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catia中bead命令混合指令也算是一个高级指令,高级指令可以大概的看成几个基本指令的混合,像Bead等。都是追求一步做出一个特征。高级指令操作步骤简洁,但是若后面需要修改时可能会遇到一些不方便的地方,我会选择用基本的指令做出我需要的那条线,非参数化,便于以后修改。由于在焊接过程中固有的高温相变过程,在焊接区域就产生了热影响区。固态焊接和熔焊正相反,固态焊接没有金属的熔化。 熔焊可以分为:电弧焊、电渣焊、气焊、电子束焊、激光焊等。CATIA V5版本具有:重新构造的新一代体系结构为确保CATIA产品系列的发展,CATIA V5新的体系结构突破传统的设计技术,采用了新一代的技术和标准,可快速地适应企业的业务发展需求,使客户具有更大的竞争优势。支持不同应用层次的可扩充性CATIA V5对于开发过程、功能和硬件平台可以进行灵活的搭配组合,可为产品开发链中的每个专业成员配置最合理的解决方案。允许任意配置的解决方案可满足从最小的供货商到最大的跨国公司的需要。

Captcha verification failed 到底是什么意思啊?


Captcha verification failed 到底是什么意思啊?

“Captcha verification failed”直译为“验证码验证失败”。是指当进行某项验证,但输入的验证码有误的时候,显示这句话以此提醒重新输入验证码。1、captcha:n. 验证码 。例句:While you are thinking about that checkout experience, can you also do something about that Captcha?翻译为:当你在考虑结账的用户体验时,你能做一些关于验证码的吗?2、verification:n.核实;证明;证实;(指通过经验)证明(某命题正确)。例句:All charges against her are dropped pending the verification of her story.翻译为:在她的事情核实之前,所有针对她的指控都已撤回。3、failed: adj.失败了的,不成功的 v.在?中失败( fail的过去式和过去分词 );衰退;衰弱;破产。例句:I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams.翻译为:我总是担心期末考试不及格。扩展资料:一、表示“验证码”意思的单词除了“Captcha”还有很多,例如:"auth code"、"security code"、"identifying code"等等二、“fail”的同义词有“come to nothing”、“be defeated”。fail组成的短语:1、fail to do sth. 没有,不能。2、fail in(doing)sth.在??方面失败。参考资料来源:百度翻译-Captcha verification


错误代码0xC0000005通常表示访问冲突或内存错误。以下是一些可能的解决方案:1. 确认您的计算机符合Acacia许可证管理工具的最低系统要求。2. 确认您正在使用最新版本的Acacia许可证管理工具。如果不是,请尝试下载和安装最新版本。3. 关闭所有安全软件和防病毒程序,然后尝试重新安装Acacia许可证管理工具。4. 尝试以管理员身份运行安装程序。右键单击安装程序并选择“以管理员身份运行”。5. 检查您的计算机上是否有任何损坏的系统文件。打开命令提示符并运行sfc /scannow命令来扫描和修复这些文件。如果上述步骤无法解决问题,请联系Acacia的支持团队以获取更多帮助。

名言警句中英文对照之教育篇Famous Aphori *** of Education

Education mences at the mother"s knee and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. (Hosea Ballou British cducator) 教育始于母亲膝下,孩童耳听一言一语,均影响其性格的形成。(英国教育家 巴卢) Only a nation of educated people could remain free. (Thomas Jefferson American president) 享有特权而权力的人是废物。受过教育而没有影响的人是一文不值的垃圾。(美国作家、教育家 戴克) Only the educated are free. (Epictetus Ancient Greek philosopher) 只有由受过教育的人民组成的国家才能保持自由。(美国总统杰斐逊.T.) 只有受过教育的人才是自由的。(古希腊哲学家 爱比克泰德) Plato is dear to me but dearer still is truth. (Aristotle Ancient Greek philosopher) 吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理。(古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德) Educaton does not mean teaching people to kow what they do not know ; it means teachng them to behave as they do not behave. (John Ruskin British art critic) 教育不在于使人知其所未知,而在于按其所未行而行。(英国艺术评论家 园斯金) Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance. (Durant American historian) 教育是一个逐步发现自己无知的过程。(美国历史学家 杜兰特) Education is a admirable thing but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught. (Oscar Wilde British dramatist) 教育是令人羡慕的东西,但是要不时地记住:凡是值得知道的,没有一个是能够教会的。(英国剧作家 王尔得) Education has for its object the formation of character. (Herbert Spencer British philosopher) 教育是以造就人的品质为其目标。(英国哲学家 斯宾塞 H) Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. (Gee Macaulay Trevelyan British historian) 教育造就了一大批人,他们会读书,但是不会区别什么书值得读。(英国历史学家 特里维廉) Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. (William Butler Yeats lrish poet) 教育不是注满一桶水,而且点燃一把火。(爱尔兰诗人 叶芝) Education is the chief defence of nations. (Edmund Bruke British state *** an) 教育是国家的主要防御力量。(英国政治家 伯克) Education is the tran *** ission of civilization. (Will Drant American historian and essayist) 教育传播文明。(美国历史学家、散文家杜兰特) Education makes a people easy to lead but difficult to drive ; easy to govern but imposible to slave. (Brougham British state *** an) 教育使一个民族容易领导,但是难于驱使;容易管理,却不可能奴役。(英国政治家 布罗马汉姆) Every person has o education one which he receives from others and one more important which he gives himself. (Edward Gibbon British historian) 每个人都受两种教育,一种来自别人,另一种更重要的是来自自己。(英国历史学家 吉朋) Example is always more efficacious than precept. (Samuel Johnson British writer and critic) 身教胜于言教。(英国作家、批评家 约翰逊) For a cultivated man to be ignorant of foreign languages is a great inconveniece. (Anton hrv Russian dramatist) 一个受过教育的人,不懂外语是极不方便的。(俄国剧作家 契克夫) Genius without educaton is like silver in the mine. (Benjamin Franklin American president) 未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。(美国总统 富兰克林 B) How much more profitable for the independent mind after the mere rudiments of education to range through a library at random taking down books as the mother wit suggests! (John Henry British Cardinal Newman) 受到初步的基础教育之后,对于愿意独立思考的人来说,在图书馆里信手取下一本书来,根据个人的天赋随意涉猎,这该是多大的好处啊!(英国纽曼红衣主教 享利) I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. (Robert Moses American state govenment officer) 我早已抛弃了这种观念:高等教育是通往成功或者幸福的必由之路。知识的“温室”并不总能生长可供食物用的粮食。(美国州 *** 官员 摩西) Let early education be a sort of a musement; you will then be bette able to find out the natural bent. (Plato ancient Greek Philosophe) 初期教育应是一种娱乐,这样才更容易发现一个人天生的爱好。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图) Men of privilege without power are waste material Men of enlighten-ment without influence are the poorest kind of rubbish. ( American writer and educator) The education of a man never pleted until he dies. (Robert Edwad Lee American educator) 对一个人的教育,至死方止。(美国教育家,李) The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread but to make every mouthful sweeter. (l Amercian psychologist) 教育最主要的目的,不是教你挣得面包,而是使每一口面包都香甜。(美国心理学家 安吉尔) The object of educator is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. (hins American educator) 教育的目的在于能让青年人毕生进行自我教育。(美国教育家 哈钦斯) The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet. (Aristtle Ancient Greek Philosopher) 教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。(古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德) The university imparts information but it imparts it imaginatively. (Alfred North Whitehead British philosopher and mathematician) 大学提供信息,但它是富于想象力地提供信息。(英国哲学家、数学家 怀特海) We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we have but one task-----the istruction of the people the diffusion of education the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion. (Leon Gambetta French educator) 我 们应该把一切改革先放下。我们只有 一项任务,就是教育人民,普及知识、倡导科学。这一天到来之时,便是我们振国兴邦之日。(法国教育 爱甘必大) What is in a name ?That which we call a rose by any other name would *** ell and sweet. (William Shakespeare British dramatist) 名字有什么关系?把玫瑰花叫做别的名称,它还是照样芳香。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚) A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. (s American historian) 教师的影响是永恒的;无法估计他的影响会有多深远。(美国历史学家 亚当斯) And gladly would learn and gladly teach. (Chaucer British poet) 勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人 乔叟) Better be unboun than untaught for ignorance is the root of misfortune. (Plato Ancient Greek phiosopher) 与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图) Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet with ideas with works and need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen? (Friedrich zsche German philosopher) 所有高尚教育的课程表里都不能没有各种形式的跳舞:用脚跳舞,用思想跳舞,用言语跳舞,不用说,还需用笔跳舞。(德国哲学家 尼采) What sculpture is to a block of marble education is to the soul. (Joseph Adison British writer) 教育之于心灵,犹如雕刻之于大理石。(英国作家 阿狄生) You can lead a man up to the university but you can"t make him think. (Finley Peter Dunne America humorous wrter) 你可以把一个人领进大学,但你却无法使他思考。(美国幽默作家 邓恩)

