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翻译 我会尽我最大的努力 用到to the best of ones ability

to the best of my ability


Legislation是立法,法律之类的law 也是法律感觉这个比较通俗,上面一个更书面regulation:调控,调节,也有规定意思bill:议案,大家要投票的那种,


电放提单是目的港可以凭传真件提货的提单。由船公司或船代以电报(传)通知目的港代理,某票货物无须凭正本提单提货,收货人可凭盖收货人公司章的电放提单换取提货单以清关提货即可。 电放提单的收费问题也是根据船务公司和航线不同收取的费用不一样,当然,要是由正本提单改为电放提单是一定要收取费用的!SeaWaybill,又称海上运送单或海上货运单,它是"承运人向托运人或其代理人表明货物已收妥待装的单据,是一种不可转让的单据,即不须以在目的港揭示该单据作为收货条件,不须持单据寄到,船主或其代理人可凭收货人收到的货到通知或其身份证明而向其交货。


电放是由托运人向船公司发出委托申请并提交保函后,由船公司或船代以电报(传)通知目的港代理,某票货物无须凭正本提单提货,收货人可凭盖收货人公司章的电放提单换取提货单以清关提货的海运操作方式. 电放提单是指船公司或其代理人签发的注有"Surrendered"或"Telex Release"的提单副本,复印件或传真件.其基本作用有三:一是承运人收到其照管的货物收据,二是运输合同的证明,三是用来换取提货单的依据.海运单(Sea—way Bill),是证明国际海上货物运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船以及承运人保证将货物交给指定的收货人的一种不可流通的单证.其基本作用主要有三:一是承运人收到的货物收据.二是运输合约的证明;三是解决经济纠纷时作为货物担保的基础.

电放提单telex release bill of lading

telex release bill of lading 名词,就是电放提单的意思,supply telex release bill of lading

seaway bill 和电放有什么区别

电放提单是目的港可以凭传真件提货的提单。由船公司或船代以电报(传)通知目的港代理,某票货物无须凭正本提单提货,收货人可凭盖收货人公司章的电放提单换取提货单以清关提货即可。 电放提单的收费问题也是根据船务公司和航线不同收取的费用不一样,当然,要是由正本提单改为电放提单是一定要收取费用的! SeaWaybill,又称海上运送单或海上货运单,它是"承运人向托运人或其代理人表明货物已收妥待装的单据,是一种不可转让的单据,即不须以在目的港揭示该单据作为收货条件,不须持单据寄到,船主或其代理人可凭收货人收到的货到通知或其身份证明而向其交货。








visibility: hidden----将元素隐藏,但是在网页中该占的位置还是占着。display: none----将元素的显示设为无,即在网页中不占任何的位置。例如有三个table,将中间的一个table hidden掉,你会发现在那个被hidden的table看不见了,但是,中间会留有很大的一空白,而这个空白就是这个table没有被隐藏时所占的位置 而none的作用更像是把元素从网页中“去除”(当然不是真的去除,只是效果是如此)例如有三个table,将中间的一个table none掉,你会发现在剩下的两个table中间不会有任何的空白。就好像中间的那个table从来不存在过一样

wpf Visibility绑定一个值 若该值写在 cs后台 绑定成功 我把值(CCCC)放在其他地方就不行了 求指教




WPF程序 当关闭一个窗体后,重新打开报错 关闭窗口之后无法设置 Visibility 或者调用 Show或ShowDialog









visibility显示。 gone 隐藏。只是将对象显示或者隐藏。并不是将对象置空。它依旧在内存中占据着一块内存的。当然可以调用它

style.visibility = ""

style.visibility 这是javascript控制页面控件是否显示的一个属性如果是:style.visibility = "hidden";//表示隐藏这个控件style.visibility = "visible";//表示显示这个控件style.visibility = ="",等效于style.visibility = "visible";//

high visibility是什么意思

high visibility 高能见度; [例句]It"s designed with high visibility and environment protection demand.满足高能见度,和对环境卫生有要求的设计。


CSS中visibility属性的取值有() <div style="visibility:hidden;"></div> <div style="display:none;"></div>(正确答案) <div style="display:block;"></div> <div style="visibility:visible;"></div>


原因是设置了visibility为hidden,但is(“:visible”)仍然返回为true。所以if里面检测css的visibility属性就可以了if($("#zj").css("visibility")!="hidden"){ $("#zj").css("visibility","hidden");}else{ $("#zj").css("visibility","visible");};


CSS visibility 属性规定元素是否可见。visible 元素可见。 hidden 元素不可见。 collapse 在表格元素中使用时,此值可删除一行或一列,但它不影响表格的布局。被行或列占据的空间会留给其他内容使用。如果此值被用在其他的元素上,会呈现为 "hidden"。 inherit 从父元素继承 visibility 属性的值。你在 html 里面写的东西默认情况下就是属于 visibility:visible; 即元素可见。当某些情况下,你让元素不可见了:visibility:hidden; 再通过一些事件触发后让元素变成可见,就要用到这个visibility:visible; 。和display:none的区别,你理解是对的,display:none; 以后,元素是不占位的。







javascript中 visibility和display的区别


手机大神吗,请问手机文件里tencent mobileQQ中的portrait是什么文件啊?



