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歌词有my来骚 baby

My Life - 50 Cent&Eminem&Adam Levine(That"s what I think he said...)(这是我觉得他说的...)My yeah~ My life, my life我的耶~我的宿命 我的宿命Makes me wanna run away让我不断的想逃脱这里There"s no place to go, no place to go但却无处可逃无处藏身All the confusion, it"s an illusion所有的困惑是一场错觉Like a movie, got nowhere to go编制的电影毫无藏身之处Nowhere to run and hide,让我无处可躲No matter how hard I try不管我怎样努力的尝试Yeah, "03 I went from quite filthy to filthy rich没错 从03年 我清理肮脏的历史 开始向成功靠近Man their emotions change so I can never trust a bitch人心总是在不断的改变 这也是我为什么从不信任所有人I tried to help niggas get on, they turned around and spit我曾试着帮助哥们儿在游戏中站住脚 他们却转过头恶言中伤Right in my face, so Game and Buck, both can suck a dick就在我的面前,所以Game和Buck现在都可以给我闭嘴Now when you hear "em it may sound like it"s some other shit再去听听他们的歌吧 或许早已不是当时的感觉Cause I"m not writing anymore, they not making hits因为我已经不再帮他们操刀 他们再也无法推出金曲I"m far from perfect, there"s so many lessons I done learned我离完美还差的太远 但是却一直没有停歇学习的脚步If money"s evil look at all the evil I done earned如果金钱是恶魔 看看我到底赚了多少的"鬼魅"I"m doing what I"m supposed to我现在只是去完成我本该做的事I"m a writer, I"m a fighter, entrepreneur扮演好 作词人和 勇士的身份一个刚刚从贫民窟Fresh out the sewer, watch me maneuver, what"s it to you?出来的企业家 看看我是怎么运筹帷幄但对于你们来说The track I lace it, it"s better than basic我谱写的音乐又是什么 至少比大多数的歌手要强太多This is my recovery, my comeback kid这是我的复苏 我回来了My life, my life我的宿命 我的宿命Makes me wanna run away让我不断的想逃脱这里There"s no place to go, no place to go但却无处可逃无处藏身All the confusion,所有的困惑It"s an illusion是一场错觉Like a movie, got nowhere to go编制的电影毫无藏身之处Nowhere to run and hide,让我无处可躲No matter how hard I try不管我怎样努力的尝试While you were sipping your own kool-aid getting your buzz heavy当你还在喝着你的Kool-Aid 醉态迷离的时候I was in the fucking shed sharpening my machete我却仍在录音室打磨这着我的"嘻哈弯刀"Sipping on some of that revenge juice, getting my taste buds ready间歇的时候抿一口"复仇"的果汁,让我的味蕾得到充分的刺激To whoop down this spaghetti, or should I say this spa-get-even?接下来我要好好"收拾"这些意面,或者我该叫它"复仇拉面"更加贴切I think you fucking meatballs keep on just forgetting看来你们这些蠢蛋和肉丸特别擅长遗忘事实Thought he was finished, motherfucker, it"s only the beginning觉得我已经江郎才尽 傻 们给我听好 这只是刚刚开始He"s buggin" again, he"s straight thuggin", fuck who he"s offending我将再次重振江湖,最直接的凶残 肆虐所有前来挑衅的人He"ll rip your vocal chords out and have them bitches plugged in the从喉咙扯出你的声带 然后把他们塞进Motherfucking wall with 3000 volts of electricity高压3000瓦特的电流墙Now take the other end of "em then plug them, motherfuckers in each然后把另一头声带也扯下来 然后塞进One of your eye sockets cause I thought you might finally fucking see你每个人的的眼窝里 或许你才能看清楚真相That"ll teach you to go voicing your cocksuckin" opinion to me这将教会你们这些混蛋如何管好你们的嘴巴 以免妄加评断I done put my blood, my sweat and my tears in this shit我已经投入了太多的鲜血 汗水和泪水 渗透进这个音乐Fuck letting up, you"re gonna end up regretting you ever betted against me我永远不会的松懈自己 那些曾经打赌说我将会失败的人 最终将会后悔莫及Feels like I"mma snap any minute, yeah, it"s happening again现在的我好像又干劲十足 是的 这种感觉的又的回来了I"m thinking about the same我成天总想着一件事Motherfuck everybody that"s up in this bitch, but 50!如何的肆虐这场游戏中的每个人 除了50cent!Cause this is all I know, this is why so hard I go因为这就是我现在清楚的 也是我为什么韵脚变得这么强烈I swear to God I put my heart and soul into this more than anybody knows我向上天发誓 我对音乐的投入 超过你们熟知的其他任何人I"m trapped, so all I do is rap, but every time I rap I"m more trapped我又陷入了深深的迷障 我所做的只有音乐 但是每次音乐却又让我越陷越深And I rap myself right into this bubble, oh oh, I guess it"s bubble wrap自己仿佛是所在泡沫中的困兽 或许我是被裹在泡沫包装里It"s like a vicious cycle, my life"s in a crisis我的生命就这样恶性循环着 在恐慌中度日Christ, how was I supposed to know shit would turn out like it did?上帝 请教授我如何预测身边随时将要发生的凶险与不测Feels like I"m going psycho again感觉现在的我又重新变得丧失理智And I might just blow my lid或许即将冲破瓶颈 将给这个游戏带来更多的刺激Shit, I almost wish that I would have never made Recovery, kid我有时候甚至希望我从来没有发不过"Recovery"这张专辑 孩子们Cause I"m running in circles with我感觉 我又陷入了新的一轮宿命的漩涡My life, my life我的宿命 我的宿命Makes me wanna run away让我不断的想逃脱这里There"s no place to go, no place to go但却无处可逃无处藏身All the confusion,所有的困惑It"s an illusion是一场错觉Like a movie, got nowhere to go编制的电影毫无藏身之处Nowhere to run and hide,让我无处可躲No matter how hard I try不管我怎样努力的尝试I haven"t been this fucking confused since I was a kid自从我是个孩子到现在 从来没有这样的困惑过Sold like 40 million records, people forgot what I did4000万的唱片销量 也不能让歌迷回忆起从前的我Maybe this is for me, maybe或许这是由于我个人的原因Maybe I"m supposed to go crazy或许我又应该对说唱燃起重新的疯狂Maybe I"ll do it 3 AM in the morning like Shady (hah)或许我会在早上3点像shady一样成为杀人狂魔Psycho killer, Michael Myers, I"m on fire like a lighter复活节夜晚丧失理智的Michael Myers,烈火燃烧的像个打火机Tryna say this ain"t classic, get your ass kicked想说一些如同以前一样经典的唱词 让歌迷重新振奋Mad quick, wrap your head up in plastic十恶不赦的恶魔 用塑料缠住你的头部Pussy, now pick the casket, dirt nap with the maggotsPussy快来自己选一款喜欢的棺材 幻想一下死亡的场景It"s tragic, it"s sad it"s这场悲剧多么的凄凉Never gonna end, now we number one again屠杀永远不会停止 现在我们又重新夺回了宝座With that frown on your face, and your heart full of hate现在你眉头紧锁 心里又充满了对我不满的怒火Accept it, respect it接受这个现实 并学会尊重真相This a gift God given like the air in the lungs这是上帝赐予我的天赋 就像生命需要氧气Of every fucking thing livin"是我生命不可缺少的一部分My life, my life我的宿命 我的宿命Makes me wanna run away让我不断的想逃脱这里There"s no place to go, no place to go但却无处可逃无处藏身All the confusion,所有的困惑It"s an illusion是一场错觉Like a movie, got nowhere to go编制的电影 毫无藏身之处Nowhere to run and hide,让我无处可躲No matter how hard I try不管我怎样努力的尝试-

英语bite by bite怎么翻译?

一口一口地(表示吃的方式)。但原来的短语是bit by bit一点一点的。比如We"ll do it bit by bit.(我们一点一点地做)

Bite、Byte、bps、Bps 分别是指什么?

Bit 位 (二进制位, 1或0, 不是Bite)Byte 字节, 1字节=8位二进制 (1B=8b)bps : bit per second 位每秒,数据传输速度单位Bps: byte per second 字节每秒,数据传输速度单位

为什么用will left不用would left. By the time we get there,nick_______left

与by the time 连用的句子应该用什么时态,主要是看这个时间点发生在过去还是现在或将来。从句用过去时,主句用过去完成时 或 从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时或将来完成时 By the time the Olympic Games start, we will have finished/ finish the construction.我收到他信时,他已经离开上海了By the time I received his letter, he had left Shanghai.========所以nick离开这个动作还没发生呢?get又是一般现在时,would干啥要用?

