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Better City, Better Life英语作文

Better City, Better Life “Better City, Better Life” is the topic of 2010Wold Expo .How can we understand it? The answer to this question is that we canu2019t live without city. On one hand, it gives us place to live and food to eat. If our city become worse, what will our life become? On the other hand, if our city become better, more and more foreigners will come and visit our city,they will know how colourful the Shanghai is and how powerful the China is! So city is an important part in our life .But how can we prepare for the 2010World Expo? The most important thing is that we must keep city clean.As a student, we must work hard and get good mark in exam.So let"s take action .Let"s make our life more colourful.

Better City,Better Life的英文歌词及其中文是什么?

我们一起看世界   (沪语[下同]:我们和你们)更美的城市   我们一起拯救世界   (我们和你们)更好的生活   我们一起教育世界   (我们和你们)更美的城市   我们将世界汇聚在一起   (我们和你们)更好的生活   我们所有的梦想都将成真   如果我和你共同努力   和一个人的力量相比   共同的力量将创造更多   我们将使地球变得更绿   将水变得更清澈   一步一步   我们将有所提升   城市让生活更美好  每天教育我们的孩子   他们将找到更好的方式   教育是关键   帮助我们从历史中学到更多   一步一步   每天教育我们的孩子   他们将找到更好的方式   教育是关键   帮助我们从历史中学到更多   我们一起看世界   (我们和你们)更美的的城市   我们一起拯救世界   (我们和你们)   城市让生活更美好   英文歌词  We"re gonna see the world together.   Ala nong,nong,nong-better city.   Gonna heal the world together.   Ala nong,nong,nong-better life.   We"re gonna teach the world together.   Ala nong,nong,nong-better city.   gonna bring the world together.   La nong,nong,nong-better life.   (伴奏)   We"re gonna see the world together.   Ala nong,nong,nong-better city.   Gonna heal the world together.   La nong,nong,nong-better life.   We"re gonna teach the world together.   Ala nong,nong,nong-better city.   Gonna bring the world together.   La nong,nong,nong-better life.   (伴奏)   Everything that we dream can come true   if we do what we try-you and I.   Together we can do much more,   when we could ever do alone.   We can make our planet green,   make our water fresh and clean.   Oh, ee-bu, ee-bu, ee-bu,   We all can rise –better city better life.   Teaching our children every day and they"ll find a better way.   Education is the key to help us learn from history.   Oh,ee-bu,ee-bu,ee-bu,   we all can rise-better city better life.   Ala nong, Ala nong.Ala nong,nong, nong.   Ala nong, Ala nong.Ala nong,nong, nong.   Teaching our children every day and they"ll find a better way.   Education is the key to help us learn from history.   We"re gonna see the world together,   ala nong,nong,nong-better city.   Gonna heal the world together.   Ala nong, nong, nong-better life.   We"re gonna teach the world together.   Ala nong,nong,nong-better city.   Gonna bring the world together.   Ala nong, nong, nong.   Better city better life.


关爱,就是关心爱护,它在我们身边无处不在。我们每个人都需要关爱,生活上也少不了关爱,别人给予我们关爱,那我们更应该去关心爱护他人,这样世界上才会充满--爱! (开头) 如果世界是一间小屋,关心就是小屋中的一扇窗;如果世界是一艘船,那么关心就是茫茫大海上的一盏明灯。被人关心是一种美好的享受,关心他人是一种高尚美好的品德。 人的本质是爱的相互存在。在此我真诚呼唤全世界的朋友们,关爱别人,关爱自己!让自己和身边所有的人都充满爱!让人间充满爱!让世界充满爱! 关爱,关爱,爱在身边,无处不在!!! (结尾)关爱,就是关心爱护,它在我们身边无处不在。我们每个人都需要关爱,生活上也少不了关爱,别人给予我们关爱,那我们更应该去关心爱护他人,这样世界上才会充满--爱! 关爱他人可以从小事做起,譬如你帮助一个同学辅导功课,一个好老师的一句诤言或几句鼓励的话,往往能给学生带来不懈的动力,还比如你扶一个盲人过马路,陪老人谈心……这都是关爱他人的表现,如果你给予了别人关爱,那你自己心里都是美滋滋的。苏霍姆林斯基说过:“如果每个儿童的喜悦和苦恼都敲打着你的心,引起你的思考、关怀和担心,那你就勇敢地选择崇高的教师工作作为自己的职业吧,你在其中能找到创造的喜悦。”正因为爱,所以会有创造的喜悦,正因为有创造的喜悦,所以对教育、对学生更加充满爱的情感。老师对我们有关爱,她的爱是无私的!父母给予了我们关爱,他们的爱是伟大的!我们自己也要学会关爱,关爱别人,关爱自己! 记得五年级的时候,我们班组织去养老院探望老人,在那里,我们帮忙打扫卫生,端茶给他们喝,又陪老人们聊天,还表演节目给他们看,他们不知有多开心,笑得连嘴都合不拢了,看着他们灿烂的笑容,我想哭,他们已经老了,剩下的时日不多了,难道我们就不应该多给他们点关心,多点爱护,让他们老有所乐吗?!我想他们心里一定暖洋洋的! 还有一次,我和爸爸妈妈一起去华强北买东西,妈妈让我和爸爸在下面等她,她到女人世界上面去买衣服,我和爸爸坐在下面等,我看到了一个小女孩,她长得蛮漂亮的,还穿着旧校服,但她没有胳膊,靠双脚写字来乞讨,她面前摆着墨、纸还有一个装钱的小红桶,脚趾间夹着一支毛笔,沾了沾墨水,开始写字,她在纸上写了四个大字:鸡年快乐。字还很不错哦!我觉得她好可怜啊!我毫不犹豫地就走过去在那个小红桶里投了五元钱,随后路过的人都纷纷献出了爱心,可让人气愤的是总有一些抱着孩子的父母看了一眼就走了,没有一点爱心,这让那些孩子们从小就受到了不良的影响,不利于培养爱心。这个小女孩没有健康的身体,没有幸福美满的家庭,更没有快乐地在学校读书,她多么需要我们的一颗颗爱心、和一双双温暖的双手啊! 在此我真诚呼唤全世界的朋友们,关爱别人,关爱自己!让自己和身边所有的人都充满爱!让人间充满爱!让世界充满爱! 关爱,关爱,爱在身边,无处不在!!! 如果世界是一间小屋,关心就是小屋中的一扇窗;如果世界是一艘船,那么关心就是茫茫大海上的一盏明灯。被人关心是一种美好的享受,关心他人是一种高尚美好的品德

better city better lfe演唱者是谁?什么来历?


