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benefit利益,恩惠,善举 benefits津贴,救济金,保险赔偿费,义演


名词 n. 1.利益,好处;优势[U][C]The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town. 新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。 2.津贴,救济金[C][U]3.义演,义卖[C]4.【美】(收入的)免税部分[U]


benefit:普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。benefits造句:1、Intangible benefits may also accrue.也可能带来无形的好处。2、On the Costs and Benefits of Abiding by the Law.论守法的成本与效益。3、Using accept bribes, kickbacks or illegal benefits.利用职权收受贿赂、回扣或其它不法利益者。4、Now, of course, my upbringing had additional benefits.当然,我的成长经历也有额外的益处。5、He abused the system in order to reap personal benefits.他为了获取个人利益而滥用该制度。6、Do you ever acknowledge the benefits of living with Bree?你有没有想过跟布里一起住的好处?

Benefits of owning a car写一篇200字英语作文

owning a carNow as we are getting richer,more and more people are buying personal cars.I think owning a car can make it easy for people to go out and a car is much more comfortable than buses,bikes and motorbikes.But a car will do harm to the environment and if more and more people have cars,the street will be very busy all the time,it"s difficult for people to go across the road,and the more cars,the more accidents.So when choosing a car,you should consider if you really need a car.仅供参考哦,若有愚昧、错误之处请给与指点,

advantage音标怎么读3 benefits4 evidence

advantage [ədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ]汉字谐音读法:呃德哇踢击benefits [ˈbenɪfɪts] 汉字谐音读法:拜腻费吃evidence [ˈevɪdəns]汉字谐音读法:爱无一 德丝


The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town. 新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。 2.津贴,救济金[C][U]3.义演,义卖[C]4.【美】(收入的)免税部分[U]及物动词 vt. 1.对...有益,有益于The sea air will benefit you. 海边的空气对你有益。 不及物动词 vi. 1.得益,受惠[(+by/from)]We benefited greatly by this frank talk. 这

friend with benefits是什么意思?

“friend with benefit”字面上的意思是:互相利用的朋友。有利益关系的朋友。实际上这个词的意思是可以有性关系的朋友,就是说你们不是单纯的朋友,有性关系的那一种,跟利益无关的。benefit    英[ˈbenɪfɪt]    美[ˈbɛnəfɪt]    n.    利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽;    vt.    有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益;    [例句]Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。[其他]    第三人称单数:benefits 复数:benefits 现在分词:benefitting过去式:benefitted 过去分词:benefited    扩展资料friend用法:friendn,朋友,,友人,同胞,自己人,同盟者,资助者,捐助者。常用词组be (或 make) friends with 与…为(或交)友a friend at court有势力的朋友,靠山a friend in need is a friend indeed (谚)患难中的朋友才是真朋友friends in high places势力很大的朋友,强大的靠山my honourable friend(英)我尊敬的朋友(议员在下院中称呼或提到本党另一成员时的用语)my learned friend我渊博的同行(律师在法庭上称呼或提到另一律师时的用语)my noble friend (英)我高贵的朋友(议员在上院中称呼或提到本党另一成员时的用语)my Right Honourable friend

benefitsd 是什么意思

benefit英 [ˈbenɪfɪt] 美 [ˈbɛnəfɪt]n.利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽;vt.有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益;[例句]Law is established for the benefit of man.法律是为人类的利益而定制。[其他]第三人称单数:benefits 复数:benefits 现在分词:benefitting 过去式:benefitted 过去分词:benefited 形近词: benefin benefic

Pride hurts modesty benefits是什么意思

双语对照词典结果:Pride hurts modesty benefitspr.满招损,谦受益; 以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Benefits of school uniforms 翻译

校服的好处 你可能一直讨厌穿校服。你想要是唯一的和时髦的。但是信不信由你,穿校服也可以带给你很多好处。 校服可以使学校在辨认他们学校学生方面变得简单。所以小偷(坏人)不会轻易进入学校。穿校服也会节省你的时间。当你不必花时间在考虑穿什么和怎样穿的酷上的时候,你能够有更多的时间去关注学习。同时,你将会帮你的父母省下一笔买衣服的钱。校服也能够···(sensof是不是打错了,所以这一句没翻译,自己试一下)。穿同样的衣服甚至能减少来自同龄人的压力(就是减少攀比的意思)。它也可以减少偷窃这种事的发生。

earnings return profits gains benefits 都什么区别?

earnings:the net income or profit of a business.incomemoney inprofit1 margin 新加坡人把它翻译成"赚头",很贴切2.return. for a period of trading, the surplus of net assets at the end of a period over the net assets at the start of that period, adjusted where relevant for amounts of capital injected or withdrawn by the proprietors. gains benefits they are not jargons.gains means increase, benefits are the merits/advantages when doing benefits-costs analysisturnoversthe total sales figure of an organisation for a stated period, where trade discounts, VAT/GST,excise duty are excluded

profits, benefits and earnings

profit n.利润, 益处, 得益 vi.得益, 利用 vt.有益于, 有利于A benefit n.利益, 好处 vt.有益于, 有助于 vi.受益B earnings n.所得,收入C wine n.葡萄酒, 酒D excess n.过度, 剩于, 无节制, 超过, 超额 adj.过度的, 额外的所以选A

they have have numerous benefits是什么句型

主谓宾句型they(主) have have(谓) numerous benefits(宾)