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卫兰的《Rainbow》 歌词

歌曲名:Rainbow歌手:卫兰卫兰 - RainbowsFlipping through the channelsCan"t seem to understandWhy so many childrenLosing their mums and dadsI remember a time there would be rainbowsNow we"re living in a time with darker skiesThere was heavy rainfall down in MississippiPeople lose their families to that endless stormI remember days there would be freedomLet it be today show the wayIt doesn"t matter what colourOr where abouts you areThis world that we have is for everyoneSo don"t you give upWe"ll pass the test of timeCoz I can"t make it throughWithout youSnowy is the weather down in ChicagoI guess the world is changingEven faster than me and youI remember spring there would be flowersBring me back againOh Lord won"t you please?It doesn"t matter what colourOr where abouts you areThis world that we have is for everyoneSo don"t you give upWe"ll pass the test of timeCoz I can"t make it throughWithout youIt doesn"t matter what colourOr how rich you areThis world that we have is for everyoneSo don"t let it downWe"ll pass the test of timeCoz I can"t make it throughWithout youFlipping through the channelsI see a broken manThrough his devastationHe still smiles through the broken glassCoz he knows it"s timeWe are part of somethingSomething beautiful see the light


rainbow的音标:英[renb],美[renbo]。rainbow的意思是虹,彩虹。rainbow的例句:The rainbow formed a beautiful arc in the sky(虹在天空中形成了一个美丽的弧)。 扩展资料 rainbow的例句:The child wanted to know why the rainbow is in a bow shape(那个小孩想知道为什么虹为弓形);A rainbow arched across the sky(一道彩虹横跨天际)。


rainbow英音:/u02c8reu026anbu0259u028a/;美音:/u02c8reu026anbou028a/。Rainbow的意思有:1、n.彩虹,五彩缤纷的排,幻想。2、adj.五彩缤纷的,彩虹状的。3、vt.使呈彩虹状,如彩虹般装饰。4、vi.呈彩虹状。例句:1、When the sun shines through a light rain,it makes a rainbow.当太阳的光线穿过小雨时便形成了虹。2、In the rainbow,one color melts into another.在彩虹中,各种颜色互相交融。3、The rainbow forms an arc in the sky.彩虹在天空中呈一个弧形。4、The rainbow described an arc in the dark sky.彩虹在昏暗的天空划出了一道圆弧。5、The prism broke the light into all the colors of the rainbow.棱镜把光分解成虹的各种色彩。



帮我翻译歌词 rainbow catch the rainbow



中文歌词? 指的是音译的吗?


rainbow[英][u02c8reu026anbu0259u028a][美][u02c8reu026anbou028a]n.彩虹; adj.五彩缤纷的; 彩虹状的; vt.&vi.使呈彩虹状; 复数:rainbows例句:1.For male rainbow finches, that"s definitely right. 对雄性彩虹雀来说,此言极是。2.The rainbow colors are just for added effect. 彩虹色的箭头仅仅是为了增强效果而已。3.Take cracker"s tiny rainbow gun for example. 以cracker的小型彩虹枪为例。

rainbow怎么读 英语rainbow怎么读

1、rainbow英[u02c8reu026anbu0259u028a]美[u02c8reu026anbou028a],n.虹; 彩虹。 2、[例句]The rainbow formed a beautiful arc in the sky.虹在天空中形成了一个美丽的弧。

rainbow 里面这个人谁啊

姓名:赵贤荣韩文:uc870ud604uc601赵贤荣(34张)英文:Cho Hyun Young生日:1991年08月11日星座:狮子座血型:B型身高:160cm体重:41kg队内职务:主唱学历:信光女子高中毕业特长:中文,盘骚里代表色:黄色初中时曾在中国学习【简介】队里的老幺,也是队里唯一的高中生。尽管是老幺,但声音的多样化与歌词实力也不逊色,有时候连姐姐们也会有几分羡慕,同样,年龄最小的她不但没有老幺的娇羞,有时候还会对姐姐们十分暴力,甚至是在做节目一着急也会对姐姐们说平语,而“当心老幺打你”也成了大家调侃她的口头语。贤荣在出道前在互联网上比其他成员更加出名。在采访中表示对于RAINBOW的成功自己充满了期待。希望在未来能进行SOLO歌手的尝试,拥有清唱的特技。中文说得很好,但是不怎么在镜头前面表现。赵贤荣很喜欢在同一个时间回复UFO。


rainbow单词的读法:英[renb],美[renbo]。rainbow的意思是虹,彩虹。rainbow的例句:A rainbow arced gracefully over the town(彩虹在小城上空画出了一道优美的弧线)。 扩展资料 rainbow的例句:The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall(月亮在瀑布溅起的水雾上照出了一道彩虹);The second rainbow will be bigger than the first, and directly above it(第二道彩虹将比第一道还要大,而且正好位于其上)。




特殊含义的英文单词: Eternity 永恒; Fantastic 美妙的; Aestheticism 唯美; Liberty 自主; Tranquillity 安宁; Blossom 花丛; Sunshine 阳光; Sunflower 太阳花; Gorgeous 绚丽的; Cherish 珍爱; Grace 优美; Rainbow 彩虹 扩展资料   My value for domestic tranquillity should much exceed theirs.   我应该远比他们重视家庭的平静生活。   Our message is that the club needs a period of tranquillity and stability.   现在我们想说的是俱乐部需要宁静和稳定。   Translated by machine, this paragraph lacks grace and still needs polishing.   这段话是机译的`,不是很优美还需要润色。   The girl player is noted for her extreme grace on the court.   那位女运动员以球场上的优美姿势而闻名。   Oh look, a rainbow!   看哪,彩虹!   The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall   月亮在瀑布溅起的水雾上照出了一道彩虹。




rainbow[英]["reu026anbu0259u028a] [美][u02c8renu02ccbo] 生词本简明释义n.彩虹adj.五彩缤纷的;彩虹状的vt.&vi.使呈彩虹状复数:rainbows易混淆的单词:RAINBOWRainbow以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组1.N-COUNT虹;彩虹A rainbow is an arch of different colours that you can sometimes see in the sky when it is raining.Oh look, a rainbow!看哪,彩虹! brocade of every colour of the rainbow.彩虹般五颜六色的绸缎






rainbow的意思如下:英文单词,名词、形容词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“彩虹;五彩缤纷的排列;幻想,人名;(英)雷恩博”,作形容词时意为“五彩缤纷的;彩虹状的”,作及物动词时意为“使呈彩虹状;如彩虹般装饰”,作不及物动词时意为“呈彩虹状”。单词发音:英读音[u02c8reu026anbu0259u028a],美读音[u02c8reu026anbou028a]。详细释义:n.(名词)1、虹,彩虹。2、五彩缤纷的排列。3、五花八门的聚合,各种事物的聚合。4、虚无缥缈的东西。5、幻想,美妙的梦想。6、彩条。7、弧线球。8、五彩药片,五彩丸。9、长着罗圈腿的人。adj.(形容词)1、五彩缤纷的。2、五颜六色的。双语例句:1.The rainbow formed a beautiful arc in the sky.虹在天空中形成了一个美丽的弧。2.The child wanted to know why the rainbow is in a bow shape.那个小孩想知道为什么虹为弓形。3.The second rainbow will be bigger than the first,and directly above it第二道彩虹将比第一道还要大,而且正好位于其上。4.The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 19811981年末之后,彩虹剧院就再没主办过现场音乐会。5.Oh look,a rainbow!看哪,彩虹!6.The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall月亮在瀑布溅起的水雾上照出了一道彩虹。7.I would rather be honest with people than tell them that there is going to be some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.我宁肯实话实说也不愿意给予他们不切实际的期望。8.The promise of a cure—the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow—often makes sensible people do irrational things.找到一种治愈方法的希望——就如同永远够不到的一桶黄金——往往让理智的人们做出不理智的事情。9.A rainbow arced gracefully over the town.彩虹在小城上空画出了一道优美的弧线。10.A rainbow arched across the sky.一道彩虹横跨天际。






rainbow的意思是彩虹。一、基本解释1、n.虹;五颜六色;色彩斑斓;幻想;虚无缥缈的希望。2、comp.彩虹的;五彩斑斓的;彩虹联盟的。二、双语例句1. The singers were warbling `Over the Rainbow".歌手们在唱《跨越彩虹》这首歌。2. a rainbow of coloured cushions五颜六色的彩垫。3. silk brocade of every colour of the rainbow如彩虹一般五颜六色的丝缎。4. A rainbow arced gracefully over the town.彩虹在小镇上空画出了一道优美的弧线。5. The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall.月亮在瀑布溅起的水雾上照出了一道彩虹。


rainbow既可以作名词也可以作形容词,有彩虹,五彩斑斓的等意思。雨过天晴之后,我们能看到天空中有一道五颜六色的拱桥,那就是彩虹,用英文表示就是“rainbow”,它还有其他很多意思,让我们一起了解一下吧!详细内容01rainbow的基本意思是彩虹。还有五彩缤纷的展示,众多花色品种,五颜六色的组合,五花八门的聚合,多种颜色的东西等意思。其形容词意思为五彩缤纷的。02常用短语:the arc of a rainbow 彩虹的弧形。reflection rainbow 反射虹。marine rainbow 海虹,海洋虹。all the colours of the rainbow 五颜六色。03例句:1,It was the biggest rainbow trout that had ever been banked. 这是钓到岸边的最大的虹鳟鱼。2,A rainbow rose against the sky after the shower. 雨过天晴,空中升起了一道彩虹。3,A big rainbow packet of felt pens. 一大包五颜六色的粗头水笔。


rainbow英音:/u02c8reu026anbu0259u028a/;美音:/u02c8reu026anbou028a/。Rainbow的意思有:1、n.彩虹,五彩缤纷的排,幻想。2、adj.五彩缤纷的,彩虹状的。3、vt.使呈彩虹状,如彩虹般装饰。4、vi.呈彩虹状。例句:1、When the sun shines through a light rain,it makes a rainbow.当太阳的光线穿过小雨时便形成了虹。2、In the rainbow,one color melts into another.在彩虹中,各种颜色互相交融。3、The rainbow forms an arc in the sky.彩虹在天空中呈一个弧形。4、The rainbow described an arc in the dark sky.彩虹在昏暗的天空划出了一道圆弧。5、The prism broke the light into all the colors of the rainbow.棱镜把光分解成虹的各种色彩。

