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Bank Branch/Bsb/Routing/Sort/bc是什么意思


singapore branch是什么意思

singapore branch 新加坡分行 很高兴第一时间为您解答,

branch name是什么意思


我的中国银行信用卡状态是BRANCH BLOCK CODE。这是什么意思阿。卡没在我身上。

中国银行信用卡状态为BRANCH BLOCK CODE,即branch block code,翻译为中文意思就是分行支付,也就是银行认为此卡有风险,对其进行了分行支付的操作。1. 中国银行信用卡被实行了风控,即风险评估控制,此时银行卡将会出现状态异常的提示。此时首先应该尽快拨打银行客服热线,详细询问具体的什么原因导致了这种情况。然后根据实际的情况进行改正等操作,后续就可以正常使用了。2. 如果是本人的银行卡丢失了或者并没有在自己这里,那么很有可能是被盗刷了,而银行系统检测到了这种风险,就会对银行卡进行风险控制,这就会导致银行卡状态异常。3. 当银行卡账户内有逾期的尚未还款的项目时,而且持卡人长期不还,银行多次提示无果后也会对银行卡实行管控,这时银行卡也会出现状态异常的提示。4. 当持卡人使用中国银行信用卡进行套现行为的时候也会出现此种状况,比如说连续一段时间使用同一POS机重复操作,在不正常,不合理的时间段内进行了消费行为等等,这些会导致系统认定你为套现。5. 如果最开始申请中国银行信用卡的时候是通过一些不正规的渠道或者方式,比如第三方中介,这些也会导致信用卡的状态异常。6. 当本人信用卡可用额度为零或者严重不足以致于影响到了银行对银行卡所必须的服务费的收取时,也会出现银行卡状态异常的情况。7. 如果信用卡的放置地点不正确,也就是保管不当的时候,比如说和金属物品,手机等电子产品长期放置在一起,此时就容易导致银行卡的消磁,这可能也是造成状态异常的原因之一。8. 还有一种情况就是信用卡并没有完全激活,那么此时银行那边显示的就是状态异常,这就需要本人携带有关证件前往银行柜台并在工作人员的指导下进行操作。

olive branch是什么意思

olive branch[英][ˈɔliv brɑ:ntʃ][美][ˈɑlɪv bræntʃ]n.橄榄枝; 复数:olive branches以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Ahead of major international meetings, beijing often proffers anolive branch by allowing its currency to shift. 在重要的国际会议之前,北京常常会以允许人民币升值的方式伸出橄榄枝。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

branch banking是什么意思


sub branch是什么意思

sub branch英-["sʌbbrɑːntʃ]美-[,bræntʃ]释义n. 支店,支行;小分支vi. 分成小分支

branch out是什么意思

branch outv. 长出枝条;扩展范围;偏离主题

branch out是什么意思

branch outv. 长出枝条;扩展范围;偏离主题

branch address是什么意思

branch address 英[brɑ:ntʃ əˈdres] 美[bræntʃ əˈdrɛs] [词典] 转移地址; [例句]BTAC Branch Target Address Calculator分支目标寻址计算器

branch address是什么意思

branch address分支地址转移地址; [英][brɑ:ntʃ əˈdres][美][bræntʃ əˈdrɛs]


是饥荒里面的land branching吗 branch是分支的意思land branching是在创造世界设置里面的,这跟世界板块多少有关饥荒吧里面有汉化版,可下载 亲测可用


branch address分支地址转移地址; [英][brɑ:ntʃ əˈdres][美][bræntʃ əˈdrɛs]

澳洲联邦银行的chinatown branch是什么意思



三叉树,三个分支的意思,比如three-branch data三叉树的数据意思

Agricultural Bank of China Beijing Branch 是什么意思


silk branch是什么意思

silk branch丝绸分公司; 丝绸支路例句筛选1.Add: No. 39 in the branch of silk road Jiashan Zhejiang, China地址:浙江省嘉善县魏塘镇丝绸支路39号2.The textile industry is entering the era of attention to color,jacquard silk fabric as an important branch of textile industry isno exception. 纺织业正在进入一个日益重视色彩的时代,提花丝织物作为纺织业中的一个重要分支亦不例外。


plant 英 [plɑːnt] 美 [plænt] n. 工厂,车间;植物;设备;庄稼 vt. 种植;培养;栽培;安置 vi. 种植 n. (Plant)人名;(英、西、意)普兰特;(法)普朗 英文解释及例句: 1. N-COUNT A plant is a living thing that grows in the ear...