display不光是控制元素是否显示,而且还控制元素外观。比如display:block,或者display:table-cell, display:inline之类的而visibility大体上是控制元素是否显示出来,它并不控制元素是以块、单元格、行或者其他的外观。当你想隐藏一个元素的时候,如果用display:none的话,这个元素就完全不显示,也不占位置,不遮盖比它z-index小的元素。但是如果你用visibility:hidden的时候,元素虽然不会显示在网页上,但是元素还是会占位,而且也会覆盖比它z-index小的元素,visibility:hidden只是让元素变得不可见而已。

为什么设置了visibility: VISIABLE;但是还是可见不了

#list1 .topmenue:hover .submenue这么写,除非把submenue放到topmenue里面才行,现在两个是独立的,所以这样是没用的。

maya 某个物体的visibility属性失效了怎么办?


在3DMAX里做消失动画的时候 调整物体属性 visibility把1.0改成0 为什么物体没有消失啊 ??

楼上回答的对啊 visibility本来就是渲染属性下的参数 你想直接看到消失动画 就加材质 然后调材质的透明度


-数容易CSS属性displayvisibility混淆看似没同其实差别却visibility属性用确定元素显示隐藏用visibility="visible|hidden"表示(visible表示显示hidden表示隐藏)visibility设置"hidden"候元素虽隐藏仍占据原所位置例: 第行文本触发"hidden""visible"属性注意第二行变化 visibility保留元素位置所虽第行看见位置第二行内容移 [Ctrl+A 全部选择进行拷贝 提示:先修改部代码再点击运行] 注意元素隐藏能再接收其事件所第段代码其设"hidden"候能再接收响应事件通鼠标点击第段文本令其显示另面display属性点同visibility属性隐藏元素保持元素浮位置display实际设置元素浮特征display设置block(块)容器所元素作单独块像元素点放入页面(实际设置display:block使其像工作display设置inline使其行元素inline---即使普通块元素组合像输流面看我实例代码效: 蓝色文字点击查看效. [Ctrl+A 全部选择进行拷贝 提示:先修改部代码再点击运行] display设置:none元素实际页面移走面所元素自跟填(应用display: none;元素相于消失visibility: hidden;则表示隐藏位置)display 属性别block, inline, none 值及使用visibility: hidden;情况调试示例:display 属性别block, inline, none 值及使用visibility: hidden;情况调试 This is a SPAN in a sentence. 元素设 block该元素换行 元素设 inline消除元素换行 元素设 none隐藏该元素内容



cadence 中的visibility栏删去了怎么恢复

菜单view--custom...--display 里面几个勾 你试试就知道了





用jQuery 把visibility修改能hidden后再改回来不显示

不用这么麻烦 jquery的话 不是有简单的方式吗?隐藏: $("...").hidden():显示: $("...").show();

在css 中 visibility: visible 是什么意思?


jquery 设置 visibility 属性 是visibility 不要用display 或者别的

click里面改成if($("#zj").attr("ishidden")) { $("#zj").css("visibility", "hidden").attr("ishidden", 1);} else { $("#zj").css("visibility", "visible").attr("ishidden","");}

allegro 16.3 visibility标签页无意间关掉了,如何重新打开?急,新手上路,多多指导



vs2019 C#:a.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;a.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

c#isreadonly 和visibility,isenable的区别

都是控件的属性。IsReadOnly适用于“输入、输出”类控件,比如TextBox类, 可以当做文本输入,也可以通过后台代码进行输出。 设置IsReadOnly(只读) = true后,该控件只允许输出,不允许输入。但是该控件仍然可以获取焦点。IsEnable适用于winform、WPF的绝大部分控件。设置后IsEnable = false后,该控件为“不可用”状态,继承样式中的不可用样式,如文本框边框变灰。并且无法获得焦点。Visibility是可见性属性,也适用于绝大部分控件。 Winform中叫Visible 只有true false,WPF中叫Visibility,有Visible, HIdden,Collapsed 三个值,分别是可见、不可见、响应式隐藏。唯一需要解释的就是Collapsed这个, 他和HIdden一样,会隐藏控件,但是Hidden是可见性的隐藏。而Collapsed不仅看不见该控件,该控件所占的位置也会被响应式的取代。比如<StackPanel> <Button Visibility = "Hidden"/> <Button Visibility = "Collapsed"/> <Button/></StackPanel>第一个按钮只是看不见了,但是他位置还在那, 第二按钮不仅看不见了,他的位置也被第三个按钮给顶下去了。




