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blind adj.瞎的;失明的;盲人;(对某事)视而不见的,未察觉的 v.使变瞎;使失明;使眼花;使目眩;使思维混沌; n.窗帘;(尤指)卷帘;用以蒙蔽人的言行; adv.视线受阻地;仅靠仪表操纵地;盲目地 第三人称单数: blinds 复数: blinds 现在分词: blinding 扩展资料   His passion for her made him blind to everything else.   他钟情于她,达到了不顾一切的"地步。   He didn"t take a blind bit of notice of me.   他压根儿没理睬我。   One of her parents is blind.   她的父母有一个是盲人。


意思 是 瞎的


blind[英][blau026and][美][blau026and]adj.失明的; 盲目的,轻率的; 供盲人用的; 隐蔽的; vt.弄瞎,使失明; 蒙蔽,欺瞒; 使变暗; 使昏聩; n.掩饰; 借口; 百叶窗; adv.盲目地; 看不见地; 第三人称单数:blinds过去分词:blinded复数:blinds现在进行时:blinding过去式:blinded例句:1.A young blind boy is being tucked into bed by his mother. 一个年轻的盲人男孩是被他的母亲藏在床上


blind 英[blau026and]美[blau026and]adj. 失明的; 盲目的,轻率的; 供盲人用的; 隐蔽的;vt. 弄瞎,使失明; 蒙蔽,欺瞒; 使变暗; 使昏聩;n. 掩饰; 借口; 百叶窗;[例句]I started helping him run the business when he went blind他失明以后,我就开始帮他打理生意。[其他] 第三人称单数:blinds 复数:blinds 现在分词:blinding 过去式:blinded 过去分词:blinded


blind英 [blau026and]美 [blau026and]失明的blind高考 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研情景对话0:33adj.瞎的;失明的;盲人;(对某事)视而不见的,未察觉的v.使变瞎;使失明;使眼花;使目眩;使思维混沌;使失去判断力n.窗帘;(尤指)卷帘;用以蒙蔽人的言行;借口;托词;幌子adv.视线受阻地;仅靠仪表操纵地;盲目地复数:blinds第三人称单数:blinds现在进行时:blinding过去式:blinded过去分词:blinded派生词:blindnessn.


首先,乔伊斯利用了blind一词的多重含义。北里奇蒙德街是一条“死胡同”(“being blind”);而“我”则把自己藏在百叶窗(blind)后以免被曼根的姐姐看见。这一前一后两个blind表达了截然不同的含义:街道的不通象征着生活在这里的人们难以与外界交流,进而影射都柏林乃至于整个爱尔兰社会没有出路。生活在这里的成人们大都满足于这种状态,而小男孩却希望从中逃脱出来,这样就推动了故事情节的发展。第二个blind是个名词,它使得小男孩所看到的外部世界(包括曼根的姐姐)处于朦胧当中。这一点很重要,因为它暗示着小男孩只是在做一个处于朦胧之中的、天真幼稚的青春梦,而这样的梦想不可能成为现实;在这里,blind又具有了“盲目”的意思。






blind [blau026and] n.盲人,窗帘,障蔽物 v.使失明,遮暗,蒙蔽 adj.盲目的,不加思考的,瞎的


(酷狗显示为shayne ward 演唱,未查证是否为泄露歌曲)Would you tell me when i ask youIf you love me when you don"tWould you say your feelings never changedWhen they"ve all gone awayI don"t wanna be blindAnd i don"t wanna hear what you think i need to hearI don"t wanna hideSo you can stop trying to protect me everywhereCos i don"t wanna beLiving my life alone, sometimes i wanna cryBut i can"t if you won"t let me seeDon"t wanna be blind, don"t wanna be blindI refuse to be blind, i refuse to be blindNot a good day, sometimes a long wayBut i know i don"t wanna fight in the darkSo turn the light on, let me in on everything you got on your mindI don"t wanna be blindAnd i don"t wanna hear what you think i need to hearI don"t wanna hideSo you can stop trying to protect me everywhereCos i don"t wanna beLiving my life alone, sometimes i wanna cryBut i can"t if you won"t let me seeDon"t wanna be blind, don"t wanna be blindI refuse to be blind, i refuse to be blindEverytime i tried to see what you"ve been holding back from meYou say, you say i don"t need to knowAnd i don"t wanna keep ignoring every sign that you"re about to leaveI can"t keep living..Living my life alone, sometimes i wanna cryBut i can"t if you won"t let me seeDon"t wanna be blind, don"t wanna be blindI refuse to be blind, i refuse to be blindDon"t wanna be blind, don"t wanna be blindI refuse to be blind, i refuse to be blind i think you got the best of meyou"re sleeping with the enemyyou left me all alone alone alone alonethe beat drops im so alonemy heart stops i already knowyou left me all alone alone alone aloneChorusim sick and tired of this mess and maybe never gonna catch me crywu oh~~you must be blind if you cant see you"ll miss me till the day you diewu oh~~Without me you"re nothingyou must be blind if you cant see you"ll miss me till the day you die (wu oh~)I"m let go finally you"ll be youthis drama that you put me throughim better all alone alone alone alonethe beat drops you so aloneit"s last call and it"s gonna lowNow look whose all alone alone alone aloneChorusim sick and tired of this mess and maybe never gonna catch me crywu oh~~you must be blind if you cant see you"ll miss me till the day you diewu oh~~Without me you"re nothingyou must be blind if you cant see you"ll miss me till the day you die (wu oh~)BridgeI trust youyou were the firstthen you lied and it gets worstyou broke me down now just look around(whose all alone~~~) whose all alone nowChorusim sick and tired of this mess and maybe never gonna catch me crywu oh~~you must be blind if you cant see you"ll miss me till the day you diewu oh~~Without me you"re nothingyou must be blind if you cant see you"ll miss me till the day you die Since the day I left you从我离开你的那一天I hear your voice in every sound你的声音就在脑海回响Since the day I left you从我离开你的那一天I see your face in every crowd你的面孔就在四处可见It won"t go away久久不曾离去But every time I feel you"re near到每次我感到你的接近I close my eyes and turn to stone我都会闭上双眼 无法动弹"Cause now the only thing I fear因为站在我唯一感到害怕的Is seeing you"re better off alone就是看到你一个人也过得很好Cut out my eyes挖去我的双眼吧And leave me Blind留下失明的我Cut out my eyes挖去我的双眼吧And leave me Blind留下失明的我With the weight of the world upon me随着世界的重量压在我的身上I can"t hold my head up high我如何再抬起头So if you see me on the streets所以当你在街上看到我Turn away or walk on by请转身对我视而不见吧"Cause after the beauty we"ve destroyed因为在被我们摧毁的美丽之后I"m cascading through the void我已在这虚无中流失I know in time our hearts will mend我知道总有一天我们都会好起来I don"t care if I never see again我不管我是否会重见光明Cut out my eyes挖去我的双眼吧And leave me Blind留下失明的我Cut out my eyes挖去我的双眼吧And leave me Blind留下失明的我And I told you我说过After all we"ve been through在我们所经历过的一切之后I don"t wanna be by myself!我如何再做回自己And I told you that it would tear me in two我也告诉过你如果让我看你和别人在一起If I see you with someone else无异于把我撕裂Cut out my eyes挖去我的双眼吧And leave me Blind留下失明的我Cut out my eyes挖去我的双眼吧And leave me Blind留下失明的我

