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是的 be动词要提前.看来你这句属于 so adj/adv that 句型 一样要倒装 .




1.答案:就把这个be动词(is)提前即可. 2.此时部分倒装和全部倒装的确有可能搞混,但关键是它们的用处不一. 会不会搞混就看楼主的英语水平了! 3.其实把be动词提前的全部倒装只适用于以下情况:“表语 + be + 主语...”.(而且此时主语必须是名词,不能是代词) 其他的就全是部分倒装了. 如: 1)Standing in the front of the classroom is a pretty girl.全部倒装 2)Only by working hard is he able to achieve success.部分倒装,4,部分倒装就是把句子变成一般疑问句,即部分谓语+主语 如 Her father is a doctor.So is her mother. So badly was he injured in the accident that he was sent to the hospital for treatment. 完全倒装是全部谓语+主语 如 Out ...,3,如果在部分倒装的句型中,谓语动词是is,那么把什么助动词提前呢? 句子中提出一个be放在句首吗? 如果就把is 放在句首会不会和完全倒装搞混呢?


1) 部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。  Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he has always dreamt about(疾病没有使他放弃过上梦想中的生活)  2) 以否定词开头的句子要求部分倒装。注意下列句子中助动词或情态动词提前、甚至补充助动词的用法: 例:Not until yesterday did little John change his mind.(小约翰直到昨天才改变了主意。) In no country other than Britain, it had been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.(据说除了英国世界上没有哪个国家能让人在一天中感受到四季变化)  3) 以否定副词开头并加状语放在句首的句子要求部分倒装。这些否定副词有barely, hardly, little, seldom, scarcely…… when, never, no sooner…… than, rarely, no more, not nearly, not only等以及only。 Only in the country can you learn the “true English”.  4)一些如scarcely……when, no sooner ……than, hardly……when引导的主从复合句主句要求使用过去完成式。 注意:在部分倒装句中,只有助动词、情态动词或连系动词to be可以置于主语之前,其它部分都要置于主语之后。  5)此外,一些介词+no+名词的结构中需要用部分倒装,这些结构包括at no time; by no means; by no manner of means; for no reason; in no case; in/under no circumstances; in no sense; in no way; on no account; on no consideration; at no point例如Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money. 注意:  a) 如果含有从句时,只要求主句倒装: 例:Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.(只有当他已经说出那个字后才意识到自己犯了个大错误。)  b) 如果上述否定副词出现在强调句型中的前半部分,不用倒装:  例: It was not until he went abroad that he knew the truth of the fact.(直到他出国以后才了解到事实真相。)  c) 如果hardly, scarcely后面接的是any, ever, at all时,意义类似almost no/ not/ never(几乎不、从不),则无须倒装。  例:Hardly any people invited went there.(几乎没有什么受到邀请的人去那里了。)  6) 由no matter how, however和how引导的状语从句要求部分倒装,因为形容词或副词通常紧跟在这三个引导词后面,然后才是主语和谓语,形成形式上的部分倒装句:  例:I know nothing about this river, neither how long, how wide nor how deep it is.(我一点也不了解这条河,不知道它有多长,多宽或多深。)  7) 由as引导的部分倒装句:  a) 当as作为比较意义时,即用于as + adj./ adv. + as结构中时,如果把第一个as省略掉,就形成部分倒装句。   例:Cautious as the rest of her family (was) , she didn"t seem willing to give an immediate reply to my question.(正如她家里人一样谨慎小心,她似乎不愿意立即回答我的问题。)  She charged the stairs, quick as a rabbit (ran).(她跑上楼去,跑得象兔子那么快!)  b) 当 as引导让步状语时,和although, though一样,当用作“尽管”之义时,可以用于部分倒装句。  Hard as he worked, he did not pass the exam.(虽然他很用功,但他还是没及格)  c) 表示原因时,为了强调起见,也可以倒装。  例:Tired as he was, we decided not to disturb him.(因为他太累了,我们决定不打扰他。)  d) 等于so时,意义是“也,也是”  例:She worked hard, so/ as did her husband. (她工作很努力,她的丈夫工作也很努力。)so, neither, nor倒装  除了构成上述倒装句以外,还可以取代上文出现的名词、形容词甚至整句话,构成完全倒装句或部分倒装句。但这两种倒装的意义不同。  a) 当so表示“也,相同,那样”时,通常表示对前一句肯定句的赞同、一致内容,要求使用完全倒装句:  He promised to finish my homework, so did I.  b) so /such ……that句型可以构成部分倒装句,表示强调so /such和that之间的部分:   例:So selfish was she that everyone avoid talking with her.  c)也存在such+be+主语的情况用以强调,例如Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great achievements.(阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦是一个有伟大成就的普通人)  d) neither和nor共有4种倒装形式,其含义分别为:  1) 完全倒装时:表示"也不",和上文a)用法正好相反,表示对前一句否定句的赞同或一致内容。  例:You don"t know what to do now, neither/ nor do I .(你不知道现在该做什么,我也不知道。)  2) 和其它否定副词连用,表示"也(不)",也要求用完全倒装句:  例:The besieged enemy could not advance, nor / neither retreat could they .(被包围的敌人既不能进,也不能退。)  注意:若把这句话改成:"The besieged enemy could neither advance nor retreat.(被包围的敌人既不能进,也不能退。)"就不必倒装。  She never laughed, nor did she ever lose her temper.  3) 用在肯定句里,构成一般否定倒装:  例:All that is true, nor must we forget it.(那全都是真的,我们可不能忘记。)部分倒装作用  有承上启下作用,表示同意和赞同:  例:A: I couldn"t do anything for her.(我帮不了她。)  B: Nor you could, but you might have got somebody to help her.(你是不能帮她,但你本可以找人帮她的。)  2) 在进行比较的句子里,如果主语不是代词时,可以倒装:   例:America consumes more energy than did our country.(美国消耗的能源比我们国家多。)  3)在某些表示祝愿的句型中要求倒装。如May you happy.  4)在文学作品中常出现倒装,有些是由于语法习惯,有些是为了简单的修辞,如Not even one cloud will I bring away(不带走一片云彩).来自http://baike.baidu.com/view/201333.htm


用于部分倒装的情况:1 表示否定意义或半否定意义的词置于句首时.常见的有seldom,never,hardly,no not,little 等.2 由 only,not until 引导的状语置于句首时.3 no sooner…than,hardly…when等结构中,no sooner 和hardly 置于句首时主语用部分倒装.4 在so/such…that 引导的结果状语从句中,so/such引导的部分置于句首时主句用倒装.5 “so/neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”so与前面的肯定句呼应,norneither 与后面的否定句呼应.其中的动词形式取决于前一句的动词.表示前者的情况也适用于后者或一者具备两种情况.6 省略if的虚拟条件句以had/were/should 开头引起的倒装.全倒装的情况:较常见的是here/there 等表示方向的词放句首或介词短语放句首


用于as引导的让步状语从句中。as引导的让步状语从句引起的倒装有以下几种形式:1) 副词置于句首。如:Much as I like it (=Although I like it very much), I will not buy it.前面的倒装结构可以替换成以although引导的让步状语从句。2) 动词原形置于句首。如:Wait as you may(=Although you may wait), he will not see you.3) 形容词或名词置于句首。如:Proud as the nobles are (=Although the nobles are proud), they are afraid to see me.Child as he is (=Although he is a child), he can tell right from wrong.你给的句子就属于这个句型。






