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your birthday的意思是什么

your birthday你的生日

birthday party是什么意思


happy birthday怎么写?

生日快乐的英文是:Happy birthday!重点词汇:birthday英 ['bɜ:θdeɪ]释义:n. 生日,诞辰;诞生的日子[ 复数 birthdays ]短语:birthday party 生日会 ; 生日宴会 ; 生日聚会 ; 生日派对扩展资料:adj. (形容词)1、happy的基本意思是“幸福的”“快乐的”,指人在各种状态(如事事顺利)下的愉快、快乐或满足的心理状态。2、happy在句中可用作定语、表语,必须以人作主语,不用于以it充当形式主语的结构中。3、happy表示“乐意的”作表语时,其后可接动词不定式、现在分词短语、过去分词短语或that从句表示原因。happy后还常接about,at,in,with等引导的介词短语表示“因…而高兴,对…满意”。4、happy在句中还可用作宾语补足语。

birthday 是可数还是不可数名词

birthday是生日的意思不是名字它是个副词 查看原帖>>

happy birthday to me是什么意思,和happy birthday for me是



birthday 英[ˈbɜ:θdeɪ] 美[ˈbɜ:rθdeɪ] n. 生日; 诞辰; 成立纪念日; [例句]We must not forget your birthday.我们一定不能忘了你的生日。

birthday什么意思 怎么读

1、birthday释义:生日,诞辰。 2、例句: We must not forget your birthday. 我们一定不能忘了你的生日。 I bought a birthday present for my mother. 我给母亲买了一份生日礼物。 John just told me that your birthday is on the same day as mine. 约翰刚告诉我你和我的生日是同一天。 I took some photos with her camera on my birthday. 我用她的相机在我过生日那天拍了些照片。 He was abashed at forgetting his wifes birthday. 他因忘了妻子的生日而感到惭愧。


birthday    英[ˈbɜ:θdeɪ]    美[ˈbɜ:rθdeɪ]    作为名词是生日; 诞辰; 成立纪念日的意思[例句]We must not forget your birthday.我们一定不能忘了你的生日。


birthday 英[ˈbɜ:θdeɪ] 美[ˈbɜ:rθdeɪ] n. 生日; 诞辰; 成立纪念日; [例句]We must not forget your birthday.我们一定不能忘了你的生日。[其他] 复数:birthdays


birthday 英 [ˈbɜːθdeɪ]   美 [ˈbɜːrθdeɪ]  n.生日词语用法birthday的基本意思是“生日”,指每年一次的出生日期的纪念日,通常不表示出生的日期。但在美国填表时birthday可指出生年月日,即date of birth。例句:I took some photos with her camera on my birthday. 我用她的相机在我过生日那天拍了些照片。He was abashed at forgetting his wife"s birthday. 他因忘了妻子的生日而感到惭愧。扩展资料:Birthday的近义词1、anniversary 英 [ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri]   美 [ˌænɪˈvɜːrsəri]  n.周年纪念日复数: anniversaries例句:The Society is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. 这个协会今年将举办成立10周年庆典。2、date of birth 英 [deɪt ɒv bɜːθ]   美 [deɪt əv bɜːrθ]  n.出生日期例句:The registration form showed his date of birth as August 2, 1979. 登记表显示他的出生日期是1979年8月2号。


birthday 英 [ˈbɜːθdeɪ]   美 [ˈbɜːrθdeɪ]  n.生日词语用法birthday的基本意思是“生日”,指每年一次的出生日期的纪念日,通常不表示出生的日期。但在美国填表时birthday可指出生年月日,即date of birth。例句:I took some photos with her camera on my birthday. 我用她的相机在我过生日那天拍了些照片。He was abashed at forgetting his wife"s birthday. 他因忘了妻子的生日而感到惭愧。扩展资料:Birthday的近义词1、anniversary 英 [ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri]   美 [ˌænɪˈvɜːrsəri]  n.周年纪念日复数: anniversaries例句:The Society is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. 这个协会今年将举办成立10周年庆典。2、date of birth 英 [deɪt ɒv bɜːθ]   美 [deɪt əv bɜːrθ]  n.出生日期例句:The registration form showed his date of birth as August 2, 1979. 登记表显示他的出生日期是1979年8月2号。




birthday 英 [ˈbɜːθdeɪ]   美 [ˈbɜːrθdeɪ]  n.生日词语用法birthday的基本意思是“生日”,指每年一次的出生日期的纪念日,通常不表示出生的日期。但在美国填表时birthday可指出生年月日,即date of birth。例句:I took some photos with her camera on my birthday. 我用她的相机在我过生日那天拍了些照片。He was abashed at forgetting his wife"s birthday. 他因忘了妻子的生日而感到惭愧。扩展资料:Birthday的近义词1、anniversary 英 [ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri]   美 [ˌænɪˈvɜːrsəri]  n.周年纪念日复数: anniversaries例句:The Society is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. 这个协会今年将举办成立10周年庆典。2、date of birth 英 [deɪt ɒv bɜːθ]   美 [deɪt əv bɜːrθ]  n.出生日期例句:The registration form showed his date of birth as August 2, 1979. 登记表显示他的出生日期是1979年8月2号。

birthday 是什么意思?

