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so go with the flow,because the heart relies anything,so go with the flow,什么意思

so go with the flow,because the heart relies anything,so go with the flow所以顺其自然,因为心依赖于什么,所以顺其自然

become attached to是什么意思

become attached to结缘;对…有依赖;喜爱例句1.attach or become attached to a stem word; of grammatical morphemes.依附于词根上;是一种语法现象。2.Once biofilms become attached to the surfaces of medical devices, they are extremely difficult to expunge.生物膜一旦粘附到医疗器械表面,去除将变的非常困难。3.So when we consume plants, their magnetic fields do not become attached to us.所以我们吃植物,不会被它们的磁场黏住。4.If you find a good solution and become attached to it, the solution may become your next problem.如果你找到了一个好的方法,并且依附着它,这个方法也许会成为你的下一个问题。5.Without knowing why, I had become attached to the White Tara.不知为何,我开始依赖白度母。6.Sometimes it will be merely the direction that your thoughts go into, prompted by the lower vibrations that have become attached to you.有时候,你得只是你的想法的方向进入,由低已成为连接到你的振动提示。

翻译 once upon a time a man became a great archer(射手).He asked the king to declare him a


求动漫《beck》中有首歌 mad house的歌词

没听过 不好意思


on the receiving end of 是个习惯用法, 就是某样东西的接收者, 承担者之类的意思

现在完成时 请问has been和has become有什么区别,它们不都是“成为”吗?

has been和has become在某些场合可以替换,但多数时候是不同的意义。例如It has been two weeks since I met him last time.这里只能用has been.

Kony 2012 Becomes Most Viral Video in History这句什么意思


due to 和 because of的区别如题

due to 后接句子,because of 后接名词

because of 和 due to 的区别

because of =as a result of; by reason of因为*They didn"t climb the mountain because of the rain.因为下雨他们没有爬山。 due to 1.=caused by;because of;owing to;thanks to由于;因为;由…造成*The accident was due to careless driving.这场车祸是粗心驾驶造成的。*What would you say inflation is mainly due to?你认为通货膨胀的主要原因是什么?*He arrived late due to the storm.他由于暴风雨而来迟了。2.=attributable to归于*His success was largely due to his hard work.他的成功在很大程度上归功于他的辛勤劳动。*The credit is due to you.荣誉应该归于你。*Respect is die to older people.年长者应受到尊敬。*The first place is due to the chairman.首席应给主席。*What is the amount due to you?欠你多少钱?3.=expected or scheduled to arrive or be ready;supposed to do 预期的;应到的;预定的*The train is due to pull in at 5:30a.m.火车预定早上5点半到达。*Professor Smith is due to give us a lecture at eight tomorrow morning.史密斯教授预定明天上午8点给我们演讲。

due to 和 because of的区别 如题

他们都是“因为”可以互换,但due to 不能置于句首,而because of前后都可以放.例如: he was tired because of/due to his hard work. because of his hard work,he was tired. 意思都是:由于他...

hence,because 有什么区别


hence,because 有什么区别


because of frequently exam错在哪




beck里面slip out的歌词

slip out的歌词I don"t know since when I changed in such a cold-hearted guy. I have to warm this frozen icy lonely heart to thaw. I like being wrapped with warmness more then anything else for sure. I"m gonna make my coming days to be filled with laughter and joy I let myself down that I"m more curel then I thought I would be. I"m just a loser who ends up by caring for my soul. I don"t give my hear to no one cause I don"t wanna waste my time. I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of this lonesome hole.Sarrow is what I hate but it"s grown my sensations. Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions. Peace is always by my side but I"ve never felt it once. Love is not the word only for the sweet romance. Well I"m scared, scared, scared to death. And I"m scared to keep going on my way. Well I"m scared, scared, scared, scared to death. And I"ll tell myself I"m special till the end. Recalling my torn broken, aching heart of these long days. And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps. Reacalling, breaking, aching, crying, making sure to me. And I take all and grin at my future on the way.