good-looking、 becatiful 和pretty 的区别



document.location="url";(只读) document.location.reload("url";); window.location="url"; location="url"; document.href="url" document.location.href="url" document.location.replace="url" document.action="url"; document.submit();


对于这样一个URL  我们可以用javascript获得其中的各个部分  1, window.location.href  整个URl字符串(在浏览器中就是完整的地址栏)本例返回值:  2,window.location.protocol  URL 的协议部分  本例返回值:http:   3,  URL 的主机部分  本例返回值  4,window.location.port  URL 的端口部分  如果采用默认的80端口(update:即使添加了:80),那么返回值并不是默认的80而是空字符  本例返回值:""   5,window.location.pathname  URL 的路径部分(就是文件地址)  本例返回值:/fisker/post/0703/window.location.html   6,  查询(参数)部分  除了给动态语言赋值以外,我们同样可以给静态页面,并使用javascript来获得相信应的参数值  本例返回值:?ver=1.0&id=6   7,window.location.hash  锚点==========================================  document.href=""   document.location=""   window.location=""   只是属于包含的问题    一个是window,一个是document  location  是个对象  比如本页的document.location  和window.location的属性有   location.hostname  =    location.href  =  =    location.hash  =     location.port  =   location.pathname  =  /Expert/topic/4033/4033372.xml  =  ?temp=2.695864E-02    location.protocol  =  http:    可见href  是location的属性  类别是string  。

catia DMU fitting模块中,如何实现两个track同时运动?


catia DMU fitting模块中,如何实现两个track同时运动?


论述play,sport,physical education和fitness的区别

play 玩耍,游戏sport 运动,体育physical eduction 体育课fitness 健身

your mi account verification code is 501233[小米]

so? get a life douchebag. Fking stupid dumbass.

跪求这个在巴西的大学简介和特色Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Acre

就是IF系列大专.....全巴西每个州都有。一般是包含职高+大专。 目标就是发展技术性教育性人才。acre的这个2009年12月17日成立特色: 雨林里面,巴西最偏远的州网址: www。ifac。edu。br

complus applications能删吗

ComPlus Applications: 微软COM+ 组件使用的文件夹,删除后可能引起COM+ 组件不能运行 显示名称:COM+ System Application◎微软描述:管理 基于COM+ 组件的配置和跟踪。如果服务停止,大多数基于 COM+ 组件将不能正常工作。如果本服务被禁用,任何明确依赖它的服务都将不能启动。◎补充描述:如果 COM+ Event System 是一台车,那么 COM+ System Application 就是司机,如事件检视器内显示的 DCOM 没有启用。一些 COM+软件需要,检查你的C:Program FilesComPlus Applications目录,没东西可以把这个服务关闭。◎默认:手动◎建议:手动

英国签证我在追踪查询的时候出现了: Visa application, ref no. 是什么意思???是不是拒签了?

ref no.应该是reference number吧,所谓“参考号”应该是你申请号了。

my summer vacation英语作文,80词。最好不是网上百度的。。

My summer vacation I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things. I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food. Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too. I had a wonderful summer holiday this year.What about you? Can you tell me somthing about it?

英语问题 adapted前面没有be,为什么没有, 例 “Thirdly, education m

have ,make使役动词十过去分词表示使…怎样,如 I have my hair cut, room cleaned...

addendum, TA, specification etc.中的TA是什么意思啊?谢谢啦


addendum modification coefficient是什么意思

addendum modification coefficient齿轮的变位系数双语对照词典结果:addendum modification coefficient[英][u0259u02c8dendu0259m u02ccmu0254du0259fu026au02c8keu026au0283u0259n u02ccku0259u028au0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259nt][美][u0259u02c8du025bndu0259m mu0252du026afu026au02c8keu026au0283(u0259) u02cckou0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259nt]齿顶修正系数;


void AddProperties(CATIProduct* iInstanceProd, CATDocument * ipDoc){ CATInit_var spInitOnDoc = ipDoc; if (NULL_var == spInitOnDoc) { cout << "Could not get init on doc. "; return ; } CATIContainer * pCont = (CATIContainer*) spInitOnDoc->GetRootContainer("CATIContainer"); CATICkeParmFactory_var spFact(pCont); if(NULL_var == spFact) { cout << "Could not get parm factory. "; return; } CATUnicodeString key = "Key"; CATICkeParm_var spParm = spFact->CreateString(key, "Hallo"); CATIPrdProperties_var spProp(iInstanceProd); if(!!spProp) { CATIParmPublisher* pPublisher = NULL; spProp->GetUserProperties(pPublisher, TRUE); pPublisher->Append(CATISpecObject_var(spParm)); }} 请问我用上面的方法添加的属性怎么修改啊?我用了CATIParmPublisher下的removechild方法删除参数可是没用。。。






