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如何写结论句conclusion sentence

6.1结论句 前面曾提到,段落由三个部分组成,最后一部分就是结论句( the concluding sentence)。结论句通常与主题句一样包含有段落的中心思想,然而所用措辞与主题句不同。 在示范段落 1-1,主题句是: We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit because it causes health problems. 结论句是: It is clearly identified as one of the chief causes of death in our society. 6.2关于写结论句的建议 1)把握主题句的关键词 例如在关于“cigarette smoking”的示范段落 1-1中,中心思想是“the health problems caused by cigarette smoking,关键词是“health problems”。 2)总结细节,回答主题句中隐含的问题。 在上述示范段落中,隐含的问题是“What are the health problems caused by cigarette smoking?”结论句作出的回答是 It is identified as one of the chief cause of death in our society. 3)用不同的措辞表达同一中心思想。 在上述段落中,主题句的关键词是“health problems”,而在结论句中,关键词是“causes of death”。 示范段落6-1 Our neighborhood has been greatly changed. When I last visited there, about half the homes had been torn down to make way for a superhighway. The remaining buildings were plastered with billboards and surrounded by traffic signs and litter. Now the whole neighborhood has become dirty, noisy and full of cars. 6.3示范段落分析 主题句: Our neighborhood has been changed. 主题句关键词: changed 主题句隐含的问题:“How has the neighborhood changed? 细节: 1. a superhighway built—noisy and full of cars 2. full of billboards, traffic signs and litter—dirty 结论句: Now the whole neighborhood has become dirty, noisy andfull of cars. 结论句关键词: dirty,noisy and full of cars 结论句总结了细节并回答了主题句提出的问题。 Exercise 6-1 Directions:Read the following paragraph.Find out the topic sentence and the concluding sentence, and rearrange the details so that the paragraph will make sense. ① In less than three years the farm had gone to pieces.②All the windows had been broken out of the big two-story farm house.③In the front of the house the grass was about three feet tall andthe barn yard was full of weeds instead of pigs squealing to be fed.④There were no more cows to milk or horses to ride.⑤My grandmother"s farm has a lot of enjoyable memories for me,but after she died, I left home to join the army and when I returned,I was disappointed at the changes that had taken place.⑥ Paint was peeling off the house and the porch roof was sagging.⑦ Lively as the place had been before my grandmother died, it seemed to have died with her now.⑧This farm had once been lively with the noise of a tractor plowing the land and a dog barking whenever someone came up to the house. Topic Sentence:________Supporting Details:________ Concluding Sentence:_________ Exercise 6-2 Directions: Read the following paragraphs and underline the topic sentence of each. Then write your own concluding sentence to complete each paragraph. (1) Pollution has caused three major problems in the last decades.First, with the development of industry, more and more factories have been built and have sent out smoke and poisonous gases.Thus the air is polluted. The increasing number of cars adds to the air pollution. Second, farmers use chemical fertilizers to increase production and insecticide to kill insects. When rain flows with these poisonous chemicals to rivers, water is polluted. A third formof pollution, noise, is becoming more and more serious. Very loud noises can make people sick, and even drive them mad. ___ (2) There are three important findings from studies concerned with notetaking. First,notetaking does not interfere with listening and comprehension; in fact, it helps you listen. Second, students who study their lecture notes remember one and a half times more after six weeks than students who do not review. Third, students who take no notes, or do not study their notes, forget approximately 80percent of the lecture by the end of two weeks.From these findings we can conclude that students who take enough notes and then study them, both directly after the lecture and several additional times before an examination, stand a good chance of remembering between90 and 100% of the material



