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犬夜叉中的Brand-New World是谁唱的?


Brand New的《Luca》 歌词

歌曲名:Luca歌手:Brand New专辑:The Devil And God Are Raging Inside MeWhen I disappear, do you fear for my sister and talkWhen I disappear, it is clear I am up to no goodI am drearily blunt, letting thisSo the last thing you realize YouSo touch me or downJust let me knowWhere you goSo drop me a line with a hook and some raw bleeding baitWell I am uncaught and still swimming alone in the lake(five, six, seven, eight)Shimmering under a moon made in anger and angstShimmering like a penny out of reach in the subway grateSo touch me or down(Shimmering like a coin kept safe away,Just let me knowWhere you goWe could leave it alone,Where youNot with the faults we foundSo we fixed you with sea menNo one can save you nowUnless you have friends among fishYou could drink up the entire oceanSo touch me or downJust let me knowWhere you goOr we could leave it aloneWhere you

神话的《Brand New》 歌词

Brand New演唱:神话One two three four back to the one two! one two three back to yeah!One two three four back to the one two! one two three back to yeah!

to the brand new day什么意思



“It"s no brand new job when I被束缚在” 出自歌曲《7Teen》。

英语问题: Brand New Sound 和 One More Round是什么意思啊!!


brand new是谁唱的

1、《brand new》是韩国神话组合所演唱的。2、《brand new》歌曲基本信息:中文名:神话7辑外文名:Brand New发行时间:2004.8.27唱片公司:Good Entertainment音乐风格:舞曲3、神话组合简介:中文名:神话外文名:Shinh韩文名:uc2e0ud654国 籍:韩国民 族:朝鲜族职 业:歌手、演员、MC经纪公司:Shinhwa Company代表作品:This Love、Venus、Sniper主要成就:首尔歌谣大赏 - 大赏(2004)主要成就:SBS歌谣大赏 - 大赏(2004) 连续8年获得金唱片奖本赏 连续4年MKMF最佳男子组合奖 4次SBS歌谣大赏本赏展开出道日期:1998年3月24日应援色:橙色应援口号:神话山粉丝名称:神话创造风 格:抒情、舞曲、rap/hip hop4、《brand new》歌曲歌词:中韩文歌词:One Two Three Four Back To The One TwoOne Two Three Back To Yeahub09c ub110 ubcf4uace0 uc788uc9c0 我看着你uac70uc6b8uc744 ud1b5ud574uc11c透过镜子uba38ub9acub97c ub9ccuc9c0ub294 ucc99 ud574 装作整理头发uc790uc2e0 uc788uac8c uac78uc5b4uac00 自信满满的走过去ub9d0uc744 uac78uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370想和你搭讪uc544uc9c1uae4cuc9c4 ub110 ub450uace0 ubcfcuac8c但我还在等待时机ub0b4 ub208uc9d3uc5d0 ube60uc838 ub4e4uaca0uc5b4 让你沉沦在我的眼神中ub204uac00 ub41cub2e4 ud574ub3c4 无论是谁ub098ub97c ubc00uc5b4ub0b4uc9c4 ubabbud558ub294 uac78 也无法将我从你身边推开ub124 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ud5a5uc218ucc98ub7fc让我像你的香水般ub298 ubfccub824ub193uac8c ud574uc918洒向你的心中ub124uac00 ub098ub97c ub9e1uc744 uc218 uc788uac8c让你能时刻闻到我的味道 One Two Three Four Back To The One TwoOne Two Three Back To Yeahone two three four back to the one twoone two three back to yeahIf I Take You Out To Shop You Go Wow If I Take You Places That U Wanna Go Hit Me From The Back Don"t Stop Now Let"s GoHit It Hit It Bust It One More ud55cuc794uc758 Wine uacfc Steak ub108uc640 First Date 一杯 Wine 和 Steak 和你 First DateGentleman I Won"t Make Mistakeuc2e4uc218ub780 uac83uc740 Chance I Won"t Take 失误是 Chance I Won"t Take ub2c8 ub9d8uc744 ube8fub294 uac83uc740 ub0b4uac8cub294 Piece Of A Cake虏获你的芳心对我来说 Piece Of A Cakeub10c ub0a0 ubcf4uace0 uc788uc9c0 你看着我uac70uc6b8uc744 ud1b5ud574uc11c 透过镜子ud654uc7a5uc744 uace0uce58ub294 ucc99 ud574 装作补妆的样子uacc1uc5d0 uadf8 ub0a8uc790ub85cub294你身旁的那个男人ub108ub97c ucc44uc6b8 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 无法满足你ub09c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 uc900ube44ub41c ub0a8uc790uc778ub370我是为你准备的男人ub0b4 ub208uc9d3uc5d0 ube60uc838 ub4e4uaca0uc5b4 让你沉沦在我的眼神中ub204uac00 ub41cub2e4 ud574ub3c4 无论是谁ub098ub97c ubc00uc5b4ub0b4uc9c4 ubabbud558ub294 uac78 也无法将我从你身边推开ub124 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ud5a5uc218ucc98ub7fc让我像你的香水般ub298 ubfccub824ub193uac8c ud574uc918洒向你的心中ub124uac00 ub098ub97c ub9e1uc744 uc218 uc788uac8c让你能时刻闻到我的味道 ucc9cucc9cud788 uc640ub3c4 ub3fc ub09c All Day Wait你可以慢慢来 我 All Day Waituc5ecuae30uc11c ub09c All Day uae30ub2e4ub9b4 uc218 uc788uc5b4我在这里 All Day 我可以等待ub108ub9cc uc624uba74 ub3fc只要你肯来ub098 uc2dcuac04uc740 ub9ceuc544 But ucc38uc9c0ub294 uc54auc544 我有很多时间 But 我不会忍耐Just One Never Let You Go ub04cub824 uc624uaca0uc9c0 会被我吸引吧ubc1cuac78uc74cuc740 ub0b4uac8cub85c 你的脚步移向我uc9c0uae08ubd80ud130 uc14buae4cuc9c0 uc140uac8c 从现在开始我数到三One Two Three One More Timeub2e4uc2dc uc74cuc545uc774 ubc14ub014 ub54cucbe4 ub0b4uac8cub85c当音乐再次响起 到我身边来You Are My Girl You Are My Girl It"s AlrightJust One NightI Can"t Never Let You Come Back ub0b4 uc190uc9d3uc5d0 ub2e4uac00uc624uaca0uc5b4 你会顺着我的手势过来ub204uad6cuc5d0uac8cub77cub3c4 ube7cuc557uae30uc9c0 uc54auac8c ub098ub97c ubd10uc918不让任何人抢走你 只看着我ub124 uc190ubaa9uc5d0 uc2dcuacc4ucc98ub7fc ub298 ucc30 uc218 uc788uac8c ud574uc918我要像你手腕上的手表一样uc2dcuac04ub9c8ub2e4 ub0a0 ubcfc uc218 uc788uac8c 让你每时每刻都能看到我uc21cuac04uc774uaca0uc9c0只在一瞬间 ub108uc758 ub9d8uc774 ub0b4uac8cub85c 你的心已属于我uc9c0uae08ubd80ud130 uc14buae4cuc9c0 uc140uac8c 从现在开始我数到三One Two Three Two More Timesub124uac00 ubb38 ubc16uc744 ub098uc124 ub54cucbe4 ub0b4uac8cub85c 当你走出门外 到我身边来Come Back Girl Come Back Girl It"s AlrightCome Back Girl One More Time

lifestyle brands是什么意思

lifestyle brands生活方式的品牌如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


graphic brands图形品牌contrast and graphic mutual confirmation as the main way to compare the knitting product of fashion brands which domestic and abroad, and pointed out its for the impact of brand upgrade.课题涉及到服装美学和市场营销学原理,以对比和图文互证为主要形式将国内外针织女装品牌的产品进行了比较,并通过论证指出其对于品牌升级所产生的影响。

"family of brands"是什么意思?


other brands什么牌子

如果是“更别提还包括了其它的品牌”的话,这句话应改为not to mention including other brands.你这句话应该由上下文吧,如果单独理解只能认为not mentioned是指代名词,代指“没提到的东西”,而后面的则是补语,因此这句话的意思是“没提及还包括其它品牌”.

my favourite name brand 英语作文

It is safe to say that no product can be popular forever in market. A famous brand, however, as an intangible asset, will never be old-fashioned. Owning a name brand, others" products may bee yours; otherwise your products will belong to others forever.   China, for example, can produce Boeing parts, but these parts have to be used with the Boeing trade mark. Similarly, the Chinese automobile industry, so far, has not reached its own developing capacity, and has to use foreign brands such as Audi, Jetta and Santana, for the automobiles they make. This situation poses an immediate threat to Chinese products which may not be able to pete in the international market. The way for the country will either be able to open up pletely to foreign products or save the domestic market only for homemade modities. The disturbing phenomenon is that there are a lot of famous domestic brands in the Chinese market, but few have found their way into the international market.   Fortunately, more and more Chinese enterprises have begun to understand the philosophy that “he who has a name brand wins the petition” and carries out the famous brand strategy. I will bet that no Chinese are willing to see that all 1.3 billion people drink foreign water, take foreign medicine and drive foreign cars. The idea of implementing famous brand strategy, therefore, plays an important role in the country"s material and spiritual civilization


ultrabrands是家居用品的品牌,是英国很高端但比较小众的牌子,因为名气不是很大,所以国内并不多见。然而ultrabrands的产品设计感是很强的,而且保温的效果也很好,虽然没有日系产品的厚重感,但感觉很细腻而富有科技感,因此也比较耐用。档次其实算是中高端,比如它的保温杯的价格是80多欧元,比我们在国内买到的大部分的保温杯都要贵,档次是领先很多大牌的。官方给它的定位是纯奢侈品,材质使用德国进口PP+硅胶材料,品质绝对一流,因此档次非常高,比膳魔师、HORIE、虎牌、象印等等这些牌子的档次还要高。扩展资料1、避免掉落、强力碰撞(避免外层材质破损导致保温杯真空性能变差)。2、在使用中请勿损坏或者遗失开关、杯盖、垫圈等配件,勿高温消毒,以免变形(避免影响密封效果)。3、请勿加入干冰、碳酸饮料等易产生高压的液体,勿加入酱油、汤等含有盐成份的液体以免杯体腐蚀,装入牛奶等易腐败的饮料后,请尽快饮用并进行清洗以免变质后腐蚀内胆。4、清洁时请使用中性洗涤剂并用温水清洗干净,勿使用碱性漂白剂、化学试剂等强力清洗剂。参考资料来源:京东-ULTRABRANDS TIX CHOPSTICKS