求《beck》(摇滚新乐团)中的音乐,歌曲 要动漫的 不要电影的




求类似于BECK 一样的关于 乐队的动漫

国产的<我为歌狂> <金色琴弦> <万有引力>



求Beck-Lost Cause中文歌词 这里有翻译,请查看后及时采纳,谢谢


应为 Beck和AIyssa Vaughn交朋友jade吃醋 所以吵架 后面和好了






不健全 ;宁愿不幸福 ;real lemon ;second banana都是beck的文






没什么结局, 简单概括就是千辛万苦 back终于出名小熊和miho还有些“感情戏” 可以稍微看下






Andre饰演者 Leon Thomas里昂 托马斯Jade 饰演者 Liz Gillies 丽兹 吉利斯Beck 饰演者 Avan Jojia 埃文 乔吉亚Cat 饰演者 Ariana Grande 阿丽亚娜 葛郎黛Trina 饰演者 Vanilla Bonet 凡尼拉 贝妮特Robbie 饰演者Matthew Bennett 马修 本尼特Tori 饰演者 Victotria Justice 维多利亚 贾斯蒂斯非常棒的一部美剧,刚刚看完。纯属手打,请采纳。如有疑问可追问。




查看文章 【BECK摇滚新乐团】 2007年05月02日 星期三 22:31 【BECK摇滚新乐团】[1-26话完整版]分类: 金驼JT-动漫卡通 | 标签: 经典, 动漫, 卡通 ■■信息: 【碟商】:JT金驼  【编号】:K-829 【类型】:动画 【版本】:台三曼迪 【状态】:已出货■■配置: 【总片长】:600Min 【音轨】:国语DD2.0-256K 日语LPCM2.0-1536K 【字幕】:中文简体/繁体 【视频】: 4:3■■容量:D5×9 DISC1:3.48G 第1-2话 DISC2:4.35G 第3-5话 DISC3:4.35G 第6-8话 DISC4:4.35G 第9-11话 DISC5:4.35G 第12-14话 DISC6:4.35G 第15-17话 DISC7:4.35G 第18-20话 DISC8:4.35G 第21-23话 DISC8:4.35G 第24-26话■■STAFF:制作·发行/Madhouse Production 监督·脚本/小林治 音响监督/长崎行男 人物设定/堀元宣 音乐制作/DefSTAR RECORDS ■■CAST:田中幸雄....浪川大辅 南龙介(龙介)....上野裕马 千叶恒美(千叶)....大畑伸太郎 平义行(平)....野岛健儿 樱井裕志(サク)....奈良彻 斋藤研一(斋藤さん)....掟ポルシェ 南真帆(真帆)....齐木美帆 石黑泉(泉ちゃん)....丸山美纪 ■■实物图: 整体包装: 片基: 金驼logo:■■剧情简介:故事是从主角田中幸雄的独白开始的。  向往有点不一样的生活的 平凡的中学生田中幸雄在某日救了一只偶然遇上的名叫‘BECK"的怪狗,因而认识了当时狗的主人的‘那个男人"——‘龙介"。他救了的狗名字也成为了之后主角活跃其中的乐团的名字。  龙介是一个带有奇异吸引力的充满魅力的人。属于归国子女的他,在美国时曾与现今对年轻人最有影响力的当红乐团‘Dying breed"组过乐团,可说是个天才吉他手。一直都认为冲绳出身的艺人‘国吉千惠美"的音乐最棒的幸雄,在听了‘Dying breed"之后开始对摇滚开始认识,并加入了龙介所组的乐团‘BECK"。之后,身为主角的幸雄不再是平凡的中学生,虽然他本身一直没发觉,但之后的事却证明了他拥有非凡的音乐才能——幸雄的歌声有着听了会让人震撼无比的力量!  故事就以幸雄的成长与乐团‘BECK"的奋斗物语作为主情节,而其日常(学校)生活作为支线情节下展开。  与青梅竹马的学姐而且又是东中小姐的‘泉",以及龙介的妹妹,有着爽朗性格的归国子女‘真帆"两人的恋爱;与教他吉他并身兼他游泳教练的中年单身贵族??斋藤的点滴,在学校被欺负的事以及打工等等…………演出,吉他,不安,自卑,爱与欢笑的日子的故事构成了‘BECK"——这部奋斗物语!■■截图: 主菜单: 话数及字幕菜单: 正片内容:■■主要人物角色介绍:[BECK]:本作的名物。不知什麼原因成了「花斑」狗,(插花:难道是」BLACK JACK「亲手移植的病人…………)特别喜欢咬主角的手的怪狗田中幸雄:平凡的没有什麼才能与特长的主角。有些厌倦过於单?#123;的生活,目前的愿望是写一本有趣的自传。却在某天就了一只怪狗了从此迈向了踏上摇滚主唱之路。南龙介:美裔归国子女,是曾与现美国最受欢迎的乐队 [Dying Breed]吉他手埃迪组过乐队的天才吉他手。具有特殊的吸引他人的魅力,目标是组建最强的乐团,现乐团成员搜索中。千叶恒美:爱曾分明?的二主唱?是龙介的债主……平 义行:未来的[BECK]贝斯手,提出除非有强力主唱否则不加入龙介乐团的人。现招募中。南真帆:龙介的妹妹,性格豪爽开朗,将与主角有感情纠葛。对表演有兴趣,想到美国发展演戏。石黑泉:幸雄的学姐,身受喜爱的「中东小姐」漂亮,开朗,喜欢摇滚并影响了幸雄。同样对幸雄有好感。

