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I want to be a businessman。改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答?

Do you want to be a businessman?yes,I do

business lounge是什么意思

business lounge商务休息室

业务主管Business executives是做什么的

1、熟悉公司的相关业务流程,认真贯彻执行公司销售管理规定和实施细则,努力提高自身业务水平。 2、客户的开发:走访、洽谈客户,与客户敲定合作合同、合作细节,付款方式。 3、客户的维护:日常维护(包括商品陈列位、质量、售后及人际关系的维护);特定维护(包括节假日促销活动,特通渠道团购的维护)。 4、客户的二次开发:补充新品、重复一次开发。 5、回款及时(按照相应的客户财务结算流程,及时对账结款):款项如是银行转账应及时查询是否到账,如未到应催款,如到账应及时填写缴款单;款项如是现金,必须当日交至财务并填写缴款单。 6、积极完成规定或承诺的销售量指标,对业务员进行进行指导与检查、控制、监督,保证销售业务按计划、程序顺利进行。 7、负责执行商品的要货、补货、调拨、退货、滞销商品的分析及定期淘汰上报工作。 8、定期对市场和竞争对手进行相关市调,保证工资商品(价格)具有竞争性和获取合理利润的空间。 9、对销售业绩进行考察评估,核算成本,监督及独到下属的目标执行情况,并结合业务市场,制定公司中、长期市场开发计划。寻找制定下一步业务量提升计划和新客户(新业务)机会的切入点。 10、按时完成公司领导交办的其他工作

business contact是什么意思

business contactun.业务往来业务联系;商务接触;商业联系例句1.I hope to set up business contact with you.我希望能和你们建立业务关系。2.My main purpose to come here is to set a business contact with you.我来这的主要目的是想和你们建立业务关系。3.I sincerely welcome you to embrace unit Web site. or friendship business contact, call letters to discuss business.欢迎您诚揽我单位网站。或友情生意联系,来电来函商谈业务。4.The Customs shall intensify cooperation with enterprises, and conduct regular information exchange and business contact therewith.海关与企业应当加强合作,开展经常性信息交流和业务联系。5.Besides, the business contact between the company and the bank shall abide by related rules of the bank.另外,本公司与银行之间的业务往来,必须遵守银行的有关规定。

英语流利说懂你英语 Level5 Unit2 Part3 Vocabulary - Business Terms

To merge : to combine or come together. Those two companies used to be competitors but now they have merged into one company. When the two companies merged, many people were laid off. (They plan to merge with a much larger company, so they will lose their identity .)身份 To acquire : to buy or take possession . Some big companies grow by acquiring other companies. One way to protect your business is to acquire your competitors. (One way to acquire new technology is to hire innovative people from other companies.) An agenda : a plan or a list of items to be discussed at the meeting. The agenda for the meeting was still unclear. What are the main points on the agenda for the meeting. (We don"t know what"s on his agenda, so we need to be careful what we say.) A contract : a written document that defines the rules in a relationship. A contract isn"t usually useful until things begin to go badly in a relationship. According to our contract their first payment is due next week. (Even a good contract won"t help if a business relationship isn"t built on trust.) Assets and liabilities : assets are what you own and liabilities are what you owe . Knowing the assets and liabilities of a company, helps determine the company"s value. The company had more liabilities than assets, so we decided not to invest. (Our assets include some great technology, so we need to keep investing in research.) (If a company borrows a lot of money, it"s increasing its liabilities.) (There are too many items on the agenda, so we need to cut it down and focus on fewer things.)

unit 2008,business dep grandbuy building of guangzhou 是什么意思

Unit 2008,business dep. grandbuy building of guangzhou.意思是: 广州商业部广百大厦2008单元.dept.是department的缩写,"部门"的意思.



如何翻译corporate legal entity和business legal entity?


