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The tour took in six European capitals.的中文意思?


Everybody hates rats.But in the earthquake capitals of the w?

每个人都讨厌老鼠.,3,Everybody hates rats.But in the earthquake capitals of the world-Japan,Los Angeles,Turkey-rats will soon be man"s new best friends. What happens after an earthquake?We send in rescue dogs.Why?Because they can *** ell people.Dogs save lives.They help rescuers to find living people.But dogs are big hand they can"t get into *** all spaces.So now a new research project is using a *** aller animal to save lives:the rat. How does it work?First,the rat is trained to *** ell people.When this happens,the rat"s brain gives a signal.This is sent to a *** all radio on its back,and then the rescuers follow the radio signals.When the rat"s brain activity jumps,the rescuers know that someone is alive.The rat has *** elled that person. Although there are already robots which can do this job,rats are better.Christian Linster at Cornell University—New York says,“Robots" noses don"t work well when there are other *** ells around.Rats are good at that.” Rats can also see in the dark.They are cheaper and quicker to train than dogs,and unlike robots,they don"t need electricity!The “rat project” is not finished,but Julie Ryan of International Rescue Corps in Scotland says,“It would be fantastic.A rat could get into spaces we couldn"t get to and a rat would get out if it wasn"t safe.” Perhaps for the first time in history,people will be happy to see a rat in a building(but only after an earthquake,of course).

signatory in capitals 什么意思

signatory in capitals签字人在首都signatory in capitals签字人在首都

出国申请表里Name in Roman BLOCK CAPITALS什么意思?

意思是你的名字要的拼音要全部英文字母的大写,标准写法LI HUI

capitals is or that lower case 组句

that is capitals or lowercase .那是大写或小写.

please put last names in capitals什么意思


Please complete this form in black ink and use CAPITALS where possible

百度的:in CAPITAL LETTERS当然就是叫你用大写字母填写,一般只有Personal Details这一栏才会完全要求用大写字母填写。还有一些重要信息如果他非要in BLOCK CAPITALS,那你就得用工整的大写字母了。其实他们总的原则就是要求书写整齐,便于复印。

出国申请表里Name in Roman BLOCK CAPITALS什么意思?

是指用英语大写字母书写自己的名字。Roman虽然是古罗马的意思,但是用于书写时,常为英语,而BLOCK CAPITALS为大写字母的意思,所以这句话是指用英语大写字母书写自己的名字。例如名字叫王亮,就写: WANG LIANG。扩展资料公民出国办理个人事务时,都应当按照法律规定的程序,依法取得出境许可。公民因私出境的程序是:交验户口簿或者其他户籍证明文件;填写出境申请表;提交所在工作单位对申请人出境的意见;提交与出境事宜相关的其他证明文件,包括:定居,须提供拟定居的亲友同意去定居的证明或者前往国家的定居许可证明。出境探亲访友,须提交亲友邀请证明;出境继承财产,须提交具有合法继承权的证明;出境就业,须提交聘请、雇佣单位的证明;出境旅游须提交旅行所需外汇费用的证明等。参考资料百度百科--中国公民出境申请表


asset (复数:assets)n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件同近义词substance, virtue, advantage, finances





请问这句话是什么意思:なお,记入は楷书(Roman block capitals)またはタイプ(typewriting)によるものとし


手机 ios 如何打出小型大写字母 small capitals?

.next() 方法接收的也是String类型的,不过nextLine()是以回车为标志,next()是以空格为标志 java中没有直接读入字符的方法 将你的 char smallletter 换成String smallletter 然后用smallletter.charAt(i)替代 smallletter然后用循环,i

which factor is the most important to your success,your knowledge,your ability,or your capitals?why

Ability,Ability can join knowledge and capital together and maximize my achievement!

Buenos Aires is one of the world capitals that (is) noted for its busy harbor.为什么用is?

that (is) noted for its busy harbor.这里面that引导的定语从句的先行词是one,即定语从句是修饰one的,所以定语从句中的谓语要用单数is

英文填表要我use black ink and block capitals.是指文章中所有内容都大写吗?类


block capitals and Roman characters是什么意思

block capitals and Roman characters 大写字母和罗马字母

Fill in each blank with the derivative of the word in capitals in parentheses

1 largest, 2 shortage, 3 washable, 4 survival, 5 advertisement, 6 knowledge, 7 constitution, 8 nerveniss, 9 interviewee, 10 arrival.

Print your name in block capitals.是什么意思


the tour take.six european capitals.

The tour took in six European capitals 旅客 被带 六个 欧洲的 首都 全文翻译:旅客被带领参观了6个欧洲的首都(大城市)

column capitals 是什么意思?连在一起的

column capitals 柱帽,柱头

please put last names in capitals什么意思


出国申请表里Name in Roman BLOCK CAPITALS什么意思?

意思是你的名字要的拼音要全部英文字母的大写,标准写法LI HUI


asset (复数:assets)n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件同近义词substance, virtue, advantage, finances