CSS visibility 属性规定元素是否可见。visible 元素可见。 hidden 元素不可见。 collapse 在表格元素中使用时,此值可删除一行或一列,但它不影响表格的布局。被行或列占据的空间会留给其他内容使用。如果此值被用在其他的元素上,会呈现为 "hidden"。 inherit 从父元素继承 visibility 属性的值。你在 html 里面写的东西默认情况下就是属于 visibility:visible; 即元素可见。当某些情况下,你让元素不可见了:visibility:hidden; 再通过一些事件触发后让元素变成可见,就要用到这个visibility:visible; 。和display:none的区别,你理解是对的,display:none; 以后,元素是不占位的。


visibility的动词和形容词visibleadj. 明显的;看得见的;现有的;可得到的;view,动词


这两个属于完全不沾边的属性,没有交集,所以谈不上区别。overflow的英文意思就是溢出,即当元素里面的内容超出元素的可视范围(通常就是指元素的四个内边距所框出的矩形范围)时要进行何种处理,比如:overflow:visible 溢出的内容会显示在元素可视范围外,即不做任何处理。overflow:hidden 溢出的内容会被剪裁掉,或者说隐藏。overflow:scroll 元素会出现滚动条,通过滚动条用户可看到溢出的内容。visibility则是可见性(或者说能见度),即用来决定元素是可见的还是隐藏的。visibility:visible 元素可见visibility:hidden 元素隐藏(但元素所占的位置还在)


自从第一次工作,也就是研一的实习,到现在已经五年有余。这五年间经历过三次实习和一次连续四年的工作经历,还有一次从美国到北京的team transfer。这期间学到了很多工作技能,而我觉得最重要也是最容易被大家忽略的就是visibility。 visibility分为三部分:做项目之前与人充分沟通,取得共识;做项目的时候尽可能让所有人知道你的进度;以及做完项目之后的汇报。 一,做项目规划的时候,要尽可能地去与人沟通,让他们提前知道你要怎么做以及为什么这么做,并积极地寻找反馈,最后取得共识。这样既可以提前抢占地盘(非常重要,因为好项目大家都想做),也可以提前发现问题解决问题,少走弯路。有了共识,即使最后出了问题,也不是你一个人的锅,因为大家都没有考虑到。既然是个不可避免的问题,因此也就不会有人受到责怪。这是一种正确的甩锅方式,不像职场中常见的一些人,有功一拥而上,有锅推个干净。 第二,在做项目的时候要尽可能地让所有人知道你的进度。做项目规划的时候让别人知道可以提前抢占地盘,在做项目的时候让别人知道进度就是填充你的地盘。假如你做了项目规划之后自己默默地开工,被别人发现你没有公布进展,他可能会自己再做一个规划来插上一脚,并表示你的规划可以再改进一些。这个时候所有人都不知道你已经开始做了,而且别人的规划已经写了,确实也比你的好,那他就很有可能会加入一起做,这样的话owner就变成了你们两个人。但假如你每做完一个阶段就让别人知道,别人就根本没有办法插手,就算他提出了什么改进意见,那也是给你做嫁衣,因为大家都知道你已经做了很久了,owner只有你。 另外针对这一点还有一个原因,就是你很有可能并不只做一个项目,那自然会有个先后顺序,可是你的同事们并不知道或不记得你的这个先后顺序,也不知道你工作进度,所以他们不知道你在某个阶段在做什么。这里会出现一个优先级的问题。可能你觉得某件事优先级比较高,一开始也和大家都确认好了,但在实际工作当中同事们很有可能发现另外一件事反而变得更重要,他们很有可能忘了跟你说。因为缺少沟通,你最后先做了没那么重要的事情,最后假如出问题,锅肯定可以甩在你的头上。 第三,做完项目及时汇报。三个目的,一是收集反馈,这些反馈很有可能让你的项目impact变得更大;二是让老板知道你的进度,也了解你下一步的计划;三是彻底占领地盘,之后有任何相关的需求都要先问过你能不能支持,因为重新造轮子费时费力,而改进轮子就简单很多。 当然刚开始工作的时候我也不懂什么叫visibility,直到第二次实习结束我才明白。当时我需要做一个内部使用的工具,但是没有和将来要使用它的同事沟通好,一开始就靠自己的理解闭门造车,最后做出了个没什么用的东西。后来我就知道工作当中最忌埋头苦干,因为你并不是一个人,而是在一个团队当中,要有团队合作的意识,而团队合作最重要的就是沟通。这三点在工作当中至关重要,尤其对于中国人来说,因为从小到大的学习都是只用管好自己,很少有团队合作做大项目的机会,所以工作当中的沟通时机常常把握不好。其实团队合作远比想像的要难,希望能借这篇文章给大家带来一些思考。


visibility是什么意思 翻译:可见性


visibility 英 [vu026azu026a"bu026alu026atu026a] 美 ["vu026azu0259"bu026alu0259ti] n. 能见度,可见性;能见距离;明显性短语visibility meter 能见度表 ; 能见度仪 ; 能见度计 ; 视距计visibility factor 视度系数 ; 可见度因数 ; 可见性因子 ; 可见度因子slant visibility 斜能见度 ; 斜视能见度 ; 倾斜可见距离 ; 倾斜能见度


visibility 英[u02ccvu026azu0259u02c8bu026alu0259ti] 美[u02ccvu026azu0259u02c8bu026alu026ati] n. 能见度; 可见性; 可见距离; 清晰度; [例句]Visibility was poor.能见度很差。


visibilityn. 能见度,可见性;能见距离;明显性

HP mmobile data protection sensor为什么在驱动总裁安装失败


越狱第二季里的Bill King是哪国人啊?中国人?韩国人?