business (level) strategy问题

更新1: does it just focus on 7"s P? , 更新2: 咁如果李+x话我要将个厂搬去大陆降低成本,这算corporate 还是business level 呢? , 更新3: 有甚么简单的方法去分辨corporate level和business level呢? , 更新4: 但如何分高层次和低层次呢? ,Yes, business strategy = business-level strategy This is the strategy which is normally made among the business units themselves. It considers how to sustain petitive advantages through - pricing (e.g. average price, above average price or below average price) - products (e.g. what products in what market?) - product differentiation (high price for high-quality products, e.g. CSL 1010) - the lock-in of customers (e.g. I have to buy Microsoft Office because every puter runs on Microsoft Windows) In other words, business strategy = business-level strategy = marketing strategy 2009-09-25 19:38:05 补充: It is more than 7 P. 2009-09-25 19:38:17 补充: Let me give you an example. Hutchison Whampoa is a big corporation which operates *** aller business units as retail chains (e.g. Parkn Shop, Fortress, Watsons, 3), container terminals, hotels, e Business-level strategies are strategies made by Parkn Shop, Fortress, Watsons, etc themselves. 2009-09-25 19:39:10 补充: For your information, strategies made by Li Ka Shing at the top are known as corporate-level strategies. 2009-09-26 02:13:56 补充: 间厂是属于 business unit 的, 而降低成本是降低 business unit 的成本, 所以这是 business-level strategy. 虽然系李+x话, 但他算是提供意见罢. 2009-09-28 03:29:56 补充: Business-level strategy 通常是低层次一些, 例如是你所说的降低成本, 这是和 business unit (e.g. Parkn Shop, Fortress, Watsons) 的业务有关, 但并不局限于 marketing, 除了 7P 之外, 还有你所说的搬厂到外地, 或在外地设新厂, 这就是 business-level strategy. 2009-09-28 03:30:06 补充: Corporate-level strategy 是比较高层次的, 如涉及收购其他公司成为旗下的 business unit, 又或者开拓新业务, 举例说, 李+x旗下已经有 Watsons 个人护理及药房, 现在决定开拓新业务设立私家医院, 这算是 corporate-level strategy. 2009-09-29 14:43:33 补充: 其实我只想引用高层次和低层次的比喻来帮助你理解 business-level strategy 和 corporate-level strategy. 如果决策是出自于各 business unit 本身并只牵涉该 business unit 自己, 这就是 business-level strategy. 如果决策是出自于 corporate HQ, 经集团董事局议决, 这就是 corporate-level strategy.,

Business Unit Head. 什么意思


大家好!我想问问一个企业的不同分公司的相同部门可以被称为一个business unit(BU)吗?

BUSINESS UNIT单从字面理解是“业务单位”,如果是一个企业下面的不同分公司,同一个部门,如果你从大范围来看,也是可以理解为同一个BU,如果你从小范围来理解,就是不同的BU,关键看你想如何定义这个BU啦。比如一个集团企业的财务部,各个分子公司都有财务部,然后又可以统一归口到集团公司财务部管理,财务部既可以理解成一个大BU,也可以理解成各个分子公司的小BU.不知你具体想解决什么问题?

business unit是什么意思

business unit[英][u02c8biznis u02c8ju:nit][美][u02c8bu026aznu026as u02c8junu026at]营业单位;


e-business-initiatives双语例句1. Bruce Springsteen has re-hired his muso collective, the E Street Band. 布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀重新组建了他的音乐团队,E街乐队。2. Large supplemental doses of vitamin E can slightly raise blood pressure. 大剂量补充维生素E可能会造成血压偏高。

Better Business Bureau是什么意思


怎样设置business policy

登录你的ebay后台》Account》Business Policies, 那里列出了所有你设置的运费模板和付款、退货服务然后你根据你的需求去选择需要的进行相关设置



business to business是什么意思

business to business是什么意思business to business,就是所谓的B2B,意思是:商业实体对商业实体(之间的生意),也就是企业对企业的生意。与business(商业实体/企业)对应的是customer/Consumer(消费者),对应的有:business to customer/Consumer,就是所谓的B2B,可近似理解为零售,customer/Consumer to customer/Consumer,就是所谓的C2C,可近似理解消费者间的私下转手。这些都是网络交易相关的一些常见术语,

on business和 in business的区别

in business1. 在经营,在经商,在营业,在做卖卖2. 能开始工作(或活动、运转)例句与用法 1. He is inexperienced in business.他在经商方面没有经验。on business 出差

business 有公司的意思吗



原型为busy,形容词,忙的 business为busy转移到的名词,意思为商务,生意




是商务签证吗?business 英 ["bu026aznu0259s] 美 ["bu026aznu0259s] 名词. 商业,企业,商务,生意网络. 业务,事务,商科变形. 复数:businesses,现在分词:businessing,过去分词:businessed搭配. do business,successful business,start business,family business


business既是可数名词,也是不可数名词,根据不同的含义来确定可不可数。复数形式是businesses。business意为“商业,交易;生意; 事务,业务;职业,行业”。 business相关短语搭配 business cycle[贸易]商业周期 ; 经济周期 ; 景气循环 ; 商业循环 Business Manager[经管]业务经理 ; 商务经理 ; 营业部经理 ; 业务经理〔公司注册处 on business出差办事 ; 因公 ; 因事 ; 出差 Business studies商学 ; 商业研究 ; 业务研究 ; 商业 Business management商务管理 ;[经管]企业管理 ; 工商管理 ;[经管]商业管理 Electronic Business电子商业 ; 电子商务 ; 电子业务 ; 电子导报 business marketing企业营销 ; 商业市场营销 ; 市场营销 ; 业务行销 Business Controller业务主任 ; 业务总管 ; 营业主任 ; 财务控制