1.答案:就把这个be动词(is)提前即可. 2.此时部分倒装和全部倒装的确有可能搞混,但关键是它们的用处不一. 会不会搞混就看楼主的英语水平了! 3.其实把be动词提前的全部倒装只适用于以下情况:“表语 + be + 主语...”.(而且此时主语必须是名词,不能是代词) 其他的就全是部分倒装了. 如: 1)Standing in the front of the classroom is a pretty girl.全部倒装 2)Only by working hard is he able to achieve success.部分倒装


部分倒装与完全倒装的区别是全部倒装是谓语动词全部提前到主语前,半倒装就是指提前助动词在现实的语言实践中,由于语法结构的要求,或是由于修辞的需要,往往要改变句子的自然语序,把一些本应置于主语之后的句子成分提到主语之前。我们称这种语序的变化为"倒装语序"这样的倒装语序可能使句子的内在含义产生细微的、甚至明显的改变。只有注意观察引起倒装的原因,才能更准确地理解句子的含义。为了使句子的某成分突出,我们还会使用强调,而倒装语序大多都用于强调。主语和谓语是句子的核心,它们之间有两种语序一是主语在谓语之前称为自然语序(Natural Order);二是主语在谓语之后则称为倒装语序(Inverted Order)。而倒装语序中又有完全倒装(Full Inversion)和部分倒装(Partial Inversion)1.完全倒装(Full Inversion):又称"全部倒装",是指将句子中的谓语全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。①谓语+主语+……There be(的各种形式)+主语(+地点或时间状语)例子:There was a drop in the temperature.温度下降了There are birds singing in the tree.鸟儿在树上唱歌。②副词小品词+谓语动词+名词主语+……例子:Out rushed a young lady.一位年轻女士冲了出去。③过去分词或现在分词+be的各种形式+主语+……例子:Scattered on the floor were several books and magazines.几本书和杂志散落在地板上2.部分倒装(Partial Inversion)(又称半倒装句):指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前,而谓语动词无变化。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或did,并将其置于主语之前。










1.当句首为out,in,up,down,off,here,there 等,且主语为名词时,应用完全倒装.2.当句首为never , neither,nor ,little,seldom,hardly,scarcely,in no way,few,not,no等时,应用部分倒装.回答字数有限,看参考资料!


全部倒装和部分倒装用法详解一、使用全部倒装的情况 1.在there be/lie/stand/live/seem/appear/exist/come/go/seem句型中。如: There goes the ambulance.救护车来了。 2.表示地点、方向、时间的副词(here, out, in,up, down, back off, away, now, then等)位于句首时。谓语动词多为表示运动的不及物动词(go, come, leave, move, run, rush, ny, jump等)。如: Here is a telegram for you.这儿有你一封电报。 Down jumpedthe man from the horse.那人从马上跳下来。 在上述情况中,主语是代词时,则不用倒装。如: Here you are.给你。 In he came and the meeting began.他进来,会议就开始了。 3.表示地点的介词短语位于句首时。如: Between the two buildings stands a tall pine.两座楼之间有棵大松树。 4.直接引语的部分或全部位于句首时,点明说话人的部分主谓语要倒装。如: "Are you listening to English on the radio?" said Mother. 但,引述动词后有间接宾语或状语时,不倒装。如: 5.在某些表示祝愿的句子中。如: Long live our great country!伟大的祖国万岁!二、使用部分倒装的情况 1.only修饰的状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句)位于句首时。如: Only after three operations was he able to walk without sticks.做过三次手术之后,他才能不用拐杖行走。 Only with more practice can you pass the driving test.只有多练习你才能通过驾驶考试。 但only修饰主语时,则不倒装。如: Only that girl knew how to work out the problem.只有那位女生知道怎样解那道题。 2.含有否定意义的副词(never, seldom, little, few, not, nowhere等)位于句首时。如: Seldom in all my life have l met such a brave man.我一生很少见过这么勇敢的人。 Never did she care about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.虽然她处于极大的危险之中,但她根本不顾自己的安全。 3.not until位于句首时。如: Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is.直到19世纪初,人们才知道热是何物。 在复合句中,只有主句用倒装,until引导的从句不倒装。如: Not until he loses his health will he give up drinking.他直到失去健康才会戒酒。 4.在no sooner...than..., hardly/scarccly/barely...when...结构中,前面部分位于句首时,其后的分句要部分倒装(谓语用过去完成时)。如: Hardly had the baby seenthe dogwhen she cried.那女婴一看到狗就哭了起来。 NO sooner had the interpreter returned home than he was told to go to another country.那位翻译刚踏进国门就又受命要去他国。 5.not only...(but also)...位于句首引导两个分句时,前一个分句中的主谓要采用部分倒装,第二个分句则不倒装。如: Not only does he teach in school, but hewrites novels.他不但在学校教书,而且还写小说。 Not only did she speak correctly, but also she spoke fluently.她不但说得正确,而且说得流利。 6.so/neither/nor开头的句子,说明前面的内容也适用于后者时,用倒装句“so/neither/nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语”。如: She hasbeen to Dalian and so have I.她去过大连,我也去过。 John can"t speak Japanese, nor can Helen.约翰不会讲日语,海伦也不会。 但同意对方的看法,表示“是的、确实”之意时,用“so+主语+be/have/助动词/情态动词”句式,即主谓不倒装。目前考查这种句式的省份较多。如: —Maggie had a wonderful time at the pany. —_______________, and so did I. A. So she had B. So had she C. So she did D. So did she (05安徽) 7.as/thoush引导让步状语从句时,可将谓语部分的形容词/名词/动词等提到句首,采用部分倒装。如果位于句首的是单数可数名词,其前不加冠词。如: Brave as they were, the danger made them afraid.尽管他们很勇敢,但这样的危险仍使他们感到畏惧。 8.在so/such...that...结构中,so/such及其修饰部分位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。如: So beautiful was the girl that she won the championship in the beauty contest.那女孩那么漂亮,她在选美比赛中获得冠军。 Such an instructive speech did he make that all the listeners were moved.他发表的演说那么有教育意义,以至于所有的听众都很感动。 9.在含有were/had/should虚拟条件句中,省去if,把这三个词放在句首时。如: Were she here now(=If she were here now), she would take good care of her parents.如果她现在在这儿,她就能照顾她的父母了。 Had you attended the graduate ceremony(=If you had attended the graduate ceremony), I should haveseen you.要是你参加了毕业典礼,我就会见到你了。 10.在某些表示祝愿的句子中。如: May you be happy!祝你幸福! 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)