permeability 英[u02ccpu025c:mu026au0259"bu026alu0259tu026a] 美[u02ccpu025amiu0259u02c8bu026alu026ati] n. 渗透性; 磁导率; 可渗透性; [例句]J function can eliminate the impact of permeability and porosity by dimensionlesstreatment.而J函数就是通过无因次化处理消除了渗透率和孔隙度的影响。


Mobile是手机的英文翻译,不是一个牌子 .. (摩比天线技术(深圳)有限公司 .) 比如 mobile phone = cell phone 意思是移动电话 就是 手机 Li-ion Battery的意思就是锂电池。 还有 China Mobile (中国移动通信 )

My mobile phone英语作文!急求 快点来个人

The other day, my mobile phone, which was put in my pocket was stolen. I was very angry. Now I am(删去) calm down, and I have bought a new mobile phone(Maybe it can be replaced by "new one" to avoid repetition). I bought my mobile phone four months ago. I like my old mobile phone very much. Because we do not bring the computers to school this term, we can not surf the Internet and we can not do many interesting things, like seeing films, listening to music and so on. So I use my mobile phone to do those interesting things to relax myself. I often use my mobile phone to listen to music and read some novels. At the same time, I use it to surf the Internet. I can see some hot news in this way(=by this means), so that I can know about the incidents, which happened recently. Maybe I am a nostalgic person. Though I have bought a new mobile phone, I always think it is not good. In other words, I think the old one is better. It is a truism that we never really know the value of something until we lose it. So I treasure the new one very much. I do not put my mobile phone in my pockets, and I do not take it when I just go out for shopping, because I think it is dangerous. Losing the mobile phone makes me become more careful.

mobile phone的音标是什么?

mobile 英[u02c8mu0259u028abau026al] 美[u02c8mou028abl] adj. 可移动的; 行动自如的; 易变的; 流动性的; n. 手机; 风铃; [例句]No. may I see your mobile phone?没我能看看你手机吗?phone 英[fu0259u028an] 美[fou028an] n. 电话; 听筒; (发声或使用声音的) 工具; 说某种语言的; vt.& vi. (给某人) 打电话; [例句]You mind if I use your phone?你介意我用你的电话吗?



mobile-phone subscription是啥意思

mobile phone subscription手机订阅In this user"s guide , network providers or mobile phone subscription providersprovide some services and functions. 在这个用户指南 ,网络供应商或移动电话订购服务提供商提供一些服务和功能。

兄贵视频Pump It,2分半那个幻想乡什么二小姐的音乐叫什么


Billing Entity 的意思

【经】 开票制度, 收款制度 Billing Entity is a term used by Enigma 2.5 billing system to identity a customer, physical or corporate, an agent, a non-collection agent, etc. When you define a billing entity you can specify the following properties: name, short code, legal and billing addresses, sales representative and commission details, etc. You can also enter the amount and type of rebate, commission for services, cost allocation departments, service provider schemes, etc.



Billie Holiday的《My Man》 歌词

歌曲名:My Man歌手:Billie Holiday专辑:Billie Holiday Love SongsMy ManPatricia Kaas《Piano Bar》By LeclyDA。。。DA。。。My manDA。。。DA。。。Cause I love himDA。。。DA。。。MM。。。Oh my man I love him soHe"ll never knowAll my life just despairBut I don"t careWhen he takes me in his armsThe world is brightAll rightWhat"s the differenceIf I say I"ll go awayWhen I know I"ll come back on my knees some day?For whatever my man isI am his forever moreOh my man I love him soHe"ll never knowAll my life is just despairBut I don"t careWhen he takes me in his armsThe world is brightAll rightWhat"s the differenceIf I say I"ll go awayWhen I know I"ll come back on my knees some day?For whatever my man isI am his forever

Billy Joel - piano man 的中文歌词. ?

