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"要勇敢。"用英语说是"Just be brave."这句英语为什么要用"be"?为什么不说"Just brave."?谢谢!

华丽的日子 - 助理 二级 同意这个朋友的说法..

take ,bring ,carry .get 英语都有带的意思,怎么区别 详细点,谢谢了

carry的意思是“携带,搬运,负担”,即:把某人带在身边或把某物带在身上,指随身携带,并将他(它)从一处带到另一处.携带的方式可以是提,扛,背,抱,抬等.carry不说明带的方向. bring的意思是把某人或某物“带来”,“拿来”,强调方向,即从别处拿到某人这里来,而不强调带的方式. take的意思是把人或物“带走”或“拿走”,即从某人这里带到别处去. 而get表示从某处获得某物.

take ,bring ,carry .get 英语都有带的意思,怎么区别


多个在线字典查“明珠”都是bright phearl,但是单独查phearl又查无此词,而且我记得珍珠是pearl……


take ,bring ,carry .get 英语都有带的意思,怎么区别



take拿走,brin g带来

英文 bring/take/fetch 用法!同样是「带来、拿取」中文意思差在哪?

英文 Bring 、take、fetch 用法差异与中文意思 教学来罗!Bring 跟 Take、fetch 在英文里面都有拿走、带、拿取的意思,但他们的意思差在哪?这可能很多人都会搞混。如果你还不知道英文 bring/take/fetch 用法,赶快学起来唷! 下面教学英文 bring/take/fetch 用法跟中文意思差异! 1.Bring 拿来、带来、带 Bring 中文意思是将某个人或是某物,从别处带到目标物的身边,这个目标物可以是说话者本人,也可以是某处。 例: Bring back some tea for me. 带点茶给我。(将茶从别处带到自己这边) 例: Can you bring me another beer? 你能再给我带来啤酒吗?(将啤酒从别处带到自己这边) 例: Is it okay if I bring a friend to the party? 如果我带一个朋友参加聚会可以吗? 从上边例子你可以发现, Bring 其实就是将某人或某物,从另一处带到另外一处,这另外一处可以是某个地点,或是对话者两造双方任一方。 2.Take 带着、带、拿、夺取、取走 Take的意思则是指带着某人或某样东西到其他地方。简单的说,是将某人或某物,从目前的地方,带到另外一方。 例: Take me to this address, please. 请带我去到这个地址。(从现在的地方到别处) 例: Please take me to the volleyball court. 请带我去排球场。(从现在的地方到排球场) 例: Could you take this letter to Jenny, please? 你能把这封信给珍妮吗?(从现在的地方到珍妮那边) 从上边例子你可以发现,take比较强调的是将人或物从现在的位置,带到另外一处。而Bring 则主要是从别处移动到另外一处或是说话者本人身边。 3.Fetch (去)拿来,取回 Fetch 跟Bring 还有Take比较大的不同,是Fetch有一个去拿取的动作,Fetch指的是某人到某处去取得某样东西,然后将东西带回来。 例: Please fetch me my glasses. 请拿回我的眼镜。 例: I have to fetch my mother from the station. 我得去车站接我妈妈。 从上边例子你可以发现,Fetch主要意思是,某样东西或人目前不在自己身边,然后必须去将那样东西或人带回自己身边。 bring, bring 中文, bring 意思, bring 用法, fetch, fetch 中文, fetch 意思, fetch 用法, take, take 中文, take 意思, take 用法, 带 英文, 带来 英文, 带走 英文, 拿 英文, 拿来 英文, 拿取 英文, 拿走 英文

Brother Beyond的《Universal》 歌词

歌曲名:Universal歌手:Brother Beyond专辑:Trust标题:Universal艺术家:AnathemaAbove the cloudsWe flew to heavenThrough the eye of the stormand into to the lightI........., I see youYou"re everywhere I goIt"s In everything I doI dreamed a thousand yearsJust to be here where everything is rightScrape those screamless skiesDefy the limits and flyI see youI..........., I see youYeaAgain enjoyin it( Piano Solo )金属梦:66032164

Status Quo的《Broken Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Broken Man歌手:Status Quo专辑:On The LevelLindsey Haun - BrockenWake up to a Sunny DayNot a cloud up in the skyAnd then it starts to rainMy defenses hit the groundAnd they shatter all aroundSo open and exposedBut I found strenght in the struggleFace to face with my troublesWhen you"re brokenIn a Million little piecesAnd your tryin"But you can"t hold on any moreEvery tear falls down for a reasonDon"t you stop believin" in your selfWhen you"re brokenLittle girl don"t be so blueI know what you"re going throughDon"t let it beat you upHittin" walls ang gettin" scarsOnly makes you who you areOnly makes you who you areNo matter how much your heart is achingThere is beauty in the breakingYeahWhen you"re brokenIn a Million little piecesAnd your tryin"But you can"t hold on any moreEvery tear falls down for a reasonDon"t you stop believin" in your selfWhen you"re brokenBetter days are gonna find you once againEvery piece will find it"s placeWhen you"re brokenWhen you"re brokenWhen you"re brokenIn a Million little piecesAnd your tryin"But you can"t hold on any moreEvery tear falls down for a reasonDon"t you stop believin" in your selfWhen you"re brokenOh When you"re brokenWhen you"re brokenWhen you"re broken

索尼tdg br100什么电视可以用




笔记本索尼(SONY)VPCF219FC/BI 带索尼tdg-br1003D眼镜 可以看那些3D电影


索尼TDG-BR250/B 3D眼镜的索尼TDG-BR250/B 3D眼镜参数

规格表 型号 TDG-BR250/W、TDG-BR250/B 重量 约59g(包括电池) 电池类型 内置锂离子可充电电池 电池使用时间 工作时间:约30小时,充电时间:约30分钟(从电视机的USB端子充电的情况)*快速充电约3分钟的充电可使用约3小时 尺寸(W×H×D) 约174 x 44 x 185 mm 环境温度 约5℃ - 35℃ 相对湿度 约20% - 80% 大气压力 约86 kPa - 106 kPa










规格表 型号 TDG-BR250/W、TDG-BR250/B 重量 约59g(包括电池) 电池类型 内置锂离子可充电电池 电池使用时间 工作时间:约30小时,充电时间:约30分钟(从电视机的USB端子充电的情况)*快速充电约3分钟的充电可使用约3小时 尺寸(W×H×D) 约174 x 44 x 185 mm 环境温度 约5℃ - 35℃ 相对湿度 约20% - 80% 大气压力 约86 kPa - 106 kPa

咨询 索尼TDG-BR250 3D效果


笔记本电脑里突然出现了PBR image和Winretools两个磁盘,是什么东西?


笔记本电脑里突然出现了PBR image和Winretools两个磁盘,是什么东西?