hsbc causeway bay branch 翻译为 汇丰铜锣湾分行.是什么意思


branch pipe是什么意思

branch pipe 英[brɑ:ntʃ paip] 美[bræntʃ paɪp] [词典] 歧管,岔管,支管; 套管; [例句]So the design and study of branch pipe is one of the important parts in the steel design.所以岔管的设计和研究是输水建筑物系统设计和研究的重要内容之一。

branch into是什么意思

branch into分为1Seeing this, a dove threw a small branch into the river. 一只鸽子看见,扔下一段树枝,将他救起。2Taking higher frequency branch into account, The interface polaron of one mode behavior ternary mixed crystals was studied. 仅考虑高频分支对极化子的贡献,研究了单模型三元混晶界面极化子的性质。3Ultimately, we hope to branch into the Asian market. 最终,我们希望进入亚洲市场。4In2005, with the Beijing Branch into the Dragon Control System Co., Ltd., is responsible for the market in Hubei Province. 2005年公司与北京科进天龙控制系统有限公司合作,负责湖北地区的市场。

subsidiary branch是什么意思

subsidiary branch支公司;辅助机构双语例句1. An auto financing company shall not set up any branch or subsidiary. 汽车金融公司不得设立分支机构.2. Plastic under the special branch companies , branchhome appliances injection mold subsidiary. 特塑分公司主要从事工程塑料的改性生产.3. Chongqing Branch is a subsidiary institution established on the basis of the former 1 st Department. 重庆公司是在原第一项目部基础上设立的分支机构.4. Article 14 An auto financing company shall not set up any branch or subsidiary. 第十四条汽车金融公司不得设立分支机构.

fabric in the branch是什么意?




branch block code什么意思

fraud-block-code欺诈块编码code[英][kəʊd][美][koʊd]n.行为准则; 代码,密码; 法典; 信号; vt.将…译成电码; 编码,加密; vi.为…编码; 指定遗传密码; 第三人称单数:codes过去分词:coded复数:codes现在进行时:coding过去式:coded例句:1.Good php code should be structured. 优良的php代码应该是结构化的

branch name是什么意思

branch name分行名称,支店名,分支名字

branch into是什么意思

经典职场情景句排行榜 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Branch out into new activities 开展新的活动 The branch speared up into the air. 枝条象矛一样伸入空中。 Branch out from physics into related scientific fields. 从物理学而引申到相关科学领域 The company has branch out into car leasing. 该公司业务范围已扩大到汽车租赁。 From car retail the company branch out into car leasing. 公司的业务从汽车零售扩大到汽车出租。 You can branch into the field of history and geography. 你还可以旁及历史,地理等学科。 From selling train ticket, the company branch out into package holidays. 公司业务从发售火车票扩展到包价度假旅游。 He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch. 他试图与当地分部取得联络,但没有成功。 The bookshop has decided to branch out into selling music and records. 书店已决定扩大营业范围,开辟出售乐谱和唱片的业务。 那家书店已经决定扩大经营范围,销售软件和电子出版物。


branchn. 树枝;分支;部门,分科;支流vi. 分支形成;分支扩张;扩大某人的兴趣,业务或活动范围;[计]下分支的指令vt. 使分支;使分叉;用枝形叶脉刺绣花纹装饰sprign. 小树枝,幼枝;扁头钉;<谑>子孙;小伙子,少年v. 用小枝装饰,加小枝花样;用钉子钉;使草蔓生;钉扁头钉

branch name是什么意思

branch name 英 [brɑ:ntʃ neim] 美 [bræntʃ nem] [计] 分支名字

branch office是什么意思

branch office 分办事处,分支机构


三叉树,三个分支的意思,比如three-branch data三叉树的数据意思

Ann Shouben branch 是什么意思

发支机构,你一定是见到:branch company之类的了吧? 意思是:分公司,或是子公司! 树枝分支机构 branch n.枝, 分枝, 分部, 分店, (学科)分科