Piano man 钢琴师Billy JoelIt"s nine o"clock on a Saturday The regular crowd shuffles in There"s an old man sitting next to me Making love to his tonic and gin 现在是周末的晚上9点人群蜂拥而来一个老家伙坐在我的旁边正在和他的GIN酒和TONIC 缠绵He says, "Son, can you play me a melody? I"m not really sure how it goes But it"s sad and it"s sweet and I knew it complete When I wore a younger man"s clothes" 他问我“孩子,你能给我弹一首歌么?我不太记得旋律了是首有点悲伤但很甜蜜的歌,当我是年轻人的时候,我能完整的记得它的全部”La la la, de de da La la, de de da da da *Sing us a song, you"re the piano man Sing us a song tonight Well, we"re all in the mood for a melody And you"ve got us feeling alright “为我们唱首歌吧,你是钢琴师为我们今晚唱首歌吧大家的情绪正好,而且你让我们的感觉棒极了”Now John at the bar is a friend of mine He gets me my drinks for free And he"s quick with a joke or to light up your smoke But there"s some place that he"d rather be He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me" As the smile ran away from his face "Well I"m sure that I could be a movie star If I could get out of this place" 在吧台的JOHN是我的朋友他免费给了我几杯他是个很能和客人开心的家伙,也会适时帮你点烟但是他想有份别的工作他说“BILLY,你知道么,这样下去我就被毁掉了”这时,他的笑容不见了“我确信我一定会成为一个电影明星,只要我离开这鬼地方”Oh, la la la, de de da La la, de de da da da Now Paul is a real estate novelist Who never had time for a wife And he"s talking with Davy who"s still in the navy And probably will be for life PAUL是个写地产题材的小说家所以他一直没有时间娶个老婆他正和DAVY聊天,DAVY在海军服役,也许他会在海军做一辈子And the waitress is practicing politics As the businessmen slowly get stoned Yes, they"re sharing a drink they call loneliness But it"s better than drinking alone (*) 女服务员已经在耍花招慢慢把那些生意人灌醉是的,他们正在喝一种酒,给酒取了名字叫“孤独”不过,这样怎么也好过自斟自饮It"s a pretty good crowd for a Saturday And the manager gives me a smile "Cause he knows that it"s me they"ve been coming to see To forget about life for a while 周末的生意总是不错经理看着我满意的笑了因为他知道很多人是冲着我才来这里的至少,在这里可以短暂的忘掉人生And the piano, it sounds like a carnival And the microphone smells like a beer And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar And say, "Man, what are you doing here?" 钢琴听起来好象狂欢节麦克风闻起来象新鲜啤酒坐在吧台上的人们把小费放到我的罐子里问我“哥们,你这样的人怎么会在这里?”

Billy Joel的《Piano Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Piano Man歌手:Billy Joel专辑:The Complete Hits Collection: 1973-1997 Limited EditionIt"s nine o"clock on a SaturdayThe regular crowd shuffles inThere"s an old man sitting next to meMakin" love to his tonic and ginHe says, "Son, can you play me a melody?I"m not really sure how it goesBut it"s sad and it"s sweet and I knew it completeWhen I wore a younger man"s clothes"La la la, de de daLa la, de de da da daSing us a song, you"re the piano manSing us a song tonightWell, we"re all in the mood for a melodyAnd you"ve got us feelin" alrightNow John at the bar is a friend of mineHe gets me my drinks for freeAnd he"s quick with a joke or to light up your smokeBut there"s someplace that he"d rather beHe says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me."As the smile ran away from his face"Well I"m sure that I could be a movie starIf I could get out of this place"Oh, la la la, de de daLa la, de de da da daNow Paul is a real estate novelistWho never had time for a wifeAnd he"s talkin" with Davy who"s still in the navyAnd probably will be for lifeAnd the waitress is practicing politicsAs the businessmen slowly get stonedYes, they"re sharing a drink they call lonelinessBut it"s better than drinkin" aloneIt"s a pretty good crowd for a SaturdayAnd the manager gives me a smile"Cause he knows that it"s me they"ve been comin" to seeTo forget about life for a whileAnd the piano, it sounds like a carnivalAnd the microphone smells like a beerAnd they sit at the bar and put bread in my jarAnd say, "Man, what are you doin" here?"Oh, la la la, de de daLa la, de de da da da