匆匆下结论的英文是jump at a conclusion还是 jump to the concl

不用the, jump to conclusions


  之前陆陆续续给同学们分享了英文写作中的引言和主体部分,今天给大家分享的是关于留学assignment写作中怎样写好Conclusion。  Some people think that writing the conclusion is the hardest part of writing an essay.For others,writing the conclusion is easy.When you write a conclusion,follow these guidelines:  有人认为结论是英文写作里面最难的部分,但是也有人认为是最简单的部分,但是无论怎样,请在撰写结论的时候,遵循下列规则:  let the reader know that this is the conclusion.You can mark the conclusion with some kind of transition or connector that tells the reader that this is the final paragraph of the essay.  让读者清楚的知道这是文章结论,在文章用某种过渡词或者连接词来明确告诉作者,这是文章的最后一段。  Here are some examples:  In conclusion,For the information given,To summarize,  Sometimes the first sentence of the conclusion restates the thesis or main idea of the essay:  A previously noted,there are numerous problems that new parents face today.(Example)  Do not introduce new information in the conclusion.The conclusion should help reader to reconsider the main idea that you have given in the essay.Any new information in the concluding paragraph will sound like a continuation of the body of the essay.  不要在结论里面介绍新的信息。结论是帮助读者重新思考文章表达的中心思想。在结论里面出现任何新的信息将使得结论像文章的正文。  Many writers find the conclusion difficult to write.It requires a great deal of thought and creativity,just as a good hook or thesis statement does.The kind of essay you are writing may determine the way you end the essay;however the following ideas can be helpful for any essay.  许多人认为结论很难写。它需要大量的思考和创造力,就像一个好的Hook和主旨句一样。作者所写的文章类型决定了文章的结论撰写方式。然而,下面的方法对撰写结论非常有用:  a.The final sentence or sentences of an essay often give a suggestion,an opinion,or a prediction about the topic of the essay.  文章的最后的句子常常提出一个建议、一个作者的观点或者一项预测。  Suggestion:In order for young people to successfully learn a language,parents need to encourage them at an early age.  Opinion:Learning a second language at an early age is,in effect,a smart choice.  Prediction:If more young people were bilingual,perhaps they would better understand the complex world around them.  b.Sometimes the final sentence or sentences simply say that the issue has been discussed in the essay with so many strong,persuasive facts that the answer to the issue is now clear.  有时文章最后的句子简单的说明文章中用强有说服力的事实讨论过的问题,问题的答案已经清楚。  Once aware of this information,any reader would agree that bilingual education is an excellent educational opportunity.(Example)  今天主要跟大家讲的是assignment写作结论(Conclusion)的详细写法,希望大家选一个自己感兴趣的主题,进行练习。

why it is unwise to jump conclusions upon seeing


哪些可用作插入状语的in介词短语(像in conclusion)

in other words,in general,in turn,in fact,in suprise,in details,in a hurry,in doubt,in despair,in sum .


essay的conclusion的写法:结论是对文章的总结,像introduction一样,必不可少,需要用简单、总结的语句写。多以in conclusion开头。conclusion内容另起一行考左对齐书写。EASSY字体都用times new roman字体,除大标题外的字体用小四,行距以1.5倍为准。文章总结的技巧:论文的总结不能只是简单的复述研究结果,必须要对论文的研究结果有更进一步的认识和推广。总结的内容要着眼于研究结果的实际价值。得出的研究结果有怎样的发展和展望,对哪些方面有什么样的作用和影响。


conclusion是单数。通过查询英语语法使用规则,复数词语后边需加s,单数后边不需加s,conclusion是单数形式,因此whatconclusion,conclusion不加s是因为conclusion是单数。语法(英文 :grammar)是语言学的一个分支,研究按确定用法来运用的"词类"、"词"的曲折变化或表示相互关系的其他手段以及词在句中的功能和关系。


是的 这里你要读用力点

make a conclusion 和 draw a conclusion有区别吗

make a conclusion下结论 ,归纳总结 ,结论不可少,作个总结。draw a conclusion引出结论 ,得出结论 ,下结论 ,提出结论。

如何写出完美的conclusion 写作技巧与实例分析?