onlnd.com查出来的回答:如果您需要找回已经卸载的CATIA装配产品,可以尝试以下步骤:1. 在计算机上搜索您要找回的文件名,包括CATPart和CATProduct文件。2. 如果您找到了被删除的文件,请右键单击该文件,并选择“恢复以前的版本”。3. 如果没有找到被删除的文件,您可以尝试检查您的回收站或垃圾箱中是否存在这些文件。4. 如果以上方法都无效,您可能需要使用数据恢复软件来尝试找回已经删除的文件。注意:在进行任何操作之前,请务必备份您的计算机数据。


communication 英[ku0259u02ccmju:nu026au02c8keu026au0283n] 美[ku0259u02ccmjunu026au02c8keu0283u0259n] n. 交流; 通讯,通信; 书信; 传达; [例句]The ambassador has brought with him a communication from the President.大使带来了总统的口信。[其他] 复数:communications ADHOC abbr. advanced data handler for on-line control 联机控制用高级数据处理程序; analysis of degradation due to hot carrier 热载流子引发性能退化分析<一种电路级热载流子可靠性模拟程序>; [例句]Using these sensors, they have demonstrated the formation of adhoc networks.利用这些传感器,他们所表现出的形成临时性网络。

我的暗黑怎么打不开呀 ??每次打开一点就会出现一个 Halt Location:,line #94 Expression:unrecoveradle


英国签证受理状态从Your application has been received by the UK Embassy for processing


advocate是不是延续性动词,可不可以用has been advocating...




Core Exception [code 0] Invocation of failed这是什么问题啊


广州哪里有外贸童装工厂,我要找GAP、GYMBOREE、CATIMINI、 IKKS、kenzo、巴拉巴拉的原单童装


怎么区分qualification和 certificate

QUALIFICATION: a pass of an examination or an official completion of a course, especially one conferring status as a recognized practitioner of a profession or activity 资格证明,合格证书 he left school at 16 with few qualifications. 他16岁离开学校,没拿到什么毕业证书。 Certificate:an official document attesting a certain fact, in particular 证明书,尤指 a document attesting a level of achievement in a course of study or training 毕业证,结业证 a university-accredited certificate. 大学毕业证书。 ■a document attesting the fulfilment of certain legal requirements (证明合法要求的)凭证,单据 a certificate of motor insurance. 机动车辆保单。 ■a document attesting ownership of a certain item (证明的)证书 a share certificate. 股权证书。 an official classification awarded to a cinema film by a board of censors indicating its suitability for a particular age group (证明适合某年龄段的人观看的)电影放映许可证

c#中的Application .run

你好:中的这个参数是一个窗体类的实例。 从程序集的角度来讲(每一个项目可以看做一个程序集,注意:不是解决方案,是你在解决方案中添加的项目)后,会在在这个程序集的进程中,加载一个主应用程序域,也就是appdomin(好像是这么写,你可以在MSDN上查查)这个主应用程序域会加载相应的窗体实例到内存中。从而可以让这个启动窗体在内存中识别。如果不加载的话,内存中是没有的。也就是说,是调用.SHOW()的时候,系统中没有相应的内存,他是SHOW不出来的。 以上是在程序启动的时候说的。 下面,单说SHOW()。 当你的程序启动后,你可以单击一个按钮,让它SHOW一个窗体。在编译的时候,CLR已经将相应的信息写入了程序集的清单中。你点击按钮的时候,CLR会动态编译这个窗体类,从而显示出来。 可能我说的不清楚,但是,楼主,注意:每一个窗体都是一个类。在理解它的时候,请区分。

C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataThunder NetworkThunderBHO


publication bias是什么意思

发表偏倚 publication: n. 1.公布,颁布,发布,发表。 2.发行,出版。 3 ... bias: vt. (biased, biasing 〔英国〕 bi ... 例句与用法1. The effect of publication bias on systematic review发表性偏倚对系统评价的影响2. Multiple publication bias多重发表偏倚3. Generally , the bias mainly comes from the process of literature searching , study selection and data extraction , among which the publication biasthat comes from the process of literature searching is the hardest to overcome总的来说,这些偏倚主要存在于文献检索过程、文献选择过程和数据提取过程中,其中最难克服的是文献检索过程中的发表偏倚。

美国专利中的“prior publication data”指的是什么文件


airborne application是什么意思啊


American public education has changed in recent years. One change is that increasing numbers of...

小题1:Charter schools小题2:Definition小题3:Receiving tax money小题4:agreement or charter小题5:Differences小题6:teaching contents小题7:how to reach / ways to reach / ways of reaching小题8:smaller class sizes小题9:doing well小题10:Their difficulties / Difficulties 略

装机提示fatal error:Failed to find ACPI location.Not compatbile with this system.

fatal error:Failed to find ACPI location.Not compatbile with this system.严重错误:找不到ACPI位置。和这个系统不兼容。

Binder invocation to an incorrect interface这个是什么错误

Binder invocation to an incorrect interface一个不正确的接口调用

Application Layer Gateway Service可禁用吗?

这个和你是不是宽带上网没关系,他只是windows自带防火墙的一个程序服务。Application Layer Gateway Service 简称“ALG”(应用层网关),其进程名是alg.exe,WinXP Home/PRO默认安装的启动类型为手动。ALG又被称为代理服务器(Proxy Server),是网络防火墙从功能面上分类的一种。当内部计算机与外部主机连结时,将由代理服务器(Proxy Server)担任内部计算机与外部主机的连结中继者。使用ALG的好处是隐藏内部主机的地址和防止外部不正常的连接,如果代理服务器上未安装针对该应用程序设计的代理程序时,任何属于这个网络服务的封包将完全无法通过防火墙。通俗点说,具体到ALG本身,它就是WinXP附带的Internet连接共享 /防火墙的具体控管程序,如果你需要启用这二者,这个服务是必备的。当然,只有一台计算机的上网家庭可以考虑禁用这个服务,不过笔者个人觉得WinXP内置的防火墙效果还是不错的,如果不是坚持要使用第三方的防火墙,还是建议开着它吧 。 禁用也不会有什么影响,但是建议还是开启吧。