Beck的《Lost Cause》 歌词

歌名:Lost Cause歌手:BeckYour sorry eyes, they cut through boneThey make it hard to leave you aloneLeave you here wearing your woundsWaving your guns at somebody newBaby you"re lostBaby you"re lostBaby you"re a lost causeThere"s too many people you used to knowThey see you coming, they see you goThey know your secrets, and you know theirsThis town is crazy, but nobody caresBaby you"re lostBaby you"re lostBaby you"re a lost causeI"m tired of fightingI"m tired of fightingFighting for a lost causeThere"s a place where you are goingYou ain"t never been beforeThere"s no one laughing at your back nowNo one standing at your doorIs that what you thought love was forBaby you"re lostBaby you"re lostBaby you"re a lost causeI"m tired of fightingI"m tired of fightingFighting for a lost cause


1.建立良好的医患关系,耐心解释治疗的目的及方法,让患者主动参与治疗。2.全面了解患者的当前问题及有关背景材料,列出关键问题。3.识别患者负性的自动思维确定首先干预的目标。例如Beck认为,抑郁症有负性认知三联征:①对自身的负性评价。②对以往经历的负性评价。③对前途的负性评价,由此呈现动机行为的病态表现。4. ABCDE技术的采用。 A即刺激,B指个体的信念,C指情绪和行为结果,D为干预性指导,E为干预后的效果。5.Beck认知治疗往往取以下三个步骤:①启发患者寻找不良认知。②协助患者暴露认知曲解或逻辑错误,并加以讨论、检验、合理推论。③通过反复“诘难”改变负性自动思维,放弃原有的错误认知,建立正确认知。6.改变错误认知方式常用技术有:①检验假设校正法。②信条(或称价值观念)改变法。③思维方式转换法。④心理剧角色扮演领悟法等。7.布置家庭作业,可列出三个栏目:①自动思维。②认知歪曲的评定。 ③合理认知。8.行为改变技法,针对不同的对象,设计“日常活动计划表”,适于缺乏动机及活力的患者,遵循“循序渐进,先易后难”原则。9.“M?/FONT>P”技巧的使用。 M即调控、把握,P为愉快、欢乐。根据患者的日常活动评价M值和P值(0~5分制),并书面记录下来,依计划行事调整进度,动机强化后成功的自信心及愉快感也由之增加。10.价值观念的矫正:①“该与不该”信条:患者的内心价值体系中总有一些“应该”与“不应该”的人生守则,目标过高会不堪负荷,范围过广则难以宽于待人,造成人际关系紧张。治疗者要指出这一信条的非现实性及局限性,使患者的待人处事律己会更现实、更富有弹性。②“幸福与痛苦”信条:这常常是来访者人生目标追求过程中的两种极端情绪化反应,也基于相应认知过程。例如“不是楼上楼,就是楼下搬砖头”、“要幸福必须事事成功”、“达不到目标勿宁死”,也称此为“非此即彼”,又称“全和无”观念。治疗者应该使患者明确“世上事并非十全十美,不如意常有八九”,不能事事都“背水一战”,必须经常调整目标及期望值,提高对挫折及失败的耐受力。③“危险与安全”信条:对环境及事件发生前危险度的估计因人而异,估计过高会产生不必要的紧张焦虑,使行为受限(如恐怖症、强迫症);估计过低,则易发生意外。临床常见的为前者,治疗时要向患者指出这种过分不安全感的危害性,易造成紧张或人际交往困难,过高估计危险会畏难不前,产生适应不良行为。诸如此类的不现实价值观均须予以矫正,故认知治疗又称认知行为疗法。


