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求口试回答:How ambitious are you for your career?

It"s the honor for me to introduce myself to you .My name is XX.I was born in January 18th, 1987, at a small town of Hami city, Xinjiang Province. I graduated from the information management and information systems department of xxx University in July 2008. Studying in UK is my dream . I like the British landscape, living environment, architectural style and long history. And i also think that the universities of UK have modern equipments and high-quality teaching. I hope my oral english and interpersonal skills can be improved . I like London very much, and I want to live there. I believe that would be make my life more interesting. In past four years, i have acquired basic knowledge of management both in theory and in practice. But i think this is not enough, I hope I can continue to learn the knowledge of management. I am applying for a course in the studying of human resources management because it is a subject that interests me greatly. The globalisation has provoked a serious crisis in the actual word economy giving human resources management an important role in finding a solution to this crisis. I believe that human beings are the principal players in any organization, they are flexible and the only ones who can manage the process of change that enterprises need to respond to this hard times. Upon graduation form your school, I hope i will be able to join a large and dynamic company and follow a career in human resources management. I am sure that the successful future of any ambitious company lies here. I also hope to acquire a lot of experience in order to be able to give me more confidence to my work. I learned form your brochure that your school has a strong faculty and a very good academic environment. The university located west London. And it have convenient transportation. But the maintenance is half of London. And the university very much welcome foreign students. Hence my desire to further my education in your country, especially at your university, where I think I can receive comprehensive training. It seems that the courses you offer are precisely what I wish to take. I am especially interested in those course on management and information resources. I therefore see your program as my first choice as I try to upgrade my education. I believe that such training will help put me on the forefront of the human resource management in China. 文章写的还是挺不错的。。。。。

A group of alumni ,highly established in their careers ,got together to visi



热队现在的主教练早就不是范甘迪了 是帕特·莱利。具体资料还是别人给你解答吧!


career的意思:生涯;职业;事业。career,英 [kə"rɪə(r)],美 [kə"rɪr]    n. 生涯;职业;事业vi. 猛冲;飞跑过去式: careered 过去分词: careered 现在分词: careering 第三人称单数: careerscareer的基本意思是“职业”,指需特别训练并终生或长期从事的工作,引申可作某人的“生涯,经历”解。career作名词指“事业、一生的经历”,不是抽象名词,所以有复数形式careers,如:their careers中careers用复数形式。例句1、His early career was not a great success.他早期的生涯并不很成功。2、She is a career woman rather than a housewife.她是职业妇女而不是家庭主妇。3、Young as I am,I already know what career I want to follow.我虽然还小,可是对要从事的职业已胸有成竹了。4、He careered down the road on a bicycle.他骑着自行车沿路飞奔而去。


career,英语zhidao单词,可作为名词、形容词、不及物动词。1、名词:生涯;职业;事业;速度,全速;2、形容词:内作为毕生职业的;3、不及物动词:全速前进,猛冲;4、音标:英/kəˈrɪə(r)/  美/kəˈrɪr/;扩展资料:短语:1、Career Development 生涯规划 ; 职业发展 ; 生涯发展 ; 事业发展。2、career objective 职业目标 ; 工作目标 ; 求职目标 ; 求职意向。3、career card 履历卡 ; 经历卡 ; 简历卡。4、career plateau 职业高原 ; 职业生涯高原 ; 生涯高原 ; 高原期5、Career Stage 职业阶段 ; 职业生涯阶段 ; 职业生涯发展阶段 ; 发展阶段。




Huawei Career Certification的中文翻译_Huawei Career Certification华为职业认证

渣打银行Careers Advisor这句是啥意思

(Careers Advisor) 职业顾问渣打银行简介:在中文中,出于历史和习惯,我们一般称呼该银行为渣打银行(Chartered Bank)。   其业务主要集中于亚洲、印度次大陆、非洲、中东及拉丁美洲等新兴市场。在英国本土的客户反而比较少。渣打银行在发展中国家的银行中拥有顶尖地位。 渣打银行LOGO渣打银行在全球拥有1,400多家分支机构,遍布世界56个国家。   渣打银行在伦敦证券交易所(代码STAN)及香港交易所(代码2888)上市。渣打银行目前是香港三家发钞银行之一,另外两家分别是中国银行(香港)和汇丰银行(Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)。渣打银行主要业务内容:渣打银行主要业务包括零售银行服务如按揭、投资服务、信用卡及个人贷款等,商业银行服务包括现金管理、贸易融资、资金及托管服务等。

career advisor是什么意思


career advisor是什么意思

就业指导老师; Work with Career Advisor, who will proceed further with candidates in a more perceivable manner, to ensure the adequacy of candidates" information regarding the market trend. 与职业顾问(职业顾问将会深入跟进与候选人的沟通合作)紧密合作,以确保有充足的并符合职业市场动向的候选人信息.

career advisor是什么意思

career advisor职业顾问双语对照例句:1.Tonna Duvall has joined Navigator Executive Advisors as a career advisor for the company"s Central Florida operations in Orlando..-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

career advancement是什么意思


career advancement是什么意思

career advancement职业晋升;职业发展;职场晋升;事业发展If career advancement is important to you, there may be some lateral moves that would work out for you and the company. 如果职业发展对你很重要,那么在公司内部做一些横向调动对你和公司来说都是可行的。祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

career advancement是什么意思

英文:career advancement中文:职业发展很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

Interestin pursuing international careers has soared in recnt years 有什么句子成分?如何理解这句

追求国际职业发展的兴趣在近些年应经飙升,由于长期的人员缺口增大引起了一些公司在他们所在地的边境之外(实际上就是在国外)寻找人才。interest(主语) in pursuing international careers (定语)has soared (谓语)in recent years (状语)

Interestin pursuing international careers has soared in recnt years 有什么句子成分?如何理解这句

追求国际职业发展的兴趣在近些年应经飙升,由于长期的人员缺口增大引起了一些公司在他们所在地的边境之外(实际上就是在国外)寻找人才。interest(主语) in pursuing international careers (定语)has soared (谓语)in recent years (状语)

想进行普华永道网申,但永远停留在careers online user login 但没地方可以点入 怎么办。跪求 x x


完型:开头是:A group of graduates have hightly been established in their careers.

