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miracles coldplay中文歌词

《Miracles》歌手:Coldplay所属专辑《Unbroken (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》发行时间:2014-12-12歌词对照:From up above I heard 仿若在那云端 The angels sing to me these words 依稀听到天使在吟唱 And sometimes in your eyes 仿若在你的眼眸里 I see the beauty in the world 尽收这世界的美景 Oh, now I"m floating so high 此刻 我翩然若飞 盘旋高空 I blossom and die 我在你的世界盛放却又凋零 Send your storm and your lightning to strike 你袭来怒吼的风暴 还有那阵阵闪电 Me between the eyes 徒留我凝视着那双眸 Eyes 双眸 Sometimes the stars decide 亦如璀璨的繁星 To reflect in puddles in the dirt 投映尘世间的无常哀叹 When I look in your eyes 我将目光投向你的双眸 I forget all about what hurts 霎时忘却一切伤痛 Oh, now I"m floating so high 此刻 我翩然若飞 盘旋高空 I blossom and die 我在你的世界盛放却又凋零 Send your storm and your lightning to strike 你袭来怒吼的风暴 还有那阵阵闪电 Me between the eyes and cry 徒留我凝视着那双眸 暗自哭泣 Leaving me to cry 暗自哭泣 Oh hey 哦 嘿 I"m floating up above the world now 漂浮在这尘世的高空 凝视一切 Oh hey 哦 嘿 I"m floating up above the world now 漂浮在这尘世的高空 凝视一切 Ooh, Oh, Oh 哦 哦 哦 Oh yeah... 哦 耶 Ohh... 哦~ Oh yeah... 哦 耶 Ohh... 哦~

求coldplay 歌词,最好带翻译。

Did I drive you away?难道我开车带你离开了?I know what you"ll say.我知道你会说什么。You"ll say, "Oh, sing one we know"你会说,“噢,唱我们知道的一首”But I promise you this,但我向你保证这一点,I"ll always look out for you.我会一直会为你当心你。That"s what I"ll do. 这就是我将要做的。And sing "oh"而唱“哦”I"ll sing "oh"我会唱“哦”My heart is yours.我的心是你的。It"s you that I hold on to.这是你,我就持有。That"s what I"ll do.这就是我将要做的。But I know I was wrong,但是我知道我错了,And I won"t let you down.我不会让你失望。(Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah I will, yes I will…)(噢,噢,噢,是的我会的,是我...)But I"ll sing "oh"但我会唱“哦”I cry "oh"我哭了“哦”Yeah I saw sparks,是的,我看到了火花,Yeah I saw sparks,是的,我看到了火花,And I saw sparks,我又看见火花,Yeah I saw sparks,是的,我看到了火花,Singing out.歌唱了。La, la, la, la, oh…啦啦,啦啦,哦...La, la, la, la, oh…啦啦,啦啦,哦...La, la, la, la, oh…啦啦,啦啦,哦...La, la, la, la, oh…啦啦,啦啦,哦...

Coldplay的《Sparks》 歌词

歌曲名:Sparks歌手:Coldplay专辑:The Alternative Album Volume 1 [Red]Sparks-Coldplay 火花(酷玩)Did I drive U away ? 是我把你驱走吗?I know what U"ll say.我知道你会说什么。U say:"Oh,sing one we know."你说:哦,唱首我们会唱的歌。But I promise U this.但我答应你。I"ll always look out 4 U.我会永远照顾你。That"s what I"ll do.这是我会做到的。I say: "Oh !" 我说:哦!My heart is Urs.我的心属于你。It"s U that I hold on 2.正是你,我会把握住不放。That"s what I do.这是我会做的。And I know I was wrong.我知道我错了。But I won"t let U down.但我不会让你失望。(Oh yeah,oh yeah,oh yeah,yeah I will,yes I will...)I cry: "Oh !" 我喊到:哦!Yeah,I saw sparks ! 是的,我看到火花!And I saw sparks ! 我看到过火花!Sing it out.唱出来!La,la,la,la,oh...

Coldplay的《Sparks》 歌词

歌曲名:Sparks歌手:Coldplay专辑:ParachutesSparks-Coldplay 火花(酷玩)Did I drive U away ? 是我把你驱走吗?I know what U"ll say.我知道你会说什么。U say:"Oh,sing one we know."你说:哦,唱首我们会唱的歌。But I promise U this.但我答应你。I"ll always look out 4 U.我会永远照顾你。That"s what I"ll do.这是我会做到的。I say: "Oh !" 我说:哦!My heart is Urs.我的心属于你。It"s U that I hold on 2.正是你,我会把握住不放。That"s what I do.这是我会做的。And I know I was wrong.我知道我错了。But I won"t let U down.但我不会让你失望。(Oh yeah,oh yeah,oh yeah,yeah I will,yes I will...)I cry: "Oh !" 我喊到:哦!Yeah,I saw sparks ! 是的,我看到火花!And I saw sparks ! 我看到过火花!Sing it out.唱出来!La,la,la,la,oh...



Coldplay的《Sparks》 歌词

歌曲名:《Sparks》歌手: Coldplay所属专辑:《Trouble Norwegian Live Ep (Import)》发行时间:2001-08-27 流派:流行 发行公司:EMI歌词:Did I drive you away?I know what you"ll sayYou say, "Oh, sing one we know"But I promise you thisI"ll always look out for youThat"s what I"ll doI say "oh"I say "oh"My heart is yoursIt"s you that I hold on toThat"s what I doAnd I know I was wrongBut I won"t let you down(Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah,Yes I will, yes I will...)I say "oh"I cry "oh"Yeah I saw sparksYeah I saw sparksAnd I saw sparksYeah I saw sparksSing it outLa, la, la, la, oh...La, la, la, la, oh...La, la, la, la, oh...La, la, la, la, oh...La, la, la, la, oh...试听:

Darker, Colder, Slower 歌词

歌曲名:Darker, Colder, Slower歌手:Trembling Blue Stars专辑:The Last Holy WriterThe days seem darker nowThis sense of winding downThe days seem colder nowThis sense of slowing downWhen all I knew was your presenceWhat to do with your absenceWhen all I knew was your presenceWhat to do?Left alone to travel onLeft to grieve silentlyI see an open doorI see an empty chairSomeone"s left the roomStill something tints the airI see an open doorI see an empty chairSomeone"s left the roomSomeone left too soonLeft alone to travel onLeft to grieve silentlyMaybe not todayMaybe not tomorrowBut where you"ve goneSomeday I"ll followThere"s never time enoughThere"s no one who won"t leaveA constant slipping awayNothing"s held in placeThere"s never time enoughThere"s no one who will stayTo the past each dayThe future gives up spaceLeft alone to travel onLeft to grieve silently