二、conclusion的写作技巧conclusion作为文章的结尾部分,应该突出文章的重点,用简洁有力的语言概括全文的内容,让读者对文章的主旨有一个清晰的认识。一、什么是conclusion三、conclusion的实例分析2. 引用名言一、什么是conclusion


结论有总结和小结之分。内容包括主要的结果、结论、数据,目的在于阐明本文的成果和理论。而总结的内容和篇幅较小结为多,多用于综述或讨论类文稿之后,起着概括主题的作用。从内容上说需将全文已论述的问题再扼要概括一遍,是最终的总体的概括,也可写建议、对策、设想,或提出研究中发现的尚待解决的问题  内容:本文主要内容的简括说明,重点显示创新成果及其理论意义与实用价值(小结)。或:扼要点明本研究工作与其他文献报道的异同之处, 突出本研究的领先性。 又或:就讨论的结论,提出解决问题的办法或建议。 简述本研究存在的缺欠,需进一步研究的问题,下一步打算。换句话说,结论应是整篇论文的结局,而不是某一局部问题或某一分支问题的结论,也不是正文中各段的小结的简单重复。结论应当体现作者更深层的认识,且是从全篇论文的全部材料出发,经过推理、判断、归纳等逻辑分析过程而得到的新的学术总观念、总见解结论应该准确、完整、明确、精练。  该部分的写作内容一般应包括以下几个方面:①本文研 2究结果说明了什么问题;②对前人有关的看法作了哪些修正、补充、发展、证实或否定。③本文研究的不足之处或遗留未予解决的问题,以及对解决这些问题的可能的关键点和方向。英国智酷为你解答

如何写好essay conclusion

一般来说:essay包括introduction,body和conclusion这三个部分。conclusion也就是结论部分,是整篇文章的总结所在,这里你要总结文章的思想、证明自己的观点。essay conclusion怎么写呢?下面是一篇关于 how to write the conclusion of an essay。大家可以参考学习,如果您想代写essay?欢迎联系我们在线客服人员!The conclusion of an essay may be the most important element of the essay. An essay may have an enticing introduction that draws in the reader, contain fascinating facts and persuasive details. However, it is the conclusion that wraps everything together and prompts the reader to take action or ponder further. This is the mark of a well-written conclusion.Reflect the IntroductionJust as the introduction was the opening argument, the conclusion is the closing argument. This is the last chance a writer has to address the reader and influence their way of thinking. The conclusion should answer the Introduction and offer convincing compelling arguments, based on the facts within the body of the essay. Some say a conclusion is difficult to write. In truth, for the author who has researched and considered the issue, it is the climax and resolution of the struggle to present the issue within the writer"s chosen context.Integrate Ideas to Build an Argument for Your ThesisRather than summarizing the facts in a final paragraph, a conclusion should tie all the previously presented ideas together, braiding them into an argument that demands the attention of the reader. The conclusion is the author"s opportunity to shroud the facts in personal opinion, framing them within the writer"s personal slant. Unashamedly, tie together the provided evidence in the argument for the thesis, pointing to facts, rather than restating them. Unite the stated facts to promote the claims made by the thesis.




肯定对哦 不懂问我 solution recently spotless suspect hesitation cheat/cheater conclud interviewer/interviewee guiltiness detect


Conclude。英语中conclusion意思是结论。它的动词原形是 Conclude的下结论。

draw the conclusion that 还是draw a conclusion that

draw a conclusion that

a sound conclusion的翻译



conclusion前面的介词用in。in conclusion 的意思是总之,结论是.






写论文的时候内容提要应把论文的主要观点提示出来,便于读者一看就能了解论文内容的要点。论文提要要求写得简明而又全面,不要罗哩罗嗦抓不住要点或者只是干巴巴的几条筋,缺乏说明观点的材料。 内容提要可分为报道性提要和指示性提要。报道性提要,主要介绍研究的主要方法与成果以及成果分析等,对文章内容的提示较全面。


conclusion (根据。。。得出的)结论summary 总结



make a conclusion 和 draw a conclusion有区别吗

make a conclusion得出结论draw a conclusion得出结论,告一段落make a conclusion下结论 ,归纳总结 ,结论不可少,作个总结draw a conclusion引出结论 ,得出结论 ,下结论 ,提出结论例句:1.Methods To make a conclusion according to related literatures published at home and abroad.方法检索近年来国内外相关文献并整理、分析。2.To make a finish, an end, or a conclusion.总结结束,结尾或总结。3.Mr. Stephens envisions a world where people make their own decisions, where college is not a foregone conclusion and young people forge their own paths to fulfillment.斯蒂芬斯想象在未来,人们会自行做出决定,读大学不再是理所当然的选择,年轻人将走出一条自己的路,实现个人价值。draw a conclusion = come to a conclusion 例句:1.We can safely draw a conclusion from her facial expression that she is pretty satisfied with the election result .从她面部表情我们可以有把握地得出这样的结论:她对选举结果相当满意.2.After a heated discussion, they drew a conclusion in the end. 经过热烈的讨论,他们最终得出了结论.