Rainbow(韩国女子组合)资料 详细 带图



Rainbow是什么牌子 1. 简介 Rainbow,中文名为虹彩,是一家专门生产高品质家用电器的品牌。公司成立于1987年,总部位于意大利,其产品以极高的品质和全球公认的可靠性而闻名于世界。2. 产品类型 Rainbow 生产的产品主要包括吸尘器、洗地机、空气净化器等多种家电产品。其中吸尘器是其最为知名的产品之一,无论是家庭用还是商用,其品质和可靠性都得到了极高的评价。3. 技术优势 Rainbow的产品技术优越,吸尘器采用的是领先的气动科技,可以有效地吸收和过滤灰尘和空气中的微粒子。同时,其多功能的刷头可以轻松地吸收任何类型的地面上的尘垢和碎屑,比传统的扫把和吸尘器效果更好。4. 目标消费群体 Rainbow的产品主要面向高端消费群体,因为其产品价格相对较高。同时,其高品质和可靠性也赢得了很多中产阶级和企业客户的青睐。无论是单身公寓还是大型办公室,Rainbow都有为您量身定制的解决方案。5. 市场表现 虽然Rainbow是一家相对较小的品牌,但其产品却在全球范围内赢得了良好的口碑。在欧美等发达国家,其产品几乎遍地都是,在中国也有很多拥趸。从国内市场来看,随着人们对于健康环保的日益重视,高品质家用电器市场的需求正在不断增加,Rainbow的销售业绩也在不断攀升。6. 地位与竞争对手 Rainbow 在全球市场上并非是一家领先的品牌,但在吸尘器和洗地机等家电产品领域被公认为是领先的品牌之一。在国内市场中,Rainbow主要的竞争对手有德国的博世、美国的戴森等一些世界知名品牌,这些品牌在消费者心中也具有巨大的影响力。7. 未来展望 Rainbow作为一家高品质家用电器品牌,未来的发展潜力巨大。随着人们对家居健康和环保的需求不断增加,高品质家电产品的市场前景也越来越广阔。对于Rainbow来说,未来的发展重点应该是加强自身技术优势和产品创新,进一步提升品牌知名度和市场份额。8. 结论 综上所述,Rainbow是一家闻名于世界的高品质家用电器品牌,其产品以极高的品质和全球公认的可靠性而著称。虽然在国内市场上,Rainbow与一些大品牌的竞争仍然激烈,但Rainbow通过不断的技术创新和产品升级,仍然能够赢得越来越多消费者的青睐和信任。Rainbow的未来展望也是十分乐观的,相信Rainbow会成为中国和全球高品质家电市场中的一颗闪亮明珠。


Rainbow的意思是彩虹,在爱情里它可能代表绚丽~灿烂和美好 ,如同彩虹一样的爱情,五颜六色的,惊喜多多 。俗话说得好,不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹,彩虹拥有美好的象征,它寓意着爱情,恋人在尝尽恋爱的酸甜苦辣后,才能真正的理解爱情的色谱。彩虹式爱情那个彩虹式感情应该是大多男女追求的一种爱情吧,不仅有美满的结局,而且共同拥有丰富多彩的人生经历。彩虹象征着美好、童话、自然、幻想、彩虹。彩虹在爱情里的意思是通过相处恋爱,最终走到一起。经历过很多的磨难,只有两个真心相爱的人,才能最终走在一起的。彩虹是和平与和谐的普遍象征彩虹拥有美好的象征。又称天弓、天虹、绛等,简称虹,是气象中的一种光学现象,当太阳光照射到半空中的水滴,光线被折射及反射,在天空上形成拱形的七彩光谱,由外圈至内圈呈红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛、紫七种颜色,事实上彩虹有无数种颜色。


美国有一个古老的迷信:彩虹是梦想与希望的象征,当彩虹出现时会带来幸福。Mariah Carey本人表示,专辑会取这名字完全是意外,其实直到开始录制专辑时,她还完全不知道该如何命名。但就像上帝的指引般,那天的录音特别不顺利,当她因为录音的疲倦步出录音室外时,突然看见到天空有两道彩虹,那两道彩虹比起以往所见的彩虹还绚丽夺目。看到那些鲜艳幸福的色彩时,她感到极大的感动,玛丽亚凯莉表示过去一年来,有许多事情的发生让自己的心情起伏不定,但是她相信彩虹所能带来的幸福。玛丽亚凯莉还表示,一个完美的世界应该如同彩虹般,虽然有不同颜色的存在却能和谐共存,因此便命名该专辑为《Rainbow》。根据Billboard的记录显示,Mariah Carey除了是90年代销售与排行榜的常胜军外,她更是90年代唯一一位从出道至今每年必有一首冠军曲的艺人。当玛丽亚凯莉的新单曲Heartbreaker登上冠军时,她的59周冠军已成为从1955年至今的摇滚史上,可与披头士平起平坐的唯一一位艺人。在玛丽亚凯莉辉煌的冠军记录中,除了90年初的四首作品Vision of Love、Love Takes Time、Someday、I Don"t Wanna Cry她没有参与词曲及制作外,每一首冠军单曲都有她的参与。专辑《Rainbow》中收录的14首曲目也不例外,除了Against All Odds是出自Phil Collins之手外,皆由玛丽亚凯莉本人词曲、制作一手包办。