“作为当今世界一线大团,Coldplay在《Ghost Stories》中展现了他们与时俱进的气度,电音及舞曲元素的加入,以及部分曲目中所呈现的冷色调,都未触及他们的筋骨:流畅而唯美的旋律;口白化却又含蓄隽永的歌词;以及精致与磅礴熔于一炉的整体氛围。他们是流行乐坛中鲜有能称作艺术家的那一群人。《Ghost Stories》是流行音乐里鲜有的能把艺术感和流行性结合得如此完美的专辑。甚至可以武断地认为,这是2014年中最好的流行唱片,至少于我个人,是足以循环播放一百次的唱片。”踌躇再三,我选择了这样一个开头。通常这样总结性的话语会放在文章(微博)的末尾。可我觉得,对于Coldplay来说,通常的所谓“乐评”对他们来说没有太大的意义,评论家自然也不必画地为牢,作茧自缚。在过去的一个月里,我每天上下班的通勤音乐都是《Ghost Stories》,最终结果便是,里头每首歌我都能倒背如流,包括其中所用到的合成器弦乐,每一段的吉他Riff,我都能准确无误地哼唱出来。其实,这便是Coldplay的魔力。早年,他们做着酷似Radiohead《The Bends》的英伦吉他流行曲,《Yellow》《In My Place》绝不亚于《High And Dry》;此后,他们曾用《Viva La Vida》致敬The Beatles,乐队成员不仅全副武装,打扮成嬉皮士与英国皇家近卫军的混合体,和《Sgt.Pepper"s Lonly Hearts Club Band》所做的那样,音乐上也不忘用上披头士迷幻时期的标配乐器西塔琴,《Life In Technicolor》满满是披头的影子,《Lost!》甚至像是保罗·麦卡特尼爵士的曲子;再到后来,他们朝着U2靠拢,在《Mylo Xyloto》里,《Charlie Brown》那些吉他连复段,Jon Buckland(Coldplay吉他手)的演奏听起来就像是U2的“刀刃”(Edge)的风格。但尽管如此,从来没有人说Coldplay有抄袭一事,反倒是陈绮贞《躺在你的衣柜》为代表的一大群华语乐坛小心翼翼地模仿《Yellow》,生产出来一大票衍生品。这便是Coldplay的才能,光阴似箭日月如梭,无论外头的世界怎样,他们自己的音乐进化成怎样,永远有着悦耳、连贯、迷人的旋律,且这强大的旋律性永远凌驾于风格之上。你不得不承认,除了Rolling Stones这样的老流氓,世间绝大多数伟大的乐队都是旋律大师:The Beatles——保罗·麦卡特尼甚至是整个流行音乐范畴里金曲之王;Nirvana——别等到人家不插电了才知道柯本的歌写得有多好;Radiohead——连“美拍”这样的无脑APP,在背景音乐里都有偷偷塞一首他们的《No Surprises》;Beyond——在这一碗心灵鸡汤里头,黄家驹下的是“神曲”的汤底。这使得他们在披着摇滚外衣的同时,与流行音乐中其他的天王天后相比,丝毫不落下风。而在《Ghost Stories》里,当我们在先行单曲中听到的那些一反乐队常态的东西,初始不适,紧接着就如同一直飞叶子的瘾君子忽然发现了世界上还有LSD这玩意一样。一个超越了风格的乐队是可怕的。这意味着就算他玩起了复古迪斯科,你也会像个脑残粉一样甘之如饴。恰好Bob Dylan就曾满怀嘲讽地说过:我其实是一个舞曲艺人。于是,当Coldplay在新专辑拿出《Magic》的时候,我的最初反应是:堂堂天团,为何要学起后辈The XX,用这样简约的电子节拍和暗流贝斯架构全曲?如果再往根源去说,U2在十年前便玩过这种东西了。可到了后来,木吉他扫弦引领着音墙席卷而上,主唱Chris Martin的招牌假音冲到浪尖口,我只能缴械投降。另一首先行单曲《Midnight》则更为离谱,万籁俱寂的午夜,电音氛围如衔枚疾走的时针分钟,乐队耐着性子,在歌曲整个上半段都没有加入任何打击乐器,仅仅是到了最后的一分半钟,让想象力小小地飞驰了一会,紧接着又恢复到无边的暗夜。如果不是亲耳所闻,我是绝不会相信英伦大团能够(或者说敢于)做这么一首高贵冷艳北欧电子乐的。至于大碟出来之前的最后一首单曲《A Sky Full Of Stars》,早已举白旗的我无所谓负隅顽抗了,跟着节拍跳舞吧!在《Mylo Xyloto》里没有尽兴的人们,在媚俗的琴键起落里,举起你们的双手吧!欢迎年度最佳舞曲乐队——Coldplay!Party的热潮冷却之后,舞客们横七竖八地倒在舞池里。所以说,如果仅仅是“好听”,那么《Ghost Stories》和Lady Gaga、Katy Perry的唱片没有太大区别,所谓的“艺术感”也无从说起。可他们是Coldplay。曾经,我以为《Viva La Vida》已是神作,当马汀以一身落魄的国王姿态出现,在轻快的弦乐组搭配下,高唱“听那耶路撒冷钟声传来,罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海;担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌,我的传教士屹立边疆之外”,歌曲中波澜壮阔的史诗性,早已超越了对路易十六的影射,生命的容量被拓宽,这或许已经是一张流行唱片的上限了。可紧接下来,在《Paradise》里,他们不仅勾勒了憧憬世界的小女孩形象,更是引入“蝴蝶”这一重要的物象,使之贯穿整张专辑,“大象版”MV中那个从动物园逃离的大象,穿越整座城市,上演一出《马达加斯加》式胜利大逃亡,最后在草原上和乐队同伴们重聚,镜头忽然切至演唱会的现场,台上的Coldplay四子穿戴大象服装,台下万人朝拜。至此,天堂已不仅仅是美好想象之地了,即使如我这般没有任何宗教背景的听众,也忍不住为之飙泪。攀过了一座又一座的高峰,这一次,《Ghost Stories》里,Coldplay决心在整个唱片的企划案上做得更极致,更完美。如果你有留意此前他们为电影《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》所创作的单曲《Atlas》,你会发现《Ghost Stories》的专辑概念早有预谋。作为希腊神话中的大力神,欧洲人总把Atlas塑造成一个身背地球的巨人,他甚至常会以托举着天球仪的姿态出现。包括大西洋之名也是由此而来,The Atlantic Ocean,其中Atlantic便是Atlas演化而来,意为“巨大的”。在Coldplay不仅在《Atlas》一曲中唱到弓箭、太阳、上帝,更是在MV中展现了如仙女座星云一般的星空图——这一切全都在《Ghost Stories》的封面中又再度出现了:一双天使的翅膀,里头有项链、迷宫、阶梯、情侣……背景是宝蓝色的海洋与天空,星星点缀其中。向来天文学与宗教不可分割,而海洋更是星辰的一部分,不仅有上述的大西洋为例,《Ghost Stories》中也有《Oceans》一曲,这才拼成一个完整的星夜。你或许会问,这满天的星斗,和“鬼故事”有什么样的关系呢?岂不知,整张专辑的内核,既不是星途大海,也不是鬼神之说,而是爱。今年三月,克里斯·马汀和他的奥斯卡影后太太“小辣椒”格温妮丝·帕特洛(微博)(Gwyneth Paltrow)宣布分手,结束两人11年的婚姻。这一娱乐圈的重磅消息,也成为了《Ghost Stories》在音乐之外的谈资。马汀这些年来没少为“小辣椒”写过歌,如治愈过无数伤心人儿的《Fix You》,他们的公开声明中也表示“虽然我们还爱着对方,但是我们还是选择分手”。月前,狗仔队更是曝出两人离婚后依然还住在一起,甚至还戴着婚戒,理由是格温妮丝认为“两人以孩子快乐为先”。两人到底会不会闪电复合?不如我们就从《Ghost Stories》寻找答案吧。“什么是魔法?什么是真实?和你一起,就是魔法。我浑身破裂,撕为两半。我称其为魔法,当我靠近你的时候。”(《Magic》)把爱情比作魔法,这本不是什么新鲜事。在爱情的暴风雨里,无论在这过程中受了多受罪,也依旧虔诚,人之常情。如副歌最后所唱:“如果你问我,在经历了这些之后,还相信魔法吗?嗯,是的,我相信。”最棒的是,《Magic》的MV请来了章子怡主演,她饰演马戏团老板的情人,备受凌辱;而Coldplay主唱马丁则出演一位学徒,一直对章子怡心生暗慕,一面苦练魔术,最后通过自己一双巧手,把马戏团领班给变没了——这么一个向意大利著名导演费德里科·费里尼“孤寂三部曲”《大路》致敬的MV,全程以黑白默片的方式呈现,伴随着Coldplay内敛而汹涌之情感,以及“国际章”的演出,几乎可以锁定年度最佳音乐录影带大奖。而《Magic》的单曲封面也匠心独运地采用了和MV专辑封面同样的浓厚中世纪拜占庭绘画风格,只不过主视觉从翅膀换作鸽子——这是魔术师最常用的道具,而鸽子的内部有扑克牌,舞台,以及魔术师、女助手,和歌曲内容以及MV紧密相连。在专辑里,我们还能听到描述刻骨铭心之爱的《Ink》,带着轻快的电子碎拍,如眨着眼睛的星星,马汀唱到:“在身上留下了共度一生的纹身字样,并有口袋小刀刻上你的名字……如星星般的你闪耀光芒,散发出爱的七彩光泽,是我一生渴求”;如赞美诗一般的《True Love》,是爱情不再后的自我麻醉,“真爱的火焰在你我的眼眸间闪烁,请你对我说爱我,若你不再欺骗我”,曲末的电吉他solo更是让人倍觉苍白无力;讲述爱人离去后形影相吊、茕茕孑立的《Another"s Arms》,你可以任由它在你的耳边不断循环,直到不自觉地跟唱,“世界于我一文不值,只要有你的怀抱”。这首歌让人想到经典影片《人鬼情未了》,爱人的影子也正正切合了“Ghost Stories”这一主题。至此,星空,爱,鬼灵,这一切的连接点都水落石出了。Coldplay想通过这张专辑告诉我们,每个人都是一颗星,而我们有幸在茫茫宇宙中相遇。虽然总有一天会离开,无论是因为生老病死或是感情破碎,但这些着着实实地发生在银河系里。就像我们现在抬头所见的星空,或许那些正在闪耀的星,在数百年前已经黯灭了,因为我们实在相隔太远而造成的错觉。专辑之所以叫做“鬼故事”,因为那些逝去的、不存在的爱,给我们的错觉也不过如此。也正如这张专辑真正意义上的主题曲《A Sky Full Of Stars》所唱的那样:“我不在乎,一点也不,即使我粉身碎骨。因为在这布满星辰的夜空,我恍如与你共度。”王安忆曾说,写爱情题材的作品往往是两类作家,一类是九流作家,一类是最好的作家。这句话放到流行音乐而言同样成立,我们所听到的大部分情歌都是九流作品,但Coldplay的《Ghost Stories》是无疑一流的。在那些九流情歌里,要么是为失恋者的提供劝慰,要么是提供你爱我我爱你的甜梦,可在一流情歌的世界里,如Coldplay,专辑里根本没有解决任何现实的问题,温情脉脉的面纱被掀开,旧有的生活格局被打破,该来的来,该去的去,一个崭新的世界呈现在我们面前,尽管谁也说不上它是好是坏。这才是真实的爱情,真实的生活。《Ghost Stories》最后一首歌叫做《0》。这样纯净的钢琴曲,或许还得追溯到多年前的那首小品《Postcards From Far Away》了。“一群鸟在天空盘旋,它们让你想起了爱情。我总是凝视着天空,在黎明前祈祷。它们在不经意间到来,又会在不经意间离开,远走高飞。”除了模拟一些鸟鸣,整首歌结束后,静止了约10秒种,又开始了乐队的涌动。这不仅是一个Outro,实际上也可以理解为Intro,它和专辑的开篇曲《Always In My Head》做到无缝连接,由此你可以明白为什么这首歌会叫做《0》。爱情就是这么一个循环的过程,如同斯蒂芬·金《黑暗塔》,小说的末尾枪侠罗兰(微博)终于攀上梦寐以求的高塔,但发现途中经历的一切不过是幻觉,且如埃舍尔非欧几何空间一样沉默如谜。你说,这到底是不是一件艺术品?


