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thanks to的意思是幸亏,由于,它可以翻译成因为,由于,像because of,还是to后加感谢的对象

2023-07-23 05:15:01

because of意为“因为,由于”,普通用语,比其他短语更口语化;构成的短语在句子中通常作状语,一般不作表语用;后面可接名词、代词、分词或what引导的名词性从句等.

thanks to “由于或因为某人(某事)”,通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏”,但有时作反语;引导的介词短语可置于句首或句末。


对于 because of 和 thanks to 这类词组,英文本意并没有“褒义”或“贬义”之分,仅仅表示“鉴于”(on account of)、“因......而起”(by reason of)的意思,不宜按中文解释去理解。

thanks to 在表达“感谢”之意时,通常前面会用一个量词:many thanks to......。

()the bad weather,the swimming match had been put off.

A.because B.thanks to

这道题没问题,考的就是 thanks to。


thanks to,thanks for,because of的区别和用法是什么?

2023-07-22 20:07:511

thank to 和thank for的区别是啥?

thanks to和thanks for的区别:thanks for强调谢的原因,意思是“为……谢”。thanks to意思是“多亏了……”、“由于……的帮助”。 扩展资料   thanks to与thanks for用法:   thanks to为习语介词,thanks不可以改为thank you,to后也不接动词原形,这个短语表示原因,意为“由于”、“多亏”,to表示感谢的对象。如:   Thanks to the English language,we can learn a lotfrom other countries.由于英语这门语言,我们能从其它国家学到很多东西。   thanks for是客套用语,thanks相当于thank you,意为“因……而感谢”,for强调为何而感谢,其后可接名词或v-ing。   Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。   Thanks for inviting us to your birthday party.谢谢你邀请我们参加你的生日聚会。   thanks to与thank…for   thank和thanks词性不同。thank是动词,要与you等连用,thanks是名词,可单独使用。具体用法如下:   一、thank sb. for...=thanks for one"s...“因为......而感谢某人”,for为介词,后接名词或动名词,表示感谢的理由。   例:Thank a lot for your help.=Thank you very much for helping me.多谢你的帮助。   Thanks for listening. 谢谢收听。   二、Thank you=Thanks for...的.常用答语有:You are welcome./That"s all right./My pleasure./It"s my pleasure./Not at all.等。   三、thanks to是介词短语,意为“多亏,由于”。to是介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,表示感谢的对象。   例:Thanks to your help,I succeeded in getting a good job.多亏你的帮忙,我才成功得到一份好的工作。
2023-07-22 20:09:521

thanks和thanks for区别是什么?

1) thanks to为介词词组,意思是“多亏;由于;因为(含义相当于because of)”.如:Thank to your help,we finished the work in time.由于你的帮助,我们及时完成了工作.2) thanks for.表示“因……而感谢”,其中的thanks为复数名词,介词for指原因,后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式.如:Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助.Thanks for inviting me.谢谢你的邀请.
2023-07-22 20:10:001

用英语词组 ..造句

1.Thanks to you. 都要多谢你.2 thanks to your help 多亏你的帮助 3.thanks to your directions 多亏你的指点 4.Thanks to his salty coffee! 感谢他的咸味咖啡! 5.They rendered thanks to God. 他们感谢上帝. 6.Thanks to your timely intervention. 多亏你及时调停. 7.My heartfelt thanks to you all. 我谨向各位表示衷心的感谢. 8.Welcome and thanks to our judges! 欢迎并感谢我们的评审! 9.Thanks to our aggressive marketing tactics, 多亏了我们大刀阔斧的 市场战略, 10.She recovered,thanks to the doctor. 她复原了,多亏医生的力量.请参考
2023-07-22 20:10:101

thanks to 后可以加动名词或doing

其后通接名词或代词.如:Thanks to you, I was saved from drowning. 多幸了你我才没淹死.Thanks to the bad weather, the match was cancelled. 由于天气不好,比赛被取消了.由于thanks to 中的to是介词,后接动词时...
2023-07-22 20:10:181


  1、thanks to为介词词组,意思是“多亏;由于;因为(含义相当于because of)”。如:Thank to your help,we finished the work in time.由于你的帮助,我们及时完成了工作。   2、thanks for.表示“因……而感谢”,其中的thanks为复数名词,介词for指原因,后接名词、代词或动词的ing形式。如:Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。
2023-07-22 20:10:401

如何区别thanks for和thanks to

2023-07-22 20:10:482

thank you to 和thanks to一样么

thanks to 幸亏 不能用thank you to 替换Thanks for = thank you for 谢谢。。。森博英语
2023-07-22 20:11:103

求有关thank常用的一些搭配!!!!例如:thanks to,意思也要。thanks to是什么意思?