A group of graduates,highly established in their careers,got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and in life.offering his guests coffee,the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of cups——plastic,glass,crystal(水晶),some plain—looking,some expensive,some fine——telling them to help themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand,the professor said:“If you noticed,all the nice—looking,expensive cups were taken up,leaving behind the plain and cheap ones.While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves,that is the source of your problems and stress.” “What all of you really wanted was coffee,not the cup,but you consciously went for the best cups and were eyeing each other"s cups.” “Now consider this:Life is the coffee and the jabs,money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life,and do not change the quality of life.Sometimes,by concentrating only on the cup,we fail to enjoy the coffee.So,don"t let the cups drive you...enjoy the coffee instead.”

make their careers

不用a success名词


today is careers day at school今天是 学校的工作日双语对照例句:1.Tough day at school. 在学校过的不顺利?2.Did you have a good day at school? 你在学校玩得开心吗?

launch their careers 是什么意思啊


A group of alumni ,highly established in their careers ,got together to visi


如何在lnditex careers上完成注册?


green careers汉语怎么说

green careers绿色事业

以jobs and careers为题,写一篇150个单词的作文/初到大学,求大一水平的作文

1.Some peolpe think there are more advantages for colleges students to take part-time jobs than disadvantages, others don"t think so. What"s your view on this? And tell why. A serious problem has arisen in recent several years that more and more college students abandon study because of their taking part-time jobs, so quite a few people are opposed to part-time jobs. However, taking part-time jobs has at least three benefits for college studens in my eyes. First, students can promote their study through part-time jobs. For instance, If a law student finds a part-time job in a law firm, his practice will enable him to better understand what he"s learned from books. What"s more, the part-time job can offer him opportunities to go beyond what he"s been taught in class, and he"ll learn something that doesn"t exist in books but in practice. Second, students can also accumulate work experiences through part-time jobs, which will benefit their future job-hunting. Actually, part-time jobs act as warm-up exercises for students to take full-time jobs after they graduate, and help them prepare for their future careers. In addition, as fresh blood in the society, graduated students are often unfavored in job-hunting markets for lack of practical work experiences. It"s easier to find jobs for those who have accumulated experiences in part-time jobs. Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieve students" financial burden, especially those who are from poor families. College tution fees have greatly increased in the past ten years due to the new educational policy. Many students from poor families cannot afford college fees, and our bank system fail to loan college students as effectively as it does in developed countries, so taking part-time jobs becomes a way for them to meet their great expenses in campus lives.


我的翻译是: A large number of careers are (now) laying increasing emphasis on specialization. there are great many careers increasing emphasis on specialization可改成: There are a great many careers laying increasing emphasis on specialization. great many前必须有a,是固定词组,表示大量的. 此处加个laying比较好,因为increase不和emphasis搭配.此处的laying作定语,修饰前面的careers,increasing作形容词,修饰后面的emphasis.

in their career还是careers

n. 生涯;职业;事业;速度,全速adj. 作为毕生职业的vi. 全速前进,猛冲名词不可数,没有S

my ideal career英语作文

  每一个人都有一个ideal career(理想职业),但是并不是所有人都能够如愿以偿。下面是我给大家整理的my ideal career 英语写作 范文 ,供大家参阅!   my ideal career 英语 作文 篇1   Morning ,everyone. I"m ***. It"s my great honor to stand here and give you a presentation. Some classmates have talked their ideal career,as for me ,my dream is to be a teacher.As the saying goes"Teaching is the brightest job under the sun. "   Last year,I went to Ning Xia ,the west of our country.There,I acted as a volunteer and taught students history in junior high school.During that time,I attended some teachers" classes to learn from them.After class,I may communicate with the students to get to know what they are thinking and what they really need. What"s more,my colleges were very nice and gave me many valuable advice. I felt very comfortable when working with them.When I was leaving, the students organized a farewell meeting and gave me many presents.I was moved to tears.I"m very proud to have these students.That memorable experience let me love this career.   Besides the above reason, I want to teach because I like the freedom it offers me. Being a teacher I would have more spare time to be at my disposal. I can spend my vacations accompanying my family,I think we should find a balance between our life and career.   Sokrates said, "The happiest thing in the world is to fight for the ideal." To realize my ideal, I should make a good plan. First, the most important thing for me to do today is to study as hard as I can so that I can get much knowledge. If I want to help my students to be intellectual, I myself must be wise and learned. As a graduate student major in economics,I have confidence in myself.Second, I need to study some teaching skills and the knowledge of psychology. As a teacher, I will be patient, kind-hearted and lively. I will love them as my younger brothers and sisters, give them not only love but also respect. Besides, I will help them build self-confidence and form indomitable will, which will help them face difficulties and setbacks in the future. As our university isn"t a normal university, I need to prepare for the exam to get the teacher qualification certificate.   If I can get the fortunate opportunity to be a teacher ,be an architect of man"s soul , I will make every effort to develop my students to be a successful person.At that time, I will be happier than when I myself become famous because I agree that to give is better than to receive.   my ideal career英语作文篇2   As college students, we will step into the society, and now we need to prepare for our future and arrange for our future career life, we need to take into consideration what to do in the future. my ideal job is to be a teacher.This three reasons support my idea.   First, I think to be a teacher is very interesting for me. I like to play with children and stay with them because of their innocence and purity, what"s more, children"s enthusiasm affect me and make me happy. Since I was young, I always played as a teacher,and taught my little sister their lessons. If I can be a teacher, I can stay with them all days and realize my dream. Therefore, to be a teacher is my personal favourite job.   Second, I admire this job. To be a teacher is a holy job. Teachers spend their whole life on spreading their knowledge and morality to students. Teachers waste their youth to make contribution to our nation. Teachers cultivate some great person who make beneficial to the society. For example, Confucius was a great teacher in our country, and his achievement is so great that no one can surpass him.   Third, I think to be a teacher depends on my character. I am outgoing and I have a strong responsibility. I like to communicate with others about books or something else. I used to tutor my classmates about our book theory, and I used to find some part—time jobs like tutor. my students said that I was a responsible teacher.   In conclusion, to be a teacher is my dream and I will try my best to make it come true.   my ideal career英语作文篇3   The Ideal Career for You   What really matters for happiness and health in your career   Post published by Howard S. Friedman Ph.D. on Jun 08, 2014 in Secrets of Longevity Martin, and I regularly chat with college students and young professionals who are searching for their ideal careers. They seek a match between their   personalities and the demands of their future careers. How should this choice be made? If you choose the wrong career, will you be unhappy and unhealthy? In our notions of the ―self-healing personality‖ (a term I coined many years ago), we expect that a good match between an individual"s personality and the demands of his or her environment is a path to mental and physical health. Often this is true. For example, there is no sense in forcing an athletic student who loves roughhousing, an intelligent student who loves reading books, and an extroverted student who loves leadership all to pursue the same   after-school activities. It would be better for them to choose according to their abilities and interests. But how much does this matter for our long-term work? over 1500 bright American men and women who were first examined as children by Lewis Terman in the 1920s. They were followed for their whole lives, and we have evaluated how well they aged and how long they lived. We ask: who lives long, healthy, and thriving lives, and why? Many of the   participants do indeed live very long, happy, healthy lives. One particularly interesting finding concerns careers. We focused here on the men in our   sample, because the women often faced strong limits on the careers they were allowed pursue (beyond housewife, nurse, secretary, or teacher). But the conclusions should hold true for today"s women as well.   We predicted that the Terman men whose personalities fit well with their jobs would thrive and live longer. It made great intuitive sense to us, but was it true? Things turned out to be more complicated and revealing than we expected. And, overall the surprises were good news.   Across the decades, the average worker spends tens of thousands of hours dedicated to his or her occupation. Psychologist John Holland created one of the most widely used systems for categorizing individuals according to both personality type and occupational environment. Holland believed that the choice of a vocation is often an expression of personality and so developed a framework that we could use for seeing what happens when people work (or do not work) in fields that fit them.