这是电脑系统备份镜像的磁盘分区,是隐藏分区,系统异常,才会显示。主要出现在Windows 8操作系统中,使用一些老的分区软件。不能识别UEFI引导,导致这两个隐藏分区显示出来。把分区隐藏属性重新设置,重启电脑,可以使它们不再显示。延伸:新的Windows系统使用Image技术备份系统,Winretools就是Windows系统的备份打包工具。扩展资料:电脑PBR image和Winretools误删后处理方法:不小心误删后,需要重新给硬分区,之后重做系统。可以用u盘来做。可以参考下面的做法:1、在别的机器上制作一个U盘PE,可以试试U大师,下载一个系统镜像,例如win764位系统,可以去秋叶系统看看。2、U盘插在这台电脑上,开机进入BIOS,设置为U盘启动,进入第二项PE系统。3、备份硬盘上所需要的数据,之后打开分区软件,重新给硬盘分区,再把系统装在C盘。4、重启电脑,拔掉U盘,等待系统安装完成。安装好系统后,马上安装杀毒软件查杀病毒。



lupe fiasco -break the chain的中文歌词意思

我等待着所有的夜晚去游逛 我仍然无法找到一个方法 但如果我的工作是多一天 我可能只是打破连锁 我可能只是打破连锁 我可能只是打破连锁 惨败[诗歌1] 自由,我们可以使用一些特别的东西 当我们从来没有时当我们长大后像一个绿色的拇指 它像一个罪犯 是你唯一可以成为指证的对象看一看 我成了什么 类似的机关 但上升了一些高度 我已经看到了,当我正在寻找这些框架的东西出来 图片我画的墙壁上,我们挂 我们从树挂 奇怪的水果摆在我们如何看男人 如何在地狱你要去告诉我们什么 我们是不是有一个父亲 如何试种起来是一个 见乌姆觉得它在我的骨头 那我坐在宝座上 就像一个老太婆杀手 当我缝另一个挖走 人们对一个家庭点点的光一大堆 [钩] 摇摆[诗歌2] 超级拍,但我的孩子仍然代表 我不是没有纸飞机。我飞 另外,我不写不动了,八九不离十从顶部 我会告诉你剃刀保持锋利 但我知道如何刀片 我付出我的党费,现在我待变 由于流动如此无礼 不用问Lupe 我这么大,你的目标是打破 [钩] Lupe惨败[诗歌3] 链条断裂,你是不是让您的链冒出代表 在我的飞机,哟没有cigarrettes 从比赛的特技虽然火腿骨 它放在我的,需要很长的时间 B - A -巴洛克是如何我livin"在线 在一个像我们的webisode去让"时间知道 那我竖起的画面,我很羚牛“你闪耀 想看到真正的变化?看在你的头脑 你的大脑看起来像你的? brotha 长满,过载,断区 黑家伙们玩游戏,他们在引擎盖你卡住了后续 普拉亚思维目标“,它的酷是一个皮条客仍 我们坤"设置它像一个无鱼? 就拿这个家,重新安排它,改变它 危险,挥洒- ZER,Lupe激光。 POW! [钩]

serebro-mi mi mi 这首歌的中文歌词

 Mi - Serebro咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  Mimimi只有咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  Mimimi性感mi  Mimimimimimimi  Mimimi只有咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  Mimimi性感mi  Mimimimimimimi  嘘现在!我可以,motherocker给你完整的幸福!  我收到了你“哇喔!”  看我的屁股,给它一个吻…  我超级pupper drupper,  我前面的女孩在圆!  我很酷我的方式与粉红色的嘴唇上  叠加的钱卷下来…  所有的男孩说:“哇喔!”  女孩在后面一样:“哇喔!”  入党,  叫我花花公子c

请问a dirty old brown shirt这句话的形容词为什么dirty排放第一个,old

在英语中,当名词有多个形容词修饰时,就有它们的先后顺序。下面的口诀可帮你记住这一先后顺序,也是解题的关键。 限定描绘大长高, 形状年龄和新老; 颜色国籍跟材料, 作用类别往后靠; 其中,“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位限定词有all、half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:both my hands、all half his income等。“描绘”性形容词如:beautiful、bad、cold、great等。“大长高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词。表示“形状”的词如:round square等。“国籍”指一个国家或地区的词。“材料”的词如:wooden, woolen, stone,silk等。“作用类别”的词如:medical, college,writing desk,police car等。我的老师就是这么教我的,希望你能学到。(如果您对我的答案满意,请给好评,谢谢~~)


BREAK DOWN Super Junior-M 【Henry】这不像是我 完全冷静不来路人都看穿 对你我有种特别期待【东海】失控了 怎么办 快要离不开【银赫】Yeah 话题都十分普通 为何心跳 异常汹涌一举一动 在你面前 全被轻松看透【圭贤】因为我 迷失在 你眼神的海【全】武装的心脏为你 Break Down 剩下赤裸的告白 没防备的爱【周觅】奋不顾身要勇敢 挡开流言的子弹【全】So Baby Let"s Go Go 冷酷的面具为你 Break Down 所有表情都透露 对你的崇拜【始源】伤了也不后悔感概【全】只渴望你的依赖So Baby Let"s Go Go Go Go Go Go 【厉旭】沿路上卸下盔甲 拼命跑得更快跟上你保护着你 不被伤害就算会伤痕累累 我也都不管 为你 Oh Yeah 【晟敏】你也许觉得太疯狂 (【Henry】Yeah You Can Call Me Crazy) 【晟敏】其实我也这样想 (【银赫】但无法停止爱你) 【东海】爱像一段会中毒旋律【全】武装的心脏为你 Break Down 剩下赤裸的告白 没防备的爱【圭贤】奋不顾身要勇敢 挡开流言的子弹【全】So Baby Let"s Go Go 冷酷的面具为你 Break Down 所有表情都透露 对你的崇拜【始源】伤了也不后悔感概【全】只渴望你的依赖So Baby Let"s Go Go Go Go Go Go 【厉旭】像快要 找回自己 却又失败你又 Breakin Me Down Breakin Me Down 【周觅】多少次 已经走远 又再回来爱总 Breakin Me Down Breakin Me Down 【圭贤】武装的心脏为你 Break Down 剩下赤裸的告白 没防备的爱【Henry】奋不顾身要勇敢 挡开流言的子弹【全】So Baby Let"s Go Go 冷酷的面具为你 Break Down 所有表情都透露 对你的崇拜【始源】伤了也不后悔感概【全】只渴望你的依赖So Baby Let"s Go Go Go Go Go Go 退路已经全部的 Break Down 化成废墟一般的 Break Down 爱你让我彻底的 Break Down