关于A green city,a better life的作文?

On one hand,it gives us placeu2026u2026powerful the China is!Better City,Better Life “Better City,Better Life” is the topic of 2010Wold Expo .How can we understand it?The answer to this question is that we canu2019t live without city.On one hand,it gives us place to live and food to eat.If our city become worse,what will our life become?On the other hand,if our city become better,more and more foreigners will come and visit our city,they will know how colourful the Shanghai is and how powerful the China is!So city is an important part in our life .But how can we prepare for the 2010World Expo?The most important thing is that we must keep city clean.As a student,we must work hard and get good mark in exam.So let"s take action .Let"s make our life more colourful.

”better city better life”初中英语作文(60字~80字)

晕 看你就是上海的 ~~~可怜的娃 啊 努力吧 ~~~~ 很好写的 我觉得 题目要你给出了 你怎么理解 更好的城市 更好的生活 你准备为2010年的世博会做点什么你是怎么理解的 怎么准备的 然后把它翻译成英文就可以了 啊

"better city, better life"的中文翻译是"城市让生活更美好"吗?


奥博会主题曲《阿拉侬:Better City Better Life》简介

简介: 作词:QuincyJones、SiedahGarrett 作曲:谭盾、QuincyJones 演唱:张靓颖、刘德华 歌词: 阿拉到上海来看世博, Alanong,nong,nong-bettercity. 希望城市更加美好, Alanong,nong,nong-betterlife. 阿拉从上海来看世界, Alanong,nong,nong-bettercity. 要让生活更加快乐, Alanong,nong,nong-betterlife. 阿拉到上海来看世博, Alanong,nong,nong-bettercity. 希望城市更加美好, Alanong,nong,nong-betterlife. 阿拉从上海来看世界, Alanong,nong,nong-bettercity. 要让生活更加快乐, Alanong,nong,nong-betterlife. 我们每一个梦都会撑著要我们尽心努力有收获 一起做实现更多 一起做力量的横墙 我们要让地球变绿 我们要让河流变清 OH..一步一步一步迎接未来 Bettercitybetterlife. 一起做年轻朋友 一起做健康生活 我们这一代著一代 我们一步接一步走 OH..一步一步一步迎接未来 Bettercitybetterlife. 我们每一个梦都会撑著要我们尽心努力有收获 Alanong,Alanong,Alanong,nong,nong. Alanong,Alanong,Alanong,nong,nong. Alanong,Alanong,Alanong,nong,nong. 一起做实现更多 一起做力量的横墙 我们要让地球变绿 我们要让河流变清 OH..一步一步一步迎接未来 Bettercitybetterlife. 阿拉到上海来看世博, Alanong,nong,nong-bettercity. 希望城市更加美好, Alanong,nong,nong-betterlife. 阿拉从上海来看世界, Alanong,nong,nong-bettercity. 要让生活更加快乐, Alanong,nong,nong-betterlife. Bettercitybetterlife. 详细资料可以参考:

Better Sorry Than Safe (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Better Sorry Than Safe (Album Version)歌手:Halestorm专辑:Halestorm [Deluxe]Halestorm - Better Sorry Than SafeI can"t even think of one good reasonWhy I"m always thinking about leavingIt"s not like everything"s so horribleWe"ve been together for a few years nowAnd you know all my ins and outsBut everything"s way too comfortableFrom the moment I wake I plan my escapeI"m not scared,"Cause I know there"s something out there waiting for meAnd I swear that I"ll find it someday, just wait and seeI don"t care that you call me crazyI can"t stay "cause I need room to breatheThere"s nothing left to say,Better sorry than safeSometimes I wish you cheated on meThen leavin" here would be so easyIt"s time to take a chance and give you upIn the morning I"ll wake and make my escapeI"m not scared,"Cause I know there"s something out there waiting for meAnd I swear that I"ll find it someday, just wait and seeI don"t care that you call me crazyI can"t stay "cause I need room to breatheThere"s nothing left to say,Better sorry than safeI"m not scared,"Cause I know there"s something out there waiting for meAnd I swear that I"ll find it someday, just wait and seeI don"t care that you call me crazyI can"t stay "cause I need room to breatheThere"s nothing left to say,Better sorry than safeOh yeah, there"s nothing left to say

Each Day Gets Better 歌词

歌曲名:Each Day Gets Better歌手:John Legend专辑:Once AgainEach Day Gets BetterJohn LegendOoooohhh...Where do we go who knowsBut each day gets betterI just can let her go(oooh, oh no)Each kiss gets sweeterI just can leave her nooI"ll write a songI thought about it for far to longBut I Never had someone to sing aboutUntil I meet her and each days get betterNobody knowsNobody seesNobody else understands me like sheNow there I Know what true love meansI Just hope she stays with meWhere do we go who knowsBut each day gets betterI just can let her go(oooh, oh no)Each kiss gets sweeterI just can leave her nooShe Wants to breatheShe wants to be where the grass is greenShe wants to know how love supposed to beShe wants it betterI want just let her knowShe belongs right here with meShe"s heard it all but I"ll make her seeI make her fallMake her believeI promised her that I never leaveAnd where do we go who knowsBut each day gets betterI just can"t let her goEach kiss gets sweeterI just can leave her nooEach kiss gets sweeterI just can leave her nooI Just Had to write a song about herTell her I don"t wanna leave without herTell her that I would build my world around herDeeper and deeperSweeter and sweeterI"ll never leave her aloneAnd where do we go who knowsBut each day gets betterI just can let her go(oooh, oh no)Each kiss gets sweeterI just can leave her nooEach day gets betterI just can let her goEach day kiss gets sweeterI just can let her go

better 歌词

better -boyzone Our love has changed It"s not the same And the only way to say it is say it.. it"s better I can"t conceal This way I feel For all the times we spent together Forever just gets better See what I"m try to say is You make things better And no matter what the day is With you here it"s better I"ll stand by you If you stand by me I think it"s time that I reveal it Cause I believe it It"s better See what I"m trying to say is You make things better And no matter what the day is If you"re here it"s better Ooh the more I talk to you I fall in love with everything you do Oooh.. See what I"m try to say is You make things better And no matter what the day is With you here it"s better Our love has changed It"s not the same And the only way to say it is say it.. it"s better