部分倒装与完全倒装的区别完全倒装指的是将一句话的所有谓语都置于主语之前,一般有两个要素;部分倒装指的是将一句话的部分谓语置于主语之前,一般是be动词。如果句子里没有be动词,就把谓语部分的助动词或情态动词置于主语之前,一般有四个要素。部分倒装和完全倒装的使用情景各有不同,表达的意义也不一样。完全倒装句有两个要素:一是以here这些副词开头;二是状语和表语开头;三是there be 结构及其变形;四是引语开头的句子。部分倒装句有以下几个要素:一是以否定词开头的句子;二是以否定副词开头的句子;三是介词+no+名词的结构;四是一部分主从复合句需要倒装。完全倒装语序的例句当方位副词位于句首时,句子构成完全的倒装。比如:Out rushed the dog when it heard its master"s voice。一听到主人的声音,这条狗就冲了出去。当介词短语作状语位于句首时,句子构成的完全倒装。例:Out of sadness comes the awakening。比利时的最高峰位于这里,海拔高度为694米。当直接引语在前时,句子构成的完全倒装。当直接引语在前,某人的话语动作在后,则描述某人话语动作的句子可以构成完全倒装。例:“I don"t know of any definite answers I"d becomfortable with,”explains Joseph。约瑟夫说:“我并不知道任何有定论的答案”。


  1、全部倒装   (1)here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首,谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run等表示来去或状态的动词。例如:   Then came the bus. Here is your letter.   (2)表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。   Out rushed a boy。   Ahead sat an old woman.   但如果主语是人称代词,不能要倒装,比如:Here you are. Away they went.   2、部分倒装   (1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。   Never have I seen such a performance.   Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.    当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。注意: 如否定词不在句首不倒装。比如:I have never seen such a performance.   The mother?didnt?leave the room until the child fell asleep.   (2)否定词开头作部分倒装   如 Not only…but also, Hardly/Scarcely…when, No sooner… than等,要倒装。例如:   Not only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the sender.   Hardly had she gone out when a student came to visit her.   No sooner had she gone out than a student came to visit her.   (3)so, neither, nor作部分倒装   用这些词表示也、也不 的句子要部分倒装。例如:   Tom can speak French. So can Jack.   If you wont go, neither will I.   (4)only+ 副词/介词/状语从句位于句首,要部分倒装   Only in this way, can you learn English well.   Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting.   如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装。   Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed.


部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。Never have I seen such a performance.Nowhere will you find the answer to this question.Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。注意: 如否定词不在句首不倒装。I have never seen such a performance.The mother didn"t leave the room until the child fell asleep.典型例题1) Why can"t I smoke here?At no time___ in the meeting-roomA. is smoking permitted  B. smoking is permittedC. smoking is it permitted D. does smoking permit答案A. 这是一个倒装问题。当否定词语置于句首以表示强调时,其句中的主谓须用倒装结构。 这些否定词包括no, little, hardly, seldom, never, not only, not until等。本题的正常语序是 Smoking is permitted in the meeting-room at no time.2) Not until the early years of the 19th century ___ what heat is.A. man did know  B. man know  C. didn"t man know  D. did man know答案D.  看到Not until…的句型,我们知道为一倒装句,答案在C,D 中选一个。改写为正常语序为,Man did not know what heat is until the early years of the 19th. 现在将not提前,后面就不能再用否定了,否则意思就变了。




全部倒装和部分倒装的区别:完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前,部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。英语句子的自然语序是“主语+谓语”。如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序被称为“倒装”。 谓语全部放在主语之前,为全部倒装;只把助动词,连系动词或情态动词放在主语之前,为部分倒装。 倒装的原因,一是语法结构的需要(如某些疑问句);二是为了强调;三是保持句子的平衡或是上下文紧密相接 区别:部分倒装仅将谓语的一部分提前,而全部倒装将句子中的谓语动词全部提前。 部分倒装含义:是指将该句中谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前。如果句中没有be动词,就用助动词或情态动词。 全部倒装含义:是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。


英语句子的自然语序是“主语 + 谓语”。如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序被称为“倒装”。谓语全部放在主语之前,为全部倒装;只把助动词,连系动词或情态动词放在主语之前,为部分倒装。 倒装的原因,一是语法结构的需要(如某些疑问句);二是为了强调;三是保持句子的平衡或是上下文紧密相接


部分倒装的几种情况是如下:1、句首为否定或半否定的词语如no,not,never,seldom,little,hardly,at no time,in no way,not until等。2、否定词开头作部分倒装如 Not only…but also, Hardly/Scarcely…when, No sooner… than等,要倒装。3、so,neither,nor作部分倒装用这些词表示"也"、"也不" 的句子要部分倒装。4、only+副词/介词/状语从句位于句首,要部分倒装如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装。5、as,though引导的倒装句as/though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前(形容词,副词,分词,实义动词提前)。6、其他部分倒装so…that句型中的so 位于句首时,需倒装。


全部倒装和部分倒装用法详解一、使用全部倒装的情况There goes the ambulance.救护车来了。2.表示地点、方向、时间的副词(here, out, in,up, down, back off, away, now, then等)位于句首时。谓语动词多为表示运动的不及物动词(go, come, leave, move, run, rush, ny, jump等)。如:Here is a telegram for you.这儿有你一封电报。Down jumpedthe man from the horse.那人从马上跳下来。在上述情况中,主语是代词时,则不用倒装。如:Here you are.给你。In he came and the meeting began.他进来,会议就开始了。3.表示地点的介词短语位于句首时。如:Between the two buildings stands a tall pine.两座楼之间有棵大松树。4.直接引语的部分或全部位于句首时,点明说话人的部分主谓语要倒装。如:"Are you listening to English on the radio?" said Mother.但,引述动词后有间接宾语或状语时,不倒装。如:5.在某些表示祝愿的句子中。如:Long live our great country!伟大的祖国万岁!二、使用部分倒装的情况 1.only修饰的状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句)位于句首时。如:Only after three operations was he able to walk without sticks.做过三次手术之后,他才能不用拐杖行走。Only with more practice can you pass the driving test.只有多练习你才能通过驾驶考试。但only修饰主语时,则不倒装。如:Only that girl knew how to work out the problem.只有那位女生知道怎样解那道题。2.含有否定意义的副词(never, seldom, little, few, not, nowhere等)位于句首时。如:Seldom in all my life have l met such a brave man.我一生很少见过这么勇敢的人。Never did she care about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.虽然她处于极大的危险之中,但她根本不顾自己的安全。3.not until位于句首时。如:Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is.直到19世纪初,人们才知道热是何物。在复合句中,只有主句用倒装,until引导的从句不倒装。如:Not until he loses his health will he give up drinking.他直到失去健康才会戒酒。4.在no sooner...than..., hardly/scarccly/barely...when...结构中,前面部分位于句首时,其后的分句要部分倒装(谓语用过去完成时)。如:Hardly had the baby seenthe dogwhen she cried.那女婴一看到狗就哭了起来。NO sooner had the interpreter returned home than he was told to go to another country.那位翻译刚踏进国门就又受命要去他国。5.not only...(but also)...位于句首引导两个分句时,前一个分句中的主谓要采用部分倒装,第二个分句则不倒装。如:Not only does he teach in school, but hewrites novels.他不但在学校教书,而且还写小说。Not only did she speak correctly, but also she spoke fluently.她不但说得正确,而且说得流利。6.so/neither/nor开头的句子,说明前面的内容也适用于后者时,用倒装句“so/neither/nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语”。如:She hasbeen to Dalian and so have I.她去过大连,我也去过。John can"t speak Japanese, nor can Helen.约翰不会讲日语,海伦也不会。但同意对方的看法,表示“是的、确实”之意时,用“so+主语+be/have/助动词/情态动词”句式,即主谓不倒装。目前考查这种句式的省份较多。如:—Maggie had a wonderful time at the pany.—_______________, and so did I.A. So she had  B. So had sheC. So she did  D. So did she(05安徽)7.as/though引导让步状语从句时,可将谓语部分的形容词/名词/动词等提到句首,采用部分倒装。如果位于句首的是单数可数名词,其前不加冠词。如:Brave as they were, the danger made them afraid.尽管他们很勇敢,但这样的危险仍使他们感到畏惧。8.在so/such...that...结构中,so/such及其修饰部分位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。如:So beautiful was the girl that she won the championship in the beauty contest.那女孩那么漂亮,她在选美比赛中获得冠军。Such an instructive speech did he make that all the listeners were moved.他发表的演说那么有教育意义,以至于所有的听众都很感动。9.在含有were/had/should虚拟条件句中,省去if,把这三个词放在句首时。如:Were she here now(=If she were here now), she would take good care of her parents.如果她现在在这儿,她就能照顾她的父母了。Had you attended the graduate ceremony(=If you had attended the graduate ceremony), I should haveseen you.要是你参加了毕业典礼,我就会见到你了。10.在某些表示祝愿的句子中。如:May you be happy!祝你幸福!