Rainbow A 中韩歌词

ti:A][ar:ub808uc778ubcf4uc6b0(Rainbow)][al:A (Digital Single)][00:01.36]A[00:03.91]ub808uc778ubcf4uc6b0(Rainbow)[00:07.41]A (Digital Single)[00:12.37][00:14.12]Just U"r collection line ez acess line /Just U"r collection line ez acess line[00:17.90]uc2a4uc2a4ub85c ub9e4uc778 A A A A /独自一人 A A A A[00:21.16]uadf8ub807uac8c uac07ud600uc11c uc313uc778 ub2c8 uae4auc219ud788 ud328uc778 /因那样被囚禁 累积了无数你失败的原因[00:24.77]ub098uc544uc544 ub098uc544uc544 ub098uc544uc544 uc624 /放飞 放飞 放飞 Oh[00:27.74][00:28.17]uadf8uc800 uac10ucd9c ubfd0uc774uc57c ud5c8uc220ud55c ud3ecuc7a5uc5d0 /那只是掩饰 破碎的包装[00:31.42]ud6ccuca4d uc228uaca8ubc84ub9b0 ub108uc758 ud604ub780ud55c uc2a4ud0c0uc77c /一下子掩盖了你华丽的 Style[00:34.92]ud5c8uc6b8uc88buc740 ud5c8uc0c1 uc77cubfd0 uc9c4uc2e4uc774 ub420 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 /徒有其表都是假象 不可能成为真实[00:38.22]ub110 ub0b4ub9ac ub204ub974uace0 ub610 uc870ub974uace0 ubb58 ubaa8ub974uace0 ub610 ubc14ub77cuace0 uc788uc5b4 /将你压制在捆紧 有什么不知道 又在期待着[00:42.19][00:42.58]A! oh oh oh oh oh oh oh woo~ /A! oh oh oh oh oh oh oh woo~[00:49.28]Just A! A! oh oh oh oh oh oh oh woo~ /Just A! A! oh oh oh oh oh oh oh woo~[00:55.80][00:56.19](love)uadf8uac8c ud754ud558ub2c8 (love)uc0acub791uc774 ud754ud558ub2c8 /(Love) 那多的是 (Love) 爱情多的是[00:59.88](love)uc27duac8c ub2e4 change a love uac08uc544ud0c0 uac08uc544ud0c0 oh /(Love) 都容易 change a love 换乘吧换乘吧 Oh[01:03.44](love)uc801uc5b4ub3c4 ub108ub9ccuc740 (love)uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub108ub9ccuc740 /(Love) 稀少也只是你 (Love) 世上只有你[01:06.83](love)uc18cuc911ud788 uc5ecuae38 uc218 uc788uae38 uc788uae38 /(Love) 能够 能够 感到珍贵[01:09.69][01:09.99]Just U"r collection line ez acess line /Just U"r collection line ez acess line[01:13.63]uc2a4uc2a4ub85c ub9e4uc778 A A A A /独自一人 A A A A[01:16.65]uadf8ub807uac8c uac07ud600uc11c uc313uc778 ub2c8 uae4auc219ud788 ud328uc778 /因那样被囚禁 累积了无数你失败的原因[01:20.44]ub098uc544uc544 ub098uc544uc544 ub098uc544uc544 uc624 /放飞 放飞 放飞 Oh[01:24.91][01:31.18]A! oh oh oh oh oh oh oh woo~ /A! oh oh oh oh oh oh oh woo~[01:37.99]Just A! A! oh oh oh oh oh oh oh woo~ /Just A! A! oh oh oh oh oh oh oh woo~[01:44.36][01:44.70]uadf8uc800 uc11cud234 ubfd0uc774uc57c ub450uaebcuc6b4 ud654uc7a5uc5d0 /那只是陌生 厚厚的妆颜[01:47.91]ud55cuaecf ubb3bud600ubc84ub9b0 ub108uc758 uc9c4uc2e4ub41c ub9d8 /来掩饰 你真是的情感[01:51.41]ub9e4uc77c uac19uc740 uc704uc120uc77cubfd0 uc601uc6d0ud788 uac08 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 /每天同样的伪善 不能永远这样[01:54.71]ub110 ub0b4ub9ac ub204ub974uace0 ub610 uc870ub974uace0 ubb58 ubaa8ub974uace0 ub610 ubc14ub77cuace0 uc788uc5b4 /将你压制在捆紧 有什么不知道 又在期待着[01:58.70][01:59.09](love) uadf8uac8c ud754ud558ub2c8 /(Love) 那多的是[02:00.15][02:00.49](love)uadf8uac8c ud754ud558ub2c8 (love)uc0acub791uc774 ud754ud558ub2c8 /(Love) 那多的是 (Love) 爱情多的是[02:04.19](love)uc27duac8c ub2e4 change a love uac08uc544ud0c0 uac08uc544ud0c0 oh /(Love) 都容易 change a love 换乘吧换乘吧 Oh[02:07.68](love)uc801uc5b4ub3c4 ub108ub9ccuc740 (love)uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub108ub9ccuc740 /(Love) 稀少也只是你 (Love) 世上只有你[02:11.19](love)uc18cuc911ud788 uc5ecuae38 uc218 uc788uae38 uc788uae38 /(Love) 能够 能够 感到珍贵[02:14.14][02:14.44]Just U"r collection line ez acess line /Just U"r collection line ez acess line[02:17.94]uc2a4uc2a4ub85c ub9e4uc778 A A A A /独自一人 A A A A[02:21.00]uadf8ub807uac8c uac07ud600uc11c uc313uc778 ub2c8 uae4auc219ud788 ud328uc778 /因那样被囚禁 累积了无数你失败的原因[02:24.84]ub098uc544uc544 ub098uc544uc544 ub098uc544uc544 uc624 /放飞 放飞 放飞 Oh[02:28.29][02:28.63]ub611ubc14ub85c ub098ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4ub77cuace0 uac00uba74uc740 ubc84ub824 uac00ub77cuac00ub77cuace0 /如果说想见我 见后却抛弃我[02:31.88]ub124uac00 uc6d0ud558ub294uac78 ub9d0ud574ubcf4ub77cuace0 ub09c ub2ecub77c uc880 ub2ecub77c ub10c ubab0ub77c /说出来你想要什么 我一再的变化你不知道[02:35.52]ub0b4 uc0c9uae54uc740 ub808uc778ubcf4uc6b0 uc9c4uc2e4uc5d0 ubaa9 uba54uc778 girl /我的颜色是 Rainbow 真实的核心 Girl[02:38.83]Love is pain(uc0acub791uc740 uace0ud1b5) uc9c0uae08 ub10c ubd80uc871ud574 /Love is pain (爱情是痛苦) 你现在还欠缺[02:41.94][02:42.53]uac00uc2dduc774 uc9c4uc2e4uc744 uc9c4uc2e4uc774 uac00uc2dduc744 /假亦真 真亦假[02:45.98]uc218ubc31ubc88 ub36euc5b4uc11c ub208uc744 uba40uac8c ud558uc796uc544 /数百遍掩盖 眼睛都要瞎了[02:49.48]uc801uc5b4ub3c4 ub108ub9ccuc740 uadf8ub798ub3c4 ub108ub9ccuc740 /稀少也只是你 可是也只有你[02:52.88]ub611ubc14ub85c ub0a0 ubc14ub77c ubcf4uae38 ubcf4uae38 /如是说想见我 想见[02:55.75][02:56.33](love)uc801uc5b4ub3c4 ub108ub9ccuc740 (love)uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub108ub9ccuc740 /(Love) 稀少也只是你 (Love) 世上只有你[02:59.89](love)uc18cuc911ud788 uc5ecuae38 uc218 uc788uae38 uc788uae38 /(Love) 能够 能够 感到珍贵[03:02.65][03:03.00]Just U"r collection line ez acess line /Just U"r collection line ez acess line[03:06.64]uc2a4uc2a4ub85c ub9e4uc778 A A A A /uc2a4uc2a4ub85c ub9e4uc778 A A A A /独自一人 A A A A[03:09.80]uadf8ub807uac8c uac07ud600uc11c uc313uc778 ub2c8 uae4auc219ud788 ud328uc778 /因那样被囚禁 累积了无数你失败的原因[03:13.45]ub098uc544uc544 ub098uc544uc544 ub098uc544uc544 uc624 /放飞 放飞 放飞 Oh[03:18.11]





rainbow 为什么代表gay





"Rainbow" 是英语单词,指的是由七种颜色组成的彩虹,通常在雨后出现。其七种颜色依次为红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。这七种颜色也被称为 "彩虹颜色"(Rainbow colors)。除了在雨后出现的彩虹,"rainbow" 这个词还可以用来形容其他事物的多彩、缤纷、丰富多彩等特征,例如 "a rainbow of flavors" (各种各样的口味) 或 "a rainbow of ideas" (各种各样的想法)。此外,"rainbow" 这个词还有一些象征性的含义,例如代表多元性、包容性和平等性等。




名词 表示彩虹

谁知道东方神起 RAINBOW 的歌词?日文的

周杰伦新专辑免费派送 Seven colours make major happiness with u and me. 彼此想要相见却无法相见之时,ALWAYS仰望天空 CALLING U BABY BABY,心中一直如此。NE, 一直守在你身边 尽管心灵深处,有时会下起小雨 你的话语却带来了阳光,一旦传递到,心情便开始晴朗 如此将彼此相连的RAINBOW,即便分开, 依然SAY, I LOVE U 你的声音OVER RAINBOW,跨越天空,JUST传达到我这 广阔的世界中DARLING,只有你一人, YOU"RE LISTENIN" TO MY HEART 不论何时,都能感受到你 BABY HOW DO U FEEL ME? 当雨停之时,每个人都微笑着,望着彩虹 在这样的瞬间,时间停止,BABY 来歌唱吧 承载着愿望的RAINBOW,更绚烂地闪耀吧, SMILE OH MY GIRL 我的梦想是(YOUR RAINBOW)只为了你而歌唱 FROM THE MORNING TO GOODNIGHT 一直相信 OH 感伤的夜晚 IN THE MOONLIGHT 让爱包围一切吧 如此将彼此相连的RAINBOW,即便分开,依然YES, I NEED U 你的声音OVER RAINBOW,跨越天空,JUST传达到我这 承载着愿望的RAINBOW 二人が 会いたくても会えない时 Always空を见つめ hutari ga a i ta ku te mo a e na i to ki ALWAYS sora wo mi tu me Calling u baby baby 心はいつも ね ずっとそばにいるよ CALLING U BABY BABY kokoro wa i tu mo ne zutto so ba ni i ru yo 胸の奥で 少し雨が 降っていても mune no oku de sugoshi ame ga hutte i te mo 君の言叶が 光りをつれて 届いたら 晴れるから kimi no kotoba ga hikari wo turete todo i ta ra ha re ru ka ra そう 2人をつなぐRainbow 离れてても Say, I love you. soo hutari wo tu na gu RAINBOW ha na re te temo SAY, I LOVE U 君の声 over rainbow 空を越えて Just 届く kimi no koe OVER RAINBOW sora wo ko e te JUST todoku 広い世界でdarling ただひとり You"re listenin" to my heart hiroi sekai de DARLING ta da hi to ri YOU"RE LISTENIN" TO MY HEART どんなときでも 感じてる君を Baby how do you feel me? do n na toki de mo ka n ji te ru kimi wo BABY HOW DO U FEEL ME 雨上がりに みんな笑颜で 虹を见てる ame a ga ri ni mi n na e ga o de niji wo mi te ru 时が止まった そんな瞬间にも Baby 伝えて歌おう toki ga to matta so n na shu n ka n ni mo BABY tuta e te uta oo 愿いをのせたRainbow 辉けもっと Smile Oh my girl ne ga i wo no se ta RAINBOW kagaya ke motto SMILE OH MY GIRL 仆の梦は your rainbow 君のために Just 歌う boku no yume wa YOUR RAINBOW kimi no ta me ni JUST uta u From the morning to Goodnight 信じ続けて FROM THE MORNING TO GOODNIGHT shi n ji tuzu ke te Oh 切ない夜 in the moonlight 爱を包むよ OH setu na i yoru IN THE MOONLIGHT ai wo tutu mu yo そう 2人をつなぐ Rainbow 离れてても Yes, I neeed you. soo hutari wo tu na gu RAINBOW ha na re te te mo YES, I NEED U 君の声 over rainbow 空を越えて Just 届く kimi no koe OVER RAINBOW sora wo ko e te JUST todo ku 愿いを乗せた Rainbow..... negai wo no se ta RAINBOW