Boyzone的《Better》 歌词

歌曲名:Better歌手:Boyzone专辑:Back Again...No Matter WhatBoyzone - BetterKevin dedicates this song to a beautiful girl Crystal.Our love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s betterI can"t concealThis way I feelFor all the times we spend togetherForever just gets betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterI"ll stand by youIf you stand by meI think it"s time that I reveal itCause I believe itIt"s betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isIf you"re here it"s betterOoh I"m alright charm to youI fall in love with everything you doOooh..Seem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterOur love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s better

just gets Better意思是什么

Father:Is the school closed today?Son:No,Dad.Itu2019s poen.I came home early.Father:How did you do that? Son:I told my teacher I had a new baby brother and had to come home and help you. Father:But your mother has had twins.Youu2019ve got a baby brother and a baby sister.Son:Yes,I know,Dad.Iu2019m saving up my baby sister for next week.

fastgets better。

soon “不久”(=before long) 他要不了多久就会好起来 此句等于:It won"t be long before he gets well. 这不是指动作本身的进程,所以不选fast,也不是赶紧做什么,所以也不选quickly.quick 是形容词,不能作状语

Boyzone的《Better》 歌词

歌曲名:Better歌手:Boyzone专辑:Back Again... No Matter What - The Greatest HitsBoyzone - BetterKevin dedicates this song to a beautiful girl Crystal.Our love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s betterI can"t concealThis way I feelFor all the times we spend togetherForever just gets betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterI"ll stand by youIf you stand by meI think it"s time that I reveal itCause I believe itIt"s betterSeem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isIf you"re here it"s betterOoh I"m alright charm to youI fall in love with everything you doOooh..Seem what I"m try to say isYou make things betterAnd no matter what the day isWith you here it"s betterOur love has changedIt"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itis say"s better

Mates of State的《Get Better》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Better歌手:Mates of State专辑:Re-Arrange UsMates of State - Get BetterForget your politics for a whileLet the color schemes arriveCome on board, it"s a curious siteAbsorbing sound that"s never been rightNever ahead of, never behind itOccasionally guarded, just keeps us surroundedIt"s luckEverything"s gonna get lighter,even if it never gets betterI propose a less serious boatDon"t mistake for a party of jokesYou are never ahead of, never behind usFloating in circles, there"s more to remind them of lessEverything"s gonna get lighter,even if it never gets betterForget your politics for a whileLet the color schemes arrive

better(Tom Baxter)的歌词 的中文翻译

BetterOur love has changed, 我们的爱变了,It"s not the same, 已经不再一样了And the only way to say it 唯一的说法是Is say it .. it"s better.变得更好了I can"t concede, 我无法承认This way I feel, 我所感觉到的For all the time we spent, together, 我们一起共度的时光Forever .. just gets better. 永远..变得更好了See what I"m trying to say is: 其实我想说的是You make things .. better 你令一切, 更好了And no matter what the day is, 无论在哪一天With you here .. it"s better. 只要你在,就变得更好了I"ll stand by you, 我坚守我对你的承诺(也可以翻译成支持,但个人觉得守诺好像好一点)If you stand by me. 如果你也守诺I think time that I, reveal it, 我想时间会慢慢揭露"Coz I believe it 因为我相信It"s better 它变得更好了See what I"m trying to say is: 其实我想要说的是You make things .. better 你令一切, 更好了And no matter what the day is, 无论在哪一天With you here .. it"s better 只要你在, 就变得更好了Ooh the more I .. talk .. to .. you 越和你交谈The more in love with 就爱你越多,爱你所做的一切。E .. vry .. thing .. you .. doDoo doo doo doo doo doo 嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟~>_<以下同上啦See what I"m trying to say is:You make things .. betterAnd no matter what the day is,With you here .. it"s betterOur love has changed It"s not the sameAnd the only way to say itIs say it .. it"s better

better(Tom Baxter)的歌词 的中文翻译


麻烦也将 it gets better发给我下 谢谢哦。~ 不要chirs的那个。


求It gets better(同性恋励志歌曲)MP3格式 邮箱

最经典的《同性恋》歌曲。Vienna Teng <city hall>一首写给SF承认同性婚姻的歌曲 Katy perry<I kiss a girl>、<you are so gay> 同性恋的赞歌We Are The Champions天使梦想爱不分如果的事玻璃杯雌雄同体伤心的歌露丝玛莉劳斯.莱斯10Elton John的 Your song ,

your life does not get better

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change 你的生活并没有得到更好的偶然变化,用It Gets Better get better by change 改变得更好 我是来自于“百度资源共享”芝麻团的团长:善良的我啊你 答案满意请采纳谢谢思密达

varsity-it gets better的歌词。记住是varsity的!!!!

(Party people)(Yeah tagteam music)I"ve been thinkin" to myselfall these people need to get a clueof what they put you throughMake you live each day in shameso afraid you don"t know what to door who you turn toMy heart is breakingcause its not rightwhats wrong?with wanting to live your life?When you feel you need some helpand you"ve got nobody elsewhat"s tomorrow gonna bring?When you feel like giving uplook inside yourself and trustthat tomorrows not a dreamit gets betterbetterit gets betterbetterit gets betterbetterno, tomorrows not a dreamall this blood is on our handstake a stand it"s not the way to bestop the bullyingput yourself in someones shoesthink it throughand you won"t disagreeyou can make historyits timetogether we can change it uplets fighttogether we can spread the loveWhen you feel you need some helpand you"ve got nobody elsewhat"s tomorrow gonna bring?When you feel like giving uplook inside yourself and trustthat tomorrows not a dreamit gets betterbetterit gets betterbetterit gets betterbetterno, tomorrow"s not a dreamwhen the day comeseverything will be betterthe sun will finally reappearand you"ll wake up in the arms of loveand nothing will hold you, no nothing will hold you betterWhen you feel you need some helpand you"ve got nobody elsewhat"s tomorrow gonna bring?When you feel like giving uplook inside yourself and trustthat tomorrows not a dreamit gets betterWhen you feel you need some helpand you"ve got nobody elsewhat"s tomorrow gonna bring?When you feel like giving uplook inside yourself and trustthat tomorrows not a dreamit gets betterbetterit gets betterbetterit gets betterbetterno, tomorrows not a dreambetterit gets betterbetterno, tomorrows not a dreambetter x3