很多同学都学习过英语倒装句,那么部分倒装与完全倒装有什么不同之处? 部分倒装与完全倒装的不同 完全倒装:完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前(是整个谓语动词,而非助动词)。 部分倒装:部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。 部分倒装与全部倒装的区别在于用法。 完全倒装 表示地点、时间或方位的副词或介词短语(here, there, now, then, up, down, away, off, in, out, in the room, on the wall等)置于句首,且主语为名词时。 完全倒装的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时,不用进行时。所以如果你遇见地点状语提前,但是没有完全倒装的时候,看看是不是时态的问题造成了这种不倒装的情形。 部分倒装 1.含有否定意义的副词或介词短语(never, seldom, little, hardly, by no means, at no time等)位于句首时。 2.only修饰介词短语、副词或状语从句,且置于句首时。 3.so/neither+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语,意为“……也是如此/……也不”。 4.hardly...when, no sooner...than, not only...but(also)等引导两个分句时,若hardly, no sooner, not only位于句首,前一个分句用部分倒装,后一个分句不变。 5.not until...置于句首时, 主句需部分倒装。 6.so...that...和such...that...句式中,so或such及其所修饰的成分置于句首时,主句需部分倒装。 7.though/as引导让步状语从句时通常用倒装结构,其结构为:名词/形容词/副词/动词+though/as+主谓结构。 8.当if引导的虚拟条件从句中含有had,were或should等时,如将if省略,则要将had,were或should提到主语之前。 以上就是一些英语倒装句的相关信息,供大家参考。


区别:部分倒装仅将谓语的一部分提前,而全部倒装将句子中的谓语动词全部提前。部分倒装含义:是指将该句中谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前。如果句中没有be动词,就用助动词或情态动词。全部倒装含义:是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。扩展资料:倒装:英语句子的基本语序是“主语+谓语+其他成分”,即主语在前,谓语在后。但有时出于语法和修辞上的需要,我们将句子的整个谓语或者谓语的一部分放在主语前面,这就构成了倒装。将主语和谓语完全颠倒过来,叫做完全倒装。只将助动词(包括系动词、情态动词等)移至主语之前,叫做部分倒装。倒装的意义:有些是出于语法上的需要,非用倒装语序不可;有些则是为了达到某种修辞效果如强调、平衡、衔接、描绘等。部分倒装例句:Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he has always dreamt about(疾病没有使他放弃过上梦想中的生活)


部分倒装 只需要把组动词提前 其他句子结果不变全部倒装呢 则是要把谓语提前 句子其他位置不边 部分倒装所谓的助动词意思 我举个小列子 你就懂了I went to home .这里 谓语就是went相应的组动词就是did部分倒装:Did I go to home.完全倒装:Went I to home.


全倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和 一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. Then came the chairman. Here is your letter. 2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Ahead sat an old woman. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went. 部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。 Never have I seen such a performance. Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。 注意: 如否定词不在句首不倒装。 I have never seen such a performance. The mother didn"t leave the room until the child fell asleep. only在句首要倒装的情况 Only in this way, can you learn English well. Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. 如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装 Only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed. as, though 引导的倒装句 as / though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前 (形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词提前)。 注意: 1) 句首名词不能带任何冠词。 2) 句首是实义动词, 其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语, 随实义动词一起放在主语之前。 Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 注意: 让步状语从句中,有though,although时,后面的主句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用。 其他部分倒装 1) so… that 句型中的so 位于句首时,需倒装。 So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch. 2) 在某些表示祝愿的句型中: May you all be happy. 3) 在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。 Were I you, I would try it again.


部分倒装句方法:1、否定副词位于句首时的倒装:在正式文体中,never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, no sooner, no longer, nowhere 等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首,则其后要用部分倒装:I shall never forgive him. / Never shall I forgive him. 我永远不会宽恕他。2、“only+状语”位于句首时的倒装:当一个状语受副词only的修饰且置于句首时,其后用部分倒装语序:Only then did he realize that he was wrong.到那时他才意识到他错了。3、“so+adj. / adv.”位于句首时的倒装:副词so后接形容词或副词位于句首时,其后用部分倒装:So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home.天气太冷,我们只好待在家里。

英语中 什么时候用部分倒装 什么时候用全部倒装 要很详细

一、 全部倒装 全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前.全部倒装的句子通常只用一般现在时和过去时. 1、 Here,There,Now,Then等副词放在句首时,句子要全部倒装,谓语动词常用come,go,be,lie,run等.例如: ① There comes the bus! ② Now comes your turn. 2、 表示方位的副词或介词短语置于句首时,句子要全部倒装,句中的谓语动词是come,go等表示运动的动词. ① The door opened and in came the headmaster. ② Up and up went the prices. ③ High flew the plane. 注意: ① 上述全部倒装句中主语如为人称代词,应放在动词前面. Here comes Mr.Lee. Here he comes. Auay went the students. Auay they went. ② 有时为了句子的平衡或强调,将表语置于句首,也属于全部倒装. 例如:Gone are the days when we used the foreign oil. 二、 部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语动词的一部分如助动或情态动词置于主语之前. 1、 否定副词如no,not,never,seldom,little,hardly,以及含有no,not的短语放在句首时,句子要部分倒装. ① Never in my life have I heard such a thing. ② Little did we expect that he could come. ③ Not a single word did he say at the meeting. ④ By no means should we do like this. 注意:如上述句子中的否定副词不置于句首时,句子结构不倒装. 2、 以否定词开头的关联结构 注意:No sooner…than…,Hardly/scarcely…when…,Not only…but also,Not until… ① Not until late in the evening did he come back. ② Hardly had he got on the bus when he heard a shout. ③ Not only did he buy a bike for me but he also sent it to my house. 注意:No sooner…than…;hardly…when;not only…but also这类句型,只将前半部分倒装,后半部分用正常语序. 3、 当only置于句首修饰状语时,句子要部分倒装. ① Only in this way can we learn English well. ② Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed. 4、 so,neither,nor在句首表示“也”或“也不”句子要部分倒装. ① Tom is very kind.So am I. ② I like English.So does Jack. ③ I can"t speak English.Nor/Neither can he. 注意:so 后主、谓语不倒装表示前面所述内容的肯定、确定. 试比较: Tom is very kind.So am I.(两个人,一样情形) Tom is very kind.So he is.(一个人,一种情形) 汤姆非常和蔼.他就是如此. 5、 由as/though引导的让步状语从句,从句形成倒装. ① Child as he was,he could speak five languages. ② Hard as he work,you can"t support your family. ③ Try as you do,you will ever win. 注意:表语为单数名词时,不定冠词“a”应被省去. She–maker as he was,he was very happy. 6、 so…that/such…that句型中so,such 位于句首时,句子要部分倒装. ① So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. 7、 省略了if 的虚拟条件从句中,主谓形成了部分倒装(虚拟语气的条件句中,省略 if 后,had,were,should等应提前) ① Had you told me earlier,I could have done something . ② Should anyone call,tell him to call in the afternoon. ③ Were I you,I would try it again.