blind 与blindly的区别

blindly 英["blaindli] 美["blaindli] adv. 盲目地,轻率地;摸索地blind 英[blau026and] 美[blau026and] n. 盲人,窗帘,托词v. 使变瞎,使思维混沌adj. 瞎的;失明的,盲目接受的,不能自制的,无理性的


blind [blaɪnd]n. 盲人, 窗帘, 障蔽物v. 使失明, 遮暗, 蒙蔽adj. 盲目的, 不加思考的, 瞎的


blind [blaind]a.瞎的;盲目的 vt.使失明 n.百叶窗

blind的单词 blind

    他一只眼睛失明。  2. 盲人的,为了盲  We must not be blind to the suffering of others.  我们不能对他人的痛苦视而不见。  4. 盲目的,未加思考的;无目的的  He made a blind guess.  他胡猜一通。5. 人力不能控制的人的[B]  3. 视而不见的,不愿承认的[F][(+1. 瞎的,盲的[Z][R]He is blind in one]  6. (飞机等)单凭仪表驾驶的  The pilot made a blind landing in the fog.  飞行员在雾天盲目着了陆。  7. 【俚】极少的[B]  8. 隐蔽的,难以察觉的  Watch out for b 3. 单凭仪表驾驶地The pilot had to fly blind in this weather.  在这种天气飞行员只好盲目飞行。   1. 百叶窗;窗帘[P1]  2. 掩饰,借口  3. 【美】埋伏处When he hunts ducks, he hides behind a blinlind intersections.  留神不易看清的道路交叉口。  9. (信件)地址未写清楚的  10. (路等)走不通的 1. 看不见地  2. 盲目地;轻率地  The old man is always blind obstinate.  那个老汉总是盲目地固执。  d of twigs and leaves.他打野鸭时,所属专辑:《Train》发行时间:1998-02-24 歌曲标签:摇滚歌手:ke$ha所属专辑:《Animal + Cannibal》发行时间:2010-05-12 歌曲标签:流行teen pop歌手:Hurts所属专辑:《Exile》 总是藏身在用树枝和树叶做成的隐蔽处。  4. 单凭仪表的驾驶  5. 遮眼物


blind常见释义失明的英: [blaɪnd]美: [blaɪnd]adj.失明的; 盲目的,轻率的; 供盲人用的; 隐蔽的;vt.弄瞎,使失明; 蒙蔽,欺瞒; 使变暗; 使昏聩;例句:boys and girls who are blind and who want to be able to read and write by touch.想通过触觉读写的失明的男孩和女孩复数:blinds
















韩剧《Blind》还没有大结局,播出时间是2022年9月16日,11月5日大结局。 韩剧《Blind》于2022年9月16日起在韩国tvN电视台首播,韩国播出时间:每周周五、周六晚上10:40各播放一集,中字更新时间:每周六、日上午更新。11月5日大结局。 《Blind》剧情简介 这部剧讲述的是以刑警、法官、法学院学生和9名陪审员为中心展开的《Blind》委屈的受害者和闭嘴的加害者的悬疑惊悚剧。开头听到几个小孩口哨声与猎狗的追逐逃亡声,女孩被残忍杀害,并割烂了嘴,凶手作案残忍至极。为调查真凶,玉泽饰演的刑警参与了这起案件。故事节奏快,剧情烧脑。 从海报中可以看出,演员一只手挡住眼睛,而该剧的剧名《Blind》中文意思为“盲”,讲述因怀有冤屈的受害者们,与对于不实的真相睁一只眼闭一只眼的施害者们的故事,围绕刑警、法官、法学院学生和陪审团为中心的疑推理剧。 该剧由一起武英市女大学被害案引发,被缉拿归案的犯人申请陪审团共同审讯,之后9名陪审员一一遇害,到底是谁接连杀害他们?真相又是什么呢?三位主角因为连续杀人案相遇,并为了找出幕后黑手而努力追查,紧张刺激的剧情引发了观众的期待! 而且该剧是由擅长悬疑剧的申勇辉担任导演,他之前的作品《隧道》有不错的口碑,编剧是权基英之前代表作有2017年播出的《奇怪的搭档》,她写悬疑线很吸引人但爱情戏份有些观众反应一般。 剧里哥哥成勋亲眼目睹弟弟成俊暴力殴打同学,这就让他产生了一定的先入为主的代入感。父母明显更偏爱哥哥,家庭聚餐时对于弟弟说话刻薄,而成俊自己也知道父母并不待见他,家庭聚餐日他会推脱跟不乐于参与,家庭矛盾又给观众埋下了伏笔,希望能知道哥俩的成长经历。


同义词 sightless、visionless、unsighted、screen、stupid、unseeing、eyeless、window shade、canopy、visor、venetian blind、roller blind、shade、darken、curtain、dazzle、aimless、shutter、cloud、abstracted、without thought、glare、judgment、thought、without、subterfuge、unreasoning、dim 反义词 sighted shaorunjia2001真心为您解答~ 【如果我做错了欢迎大家指出我的错误,毕竟我不是万能的】 祝共同进步!

Embrace的《Blind》 歌词

歌曲名:Blind歌手:Embrace专辑:Fireworks EpJason Derülo - Blind (盲目的爱情)Never thought that I"d say wish I didn"t love you ever从未想过我会说出希望自己从未爱上你这样的话Since the first date when you got close my heart自在第一次约会你深深打动我的心开始Would just stop thought me and you together would end up on top我就一刻不停的想着我们会爱到天荒地老You changed me for better for worse I know我也知道你是决定我一切的唯一I was caught up always put you first I never once thought你在我心目中永远是第一位You would be triflin but o I was blinded...你只是在玩弄着爱情游戏,但爱情使我盲目...I was like oh oh oh never wanna let you go go go我只想你永远在我身旁Cause I was open before I was open before but因为遇见你以后我痛改前非再不花心Now I know... That love made me blind现在我终于知道...是爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目I gave all of my trust didn"t think being faithful was asking对你完全信任,这是我主动愿意的To much but I"m good glad that I know now I was fooled but现在的我很好,很高兴现在终于明白我当时是多么的愚蠢Fate let me see how they say every tear has it"s reasons命运的安排让我学会了每一滴眼泪都有它流下的理由Every smile has it"s own season never once thought每个微笑都是稍纵即逝的道理Youd be this triflin but o I was blinded...你只是在玩弄着爱情游戏,但爱情使我盲目...I was like oh oh oh never wanna let you go go go我只想你永远在我身旁Cause I was open before I was open before but因为遇见你以后我痛改前非再不花心Now I know... That love made me blind现在我终于知道...是爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目Cause I felt your lips pressed against mine因为当我品味你我唇舌交缠时Thought the sweet smell of your perfume was all mine想象着你的甜馨芳香都为我专属Baby You know you area beautiful liar宝贝你可真是个情场高手啊Coz love made me blind只因爱情使我盲目Love made me blind爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目Jason Derülo - Blind (盲目的爱情)E-n-D






blind这个英语单词具有形容词,副词,名词和及物动词四种词性用法,blind的不同含义如下: 1、blind作为形容词使用时,blind的含义是盲目的,瞎的。 2、blind被用作副词时,blind的词义为盲目地,看不见地。 3、blind作为名词使用时,blind的单词意思是掩饰,借口,百叶窗。 扩展资料   4、blind的"及物动词含义为使失明,使失去理智。   时态变化:   blind的过去式形式是blinded,过去分词形式是blinded,现在分词形式是blinding,第三人称单数形式是blinds。   词组举例:   blind in 封堵   blind spot 视野盲点   turn a blind eye 对…故意视而不见,对…假装不见   color blind 色盲   blind side 没有防范的一面,弱点   go blind 失明,瞎眼   例句:   1、He has blind faith in doctors" ability to find a cure.   他盲目相信医生有妙手回春的能力。   2、He"s proud of his children and blind to their faults.   他为孩子们感到自豪,对他们的缺点视而不见。   3、Doctors think he will go blind.   医生们认为他会失明。