“作为当今世界一线大团,Coldplay在《Ghost Stories》中展现了他们与时俱进的气度,电音及舞曲元素的加入,以及部分曲目中所呈现的冷色调,都未触及他们的筋骨:流畅而唯美的旋律;口白化却又含蓄隽永的歌词;以及精致与磅礴熔于一炉的整体氛围。他们是流行乐坛中鲜有能称作艺术家的那一群人。《Ghost Stories》是流行音乐里鲜有的能把艺术感和流行性结合得如此完美的专辑。甚至可以武断地认为,这是2014年中最好的流行唱片,至少于我个人,是足以循环播放一百次的唱片。”踌躇再三,我选择了这样一个开头。通常这样总结性的话语会放在文章(微博)的末尾。可我觉得,对于Coldplay来说,通常的所谓“乐评”对他们来说没有太大的意义,评论家自然也不必画地为牢,作茧自缚。在过去的一个月里,我每天上下班的通勤音乐都是《Ghost Stories》,最终结果便是,里头每首歌我都能倒背如流,包括其中所用到的合成器弦乐,每一段的吉他Riff,我都能准确无误地哼唱出来。其实,这便是Coldplay的魔力。早年,他们做着酷似Radiohead《The Bends》的英伦吉他流行曲,《Yellow》《In My Place》绝不亚于《High And Dry》;此后,他们曾用《Viva La Vida》致敬The Beatles,乐队成员不仅全副武装,打扮成嬉皮士与英国皇家近卫军的混合体,和《Sgt.Pepper"s Lonly Hearts Club Band》所做的那样,音乐上也不忘用上披头士迷幻时期的标配乐器西塔琴,《Life In Technicolor》满满是披头的影子,《Lost!》甚至像是保罗·麦卡特尼爵士的曲子;再到后来,他们朝着U2靠拢,在《Mylo Xyloto》里,《Charlie Brown》那些吉他连复段,Jon Buckland(Coldplay吉他手)的演奏听起来就像是U2的“刀刃”(Edge)的风格。但尽管如此,从来没有人说Coldplay有抄袭一事,反倒是陈绮贞《躺在你的衣柜》为代表的一大群华语乐坛小心翼翼地模仿《Yellow》,生产出来一大票衍生品。这便是Coldplay的才能,光阴似箭日月如梭,无论外头的世界怎样,他们自己的音乐进化成怎样,永远有着悦耳、连贯、迷人的旋律,且这强大的旋律性永远凌驾于风格之上。你不得不承认,除了Rolling Stones这样的老流氓,世间绝大多数伟大的乐队都是旋律大师:The Beatles——保罗·麦卡特尼甚至是整个流行音乐范畴里金曲之王;Nirvana——别等到人家不插电了才知道柯本的歌写得有多好;Radiohead——连“美拍”这样的无脑APP,在背景音乐里都有偷偷塞一首他们的《No Surprises》;Beyond——在这一碗心灵鸡汤里头,黄家驹下的是“神曲”的汤底。这使得他们在披着摇滚外衣的同时,与流行音乐中其他的天王天后相比,丝毫不落下风。而在《Ghost Stories》里,当我们在先行单曲中听到的那些一反乐队常态的东西,初始不适,紧接着就如同一直飞叶子的瘾君子忽然发现了世界上还有LSD这玩意一样。一个超越了风格的乐队是可怕的。这意味着就算他玩起了复古迪斯科,你也会像个脑残粉一样甘之如饴。恰好Bob Dylan就曾满怀嘲讽地说过:我其实是一个舞曲艺人。于是,当Coldplay在新专辑拿出《Magic》的时候,我的最初反应是:堂堂天团,为何要学起后辈The XX,用这样简约的电子节拍和暗流贝斯架构全曲?如果再往根源去说,U2在十年前便玩过这种东西了。可到了后来,木吉他扫弦引领着音墙席卷而上,主唱Chris Martin的招牌假音冲到浪尖口,我只能缴械投降。另一首先行单曲《Midnight》则更为离谱,万籁俱寂的午夜,电音氛围如衔枚疾走的时针分钟,乐队耐着性子,在歌曲整个上半段都没有加入任何打击乐器,仅仅是到了最后的一分半钟,让想象力小小地飞驰了一会,紧接着又恢复到无边的暗夜。如果不是亲耳所闻,我是绝不会相信英伦大团能够(或者说敢于)做这么一首高贵冷艳北欧电子乐的。至于大碟出来之前的最后一首单曲《A Sky Full Of Stars》,早已举白旗的我无所谓负隅顽抗了,跟着节拍跳舞吧!在《Mylo Xyloto》里没有尽兴的人们,在媚俗的琴键起落里,举起你们的双手吧!欢迎年度最佳舞曲乐队——Coldplay!Party的热潮冷却之后,舞客们横七竖八地倒在舞池里。所以说,如果仅仅是“好听”,那么《Ghost Stories》和Lady Gaga、Katy Perry的唱片没有太大区别,所谓的“艺术感”也无从说起。可他们是Coldplay。曾经,我以为《Viva La Vida》已是神作,当马汀以一身落魄的国王姿态出现,在轻快的弦乐组搭配下,高唱“听那耶路撒冷钟声传来,罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海;担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌,我的传教士屹立边疆之外”,歌曲中波澜壮阔的史诗性,早已超越了对路易十六的影射,生命的容量被拓宽,这或许已经是一张流行唱片的上限了。可紧接下来,在《Paradise》里,他们不仅勾勒了憧憬世界的小女孩形象,更是引入“蝴蝶”这一重要的物象,使之贯穿整张专辑,“大象版”MV中那个从动物园逃离的大象,穿越整座城市,上演一出《马达加斯加》式胜利大逃亡,最后在草原上和乐队同伴们重聚,镜头忽然切至演唱会的现场,台上的Coldplay四子穿戴大象服装,台下万人朝拜。至此,天堂已不仅仅是美好想象之地了,即使如我这般没有任何宗教背景的听众,也忍不住为之飙泪。攀过了一座又一座的高峰,这一次,《Ghost Stories》里,Coldplay决心在整个唱片的企划案上做得更极致,更完美。如果你有留意此前他们为电影《饥饿游戏2:星火燎原》所创作的单曲《Atlas》,你会发现《Ghost Stories》的专辑概念早有预谋。作为希腊神话中的大力神,欧洲人总把Atlas塑造成一个身背地球的巨人,他甚至常会以托举着天球仪的姿态出现。包括大西洋之名也是由此而来,The Atlantic Ocean,其中Atlantic便是Atlas演化而来,意为“巨大的”。在Coldplay不仅在《Atlas》一曲中唱到弓箭、太阳、上帝,更是在MV中展现了如仙女座星云一般的星空图——这一切全都在《Ghost Stories》的封面中又再度出现了:一双天使的翅膀,里头有项链、迷宫、阶梯、情侣……背景是宝蓝色的海洋与天空,星星点缀其中。向来天文学与宗教不可分割,而海洋更是星辰的一部分,不仅有上述的大西洋为例,《Ghost Stories》中也有《Oceans》一曲,这才拼成一个完整的星夜。你或许会问,这满天的星斗,和“鬼故事”有什么样的关系呢?岂不知,整张专辑的内核,既不是星途大海,也不是鬼神之说,而是爱。今年三月,克里斯·马汀和他的奥斯卡影后太太“小辣椒”格温妮丝·帕特洛(微博)(Gwyneth Paltrow)宣布分手,结束两人11年的婚姻。这一娱乐圈的重磅消息,也成为了《Ghost Stories》在音乐之外的谈资。马汀这些年来没少为“小辣椒”写过歌,如治愈过无数伤心人儿的《Fix You》,他们的公开声明中也表示“虽然我们还爱着对方,但是我们还是选择分手”。月前,狗仔队更是曝出两人离婚后依然还住在一起,甚至还戴着婚戒,理由是格温妮丝认为“两人以孩子快乐为先”。两人到底会不会闪电复合?不如我们就从《Ghost Stories》寻找答案吧。“什么是魔法?什么是真实?和你一起,就是魔法。我浑身破裂,撕为两半。我称其为魔法,当我靠近你的时候。”(《Magic》)把爱情比作魔法,这本不是什么新鲜事。在爱情的暴风雨里,无论在这过程中受了多受罪,也依旧虔诚,人之常情。如副歌最后所唱:“如果你问我,在经历了这些之后,还相信魔法吗?嗯,是的,我相信。”最棒的是,《Magic》的MV请来了章子怡主演,她饰演马戏团老板的情人,备受凌辱;而Coldplay主唱马丁则出演一位学徒,一直对章子怡心生暗慕,一面苦练魔术,最后通过自己一双巧手,把马戏团领班给变没了——这么一个向意大利著名导演费德里科·费里尼“孤寂三部曲”《大路》致敬的MV,全程以黑白默片的方式呈现,伴随着Coldplay内敛而汹涌之情感,以及“国际章”的演出,几乎可以锁定年度最佳音乐录影带大奖。而《Magic》的单曲封面也匠心独运地采用了和MV专辑封面同样的浓厚中世纪拜占庭绘画风格,只不过主视觉从翅膀换作鸽子——这是魔术师最常用的道具,而鸽子的内部有扑克牌,舞台,以及魔术师、女助手,和歌曲内容以及MV紧密相连。在专辑里,我们还能听到描述刻骨铭心之爱的《Ink》,带着轻快的电子碎拍,如眨着眼睛的星星,马汀唱到:“在身上留下了共度一生的纹身字样,并有口袋小刀刻上你的名字……如星星般的你闪耀光芒,散发出爱的七彩光泽,是我一生渴求”;如赞美诗一般的《True Love》,是爱情不再后的自我麻醉,“真爱的火焰在你我的眼眸间闪烁,请你对我说爱我,若你不再欺骗我”,曲末的电吉他solo更是让人倍觉苍白无力;讲述爱人离去后形影相吊、茕茕孑立的《Another"s Arms》,你可以任由它在你的耳边不断循环,直到不自觉地跟唱,“世界于我一文不值,只要有你的怀抱”。这首歌让人想到经典影片《人鬼情未了》,爱人的影子也正正切合了“Ghost Stories”这一主题。至此,星空,爱,鬼灵,这一切的连接点都水落石出了。Coldplay想通过这张专辑告诉我们,每个人都是一颗星,而我们有幸在茫茫宇宙中相遇。虽然总有一天会离开,无论是因为生老病死或是感情破碎,但这些着着实实地发生在银河系里。就像我们现在抬头所见的星空,或许那些正在闪耀的星,在数百年前已经黯灭了,因为我们实在相隔太远而造成的错觉。专辑之所以叫做“鬼故事”,因为那些逝去的、不存在的爱,给我们的错觉也不过如此。也正如这张专辑真正意义上的主题曲《A Sky Full Of Stars》所唱的那样:“我不在乎,一点也不,即使我粉身碎骨。因为在这布满星辰的夜空,我恍如与你共度。”王安忆曾说,写爱情题材的作品往往是两类作家,一类是九流作家,一类是最好的作家。这句话放到流行音乐而言同样成立,我们所听到的大部分情歌都是九流作品,但Coldplay的《Ghost Stories》是无疑一流的。在那些九流情歌里,要么是为失恋者的提供劝慰,要么是提供你爱我我爱你的甜梦,可在一流情歌的世界里,如Coldplay,专辑里根本没有解决任何现实的问题,温情脉脉的面纱被掀开,旧有的生活格局被打破,该来的来,该去的去,一个崭新的世界呈现在我们面前,尽管谁也说不上它是好是坏。这才是真实的爱情,真实的生活。《Ghost Stories》最后一首歌叫做《0》。这样纯净的钢琴曲,或许还得追溯到多年前的那首小品《Postcards From Far Away》了。“一群鸟在天空盘旋,它们让你想起了爱情。我总是凝视着天空,在黎明前祈祷。它们在不经意间到来,又会在不经意间离开,远走高飞。”除了模拟一些鸟鸣,整首歌结束后,静止了约10秒种,又开始了乐队的涌动。这不仅是一个Outro,实际上也可以理解为Intro,它和专辑的开篇曲《Always In My Head》做到无缝连接,由此你可以明白为什么这首歌会叫做《0》。爱情就是这么一个循环的过程,如同斯蒂芬·金《黑暗塔》,小说的末尾枪侠罗兰(微博)终于攀上梦寐以求的高塔,但发现途中经历的一切不过是幻觉,且如埃舍尔非欧几何空间一样沉默如谜。你说,这到底是不是一件艺术品?