iron maiden乐队的brave new world 歌词中文大意。

这还用中文?位置-乐手(乐队)应该很清楚啊Numbers from the Beast: An All-Star Tribute to Iron Maiden.Release Date: 2005.10.11Tracklist:01. Run To The HillsVocals - Robin Mcauley (Msg)Guitar - Michael Schenker (Msg)Bass - Tony Franklin (The Firm, Blue Murder)Rhythm Guitar - Pete Fletcher (Pygmy Love Circus)Drums - Brian Tichy (Billy Idol, Ozzy Osbourne)02. Wasted YearsVocals - Dee Snider (Twisted Sister)Guitar - George Lynch (Dokken, Lynch Mob)Rhythm G - Bob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf)Bass - Jeff Pilson (Dokken, Dio)Drums - Jason Bonham (Ufo, Bonham)03. WrathchildVocals - Paul Di"anno (Ex-Iron Maiden)Lead Guitar - Alex Skolnick (Testament)Guitar - Chris Traynor (Helmet, Bush)Bass - Frank Bello (Helmet, Anthrax)Drums - John Tempesta (Helmet, Rob Zombie, Testament)04. Flight Of IcarusVocals – Tim "Ripper" Owens (Judas Priest, Iced Earth)Guitar - Doug Aldrich (Whitesnake, Dio)Bass - Jimmy Bain (Dio, Rainbow)Drums - Simon Wright (Dio, Ac/Dc)05. Fear Of The DarkVocals - Chuck Billy (Testament)Guitar - Craig Goldy (Dio)Bass - Rickie Phillips (Styx)Drums - Mikkey Dee (Motorhead)06. The TrooperVocals - Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead)Bass - Chuck Wright (Alice Cooper, Quiet Riot)Guitar - Phil Campbell (Motorhead)Guitar - Rocky George (Fishbone, Suicidal Tendencies)Drums - Chris Slade (Ac/Dc)07. Aces HighVocals - Jeff Scott Soto (Yngwie Malmsteen, Talisman)Guitar - Nuno Bettencourt (Extreme)Bass - Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big, David Lee Roth)Drums - Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Dio)08. 2 Minutes To MidnightVocals - Joe Lynn Turner (Deep Purple, Rainbow)Guitar - Richie Kotzen (Mr. Big, Poison)Guitar - Bob KulickBass - Tony Franklin (The Firm, Blue Murder)Drums - Chris Slade (Ac/Dc, The Firm)09. Can I Play With MadnessVocals - Mark Slaughter (Slaughter, Vinnie Vincent Invasion)Guitar - Bruce Kulick (Kiss, Grand Funk Railroad)Bass - Marco Mendoza(Whitesnake, Thin Lizzy, Ted Nugent)Drums - Aynsley Dunbar (David Bowie, Whitesnake)10. The Evil That Men DoVocals - Chris Jericho (Wwe Wrestler, Fozzy)Guitar - Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big, Racer X)Rhythm G - Bob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf)Bass - Mike Inez (Alice In Chains, Ozzy Osbourne)Drums - Brent Fitz (Vince Neil, Union)11. The WickermanVocals - John Bush (Anthrax, Armored Saint)Back Vocals – Jason Miller (Godhead)Guitar - Scott Ian (Anthrax)Bass - Blasko (Rob Zombie)Lead Guitar - Jeff Duncan (Armored Saint)Drums - Ben Graves (Murderdolls)Maiden HeavenRelease Date: 2008.7.16Tracklist:01.Black Tide - Prowler02.Metallica - Remember Tomorrow03.Avenged Sevenfold - Flash Of The Blade04.Glamour Of The Kill - 2 Minutes To Midnight05.Coheed

a brief biography中文翻译

By words , i . e . a brief biography and photo captions 一是用文字我们替每位红星写一个小传。 Please provide a brief biography when registering 接受个人报名,报名时请附个人小传及作品参展。 A brief biography of professor luo zhiping 罗致平先生生平 A brief biography of mr . dao jing hu 胡道静先生传略 A brief biography of min yide 金盖山人闵一得传略 A brief biography of mr . ma qixi 马启西先生传略 A brief biography of kang deshi 亢得时生平考略 A brief biography of gu qiyuan 作者顾起元传略 A brief biography of su xuepng 蘇雪林传略 A pubpshed notice of a death , sometimes with a brief biography of the deceased 讣闻死亡后发表的通告,有时附有死者简要传记 Provide clubs with a pst of scholars studying in the district that includes a brief biography of each student 提供扶轮社一份正在地区内进行研究的奖学金学生名单及每一位奖学金学生的简介。

英国预科学校选择(商科) 杜伦 exeter bristol lancaster

个人觉得杜伦很好,有学姐杜伦会计专业毕业,在英国就业非常轻松。 但是读预科你其实还可以选择国内的留学预科,你上他们大学的预科但是预科结束后未必就能进入大学。条件是很多的,而且国外预科淘汰率也高。你还是三思,毕竟很多费用还要一年的时间,

[A] take[B] keep[C] bring[D] give



iRobot 在中国发布全新 Braava jet m6 擦地机器人。这款擦地机器人传承了 Roomba i7+ 扫地机器人的智能科技,也可以学习和记忆家居格局,自主优化每个房间以及全屋的清扫路径。全新 ImprintTM 互联技术, iRobot Roomba i 系列及 9 系列扫地机器人和 Braava jet m6 擦地机器人可以相互通讯,仿照人工先扫、后擦的顺序自动进行协同清洁。Braava jet m6 擦地机器人传承了 Roomba i7+ 扫地机器人的划时代智能科技,同样具备搭载了 vSLAM 的 iAdapt 3.0 智能导航技术,以及 ImprintTM 智能规划技术,因此可以学习、绘制和自动适应家居环境,智能优化每个房间以及全屋的清洁工作。Braava jet m6 擦地机器人同样适合多房间和大户型的清洁,当机器人在清洁过程中发现电量不足时,会自动返回充电座进行充电,并在充电完成后回到先前停止工作的地方继续清洁,直到完成所有的清洁任务。Braava jet m6 擦地机器人方形小巧的设计,让它可以轻松深入边角、家具下方等难以触及的区域进行清洁。不同于 Roomba 扫地机器人通过独特的边刷设计进行边角清洁,Braava jet m6 擦地机器人则是通过便于紧贴边缘的方形设计,深入家中的边角进行擦拭,不留死角。Braava jet m6 擦地机器人配有一次性湿擦清洁垫与可水洗的干擦和湿擦清洁垫。若使用一次性清洁垫,用户则完全不需触碰任何脏污。Braava jet m6 完成清洁工作后,用户仅需将擦地机器人拎至垃圾桶的上方,按下清洁垫弹出按钮,清洁垫便会落入垃圾桶中。Braava jet m6 擦地机器人将从 2019 年 10 月 15 日起,陆续在天猫、京东及线下门店预定及发售,官方建议零售价为人民币 3999 元。用户还可以额外购买一次性清洁垫或可水洗清洁垫。每盒一次性清洁垫包含 8 片清洁垫(4 片干擦清洁垫和 4 片湿擦清洁垫),售价为人民币 80 元。可水洗清洁垫有两种选择:一包含两片湿擦清洁垫,或一包含一片湿擦清洁垫加一片干擦清洁垫,售价均为人民币 99 元。

polypropylene fibre是什么面料


hiding neath my umbrella 英文歌词和翻译

太有深意了……这首歌Hiding neath my umbrella --- God Help the GirlHiding neath my umbrella来让我呵护你吧Agreeable kind of fella让我疼爱的小伙子And take the safest route我们一点一点慢慢的Through all kinds of weather在走过我们之间的旅程Dont commit to love不能只依赖爱And dont commit a crime也不能去犯下罪行Worthless passion in your mind你心中的激情是无价的The thrills that you"re imagining 你的恐慌都是自己的幻想Are a waste of your time别再浪费时间去害怕You sad individual看着你一个人悲伤I"m not the one for you多可惜我不是你的心上人You"ll never do你也不会爱上我Time takes a mouthful of memory那段时间留在记忆里Two spoonfuls你轻易地You forget everything就忘记了那一切Life could be musical comedy生活就像一场音乐剧Prop-like street lighting华灯亮起Awaiting your swing我们就各自登场独自起舞,上演各自的戏份Place your bets做出你的决定吧I"ll place mine now想在我就决定I will bet on your heart to win我要一心一意的为你I"ve got a feeling the weather is changing我感觉到有些氛围在慢慢变化And my luck is in我的幸运即将到来了So what about the conversation即使畅谈之后会怎样呢Heartfelt revelation真心流露后But then you realise你会发现么We are the diplomats 我们是如此可爱Courts are breaking down可是情况似乎没那么好Love is leaving town 冷落的心里,爱也似乎渐渐冷却Talk yourself into a corner在角落喃喃自语Skip the rope and go abroad, dear 亲爱的,快些振作起来吧What"s the attraction?(不懂了)直译:什么在吸引着你呢?Follow the action就这么做吧But you"re getting old你都快要老去了I can see the lines form on your face你的脸上纹路已经清晰可见了Place your bets 快做决定吧Ill place mine now我现在就下定决心了I"ve got a feeling the weather is changing soPlace your betsI"ll place mine nowI"ve got a feeling the weather is changing soPlace your bets I"ll place mine nowI will bet on your heart to winI will bet on your heart to win(重复)I"ve got a feeling the weather is changing我感觉到有些东西已经变了And my luck is in我的幸运到来了My luck is in 我的幸运到来了