那首歌的名字叫做《Moon on the water》,有三个版本。男声独唱,女声独唱,男女混合。用百度搜一搜就可以找到了,我这里还有这歌的吉他谱,有需要也可以叫我。QQ:10844543。附歌词:Full moon swaysGently in the night of one fine dayOn my wayLooking for a moment with my dearFull moon wavesslowly in the surface of the lakeYou were thereSmiling in my arms for all those years.What a foolI don"t know "bout tomorrowWhat it"s like to beAhI was foolCouldn you let myself to goEven though i feelThe endOld love affairFloating like a bird resting her wingsYou were thereSmiling in my arms for all those yearsWhat a foolI don"t know "bout tomorrowWhat it"s like to beAhI was foolCouldn you let myself to goEven though i feelThe endWhat a foolI don"t know "bout tomorrowWhat it"s like to beAhI was foolCouldn you let myself to goEven though i feelThe endFull moon swaysGently in the night of one fine dayYou were thereSmiling in my arms for all those years




向井理◇《BECK》(2010年9月4日) 饰演 贝斯手电影《BECK》2010年9月4日公映 描绘五个天才音乐青年奋斗历程的漫画《BECK》即将被搬上银幕,第一主人公吉他手南龙介由目前红得发紫的水岛宏饰演,主音小雄、说唱手千叶、鼓手樱井、贝司手阿平分别由佐藤健、桐谷健太、中村苍、向井理出演,构成了名副其实的帅哥乐团。影片由名导堤幸彦执掌导筒,预定明年秋天公映。 HAROLD作石编绘的漫画《BECK》(一译《摇滚新乐团》)于1999年至2008年连载于月刊《少年杂志》之上,曾荣获讲谈社漫画奖,单行本销量达一千五百万。

Beck的《Lemonade》 歌词

歌曲名:Lemonade歌手:Beck专辑:Odelay - Deluxe EditionLemonSee through in the sunlightShe wore lemonBut never in the daylightShe"s gonna make you cryShe"s gonna make you whisper and moanAnd when you"re dryShe draws her water from the stoneAnd I feelLike I"m slowly, slowly,Slowly slipping underAnd I feelLike I"m holding onto nothingShe wore lemonTo colour in the cold grey nightShe had heavenAnd she held on so tightA man makes a pictureA moving pictureThrough the light projectedHe can see himself up closeA man captures colourA man likes to stareHe turns his money into lightTo look for herAnd I feelLike I"m drifting, drifting,Drifting from the shoreAnd I feelLike I"m swimming out to herMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsLemonSee through in the sunlightA man builds a cityWith banks and cathedralsA man melts the sand so he canSee the world outsideYou"re gonna meet her thereA man makes a carShe"s your destinationAnd builds a road to run them onYou gotta get to herA man dreams of leavingShe"s imaginationBut he always stays behindAnd these are the daysWhen our work has come asunderAnd these are the daysWhen we look for something otherMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsMidnight is where the day beginsA man makes a pictureA moving pictureThrough the light projectedHe can see himself up closeYou"re gonna meet her thereA man captures colourShe"s your destinationA man likes to stareThere"s no sleeping thereHe turns his money into lightShe"s imaginationTo look for herLemonShe is the dreamerShe"s imaginationShe had heavenThrough the light projectedHe can see himself up closeShe wore lemonEnjoy U2_Lemon,Crono.