3 for 2 on Selected Brands是什么意思呢?买东西的时候看到的

3 for 2 on Selected Brands的意思就是3个卖2个的价钱

house of brands是什么意思

ppa中 trademark和brand的区别

区别是:trademark指的是:(注册)商标;(人的行为或衣着的)特征,标记。brand指的是:商标,牌子;烙印; 污名,耻辱。例句辨析:trademark1、The designer bars which have become the new trademark of the city. 已成为这个城市新标志的时尚酒吧2、The trademark is registered on the book of the Patent Office. 该商标已在专利局登记注册。3、Please identify the registered trademark. 请认明注册商标。brand1、I bought one of the leading brands. 我买了几个畅销品牌中的一种。2、Advertising agencies are losing their once-powerful grip on brand marketing.广告代理公司正逐渐丧失曾经对品牌营销的有力控制。3、In office supplies, we"re the brand leader. 我们的产品是办公用品的领导品牌。



product brands 和 corporate brands 有什么区别 ?

产品商标 product brands 仅指具体某个产品。如奔驰汽车,JEEP车,克莱斯勒汽车等,都是戴克公司的产品。公司商标 corporate brands 范围大些,公司总的形像商标。戴克公司。二者有的公司是一个,如海尔,宝洁 。

featured brands是什么意思

featured brands特色品牌双语例句1. Brands are also featured in a clutter - free environment devoid of competitive messages. 品牌并且以为特色在一个无凌乱环境里无竞争消息.2. Brands are featured to fullest effect in naturalistic contexts readily understood by viewers. 品牌以为特色对最充分的作用在自然主义的上下文由观察者欣然了解.



leading brands是什么意思



“Brand”是一个英语单词,作为名词时,它可以指代品牌、商标或烙印等,作为动词时,它可以指代打烙印或给产品打上商标等。以下是“brand”在不同情境下的含义和用法:名词,指品牌或商标“Brand”作为名词时,通常表示品牌或商标,是一个企业或产品的标识符。品牌可以通过广告、包装、口碑等方式被建立和推广。例如:Nike is a well-known brand of athletic shoes and apparel. (耐克是一家知名的运动鞋和服装品牌。)Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. (可口可乐是全球最具知名度的品牌之一。)The company is launching a new line of products under its own brand name. (该公司正在推出一个以自己的品牌名称命名的新产品系列。)动词,指打烙印或给产品打上商标“Brand”作为动词时,通常表示打烙印或给产品打上商标等。打烙印是指在动物或物品上用烙铁印上商标或标记,以表明所有权或来源。例如:The rancher branded his cattle with his initials. (牧场主用自己的首字母烙印了他的牛。)The blacksmith branded his tools with his name to prevent theft. (铁匠用自己的名字给工具打上商标以防盗。)The company brands all of its products to ensure quality and authenticity. (该公司为所有产品打上商标以确保质量和真实性。)名词,指个人或产品的特点或形象在某些情况下,“brand”也可以指个人或产品的特点或形象。例如:The actress has cultivated a brand as a strong, independent woman. (这位女演员树立了一个强大、独立的女性形象。)The company"s brand is known for its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. (该公司的品牌以致力于可持续性和环境责任而闻名。)



有Damon Albran的详细资料么?谢谢

lie to me-brand new day的歌词


APINK brand new day音译

Brand New Days - Apink词:Shoko Fujibayashi曲:Beom/NangMy brand new daysMy brand new dayshe迷自没意他都哇he啦给吧吼啦哈进嘛哟My brand new days马吼迷他一万达Ki拉没狗赛卡伊卡吗得路姨妈哇lesson 1那呀嗯得头ki你lesson2那一大啊得卡卡呀哭哇大西尼 哪路易西嗯及得My brand new days baby没咋搜happyyou没噶卡纳嗯卡gi ki一斗哇路哟Yeah yeah fairy baby擦噶系卡搜brand new daysMy brand new daysYou uuuu you uuuu you uuuuMy brand new daysYou uuuu you uuuu you uuuuMy brand new daysMy brand new days阿妹怒he带莫蓝way迷大一啊努一得阿紫嗯得My brand new days以马自没修嗯得吗及酒嗯努力卡也咋又卡莱yeahyeah卡搜我lesson3 看那悉米卡卡西lesson4哇啦阿得哟卡纳啦自那来卡达 迷自没得哭勒鲁My brand new days baby弄挖都lovely都ki都ki那米娜以ki一库库咯哟Yeah yeah fairy babyyou内米太勒brand new daysMy brand new daysYou uuuu you uuuu you uuuuMy brand new daysYou uuuu you uuuu you uuuuMy brand new days赛西蔓魔奴哦阿兹没带紫没扣那It"s my brand new days it"s my brand new world品库布噜吼系哭自哦激励吧没打wonderful world姨妈哇lesson 1那呀嗯得头ki你lesson2那一大啊得卡卡呀哭哇大西尼 哪路易西嗯及得My brand new days baby没咋搜happyyou没噶卡纳嗯卡key gi一斗哇路哟Yeah yeah fairy baby擦噶系卡搜brand new daysMy brand new daysYou uuuu you uuuu you uuuuMy brand new daysYou uuuu you uuuu you uuuuMy brand new daysby SuJu13の爱不会日语,听译,尽量准确,he,you是英语读音请采纳谢谢

a brand new start是什么意思

a brand new start一个崭新的开始-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

急求Brand a new day歌词

my life ain"t paradise there"s no, champagne on icebut someone to share it with now, wouldn"t that be niceno one knows loneliness no, not better than mebut timing is everything, it should happen naturallyand i, know there"s someone fro mesomeone who will love and adore mehe might not be standing here before mebut tomorow"s a brand knew dayit"s a brand knew day honeymy heart is troubled by the, by the wayof the worldanger"s in over drive and there"s need to be concernedyou deserve a friend and i"ll be that to youlearn to live together well thats all we have to doand i know i can"t be wrongcos i know that i know the road we travel is windingand if we can"t get alongthen tomorrows a brand knew daya brand knew day-just to see the worldthrough unassuming eyesa chance to really trya day to turn and face the one you truly loveand say i"ll be by your sidesome days i"m overjoyed and happy like a clownother days i"m all washed out and thatsmiles turningupside downwell know nbody"s purfect but we gottashare the lovegetting in together well that"s all i"m thinking ofit"s a brand knew day honeyeverybody sing

求fireflight的《brand new day》歌词的中文翻译

I"m loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so.... 我爱上每一个孤独的日子,可总是有万语千言辗转反侧... I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know. 我渴望找到一块属于自己的地方,因为我仅仅想知道. Brigde: (衔接部分) And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能抚慰那些弱小受伤的心房,我们又将变成怎样. Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again. 在陷于银河的星海中,哪里才能回到归宿,我的眼睛又一次湿润了. Refrain: (重复) In my dreams I"m not so far away from home, 在我沉醉在梦境的时候,我和家相隔只是咫尺之遥, What am I in a world so far away from home, 在这离家遥远的地方,我失去了自我, All my life all the time so far away from home, 每时每刻,我都停留在这离家遥远的地方, Without you I"ll be so far away from home. 失去了你,我将会和家分离的更远. Verse 2 (第二部分) If we could make it thrue the darkest Night we"d have a brither day. 如果我们能唤醒最深邃的黑夜,我们会重获新生. the world I see beyond your pretty eyes, makes me want to stay. 从你可爱的眼神中我找到了一个世界,它让我想留下. Brigde: (衔接部分) And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能抚慰那些弱小受伤的心房,我们又将变成怎样. Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again. 在陷于银河的星海中,哪里才能回到归宿,我的眼睛又一次湿润了. Refrain: (重复) In my dreams I"m not so far away from home, 在我沉醉在梦境的时候,我和家相隔只是咫尺之遥, What am I in a world so far away from home, 在这离家遥远的地方,我失去了自我, All my life all the time so far away from home, 每时每刻,我都停留在这离家遥远的地方, Without you I"ll be so far away from home. 失去了你,我将会和家分离的更远. Verse 3 (第三部分) I count on you, no matter what they say, cause love can find it"s time. 我依靠着你,从未想过别人会怎么看、怎么说,因为爱让我们彼此停留. I hope to be a part of you again, baby let us shine. 我渴望能再次成为你的一部分,宝贝,让我们的世界沐浴在阳光下. Brigde: (衔接部分) And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be. 谁能抚慰那些弱小受伤的心房,我们又将变成怎样. Where is home on the milkyway of stars, I dry my eyes again. 在陷于银河的星海中,哪里才能回到归宿,我的眼睛又一次湿润了. Refrain: (重复) In my dreams I"m not so far away from home, 在我沉醉在梦境的时候,我和家相隔只是咫尺之遥, What am I in a world so far away from home, 在这离家遥远的地方,我失去了自我, All my life all the time so far away from home, 每时每刻,我都停留在这离家遥远的地方, Without you I"ll be so far away from home 失去了你,我将会和家分离的更远.