不是 生日 的意思吗???



birthday calendar是什么意思?


birthday pαrty汉语什么意思?

Birthday party.生日派对



happy birthday是什么意思




"party"s birthday"是什么意思?



birthday[英][ˈbɜ:θdeɪ][美][ˈbɜ:rθdeɪ]n.生日; 诞辰; 成立纪念日;








1、happy birthday是生日快乐的意思。2、Happy birthday, sweetheart. 生日快乐,亲爱的。3、He piped happy birthday on the cake. 他在蛋糕上镶上了“生日快乐”的字样。


birth [bə:θ]n.出生; 诞生; 分娩出身, 家系, 家世, 血统起源, 开始, 创世a still birth死产, 死胎a person of noble birth出身高贵的人birth control节制生育The child"s birth occured at 2 a. m.这孩子凌晨两点出生。She gave birth to a girl last night.昨晚她生了一个女孩。Kill the cases at birth.防微杜渐。 词性变化birth [bə:θ]vt.造成, 产生, 带来[方]生(孩子)They provided the weapons that won the war and birthed the Atomic Age.他们提供了赢得这场战争的武器并产生了原子时代。birth [bə:θ]vi.[方]分娩; 生产 继承用法birthday["bɜ:θdeɪ]n.生日, 诞辰开始日birthlandn.出发地, 故乡birthmark["bɜ:θmɑ:k]n.胎记, 胎痣某人的特征birthplace["bɜ:θpleɪs]n.出生地, 故乡; 发源地birth-raten.出生率birthroot["bɜ:θru:t]n.延令草属组织birthstonen.诞生石(象征出生月份的宝石)birthwortn.马兜铃属植物 习惯用语by birth 在血统上生来天生地give birth to 生, 产生; 引起; 造成second birth 复兴, 再生Virgin B- 【宗】圣灵感动怀孕(基督认为童贞女玛利亚受圣灵感动而生耶稣) 特殊用法crystal birth 晶体产生multiple birth 多生virgin birth 无配子生殖, 无融合生殖


birthday [["bɜːθdeɪ]]基本翻译n. 生日,诞辰;诞生的日子网络释义birthday:生日 | 出生日期 | 诞生的日期




Birthday是英语单词读音音标:英 [ˈbɜ:θdeɪ] 美 [ˈbɜ:rθdeɪ] 单词词义:n. 生日;诞辰;成立纪念日


birthday 英[ˈbɜ:θdeɪ] 美[ˈbɜ:rθdeɪ] n. 生日; 诞辰; 成立纪念日; [例句]We must not forget your birthday.我们一定不能忘了你的生日。[其他] 复数:birthdays


birthday: n.生日,复数: birthdays 短语:1.birthday party ,译为“生日宴会”。 2.birthday present,译为“生日礼物”。 3.birthday cake,译为“生日蛋糕”。 扩展资料   例句:   We"re getting up a party for her birthday.   我们正在筹备她的生日聚会。   Are you having a big do for your birthday?   你打算举行大型生日宴会吗?   What did you get for your birthday?   你收到什么生日礼物了?




ir和ur读音相同,birth 英[bɜ:θ] 美[bɜ:rθ] n. 出生; 分娩; 出身; 起源; nurse 英[nɜ:s] 美[nɜ:rs] n. 护士,看护; 奶妈,保姆,阿妈,保育员; 保护人,培养者,养成所,发祥地; [植]保护树,[虫]保护虫,保育虫,[动] 世代交替的无性期的个体; vt. 护理; 照料; 喂; 吃奶; vt. 培育; 怀抱; 搂抱; 调治;

birth nurse什么意思

birth nurse接生护士-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Happy Birthday是什么意思啊?

happy birthday[英][ˈhæpi ˈbə:θdei][美][ˈhæpi ˈbɚθˌde]n.生日快乐; 相关单词:Happy Birthday例句:Tell wyatt I said happy birthday.告诉怀亚特我祝他生日快乐。Oh, are you that freaky happy birthday singing chick?哦你就是那个唱生日歌的疯女人?And say happy birthday?然后说生日快乐呢?