有没有的歌词? By Nikki Webster



单词解析: 1、baby 读音:英 ["beɪbi] 美 ["beɪbi]    n. 婴儿;宝贝儿;孩子气的人adj. 婴儿的;小型的vt. 溺爱The baby crawled across the room.那个婴儿从房间的这边爬到那边。2、beach 读音:英 [biːtʃ] 美 [biːtʃ]    n. 海滩;海滨;沙滩vt. 拖(船)上岸We are basking on the beach.我们在海滩上晒太阳。3、bear 读音:英 [beə(r)] 美 [ber]    n. 熊v. 忍受;负荷;结果;证实;生子女The bear has lived up to his reputation for stupidity.这只熊果然名不虚传,笨得出奇。4、baseball 读音:英 ["beɪsbɔːl] 美 ["beɪsbɔːl]    n. 棒球Rain interrupted our baseball game.下雨中断了我们的捧球比赛。5、bread 读音:英 [bred] 美 [bred]    n. 面包 vt. 在 ... 上撒面包屑I had a frugal meal of bread and cheese last night.我昨晚吃了只有面包和奶酪的便餐。


Betty["beti]中文拼写:贝蒂名字含义:上帝的誓约名字来源:希伯来语==================baby英 [u02c8beu026abi] 美 [u02c8beu026abi]n.婴儿; 婴孩; 幼崽; 宝贝儿


up yours:[俚语]滚开! 见你的鬼去吧! 你妈的!鄙视他们那个什么正事都不干的长官

外贸订货单上的payment :BY/ T/T 什么意思?


推荐几首英文歌,那种能穿透人心的。像Rolling in the Deep. You Raise Me Up .Baby. I Will Always Lo

L/C付款条款中by payment是什么意思,它与negotiation有什么区别?

BY PAYMENT的意思就是凭单据付款,而NEGOTIATION的意思是凭汇票议付。即BY PAYMENT的信用证不需要提交汇票,只是提交单据,开证行见到符合信用证的单据就付款。而NEGOTIATION的信用证必须将汇票和单据一同提交议付行议付。

up yours baby是什么意思



Gotta have you

求 mink 《here by my side》的英文版以及歌词+翻译

here by my sidei strated to write youa letter last nightbut i didnt know where to begini thought of firstsaying thank youthe words woldnt flowto any of the pagestill heard your voiceyou believedthat nobody would be there for menow my dream has found its melodyso for all my life,be the star that shineswhenevr you"re here by my sideanother year passed usand look how we"ve grownevery wish has come true, every dayseasons change so easy,like sun into rainfalling in to winter the snow"s on the waynow you"ll seeit"s not a holiday without you herei believe we"ll soon be home and feelnow i understandwhat means to have a special friendi relly want my heart to take your hand 与我离别的吻,消散得太快, 我确实为你付出,我心无法抵赖。 坚持还是放手,迷惘徘徊, 唯有此时此刻才能信赖。 咖啡与烟,不能令我迷恋,身畔裙裾飞扬,没有我梦中的思念。别哭,不要哭,我不会哭喊, 若是你在身旁我会安心闭上双眼。 与你长相厮守遥不可及, 你却一直在我脑海中挥之不去。 但梦里从未将你拥紧, 害怕清醒时,你已不在我怀里。 与你长相厮守遥不可及, 你却一直在我脑海中挥之不去。 但梦里从未将你拥紧, 害怕清醒时,你已不在我怀里。与你长相厮守遥不可及, 你却一直在我脑海中挥之不去。 但梦里从未将你拥紧, 害怕清醒时,你已不在我怀里。期待醒来,有你与我在一起

谁有mink的Here by my side英文完整版,是3分钟版本的,急~~~~~~


fool again吗?

Be famous by和be famous for意思一样吗?

be famous as 后一般跟 人,表“做为.人而闻名”be famous for 后一般跟事物 ,表“因/由于.而闻名”be famous to 后一般跟 人,表“对.是熟悉的”,“为.所熟知的”以上as,for,to都是介词.be famous by 没听说过~

求resolution matt corby的中文歌词谢谢

Resolution (Kygo Edit)歌手:Kygo / Matt Corby所属专辑:Resolution (Kygo Edit)I"m giving up我放弃了This whole lie, this whole me这全是谎言,我的所有Call it out like a family谎称将会有个家Instead I bide my time, get a ride反而,我在等待着时机,顺道搭车离开Until the rubber leaves the road直到橡胶轮胎车子载我离去You said don"t lie so I made the truth你说你不说谎,以至我道出真相Seemed like a lie to even you似乎对你而言是个谎言Control your fear. It"s clear控制住你恐惧的情绪.很显然That you do not know where you"re going to那是你迷失了方向So, don"t you worry因此,不要担心You"ll be my resolution你将是我的决心Characters of no illusion那不是错觉You"ll be my resolution你将是我的决心One month down and it"s in sight月亮坠落在眼前oh, I"m guaranteed to lose my mind噢,我敢保证那使我意乱情迷It"s dangerous to speak and sigh言语以及叹息带来严重后果You might know what I"m trying to hide也许你知道我在躲避着什么So from the cradle to quarter age从孩童到青春岁月oh, I bought the book but didn"t flip the page噢,我买书却从没打开看过oh, readiness is near. We steer噢,准备就绪,我们驶风掌舵As far away from the coming of days渐渐离未来远去So, don"t you worry因此,不要担心You"ll be my resolution你将是我的决心Characters of no illusion那不是错觉You"ll be my resolution你将是我的决心Characters of no illusion那不是错觉You"ll be my resolution将是我的决心Turn around, put it down and see放下吧,回头看That this is really the place to be.这是我们真正要去的地方I"m not you, nor you me我不是你,不是你我But we"re both moving steady.但我们俩都在渐渐前行



权志龙fasite baby歌词




day by day mv演员表

就是T ARA全员啊

在某些句子中动词加ing,如I was cool by wearing cool clothes 为什么wear要加ing




unhorsed by fence

1. The power of smiles微笑的力量 2. The meaning of life人生的意义 3. Value every minute珍惜每一分(秒) 4.Never give up永不放弃 5.The greatest pain in life人生最大的悲痛 6.Shake it off and step up重整旗鼓向前进 7.Nothing to fear无所畏惧 8.Yesterday, today and tomorrow昨天,今天和明天 9 Love is understanding爱就是理解 10.Grandma"s vase/grandpa"s chair/mom"s gloves/dad"s bike 外婆的花瓶/爷爷的椅子/母亲的手套/父亲的自行车 提问者:RBilly - 助理 二级 : 选了十个题目.你可试写一两个.平时多下手写写感想.多思考些日常小事, 其实就是把你平时的一些想法,或是注意到一些现象,整理一下.加点个人想法,就会是一篇很好的文章了.只要是发自内心的声音都会是动听的.考试时你也会下笔如神了.懂吗? 祝好! 随便写点什么,可是一些感想,也可以是一小段描写,总之你能中文写的东西也要尝试着用英语写,这样时间久了就好了.



英语作文:why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance,这句话为什么前后主语不一致呢?

a person泛指人,后面用their而appearance不可数,指外貌

JB的《Baby》《Love Me》里面合唱的那个男的是谁?有他的资料吗?