in a conclusion是什么意思

in a conclusion在一个结论






论述:discussions 形近词;#643;n] 美[d#618;#643;n] n,谈论;sk#652。[其他] 复数;#601.关于此则报道的措辞议论纷纷;#712;#712; [例句]There was a lot of discussion about the wording of the report; 详述;sk#652. 讨论看上下文under discussion 一般是说某件事情还在讨论处理中 也就是并不是此时此刻在进行 而是指目前的时段中 这件事情还没有着落 在此主语是某件事情in discussion 一般更接近现在进行时 主语一般是人discussion 英[d#618

用bring to a conclusion造句 conclude or bringto a conclusion with some effort.经过努力来得出一种结论.   2.I will bring my story quickly to a conclusion.让我尽快结束这个故事吧.  3.I must Bring my essay to a concrete conclusion. 我必须以一个具体的结论来 . 4.bring sth to a speedy conclusion .将某事物迅速结束. 5.Let"s congratulate ourselves that this transaction have is bringto a successfulconclusion.   祝贺我们圆满达成交易.   6.Tobringto a conclusion; accomplish. 得出结论;完成.  7.I"m sorry that I have not been able tobring your Majesty"s business to a more   successfulconclusion.我很遗憾没能使陛下的事情得到一个更为成功的结局.  8.Bringtoconclusion; Bringto an endshizhpngl使终了   9.We know well what difficulties we have to cope with tobring our work to a successfulconclusion.我们很清楚,要胜利完成我们的工作有些什么困难需要克服.  10.In conclusion,I should like to thank all those who have worked so hard tobring about this result.最后,我们要对所有辛勤劳动因而取得成果的人们表示感谢.


您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:conclusion翻译: n. 结论;结局;推论 in conclusion 总之;最后 draw a conclusion 得出结论;作结论 come to a conclusion 得出结论;告终 come to the conclusion 得出结论 draw the conclusion 得出结论;推断 came to the conclusion 意识到了;得出相同的结论 at the conclusion of 在…终了时,当…完结时 reach a conclusion 得出结论;达成一个结论 foregone conclusion 预料之中必然发生的事情;不可避免的结局 bring to a conclusion vt. 结束(使终止);谈定(买卖等) draw conclusion 下结论 arrive at a conclusion 得出一个结论 expert conclusion 鉴定结论 audit conclusion 审计结论 in conclusion最后;总之;在结束时;副词词组expert conclusion鉴定结论;专家结论audit conclusion[审计] 审核结论;[审计] 审计结论;稽核结论assessment conclusion评定结论conclusion n结尾;结论;缔结Silent Conclusion无言的结局tentative conclusion暂时结论Conclusion paragraph结尾段Conclusion swing结束摇摆原句:genelization翻译:泛化百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。


conclusion的中文释义如下:1、当词性为名词时,意为结论,推论;推断;总结;结束;终结;结局,结尾;结束语;订立;缔结,商定;(根据所给前提得出的)命题。conclusion的读法:conclusion的英式发音为[ku0259nu02c8kluu02d0u0292n];美式发音为[ku0259nu02c8kluu02d0u0292(u0259)n]。短语搭配:1、draw a conclusion得出结论;出结论。2、come to conclusion得出结论。3、in conclusion总之,最后。4、draw conclusion得出诊断结论;做结论;得出结论。5、final conclusion定论。6、a foregone conclusion预料之中的必然结局。7、leap the conclusion草率下结论。8、jump the conclusion草率下结论。9、successful conclusion成功的结论。10、same conclusion同样的结论。双语例句:1、What led you to this conclusion?你是如何得出这个结论的?2、Few will argue with this conclusion.很少有人会不同意这个结论。3、The judge"s conclusion was plainly wrong.法官的结论显然是错误的。4、My reflections brought forth no conclusion.我的思考没有得出任何结论。5、If we took this argument to its logical conclusion...假如我们把这个论点归结到合乎其逻辑的结论…6、There are various reasons that impel me to that conclusion.有各种原因促使我作出那个结论。7、It was a logical conclusion from the child"s point of view.从小孩的观点来看这是个合乎情理的结论。8、She considers that it is too early to form a definite conclusion.她认为现在下确切的结论还为时过早。9、It took the jury some time to reach the conclusion that she was guilty.陪审团花了很长时间才得出结论认为她有罪。10、This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the two things are connected.这就必然得出一个结论:这两件事互有关联。