business可数。business既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。当business是可数名词时,其含义为“商业机构;企业;公司;商店;工厂”,其复数形式为businesses。当其为不可数名词时,其含义为“商业;买卖;生意;商务;公事;营业额;贸易额;营业状况;归(某人或某机构)管的事;职责;(需要处理或讨论的)重要事情,要点;事情;事件;状况”。例句:1、They"ve got a small catering business.他们从事小规模的酒席承办业务。2、I shall make it my business to find out who is responsible.我要亲自查出是谁的责任。3、All we need is a car and we"ll be in business.我们所需要的只是一辆车,然后我们就准备就绪了。4、The country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations.该国一直在努力扩大与其他国家的贸易往来。


个人观点, Business是个统称, 从获得业务到准备, 处理, 完成, 直至最终交付给客户,财务结算及后期的服务, 整个过程都是business. 而operation主要是指内部准备, 处理业务的过程, 像产品研发, 工厂的生产, 物料的准备, 系统的报备等等这些为完成业务做的事情就属于operation.




business的adj形式是busy。英 ["bu026azi]   美 ["bu026azi]    adj. 忙的;繁忙的;热闹的;(电话)占线的vt. 使忙于例句:He was busy getting ready for his journey.翻译:他正忙于准备旅行。用法1、busy用作形容词的基本意思是“忙的”,通常指人经常或暂时埋头于一项工作,含有“热衷于”的意味。busy作“繁忙的,热闹的”解时可修饰物或事物。2、busy在句中可用作定语或表语。用作表语时,其后常可接介词about,at,in,over,with引起的短语,这些介词有时可省略,特别是当其宾语为动名词时。busy用于too...to结构时可接动词不定式。

Business , enterprise 的区别





business[英][u02c8bu026aznu0259s] [美][u02c8bu026aznu026as] 生词本简明释义n.商业,交易;生意;事务,业务;职业,行业复数:businesses以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-UNCOUNT商业;买卖;交易;生意Business is work relating to the production, buying, and selling of goods or services....young people seeking a career in business...涉足商界的年轻人Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background.珍妮弗有着让人印象深刻的学术和商务背景。

Business is business.是什么意思?




Business is business 是什么意思







business英音:["biznis]美音:["bɪznɪs] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. 1.生意,交易;商业;营业;行业[U][C]Mr. Jones is in the business of selling cars. 琼斯先生从事汽车销售。 How is business? 生意如何?;商行;公司;企业[C]She started a new business in Phoenix not long ago. 不久前她在凤凰城新开了一家公司。 3.职责,本分;分内事;权利[U]This is none of your business. 这与你不相干。 4.事,事体,事务[U][S]He is there on business. 他去那里办事。 5.【戏】(演员的)动作(或表情等)(区别于"对白")[U]1.业务、商务(看场合),企业3.商务区希望对你有帮助


商业, 买卖, 交易, 生意, 事情, 事物, 营业, 商行


do some business做点生意双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 做一些生意例句:1.Feel to do some business? 要来作生意吗?

business 什么意思

名词 n.1.交易, 生意 The company has done business with many countries.该公司与许多国家做生意。2.营业额, 交易量 They are now doing almost twice as much business as they were last year.他们现在的营业额几乎为去年的两倍。3.工商企业, 商店; 行业, 事业 Many a large and big business has been built up from small ones.很多重要的大企业都是从小规模发展起来的。4.职责, 关心的事, 本分, 任务 He was sensible enough to mind his own business.他颇有见识, 不去管闲事。A teacher"s business is to help children learn.教师的本分是帮助孩子学习。5.事情; 事务, 业务 The insurance business is built on trust.保险业建立在信任的基础上。6.商业;买卖7.商务;公事8.营业额;贸易额 9.(需要处理或讨论的)重要事情,要点 10.使命,目的11.应关心(或应承担责任)的事情;(询问、行动的)权利;本分形容词 adj.1.(有关)商业的,职业上的


business 英[u02c8bu026aznu0259s] 美[u02c8bu026aznu026as] n. 生意; 商业,交易; 事务,业务; 职业,行业; [网络] 商业类; 事情; 商业; [例句]Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background.珍妮弗有着让人印象深刻的学术和商务背景。[其他] 复数:businesses 形近词: nosiness easiness rosiness

business是什么意思 解析商业术语business的含义?