It gets better歌词

Chris Salvatore - It Gets BetterIf you can"t see through the darkness,Use my light, I"ll be fine,This is all familiar,Because I"ve been there!One foot in front of the other, Everything will be O.K. please believe me, Stay strong and you will see!Chorus:These tears will disappear Like all the ones who"ve done you wrong!Give it a moment and take a breath,This too shall all be gone!We are making, we"re stronger, For all the pain they put us through! The words won"t hurt us no longer,Our dreams will be what gets us through.And when it feels like your whole world is ending,Remember me and know that I"m the one saying, It gets better, believe me!It gets better, you"ll see!Someday you"ll find loveAnd look back at when you were youngAnd only see the good days,When there"s no one in your way.Butterflies, you"ll fall in love, Get up on and knee with a ring And then you too will be married,And maybe then start a family.Chorus:These tears will disappear Like all the ones who"ve done you wrong!Give it a moment and take a breath,Find More lyrics at This too shall all be gone!We are making, we"re stronger, For all the pain they put us through! The words won"t hurt us no longer,Our dreams will be what gets us through.And when it feels like your whole world is ending,Remember me and know that I"m the one saying, It gets better, believe me!It gets better, you"ll see!Look up to the sky!When no one fells, There"s gotta be something up there!You saw the beauty around,Like a simple flower,I promise you this, love exists!It will get better, believe me!You will see!Chorus:These tears will disappear Like all the ones who"ve done you wrong!Give it a moment and take a breath,This too shall all be gone!We are making, we"re stronger, For all the pain they put us through! The words won"t hurt us no longer,Our dreams will be what gets us through.And when it feels like your whole world is ending,Remember me and know that I"m the one saying, It gets better, believe me!It gets better, you"ll see!

It Gets Better歌词

It Gets Better Hey friendWhen you feel like youu2019re aloneAnd the world throws out a lot of hateItu2019s not the endYouu2019re not out there on your ownThereu2019s still so much in life to celebrateJust look upCause those skies are going to clearThere so much more than just the hear and nowJust look upCause a better day is hereTomorrow feel the sunlight shining downIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause thereu2019s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayYeah, live to see that day (that day)Live to see that dayHey friendWe used to feel like you No end in sightFearing everydayJust defend the part of you thatu2019s trueFind yourself and you will find the wayDonu2019t give up (Donu2019t give up)Just take another lookAnd you can shineItu2019s time you took the stageDonu2019t give upCause your life is like a book All you got to do is turn the pageThere are friends yet to meet,There are songs to be sungThere are beautiful sunsets And battles are wonThereu2019s love to be found if you just stick aroundDonu2019t give up your life has just begunIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause thereu2019s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, better The pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause thereu2019s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, better The world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, better

it gets better中文歌词 chris salvatore的歌

克里斯萨尔瓦多 - 它变得更好如果你无法看透黑暗,使用我的光,我会没事的,这一切都熟悉,因为我去过那里!一只脚在其他方面,一切都将O.K.请相信我,保持坚强,你会看到!合唱:这些眼泪会消失像所有的错谁做了你的!给它一点时间,并采取了一口气,这一切全部消失!我们正在使我们更强大,对于所有的痛苦,他们把我们通过!这些话不会伤害我们不再我们的梦想将是什么都让我们通过。当感觉你的整个世界已经结束,记住我,知道我是你的一说,它变得更好,相信我!它变得更好,你等着瞧吧!总有一天,你会发现爱回首在你年轻的时候而只看到了美好的日子,当没有在您的方式之一。蝴蝶,你会爱上,起床膝盖和环然后,你也将要结婚,也许然后开始一个家庭。合唱:这些眼泪会消失像所有的错谁做了你的!给它一点时间,并采取了一口气,寻找www.sweetslyrics.com更多歌词这一切全部消失!我们正在使我们更强大,对于所有的痛苦,他们把我们通过!这些话不会伤害我们不再我们的梦想将是什么都让我们通过。当感觉你的整个世界已经结束,记住我,知道我是你的一说,它变得更好,相信我!它变得更好,你等着瞧吧!仰望天空!当没有人荒原,有一定有东西在那里!你看到周围的美丽,是一个简单的花,我答应你,爱存在!它会变得更好,相信我!你会看到!合唱:这些眼泪会消失像所有的错谁做了你的!给它一点时间,并采取了一口气,这一切全部消失!我们正在使我们更强大,对于所有的痛苦,他们把我们通过!这些话不会伤害我们不再我们的梦想将是什么都让我们通过。当感觉你的整个世界已经结束,记住我,知道我是你的一说,它变得更好,相信我!它变得更好,你等着瞧吧!

It Gets Better 歌词

歌曲名:It Gets Better歌手:Fun.专辑:Some NightsFun. - It Gets BetterWhat have we done, oh my godWhat have we done, oh my godThis is really happeningYou never looked so boredCan you feel my fingernails?They"ve never been so shortIt"s hard to lay a golden eggwith everyone aroundIt"s hard to stay inside my headwhen words keep pouring outLike starlight crashing through the room,we"ll lose our feathersYes, I know it hurts at first but it gets betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterI can taste your summer sweatIt"s never been so warmSo can we kick the covers off?They"re always onIt"s never been so warmIt"s hard to keep a straight facewhen I just wanna smileIf you could see the look that"s in your eyesLike starlight crashing through the room,we"ll lose our feathersYes, I know it hurts at first but it gets betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterThere"s a fire in skySome snow on the groundNot quite enough cigarettesTo calm me downWhat have we done, oh my godWhat have we done, oh my godIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets better (This is really)It gets better, we"ll get better (happening)It gets better, it gets better (This is really)It gets better, we"ll get better (happening)

does it get better than this?的意思是什么

it 是指这餐饭。 this 指 泡面这句话的意思是,难道还有比这个更糟的吗?

泰国电影It Gets Better的片尾曲名字???开头:不曾奢望你爱上这样的我...


It Gets Better电影


it alway gets worse before it get better

在情况好起来以前情况总会更糟。或者解释为 一切好起来之前不幸只会更多。

求一首叫it gets better歌.


It,s going to get worse before it gets better 什么意思?


求歌 it gets better


It gets better (Broadway sings for the Trevor Project)

发了 ,请收。。。。

It,s going to get worse before it gets better 什么意思?