many successful careers是什么意思


为什么那句Careers open to talent为什么用open为什么合理的?感觉应该定语

我觉得是(that is)open to ,be open to 对……开放

The Best Careers Far The Future 译文


渣打银行Careers Advisor这句是啥意思

(Careers Advisor) 职业顾问渣打银行简介:在中文中,出于历史和习惯,我们一般称呼该银行为渣打银行(Chartered Bank)。   其业务主要集中于亚洲、印度次大陆、非洲、中东及拉丁美洲等新兴市场。在英国本土的客户反而比较少。渣打银行在发展中国家的银行中拥有顶尖地位。 渣打银行LOGO渣打银行在全球拥有1,400多家分支机构,遍布世界56个国家。   渣打银行在伦敦证券交易所(代码STAN)及香港交易所(代码2888)上市。渣打银行目前是香港三家发钞银行之一,另外两家分别是中国银行(香港)和汇丰银行(Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)。渣打银行主要业务内容:渣打银行主要业务包括零售银行服务如按揭、投资服务、信用卡及个人贷款等,商业银行服务包括现金管理、贸易融资、资金及托管服务等。

英语词汇翻译---respectable careers是什么意思?





烹饪:输入“testingcheats true” 后输入 “careers.promote Culinary” –获得升职一级演艺:输入“testingcheats true” 后输入 “careers.promote Entertain ” –获得升职一级以上,望采纳~

请问careers 是什么科目?

请问careers 是什么科目?我认为career就是自己目前所承担的社会责任和充当的社会的角色,当然这其中肯定有自己喜欢的和不喜欢的成分在其中,不过应该是在自己应该承担的责任下努力做好自己的工作,以后能够更上一成事业。高中英语课本上说的是事业,生涯的意思。包括竞争力测评、职业综合规划、求职Package准备、综合能力培训、简历投递追踪、笔试/面试辅导、行业专家一对一辅导、内部推荐/直聘、Offer/薪酬分析对比等等,每项业务里还包括细致的业务,你想要什么样的服务togocareer都可以提供,祝好!


通过生活习惯的改变提高记忆力。1. 自我意识明白你的大脑是如何记忆的对于对于提高记忆功能是至关重要的。当你体验这个世界的时候,敏感元件信息接收到的是通过你的短期记忆(包括视觉上的、听觉上的和语义上的)的编码。通过长期的收集过程,你的大脑对你的短期记忆进行改造,这意味着你使用记忆的次数越多,它的改变就越大(对于那种你很少回忆的平常小事,比如今早洗的澡,昨天的通勤等,它们的对立面也是正确的)这种回忆的行为对于提高记忆本身是一种有益的练习。当你意识到在特定的记忆中回忆它们时同样也会影响到它们被回忆的能力。意识到是什么吸引你的注意力到特定的记忆中和选择把注意力集中在观点的不同方面会促使你的大脑产生新的联系,这样强化你的神经网络,把记忆放在前因后果中。记日记可能是提高自我意识的最好方法,但是用镜子、相机、麦克风或者观众产生的无夸张的自我意识同样可以提高记忆的准确性。我们的记忆随年老而衰退是因为我们的大脑因停止学习而在编码和检索方面变得效率低下。学习和社交会唤醒大脑的不同部分?语言、知觉、解决问题能力和运动协调?毋庸置疑,这些是一个聪明、敏捷、纵向的记忆的基础。2. 减轻压力压力对于记忆功能有很大的负面影响。如果在一件事中有任何强烈的感情出现,在这一事件过程中活跃的神经元会产生很强的相互作用关系。当你回忆这件事的时候,神经元会更容易、更迅速地产生相同的相互作用关系(这对于那些有创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍和有吸毒史的人来说有时候是很痛苦的)。这些记忆易于歪曲或者过度关注细节而非事件的大环境?另一种自我意识的方法有时会提升健康的记忆。睡眠要充足!神经影像研究显示,激动模式在熟睡的大脑中会反映前一天学习任务的记录,表明通过这样的反映,新的记忆可能会凝固。加上夜间对于白天的回忆,甚至一场梦的记录,睡眠有时候是管理记忆的有力的工具。冥想是一种集中注意力的精神训练形式,似乎也能加强对脑力资源分配的控制,同时提高注意力和训练。这种改变是长期的潜移默化的,因为冥想可能有加强神经元回路和提高有选择的注意过程的能力。搞音乐同样会提高记忆力的很多方面,这要通过提取大脑中的听觉的、语义的和语言加工区域的联系。研究表明,参加过一年器乐训练的孩子表现出提高了言语的记忆力,反之,那些停止乐器训练的孩子没有明显的进步。3. 饮食和锻炼锻炼表现出能提高对信息的编码和检索的认知能力,也被发现能调节海马的神经发生,神经发生可以提高新生儿神经元的存活率,也能帮助形成新的记忆。生理活性可以给大脑提供增强的血液流动和氧气含量,这伴随着合理的饮食来使大脑保持健康。现在有很多“补脑食品”,但是特定的水果和蔬菜可以给大脑提供直接的好处来培养和维护大脑程序??黄酮类。黄酮类是光催化物,存在于由植物制成的食品中。因为它们有抗氧化性能而重要。洋葱、韭菜、花椰菜、荷兰芹、芹菜、大豆、柑橘类水果、浆果、番茄、绿茶、红酒和可可粉中都含有黄酮类。葡萄糖在提高记忆方面也有很重要的作用,因为它可以通过血液到达大脑,为其提供能量促进神经系统的新陈代谢。