rainbow翻译成中文:虹,彩虹;月虹,雾虹;五彩缤纷的排列,五花八门的聚合;1、The rainbow formed a beautiful arc in the sky. 虹在天空中形成了一个美丽的弧。2、The child wanted to know why the rainbow is in a bow shape. 那个小孩想知道为什么虹为弓形。3、The second rainbow will be bigger than the first, and directly above it 第二道彩虹将比第一道还要大,而且正好位于其上。4、The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981 1981年末之后,彩虹剧院就再没主办过现场音乐会。5、Oh look, a rainbow! 看哪,彩虹!6、The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall 月亮在瀑布溅起的水雾上照出了一道彩虹。7、I would rather be honest with people than tell them that there is going to be some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 我宁肯实话实说也不愿意给予他们不切实际的期望。8、The promise of a cure — the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow — often makes sensible people do irrational things. 找到一种治愈方法的希望——就如同永远够不到的一桶黄金——往往让理智的人们做出不理智的事情。


rainbow是一个多义词,所指的意思分别是:1、rainbow指的是女子演唱组合:Rainbow是DSP Entertainment于2009年推出的女子演唱组合,由金栽经、高佑丽、吴胜雅、卢乙、郑允惠、金智淑、赵贤荣七名成员组成。2、rainbow指的是2016年se7en发行EP:《Rainbow》是韩国歌手se7en的一张日语EP,于2016年07月07日发行。3、rainbow指的是滨崎步专辑:Rainbow是滨崎步在2002年12月发行的一张专辑。不过其中的「H」,是2002年唯一一张销售突破百万的单曲。4、rainbow指的是LEGO BIG MORL演唱歌曲:由韩国大型3D网游《剑灵》改编的《洪门剑灵传说》的片尾曲,LEGO BIG MORL乐队演唱。所属同名专辑《RAINBOW》。5、rainbow指的是蓓丽演唱歌曲:


rainbow的读音是:英["re?nb??]。rainbow的读音是:英["re?nb??]。rainbow的例句是用作名词(n.)Do you see rainbow?你看到彩虹了吗。rainbow的意思是n.彩虹;五彩缤纷的排列;幻想。一、详尽释义点此查看rainbow的详细内容n.(名词)虹,彩虹五彩缤纷的排列五花八门的聚合,各种事物的聚合虚无缥缈的东西幻想,美妙的梦想彩条弧线球五彩药片,五彩丸长着罗圈腿的人adj.(形容词)五彩缤纷的五颜六色的二、英英释义Noun:an arc of colored light in the sky caused by refraction of the sun"s rays by rainan illusory hope;"chasing rainbows"三、网络解释1. 虹,彩虹:彩虹 彩虹(Rainbow)是气象中的一种光学现象. 当阳光照射到半空中的雨点,光线被折射及反射,在天空上形成拱形的七彩的光谱. 彩虹七彩颜色,从外至内分别为:红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫. 彩虹是因为阳光射到空中接近圆型的小水滴,四、例句Do you see rainbow?你看到彩虹了吗?A rainbow is usually seen after a heavy rain.大雨之后常有彩虹。Now we can bask in the rainbow of the memories that we"ll nurture in the years ahead.在未来岁月里,让我们在记忆的长虹里永远珍藏对他的怀念。We saw a beautiful rainbow across the sky.我们看到了一条五彩缤纷的虹横贯天空。At the garden party the guests seemed to be dressed in all the colours of the rainbow.在园会上,客人们看上去穿得五彩缤纷的衣裳。He is chasing the rainbow of overnight success.他追寻一夜成功的梦。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)When the sun shines through a light rain,it makes a rainbow.当太阳的光线穿过小雨时便形成了虹。A bright rainbow arched above.一弯明亮的彩虹悬挂在天空。The rainbow forms an arc in the sky.彩虹在天空中呈一个弧形。The rainbow described an arc in the dark sky.彩虹在昏暗的天空划出了一道圆弧。At sight of the rainbow,the children were more glad than the parents.看见彩虹,孩子们比大人更高兴。六、词汇搭配rainbow coalition彩虹联盟rainbow trout[鱼]虹鳟鱼rainbow sprinkler彩虹喷水器rainbow pattern彩色带信号图...lunar rainbow月虹rainbow generator彩条信号发生器...secondary rainbow霓rainbow herring亚洲胡瓜鱼white rainbow白虹rainbow arch虹式拱rainbow roof弓形屋顶rainbow fish绿锦鱼rainbow symptom虹彩轮症状rainbow test pattern彩虹测试信号图...rainbow scattering霓虹散射all the colors of the rainbow五颜六色(各种颜色)...rainbow的相关临近词raincoat、rain、rainbowy、Rainbows、rainbow boa、rainbow net、Rainbow Six、rainbow arch、rainbow fill、rainbow roof、Rainbow Lory、rainbow fish点此查看更多关于rainbow的详细信息


rainbow既可以作名词也可以作形容词,有彩虹,五彩斑斓的等意思。 雨过天晴之后,我们能看到天空中有一道五颜六色的拱桥,那就是彩虹,用英文表示就是“rainbow”,它还有其他很多意思,让我们一起了解一下吧! 详细内容 01 rainbow的基本意思是彩虹。还有五彩缤纷的展示,众多花色品种,五颜六色的组合,五花八门的聚合,多种颜色的东西等意思。其形容词意思为五彩缤纷的。 02 常用短语: the arc of a rainbow 彩虹的弧形。 reflection rainbow 反射虹。 marine rainbow 海虹,海洋虹。 all the colours of the rainbow 五颜六色。 03 例句: 1,It was the biggest rainbow trout that had ever been banked. 这是钓到岸边的最大的虹鳟鱼。 2,A rainbow rose against the sky after the shower. 雨过天晴,空中升起了一道彩虹。 3,A big rainbow packet of felt pens. 一大包五颜六色的粗头水笔。




  为大家提供该词汇意思,希望对大家有所帮助,想知道更多词汇请搜寻吧! rainbow   美 ["reu026an.bou028a]英 ["reu026an.bu0259u028a]  n.彩虹   彩虹色;七色彩虹   复数:rainbows   例句   释义:全部,彩虹,胡心诺,彩虹色,七色彩虹更多例句筛选   1.Wujiang rich rice, rainbow trout, known as the land of plenty known, convenienttransportation and beautiful environment, outstanding.盛产乌江大米、虹鳟鱼、素有鱼米之乡的美称,交通便利,环境优美,人杰地灵。、   2.The next time you see a rainbow notice that you are in the center of the arc ,and that if you move the rainbow moves with you.下次当你仔细观察彩虹,你会发现你正处于彩虹弧度的正中,并且当你移动是,彩虹中心也随你移动。   3.Nor does a cloud alone give a rainbow, there must be the crystal drops to reflectthe light of the sun.单独一片云不会产生虹,必须要有结晶水珠才能反映太阳的光线。   4.Yes, happy as a child a rainbow sky, arranged in the word of the geese will be apleasant landscape, and we, it is to see the scenery.真的,快乐就像儿时天空的一道彩虹,排成一字的大雁,都会是一道怡人的风景,而我们,正是看风景的人。




彩虹 哦!




rainbow 英音:["reinbu0259u] 美音:["ren,bo]百度一下就能搜到百度词典里的这个词..按里边的小喇叭可以听到读音..比这个音标会更直观..





请教“supper bowl sunday”是什么日子?

大哥(大姐)是不是拼错了这是我们球迷的节日准确的应该是Super Bowl Sunday超级碗冠军奖杯-文斯·隆巴迪杯 超级碗(Super Bowl)是国家美式足球联盟(也成为国家橄榄球联盟)的年度冠军赛,胜者被称为“世界冠军”。超级碗一般在每年1月最后一个或2月第一个星期天举行,那一天称为超级碗星期天(Super Bowl Sunday)。超级碗是比赛的名称,其奖杯名称为文斯·隆巴迪杯(Vince Lombardi Trophy)。参与球队为该球季的美国美式足球联会冠军以及国家美式足球联会冠军。超级碗多年来都是全美收视率最高的电视节目,并逐渐成为一个非官方的全国性节日。另外,超级碗星期天是美国单日食品消耗量第二高的日子,仅次于感恩节。

A man had 50-yard line tickets at the Super Bowl.怎么翻译?