ios开发 registerusernotificationsettings为什么会堵塞线程

  先来看看官方的文档,是这样写的:   In a multithreaded application, notifications are always delivered in the thread in which the notification was posted, which may not be the same thread in which an observer registered itself.   翻译过来是:   在多线程应用中,Notification在哪个线程中post,就在哪个线程中被转发,而不一定是在注册观察者的那个线程中。   也就是说,Notification的发送与接收处理都是在同一个线程中。为了说明这一点,我们先来看一个示例:   代码清单1:Notification的发送与处理   @implementation ViewController   - (void)viewDidLoad {   [super viewDidLoad];   NSLog(@"current thread = %@", [NSThread currentThread]);   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleNotification:) name:TEST_NOTIFICATION object:nil];   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:TEST_NOTIFICATION object:nil userInfo:nil];   });   }   - (void)handleNotification:(NSNotification *)notification   {   NSLog(@"current thread = %@", [NSThread currentThread]);   NSLog(@"test notification");   }   @end   其输出结果如下:   2015-03-11 22:05:12.856 test[865:45102] current thread = {number = 1, name = main}   2015-03-11 22:05:12.857 test[865:45174] current thread = {number = 2, name = (null)}   2015-03-11 22:05:12.857 test[865:45174] test notification   可以看到,虽然我们在主线程中注册了通知的观察者,但在全局队列中post的Notification,并不是在主线程处理的。所以,这时候就需要注意,如果我们想在回调中处理与UI相关的操作,需要确保是在主线程中执行回调。   这时,就有一个问题了,如果我们的Notification是在二级线程中post的,如何能在主线程中对这个Notification进行处理呢?或者换个提法,如果我们希望一个Notification的post线程与转发线程不是同一个线程,应该怎么办呢?我们看看官方文档是怎么说的:   For example, if an object running in a background thread is listening for notifications from the user interface, such as a window closing, you would like to receive the notifications in the background thread instead of the main thread. In these cases, you must capture the notifications as they are delivered on the default thread and redirect them to the appropriate thread.   这里讲到了“重定向”,就是我们在Notification所在的默认线程中捕获这些分发的通知,然后将其重定向到指定的线程中。   一种重定向的实现思路是自定义一个通知队列(注意,不是NSNotificationQueue对象,而是一个数组),让这个队列去维护那些我们需要重定向的Notification。我们仍然是像平常一样去注册一个通知的观察者,当Notification来了时,先看看post这个Notification的线程是不是我们所期望的线程,如果不是,则将这个Notification存储到我们的队列中,并发送一个信号(signal)到期望的线程中,来告诉这个线程需要处理一个Notification。指定的线程在收到信号后,将Notification从队列中移除,并进行处理。   官方文档已经给出了示例代码,在此借用一下,以测试实际结果:   代码清单2:在不同线程中post和转发一个Notification   @interface ViewController ()   @property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *notifications; // 通知队列   @property (nonatomic) NSThread *notificationThread; // 期望线程   @property (nonatomic) NSLock *notificationLock; // 用于对通知队列加锁的锁对象,避免线程冲突   @property (nonatomic) NSMachPort *notificationPort; // 用于向期望线程发送信号的通信端口   @end   @implementation ViewController   - (void)viewDidLoad {   [super viewDidLoad];   NSLog(@"current thread = %@", [NSThread currentThread]);   // 初始化   self.notifications = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];   self.notificationLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];   self.notificationThread = [NSThread currentThread];   self.notificationPort = [[NSMachPort alloc] init];   self.notificationPort.delegate = self;   // 往当前线程的run loop添加端口源   // 当Mach消息到达而接收线程的run loop没有运行时,则内核会保存这条消息,直到下一次进入run loop   [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addPort:self.notificationPort   forMode:(__bridge NSString *)kCFRunLoopCommonModes];   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(processNotification:) name:@"TestNotification" object:nil];   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:TEST_NOTIFICATION object:nil userInfo:nil];   });   }   - (void)handleMachMessage:(void *)msg {   [self.notificationLock lock];   while ([self.notifications count]) {   NSNotification *notification = [self.notifications objectAtIndex:0];   [self.notifications removeObjectAtIndex:0];   [self.notificationLock unlock];   [self processNotification:notification];   [self.notificationLock lock];   };   [self.notificationLock unlock];   }   - (void)processNotification:(NSNotification *)notification {   if ([NSThread currentThread] != _notificationThread) {   // Forward the notification to the correct thread.   [self.notificationLock lock];   [self.notifications addObject:notification];   [self.notificationLock unlock];   [self.notificationPort sendBeforeDate:[NSDate date]   components:nil   from:nil   reserved:0];   }   else {   // Process the notification here;   NSLog(@"current thread = %@", [NSThread currentThread]);   NSLog(@"process notification");   }   }   @end   运行后,其输出如下:   2015-03-11 23:38:31.637 test[1474:92483] current thread = {number = 1, name = main}   2015-03-11 23:38:31.663 test[1474:92483] current thread = {number = 1, name = main}   2015-03-11 23:38:31.663 test[1474:92483] process notification   可以看到,我们在全局dispatch队列中抛出的Notification,如愿地在主线程中接收到了。   这种实现方式的具体解析及其局限性大家可以参考官方文档Delivering Notifications To Particular Threads,在此不多做解释。当然,更好的方法可能是我们自己去子类化一个NSNotificationCenter,或者单独写一个类来处理这种转发。   NSNotificationCenter的线程安全性   苹果之所以采取通知中心在同一个线程中post和转发同一消息这一策略,应该是出于线程安全的角度来考量的。官方文档告诉我们,NSNotificationCenter是一个线程安全类,我们可以在多线程环境下使用同一个NSNotificationCenter对象而不需要加锁。原文在Threading Programming Guide中,具体如下:   The following classes and functions are generally considered to be thread-safe. You can use the same instance from multiple threads without first acquiring a lock.   NSArray   ...   NSNotification   NSNotificationCenter   我们可以在任何线程中添加/删除通知的观察者,也可以在任何线程中post一个通知。   NSNotificationCenter在线程安全性方面已经做了不少工作了,那是否意味着我们可以高枕无忧了呢?再回过头来看看第一个例子,我们稍微改造一下,一点一点来:   代码清单3:NSNotificationCenter的通用模式   @interface Observer : NSObject   @end   @implementation Observer   - (instancetype)init   {   self = [super init];   if (self)   {   _poster = [[Poster alloc] init];   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleNotification:) name:TEST_NOTIFICATION object:nil]   }   return self;   }   - (void)handleNotification:(NSNotification *)notification   {   NSLog(@"handle notification ");   }   - (void)dealloc   {   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];   }   @end   // 其它地方   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:TEST_NOTIFICATION object:nil];   上面的代码就是我们通常所做的事情:添加一个通知监听者,定义一个回调,并在所属对象释放时移除监听者;然后在程序的某个地方post一个通知。简单明了,如果这一切都是发生在一个线程里面,或者至少dealloc方法是在-postNotificationName:的线程中运行的(注意:NSNotification的post和转发是同步的),那么都OK,没有线程安全问题。但如果dealloc方法和-postNotificationName:方法不在同一个线程中运行时,会出现什么问题呢?   我们再改造一下上面的代码:   代码清单4:NSNotificationCenter引发的线程安全问题   #pragma mark - Poster   @interface Poster : NSObject   @end   @implementation Poster   - (instancetype)init   {   self = [super init];   if (self)   {   [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(postNotification) withObject:nil];   }   return self;   }   - (void)postNotification   {   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:TEST_NOTIFICATION object:nil];   }   @end   #pragma mark - Observer   @interface Observer : NSObject   {   Poster *_poster;   }   @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger i;   @end   @implementation Observer   - (instancetype)init   {   self = [super init];   if (self)   {   _poster = [[Poster alloc] init];   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleNotification:) name:TEST_NOTIFICATION object:nil];   }   return self;   }   - (void)handleNotification:(NSNotification *)notification   {   NSLog(@"handle notification begin");   sleep(1);   NSLog(@"handle notification end");   self.i = 10;   }   - (void)dealloc   {   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];   NSLog(@"Observer dealloc");   }   @end   #pragma mark - ViewController   @implementation ViewController   - (void)viewDidLoad {   [super viewDidLoad];   __autoreleasing Observer *observer = [[Observer alloc] init];   }   @end   这段代码是在主线程添加了一个TEST_NOTIFICATION通知的监听者,并在主线程中将其移除,而我们的NSNotification是在后台线程中post的。在通知处理函数中,我们让回调所在的线程睡眠1秒钟,然后再去设置属性i值。这时会发生什么呢?我们先来看看输出结果:   2015-03-14 00:31:41.286 SKTest[932:88791] handle notification begin   2015-03-14 00:31:41.291 SKTest[932:88713] Observer dealloc   2015-03-14 00:31:42.361 SKTest[932:88791] handle notification end   (lldb)   // 程序在self.i = 10处抛出了"Thread 6: EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)"   经典的内存错误,程序崩溃了。其实从输出结果中,我们就可以看到到底是发生了什么事。我们简要描述一下:   当我们注册一个观察者是,通知中心会持有观察者的一个弱引用,来确保观察者是可用的。   主线程调用dealloc操作会让Observer对象的引用计数减为0,这时对象会被释放掉。   后台线程发送一个通知,如果此时Observer还未被释放,则会向其转发消息,并执行回调方法。而如果在回调执行的过程中对象被释放了,就会出现上面的问题。   当然,上面这个例子是故意而为之,但不排除在实际编码中会遇到类似的问题。虽然NSNotificationCenter是线程安全的,但并不意味着我们在使用时就可以保证线程安全的,如果稍不注意,还是会出现线程问题。   那我们该怎么做呢?这里有一些好的建议:   尽量在一个线程中处理通知相关的操作,大部分情况下,这样做都能确保通知的正常工作。不过,我们无法确定到底会在哪个线程中调用dealloc方法,所以这一点还是比较困难。   注册监听都时,使用基于block的API。这样我们在block还要继续调用self的属性或方法,就可以通过weak-strong的方式来处理。具体大家可以改造下上面的代码试试是什么效果。   使用带有安全生命周期的对象,这一点对象单例对象来说再合适不过了,在应用的整个生命周期都不会被释放。   使用代理。