Undertaking 和career 区别



你好the best careers for the future 翻译成中文是:未来的最佳职业

用自己的话解释career Occupation Job这三个词的意思



career:[kəˈriə] Korea:[kə"ri:ə] Korea 里的是长音 /i:/

career, occupation, job 的区别

我要的是英文解释 注意是英文 最好长一些===========================看牛津高级英汉双解词典的解释:careern.[C] profession or occupation with opportunities for advancement or promotion 职业; 事业; 生涯: a career in accountancy, journalism, politics, etc 会计、 新闻工作、 政治等生涯 * She chose an academic career. 她选择了学术界职业. * [attrib 作定语] a career diplomat, ie a professional one 职业外交家. occupation[C] (a) (fml 文) job; employment 工作; 职业: `What"s your occupation?" `I"m a dancer." ‘你的职业是什麼?"‘我是跳舞的." * Please state your name, age and occupation. 请说明姓名、 年龄和职业. (b) activity that occupies a person"s (esp spare) time; pastime 占据某人时间的活动; (尤指)业余活动; 消遣: She has many occupations including gardening and wine-making. 她有许多消遣, 包括园艺和酿酒. * His favourite occupation is reading. 他的业余爱好是看书.jobn 1 regularly paid position or post 职业; 职位: Thousands of workers lost their jobs when the factory closed. 那家工厂一倒闭, 成千的工人都失业了. * He got a part-time job as a gardener. 他找到个兼职工作, 当花匠. * Should she give up her job when she has a baby? 她有小孩之后, 要辞去工作吗? * The government is trying to create new jobs. 政府正设法提供新的就业机会. 2 piece of work; task or assignment 工作; 任务: The shipyard is working on three different jobs, ie building three ships. 该造船厂正在造三艘船. * They"ve done a fine job (of work) sewing these curtains. 他们把缝窗帘这项工作干得挺好. * pay sb by the job, ie separately for each job done 按件计酬 * Writing a book was a more difficult job than he"d thought. 写书这工作可比他原来想像的难得多. * It was quite a job (ie a difficult task) finding his flat. 找到他的寓所可不是件容易事. ***************有关“职位”(Professional Position)、“工作”(Job)、“职业”(Occupation)和“职业生涯”(Career)这几个词的含义在理论上仍然存在着一定程度的争议,不过我们可以大致将它们定义如下: 工作(work)是指体能或心智上的努力,以产生某事或结果。工作占人类生活中的绝大部分,人类是透过工作以掌握生活。个人所追求的工作目标可能是工作本身所带来的愉悦感,工作角色所赋予生活的结构、工作所提供的经济支持、或者是其所伴随的休闲型态。工作可能达成经济、社会及心理上的目的。可能获得经济上的酬赏,也可能没有报酬,例如学校工作(schoolwork)、家庭作业(homework)以及家事工作(housework)、志愿服务工作(voluntary work)等。 工作(job)是指在一个组织机构中,一群类似的、有薪资的职位(positions),涵盖为维持机构运作所必须执行的一群职务(tasks)。不同职位的工作者在执行任务之后,会获得所期望的经济报酬。例如务农(农会干事)、建筑(工地主任)、贸易(业务经理)、教育(人员)、医护(人员)、公务(人员)等。 职位(position):是和分配给个人的一系列具体任务直接相关的。因此,职位和参与工作的个人相对应,有多少参与工作的个人,就有多少个职位。 职业(occupation)指在许多工商事业或机构中的一群类似的工作(jobs)。职业在经济社会的历史上早已存在,与个人无关。例如:农工商教育医护法律会计等。 事业(enterprise)在华人社会的文化中,事业是指值得个人投注一生心力,以获得最大实现可能性的生涯目标。在一个事业体中,通常包含较广泛的职业范畴。例如,教育事业、慈善事业、医疗事业、科技事业、文化事业等。 职业生涯(Career)这个概念的含义曾随着时间的推移发生过很多变化。在70年代,职业生涯专指个人生活中和工作相关的各个方面。随后,又有很多新的意义被纳入到“职业生涯”的概念中,其中甚至包含了生活中关于个人、集体以及经济生活的方方面面。



occupatin 和career作职业讲的区别?

occupation 和 career 区别在于前者是所从事的具体工作,是职业的一部分;后者是数个在同一领域里从事不同的具体工作的集合。occupation 和 career 尽管译成中文都可以是“职业”,但在英语表达中必须有 occupation 和 career 的区别。比如,在某一学校任职老师是一个 occupation。在不同学校、不同阶段任职教师,所做的工作都称作 occupations。但一路做下去,从助教发展到教授,这就是 career 了。个人发展在不同的人生阶段可能会有不同 careers,其表现形式为从事不同类的工作(occupations)。如律师和教师是两个 careers。但在从事律师职业的同时还在学校兼职做老师,其职业应该是律师而不是教师。教师只是他的一个 occupation。但这位律师如果从律师转行做全职教师,那么他第一个 career 是律师,第二个 career 是教师。然而在他的这两个职业(career)生涯中,他有可能在七八个不同机构工作过。那么他所干过的工作只能是七八个 occupations。

career business undertaking job work 的区别

job为名词就是我们平常所说的工作、兼职等, 有时候job和work可以互换career也是名词指职业,事业等。比较正式undertake指的是从事某职业。business指的是生意 ,公司等eg:She started a new business in Phoenix not long ago.望采纳,谢谢

career lattice什么意思


my career英语作文

  对于my career(自己的职业),选择一定要慎重,就像是我们写 英语 作文 出发点不可错,否则后面就很难扭转了。下面是我给大家整理了my career我的职业生涯规划英语 范文 ,供大家参阅!   my career英语作文篇1   As is known to us all, career almost determines the quality of a person"s life. So i think i must take it seriously when it comes to my favourite career. After careful considerations, I think my dream career is becoming a wonderful psychologist.   There are three reasons for me to choose to become a psychologist. On the one hand, when i was a student of grade 2 in senior high school, once there was a time i wasn"t able to concentrate on learning, because i was caught in negative induced emotion. I had recovered from it by a psychologist"s help. I know our society needs more wonderful psychologists. On the other hand, I am a college student of applied psychology and i am passionate about psychology. What"s more, I think a psychologist can help more person who have psychology confusion.   To sum up, success is like a long race, where we compete with time to accumulate enough abilities. Therefore, if i want to become a wonderful psychologist, I must spare no effort to learn professional knowledge and keep my skills up to date through the requirements of consulting parties.   my career英语作文篇2   Probably a lot of people has begun to consider the question about their future "career choice" even though they have not graduated ,just like me.For me,I like to do some comfortable and relax job relatively.I prefer a free life. I don"t like to be bound to something.When I choose my own career,the most important thing is my interest.Although they are not have relationship of what I have learned in university.Then, I"d like to find a job with flexible hours .This gives me the choice to work the hours I want and when I want.Of course, compensation is an important factor that i should consider.   However,People know that you can"t promise something for nothing.So modern university students should make our good plans on occupational career.Well, we are hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, we should take it.   my career英语作文篇3   As a saying goes,Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass,career planning is so important to every university student.In order to be competitive in society full of talents and not to let the rest of years in my university pass in vain,I want to make a career plan to look forward to my future and realize my ideal of life.   As a English major learner,I want to find a job which can make good use of what I learn at university after my graduation.University English teacher is perfect to me.To achieve the goal,I gonna learn more to improve my professional level.Reading more related books to expand my mental horizon is quite necessary in the rest years.What"s more, I should never forget to practice my listening and speaking at planned way.   I have a bright and cheerful personality and treat people sincerely.I diligent and know how to learn efficiently.Since I was a child, I had enthusiastic curiosity and keen interest in language,especially English.It"s quite a pleasure that I could major English in this university after the university entrance examination.I am developing my love to English here.I enjoy discuss some focal difficulty and sharing what I know about English with my classmates and teachers,which makes me happy and satisfied everyday. The characters I mention may be my advantages in the future competition.   Our future will be determined by our goals and by the struggle to make them real.I want to temper myself in the limited tim in college,so that I could deal with serious employment situation and realize my dream in the future.   >>>下一页更多精彩“My career我的职业生涯英语作文”


career是事业,是要投入心血和精力来完成的。也有职业、职务的意思,多用于区别不同的工作。如:His career is teacher and mine is doctor.他的工作是老师,我的工作是医生。career是一个抽象名词,指事业,一般不可数。

ideal career什么意思

  ideal career的中文翻译  ideal career  理想职业  双语例句  1  My ideal career is to be a sales manager.  我理想的职业是做一个销售经理。  2  What would be your ideal career; if money were not an issue?  如果报酬没问题,你最理想的职业是什么?  3  Describe your ideal career.  描述你的理想职业。



先行词是career. 关系副词用什么?