In short,In a word,In conclusion,In summary有什么不同,

简单讲,总之,综上所述,简要说明网上搜的:这组短语都可表示“总之”的意思,指前面讲的内容进行归纳总结。 in short、in a word、 all in all 比较常用,in conclusion、in sum、in summary 多见用于书 面语言。

in general和in conclusion有什么区别?

in general 是大体上的意思 in conclusion是总的来说 是总结句

雅思小作文总结不可以用in conclusion吗

图表作文没有讨论观点,只是陈述,所以没有conclusion(结论) 这么一说。(顾家北)

请教几个词的替换词:in conclusion,in short,to sum up,finally谢谢了~

in conclusion,=in one word in short,=shortly to sum up,=total amounted finally=eventually

in conclusion同义词替换

同义词是in a word,例如: 1.Victor, in a word, got increasingly fed up.总而言之,维克多越来越厌倦了。 2.None of your business. Don"t put in a word.没你的事,别答碴儿。 3.In a word, he tires of everything.简言之,他对一切都感到厌倦了。 5.In a word, the induced e. m. f. lags behind the current.总之,感应电动势滞后于电流。

in conclusion还是in a conclusion

in a word指的是在总体的说,是对前文的概括. in conclusion指的是在前文基础上可以得出结论和规律,推论型的短语. 不过在作文和阅读中一般没有人追究,现在强调运用,可混淆淡化


inconclusion的意思是:【总之,最后】。同义短语:1、In conclusion, she has made up her mind to divorce.总之,她已经下定决心要离婚。2、In conclusion, it"s clear that greece is only embracing these widely reviled reforms underintense pressure.总而言之,这些改革遭到了民众的普遍地址,希腊显然是迫于外界的重压,才开始实行改革。3、In conclusion this essay has shown that the quest for intelligence is by no means trivial.在这篇文章的最后,我们提出有关智力的问题决不是一件小事,那它又是什么呢?4、In conclusion, more theoretical and experimental research must be conducted.总之,必须进一步开展理论和试验研究。双语例句:1、She considers that it is too early to form a definiteconclusion.她认为现在下确切的结论还为时过早。2、What led you to thisconclusion?你是如何得出这个结论的?3、He then goes on to pick holes in the article before reaching hisconclusion.然后,他继续挑这篇文章的毛病,最后得出了自己的结论。4、What do you base thisconclusion on?你凭什么得出这个结论?5、Noconclusion should be drawn before all the facts are buttoned down.所有事实弄清以前,不应该下任何结论。

雅思小作文总结不可以用in conclusion吗


to conclude和in conclusion一样吗

基本一样 写作文意思是一样的

to sum up in conclusion意思

没有差别哦,议论文中的最后一段第一句都可以使用。 表示总结,总结以上所说的。 再给你2个: to conclude from what i have mentioned above 根据我以上说的几点………… As i have mentioned, we can easily draw the conclusion that....... 就像我上面说的,我们可以很容易的得到………………的结论 分别使用于什么情况也都没有差别。只要是议论文都可以用。 ~~~~~~~~~欢迎追问求采纳!!

高中英语语法填空 In conclusion,( )you have a good friend ,do not forget him or her.


In short,In a word,In conclusion,In summary有什么不同,用法是什么?