1、句首为否定或半否定的词语如no,not,never,seldom,little,hardly,at no time,in no way,not until等。当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。注意:如否定词不在句首不倒装。比如:I have never seen such a performance.2、否定词开头作部分倒装如 Not only…but also, Hardly/Scarcely…when, No sooner… than等,要倒装。3、so,neither,nor作部分倒装用这些词表示"也"、"也不" 的句子要部分倒装。4、only+副词/介词/状语从句位于句首,要部分倒装如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装。5、as,though引导的倒装句as/though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前(形容词,副词,分词,实义动词提前)。但需注意:1)句首名词不能带任何冠词。2)句首是实义动词,其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语,随实义动词一起放在主语之前。6、其他部分倒装1)so…that句型中的so 位于句首时,需倒装。例如:2)在某些表示祝愿的句型中。例如:May you all be happy. 愿你们都快乐。3)在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were,had,should等词,可将if省略,把were,had,should移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。例如:Were I you, I would try it again. 我是你的话,就再试一次。

英语倒装句 介词短语放句首完全倒装还是部分倒装

是要完全倒装的. 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,句子须倒装.例如:  1 Round the corner walked a large policeman.  2Under the table was lying a half-conscious young man.

求英语语法讲解 关于部分倒装



倒装句sodoI是全部倒装还是部分倒装?是部分倒装。部分倒装的基本结构是:So + 助动词 + 主语。例如:So do I.So does he .So am I.So did they .完全倒装结构是:状语+ 动词+ 主语。如:Under the tree stands a little boy.




英语句子的自然语序是“主语 + 谓语”. 如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序被称为“倒装”.谓语全部放在主语之前,为全部倒装;只把助动词,连系动词或情态动词放在主语之前,为部分倒装. 倒装的原因,一是语法结构的需要 (如某些疑问句);二是为了强调; 三是保持句子的平衡或是上下文紧密相接.


部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前.如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或did,并将其置于主语之前. 1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no,not,never,seldom,little,hardly,at no time,in no way,not until… 等. Never have I seen such a performance. Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装. 注意:如否定词不在句首不倒装. I have never seen such a performance. The mother didn"t leave the room until the child fell asleep. 典型例题 1) Why can"t I smoke here? At no time___ in the meeting-room A.is smoking permitted  B. smoking is permitted C.smoking is it permitted D. does smoking permit 答案A.这是一个倒装问题.当否定词语置于句首以表示强调时,其句中的主谓须用倒装结构.这些否定词包括no,little,hardly,seldom,never,not only,not until等.本题的正常语序是 Smoking is permitted in the meeting-room at no time. 2) Not until the early years of the 19th century ___ what heat is. A.man did know  B.man know  C.didn"t man know  D.did man know 答案D.看到Not until…的句型,我们知道为一倒装句,答案在C,D 中选一个. 改写为正常语序为,Man did not know what heat is until the early years of the 19th.现在将not提前,后面就不能再用否定了,否则意思就变了.


部分倒装(助动词倒装)  是指把谓语的一部分(助动词)提到主语的前面。例:  NeverinmylifehaveIseensuchathing. 1)句首为否定词或否定意义的词语时,句子要部分倒装。  (not,notonly,never,little,seldom,hardly...) 2)hardly(scarcely),nosooner引导的部分在句首要部分倒装。 3)notonly...butalso...引导两个并列句,前倒后不倒。 4)only在句首引导状语,或notuntil引导的状语在句首,主句要部分倒装。 5)if从句中如有were(had,should),if省去后,要部分倒装。 6)as引导的让步状语从句,要部分倒装(表语、状语倒装)。 7)状语位于句首表示强调或使句子平衡,或使上下文紧密衔接,句子要部分倒装。 2、完全倒装(主谓倒装)  是指把谓语全部提到主语的前面。例:  InalecturehallofauniversityinEnglandsitsaprofessor.  1)由here,there,now,then...引导的句子,要完全倒装。 2)句首是拟声词或away,down等副词,句子要完全倒装。  (以上两种情况中的主语如是代词则不倒装) 3)介词短语作状语在句首,句子要完全倒装。 4)Sodo(am)I.或 Nor(Neither)do(am)I.   该结构是完全倒装,其主句与前一句的主语各是一人。


完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前In came the teacher and the class began. (老师走了进来,然后开始上课。)部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。 Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he has always dreamt about(疾病没有使他放弃过上梦想中的生活)