先行词是career. 关系副词应该是where,只能表示地点。


business 突出商业性质;career: 生涯,一生的历程,伟大的事业。如 She chose a career in politics.她选择了一生从事政治事业cause事业,极力维护支持的目标。 如 He fought for the republican cause in the civil war.他在内战中为共和国事业而战。


人才招聘会(Career Fair) 人才招聘会是指在本行政区域内由人才中介服务机构为用人单位和人 才之间双向选择提供交流洽谈场所和相关 服务 的中介活动。 举办人才招聘会,应遵守国家有关法律、法规和规章,坚持平等、 自愿、公平和诚实守信原则,按照《人才市场管理规定》和《 全国性人才交流会审批办法》的规定,必须具备如下条件:

career workshop是什么意思

career workshop职业实习班workshop[英][ˈwɜ:kʃɒp][美][ˈwɜ:rkʃɑ:p]n.车间; 专题讨论会,研究会; 创作室; 实习班,实验班; career[英][kəˈrɪə(r)][美][kəˈrɪr]n.职业; 生涯; 事业; 速度,全速; adj.作为毕生职业的; vi.全速前进,猛冲; 第三人称单数:careers过去分词:careered复数:careers现在进行时:careering过去式:careered


一个是及物动词,一个是不及物动词career 英[kəˈrɪə(r)] 美[kəˈrɪr] n. 职业; 生涯; 事业; 速度,全速; adj. 作为毕生职业的; vi. 全速前进,猛冲; [例句]Many women feel ageism is obstructing their career ambitions.许多女性感到年龄歧视问题正阻碍着她们职业抱负的实现。[其他] 第三人称单数:careers 复数:careers 现在分词:careering过去式:careered 过去分词:careered 形近词: careen trial 英[ˈtraɪəl]美[ˈtraɪəl, traɪl]n. 试验; [法] 审讯,审判; 磨难,困难; [体] 选拔赛;adj. 试验的; [法] 审讯的;[例句]Those are our hopes; we are starting this clinical trial to investigate whether those hopes will be realised.那些就是我们的希望;我们正在开展这些临床试验以调查那些希望是否可以实现。[其他] 复数:trials


career 职业: follow a teaching careercause 事业: devote oneself to education cause


career 职业生涯 经常使用在职场培训中

career quotient的中文意思

career quotient 职业商数,简称职商。被称为 人类第四种能力英文解释:CQ=Career Quotient — a measure of how well a career is being managed and shaped.Professional Position 职位Occupation 职业Career的中文含义: 职业,事业, 生涯,一下文章供你参考职业商数---CQ(career quotient) 人类第四种能力1、不说“不可能”2、凡事第一反应: 找方法,不找借口3、遇到挫折对自己说声:太好了,机会来了! 4、不说消极的话,不落入消极的情绪,一旦发生立即正面处理5、凡事先订立目标6、行动前,预先做计划 7、工作时间,每一分、每一秒做有利于生产的事情8、随时用零碎的时间做零碎的事情 9、守时 10、写点日记,不要太依靠记忆 11、随时记录想到的灵感 12、把重要的观念、方法写下来,随时提示自己 13、走路比平时快30%,肢体语言健康有力,不懒散、萎靡 14、每天出门照镜子,给自己一个自信的微笑 15、每天自我反省一次 16、每天坚持一次运动 17、听心跳一分钟,在做重要的事情,疲劳时,紧张时,烦躁时。。。。 18、开会做前排 19、微笑 20、用心倾听,不打断对方的话 21、说话有力,感觉自己的声音能产生感染力的磁场 22、说话之前,先考虑一下对方的感觉 23、每天有意识赞美别人三次以上 24、即使表示感谢,如果别人帮助了你的话 25、控制住不要让自己作出为自己辩护的第一反应26、不用训斥、指责的口吻与别人说话 27、每天做一件"分外事"28、不关任何方面,每天必须至少做一次”进步一点点“,并且有意识的提高29、每天提前15分上班,推迟30分下班 30、每天下班前5分钟做一下今天的整理工作31、定期存钱 32、节俭 33、时常运用”头脑风暴“,利用脑力激荡提升自己创新能力34、恪守诚信 35、学会原谅

position与career, ocupation, profession, 的区别

爱莫能助。。。 只能帮你顶下了 :)


简单来说——profession 职业是人们选择的能发挥自己专业技能或者专业知识的工作领域或具体工作门类,并且通过它来谋生或发挥特长,实现个人价值等。一般会很多变化或调整。career 事业偏重指终生所从事的研究或研习的领域,或者倾注一生和激情的爱好与大有裨益的追求等,具有终生不变,始终如一的特点。


career:[kəˈriə]Korea:[kə"ri:ə]Korea 里的是长音 /i:/




1、career指的是终身事业。2、job却指的是人们为谋生而做的工作。3、occupation可以泛指各种专业。4、profession指必须受过相当高的教育或专门训练才能从事的知识性职业,如律师、医生、建筑师等。拓展资料career1、She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer 她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。2、She received very little careers guidance when young 她年轻时基本没有接受过就业指导。3、His car careered into a river 他的车一头冲入河里。4、Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera. 丹尼斯最近开始从事歌剧指挥的工作,并且非常成功。5、She began her career as a teacher. 她开始了自己的教师生涯。job1、Once I"m in America I can get a job 我一到美国就能找到工作。2、He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn"t take too much time他说他希望结成联盟的工作不会耗时太久。3、Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness 它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。4、We could do a far better job of managing it than they have 我们会比他们经营得好得多。5、He may have a hard job selling that argument to investors 他可能得磨破嘴皮才能让投资者接受那个观点。occupation1、I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure 我想我在找的是一份具有冒险性的工作。2、Parachuting is a dangerous occupation. 跳伞是一项危险的消遣运动。3、Prii had become fluent in German during the Wehrmacht"s occupation of Estonia in 1942在1942年德军侵占爱沙尼亚期间,普里学得了一口流利的德语。4、Occupation: administrative assistant. 职业:行政助理5、You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation. 你将需要填写一张有关生日和职业详情的表格。