I just wanna to be with you till the end

blind的意思 ?

a.1. 瞎的,盲的[Z][R]He is blind in one eye.他一只眼睛失明。2. 盲人的,为了盲人的[B]3. 视而不见的,不愿承认的[F][(+to)]We must not be blind to the suffering of others.我们不能对他人的痛苦视而不见。4. 盲目的,未加思考的;无目的的He made a blind guess.他胡猜一通。5. 人力不能控制的6. (飞机等)单凭仪表驾驶的The pilot made a blind landing in the fog.飞行员在雾天盲目着了陆。7. 【俚】极少的[B]8. 隐蔽的,难以察觉的Watch out for blind intersections.留神不易看清的道路交叉口。9. (信件)地址未写清楚的10. (路等)走不通的ad.1. 看不见地2. 盲目地;轻率地The old man is always blind obstinate.那个老汉总是盲目地固执。3. 单凭仪表驾驶地The pilot had to fly blind in this weather.在这种天气飞行员只好盲目飞行。vt.1. 使看不见,使失明2. 使失去理智(或判断力)His anger blinded his reason.愤怒使他失去了理智。n.[C]1. 百叶窗;窗帘[P1]2. 掩饰,借口3. 【美】埋伏处When he hunts ducks, he hides behind a blind of twigs and leaves.他打野鸭时,总是藏身在用树枝和树叶做成的隐蔽处。4. 单凭仪表的驾驶5. 遮眼物




盲孔 [词典] [化] blind hole; [医] foramina caecum; [例句]曲轴箱中气缸盖紧固螺钉的盲孔中不得有油或冷却液。 There must be no oil or coolant in the blind holes for the cylinder-head fastening screws in the crankcase.



Love You Blind 歌词

歌曲名:Love You Blind歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Celine DionLove is Color_Blind Sarah Connoryeah!what"s up?it"s TQ and Sarah againhaha, right back at ya (love is color blind)that"s rightthis time we got a serious situationand we"re tryna do our parts to helpbut we need your helpyou know what I"m saying? (love is color blind)so come on!it don"t matter if you"re black (yeah)white, or yellow, if you"re brown or red (it don"t matter)let"s get down to thatlove is color blind (that"s right, give it to em baby)I remember whenI was a child and couldn"t understandpeople having fundiscriminating all the different onesmama just used to saywhen you grow up you maybe find a wayto make these people seethat everything I do comes back to meyou gotta live your lifethrough all the single ones to blameyou gotta live that lifejust play the game and let love rainit don"t matter if you"re blackwhite, or yellow, if you"re brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very end (yeah)it"s to understand (yeah) {come on TQ}love is color blind (that"s right)I remember as a young boyI watch my neighborhood go up in flamesI saw the whole thing of tears and painand the situation"s wack in my brainI wish I could fly away and never come back againwe need some love ya"llwe need some real dip, help from above ya"llI mean the kids is watchingand I just can"t see ya stopI don"t understandI mean we all bleed the same blood, man(you gotta live your life)better than a father"s deadlet"s make some love babyhave some kids(you gotta live that life)and I don"t care what color they areor you are or we are, it"s all love baby!it don"t matter if you"re blackwhite, or yellow, if you"re brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very endit"s to understandlove is color blindyou could have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you are my sisterif you are my fatheryou could have been my felleryou could have been my teacherbut if you are my friendit would be so nice to meet yayou could have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you are my sisterif you are my fatherI could have been your felleryou could have been my teacherbut if you are my friendit would be so nice to meet yatake it out to the worldtell every boy and every little girlbe proud of yourselfcause you"re as good as anybody elseput away your prejudiceopen your mind don"t need to stick to thistry to make this upa better place without a racial curse(?)yeah time for some changes ya"ll(na na na na...)so come on!put your hands up!come on!put your hands up!come on!put your hands up!it don"t matter ya"ll(na na na na...)we stayin color blindit don"t matter ya"ll(na na na na...)we stayin color blind

Iron Maiden的《Starblind》 歌词

歌曲名:Starblind歌手:Iron Maiden专辑:The Final Frontier标题:Starblind艺术家:Iron MaidenTake my eyes the things I"ve seen in this world coming to an endMy reflection fades I"m weary of these earthly bones and skinYou may pass through me and leave no trace, I have no mortal faceSolar winds are whispering, you may hear me callWe can shed our skins and swim into the darkened void beyondWe will dance among the world that orbit stars, they"re on our sideAll the oxygen that trapped us in a carbon spider"s webSolar winds are whispering, you may hear the sirens of the deadLeft the elders to their parley meant to satisfy our lustLeaving Damocles still hanging over all their promised trustWalk away from freedoms offered by their jailers in their cageStep into the light startripping over mortals in their rageStarblind with sunThe stars are oneWe are the light that brings the end of nightStarblind with sunThe stars are oneWe are, with the Goddess of the sun tonightThe preacher loses face with ChristReligion"s cruel device is goneEmpty flesh and hallow bonesMake pacts of love but die aloneThe crucible of pain will forgeThe blanks of sin begin againYou are free to choose a life to liveOr one that"s left to loseVirgins in the teeth of God are meat and drink to feed the damnedYou may pass through me and I will feel the life that you live lessStep into my light startripping, we will rage against the nightWalk away from comfort offered by your citizens of deathStarblind with sunThe stars are oneWe are the light that brings the end of nightStarblind with sunThe stars are oneWe"re one with the Goddess of the sun tonightTake my eyes for what I"ve seenI will give my sight to youYou are free to choose whateverLife to live or life to loseWhatever God you knowHe knows you better than you believeIn your once and future graveYou"ll fall endlessly deceivedLook into our face reflected in the moonglow in your eyesRemember you can choose to look but not to see and waste your hoursYou believe you have the time but I tell you, your time is shortSee your past and future all the same and it cannot be boughtStarblind with sunThe stars are oneWe are the light that brings the end of nightStarblind with sunThe stars are oneWe"re one with the Goddes of the sun tonightTake my eyes for what I"ve seenI will give my sight to youYou are free to choose whateverLife to live or life to loseWhatever God you knowHe knows you better than you believeIn your once and future graveYou"ll fall endlessly deceivedThe preacher loses face with ChristReligion"s cruel device is goneEmpty flesh and hollow bonesMake pacts of love but die aloneThe crucible of pain will forgeThe blanks of sin begin againYou are free to choose a life to liveOr one that"s left to lose 金属梦:66032164

怎么解决 blind sql injection

怎么解决 blind sql injection–运行这条语句的数据库用户需要拥有FILE权限,否则不能执行INTO OUTFILE命令。–在MySQL服务运行的主机中必须存在一个可写的Web目录,否则你不能访问你刚刚上传的Webshell。你可以将代码写入到总是可写的目录像/ttmp,但是你没有权限访问它。

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Manfred Mann"s Earth Band专辑:Running With Scissors (Soundtrack)BLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Manfred Mann"s Earth Band专辑:Running With Scissors (Soundtrack)BLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:The Essential Bruce SpringsteenBLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Bruce Springsteen With The Sessions Band专辑:Live In DublinBLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is

介绍几首好听的歌.风格和love is color blind差不多的,别拿丑的掉渣的歌忽悠我.OK?