tony gogo是gogo brother的爸爸吗

是的,Gogobrothers是tonygogo的儿子。1973年,当时最有影响力的locker们聚集在一起,成立了闻名世界的locking团体The lockers。而在这之中,就有一位名叫Tony gogo。后来,Tony gogo去了日本,在福冈办了一个locking学校,将locking引入日本。又生下了两个美日混血儿,就是现在的gogo brothers,REI和YUU。上世纪70时代,Don Cambpell发明晰一种共同的即兴舞步,最开端的时分,这种舞没有姓名。到后来,由于舞者在舞蹈进程中会呈现俄然的中止,好像动作被“锁住”相同,所以咱们便给它取名为locking。自Cambpell发明locking以来,很多的locker参与到locking的咱们庭中,逐步完善和开展了这一舞种。到了1973年,榜首代locker,也即是在其时最有影响力的一群locker聚在一起,成立了The Lockers这一闻名的Locking团体。这其间就有一个名叫Tony Gogo的舞者。在参与The Lockers之前,Tony Gogo和自个的表兄Buddy Gogo还成立了一个双人locking组合,取名为GoGo Brothers,这即是榜首代GoGo Brothers。





您好,我想问一下,罗格斯大学New Brunswick校区在美国哪个位置,治安如何









is后面不能跟动词。to have是动词不定式,用来做表语。

have a bright future是什么意思

非常感谢您的提问,让我丰富了英语知识对于你的提问 我的解答是:have a bright future有一个光明的未来双语对照词典结果:have a bright future前途光明;前程似锦;鹏程万里; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He is a political insider who should have a bright future ahead of him in russia"s booming economy. 在经济蓬勃发展的俄罗斯,作为政治圈内人士的他应该有一个光明的前途。祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!

Cambridge TKT的Module1,2,3级的证书有什么具体的作用吗


Openvidu Server 的WebRTC通讯实现 IV

a. 在openvidu中,一个激活的会议由kurentoSession实例表示。当创参会者加入会议时,openvidu会创建一个kurentoSession实例。 b. 在kurento服务器上,一个会议由一个pipeLine 和N N个mediaEndpoint表示。N表是参会方数量,每一个参会方会创建一个发布媒体用的MediaElement和(n-1)个订阅其它媒体流用的MediaElement,它们被编排入一个PepleLine中, 形成N N的连接。 所以,当第一个用户加入会议室时,系统会在Openvidu上创建一个KurentoSession实例,同时在Kurento上创建一个pipleLine, KurentoSession 实例引用了这个pipepline. N个用户会有N个kurentoSession, 但只有一个pipleline。PipleLine的描述是在Kurento Client包里。 管理器中另外一个重要的是sessionManager,session代表的是会议,所以sessionMananger 实际就是所有具体会议的管理. 在io.openvidu.server.core包下的SessionManager只是一个虚类,它声明了一些会议的操作方法: 这些方法都和会议有关, 可以发现,上面的功能通常对应我们音视频软件进入会议室的功能。 开openvidu中,它的具体的实现是KurentoSessionManager,它会在server启动的时候初始化。 在III中说了,sessionid 代表的会议号,创建会议的时候会创建一个sessionNotActive(Session类)对象,代表的是还未正式使用的会议,当第一个用户首次加入的时候,才会正式使用这个会议,KurentoSessionManager的joinRoom方法描述了相关的逻辑。 与sessionNotActive不同,一个开始使用的会议用KurentoSession来表示(继承自Session),首次加入会议, 需要创建这个Ksession, 它会指定一个具体的Kurrento Server,ksession的创建需要指定具体kms,用来表示在具体哪个KMS创建会议。社区版实际上只有一个KMS,但在实现上如下图, 已经默认使用获取最小负载的方式获得kms。 sessionManager对外提供会议操作功能的统一入口,每个会议对应的kurentoSession负责实际与kurento server的通信,来完具体的会议操作。所以在kurentoSession中我们可以看到相类似的会议功能定义: 上图是一个包含有浏览器、application 、 openvidu server, 、kurento server 等在内的一个逻辑通讯图。 浏览器端加载会议应用程序,通过http协议与application server通信,完成业务请求和获取用于会议的token和sessionID. applicaiton server只负责业务请求,它通过与openvidu server通信来生成浏览器客户端加入会议需要的token和sessionID信息。 浏览器获取token和sessionid后,与openvidu建立websocket连接,它将openvidu作为webrtc中的singal server,与openvidu通信,完成建立webrtc所需要的singal通信。 与webrtc中描述的P2P通讯不同,kurento server 充当代理,与每一个参与方建立p2p连接,通过创建pipleline和编排media endpoint完成多方的通讯。 但是Kurento Server与任意参与方建立的通讯仍旧是P2P通讯。所以,浏览器会与kurento server建立webrtc连接。 他们的通讯默认是RTP over UPD, 也可以是RTP over TCP。 openvidu与kurento也是通过websocket连接进行通讯的,与kurento的通信包含两个方面: a. 作为控制方,创建pipleline,根据加入的用户创建media endpoint, 并编排他们。 b。 作为信号服务器, 与Kurento进行webrtc连接时需要的信号通讯:例如发送sdp, icecandidate,sdp响应等,由于kurento并不是浏览器端,Sdp answser的创建,也是由openvidu完成的。 Openvidu与Kurento之间的通讯编码使用json RPC方式。 kurento 提供了client 包,方便opnvidu 实现rpc调用。 4.1 PipleLine org.kurento.client包里包含一个pipleLIne类,它代表kurento server上的media pipleLine元素; 前面已经提到,一个会议对应一个kurencto pipleLine。而在openvidu中kurentoSession代表一个会议,它包含有一个pipleliene属性: private MediaPipeline pipeline; 在首个用户加入会议的时候,会创建PipleLine实例: 查看createPipeline方法可以看到,pipleLine使用kurentoclient来创建的。 kms.getKurentoClient().createMediaPipeline(...) PipleLine创建好一个,将作为会议的具体Rpc对象负责其它对象的创建和方法调用。 4.2 MediaEndpoint,publisherEndpoint、SubscriberEndpoint openvidu里定义了一个个类:MediaEndpoint。 它对应的是kurento server上MediaElement的抽象,下图是Kurento上的元素概念: 在MediaEndpoint类中,定义了三个endpoint属性,代表三种连接类型: ··· ··· WebRtcEndpoint 、RtpEndpoint 、PlayerEndpoint 这三个类来自kurent client包,代表JSonrpc的客户端类,在上图的kurento元素中能够找到对应的元素。 MediaEndpoint对三个类做了风中,使用endpointType来表示当前是那种类型(也就是哪个引用有值)。它有两个子类publisherEndpoint和SubscriberEndpoint,分别表示一个用于publish的mediaElement 和用于subscribe的mediaElement 。 在前文提到, openvidu的会议在kurento server上表示N*N 模型的media element关系, Server会为每一个参会者创建一个用于音视频发布的mediaElement 和(n-1)个用于订阅其它用户发布的音视频的media element,publisherEndpoint和SubscriberEndpoint对应的就是这个概念。 无论publisherEndpoint和SubscriberEndpoint是WebRtcEndpoint 、 RtpEndpoint,PlayerEndpoint中的哪个类型,它们封装的rpc对象都由 pipeline创建。 4.3 KurentoParticipant openvidu中的KurentoParticipant类代表的是参会方(不同于我们平时理解的用户),每个用户加入会议后才会创建KurentoParticipant,在 "3.Openvidu Server与WebRTC的通信" 的示例图中表征的是一个浏览器与Kurento server的连接。一个用户可以打开多个浏览器页面,每个加入会议的页面实际上都代表一个KurentoParticipant。 KurentoParticipant没有具体的JsonPRC对象,相反它拥有一个PublisherEndpoint和 一组subscribers,它们在kurento server刚好表示一个会议参与方: 由于KurentoParticipant代表的是会议的参会方,这个类中定义了几乎所有与publisher和subscribers 有关的操作: 4.4 KurentoSession KurentoSession 代表的是一个会议,在kurento上对应的是pipeline mediaElement,但它不属于JsonRPC对象,它对pipeline mediaElement的操作是由PipleLine Jsonrpc对象来完成的,所以它包含由pipeline属性: 这个类中定义了很多会议操作的方法: 浏览器客户端在创建连接获取token和session时,并不会直接创建KurentoSession,默认的只会创建一个session对象,并把它放在sessionNotActive组里。当用户Join会议的时候(调用 KurentoSessionManager.joinRoom(Participant participant, String sessionId, Integer transactionId) ),才会创建KurentoSession 实例。