branch name是什么意思

Branch Name分行名称 / 分支名称 / 分支名字短语Branch Office Name 海外办事处名称Bank Branch Name 分行名称 ; 银行分支机构名称 ; 银行分行名称 ; 银行分行名字A specific bank branch name 银行具体支行名称例句:If choose the telegraphic transfer, please fill in the bank address and the branch name clearly.如选择电滙方式,请填上详细银行地阯及分行名称。


shanghai-branch上海分公司很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


分支branch[英][brɑ:ntʃ][美][bræntʃ]n.树枝; 分支; 部门,分科; 支流; vi.分支形成; 分支扩张; 扩大某人的兴趣,业务或活动范围; [计]下分支的指令; vt.使分支; 使分叉; 用枝形叶脉刺绣花纹装饰;




stone branch ---石科


branching n. 分歧

they are jumping off the branch.句中的branch是什么意思,能表示树吗,为什么不用tree?



branch 是“分支”的意思 able 是“能够”的意思 branchable 是复合词,意思是“有分支的,能够分支的”


branch英音:[brɑ:ntʃ]美音:[bræntʃ]词典解释branch名词 n.[C]1. 树枝;枝2. 支族;支流;支线;支路[(+of)]3. 分公司;分店;分局;分部;部门[(+of)]

Branch Name是什么意思






branch location什么意思paypal

branch location意思是:分支机构位置。重点词汇:branch英[brɑ:ntʃ]释义:n.树枝,分枝;分支机构,分店;(政府或机构的)部门;分科,分支;(家族的)支系;支流,岔路。v.分岔,岔开;出枝,发出新枝。【名】(Branch)布兰奇(人名)。[复数:branches;第三人称单数:branches;现在分词:branching;过去式:branched;过去分词:branched]短语:Michelle Branch米歇尔·布兰奇;或米歇尔布兰琪;蜜雪儿;密雪儿·布兰奇。词语使用变化:branchn.(名词)1、branch的基本意思是“树枝”“枝条”,引申还可指“分支”,可指河流、公路、山脉的分支,也可指家族的分支、知识的分科、语言的分系,还可指某大公司或机构的地方办事处、分支机构或分店、部门。是可数名词。2、branch常与介词of连用,a branch of后可接不可数名词,表示“某物的一支”。3、branch可用在其他名词前作定语。


branch 英[brɑ:ntʃ]美[bræntʃ]n. 树枝;分支;部门,分科;支流vi. 分支形成;分支扩张;扩大某人的兴趣,业务或活动范围;[计]下分支的...vt. 使分支;使分叉;用枝形叶脉刺绣花纹装饰




1、branch,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“分支;分公司;分部;树枝;支流;岔路;(血管)分枝,布兰奇(人名)”,作动词时意为“发出新枝;岔开,分岔;出现分歧”。2、双语例句:Do you have an integration branch?你有一个集成分支吗?





branchlike 什么意思



  空,能访问名人,能回到古代,能预知未来……  当超人的好处真是大大的呀!  我真地好想变成超人,变成一个威力无边的超人!  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  今天下午第二节课,我们全班召开了一次辩论赛.辩题是“开卷有益“,男生是正方,女生是反方.为这次辩论赛大家都做了充分的准备,作为反方的我也查了许多资料,来证明“开卷未必有益“.  辩论赛要开始啦!主持人老师幽默的要求我们鼓掌欢迎“主持人”,然后宣布辩论赛正式开始.首先由正方代表某某某讲话:“我认为开卷有益,古人说‘读书破万卷,下笔如有神".”“反方代表某某某说:”我认为开卷未必有益,看一些不好的书籍反而有害.”  正方的某某某说:“那你为什么去看坏书呀?!”我说:“汉代刘向曾经说过‘书犹药也,善读之可以医愚",这药一是良药,可以治百病 ;另是毒药,至人于死地.”之后开始了自由辩论,各方代表都畅所欲言,有的同学竟为了一个不良的动画片吵了起来,不过又很快回到了主题上.  大家越说越激动,越来越热情,以致于秩序混乱,无法再辩论下去,主持

sub branch 和branch有什么区别吗?