2. 部分倒装 1) 部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。 Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he has always dreamt about(疾病没有使他放弃过上梦想中的生活) 2) 以否定词开头的句子要求部分倒装。注意下列句子中助动词或情态动词提前、甚至补充助动词的用法: 例:Not until yesterday did little John change his mind.(小约翰直到昨天才改变了主意。) In no country other than Britain, it had been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.(据说除了英国世界上没有哪个国家能让人在一天中感受到四季变化) 3) 以否定副词开头并加状语放在句首的句子要求部分倒装。这些否定副词有barely, hardly, little, seldom, scarcely…… when, never, no sooner…… than, rarely, no more, not nearly, not only等以及only。 Only in the country can you learn the “true English”. 4)一些如scarcely……when, no sooner ……than, hardly……when引导的主从复合句主句要求使用过去完成式。 注意:在部分倒装句中,只有助动词、情态动词或连系动词to be可以置于主语之前,其它部分都要置于主语之后。 5)此外,一些介词+no+名词的结构中需要用部分倒装,这些结构包括at no time; by no means; by no manner of means; for no reason; in no case; in/under no circumstances; in no sense; in no way; on no account; on no consideration; at no point例如Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money. 注意: a) 如果含有从句时,只要求主句倒装: 例:Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.(只有当他已经说出那个字后才意识到自己犯了个大错误。) b) 如果上述否定副词出现在强调句型中的前半部分,不用倒装: 例: It was not until he went abroad that he know the truth of the fact.(直到他出国以后才了解到事实真相。) c) 如果hardly, scarcely后面接的是any, ever, at all时,意义类似almost no/ not/ never(几乎不、从不),则无须倒装。 例:Hardly any people having been invited went there.(几乎没有什么受到邀请的人去那里了。) 6) 由no matter how, however和how引导的状语从句要求部分倒装,因为形容词或副词通常紧跟在这三个引导词后面,然后才是主语和谓语,形成形式上的部分倒装句: 例:I know nothing about this river, neither how long, how wide nor how deep it is.(我一点也不了解这条河,不知道它有多长,多宽或多深。) 7) 由as引导的部分倒装句: a) 当as作为比较意义时,即用于as + adj./ adv. + as结构中时,如果把第一个as省略掉,就形成部分倒装句。 例:Cautious as the rest of her family (was) , she didn"t seem willing to give an immediate reply to my question.(正如她家里人一样谨慎小心,她似乎不愿意立即回答我的问题。) She charged the stairs, quick as a rabbit (ran).(她跑上楼去,跑得象兔子那么快!) b) 当 as引导让步状语时,和although, though一样,当用作“尽管”之义时,可以用于部分倒装句。 Hard as he worked, he did not pass the exam.(虽然他很用功,但他还是没及格) c) 表示原因时,为了强调起见,也可以倒装。 例:Tired as he was, we decided not to disturb him.(因为他太累了,我们决定不打扰他。) d) 等于so时,意义是“也,也是” 例:She worked hard, so/ as did her husband. (她工作很努力,她的丈夫工作也很努力。) 3. so, neither, nor倒装 除了构成上述倒装句以外,还可以取代上文出现的名词、形容词甚至整句话,构成完全倒装句或部分倒装句。但这两种倒装的意义不同。 a) 当so表示“也,相同,那样”时,通常表示对前一句肯定句的赞同、一致内容,要求使用完全倒装句: He promised to finish my homework, so did I. b) so /such ……that句型可以构成部分倒装句,表示强调so /such和that之间的部分: 例:So selfish was she that everyone avoid talking with her. c)也存在such+be+主语的情况用以强调,例如Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man of great achievements.(阿尔伯特61爱因斯坦是一个有伟大成就的普通人) d) neither和nor共有4种倒装形式,其含义分别为: 1) 完全倒装时:表示"也不",和上文a)用法正好相反,表示对前一句否定句的赞同或一致内容。 例:You don"t know what to do now, neither/ nor do I .(你不知道现在该做什么,我也不知道。) 2) 和其它否定副词连用,表示"也(不)",也要求用完全倒装句: 例:The besieged enemy could not advance, nor / neither retreat could they .(被包围的敌人既不能进,也不能退。) 注意:若把这句话改成:"The besieged enemy could neither advance nor retreat.(被包围的敌人既不能进,也不能退。)"就不必倒装。 She never laughed, nor did she ever lose her temper. 3) 用在肯定句里,构成一般否定倒装: 例:All that is true, nor must we forget it.(那全都是真的,我们可不能忘记。) 4. 部分倒装 有承上启下作用,表示同意和赞同: 例:A: I couldn"t do anything for her.(我帮不了她。) B: Nor you could, but you might have got somebody to help her.(你是不能帮她,但你本可以找人帮她的。) 2) 在进行比较的句子里,如果主语不是代词时,可以倒装: 例:America consumes more energy than did our country.(美国消耗的能源比我们国家多。) 3)在某些表示祝愿的句型中要求倒装。如May you happy. 4)在文学作品中常出现倒装,有些是由于语法习惯,有些是为了简单的修辞,如Not even one cloud will I bring away(不带走一片云彩


英语句子的自然语序是“主语 + 谓语”。如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序被称为“倒装”。谓语全部放在主语之前,为全部倒装;只把助动词,连系动词或情态动词放在主语之前,为部分倒装。 倒装的原因,一是语法结构的需要(如某些疑问句);二是为了强调;三是保持句子的平衡或是上下文紧密相接。


部分倒装因为have 是个助动词现在完成时中:have/has + done 是句子的整个谓语全部倒装是指把句子的整个谓语提前欢迎追问,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


部分倒装与完全倒装的区别例句如下:一、 全部倒装全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前.全部倒装的句子通常只用一般现在时和过去时.1、 Here,There,Now,Then等副词放在句首时,句子要全部倒装,谓语动词常用come,go,be,lie,run等.例如:① There comes the bus!② Now comes your turn.2、 表示方位的副词或介词短语置于句首时,句子要全部倒装,句中的谓语动词是come,go等表示运动的动词.① The door opened and in came the headmaster.② Up and up went the prices.③ High flew the plane.注意:① 上述全部倒装句中主语如为人称代词,应放在动词前面.Here comes Mr.Lee.Here he comes.Auay went the students.Auay they went.② 有时为了句子的平衡或强调,将表语置于句首,也属于全部倒装.例如:Gone are the days when we used the foreign oil.二、 部分倒装部分倒装是指将谓语动词的一部分如助动或情态动词置于主语之前.1、 否定副词如no,not,never,seldom,little,hardly,以及含有no,not的短语放在句首时,句子要部分倒装.① Never in my life have I heard such a thing.② Little did we expect that he could come.③ Not a single word did he say at the meeting.④ By no means should we do like this.注意:如上述句子中的否定副词不置于句首时,句子结构不倒装.2、 以否定词开头的关联结构注意:No sooner…than…,Hardly/scarcely…when…,Not only…but also,Not until…① Not until late in the evening did he come back.② Hardly had he got on the bus when he heard a shout.③ Not only did he buy a bike for me but he also sent it to my house.注意:No sooner…than…;hardly…when;not only…but also这类句型,只将前半部分倒装,后半部分用正常语序.3、 当only置于句首修饰状语时,句子要部分倒装.① Only in this way can we learn English well.② Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed.4、 so,neither,nor在句首表示“也”或“也不”句子要部分倒装.① Tom is very kind.So am I.② I like English.So does Jack.③ I can"t speak English.Nor/Neither can he.注意:so 后主、谓语不倒装表示前面所述内容的肯定、确定.试比较:Tom is very kind.So am I.(两个人,一样情形)Tom is very kind.So he is.(一个人,一种情形)汤姆非常和蔼.他就是如此.5、 由as/though引导的让步状语从句,从句形成倒装.① Child as he was,he could speak five languages.② Hard as he work,you can"t support your family.③ Try as you do,you will ever win.注意:表语为单数名词时,不定冠词“a”应被省去.She–maker as he was,he was very happy.6、 so…that/such…that句型中so,such 位于句首时,句子要部分倒装.① So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.7、 省略了if 的虚拟条件从句中,主谓形成了部分倒装(虚拟语气的条件句中,省略 if 后,had,were,should等应提前)① Had you told me earlier,I could have done something .② Should anyone call,tell him to call in the afternoon.③ Were I you,I would try it again.


全倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和 一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. Then came the chairman. Here is your letter. 2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Ahead sat an old woman. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went. 部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。 Never have I seen such a performance. Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。 注意: 如否定词不在句首不倒装。 I have never seen such a performance. The mother didn"t leave the room until the child fell asleep. only在句首要倒装的情况 Only in this way, can you learn English well. Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. 如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装 Only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed. as, though 引导的倒装句 as / though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前 (形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词提前)。 注意: 1) 句首名词不能带任何冠词。 2) 句首是实义动词, 其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语, 随实义动词一起放在主语之前。 Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 注意: 让步状语从句中,有though,although时,后面的主句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用。 其他部分倒装 1) so… that 句型中的so 位于句首时,需倒装。 So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch. 2) 在某些表示祝愿的句型中: May you all be happy. 3) 在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词,可将if 省略,把 were, had, should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装。 Were I you, I would try it again.


部分倒装 只需要把组动词提前 其他句子结果不变全部倒装呢 则是要把谓语提前 句子其他位置不边 部分倒装所谓的助动词意思 我举个小列子 你就懂了I went to home .这里 谓语就是went相应的组动词就是did部分倒装:Did I go to home.完全倒装:Went I to home.

请问英语中的部分倒装与全部倒装分别是什么?什么时候用部分倒装,什么时候用全部倒装? 希望回答能够详



完全倒装把整个谓语放主语前:Here is a ticket for you.部分倒装只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词)放主语前:Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he has always dreamt about....


完全倒装和部分倒装的用法:therebe句型以及以here、there开头的句子;用“So/Nor/ Neither+助动词+主语”倒装结构表示第二个人物的情况与上文的人物情况相同等。完全倒装和部分倒装的区别:完全倒装(全谓主):倒装词+v+主,人称和时态不变,语序变。遇到以下三种情况需要用完全倒装。首先是表地点的介词短语放句首,例:here/there;其次是表方位的adv放句首,例:up/down、in/out;最后是当较短的句子里的now和then放句首。部分倒装(助主谓):倒装词+一般疑问句,倒装在主句部分。首先是表否定意义的adv放句首,例:no,not……;其次是特殊句式放句首,hardly……when……no sooner……than……;再是only+状语放句首,注意:only+主语不到装,例:Only you can solve the problem.只有你才能解决这个问题。最后是so……that……句型中的so放句首。(so后紧跟adj/adv)。英语倒装句的概念:英语倒装句:主语和谓语是句子的核心,它们之间有两种语序:一是主语在谓语之前称为自然语序(Natural Order);二是主语在谓语之后则称为倒装语序(Inverted Order)。而倒装语序中又有完全倒装(Full Inversion)和部分倒装(Partial Inversion)。完全倒装(Full Inversion):又称“全部倒装”,是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。部分倒装(Partial Inversion):指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do、does或did,并将其置于主语之前。英语句子的倒装一是由于语法结构的需要而进行的倒装,二是由于修辞的需要而进行的倒装。


1、全部倒装   1) here,there,now,then,thus等副词置于句首,谓语动词常用be,come,go,lie,run等表示来去或状态的动词.例如: Then came the bus.Here is your letter.  2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词. Out rushed a boy. Ahead sat an old woman. 但如果主语是人称代词,不能要倒装,比如:Here you are.Away they went. 2.部分倒装  1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no,not,never,seldom,little,hardly,at no time,in no way,not until… 等. Never have I seen such a performance. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装.注意:如否定词不在句首不倒装.比如:I have never seen such a performance. The mother didn"t leave the room until the child fell asleep. 2)否定词开头作部分倒装 如 Not only…but also,Hardly/Scarcely…when,No sooner… than等,要倒装.例如: Not only did he refuse the gift,he also severely criticized the sender. Hardly had she gone out when a student came to visit her. No sooner had she gone out than a student came to visit her. 3) so,neither,nor作部分倒装 用这些词表示"也"、"也不" 的句子要部分倒装.例如:   Tom can speak French.So can Jack.   If you won"t go,neither will I. 4)only+ 副词/介词/状语从句位于句首,要部分倒装 Only in this way,can you learn English well. Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. 如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装. Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed. 5)as,though 引导的倒装句 as / though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前(形容词,副词,分词,实义动词提前).但需注意:   1) 句首名词不能带任何冠词.   2) 句首是实义动词,其他助动词放在主语后.如果实义动词有宾语和状语,随实义动词一起放在主语之前.例如: Try hard as he will,he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 注意:让步状语从句中,有though,although时,后面的主句不能有but,但是 though 和yet可连用. 6) 其他部分倒装 1)) so… that 句型中的so 位于句首时,需倒装.例如: So frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch. 2)) 在某些表示祝愿的句型中.例如:   May you all be happy.愿你们都快乐. 3)) 在虚拟语气条件句中从句谓语动词有were,had,should等词,可将if 省略,把 were,had,should 移到主语之前,采取部分倒装.例如: Were I you,I would try it again.我是你的话,就再试一次. 其实学习倒装,值需要记得完全倒装,剩下的基本都是部分倒装,很好记的.终于总结全了,有问题再问啊!


“ only+状语” 置于句首, 主句需要部分倒装具有否定意义或半否定意义的副词以及含否定词的介词短语置于句首作状语时“so或neither + 助动词/情态动词/be 动词+主语”表示“……也/也不”so/such...that...句型以 had/were/should 开头省略 if 的虚拟条件句


全部倒装和部分倒装的区别:完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前,部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。 部分倒装含义:是指将该句中谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前。如果句中没有be动词,就用助动词或情态动词。全部倒装含义:是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。英语句子的自然语序是“主语+谓语”。如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序被称为“倒装”。谓语全部放在主语之前,为全部倒装。只把助动词,连系动词或情态动词放在主语之前,为部分倒装。倒装的原因,一是语法结构的需要(如某些疑问句),二是为了强调,三是保持句子的平衡或是上下文紧密相接。


1. 完全倒装 1) 完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前(是整个谓语动词,而非助动词)。 例如:In came the teacher and the class began. (老师走了进来,然后开始上课。) 2) there引出的完全倒装句:除了最常见的there be句型以外,there还可以接appear, exist, lie, remain, seem to be, stand等,一般都译成"有"的含义,构成完全倒装句。 例如:There appeared to be a man in black in the distance.(远处有个穿黑色衣服的人。) 3) 由地点和时间副词引出的完全倒装句:以地点副词here, there和时间副词now, then 开头,后面的动词是be, come, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain, seem, stand等,而主语又是名词时,构成完全倒装句。 例:Under that tree sits a beautiful girl.(那棵树下坐着一位美丽的姑娘。) 例:_________ from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him. A) Jumped down the burglar B) Down the burglar jumped C) The burglar jumps down D) Down jumped the burglar 答案是D) Down jumped the burglar。因为地点状语Down位于句首应该用完全倒装,整个谓语动词应位于主语之前。C) The burglar jumps down虽然是自然语序,但时态错误,应该用和时间状语从句一致的过去时,而不是现在时。 注意: 1) 在here, there引出的倒装句中,当主语是普通名词时用完全倒装句,但当主语是代词时,就要用部分倒装句。 例:Here comes the postman!(邮递员终于来了!注意实意谓语动词位于主语之前。) Here we are.(我们到了。注意系动词位于主语代词之后。) 2) 注意正语序和倒装语序的语气、意义是区别: 例:Here is the picture I love.(这正是我所喜爱的画。) The picture I love is here.(我所喜爱的话在这里。) 3) 当主语是代词,谓语是系动词,表语是说明性的词、词组和定语从句时,可以使用完全倒装句,起强调作用。 例:Lucky is he who has been enrolled into a famous university.(他真幸运,被一所名牌大学录取了。) 2. 部分倒装 1) 部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。 例:1996年6月四级第42题 _______ right now, she would get there on Sunday. A) Would she leave B) if she leave C) were she to leave D) If she had left 结合选项,全句的意思是:“如果她立刻就走,她就能在星期天到达那里”。答案是C。 2) 以否定词开头的句子要求部分倒装。注意下列句子中助动词或情态动词提前、甚至补充助动词的用法: 例:Not until yesterday did little John change his mind.(小约翰直到昨天才改变了主意。)