Thank you for inviting us.uf0a5 thank sb for + 名词/VingEx. I just wanted to thank you for the flowers, they"re beautiful.Ex. I"d like to thank everybody for coming along today.uf0a5 thanks to + 名词 thanks为名词,thanks to为由于或幸亏的意思,可用于褒或贬。Ex. Thanks to this treatment, her condition has improved.Ex. Air traffic is in chaos, thanks to the government"s incompetence.It was thanks to your timely help that we accomplished the task on time.
2023-07-22 20:11:172

thanks to的同义词组

2023-07-22 20:11:262

用 thanks to (多亏)造五句话

Thanks to BAIDU,i could hand in the schoolwork.
2023-07-22 20:11:363


1. 是第一个2.i want to thank him for the help.3.i thank for your thank. 谢谢你的哪个谢谢。 thanks a lot 多谢 thanks for help 口头语 一般正式要用 helping thank 谢了 (一般对朋友讲) thankz 谢了 (口头语)4.thank v. i thank for my mom. thanks n.thanks were important in our life. thankful adj.i am so thankful to my teacher.thank 可以是名词或动词。我知道thank的用法 担不是很会解释 原谅本人的错误希望这能帮助你
2023-07-22 20:11:461

用thanks to造句

请问thanks to...后必须加原因吗
2023-07-22 20:11:563


UVA波段是紫外线波长划分的一部分,波长320~420nm,又称为长波黑斑效应紫外线 。它有很强的穿透力,UVA可以直达肌肤的真皮层,破坏弹性纤维和胶原蛋白纤维,将皮肤晒黑。UVB是根据生物效应的不同,将紫外线波长划分出来的一个波段,UVB是户外紫外线,人们在室外活动时直接射入皮肤。没有被臭氧层吸收掉的UVA和UVB会照射到地球表面,给肌肤带来伤害。UVB的伤害和防护已经得到彻底的研究,它可以使皮肤在短时间内晒伤、晒红(对一般人来说是25分钟左右),SPF就是UVB防护能力的标志。扩展资料:UVA和UVB的区别1、波长不一样UVA和UVB都是阳光中的紫外线,紫外线对的人肉眼是不可见的(如果可见了,那就叫可见光了)。从物理学意义上来讲,是紫外线和可见光是由于光的波长不同的原因。UVA的波长较长, 而UVB波长较短。正是这个根本的不同,造就了UVA和UVB之间其它的不同。2、穿透力不一样阳光穿透地球大气层,其中的很大一部分UVB被大气层阻拦住了,但UVA比UVB的穿透能力强,因而紫外线中90%以上是UVA。而UVB甚至不易透过玻璃。与此类似,紫外线照射到皮肤上也会有不同的穿透力:UVB能到达皮肤表皮层,而UVA能达到皮肤真皮层。参考资料来源:百度百科-UVA/UVB
2023-07-22 20:07:431


让·雷诺姓名:让·雷诺 Jean Reno   生日:1948年7月30日  性别:男  国籍:法国  地域:欧美  出生地:摩洛哥卡萨布兰卡  职业:演员  星座:狮子座   身高:191 cm   代表作品:《暗流2:天使启示录》 《暗流》《浪人》 《事先张扬的身后事件》《职业特工队》 《云上的日子》《我们的故事》 《这个杀手不太冷》《爱情的魔力》 《哥斯拉》《你丫闭嘴》【所有作品 】  《票子 Cash》 (2008)   《玛格丽特 Margaret 》 (2007)   《飞行小将/空战英豪 Flyboys 》 (2006)   《冲走小老鼠 FlushedAway》 (2006)   《达芬奇密码 The Da Vinci Code》 (2006)   《新粉红豹 The Pink Panther 》(2006)   《老虎与雪 Tigre e la neve, La》 (2005)   《豺狼帝国 Empire des loups, L" 》(2005)   《暗流2:天使启示录 Crimson Rivers 2: Angels of the Apocalypse 》(2004)   《鬼武者3 Onimusha 3》 (2004)   《这个警察不太冷 Enquête corse, L" 》(2004)   《请你闭嘴 Tais-toi! 》(2003)   《时差 Jet Lag 》(2002)   《极速风暴 Rollerball》 (2002)   《绿芥刑警/极速追杀令 Wasabi 》(2001)   《时光隧道 Just Visiting 》(2001)   《暗流 Crimson Rivers, The》 (2000)   《时空急转弯 2 Couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs 2, Les》 (1998)   《浪人 Ronin 》(1998)   《哥斯拉 Godzilla 》(1998)   《魔恋 Un amour de sorcière 》(1997)   《排队上天堂 Roseanna"s Grave 》(1997)   《谍中谍 /不可能完成的任务Mission: Impossible》 (1996)   《Vis, La 》(1996)   《豹神 Jaguar, Le》 (1996)   《云上的日子 Al di là delle nuvole》 (1995)   《情定巴黎 French Kiss 》(1995)   《这个杀手不太冷 Leon》 (1994)   《时空急转弯 Visiteurs, Les 》(1993)   《Opération Corned-Beef, L" 》(1991)   《碧海情天 Grand bleu, Le 》(1988)   《魔恋 I love you 》(1986)  《Strictement personnel 》(1985)   《地下铁 Subway》(1985)  《最后决战 Dernier combat, Le》 (1983)   《La Passante du Sans-Souci》 (1982)   《追梦人dreamcatcher》
2023-07-22 20:07:441