business[英][u02c8bu026aznu0259s][美][u02c8bu026aznu026as]n.生意; 商业,交易; 事务,业务; 职业,行业; 复数:businesses以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Business models convert new technology to economic value. 商业模式依赖新技术来获取经济价值


business[英][u02c8bu026aznu0259s][美][u02c8bu026aznu026as]n.生意; 商业,交易; 事务,业务; 职业,行业; 复数:businesses以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Business models convert new technology to economic value. 商业模式依赖新技术来获取经济价值。

Bussiness 和Business有什么区别?

bussiness 表示业务逻辑business是商业的意思业务逻辑 体现业务策略,规则和过程的功能,叫业务逻辑。比如一个游戏公司,他有vip用户,这个公司有个网站,网站里有个申请成为vip的功能,这个功能就叫一个业务逻辑。它描述了怎么成为一个vip的逻辑




business英[u02c8bu026aznu0259s]美[u02c8bu026aznu026as]n.生意; 商业,交易; 事务,业务; 职业,行业网络商业类; 事情; 商业复数:businesses1He still visited the dairy daily, but left most of the business details to his manager and foreman.他仍然每天到乳品场看看,但把生意上大部分琐碎事务交给经理和工头打理。


business[英][u02c8bu026aznu0259s] [美][u02c8bu026aznu026as] 生词本 简明释义 n.商业,交易;生意;事务,业务;职业,行业 复数:businesses 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词 1.N-UNCOUNT商业;买卖;交易;生意Business is work relating to the production, buying, and selling of goods or services. ...young people seeking a career in business... 涉足商界的年轻人 Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background. 珍妮弗有着让人印象深刻的学术和商务背景.



business意思 是

补充:business 除了大家所答的:指生意、交易、商业、营业、行业等之外 ,还有其他意思:任务,职务,事务,责任。it is the business or a teacher to teach. 教导学生是老师的责任。另外,在美国电影中我们常听到的:it"s not my business. 不关我的事。it"s not your business. 不关你的事(你最好别管闲事!)

business 什么意思



思路正确,应对应private:提供。public:公共。nature of business指的是具体业务的种类,具体做的,比如:市场方面,服务类,生产制造类,批发,零售等等。商务英语就是理解商务场景下所应用到的英语,事实上它跟理解的英语口语、写作有本质上的区别,主要的区别在于一些词汇,基于不同的词汇,主要是名词。另外其他的区别还包括不同的句子,基本上为了适应不同的商务场合因此提出不同的词汇和句子,就构成了商务英语一定的特色。本质上跟普通英语没有很大的区别。扩展资料:目标市场的细分方式与选择:目标市场是本企业所欲服务与满足的对象,也是主要的外界资源来源,因此是描述业务战略的重要构成层面。但在实务上,许多企业领导人或业务负责人对目标市场的概念并不清楚,常造成实践中缺乏重点,或因为想以同样的方式服务不同的目标市场,而降低了顾客的满意程度。无论消费品或工业品,顾客皆可以依据各种标准划分为许多细分或类型。同一产业中的各个业者对目标市场的细分方式未必相同。而且其细分方式也代表其战略思考的方式与战略选择。例如有的企业依客户的规模划分市场;有些则是依地区;有些依消费者的所得、年龄或生活形态。不同的划分方法,在战略上甚至组织上,都代表着不同的意义。参考资料来源:百度百科-商务英语

Business is business.是什么意思?



business的中文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 n. 1.生意,交易;商业;营业;行业[U][C] Mr. Jones is in the business of selling cars. 琼斯先生从事汽车销售。 How is business? 生意如何?;商行;公司;企业[C] She started a new business in Phoenix not long ago. 不久前她在凤凰城新开了一家公司。 3.职责,本分;分内事;权利[U] This is none of your business. 这与你不相干。 4.事,事体,事务[U][S] He is there on business. 他去那里办事。 注意一下 这里面的所谓的可数([C]标志)只是指具体的某一个/某一种公司,根本不能用+(e)s的复数形式 所以你一定要记清楚:这个词一般不可数,如果可数的话只能说,这样就不会晕了。

business到底可不可数?我看到有some urgent business,但也有an urgent business。


这英语 --business 怎么念?

business n. 商业,生意谐音可为:碧西尼思

business 的中文是什么?