sub branch级别低一点

空调报价中的的Y branch什么意思

“Y branch”指的是“Y”型分歧管。这种部件是多联式空调机组安装过程中内外机连接管路中使用的一种铜质配件。这些配件是不包含在空调价格里面的。

git branch查看的是什么分支啊

git checkout -b -newbranch []这样用可以创建新的分支并切换到新分支上去,b代表branch的意思,newbranch 是新分支的名称,如果没有指定提交点(start_point),默认从HEAD指向的提交创建分支。git branch []创建新的分支,但是不会切换到新建的分支上,如果没有指定start_point,默认从HEAD指向的提交创建分支。


branch [brɑːntʃ]n. 树枝, 支流, 支店v. 分支, 出枝; 分割, 用枝叶装饰



Branch Name 是什么意思

公司名称 望采纳!谢谢


branch美 [bræntʃ]英 [brɑːn(t)ʃ]释义:n. 树枝,分枝;分部;支流vt. 分支;出现分歧vi. 分支;出现分歧n. (Branch)人名;(英)布兰奇





BRANCH 是什么意思


AEG的品牌核心是什么?What is the core of AEG brand?


a brand new bowl是什么意思

a brand new bowl是崭新的碗的意思


d25 类度(Brand Category Degree,用b表示) 品类度(Brand Category Degree,用b表示),是指某个具体 商标 具有单一利益点的程 度,或指 消费者 在心理上,将某个具体 商标 当作某个 品类 的心理认知 程度。一般通过测试分析,可以获得品类度。

branch campus是什么意思

branch campus 英[brɑ:ntʃ ˈkæmpəs] 美[bræntʃ ˈkæmpəs] n. 分校; -请采纳

brand label是什么意思

brand label [词典] 商品标签; [例句]Garment has loop neck label and outside brand label.成衣有后领唛,和商标唛。



Brandon Beal的《Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Girl歌手:Brandon Beal专辑:ComfortableThe american DreamAnd you know what I meanRadio KillaShould beat the track up like GorrillaAhh ahh!Yeah We be up club,I see her do her thang,I might wanna' rap,but she'll make you sing,I was on her,she was on him,She all up on ma thang,put tha thang on her hipShe ATL papa,don't know how to act,She left for one song,and came right back,Grindin on me,(The best tonight?)Her man started muggin',he could see it in my eyes,Lil' mama so hood, (I love your girl)Lil' mama stay fly (I love your girl)Wife beater with the denim (I love your girl)She keeps them heels on high, (I love your girl)Man look at shorty roll, (I love your girl)Man, look at shorty go, (I love your girl)(I'm sorry I gotta be up on your wild girlfriend?)And she runnin' Fingers through her hair,tryin ta call her over there but she like,Fuck! That nigga!She drop it down to the floor,I'm sayin shorty you should go,and she like Fuck! That nigga!Call it in B, I want her on me,all up in my head,now she in my bed,I, IIIIII, IIIMe and lil shorty in the back,Talkin' bout dis diss, talkin' bout dat dat,Got her on patron?she actin' all bad,Girl chose me,Don't be mad.Kelly told y'all don't bring 'em in the club,The way she rock that, got the boy in love,And I pray that y'all ain't serious,cause seriously shes on my dick.Lil' mama so hood, (I love your girl)Lil' mama stay fly (I love your girl)Wife beater with the denim (I love your girl)She keeps them heels on high, (I love your girl)Man look at shorty roll, (I love your girl)Man, look at shorty go, (I love your girl)(I'm sorry I gotta be up on your wild girlfriend?)And she runnin' Fingers through her hair,tryin ta call her over there but she like,Fuck! That nigga!She drop it down to the floor,I'm sayin shorty you should go,and she like Fuck! That nigga!Call it in B, I want her on me,all up in my head, now she in my bed,I, IIIIII, IIIOH, III, ehh, ehh, OH, IIIThe American Dream...Usually, You won't see me hate,On another dude,Ma got me up and get willin to separate youFrom ya boo,But she on me, and I'm on her,We walkin' out the club, shawty what's up,Mm I want her in the worst way,plus I just found out that it's her birthdayLil' mama so hood, (I love your girl)Lil' mama stay fly (I love your girl)Wife beater with the denim (I love your girl)She keeps them heels on high, (I love your girl)Man look at shorty roll, (I love your girl)Man, look at shorty go, (I love your girl)(I'm sorry I gotta be up on your wild girlfriend?)And she runnin' Fingers through her hair,tryin ta call her over there but she like,Fuck! That nigga!She drop it down to the floor,I'm sayin shorty you should go,and she like Fuck! That nigga!Call it in B, I want her on me,all up in my head, now she in my bed,I, IIIIII,Part of me feels so bad, but OOh! not that bad.Situation got you mad,I would be too,cause damn she bad.Damn she bad, bad, bad, bad,Damn she bad, bad, bad, bad...Yeahh... heh... heh...