beach chair用in还是on

2023-07-22 20:07:461

商务英语中的fast-track promotion是什么意思 求大神回答(*^﹏^*)!!

fast-track Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) 快车道/贸易促进权 fast 快的 track 轨道 promotion推销/促销/促进fast-track (Trade) Promotion 快车道(贸易)促进“促进贸易授权法”又被称为贸易快车道。根据这项授权,只要满足在贸易谈判中的设定目标,白宫与他国政府达成的贸易协定可以直接提交国会表决,国会无权修改其中条款。贸易快车道最早在1974年被批准 ,一直延续到1994年。2002年,布什重拾此特权直到2007年。奥巴马当选后,去年11月,151位民主党人曾经上书奥巴马要求给予国会在贸易谈判中更多权力,但是奥巴马表示支持贸易快车道。
2023-07-22 20:07:471


我们已经学习了east,west,south,north,northeast,southeast等一些表示方位的词,在使用这些词表达方位时应注意以下几点:   1.英汉表达的习惯不同:   汉语中习惯把方位词的顺序排为“东西南北”;英语习惯则为north,south,east,west.汉语中用“东南”、“东北”、“西南”、“西北”等表示方向,英语中则用southeast,northeast,southwest,northwest 表达.   2.表示方位的名词east等一般应与定冠词the连用.如:   Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部.   3.表示方位的名词east,west等常与介词on,in,to连用,来表达两地的相互位置,但涵义却各有不同:   1) 表示某地在某一特定区域内的方位时,介词用in.如:   Nanjing is in the south of Jiangsu.南京在江苏的南部.   2) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,且两地相互接壤的某一方位时,介词用on.如:   Henan is on the west of Shandong.河南在山东的西部.   3) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,但两地相互不相连的某一方位时,介词用to.如:   Japan is to the east of China.日本在中国的东面.   4.east,west等方位词既可作名词又可作形容词.   作名词时常用于“ the +方位词 + of...”结构中,表示“……部”;作形容词时常构成具有行政区划意义的专有名词.试比较:   She works in the north of China.她在中国的北部工作.   She works in North China.她在华北工作.   east,west作形容词时意为“东方的;东部的”、“西方的;西部的”.一般说来,east,west等常构成专有名词,且具有一定的政治意义或社会意义,其划分较为明确;而eastern,western只是单纯从地理方位上讲,无政治或社会意义,且划分较为模糊.如:   East China华东 (特指行政区划中的东部几省);eastern China中国东部 (泛指中国的东部地区).   此外,south与southern,north与northern,west和western等的区别均与上述相同.   5.southward(s),northward(s),eastward(s),westward(s)可用作副词或形容词.如:   We must travel southwards (travel towards the south) to get to the South Pole.要到南极去我们必须朝南走.   Rocks lay eastwards of the ship"s course.轮船航线的东面有礁石.   Our route is in an eastwards direction.我们的路线是向东的.   请同学们做下面的练习,看你们是否能找到“东南西北”:   1.Harbin is in the______ of China.   2.Liaoning is ______ the west of Jilin.   3.Guangzhou is in the ______ of China.   4.Fujian is ______ the southeast of Hubei.   5.Xining is in the ______ of Qinghai.   6.Guilin is ______ the southwest of Changsha.   7.Inner Mongolia is ______ the north of China.   8.Yantai is an ______ city of China.   9.Gansu is a ______ province of China.   10.Guizhou is ______ the west of Hunan and is to the ______ of Henan,and is to the ______ of Guangdong. 做好了给答案哦.
2023-07-22 20:07:501


Your time to adjust it
2023-07-22 20:07:555

I was fun on the beach中的动词是什么?