Ludacris原名:Christopher Bridges,又称Chris Bridges 出生年月:1977年9月11日 身高:5"7"" 又3/4(172cm) 出生地:美国的伊利诺斯州的芝加哥编辑本段个人履历 Ludacris原名Christopher Brian Bridges,是美国最近几年最为出色的南方说唱歌手之一,还是一名出色的说唱唱片制作人。Ludacris职业生涯专辑总销量在全美超过1700万张,全球超过2400万张,获得过Screen Actors Guild, Critic"s Choice, MTV和格莱美奖。另外,Ludacris和自己的经纪人Chaka Zulu一同在Def Jam唱片旗下创办了Disturbing tha Peace唱片公司。Ludacris以其高低有致的说唱和荒诞有趣的MV闻名。 Chris Bridges出生在美国伊利诺伊州中东部城市尚佩恩的Bridges拥有非洲裔美国人和美国当地印第安人的血统。他从小就有着非常高的说唱音乐天赋,很早就开始说唱生涯。9岁时Bridges写了自己第一首说唱歌曲,接着他们一家搬去了亚特兰大,并在这里开始了他辉煌的说唱生涯。12岁的时候小Bridges也加入了一个名叫Loudmouth Hooligans业余的说唱组合。在亚特兰大班内克高中毕业后,Bridges考入乔治亚州立大学主修音乐管理。从此他的说唱天才就被同学和其他人所认识,逐步的他开始向专业的说唱音乐进军。Chris Bridges成为了当地的Hot 97.5电台的一名DJ,这让他有机会进一步锻炼自己的说唱音乐,并且学习到了唱片录制技术,这段时间的经验使他在以后的音乐生涯中受益良多,最重要的是,在这里他挣到了一些钱,这些钱可以为他以后的发展提供了物质基础。 在这期间,Ludacris受到当时初出茅庐的制作人Timbaland的邀请,到当地WHTA电台与他一起工作。接着Ludacris就开始用“DJ Chris Lova Lova”这个名字当上了电台DJ。1998年,Ludacris还在Timbaland的专辑《Tim"s Bio: Life from da Bassment》中客串了一首“Phat Rabbit”。 Chris Bridges改名为Ludacris,并且从电台DJ转行正式发展自己的说唱音乐,他在几位说唱音乐名人的专辑里开始获得合作的机会。2000年5月份,Ludacris在自己的Disturbing Tha Peace公司独立录制并发行了第一张个人专辑《Incognegro》,在告示牌专辑销量榜上排到了第四的好名次。专辑中的许多歌曲都获得成功,这张专辑成为了Ludacris说唱生涯一个非常重要的开端,专辑中的多首单曲使许多人记住了他的名字,并且成为了他的死忠歌迷,也奠定了Ludacris在南方说唱音乐界的地位。由于这张专辑中的一些单曲在当地的电台热播,因而这张专辑的销量还是相当出色的,超过了三万张。 良好的销售业绩以及Ludacris本身的潜力,使得许多家主流唱片公司向他抛出了橄榄枝,最终Ludacris和Def Jam唱片公司达成了协议。在新的唱片公司,Ludacris录制了几首新歌,并且把这些新歌加入到了专辑《Incognegro》中,再把这张专辑重新命名为《Back for the First Time》之后,在2000年10月17日重新发行,不过这次的发行上已经变成了大的唱片公司,并且专辑制作人是大名鼎鼎的Neptunes,Timbaland和Organized Noize。这张专辑理所当然的取得了巨大的成功,其中的单曲占领了相当部分的电台,专辑销量也杀到了Billboard 200排行榜的第四名的高位上,并且还成为了R&B/Hip-Hop专辑榜的亚军。这张专辑成为了Ludacris说唱生涯一个非常重要的开端,专辑中的多首单曲使许多人记住了他的名字,并且成为了他的死忠歌迷,也奠定了Ludacris在南方说唱音乐界的地位。 2001年末,以新造型黑人爆炸头登场的Ludacris发行了他的个人第二张专辑《Word of Mouf》,主打歌“Rollout (My Business)”的MV获得了2002年VMA的提名。专辑中的另外三首单曲也是支支经典,分别是和Sleepy Brown合作的“Saturday (Oooh Oooh)”,和Mystikal与I-20合作的“Move Bitch”还有和Nate Dogg合作的“Area Code”。 2003年春天,沉寂两年的Ludacris以一首“Act a Fool”回归,这首歌被收录在他客串的电影《速度与激情2(2 Fast 2 Furious)》的原声带中。同时,他还发行了自己新专辑《Chicken-n-Beer》的主打歌“P-Poppin”。不过这两首歌获得他之前歌曲的成绩,新专辑《Chicken-N-Beer》推出后首周销量不错,但是由于专辑中没有一首成功的单曲,专辑销量随后锐减。2003年秋天,Ludacris推出了这张专辑中的第二单曲,由当时的制作新人Kanye West制作的“Stand Up”。歌曲成为了Ludacris最为成功的单曲之一,拿到告示牌单曲榜冠军,并在各大电台电视台遭疯狂点播。2004年初,专辑中的第三单曲“Splash Waterfalls”发行,尽管歌词的主题和歌曲MV十分露骨(这支MV是Ludacris主题最为性感的一支MV,而且早在詹姆士卡梅隆之前就在MV里放出了“阿凡达”一样的角色,网上甚至有人怀疑这个MV是由卡梅隆制作的),但是这首歌还是获得了极大的成功,跻身单曲榜前10。接着Ludacris还由于和R&B天王Usher还有Lil Jon合作了全球著名的单曲“Yeah!”获得了他职业生涯的第一支格莱美奖。 2004年,Ludacris开始创作自己的第四张专辑《Red Light District》,专辑的制作和创作都更为成熟,同样获得了告示牌专辑销量榜冠军。2006年9月,将一头黑人玉米辫剔去的Ludacris发行了他那张倍受期待的新专辑《Release Therapy》。主打歌“Money Maker”找来超级制作人Pharrell Williams客串,歌曲成为他6年以来的又一支冠军单曲。第二支单曲“Grew Up a Screw Up”找来了亚特兰大新崛起的Young Jeezy合作,也打消了两人之间有矛盾的传闻。而第三单曲,与R&B老牌歌姬Mary J. Blige合作的“Runaway Love”爬升到了告示牌说唱单曲榜的冠军,并获得了2007年BET颁奖典礼的“最佳合作奖”。这张专辑也不负众望,首周就排到了告示牌专辑销量榜的冠军。而比起曾经的玩世不恭,Ludacris显得更为成熟,这张专辑也为他赢得了次年的格莱美年度最佳说唱专辑奖。 Ludacris的成就并不只局限于他的个人专辑。作为Disturbing tha Peace的核心,Ludacris将他的经验和热情分享给了很多的艺人,其中包括Fate, I-20, Shawnna, Playaz Circle和 Tity Boi。除了参与监管Disturbing tha Peace外,Luda也管理着Ludacris基金会,一个已经创办了3年的非盈利性组织。Ludacris基金会的目的是想通过“Principles of Success”来鼓励年轻人勇敢的去实现梦想,并让他们知道他们才是未来的建设者。基金会会通过音乐将年轻人的观点,矛盾和遇到的困境展示出来。这个基金会对Ludacris来说意义重大,尽管那些并不在他的工作范围内,但他还是会常常参与社区服务。他表示说:“我真的很享受与人们工作的过程,也喜欢去帮助别人。” 2008年11月,Ludacris发行了自己第6张正式专辑《Theater of the Mind》,专辑首周排到了告示牌专辑销量榜的第5,当周的冠军被Kanye West的《808s & Heartbreak》拿走。而专辑中的一首“Wish You Would”找来亚特兰大另一位王者T.I.合作,象征着两人的矛盾就此结束。2010年3月,Ludacris的第七张专辑《Battle of the Sexes》发行,就像这张专辑的名称一样,专辑原先的概念是Ludacris和自己旗下的女艺人Shawnna在专辑中“你一拳,我一拳”的对战,不过随后由于Shawnna离开了Ludacris的Disturbing tha Peace转投T-Pain的Nappy Boy娱乐公司,这一概念只能搁浅。不过专辑两支单曲“How Low”和“My Chick Bad”获得了成功,专辑首周大卖430000张,拿下告示牌专辑销量的冠军。 2010年,在全球人气小天王Justin Bieber的新专辑《my world 2.0》中,Ludacris受邀演唱热门歌曲《Baby》的说唱部分,并参演《Baby》的MV,受到外界的一致好评

you oughta know by now how much i love you 什么意思?


what a lovely baby is it a girl

其实这是一个口语化的词,你可以把它理解为“到”. 整句话的意思是“一个男孩,到今天他十四个月大了.”


《Baby Girl》歌手:B2K专辑:《Greatest Hits》feat P DiddyWe sending this one outto all the lady"s all over the worldAll my sexy mamasAs we proceed to give you what you needYou now I like it when ya body goBUMP BUMP BUMPBad Boy B2kYo O talk to em playaI like yo little sexy stylelove it when you getting wildgirl in the club with meGirl you need to be in magazinesWith a crown on yo head cause you a ghetto queenlike BLING BLING BLINGlike an hour glass girl let me spend some timeyeahhhhhI want to get you to myself you meand nobody else can do the things we doBaby there is something that I need from youBaby turn aroundand let me see that sexy body goBUMP BUMP BUMPThat is all I wanna seebaby show me (show me)Baby turn aroundand let me see that sexy body goBUMP BUMP BUMPThe way you throwing that thing at meI cant take it babyGirl ya have to stop teasin meGonna have to start pleasing meWhile we"re on this floor (oohhh Yeah)Your whippen" it round and roundI love the way you put it downYour making me scream for morePut your two-way next to mindBaby hit me any timeyou and me behind close doorsYou about to be my main squeezetake trips cop shiney thingsGirl just come with me OOOOHHHNow I"ma go and do tha damn thingBaby turn aroundand let me see that sexy body goBUMP BUMP BUMPThat is all I wanna seebaby show me show meBaby turn aroundand let me see that sexy body goBUMP BUMP BUMPThe way you throwing that thing at meI cant take it NOLets dance for nothin mami plans to take up mamiGet on the floor make it bump more shake it mamiLet"s ride I"m yo Clyde You Can Be My BonnieSee you the type for me mami so right for meMan She can move it love when she dance to the musicMake me wanna stand like a pool stickHands is the smoothestjust a simple touch make me lose itGirl thats enough stop movingNow BUMP ThatI Pump that girl bring it to meBump thatI want that girl sing it with me likeda da da da da dat dat datda da da da da dat dat datSo lets do it again mami you and a friend mamiMoney anit a thing mami what I gotta spend mamiPut up you hands fa me thats how you dance fa meShake it like she can honey take it from ya man mamiBaby turn aroundand let me see that sexy body goBUMP BUMP BUMPThat is all I wanna seebaby show me (show me)Baby turn aroundand let me see that sexy body goBUMP BUMP BUMPThe way you throwing that thing at meI cant take it Babyand let me see that sexy body goBUMP BUMP BUMPThat is all I wanna seebaby show me (show me)Baby turn aroundand let me see that sexy body goBUMP BUMP BUMPThe way you throwing that thing at meI cant take it NOBaby turn aroundand let me see that sexy body goBUMP BUMP BUMPBaby turn aroundand let me see that sexy body goBUMP BUMP BUMP

求(sleep, baby,sleep )的中文翻译!!!!!