求一篇英语作文:英语是通向世界的桥梁(English——the bridge to the world)

English——the bridge to the world Everybody knows that English is the bridge to the world. English is widely used in the world. First of all, English is the working language of most of the org...

请问在英语中过桥时用walk through the bridge还是用 walk across the bridge ?

across through over 都可以其中across只有从桥面穿过的意思,through 和over 有从桥面穿过 也有从桥下穿过的意思

请问有谁知道"平井坚"的Missin You It Will Brea 的歌词啊

gaining through losing歌手:平井坚 专辑:2001坚持[全新精选辑 gaining through losingめぐりくる季节(きせつ)ことにこの手(て)からこぼれ落(お)ちるもの立(た)ち止(と)まりふり返(かえ)れば寂(さび)しげに仆(ぼく)を见(み)てるいつもいつでも夸(ほこ)れるもるをひとつ信(しん)じてきた日々(ひび)出(で)会(あ)いと别(わか)れを缲(く)り返(かえ)し歩(ある)いてきた道(みち)をかけがえのないものと思(おも)う今(いま)の自分(じぶん)ならばかむしゃらな情热(じょうねつ)さえ懐(なつ)かしく思(おも)う日(ひ)が来(き)ても静(しず)かなる强(つよ)さ秘(ひ)めたともしびを?(かが)げていよう自由(じゆう)爱情(あいじょう)手放(てばな)したとき初(はじ)めてその意味(いみ)を知(し)る痛(いた)みとよろこび分(わ)かち合(あ)い??(きつがつか)めた人(ひと)のかさることない言叶(ことば)の?(つむ)今(いま)も胸(むね)に抱(だ)いて雨云(あめくも)切(き)れて光(ヒカル)が射(さ)す大地(だいち)が歌(うた)いはじめるwe"ve been gaining one good thing through losing anotheri"m so proud to be with you my lovenow you know the meaning of sunshine after rainlet me tell you life is good my friendwe"ve been gaining one good thing through losing anotheri"m so proud to be with you my lovenow you know the meaning of sunshine after rainlet me tell you life is good my friendwe"ve been gaining one good thing through losing anotheri"m so proud to be with you my lovenow you know the meaning of sunshine after rainlet me tell you life is good my friendwe"ve been gaining one good thing through losing anotheri"m so proud to be with you my lovenow you know the meaning of sunshine after rainlet me tell you life is good my friendwe"ve been gaining one good thing through losing anotheri"m so proud to be with you my lovenow you know the meaning of sunshine after rainlet me tell you life is good my friend