我个人觉得lady gaga 的歌蛮好,还有把我喜欢的一些英文歌曲:1、Apologize 2、Because of you 3、Just one last dance 4、My love 还有就是迈克的歌和贾斯丁的歌都蛮好听的

谁翻译一下doctor blind这首歌

这是我很喜欢的一首歌,但是用平常的方法来翻译,感到难度很大,而且怎么也翻译不通。偶然想到老鹰乐队的成名曲《Hotel California》,写的是嗑药后的一段经历,里面一些光怪陆离的描述即嗑药后产生的幻觉。同样的方法用来翻译这首歌,结果意思就完全清楚了。Doctor Blind - Emily HainesThe lack of light, hollow sea被黑暗吞噬,空洞的大海Poison beaches, limousines浑浊的海滩,豪华轿车 (这些描述应该都是致幻剂产生的幻觉)Toothless dentists, cops that kill没牙齿的牙医,该死的警察My baby"s got the lonesome lows那是我宝贝的寂寞低点don"t quite go away overnight别急着离开,留下来过夜Doctor Blind, just prescribe the blue ones布莱德医生,就开给我蓝色的(代指麻醉剂之类的毒品,俚语中“blind squid”即氯胺酮成分的毒品。这里的“医生”也不是实际意义的医生,指供应毒品的人或只是一种虚指)If the dizzying highs don"t subside overnight如果眩晕的快感一整夜都无法消退Doctor Blind, just prescribe the red ones那么布莱德医生,就给我开红色的(大概指某种让人恢复清醒的药物)Da da-da, da-da da-dum, da da-daAh ah-ah, ah-ah da-dum, ah-da-da daHard to hold, cold to touch难以掌控,冰冷的触感Fall to pieces, treat the rush瓦解成碎片,体验高潮In hindsight, primetime talk在事后看来,真是一次不可言说的体验All your pain will end here你所有的痛楚将在这里终结Let the doctor soothe your brain, dear让大夫来缓解你的大脑,亲爱的My baby"s got the lonesome lows那是我宝贝的寂寞低点don"t quite go away overnight别急着离开,留下来过夜Doctor Blind, just prescribe the blue ones布莱德医生,就开给我蓝色的If the dizzying highs don"t subside overnight如果眩晕的快感一整夜都无法消退Docter Blind, just prescribe the red ones那么布莱德医生,就给我开红色的Da, da-da-da, da da da daDa-da-da-da-da-da da daDa-ah-ah-ahMmm-mmm-mmm mmm-mmm-mmm, ah ahDa-da-da-da-da-da da daDa-da-da-daMmm-mmm-mmm mmm-mmm-mmm, ah ah

justice is blind是什么意思



名词 盲 blind 盲人 blind, blindman 瞎子 blind, blindman 百叶窗 shutter, blind 眯 blind 瞽 blind 挡 gear, fender, blind 眛 blind 形容词 瞎 blind, vain, empty, rash, blind in one eye, crooked 盲目的 blind, blindfold, eyeless, sightless 盲的 blind 瞍 blind 动词 蒙蔽 blind, hoodwink, becloud, eclipse, dust the eyes of 弄瞎 blind 黑暗 blind, overshadow 使...震惊 concuss, blind 压倒 overwhelm, overpower, blind

except when blindfold在句中是什么意思?

您好,很高兴回答您的问题。except when blindfold在句中的意思是:除非眼罩以上为个人意见,希望对您有帮助。

venetian blind和shutter有什么区别?

只是猜想。好像有些百叶窗不能拉上去的就是只能把叶片放平 让光透进来那些可以拉上拉下的就叫软百叶窗可能是这样吧只是猜想


百叶窗只是一种统称,具体还分为blinds和plantation shutter。区别如下:两者最大的区别就是blinds往往只固定在窗户上沿,而shutter是固定在整个窗框上。那种随风而动的百叶窗就是blinds了。



高一阅读理解An old woman went suddenly blind. She promised a docto?

41b 42a 43b 44c 45,1,高一阅读理解 An old woman went suddenly blind. She promised a doctor a lot of money if he could make her see again. “If you fail”, she said , “ you will get nothing,” The doctor agreed with her. The doctor soon discovered what was wrong with her, but he decided not to cure her right away. Instead, each time he visited, he secretly took some of her things. When he had taken everything that he wanted, he cured her blindness and sent her a large bill. Now when the old woman could see again she noticed that all her things had gone and she refused to pay the bill. So the doctor took her before a judge. “What the doctor says is true.” she said to the judge. “But I say I"m not cured, because I still can"t see any of the things in my house.” The old woman won her case and the doctor went away unhappily without getting his pay. 41. The doctor didn"t cure the old woman right away because __________. A. He didn"t know how to cure her B. He wanted to get a lot of money C. He wanted to take the woman"s things D The woman refused to pay him 42. The woman was _______ . A. clever B. greedy C. cruel D. dishonest 43. The doctor was ________. A. honest B. a cheat C. a kind man D. ready to help others 44. The word “case” in the last paragraph means ______. A. a single example B. a particular situation C. a question to be decided in a court of law D. box 45. Which sentence is right according to the passage? A. The judge didn"t believe the old woman B. The doctor cured the woman"s blindness in a short time.

求一片英语文章 six blind men and an elephant

盲人摸象 The Blind Men and the Elephant The Blind Men and the ElephantA Hindoo Fable - by John Godfrey SaxeIIt was six men of IndostanTo learning much inclined,Who went to see the Elephant(Thought all of them were blind).That each by observationMight satisfy his mind.IIThe FIRST approached the ElephantAnd happening to fallAgainst his broad and sturdy sideAt once began to bawl:"God bless me, but the ElephantIs very like a wall!"IIIThe SECOND, feeling of the tusk,Cried "Ho! What have we hereSo very round and smooth and sharp?To me "tis mightly clearThis wonder of an ElephantIs very like a spear."IVThe THIRD approached the animal,And happening to takeThe squirming trunk within his hands,Thus boldly up and spake:"I see, "quoth he, "the ElephantIs very like a snake!"VThe FOURTH reached out his eager hand,And felt about the knee,"What most this wondrous beast is likeIs mightly plain, "quoth he:"Tis clear enough the ElephantIs very like a tree!"VIThe FIFTH, who chanced to touch the ear,Said: "E"en the blindest manCan tell what this resembles most,Deny the fact who can,This marvel of an ElephantIs very like a fan!"VIIThe SIXTH no sooner had begunAbout the beast to grope,Than, seizing on the swinging tailThat fell within his scope,"I see, "quoth he, "the ElephantIs very like a rope!"VIIIAnd so these men of IndostanDisputed loud and long,Each in his own opinionExceeding stiff and strong.Though each was partly in the rightAnd all were in the wrong.IXSo, oft in theologic warsThe disputants, I ween,Rail on in utter ignoranceOf what each other meanAnd prate about an ElephantNot one of them has seen!

