

I will not make the same mistakes that you did I will not let myself Cause my heart so much misery I will not break the way you did, You fell so hard I"ve learned the hard way To never let it get that far Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I lose my way And it"s not too long before you point it out I cannot cry Because you know that"s weakness in your eyes I"m forced to fake A smile, a laugh everyday of my life My heart can"t possibly break When it wasn"t even whole to start with Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I watched you die I heard you cry every night in your sleep I was so young You should have known better than to lean on me You never thought of anyone else You just saw your pain And now I cry in the middle of the night For the same damn thing Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurt Because of you I try my hardest just to forget everything Because of you I don"t know how to let anyone else in Because of you I"m ashamed of my life because it"s empty Because of you I am afraid Because of you

Because I Love Aco 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Because I Love Aco歌手:like a rabbit专辑:GAME!!Because Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraidhttp://music.b***.com/song/27109898

谁有because of you的歌词?


凯丽.克莱森的[because of yuo ]歌词是啥意思


No why.Because this is a no question.So it has no answer.Understand?什么意思

10月22日至24日,Flex企业应用高级培训课程在3TI Solutions成功举行。10月22日是培训的第一天。虽然课程9点才开始,但是主讲刘伟老师一大早就赶到了公司,有条不紊地做起了准备工作。刘老师拥有10年的IT行业从业背景,致力于J2EE领域企业解决方案,曾参于中国人寿集团、太平洋保险集团、中国现代设计集团等企业大型系统的设计和开发。涉足领域包括金融、保险、电子商务,电子政务。刘老师从2005年开始专注于Flex RIA技术,主持设计了大型Flex企业应用系统:Softtown统一通讯平台和Ecargo国际物流货代系统。同时,作为合作伙伴为Adobe公司在中国市场的业务拓展提供技术咨询和支持,参与Adobe公司在华东区诸多大型项目的咨询和技术支持工作。9点,培训课程准时开始。第一次见面的同学和老师彼此还比较陌生,气氛稍显严肃。不过这丝毫不影响刘老师的教课热情,激情洋溢的上课风格还是给同学们留下了深刻的映象。刘老师的认真负责还有丰富的开发和授课经验让前来参加培训的同学们受益匪浅。他们之中有在校学生,有已经参加工作的企业开发人员,也有Flex开发的爱好者。对于在开发和应用中遇到的瓶颈和难题,通过这次培训,参加培训人员也寻找到了更好的解决方案。此次培训为期三天。第二天虽然天公不作美,由于受到强冷空气的影响下起了大雨,气温也直线下降,但大部分的同学仍然准时到达参加培训,上课氛围也其乐融融,让人仿佛忘却了窗外的大风与寒冷。同学和老师之间已有了相应的了解,交流也变得更为顺畅,完全放开了第一天的紧张与不安。同学们的提问越来越多,刘老师也一一耐心解答同学们的疑问。短暂的3天培训就在欢声笑语中落下了帷幕。参加培训人员互相合影留念,并且彼此交换手机号码。一次培训已经让大家都成为了朋友,大家彼此交换意见和经验。同学们也争先恐后地与刘老师合影,并记下了刘老师的联络方式,希望与刘老师成为朋友。刘老师同时也肯定了同学们的业务知识和技能,表示这批同学的整体水平还是相当之高的。10月份3TI Solutions《Flex企业应用高级培训课程》圆满落幕。敬请期待11月份的Flex培训。