2023-07-22 20:07:552


pay money for sth
2023-07-22 20:07:568


2023-07-22 20:07:5813


2023-07-22 20:08:024


2023-07-22 20:08:031


我们已经学习了east, west, south, north, northeast, southeast等一些表示方位的词,在使用这些词表达方位时应注意以下几点:   1. 英汉表达的习惯不同:   汉语中习惯把方位词的顺序排为“东西南北”;英语习惯则为north, south, east, west。汉语中用“东南”、“东北”、“西南”、“西北”等表示方向,英语中则用southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest 表达。   2. 表示方位的名词east等一般应与定冠词the连用。如:   Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部。   3. 表示方位的名词east, west等常与介词on, in, to连用,来表达两地的相互位置,但涵义却各有不同:   1) 表示某地在某一特定区域内的方位时,介词用in。如:   Nanjing is in the south of Jiangsu. 南京在江苏的南部。   2) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,且两地相互接壤的某一方位时,介词用on。如:   Henan is on the west of Shandong. 河南在山东的西部。   3) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,但两地相互不相连的某一方位时,介词用to。如:   Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。   4. east, west等方位词既可作名词又可作形容词。   作名词时常用于“ the +方位词 + of...”结构中,表示“……部”;作形容词时常构成具有行政区划意义的专有名词。试比较:   She works in the north of China.她在中国的北部工作。   She works in North China. 她在华北工作。   east, west作形容词时意为“东方的;东部的”、“西方的;西部的”。一般说来,east, west等常构成专有名词,且具有一定的政治意义或社会意义,其划分较为明确;而eastern, western只是单纯从地理方位上讲,无政治或社会意义,且划分较为模糊。如:   East China华东 (特指行政区划中的东部几省);eastern China中国东部 (泛指中国的东部地区)。   此外,south与southern, north与northern, west和western等的区别均与上述相同。   5. southward(s), northward(s), eastward(s), westward(s)可用作副词或形容词。如:   We must travel southwards (travel towards the south) to get to the South Pole.要到南极去我们必须朝南走。   Rocks lay eastwards of the ship"s course. 轮船航线的东面有礁石。   Our route is in an eastwards direction. 我们的路线是向东的。   请同学们做下面的练习,看你们是否能找到“东南西北”:   1. Harbin is in the______ of China.   2. Liaoning is ______ the west of Jilin.   3. Guangzhou is in the ______ of China.   4. Fujian is ______ the southeast of Hubei.   5. Xining is in the ______ of Qinghai.   6. Guilin is ______ the southwest of Changsha.   7. Inner Mongolia is ______ the north of China.   8. Yantai is an ______ city of China.   9. Gansu is a ______ province of China.   10. Guizhou is ______ the west of Hunan and is to the ______ of Henan, and is to the ______ of Guangdong. 做好了给答案哦.
2023-07-22 20:08:111


2023-07-22 20:08:121

If you have ever flown across several tme zones,

2023-07-22 20:08:132

lay on the beach

不可以是A,正确的是B , 现在分词作状语.因为前面已有谓语动词 lay 区别 We lay on the beach and enjoyed the sunshine. 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助, 请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!
2023-07-22 20:08:141


  紫外线根据波长可以划分为长波UVA、中波UVB和短波UVC三种。波长越长,穿透能力越强。  UVA造成皮肤损伤老化  长波UVA,波长介于320~400纳米,具有很强的穿透力,能穿透玻璃,甚至9英尺的水;且一年四季,不论阴晴、朝夕都存在。日常皮肤接触到的紫外线95%以上是UVA,因此它对肌肤的伤害最大。UVA能透过表皮袭击真皮层,令皮肤中的骨胶原和弹性蛋白受到重创;且真皮细胞自我保护能力较差,很少量的UVA便能造成极大伤害。久而久之,皮肤产生松驰、皱纹、微血管浮现等问题。同时,它又能激活酪氨酸酶,导致即时的黑色素沉积和新的黑色素形成,使皮肤变黑、缺乏光泽。UVA会造成长期、慢性和持久的损伤,使皮肤过早衰老,所以又被称为老化射线。  UVB引起皮肤即时晒伤  中波UVB,波长介于290~320纳米,会令表皮具保护作用的脂质层氧化,使皮肤变干;进一步则使表皮细胞内的核酸和蛋白质变性,产生急性皮炎(即晒伤)等症状,皮肤会变红、发痛。严重时,比如长时间的曝晒,还容易导致皮肤癌变。此外,UVB的长期伤害还会引起黑色素细胞的变异,造成难以消除的太阳斑。  UVC不影响皮肤健康  短波UVC,波长介于200~290纳米,在到达地面之前就被臭氧层吸收了,因此其对皮肤的影响可以忽略。  科学和临床试验的文献表明,UVB引致的皮肤损害是即时和严重的,UVA对皮肤的损伤则是长期慢性的。因此理想的防护品应该安全性高、刺激性小,更关键是同时具备抵御UVA和UVB的功能。
2023-07-22 20:08:2110