D-51-Brand New World.mp3歌曲下载链接歌曲名:Brand New World歌曲名:Brand New Worldつぶやきすぎ? ウラハラな感情「この世界は変わらない」そんなセリフに 少しだけ抵抗「この気持ち嘘じゃない」指先つかむ タッチウィンドウデジタルなリアリティざわめく街飞び出して见つけにいこうよOh Oh Oh Reach for the Brand New WorldOh Oh Oh きっと夜の向こう大事な気持ちだけもっと大胆に键をかけないでさOh Oh Oh Speak to the Brand New WorldOh Oh Oh ずっと私でいこうココロは言叶になる これで何ページ目かな?My Brand New Brand New World途切れてるリンク 几千のストーリー「この世界変えてみたい」そんな好奇心 止めれないモーション「この気持ち嘘みたい」解けなかった シークレットコード単纯なアンサーキミと笑颜つながって辉きはじめるOh Oh Oh Reach for the Brand New WorldOh Oh Oh 雨上がりのスロープここからハジマルよ明日に続いてる梦をとめないでさOh Oh Oh Listen to the Brand New WorldOh Oh Oh 闻こえたら最高伝えたい想いは きっと永远に尽きることないからYour voice Your dream Your heartYour tears Your life Your worldNew voice New dream New heartNew tears New life New worldOh Oh Oh Touch to the Brand New WorldOh Oh Oh 差し込む太阳大事な気持ちだけもっと大胆に键をかけないでさOh Oh Oh Speak to the Brand New WorldOh Oh Oh 二度とないイマをココロは言叶になる キミの体中ほらMy Brand New Brand New World终わり

谁帮忙改一下海贼王Brand new world 这首歌的歌词,让它可以用中文唱出来


网球王子里的Brand New Day,谁有中文歌词,帮帮忙

《Brand New Day》 歌:3グァバトリオ(葵剣太郎&芥川慈郎&丸井文太) 试听:下载:【中文歌词】正因为有故事 就像曾几何时和你相遇一般 向来都已经开始了 那就一起出发吧 开始的一步 快结束时又返回原位 始终都是一人走过 直至昨天的WHY 准备出发了喔 STEP 一如既往的步伐 往未来的图表 还 DON"T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT 谁也会在梦想途中 因为时间的流逝 渐渐被带走 正因为有故事 像要变成最棒的你一样 向来都已经开始了 那就一起出发吧那里有故事喔 就像找到新恋情一样 总是一直发光 对啊 BRAND NEW DAY 把昨天的失意消去 鼓起勇气又 NEW STEP 没法认同 直至昨天的 Bye 总会有迷茫的日子 也一定有能渡过的日子 我们的蓝图 也渐渐看到雏形了喔 谁也会在旅程中 因为时间的流逝 落到不一样的「现在」 正因为有故事 就像曾几何时和你相遇一般 向来都已经开始了 那就一起出发吧 那里有故事喔 眼前所见的并非一切 还会诞生的喔 对啊 BRAND NEW DAY 正因为有故事 像要变成最棒的你一样 向来都已经开始了 那就一起出发吧 那里有故事喔 眼前所见的并非一切 还会诞生的喔 对啊 BRAND NEW DAY


走り出せ 走り出せ 空高く旗かざし〖奔跑吧 奔跑吧 向天空高扬旗帜〗BRAND NEW WORLD「海贼王 OP6」作词:吉田安英 / 作曲:吉田安英、IKUMA编曲:IKUMA、YOICHI WATANABE歌:D-51果てない この海をこえて探しに行こうよ〖跨过无边无际的大海探求寻找吧〗谁も未だ 见つけられない 世界のキセキを〖寻找那依然不为人知的世界奇迹〗高鸣る胸 想いのまま 突き进むだけさ〖怀着激动的兴致随心所欲地突进吧〗梦追い人が残す 足迹を〖循着追梦之人留下的足迹〗どんな岚の夜も 心一つにすれば〖夜里暴风雨再怎么大 只要齐心协力〗越えてゆけるよ いつだって〖无论何时都能冲破险境〗走り出せ 走り出せ 空高く旗かざし〖奔跑吧 奔跑吧 向天空高扬旗帜〗谁にも见せない 涙もあるけれど〖虽然也有默默地流过泪水〗追いかけて 追いかけて 梦を指すコンパスは〖追赶吧 追赶吧 指向梦想的指南针〗真っ直ぐな瞳さ 立ち止まれない〖犹如直率的双眸 我们不会止步〗Around the world Start me up!うまくいかず 壁の前で 动けなくなって〖事不如意 遇到障碍停滞不前〗何も出来ず くちびる噛み うつむく视线に〖无计可施的我们咬紧嘴唇向下俯视〗道に咲いた 花が强く 七色を描いて〖路上盛放的花儿装饰着七彩颜色〗行く道を 彩ってくれるのだろう〖它们一定会为我们指引道路吧〗时は止まることなく 流れ続けてるのさ〖时间只会无情地流逝〗前に进もう その足で〖踏出脚步前进吧〗走り出せ 走り出せ 谁よりもその先へ〖奔跑吧 奔跑吧 冲得比谁都前〗逃げ出さなければ 明日をつかめるんだ〖只要不逃避 就能紧紧抓住明天〗追いかけて 追いかけて 目に映る全て今〖追赶吧 追赶吧 把如今眼中的一切〗真っ白な心に 记してゆこう〖全都铭记在纯白的心里吧〗Brand new world Start me up!TVアニメ「ONE PIECE」OP6テーマたとえ暗闇の中 道を见失っても〖尽管陷入黑暗中 迷失了道路〗谛めないで 手を伸ばせ 光へと〖也请别放弃 向光芒伸出双手〗走り出せ 走り出せ 空高く旗かざし〖奔跑吧 奔跑吧 向天空高扬旗帜〗谁にも见せない 涙もあるけれど〖虽然也有默默地流过泪水〗追いかけて 追いかけて 梦を指すコンパスは〖追赶吧 追赶吧 指向梦想的指南针〗真っ直ぐな瞳さ 立ち止まれない〖犹如直率的双眸 我们不会止步〗Around the world走り出せ 走り出せ 谁よりもその先へ〖奔跑吧 奔跑吧 冲得比谁都前〗逃げ出さなければ 明日をつかめるんだ〖只要不逃避 就能紧紧抓住明天〗追いかけて 追いかけて 目に映る全て今〖追赶吧 追赶吧 把如今眼中的一切〗真っ白な心に 记してゆこう〖全都铭记在纯白的心里吧〗Brand new world Start me up!Brand new world Start me up!Brand new world Start me up!

求金田一少年事件薄R的OP BRAND NEW STORY歌词的罗马音和平假名

BRAND NEW STORY - 金田一少年事件薄R OP1日文、假名和罗马音歌词。日文:Brand new day Brand new way 止まらない奇迹が始まる予感まっ白スタートラインここから 始まってく Amazing Storyビルのポスター 変わる度ごと更新(リロード)されてく街で消されないように 落ちないように手と手をつないだ记忆言叶足りな过ぎて误解され孤独な迷宫キミだけが 扉を开けたBrand new day Brand new way 飞び立とう今ならもう迷わない伤ついた 翼重ねて愿った未来を掴もうShinin" day Shinin" way 信じて涙が流れた迹は奇迹への地図に変わるよここから始まってくAmazing Story---------假名:Brand new day Brand new way とまらないきせきがはじまるよかんまっしろスタートラインここから はじまってく Amazing Storyビルのポスター かわるたびごとリロードされてくまちでけされないように おちないようにてとてをつないだきおくことばたりなすぎてごかいされこどくなめいきゅうキミだけが とびらをあけたBrand new day Brand new way とびたとういまならもうまよわないきずついた つばさかさねてねがったみらいをつかもうShinin" day Shinin" way しんじてなみだがながれたあとはきせきへのちずにかわるよここからはじまってくAmazing Story---------罗马音(大写部分为英语):BRAND NEW DAY BRAND NEW WAY tomaranaikiseki ga hajimaru yokanmasshiro sutaatorainkoko kara hajimatteku AMAZING STORYbiru no posutaa kawaru tabi gotoriroodo sareteku machi dekesarenai you ni ochinai you nite to te o tsunaida kiokukotoba tarinasugitegokai sare kodoku na meikyuukimi dake ga tobira o aketaBRAND NEW DAY BRAND NEW WAY tobitatouima nara mou mayowanaikizutsuita tsubasa kasanetenegatta mirai o tsukamouSHININ" DAY SHININ" WAY shinjitenamida ga nagareta ato wa kiseki e no chizu ni kawaru yo koko kara hajimatteku AMAZING STORY