请问fund by fund是什么意思

这里fund by fund是指逐个逐个基金.括号的话是你自己翻译的吧.整句意思:每一位投资者都可以访问他的基金账户,交易记录,并可以按逐个基金或组合基金的方式优化其投资组合.

in/at/on/by the beach分别什么意思,有什么区别啊?


in/at/on/by the beach分别什么意思,有什么区别啊? 分不多,但希望有高人指教

on 强调的是在沙滩上的主体或者动作,一般用其引申意义失业; 处于困境,离船,上岸 退休 在陆上工作等等 by 强调的是沙滩的附近的主体,一般为第三人称 at 同on的原意相同,一般说在沙滩上做什么,有什么的时候都说at in 通常都是in.the beach 强调的是in后面接的动作或者状态 我是这样记的

in/at/on/by the beach分别什么意思,有什么区别啊? 分不多,但希望有高人指教

on 强调的是在沙滩上的主体或者动作,一般用其引申意义失业; 处于困境,离船,上岸 退休 在陆上工作等等 by 强调的是沙滩的附近的主体,一般为第三人称 at 同on的原意相同,一般说在沙滩上做什么,有什么的时候都说at in 通常都是in.the beach 强调的是in后面接的动作或者状态 我是这样记的

in/at/on/by the beach分别什么意思,有什么区别啊?

汉语意思是:1海滩,海滨;岸上的沙子和卵石;2将…拖上岸;将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边你的采纳 我的动力希望我能继续帮助你

ガーネット by奥华子 (罗马音)

  剧场版アニメーション「时をかける少女」主题曲  ガーネット  作词 作曲:奥 华子  编曲:佐藤 准  歌:奥 华子  歌词整理和提供:御名方守矢  グラウンド駆けてくあなたの背中は  空に浮かんだ云よりも自由で  ノートに并んだ四角い文字さえ  すべてを照らす光に见えた  好きという気持ちが分からなくて  二度とは戻らないこの时间が  その意味をあたしに教えてくれた  あなたと过ごした日々をこの胸に焼き付けよう  思い出さなくても大丈夫なように  いつか他の谁かを好きになったとしても  あなたはずっと特别で 大切で  またこの季节が 廻ってく  はじめて二人で话した放课后  谁も知らない 笑颜探していた  远くであなたのはしゃいでる声に  なぜだか胸が痛くなったの  変わってゆく事を怖がってたの  ずっと友达のままいれる気がした  终わってく物など无いと思った  果てしない时间の中で あなたと出会えた事が  何よりもあたしを强くしてくれたね  梦中でかける明日に辿り着いたとしても  あなたはずっと 特别で 大切で  またこの季节が やってくる  いつまでも忘れないと あなたが言ってくれた夏  时间が流れ 今顷あたしは涙がこぼれてきた  あなたと过ごした日々をこの胸に焼き付けよう  思い出さなくても大丈夫なように  いつか他の谁かを好きになったとしても  あなたはずっと特别で 大切で  またこの季节が廻ってく  GURAUNDO kake teku anatano senaga wa  sorani ukanda kumo yorimo juude  NOTE ninaranda shikakui mojisae  subetewo terasu hikarinimieta  sukitoiu kimochiga wakaranakute  nidotowa modoranai konojiganga  sono imiwo atashini oshietekureta  anatato sugoshita hibiwo kono mune niyakitsukeyou  omoi dasanakutemo daijobu nayouni  itsuka tanodarekawo sukininattatoshitemo  anatawa zuttoto tokubetsude daisetsude  mata kono kisetsuga megutteku  hajimete futaride hanashita houkago  daremoshiranai ekaosagashiteita  dookude anatano hashaideru koeni  nazedaka munegaitakutattano  kawatteyukukotowo kowagattetano  zutto tomotachino mamaireru kigashita  owatteku mononado naitoomotta  hateshinai tokino nakade anatatodeae takotoga  nani yorimo atashiwo tsuyo kushitekuretane  mujude kakeru ashitani tadoritsuitatoshitemo  anatawazutto tokubetsude daisetsude  mata konokisetsuga yattekuru  itsumademo wasurenaito anataga ittekuretanatsu  jiganga nagare imakoro atashi wa namida gakoboretekita  anatato sugoshita hibiwo kono mune niyakitsukeyou  omoi dasanakutemo daijobu nayouni  itsuka tanodarekawo sukininattatoshitemo  anatawa zuttoto tokubetsude daisetsude  mata kono kisetsuga megutteku  奔跑在操场上的你的身影  比天空中的白云还要自由  就连日记中描述你的文字  也仿佛照亮一切的光线  我曾经不解何谓“喜欢”  但这段一去不复返的时光  告诉了我它的含意  把与你共度的时光铭刻在心底  不必刻意回忆也不会把你忘记  即使有一天我喜欢上了别人  你始终是非凡的 重要的  如同这个季节 将循环不息  初次与你聊天的那段放学时光  我找回了从未展现过的笑脸  听到你欢笑的声音远远传来  不知为何我的心会隐隐作痛  曾经是如此害怕改变  还以为我们可以永远都是朋友  以为世上的事物永远不会结束  在漫无止境的时空中与你相遇  让我学会了前所未有的坚  即使某日我抵达了梦中的明天  你始终是非凡的 重要的  如同这个季节 将再次来临  无论何时都不会忘记  自从你如此对我说的夏天  时光已匆匆流逝过  直到今日  我才不禁暗然落泪  把与你共度的时光铭刻在心底  不必刻意回忆也不会把你忘记  即使有一天我喜欢上了别人  你始终是非凡的 重要的  如同这个季节 将循环不息

The baby weighed seven pounds ______

1、The baby weighed seven pounds _______.A.of birth birth birth D.from birth答:应该选择B,因为at birth表示“出生时”。整句话的意思是这个孩子出生时重7磅。2、birth 英 [bu025cu02d0θ]  美 [bu025cu02d0rθ]    n.分娩;出生;诞生;血统v.分娩;产生adj.有血亲关系的3、birth的搭配:动词+~announce birth 宣布诞生celebrate the birth of 庆祝…的诞生give birth 生,引起register birth 登记出生value birth 看重出身形容词+~difficult birth 难产multiple birth 多胎产new birth 新生~+名词birth certificate 出生证birth control 避孕birth pill 避孕丸介词+~at birth 在出生时by birth 在血统上from birth 出生以来