Soil Stabilization

INTRODUTION: Soil stabilization or soil strengthening is often also referred to as engineering treatment of soils. This is not a newtechnology as parts of the Appian Way in Rome were stabilized and are still in use today. The forthcoming programme of infrastructural development National Development Plan 2007—2013 will necessarily involve the construction of roads and railways through some of our most notorious boggy areas. With the development of newtechnologies and the increase in land values particularly around cities and built up areas there has been a large body of research carried out in relation to the developing of sites which would previously have been ignored because of the difficulty in achieving good foundations and the cost involved. Traditionally buildings and other structures sat on a foundation,which in turn sat on a strong sub-soil of clay,marl,gravel,shale or rock. Adequate structural strengths could be achieved,by using foundation such as strip,wide strip,deep strip,pad,beam and raft, bored piles or various combinations of the above. Modern technology nowlooks to more high tech foundations and the practice of strengthening of the soils and sub-soils means that simple foundations can be used where the ground has been improved in this way. Apart from the attraction of developing on difficult soils there is also the benefit that lower costs can be achieved at “normal”locations.TECHNIQUES USED: There are numerous methods of soil stabilization and strengthening. These fall into many categories and each is best suited to a specific construction problem. The solution required may be temporary or permanent.Temporary solutions are to facilitate the stabilization of the soil during construction or demolition work and among the techniques used are ground freezing, slurry trenches, cofferdams and well point systems.If permanent stabilization of soil is required then the type to be used will depend on the level of sub-soil strength required. Where clay banks trenches or embankments are to be stabilized then the best form of construction to use would be soil anchoring,soil nailing, gabions or some form of mesh.Where the ground to be stabilized is to be used to the extent that newconstruction is to rest on the finished ground then one of the following would be considered: dynamic compaction, vibro-compaction,vibro-flotation,pressure grouting and soil modification and re-cycling.If it is required to stabilize ground under an existing building or as part of conservation works then one of the following may be used: pressure grouting,bored mini piles or some of the more traditional methods.We will nowtake a look at some of the techniques mentioned above,particularly those related to permanent forms of construction.Figure 10. 9 Dynamic compaction carried out at reclamation project( 20 t,drop height 25 m)Dynamic Compaction ( Figure 10. 9 ) is the dropping of heavy weights on the ground surface to densify soils at depth. Two systems are commonly used. The first uses a flat bottom tamper but the more modern commonly used type is a cone shaped tamper. Ground conditions suitable for dynamic compaction include natural granular soils, made-up ground and land filled refuse,sites and ground can be compacted up to considerable depths. This technique can also be used where the ground is built up in layers,compacted and then consolidated. While this system would appear to be primitive bearing capacities of between 50 and 150 kN / m2can be achieved. Weights of 10 to 30 tons with drop heights of up to 100 ft have been used. The work is carried out on a grid system using grids varying from 7 ft × 7 ft to 20 ft × 20 ft. Consideration for use must take into account ground water level,relative density,degree of saturation and permeability.Vibro-compaction ( Figure 10. 10 ) ( also called vibro-flotation) is used to densify clean cohesionless soils. Large vibrating mandrels ( vibrating shafts or rods) to penetrate,displace and compact the soil and sometimes water jetting is used. When the mandrel is removed from the ground the subsequent void is filled with stone. The mandrel is then forced back through the stone further displacing and compacting the ground and stone. In this way a column of stone is built up which enhances the bearing capacity of the ground and when a number of these have been made they can be used to support foundations,slabs,hard standings,pavements or tanks. This type of construction can also be used in granular and cohesive soils and has been used successfully belowthe water table.Figure 10. 10 Vibro-compactionFigure 10. 11 Vibro-replacement stone columnsVibro-replacement stone columns ( Figure 10. 11 ) extend the range of soils that can be improved by vibratory techniques. Densification and / or reinforcement of the soil with compacted granular or stone columns is achieved by either top-feed or the bottom-method ( wet or dry methods can be used ) . This is one of the most commonly used methods of soil stabilization. It reduces foundation settlement, increases bearing capacity thus allowing reduction in foundation size,permits construction on fills and permits shallowfoundation construction.Figure 10. 12 Vibro concrete columnsVibro concrete columns ( Figure 10. 12 ) are constructed in the ground with a bottom feed vibratory probe. This technique densifies granular soils and transfers loads through soft cohesive and organic soils. Sometimes it is very effective in reducing settlement and improving bearing capacity of the formation, and so can be used as an economical alternative plan instead of piling.Compaction grouting ( Figure 10. 13 ) uses displacement to improve ground conditions. A very viscous ( low-mobility ) aggregate grout is pumped in stages,forming grout bulbs,which displace and densify the surrounding soil. It has many application and can be used in rubble soil,poorly placed fill, collapsible soils and to compensate for ground loss during tunnelling or other operations. Some of the advantages of this system include pinpoint treatment,speed of installation,wide application range,effective in a wide variety of soil conditions, can be performed in very tight access and lowheadroom conditions, non- hazardous,no waste spoil disposal,non- destructive and adaptable to existing foundations, economic alternative to removal replacement and piling and finally is capable of reaching depths unattainable by other methods.Figure 10. 13 Compaction groutingInjection for Expansive Soil ( Figure 10. 14) ,often referred to as injection stabilization,is an in-situ method of treating expansive clays by an aqueous solution of water,lime slurry or potassium chloride. Injection depths up to 12 ft deep can be achieved under buildings and 40 ft or more under railway sub-grades or land fills. This is regarded as an economical in-situ system,which has been in use successfully for over 30 years. Three fundamental types of injection are used:·Water·Lime or lime /fly ash·Potassium ChlorideThis is regarded as a very complicated area of soil engineering but it has still proved very useful in treating lower strength clays and silts to improve bearing capacity. It is used to treat railway sub-grades problems in high fills. It is also used to treat sub-grade conditions in pavement structures such as airport runways and bridge approaches.Figure 10. 14 Injection systems for expansive soilsFigure 10. 15 Soil mixing ( wet or dry method )Soil mixing ( Figure 10. 15) ,also known as the deep mixing method,is the mechanical blending of the in-situ soil with cementitious materials ( reagent binder) using a hollowstem auger and paddle arrangement. The intent of the soil-mixing program is to improve the soil strength and permeability. Soil mixing can also be used to immobilize and fixate contaminants as well as a treatment system for chemical reduction to a more friendly substrate. The reagent binder is usually delivered in a slurry form and depending on the soil to be mixed may be up to 20% by volume and the process can be delivered as a wet mix or as a dry mix. The material used can be cement,fly ash,ground blast furnace slag,lime,additives or any combination of the above. There are many uses for this system which has been used successfully in excavation support,in-situ walling,port development,tunnelling and foundation support.Soil modification and recycling is becoming more popular with the increased use of brown field,reclaimed and landfill sites for construction projects. The technology used is similar to that used in soil mixing referred to above and plant and machinery has been developed that is capable of operating on all soil type,including contaminated material,breaking up the various layers,then grading and crushing the material before mixing it with additives and relaying it as a compacted hard standing.Conclusion: The above are a number of examples of systems that have been developed to allowfor the construction of major projects on even the most difficult soil and sub-soil conditions. The purpose of the paper is to indicate that it is not necessary to carry out construction in ideal site conditions, bypassing supposedly sub standard conditions, and continuously using good quality land.地基处理部分词汇扩展( 1) 常用地基处理方法 ( Ground treatment method)勘查工程专业英语( 2) 换填法 ( Replacement method)勘查工程专业英语( 3) 排水固结法 ( Consolidation by dewatering)勘查工程专业英语( 4) 强夯法 ( Dynamic consolidation)勘查工程专业英语( 5) 土桩与灰土桩 ( Soil pile and lime soil pile)勘查工程专业英语