Beck的《Orphans》 歌词

歌曲名:Orphans歌手:Beck专辑:Modern Guilt-Interscope RecordsBeck - OrphanThink I"m stranded but I don"t know whereI got this diamond I don"t know how to shineIn the sun where the dark winds wailAnd these children leave their rulers behindAs we cross ten leagues from a rubiconThe matchsticks for my bonesIf we can learn how to freeze ourselves aliveWe can learn to leave these burdens to burnCast out these creatures of woeWho shatter themselvesFighting the fire with your bare handsNow my journey takes me further southI want to hear what the blind men singWith their fossils and their gypsy bonesI"ll stand beside myself so I"m not aloneAnd how can I make new again what rusts every time it rainsAnd the rain it comes and floods our lungsWe"re just orphans in a tidal wave"s wakeIf I wake up and see my maker comingWith all of his crimson and his iron desireWe"ll drag the streets with the baggage of longingto be loved or destroyedFrom a void to a grain of sand in your handAhhhhAhhhh oooh oohAhhhh oooh oohAhhhh oooh ooh

Beck的《Hotwax》 歌词

歌曲名:Hotwax歌手:Beck专辑:Odelay - Deluxe EditionIt takes a backwash man to sing a backwash songLike a frying pan when the fire"s goneDriving my pig while the band"s taking pictures in the grassIn my radio smashedAnd I like pianos in the evening sunDragging my heels "til my day is doneSaturday night in the captain"s clothesTender horns blowin" in my jury "frosYo soy un disco quebradoYo tengo chicle en el cerebro *I can"t believe my way back whenMy Cadillac pants going much to fastKaraoke weekend at the suicide shackCommunity service and I"m still the mackShocked my finger, spots on my handI been spreading disease all across the landBeautiful air-conditioned, sitting in the kitchenWishing I was living like a hit manFace down in the guaranteesJaundiced honchos gettin" busy with meBecause I get down I get downI get down all the wayYo soy un disco quebradoYo tengo chicle en el cerebro *Sawdust songs of the plaid bartendersWestern Unions of the country westernsSilver foxes looking for romanceIn the chain smoke Kansas flashdance ass pantsAnd you got the hotwax residuesYou never lose in your razor blade shoesStealing pesos out of my brainHazard signs down the Alamo lanesRadar systems piercing the soulsYou never get caught with the wax so rottenAll my days I got the grizzly wordsHijacked flavors that I"m flipping like birdsYo soy un disco quebradoYo tengo chicle en el cerebro. *girl: "who are you?"man: "I"m the enchanting wizard of rhythm."girl: "why did you come here?"man: "I came here to tell you about the rhythms of the universe...."

Beck的《Dark Star》 歌词

歌曲名:Dark Star歌手:Beck专辑:The InformationDark StarTarja TurunenBurning out in the distance you"re fallingStarting to fadeLight is condemned to be tied down by gravity close to the endDo you still remember?Before the weight that pulled you underDared you to riseWhere are you now?Are you proud of the life you wasted?Wearing the crown of illusion you createdYou"ll never know what it feels like to shineYou"re the master who in your own mindBut a slave to allYou are a dark starEmptyIs never enoughYou keep clawing for what you can"t reachSmothering space filled without any grace and I can"t breatheNothing lasts foreverEven the stars will loose their luster returning to dustDark...Star...Dark... Star...