「BYE BYE」作词∶Miliyah作曲∶Miliyah歌手∶加藤ミリヤ出会いと别れをteaitowakareo【邂逅与离别】何度缲り返せば 仆たちnandukuri kaiseba bokutachi【已在我们之间重复了无数次】幸せになれるのshiyawase nareruno【这样真的幸福吗?】あなたの背中が远くかすんでいったanatano senakaga tookukasundeita【你的背影已到达无法看清的远方】美しい想い 儚い梦utsukushi omoi hakanaiyome【美好的感情 虚幻的梦境】寂しくはない 忘れないでsabishikunai wasurenaide【若是不寂寞 就不要忘记】bye bye bye bye【再见】爱しいあなたと同じ梦を见てitoshii anatato onajiyomeomite【与爱恋的你一同见到的梦】一绪に前に进んでいたishonimaeni susundeita【想一起向着那里前进】だけどお别れなんだよdakedo owasurenantayo【但是却离别在即】ずっとずっとずっとそばにいたいよzutozutozuto sobaniitaiyo【希望你永远永远在身边】でもきっときっときっとこのままじゃダメなんだよdemo kitokitokito konomamaja damenandayo【但是这样下去一定会幻灭】泣いて泣いて悩んでnaitenaite nayande【无数次哭泣和烦恼的话】やっと掴んだ幸せもyatotsukanda shiyawasemo【终于抓住的幸福也】この手からすり抜けていくよkonotekarasuri nuketeikuyo【会从这双手溜走】悲しくなるからkanashikunarukara【变得悲哀】振り返ったりしないでfurikaetarishinaide【不要回头】二度と会えなくてもnidotoaenakutemo【即使无法重逢】あなたをずっと忘れない【也永远不会忘记你】あなたのことを爱してたのにanatanokotoo aishitetanoni【明明爱恋着你】恋に终わりあると知ってたのにkoini owari arutoshitetanoni【也知晓恋情已尽】こんなに胸が苦しいのはなぜ?konnani munega kurushii nowanaze【为何心中苦闷不减?】爱してるからSay goodbye bye byeaishiterukara Say goodbye bye bye【因为爱 说再见吧 再见】爱を贯くこと とても难しいaio tsuramekukoto totemo muzukashii【贯彻的爱 困难无比】何もかも舍ててついて行くなんてごめんできないnanimokamo sutetetsuite ikunantegomen dekinai【抛弃所有地前行 抱歉我做不到】あなたは自由に羽ばたいてanatawa jiyuuni hanebataite【因为你也在追求自由的羽翼】抱いて抱いて抱いて 最後にいつものようにdaitedaitedaite saigoni itsumonoyouni【在最后和往常一样 抱紧我吧】まだ待って待って待ってmadamatematemate【还在无限地等待】あなたを忘れたくないよanatao wasuretakunaiyo【因为不想忘记你】「さよなら」の言叶「sayonara」nokotoba【离别的话语】かき消す甘い音がkakikesu amaiotoga【无法消除的甜言蜜语】爱していたんだよ あなただけをaishiteitandayo anatadakeo【会如此深爱的人 只有你一人】何度も何度もnandomo nandomo【无数次 无数次】あなたの名前呼んだよanatanonamaiondayo【呼唤你的名字】言叶にできないほどkotobanidekinaihodo【无法言语】胸に渗む思い出nuneni nijimu omoite【自内心渗出的思念】最後の恋だと誓ったのにsaigono koidato chikatanoni【明明发誓是最后的恋爱】初めて永远愿ったのにhajimete eienonekatanoni【明明是第一次祈求永远】私から离れてくのはなぜ?watashikara wasurete kunowanaze【为何要离开我身边?】爱してるのにSay goodbye bye byeaishiterunoni Say goodbye bye bye【为了爱 说再见吧 再见】あなたの幸せ 私の愿いSo faranatanoshiyawase watashino onekai So far【你的幸福与我的愿望 咫尺天涯】仆たちはこの先どんな人と出会ってbokutachiwa konosakidon nahitoto teate【我们今后会与怎样的人相遇】恋に落ちるだろうkoini ochiru daruu【若此恋陨落】谁かをまた爱せるからdarekao mataaiserukara【还会与谁相恋】悲しくなるからkanoshikunarukara【变得悲哀】振り返ったりしないでfurikaetarishinaide【不要回头】二度と会えなくてもnidotoaenakutemo【即使无法重逢】あなたをずっと忘れないanataozuto wasurenai【也永远不会忘记你】あなたのことを爱してたのにanatano kotooaishitetanoni【明明爱恋着你】恋に终わりあると知ってたのにkoiniowariaruto shitetanoni【也知晓恋情已尽】こんなに胸が苦しいのはなぜ?konnani nunegakushiinowanaze【为何心中苦闷不减?】爱してるから Say goodbye bye byeaishiterukara Say goodbye bye bye【因为爱 说再见吧 再见】oh oh oh そばにいたかったoh oh oh sobaniitakata【你曾在身边】oh oh 爱していたよoh oh aishiteitayo【如此深爱着】oh oh とても恋しいよoh oh totemokoishiiyo【十分爱恋】oh oh だけど忘れてoh oh dakedowasureta【却须遗忘】そうサヨナラ 忘れないよsousayonara wasurenaiyo【所以即使说再见 也永远不要忘记】

At birth, a baby panda is about 0.1-0.2 kiols.里的k


The Gift By Li-Young Lee 求译文!!!!!



链接: 提取码:p4be该小说讲述了小莫站在张延身边已经一小时了,他知道这一小时对于张延而言,或许有甚于十小时,但除了略微的同情,他什么都不能做。张延此时正坐在他熟悉的办公桌前处理文件,如同其他从事总经理秘书这样工作的人一样,他每天要解决的事情总是很多。不同的是他身旁放置了一个约1米高的铁的置物架,上面挂着一个满有液体的玻璃瓶,通过玻璃瓶上特殊的设置,璃瓶中的液体正延着一根长长的导管流入张延的分身。

求英文名著读后感—“Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens,300英文字或以上(简介+理解,主要是理解

不是有课文吗?抄点上去不就行了。课文找给你Great ExpectationsGreat Expectations is set in England in the early 1800s.Dickens uses Pip, the main character, to tell the story. Pip is not only a character, he also tells the story of Great Expectations. Pip lives with his older sister and her husband Joe. Pip"s sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.Pip, who is seven years old when the story begins, is in a misty field of tombs when a man appears and frightens him. Mist is a symbol of danger and uncertainty in Great Expectations. Classic novels often have symbols which add interest, tension or deeper meaning to the text. Readers may not be able to see the danger, so they need a symbol like the mist to make it clearer to them.There is a twist in the plot when a very generous stranger gives Pip a lot of money. Pip is about 18 years old when this happens, and the fortune sets him free from the financial worries. Pip makes the abrupt decision to move from Kent, which is a constant remainder of his shabby beginnings, to the bright lights of London.Excited by his move to London, Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life. Money and education have changed him, and before long he develops the shortcomings of being shallow and having prejudice, even against his old companions. Pip dislikes it when Joe comes to visit him in London. He has rigid ideas of what it means to be civil and to be a gentleman, and is embarrassed by Joe he does not fit these.Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estella"s love. Estella is a beautiful girl, and for Pip, she is a symbol of education and money. What it really means to be a gentleman is an important theme in Great Expectations. Is an educated person with a lot of money a gentleman? Or is a gentleman somebody who is kind and good to his friends?By the end of the novel, Pip has changed a lot. He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education. This change in Pip is called character development and is an important part of any novel. Does Joe forgive Pip? Does Pip get the girl of his dreams? You will just have to read it yourself to find out!

一首英文歌曲的名字!歌词大概是,baby we can cheer now.还有,dont kon

People say we shouldn"t be together 人们说我们不该在一起We"re too young to know about forever 年纪轻轻 不懂什么是永恒But I say they don"t know what they talk talk talkin" about 但我说 他们对此一无所知 Cause this love is only getting stronger 因为这份爱只会变得更坚强So I don"t wanna wait any longer 所以我不想再等了I just wanna tell the world that you"re mine girlll 我只想告诉全世界 你是我的女孩They don"t know about the things we do 他们不知道我们做的事They don"t know about the I love you"s 他们没听过我们口中的“我爱你”But I bet you if they only knew 但我跟你打赌 如果他们知道了They will just be jealous of us 一定会嫉妒我们They don"t know about the up all night"s 他们不知道我们的彻夜狂欢They don"t know I"ve waited all my life 他们不明白我已等待太久Just to find a love that feels this right只为寻找一个对的人Baby they don"t know about 他们不了解这些They don"t know about us他们不懂我们Just one touch and I was a believer 一下轻触已使我沦陷Every day it gets a little sweeter每天都变得更甜蜜It"s getting better 一切都在好转Keeps getting better all the time girl一直在好转They don"t know about the things we do 他们不知道我们做的事They don"t know about the I love you"s 他们没听过我们口中的“我爱你”But I bet you if they only knew 但我跟你打赌 如果他们知道了They will just be jealous of us 一定会嫉妒我们They don"t know about the up all night"s 他们不知道我们的彻夜狂欢They don"t know I"ve waited all my life 他们不知道我已经等待了太久Just to find a love that feels this right只为找到一个对的人Baby they don"t know about 他们不了解这些They don"t know about us他们不懂我们They don"t know how special you are 他们不明白你有多特别They don"t know what you"ve done to my heart 他们不知道你对我的心做了什么They can say anything they want 他们可以信口胡说Cause they don"t know about us因为他们不懂我们They don"t know what we do best 他们不知道我们擅长什么That"s between me and you our little secret这是我们间的小秘密But I wanna tell them 但我想告诉他们他们没听过我们口中的“我爱你”But I bet you if they only knew 但我跟你打赌 如果他们知道了They will just be jealous of us 一定会嫉妒我们They don"t know about the up all night"s 他们不知道我们的彻夜狂欢They don"t know I"ve waited all my life 他们不知道我已经等待了太久Just to find a love that feels this right只为找到一个对的人Baby they don"t know about 他们不了解这些They don"t know about us他们不懂我们They don"t know about us 他们了解这些They don"t know about us 他们不懂我们望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

急寻“Hardly a man saw the film _but_ was greatly moved by the spirit of the hero." 的中文翻译?