seldom scold怎么读

seldom [英] [u02c8seldu0259m][美] [u02c8su025bldu0259m]scold [英] [sku0259uld][美] [skold]瑟额灯木斯够德

be knocked cold是什么意思

be knocked cold 翻译为:被冷落【附】be 英[bi] 美[bi] v. 是; 有,存在; 做,成为; 发生; aux. 用来表示某人或某物即主语本身,用来表示某人或某物属于某一群体或有某种性质; [例句]This is happening in every school throughout the country全国各地每所学校都在发生这样的事情。[其他] 第三人称单数:is 现在分词:being 过去式:was 过去分词:been knocked v. 敲,击,打( knock的过去式和过去分词 ); (心) 怦怦跳; 把…撞击成(某种状态); 批评; [例句]I knocked at the front door, but there was no answer我敲了敲前门,没有人应。cold 英[ku0259u028ald] 美[kou028ald] adj. 寒冷的; 冷淡的,无情的; 失去知觉的; [艺] 有冷感的,冷色的; n. 寒冷; 感冒,伤风; adv. 完全地; [例句]Rinse the vegetables under cold running water用凉的自来水清洗这些蔬菜。[其他] 比较级:colder 最高级:coldest 复数:colds

Cold的《Remedy》 歌词

歌曲名:Remedy歌手:Cold专辑:Year Of The Spider「Remedy」坂本真绫6th Album「かぜよみ」作词 坂本真绫\作曲\编曲 solaya歌 坂本真绫丘の上から见渡してたら 懐かしくて泣きそうになった忘れたかった思い出がきらめいて変わり始めているまだ怖いけど 见守っていてこの先ずっと、ずっと抱えてく 消えない伤が心にあるちゃんと触って 笑って向き合えるときが いつか来ますように大きな声で叫んでみたら 肩が少し軽くなったきれいな水が 染み込んでくるみたいやりなおせないこと悔やんでるのは もうやめようかな时间はずっと、ずっと続いてく すべて包んで流れていく静かにそっと、そっと远ざかる过去に ここで手を振るのだいすきな人や 心地いい场所が いつしかこんなに増えてふつうの毎日 守ってくことそれが今の梦私をもっと、もっと信じたい できることはたくさんある裸足で立って 歌って 太阳の下で揺れる花のように裸足になって私をもっと、もっと信じてあげたいいつか 花のように未来の私に祈ってあげたい きっとしあわせになれるように

求翻译《Oceans》 Coldplay中文歌词,机器翻译不要回答了。翻译的好给分!


求翻译《Oceans》 Coldplay中文歌词,机器翻译不要回答了。翻译的好给分!

Wait for your call, love 等着你的来电,亲。 The call never came 那通电话没来到 Ready to fall up 准备好拆台 Ready to claim 准备好认领 And I"m ready for it all, love 我全都准备好了, 亲 Ready for the pain 准备好痛楚 Meet under sun and 夕阳下相见, Meet me again 再相见 In the rain 在雨中 In the rain 在雨中 In the rain 在雨中 Behind the walls, love 在墙壁后,亲 I"m trying to change 我试着改变 And I"m ready for it all, love 而我也准备好了。。。爱 I"m ready for the change 我准备好变迁 Meet me in blue sky 在蓝天相会 Meet me again 再相会 In the rain 在雨中 In the rain 在雨中 In the rain 在雨中 You"ve got to find yourself alone in this world 你会发觉你独自一人在世上 You"ve got to find yourself alone 发觉你独自一人我来回答

求翻译《Oceans》 Coldplay中文歌词 不要机器翻译,翻译的好加分

Oceans-Coldplay海洋Wait for your call, love 等待你的来电,亲爱的The call never came 电话却迟迟没响Ready to fall up 预料到跌倒Ready to claim准备好宣布 And I"m ready for it all, love亲爱的,我什么都预备好了 Ready for the pain 做好受伤的准备Meet under sun and阳光之下 Meet me again你与我重逢 In the rain In the rain In the rain 在雨中Behind the walls, love 在高墙背后,亲爱的I"m trying to change我在努力改变 And I"m ready for it all, love我什么都预备好了 I"m ready for the change 我在努力改变 Meet me in blue sky 跟我在蓝天相见Meet me again 与我重逢In the rain In the rain In the rain在雨中 You"ve got to find yourself alone in this world 在这世上,你得靠自己才能找到自我You"ve got to find yourself alone你得靠自己才能找到自我非机器翻译,希望你满意!望采纳,谢谢~


REVENGE IS A DISH BEST SERVED COLD复仇最好是一道冷菜双语对照例句:1.And as you know, revenge is a dish best served cold. 你知道最好的报仇方式就是用寒气。 2.Revenge is a meal best served cold. 复仇就是进餐,最好是冷盘。

jewelry hot cold谁能告诉我歌词,要中文韩文都有的 这是中文mv的字幕链接

跪求coldplay的in my place 的翻译

  歌词  in my place  in my place, in my place  were lines that i couldn"t change  i was lost, oh yeah  i was lost, i was lost  crossed lines i shouldn"t have crossed  i was lost, oh yeah  yeah, how long must you wait for it?  yeah, how long must you pay for it?  yeah, how long must you wait for it?  for it  i was scared, i was scared  tired and under-prepared  but i"ll wait for it  and if you go, if you go  leave me down here on my own  then i"ll wait for you, yeah  yeah, how long must you wait for it?  yeah, how long must you pay for it?  yeah, how long must you wait for it?  for it  singing please, please, please  come back and sing to me  to me, me  come on and sing it out,now,now  come on and sing it out to me,me  come back and sing it  in my place, in my place  were lines that i couldn"t change  i was lost, oh yeah  oh yeah  我自己翻译的,有点糙  在我的地方  在我的地方,在我的地方  我 不可以改变的线是吗  我 被遗失, oh yeah  我 被遗失,我 是失去的  越过线 我 应该没有越过  我 被遗失, oh yeah  是的,你必须为它等候多久?  是的,你必须为它付出多久?  是的,你必须为它等候多久?  就它而言  我 被惊吓,我 被惊吓  疲累的和准备好的  但是我将等候它  而且如果如果你去,你去  靠我自己下这里置于地面留下我  然后我将等候你,是的  是的, 一定你为它等候多么的长?  是的, 一定你付出多么的长为它?  是的, 一定你等候多么的长为它?  就它而言  歌唱请  对我回来而且唱  对我,我  发生而且唱出它,现在,现在  对我发生而且唱出它,我  回来而且唱它  在我的地方,在我的地方  我 不可以改变的线是吗  我 被遗失, oh yeah  Oh yeah

tide coldwater 什么意思



你说的可能是 Paradise,我记得有一档综艺节目这么翻译过。

请问一下,cold play 的那首歌Viva La Vida要表达的意思是什么样的?

viva la vida 是西班牙语vida 即生命viva la 是万岁的意思合起来就是 生命万岁 英文可翻译为 live the life另外 有时viva la 也可以与英语混用如 Greenday 的专集 21 century breaks down里有一首歌 叫做 viva la Gloria意即 Gloria(人名)万岁




洗衣机的档位针对衣物标示 : warm最高档位,normal是中间档位,cold是最低,也是能耗最高的档位,平时放在中间档即可 ( normal中间档 )SOFT 针对比较柔软的衣物 SPEEDY这个是快速清洗比较省电省水



twilight中的“cold one "的意思


your nose is hot. cold red. 哪个正确

Your nose is red.你的鼻子很红。(感冒了)希望能帮到你,望采纳!

英语,我想说,他总是骂我,he also scolds me,行吗?骂有没有更好的说法?

比较正式的说法:He often verbally abuses me.