我们已经学习了east, west, south, north, northeast, southeast等一些表示方位的词,在使用这些词表达方位时应注意以下几点:   1. 英汉表达的习惯不同:   汉语中习惯把方位词的顺序排为“东西南北”;英语习惯则为north, south, east, west。汉语中用“东南”、“东北”、“西南”、“西北”等表示方向,英语中则用southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest 表达。   2. 表示方位的名词east等一般应与定冠词the连用。如:   Shanghai is in the east of China.上海在中国的东部。   3. 表示方位的名词east, west等常与介词on, in, to连用,来表达两地的相互位置,但涵义却各有不同:   1) 表示某地在某一特定区域内的方位时,介词用in。如:   Nanjing is in the south of Jiangsu. 南京在江苏的南部。   2) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,且两地相互接壤的某一方位时,介词用on。如:   Henan is on the west of Shandong. 河南在山东的西部。   3) 表示某地在某一特定区域外,但两地相互不相连的某一方位时,介词用to。如:   Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。   4. east, west等方位词既可作名词又可作形容词。   作名词时常用于“ the +方位词 + of...”结构中,表示“……部”;作形容词时常构成具有行政区划意义的专有名词。试比较:   She works in the north of China.她在中国的北部工作。   She works in North China. 她在华北工作。   east, west作形容词时意为“东方的;东部的”、“西方的;西部的”。一般说来,east, west等常构成专有名词,且具有一定的政治意义或社会意义,其划分较为明确;而eastern, western只是单纯从地理方位上讲,无政治或社会意义,且划分较为模糊。如:   East China华东 (特指行政区划中的东部几省);eastern China中国东部 (泛指中国的东部地区)。   此外,south与southern, north与northern, west和western等的区别均与上述相同。   5. southward(s), northward(s), eastward(s), westward(s)可用作副词或形容词。如:   We must travel southwards (travel towards the south) to get to the South Pole.要到南极去我们必须朝南走。   Rocks lay eastwards of the ship"s course. 轮船航线的东面有礁石。   Our route is in an eastwards direction. 我们的路线是向东的。   请同学们做下面的练习,看你们是否能找到“东南西北”:   1. Harbin is in the______ of China.   2. Liaoning is ______ the west of Jilin.   3. Guangzhou is in the ______ of China.   4. Fujian is ______ the southeast of Hubei.   5. Xining is in the ______ of Qinghai.   6. Guilin is ______ the southwest of Changsha.   7. Inner Mongolia is ______ the north of China.   8. Yantai is an ______ city of China.   9. Gansu is a ______ province of China.   10. Guizhou is ______ the west of Hunan and is to the ______ of Henan, and is to the ______ of Guangdong.
2023-07-22 20:08:211


2023-07-22 20:08:244


第一条 睡前一小时左右洗个热水澡(据英国专家研究表明,睡前洗个热水澡,温度先升高,然后出来温度变低,变低到一个低点的时候,你就想睡觉了)第二条:如果不想睡觉,尽量少去床上躺着,尽量在别的房间活动。就是限制去接近床的机会,只在该睡觉的时候才去睡。第三条:睡不着,就尽量多打几次盹;主要是要在下午2-5点间打盹。第四条:饮食,尽量少喝咖啡之类的。饮酒也不能太多,只是帮助我们更快入睡,但是酒不能帮助我们保持深度睡眠。第五条:光线会引起眼睛里的细胞对黑色素的分泌,同时影响大脑的反应。要想睡眠好,一定拉好窗帘。要想早起有精神,需要买一盏蓝光灯。第六条:碳水化合物(土豆,面食)的食物更容易让人入睡。摄取蛋白质(鱼)的话,会让觉得更清醒。所以不想午睡的话,吃高蛋白,想晚上睡得好,就多吃碳水化合物。不然吃高蛋白的话,需要提前4小时左右吃。第七条:对于长期出差,有jet lag的同学们很有用。就是禁食,据哈佛研究人员分析禁食16个小时候后人的生物钟会被重新激活,所以下了飞机正常按照当地进食时间进食会让你的生物钟与当地的同步(但是真的就只喝水的话,16个小时会不会饿晕在飞机上??)第八条:在睡前15分钟,放松肌肉,做一些舒暖的运动。 第九种:植物,薰衣草等泡脚。--看来浴盐还是有道理的,比如薰衣草浴盐。第十种:打呼噜的,但是需要吃药。。。所以。。。
2023-07-22 20:08:241