四年级水平的英语作文The blind men and the elephant

= =是故事吧??the blind men and the elephantMany years ago ,there are four blind men.One day, they met an elephant when they were walking on the road.They were all surprised at the elephant. They wanted to know what is elephant.They touched it.One man said:"It feels like a carrot."One man said:"No!It is a wall."One man said:"I felt a tree."The last man said:"It feels like a string."For they touched different parts of the elephant,they thought it was a different thing.= =4年级。。。这题目有点难写吧。有不懂得再问我。

Blind Rivet,是什么意思

blind rivet 盲孔铆钉;空心铆钉双语例句1.Blind rivets series: peel type blind rivet, color rivet, multi-grip rivet, semi- tubular rivet and other non-standard rivets. 抽芯铆钉系列、拉花铆钉、彩色铆钉、多鼓型铆钉、半空芯铆钉及相关的非标准件等。2.The invention relates to a blind rivet and a rivet pin that is connected or can be connected to the tool and is used to apply the blind rivet. 本发明提出一种盲铆钉和一种指定用于安插盲铆钉的与工具连接或可连接的铆钉销。

single-blind peer review 是什么意思

single-blind peer review单向匿名审查;单盲审稿单向匿名审查  单向匿名审查(single-blind peer review)是当审查者知道作者姓名和机构名称,而对作者隐匿审查者的资讯single-blind["siu014bɡl,blaind]adj.(被试者不知道试验或测验的内容和细节)单盲对照;单盲法peer review英 [piu0259 riu02c8vju:] 美 [pu026ar ru026au02c8vju]同行审查同行评议;同侪审查;同行审查;同级评审

Gomez的《Blind》 歌词

歌曲名:Blind歌手:Gomez专辑:Five Men In A Hut (A S, B S And Rarities: 1998 - 2004)Jason Derülo - Blind (盲目的爱情)Never thought that I"d say wish I didn"t love you ever从未想过我会说出希望自己从未爱上你这样的话Since the first date when you got close my heart自在第一次约会你深深打动我的心开始Would just stop thought me and you together would end up on top我就一刻不停的想着我们会爱到天荒地老You changed me for better for worse I know我也知道你是决定我一切的唯一I was caught up always put you first I never once thought你在我心目中永远是第一位You would be triflin but o I was blinded...你只是在玩弄着爱情游戏,但爱情使我盲目...I was like oh oh oh never wanna let you go go go我只想你永远在我身旁Cause I was open before I was open before but因为遇见你以后我痛改前非再不花心Now I know... That love made me blind现在我终于知道...是爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目I gave all of my trust didn"t think being faithful was asking对你完全信任,这是我主动愿意的To much but I"m good glad that I know now I was fooled but现在的我很好,很高兴现在终于明白我当时是多么的愚蠢Fate let me see how they say every tear has it"s reasons命运的安排让我学会了每一滴眼泪都有它流下的理由Every smile has it"s own season never once thought每个微笑都是稍纵即逝的道理Youd be this triflin but o I was blinded...你只是在玩弄着爱情游戏,但爱情使我盲目...I was like oh oh oh never wanna let you go go go我只想你永远在我身旁Cause I was open before I was open before but因为遇见你以后我痛改前非再不花心Now I know... That love made me blind现在我终于知道...是爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目Cause I felt your lips pressed against mine因为当我品味你我唇舌交缠时Thought the sweet smell of your perfume was all mine想象着你的甜馨芳香都为我专属Baby You know you area beautiful liar宝贝你可真是个情场高手啊Coz love made me blind只因爱情使我盲目Love made me blind爱情使我盲目So I could"nt see all the lies you told were right in front of me所以你一切显而易见的谎言也变得密不透风Since love made me blind you made a fool of me自爱情让我盲目,你让我像个傻瓜一样You made it look so perfect when it wasn"t meant to be你的把戏让我们的爱变得完美,即使我们不是天作之合Your love made me blind你的爱让我变得盲目Jason Derülo - Blind (盲目的爱情)E-n-D

his (passionate) for her made him blind to everything else中间单词怎么换?什么意思??

变成 passion (“爱”;“激情”的意思)

Love Is Color Blind 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Color Blind歌手:Sarah Connor专辑:Key To My SoulLove Is Color Blind Feat TqSarah Connoryeahwhat"s upit"s TQ and Sarah againhaha right back at ya(love is color blind)that"s rightthis time we got a serious situationand we"re tryna do our parts to helpBut we need your helpyou know what I"m sayinglove is color blindso come on It don"t matter if you"re blackwhite or yellow if you"re brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color blindI remember whrenI was a child and couldn"t understandpeople having fundiscriminating all the different onesmama just used to saywhen you grow up you"ll maybe find a wayto make these people seethat everything I do comes back to meYou gotta live your livewe"re all the same no one"s to blamethey gotta live their livesjust play the game and let love reignIt don"t matter if you"re blackwhite or yellow if your brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color-blindyou"re my brother, you"re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is color blindI remeber as a young boyI watched my neighbourhood go up in flamesI saw the whole thang thru tears of painand a situation"s rackin" my brainI wish I could fly away and never come back againwe need some lvoe y"allwe need some real deal help from above y"allI mean the kids watchin and I just can"t see it stoppin I don"t understandI mean we all bleed the same blood manYou gotta live your lifebetter than our fathers didlet"s make some love baby, have some kidsthey gotta live their livesand I don"t care what color they are or u are or we areit"s all love baby It don"t matter if you"re blackwhite or yellow if your brown or redlet"s get down to thatlove is color blindyou"re my brother you"re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is colorblindYou have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you were my sisterif you were my fatheryou could have been my fellayou could habe been my teacherwhat if you were my friendwould be so nice to meet You have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you were my sisterif you were my fatheryou could have been my fellayou could habe been my teacherwhat if you were my friendwould be so nice to meet take it out to the worldtell every boy and every little girlbe proud of yourselfcause you"re as good as anybody elseput away your prejudiceopen your mind don"t need a stick to thistry to make this eartha better place without a racial curseYeah it"s time for some changeslalalalalalalalalalalalalala lalalalalalala la lalalalalalala lalalalalalala lalalalalalala love is color blindIt don t matter if you re blackwhite or yellow if your brown or redlet s get down to thatlove is color blindyou re my brother you re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is color blindYou have been my motheryou could have been my brotherwhat if you were my sisterif you were my fatheryou could have been my fellayou could habe been my teacherwhat if you were my friendwould be so nice to meet You my brother You my fellayou re my brother you re my friendall that matters in the very endis to understandlove is color blindcolor blind Yeah

love is color blind的中文翻译(有什么意思)

爱是不分颜色的 would be so nice to meet ya 很高兴遇见你们啊 take it out to the world 大声对全世界说 tell every boy and every little girl 告诉每个男孩和每个小女孩 be proud of yourself 为你自己感到骄傲 cause you"re as good as anybody else因为你跟其他人一样棒 put away your prejudice 把你的偏见抛开 open your mind, don"t need a stick to this开阔你的思维,不需要死脑筋 try to make this earth试着将这个世界 a better place without a racial curse变成一个没有种族歧视的美好地方 Yeah, it"s time for some changes是的,该做一些改变了 Na...Na...Na...呐呐呐 It don"t matter if you"re black如果你是黑人,那没关系 white or yellow, if your brown or red或者是白人或者黄种人(都没关系),(你的头发)是棕是红(都没关系) let"s get down to that让我们看清楚吧(Get down to,意为 “重点突出”) love is color-blind爱是不分颜色的。 you"re my brother, you"re my friend你们都是我的兄弟,你们都是我的朋友 all that matters in the very end在最后,唯一重要的是 is to understand要知道 love is color-blind爱是不分颜色的