关于Beck三联征,描述正确的是() A.静脉压升高,>1.47kPa;脉搏宏大,心音清晰,动脉压降低 B.静脉压降低,<1.47kPa;脉搏微弱,心音遥远动脉压降低 C.静脉压升高,>1.47kPa;脉搏微弱,心音遥远动脉压降低 D.静脉压升高,>1.47kPa;脉搏宏大,心音清晰;动脉压升高 E.静脉压减低,<1.47kPa;脉搏微弱,心音遥远;动脉压升高(正确答案)

Beck的《Jack-Ass》 歌词

歌曲名:Jack-Ass歌手:Beck专辑:Odelay - Deluxe EditionPixie Lott - JackJack was nimbleJack, he was quickJack could jump right over the candle stickNow he"s gone and I"m burningAll aloneYeah he"s gone and I"m burning still, oh noA beautiful story left incompleteOoh, how he knocked me off my feetSitting by my window paneThinking am I going insaneWhy do you only shoot me halfway to the moonAnd I can"t get over that, over thatBaby after loving JackThere"s no going back, going backJack and JillThey went up that hillTo fetch a pail of water but there was a spillAnd Jill came tumbling downAll aloneAll came tumbling down, oh noPulled to the ground by gravityWill it remain a mysterySitting by my window paneThinking am I going insaneWhy do you only shoot me halfway to the moonAnd I can"t get over that, over thatBaby after loving JackThere"s no going back, going backA beautiful story left incompleteOoh, how he knocked me off of my feetSitting by my window paneThinking am I going insaneWhy do you only shoot me halfway to the moonAnd I can"t get over that, over thatBaby after loving JackThere"s no going back, going backOh no, no, after loving JackThere"s no going back

Beck的《Track-10》 歌词

歌曲名:Track-10歌手:Beck专辑:亚洲音乐杂辑Track作词:KEI作曲:KEI编曲:KEI呗:巡音ルカ翻译:MIU「迷わないで歩けたら」/「若是毫不迷惘地前进」「选ばないで进めたら」/「若是不做选择地前进」それじゃいつか饱きてしまうだろ/那麼总会有厌烦的时候吧间违えて通った道で拾ってきたんだ 宝物/在走错的途中 拾到的宝物それをどうか无くしたりしないように/为了绝不要将它丢失思うほど强くも弱くもなさそうだ/没有想像中坚强与软弱少しずつ少しずつ/若是一点一滴変わり続けてく仆らなら/不断改变的我们何度でも何度も/屡次三番挑んでは败れても/挑战失败也好少しだけ少しだけ/为了至少一点点昨日よりましに思えるように/变得比昨天更强ただ描いてく/只要继续描出仆らだけの辙/只属於我们的车辙夺い取って手に入れて/因夺取而来的胜ち夸って掲げても/而去昂扬自得それはいつか夺われちゃうでしょう/那麼总会有一天被夺走吧绮丽事だろうとも/即使是说著华而不实的话世迷言と呼ばれても/被说是牢骚也罢信じたい/想去相信何もない场所まで伸ばした手を/伸向一无所有的地方的手少しずつ少しずつ/即便是一点一滴変わり続けてく仆らなら/不断改变的我们何度でも何度も/屡次三番望んでた変わらぬもの/希望著不变的事物少しだけ少しだけ/只要一点点届きそうな気がしてるから/似乎传达出去的话ただ描いてく/就去继续描出仆らだけの辙/只属於我们的车辙分かりかけてた昨日までの/明白过来的直到昨天的张り巡らされた决まり事も/遍布的规则也好明日になれば真逆のことに见えたら/到了明天 变成完全相反的话今日の仆らに选べるもの/今天我们所做的选择それほど沢山は无いけれど/虽然并没有如此之多间违いなどどこにもないのだろう/但也没有任何地方做错少しずつ少しずつ/若是一点一滴変わり続けてく仆らなら/不断改变的我们何度でも何度も/屡次三番挑んでは败れても/挑战失败也好少しだけ少しだけ/为了至少一点点昨日よりましに思えるように/变得比昨天更强ただ描いてく/只要继续描出仆らだけの辙/只属於我们的车辙少しずつ少しずつ/即便是一点一滴変わり続けてく仆らでも/不断改变的我们何度でも何度も/屡次三番望んでた変わらぬもの/希望著不变的事物少しだけ少しだけ/只要一点点届きそうな気がしてるから/似乎传达出去的话ただ描いてく/就去继续描出仆らだけの辙/只属於我们的车辙ただ刻んでく/只要继续去刻下一筋だけの辙/这条一心一意的车辙终わり