business的意思是商业,买卖,生意,商务,公事,营业额,贸易额,营业状况。business的用法:business可用于其他名词前作定语。business由busy和ness组合而成,等同于busy的抽象名词。business相关短语搭配business cycle[贸易]商业周期 ; 经济周期 ; 景气循环 ; 商业循环。Business Manager[经管]业务经理 ; 商务经理 ; 营业部经理 ; 业务经理;公司注册处。on business出差办事 ; 因公 ; 因事 ; 出差。Business studies商学 ; 商业研究 ; 业务研究 ; 商业。Business management商务管理 ;[经管]企业管理 ; 工商管理 ;[经管]商业管理。Electronic Business电子商业 ; 电子商务 ; 电子业务 ; 电子导报。business marketing企业营销 ; 商业市场营销 ; 市场营销 ; 业务行销。Business Controller业务主任 ; 业务总管 ; 营业主任 ; 财务控制。






business[英][u02c8bu026aznu0259s][美][u02c8bu026aznu026as]n.生意; 商业,交易; 事务,业务; 职业,行业。




生意; 商业,交易; 事务,业务; 职业,行业;





请问Finance,Economics和Accounting, Business,commercial的区别是什么?


International Business, Finance and Economics 什么意思?


英语商业数学Business Math 急! 求大神解答

jdjcjdjd jfnxkdjen fdfkkfkf ndnfnfnf nfnfkdkdj nfjdjjfkd fjskkdkkd jfjsjfjnd dnndjdjn ndndknkd bdjsjjdjd


严格法律责任根据学说的严格法律责任,这是没有必要,以证明疏忽行为对部分的制造商或卖方,当有人受伤,由一个有缺陷的product.strict责任是一种法律理论,通过有三分之二的国家,这施加法律责任的制造商或供应商出售的货物,是不合理的危险,而不理会故障或negligence.the的主要考虑下,学说的严格法律责任,是安全的产品,而不是进行制造商或供应商的goods.under这法治,制造商有责任去设计合理的安全products.they也必须给予适当instrutions为产品的使用,并提供警告可能的危险。 这是难以收回的赔偿,根据严格的法律责任doctrine.people谁是谁受伤或遭受财产损失的,从有缺陷的产品可能会收回从制造商或卖方只,如果他们能证明所有有关下列各点:制造商或卖方出售的产品在一有缺陷的状况;制造商或卖方,从事的业务出售产品;该产品是不合理的危险,向用户或消费者;缺陷的状况是近因的伤害或损坏;缺陷的状况存在的时间,离开了手中的制造商或卖方;和消费产品。

有关in the year following the civil war,businesses began to form…的题

此处的 follow 表示“紧接着发生”,following the civil war(紧接着发生国内战争)是 the year 的后置定语,意思是 “在随后发生国内战争的那一年里”. 【另如】 -- I remember nothing else about the days following Daddy"s death.父亲去世之后那几天我不记得有什么其他事了. -- He was arrested in the confusion which followed.他在之后的混乱中被捕.

sales manager和business manager什么区别,请详述

Commercial management-- is a term used to describe the non-technical business disciplines within a company or organization, particularly the administration of revenue and expenses to generate a financial return. Its origins appear to go back to the defence and construction industries in the United Kingdom in the 1950s.Business managerIn a general context, a business manager is a person who manages the work of others in order to run a business efficiently and make a large profit. He or she should have working knowledge of the following areas, and may be a specialist in one or more: sales, marketing, and public relations; research, operations analysis, data processing, mathematics, statistics, and economics; production; finance; accounting, auditing, tax, and budgeting; purchasing; and personnel.[citation needed] Other technical areas in which a business manager may have expertise are law, science, physics, and computer programming.[citation needed]In many businesses, the role of business manager may grow out of a small business-owner"s desire to shed some of the multiple roles mentioned above to focus on specific aspects of company expansion or market penetration. The business manager for a time may share duties with the owner, as the owner gains trust in the business manager. Ideally, the business manager and the owner work synergistically to ensure that the business of running a successful business is attended to. This can often be a process of the owner relinquishing the functions for which there is a comparative disadvantage for his or her continued involvement.In the context of the music industry, a business manager is a representative of musicians and/or recording artists, whose main job is to supervise their business affairs, and the proper handling of their financial matters. The role as it is understood today was largely originated (and the term coined) by Allen Klein, who represented numerous performers through the years, helping them to both invest their incomes wisely and to recover unpaid (or underpaid) royalties and fees.K. Blanchard writes that a good manager does not necessarily need to spend a lot of time with his or her employees. Good managers make every minute count, and do their best to make sure everyone at the company is successful.