It Gets Better(会更好的)泰国电影


在线急求美国同性恋歌曲 it gets better


《it gets better》这首歌曲的中文大意


我想要it gets better 的歌和歌词~是关于Obama演讲的那个歌 。作者是Jay Kuo & Blair Shepard

Hey friendWhen you feel like you"re aloneAnd the world throws out a lot of hateIt"s not the endYou"re not out there on your ownThere"s still so much in life to celebrateJust look upCause those skies are going to clearThere so much more than just the hear and nowJust look upCause a better day is hereTomorrow feel the sunlight shining downIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayYeah, live to see that day (that day)Live to see that dayHey friendWe used to feel like youNo end in sightFearing everydayJust defend the part of you that"s trueFind yourself and you will find the wayDon"t give up (Don"t give up)Just take another lookAnd you can shineIt"s time you took the stageDon"t give upCause your life is like a bookAll you got to do is turn the pageThere are friends yet to meet,There are songs to be sungThere are beautiful sunsetsAnd battles are wonThere"s love to be found if you just stick aroundDon"t give up your life has just begunIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, better歌的话网上就能下载。

Fun-it gets better 歌词翻译


求欧美群星唱的It Gets Better歌词

Fun. - It Gets BetterWhat have we done, oh my godWhat have we done, oh my godThis is really happeningYou never looked so boredCan you feel my fingernails?They"ve never been so shortIt"s hard to lay a golden eggwith everyone aroundIt"s hard to stay inside my headwhen words keep pouring outLike starlight crashing through the room,we"ll lose our feathersYes, I know it hurts at first but it gets betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterI can taste your summer sweatIt"s never been so warmSo can we kick the covers off?They"re always onIt"s never been so warmIt"s hard to keep a straight facewhen I just wanna smileIf you could see the look that"s in your eyesLike starlight crashing through the room,we"ll lose our feathersYes, I know it hurts at first but it gets betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterThere"s a fire in skySome snow on the groundNot quite enough cigarettesTo calm me downWhat have we done, oh my godWhat have we done, oh my godIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets better (This is really)It gets better, we"ll get better (happening)It gets better, it gets better (This is really)It gets better, we"ll get better (happening)

求todrick hall唱的it gets better歌词加中文翻译

Todrick Hall - It Gets BetterHey friendWhen you feel like youu2019re aloneAnd the world throws out a lot of hateItu2019s not the endYouu2019re not out there on your ownThereu2019s still so much in life to celebrateJust look upCause those skies are going to clearThere so much more than just the hear and nowJust look upCause a better day is hereTomorrow feel the sunlight shining downIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause thereu2019s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayYeah, live to see that day (that day)Live to see that dayHey friendWe used to feel like youNo end in sightFearing everydayJust defend the part of you thatu2019s trueFind yourself and you will find the wayDonu2019t give up (Donu2019t give up)Just take another lookAnd you can shineItu2019s time you took the stageDonu2019t give upCause your life is like a bookAll you got

Everyday gets better有没有语法错误?

it gets better everydayeveryday不能做主语,应该是副词

it gets better【会更好的】看不懂、求解释


It Gets Better (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:It Gets Better (Lp Version)歌手:Keith Sweat专辑:Get Up On ItFun. - It Gets BetterWhat have we done, oh my godWhat have we done, oh my godThis is really happeningYou never looked so boredCan you feel my fingernails?They"ve never been so shortIt"s hard to lay a golden eggwith everyone aroundIt"s hard to stay inside my headwhen words keep pouring outLike starlight crashing through the room,we"ll lose our feathersYes, I know it hurts at first but it gets betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterI can taste your summer sweatIt"s never been so warmSo can we kick the covers off?They"re always onIt"s never been so warmIt"s hard to keep a straight facewhen I just wanna smileIf you could see the look that"s in your eyesLike starlight crashing through the room,we"ll lose our feathersYes, I know it hurts at first but it gets betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterThere"s a fire in skySome snow on the groundNot quite enough cigarettesTo calm me downWhat have we done, oh my godWhat have we done, oh my godIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets betterIt gets better, we"ll get betterIt gets better, it gets better (This is really)It gets better, we"ll get better (happening)It gets better, it gets better (This is really)It gets better, we"ll get better (happening)

求一首英文歌,里面歌词好像是 you better no ,you better ever ~you better……you better……

可能是taylor swift的everything has changedI just want to know you better,know you better,know you better nowI just want to know you better,know you better,know you better nowI just want to know you better,know you better,know you better nowI just want to know you,know you,know you

better be quiet什么意思

better be quiet :最好保持安静。be quiet:保持安静。双语例句:1、Is he jewish? Will you be quiet?他是犹太人吗?你能安静点吗?2、Just once in your life will you be quiet?你能在一生中保持安静一次吗?


大致看了一遍 感觉很混乱 很复杂 没有让人能够目不转睛 仔细看下去的动力 主题曲为这部电影增色不少

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.怎么翻译



Cross the stars over the moon to meet better yourself.越过在月亮之上的星星以让你自己得到更大的满足。

英语谚语"the bigger,the better"是什么意思


歌词是 girl,you better watch out

You move like a flame of fireYour eyes like a flash of lightningThe answer to all desireAnd I"m gonna tame you, wild thingYou"d better watch outI said you"d better watch outWatch outAnywhere you go I"ll find youWatch outI"ll be staying close behind youAnd I"ve tired of waiting (Oooh-a-la-la)Yes it"s driving me crazy (Oooh-a-la-la-la)And my patience is fading (Oooh-a-la-la)Oh, you"d better watch outI said you"d better watch outIt"s been kind of funny latelyYou act like I was a strangerI think you"re beginning to hate meBut then you"re a girl in dangerYou"d better watch outOoh, I said you"d better watch outWatch outAnywhere you go I"ll find youWatch outI"ll be staying close behind youAnd I"ve tired of waiting (Oooh-a-la-la)Yes it"s driving me crazy (Oooh-a-la-la-la)And my patience is fading (Oooh-a-la-la)So you"d better watch outYes I said you"d better watch outWatch outWatch outAnd I"ve tired of waiting (Oooh-a-la-la)Yes it"s driving me crazy (Oooh-a-la-la-la)And my patience is fading (Oooh-a-la-la)I said you"d better watch outOh girl you"d better watch outAh, you"d better watch outOoh, ah, you"d better watch out我只知道这一首

dear friend, wish you all the better and best


Great 的 比较级和最高级是better the beat 还是greater

greatest the greater

Great 的 比较级和最高级是better the beat 还是greater


Beeter City,Better Lufe 是什么意思

应该是 better city, better life 更好的城市 更好的生活

Better than me or Better than I ?