Job (n.): the regular paid work that you do for an employer.Job泛指工作,是在一个组织机构中有薪资的职位(positions),涵盖为维持机构运作所必须执行的一系列职务(tasks)。不同职位的工作者在执行任务之后,会获得所期望的经济报酬;1可数名词:按照一般习惯来理解,意思就是“工作,兼职,职责”。表达“工作”,job是相对比较口语化的随意说法。如果要用正式的书面语来表达,则要用到下面两个单词:Profession: a job that needs a high level of education and training.Occupation: a job or profession. 2常见词组full-time job(全职工作)part-time job(兼职工作)three jobs(三份工) demanding job(高要求的工作)job hunt / search(找工作)offer a job(提供一份工作)fulfilling / rewarding job(称心如意的工作)leave / quit a job(辞职)do the job(好好工作)apply for a job(求职)without a job(无业)3常见句型:What"s your job?My job is… (doing / to do)This is a … job.4对话范例:“What do you do?”“My job is to help teach people Chinese.”“Is it your full-time job?”“No, I do a part-time job only.”CareerCareer: a job or profession that you have been trained for, and which you do for a long period of your life.表示“事业,职业生涯”的意思,相比job和work,用得比较少。Career是指事业,这是值得个人投注一生心力,以获得最大实现可能性的生涯目标。在一个事业体中,通常包含较广泛的职业范畴。例如,教育事业、慈善事业、医疗事业、科技事业、文化事业等。这个概念的含义曾随着时间的推移发生过很多变化。在70年代,职业生涯专指个人生活中和工作相关的各个方面。随后,又有很多新的意义被纳入到“职业生涯”的概念中,其中甚至包含了生活中关于个人、集体以及经济生活的方方面面。1相关词组:embark on a career(开启一段职业生涯)a promising career(一份有前途的事业)career prospects(职业生涯机遇)career takes off(事业刚起飞,前景光明)switch your career(转变事业)at the height / peak of your career(职业生涯巅峰)ruin your career(毁了你的职业生涯)

career 和JOB的区别,详细 本质区别

career 是指一个人的职业生涯,从事什么职业. job 是指你当前的工作 举例来说,一个老师,他的career职业生涯就是教师,而他的job呢就是由学校来提供的,他可以在不同的学校教书.不同的学校提供给他job.

career job ;occupation ;profession ;trade的区别

career job ;oupation ;profession ;trade的区别 career的意思是职业,侧重表达全职工作或者具体的某个岗位的工作;oupation表示职业、工作的时候,侧重于职业工作的统称,profession表示职业的时候,偏重表达专业性职业;trade 表示行业的意思,和前几个词表达的不同。 1、career 英[kəˈrɪə(r)] 美[kəˈrɪr] n. 职业; 生涯; 事业; 速度,全速; adj. 作为毕生职业的; vi. 全速前进,猛冲; [例句]She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer 她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。 2、oupation 英[ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn] 美[ˌɑ:kjuˈpeɪʃn] n. 职业,工作; 占有,占领; (土地、房屋、建筑等的) 使用; [例句]I suppose I was looking for an oupation which was going to be an adventure 我想我在找的是一份具有冒险性的工作。 3、profession 英[prəˈfeʃn] 美[prəˈfɛʃən] n. 职业,专业; 同行; 宣称; 信念,信仰; [例句]Harper was a teacher by profession 哈珀的职业是教师。 4、trade 英[treɪd] 美[treid] n. 贸易; 行业; 买卖; <美>顾客; vt. 交易,经商; vt. 交换; 经营…交易,做…的买卖; [例句]The ministry had direct control over every aspect of foreign trade. 该 *** 部门直接掌控著外贸的各个方面。 career,job,oupation,profession有什么区别? 1、career指的是终身事业。 2、job却指的是人们为谋生而做的工作。 3、oupation可以泛指各种专业。 4、profession指必须受过相当高的教育或专门训练才能从事的知识性职业,如律师、医生、建筑师等。 拓展资料 career 1、She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer 她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。 2、She received very little careers guidance when young 她年轻时基本没有接受过就业指导。 3、His car careered into a river 他的车一头冲入河里。 4、Dennis had recently begun a suessful career conducting opera. 丹尼斯最近开始从事歌剧指挥的工作,并且非常成功。 5、She began her career as a teacher. 她开始了自己的教师生涯。 job 1、Once I"m in America I can get a job 我一到美国就能找到工作。 2、He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn"t take too much time 他说他希望结成联盟的工作不会耗时太久。 3、Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness 它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。 4、We could do a far better job of managing it than they have 我们会比他们经营得好得多。 5、He may have a hard job selling that argument to investors 他可能得磨破嘴皮才能让投资者接受那个观点。 oupation 1、I suppose I was looking for an oupation which was going to be an adventure 我想我在找的是一份具有冒险性的工作。 2、Parachuting is a dangerous oupation. 跳伞是一项危险的消遣运动。 3、Prii had bee fluent in German during the Wehrmacht"s oupation of Estonia in 1942 在1942年德军侵占爱沙尼亚期间,普里学得了一口流利的德语。 4、Oupation: administrative assistant. 职业:行政助理 5、You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and oupation. 你将需要填写一张有关生日和职业详情的表格。 Profession所指的职业是需要在文科或理科方面有一定的教育程度,具备一定理论水平的人才的职业。通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournali *** (新闻业)。以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(oupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),aountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖淫)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。oupation指生活中为了赚钱而从事的主要活动。它最具泛指性,因此在英文简历中“职业”通常都用oupation。我们可以说By oupation she is a housewife.(她的职业就是做家务。)而oupational disease则是职业病。career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。 work它是泛指一切长期从事的职业,不管专业、技巧,不管是否需要学问等等。“What"s your work?”(你做什么工作?)是最常见的问别人工作的一句话。Job常指一件具体工作。You have done a good job.(你做的很好。)暑期工就可以是a summer job。His job is to sell newspapers.(他的活就是卖报纸。)美国人比较喜欢用job表示职业或职位,如:what kind of job do you have?(你从事什么职业呀?) 通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournali *** (新闻业)。以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(oupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),aountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖淫)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。oupation指生活中为了赚钱而从事的主要活动。它最具泛指性,因此在英文简历中“职业”通常都用oupation。我们可以说By oupation she is a housewife.(她的职业就是做家务。)而oupational disease则是职业病。career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。 work它是泛指一切长期从事的职业,不管专业、技巧,不管是否需要学问等等。“What"s your work?”(你做什么工作?)是最常见的问别人工作的一句话。Job常指一件具体工作。You have done a good job.(你做的很好。)暑期工就可以是a summer job。His job is to sell newspapers.(他的活就是卖报纸。)美国人比较喜欢用job表示职业或职位,如:what kind of job do you have?(你从事什么职业呀?) employment、career、oupation、profession区别? 有关“职业”的一组同义词的辨析 英语中表示“职业”的词不少,常见的有trade, business, vocation, profession, career, oupation, employment, job, work等。虽然它们都表示“职业”,但仍存在细微差别,在使用中容易混淆,现试分析如下: 1. trade 一般来说是指需要技巧而非高深学问的职业,可译为“职业”、“手艺”。例如: He is learning the carpenter"s trade. 他在学木匠手艺。 Shoemaking is a useful trade.做鞋是一种有用的手艺。 2.business表示一个人经常的,且赖以生活的职业,但是侧重于商业方面,尤指银行业、商业、企业等行业中的工作。例如: My business is real estate.我的职业是经营地产。 同时,business也可指一般职业,如问别人干哪一行时,可以说:What"s your business? 3.oupation指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。例如: By oupation she is a housewife.她的工作是管家。 这是因为尽管她没有外出工作,但她负责管理整个家庭,照顾一家人的生活,她的管家工作就可以称为oupation,而不能用其他词来代替。当然,干工作而又领取工资的也可称为oupation。 例如:The principal oupation of the inhabitants is to feed peacefully on tourists. 当地居民的主要职业是靠招待旅游者平静的度日。 4.employment指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,并且是比较固定的工作。例如: His employment is that of a bookbinder.他的职业是装订工。 5.career职业、事业、专业。指某种经过特殊训练,而又为之献身的终生事业,带有崇高色彩。例如:She abandoned her stage career.她放弃了演戏的事业。 a career diplomat职业外交家 6.profession作“职业”解释时,通常指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。过去,该词主要指律师、医生、牧师等职业,但现在它的词义已大大扩充套件了。现在可指有相当社会地位的许多其他谋生的职业。例如: She is an architect by profession.她的职业是建筑师。 She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业。 7.vocation正式用语,可与 profession同义,也指职业,行业,但语体委婉、庄重。另外,该词的另一含义是:出于个人天才或个人浓厚兴趣而长期献身的一种事业,已不再是谋生的手段,带有崇高的意味,在这个意义上与career是同义词。例如: She chose teaching as her vocation (profession). 她选择教书为职业。 Although a physician by vocation, he is a botanist by avocation. 虽然他的职业是医生,却又是一个业余的植物学家。 8.work是用语表示工作或职业最常用的词,它可以用来泛指一切长期性的职业,包括脑力劳动和体力劳动,通常代替employment和job。不过work多用来指“工作”本身,平常我们每做一件事无论大小,都可以称为work。 9.job非正式用语,泛指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。该词在口语中广泛使用。例如: She has a good job in a bank.她在银行里有份很好的工作。 综上所述,指专业职业时多用profession ,强调“工作”时用work,而口语中job用的较普遍。 show vs. appear Appear ?GIVE IMPRESSION? [linking verb, not in progressive] used to say that someone or something seems to have a particular quality or feeling He tried hard to appear calm. I don"t want to appear rude. The right colours can make a *** all room appear much bigger. career, oupation, job 的区别 career, oupation, job 的区别 career是职业生涯的意思,oupation是职业,即某人的职业是什么,也就是工作,是比较专业性的词,job的范围就比较广了,范指一切工作。 job,oupation,position,profession的区别? job 泛指工作 oupation 指职业 精确到某一个行业 position 指职位 无所谓哪个行业 只是有个位子 profession 指工种 专业 专家的oupation 大概这些区别 求大神:profession,oupation,vocation,trade的区别 profession 指职业,这个职业要有一定文化水平的职业,如工程师教室医生这类; oupation指职位,重点在“位”,指的是工作中你所处的位置; vocation指职业,这个职业指天职,有一种使命感; trade指交易贸易经营,和上述那些差别更大; 其实还有几个: job,work比较常见 ,一般都可以用; career指长期的,职业生涯那种,比如军人教师医生那种。 career,job,profession的区别 career:工作、生涯。是一生追求的事业。在法律条文中指“[法] 职业, 专业, 履历”。颇有文学色彩。 例句:She took historic study as her careerprofession强调专业性和职业的类别,多指受过高等教育的人士。从其派生词professional也可看出这一点。而此单词还可指一个群体,如the medical profession指的就是“医学界”。而大学的专业叫major。(My major is Internation Finance.)例句:Mike gets into the teaching profession in Cambtidge University.(麦克进入剑桥大学教书。) job则是你赖以谋生的具体工作。如My job is interpretation.(我的工作是口译。)