求《Love Is Color Blind Ft Tq》的中文歌词

分类: 音乐 问题描述: yltime/musicbak/love%20is%20color%20brown.mp3这里是试听地址,求这首歌的中文歌词,RAP部分也要,谢谢了 解析: It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 Verse 1: I remember when 我仍记得 I was a child and couldn"t understand 当我还是一个小孩子的时候 people having fundiscriminating all the different ones 无法理解那些人为什么要嘲笑和歧视那些与众不同的人 mama just used to say 妈妈曾经对我说 when you grow up you"ll maybe find a way 当你长大后你要 to make these people see 使人们意识到 that everything I do es back to me 我做的每样东西都是由我自己决定的 Bridge: You gotta live your live 你应当为自己而活 we"re all the same, no one"s to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人应当被责备 they gotta live their lives 他们应当为自己而活 just play the game and let love reign 这只是一个游戏,让爱来支配吧 Chorous: It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 TQ: I remeber as a young boy 我仍记得我还是小男孩的时候 I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames 我看见我的邻居的每一幕 I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain 我看到的只有他们的眼泪和伤痛 and a situation"s rackin" my brain 我的脑海里显现一个情景 I wish I could fly away and never e back again 我希望我能飞着离开这里永远不再回来 we need some lvoe y"all 我们大家都需要爱 we need some real deal help from above y"all 我们都需要来自你们真心的帮助 I mean the kids watchin" 我想说一个孩子看到 and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand 却不能阻止这一切,我不懂 I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊 Bridge: You gotta live your life 你应该为自己而活 better than our fathers did 活得比你们的长辈更要好 let"s make some love, baby, have some kids 让我们给多点爱,让所有的孩子 they gotta live their lives 都为他们而活 and I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are it"s all love, baby! 我不管他们还是你们抑或是我们是什么肤色,都要相亲相爱 C-Part: You have been my mother 你可以是我的妈妈 you could have been my brother 你可以是我的兄弟 what if you were my sister 或者是我的姐妹 if you were my father? 或者是我的爸爸? you could have been my fella 你可以是我的伙伴 you could habe been my teacher 可以是我的老师 what if you were my friend? 也可以是我的朋友? would be so nice to meet ya 我都会很高兴遇到你

love is color blind歌词+翻译完整的.

It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 Verse 1: I remember when 我仍记得 I was a child and couldn"t understand 当我还是一个小孩子的时候 people having fundiscriminating all the different ones 无法理解那些人为什么要嘲笑和歧视那些与众不同的人 mama just used to say 妈妈曾经对我说 when you grow up you"ll maybe find a way 当你长大后你要 to make these people see 使人们意识到 that everything I do comes back to me 我做的每样东西都是由我自己决定的 Bridge: You gotta live your live 你应当为自己而活 we"re all the same, no one"s to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人应当被责备 they gotta live their lives 他们应当为自己而活 just play the game and let love reign 这只是一个游戏,让爱来支配吧 Chorous: It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 TQ: I remeber as a young boy 我仍记得我还是小男孩的时候 I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames 我看见我的邻居的每一幕 I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain 我看到的只有他们的眼泪和伤痛 and a situation"s rackin" my brain 我的脑海里显现一个情景 I wish I could fly away and never come back again 我希望我能飞着离开这里永远不再回来 we need some lvoe y"all 我们大家都需要爱 we need some real deal help from above y"all 我们都需要来自你们真心的帮助 I mean the kids watchin" 我想说一个孩子看到 and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand 却不能阻止这一切,我不懂 I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊 Bridge: You gotta live your life 你应该为自己而活 better than our fathers did 活得比你们的长辈更要好 let"s make some love, baby, have some kids 让我们给多点爱,让所有的孩子 they gotta live their lives 都为他们而活 and I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are it"s all love, baby! 我不管他们还是你们抑或是我们是什么肤色,都要相亲相爱 C-Part: You have been my mother 你可以是我的妈妈 you could have been my brother 你可以是我的兄弟 what if you were my sister 或者是我的姐妹 if you were my father? 或者是我的爸爸? you could have been my fella 你可以是我的伙伴 you could habe been my teacher 可以是我的老师 what if you were my friend? 也可以是我的朋友? would be so nice to meet ya 我都会很高兴遇到你

求音乐:love is color blind

这是这首歌的歌词 希望对你有帮助It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 Verse 1: I remember when 我仍记得 I was a child and couldn"t understand 当我还是一个小孩子的时候 people having fundiscriminating all the different ones 无法理解那些人为什么要嘲笑和歧视那些与众不同的人 mama just used to say 妈妈曾经对我说 when you grow up you"ll maybe find a way 当你长大后你要 to make these people see 使人们意识到 that everything I do comes back to me 我做的每样东西都是由我自己决定的 Bridge: You gotta live your live 你应当为自己而活 we"re all the same, no one"s to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人应当被责备 they gotta live their lives 他们应当为自己而活 just play the game and let love reign 这只是一个游戏,让爱来支配吧 Chorous: It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 TQ: I remeber as a young boy 我仍记得我还是小男孩的时候 I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames 我看见我的邻居的每一幕 I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain 我看到的只有他们的眼泪和伤痛 and a situation"s rackin" my brain 我的脑海里显现一个情景 I wish I could fly away and never come back again 我希望我能飞着离开这里永远不再回来 we need some lvoe y"all 我们大家都需要爱 we need some real deal help from above y"all 我们都需要来自你们真心的帮助 I mean the kids watchin" 我想说一个孩子看到 and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand 却不能阻止这一切,我不懂 I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊 Bridge: You gotta live your life 你应该为自己而活 better than our fathers did 活得比你们的长辈更要好 let"s make some love, baby, have some kids 让我们给多点爱,让所有的孩子 they gotta live their lives 都为他们而活 and I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are it"s all love, baby! 我不管他们还是你们抑或是我们是什么肤色,都要相亲相爱 C-Part: You have been my mother 你可以是我的妈妈 you could have been my brother 你可以是我的兄弟 what if you were my sister 或者是我的姐妹 if you were my father? 或者是我的爸爸? you could have been my fella 你可以是我的伙伴 you could habe been my teacher 可以是我的老师 what if you were my friend? 也可以是我的朋友? would be so nice to meet ya 我都会很高兴遇到你

Love is color blind.是什么意思?


Love is color blind.是什么意思?


love is color blind的中文意思?

“爱是盲目的”. Love is blind.好像没有“color”.这个是美式英语.应该就是这个意思吧,4,爱情是盲目的; 爱情是一种色盲,2,爱是超越种族界限的,0,爱是色盲,0,

Love is color blind.是什么意思?

love is color-blind 爱无定界 歌词很美:It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 Verse 1: I remember when 我仍记得 I was a child and couldn"t understand 当我还是一个小孩子的时候 people having fundiscriminating all the different ones 无法理解那些人为什么要嘲笑和歧视那些与众不同的人 mama just used to say 妈妈曾经对我说 when you grow up you"ll maybe find a way 当你长大后你要 to make these people see 使人们意识到 that everything I do comes back to me 我做的每样东西都是由我自己决定的 Bridge: You gotta live your live 你应当为自己而活 we"re all the same, no one"s to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人应当被责备 they gotta live their lives 他们应当为自己而活 just play the game and let love reign 这只是一个游戏,让爱来支配吧 Chorous: It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人 white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,抑或是棕色人还是红种人 let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现 love is color-blind 爱无定界 you"re my brother, you"re my friend 你是我的兄弟,你是我的朋友 all that matters in the very end 所有事情到了最后 is to understand 都会发现 love is color-blind 爱是无定界的 TQ: I remeber as a young boy 我仍记得我还是小男孩的时候 I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames 我看见我的邻居的每一幕 I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain 我看到的只有他们的眼泪和伤痛 and a situation"s rackin" my brain 我的脑海里显现一个情景 I wish I could fly away and never come back again 我希望我能飞着离开这里永远不再回来 we need some lvoe y"all 我们大家都需要爱 we need some real deal help from above y"all 我们都需要来自你们真心的帮助 I mean the kids watchin" 我想说一个孩子看到 and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand 却不能阻止这一切,我不懂 I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊 Bridge: You gotta live your life 你应该为自己而活 better than ou* **thers did 活得比你们的长辈更要好 let"s make some love, baby, have some kids 让我们给多点爱,让所有的孩子 they gotta live their lives 都为他们而活 and I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are it"s all love, baby! 我不管他们还是你们抑或是我们是什么肤色,都要相亲相爱 C-Part: You have been my mother 你可以是我的妈妈 you could have been my brother 你可以是我的兄弟 what if you were my sister 或者是我的姐妹 if you were my father? 或者是我的爸爸? you could have been my fella 你可以是我的伙伴 you could habe been my teacher 可以是我的老师 what if you were my friend? 也可以是我的朋友? would be so nice to meet ya 我都会很高兴遇到你 Verse 2: take it out to the world 在全世界都这样做 tell every boy and every little girl 告诉每一个男孩和女孩 be proud of yourself 为你自己而骄傲