Mobile homes, 阅读短文翻译


transparency and accountability是什么意思?


急!!Bill ___ a couch potato and now he has a healthy lifestyle .

D 习惯于 而B的话就表示过去常常









Billions of You 歌词

歌曲名:Billions of You歌手:泷&翼专辑:TRIP & TREASUREBecause Of YouI will not makeThe same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not breakThe way you did, you fell so hardI"ve learned the hard wayTo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too long before you point it outI can not cryBecause I know that"s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile, a laugh, every day of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around meBecause of you I am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cry every night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have known better than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardest just to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it"s emptyBecause of youI am afraid

Bill Withers的Lean On Me 中文意思

哦但愿我是娇柔的苹果花,Would God I were the tender apple blossom 从弯曲的树枝上面落下, That floats and falls from off the twisted bough飘落在你那温柔的胸怀, To lie and faint within your silken bosom把它当作我的家。Within your silken bosom as that does now.哦但愿我是光亮的苹果, Or would I were a little burnish"d apple在树上等你将我摘下,For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold树荫下阳光在你的身上描画, While sun and shade you robe of lawn will dapple也照亮你的金色头发。Your robe of lawn, and you hair"s spun gold.哦我愿长在玫瑰丛里,Yea, would to God I were among the roses当你走过,我能够吻你, That lean to kiss you as you float between我愿是最低枝条上的蓓蕾,While on the lowest branch a bud uncloses能轻轻触摸心中的你。A bud uncloses, to touch you, queen.哦既然我的爱情没有结果,Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing我愿做雏菊开在小路上, A happy daisy, in the garden path当你漫步踩在我的身上, That so your silver foot might press me going我就在你的脚下死亡。Might press me going even unto death.

Bill Withers的《Lean On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Lean On Me歌手:Bill Withers专辑:Bill Withers Live At Carnegie HallLEAN ON MESometimes in our lives, we all have painWe all have sorrowBut, if we are wiseWe know that there"s always tomorrowLean on me, when you"re not strongAnd I"ll be your friend I"ll help you carry onFor it won"t be long, till I"m gonna needSomebody to lean onPlease swallow your pride, if I have thingsYou need to borrowFor no one can fill, those of your needsThat you won"t let showYou just call on me brother when you need a handWe all need somebody to lean onI just might have a problem, that you"ll understandWe all need somebody to lean onLean on me, when you"re not strongAnd I"ll be your friend I"ll help you carry onFor it won"t be long, till I"m gonna needSomebody to lean onYou just call on me brother when you need a handWe all need somebody to lean onI just might have a problem, that you"ll understandWe all need somebody to lean onIf there is a load, you have to bearThat you can"t carryI"m right up the road, I"ll share your loadIf you just call meIf you need a meIf you need a friend....If you ever need a friendCall me....Call me....

Bill Withers的《Lean On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Lean On Me歌手:Bill Withers专辑:Pure... Singer SongwritersLEAN ON MESometimes in our lives, we all have painWe all have sorrowBut, if we are wiseWe know that there"s always tomorrowLean on me, when you"re not strongAnd I"ll be your friend I"ll help you carry onFor it won"t be long, till I"m gonna needSomebody to lean onPlease swallow your pride, if I have thingsYou need to borrowFor no one can fill, those of your needsThat you won"t let showYou just call on me brother when you need a handWe all need somebody to lean onI just might have a problem, that you"ll understandWe all need somebody to lean onLean on me, when you"re not strongAnd I"ll be your friend I"ll help you carry onFor it won"t be long, till I"m gonna needSomebody to lean onYou just call on me brother when you need a handWe all need somebody to lean onI just might have a problem, that you"ll understandWe all need somebody to lean onIf there is a load, you have to bearThat you can"t carryI"m right up the road, I"ll share your loadIf you just call meIf you need a meIf you need a friend....If you ever need a friendCall me....Call me....