Brandon Beal的《October》 歌词

歌曲名:October歌手:Brandon Beal专辑:ComfortableBrandon Beal - OctoberMe and my baby had something that was gonna last.I never thought that she had, cause she was the one for me.But that led to me going out like every weekendwith another shorty creeping like she was nothing to me.And it was like May when baby went away.Around June I knew I was so in love with you.Around July your attitude changed.And it was like August,when I felt that we were just slowly starting to fading away.And you made a decision when September came.But as it got colder, cause October she said that it was over.(My ride to die, my future wife, walked out my life)October, I never thought of you saying that it"s over.(How can I go back in time, erase my October)October.Speechless, that"s all I"m really left withcause I can"t find words to explain how I ended up like this.If I can do it all again before I decided to take a chance.And jeopardize my relationship, here"s what I would"ve did.See baby in May, you would"ve went away.Cause in June I could"ve have spent so much time with you.And in July I wouldn"t have a heartbreak.Than in August, I"d get on my knee and I"d ask you "Would you marry me?"Then you would"ve never looked for love again.But as it got colder, cause October she said that it was over.(My ride to die, my future wife, walked out my life)In October, I never thought of you saying that it"s over.(How can I go back in time, erase my October)So tell me how I get back where I started, where I started.Somebody tell me how I get back where I started, where I started.It"s like 31 days into May. (May)And then June and July I threw away. (Ay)In that short amount of time, you sneaked away from me.As it got colder, cause October she said that it was over.(My ride to die, my future wife, walked out my life)In October, I never thought of you saying that it"s over.(How can I go back in time, erase my October)(I never thought that she did, cause she was the one for me)Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul~~LK group~~ share with you~~find more in Muzique sky~~


brand英 [ brænd ]美 [ brænd ]n. [商]商标,牌子;烙印;〈比喻〉污名,耻辱;燃烧着的木头;awardsn. 奖品( award的名词复数 );(仲裁人、公断人的)裁定;(法院、法官的)判决;裁定书;brand awards 品牌奖(希望对你有帮助)


1、extra ["ekstrə] adj. 额外的adv. 特别地n. 额外之物, 额外收入2、remind [ri"maind]vt.提醒,使想起;使发生联想3、remembrance [ri"membrəns] n. 回想, 记忆, 纪念品4、remember [ri"membə]v.记得,记住;(to)代…问候5、deny [di"nai]vt.否认,不承认;拒绝给予,拒绝要求6、resist [ri"zist]v.抵(反)抗,抵制;抗,耐;拒受…的影响

chatelle xo finest brandy 朋友送的这酒,请问大概多少价值



写的是ASCOTT    Finest French Brandy    XO  牌子是ASCOTT 历100多年的销售,法国知名品牌Ascott“雅士高”XO白兰地的市场遍及欧、美及亚洲等90多个地区。拥有金明的红木色泽、气味甘香成熟、酒质饱满特醇且存著老橡木的味道,盛载于典雅脱俗的酒瓶,独显个性;性价比特高。Ascott“雅士高”XO白兰地无可置疑的卓越酒质,由世界知名之酿酒世家~法国卡慕(金花)酒业世家直接生产管理,实为品牌的保证。 X.O表示贮藏期不少于8年,有些甚至会达到40年~50年 顺便普及下:   “X”代表五年,   “XX”代表十年,   “XXX”代表十五年。   “V.O”代表15年以上。   “V.S.O”代表20年以上。   “V.S.O.P”代表30年以上。   “X.O”代表40年以上。   “EXT-RA”代表50年以上。  这个酒市价400--700