1.employment指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,并且是比较固定的工作。例如: His employment is that of a bookbinder.他的职业是装订工。2.career职业、事业、专业。指某种经过特殊训练,而又为之献身的终生事业,带有崇高色彩。例如:She abandoned her stage career.她放弃了演戏的事业。 a career diplomat职业外交家 3.work是用语表示工作或职业最常用的词,它可以用来泛指一切长期性的职业,包括脑力劳动和体力劳动,通常代替employment和job。不过work多用来指“工作”本身,平常我们每做一件事无论大小,都可以称为work。 (^o^)/~额外的补充:1.job非正式用语,泛指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。该词在口语中广泛使用。例如: She has a good job in a bank.她在银行里有份很好的工作。 2.profession作“职业”解释时,通常指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。过去,该词主要指律师、医生、牧师等职业,但现在它的词义已大大扩展了。现在可指有相当社会地位的许多其他谋生的职业。例如: She is an architect by profession.她的职业是建筑师。 She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业。 3.occupation指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。例如: By occupation she is a housewife.她的工作是管家。 这是因为尽管她没有外出工作,但她负责管理整个家庭,照顾一家人的生活,她的管家工作就可以称为occupation,而不能用其他词来代替。当然,干工作而又领取工资的也可称为occupation。 例如:The principal occupation of the inhabitants is to feed peacefully on tourists. 当地居民的主要职业是靠招待旅游者平静的度日。 4.business表示一个人经常的,且赖以生活的职业,但是侧重于商业方面,尤指银行业、商业、企业等行业中的工作。例如: My business is real estate.我的职业是经营地产。 同时,business也可指一般职业,如问别人干哪一行时,可以说:What"s your business? 一般来说是指需要技巧而非高深学问的职业,可译为“职业”、“手艺”。例如: He is learning the carpenter"s trade. 他在学木匠手艺。 Shoemaking is a useful trade.做鞋是一种有用的手艺。 希望对你有用(^o^)/~


career 做名词就2个意思,用英译英,更容易理解。the particular occupation for which you are trained 事业;the general progression of your working or professional life 生涯。求职者: 常见的用法有三种1.Candidate. 2.applicant. 3. job hunter.

career boxes什么意思

careerca.reerAHD:[k…-rîr“] D.J.[k*6r!*]K.K.[k*6r!r]n.(名词)A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation.职业:经过选择的职业;需要专门知识或特殊训练的职业或工作The general course or progression of one"s working life or one"s professional achievements:生涯,经历:某人工作经历或事业上取得成就的总的过程或进程:an officer with a distinguished career; a teacher in the midst of a long career.有着卓越成就的军官;处于漫长教书生涯之中的老师A path or course, as of the sun through the heavens.进程:道路或过程,如太阳在天空中的进程Speed:速度:“My hasting days fly on with full career”(John Milton)“我匆匆忙忙的日子全速地飞逝而去”(约翰·米尔顿)adj.(形容词)Doing what one does as a permanent occupation or lifework:以…为终生职业或终生工作的:career diplomats; a career criminal.职业外交官;职业罪犯v.intr.(不及物动词)ca.reered,,ca.reers To move or run at full speed; rush.See Usage Note at careen 猛冲:全速运动或跑动;猛冲参见 careen