Nerdee的《Cold》 歌词

歌曲名:Cold歌手:Nerdee专辑:Diamond StationColdLacuna CoilIn a ReverieColdLacuna CoilSkin so coldI knew you"d go awayAnd now I put you down to layNothing to feel for youThis was our last danceCloser and closer, it"s time to surrenderTo the desire that you cannot mentionDon"t try to breatheDon"t try to run awayBut I"m reaching for the sky (going to fly)Won"t you please stayBut I"m reaching for the sky (going to fly)Won"t you please stayWith a smile I watch you goYou"ll never know I didn"t cryWith a smile I saw you dieYou"ll never know I didn"t cryCloser and closer, it"s time to surrenderTo the desire that you cannot mentionDon"t try to breatheDon"t try to run awayBut I"m reaching for the sky (going to fly)Won"t you please stayBut I"m reaching for the sky (going to fly)Won"t you please stayTo flyNo more fearThey said you were so weakAnd now I put you down to layNothing to feel for youThis was our last danceCloser and closer, it"s time to surrenderTo the desire that you cannot mentionDon"t try to breatheDon"t try to run awayBut I"m reaching for the sky (going to fly)Won"t you please stayBut I"m reaching for the sky (going to fly)Won"t you please stayBut I"m reaching for the sky (going to fly)Won"t you please stay ......

It is cold todoy .(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) Their rackets are (on the table).(对括号提问

Whose dress is it?There is a pen in Jim"s bag.My class has sixteen boys and fourteen girls.Where are their shoes?Whose is this shirt? Who has this shirt?

The salesman scolded the girl caught ____ and let her off. have stolen B.stealing  C

B 试题分析:句意是:销售员责备了被抓住偷东西的女孩,让她走了。这里过去分词caught是定语修饰the girl,而“抓住某人正在做什么”是:catch sb doing,用现在分词做宾语补足语,选B。

英语句子里 "出生为什么都是被动be born?" They boy was born on a cold morning.


cold and sinus medication是什么意思?

cold and sinus medication寒冷和窦药物

Mariah carey一首歌,歌词是"so cold inside and i heard from my heart it will not…歌名是什么?

just to hold you once again

coldplay的 the scientists是什么意思 为什么是科学家?他想表达一个什么思想?


急求Matt Cab的Coldest Winter中英对照歌词。

总是在一年中的此时猜想它的样子,当云也远走的时候和那些天空的蔚蓝晴朗都已悄悄的远去冷雨已倾盆而下爱人,是否是我全身湿透的冰冷,让你远走留下我一个人的后悔至今我知道我要继续远行,但我已经无法行走我多么希望风能把我带走回到我们的昨天没有了你的爱,感觉就像是最冷的冬天日子总是在不断流逝时光却已经冻结是否是这样,我的爱人,你选择了远离我仍然站在被你伤害的地方我睡醒的时候仍会感觉这是一场梦因为你dissapeared我还不相信那是真的。 自从你走后我一直沉浸在苦痛之中我知道我要继续远行,但我已经无法行走我多么希望风能把我带走回到我们的昨天现在要说再见了你带上你的背包转身的时候好像我的生命要远离我身体我的爱人,你要去哪儿竟是这样的匆忙 为什么不能留下哪怕只是片刻 MattCab-ColdestWinterguessitsthattimeofyearwhenthecloudsgoawayandallmyblueskiesarefadingtodaynowtherainspouringdownandi"msoakingwetcausebabyyouleftandnowthere"sonlyregretsinceyoubeengogonei"mhurtingnowineedtomoveonbutidon"tknowhowiwishthewindwouldtakemeawaybacktoyourlovetoyesterdayfeelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)feelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)feelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)feelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)thedayskeeppassingbybutitfeelsliketimesfrozencausegirlyoumovedonbuti"mstandingherebrokenevenwheni"mawakeitseemslikei"mdreamingcauseyoudissapearedandistillcantbelieveitsinceyoubeengogoneimhurtingnowineedtomoveonbutidon"tknowhowiwishthewindwouldtakemeawaybacktoyourlovetoyesterdayfeelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)feelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)feelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)feelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)nowkissgoodbyeyou"vepackedyourbagsandsuddenlywalkedofmylifegoodgirlwhere"dyougoinsuchinarushwhycouldn"tyoustayjustforawhilefeelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)feelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)feelslikethecoldestwinter(causei"mwithoutyourlove)feelslikethecoldestwinter(herewithoutyourlove)



Adele Cold Shoulder歌词翻译

Adele Cold Shoulder歌词翻译阿黛勒冷淡歌词翻译



warm.窝奥母hot. 浩特cool. 哭哦cold 扣特

cold , hold 分别什么意思,怎么读?

1.Cold 冷,寒冷;(尤指)低气温 . 读音:扣的.2.Hold拿,抱,握住,保持,持续 ,举行,进行 读音:侯的.

英语going cold turkey won’t work怎么翻译?

going cold turkey won t work戒烟是行不通的


TPANS:制冷制热模式转换。LOUVER:风速。FAN:风量1,2,3,4,自动。TOO COLD:太冷,就是快速制冷。TRANS:制冷制热模式转换。空调遥控器使用过程中注意事项:1、空调长时间不用,将遥控器内电池取出。2、当遥控器出现花屏失灵时,用一尖状物按一下“复位”键即可。3、当遥控器显示字符暗淡或无显示时,请及时更换电池。扩展资料:松下空调遥控器中文说明书:Panasonic 松下空调CS-PC12MKF/CS-PC18MKF/CS-PC24MKF通用。一、显示屏区域:AIR CONDITIONER:空调遥控器。AUTO:自动模式,空调会检测环境温湿度,自动调节适宜的运作模式。COOL:制冷。 DRY:除湿。FAN SPEED:风速调节。AIR SWING:风向选择。二、功能区域:ECONAVI:节能导航功能,空调会自动感应室内人体活动量、活动方位,智能调节风向、风量、温度和角度。OFF/ON:开关,运行/停止。AUTO COMFORT:舒适性(空气)自动调节。MODE:模式,功能选择。TEMP:温度设置,上升/下降。FAN SPEED:风速。AIR SWING:风向调节。三、定时区域:TIMER:定时。ON:定时开机。OFF:定时关机。▲:增加10分钟。_:减少10分钟。SET:(开关机)双定时功能。CANCEL:取消。四、调试区域:SET:设置。CLOCK:时间设置。RESET:遥控复位。




TPANS:有没有写错吗?LOUVER:叶片的意思,吹风上下摇动FAN:风量选择,常见3档或5档和自动风量模式TOO COLD:很冷的意思,你感觉很冷时按这键,大概目标温度提高一点。 应该对方的位置TOO HOT也有。TRANS:应该是显示板的温度表示转换,确认按键时显示内容。

Coldplay的《Trouble》 歌词

歌曲名:Trouble歌手:Coldplay专辑:Trouble Norwegian Live Ep (Import)TroubleOh no, I seeThe spider web is tangled up with meAnd I lost my headAnd thought of all the stupid things I"d saidOh no, what"s this?A spider web and I"m caught in the middleSo I turn to runAnd thought of all the stupid things I"d doneAnd I never meant to cause you troubleI never meant to do you wrongAnd ah, well if I ever caused you troubleOh, no I never meant to do you harmOh no, I seeThe spider web and it"s me in the middleSo I twist and turnBut here am I in my little bubbleSinging outI never meant to cause you troubleI never meant to do you wrongAnd ah, well if I ever caused you troubleOh, no I never meant to do you harmThey spun a web for meThey spun a web for meThey spun a web for me

It was a cold day.怎么读

as we go along.




思卡尔半导体公司(Freescale)扩展了其32位ColdFire USB设备系列,以便为多种工业应用提供灵活的USB连接。飞思卡尔ColdFire USB系列扩展包括带有Full-Speed USB On-The-Go(OTG)的MCF5221x微控制器(MCU)系列和采用Hi-Speed USB OTG的嵌入式MCF5253处理器。利用专门为低运行电压设计的优化体系结构,这些ColdFire器件的功耗非常低而且不会降低性能。USB OTG使开发人员可以将芯片USB模块用作USB器件或USB主机。USB OTG还允许多个USB器件在不需要主机界面的情况下进行通信,因此非常适合系统间通信应用。ColdFire USB控制器还在芯片上集成了USB收发器,因此可以降低系统成本,减少所占的板卡空间并简化基于这些设备的系统设计。MCF5221x微控制器系列MCF5221x MCU系列提供了一种经济高效的单芯片嵌入式控制解决方案。它实施带有集成USB收发机的USB 2.0 Full-speed Host/Device OTG。MCF5221x系列可以提供向带有USB连接的其它更高性能ColdFire器件移植的平滑路径。MCF5221x产品的其它功能包括:ColdFire V2内核,可以在80兆赫的频率上提供76 Dhrystone 2.1 MIPS的高性能128K字节的最大闪存空间16K字节的SRAM最多56路通用输入输出(GPIO) 两信道定期中断定时器两个I2C总线接口模块支持DMA的四信道32位定时器带32kHz晶体的实时时钟12位模数转换器(ADC)最多三个芯片UART速度:66兆赫到88兆赫MCF5253嵌入式处理器MCF5253是一款经济高效的高性能嵌入式控制解决方案,带有高速USB OTG和集成的USB PHY。它带有128K字节的静态随机访问存储器(SRAM),可以实现对关键数据或控制功能的单一循环接入。MCF5253还包括一个增强的乘/加(eMAC)模块,不需要片外DSP就可以完成信号处理或过滤任务。MCF5253产品的其它功能包括:ColdFire V2内核,带有集成eMAC模块,可在140兆赫的频率上提供125 Dhrystone 2.1 MIPS的高性能8K字节的数据缓存SDRAM控制器两个CAN 2.0B模块I2S接口(Rx x2/Tx x3) 带有流量控制功能的三个UART专用的ATA硬盘接口闪存媒体卡接口实时时钟模块带有4个DMA信道的4信道DMA控制器六信道12位A/D转换器节能设计:1.2V内核,3.3V I/O,140兆赫时的电流低于40毫安



cold forming sectional steel是什么意思

cold forming sectional steel 冷弯型钢  冷弯型钢指用钢板或带钢在冷状态下弯曲成的各种断面形状的成品钢材。冷弯型钢是一种经济的截面轻型薄壁钢材,也称为钢制冷弯型材或冷弯型材。 冷弯型钢是制作轻型钢结构的主要材料。它具有热轧所不能生产的各种特薄、形状合理而复杂的截面。与热轧型钢相比较,在相同截面面积的情况下,回转半径可增大50~60%,截面惯性矩可增大0.5~3.0倍,因而能较合理地利用材料强度;与普通钢结构(即由传统的工字钢、槽钢、角钢和钢板制作的钢结构)相比较,可节约钢材30~50%左右。  例句筛选1.Technical requirements of cold forming sectional steel冷弯型钢技术条件2.Cold forming sectional steel--Hollow sectional steel for general structure--Demension, form, weight and permissible deviations结构用冷弯空心型钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差

reprimand criticize scold lecture on有什么区别?