一首歌的歌词,开头是can you feel what i feel,can you feel cause i feel,男歌手,求

正确的歌词是“can you feel me, oh tell me you do”,出自歌曲《Oh Father》外文名称:Oh Father所属专辑:Oh My God! 发行时间:2006年 歌词:When I woke up this morningfeeling closer than ever to godwish he"d sent me a warningbut he forgot, now I feel so badcan you keep it, this dirty secret?can you feel me, oh tell me you do?can you heal me, cos I"m a believer?and I"ll be waiting here till you do...oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?it was not my intentionthought he was from heaven sentso here"s my confessionI know I made a fool of myselfcan you do it, can you forgive me?can you make it, make it undone?can you heal me, cos I"m a believer?and I"ll be waiting here till you do...oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?could you guide me all the way toparadise and brighter days?I"ll do anything, if you know what I mean,I don"t wanna go downoh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?oh fatherI"ve been having these thoughts and I"m sorrysay a prayer you know what I needoh fatherI"ve been touching myself and I"m worriedis heaven still open for me?中文歌词噢,天父当我今早醒来的时候感觉比以往更靠近上帝了本希望他给我一个警示但他忘了,现在我感到如此悲伤您可不可以保守这个犯了忌的秘密?您能感受到我么,噢 告诉我吧?您能治好我么,因为我是个信徒?我将一直在此等侯直到您能...噢,天父我一直有这样的想法,对不起做个祷告,你知道我需要什么噢,天父我一直在触摸我自己,我担心是否天堂仍为我开启?那不是我的意图尽管他是生自天堂所以这是我的忏悔我知道我愚弄了自己您能做到么,您能原谅我么?您能办到么,使它挽回?您能治好我么,因为我是个信徒?我将一直在此等侯直到您能...您可以一路指引我到天堂和快活的日子么?我将作任何事,如果您懂我的意思我不想沉沦噢,天父...

The orphanage is just one of her ___ causes.


because of 等于

because of英 [biˈkɔz ɔv] 美 [bɪˈkɔz ʌv] 因为,由于;基于

Diabetes is caused by a group of metabolic disorders in which there are high blood sugar levels

这是一个定语从句。in which =where

"And that s the bottom line,cause Stone Cold said so!"

那是条底线,所以Stone Cold(我觉得是人名或者外号)拒绝了

the reason why is because

你的问题包含了两个问题. 1.Why 能不能引导主语从句.答案是肯定的. 例句: Why he did this was a mystery to him until he tried working with affirmations and blurts. 选自Julia Cameron 《The Artist"s Way》2002. 2.有没有“Why+从句+is because+从句”这样的结构.答案是几乎没有,至少在地道的英文里没有.这已经几乎属于洋泾浜英文了.拿你举的例子来说, Why he was late yesterday was because the traffic was heavy.(注意主句和从句的时态要一致) 表达不好的人才会这么说.其实简单地说 He was late yesterday because the traffic was heavy. 更清晰也更符合英语习惯.

分析一下这个句子,特别是to the good causes it helps 不是很懂

楼上你自己都断错句了,good cause是慈善事业的意思

火影里有一首歌歌词中好象有DONT CRY CAUSE YOU ARE SO RIGHT名字叫什么啊

这首歌叫Wind。可以直接在百度MP3搜“wind 火影忍者”

一首英文歌,有一句是 什么cause love you,什么back

Love On Your Own Terms - Angelika DuskDid you think we had itall back then?Now I"m letting goThe end of an eraand now you sayyou wanna still be friendsbut you"re hurting me?It"s not that clear for me nowwhy do I have to stay strongwhen it"s youwho"s done wrong to mei should forgive but I can"tlook at me with cold eyes,I"m donenow i"m moving onFrom the lies and the jealousyI start to fall into your armsBut i keep falling"cause it"s all gonethis kind of love, sets off alarms,you want me only on your own termsi"ll break away,i"ll break these chains,your love"s a prisoni"ll escape fromso watch me leaveif you can"t changecause i can"t love youon your own termsNow i"ve given allI can to youit"s not good enoughYou"re never happy for meyou say you listenbut you never do"cause if I start to talkYour eyes give your truethoughts awaynow i"m gonna stay strong"cause it"s youwho"s done wrong to meyou want forgiveness i can"tno more tears in my eyes,I"m donenow i"m moving onI still want the best for youI start to fall into your armsBut i keep falling"cause it"s all gonethis kind of love, sets off alarms,you want me only on your own termsi"ll break away,i"ll break these chains,your love"s a prisoni"ll escape fromso watch me leaveif you can"t changecause i can"t love youon your own termsI know, the battle"s all I can winthe real fight is the warin your headi know the battle"s allI can all I can winI start to fall into your armsBut i keep falling"cause it"s all gonethis kind of love, sets off alarms,sets off alarms,I start to fall into your armsBut i keep falling"cause it"s all gonethis kind of love, sets off alarms,you want me only on your own termsi"ll break away,i"ll break these chains,your love"s a prisoni"ll escape fromso watch me leaveif you can"t changecause i can"t love youon your own terms