1、NSNotification是同步还是异步? 默认情况下,创建的NSNotification是同步的, 发布通知 接收通知 执行结果 通过这里的时间间隔可以看出,在抛出通知以后,观察者在通知事件处理完成以后(这里我们休眠3秒),抛出者才会往下继续执行,也就是说这个过程默认是同步的;当发送通知时,通知中心会一直等待所有的observer都收到并且处理了通知才会返回到poster; 那能不能当成异步处理呢? 两种方法: 第一种方法,发布通知的时候搞在子线程中,当然了,接收方法触发的也是在子线程中 第二种方法,接收方法在子线程中执行 2、NSNotification和delegate相比有什么区别 1>NSNotification是一对多的关系,不需要两个之间建立什么联系,类似于一种广播似的发送消息,接受者只要是声明了接收信息,就能接收。消息接受者通过keyPath的方式指定需要接受的消息类型,通常在对象初始化完成以后声明开始接受消息,在对象被销毁前注销接受消息。 NSNotification发布一个广播的通知。(面向所有的类),当有谁需要这个通知的话,就注册成为它的会员(会员存在Array里)。notification通过管理array来实现事件的操作。 当哪个 会员 什么时候不需要再成为会员的时候,就需要注销(在dealloc里释放) 2>delegate是一对一的关系,首先两个要建立联系,才能进行相应的传值回调动作。 3、效率哪个更高 效率肯定是delegate比NSNotification高。