Brand New Day 歌词

歌曲名:Brand New Day歌手:Leah Dizon专辑:L.O.V.E ULeah Dizon - Brand New Day作词:リア·ディゾン/新美香作曲:ha-j编曲:ha-j袁媛制作LAZY LAZYCRAZY CRAZY気怠い午前9时 眠い目を擦って确かめる占い『最悪』目覚めの悪い朝 こんな时に限っていつものコーヒーが无くって AhOh... sometimes 谁にだって (そうね 谁にだって)调子出ない そんな日もあるよね?LAZY LAZY... just wanna beCRAZY CRAZY... can"t get awayだけど I believe It will be明日は Brand new dayLAZY LAZY... I wanna beCRAZY CRAZY... let go of meだから I believe It will be窓を开けたら辉いた It"s a brand new day突然の夕立 伞なんて持ってないずぶ濡れの休日『最悪』新しいネイルも いつの间にか取れたため息ばかりが出るよ AhOh... sometimes 私だって (そうね 私だって)泣きたくなる そんな日もあるけどLAZY LAZY... just wanna beCRAZY CRAZY... can"t get awayだけど I believe It will be明日は Brand new dayLAZY LAZY... I wanna beCRAZY CRAZY... let go of meだから I believe It will be窓を开けたら辉いた It"s a brand new dayLAZY LAZY... just wanna beCRAZY CRAZY... can"t get awayだけど I believe It will be明日は Brand new dayLAZY LAZY... I wanna beCRAZY CRAZY... let go of meだから I believe It will be窓を开けたらLAZY LAZY... yeah...CRAZY CRAZY... bad dayI just wanna say Good-bye始めよう It"s a brand new dayおわり

Brand New Day 歌词

歌曲名:Brand New Day歌手:Joshua Radin专辑:Post Grad (Music from the Motion Picture)Joshua Radin - Brand New DaySome kind of magicHappens late at nightWhen the moon smiles down on meAnd bathes me in it"s lightI fell asleep beneath youIn the tall blades of grassWhen I woke the world was newI never had to askIt"s a brand new dayThe sun is shinningIt"s a brand new dayFor the first timeIn such a long long timeI knowI"ll be okMost kind of storiesSave the best part for lastMost stories have a hero who findsYou make your past your pastYa you make your past your pastIt"s a brand new dayThe sun is shinningIt"s a brand new dayFor the first timeIn such a long long timeI knowI"ll be okThis cycle never endsGotta fall in order to mendAnd it"s a brand new dayIt"s a brand new dayFor the first timeIn such a long long timeI knowI"ll be ok

Brand New Shoes 歌词

歌曲名:Brand New Shoes歌手:Kris Allen专辑:Brand New ShoesKris Allen - Brand New ShoesThese old shoes ain"t getting any youngerThis young mind ain"t getting it so don"t botherTake me round and show me what you got back thereCause I got some questions and I need you to careI"ll take your hand if you"ll take mineBaby I figure it won"t end this time.You brought me up and you took me outOf that place that I was in that was plagued by menYou stood behind me when I was covered by a shadow of a doubtI ran away when you called my nameDown that road that I know but it was dark and coldAnd now I need some brand new shoes.These steps I"m climbing are getting a little steeperThis sea I"m swimming is getting a little deeperAll these obstacles seems are getting harder and harder to get throughGuess I"m gonna need a little help from youShow me the way and I"ll get byMaybe I"ll take a listen oh this time.You brought me up and you took me outOf that place that I was in that was plagued by menYou stood behind me when I was covered by a shadow of a doubtI ran away when you called my nameDown that road that I know but it was dark and coldAnd now I need some brand new shoes.One too many times I said I can do this on my ownNow you"re in charge, bring me back from this place I"ve knownYou brought me up and you took me outOf that place that I was in that was by menYou stood behind me when I was covered by a shadow of a doubtI ran away when you called my nameDown that road that I know but it was dark and coldAnd now I need some brand new shoes.And now I need some brand new shoes.Now I need some brand new shoes.

Brand New World 歌词

歌曲名:Brand New World歌手:伊藤由奈专辑:Trust You「Brand New World」作词∶南俊介作曲∶南俊介歌∶伊藤由奈Everyday, baby wow oh oh oh2人の Brand New World世界でただひとつ 照らす光You are the oneEverywhere, baby wow oh oh oh誓えば Brand New Daysいま君がいるから 强くなれるYou are the oneI"m feeling so deep inside of meそばにいれば 溶けてゆくのI know we"re gonna find the way-君がいる- ただそれだけでif I look in your eyesit"s romance, it"s magic心がひとつになるまで想いに虹が架かるからwith you…Everyday, 2人だけの景色はBrand New World君と描くmemories, 永远のmelodiesYou are the oneYou"re my all, 手を広げて飞べるよBrand New Days消えてゆくの loneliness, 満ちる happiness,You are the oneBaby, I know you changed my worldso 1人じゃないから飞べるの岚の中でもI know I can fly, "cause you"ll be right by my sideEvery time you hold me,I can feel your heartbeat目を闭じれば You"re my fantasyいつでもそばにいてくれるfor me…Everyday, baby wow oh oh oh2人のBrand New World世界でただ1人 つつむ光You are the oneTime to go, baby wow oh oh oh飞べるよBrand New Days2人だけの空を いつか爱も 越えるのEveryday, baby wow oh oh ohBaby… you"re my Brand New World"cause I feel you in my memoriesand love of melodiesYou are the oneYou"re my all, baby wow oh oh ohBaby… you"re my Brand New DaysI will take away your lonelinessWe"ll share the happinessYou are the oneWow oh oh oh, You are the oneWow oh oh oh, You"re my brand new worldWow oh oh oh, You are the oneWow oh oh oh, You"re my brand new days収録:Trust You発売日: 2009/03/04


歌曲名:BRAND NEW WORLD歌手:D-51专辑:Best Of D-51走り出せ 走り出せ 空高く旗かざし果てない この海をこえて探しに行こうよ谁も未だ 见つけられない 世界のキセキを高鸣る胸 想いのまま 突き进むだけさ梦追い人が残す 足迹をどんな岚の夜も 心一つにすれば越えてゆけるよ いつだって走り出せ 走り出せ 空高く旗かざし谁にも见せない 涙もあるけれど追いかけて 追いかけて 梦を指すコンパスは真っ直ぐな瞳さ 立ち止まれないAround the world Start me up!うまくいかず 壁の前で 动けなくなって何も出来ず くちびる噛み うつむく视线に道に咲いた 花が强く 七色を描いて行く道を 彩ってくれるのだろう时は止まることなく 流れ続けてるのさ前に进もう その足で走り出せ 走り出せ 谁よりもその先へ逃げ出さなければ 明日をつかめるんだ追いかけて 追いかけて 目に映る全て今真っ白な心に 记してゆこうBrand new world Start me up!歌曲:BRAND NEW WORLDTV アニメ 「ONE PIECE」OP6歌手:D-51たとえ暗闇の中 道を见失っても谛めないで 手を伸ばせ 光へと走り出せ 走り出せ 空高く旗かざし谁にも见せない 涙もあるけれど追いかけて 追いかけて 梦を指すコンパスは真っ直ぐな瞳さ 立ち止まれない Around the world走り出せ 走り出せ 谁よりもその先へ逃げ出さなければ 明日をつかめるんだ追いかけて 追いかけて 目に映る全て今真っ白な心に 记してゆこうBrand new world Start me up!Brand new world Start me up!Brand new world Start me up!収録:ONE PIECE SUPER BEST(通常盤)/発売日:2007/03/07作词:吉田安英/作曲:吉田安英/IKUMA/编曲:IKUMA/YOICHI WATANABE

Brand new start-Iza Lach&Snoop Lion求歌词及翻译?

IZA ft. Snoop Lion - brand new start[Intro:]Brand new startBrand new usBrand new heartI"m not scared – I"m glad[Verse 1:]I could run through glass to be with youThese fights not gonna last, no one can ever be sureOh, forgive me if I sound too sweetBut it"s your fault, you make me weak in my kneesSo please – talk to meFor real – I could screamI feel so free, please come to meLet me feel you[Hook:]‘Cause it"s a brand new startIt"s a brand new us(One Life To Live)It"s a brand new heartI"m not scared – I"m glad[Verse 2:]I could run through glass to be with youThese fights not gonna last, no one can ever be sureOh, forgive me if I sound too sweetBut it"s your fault you make me weak in my kneesSo please (talk to me, are we gonna try again?)For real (I could scream, you"re the only reason why)I feel so free, please come to meLet me feel youCan"t you see I"m not afraid?[Hook: x2][Outro:]Brand new startBrand new usBrand new heartI"m not scared – I"m gladSo please (talk to me, are we gonna try again?)For real (I could scream, you"re the only reason why)I feel so free, please come to meLet me feel youCan"t you see I"m not afraid?