Both "Better than me" and "Better than I" are correct but they are used in different conditions. Just like the difference beeen "me" and "I" ""Better than me" is used when the sentence needs an object whereas "Better than I" is used when the sentence takes a subject. Examples of "Better than me" he thinks he is better than me at ... index?qid=20070103150820AA0RNpW - 80k - "Maybe Vino is better than me at doing bench presses but maybe I can be stronger on a bike here in this Vuelta." cyclingnews/road/2006/ /vuelta06/?id=/features/2006/astana_vuelta06 - 31k - I have no doubt that Paul Graham is better than me. waxy/archive/2004/07/29/knauss_o.s - 28k - 用 "Better than me" 前面多数有 is are, verb to be. Examples of "Better than I" 前面 (多数) 及后面个动词是 VERB TO DO, 那便要用 I, e.g. He sings better than I (do) 但好多时后面个 VERB TO DO 会删ue2c5,所以令到学生唔明,好混淆。不过,而家好多人都搞唔清,应该用 I 时用了 ME, 外国人也是,甚至有些人觉得用 DO 是扮野,太 FORMAL。 Better than I could"ve said it- blind followers edition. Fixer at Alternate Brain is sick of armchair generals and sheep. Labels: Why? posted by Sharon GR at 1/02/2007 08:58:00 AM ... centernjlife.blogspot/2007/ 01/better-than-i-couldve-said-it-blind - 16k - I Lead Better Than I Follow. Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures has a great post up on why he prefers to be the lead investor in the panies he invests in. Posted in: Venture Capital ... feld/blog/archives/002005 - 10k - This is better than I thought! Reader post by: markperk123. Posted on: November 19 2006 9:14 PM PST. Story: Next-gen console war off and running. I have been convinced for months that the Wii would outsell the PS3 over the long haul ... news/5208-1043_3-0?forumID=1& threadID=22960&messageID=203349&start=-1 - 39k Hard Times (No One Knows Better Than I) by Ray Charles has 3098 listeners at _/Hard+Times+(No+One+Knows+Better+Than+I) - 45k - 最后,看看下面讲 CASUAL 和 FORMAL 的问题。不过如果是考试,当然是跟我上面讲最 FORMAL 那种。 bartleby/68/25/825 Kenh G. Wilson (1923–). The Columbia Guide to Standard American English. 1993. better than I better than me Edited English and most Standard levels of speech above Casual plus all written levels above Informal insist on He is better [at basketball] than I [am]. Than is a subordinating conjunction introducing a clause whose subject should be in the nominative case; the clause serves as adverbial modifier of better in many instances with the full clause suppressed and only the conjunction and pronoun actually spoken or written. In Casual Impromptu and some Informal use however you will also find He is better [at basketball] than me where than is construed as a preposition with its object properly accusative. The prepositional phrase then is an adverbial modifier of better. My sister is better at math than me is Casual and Impromptu and appropriate only at those levels and in their written imitations. Better than me never use better than i because the sentence should have to subject example: you are better than me so we should use the object form "me"

求Ke$ha - U Better Know歌词

Ke$ha - U Better Knowi don"t know what you expected to findhere after allsomeone you remember leavin" behindi"m not that girl!so many silent words i"m just learning to sayyou cannot break melike you broke me down, yesterday!you better know just what you came here for!yeah, you better knowyou can"t intoxicant me like you did before!say my love is not a game that you"ll play!better prove it or get walkin away!if you don"t care how i feel!i"ll find someone who will!if you"re thinkin you can turn back the clockdon"t waste your time!if you"re pretending to be someone your noti"ll read your mind!so many pieces of me fallin into placeit feels so goodto stand up for myself, face to face!you better know just what you came here for!yeah, you can"t intoxicant me, underestimate me anymore!say my love is not a game that you"ll play! (no-aoh!)better prove it or get walkin away! (oh-oh!)if you don"t care how i feel!i"ll find someone who will!not convinced that you can keep it togethermake me believe it"s real or it"s for neverfool me once and i"m as blind as can befool me twice and the joke is on me!but i"ll be watching every breath that you breathe!you better know just what you came here for!yeah, you can"t intoxicant me, hyperventilate me anymore!say my love is not a game that you"ll play! (no-aoh!)better prove it or get walkin away! (oh-oh!)if you don"t care how i feel!you better know i will! 望采纳O(∩_∩)O

If you stand by the window,you will get a better_____ of the sea. A.scene B.scenery C.sig

D试题分析:句意:如果你站在窗户边,你就会更好地看到大海。1.scene是常用词,指局部的或周围的环境、风景、景色,尤其与观看者看法有关,也可指戏剧、电影、小说等场景、布景。如:Thereweredistressingsceneswhentheearthquakeoccurred.当地震发生后到处都是悲惨的景象。Thisplayisdividedintothreeacts,andeachacthasthreescenes.这个剧分为三幕,每一幕有三个场景。2.scenery指一个地区的总体形象,尤指农村中风景优美;WepassedthroughmuchbeautifulsceneryonourjourneythroughtheLakeDistrict. 我们在穿越湖泊区的旅途中,看到了不少美丽的景色。3.sight作“景物,游览胜地”解时用复数形式,表示各种各样引人兴趣的地方,尤其在城里;作“情景、景象”解时常用单数。Theyareseeingthesights.他们在参观游览。SheenjoyedseeingthesightsinShanghai.她喜欢游览上海名胜。Thesunsetwasabeautifulsight.日落是一种美丽的景象。4.view是可数名词,表示从某处可见到的远景,着重点在你能够看到的部分,即所见之景。You"llgetafineviewofthetownfromthetopofthehill. 从山顶上你可以相当清楚地看到城镇的全景。Thehousehasaviewoverthesea. 这座房子面向大海,视野开阔。故选D。考点:考查名词的用法。