win10 business edition为批量版(也称VOL版),指市面上的win10商业版集合,而consumer edition则为零售版,指的是市面上的win10普通版本集合。 扩展资料   business edition和consumer edition均是win10的版本集合产品,而win10分有七个版本,具体如下:   家庭版(Home):供家庭用户使用,无法加入Active Directory和Azure AD,不允许远程链接。   专业版(Professional):供小型企业使用 在家庭版基础上增加了域账号加入、bitlocker、企业商店等功能。   企业版(Enterprise):供中大型企业使用 在专业版基础上增加了DirectAccess,AppLocker等高级企业功能。   教育版(Education):供学校使用 (学校职员, 管理人员, 老师和学生) 其功能基本和企业版的一样。   移动版(Mobile):面向尺寸较小、配置触控屏的移动设备,例如智能手机和平板电脑,集成有与Windows 10家庭版相同的通用Windows应用和针对触控操作优化的Office。   移动企业版(Mobile Enterprise):以移动版为基础的"企业版本。该版本可以批量允许客户使用,添置企业管理更新功能,以及安全补丁软件的检查与更新功能。   专业工作站版(Windows 10Pro for Workstations):该版本重点优化了多核处理以及大文件处理的功能,提供6TB大内存、ReFS文件系统、高速文件共享和工作站模式。   物联网核心版(Windows 10 IoT Core):面向小型低价设备,主要针对物联网设备。

win10 business和consumer的区别是什么?

business edition和consumer edition版本区别两者的产品名称区别:win10 business edition为批量版(也称VOL版),指市面上的win10商业版集合,而consumer edition则为零售版,指的是市面上的win10普通版本集合。两者的内置win10版本区别:consumer editions版本包含Home(家庭版)、Education(教育版)、Professional(专业版);business editions版本包含Education(教育版)、Enterprise (企业版)、Professional(专业版)。business edition和consumer edition均是win10的版本集合产品,而win10分有七个版本,具体如下:家庭版(Home):供家庭用户使用,无法加入Active Directory和Azure AD,不允许远程链接。专业版(Professional):供小型企业使用 在家庭版基础上增加了域账号加入、bitlocker、企业商店等功能。企业版(Enterprise):供中大型企业使用 在专业版基础上增加了DirectAccess,AppLocker等高级企业功能。教育版(Education):供学校使用 (学校职员, 管理人员, 老师和学生) 其功能基本和企业版的一样。移动版(Mobile):面向尺寸较小、配置触控屏的移动设备,例如智能手机和平板电脑,集成有与Windows 10家庭版相同的通用Windows应用和针对触控操作优化的Office。移动企业版(Mobile Enterprise):以移动版为基础的企业版本。该版本可以批量允许客户使用,添置企业管理更新功能,以及安全补丁软件的检查与更新功能。专业工作站版(Windows 10Pro for Workstations):该版本重点优化了多核处理以及大文件处理的功能,提供6TB大内存、ReFS文件系统、高速文件共享和工作站模式。


business edition和consumer edition版本区别两者的产品名称区别:win10 business edition为批量版(也称VOL版),指市面上的win10商业版集合,而consumer edition则为零售版,指的是市面上的win10普通版本集合。两者的内置win10版本区别:consumer editions版本包含Home(家庭版)、Education(教育版)、Professional(专业版);business editions版本包含Education(教育版)、Enterprise (企业版)、Professional(专业版)。business edition和consumer edition均是win10的版本集合产品,而win10分有七个版本,具体如下:家庭版(Home):供家庭用户使用,无法加入Active Directory和Azure AD,不允许远程链接。专业版(Professional):供小型企业使用 在家庭版基础上增加了域账号加入、bitlocker、企业商店等功能。企业版(Enterprise):供中大型企业使用 在专业版基础上增加了DirectAccess,AppLocker等高级企业功能。教育版(Education):供学校使用 (学校职员, 管理人员, 老师和学生) 其功能基本和企业版的一样。移动版(Mobile):面向尺寸较小、配置触控屏的移动设备,例如智能手机和平板电脑,集成有与Windows 10家庭版相同的通用Windows应用和针对触控操作优化的Office。移动企业版(Mobile Enterprise):以移动版为基础的企业版本。该版本可以批量允许客户使用,添置企业管理更新功能,以及安全补丁软件的检查与更新功能。专业工作站版(Windows 10Pro for Workstations):该版本重点优化了多核处理以及大文件处理的功能,提供6TB大内存、ReFS文件系统、高速文件共享和工作站模式。



When is it appropriate to take a mobile phone call during a business dinner?