Brand New的《Sink》 歌词

歌曲名:Sink歌手:Brand New专辑:DaisyBrand New - SinkI don"t want to let you goBut it hurts my hands to hold the ropeI won"t be such an easy markYou"re no better then they sayAnd all the candles on the cakeAll set fire to the gateTurn the cannons towards the boatMen were drowning in the moatIt was the end of all rowers oarsIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youAll I want"s some earth and seedBut only grow the things I needBut first I must find my way backAnd you go lay down on the trackAt first I had an even keelBut now I"m not sure what is real.It"s taken me this long to learnThat every dead is ate by wormsAnd once they"re gone they don"t returnIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youI"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youThen the fire snuck into your bedroomNow I"m falling asleep to forget youHow darkly the dark hand met his endHe was withered and boney,exposed for a phoneyBut we heed the last words that he pennedHaste to disgrace the traitor.Do not wait til laterI don"t think that you"ve got to pretendI see God in birds and Satan in long wordsBut I know what you need in a friendSo now when I leave you,I hope I won"t see youHow darkly the dark hand met his endHe was withered and boney,exposed for a phoneyBut we heed the last words that he pennedHaste to disgrace the traitor.Do not wait til laterIf you call then I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youWell, I"m coming to get youIf you call then I"m coming, nowIf you call then I"m coming to get youYou want to sink, so I"m gonna let youThen the fire snuck into your bedroomNow I"m falling asleep to forget you

FTisLand brand new days 歌词

最佳答案折(お)れない夸(ほこ)り 涙(なみだ)溢(あふ)れた あの日(ひ)「因为自豪而落泪的那一天」守(まも)り抜(ぬ)いた光(ひかり)「守护着的闪耀的光芒」気(き)がつけば阳(ひ)は暮(く)れ 痛(いた)む靴擦(くつず)れ「无论烈日或是黄昏,就算脚被磨破而疼痛」まだまだ 走(はし)れるなんて 意地(いじ)を张(は)ってみせて「我也会一直走下去,让你看到我的坚持」何十回(なんじゅっかい)、ほら何百回(なんびゃっかい)「几十次,甚至几百次」転(ころ)げたなら 立(た)ち上(あ)がり「如果跌倒的话,就再站起来」まだ少(そこ)しだけど 未来(みらい)に近(ちか)づく「虽然只是一小步,但也是更加接近未来了」以(い)合(あ)わない爱想(あいそ)笑(わら)い「讨好的笑我做不到」奥歯(おくば)でグッと悔(くや)しさを堪(こら)えながら「虽然也有挫折和让人悔恨的事情」おぼろ月夜(つきよ) いざ生(い)きよう「朦胧的月夜下生存的人们」嘘(うそ)伪(いつわ)りなき自分(じぶん)の胸(むね)に 誓(ちか)いをた てて「所说的誓词也只是欺骗自己内心的谎言」瞳(ひとみ)を闭(と)じ 心(こころ)を澄(す)まし「闭上双眼 澄清内心」大(おお)きなそのドアを さあ开(ひら)こう「推开那扇厚重的门」ここに立(た)つ 今日(きょう)のために 生(う)まれ歩(ある)いてきた「站在这里,为了今日而迈出第一步」そう 信(しん)じて.....「是的 我相信」过(す)ぎてゆく 季节(きせつ)に 焦(あせ)りが募(つの)り「在过去的每个季节 总是在焦急的找寻」谁(だれ)がと比(くら)べてみても 意味(いみ)なんかないのに「虽然总是在同谁比较 但却没有意义」ほどけない、色褪(いろあ)せない 约束(やくそく)が心(こころ)にある「放不下的,已经褪色的承诺一直在心底」分(あ)かち合う瞬间(とき)が 未来(みらい)で待(ま)っている「我们共同承担的瞬间 在未来等候」舞(ま)い散(ち)る 悲(かな)しみに「飞舞着飘散的悲伤」溃(つぶ)れそうな梦(ゆめ) 必死(ひっし)に抱(かか)えながら「拼命抱在怀里却还是粉碎的梦想 」ただ真(ま)っ直(す)ぐ ほら もうすぐ「就这样简单的一直向前 你看 很快就要到达了」この道(みち)の先(さき)に 唯一无二(ゆいつむに)の花(はな)が咲(さ) くだろう「眼前的道路将会开满独一无二的花朵」夜空(よぞら)を彩(いろど)る、仆たちの「为夜空涂上颜色 」永远(とわ)なる愿(ねが)いを 今(いま) 叶(かな)えよう「我们长久以来的愿望 现在终于实现」辉(かがや)ける 明日(あす)のために 生(う)まれ歩(ある)いてきた「闪耀着光芒 为了明日而迈出第一步」そう 信(しん)じて.....「是的 我相信」瞳(ひとみ)を闭(と)じ 心(こころ)を澄(す)まし「闭上双眼 澄清内心」大(おお)きなそのドアを さあ开(ひら)こう「推开那扇厚重的门」ここに立(た)つ 今日(きょう)のために 生(う)まれ歩(ある)いてきた「站在这里,为了今日而迈出第一步」そう 信(しん)じて.....「是的 我相信」折(お)れない夸(ほこ)り 涙(なみだ)溢(あふ)れた あの日(ひ)「因为自豪而落泪的那一天」守(まも)り抜(ぬ)いた光(ひかり)「守护着的闪耀的光芒」すべてが仆(ぼく)の Treasure「这些都是我珍贵的 Treasure」罗马文在此o re na i ho ko ri na mi da a fu re ta a no hima mo ri nu i ta hi ka riki ga tsu ke ba hi wa ku re i ta mu ku tsu zu rema da ma da ha shi re ru nan te i ji wo ha tte mi se tenan jyu kkai ho ra nan bya kkai ko ro ge ta na ra ta chi a ga rima ta su ko shi da ke do mi ra i ni chi ka tzu kui a wa na i a i so wa ra io ku ba de gu tto ku ya shi sa wo ko ra e na ga rao bo ro tsu ki yo i za i ki youu so i tsu wa ri ji bun no mu ne ni chi ka i wa ta te tehi to mi wo to ji ko ko ro wo su ma shioo ki na so no do a wo sa a hi ra kouko ko ni ta tsu kyou no ta me ni u ma re a ru i te ki taso u shin ji tesu gi te yu ku ki se tsu ni a se ri ga tsu no rida re ka to ku ra be te mi te mo i mi nan ka na i no niho do ke na i i ro a se na i ya ku so ku ga ko ko ro ni a ruwa ka chi a u to ki ga mi ra i de ma tte i ruma i chi ru ka na shi mi ni tsu bu re so u na yu me hi sshi ni ka ka e na ga rata da ma ssu gu ho ra mo u su guko no mi chi no sa ki ni yu i tsu mu ni no ha na ga sa ku da ro yo zo ra wo i ro do ru bo ku ta chi noto wa na ru ne ga i wo i ma ka na e yo uka ga ya ke ru a su no ta me ni u ma re a ru i te ki ta so u shin ji tehi to mi wo to ji ko ko ro wo su ma shioo ki na so no do a wo sa a hi ra kouko ko ni ta tsu kyou no ta me ni u ma re a ru i te ki taso u shin ji teo re na i ho ko ri na mi da a fu re ta a no hima mo ri nu i ta hi ka risu be te ga bo ku no Treasure

Brand New的《Be Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Be Gone歌手:Brand New专辑:DaisyBrand New - Be GoneIt"s getting hard to stay upI think I can hear God calling my nameHe"ll try to make my heart breakbut I was told you"d call me tonightthey"re calling my namethey won"t slow the car downI"m scared that I will keep it for my ownthe one that is calling my nameis telling "come down"they"re calling my namethey"re calling my namethey"re calling my namecalling my name

brand-new blood 歌词

歌曲名:brand-new blood歌手:喜多村英梨专辑:RE;STORYTo Make a brand-new blood, 终わりなき未来へと「brand-new blood」作词:河合英嗣作曲:Sub.T编曲:Sub.T歌:喜多村英梨何を求めてる? 谁を见つめてる?生まれながら染みついた本能过ぎた过去はきっとZEROに还れない人は人でしか现在(いま)を生きられずにチェスみたいに夺い続けることだけが“强き者” 过ちに気づかぬままで広い宇宙(そら)は 果てしないDream 境界线(しるし)なき ひとつの海To Make a brand-new blood, 生命(いのち)で创る未来 爱溢るFuture遥か届くStarlight  すでに消えたStardust名もなき道を辿った旅人瞬きをすれば见失うほどの奇迹を摘みとるMisery セツナ过ぎて梦や爱を求め 生きること许されそれぞれの明日を迎えに行くために永い时空(とき)を削り取った现在だけにとらわれずにTo Save a brand-new blood, 未来をつなぐキズナ 歩き出すReal World目に见えない线を描き 残るのは悦か?伤か?目的さえ何処か置き去りにして広い宇宙は 果てしないDream 境界线なき ひとつの海To Make a brand-new blood, 生命で创る未来过去の意味を… 明日の意味を… 抱きしめたTrue Blood终わり