blind英 [blau026and] 美 [blau026and]adj.失明的; 盲目的,轻率的; 供盲人用的; 隐蔽的 vt.弄瞎,使失明; 蒙蔽,欺瞒; 使变暗; 使昏聩 n.掩饰; 借口; 百叶窗 adv.盲目地; 看不见地用作形容词 (adj.) Love is blind and sometimes deaf. 爱情是盲目的,有时甚至是聋的. She wants it so much that she became so stupid and blind. 她那么渴望,以致到了又笨又盲目的地步. There"s none so blind as those who won"t see. 瞎子不算瞎,有眼不看才是瞎. Without his spectacles,he is as blind as a bat. 没有眼镜,他是几乎全盲的.

love is color blind是什么意思啊?


they say love is blind 歌词

歌曲名:they say love is blind歌手:erika jo专辑:erika joA little book store on a side streetI thought sure that I"d be safeBut there you wereThere with herBuying books on some romantic placeWhat you see in her is such a mystery to meI hid behind my coffee cup and prayed that you would leaveAnd I thought that I would dieWhen I saw her kissing youThey say love is blindI wish I were tooIt"s a small townWord gets aroundI wish you knew what everybody knowsAnd I keep hoping some day you"ll openUp your eyes and let her goShe don"t love you,you"re just her flavor of the weekShe plays with heartsBut she don"t play for keepsIt hurts me to watch her make a fool of youThey say love is blindI wish I were tooEvery time I see an old Dodge truckOr an old photograph of usAnd every time I drive down by the lakeI fall into yesterdayI wish somehow that I could have you back in my lifeAnd at the same time I just wish that you would stay out of my sight"Cause I can see it"s overOh but I can"t face the truthThey say love is blindI wish I were tooOn I wish I were too

I Heard Love Is Blind 歌词

歌曲名:I Heard Love Is Blind歌手:Amy Winehouse专辑:Frank (Rarities Edition)I couldn"t resist himHis eyes were like yoursHis hair was exactly the shade of brownHe"s just not as tall, but I couldn"t tellIt was dark and I was lying downYou are everything ?he means nothing to meI can"t even remember his nameWhy did you feel so upset?Baby, you weren"t there and I was thinking of you when I cameWhat do you expect?You left me here alone; I drank so much and needed to touchDon"t overreact I pretended he was youYou wouldn"t want me to be lonelyHow can I put it so you understand?I didn"t let him hold my handBut he looked like you; I guess he looked like youNo he wasn"t youBut you can still trust me, this ain"t infidelityIt"s not cheating; you were on my mindYes he looked like youBut I heard love is blind

Love Is Blind 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Blind歌手:ramzi专辑:Chapter OneRamzi - Love Is Blind(Feat.Ash King)I see you all the timeNever see you smileI try to picture what"s going on in your mindHe leaves you every night by yourselfHe took your love and put it on the shelfHe doesn"t really care... how you feel...You should be moving on girl what"s the deal?I wanna see you out that door... cause girl you know you"re worth much moreSo baby tell me why you stick aroundAlways lonely and you only wear a frownHe don"t treat you good and you knowThe only thing left is for you to goYou shouldn"t live a life with someoneWhen deep inside you know he ain"t the oneI don"t know what to say no moreI wanna see you out that doorYah azizi (yo precious) is mahini (listen to me)I really don"t wanna see u cryMujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart)Don"t wanna see another tear in your eyeBaby break awayLet him goI don"t know what he"s done to youBut I know that it"s time to move onGirl your love is blindGirl I understandThat you"re scaredAnd you feel that you might never love againBut baby that ain"t trueNo no noI know that there some there for youSomeone that will seeThat you are worthAn undiscovered treasure on this earthGirl you know you"re worth much moreI wanna see you out that doorYah azizi (yo precious) is mahini (listen to me)I really don"t wanna see u cryMujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart)Don"t wanna see another tear in your eyeBaby break awayLet him goI don"t know what he"s done to youBut I know it"s time to move onGirl your love is blindYah azizi (yo precious) is mahini (listen to me)I really don"t wanna see u cryMujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart)Don"t wanna see another tear in your eyeBaby break awayLet him goI don"t know he"s done to youBut I know it"s time to move on

Love Is Blind (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Blind (Lp Version)歌手:Jo Mama专辑:J Is For JumpRamzi - Love Is Blind(Feat.Ash King)I see you all the timeNever see you smileI try to picture what"s going on in your mindHe leaves you every night by yourselfHe took your love and put it on the shelfHe doesn"t really care... how you feel...You should be moving on girl what"s the deal?I wanna see you out that door... cause girl you know you"re worth much moreSo baby tell me why you stick aroundAlways lonely and you only wear a frownHe don"t treat you good and you knowThe only thing left is for you to goYou shouldn"t live a life with someoneWhen deep inside you know he ain"t the oneI don"t know what to say no moreI wanna see you out that doorYah azizi (yo precious) is mahini (listen to me)I really don"t wanna see u cryMujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart)Don"t wanna see another tear in your eyeBaby break awayLet him goI don"t know what he"s done to youBut I know that it"s time to move onGirl your love is blindGirl I understandThat you"re scaredAnd you feel that you might never love againBut baby that ain"t trueNo no noI know that there some there for youSomeone that will seeThat you are worthAn undiscovered treasure on this earthGirl you know you"re worth much moreI wanna see you out that doorYah azizi (yo precious) is mahini (listen to me)I really don"t wanna see u cryMujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart)Don"t wanna see another tear in your eyeBaby break awayLet him goI don"t know what he"s done to youBut I know it"s time to move onGirl your love is blindYah azizi (yo precious) is mahini (listen to me)I really don"t wanna see u cryMujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart)Don"t wanna see another tear in your eyeBaby break awayLet him goI don"t know he"s done to youBut I know it"s time to move on