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basal membran基础平均律全集(巴赫的乐谱集)

英语谚语:The remembrance of past sorrow is joyful 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: The remembrance of past sorrow is joyful 中文意思: 记住过去的不幸使人愉快。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: In life"s earnest battle they only prevail who daily march onward and never say fail 在人生的搏斗中,只有日日前进不甘失败的人,才能获胜。 In moderating not satisfying desires lies peace 节欲不纵情,心情得安宁。 I now know that wars do not end wars 如今我才弄明白,干戈不能化玉帛。 In prosperity caution in adversity patience 处顺境时要小心,处逆境时要耐心。 In prosperity think of adversity 居安思危。 Interest will not lie 兴趣不会说谎。 In the day of prosperity be joyful but in the day of adversity consider 顺利时要快乐,不利时要思索。 In the deepest water is the best fishing 绝处能逢生。 In the election of a wife as in a project of war to err but once is to be undone for ever 选择妻子也象策画战争,一时之错将成终身之恨。 In the end things will mend 船到桥头自会直。 英语谚语: The remembrance of past sorrow is joyful 中文意思: 记住过去的不幸使人愉快。

急求Lilyjets - Brand New Place歌词

不好意思 找了好久也找不到啊,再等等吧"陈其荣是我" 你是复制的吧,你的回答我在网上早就看过了,没有Brand New Place这首歌,做人要诚实啊

The university"s branch campuses in suburban areas为标题

感觉这两个标题没有关系啊…主标题是郊区的大学分校 副标题是自行车是中国重要的交通工具 不知道怎么个写法?

Brandy的《Camouflage》 歌词

歌曲名:Camouflage歌手:Brandy专辑:HumanBrandy - CamouflageI"m a work in progressI"m a seed grown into a flowerI"m a storm that"s risingGetting stronger with every hourAnd god knows I ain"t perfectTell me who in the world isAll I know is that I"m searchingFor somebody to love me withThese flaws I"ve gotThere all apart of who I amTake me, all nightThat I finally understandI"m so done trying to be everything you wantWhen I have to stopCause baby you ain"t worth itI"ve got to CamouflageFor love, for loveNo I won"t CamouflageFor love, for loveI won"t CamouflageI need a lot of improvementNot even half way to destinyBut I"m a train that"s movingAnd everyday I"m picking up speedAnd god knows you ain"t perfectSo who are you to put pressure on meThat"s why I"m still searchingFor somebody to love me withThese flaws I"ve gotThere all apart of who I amTake me, all nightThat I finally understandI"m so done trying to be everything you wantWhen I have to stopCause baby you ain"t worth itI"ve got to CamouflageFor love, for loveNo I won"t CamouflageFor love, for loveI won"t CamouflageI"ve learned from my mistakesThe only way you"re gonna be happyIs if someone"s down to TakeHere when it"s good and it"s bad you seeI tried giving half of meIn the end I came up emptyAnd that"s why I"m searching yeahFor somebody to love me with these flawsThese flaws I"ve gotThere all apart of who I amTake me, all nightThat I finally understandI"m so done trying to be everything you wantWhen I have to stopCause baby you ain"t worth itI"ve got to CamouflageThese flaws I"ve gotThere all apart of who I amTake me, all nightThat I finally understandI"m so done trying to be everything you wantWhen I have to stopCause baby you ain"t worth itI"ve got to CamouflageFor love, for loveNo I won"t CamouflageFor love, for loveI won"t CamouflageI can"t CamouflageCause baby you ain"t worth itIf I have to camouflageBaby you ain"t worth itIf I have to camouflage
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