In short,In a word重点在于解释和说明 In conclusion,In summary重点在于归纳和总结方面的 这些短语都是用于句首的

in conclusion是什么意思?在句子中怎么运用?举个例子

最后, 综上所述一般放在句首。。。In conclusion she wished her comrades every success in their work.最后她祝同志们工作顺

in conclusion和as conclusion有什么区别?

in conclusion 是正确而且常用的表达方式,不会有 as conclusion 这种用法,但可以说 as a/the conclusion(作为一个/这种结论, ......),意思不同于 in conclusion。

in a word和in conclusion都有总而言之的意思,使用时要具体怎么区分?


英语写作中in conclusion怎么用?

实际含义: the item at the end相当于: last; lastly; finally总结逻辑用语,一般用于句首加逗号与后面分割,如插入语一般。例如:In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.总而言之,散步是一种廉价、安全、愉快的锻炼方式,而且随时随地都可以进行。

in conclusion是什么意思

in conclusion是什么意思:总而言之;最后;总而言之1、In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise. 总而言之,散步是一种廉价、安全、愉快的锻炼方式,而且随时随地都可以进行。2、In conclusion, this plan projects rapid growth over the next three years. 总而言之,该计划预计在未来三年内实现快速增长。3、In conclusion she wished her comrades every success in their work. 最后她祝同志们工作顺利4、In her conclusion, the author sounds a cautionary note. 作者在结尾时敲响了警钟。5、In conclusion, color is very important to people. 由此可以得出结论,颜色对人们是很重要的。6、So, in conclusion, I just want to say 所以,结论是,我只是想说


前者是假设 后者是结论

请教老手投稿Summary of Novel Conclusions怎么写


Why people jump to conclusions的英语作文

Begin the conclusion with a topic sentence that summarizes your paper.The topic sentence should be catchy and brief but should also relate to the reader what the essay has been about.The point of the conclusion is to remind the reader of your topic,and the topic sentence will frame this paragraph.

draw conclusions是下总结吗


ending 与conclusion 有何区别?

endingKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. (故事等的)结局,结尾;终结The story has a surprise ending.这个故事的结尾出人意料。2. 【语】字尾conclusionKK: []DJ: []n.1. 结论;推论;决定[C][+that]They drew different conclusions from the facts.他们从这些事实中引出了不同的结论。2. 结尾,结局[C]3. 终结,结束[U][S]The debate did not come to a conclusion until midnight.辩论直到午夜才结束。4. (条约等的)缔结;(买卖等的)议定[U][(+of)]The conclusion of this agreement is in the interests of both sides.签订这份合同对双方都有好处。



conclusion可不可数 在任务型阅读时conclusion要不要加s?





conclusions[英][ku0259nk"lu:u0292nz][美][ku0259nk"lu:u0292nz]n.结束( conclusion的名词复数 ); 结论; 推论; 签订; 例句:1.Five broad conclusions can be drawn. 由此可以概括出五个结论。2.Notes the response and attempts to draw conclusions. 然后记录他们的回答,并试图从中得出推论

never jump to conclusion对我们的学习生活有什么意义?

"Never jump to conclusions"是指不要轻易地从表面现象或部分信息就下定论,而是要多方面考虑和获取信息,避免出现错误的决策和评价。对于我们的学习生活来说,这个准则也非常重要。在学习过程中,不要快速得出结论,而是应该从多个方面了解所学内容,设立疑问和探究答案,不断加强自己的学术素养和创造性思维能力。这样才能更加全面、深入地理解所学内容,并将其应用于实践中,取得更高的成就和更好的未来。

jump to conclusions是什么意思


results和discussion and conclusions的区别

results是结果、成绩discussion 是讨论conclusions是结论,总结

英语own conclusions怎么翻译?

你好!own conclusions自己的结论

conclusion怎么读 英语conclusion怎么读

1、conclusion英[ku0259nu02c8kluu02d0u0292n]美[ku0259nu02c8kluu02d0u0292n],n.结论; 推论; 结束; 结果; 结尾; 结局; 签订; 达成; 缔结。 2、[例句]These conclusions cannot be generalized to the whole country.这些结论不可能推及全国。


resultn.结果; (尤指足球比赛的)胜利; [体]比分; 成功实现的事vi.发生,产生; 归结为,导致; 后果,终结; 由…而造成[产生]conclusionn.结论; 结局; 断定,决定; 推论result:侧重因某种原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果。conclusion:强调仔细思考做出的推论或结论,或者某事的结局。