用英语介绍super bowl

It"s hard to believe it"s been 40 years! I don"t know about you, but I don"t remember when there wasn"t a Super Bowl. I"m not even a huge football fan (except for the Cleveland Browns--give "em time)...and I don"t think I"ve ever missed a Super!The very first Super Bowl was played in 1967. Yep. It was at the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles on January 15 (seems early--but these are the facts). Who played? Well, the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League and the Kansas City Chiefs of the American Football League went at it and the Packers blew the Chiefs away with an impressive 35-10 victory.How did it come to be? "On August 14, 1959, Dallas businessman, Lamar Hunt, called for the formation of the American Football League. This league was organized and began play in 1960. Others in football thought the idea of the new conference was so crazy that the teams that formed this new conference were referred to as the "Foolish Club.""As it turns out, this newly founded American Football League had a profound effect on pro football. On June 8 of 1966, the AFL and the NFL announced a merger. At the end of the 1966 season these new conferences played against each other in the first ever Super Bowl."And the rest is history. And now it is a tradition. Over 22,000,000 TVs are tuned into the Super Bowl and of these 22,000,000 households, 13.5 million are having parties. These figures are, of course, pure fiction. But I wanted to emphasize the importance of celebrating the Super Bowl.So there!The Party GirlSuper Bowl HistoryWinner and MVPsGame Date Result MVP XL Feb. 5, 2006 Pittsburgh 21, Seattle 10 Hines Ward XXXIX Feb. 6, 2005 New England 24, Philadelphia 21 Deion Branch XXXVIII Feb. 1, 2004 New England 32, Carolina 29 Tom Brady XXXVII Jan. 26, 2003 Tampa Bay 48, Oakland 21 Dexter Jackson XXXVI Feb. 3, 2002 New England 20, St. Louis 17 Tom Brady XXXV Jan. 28, 2001 Baltimore 34, N.Y. Giants 7 Ray Lewis XXXIV Jan. 30, 2000 St. Louis 23, Tennessee 16 Kurt Warner XXXIII Jan. 31, 1999 Denver 34, Atlanta 19 John Elway XXXII Jan. 25, 1998 Denver 31, Green Bay 24 Terrell Davis XXXI Jan. 26, 1997 Green Bay 35, New England 21 Desmond Howard XXX Jan. 28, 1996 Dallas 27, Pittsburgh 17 Larry Brown XXIX Jan. 29, 1995 San Francisco 49, San Diego 26 Steve Young XXVIII Jan. 30, 1994 Dallas 30, Buffalo 13 Emmitt Smith XXVII Jan. 31, 1993 Dallas 52, Buffalo 17 Troy Aikman XXVI Jan. 26, 1992 Washington 37, Buffalo 24 Mark Rypien XXV Jan. 27, 1991 N.Y. Giants 20, Buffalo 19 Ottis Anderson XXIV Jan. 28, 1990 San Francisco 55, Denver 10 Joe Montana XXIII Jan. 22, 1989 San Francisco 20, Cincinnati 16 Jerry Rice XXII Jan. 31, 1988 Washington 42, Denver 10 Doug Williams XXI Jan. 25, 1987 N.Y. Giants 39, Denver 20 Phil Simms XX Jan. 26, 1986 Chicago 46, New England 10 Richard Dent XIX Jan. 20, 1985 San Francisco 38, Miami 16 Joe Montana XVIII Jan. 22, 1984 L.A. Raiders 38, Washington 9 Marcus Allen XVII Jan. 30, 1983 Washington 27, Miami 17 John Riggins XVI Jan. 24, 1982 San Francisco 26, Cincinnati 21 Joe Montana XV Jan. 25, 1981 Oakland 27, Philadelphia 10 Jim Plunkett XIV Jan. 20, 1980 Pittsburgh 31, L.A. Rams 19 Terry Bradshaw XIII Jan. 21, 1979 Pittsburgh 35, Dallas 31 Terry Bradshaw XII Jan. 15, 1978 Dallas 27, Denver 10 Randy White, Harvey Martin XI Jan. 9, 1977 Oakland 32, Minnesota 14 Fred Biletnikoff X Jan. 18, 1976 Pittsburgh 21, Dallas 17 Lynn Swann IX Jan. 12, 1975 Pittsburgh 16, Minnesota 6 Franco Harris VIII Jan. 13, 1974 Miami 24, Minnesota 7 Larry Csonka VII Jan. 14, 1973 Miami 14, Washington 7 Jake Scott VI Jan. 16, 1972 Dallas 24, Miami 3 Roger Staubach V Jan. 17, 1971 Baltimore 16, Dallas 13 Chuck Howley IV Jan. 11, 1970 Kansas City 23, Minnesota 7 Len Dawson III Jan. 12, 1969 N.Y. Jets 16, Baltimore 7 Joe Namath II Jan. 14, 1968 Green Bay 33, Oakland 14 Bart Starr I Jan. 15, 1967 Green Bay 35, Kansas City 10 Bart Starr

Super Bowl 超级碗其实是什么?为什么会这样叫?

超级碗(Super Bowl)是国家美式足球联盟(National Football League,NFL)的年度冠军赛,一般是在每年1月份的最后一个或是2月份的第一个星期天举行。超级碗是比赛双方所争夺奖杯的名字,亦是比赛的名字。参与球队为美国美式足球联会冠军以及国家美式足球联会冠军。超级碗在美国已被看做非正式的国庆日。 当时AFL和NFL其中一个条件合并是,AFL和NFL的冠军必须在之战再以一个「美式足球世界冠军战」决定胜负。超级碗的名字源由是一个玩具而改名,当时其中一名负责合并的成员是前堪萨斯城酋长的拥有人Lamar Hunt就说笑提议名为超级碗(Super Ball),因为他曾看到小朋所玩耍的玩具是超级球(Super Ball)[2],当时大学美式足球比赛的奖杯多数称为「碗。当时他的提议是如果找到一个更好的名字,就将之取代。不过在第一届美式足球世界冠军战后,亦被称为超级碗

求助Bowling For Soup的PUNK101的中文歌词

准确地说歌名是PUNK ROCK 101歌词如下,我翻译的,不是很好Rock!动起来!She works at Hot Topic,她从事着那种热门话题的事His heart microscopic,他心细如尘She thinks that it"s love,她这是认为爱情But to him it"s sex 但对他来说是性行为He listens to Emo,他听EMOBut Fat Mike"s his hero但发`麦克是他的的偶像His bank account"s zero他的存款花光了What comes next?接下来会如何?Same song, different chorus...同一首歌,不同的合唱It"s stupid, contagious它愚蠢并传染To be broke and famous要打破和出名 Can someone please save us有人能拯救我们吗From Punk Rock 101从Punk Rock 101My Dickies, your sweatbandsMy spiked hair, your new VansLet"s throw up our rock hands让我们抛弃摇滚的手For Punk Rock 101为Punk Rock 101She bought him a skateboard她为他买了一个滑板A rail slide, his knee tore可是道路不平,他摔伤了膝盖He traded it for drums at the local pawn shop他买了滑板买了毒品She left him for staring她让他从新开始At girls and not caringWhen she cried "cause she thought当她由于想问题而哭泣Bon Jovi broke up Bon Jovi乐队撕心裂肺地叫唱Same song, second chorus...同一首歌,不同的合唱ChorusDon"t forget to delay不要忘记拖延时间On the very last word曲说出最后的话Seven years later 7年之后He works as a waiter他成了一个服务员She married a trucker,她和一个卡车司机结了婚And he"s never there他从不在那The story never changes故事没变Just the names and faces只有一串串名字,一张张面孔Like Tommy and Geena就像Tommy 和 GeenaThey"re livin on a prayer他们活在祈祷中Chad:Did you just say that?你说过吗?I said,我说了Chorus (2x)endlivin on a prayer是Bon Jovi的代表作,Tommy 和 Geena是歌中主人公Bowling For Soup用了很多Bon Jovi歌词中的元素,但是就像他们歌中所唱Same song, different chorus。


noodles 是可数名词复数,应该用areThere are a lot of noodles in the bowl.

Rainbow Six Siege-Technical Test Server是什么东西?