请问谁有brain mcknight《ten》 歌词

你.......你全要?到这里给你贴前五首的,剩下的自己看,百度字数限制Brian Mcknight LyricsUsed To Be My Girl LyricsYea, I feel sexy right thereYea, feel it all this wayB. McKnight, we"re Tim & BobThis is not another love song[V1]See, I know what you"re thinkin"You"re feelin" like a lucky guyI was the same way"cause she was hard to come byI was on her so hardThat I almost lost my hustleSo go "head, playboy, do your thingDon"t be mad if she calls my name[Chorus]Walkin" around, supportin" her, holdin" her handDoin" it big like you"re the manBut she was my girlShe used to be my girlI must admit that she"s a 10Bet she didn"t tell you about way back whenWhen she was my girlShe used to be my girl[V2]See, I know how you"re feelin"I used to be in your shoesSo calm down with the attitudeYou"re just a next somebody newYou never know how much she"s feelin" youSo be happy that you got herDon"t know much about you, dudeSorry, I gotta break the news[Hook]She"s still thinkin" "bout meAnd I"ll tell you whyShe couldn"t even hold her head up when you walked byWell, don"t go hatin" on meIt"s just a gameYou want her, you got herTake her, you got herTo me it"s all the same[Chorus]Walkin" around, supportin" her, holdin" her handDoin" it big like you"re the manBut she was my girlShe used to be my girlI must admit that she"s a 10Bet she didn"t tell you about way back whenWhen she was my girlShe used to be my girlWalkin" around, supportin" her, holdin" her handDoin" it big like you"re the manBut she was my girlShe used to be my girlI must admit that she"s a 10Bet she didn"t tell you about way back whenWhen she was my girlShe used to be my girl[Bridge]Erotic, exotic,You must admit she"s got itShe used to be my girlSexy with talentBuilt like a stallionShe used to be my girlYou got her so flaunt herKnow everybody wants herShe used to be my girl"cause you might not be the onlySo never leave her lonely[Hook]She"s still thinkin" "bout me (she"s still thinking "bout me, and looking here)And I"ll tell you whyShe couldn"t even hold her head up when you walked by (hey, yea)Don"t go hatin" on meIt"s just a gameYou want her, you got herTake her, you got herTo me it"s all the same[Chorus]Walkin" around, supportin" her, holdin" her handDoin" it big like you"re the manBut she was my girlShe used to be my girlI must admit that she"s a 10 (she used to be down with me)Bet she didn"t tell you about way back when (she used to be a freak for me)When she was my girl (we used to hold hands, she used to understand)She used to be my girl (she used to be down with me)Walkin" around, supportin" her, holdin" her hand (she used to take trips with me)Doin" it big like you"re the man (she used to wiggle her hips for me)But she was my girl (she used to lick her lips for me)She used to be my girl (she used to, she used to)I must admit that she"s a 10 (she used to, she used to)Bet she didn"t tell you about way back when (she used to be my girl)When she was my girl (she used to be my girl)She used to be my girl (she used to be my girl)Yea, yea, yea, yeaa, used to be my girl [x3]Walkin" around, supportin" her, holdin" her handDoin" it big like you"re the manBut she was my girlShe used to be my girlI must admit that she"s a 10Bet she didn"t tell you about way back whenWhen she was my girlShe used to be my girl--------------------------------------------------------Brian Mcknight LyricsComfortable LyricsI"ve been knowin" you for a minute babyEverything you want girl I done did it babyDidn"t put on the pressure to get it baby"Cause you be too smart for thatI been thinkin"bout your lips latelyI been thinkin" bout them hips babyThe one thousand ways that"ll drive me crazyWhat you got girl I want itOoh so seriousEverytime you"re around I feel the rushI have to cool for a minute now I"m curiousLet"s get comfortableNo baby don"t teaseGirl it"s gettin" hot just let it breatheI ain"t come to beg but I"m here to pleaseLet"s get comfortableBefore I take you to the crib baby"Before I show you how I live ladyTakin" my time sexin" your mindThen I give it to your bodyTell me what you know about thatI can do it how you like it girlLights on is cool I can see it girlLights off is cool I can fee y"girlAnd I won"t stop "til you get enough[Chorus:]You know what I came to doI know that you want me toRelax let me set the moodBreak it downGir I can"t wait much longerI feel it comin" on strongerI just can"t take it no moreI want you, I want you[Chorus]---------------------------------------------------------Find Myself In You LyricsI was so lonely though there was so many symbols waitingI"m so glad that this ain"t thatYou"re the only reason I can make it through the long long day, and that"s a factBaby, I can"t wait to get next to you, oh I can"t wait to wrap my arms around your bodyBaby I can"t help but tell the truthOh it"s so hard to wait till no one else is aroundGonna try to keep myself togetherGonna find myself in youBaby no noBefore they take you back to heavenGonna find myself in you, no noI hate to keep waitingBut there are some things that need my attention before I can get back to youAnticipating my hands all over you baby, you knowI know just work to doAnd baby I can"t wait to get next to you, oh I can"t wait to wrap my arms around your bodyBaby I can"t help but tell the truthOh it"s so hard to wait till no one else is aroundGonna try to keep myself togetherGonna find myself in youBaby no noBefore they take you back to heavenGonna find myself in you, no no, no no babyThe only place I want to be is right here with youLoving you down and youYou can take what you want from meNo else"ll let meHave you aroundI"m gonna try to keep myself togetherTill I find myself in youBabyBefore they take you back to heavenGonna find myself in you, oh babyI"m gonna try to keep myself togetherTill I find myself in youOh, baby, babyBefore they take you back to heavenGonna find myself in youListen, listen-------------------------------------------------Brian Mcknight LyricsUnhappy Without You Lyrics[Verse 1:]Girl we"ve really need to drop it outSomethings I know I need to say out loudAnd we talk about itThere are matters what you need to knowAnd how you act determines where we goSo here we go[Chorus:]I don"t wanna be all by my selfBut I can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without you, out youI don"t want nobody elseBut I can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without you, out youI can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without youWithout you, out you[Verse 2:]I hate it when you turn it off and onWhen the mornin" love is right then you turned of and the day is goneIt"s like a cycle through what"s going onIt almost like we don"t want itI"m losing you and I don"t know why[Bridge:]Used to feel so good andUsed to be so right andUsed to make love to me every single nightGirl, how can we get back toThat blessful energyYou gotta give me everythingIf you wanna be with me[Chorus:]I don"t wanna be all by my selfBut I can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without you, out youI don"t want nobody elseBut I can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without you, out you[Sing]I can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without youWithout you, out youI can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without youWithout you, out you[Bridge:]Used to feel so good andUsed to be so right andUsed to make love to me every single nightGirl, how can we get back toThat blessful energyYou gotta give me everythingIf you wanna stay with me[Chorus]I don"t wanna be all by my selfBut I can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without you, out youI don"t want nobody elseBut I can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without you, out youI don"t wanna be all by my selfBut I can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without you, out youI don"t want nobody elseBut I can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without you, out youI can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without youWithout you, out youI can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without youI can be unhappy without youWithout you, out you-----------------------------------------------Brian Mcknight LyricsHoldin" On (Missin" U) LyricsI be missin?you, missin?you, missin?youI be missin?you, missin?you, missin?youI be missin?you, missin?you, missin?youI be missin?you, missin?you, missin?youMissin?you[Verse 1:]Mmm thinking back from yesterdayAll the things I coulde said, but didn say to youShoulde begged you to stayHeard that youe moved onHeard youe been doing okayBeen thinking about you all the timeDo you ever reminisceDo I be crossing your mindAll the tears and wasted timeNothings been the same since you went away[Hook:]Girl I know that I used to be your manUsed to have you here in the palm of my handI let you slip awayJust like grains of sand[Chorus:]When I lying in my bed at nightWish I was holdin?you, wish I was touchin?you (Baby)I cry myself to sleep at nightWish I was kissin?you instead of just missin?youGirl I keep holdin?on (I keep holdin?on)Girl I keep holdin?onGirl I keep holdin?on (I keep holdin?on)Girl I keep holdin?on[Verse 2:]Wish I could turn back the hands of timeInside me there so many questions why?? Is to live a lieBut in my heart now it just too lateIt just like staring up in the pouring rainI refuse to believe that Il never see you againAll that going on inside my brainThat I can seem to get it straight"Cos[Hook:]Girl I know that I used to be your manUsed to have you here in the palm of my handI let you slip awayJust like grains of sand[Chorus:]When I lying in my bed at nightWish I was holdin?you, wish I was touchin?you (Baby)I cry myself to sleep at nightWish I was kissin?you instead of just missin?youGirl I keep holdin?on (I keep holdin?on)Girl I keep holdin?onGirl I keep holdin?on (I keep holdin?on)Girl I keep holdin?onAnd If I ever hurt youI didn mean to treat you badI think about the good times that we hadAnd there no way they can be goneI be missin?you, missin?you, missin?youI be missin?you, missin?you, missin?youI be missin?you, missin?you, missin?youI be missin?you, missin?you, missin?youMissin?you[Chorus:]When I lying in my bed at nightWish I was holdin?you, wish I was touchin?you (Baby)I cry myself to sleep at nightWish I was kissin?you instead of just missin?youGirl I keep holdin?on (I keep holdin?on)Girl I keep holdin?onGirl I keep holdin?on (I keep holdin?on)Girl I keep holdin?onWhen I lying in my bed at nightWish I was holdin?you, wish I was touchin?you (Baby)I cry myself to sleep at nightWish I was kissin?you instead of just missin?youGirl I keep holdin?on (I keep holdin?on)Girl I keep holdin?onGirl I keep holdin?on (I keep holdin?on)Girl I keep holdin?on------------------------------------------------------




a branch; a branch company

Alter Bridge的《Isolation》 歌词

歌曲名:Isolation歌手:Alter Bridge专辑:AB IIIAlter Bridge -- IsolationAlbum: AB IIIWhen all is lost to you insideWhen all the darkness takes the lightThe ritual warning has begunAnd now you tear away from everyoneDisconnected so alone yeahSevered ties from all you knowIsolationIt brings you to the endUntil you love againIsolationIf you could only seeWhat will come to be?Yeah!Justify you waste awayYou dare to dream but still you"re too afraidAnd now you"re broken and deceivedLost to live this cruel realityYou"re disconnected so aloneSevered ties from all you knowIsolationIt brings you to the endUntil you love againIsolationIf you could only seeWhat will come to be?Yeah!-solo-Maybe you"ll standMaybe you"ll give and break to find another wayAnd makes things betterMaybe you"ll findThat you can live and learn to love along the wayAnd make things betterAnd make things betterIsolationIt brings you to the endUntil you love againIsolationIf you could only seeWhat will come to be?Yeah!IsolationIt brings you to the endUntil you love againIsolationIf you could only seeWhat will come to be?You"re disconnected so aloneWhat will come to be?You"re disconnected so alone

my brother had his bike stealing last night.单句改错

my brother had his bike stolen last night.