部分倒装的用法:部分倒装就是把谓语的一部分(通常是助动词、情态动词)放在主语之前,或把句子的强调成分提前。例句:Only in this way can we finish the work.语法:该句只把情态动词can放在主语we之前,句子部分倒装。译文:只有这样,我们才能完成工作。以下几种情况句子需要部分倒装。(1)表示否定意义的词或词组放在句首作状语时。这类词与词组主要有:never, scarcely, hardly, rarely, seldom, little, nowhere,no sooner…than, not only, only, in no case, in no way, on no account等。例句:Little does he care about what others think.语法:句中表示否定意义的词Little放在句首,助动词does放在主语he之前,句子部分倒装。译文:他一点儿也不在乎别人怎么想。注意:否定词只否定主语时就不用倒装。例句:Hardly anybody believes that.语法:句中的否定词Hardly否定的是主语anybody,句子不用倒装。译文:几乎没有人相信那件事。(2)以否定副词开头并加时间状语从句或定语从句放在句首的句子,则只要求主句用部分倒装语序。例句:Only after I had saw the letter did I realise I had misunderstood him.语法:这是一个主从复合句。主句用部分倒装语序,助动词did放在主语I之前。译文:看到了信之后,我才意识到我误解他了。(3)连词as/though引导的让步状语从句可以用部分倒装语序。这种状语从句的结构为“形容词/名词+as/though+主语+谓语(系动词)”。在句首的如果是名词,不要带冠词,但如果名词前有形容词修饰,则常常带冠词。例句①:Tired as he was yesterday, he finished the task timely.语法:as引导的是让步状语从句,表语Tired(形容词)放在句首,句子部分倒装。译文:尽管他昨天很疲惫,但他还是及时完成了任务。例句②:Child as he is, he is very brave.语法:as引导的是让步状语从句,表语Child放在句首,句子部分倒装,名词child前面不带冠词。译文:尽管他还是个孩子,但他非常勇敢。例句③:A young man as he is, he has won the Nobel Prize.语法:as引导的是让步状语从句,表语A young man放在句首,句子部分倒装,名词man前面有形容词修饰,所以带有冠词A。译文:尽管他还是个年轻人,但他已经赢得了诺贝尔奖。(4)虚拟语气中的倒装。虚拟语气中的条件状语从句如果省略了if,这时were,had或should须移到主语的前面,从而形成部分倒装。例句:Had it not been for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the film so often.语法:该句为虚拟语气,条件状语从句省略了引导词if,助动词Had须放在主语it的前面,形成部分倒装。译文:如果没有免费的票,我就不会经常去看电影。


一、部分倒装 将谓语中的助动词或情态动词置于主语之前,就是部分倒装.部分倒装通常出现在以下场合:x0d2.“ only + 状语 / 状语从句”位于句首时,句子的主语或主句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装.例如:Only yesterday afternoon did I finish my experiment.x0d3.表示否定意义的副词或连词放在句首时,主语和谓语要部分倒装.例如:Never shall I do the same thing again.Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.x0d4.在含有 had ,were ,should 的虚拟条件句中,可以省略 if ,将 had ,were ,should 放在主语之前,构成部分倒装.例如:Had you come here,you would have met the film star.Were I you,I would take the money.Should any one come to set me free,I would make him very rich.x0d5.在 so … that …句式中,如果 so 引导的部分前置,主句中的主语和谓语需用部分倒装.例如:So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself.x0d6.当 so,neither,nor 位于句首时,可将其后与上面重复的谓语的一部分置于主语之前,构成部分倒装.例如:— He has been to Beijing.— So have I.— Liu Jia can"t answer the question.— Neither/Nor can Lai Fan.说明:1 ) so 位于句首时,具备三个条件才可以将主语和谓语部分倒装:① so 表示“也”的意思;②上句是简单句的肯定句;③上句的主语和 so 引导的句子主语不同.如果 so 所在的分句的主语与上句的主语相同,这时 so 的意思是“的确”,so 分句中的主、谓语无须倒装.例如:— Jenny has decided to turn in the wallet.— So she has.2 )上面的句子有两个或两个以上的分句,而且这些分句中的谓语动词又不属于同一类型,但它们所陈述的情况也适合另一个人或物时,常用的结构为:So it is/was with … 例如:— Li Juan is a pretty girl and she studies in No.1 Middle School of Enshi.— So it is with Meng Lu.x0d二、完全倒装 将整个谓语部分置于主语之前即为完全倒装.这种完全倒装的语序出现在下列场合:x0d1.away ,down ,up ,in ,out 等副词位于句首且主语为名词时,可将 come ,go 等表示位置转移的动词放在主语之前;但主语为代词时,主语和谓语不倒装.例如:The door opened and in came the teacher.Down he sat by the table.x0d2.here 和 there 位于句首,且主语为名词时,可将主语和谓语全部倒装.例如:Here is your rice.There goes the bell.x0d3.当句首的表语或状语是表示地点的介词短语时,句子中的主语和谓语要全部倒装.例如:On the front wall is a blackboard.On the back wall hangs a map of China.x0d4.有时为了使上下文紧密衔接,也要用完全倒装.例如:They arrived at a farmhouse,in front of which sat a small boy.x0d5.直接引语前置,引导语中的主语是名词时,主语、谓语通常要完全倒装.


1、句首为否定或半否定的词语如no,not,never,seldom,little,hardly,at no time,in no way,not until等。2、否定词开头作部分倒装如 Not only…but also, Hardly/Scarcely…when, No sooner… than等,要倒装。3、so,neither,nor作部分倒装用这些词表示"也"、"也不" 的句子要部分倒装。4、only+副词/介词/状语从句位于句首,要部分倒装如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装。5、as,though引导的倒装句as/though引导的让步从句必须将表语或状语提前(形容词,副词,分词,实义动词提前)。6、其他部分倒装so…that句型中的so 位于句首时,需倒装。表语置于句首形容词 + 连系动词 + 主语。如:Present at the meeting were Doctor Li, Doctor Su and many other guests.李医生、苏医生和很多其他客人都出席了会议。2)过去分词 + 连系动词 + 主语。如:Gone are the days when they could do what they liked.他们能做自己想做的事情的日子已经一去不复返了。3)介词 + 连系动词 + 主语。如:Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.这些商品中有圣诞树,鲜花,蜡烛和玩具。倒装句式是英语考试中经常会考到的语法重点,考生在面对一些看似语法不通的句子的时候一定认真对待。

The besieged enemy could not advance, nor / neither could they retreat.是部分倒装还是完全倒装