reprimand 训斥 教训 吸取了一次教训 criticize 批评 评价 指事物,也可指人scold 责骂一般是责骂孩子lecture on 传授 一般指网络授课同义词辨析,首先这几个词都有教训 责骂的的意思 ,看一下他们几个用在不同环境



Coldplay的《What If》 歌词

歌曲名:What If歌手:Coldplay专辑:X & YWhat IfWhat if there was no life?Nothing wrong, nothing right.What if there was no time?And no reason or rhyme.What if you should decide,that you don"t want me there by your side.That you don"t want me there in your life.What if I got it wrongand no poem or songCould put right what I got wrongOr make you feel I belongWhat if you should decidethat you don"t want me there by your sideThat you don"t want me there in your life.Oooh, that"s rightLet"s take a breath jump over the sideOooh, that"s rightHow can you know it if you don"t even tryOooh, that"s rightEvery step that you takecould be your biggest mistakeIt could bend or it could breakBut that"s the risk that you takeWhat if you should decideThat you don"t want me there in your lifeThat you don"t want me there by your side.Oooh, that"s rightLet"s take a breath jump over the sideOooh, that"s rightHow can you know it when you don"t even tryOooh, that"s rightOhhhhhOooh, that"s rightLet"s take a breath jump over the sideOooh, that"s rightYou know that darkness always turns into lightOooh, that"s right


歌词翻译(分数过低,此为词典翻译):如果没有任何根据没有错,没有什么权利如果没有时间并没有任何理由或韵如果你决定你不想让我在那里你身边你不想让我在那里你的生活如果我错了没有诗歌或歌曲可以把什么权利我错了或让你觉得我是属于如果你决定你不想让我在那里你身边你不想让我在那里你的生活哦 ,这是正确的让我们休息,尽量放在一边哦 ,这是正确的我不能忽视它,如果你甚至不会尝试 ,哦, 这是正确的当每走一步,你考虑也可以是您最大的错误它可以弯曲,也可以打破那么这就是风险,你如果你决定你不想让我在那里你身边你不想让我在那里你的生活哦 ,这是正确的让我们休息,尽量放在一边哦 ,这是正确的哦,这是正确的英文歌词:What if there was no lightNothing wrong, nothing rightWhat if there was no timeAnd no reason or rhymeWhat if you should decideThat you don"t want me there by your sideThat you don"t want me there in your lifeWhat if I got it wrongAnd no poem or songCould put right what I got wrongOr make you feel I belongWhat if you should decideThat you don"t want me there by your sideThat you don"t want me there in your lifeOooh, that"s rightLet"s take a break, try to put it asideOooh, that"s rightI can"t ignore it if you won"t even tryOooh, that"s rightWhen every step that you takeCan be your biggest mistakeAnd it could bend, or it could breakWell that"s just the risk that you takeWhat if you should decideThat you don"t want me there by your sideThat you don"t want me there in your lifeOooh, that"s rightLet"s take a break, try to put it asideOooh, that"s rightOooh, that"s right

Coldplay的《Yellow》 歌词

歌曲:yellow歌手:Coldplay作词:Guy Berryman,Chris Martin,威尔·查平,强尼·邦蓝作曲:Coldplay专辑:《Parachutes》发行时间:2000年06月26日具体歌词:Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And everything you do,Yeah, they were all Yellow.I came along,I wrote a song for you,And all the things you do,And it was called Yellow.So then I took my turn,Oh what a thing to have done,And it was all Yellow.Your skinOh yeah, your skin and bones,Turn into something beautiful,You know, you know I love you so,You know I love you so.I swam across,I jumped across for you,Oh what a thing to do.Cos you were all Yellow,I drew a line,I drew a line for you,Oh what a thing to do,And it was all Yellow.Your skin,Oh yeah your skin and bones,Turn into something beautiful,And you know,For you I"d bleed myself dry,For you I"d bleed myself dry.It"s true,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine.Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And all the things that you do.

Coldplay的《Yellow》 歌词

《Yellow》演唱:Coldplay填 词:Guy Berryman,Chris MartinLook at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And everything you do,Yeah, they were all Yellow.I came along,I wrote a song for you,And all the things you do,And it was called Yellow.So then I took my turn,Oh what a thing to have done,And it was all Yellow.Your skinOh yeah, your skin and bones,Turn into something beautiful,You know, you know I love you so,You know I love you so.I swam across,I jumped across for you,Oh what a thing to do.Cos you were all Yellow,I drew a line,I drew a line for you,Oh what a thing to do,And it was all Yellow.Your skin,Oh yeah your skin and bones,Turn into something beautiful,And you know,For you I"d bleed myself dry,For you I"d bleed myself dry.It"s true,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine.Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And all the things that you do.



coldplay 的yellow的歌词!!~~跪求~~!!

yellow - coldplay look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and everything you do, yeah, they were all yellow. i came along, i wrote a song for you, and all the things you do, and it was called yellow. so then i took my turn, oh what a thing to have done, and it was all yellow. your skin oh yeah, your skin and bones, turn into something beautiful, you know, you know i love you so, you know i love you so. i swam across, i jumped across for you, oh what a thing to do. cos you were all yellow, i drew a line, i drew a line for you, oh what a thing to do, and it was all yellow. your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones, turn into something beautiful, and you know, for you i"d bleed myself dry, for you i"d bleed myself dry. it"s true, look how they shine for you, look how they shine for you, look how they shine for, look how they shine for you, look how they shine for you, look how they shine. look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and all the things that you do.

Coldplay的《Yellow》 歌词

作者:cuicui3120 时间:2013-06-04 03:18:20 来自 天涯社区客户端Look at the stars; 仰望天空look how they shine for you 看群星为你绽放光芒And everything you do 那些关于你的故事Yeah, they were all yellow 是的,都已经只是过往了I came along; 寻你而来I wrote a song for you 我写了一首歌And all the things you do 纪念那些关于你的记忆And it was called yellow 歌名叫做《yellow》So then I took my turn 平静着我的思绪Oh what a thing to have done 那是多么困难And it was all yellow 虽然那只是曾经Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones 你的肌肤 还有你的模样Turn into something beautifu 在另一个世界正在绽放D"you know? 你可曾知道?You know I love you so 我是如此的爱着你You know I love you so 你知道的 我那么的爱你I swam across; I jumped across for you 我跋山涉水为你而来Oh what a thing to do 但那是多么的愚蠢"Cos you were all yellow 但你已不在I drew a line; I drew a line for you 我为你写了首诗Oh what a thing to do 那些陈旧的故事And it was all yellow 到现在也已经很遥远And your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones 你的肌肤 你的模样Turn into something beautiful 已在另一个世界绽放D"you know? 你可曾知道For you I bleed myself dry 为你我心已死For you I bleed myself dry 为你我心已死< music >It"s true 不需誓言 那是如此的确定Look how they shine for you 看天堂的星星为你而亮Look how they shine for you 看天堂的星星为你而亮Look how they shine for? 看天堂的星星为何而亮Look how they shine for you 看天堂的星星为你而亮Look how they shine for you 看天堂的星星为你而亮Look how they shine 看天堂的星星亮着Look at the stars 仰望天空Look how they shine for you And all the things that you do 看天堂的星星为你和那些关于你的记忆而亮



求 Coldplay的yellow Mp3格式


Coldplay的《For You》 歌词

歌曲名:For You歌手:Coldplay专辑:ShiverIf you"re lost and feeling low,Circumnavigate the globe,All you have is hope.And the way you seem to flowCircumnavigate the globe,I never seem to lose control,With you.Everyone of us is high,Everyone of us is low,Everyone of us is here,How about you?Your eyes are closed,Your head held low,Your eyes are closed.Everyone of us is high,Everyone of us is low,Everyone of us has hope,For you.~~~

求coldplay Viva la Vida的歌词

I used to rule the worldSeas would rise when I gave the wordNow in the morning I sweep aloneSweep the streets I used to ownI used to roll the diceFeel the fear in my enemy"s eyesListen as the crowd would sing:"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"One minute I held the keyNext the walls were closed on meAnd I discovered that my castles standUpon pillars of sand, pillars of sandI hear Jerusalem bells are ringingRoman Cavalry choirs are singingBe my mirror my sword and shieldMy missionaries in a foreign fieldFor some reason I can not explainOnce you know there was never, never an honest wordThat was when I ruled the world(Ohhh)It was the wicked and wild windBlew down the doors to let me in.Shattered windows and the sound of drumsPeople could not believe what I"d becomeRevolutionaries WaitFor my head on a silver plateJust a puppet on a lonely stringOh who would ever want to be king? I hear Jerusalem bells are ringingRoman Cavalry choirs are singingBe my mirror my sword and shieldMy missionaries in a foreign fieldFor some reason I can not explainI know Saint Peter will call my nameNever an honest wordAnd that was when I ruled the world(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)Hear Jerusalem bells are ringingsRoman Cavalry choirs are singingBe my mirror my sword and shieldMy missionaries in a foreign fieldFor some reason I can not explainI know Saint Peter will call my nameNever an honest wordBut that was when I ruled the worldOooooh Oooooh Oooooh"song meaningsFirst of all, this is a fantastic piece. Awesome strings, and, as usual, drop-dead vocals by Chris Martin. I think i can agree with FoundGiven the most. I"ve studied King Louis and have found it doesn"t relate to him as much as people think. I think the only way in which Coldplay is going for the French history is in the new album cover. I believe this song has to do more with faith and a non-specific being"s fall from dominance. the "pillars of salt, pillars of sand" refer to the fragility of a man"s kingdom. He was once loved and respected and powerful, but the tables turned on him quickly, his kingdom falling. The lyrics leave it up to us to consider how exactly this happened. This man believing that "Saint Peter won"t call my name" covers the religious side of the lyrics. Saint Peter not calling his name suggests that he thinks he won"t go to Heaven. He appears to be taken over by the peoples" cruelty in turning on him, making him out to be a "sinful" person. Whatever your interpretation is, just remember to try not to get too caught up in analyzing it. You can get lost in the powerfulness of the music itself.