关于加拿大的地理位置 英文+翻译

Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world"s second largest country by total area. Canada"s common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world.加拿大为北美洲最北的一个国家,西抵太平洋,东至大西洋,北滨北冰洋,领土主张直到北极。加拿大东北方和丹麦领地格陵兰相望,东部和法属圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛相望,南方及西北方与美国接壤,边界长达8892公里,为全世界最长不设防疆界。加拿大由十个省和三个地区组成,首都为渥太华。
2023-07-22 20:07:411


2023-07-22 20:07:391

beach 一定要加the?点解???仲有咩字系咁

Generally you say "I go to the beach". "I lie on the beach". 除非 beach 是一个地方 一个区域 但要capital letter Beach 是加拿大一个区域名称. On the whole you had better say "I go to the beach". I went to school in England. (是上学) I went to the school yesterday.(是 particular that school) Another example: He left school ten years ago. He left the school at eleven o"clock yesterday morning. There are certain rules you have to abide by but a lot of them depend on usage. 你miss话the系「指定」看来你不明白「指定」的意思。 这「指定」只是the的其中一个理解,正如你说如果是指定的某个沙滩便用the,但你的想法是「我只是说我去/想去沙滩玩」,但你要明白中文跟英文有点不同的是你说的这沙滩是个地方,在中文名词只要写出这名词,大家便明白是实在的一处沙滩,但英语人看beach只是一个名称,要加上表达跟所说情景的关系才构成句子。所以用the并不是那beach是否指定,而是这词只能告诉你它是甚么,但未足够告诉你它的状况跟句中主角的关系。 the beach的意思不是指一指定的beach,反而是如果不指明the,beach是不能存在在「你去」的这种关系中的,意思是「你去」的一定是一个「有」的地方。 如果你想说我去一个我没所谓那一处的沙滩,也要用article"a"。 I go to a beach.
2023-07-22 20:07:391


2023-07-22 20:07:345

get a pay raise和pay raise有什么区别

get a pay raise获得加薪pay raise加薪get a pay raise获得加薪pay raise加薪
2023-07-22 20:07:331

Go ( ) on the beach 相当于decide to go to the beach.括号里填什么,只能填一个单词

2023-07-22 20:07:323


2023-07-22 20:07:311


2023-07-22 20:07:303


2023-07-22 20:07:293

We can (make sandcastle) on the beach(划线部分提问)

what can we do on the beach?
2023-07-22 20:07:253

There is a pay phone near here?改成同义句

There is a pay phone close to here.
2023-07-22 20:07:253


很多要参加毕业论文答辩的同学都可能有一个疑惑,答辩的PPT该怎么做,下面给大家说说毕业论文答辩的PPT应该包括哪些内容。请看下面 01 概念定义和理论基础。 这部分主要包括论文中一些概念的定义和理论基础。 概念的定义不应该是贪婪的,但必须明确的是,理论基础只需要表达与本文密切相关的理论基础,并且简洁明了。 02 在内容的每个部分的呈现中,原则是:图的效果比表的效果更好,表的效果比文本叙述的效果更好。 最尴尬的屏幕是冗长的评论,使评委感到不满。 在互联网上下载一些图片数据非常方便。 无论您在哪里参考图表,都尽可能参考图表。 无论在哪里需要文本,文本的内容都应该高度概括,简洁明了,并编号。 03 本文模型的核心部分。 这部分需要展示本文的核心思想和方法。 它并不追求详尽,但要清楚易懂,人们可以一目了然,并能够正确地展示模型或核心流程。 这部分应详细解释。 04 建议部分。 这部分是本文研究成果的总结。 对于研究结果中的建议,建议将研究结果作为目标。 虽然有些建议是正确的,但是不能通过论文的研究结果获得。 因此,他们不应该出现在PPT和论文中。 该提议一般是可行和合理的。
2023-07-22 20:07:231