求韩国女子组合Rainbow的sweet dreams的中文音译歌词,带上每句是谁唱的。谢谢了

佑丽:hey boy,your my dream.uh ,don"t you wake me up(baby i can"t let you go)齐:代购哈度搜挨搜,乃给无几吗啊丘,撒浪唉扑搜库咯,奶给搜得聊卡就(baby icant let you go)胜雅:那巴拉不嫩库得,嫩木噶木系song一你giao及嫩内i know,啊木马五系度爱丘奴比嫩八度智淑:那都哪聊嫩库得,库查噶恩马卖嫩哈吉马拉丘陵oh baby,五林恰雷瓦加纳,喔杜米马杜卢乙:no嫩苦家里爱呐比秋冬star,他苏哈给内g啊搜就懂sunshine贤荣:弄哭勒瓦加纳努汉给黑家那一咯孙哦艘,都拉噶机吗。齐:代购哈都。。。(同上)栽经:难度库类吗拉都,欧苦的业某肃立噶德林嫩得oh baby,内给马累搜加纳,撒浪黑打鼓允惠:no嫩库家里爱呐比秋冬star,塔苏哈给内噶懂就懂sunshine贤荣:弄哭。。(同上)齐:代购。。。(同上)佑丽rap:内送恩no吉马拉就,林撒浪gi比吧哇度,一笔噶达及那噶都,纳秒波宿意思高压rainbow,八九no丘怕那波木寄给,库得怕咯物力压票囚禁米勒,怒噶某来都难苦秘籍,库沟no拉内了one and only sweet dreamLala lala 栽经:苦的哦系末咯及嫩那页sweet dreamlala lala。 库得哦系撒浪及嫩那页sweet dream齐:同上。。。。。。纯属ipad手打,副歌歌词偷懒了,请原谅。。。。。。

David Bowie的《Slip Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Slip Away歌手:David Bowie专辑:A Reality Tour刘德华 - Slip Away (电影《我知女人心》主题曲)作曲: Justin Maurice Kearin, Christopher O"Young填词: Justin Maurice Kearin, Christopher O"Young编曲: Adam Lee监制: 陈德建,李安修Every time I look into the mirror of my mindI barely recognize the man I seeHe used to be a dreamerHe used to be like meBut I can see the sadness in his eyesAnd he"s no longer who I want to beIf I could I would change my yesterdayI would listen to my heart and then todayI"d see What true love could beand I won"t let tomorrowI won"t let tomorrow ship awayI feel the tide is turning and I"m stranded out at seaHoping for my rescue to arriveThe coulds have all turned greyAnd now the waves are crashing inI thought I could survivebut reality has got the better part of meIf I could I would change my yesterdayI would listen to my heart and then todayI"d see What true love could beAnd I won"t let tomorrowI won"t let tomorrowI won"t let tomorrow Ship awayI"ll make the promise to myselfThat I will live each day just like it was the last timeI"ll ever see your face again

A lot of people are having lunch in a big room. Four people are drinking a bowl of water.

如果我理解题目没有错的话这样做就很简单很多人在一个大房间里吃午餐,其中4个人喝一碗水,2个人吃一碗饭,3个人吃一碗肉,一共需要52个碗,请问一共多少个人?喝水的y碗,饭的x碗,肉的z碗因为总人数相同得到2x=4y=3z因为一共52碗所以x+y+z=52从上面一个式子得到x=2y=3/2z和y=3/4z并代入第二个式子得到2y+y+z=52 3y+z=52 9/4z+z=52 13/4z=52 z=16得出z以后由上面的关系式得出总人数=3z=16*3=48人同时为了检验分别得出x=24, 2x=48人 y=12, 4y=48人There are 48 people! 不要告诉我LZ你是外国的要我用英文给你写一遍…………


“ d25 大利面条碗”现象("Spaghetti bowl" phenomenon) “意大利面条碗”现象是指在 双边自由贸易协定 和区域贸易协定, 统称特惠贸易协议下,各个协议的不同的优惠待遇和 原产地规则 就像 碗里的意大利面条,一根根地绞在一起,剪不断,理还乱。 这种现象贸易专家们称为“意大利面条碗”现象或效应。

bow know how中o发什么音

你好!bow 英[bəʊ] 美[boʊ] know 英[nəʊ] 美[noʊ] how 英[haʊ] 美[haʊ]


bath shower gel?翻译成中文是:洗澡用的啫喱

over the rainbow这首歌谁写的??表达了什么吗?

这首歌最初的出处是1939年的美国电影《The Wizard Of Oz》(《绿野仙踪》) 主演Judy Garland 就是它的原唱了 这部童话电影当年可是在奥斯卡的角逐中差点就击败了《乱世佳人》 几十年间,翻唱过这首歌的人实在是太多太多了,几乎每个人都唱过了-_-! 最近那个电视广告里大家经常听到的是 Israel Kamakawiwo"ole(IZ) 的版本 IZ是夏威夷当地著名的歌手,这首歌收录在他1993年的专辑《Facing The Future》中 没错,那个胖子就是IZ,歌声里悠扬的当然也就是著名的夏威夷四弦琴 不过很遗憾,IZ在1997年的时候就已经去世了 这个应该是IZ的纪念短片 里面还有他的家人和歌迷驾着帆上写着“IZ LIVES”的船,将他的骨灰撒向大海的场面。

over the rainbow这个想表达曲子的意思是什么

这首歌是美国1939年电影《绿影仙踪》的一首曲子,如果你想很好了解曲子的意思,最好看看该片。以下是这首曲子的一些情况:这首爵士名曲最早的出处应当是The Wizard of OZ 绿野仙踪(1939)的主题曲,由Judy Garland首唱。后来曾为无数知名歌手翻唱,除却相当多爵士乐手的翻唱演奏版本,如Chet Baker,Rosemary Clooney,Ella Fitzgerald,Frank Sinatra等等,当然也不乏流行、乡村歌手的演绎,如Barbara Streisand,Celine Dion,Eric Clapton,Willie Nelson,Faith Hill,Leann Rimes等。甚至还有Jimi Hendrix的电吉他演奏版,也相当够味。有兴趣的朋友不妨都找来听听,比较一下。个人感觉Martina的演唱还是相当成功的。以下是中英文歌词:Somewhere over the rainbowWay up highThere"s a land that I heard ofOnce in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbowSkies are blueAnd the dreams that you dare to dreamReally do come true Some day I"ll wish upon a starAnd wake up where the clouds are far behind meWhere troubles melt like lemondropsAway above the chimney topsThat"s where you"ll find me Somewhere over the rainbowBluebirds flyBirds fly over the rainbowWhy then, oh why can"t I?If happy little bluebirds flyBeyond the rainbowWhy, oh why can"t I?彩虹深处,高高在上有一片土地曾在我的梦中出现彩虹深处 天空湛蓝有一些梦想你敢憧憬就会实现但愿有一天 我能去到星星醒来发觉云儿被远远抛在身后烦恼消散 如同化为蜜汁高耸的烟囱顶上在那儿 你能找到我彩虹深处 蓝色的知更鸟在飞鸟儿飞越彩虹那为何 哦 为何我却不能倘若快活的蓝色知更鸟能飞越彩虹为何 哦 为何我却不能

Over The Rainbow (The Wizard Of Oz) 歌词

歌曲名:Over The Rainbow (The Wizard Of Oz)歌手:Matt Monro专辑:Sings The Standardstsu me ta i a me ga ho ho wo nu ra si te moha na bi ra ni o tsi ta si dsu ku ha ki mi to ka sa na tteso re ga hi ra ri to yo be ru mo no na ra baka ga ya ki a i ro a se re ta ttedon na ni ke ga sare ta tteaa ki e ta i tte o mo i ko toko re ki ru jia na i ka na sii ki yo kuna mi da ko ra e ta hi to mi no o ku nina ni yo ri mo ki re i na hi ka ri wo a mme teku mo no mu koo ni a ru i te yu kooa me no a to ni wa ni ji ga ta ka rumi mi wo su ma se ba ki ko e te ru ko doosu te ta mon jia na i tte so tto ko ko ro ga si ka ruko no te wo to tte ho ko ri wo ta ta ke baki noo wo wa tsi ga u i ma da toki mi ni mo mi e ru ha zu i ma gaaa hi to tsu ki dsu da ke te ta tsi ma ru yoo naka sia na i ta i ko ko ni su te teda re mo ga min na ki boo no ha si woko ko ro de e ga i te ru ku ra ya mi no na ka dea me ga a ga re ba so ra ni ka ka ruyu me wo sin ji te a ru i te yu kooko e wo ka ra si te sa ke bi tsu dsu ke te momo ga ki tsu dsu ke te ta da mu ku wa re na ite ni to re soo na to do ka na i yoo naso no hi ka ri ga ko ta e daho ho wo nu ra si ta a me no si dsu ku wa hi to su ji no ka ga ya kio bi e na ku te iide re mo ga min na ni ji wo mi ru te dei ki te i ru ko ko e ta ku ra ya mi no na ka dea me ga a ga re ba so ra ni ka ka ruyu mo wo sin jij te a ru i te yu kooyu me da ke wo sin ji a ru i te yu koo

rainbow 的 gossip girl 韩语歌词


Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Showgirl Tour - Live In Sydney) 歌词

歌曲名:Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Showgirl Tour - Live In Sydney)歌手:Kylie Minogue专辑:Showgirl Homecoming LiveAselin DebisonSomewhere Over The Rainbowby 迷路的OoooooooooooooooohOoooooooooooooooohOoooooooooooooooohSomewhere over the rainbowWay up highAnd the dreams that you dream of once in a lullabySomewhere over the rainbowBluebirds flyAnd the dreams that you dream ofDreams really do come true.Someday i wish upon a starWakeup where the clouds are far behind meWhere trouble melts like lemondropsHigh above the chimney topThat"s where you"ll find meSomewhere over the rainbowBluebirds flyAnd the dreams that you dare toOh why oh why can"t I ~~~Well i see tree"s of green and red roses toI"ll watch them bloom for me and youAnd i think to myselfWhat a wonderful worldWell i see skies of blue and I see clouds of whiteAnd the brightness of dayI like the darkAnd i think to myself what a wonderful world.The colours of the rainbowSo pretty in the skyI also one the faces of people passing byI see friends shaking hands sayingHow do you doThey"re really saying I ... I love youI hear babies cry and i watch them growThey"ll learn much more then we"ll knowAnd i think to myself what a wonderful worldSomeday i wish upon a starWakeup where the clouds are far behind ~ meWell trouble melts like lemondropsHigh above the chimney topThat"s where you"ll find meOh somewhere over the rainbowWay up highAnd the dreams that you dare toOh why oh why can"t I ...I ...OooooooooooooooooohOooooooooooooooooohOooooooh Oooooooooh

请告诉我The Rainbow Connection的歌词,好吗?