一首英文歌,男的唱的,其中一句歌词好像是We are the hero some by time,唔喔喔喔,唔喔喔喔

see you again

歌词里有who baby的英文歌

u300a...Baby One More Timeu300boh baby baby)(oh baby baby)oh baby babyhow was i supposed to knowthat something wasn"t right hereoh baby babyi shouldn"t have let you goand now you"re out of sight yeahshow me how you want it to betell me babycause i need to know nowoh becausemy loneliness is killing me(and i)i must confessi still believe(still believe)when i"m not with you i lose my mindgive me a signhit me baby one more timeoh baby babythe reason i breathe is youboy you"ve got me blindedoh pretty babythere"s nothing that i wouldn"t doit"s not the way i planned itshow me how you want it to betell me babycause i need to know nowoh becausemy loneliness is killing me(and i)i must confessi still believe(still believe)when i"m not with you i lose my mindgive me a signhit me baby one more time(oh baby baby)(oh baby baby)oh baby babyhow was i supposed to knowoh pretty babyi shouldn"t have let you goi must confessthat my lonelinessis killing me nowdon"t you know i still believethat you will be hereand give me a signhit me baby one more timemy loneliness is killing me(and i)i must confessi still believe(still believe)when i"m not with you i lose my mindgive me a signhit me babyi must confessthat my lonelinessis killing me nowdon"t you knowi still believethat you will be hereand give me a sig

小甜甜布兰妮baby one more time 歌词是什么意思?


baby more time 的歌词


Baby One More Time 同音歌词。

终于完成了,好累,希望你喜欢!oh baby baby偶,卑鄙,卑鄙how was i supposed to know好 卧姿 爱 色剖死的 图 呢偶that something was"t right here 在特 萨姆私营 卧姿 入艾特 黑恶oh baby baby 偶,卑鄙,卑鄙i shouldn"t have let you go爱 熟的恩特 还无 莱特 油 够and now you"re out of sight,yeah案的 闹 有啊 奥特 奥夫 赛特,耶!show me how you want it to be是偶 米 好 有 网特 诶特 图 比tell me baby特奥 米 卑鄙"cause i need to know now考斯 爱 你的 图 呢偶 好oh because偶 必考四my loneliness is killing me买 龙理你思 诶子 可令 米(and i) i must confess按的 爱 玛斯特 康菲尔死 i still believe (still believe)爱 撕掉 比礼物 撕掉 比礼物when i"m not with you i lose my mind问 爱 木 闹特 位子 有 爱 鲁斯 买 满的give me a sign给无 米 饿 塞恩hit me baby one more time黑特 米 卑鄙 午安 猫 太木oh baby baby偶,卑鄙,卑鄙the reason i breath is you资额 瑞森 爱 不如爱死 诶死 有boy you got me blinded包爱 有 噶特 米 不来嗯得意的oh pretty baby偶 普瑞提 卑鄙there"s nothing that i wouldn"t do子饿死 那私营 在特 爱 无德恩特 度it"s not the way i planned it诶子 闹特 则 为 爱 普兰德 诶特show me how you want it to be首 米 好 有 网特 诶特 图 比tell me baby特奥 米 卑鄙"cause i need to know now考斯 爱 你的 图 呢偶 闹oh because偶 比my loneliness is killing me买 龙理你思 诶子 可令 米(and i) i must confess按的 爱 玛斯特 康菲尔死i still believe (still believe)爱 撕掉 比礼物 撕掉 比礼物when i"m not with you i lose my mind问 爱 木 闹特 位子 有 爱 鲁斯 买 满的please give me a sign普里斯 给无 米 饿 塞恩hit me baby one more time黑特 米 卑鄙 午安 猫 太木(oh baby baby,ooh)偶,卑鄙,卑鄙,偶(oh baby baby yay ,ayeah)偶,卑鄙,卑鄙,耶,耶oh baby baby偶,卑鄙,卑鄙how was i supposed to know案的 卧姿 爱 色剖撕得 图 呢偶oh pretty baby偶 普瑞提 卑鄙i shouldn"t have let you go爱 熟的恩特 还无 莱特 有 够i must confess爱 玛斯特 康菲尔死that my loneliness is killing me now在特 买 龙理你思 诶子 可令 米don"t you know i still believe董特 有 呢偶 爱 撕掉 比礼物that you will be here在特 有 为傲 比 黑鹅and give me a sign案的 给无 米 饿 塞恩hit me baby one more timemy loneliness is killing me买 龙理你思 诶子 可令 米(and i) i must confess按的 爱 玛斯特 康菲尔死i still believe (still believe)爱 撕掉 比礼物 撕掉 比礼物when i"m not with you i lose my mind问 爱 木 闹特 位子 有 爱 鲁斯 买 满的give me a sign给无 米 饿 塞恩hit me baby one more time黑特 米 卑鄙 午安 猫 太木


《...Baby One More Time》 oh baby baby) (oh baby baby) oh baby baby how was i supposed to know that something wasn"t right here oh baby baby i shouldn"t have let you go and now you"re out of sight yeah show me how you want it to be tell me baby cause i need to know now oh because my loneliness is killing me (and i) i must confess i still believe (still believe) when i"m not with you i lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby one more time oh baby baby the reason i breathe is you boy you"ve got me blinded oh pretty baby there"s nothing that i wouldn"t do it"s not the way i planned it show me how you want it to be tell me baby cause i need to know now oh because my loneliness is killing me (and i) i must confess i still believe (still believe) when i"m not with you i lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby one more time (oh baby baby) (oh baby baby) oh baby baby how was i supposed to know oh pretty baby i shouldn"t have let you go i must confess that my loneliness is killing me now don"t you know i still believe that you will be here and give me a sign hit me baby one more time my loneliness is killing me (and i) i must confess i still believe (still believe) when i"m not with you i lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby i must confess that my loneliness is killing me now don"t you know i still believe that you will be here and give me a sig

有没有知道有一首歌歌词是这样的i want to baby now

DJ版的it"s ok ,听听是不是。俺也找好久了,一直不知道

歌词“baby baby one more try"的歌名是什么

Oh baby, babyOh baby, babyOh baby, babyHow was I supposed to knowThat something wasn"t right hereOh baby, babyI shouldn"t have let you goAnd now you"re out of sight, yeahShow me how you want it to beTell me baby "cause I need to know now, oh becauseChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and i)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeOh baby, babyThe reason I breathe is youBoy you"ve got me blindedOh pretty babyThere"s nothing that I wouldn"t doIt"s not the way I planned itShow me how you want it to beTell me baby "cause I need to know now, oh becauseChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and i)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeOh baby, baby haa oh baby, baby e ee yeah oh baby babyhow was I supposed to knowOh pretty baby, I shouldn"t have let you goI must confess, that my loneliness is killing me nowDon"t you know I still believeThat you will be hereAnd give me a signHit me baby one more timeChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and I)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeBritney:I must confess, that my loneliness is killing me nowDon"t you know I still believeThat you will be hereBritney und die anderen:And give me a signHit me baby one more time

歌词“baby baby one more try"的歌名是什么

Oh baby, babyOh baby, babyOh baby, babyHow was I supposed to knowThat something wasn"t right hereOh baby, babyI shouldn"t have let you goAnd now you"re out of sight, yeahShow me how you want it to beTell me baby "cause I need to know now, oh becauseChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and i)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeOh baby, babyThe reason I breathe is youBoy you"ve got me blindedOh pretty babyThere"s nothing that I wouldn"t doIt"s not the way I planned itShow me how you want it to beTell me baby "cause I need to know now, oh becauseChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and i)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeOh baby, baby haa oh baby, baby e ee yeah oh baby babyhow was I supposed to knowOh pretty baby, I shouldn"t have let you goI must confess, that my loneliness is killing me nowDon"t you know I still believeThat you will be hereAnd give me a signHit me baby one more timeChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and I)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeBritney:I must confess, that my loneliness is killing me nowDon"t you know I still believeThat you will be hereBritney und die anderen:And give me a signHit me baby one more time