We celebrate 日期 for his birthday We celebrate 日期 for 人 请问这两种用法对吗


为什么不是 It is the fact that he does not know his birthday which surprises us all


late childbirth是什么意思

late childbirth晚期分娩 拼音 双语对照 late childbirth英 [leit ˈtʃaɪldˌbɜ:θ] 美 [let ˈtʃaɪldˌbəθ] 词典[法] 晚育网络晚婚晚育; 数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道1Among these women, the researchers found, late childbirth indeed conferred longer life. 通过对这些女性的调查,研究人员发现,晚育确实与长寿有关。

I hoped Tina---- to my birthbady party next Thursday. A; to come B; is coming C; will come D; was

答案是C因为next Thursday是下个星期四是未来式

12.2018-04-22 《Adolescence》——New Birth

ADOLESCENCE IS A NEW BIRTH    The word “adolescence” literally means “growing up” (from the Latin word adolescere). In theory, it describes a distinct stage between childhood and adulthood, but in practice often simply defines the “teenage” years. In most Western societies, the idea of adolescence was not recognized until the 20th century; childhood ended and adulthood began at a certain age – typically at 18.    Pioneering psychologist and educator, G. Stanley Hall, in his 1904 book Adolescence, was the first academic to explore the subject.Hall was influenced by Darwin"s theory of evolution, believing that all childhoods, especially with regard to behaviour and early physical development, reflect the course of evolutionary change, and that we each develop in accordance with our “ancestral record”.    One key influence on Hall was the 18th-century Sturm und Drang (“Storm and Stress”) movement of German writers and musicians, which promoted total freedom of expression. Hall referred to adolescence as “Sturm und Drang”; he considered it a stage of emotional turmoil and rebellion, with behaviour ranging from quiet moodiness to wild risk-taking.    Adolescence, he stated, “craves strong feelings and new sensations… monotony(单调), routine, and detail are intolerable”. Awareness of self and the environment greatly increases; everything is more keenly felt, and sensation is sought for its own sake.    Many of Hall"s findings are echoed in research today. Hall believed that adolescents are highly susceptible to depression, and described a “curve of despondency(意志消沉)” that starts at the age of 11, peaks at 15, then falls steadily until the age of 23.Modern research acknowledges a similar pattern.The causes of depression that Hall identified are startlingly familiar: suspicion of being disliked and having seemingly insuperable(不能克服的) character faults, and “the fancy of hopeless love”.    He believed the self-consciousness of adolescence leads to self-criticism and censoriousness(挑剔) of self and others.This view mirrors later studies, which argue that teenagers" advanced reasoning skills allow them to “read between the lines”, while also magnifying their sensitivity to situations.    Even Hall"s claim that criminal activity is more prevalent in the teenage years, peaking around 18, still holds true.But Hall was not totally negative about adolescence. As he wrote in Youth: Its Education, Regiment, and Hygiene(卫生), “Adolescence is a new birth, for the higher and more completely human traits are now born”. So, for Hall, adolescence was in fact a necessary beginning of something much better. Human development    Born into a farming family in Ashfield, Massachusetts, USA, Granville Stanley Hall graduated from Williams College, Massachusetts in 1867.His plans to travel were thwarted(挫败) through lack of funds, so he followed his mother"s wish and studied theology(神学) for a year in New York, before moving to Germany.On Hall"s return to America in 1870, he studied with William James for four years at Harvard, gaining the first psychology PhD in the USA.    He then returned to Germany for two years to work with Wilhelm Wundt in his Leipzig laboratory. In 1882, Hall became a professor at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, where he set up the first US laboratory specifically for psychology. He also launched the American Journal of Psychology in 1887, and became the first president of the American Psychological Association in 1892.

1. three (序数词) 2. ninth (基数词)3. birthday (复数) &nb...

1. third  2. nine 3. birthdays 4. January 5. Oct. 6. eighth 7. tenth 8. 2nd  9 twentieth  10 thirty-one                                                                                

Hegotasupriseon her birthday party suprise为什么不加ed?

He got a surprise on her Birthday party.他在她的生日派对上得到了一个惊喜。surprise 在这句句子中充当的是宾语。surprise在这里的意思并不是作为动词惊喜来理解,而是作为名词来理解。ed 通常加在动词后面,作为过去式,那么这里已经有一个动词get了, 就重复了。

my fourth birthday序数词前不是要加the吗?为什么这里不加呢?