音标[du025bku02c8stu025bru026ati]中的 u025b 怎么读


出生地年月日怎么用英文写出来,如was bron是用in还是用on

出生地年月日怎么用英文写出来,如was bron是用in还是用onwas born in+地点+on+日期



英语作文《encouragement brings me power》


Britney Spears(布兰妮·斯皮尔斯)Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿·拉维尼)Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特)谁更

BS在美国一直很红 AL在亚洲很红 TS现在很红



Shooting the breeze是什么意思

词典结果:Shooting the breezeTo engage in idle conversation.; Shoot 就是开枪的意思。Shooting the breeze 就是在很轻松、很愉快的气氛下和朋友聊天。; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I am painting a scenario where while shooting the breeze with old friends andacquaintances, you can mention what you are trying to do. 当和老朋友或熟人闲聊时,我会向他们描述一个计划;你可以提及你正在努力做的事情。

shooting brake是什么车

shooting brake是猎装车,猎装车其实是欧洲人对三门旅行车的称呼,不过后来也有一些车企推出了四门猎装车,例如奔驰cls猎装版。猎装车并不是旅行车,大家不要将这两种汽车混为一谈。 大部分猎装车都是基于高性能跑车打造的,猎装车大部分也都是双门的。 旅行车就是基于普通的三厢轿车打造的,并且大部分旅行车都是四门的。 猎装车的车内空间要比旅行车小,后备箱空间也要比旅行车小。 我们能在市面上见到的猎装车有cls猎装版,cla猎装版,法拉利ff,法拉利gtc4等。 由于猎装车的价格昂贵,销量不高,所以很少有车企会推出猎装车。 比较出名的高性能猎装车是法拉利旗下的ff和gtc4。 ff已经停产了,gtc4是ff的继任车型。 gtc4一共使用了两款发动机,一款是3.9升双涡轮增压v8发动机,另一款是6.3升v12自然吸气发动机。 gtc4的3.9升双涡轮增压v8发动机拥有609马力和760牛米的最大扭矩。 6.3升v12自然吸气发动机拥有690马力和697牛米的最大扭矩。 3.9t车型是后轮驱动的,6.3l车型搭载了适时四驱系统,在条件允许的情况下,6.3l的gtc4可以切换为后驱。



Shooting the breeze是什么意思

Shooting the breezeTo engage in idle conversation.; Shoot 就是开枪的意思。Shooting the breeze 就是在很轻松、很愉快的气氛下和朋友聊天。; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I am painting a scenario where while shooting the breeze with old friends andacquaintances, you can mention what you are trying to do. 当和老朋友或熟人闲聊时,我会向他们描述一个计划;你可以提及你正在努力做的事情

thank you broke my heart,好像有一句的中文歌词是“谢谢你曾打破过我的心”是

JustinBieber 的 baby 吧 My first love broke my heart for the first time

You Broke My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:You Broke My Heart歌手:Alexandra Burke专辑:OvercomeAlexandra Burke - You Broke My HeartOooohhhYou know that I would follow youTo the end of the EarthAnd maybe I was kinda boldYou shouldn"t know my wordsI was waiting for the time to remind youYou were in loveWhat I gave was so incredibleBut it was never enoughYou took my loveAnd broke my heartYou took my smileAnd tore it apartYou left me cryingDown on the floorThe funny thing isI still want moreIf only you love me like I wanted you toBut you trick me into loving youYou tore me apartYou broke my heartYou charm me with your little waysYou knew the buttons of praiseAnd you said I was your everythingBut boy you couldn"t care lessAnd you said we"d be together foreverNow look what you"ve doneWhat I gave was so incredibleBut it was never enoughYou took my loveAnd broke my heartYou took my smileAnd tore it apartYou left me cryingDown on the floorThe funny thing isI still want moreIf only you love me like I wanted you toBut you trick me into loving youYou tore me apartYou broke my heartAll that I neededwas someone to hold meAnd all that I wantedwas someone to show mejust what it is to be lovedAnd I hoped that someone was youOohhhhYou took my loveAnd broke my heartYou took my smileAnd tore it apartYou left me cryingDown on the floorThe funny thing isI still want moreIf only you love me like I wanted you toBut you trick me into loving youYou broke my heartYou broke my heartYou tore me apartyou broke my heartYou broke my heart

SHR的Synology Hybrid RAID

如图所示,系统中包含500GB、1TB、1.5TB、2TB、2TB一共5块硬盘,图中左边为传统的磁盘阵列模式,此时系统总可用空间只为2TB,因为每一块磁盘可用空间以系统中容量最小的硬盘为基准,所以可用总量是500GBX4=2TB(其中一块硬盘为冗余用途),阵列总使用2.5TB,剩余的4.5TB无效。图中右方为使用SHR的情形,整个系统建立的4套独立的阵列系统,每个系统中有500GB为冗余空间,其余为可用空间,所以除掉500X4=2TB的冗余空间外,其他的5TB均为可用空间,所以SHR的空间利用率是很高的,整个空间没有丝毫浪费。但是需要注意的是,SHR的安全性并不高,比如最坏的情况,当图中最右方的2TB硬盘出现故障时,所有独立阵列都会收到牵连。 1.SHR卷可以将硬盘替换成更高容量而不丢失数据。(比如将某块硬盘从1TB更换为3TB,在群晖的NAS上。)2.SHR卷可以增加硬盘。(比如从5个1TB硬盘增加至15个。)3.现有硬盘不能更换为更小的硬盘,起码要相等。

群晖NAS教程第七节:来说下群晖的 Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)到底是啥东西

u2003u2003Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR) 是 Synology 的自动 RAID 管理系统,经专门设计,可快速和方便地部署存储卷。如果您不太了解 RAID,建议使用 SHR 在 Synology NAS 上设置存储卷。 u2003u2003SHR:是Synology Hybrid RAID的缩写;当NAS里面只有一颗硬盘的时候, 磁盘阵列 的模式为Basic,无 数据保护 。当再添加为一个硬盘的时候磁盘阵列的模式自动转换成类似 Raid1 模式,空间大小不变,但是多了个数据保护。当再加入一个硬盘的时候会自动转换成类似 Raid5 模式(前提是你的NAS可以放3个及以上的硬盘),容量为N-1个硬盘的总容量,假如3个3T的硬盘,此时的SHR空间总容量为(3-1)*3T为6T的空间,后期可以慢慢加硬盘数据也不影响的。 u2003u2003SHR的优点:在于方便不熟悉磁盘阵列的玩家,傻瓜简单式的帮你组好磁盘阵列,而且还能合理利用容量大小不一的硬盘,减少浪费,Raid是按照最小的硬盘算,而SHR则可以合理利用减少浪费,智能Raid 推荐使用。u2003SHR-2:SHR-2的原理和SHR的原理是一致的,唯一的区别就是SHR-2只能有2 块硬盘冗余,而SHR只能有1 块硬盘冗余。 基本模式,一个硬盘一个独立的空间,简单模式,就不多介绍 Raid0:无数据保护,空间最大化利用,当在NAS中运行的时候就和JBOD属性差不多,就不再多介绍,Raid0是将多个磁盘合并成一个大的磁盘,不具有冗余,并行I/O,速度最快。它是将多个磁盘并列起来,成为一个大磁盘。 Raid0的优点:传输速度快且空间最大化利用,传输速度理论数值是一般Raid的2倍,实际速度为1.6倍, Raid0的缺点:没有冗余,数据存入都是以拆分打散的方式放到不同的硬盘,所以说当一块硬盘坏掉的时候所以的数据都会丢失!慎用~ 镜像备份,实际容量为总空间的一半,N/2,如果有2块3T的硬盘,总容量为(3+3)/2 Raid1的好处:有数据保护,让硬盘坏掉一个时,数据还在,硬盘还可以正常读取。 Raid1缺点:空间折一半,放放重要数据资料,照片,放电影就不划算啦! 是一种既考虑到数据保护又考虑到硬盘运作成本的解决方案,Raid5不对数据进行存储,而是把 奇偶校检信息 存储到不同的磁盘上。损坏后,用奇偶校检信息和对应的数据去恢复损坏的数据,实际空间为N-1,上面有介绍,假如有3块3T的硬盘,实际空间为(3-1)*3T为6T,说直白点:就是假如4个硬盘,3个放数据,1个备份,值得强调的一点就是4个硬盘不分主次,可以任意坏一块 硬盘 Raid5的优点: 数据安全 和成本兼顾,是4盘位NAS玩家的首选; Raid5的缺点:只有一个硬容错,当硬盘坏掉一个是要及时更换。

yi an ,kian,shi,je,shua,br这几个拼音是什么字的拼音?