通知中心对于iOS开发者最熟悉不过了,它实现了一对多的消息传递,可以实现跨页面传递。NSNotificationCenter的主要方法有以下几种: 其中最后一个方法返回 NSObserver 对象,在使用此方法添加观察者的时候,需要注意循环引用和 remove 的方式。每种方法在不同系统上的表现也不尽相同。 此方法中的 observer 是弱引用,直接使用self等不会造成强引用,此处提示一点,如果同一个通知连着添加n次,那SEL的方法会调用n次,所以要确保 addObserver 和 removeObserver 成对的出现。例如: 当发送 test 通知的时候,test 方法会被调用三次。 此方法需注意一下几点: 1) 这个方法会返回一个 NSObserver 对象,这个对象被系统强持有,调用者需要持有这个对象,用于停止通知移除观察者时使用。这种方式添加的通知,如果不持有这个对象,是无法彻底销毁这个通知的,具体做法如下: 2)这个方法中的 block 会强持有对象,所以在block中的成员变量和属性,需要进行弱引用,如果没有弱引用,则需要在 dealloc 函数之前对通知进行移除,否则不会执行 dealloc 函数。 发送通知主要是以下三种方式: 1、此处需要注意发送通知时,所在的线程,如果在子线程发送通知,那么通知的接收也是在子线程。 2、发送通知中的object参数要注意,这个和注册时候使用的方式有些关系,注册方法里,也有一个object参数,举个栗子: 上边两个注册通知的名字都是 lala ,唯一不同的是一个 object 是 nil ,一个是 _name。下面以两种不同的方式去发送通知: 第一种: 这种方式发送通知的时候,只有 test2 方法会被调用。 第二种: 这种方法发送通知的时候,test1 和 test2 都会被调用。如果此时我把 _name 改了会出现什么情况呢? 此时只有 test2 被调用,因为 _name 的地址被更改了,所以通知匹配不上了,导致 test1 无法被识别到了。以上可以说明如果添加通知的时候传入了 object 参数,那么发送通知时,就会匹配 name 和 object 两个条件。如果没传 object 参数,则只匹配 name。 突然发现移除方法里也有这个 object 参数, 为了思路的连贯,移除通知的方法写在这里。 按照上面的方法,添加了两个通知,一个携带 object参数,一个不携带 object参数,先按照以下操作移除: 此时的结果是 test1 方法通知被移除了,但是 test2 方法并没有被移除掉。如果在移除之前,修改了 _name 呢? 会发现此时效果是一样的,即使 _name 的地址发生了变化,但是 test1 的通知还是被移除了,test2 的通知没有被移除。如果按照以下方法移除: 此时 test1 和 test2 都被移除掉了。如果使用 效果是一样的,不同之处在于这个方法不止会移除掉自己添加的通知方法,同时也会移除掉系统的通知方法,所以除非是这个对象要被释放掉,不要轻易使用这种方法进行移除通知。 1、如果添加通知的时候传入了 object 参数,那么发送通知时,就会匹配 name 和 object 两个条件。如果没传 object 参数,则只匹配 name。 2、如果中途修改 object 对象,那么通过 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"lala" object:_name]; 这种方式发送的通知将会失效。 3、移除通知的时候,如果remove中的 name 和 object 都存在, 那么以这种方式初始化的并且 name 一致,都会被移除掉。 如果 remove 中只有 name, 那么这个 name 下的所有通知都会被移除。 4、 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; 不但会移除自己添加的通知,同时也会移除系统自动添加的通知,所以除非是类要被释放掉,不然谨慎使用这个方法。 在发送通知中已经进行了说明,移除通知主要有以下两种方法: 为 NSNotificationCenter 添加分类,hook 掉系统的移除通知方法 通过Log打印,我们会发现,在iOS8以上的系统,ViewController类在 dealloc 之后,自动调用 removeObserver 方法。 在 iOS9 系统之后,对象释放的时候,如果使用 SEL 方式进行添加,如果不移除通知,也不会有什么影响。如果 iOS9 系统之前,如果对象释放时候不进行移除,那么当对象释放之后,再发送通知,就有可能造成野指针的崩溃。所以还是建议进行移除。 如果使用 Block 的方式进行添加的,一定要持有对象,在释放的时候,自己手动进行释放操作,不然会出现对象释放了,但是发送通知的时候,block还是会被调用,此时 bolck 中的 self 对象已经是 nil 了。

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[272]Debugger detected-please disable it and restart the application




为什么这里用dedicated而不是dedicating ?



dedicating 致力献身题献(dedicate的现在分词)网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 致力 贡献短语Be Dedicating 因为专注dedicating tO career 逊业Dedicating to Customers Success 顾客的成功助一臂之力 更多网络短语柯林斯英汉双解大词典 21世纪大英汉词典dedicate /u02c8du025bdu026au02cckeu026at/ CET6 TEM4 (dedicating,dedicated,dedicates)1.V-T If you say that someone has dedicated themselves to something, you approve of the fact that they have decided to give a lot of time and effort to it because they think that it is important. 投身表赞许例:For the next few years, she dedicated herself to her work.随后的几年里,她全身心地投入工作。

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a map location gets accuracy地图位置准确.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

education does count文章翻译是什么?


氨中毒(ammonia intoxication)


英语四级作文 changes in the way of education?

In our new era, there are many ways that have been changed correspondingly.I think the biggest change for our generation is the way of education. For the old generation, they are more inclined to corporal punishment when their children make mistakes. They think the best way to educate their children is to threaten them and then correct their wrong behaviors, as is the case for parents and teachers. But the way of educating children in the old areas is out of date. We can "t educate children very well. We can do some things, and we can"t do some things.Now the new education method is to pay great attention to the cultivation of children "s interests and hobbies, and then gently let the children realize theconsequences of their mistakes, rather than corporal punishment. Now most of the children are in the rebellious period. If corporal punishment is carried out, many children may rebel and a series of bad behaviors, which is more damaging to the life of the child?

delayed gratification 怎样翻译最好?





一般来说呢 delegate是两个类之间的关系,通知就不同了,可以一对多,也可以多对一,还可以多对多,就是一个发布者一个监听者,一个发布者多个监听者,多个发布者多个 多个监听者 代理需要有协议 要声明协议 实现协议中方法 设置代理 通知需要设置通知中心 设置发布者和监听者





t was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply close up

同上= =

size and location是什么意思

size and location大小和位置例句:1.Much also depends on the size and location of the tear. 很多时候,如何治疗还取决于撕裂的大小和部位。



The location of the bone is the clue to solving the mystery

【The location of the bone主语 】【is谓语】【 the clue to solving the mystery.表语】 the clue【 to 介词】【solving the mystery动名词,作介词宾语】the clue 【to solving the mystery介词短语,作定语,修饰名词clue】句意:那骨骼/骨头的位置/地点是解开这个奥秘的线索/提示。 the clue to :是......的线索/提示。其中to是介词,后面要用名词、代词、动名词作宾语。the clue to solving the mystery:是解开这个奥秘的线索/提示. 祝你学习进步,时时开心!O(∩_∩)O~~

hint ,clue,implication,inference有什么区别?谢谢

hint at sth.a clue to sth.implication in sth.implication of sth.inference that +从句draw inference from sth.infer from sth. that+从句


identity表示身份。identification表示认同、确认;鉴定、识别;身份证明。例句:His identity couldn"t be determined.这个人的身份无法确定。His identity was not released.他的身份并没有公开。May I see your identification?能不能给我看看你的身份证件?Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness.病症的及早诊断可避免死亡与病痛。The woman who was on passport control asked me if I had any further identification.检查护照的女士问我是否有进一步的身份证明。


identification的读音是:英[au026au02ccdentu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n]美[au026au02ccdentu026afu026au02c8keu026au0283n]。identification的意思是:识别。识别,读音是shí bié,汉语词语,意思是区分、分辨,出自:《后汉书·刘盆子传》:“崇等欲战,恐其众与莽兵乱,乃皆朱其眉以相识别,由是号曰赤眉。”王先谦集解引惠栋曰:“《集览》云:识与志同,记也。别,异也。”图像识别,是指利用计算机对图像进行处理、分析和理解,以识别各种不同模式的目标和对象的技术,是应用深度学习算法的一种实践应用。现阶段图像识别技术一般分为人脸识别与商品识别,人脸识别主要运用在安全检查、身份核验与移动支付中。商品识别主要运用在商品流通过程中,特别是无人货架、智能零售柜等无人零售领域。图像的传统识别流程分为四个步骤:图像采集→图像预处理→特征提取→图像识别。图像识别软件国外代表的有康耐视等,国内代表的有图智能、海深科技等。另外在地理学中指将遥感图像进行分类的技术。图形刺激作用于感觉器官,人们辨认出它是经验过的某一图形的过程,也叫图像再认。双语例句:1、Each product has a number for easy identification.每件产品都有号码以便于识别。2、Windows are etched with the vehicle identification number.玻璃上刻着车辆识别码。3、The early identification of children with special educational needs is very important.早期确认儿童有特殊教育需求很重要。4、Can I see some identification, please?请出示任何身份证件好吗?