The Rainbow Connection—The CarpentersWhy are there so many songs about rainbows and what"s on the other side?Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, and rainbows have nothing to hide.So we"ve been told and some choose to believe it. I know they"re wrong wait andsee.Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me.Who said that wishes would be heard and answered when wished on the morningstar?Someone thought of that and someone believed it. Look what it"s done so far.What"s so amazing that keeps us stargazing and what do we think we might see?Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me.All of us under its spell. We know that it"s probably magic.Have you been sleeping and have you heard voices? I"ve heard them calling myname.Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors. The voice might be oneand the same.I"ve heard it too many times to ignore it. It"s something that I"m supposed tobe.Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers and me.Someday we"ll find it, the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers and me.

I Saw You In The Rainbow 歌词

歌曲名:I Saw You In The Rainbow歌手:LOVE PSYCHEDELICO专辑:GOLDEN GRAPEFRUITI Saw You Walking In The Rain剑南制作湖北.宜昌I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Tossing and turninganother sleepless nightthe rain crashes against my window pane.Jumpde into my carand drive too farthat moment I knew I would never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Now here you are begging to meto give our love another tryMore than love you and I always willbut darlingright now I"ve got to say good-bye.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Ling...MM: Hi baby what"s your day today?GG: I love you,I want you, baby.MM: you miss me? Well , I missed you tooGG: hey, come on babyMM: I missed you so much that I followed you todayGG: What? you followed me?MM: Yeah, that"s right. I saw you with that girl.GG: what girl?MM: Walking on the street,kissing her,MM: holding her hand and now you come back to me ?MM: No ,baby, forget you but I love you ,MM: and I can"t see you no more.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding hands

求田村ゆかりtiny rainbow的日文,中文,罗马音歌词

日文和罗马音的,找不到中文。。。抱歉。。。要不你拿翻译器翻译下?希望能帮上忙~わらってて そばにいてwarattete sobaniite笑颜の魔法かけたらai ga o no mahou kaketaraはじまる物语はhajimaru mono gadali hatrue love 颊寄せてtrue love hoho yose te想いを渡しあえたらomoi wo watashi aetara泪は 虹を架ける forevernamida wa niji wo kake ru forever甘い香りの果树园でamai kaori no ka tuai n deミツバチと踊る梦みたmitsubachi to odoru yume mita羽音のノイズの向こうに 古びたドアhane oto no noizu no mukou ni furubi ta doa出逢えた日のことを 觉えてますかdeae ta nichi nokotowo etemasukaひとつだけ 神样に祈ったのhitotsudake kami sama ni inotta noわらってて そばにいてwarattete sobaniiteあなたがここにいるからanata gakokoniirukaraはじまる物语はhajimaru mono gata hatrue love 颊寄せてtrue love hoho yose te想いを渡しあえたらomoi wo watashi aetara泪は 虹に变わる forevernamida wa niji ni ga waru forever失うのが怖いだけでushinau noga kowai dakede 暴れだした弱いハ一トはabare dashita yowai ha ichi to ha抱きしめたら静かになる 子犬みたいdaki shimetara shizuka ninaru koinu mitai巡る巡る 时に刻んでくのはmeguru meguru doki ni kizan dekunohaありふれた爱だけど あったかいのarifureta ai dakedo attakainoうれしくて うれしくてureshikute ureshikute笑颜の魔法かけたらa ga o no ba no mahou kaketaraこころは强くなれるkokoroha zuyo kunarerutrue love すり拔ける指もtrue love suri nuke ru yubi moそっとつかまえてsottotsukamaete素直になれない时は anytimesunao ninarenai doki ha anytimeやさしさ それは强さねyasashisa soreha zuyo saneしあわせなら ちいさな手の中shiawasenara chiisana teno naka夏が来る 春になるnatsu ga kuru haru ninaru缲り返す日々の中でku ri kaesu hibi no naka de昙りのないきもちのkumo rino naikimochinotrue love 高い空true love takai sora见上げて瞳闭じればmi age te hitomi do jireba泪は 虹に变わるnamida ha niji ni ga warutrue love 颊寄せてtrue love hoho yose te想いを渡しあえたらomoi wo watashi aetara泪は 虹を架ける forevernamida ha niji wo kake ru forever

求Buono! 的うらはら的假名歌词与伴奏,OVER THE RAINBOW 的也可以,会再加分


Over The Rainbow (Glee Cast Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Over The Rainbow (Glee Cast Version)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:Glee: The Music, Journey To Regionalstsu me ta i a me ga ho ho wo nu ra si te moha na bi ra ni o tsi ta si dsu ku ha ki mi to ka sa na tteso re ga hi ra ri to yo be ru mo no na ra baka ga ya ki a i ro a se re ta ttedon na ni ke ga sare ta tteaa ki e ta i tte o mo i ko toko re ki ru jia na i ka na sii ki yo kuna mi da ko ra e ta hi to mi no o ku nina ni yo ri mo ki re i na hi ka ri wo a mme teku mo no mu koo ni a ru i te yu kooa me no a to ni wa ni ji ga ta ka rumi mi wo su ma se ba ki ko e te ru ko doosu te ta mon jia na i tte so tto ko ko ro ga si ka ruko no te wo to tte ho ko ri wo ta ta ke baki noo wo wa tsi ga u i ma da toki mi ni mo mi e ru ha zu i ma gaaa hi to tsu ki dsu da ke te ta tsi ma ru yoo naka sia na i ta i ko ko ni su te teda re mo ga min na ki boo no ha si woko ko ro de e ga i te ru ku ra ya mi no na ka dea me ga a ga re ba so ra ni ka ka ruyu me wo sin ji te a ru i te yu kooko e wo ka ra si te sa ke bi tsu dsu ke te momo ga ki tsu dsu ke te ta da mu ku wa re na ite ni to re soo na to do ka na i yoo naso no hi ka ri ga ko ta e daho ho wo nu ra si ta a me no si dsu ku wa hi to su ji no ka ga ya kio bi e na ku te iide re mo ga min na ni ji wo mi ru te dei ki te i ru ko ko e ta ku ra ya mi no na ka dea me ga a ga re ba so ra ni ka ka ruyu mo wo sin jij te a ru i te yu kooyu me da ke wo sin ji a ru i te yu koo

Rainbow的《Stone Cold》 歌词

歌曲名:Stone Cold歌手:Rainbow专辑:Pots Of Goldstone cold「sacred seven」OP作词:梶浦由记/作曲:梶浦由记/编曲:梶浦由记歌:FictionJunction顽な心のままで〖怀着顽固的心灵〗石ころは何処まで行ける〖碎石子又能去向何方〗砂のように脆く崩れる〖像是细沙一般脆弱易碎〗一文字も読めない未来〖未来已然无法一言以蔽之〗don"t believe in actionただ前に进むだけじゃ见えない〖仅仅蒙头前行只会模糊一片〗show me your emotion言叶に出来ないものを下さい〖这无法用语言修饰的事物〗一粒の冷たい石に〖一粒冰冷的碎石子之中〗秘められた热もあるだろう〖也含有深藏不露的热意吧〗どうせなら胜ちに行きたい〖无论如何去赢取胜利吧〗何もかも见えない未来〖向着这暧昧不清的未来〗you are my illusion空っぽのままの心でもいい〖即使只是空荡荡地心灵也好〗show me your addiction闭ざされた梦を探して〖探寻着已经封闭的梦想〗势い任せで掴んだ手が〖凭着气势紧握的手掌〗きっと君を変えてくsignal〖肯定会将你改变的signal〗会いたくて 飞んだって〖想要见你 即使飞翔〗落ちて行くけれど〖也只会不断坠落〗もう一度空を目指して〖再一次向着天空〗放り投げる想い全て〖将内心恋意全部抛出〗泣いたって 分け合って〖尽管会哭泣 也想与你分享〗君が笑うまで〖直到你露出笑容〗一粒の涙の为に〖为这一滴眼泪〗石ころはひび割れて行く〖碎石子开始龟裂〗梦一つ守れるのなら〖若是能守护此梦想〗砕け散る意味もあるだろう〖粉身碎骨也有着其意义〗show me your emotion顽なままの心でもいい〖即使顽固依旧的心灵也好〗no more contradictionごまかし切れないものを下さい〖无法尽藏的都展现出来吧〗骗された场所で见つける〖即使在这充满欺骗之地〗大切な想いもあるさ〖也有着重要的感情〗泣き言を笑い飞ばせば〖若泣言被笑脸吹走的话〗明日さえ掴めるようで〖就连明天都已紧握手中〗It"s all for affectionどんな嘘よりも酷い真実〖无论多少比谎言都残酷的真实〗you are my devotion逃げる事はもう出来ない〖都不可以因此放弃而逃避〗それは君のため〖这到底是为了你〗それともただ仆のため〖亦或是仅仅是为了自己〗繋いだ passion〖紧紧相连的passion〗爱なんていつだって〖所谓之爱无论何时〗ひとりぼっちだけど〖都仅仅只是孤单一人〗微笑み一つで救われたんだ〖只要一个微笑就能被拯救的〗ちっぽけな心なんだ〖如此微小的心情〗顽张って 転がって〖不断倒下 不断努力〗君に出会うまで〖直到与你相会那天〗stone cold顽な心のままで〖怀着顽固的心灵〗石ころは微笑んでいる〖碎石子都已绽放笑颜〗一つだけドアを开けたら〖打开只此一次的未来之门〗眩しくて见えない未来〖炫目得无法看清〗いつだってその场しのぎで〖一直以来凭着权宜之计〗どこまでも転がって行く〖磕磕绊绊地别处前行〗だけどほら、光の方へ〖但是你看、已经感觉到〗少しずつ行ける気がする〖向着光芒之处慢慢移动〗初めての恋をしたんだ〖不觉间陷入了初恋〗君だけがそこにいたんだ〖却只有你陪在身边〗会いたくて、抱き合って〖想与你相见、想与你相拥〗一人ぼっちになるときも〖在这孤单一人之时〗いつもただ君が泣かないように〖一直以来为了不让你悲泣〗寂しさに震えぬように〖在寂寞中强忍发抖〗顽张って 呼び合って〖顽强着 呼唤着〗侧にいると伝えたい〖只想告诉你永不分离〗优しさに目を覚ました〖在温柔之中睁开双眼〗ちっぽけな心なんだ〖如此微小的心情〗会いたくて 転がって〖想与你相见 不断到下〗触れ合う二つの〖相互轻触的〗stone cold终わり