  120这个数字用英语来表达的话,应该怎么说?下面是我给大家整理的120的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   120的英文怎么写   one hundred and twenty   英文单词数字120-1000的英文数字怎么写   120one hundred and twenty   121one hundred and twenty-one   122one hundred and twenty-two.   130one hundred and thirty   131one hundred and thirty-one.   140one hundred and forty   141one hundred and forty-one.   150one hundred and fifty   151one hundred and fifty-one.   160one hundred and sixty   161one hundred and sixty-one.   170one hundred and seventy   171one hundred and seventy-one.   180one hundred and eithty   181one hundred and eithty-one.   190one hundred and ninety   191one hundred and ninety-one.   199one hundred and ninety-nine将“100one hundred ”改为“200two hundred ”,后面不变,如   201two hundred and one.   220two hundred and twenty   221two hundred and twenty-one.如此类推   300three hundred   400four hundred   500five hundred   600six hundred   700seven hundred   800eithy hundred   900nine hundred   1000 one thousand   120的英语例句   1. She stood five feet five inches tall and weighed 120 pounds.   她身高5英尺5英寸,体重120磅。   2. The northward journey from Jalalabad was no more than 120 miles.   从贾拉拉巴德向北的旅程不到120英里。   3. Over the decade, women in this category went up by 120%.   过去10年,这类女性多了120%。   4. The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries.   国际象棋联合会在大约120个国家设有分支机构。   5. The company voted to enfranchise its 120 women members.   公司投票决定给予其120名女职员选举权。   6. an IQ of 120   智商120   7. The car was going flat out at 120 mph.   那辆汽车以每小时120英里的速度急速行驶.   8. The car has a maximum speed of 120 kilometres an hour.   这车全速每小时120公里.   9. This carriage has a seating capacity of 120 people.   这节车厢定员120人.   10. It"should first be warmed to 120℃.   先得把它加热到120摄氏度.  
2023-07-22 20:07:231


PV(Promotion Video)是宣传歌曲的视频片断等。有些类似电影海报。MV(Music Video)很简单,就是以前常说的MTV。音乐视频。
2023-07-22 20:07:183


pay是一个名词,意思是工资、薪水、付款、报答,还可以作形容词意思是收费的、需付费的,另外它还是一个及物动词意思是支付、付、偿还、补偿、给予,也可以作不及物动词意思是付款、偿还,pay这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词是一个单音节单词,它的发音为【pe?】,我们再看一下用法,pay作为工资、薪水、付款、偿还,收费的、需付费的的意思来使用;例如在下面这个句子里,A third of companies reviewing,pay since last August have imposed,a pay freeze of up to a year.自去年8月以来,在审检工资发放的公司中,有三分之一已经强行实施工资冻结长达1年,在这个句子中,pay指的是工资,pay还有一个短语,pay back,指的是偿还、报答,However,after she told her boss,what had happened,to her surprise,the boss didn"t ask her to pay back the money. 然而,让她吃惊的是,当她把事情的经过告诉老板后,老板并没有要求她还钱,pay这个单词你学会了吗?
2023-07-22 20:07:161