cause与bring about的区别

cause与bring about的区别:cause, bring about都含有“带来……的结果”的意思,但区别在于:①cause 强调施事者是造成某种结果的直接原因。如:The flood caused much damage. 水灾造成了很大损失。②bring about 表示施事者为了获得某种结果而有目的地行动。如:The Liberals wish to bring about changes in the electoral system.那些自由党党员希望对选举制度作一些改变。causen. 原因; 事业; 动机; 理由; vt. 引起; 导致; 成为…的原因; 使遭受;例句:Only a few people can find any cause for celebration 只有少数几个人能找到庆祝的理由。bring about[词典] 实现; 使(船)掉转船头; 造成,引起[导致](某事); 创造; 例句: To that extent they helped bring about their own destruction 他们正是如此推波助澜,导致了自己的毁灭。

because you are not alone .luckly.的歌词是什么

Because You LiveJesse McCartney Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart It"s the end of the world in my mind Then your voice calls me back like a wake up call I"ve been looking for the answer Somewhere I couldn"t see that it was right there But now I know what I really know Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has twice as many stars in the sky It"s alright, I survived, I"m alive again Cuz of you, made it though every storm What is life, whats the use if your killed inside I"m so glad I found an angel Someone Who was there when all my hopes fell I wanna fly, looking in your eyes Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has twice as many stars in the sky Because you live, I live Because you live there"s a reason why I carry on when I lose the fight I want to give what you"ve given me always Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has twice as many stars in the sky Because you live and breathe Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help Because you live, girl My world has everything I need to survive Because you live, I live, I live ===========================================================You Are Not Alone 永远相伴Another day has gone 又一日过往 I"m still all alone 我依然孤单 How could this be 怎会如此? You"re not here with me 你不在我的身边 You never said goodbye 你从不说再见 Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我因缘 Did you have to go 你真得走吗? And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 "Lone, "lone 孤单啊孤单 Why, "lone 为什么 孤单 Just the other night 几天前的晚上 I thought I heard you cry 我想我听到了你哭泣 Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来 And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间 I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿 Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担 But first I need your hand 但先得执子之手 Then forever can begin 方能偕老白头 Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己 How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离 Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语: That you are not alone 你并不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 Whisper three words 说出那三个字(我爱你) and I"ll come runnin" 我将飞奔而来 And girl you know that I"ll be there 情人啊,我会常在你身边 I"ll be there 常在你身边 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 That you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though you"re far away 不管你多远 I am here to stay 我守候在天边 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁 Though we"re far apart 不管天涯海角 You"re always in my heart 你在我心间 But you are not alone 你不会孤单 ===========================================================Lucky(This is a story about a girl named Lucky) 这是一个名叫Lucky的女孩的故事 Early morning 太阳刚刚升起 she wakes up,knock knock knock on the door 门外就传来刺耳的敲门声 她只好带着困意起床, It"s time for make up 该起床了 perfect smile 准备好笑脸 It"s you they"re all waiting for 去面对那些丑恶的嘴脸 They go 他们蜂涌而至 注视着她 纷纷叹道: Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭......... in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? Lost in an image in a dream 她生活在虚幻的世界里 空虚 寂寞 But there"s no one there to wake her up 没有谁来将她唤醒,给她真心的呵护 And the world is spinning and she keeps on winning 她总是生活在赢的世界里 But tell me,what happens when it stops 但这一切过去后,会怎样呢? They go 他们蜂涌而至 注视着她 纷纷叹道: Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭......... in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? Best actress and the winner is 最佳女演员的获胜者是 --Lucky! --Lucky! I"m Roger Johnson for Pop News 我是流行新闻的主持人Roger Johnson standing outside the arena waiting for Lucky 正在台下等待着Lucky Oh my god!here she comes ! 哦!我的上帝!她来了! Isn"t she lovely 她真美丽 this hollywood girl 这个好莱坞女孩 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, but why does she cry? 为什么她会哭? If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? And they say 他们说 She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, she"s a star 她是个明星 But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭......... in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来? She"s so lucky 她是那么的幸运, But she cry cry cry 哭啊,哭啊,哭......... in her lonely heart thinking 想一想 If there"s nothing missing in my life 如果她的心灵上没有失去什么 Then why do these tears come at night? 那为什么夜里泪水滚滚袭来?

thanks to,thanks for,because of的区别和用法是什么?