犬夜叉《brand new world》歌词

[ti:Brand-New World][ar:V6][al:サンダーバード -Your Voice-][by:cih99][00:-0.30]~Brand-New World~[00:00.90]NTV系アニメ「犬夜叉」エンディング·テーマ[00:02.10]歌: V6[00:03.30]作词: MIZUE 作曲: オオヤギヒロオ[00:04.50]编曲: 家原正树[00:05.70]made by cih99[00:06.90][00:08.10]Brand-New World[00:09.78]新しい梦の始まり[00:15.01]ゴール目指す旅は続いてゆく[00:20.51]いつだって[00:21.85]Brand-New Mind[00:23.65]情热を抱いて次の扉(どあ)まで[00:30.31]未だ见ぬ世界へ さぁ 疾れ[00:35.91][00:44.30]微尘もない望みの星にも[00:47.60]この手伸ばし 无理矢理掴んだり[00:52.08]暗云な仆らは何処にいたい?[00:58.18]群れの中 孤立してく意味[01:01.63]一人でも孤独じゃない理由(わけ)[01:06.05]繋がるなら时间は地図になる[01:10.49][01:11.61]ありのまま Let"s go and Try[01:15.00]进めよ 使命は One way[01:18.61]あるがまま Do it! Ready?[01:21.97]最后は愿いに届くんだ[01:24.68][01:24.89]Brand-New World[01:26.51]新しい梦の始まり[01:31.74]ゴール目指す旅は続いてゆく[01:37.27]いつだって[01:38.64]Brand-New Mind[01:40.48]情热を抱いて次の扉まで[01:47.07]未だ见ぬ世界へ さぁ 疾れ[01:52.76][02:01.00]この上ない喜び信じて[02:04.43]底なしの苦しみ感じて[02:08.87]もっとタフになりたがる魂[02:13.88][02:14.32]それゆえに Don"t stop and cry[02:17.86]今こそ Into the new day[02:21.35]そのカケラ Wanted my key[02:24.80]最初に自分に闻くんだ[02:27.50][02:27.75]Brand-New Dream[02:29.34]叶えたい梦があるなら[02:34.60]何度だってはばたけるはずさ[02:40.04]君だって[02:41.41]Brand-New Days[02:43.34]开いている次の扉の向こう[02:49.84]辉く世界に さぁ 行こう[02:56.06][03:10.24]ありのまま Let"s go and try[03:13.66]进めよ 使命は One way[03:17.18]あるがまま Do it! Ready?[03:20.57]最后は愿いに届くんだ[03:23.24][03:23.46]Brand-New World[03:25.17]新しい梦の始まり[03:30.33]ゴール目指す旅は続いてゆく[03:35.99]いつだって[03:37.33]Brand-New Mind[03:39.07]情热を抱いて次の扉まで[03:45.70]未だ见ぬ世界へ さぁ 疾れ

brand new world的歌词

Brand-New World新しい梦の始まりゴール目指す旅は続いてゆく いつだってBrand-New Mind情热を抱いて次の扉(どあ)まで未だ见ぬ世界へ さぁ 疾れ微尘もない望みの星にもこの手伸ばし 无理矢理掴んだり暗云な仆らは何処にいたい?群れの中 孤立してく意味一人でも孤独じゃない理由(わけ)繋がるなら时间は地図になるありのまま Let"s go and Try进めよ 使命はOne wayあるがままDo it! Ready?最后は愿いに届くんだBrand-New World 新しい梦の始まりゴール目指す旅は続いてゆく いつだってBrand-New Mind 情热を抱いて次の扉まで未だ见ぬ世界へ さぁ 疾れこの上ない喜び信じて 底なしの苦しみ感じてもっとタフになりたがる魂それゆえに Don"t stop and Cry今こそ into the new dayそのカケラ Wanted my key最初に自分に闻くんだBrand-New Dream 叶えたい梦があるなら何度だってはばたけるはずさ 君だってBrand-New Days开いている次の扉の向こう辉く世界に さぁ 行こうありのまま Try and go on…进めよ 使命はOne wayあるがまま Do it! Ready? 最后は愿いに届くんだBrand-New World 新しい梦の始まりゴール目指す旅は続いてゆく いつだってBrand-New Mind情热を抱いて次の扉まで未だ见ぬ世界へ さぁ 疾れ

brand new world 海贼王主题歌 日文歌词


Brand-New World 歌词

歌曲:Brand-New World歌手:V6作词:MIZUE作曲:オオヤギヒロオBrand-New World新しい梦の始まりゴール目指す旅は続いてゆく いつだってBrand-New Mind情热を抱いて次の扉(どあ)まで走向未知的世界 来吧 快步跑微尘もない望みの星にもこの手伸ばし 无理矢理掴んだり闇云な仆らは何処にいたい群れの中 孤立してく意味一人でも孤独じゃない理由(わけ)繋がるなら时间は地図になるありのまま Let"s go and Try进めよ 使命はOne wayあるがままDo it! Ready?最後は愿いに届くんだBrand-New World新しい梦の始まりゴール目指す旅は続いてゆく いつだってBrand-New Mind情热を抱いて次の扉(どあ)まで未だ见ぬ世界へ さぁ 疾れこの上ない喜び信じて 底なしの苦しみ感じてもっとタフになりたがる魂それゆえに Don"t stop and Cry今こそ into the new dayそのカケラ Wanted my key最初に自分に闻くんだBrand-New Dream叶えたい梦があるなら何度だってはばたけるはずさ 君だってBrand-New Days开いている次の扉の向こう辉く世界に さぁ 行こうありのまま Let"s go and Try…进めよ 使命はOne wayあるがまま Do it! Ready最後は愿いに届くんだBrand-New World新しい梦の始まりゴール目指す旅は続いてゆく いつだってBrand-New Mind情热を抱いて次の扉(どあ)まで未だ见ぬ世界へ さぁ 疾れ

Keyshia Cole的《Brand New》 歌词

歌曲名:Brand New歌手:Keyshia Cole专辑:A Different MeKeyshia Cole - Brand NewI want you to, wrap your hands around my bodyTake me to another place let"s get away from hereI want you to, let me know exactly how you feelNo holding back, no strings attachedwanna touch your bodyLet me show you something brand newWhen we"re through, we"ll talkAll night, what"s on your mindLet me show you something brand newWhen we"re through, we"ll talkAll night, what"s on your mind(Tell me what"s on your mind)What"s on your mind? What"s on your mind?What"s on your mind? What"s on your mind?(Talk to me baby) What"s on your mind?What"s on your mind? What"s on your mind?Yeah.. (I need your love)No one can make me make me feel this wayWay when you touch me touch my souland make me lose controlI wanna feel everything you give to me(I need your love)Take my heart (Take my heart)Take my body (Take my body)Take my love (Take my love)But give me all you gotI don"t wanna stop lovin youMake me over baby don"t goLet me show you something brand newWhen we"re through, we"ll talkAll night, what"s on your mindLet me show you something brand newWhen we"re through, we"ll talkAll night, what"s on your mindWhat"s on your mind? What"s on your mind?What"s on your mind? What"s on your mind?(Talk to me baby) What"s on your mind?What"s on your mind? What"s on your mind?Yeah.. (I need your love)

求A Brand New Day-Lisa Miskovsky歌词翻译,网上看到一个翻译的不行。。。看翻译水准给分~

A Brand New Day全新的一天Lisa Miskovsky You know it"s never easy putting anyone down.你知道,要贬低别人从来不是件简单的事,It"s not the same when you wear the crown.但如果你是佼佼者,那事情就不一样了。The heart is what you"ve found.这就是你所寻获到的心境。yeah, hey, hey..It"s understood, but it"s never, ever good.尽管这道理众所周知,但它却毫无益处。You know you won"t, but you know you should,有些事你不想做,但你总觉得你是应该做的And I know that you could.而我也明白你做得到Yeah, hey, hey..Hey, hey, hey, hey it"s a brand new day, ah ha,嘿,这是崭新的一天Hey, hey, hey, hey, it"s a brand new day这是全新的一天You cannot leave when you really wanna go有时候你很想离开,但却走不开You know the road better than the show,你总是情愿欣赏沿路风光,也不想看无聊的表演And darkness makes you glow.黑夜中的你,更显光芒Yeah, hey, heyIt"s in my head, but you"ll never get my soul.这种心境存在于我心中,但你永远也达不到我的境界"Cause I"ve got love and it makes me whole.因为我拥有爱,而爱让我变得完整So hear me when I say所以听我说吧hey, hey, hey..Hey, hey, hey, hey it"s a brand new day, ah ha,嘿,这是崭新的一天Hey, hey, hey, hey, it"s a new day全新的一天I know it"s silence that will kill us in the end.我知道,我们最终都会在沉默中消亡Shadows on the wall keeps dancing "round my bed.墙上的黑影,围着我的床乱舞This paper moon, the silence,please I can not mend,这纸白的月亮,这种沉默……噢!我该怎么修补Hey, hey, hey, hey, it"s a brand new day, ah ha,嘿,这是崭新的一天Hey, hey, hey, hey, it"s a brand new day全新的一天A brand new day,..全新的一天非机器翻译,希望你满意!望采纳,谢谢~

求FT.island < brand new days >的中文音译!~~~~~急需!


brand new me什么意思


求学战都市brand-new World完整版的歌词

歌词如下:二人で作り出す このメロヂィに乗せて乘着两人一同谱出的旋律未来が今日に重なるよう未来与今天重叠着啊変わらずぎゅっとこの依然不变的紧紧相拥 フレーズみたいに就如这首歌词一样离したくないんだ不想放开啊つまづいちゃったり 転んだりして二人は行く あしたの方へ即使是受到挫折跌倒了 两人仍要并肩 迈向明日的方向君がいなけりゃ 若你不在身边そんな当たり前のことでも ノイズだらけさ即使是这样理所当然的事 也只是杂音止めちゃおう この时间 神様に頼んで向神明请求将这一刻停下来Time leap and Feed back もぅ时间跳跃并给反应ため息が出るくらい已经不会再叹息そらせないそらさない君の瞳移不开也不会移开 凝视着你的双眸スマイル全开で 明日を目指そうよ笑容全开 奔向明天吧1000%の元気でピースサイン用1000%的精神做出胜利的手势その时は言うよあの二文字の言叶を到那时我便会说出那两个字(すき=喜欢)どうしようもなくハートがFly我的心已无法控制地飞翔君に惹かれる被你深深吸引笑颜になったり 时にはケンカしちゃったりして一时会露出笑容 而有时候会吵架音を探そう就这样去寻找音乐出会えるはずさ 二人の为だけのTrue music应该会相遇的 只为了两人的真正的音乐ワクワクするよ心情会很兴奋呢どんなにも どんなにも 小さな事だって即使 无论是怎样 无论是怎样 细小的事情Make song & Believe song そう制造歌曲并相信歌曲生まれた思い出を对,将产生出来的回忆二人ならなんだって歌になるさ是两人一起的话 一定也能化成歌曲走り出そうよ今を 不器用だっていいから现在一起走吧 即使是不灵巧也不要紧晴れのち快晴ピースサイン做出如晴天般晴朗的胜利手势世界を越えて ひょっとしたら宇宙も越过世界 甚至连宇宙也ロックで繋がるんじゃない?不是被摇滚音乐(rock)所连系着的吗俺は信じる我是这样的相信着ステージで决めるね决定了要到达舞台呢二人だけのピースサイン只属两人的胜利手势スマイル全开で 明日を目指そうよ笑容全开 奔向明天吧1000%の感谢でピースサイン用1000%的感谢做出胜利的手势その时は言うよあの二文字の言叶を到那时我便会说出那两个字(すき=喜欢)翼のようにハートがFly…心就如翅膀般飞翔…ねぇ 溢れる…想いが呐 思念 溢出 I"ll make tomorrow with you 我会与你一起创造出明天