coeducation美 [ˌkəʊedjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]英 [ˌkəʊedjʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]n.男女同校;【教】男女同校教育;男女生同校制度 男女合校的教育;男女共学;以男女同校教育例句筛选1.The system of coeducation offers children nothing less than a true version of societyin miniature .实行男女共校制度的学校给学生提供了现实社会的微型版。2.There has been lots of discussion about coeducation .关于男女合校一直都有许多讨论。

montessori accreditation council for teacher education中文怎么读

英文原文:montessori accreditation council for teacher education英式音标:montessori [u0259u02cckredu026au02c8teu026au0283n] [u02c8kau028ans(u0259)l; -su026al] [fu0254u02d0; fu0259] [u02c8tiu02d0tu0283u0259] [edju028au02c8keu026au0283(u0259)n] 美式音标:montessori [u0259u02cckredu026au02c8teu026au0283n] [u02c8kau028ansl] [fu0259] [u02c8titu0283u0259] [u02ccu025bdu0292uu02c8keu0283u0259n]

Capital allocation line(CAL 资本配置线)和Capital market line(CML 资本市场线)的区别与联系?

CML = CAL for the entire market, assuming everyone has the same mean variance expectations ( E(R), variances, correlations). CAL is just the CML for individual investors. CAL and CML both combine the risk free asset with the optimal portfolio, only with CML that optimal portfolio is the market portfolio (tangency point of CML).


educational 爱德优 克哎星 呐偶graduation 各入哎 德友 哎星procedure 普入额 司爱吉


education美 [.edu0292u0259"keu026au0283(u0259)n] 英 [.edju028a"keu026au0283(u0259)n]n.教育;培养;教育学;训练学历;教育背景;教育程度例句筛选1.Since the time of Socrates, education has been a major issuein every society.自苏格拉底时代以来,教育就一直是社会上的主要议题。2.I am going on to tell you how the weather furnished me andIdaho Green with an elegant education.我现在要告诉你的是,气象如何向我和艾达荷·格林提供了良好的教育。3.He had a good education.他受过良好的教育。4.The government"s policy on higher education is a success.政府的高等教育政策很成功。5.She has had a good education.她受过良好的教育。6.Education is given to children by the government.政府提供对儿童的教育。

submission notification to coauthor是在什么阶段

submission notification to coauthor合著提交通知

如何向Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications(BBRC)杂志投稿?谢谢

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你下载flashSolEditer,然后打开。摁【打开sol文件】,输入【C:Documents and Settings用户名Applicati

【C:Documents and Settings 用户名 Application DataMacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjects 随机英文 localhost】里的moyu2v4_1,moyu2v4_2,moyu2v4_3中你的存档,然后在里面修改下面的东西:role_skillMp role_skillLife要修改血量就修改这两个 一个是蓝一个是血 role_militaryRankFire 军衔0-10 role_job官职0-7 role_chaw爵位0-5 role_militaryExploit军工随便改 role_exploit功勋 role_credit声望最大500 equipment0levels 装备等级 equipment0water水 equipment0soil地 equipment0fire火 equipment0wind风 装备元素 equipment0mhdj强化等级 equipment0mDefense防 equipment0gem1 装备宝石第一效果 1为第一个宝石的效果 2为第二个宝石的效果 equipment0gem11 装备宝石第二效果 1为第一个宝石的效果 2为第二个宝石的效果 equipment0hole1 第一个洞的石头 equipment0holes 装备打洞数 1-3 equipment0spiritLevels 战魂等级 equipment0spiritVal 战魂附加效果% equipment0grade品级 修改成5 equipment0element装备主元素 1风 2火 3水 4地 5雷 equipment3minAttack equipment3maxAttack装备基础攻击 一定要两个同时修改 equipment3mMinAttack equipment3mMaxAttack装备追加攻击 一定要两个同时修改 allHuanShou1maxZs宠物转世上限 allHuanShou1zs宠物转世次数 allHuanShou1rateMinAttack最小攻击成长率allHuanShou1rateMaxAttack最大攻击成长率 allHuanShou1rateDefense防御成长率 allHuanShou1rateLife生命成长率 allHuanShou1rareFen罕见度 这个是第二个出战宠 第一个出战宠allHuanShou后面写的是0 第三是2 role_crdit 声望 role_exploit 功勋 role_militaryEXPloit 军功 role_levels 等级(超过最大等级无效) role_maxLevels 最大等级(不能超过150) role_ms 魔石 role_res 资源 role_chaw 军团增加战斗力



devotion 和 dedication 有什么区别


jpa dialect在哪里设置,用的是jpa,只有一个applicationContext.xml文件里,在哪里配置?

<bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" /> <property name="jpaVendorAdapter"> <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter"> <property name="showSql" value="true"/> <property name="generateDdl" value="false"/> <property name="databasePlatform" value="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect"/> </bean> </property> <property name="jpaProperties"> <props> <prop key="hibernate.query.factory_class">org.hibernate.hql.classic.ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory</prop> </props> </property> </bean>可以放在jpaProperties里面跟hibernate.query.factory_class同级,也可以在databasePlatform里设置

university enducation和collage enducation分别什么意思

university enducation大学教育吧collage enducation大学教育吧

写一篇英文作文,Some of the differences between collage education and high school education,800字