布兰妮的baby one more time创下了什麼记录?还有麦当娜当年有多红

★1998年. 正式出道,并发表第一张专辑《...Bady One More Time》后大获成功,并让其第一单曲baby one more time停留于Billboard榜单上103周,成为奇迹,并打破了美国”最年轻的歌手“同时拥有冠军单曲和冠军专辑等在内的8项记录。 麦当娜,这个流行的象征,时尚的符号,已经陪伴了全世界四分之一个世纪。与众不同的Madonna ,深深影响了流行乐的发展,流行天后简直成了麦当娜的专有名词,也许有人说她不是最伟大的,不是最优秀的,但也不得不承认她是最红,最成功的歌手之一。身为“摇滚女王”,麦当娜给摇滚乐注入了新的活力,全世界无数次为她疯狂,直到现在,麦当娜的巨星光芒依然不减,无论时代在变,一代又一代人,麦当娜证明了她的流行并不是红极一时,而是超越时间的当红。麦当娜已在20世纪和新世纪的流行乐史上烙下了深深的印记。 2004 Re-Invention Tour(票房:1亿2千5百万美元 成为年度最高票房巡演)  2006 Confessions Tour(60场 观众人数达120万人 票房:2亿6千万美元 创下女歌手最高票房纪录)  2008-2009 Sticky and Sweet Tour (跨越2008年夏季至2009年夏季的「Sticky & Sweet世界巡回演唱会」,共85场,跨越32个国家 观众人数达350万,更以4亿8百万美金票房营收创下了音乐史上艺人单一巡回演唱会的最高票房冠军纪录!)麦当娜所得到的荣誉: * 奥斯卡颁奖礼最佳电影插曲(1996,1997蝉联)  * 金球奖音乐和喜剧最佳女主角奖(《贝隆夫人》,1996);  * 格莱美奖最佳长篇录影带(Blond Ambition World Tour Live, 1991);  * 格莱美奖最佳短篇音乐录影带(Ray Of Light,1999)  * 格莱美奖最佳舞曲专辑(Ray Of Light,1999)  * 格莱美年度最佳专辑(Ray Of Light,1999)  * 格莱美奖最佳电影歌曲(Beautiful Stranger,1999)  * 格莱美最佳电子/舞曲专辑(Confessions On A Dance Floor,2007)  * 格莱美最佳长篇录影带(Confessions Tour)  * 截至到现在累计获得21项VMA大奖,是不折不扣的得奖专业户  * 2004年法国NRJ颁奖礼终身成就奖  * 入主美国摇滚名人堂和英国摇滚名人堂,成为其中出道时间最短的一位  * 流行音乐史上最伟大的巨星 (滚石杂志)   * 本世纪最成功的女歌手 (金氏世界纪录)   * 史上 (超越猫王) 拥有最多首全美十大排行金曲的艺人(37首)   * 史上演唱会巡演收入最高独立艺人 (4.08亿美元)  * 12首全美冠军单曲、40首全美舞曲排行冠军单曲、7张全美冠军专辑、20首金唱片单曲   * 史上拥有最多英国流行金榜冠军单曲的女艺人(13首)  * 史上拥有最多英国流行金榜冠军专辑的独立艺人 (11张)仅次披头士的15张  * 2008年3月10日正式入主【摇滚名人殿堂】   * 2009年富比士百大名人榜最具影响力的歌手   * 美国告示牌杂志 "终身成就奖" 得主   * 7座葛莱美奖得主   * 全球逾2亿张专辑销售、13张专辑多白金销售   * 勇夺20座MTV音乐录影带奖  *音乐史上艺人单一巡回演唱会的最高票房冠军纪录!(Sticky & Sweet Tour 4亿8百万美金票房)

求两首歌名1. 里面有句歌词是baby one more time 但不是布兰妮的 2. 里面有句歌词是baby i want you

one more time 和 i wanted you 不知道是不是


baby ?



baby one more time谐音

hi t mi bei bi wan mao tai m

Hit Me Baby One More Time这个歌词发来个带时间的

歌手:britney spears 专辑 one more time oh baby baby)oh baby baby how was i supposed to know that something was"t right here oh baby baby i shouldn"t have let you go and now you"re out of sight,yeah show me how you want it to be tell me baby "cause i need to know now oh because my loneliness is killing me (and i) i must confess i still believe (still believe) when i"m not with you i lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby one more time oh baby baby the reason i breath is you boy you got me blinded oh pretty baby there"s nothing that i wouldn"t do it"s not the way i planned itshow me how you want it to be tell me baby "cause i need to know now oh because my loneliness is killing me (and i) i must confess i still believe (still believe) when i"m not with you i lose my mind please give me a sign hit me baby one more time oh baby baby how was i supposed to knowoh pretty baby i shouldn"t have let you goi must confess that my loneliness is killing me now don"t you know i still believe that you will be here and give me a sign hit me baby one more time my loneliness is killing me (and i) i must confess i still believe (still believe) when i"m not with you i lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby one more time i must confess that my loneliness is killing me now don"t you know i still believe that you will be here and give me a sign hit me baby one more time

有一首韩国歌曲里边有一句 baby One More Time谁知道是一首什么歌?

(Oh baby baby) (Oh baby baby) Oh baby baby How was I supposed to know that something wasn"t right here Oh baby baby I shouldn"t have let you go and now you"re out of sight yeah Show me how you want it to be tell me baby cause I need to know now oh because My loneliness is killing me (and I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) When I"m not with you I lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby one more time Oh baby baby The reason I breathe is you Boy you"ve got me blinded Oh pretty baby There"s nothing that I wouldn"t do It"s not the way I planned it Show me how you want it to be tell me baby cause I need to know now oh because My loneliness is killing me (and I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) when I"m not with you I lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby one more time (Oh baby baby) (Oh baby baby) Oh baby baby How was I supposed to know Oh pretty baby I shouldn"t have let you go I must confess that my loneliness is killing me now Don"t you know I still believe that you will be here and give me a sign hit me baby one more time My loneliness is killing me (and I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) When I"m not with you I lose my mind give me a sign hit me baby I must confess that my loneliness is killing me now Don"t you know I still believe that you will be here and give me a sign hit me baby one more time

布兰妮的《BABY ONE MORE TIME 》是她的第几张专集?


布兰妮《baby one more time》的中文歌词是什么?


布兰妮Baby one more time的歌词?


找一首女团歌,高潮是oh baby 呀喔喔 呀喔喔 呀喔喔 耶耶?

Baby One More Time

小甜甜布兰妮 - baby one more time

哦,楼主,歌词是你要的么?(oh baby baby)(oh baby baby)oh baby babyhow was i supposed to knowthat something was"t right here oh baby babyi shouldn"t have let you goand now you"re out of sight,yeahshow me how you want it to betell me baby "cause i need to know nowoh becausemy loneliness is killing me(and i) i must confessi still believe (still believe)when i"m not with you i lose my mindgive me a signhit me baby one more timeoh baby babythe reason i breath is youboy you got me blindedoh pretty babythere"s nothing that i wouldn"t doit"s not the way i planned itshow me how you want it to betell me baby "cause i need to know nowoh becausemy loneliness is killing me(and i) i must confessi still believe (still believe)when i"m not with you i lose my mindplease give me a signhit me baby one more time(oh baby baby,ooh)(oh baby baby yay ,ayeah)oh baby babyhow was i supposed to knowoh pretty babyi shouldn"t have let you goi must confessthat my loneliness is killing me nowdon"t you know i still believethat you will be hereand give me a signhit me baby one more timemy loneliness is killing me(and i) i must confessi still believe (still believe)when i"m not with you i lose my mindgive me a signhit me baby one more timei must confess thatmy loneliness is killing me nowdon"t you know i still believethat you will be hereand give me a signhit me baby one more time

Baby one more time 中文歌词


那首歌里有"oh my baby baby....什么什么滴"(是英文歌)

会不会是aby one more time

布兰妮的baby one more time的英文歌词和中文歌词,没写全都不给分哦!