thanks to的意思是幸亏,由于,它可以翻译成因为,由于,像because of,还是to后加感谢的对象

对于 because of 和 thanks to 这类词组,英文本意并没有“褒义”或“贬义”之分,仅仅表示“鉴于”(on account of)、“因......而起”(by reason of)的意思,不宜按中文解释去理解。thanks to 在表达“感谢”之意时,通常前面会用一个量词:many thanks to......。()the bad weather,the swimming match had been put off.A.because B.thanks to 这道题没问题,考的就是 thanks to。

Further the cause of world peace 。是推动世界和平的意思。但很不懂

这一类的题最好把原句子都贴上让人容易答复。比如这一句:Furthermore, we call on every person, every man, woman, and child in the world, to pick up the mantle of peace. In whatever way you can, we ask that you work to “further the cause of world peace” and restoration, making it a reality in your direct environments.整句话译文:此外,我们呼吁每个人,全世界每一个男人,女人和孩子,举起和平的旗子。我们要求你以任何可能的方式去努力,以进一步推动世界和平和恢复秩序,使得它在您的直接环境中成为现实。

normally a forest fire and damage _____ cause can be extensive

答案是 A. itnormally a forest fire and damage (it) cause can be extensive虽然句子语法上有错,它其实是下面句子的缩短句:normally a forest fire and the damage (that) it causes can be extensive一般来说森林火灾和它造成的损害有可能很广泛

normally a forest fire and damage _____ cause can be extensive A it B which C this D that

答案是 A.itnormally a forest fire and damage (it) cause can be extensive虽然句子语法上有错,它其实是下面句子的缩短句:normally a forest fire and the damage (that) it causes can be extensive一般来说森林...

Because of a _____ engagement


lead to和cause的区别

他们都有造成的意思。但如果后面要接复合结构形式不同。lead to sb doing somethingcause sb to do something造成某人做什么事情。

cause和lead to的区别

cause常用于坏的方面lead to好坏中性均可用cause 引起某事,使某事发生cause sb/sth to do sth1.Heavy traffic is causing delays on the freeway.重型货车造成高速堵塞.2.The fire caused $500,000 worth of damage.这场火灾造成500,000美元的损失.3.The policy changes have caused great uncertainly for the workforce.政策变化引起了劳动力的巨大变化.4.What caused you to change your mind?是什么让你改变主意?lead to 导致,lead sb to do sth使某人做某事1.The events that lead to start of the First World War.2.What led him to kill his wife?3.He had led everyone to believe that his family was were wealthy.cause,lead to 直接跟名词cause sb/sth to do sth,lead sb to do 是固定用法.

cause 和leadto区别

cause常用于坏的方面lead to好坏中性均可用cause 引起某事,使某事发生cause sb/sth to do sth1. Heavy traffic is causing delays on the freeway. 重型货车造成高速堵塞。2. The fire caused $500,000 worth of damage. 这场火灾造成500,000美元的损失。3. The policy changes have caused great uncertainly for the workforce.政策变化引起了劳动力的巨大变化。4. What caused you to change your mind? 是什么让你改变主意?lead to 导致,lead sb to do sth使某人做某事1. The events that lead to start of the First World War. 2. What led him to kill his wife?3.He had led everyone to believe that his family was were wealthy.cause, lead to 直接跟名词cause sb/sth to do sth, lead sb to do 是固定用法。