Love Is Blind 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Blind歌手:Indiana Gregg专辑:Woman At WorkRamzi (Feat. Ash King) - Love Is BlindI see you all the timeNever see you smileI try to picture what"s going on in your mindHe leaves you every nightBy yourselfHe took your love and put it on the shelfHe doesn"t really careHow you feelYou should be moving on girl what"s the dealCuz girl you know your worth much moreI wana see you out that doorSo baby tell me whyYou stick aroundAlways lonely and you only wear a frownHe don"t treat you good and you knowThe only thing left is for you to goYou shouldn"t live a lieWith someoneWhen deep inside you know he ain"t the oneI don"t know what to say no moreI wana see you out that doorYah azizi (yo precious) is mahiriI really don"t wanna see u cryMujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart)Don"t wana see another tear in your eyeBaby break awayLet him goI don"t know what he"s done to youBut I know that it"s time to move onGirl your is love blindx3Girl I understandThat you"re scaredAnd you feel that you might never love againBut baby that ain"t trueNo no noI know that there some there for youSomeone that will seeThat you are worthAn undiscovered treasure on this earthGirl you know your worth so much moreWana see you out that doorYah azizi (yo precious) is mahiriI really don"t wanna see u cryMujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart)Don"t wana see another tear in your eyeBaby break awayLet him goI don"t know what he"s done to youBut I know it"s time to move onGirl your love is blindYah azizi (yo precious) is mahiriI really don"t wanna see u cryMujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart)Don"t wana see another tear in your eyeBaby break awayLet him goI don"t know what he"s done to youBut I know its time to move onYah azizi (yo precious) is mahiriI really don"t wanna see u cryMujko samjho dil peh mat lo (understand me don"t take it to heart)Don"t wana see another tear in your eyeBaby break awayLet him goI don"t know what he"s done to youBut I know its time to move onGirl your love is blindGirl your love is blind

求一篇英语作文,题目Love is blind 100字左右,急用,

Love is blind I always believe that love is blind.For example,many parents love their children too much that they think everything ther children doing is good and they try their best to satisfy thier children.There"s a widespread awareness and concern about these little emperors and empresses as they"re called .In my opinion,it is a right thing that parents care for their children but too much blind love would destory their children in return.

Love Is Blind 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is Blind歌手:Laakso专辑:In My BloodAlicia Keys - Love Is BlindSee people don"t see what I seeEven when they"re right thereStanding next to meAnd all of my friends think I"m crazy for loving youBut they don"t knowThere"s nothing else I can doAnd it"s too bad "cause love is blindoh oh ohit"s too bad "cause love is blindoh oh oh oh ohit"s too bad "cause love is blindeh eh ehit"s too bad "cause love is blindoh oh oh oh ohSee people don"t know what I knowThey think I"m losing my mindI know I"m losing controlEh eh eh ehhhAll of my friends think I"m crazy but I don"t careI"m over the edge, no turning backI belong to you I swearHeyAnd it"s too bad "cause love is blindeh eh ehit"s too bad "cause love is blindcome onit"s too bad "cause love is blindeh eh hey yeahit"s too bad "cause love is blindoh oh oh oh ohEeeehhh ehhhhOh oh uoh (x4)And it"s too bad "cause love is blindoh oh ohit"s too bad "cause love is blindoh oh oh oh ohit"s too bad "cause love is blindeh eh ehit"s too bad "cause love is blindoh oh oh oh oh -Eeeehhh ehhhhOh oh uoh (x4)

love is blind 歌词

歌曲名:love is blind歌手:human nature专辑:walk the tightropeHuman Nature-Love is blindSilent night, a lonely nightI didn"t mean to wake you up I was leaving anywayWe never asked each otner whyWe only made each other cryWhen the day becomes the nightAnd all that I have left inside is scattered on the windDidn"t I give you that love could bringDidn"t I give you more than everythingYou know it hurts to end like this, when we"ve come so farDon"t tell me love is blindCause I know what I seeTell me how you walk away when all you"ve know is meAnd all that might have beenAnd what we left behindDon"t ever let a living person tell you love is blindMemeries of summer daysLaughing like a little child and lying in your armsAnd we would own the stars like days of oldWe"d make a vow to have and holdNow we see the empty stageThe actors gone the empty pageThe tears between the linesSave me from these wild imaginingsTry to stop my heart rememberingActing like there"s someone else, when there"s only meSo tell me what to sayTell me what to doTell me how to walk away when all I see is youShadows on the wallPictures in your mindNever let a living person tell you love is blind

Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit. 请翻译

Loveisblindandloverscannotseetheprettyfolliesthatthemselvescommit. 爱是盲目的,恋人看不见自己漂亮而愚蠢的承诺。

求 椎名林檎的 love is blind 的歌词

Love is blind Love is only sorrow Love is no tomorrow Since you went away Love is blind How well I remember In the heat of summer Pleasure winter fades How long will it take Before I can"t remember Memories I should forget l"ve been burning Since the day we met Love is blind Love is without a mercy Love is now you"ve hurt me Now you"ve gone away Love is blind Love is no horizon And I"m slowly dying Here in yesterday In the morning waken TO the sound of weeping Someone else should weep for me Now it"s over Lover let me be Love is blind Love is your caress Love is tenderness And momentary pain Love is blind How well I remember In the heat of summer Pleasure winter fades

they say love love is blind 开头是这样的 歌名是什么

that xx 权志龙的

翻译love is blind。let beyonds be beyonds


blind for love 中的blind是什么词性?

形容词,be blind for love

求 西野加奈的 love is blind 的中文翻译和罗马发音

LOVE IS BLIND作词:Kana Nishino 作曲:HIRO(Digz,inc)LOVE LOVE LOVE IS BLINDLOVE LOVE LOVE IS BLIND次の约束まで3daystsugino yakusoku made 3days何しようどこ行こうって今からnani shiyoudoko iko utte ima kara考えてたらもう会いたいよkangae tetaramou ai taiyoOh no 待ちきれないよOh no machi kirenaiyoI"ve been waiting for so long and how long?なかなか进まない时计もnakanaka susuma nai tokei mo早送りできたらいいのにhayaokuri dekitaraiinoniOh no, I can"t wait no moreI think Of YouCrazy about youKiss me right now(All THE TIME)何も手に付かないからお愿いnanimo teni tsuka naikarao negai早くCome to meethayaku Come to meet1秒ごとに Count down1 byou gotoni Count down君へ近づくたびkimi he chikadu kutabi止められない Lovin" YouI don"t know whyこんなに爱しいのkonnani itoshii noLOVE IS BLIND1秒ごとに Break down1 byou gotoni Break down君がいてくれなきゃkimi gaitekurenakya生きてけない Missing Youiki tekenai Missing YouI don"t know whyこんなにもつらいのkonnanimotsurainoLOVE IS BLINDやっと会えたのはいいけどyatto ae tanohaiikedo気がつけばもうあと何时间でkiga tsukebamouato nanjikan de现実に引き戻されるgenjitsu ni biki modosa reruOh no ちょっと待ってよOh no chotto matte yoI can"t let goTouch me once moreHold me tight again(All THE TIME)どこにも行かないでよお愿いdokonimo ika naideyoo negaiずっとStay with mezutto Stay with me1秒ごとに Break down1 byou gotoni Break down君が远くなるたびkimi ga tooku narutabi止められない Missing youyamera renai Missing youI don"t know whyこんなにもつらいのkonnanimotsurainoLOVE IS BLIND1秒ごとに Count down1 byou gotoni Count down次の约束までtsugino yakusoku made止められない Lovin"youI don"t know whyこんなに爱しいのkonnani itoshii noLOVE IS BLIND24时间が24 jikan ga君次第で全部変わっていくのkimi shidai de zenbu kawa tteikunoBaby this is “LOVE IS BLIND”1秒ごとに Count down1 byou gotoni Count down君へ近づくたびkimi he chikadu kutabi止められない Lovin" YouI don"t know whyこんなに爱しいのkonnani itoshii noLOVE IS BLIND1秒ごとに Break down1 byou gotoni Break down君がいてくれなきゃkimi gaitekurenakya生きてけない Missing Youiki tekenai Missing YouI don"t know whyこんなにもつらいのkonnanimotsurainoLOVE IS BLIND
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