求Coldplay Swallowed in the sea歌词 中文大意

You cut me down a tree 你为我砍倒一棵树 And brought it back to me 你将它带到我身边 And that"s what made me see 它让我明白了 Where I was going wrong 我所做错的事情 You put me on a shelf 你将我放在架子上 And kept me for yourself 成为你的收藏 I can only blame myself 我只能怪罪自己 You can only blame me 你也只能埋怨我 And I could write a song 我可以为你写首歌 A hundred miles long 千万里那么长 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 And I could write it down 我能将这记下 Or spread it all around 也能让所有人知道 Get lost and then get found 迷失,接着又找到 Or swallowed in the sea 或者淹没在深海 You put me on a line 你将我高高挂起 And hung me out to dry 然后将我全部晒干 And darling that"s when I 亲爱的,那就是我决定 Decided to go to see you 见你的时候 You cut me down to size 你将我肢解 And opened up my eyes 将我的双眼打开 Made me realize 让我明白 What I could not see 我所看不到的 And I could write a book 我能为你写本书 The one they"ll say that shook 会让所有人震惊的一本 The world, and then it took 然后它将 It took it back from me 回到我身边 And I could write it down 我能将这记下 Or spread it all around 也能让所有人知道 Get lost and then get found 迷失,接着又找到 And you"ll come back to me 你会回到我身边 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 Ooh... 哦。。。 And I could write a song 我可以为你写首歌 A hundred miles long 千万里那么长 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 The streets you"re walking on 你所走过的大街 A thousand houses long 蜿蜒千万座房屋 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 Oh what good is it to live 哦,活着还有何意义 With nothing left to give 当没有什么可以去给予的 Forget but not forgive 忘却但不要原谅 Not loving all you see 所有你将爱的 The streets you"re walking on 你所走过的大街 A thousand houses long 蜿蜒千万座房屋 Well, that"s where I belong 好吧,我本就应属于这里 And you belong to me 你也是属于我的 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 You belong with me 你也是属于我的 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海 Yeah, you belong with me 啊,你也是属于我的 Not swallowed in the sea 而不会淹没在深海

Coldplay的歌swallowed in the sea是什么含义?

这首《被大海吞噬》是Coldplay写个逝去亲人的悲痛歌曲。 歌曲中每四小句为一个小单元,共12小单元+1个结尾单元,编曲结构简单,但每一个小单元反应的哲理却非同寻常;Coldplay在呼唤亲人的回归,是一种对亲人逝去的悲痛和有同义无返顾一起死去的心态,对生死的抉择也有哲理性的阐释,只有在一起的时候,才不会被大海所吞噬。

it must be the cold weather making me ill为什么用making




求coldplay(酷玩乐队) - Politik歌词翻译


求maroon5 《cold》中英对照歌词

maroon5好听 好听的之一曲是sugar


《The Cold Dish》(Craig Johnson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:om74书名:The Cold Dish作者:Craig Johnson出版社:Penguin (Non-Classics)出版年份:2006-3-28页数:400内容简介:In this outstanding first novel, Craig Johnson draws on his background in law enforcement and his deep attachment to the American West to produce a literary mystery of stunning authenticity, and full of memorable characters. Walt Longmire, sheriff of Wyomingas Absaroka County, knows heas got trouble when Cody Pritchard is found dead. Two years earlier, Cody and three accomplices had been given suspended sentences for raping a Northern Cheyenne girl. Is someone seeking vengeance? Longmire faces the most volatile and challenging case in his twenty-four years as sheriff and means to see that revenge, a dish that is best served cold, is never served at all. aWe in the West have a major new talent on our hands.a "aThe Denver Post" aA winning piece of work, and a convincing feel to the whole package.a "aThe Washington Post" aCraig Johnson does it right, with style, grace, wildfire pace, and a sense of humor.a aBob Shacochis

colds as frie 的歌词

Britney Spears Cold As Fire Lyrics Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahI"m just a girl with the ability to drive a man crazyMake him call me "mama," make him my new babyA new way to prove they"re saying "thank you very much"Living legendYou can look, but don"t touch"Cause I"m cold as fire baby, hot as iceIf you"ve ever been to heaven, this is twice as niceI"m cold as fire baby, hot as iceIf you"ve ever been to heaven, this is twice as niceBreak it down, break it down, break it downBreak it down, break it down, break it downTo see your foolishness and f**keryAnd handling my businessHoller if you hear meHey, can I get a witnessPreach it, preach itI"m the teacher, you can learnWatch your fingers, boyYou might get burned"Cause I"m cold as fire baby, hot as iceIf you"ve ever been to heaven, this is twice as niceI"m cold as fire baby, hot as iceIf you"ve ever been to heaven, this is twice as niceBreak it down, break it down, break it downBreak it down, break it down, break it downAs you can see, fortunatelyI"m cold as fireYeah, I"m cold as fireYeah, make you believeMake you stop and breatheI"ll take you higherI"m just too coolMake you do what it doI"m hot as ice nowI"ll make you feel like heaven 24/7I"m twice as nice nowCold as fire baby, hot as iceIf you"ve ever been to heaven, this is twice as niceI"m cold as fire baby, hot as iceIf you"ve ever been to heaven, this is twice as niceBreak it down, break it down, break it downBreak it down, break it down, break it down

我想知道Cold as ice - sarah connor这首歌的中文歌词。。

歌曲:Cold as Ice(冰一样的刺冷)演唱:Sarah Connor(莎拉蔻娜)作词:Sarah Connor(莎拉蔻娜)作曲:Sarah Connor(莎拉蔻娜)歌词:I keeping watching you everything you do我关注着你的一举一动Every night I pray that you may walk on my way夜里,我祈祷着你会来到我身边If I see your face,such a lovely face如果让我看见你如此令人魂牵梦萦的脸I"m thinking about the way how to say我思索着如何告诉你Come on with me令你心随我动My heart is aching我心痛着I just can"t wait no more我不能再等待了When I see the way you"re moving cross the dance floor当我看着你走过舞池There"s no mistaking你应该清楚的I want you more and more Every second of my life我只想拥有你,一直到我生命的尽头We gotta get together right now我们相爱吧We gotta get together right now我们相爱吧We gotta get together right now我们相爱吧Cause we can not escape our faith因为我们不能欺骗自己的真心If I can have you for the rest of my life如果我能在我的余生中拥有你Oh baby my body"s turning cold as ice,Nothing I could do,If I"m losing you宝贝,如果我失去你,我会失去体温直到什么事都不能做It"s getting just as cold as ice这将让我感到像冰一样刺冷Cold as ice冰一样的刺冷Each time you leave ,It"s like I"m shiver inside每一次你离开,屋里,我冰冷得颤抖着Oh baby my body"s turning cold as ice,Nothing I could do,If I"m losing you宝贝,如果我失去你,我会失去体温直到什么事都不能做It"s getting just as cold as ice这将让我感到像冰一样刺冷Cold as ice冰一样的刺冷Cold as ice冰一样的刺冷This is gonna be an emergency这将是一次抢救Can"t you see the snow and the ice all around me难道你看不到覆盖住我的冰雪吗You know that I freeze你知道我已冷若冰霜Come into me ,It takes you warm and lips让我依偎着你吧,你的体温和嘴唇And your kiss ,You defrost me还有你销魂的热吻,逐渐融化着温暖着我The ice is breaking ,When you walk through the door当你来到我身边,冰雪消融了You know how to keep me rocking on the dancefloor只有你知道如何让我在舞池里劲舞Temperature is rising Increasing more and more温度加剧上升着,愈来愈高It"s getting hot in here tonight今晚这里将是火热的天堂I-C-E,That"s what I"m gonna be ,If you"re not here with me如果你不在我身边,我将成为冰Then someday somebody will find me frozen某天,某个陌生人会发现冻结了的我

Cold As Ice (Mike Red Thrust Mode Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Cold As Ice (Mike Red Thrust Mode Mix)歌手:Mike Red专辑:Cold As IceCold as iceYoure as cold as ice, youre willing to sacrifice our loveYou never take advice, someday youll pay the price, I knowIve seen it before, it happens all the timeYoure closing the door, you leave the world behindYoure digging for gold, youre throwing awayA fortune in feelings, but someday youll payYoure as cold as ice, youre willing to sacrifice our loveYou want paradise, but someday youll pay the price, I knowIve seen it before, it happens all the timeYoure closing the door, you leave the world behindYoure digging for gold, youre throwing awayA fortune in feelings, but someday youll pay(solo)Cold as ice - you know that you areCold as ice - as cold as ice to meCold as iceYoure as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know, yes I knowYoure as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know, oh yes I knowYoure as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know, oh yes I knowYoure as cold as ice... (to fade)END.....