I had a brand -new $20bill

I had a brand -new $20bill 前面有a brand明显是单数,而且是指一张支票,bill是支票单




Lucky Brand 是美国Liz Claiborne Inc旗下的品牌,总部设于纽约,成立于1976年,主要是设计与行销广泛的女装、男装与配件产品,适于从正式到休闲等各种场合穿着。美国的一个著名中产阶级品牌,简称LIZ,一般都会在其首饰刻印品名缩写Lc.。LUCKY BRAND最早是以摇滚风格的牛仔裤起家, 它的创始人是Gene Montesano和Barry Perlman, 二人从儿时就是好朋友, 都对摇滚有着浓厚的兴趣。70年代二人都经历了嘻皮运动, 21岁的Gene和17岁的Barry, 还有他们的朋友Bill Rudnick, 早在1972年就在佛罗里达开了一家牛仔裤店。扩展资料:Lucky Brand 通过现有贷方——富国银行(Wells Fargo Commercial Capital)旗下投资部门 Wells Fargo Capital Finance 与商业贷款公司 Gordon Brothers Finance Company 扩大了第一顺位抵押权贷款(First Lien Term Loan)的规模。同时,也通过私募股权投资公司 Lantern Capital Partners 与 Restore Capital 旗下合资公司提供的第二顺位抵押权贷款(Second Lien Term Loan)为现有第二顺位抵押权贷款提供了更多资金。在提供资金的同时,这家合资公司也收购了 Lucky Brand 的少数股权。2013年12月,美国私募股权投资公司 Leonard Green & Partners 从 Kate Spade 品牌原来的母公司、美国服饰集团 Fifth & Pacific 手中以 2.25亿美元的价格收购了 Lucky Brand。参考资料来源:百度百科——LUCKY BRAND

chart a brand new path 是什么意思


Special (Featuring Brandy And Pharrell) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Special (Featuring Brandy And Pharrell)歌手:Snoop Dogg&Brandy&Pharrell专辑:Malice N Wonderland (Edited)SpecialWilshireWin A Date With Tad Hamilton2009.02.09I ride in on the trainEveryday is the same old thingIt"s 9 to 5Don"t know if I"m dead alreadyI"m lookin for a hallelujahI need a little something specialSomething specialMy walls are greyMakes me feel like I live in a caveI"m wearing fearAnd when tomorrow comesI"ll do it all againAgain againI"m looking for a hallelujahI need a little something specialI"m looking for a hallelujahLooking for something specialTo get me off the cycleLet me out Let me outI dream of my escapeFree as a bird I"ll fly awayI"m looking for a hallelujahI need a little something specialI"m looking for a hallelujahI need a little something specialI need a little something specialHallelujah2009.02.09http://music.b***.com/song/2842608

请问swan‘s way 和 Remembrance of Things Past是什么关系?如何翻译

swan‘s way 在斯万家那边Remembrance of Things Past 追忆似水年华《追忆逝水年华》(à la recherche du temps perd")由法国作家马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust,1871年—1922年)的作品。全文共计7卷,分别是:《在斯万家那边》、《在少女们身旁》、《盖尔芒特家那边》、《索多姆和戈摩尔》、《女囚》、《女逃亡者》、《重现的时光》。 所以,楼主的提问,前者是后者的一卷《追忆逝水年华》(à la recherche du temps perd")由法国作家马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust,1871年—1922年)的作品。全文共计7卷,分别是:《在斯万家那边》、《在少女们身旁》、《盖尔芒特家那边》、《索多姆和戈摩尔》、《女囚》、《女逃亡者》、《重现的时光》。 赏析这部作品细腻刻画出19世纪末、20世纪初的法国上流社会、文人雅士,从单纯地描写人类社会转向对人类心理情绪的分析,完成了在文学作品中对人类情感的第一次成熟地剖析,开“意识流”小说之先河,成为文学史上新的文学形式发轫的标志。作品的总体构架是叙述者对所经历的往事的回顾,而这种回顾是与遗忘的一种抗争。同时这部作品是第一部以记叙一部作品的诞生为题材的着作,普鲁斯特认为人的生活只有在回忆中才形成“真实的生活”,“回忆中的生活比当时当地的现实生活更为现实”;安得烈·莫罗亚在序中就提到:「唯一真实的乐园是人们失去的乐园」,而「幸福的岁月是失去的岁月。」普鲁斯特的气质内向而敏感,对母亲十分依恋,倾心於文学,青年时代经常出入上流社会沙龙,是巴黎贵妇沙龙中一-(出)-手豪阔的常客,熟悉上流社会人物的形形色色,成为他日后写作中各式人物的灵感来源。他在写作时认为题材并不重要,重要的是,「客观世界」如何反映在「主观意念」中。《追忆逝水年华》一书即透过他特殊的叙事风格,营造出一个独特的个人世界。他的叙述时时中断,小说中夹杂了大量的议论、联想、心理分析,一个失眠的夜可以花40页来描述,一个三小时的聚会可以用掉190页的篇幅。时间可以做无限的铺陈,自然也可以随意压缩;过去、现在、未来可以在意识流中颠倒、交叠、相互渗透。由於《追忆逝水年华》卷帙浩繁,4000多页、200多万字,委婉曲折,细腻至极,难读难译,有专家认为要先看第五卷,再回头看第一卷。普鲁斯特的弟弟罗贝尔笑着说:“要想读《追忆逝水年华》,先得大病一场,或是把腿摔折,要不哪来那麽多时间?”当年《追忆逝水年华》第一卷出版时,许多出版社拒绝出版,《新法兰西评论》的着名作家纪德(Andre Gide)拒绝推荐出版这部小说,奥兰夫出版公司的阿尔费莱德·安布罗看了书稿大惑不解,“为什麽要在开头用三十页描写自己睡不着觉?”因此普鲁斯特还得自掏腰包印书出版。1913年第一部小说《在斯万家那边》(Du c?té de chez Swann)出版,《新法兰西评论》的主编兼诗人里维埃尔(Jacques Riviere)大力推荐,引起热烈的讨论,纪德很有风度的承认错误,并写信向普鲁斯特致歉。1919年第二部小说《在少女身旁》(A l"ombre des jeunes filles en Fleurs)出版,一开始反应平平,但随后荣获「龚古尔文学奖」(Prix Goncourt),普鲁斯特开始声名大噪。1921年5月在网球场博物馆参观荷兰画展时,普鲁斯特突感不适。1922年4月3日《索多姆和戈摩尔》(Sodome et Gomorphe)第二卷在新法兰西评论社印毕。同年11月18日普鲁斯特与世长辞,所幸这时他的小说已全部完成。1923年《女囚》(La Prisonnière)在新法兰西评论社出版,1925年《女逃亡者》以及《阿尔贝蒂娜不知去向》出版,1927年出版《过去韶光的重现》(Le Temps Retrouvé),至此全书出版。普鲁斯特的外祖母酷爱十七世纪法国着名书简作家塞维尼夫人(Madame Sévigné,1626年—1696年)的书简。每逢外出旅行时,总要把塞维尼夫人《书简集》随身带走,以便抽空阅读。第四卷《索多姆和戈摩尔》果然发现了塞维尼夫人的名字。《追忆逝水年华》被誉为二十世纪最伟大的小说之一,史蒂芬·黑雨(Stephane Heuet)在二十一世纪初将这七巨册小说改编成漫画12册,这是一项艰难的任务。小说第一卷《在斯万家那边》中的第二部分,《斯万之恋》(Un amour de Swann),常常单独出版。其主要内容是查尔斯·斯万和奥黛特·德·克雷西之间的爱情故事。这一部分篇幅较短、独立性较强,因此被认为是初读《追忆逝水年华》最好的选择,在法国的一些学校中被作为法语课或哲学课的重要阅读材料来研读。参考网址

git merge, 如何merge一个branch到另外一个branch

参考链接 假如我现在有两个branch:story6header and competition. 我想把competition这个branch merge到 story6header 这个branch 上。执行以下操作: 最后 不要忘记 push到github git push origin story6header 这也许是个错误的方法,我也不知道正确不正确,不过我尝试下来是成功了 。 20170715 更新 想了一下,觉得将一个分支merge到一个分支,这种做法不太合适,容易把branch搞乱,为了保持分支的干净整洁,还是建议将分支merge到master branch上。 所以,merge的正确方式应该是

brand metrics什么意思


why glycerol has no effect on membrane permeability?