不知道全不全 Baby one more time-Britney Spears 宝贝再来一次(布莱妮) (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道? That something wasn"t right here. 有些事情不对劲。 Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! I shouldn"t have let U go. 我本不该让你走。 And now U"re out of sight yeah. 现在你已消失了。 Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎样。 Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝! Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。 Oh,because. 噢,因为! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! The reason I breathe is U. 你是我活着的理由。 Boy U"ve got me blinded. 你使我盲目。 Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。 There"s nothing that I wouldn"t do. 为你我会去做任何事。 It"s not the way I planned it. 那不是我计划中的事情。 Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎么样。 Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝! Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。 Oh,because. 噢,因为! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道? Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。 I shouldn"t have let U go. 我本不该让你走。 I must confess. 我必须承认。 That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。 Don"t U know I still believe that U will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby ! 拥抱我吧,宝贝! I must confess. 我必须承认。 That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。 Don"t U know I still believe that U will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!

baby one more time的歌词


一女的唱的 o baby baby baby 那叫什么名

baby one more time

baby one more time

歌词:中英文对照(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)!Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !How was I supposed to know ? 我怎么会知道?That something wasn"t right here. 有些事情不对劲。Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !I shouldn"t have let you go. 我本不该让你走。And now you"re out of sight yeah. 现在你已消失了。Show me how you want it to be. 告诉我你想怎样。Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝!Cause I need to know now. 因为我需要现在知道。Oh,because. 噢,因为!My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。(And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。I still believe. 我仍然相信。(Still believe) 仍然相信。When I"m not with you I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。Give me a sign. 给我个提示!Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !The reason I breathe is you. 你是我活着的理由。Boy you"ve got me blinded. 男孩你使我盲目。Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。There"s nothing that I wouldn"t do. 为你我会去做任何事。It"s not the way I planned it. 那不是我计划中的事情。Show me how you want it to be. 告诉我你想怎么样。Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝!Cause I need to know now. 因为我需要现在知道。Oh,because. 噢,因为!My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。(And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。I still believe. 我仍然相信。(Still believe) 仍然相信。When I"m not with you I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。Give me a sign. 给我个提示!Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)!Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 !How was I supposed to know ? 我怎么会知道?Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。I shouldn"t have let you go. 我本不该让你走。I must confess. 我必须承认。That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。Don"t you know I still believe that you will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。单曲封面And Give me a sign. 给我个提示!Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧!My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。(And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。I still believe. 我仍然相信。(Still believe) 仍然相信。When I"m not with you I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。Give me a sign. 给我个提示!Hit me baby ! 拥抱我吧,宝贝!I must confess. 我必须承认。That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。Don"t you know I still believe that you will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。And Give me a sign. 给我个提示!Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! 小甜甜的首支单曲。记得音乐无限第一次播VIDEO的时候还在奇怪哪里冒出个名字难记的女生,后来看过之后印象最深的就是她托着下巴用笔敲桌子和那个空翻。歌曲本身包含了所有米国泡泡糖歌曲应该具备的元素,所以听的时候把责任啊义务啊严肃啊沉闷啊之类的审视都先放一边去。

谁知道布兰妮的baby one more time歌词中文意思


Baby One More Time 中文版歌词谁知?


baby one more time 歌词

你好 你看着行么0h baby baby, oh baby baby 欧 北鼻, 欧 北鼻oh baby baby, how was i supposed to know 欧 北鼻 北鼻,好 我司 爱 瑟剖斯的 吐 nothat something wasn"t right here 残特 森母sing 我僧特 儿爱特 he儿oh baby baby, i shouldn"t have let you go 欧 北鼻 北鼻,爱 修等特 海无 类特 you 够and now you"re out of sight, yeah 安得 闹 由啊 奥特 喔附 三特,耶show me how you want it to be 修 米 好 由 网特 一特 吐 比tell me baby cuz i need to know now what we"ve got 太偶 米 北鼻 扩字 爱 尼德 吐 no 沃特 未 海无 高特chorus 考热斯my loneliness is killin me (and i) 买 隆来似 一似 可以哦领 米 (安得 爱)i must confess i still believe (still believe) 爱 吗似特 坑非死 爱 似地哦 比礼物(似地哦 比礼物)when i"m not with you i lose my mind 玩 爱母 闹特 未似 由 爱 路斯 买 慢的give me a sign, hit me baby one more time! 给无 米 啊 三,he特 米 北鼻 玩 莫 太木oh baby baby, the reason i breathe is you 欧 北鼻 北鼻,着 绿僧 爱 波绿似 以死 由boy you"ve got me blinded 波爱 由 海无 高特 米 波兰的oh pretty baby, there"s nothin that i wouldn"t do 欧 破热忒 北鼻,残啊四 那sing 残他 爱 我等特 度that"s not the way i planned it 残次 闹特 瑟 未 爱 怕类特 一特show me how you want it to be 修 米 好 由 网特 一特 吐 比tell me baby cuz i need to know now what we"ve got 太欧 米 北鼻 扩字 爱 尼德 吐 no 闹 沃特 未 海无 高特chorus 考热斯oh baby baby, how was i supposed to know 欧 北鼻 北鼻,好 我司 爱 瑟剖似的 吐 nooh pretty baby, i shouldn"t have let you go 欧 破热忒 北鼻,爱 修等特 海无 兰特 由 够 i must confess that my loneliness 爱 吗似特 坑非死 残特 买 隆来恩斯is killin me now 一似 可已有领 米 闹don"t you know i still believe 东特 由 no 爱 死地欧 比礼物that you will be here 残特 由 未欧 比 he额and give me a sign, hit me baby one more time 安得 给无 米 啊 三恩 ,he特 米 北鼻 万 莫 太木chorus 考热斯i must confess (my loneliness) that my loneliness 爱 吗似特 坑非死 (买 隆兰斯) 残特 买 龙兰斯(is killing me) is killing me now (一似 可以欧领 米) 意思 可以欧领 米 闹(i must confess) don"t you (i still believe) know i still believe (爱 吗斯特 坑菲斯) 东特 由(爱 思迪欧 比礼物) no 爱 思迪欧 比礼物that you will be here (i lose my mind) 残特 由 未欧 he额(爱 鲁斯 买 满的)and give me a sign... 案的 给副 米 啊 三恩....

有曲歌里有一句come on baby one more time是什么歌啊

one more time----쥬얼리/Jewelry亲看看是不是

小甜甜布兰妮《Baby One More Time》 歌词

(Oh baby baby) (Oh baby baby) Oh baby baby How was I supposed to know That something was"t right here Oh baby baby I shouldn"t have let you go And now you"re out of sight,yeah Show me how you want it to be Tell me baby "Cause I need to know now Oh because My loneliness is killing me (And I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) When I"m not with you I lose my mind Give me a sign Hit me baby one more time Oh baby baby The reason I breath is you Boy you got me blinded Oh pretty baby There"s nothing that I wouldn"t do It"s not the way I planned it Show me how you want it to be Tell me baby "Cause I need to know now Oh because My loneliness is killing me (And I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) When I"m not with you I lose my mind Please give me a sign Hit me baby one more time Oh baby baby,Ooh) Oh baby baby yay ,ayeah) Oh baby baby How was I supposed to know Oh pretty baby I shouldn"t have let you go I must confess That my loneliness is killing me now Don"t you know I still believe That you will be here And give me a sign Hit me baby one more time My loneliness is killing me (And I) I must confess I still believe (still believe) When I"m not with you I lose my mind Give me a sign Hit me baby one more time I must confess that My loneliness is killing me now Don"t you know I still believe That you will be here And give me a sign Hit me baby one more time


英文歌词:baby one more time(Oh baby baby)Oh baby babyHow was I supposed to knowthat something wasn"t right hereOh baby babyI shouldn"t have let you goand now you"re out of sight yeahShow me how you want it to betell me babycause I need to know nowoh becauseMy loneliness is killing me(and I)I must confessI still believe(still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindgive me a signhit me baby one more timeOh baby babyThe reason I breathe is youBoy you"ve got me blindedOh pretty babyThere"s nothing that I wouldn"t doIt"s not the way I planned itShow me how you want it to betell me babycause I need to know nowoh becauseMy loneliness is killing me(and I)I must confessI still believe(still believe)when I"m not with you I lose my mindgive me a signhit me baby one more time(Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)Oh baby babyHow was I supposed to knowOh pretty babybaby one more timeI shouldn"t have let you goI must confessthat my lonelinessis killing me nowDon"t you know I still believethat you will be hereand give me a signhit me baby one more timeMy loneliness is killing me(and I)I must confessI still believe(still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindgive me a signhit me babyI must confessthat my lonelinessis killing me nowDon"t you knowI still believethat you will be hereand give me a signhit me baby one more time中文歌词:噢,宝贝,宝贝 !我怎么会知道?有些事情不对劲。噢,宝贝,宝贝 !我本不该让你走。现在你已消失了。告诉我你想怎样。告诉我,宝贝!因为我需要现在知道。噢,因为!我的孤独在折磨我。我必须坦白。我仍然相信。仍然相信。当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。给我个提示!宝贝再次拥抱我吧!噢,宝贝,宝贝 !你是我活着的理由。你使我盲目。噢,漂亮的宝贝。为你我会去做任何事。那不是我计划中的事情。告诉我你想怎么样。告诉我,宝贝!因为我需要现在知道。噢,因为!我的孤独在折磨我。我必须坦白。我仍然相信。仍然相信。当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。给我个提示!宝贝再次拥抱我吧!(Oh baby baby)!baby one more time噢,宝贝,宝贝 !我怎么会知道?噢,漂亮的宝贝。我本不该让你走。我必须承认。我的孤独正在折磨我。我仍然相信你会在这里。给我个提示!宝贝再次拥抱我吧!我的孤独在折磨我。我必须坦白。我仍然相信。仍然相信。当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。给我个提示!拥抱我吧,宝贝!我必须承认。我的孤独正在折磨我。我仍然相信你会在这里。给我个提示!宝贝再次拥抱我吧!资料来源来自搜狗百科。

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