我的breil手表背面有water resistant stainless steel 10atm什么意思?

10 atm应该指防水100米!



serebro的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:serebro专辑:Mama LoverMario - WhyWhat is going onEverytime i try to talkYou screamin baby(Runnin" your mouthTellin all our business, I got witnesses)I cant be wrongCause I gave you my heartAnd you played me(Accusing me of doing things that i would never do to you)You say i see other girlsI say you trippin cause IWouldnt be the one to be found outBecause im not that kinda guyIf I wanted somebody elseThen I"d say goodbyeBeen trying to work it outGirl tell me...Why (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still hereEvery night that i come home and your laying in bed(All i wanna do is make love to you)But now i got reservationsBecause you actin strange(You been going through my Sidekick, Blackberry, and my iPhoneAll that shit ain"t cool)You say you got my number (Number)And i"ve been caught, admit it (Admit it)Say i"m playing dumb, but (Dumb but)You got so used to the fast lifeAll of the things I could do for youCatch you coming back to me (yeah)Always running back to meSaid I cant do, do this no moreThought you knew better girlNot like the rest of them girlsWhy can"t you prove me wrongWhy (Why)Why do you keep putting me through it ba-byYou tell me you dont wanna go through it ba-byYou"re believing all the lies that you heard about meI cant take it noYou thinkin that i"m doing you dirty ba-byYou better understand I do all I canBut if i"m no good for youThen baby im no good for youSo tell me why are you still here



sum41 no brains 中文歌词

  【歌名】: No Brains  【歌手】:Sum 41  【时长】:04:25  【中文歌词】:  走不进我的路  深深陷入你的爱河沮丧之中  就好像打死尸  它不停地王脑子外面跑  我永远也不会知道这将成为什么  我从未说过这将成为我们的什么最终的末端  我今天恨你  我找不到出路  别把我拖下去  再见,我已经被挫折淹没  我不会吻别  再见,这死胡同般的结局  它不值得我浪费时间  今天好多了  我从未想到它会以这种方式结束  你有什么说的吗?  如果它不是我所想的我就不想听到  所有这一切的混乱,疑惑,如此令人窒息  这种幻觉如此清晰  找不到结论、会进化失望  并非所有的东西都是表面是表面上看起来的那样  那么地狱的核心是什么呢?  我太了解你了、  我们正在后退  再见  我已经被挫折淹没  我不会吻别  再见  这死胡同般的结局  它不值得我浪费时间  等待的时候如此沮丧  我如此厌倦  所有这些未被提及的紧张  我如此厌倦  受不了了  做不到的  省省吧、别努力了  自己试吧 因为我很好  在你能被听到的时候  你为我们所有人代言  我敢打赌你没听过  有那么一个字  在你能被听到的时候  你为我们所有人代言  我敢打赌你没听过  有那么一个字  再见  我已经被挫折淹没  我不会吻别  再见  这死胡同般的结局  它不值得我浪费时间  等待的时候如此沮丧  我如此厌倦  所有这些未别提及的紧张  我如此厌倦  厌倦你!  【英文歌词】:  Can"t step in my way  Head first into love and dismay  It"s like beating the dead  I can"t stop going out on my head  Whatever this could be I never know  I never said it"d be the end all to be all  I hate you today  I can"t find a way  Don"t drag me down now  Goodbye  I"ve had enough frustration  I won"t get stuck  Goodbye  This dead end situation  Is just not worth my time  It"s no better today  I never thought it would end up this way  You"ve got something to say  Don"t want to hear it if it gets in my way  All this confusion, wandering, so overwhelmed  ALL disillusion seems so clear  Can"t find your conclusion to supporting evolution  Not all things are what they appear  So what"s the point of this now  I know you too well  We"re running backwards  Goodbye  I"ve had enough frustration  I won"t get stuck  Goodbye  This dead end situation  Is just not worth my time  But waiting so frustrating  I"m so sick of  All this tension not to mention  I"m so sick of  Don"t fake it  You won"t make it  Just save yourself this trouble  Get down and pray for yourself  "Cause I"m just fine  You speak for all of us when  You can"t be heard  I bet you haven"t listened  To not one word  You speak for all of us when  You can"t be heard  I bet you haven"t listened  To not one word  Goodbye  I"ve had enough frustration  I won"t get stuck  Goodbye  This dead end situation  Is just not worth my time  But waiting so frustrating  I"m so sick of  All this tension not to mention  I"m so sick of  Sick of you

西班牙语 pueblo,persona,hombre 三个都是人 有什么区别

el pueblo 老百姓,人民,群众的意思..常见的例子比如el pueblo chino中国人民群众(宏观) la persona 就是我们日常中经常用的人的意思,比如 la persona que esta en frente de mi casa 我家对面的那个人. el hombre 是人类的意思,相等于ser humano , 比如hombre neanthertal 欧洲古人类的一种

西班牙语 pueblo,persona,hombre 三个都是人 有什么区别

在普通的生活里,pueblo是村子,小镇的意思,persona 是人,或人类,el hombre 是男人,也可以说是人类,不过在政治的眼中,pueblo是人民,国家的百姓,persona是个人,hombre是人类

英属印度为什么是British Raj?这个Raj是怎么来的?

Raj 来自印度语,表示“统治”,相当于英文中的 reign, 而英属印度(英语:British Raj或British India)是指英国在1858年到1947年间于印度次大陆建立的殖民统治区,包括今印度、孟加拉国、巴基斯坦、缅甸。



The Neville Brothers的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:The Neville Brothers专辑:Gold「Voodoo」作词∶Joshua Katris作曲∶Yoshinori Ohashi歌∶大桥トリオFirst step today and I"m still out of timeDrive fast and say the crowd"s out of townDoes that sound, this spell, its still strongThat little thing that goes down, down, down, down...What"s this I"m feeling I"m still on the stageI"m staring down now so don"t start out so loudI step in front of the line, its all starsThis little spell that takes me, now I"m down on my luckI, I didn"t think to sayYou got to stay to stand up to the worldI"ve been a stubborn manCause there"s a spell that makes me run to youThere"s nothing here that can stare at a starBut not today, I don"t have control, noThis stops my heart, like doves, I"m on fireThat little spell that sings when I"m gone, gone, gone...Last stop to better stay in stepStop that thing that goes on at dawn, I said...This isn"t safe, I can"t, It"s not meIt doesn"t matter if we"re anything to stayI didn"t think to sayYou got to stand to stay on to the worldI still become this manCause there"s a spell, its voodoo, I can"t help but see youThere isn"t anything I can seeExplain why my hearts so on fireIt doesn"t make any sense, your so softThis little spell that takes me, now I"m down on my luckI, I just can"t think to sayIts nothing but this dream that keeps me standing hereI just keep this stuborn man,this stubborn spell that keeps now, now, now...That voodoo"s got everything gone so crazy nowThis voodoo takes all I can do, to make it right【 おわり 】

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