one little two little three little raibow出自哪首歌曲?

“one little,two little,three little raibow”出自The Beach Boys演唱歌曲《ten little indians》《ten little indians》演唱:The Beach Boys词曲:伏名歌词:Ten little Indian十个小印第安人One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little Indians;三个小印第安人;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little Indians;六个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little Indians;九个小印第安人;Ten little Indian boys;十个印度小男孩;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little Indians;八个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little Indians;五个小印第安人;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little Indians;两个小印第安人;one little Indian boy;一个印度小男孩;One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little fingers;三个小手指;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little fingers;六个小手指;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little fingers;九个小手指;Ten fingers on your hands;十个手指放在你的手上;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little fingers;八个小手指;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little fingers;五个小手指;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little fingers;两个小手指;one finger on your hand;一根手指放在你的手上扩展资料:《ten little indians》是一首英文流行歌曲,发行时间是2012年9月21日,收录于专辑《Surfin" Safari (2001 - Remaster)》中,由The Beach Boys演唱。《ten little indians》翻唱者众多,截止2019年,贝瓦儿歌、Miranda Jesse、碰碰狐儿歌等都翻唱过这首歌。

one little, two little, three little raibow是什么歌?

“one little,two little,three little raibow”出自The Beach Boys演唱歌曲《ten little indians》《ten little indians》演唱:The Beach Boys词曲:伏名歌词:Ten little Indian十个小印第安人One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little Indians;三个小印第安人;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little Indians;六个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little Indians;九个小印第安人;Ten little Indian boys;十个印度小男孩;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little Indians;八个小印第安人;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little Indians;五个小印第安人;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little Indians;两个小印第安人;one little Indian boy;一个印度小男孩;One little,一点点,two little,两个小,three little fingers;三个小手指;Four little,四点,five little,五点,six little fingers;六个小手指;Seven little,七点,eight little,八点,nine little fingers;九个小手指;Ten fingers on your hands;十个手指放在你的手上;Ten little,十点,nine little,九点,eight little fingers;八个小手指;Seven little,七点,six little,六点,five little fingers;五个小手指;Four little,四点,three little,三点,two little fingers;两个小手指;one finger on your hand;一根手指放在你的手上扩展资料:《ten little indians》是一首英文流行歌曲,发行时间是2012年9月21日,收录于专辑《Surfin" Safari (2001 - Remaster)》中,由The Beach Boys演唱。《ten little indians》翻唱者众多,截止2019年,贝瓦儿歌、Miranda Jesse、碰碰狐儿歌等都翻唱过这首歌。

one little two little three little raibow什么歌?


Colours Of The Rainbow 歌词

歌曲名:Colours Of The Rainbow歌手:Angela Sterling Forest专辑:Marble FeatherAlesha Dixon - Colours Of The RainbowI keep changingI go and I don"t know why I am waitingFor somebody to come along and save meWhilst I"m on the floorI gotta find my way out here for sureSo I try, pick up all the piecesI try, straighten out the creasesI try, to make it work for meIn turn now I believeThat I"ll be fineI"m like the colours of the rainbowRed, white, gold and blueI"m changing all the timeIts hard for me to cry so I do, what I doRed, white, gold and blueNo more playing,Feeling like no one hears what I"m sayingDone with all the obstacles I"ve put hereNo more running scaredPainting my own picture now insteadIts my time, to shine a light withinIts my time, been trying for so longIts my time, to make it work for meIn turn I will believe thatThat I"ll be fineI"m like the colours of the rainbowRed, white, gold and blueI"m changing all the timeIts hard for me to cry so I do, what I doRed, white, gold and blueTaking me back to where the story startedTurning the page, things come around and then they goTaking me back to everythingA part of me had to goThats why I"m like the colours of the rainbowRed, white, gold and blueI"m changing all the timeIts hard for me to cry so I do, what I doI"m like the colours of the rainbowRed, white, gold and blueI"m changing all the timeIts hard for me to cry so I do, what I doRed, white, gold and blueRed, white, gold and blueRed, white and gold, red white and goldI"m like the colours of the rainbowRed, white, gold and blueI"m changing all the timeIts hard for me to cry so I do, what I doRed, white, gold and blue



Under The Rainbow 歌词

歌曲名:Under The Rainbow歌手:River City People专辑:Say Something GoodACIDMAN - Under the rain作词:オオキノブオ作曲:ACIDMAN朝焼けの一秒前に见上げた渗んだ星を思い出す度心の奥に隠してきた贵方の声が离さないように 繋いだメロディー流星の风に吹かれながら追い挂けていた 美しかった夜の果てに消えたWhy did you say goodbye?I broke down under the rain.Why did you say goodbye?I broke down under the rain.Why did you say goodbye?It"d wash away my stinging pain.I still can"t be free from this place.Trees and wind stand still in this rain.绮丽だった白い银河追い挂けて手を伸ばしても届かなかった 音も无かった全てが儚く思えて贵方がいて 笑ってくれてそれだけで心が満たされてそして幻に消えてWhy did you say goodbye?I broke down under the rain.Why did you say goodbye?I broke down under the rain.Why did you say goodbye?It"d wash away my stinging pain.I still can"t be free from this place.Trees and wind stand still in this rain.无くした小さなメロディー夜空に响いてYou taught that things disappear entirely.And things stay in the heart entirely.You taught that to me in this rain.Why did you say goodbye?I broke down under the rain.Why did you say goodbye?I broke down under the rain.Why did you say goodbye?It"d wash away my stinging pain.I still can"t be free from this place.Trees and wind standWhy did you say goodbye?I broke down under the rain.Why did you say goodbye?I broke down under the rain.Why did you say goodbye?It"d wash away my stinging pain.I still can"t be free from this place.Trees and wind stand still in this rain.

求Bow wow的歌词。

I ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)Now I done been with different kind of girlsLike I done seen em allbut ain"t none of them at all (like u)And I done seen the best of the bestBaby still I ain"t impressedcause ain"t none of them at all (like u)If you know how I feel when I chillIf I"m seen with a girl then she gotta be just (like u)And baby that"s the way I feelAnd I got no choice but for me to keep it realCause when we first got together started hanging out you wasSkeptical at first had to figure out ifI was the kind of guy to try to dog you out butI ain"t that kind of guy you tried to make me outYou found out when you turned into my babyI showed them other brothers how to treat a ladyI let you drive when I ride that MercedesAnd I ain"t trippin or actin shady cause baby you knoI ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)And every time I think about you (I cry)When you ride when you call when you come I (ride)Your love is a-mazing to meCan"t wait til I see you (I wanna be wit you again)And every time you"re out on the road (I make a trip)And whenever I"m doing a show (Don"t you forget)That I"m your (main chick)Who got that (game chick)One and the (same chick)The one you can hang withI ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)Okay when you hit the mall pop tags spend a few g"s (jazin?)Hit the runway to a new season (season)It ain"t nothin it"s you the one I care forFeel like I ain"t doing enoghthat"s when I share more (share more)I give you this give you that what you need love (love)You know I got it holla at me if you need love (love)And affection cause i"ll be your protectionKinda hard job but i"ll do it to perfectionAnd you can tell that I ain"t tryna let you goI get with you when I can so that"s how I let you knoAnd you be trippin cause sometimes I gotta goBut you the first one I hollared to right after my showsAnd I was trippin in a sense I was tenseFrom my body loose around you what imma do without youI gotta get it together say whatevaSince I met you my life seems so bettaI ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)I ain"t neva had nobody show me all the thingsthat you done showed meAnd the special way I feel when you hold meWe gone always be together baby that"s what you told meAnd I believe it (Cause I ain"t neva had nobody do me like u)
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