Cold As Ice 歌词

歌曲名:Cold As Ice 歌手:B.o.B.专辑:No GenreB.O.B. - Cold As IceWell me and her were the 2Me and her were together like glueBut we lived packed in a shackJust like the old lady who lived in a shoeAnd we really ain"t know what to doTill one day she got her a job at WaMuI said baby if you"ve been thinkin" what I"m thinkin"Then all of our problems are throughSo we got together with the crewPlanned everything with the TWe got gloves and guns and bags and masksAnd anything we would needSo we scoped out the facilityReally we waited a couple of weeks.Till it was time to kick in the doorEveryone down it"s a robberyYou"re as cold as ice (you"re as cold as ice)You"re willing to sacrifice our loveAnd now you got me (Froze)I said you got me (froze)Because you"re so c-coldYou left me cold tonightYou"re as cold as ice (you"re as cold as ice)You"re willing to sacrifice our loveAnd now you got me (Froze)I said you got me (froze)Because you"re so c-coldYou left me cold tonightSo I went to my girl and said "quit playin" and give me the cash"But nobody suspected a thingIt was quite a spectacular actSo we get to the safe out of everyone"s sightSo I take off my mask and askDid your partner remember to cut the line for the panic button in the back?And she pausedThe look she had on her face was cold as iceBefore she could say the next word I heard the sirens pull out outsideSo I tried to grab her and runShe pulled away and said she would be fineShe was on the clock so I guess nobody would think she was in on the crimeYou"re as cold as ice (you"re as cold as ice)You"re willing to sacrifice our loveAnd now you got me (Froze)I said you got me (froze)Because you"re so c-coldYou left me cold tonightYou"re as cold as ice (you"re as cold as ice)You"re willing to sacrifice our loveAnd now you got me (Froze)I said you got me (froze)Because you"re so c-coldYou left me cold tonightSo I realized it was overWhen the SWAT team kicked in the doorSo I dropped my gun and the cashAnd then I got bummed rushed to the floorAnd they took me into the stationAnd they started the interrogationAnd I said, "I ain"t sayin" a word "till I get appropriate representation"So as I get escorted out, to my surprise what do I seeThat"s my baby sittin" in cuffsTellin" the officers everythingAnd I stand there in amazementTrying to find an explanationAnd the cops come in and restrain meAnd they mase me and the taze meI said, "baby why baby what did I do to forsake youHow can you turn your back on me you"re selfish I hate youAll I ever wanted to do was love youWere you fakin"?"So I snatched the gun from my officerAnd I cocked it and I aimed itAnd said, "this is for all the pain you,You done put me through you"re ungrateful how could youAll I wanted to do was save you"And here I am day 55With 55 hundred to goWhen you love a girl who is as cold as iceEventually you"ll get frozeYou"re as cold as ice (you"re as cold as ice)You"re willing to sacrifice our loveAnd now you got me (Froze)I said you got me (froze)Because you"re so c-coldYou left me cold tonightYou"re as cold as ice (you"re as cold as ice)You"re willing to sacrifice our loveAnd now you got me (Froze)I said you got me (froze)Because you"re so c-coldYou left me cold tonight32 degrees below zeroYou"re like 31 flavors you"re oh so coldFeels like 30 straight days of falling snowI"m so cold and alone, aloneYou"re like 32 degrees below zeroOr like 31 flavors you"re oh so coldFeels like 30 straight days of falling snowI"m so cold and aloneYou left me cold tonightYou"re as cold as ice (you"re as cold as ice)You"re willing to sacrifice our loveAnd now you got me (Froze)I said you got me (froze)Because you"re so c-coldYou left me cold tonightYou"re as cold as ice (you"re as cold as ice)You"re willing to sacrifice our loveAnd now you got me (Froze)I said you got me (froze)Because you"re so c-coldYou left me cold tonight

Cold As Ice 歌词

歌曲名:Cold As Ice歌手:Foreigner专辑:Alive & Rockin" (Live At The Bang Your Head Festival, Balingen, Germany/2006)Cold as iceYoure as cold as ice, youre willing to sacrifice our loveYou never take advice, someday youll pay the price, I knowIve seen it before, it happens all the timeYoure closing the door, you leave the world behindYoure digging for gold, youre throwing awayA fortune in feelings, but someday youll payYoure as cold as ice, youre willing to sacrifice our loveYou want paradise, but someday youll pay the price, I knowIve seen it before, it happens all the timeYoure closing the door, you leave the world behindYoure digging for gold, youre throwing awayA fortune in feelings, but someday youll pay(solo)Cold as ice - you know that you areCold as ice - as cold as ice to meCold as iceYoure as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know, yes I knowYoure as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know, oh yes I knowYoure as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know, oh yes I knowYoure as cold as ice... (to fade)END.....

Cold As Ice 歌词

歌曲名:Cold As Ice歌手:Foreigner专辑:FM (1978 Film)Cold as iceYoure as cold as ice, youre willing to sacrifice our loveYou never take advice, someday youll pay the price, I knowIve seen it before, it happens all the timeYoure closing the door, you leave the world behindYoure digging for gold, youre throwing awayA fortune in feelings, but someday youll payYoure as cold as ice, youre willing to sacrifice our loveYou want paradise, but someday youll pay the price, I knowIve seen it before, it happens all the timeYoure closing the door, you leave the world behindYoure digging for gold, youre throwing awayA fortune in feelings, but someday youll pay(solo)Cold as ice - you know that you areCold as ice - as cold as ice to meCold as iceYoure as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know, yes I knowYoure as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know, oh yes I knowYoure as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know, oh yes I knowYoure as cold as ice... (to fade)END.....

我想知道Cold as ice - sarah connor这首歌的中文歌词。。

歌曲:Cold as Ice(冰一样的刺冷)演唱:Sarah Connor(莎拉蔻娜)作词:Sarah Connor(莎拉蔻娜)作曲:Sarah Connor(莎拉蔻娜)歌词:I keeping watching you everything you do我关注着你的一举一动Every night I pray that you may walk on my way夜里,我祈祷着你会来到我身边If I see your face,such a lovely face如果让我看见你如此令人魂牵梦萦的脸I"m thinking about the way how to say我思索着如何告诉你Come on with me令你心随我动My heart is aching我心痛着I just can"t wait no more我不能再等待了When I see the way you"re moving cross the dance floor当我看着你走过舞池There"s no mistaking你应该清楚的I want you more and more Every second of my life我只想拥有你,一直到我生命的尽头We gotta get together right now我们相爱吧We gotta get together right now我们相爱吧We gotta get together right now我们相爱吧Cause we can not escape our faith因为我们不能欺骗自己的真心If I can have you for the rest of my life如果我能在我的余生中拥有你Oh baby my body"s turning cold as ice,Nothing I could do,If I"m losing you宝贝,如果我失去你,我会失去体温直到什么事都不能做It"s getting just as cold as ice这将让我感到像冰一样刺冷Cold as ice冰一样的刺冷Each time you leave ,It"s like I"m shiver inside每一次你离开,屋里,我冰冷得颤抖着Oh baby my body"s turning cold as ice,Nothing I could do,If I"m losing you宝贝,如果我失去你,我会失去体温直到什么事都不能做It"s getting just as cold as ice这将让我感到像冰一样刺冷Cold as ice冰一样的刺冷Cold as ice冰一样的刺冷This is gonna be an emergency这将是一次抢救Can"t you see the snow and the ice all around me难道你看不到覆盖住我的冰雪吗You know that I freeze你知道我已冷若冰霜Come into me ,It takes you warm and lips让我依偎着你吧,你的体温和嘴唇And your kiss ,You defrost me还有你销魂的热吻,逐渐融化着温暖着我The ice is breaking ,When you walk through the door当你来到我身边,冰雪消融了You know how to keep me rocking on the dancefloor只有你知道如何让我在舞池里劲舞Temperature is rising Increasing more and more温度加剧上升着,愈来愈高It"s getting hot in here tonight今晚这里将是火热的天堂I-C-E,That"s what I"m gonna be ,If you"re not here with me如果你不在我身边,我将成为冰Then someday somebody will find me frozen某天,某个陌生人会发现冻结了的我

He held out his hand and I took it.It was as cold


Cold As Ice的中英文歌词

Ohh la da do La da la da da da da da do Yeah I"ve been on the run 我一直在跑路 slept under the sun 在阳光下进入梦乡 feeding off the clouds and eating them like ice cream 从云中汲取营养,就像吃着冰淇淋一样 I"ve been all around 我会一直在你身边 never left this town 永远不会离开这里 blisters on my eyelids like it"s spring in paris 眼皮上起得水泡就像巴黎的春天 Ive seen everything, i"ve dreamt every dream 我看见了一切,每个梦境都是梦境 I am every human 我是个普通的人 Oh I"m not even finished 哦,我甚至还没有完成 Look how I go 看我怎样着手 Impeccable 无懈可击 flow wind in my face it hardly ever rains 在我脸庞掠过的风,天几乎没有下雨 always on top 永远在最高处 I"m coming up 我马上就上来 I"m everything and I am everything 我是全部,我就是全部 I know it all don"t know a thing 我事事精通而又事事不明 I am changing, still the same 我在改变,却又和以前一样 I"m every color I"m every color 我多姿多彩,我多姿多彩 I am evergreen 我活力永存(常青,这里引申为活力永存) Ive been on the side 我在这边 always stayed ahead 永远排在最前 im so very fast give me a speeding ticket 我是如此的神速,请给我开一张超速罚单吧 me you cannot teach 你永远不能教会我 I just wanna know 我只是想知道 I"ve been tryin to stand but I will never grow 我试着顶天立地却从未长大过 I"ve seen everything, I"ve dreamt every dream I am every human No I"m not even finished Look how I go Impeccable flow wind in my face it hardly ever rains always on top I"m coming up Im everything and I am everything I know it all dont know a thing I am changing, still the same I"m every color I"m every color I am evergreen The truth is stranger than fiction 真理总是比虚幻更奇怪 when you"re a walking contradiction 当你行事与常理相反 when you"re evergreen 那么你将获得永生 you"re always looking in 你总是顺道拜访 you"re the first one left 你是第一个离开的 but you"re back again 但是你又是第一个回来 don"t be afraid to ask 不要畏惧疑问 but don"t ask again 但不要再次提问 we"ll forever last when you"re evergreen 我们将永远存在当你青春永驻~
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