It is generally considered impolite to take a mobile phone call during a business dinner, as this can disrupt the flow of the dinner and suggest that the caller is more important than the person they are meeting with. However, there may be some exceptions to this rule. For example, it may be appropriate to take a call if it is urgent and cannot be postponed until after the dinner. In this situation, it is best to inform the person you are meeting with ahead of time and apologize for any disruption the call may cause. You can also ask for permission to take the call before doing so.Another exception may be if you are expecting an important call related to the business or deal being discussed at the dinner. In this case, it is best to inform the other party at the start of the dinner that you are expecting a call, and politely excuse yourself to take the call when it comes. It is important to keep the call brief and return to the dinner as soon as possible.Overall, taking a mobile phone call during a business dinner should be avoided whenever possible, as it is often seen as disrespectful to the person you are meeting with. Exceptions should be made sparingly and handled with care.

You are walking down the street, minding your own business when you see a snowball. No big deal...

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business letter 开头的对方的地址怎么写(美式),请例举,谢谢!

Brief Introduction to Business LettersWords and expressions:Letterhead ReferenceSalutationComplimentaryAttention lineSubject lineEnclosureCarbon copyFull block style(齐头式)Indented style Section A Parts of Business LettersMost business letters have seven standard parts.They are letterhead, reference and date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary close, and signature.When appropriate, any of the following optional items can be included.Attention line, subject line, file or account number, enclosures, carbon copy notation, mailing notation and postscript.Letterhead Letterhead designs vary with business organizations and occupy the top of the first page.They may be positioned at the center or at the left margin the top of the page.A business letterhead, usually printed, contains all or some of the following elements:The company"s name , address, postcode, telephone number, telex number, fax number, the name of the officer or the director and even some picture or slogan for a symbol of the company.Reference and DateA typewritten date is necessarily included in the heading.The date is usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead at left margin for full block style or ending with the right margin for indented style.It is usual to show the date in the order day/month/year ( English Practice) or month /day /year (American practice).Avoid giving a date in figures and abbreviations.Inside AddressThe inside address is typed directly below the date line at the left hand margin.The inside address of a letter to an individual consists of the person"s courtesy title, name, business or executive title ( it should be used immediately after the name) and address.When the letter is to a group, the inside address includes the full group name and the address.Care should be taken to address the recipient exactly as on the envelope.Salutation Salutation is placed at the left margin two lines below the inside address and two lines above the body of the letter.Considered a polite greeting with which a friendly business letter begins, the personal salutation must be appropriate for the first line of the inside address.If the letter is addressed to an individual, It is usual to use:Dear Mr. Smith,Dear Ms. John,Dear Prof. Hobart,Dear Dr. Walter,The trend is towards Ms. As the courtesy title for all women regardless of their marital status.When addressing a letter to a firm, Dear Sirs, Ladies and gentlemen or Gentlemen (American English ) would be used.Attention LineAn attention line is considered a part of the inside address and it leads the letter to a particular person or department when the letter is addressed to a company.It is usually between the inside address and the salutation or above the inside address ,as shown in examples:Attention: Import Dept.For the attention of Mr. Donnan, Sales managerAttention of Mr. Standard, General Manager.Subject lineThe subject heading is regarded as a part of the body of a business letter.Usually it is in the upper case or initial capitals/underline and placed between the salutation and the body of a letter to call attention to what content the letter is about. For example:Dear Ms. Smith,Our Catalogue No.2,Opening SentenceThe first paragraph of the body is introductory.It will always begin with reference to the previous letter received and provide an introduction to what will be discussed.Here are examples as follows:(1),Your letter of 9"" September to our Beijing (2),We refer to quotations of 8""october and our mail offer of 1"" December regarding the supply of Speedo swimming caps.(3)We acknowledge, with thanks, receipt of your binding application form for the 76"" international Exhibition in March, 1998.(4),We are pleased to inform you that the arrangements have now been made to ship the cotton underwear under your Order no.456.(5), We regret up to the time of writing we have not heard anything from you about the shipment under the captioned contract.Complimentary closeThe complimentary close is simply a polite way to end a letter.The expression for the complimentary close should match the salutation.It appears in the middle of the page and two lines below the closing sentence for indented layout.While it starts at the left-hand margin for fully blocked letters.Only the initial letter in the first word of any complimentary close is capitalized.PostscriptThe signature mainly consists of the addresser"s signature, he typed name of his and his business title.Name of the company if it is previously printed on the letterhead.The addresser should sign the letter by hand and in ink above the typed name which the typed post follows immediately.Signing on behalf of somebody else ,it is usual to write for pp or per pro before he letter.Enclosure