名词:book 书籍 model 模型 plane飞机 stand停止,立场 yard 院子 family 家庭flower花 cheer 愉悦,欢呼形容词:beautiful 漂亮的 clear 干净的 small 小的 plane平的,平面的 own 自己的,特有的 family 家庭的,家族的动词:clear 打扫,清除 book 预定,控告 model 模仿 cheer使...快活,对...欢呼plane 刨,刨平 own拥有,自认,承认 flower开花,旺盛,使开花

from birth是什么意思

  from birth的中文翻译  from birth  从出生  双语例句  1  More rarely, the tubes have been malformed from birth.  这些管状器官先天畸形的现象更加少见。  2  He was an actor"s son and was destined from birth for the stage.  他是演员之子,并且从生下来就注定要做演员。

BAP happy birthday 的韩语歌词

Listen babe I"ll dedicate this song for you.너무 행복한 모습 내 옆에 있는 너오늘을 기다렸어 너의 생일을날 보는 너의 미소가 oh 너무 너무 눈이 부셔널 위해서 난 저 별을 따다 주고 싶어Happy birthday to you 아름다운 내 사랑Baby only for you 니가 있어 행복해Happy birthday to you 오늘처럼 영원히 Baby only for you 우린 함께 할거야 눈을 뜨고 눈을 감을 때까지하루 온종일 니가 생각나외로워 너 없는 밤이창가사이로 비치는 햇살 같은 너넌 날 깨우고 웃게 해 특별해 넌 좀 다른 걸세상 무엇보다 더 내게 소중한 너널 위해 준비한 맘 받아주겠니날 보는 너의 미소가 oh 너무 너무 눈이 부셔널 위해서 난 저 별을 따다 주고 싶어Happy birthday to you 아름다운 내 사랑Baby only for you 니가 있어 행복해Happy birthday to you 오늘처럼 영원히 Baby only for you 우린 함께 할거야 알콩달콩 가끔 우린 다투기도 해토라진 너에게 어쩌면 좋을까 밤새 고민해혹시나 니가 날 미워할까 가슴 조리는 내 마음 알아?내게 너밖엔 없는 걸 너만이 날 웃게 한다는 것니가 다른 건 수 많은 사람들 속에서도 보여반짝거리는 눈 입술 니가 옆에 있으면 마음이 놓여아름다운걸 널 내려준 신께 난 감사해항상 이대로 있어줘 내 안에 I will kiss you baby생일 축하해Happy birthday to you 아름다운 내 사랑Baby only for you 니가 있어 행복해Happy birthday to you 오늘처럼 영원히 Baby only for you 우린 함께 할거야

急求;神话《Sun Flower (Happy Birthday)》拼音版歌词

00:02.20]歌名:美丽的神话[00:04.40]歌手:孙楠/韩红[00:06.60]专辑:忘不了你[[00:11.20]祝:我的朋友永远快乐、幸福![00:14.30]X Music X[00:16.80]梦中人 熟悉的脸孔[00:23.90]你是我守候的温柔[00:31.30]就算泪水淹没天地[00:38.70]我不会放手[00:46.30]每一刻孤独的承受[00:53.30]只因我曾许下承诺[01:01.00]你我之间熟悉的感动[01:08.15]爱就要苏醒[01:14.90]万世沧桑唯有爱是永远的神话[01:22.05]潮起潮落始终不悔真爱的相约[01:29.15]几番苦痛的纠缠多少黑夜挣扎[01:36.95]紧握双手让我和你再也不离分[01:47.60]X Music X[02:00.00]枕上雪 冰封的爱恋[02:07.30]真心相拥才能融解[02:14.80]风中摇曳炉上的火[02:22.05]不灭亦不休[02:29.75]等待花开春去春又来[02:37.05]无情岁月笑我痴狂[02:44.15]心如钢铁任世界荒芜[02:51.65]思念永相随[02:58.25]万世沧桑唯有爱是永远的神话[03:05.15]潮起潮落始终不悔真爱的相约[03:12.80]几番苦痛的纠缠多少黑夜挣扎[03:20.00]紧握双手让我和你再也不离分[03:27.60]悲欢岁月唯有爱是永远的神话[03:35.00]谁都没有遗忘古老古老的誓言[03:42.50]你的泪水化为漫天飞舞的彩蝶[03:49.85]爱是翼下之风两心相随自在飞[03:57.05]悲欢岁月唯有爱是永远的神话[04:04.60]谁都没有遗忘古老古老的誓言[04:12.00]你的泪水化为漫天飞舞的彩蝶[04:19.35]爱是翼下之风两心相随自在飞[04:29.60]你是我心中唯一美丽的神话[04:46.00]END







he was invited to lily "s birthday party的invited 的用法是什么

be invited 是invite 的被动啊 被邀请去~~


blindfolded birthday.....蒙着眼睛的寿星双语例句1A papier-mache animal is filled5 with candy and toys and hung from theceiling.The blindfolded birthday child then tries to hit the animal with astick until it bursts6 open.他们在混凝纸制成的动物造型里装满糖果与玩具,挂在天花板上,接着再由蒙住眼睛的小寿星拿着棒子,使劲把那只纸制动物敲破开来。
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