1、He began his career flipping hamburgers.(他以翻转汉堡包开始他的职业生涯。)2、His career has been blighted byinjuries.(他的事!"不断受到伤病的困扰。)3、He is on a career downswing.(他在事/上正走下坡路。)4、She has her career all planned out.(她对自己的前途事业已作了精心规划。)5、His career is as good as over.(他的事业差不多要完了。)6、Her career is moving into top gear(她的事业正如日中天。)7、She threw herself into a modelling career.(她投身于模特职业。)8、His career is now at its zenith.(他的事业现在正处于巅峰时期。)9、The movie helped boost her screen career(那部电影有助于她的银幕生涯的发展。)10、Nursing can be a very rewarding career(做护士可以是非常有意义的职业。)


(1) career指的是职业生涯,职业的发展之类的概念,是一种经历;(2) job指的是工作,比如工程师是一种工作。




有关“职业”的一组同义词的辨析 英语中表示“职业”的词不少,常见的有trade, business, vocation, profession, career, occupation, employment, job, work等。虽然它们都表示“职业”,但仍存在细微差别,在使用中容易混淆,现试分析如下: 1. trade 一般来说是指需要技巧而非高深学问的职业,可译为“职业”、“手艺”。例如: He is learning the carpenter"s trade. 他在学木匠手艺。 Shoemaking is a useful trade.做鞋是一种有用的手艺。 2.business表示一个人经常的,且赖以生活的职业,但是侧重于商业方面,尤指银行业、商业、企业等行业中的工作。例如: My business is real estate.我的职业是经营地产。 同时,business也可指一般职业,如问别人干哪一行时,可以说:What"s your business? 3.occupation指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。例如: By occupation she is a housewife.她的工作是管家。 这是因为尽管她没有外出工作,但她负责管理整个家庭,照顾一家人的生活,她的管家工作就可以称为occupation,而不能用其他词来代替。当然,干工作而又领取工资的也可称为occupation。 例如:The principal occupation of the inhabitants is to feed peacefully on tourists. 当地居民的主要职业是靠招待旅游者平静的度日。 4.employment指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,并且是比较固定的工作。例如: His employment is that of a bookbinder.他的职业是装订工。 5.career职业、事业、专业。指某种经过特殊训练,而又为之献身的终生事业,带有崇高色彩。例如:She abandoned her stage career.她放弃了演戏的事业。 a career diplomat职业外交家 6.profession作“职业”解释时,通常指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。过去,该词主要指律师、医生、牧师等职业,但现在它的词义已大大扩展了。现在可指有相当社会地位的许多其他谋生的职业。例如: She is an architect by profession.她的职业是建筑师。 She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业。 7.vocation正式用语,可与 profession同义,也指职业,行业,但语体委婉、庄重。另外,该词的另一含义是:出于个人天才或个人浓厚兴趣而长期献身的一种事业,已不再是谋生的手段,带有崇高的意味,在这个意义上与career是同义词。例如: She chose teaching as her vocation (profession). 她选择教书为职业。 Although a physician by vocation, he is a botanist by avocation. 虽然他的职业是医生,却又是一个业余的植物学家。 8.work是用语表示工作或职业最常用的词,它可以用来泛指一切长期性的职业,包括脑力劳动和体力劳动,通常代替employment和job。不过work多用来指“工作”本身,平常我们每做一件事无论大小,都可以称为work。 9.job非正式用语,泛指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。该词在口语中广泛使用。例如: She has a good job in a bank.她在银行里有份很好的工作。 综上所述,指专业职业时多用profession ,强调“工作”时用work,而口语中job用的较普遍。 show vs. appear Appear ?GIVE IMPRESSION? [linking verb, not in progressive] used to say that someone or something seems to have a particular quality or feeling He tried hard to appear calm. I don"t want to appear rude. The right colours can make a small room appear much bigger.

career,job,occupation,profession有什么区别?拜托各位了 3Q

Profession所指的职业是需要在文科或理科方面有一定的教育程度,具备一定理论水平的人才的职业。通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournalism(新闻业)。 以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。 而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(occupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),accountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖淫)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。 occupation指生活中为了赚钱而从事的主要活动。它最具泛指性,因此在英文简历中“职业”通常都用occupation。我们可以说By occupation she is a housewife.(她的职业就是做家务。)而occupational disease则是职业病。 career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。 work它是泛指一切长期从事的职业,不管专业、技巧,不管是否需要学问等等。“What"s your work?”(你做什么工作?)是最常见的问别人工作的一句话。 Job常指一件具体工作。You have done a good job.(你做的很好。)暑期工就可以是a summer job。His job is to sell newspapers.(他的活就是卖报纸。) 美国人比较喜欢用job表示职业或职位,如:what kind of job do you have?(你从事什么职业呀?)




career固定搭配:1、begin a career 开始一种生涯From a college education I plan to pursue higher learning, to begin a career and to make history in my family.我计划从大学教育中追求更高深的知识,开始一种职业生涯并在我家庭中创造历史。2、choose a career 选择〔从事,寻求〕职业I should choose a career from a "Best Careers" list.我应该从一个“最好的职业”清单上选择一份工作。3、follow a career 从事一种生涯The most joyful thing for a person is to follow a career that he or she loves with whole life.一个人最愉快的是一辈子干自己热爱的事业。career用法:career的基本意思是“职业”,指需特别训练并终生或长期从事的工作,引申可作某人的“生涯,经历”解。career作名词指“事业、一生的经历”,不是抽象名词,所以有复数形式careers,如:their careers中careers用复数形式。词义辨析:career,job,work这组词都有“职业”“事业”的意思,区别是:1.career指的是终身事业;而job和work却指的是人们为谋生而做的工作。2.job主要指有报酬的工作;而work可指任何需要做出努力来完成的事。

Career exploration是什么意思啊??



career,英语zhidao单词,可作为名词、形容词、不及物动词。1、名词:生涯;职业;事业;速度,全速;2、形容词:内作为毕生职业的;3、不及物动词:全速前进,猛冲;4、音标:英/kəˈrɪə(r)/  美/kəˈrɪr/;扩展资料:短语:1、Career Development 生涯规划 ; 职业发展 ; 生涯发展 ; 事业发展。2、career objective 职业目标 ; 工作目标 ; 求职目标 ; 求职意向。3、career card 履历卡 ; 经历卡 ; 简历卡。4、career plateau 职业高原 ; 职业生涯高原 ; 生涯高原 ; 高原期5、Career Stage 职业阶段 ; 职业生涯阶段 ; 职业生涯发展阶段 ; 发展阶段。
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