Enc. Or Encs. Is typed two lines spaces after the signature of the address when something is sent along with the letter.An enclosure can be anything in the envelope in addition to the message itself.Examples are as follows: Enc.: 1 Price ListIf the enclosed are more than on, the number should be marked.PostscriptWhen you find something forgotten to be included in the letter body before the envelope is to be sealed up.You may state it after the signature in a postscript with a simple signature again.The adding of a P.S. should, however, be avoided as far as possible.For examples: PS: the catalogue was sent to you on July 7th.Section B Format of a Business letterFull block form and modified block form with indented paragraphs are the two main patterns of layout in current use.The former is now the most popular practice of displaying business letters.Its remarkable feature is that all typing lines, including those for the date,Inside name and address, salutation, subject heading, each message paragraph and complimentary close, begin at the left-hand margin.Business letters with the full block form, along with open punctuation or mixed punctuations, re paragraphed by equal line spaces.For this letter-style the open punctuation pattern is used, the end of the date line, the inside address lines, the salutation, the complimentary close and the signature block lines are unpunctuated, but a comma is necessary between the day and year in the date line and the full stop is retained after the abbreviation such as company, Inc. and Ltd.While the mixed punctuation pattern, the most welcomed style today, requires an absence of punctuation marks from the date line, the inside address lines and the signature block lines except a colon or comma after the salutation and the complimentary close.Modified block form with indented paragraphs indented style is the traditional British practice with the heading usually in the middle and the date on the right-hand side.The complimentary close may be in the center or commence at the center point. The mixed punctuation is often used.CHINA NATIONAL IMP. & EXP> CORP>Add: 6, JIANGGUAODAJIE, BEIJING , CHINATel: (86-10) 67483650Fax: (86-10) 674836514 February 1998Resunic Trade LinksRegd Office Thriuvamkulam Cochin 678201Kerata India Dear sirs EXORTING/IMPORTING ITEMSOF OUR CORPWe now have pleasure in receiving your letter dated 23th May 1997Yours sincerelyJ. K. DRAWProject ManagerEncl. As statedSection C Writing Rules for Business LettersBusiness correspondence is still a basic activity involved in trade, and remain a very important form of communication even nowadays.They deliver their companies" images to the public.Business letters are often an arrangement or regarded as evidence of a contract.They are written for information exchange and bridge over the desires between buyers and sellers.The most effective letter should be easy to read and easy to understand. They must be friendly and courteous.We should bear in mind the point that business letters play an important role in the development of goodwill and friendly trade relationships.Generally speaking: consideration, completeness, correctness, concreteness, conciseness, clarity and courtesy.Consideration Try to put yourself in his or her place to give consideration to his or her wishes , demands, interests and difficulties.Find the best way to express your better understanding and present the message.That enables a request to be refused without killing all hope of business or allows a refusal to do favor to be made without harming friendship.CorrectnessCorrectness means not only proper expressions with correct grammar , punctuation and spelling, but also appropriate tone which is a help to achieve the purpose.It is likely to convey the real message in a way that will not cause offence even if it is a complaint or an answer to such a letter.Business letters must be factual information accurate figures and exact terms in particular, for they involve the right, the duties and the interest of both sides often as the base of all kinds of documents.Therefore we should not understate nor overstate as understatement might lead to less confidence and hold up the trade development. While overstatement throws you into an awkward position.CompletenessAs you work hard for completeness, keep the following guidelines in mind:Why do you write the letter, what are the facts supporting the reasons, whether you have answered all the questions asked or not and what the reader is expected to do.ConcretenessWhat the letter comes to should be specific, definite rather than vague, abstract and general.Take, for example, some qualities or characters of goods that should be shown with exact figures and avoid words like short, long or good.Give specific time (with date ,month, year and even offer hour, minute if necessary).But avoid expressions such as yesterday, next month , immediately and etc.ConcisenessConciseness means complete message but briefest expression with no sacrificing clarity or courtesy.A good business letter should be precise and to the point.Single words are more efficient than phrases.Wordy languages and redundancy require more time and money to type and to read.They are not what modern business people want.ClarityKeep constantly in mind what you want to say in your letter.It is welcomed if you express yourself clearly and directly in the simplest language.Plain, simple words are more easily understood.A properly paragraphed message is required for the purpose of clarity.For instance ,we use semimonthly instead of bimonthly for two times a moth., because bimonthly may mean both two times a month and once every two month.CourtesyCourtesy means to show tactfully in your letters the honest friendship, thoughtful appreciation, sincere politeness, considerate understanding and heartfelt respect.Answer letters in good time and write to explain why if you fail to do it promptly.Even if you don"t think the recipient is right, you should still respond tactfully and politely. Sometimes it is a help to use you-attitude instead of I-attitude.see?
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