wonderful是非常好 better是比较词,意思是更好

Being Single is better than being in an unfaithfu


better known as mark twain原文翻译


Better To Lie 歌词

歌曲名:Better To Lie歌手:Cheryl Cole专辑:Messy Little RaindropsCheryl Cole - Better To Lie (feat. August Rigo)Yeah yeah yeah yeahwoah woah woah ohSaid its better, its better,I never should"ve let her knowIt was better to lie.I"m screaming,He"s talking over,I"ve asked him twice,Says he don"t know her,I raise a fist,He grabs my wrist,Ask for the truth,And this is what I get,I only asked himWho called your cellular?He said he don"t know,But yeah it was a girl.And he"s chillingLike nothing of it,Now I"m tripping,I"m yelling up in public like,OhhhhhCan you please just be honest?He tells me some story but I just don"t want to know,No I just don"t believe him,And all I want to do is keep screaming,And he"s like,Please calm down(Baby, baby)Because you"re talking too loudI"m hollering, ( hollering)You won"t let the truth come out.So please calm downBaby, because your volume"s too high (too high)Shoulda kept the truth inside,So maybe it was better to lieSaid its better, its better,I never should"ve let her knowIt was better to lie.Said its better, it was better to lieSaid its better, it was better to lieI walk away,So he comes after,I"m running quick, ( hold on)But he runs faster.Some explanation that I don"t need,He tells me "Baby, can you sit down and breathe?"I"m freaking out, hysterical,Said you shouldn"t lieWe"d have been better offSo silly me thinking you"re a good guyMaybe now you know not to lieOhhhhhCan you please just be honest?You tell me some stories but I just don"t want to know,No I just don"t believe him,And all I want to do is keep screaming,And he"s like,Please calm down(Baby, baby)Because you"re talking too loudI"m hollering, (hollering)You won"t let the truth come out.So please calm downBaby, because your volume"s too high (too high)I shoulda kept the truth inside,So maybe it was better to lieSaid its better, its better,I never should"ve let her knowIt was better to lie.Said its better, it was better to lieSaid its better, it was better to lieI thought it would be better if i did you rightBut i guess I should"ve told you liesYou lied, you liedAnd now your standing there telling mePlease calm down(Baby, baby)Because you"re talking too loudI"m hollering, (hollering)You won"t let the truth come out.So please calm downBaby, because your volume"s too high (too high)I shoulda kept the truth inside,So maybe it was better to lieSaid its better, its better,I never should"ve let her knowIt was better to lie.Said its better, it was better to lieSaid its better, it was better to lie

英语辩论:Which is better to be a common people or to be a famous people?当普通人好还是当名人好?

To be famous or not to be famous, that is a good question. Maybe your dream is to be famous, maybe not. Most young people dream of becoming famous----a famous actor, a famous singer, or maybe even a famous athlete. But is being famous really such a good thing? Will it really make you happy? perhaps you are a talented young musician. If you want to become professional, you"ll have to practice very hard. But if you spend all your time practicing, you"ll find it difficult to continue your schooling. You"ll also have no time for your friends. But one day, when you become famous, youl"" see your face in the papers and magazines. Suddenly everybody knows your name, and your life will no longer be the same. So how will your life change? If you"re famous, you"ll have enough money to spend as you wish. But you won"t be able to go shopping like a normal person. You"ll be tired, but will you be happy? Of course, if you"re a criminal, people might know your name because you did something bad. But that is not being famous, it"s infamous! In that case, you"ll definitely not be rich, and your life will really change because you"ll have to live in prison!

to be a better self是病句吗

这不是一个句子,要把to去掉应该说: Be a better self.

how. to. be. better. person作文80

Being a better person means more than just doing things for others. You have to accept and love yourself before you can put positive energy into the universe. But how to be a better person?In my opinion,Improving Yourself,to be a better person,frist of all,should be polite.If you behave polite,others want to make friends better with you.Then ,you should be kind and warm-hearted,you should often help the one who is in difficulty.When you give a hand to people ,they would feel you are really and you also can feel happy. However,Gerenally speaking ,as long as you do good to others ,you are a better person.

如下,第十题c答案中better是修饰什么的?是fit还是be able to?这的better是什么词性


be a better woman 什么意思


You make me want to be a better person这句话有语法错误吗?


James Morrison的《Better Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Better Man歌手:James Morrison专辑:UndiscoveredArtist: James MorrisonAlbum: UndiscoveredTitle: Better ManThere was a timeI had nothing to giveI needed shelter from the storm i was inAnd when it all got too heavyYou carried my weightAnd i want to hold youAnd i want to sayThat you are all that i needFor you, I give my soul to keepYou see me, love meJust the way i amI said For you i am a better manI said you are the reasonFor everything i doI"d be lost, so lost without youUnder the starsAt the edge of the seaThere"s no one aroundNo one but you and meWe"d talk for hoursAs time drifts awayI could stay here foreverAnd hold you this wayCoz you are all that i needFor you, I give my soul to keepYou see me, love meJust the way i amI said For you i am a better manI said you are the reasonFor everything i doI"d be lost, so lost without youno no noI"d be lost, so lost without you

A Better Man 歌词

歌曲名:A Better Man歌手:Thunder专辑:Top of the Pops 1993Shayne Ward - A Better ManUntil the oceans all run dryUntil the stars fall from the skyEven if words dont seem to rhymeIll be addicted to your smileAnd if the wind blows out the sunIll still believe you are the oneNo matter what we"re going throughI"ll plan to spend my nights with youI promise you my heart wont fadeI swear to you my soul alwaysIt isnt hard to understandYou"re making me a better manBaby my love will say it allI"ll always catch you when you fallAnd if the hard times get too muchI"ll still be craving for your touchI promise you my heart wont fadeI swear to you my soul alwaysIt isnt hard to understandYou"re making me a better manI dedicate my worldI dedicate my allFor every momentYour leaving me breathlessI dedicate my touchForevers not enoughI wanna hold onI just wanna hold on to youI promise you my heart wont fadeI swear to you my soul alwaysIt isnt hard to understandYou"re making me a better manIt isnt hard to understand, your making me a better man

一首英文歌 体育视频中经常当插曲 里面有一句歌词是be a bad man 或better man 是个女歌手

Mine !!!!taylor swift 的!!!