I hope I can address your problem in a simple ways. Qn.1) why a 40% glycerol solution has no effect on membrane permeability? Ans. 1) First of all a cell membrane is a fluid mosaic of lipids proteins and carbohydrates. The main ponent is lipids in the form of triacylglycerol in which is made by 1 glycerol bonding to 3 fatty acids and forming a lipid bilayers seperating cell from outside environment. Membrane permeability is defined as how quick a solute/molecule is diffused/perated throu the membrane and it is affected by molecular size of the solute (permeability generally decreases with increasing size) lipid solubility (permeability usually increases with increasing fat or oil solubility) and degree of ionization (permeability generally decreases with increased ionization). It is known that the " average " position of membrane 52% protein 40% lipid 8% carbohydrate and each lipid contain similar percentage of glycerol and hence your 40% glycerol solution is of similar position of the cell membrane. Therefore it won"t affect its membrane permeability. Qn. 2) why AgNO3 can damage the membrane and make it freely permeable? Ans. 2) AgNO3 Silver Nitrate Silver nitrate the mechani *** of the action of silver ions is closely related to their interaction with thiol groups although other target sites remain a possibility. The amino acids such as cysteine and other pounds such as sodium thioglycolate containing thiol groups neutralized the activity of silver nitrate. By contrast amino acids containing disulfide (SS) bonds non-sulfurcontaining amino acids and sulfur-containing pounds such as cystathione cysteic acid L-methionine taurine sodium bisulfite and sodium thiosulfate were all unable to neutralize Ag anion activity. The action of Ag anion involves hydrogen bond-breaking for thiol groups especially for enzymes and some of the protein based ion channels. We all know besides lipids there are many other structures on the surface of membrane affecting the membrane permeability including ion channels (CI anion K cation....) ATP powered active trports... The incorporation of Ag anions to these structure will total disrupt and even deform them and hence all the solute molecules can easily diffuse in and out through them. 2007-12-11 11:37:33 补充: And Me M.Sc. (BICH) 参考: Yoshinobu M. and et la Antiseptics and Disinfectants: Activity Action and Resistance CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS Jan. 1999 p. 147–179 very good..."t the Ag ion in AgNO3 a cation?




Lucky Brand 是美国Liz Claiborne Inc旗下的品牌,总部设于纽约,成立于1976年,主要是设计与行销广泛的女装、男装与配件产品,适于从正式到休闲等各种场合穿着。美国的一个著名中产阶级品牌,简称LIZ,一般都会在其首饰刻印品名缩写Lc. 就目前来说它拥有全美最大的销售网络,2000年民意调查中品牌位居中高档的第一位。 Liz Claiborne的设计含蓄却又非常大方,质料裁工也不含糊,。Liz以职业和充满活力的女性为对象,适用于任何季节的经典风格,提供最好最新的选择,也提供持久不褪流行经典款式。 美国Liz Claiborne Inc.是全世界最大的多品牌公司之一,旗下有十几个品牌,销售产品包括服饰、饰物,提包,鞋子及香水等。其中 Liz Claiborne、 Marvella, Mexx, Monet, Monet 2, Villager、Axcess, Bora Bora, Claiborne, Crazy Horse, Curve, Dana Buchman, Ellen Tracy, Elisabeth, Emma James, ENYCE, First Issue, Intuitions, J.H. Collectibles, Jane Street, Juicy Couture, Lady ENYCE, Laundry by Shelli Segal, Lucky Brand Dungarees, Mambo, Realities, Sigr 等都是它下属的品牌

Brand New Day的歌词中文意思是什么?听不懂

Brand New Day   全新的一天   Singer:Ryan Star   I stayed in one place for too long   我在原地已停留太久   Gotta get on the run again   想要再次奔跑前进   I saw the one thing that I want   我已看到我的目标   Hell bent, get outta bed   不顾一切离家而去   I am throwing rocks at your window   我在窗下等你   You are tying the bed sheets together   我们迅速会合   They say we are dreaming too big   他们说我们的梦想太遥远   I say this town"s too small   我说这座小城容不下我们的梦想   Dream   梦想   Send me a sign   为我指引方向   Turn back the clock   反转时钟   Give me some time   再多给我些时间   I need to break out   我想要爆发   And make a new name   让自己焕然一新   Let us open our eyes   睁开双眼吧   To the brand new day   迎接全新的一天   It is the brand new day   是崭新的一天   I have taking hits like a brother   我像兄长一样承担压力   But I am getting back up again   我再次暗下决心   And from the moment I saw her   从看到她的那一刻   I was hell bent with heaven sent   我已不顾一切   I am throwing rocks at your window   我在窗下等你   We are leaving this place together   我们一起离开这里   They say that we are flying too high   他们说我们飞得太高   Well get used to looking up   那请你们习惯仰视   Dream   梦想   Send me a sign   为我指引方向   Turn back the clock   反转时钟   Give me some time   再多给我些时间   I need to break out   我想要爆发   And make a new name   让自己焕然一新   Let us open our eyes   睁开双眼吧   To the brand new day   迎接全新的一天   It is the brand new day   是崭新的一天   It is the brand new day   是崭新的一天   I know it is the brand new day   我知道这是崭新的一天   Come on to the brand new day   来迎接这崭新的一天   I know it is the brand new day   我知道这是崭新的一天   Dream   梦想   Send me a sign   为我指引方向   Turn back the clock   反转时钟   Give me some time   再多给我些时间   I need to break out   我想要爆发   And make a new name   让自己焕然一新   Let us open our eyes   睁开双眼吧   To the brand new day   迎接全新的一天   It is the brand new day   是崭新的一天   Dream   梦想   Send me a sign   为我指引方向   Turn back the clock   反转时钟   Give me some time   再多给我些时间   I need to break out   我想要爆发   And make a new name   让自己焕然一新   Let us open our eyes   睁开双眼吧   To the brand new day   迎接全新的一天   It is the brand new day   是崭新的一天   It is the brand new day   是崭新的一天


膜双语对照词典结果:membrane[英]["membreu026an][美][u02c8mu025bmu02ccbren]n.(动物或植物体内的)薄膜; 隔膜; (可起防水、防风等作用的)膜状物; 复数:membranes膜双语对照词典结果:membrane[英]["membreu026an][美][u02c8mu025bmu02ccbren]n.(动物或植物体内的)薄膜; 隔膜; (可起防水、防风等作用的)膜状物; 复数:membranes

英语作文《my view on name-brand clothes》60~70字,在线等,急!

“what perfumes are you wearing?” “arenu2019t your shoes Nikeu2019s latest release?” “I like the Mickey bag you bought yesterday.” “I hear the jack&jones store is on sale thie week. Do you wanna come along?” donu2019t feel surprised if you hear them coming out of the mouth of college students, itu2019s quite common to hear and see college students swapping information about the brands they like and the products they use. In fact, discussions about brand names have become one of the college studentsu2019 favourite pastimes. They learn about the latest fashion from each other, exchange tips about when and where to get the item, and buy it at their earliest convenience. “keeping up with the joneses” is their conviction u2013“if the joneses have it, how could I have not?”About this current mindset of the college students, many people may hasten to show their disapproval. Theyu2019ll probably take it to be a reflection of the studentsu2019 vanity and superficiality. And they may lecture them on the virtue of being thrifty.However, I beg to differ, for one thing, name-brand products are usually quality products, as such, they are something beautiful, endurable, and reliable, “the love of beauty is common to all.” Goes the proverb; therefore, thereu2019s nothing to blame about the pursuit of famous brands. For the other, college students are old enough to make their own decisions. Likewise, they must abide by the consequences if they make an ill-advised one. If they let their pursuit of brands eat into their budget for other more important issues, they should be able to correct their mistakes and keep everything in moderation. So this becomes no other than a good chance to learn management, isnu2019t it?





创新药,是不是翻译brand-name drug

breakthrough drug;


BRANDNAME品牌名 在法国这是一首人人会场的歌谣 名叫“ELAINE”ELAINE品牌名正源于此,中文名翻译为“恋采依”。 以法国人特有的轻柔唯美做灵感。

Some years ago, the focus for brand name shopping


which is most important to you in deciding what to buy,brand name , quality,or price? Why?


亚马逊刊登brand name那里怎么填写?

如果是需要分类审核的产品,卖家店铺名会展示在产品标题上面。 如果是不需要分类审核的产品,标题下方会展示byXXX 字样。来自书籍《跨境电商秘籍——如何日出千单之亚马逊》

trade name和brand name分别是什么意思?

意思分别是:trade name:商号,店名,商号专用权brand name:商标名称望采纳

brand name rade name rademark 的区别

brand name n. 商标名称,牌子 trade name n. 商品名称(商号,店名) trademark n. 商标

brand name是什么意思?

brand name是商标名称。短语:1、brand-name computer 厂机 ; 品牌机。2、Brand-Name decision 品牌命名决策。3、brand-name drugs 品牌药物 ; 专利药 ; 商品名药。

brand name是什么意思

商 标 名 称

vibrant和liberate 这两个单词分别是开音节还是闭音节 为什么第二个字母发ai另一个发i啊

  首先音节划分如下:  vi·brant ["vaibru0259nt]  lib· er· ate ["libu0259reit]   所以我们可以看出:vi 是重读开音节,i 读/ai/ 。而lib是重读闭音节,i读/i/.  希望对你有用!  P.S 音标在手机上显示可能会不全。


vibrant 指事物的 人为的 energetic 指人具有的
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