飞夺泸定桥 (红军长征重要战役)Fly away from the Luding Bridge (the long march of the Red Army major campaign)飞夺泸定桥,是中国工农红军长征中的一场战役,发生于1935年5月29日。中央红军部队在四川省中西部强渡大渡河成功,沿大渡河左岸北上,主力由安顺场沿大渡河右岸北上,红四团官兵在天下大雨的情况下,在崎岖陡峭的山路上跑步前进,一昼夜奔袭竟达120公里,终于在5月29日凌晨6时许按时到达泸定桥西岸。第2连连长和22名突击队员沿着枪林弹雨和火墙密布的铁索踩着铁链夺下桥头,并与左岸部队合围占领了泸定桥。Luding Bridge, the Red Army of the Chinese workers and peasants in the long march of a campaign, occurred in May 29, 1935. The Central Red Army troops in Sichuan province Dadu, northward along the Dadu River bank, the main Anshunchang along the Dadu River on the right bank of the north, the red regiment in the heavy rain case, running in the steep and rugged mountain road ahead, a day and night raid up to 120 kilometers, and finally in May 29th at 6 pm on time at Luding Bridge the West bank. Second company commander and 22 commandos along with a hail of bullets and fire on the cable chains from the bridge, and the left forces encircled occupied Luding Bridge.1935年5月28日,红四团接到红一军团命令:“王开湘、杨成武:军委来电,限左路军于明天夺取泸定桥,你们要用最高的行军速度和坚决机动的手段,去完成这一光荣的任务。你们在此战斗中突破过去夺道州和五团夺鸭溪一天跑一百六十里的记录”。接令后红四团昼夜兼行240华里山路,于29日晨,出其不意地出现在泸定桥西岸并与敌军交火。In May 28, 1935, the fourth group received the Red Army Command: "Wang Kaixiang and Yang Chengwu: the military calls, limit the left army tomorrow to seize Luding Bridge, you must use the highest rate of marching and resolutely maneuver means to accomplish this glorious task. You break through the record of the past and the five mile run in the past, the state and the one hundred and sixty regiment ". The fourth group received orders and round-trip 240 Li Road, on the 29 morning, by surprise in the West Bank of Luding Bridge and the enemy.事实上,关于飞夺泸定桥的勇士,到底是21名,还是22名甚至是23名,也不是完全清楚的。比如一八六期的《战士报》,上面写的就是“二连21个英雄首先爬铁链冒火过河”。后来,根据时任红四团政委的杨成武将军发表在《星火燎原》上的著名回忆文章《飞夺泸定桥》,人们把飞夺泸定桥的勇士定为22名。In fact, on the fly to win the Luding Bridge warriors, in the end is 21, or 22 or even 23, is not completely clear. For example, the 186 phase of the "warrior", written above is "two even 21 heroes first climb chains fire across the river". Later, according to general Yang Chengwu, political commissar of the red group published in "Xinghuoliaoyuan" on the famous "flying from Luding Bridge" the memories of the people, taking the Luding Bridge warriors for 22.意义Significance打破了蒋介石妄图把红军变成第二个石达开的反革命迷梦,是红军长征中具有战略意义的重大胜利之一。这次胜利体现了红军无限忠于人民革命事业的大无畏精神。Jiang Jieshi broke in an attempt to put the Reds into second ground counter revolutionary dream, is one of the major strategic win in the long march of the red army. This victory reflects the Red Army is loyal to the people"s revolutionary cause.
2023-07-22 20:07:151

A根据短文内容,选择正确答案.My cousin Bill likes going to the beach on Su?

41、C.sunny 42、B.bottles 43、Bo hours 44、D.“贴出” 45、C.The restaurant is near the beach. 46、T 47、F(他们在街上踢球,不是扫地.) 48、T 49、F(总共25美元.) 50、T,2,A 根据短文内容,选择正确答案. My cousin Bill likes going to the beach on Sunday.Last Sunday it was sunny,he went there with his brother.They got there at 9:00.There were lots of people there on vacation.Bill and his brother sat down and began to relax. Soon Bill found there were olts of empty(空的) water bottles on the beach.He also saw some paper bags on the beach.That made Bill sad.He and his brother began to work.To clean the beach.They worked hard.About two hours late ,the beach was clean again.At last they put up a sign,saying,“No Littering(乱扔)” on the beach.They wanted people to keep the beach clean.After that,they were very hungry.So they went to a restaurant nearby to have lunch.They had two large bowls of beef noodles there,and then went home. ( )41.Last Sunday the weather was . A.rainy B.cloudy C.sunny D.cold ( )42.Bill saw many on the beach. B.bottles C.books D.signs ( )43.Bill and his brother spent about . hour Bo ours C.three hours D.four hours ( )44.The underlined phrases “put up” means “ ” in Chinese. A.推荐 B.提供 C.提出 D.贴出 ( )45.Which of the following is TRUE(真的)? A.Bill is very lazy B.Bill stayed on the beach all day. C.The restaurant is near the beach. D.Bill"s brother had a *** all bowl of noodles for lunch. B 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) Old Henry lived on a clean street in Green City Every weekend,Alan and his friends played soccer in the street.The children were too noisy (吵闹的)for the old man to have a good rest. One day,Old Henry told the children that he would give them 10 douars each weekend to watch them play soccer in the street.He said,“I am so glad when seeing you play soccer happily”.Alan and his friends were surprised to hear Old Henry"s words. The first weekend after that,the boys went to play soccer near the old man"s house,and went awaly happily with 10 dollars.The second weekend they also got 10 douars.The third weekend,Old Henry said he spent his monet on his grandson"s school things.So he only gave.The children 4 dollars.The next weekend,Old Henry said he had a cold and he spent his money on medicine(药).He only gave them I dollay.After that,Alan and his friends didn"t play soccer in that street any more. ( )46.Alan likes playing soccer. ( )47.Alan and his friends cleaned the street every weekend. ( )48.Old Henry"s grandson is a student. ( )49.Old Henry gave 26 dollars in all (总共) to the children. ( )50.In fact,Old Henry didn"t want the children to play soccer near his house.
2023-07-22 20:07:151


2023-07-22 20:07:145