韩国歌曲because i am a girl 请大侠帮填歌词

因为是女子 到底能否了解男人的心? 何时爱着我 把心交出 而你却弃我而去 你曾说第一次这样心动 去感受一个特别的人 这话让我深信不疑 让我幸福 言尤在耳 你的爱却已不再 傻傻的我却还追在你的左右 嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂 爱是一切 只因我生为女人 轻易将自己付出 却很快让你厌倦 男人们就是这样无情意 下定决心不再轻易付出 再次陷入爱的漩涡的还是女人 许是因了这样 你不再爱我 傻傻的我却还追在你的左右 嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂 爱是一切 只因我生为女人 为了爱情 付出一切 心甘情愿 请别不要利用女人这柔弱天性 身为女人 原该被一生宠爱 不曾想爱是如此辛苦和艰难 嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂 爱是一切 只因我生为女人 嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂 爱是一切 只因我生为女人 (女独白)今天, 我们分手了,希望我能够幸福, 能够找到比你更好的人. 你也像其他的男人一样, 忘了说过的一切. 说实话, 我不希望你能够幸福,我担心你能找到比我更漂亮的女孩子,幸福 的过日子, 那你就会真的把我忘记的,我是那么的难过, 心如刀绞, 我想我爱你爱的太深了,不要利用可以为了爱不惜一切的女人的善良的本性, 生为一个女人, 被人爱是如此的难. 虽然我在骂你, 但我心里是那么的想你,因为,把爱视为全部的我— —是女人. (男独白 申贤俊)有一个我深爱着的女人,虽然我不能和她在一起, 不过,我仍然深爱着她. oh,yeah ...yeah! do de che ar su ga obso nam ja du rui maum wonhar ten on je go da ju ni i je to nan de i ron jog choum i ra go no nun thug byor ha da nun gu marur mi dosso ne gen heng bo giosso marur ha ji guresso ne ga shirho jyo da go nun chi ga obnun nan nur bo che gi man hesso no ru ryo gha myon so do manhi guri ur go ya sa rangi jon bu in na nun yo ja i ni ka mo dun gor swib ge da ju myon gum bang shirh jung ne nun ge nam ja ra du rosso thollin mar gath jin a nha da shi nun so gjia nhuri maum mo go bo ji man to da shi sa range mu no ji nunge yo ja ya ma rur ha ji gu resso 中文发音版 oh,yeah ...yeah! 多得着啊书嘎哦不社 男眨督略麻鲁 我能等昂着过 大据你一着多男得 一龙左错误一拉谷 诺伦图比尔哈大鲁 古麻鲁米多索 呢跟衡波几哦索 麻鲁哈吉古勒索 勒嘎西落几哦大过 伦几嘎哦冷那 努步切更曼黑索 诺努由嘎米用索多 麻你古你乌鲁过呀 沙朗义穷步因 那能哟杂义你嘎 目顿过西课大举明 棍棒西京勒能个 难杂拉督罗索 图林麻嘎进啊那 大西能书几啊努力 曼莫过波几曼 督大西差朗额 木诺几能歌哟杂呀 马努哈几古罗索 那个西冷角大谷 卤鸡嘎我冷那 论不解根曼黑索 诺努哟干明说多 麻里克里乌鲁过呀 沙朗一穷不因 哪能哟杂依你嘎 (女子独白: 乌鲁一根黑而杜说,哭个横波卡个说) 沙朗怒为儿说那米哦 目吨大黑书为努 哟杂额擦看波努为努 易用哈吉怒骂辣椒 很有嘉璐车有那 沙朗八廓撒冷可 以洛克横渡鲁 哦里哦目就没拉锁 落鲁由嘎明索多 马里库里乌鲁过呀 沙朗伊穷不无因 那冷哟杂依你嘎 落鲁由嘎明索多 马里库里乌鲁过呀 沙朗伊穷不无因 那能哟杂依你嘎

(1)in the future和in future有什么区别?(2)because,as,since,for各指什么?有什么区别?

in the future 未来 将来 in future 往后 今后 because,多用于表示直接原因 as,和。。一样 当。。的时候 since,自从。。以后 for 表示目的 为了 。。。

__our food __,we had to walk to the town for help. A.Since;runs out B.because of;run out C.Fo...

选 A 因为我们的食物吃完了,我们不得不去正上求助。 since:表示由于,因为;run out:用完,吃完,固定搭配来的。because of,不能用于句首

98度的because of yuo 的歌词

歌名:《Because Of You》演唱:98度填词:98 Degrees所属专辑:《BillBoard Top 100 Of 1998》发行时间:1998-01-01 发行公司:Jade Music歌词:It"s all... it"s all... it"s all...You"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshineOh yeah...Baby I really know by nowSince we met that dayYou showed me the wayI felt it then you gave me loveI cant describeHow much I feel for youI said baby I should have known by nowShould have been right thereWhenever you gave me loveAnd if only you were hereI"ll tell you, yes I"ll tell youOh yeah...You"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youHonestly, could it be you and meLike it was beforeNeither less or moreCause when I close my eyesAt night I realize that no one elseCould ever take your placeI still can feel and its so unrealWhen you"re touching me, kisses end lesslyIt"s just a place in the sunWhere our loves begunI miss you... yes I miss you oh babyYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youIf I knew how to tell youWhats on my mindMake you understandThen I"d always be thereRight by your sideYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshine after the rainCause I"m losing my mindWhen you"re not aroundIt"s all... it"s all...It"s all because of you

He said nothing at the meeting because he wanted to let the sleeping _____ lie.

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