  conclusion表示结论; 结局; 断定的意思,那么你知道conclusion的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了conclusion的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   conclusion的短语:   in conclusion   1. 最后;总之,总而言之;综上所述   总之,市场正日趋成熟这一点十分清楚。   in conclusion, it is clear that the market is maturing.   jump (或 leap) to conclusions   1. 遽下结论,贸然断言   try conclusions with   1. (正式)与u2026一比高低;与u2026一决胜负   例句:   1. It"s almost a foregone conclusion that you"ll get what you want.   你将得到你想要的,这几乎是确定无疑的。   2. They are hopeful of bringing the siege to a peaceful conclusion.   他们希望能和平结束这次围困。   3. Most voters believe the result is a foregone conclusion.   多数投票者认为这个结果是意料之中的。   4. The judge"s conclusion was plainly wrong.   法官的结论明摆着是错的。   5. My reflections brought forth no conclusion.   我的思考没有得出结论。   6. The championship result was almost a foregone conclusion.   锦标赛的结果差不多在意料之中。   7. I"ve come to the conclusion that he"s not the right person for the job.   我断定他不适合做这项工作。   8. This leads to the inescapable conclusion that the two things are connected.   这就必然得出一个结论:这两件事互有关联。   9. a soundly based conclusion   有充分依据的结论   10. I found the conclusion of his book very interesting.   我觉得他这本书的结尾很有趣.   11. He drew the conclusion by building on his own investigation.   他根据自己的调查研究作出结论.   12. In conclusion she wished her comrades every success in their work.   最后她祝同志们工作顺利.   13. After much discussion we came at a conclusion satisfactory to all.   经过充分讨论,我们得出了大家都很满意的结论.   14. Some people jumped rashly to the conclusion that something must be wrong.   有些人轻率地得出结论说一定是出了什么问题.   15. No conclusion should be drawn before all the facts are buttoned down.   所有事实弄清以前,不应该下任何结论.





conclusion 和consequence有什么区别

前者:结论,影响,后果,成果,常与of 连用.后者:结论,结果常搭配draw a conclusion





in conclusion和to conclude有什么区别?

一、意思不同1、in conclusion意思:总而言之;最后;总而言之。例句:"He has been hurt already," said the old gentleman in conclusion.这位老先生总结说,他已经受伤了。2、to conclude意思:得出结论。例句:I want to conclude with a poem by Owen.我想以欧文的一首诗结束。二、用法不同1、in conclusion用法:正式用语,指用正式或特殊的方式来结束事情、活动或文章,如达成协议或作出决定后结束会议,得出结论后结束文章或讲演等。2、to conclude用法:作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动词不定式或从句作宾语。三、侧重点不同1、in conclusion侧重点:由此引申可表示“作出决定”“得出结论”等。2、to conclude侧重点:可接以“(to be+) adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。

改错we must draw conclusion on what to do next.

draw conclusionsdraw a onclusion

draw conclusion 是得出结论的意思吗




intermediate conclusion 是什么意思




in conclusion什么意思


jump to a conclusion是什么意思

jump to a conclusion结论双语对照词典结果:jump to a conclusion[英][dʒʌmp tu: ə kənˈklu:ʒən][美][dʒʌmp tu e kənˈkluʒən]冒然断定,过早下结论; 很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

the place of conclusion是什么意思

the place of conclusion结论的地方双语对照例句:1.Some of the german tourists have already weighed the place and came to aconclusion that nothing could be renovated here. 德国游客有的已权衡的地方,来到一个没有什么可以翻新这里的结论。2.Conclusion the clinical manifestation varieties of non-typical myocardialinfarction, which gives the first place to sudden symptoms, are related tocardiocerebral vascular diseases. 结论不典型心肌梗死的临床表现多样化,以突发症状为主.与心脑血管疾病相关。3.The seller must bear any increase in the expenses incidental to payment whichis caused by a change in his place of business subsequent to the conclusionof the contract. 卖方必须承担因其营业地在订立合同后发生变动而增加的支付方面的有关费用。

in conclusion是什么意思?

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