Bill Withers的《Lean On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Lean On Me歌手:Bill Withers专辑:ProudLean On MeHOME MADE 家族作诗:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI作曲:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI/Takahiro Watanabe(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(KURO)You are not alone 一人じゃないの倒れそうなら 仆を使えよ远虑せずに 寄り挂かればいい别に気にするな Lean On MeI"m your F.R.I.E.N.D.だ 『友达』だマブダチだ“SOUL BROTHA”つまり『人』という字の小っさい方さキミを伤付けるものを决して许さん(MICRO)Tell me, Tell me, Tell meその浮かない颜の訳は何?话せば すっきりする时もあるから 乗るぜ相谈に昔から何でも语り合ってきた中そんな仲间が 宝だから独りで悩みを抱えてないで苦楽は分かち合って行こうぜ(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(MICRO)何が正解で不正解かさえも解らず行きばを无くしたPEOPLE见えない不安に怯えながら孤独を抱えた多くの人々大人たちも迷い込んだ迷路こんな时代だからこそ、一层寄りそって互いに助け合って行こう君は决して独りじゃないよ(KURO)谁もそんな强くはないし本当は淋しい それこそが本心だが最後に决めるのは自分自身さ勇気持って踏み出せ uh!してやれることは そうさ、ここまで後は自力で “顽张るだけ”そしてどうしようもなく 打ち拉がれたらまたここにくればいいさ(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”(KURO+MICRO)谁にも頼らないで生きている人间なんて绝対にいないだから Lean On Me 困った时はお互い様Lean On Me 持ちつ持たれつ助け合えばいいLean On Me You"re my friend そう心の支え キミがいるから仆にみなぎる底力(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こうLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”

Bill Withers的《Lean On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Lean On Me歌手:Bill Withers专辑:A Song For YouLean On MeHOME MADE 家族作诗:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI作曲:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI/Takahiro Watanabe(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(KURO)You are not alone 一人じゃないの倒れそうなら 仆を使えよ远虑せずに 寄り挂かればいい别に気にするな Lean On MeI"m your F.R.I.E.N.D.だ 『友达』だマブダチだ“SOUL BROTHA”つまり『人』という字の小っさい方さキミを伤付けるものを决して许さん(MICRO)Tell me, Tell me, Tell meその浮かない颜の訳は何?话せば すっきりする时もあるから 乗るぜ相谈に昔から何でも语り合ってきた中そんな仲间が 宝だから独りで悩みを抱えてないで苦楽は分かち合って行こうぜ(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(MICRO)何が正解で不正解かさえも解らず行きばを无くしたPEOPLE见えない不安に怯えながら孤独を抱えた多くの人々大人たちも迷い込んだ迷路こんな时代だからこそ、一层寄りそって互いに助け合って行こう君は决して独りじゃないよ(KURO)谁もそんな强くはないし本当は淋しい それこそが本心だが最後に决めるのは自分自身さ勇気持って踏み出せ uh!してやれることは そうさ、ここまで後は自力で “顽张るだけ”そしてどうしようもなく 打ち拉がれたらまたここにくればいいさ(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”(KURO+MICRO)谁にも頼らないで生きている人间なんて绝対にいないだから Lean On Me 困った时はお互い様Lean On Me 持ちつ持たれつ助け合えばいいLean On Me You"re my friend そう心の支え キミがいるから仆にみなぎる底力(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こうLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”

Bill Withers的《Lean On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Lean On Me歌手:Bill Withers专辑:AM Gold Early 70s ClassicsLean On MeHOME MADE 家族作诗:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI作曲:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI/Takahiro Watanabe(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(KURO)You are not alone 一人じゃないの倒れそうなら 仆を使えよ远虑せずに 寄り挂かればいい别に気にするな Lean On MeI"m your F.R.I.E.N.D.だ 『友达』だマブダチだ“SOUL BROTHA”つまり『人』という字の小っさい方さキミを伤付けるものを决して许さん(MICRO)Tell me, Tell me, Tell meその浮かない颜の訳は何?话せば すっきりする时もあるから 乗るぜ相谈に昔から何でも语り合ってきた中そんな仲间が 宝だから独りで悩みを抱えてないで苦楽は分かち合って行こうぜ(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(MICRO)何が正解で不正解かさえも解らず行きばを无くしたPEOPLE见えない不安に怯えながら孤独を抱えた多くの人々大人たちも迷い込んだ迷路こんな时代だからこそ、一层寄りそって互いに助け合って行こう君は决して独りじゃないよ(KURO)谁もそんな强くはないし本当は淋しい それこそが本心だが最後に决めるのは自分自身さ勇気持って踏み出せ uh!してやれることは そうさ、ここまで後は自力で “顽张るだけ”そしてどうしようもなく 打ち拉がれたらまたここにくればいいさ(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”(KURO+MICRO)谁にも頼らないで生きている人间なんて绝対にいないだから Lean On Me 困った时はお互い様Lean On Me 持ちつ持たれつ助け合えばいいLean On Me You"re my friend そう心の支え キミがいるから仆にみなぎる底力(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こうLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”
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