文章一:The first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school. You have more freedom and more opportunities, indicating that you must make important decisions yourself. At day one you are alone. Even if you know other students at the university, you are one in thousands. Becoming someone of importance is challenging, and at times can be very intimidating. Understanding the changes from high school to college will give you a head start.FreedomOne of the biggest differences between high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make. Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework. You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be.The Benefit: If you have ever felt trapped while in high school, because you were unable to make decisions for yourself. Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you. In college you are set free, and if you let your ambitions guide you, you can go places and do things that you never imagined.The Negatives: For many students, freedom is the one thing that destroys them. If you have the freedom to do great things, you also have the freedom to make poor decisions.My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom! I hated asking a student teacher, still in college and only a few years older than me, if I could use the restroom.ClassesIn high school, I was able to go to class, listen to the teacher, finish the homework assignment, and talk to my friends, all in one class session. In college those tasks will be separated.Total class time in college is much less than in high school. Professors will cover what they believe is the most important information in that time; however, it does not mean that they will cover all of the material that will be on the test. Most of your college learning will actually be done outside of class and classes will be used for reviewing and reinforcement of concepts. Where as in high school all learning was done in class and review was done outside of class and only if necessary.Class Attendance: Some professors will give you credit for being in class. Others could care less. However, it is HIGHLY recommended that you attend ALL classes.SyllabusEverything you need for a class will be put on the syllabus. Professors may not give any additional reminders of tests, homework assignments, and papers. Not paying attention to your syllabus could be one of your worst mistakes.OpportunitiesThe possibilities are endless. You can participate in “real” research, researching things that no one else has. You can be a leader in a student organization that grows to be an organization that many universities support. You can write a book, and have the necessary advisors, professors, to teach you the ropes of having something published. You will learn how to get involved in campus politics, which I believe can be as important as city or national politics.Meeting PeopleOne of my favorite parts of college is meeting people. Reach out to people. Don"t be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. You never know, that stranger may end up being your coauthor, or your business partner. There is nowhere else besides a university where you can find such a large amount of people with countless and unimaginable skills.2:In university, teachers expect you to be responsible. They don"t usually remind you of upcoming due dates. If you are having difficulty in the class they won"t approach you, you have to ask for help. I have a lot more group projects than I used to. Grading sometimes is also more difficult. For instance in my math class there are only 4 tests that make up your grade. So each test is worth a lot more points than if there were homework assignments and quizzes as well as tests. As far as attendance some teachers care and others don"t. Most teachers will not allow make-up exams except under extenuating circumstances like a death in the family or religious holiday. The good thing is that you can choose to take classes at night or even online.As far as environment it is very rare for a teacher to have a discipline problem in the class. Teachers have the right to tell you to leave if you are disruptive. A lot of my fellow classmates are also paying for school themselves so they take it a lot more seriously.I go to a community college so I can"t tell you about living on campus.I hope I have answered your question. 提供你一些思路吧:What are some differences between High School and University? Leaving high school and entering post-secondary study is a big adjustment for students. If the student is aware of some of these differences, he/she will be better prepared for the changes in attitudes and behaviors necessary. Some of the differences can be: 1. Classes are usually bigger and there are a lot more students on campus 2. Instruction is mainly lecture method with students taking notes 3. Students need to be more self-directed and are expected to be more independent. 4. Student progress and attendance is not closely monitored by the instructors. 5. There is less contact with instructors, less individual feedback and less time is spent in class. 6. Group projects are often required so you will have to work well with other students. 7. Time management and planning are critical to success 8. Grades can often be based on only two or three test scores. 9. Being able to use the library effectively is essential. 10. Failing two or more courses may result in your being asked to withdraw from the program. 11. Students are responsible from making their own study schedules and following the schedules conscientiously. What are some things I should do to prepare? Find out early what is needed for your career choices and plan to take the appropriate courses. for example, if you are planning to pursue teaching you will need to take "teachable" courses in you undergraduate degree (courses that are taught in the public school system) Don"t put off studying, even if leaving things until the night before has worked for you in the past. Given that the workload is consistently higher in university, constant effort and study is imperative. Identify areas where you need support (time management, study skills, writing, etc) and ask for help - ask your professor where to find help or seek out the information through Student Services. Keep your options open by maintaining good grades that will allow to entrance into further study. Plan study times within your day. If you have an hour between classes, go to the library and review notes. 3High SchoolTeacher/Student Contact: Contact is closer and more frequent (five days a week). Competition/Grades: Academic competition is not as strong; good grades can often be obtained with minimal effort. Status: Students establish a personal status in academic and social activities based on family and community factors. Counseling/Dependence: Students can rely on parents, teachers and counselors to help make decisions and give advice. Students must abide by rules of parents, teachers and counselors. Freedom: Students" freedom is limited. Parents will often help students out of a crisis. Distractions: There are distractions from school, but these are partially controlled by school and home. Value Judgments: Students often make value judgments based on parental values; thus, many of their value judgments are made for them. CollegeTeacher/Student Contact: Faculty are available during office hours (only a few hours a week) and by appointment to address students" concerns. Competition/Grades: Academic competition is much stronger; minimal effort may produce poor grades. Status: Students can build their status as they wish; high school status can be repeated or changed. Counseling/Dependence: Students rely on themselves; they see the results of making their own decisions. It is their responsibility to seek advice as needed. Students set their own restrictions. Freedom: Students have much more freedom. They must accept responsibility for their own actions. Distractions: The opportunity for more distractions exists. Time management will become more important. Value Judgments: Students have the opportunity to see the world through their own eyes and develop their own opinions and values.

annals of telecommunications是什么期刊

电信 纪事Annals of Telecommunications is an international journal publishing original peer reviewed papers in the field of telecommunications.annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunicationsEditor-in-Chief: Guy PujolleManaging Editor: Veronique CharletISSN: 0003-4347 (print version)ISSN: 1958-9395 (electronic version)Journal no. 12243


Who"s on Vacation? (originally in English) There was a man who was walking to a train station with two friends at his sides. Because the train was delayed, the three of them sat down for a cup of coffee. And then they also drank some alcohol. After a while they forgot all about the train. So they drank and talked, and talked and drank. But then they heard the final announcement that the train was leaving so the three got up and ran. And the man who was walking between his two friends had drunk too much and fell a little behind and couldn"t catch up. The other two caught the caboose and went away with the train. Then the man, the one who had been between his two friends, stopped there and laughed and laughed again. Everyone around the man began to look at him and said, "What are you laughing at? You missed the train, you know?" And the man said, "Yeah, Yeah, I know I missed the train, but I"m laughing at my two friends because they had supposedly just come to see me off!" 是谁度假? 有一个人由两个朋友一左一右陪伴走去火车站,因为 火车误点,他们就先坐下来喝杯咖啡,然后又喝了 点酒。过了一会儿,他们完全忘了搭火车这回事, 就边聊边 喝,边喝边聊。后来他们听到广播宣布 火车就要开动的最后通告,赶快起身跑过去, 原先走在中间的那个人因为喝多了酒,结果落在 最后面,没有赶上火车,其他二个人则追上车尾, 跳上车走了。落在后面的那个人,也就是原先 走在中间的那个人,却站在那里一直捧腹笑个不停, 大家看着他问:「你笑什么?你没搭上火车, 知道吗?」他回答:「是啊!是啊!我知道自己 没搭上火车,我是在笑那两个朋友,因为他们 只是来送我而已。」
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