he made me want to be a better better much bette

  He made me want to be a better ,better, much better man.  中文翻译:他让我想成为一个更好、更好、更好的人。  make的用法:  一、make用作及物动词,在主动语态中的含义主要有:1.做;制作;制造.如:Can you make any mooncakes?你会做些月饼吗?◆make后可跟双宾语,间接宾语后移时一般用for引导.如:My uncle will make me a kite.= My uncle will make a kite for me.叔叔将为我做一只风筝.2.使;使之.如:Have I made myself clear?我讲清楚了没有?3.迫使;令.如:I don"t like milk,but she made me drink it.我不喜欢牛奶,可是她强迫我喝.4.总计;等于.如:Two and two makes four.二加二等于四.5.准备;布置;整理.如:You must make the bed after you get up.你起床后必须整理好你的床铺.6.构成;组成;成为.如:Daniel scored another goal,but one player does not make a team.丹尼尔又踢进了一球,但是独木不成林.二、make用作及物动词,意为“使;让”,在主动语态中其后要跟省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,而在被动语态中,to不能省去.如:Don"t make the baby cry anymore.不要再让那个孩子哭了.She was made to wait for over an hour.她被迫等了一个多钟头.◆英语中,类似于make这种用法的动词还有let,have,hear,see,watch,notice,feel等.如:I saw him put the key into the keyhole,turn it and open the door.我看见他把钥匙插进锁孔,转动钥匙,然后打开了门.She was seen to go into the classroom.有人看见她进了教室.三、make用作及物动词,后接复合宾语,表示“使……成为……;使成为……”时,通常由形容词、名词、介词短语充当宾语补足语.如:Loud music makes me uncomfortable.吵闹的音乐使我不舒服.The teacher tried his best to make himself a good friend of his pupils.那位老师尽力使自己成为学生的好朋友.  修饰比较级的副词1) 只用于修饰比较级的:much;still;even 2) 既可以修饰比较级又可以修饰原级的:a little; a bit; rather 等 even修饰形容词,副词的比较级,以加强比较的语气和程度.修饰形容词,副词比较级的常用修饰词有:no,a little,a bit,much,even,still,a lot,a great deal,far,by far,rather,any等.在这些词中,其中no在修饰比较级时,在意义上否定两者,表示前者在某方面不比后者强多少.例如:He is no richer than Peter.他不比彼得富裕多少.=He is as poor as Peter.他和彼得一样穷.表示前者比后者强一点时,通常采用a little,a bit等.例如:The room is a bit larger than that one.这个房间比那个稍大一点.表示前者比后者强很多时,通常采用much,even,still等.(still修饰形容词,副词的比较级时,可以位于比较级之前或之后.) 例如:He works still harder than ever.=He works harder still than ever.他比以往更加努力学习了.表示前者在某方面远远地超过对方时,通常采用far,by far,a lot,a great deal等.例如:Matters are a lot better than ever before.情况远远比以往好.在否定句,疑问句或条件状语从句中,修饰形容词,副词的比较级,只能用any来修饰.例如:He can"t jump any higher.他不能跳得更高了.Can he jump any higher?他能跳得更高一些吗?If you can jump any higher,I will give you a prize.如果你能跳得更高些,我就奖励你.

To be a better me 这句话 要是去掉A(To be better me )

这里习惯上需要加"a",to be a better me或myself。 你给的句子本身不完整,所以加上"a" 也无法判断句子是否正确。另外形容词一般不能修饰代词,但也有特例: lucky her, silly me, dumb one, better me等 。

“成为一个优秀的女人”是不是这样翻译?“to be a better woman”

没错!! 奥比!!~

A Better Man 歌词

歌曲名:A Better Man歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:More Than A WomanToni Braxton - A Better ManAlbum: Platinum And Gold CollectionHelloHello it"s me againYou"re still not homeCause if you wereIt"s after 4 a.m.I wouldn"t be here aloneSee, God give me the strengthAnd theCourage I needWhen my heart aches for youI have to let it beBut it"s OKI Understand…You"ve got to leaveI won"t cry no moreBaby what for?You don"t shed a tear for meSee I was blind, but now I seeThere"s got to be, a better man for me, yeahThere"s got to be, a better man for meHell noOh no not this againI"ll be counting downYour bags are packedAnd they"re at the doorI"ve got to get used to not having you aroundGod gave me the strengthTo move forward with my lifeI have to let it be…There"s got to beGot to be(A better man)A better man(For me)For meGot to be a better manOooh, darlin"Hear me nowGod give me the strengthCause I know now, babyThere"s got to be a better man for meOooh yeahA better man for me, babyOne more time, yeah, ya"llSee I"m tired of your lyingAnd I"m tired of tryingI don"t cry no moreThere"s got to be, a better plan for me.Somewhere out there, babyOooh...

You make me want to be a better person这句话有语法错误吗?

没有错误,make sb. do sth.

郁可唯唱过的《写一首歌》《Angel》《Better man》《空中的梦想家》《天下有情人》的歌词

圆圆的 圆圆的 月亮的脸扁扁的 扁扁的 岁月的书签甜甜的 甜甜的 你的笑颜是不是到了分手的时间不忍心让你看见我流泪的眼只好对你说你看你看月亮的脸偷偷的在改变月亮的脸偷偷的在改变圆圆的 圆圆的 月亮的脸长长的 长长的 寂寞海岸线高高的 高高的 蔚蓝的天是不是到了离别的秋天我们已走得太远已没有话题只好对你说你看 你看月亮的脸偷偷的在改变月亮的脸偷偷的在改变我们已走得太远已没有话题只好对你说你看 你看月亮的脸偷偷的在改变月亮的脸偷偷的在改变月亮的脸偷偷的在改变月亮的脸偷偷的在改变月亮在你的眼睛 太阳在我心现在我唱这首歌 OHH 只为你你走后的话 我全都想听能不能相信所有的梦里全都是你会不会停息和你一起 是否 不会再放弃你的心里有没有秘密我分不清 不要在意只想微笑为你 写一首歌写一首歌 都是你 OHOh Love"s in the air It"s everywhereEveryone can see Everyone can feelThat love"s in the air It doesn"t matter whereEveryone agrees love is all we need嘀嗒嘀嘀嗒 嘀嗒嘀嘀嗒 嘀嗒嗒嘀 嗯

You make me want to be a better man怎么分主谓宾?

英语中,冠词+时间可以代表时间状语,而且像the moment,the minute,the instant这些词还可以引导时间状语从句不过in a minute当然也是可以的 a minute主要还是一个口语化的表达。

帮我写下名叫《To be a better man》的英语作文

And when I search my soul I find a better place to be around I"m trying to tell you, What"s on my mind But will I make it through in time And when I search my soul I find You make me wanna be, Yeah, A better man.
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