Beck的《Youthless》 歌词

歌曲名:Youthless歌手:Beck专辑:Modern GuiltBeck - YouthlessThere"s A bottomless pitThat we"ve been Climbing fromJust to get On level groundShake your seasick Legs aroundDead of winter In a logo townSigns of life Are soft And flickeringNeed a bed To lay my body downDeadweight to carry downSome static Is lulling me to sleepHang your clothes On a chain link fenceIn a junkyard say amenYour mouth is full Of wordless hymns And run-on sentencesAnd they"re helpless And forgettingIn the background Holding nothingAnd they"re youthless And pretendingWith their bare hands Holding nothingThere"s A million horses Dragging downA monolith With these trademarks So bereavedTied my leg To a barricadeWith a plastic Hand grenadeThey tried To turn emotion Into noiseNeed a teleprompter For my lifeNeed a pipeline To the nightMy body Can"t get no reliefAnd this life it Goes by fastYou"re treading Water in the pastTrying to re-animate SomethingThat you Can"t understandAnd they"re helpless And forgettingIn the background Saying nothingAnd he"s youthless And forgettingWith his bare hands Touching nothingAnd he"s helpless And forgettingIn the background Saying nothingAnd he"s youthless And pretendingWith his bare hands Holding nothing








贝克认为人的情绪和认知是有密切关系的.Beck所描述的认知三联症中,它包含对自我(“我是个失败者”),对世界(“没有人关心我”),对未来(“我不会有任何成就”) 的负性自动思维.






beck英式发音 [bek],美式发音 [bek].beck在中文中有“贝克;小溪”的意思。词组:at someone"s beck and call 唯某人之命是从,随时听候某人的差遣at (one"s) beck and call 唯命是从;愿意依从任何愿望或命令例句:Don"t expect to have me at your beck and call.休想随意摆布我。I knew he was trying to wheedle me into being at his beck and call.我知道这是他拉拢我,好让我俯首帖耳地为他效劳。

Beck的《Replica》 歌词

歌曲名:Replica歌手:Beck专辑:Modern GuiltReplicaSonata ArcticaEclipticaI"m home again,I won the war,And now I am behind your door.I tried so hardTo obey the law,See the meaning of it all.Remember me?Before the war.I"m the man who lived next door.Long ago...As you can see,When you look at me,I"m pieces of what I used to be.It"s easierIf you don"t see meStanding on my own two feet.I"m taller when I sitHere still,You ask are all my dreams fulfilled.They made me a heart of steel,The kind them bullets cannot seeNothing"s what it seems to be,I"m a replica, I"m a replicaEmpty shell inside of meI"m not myself, I"m a replica of me...The light is green,My slate is clean,New life to fill the hole in me.I had no name,Last December,Christmas Eve I can"t remember.I was a constant pain,I saw your shadow in the rain.I painted all your pigeons red,I wish I had stayed home instead.Nothing"s what it seems to be,I"m a replica, I"m a replicaEmpty shell inside of meI"m not myself, I"m a replica of me...Are you gonna leave me now,When it is all overAre you gonna leave me,Is my world now over...Raising from the place I"ve been,And trying to keep my home base clean.Now I"m here and won"t go back, believe...I fall asleepAnd dream a dream,I"m floating in a silent stream.Blame on meBut nothing"s what is seems to be, yeah.Nothing"s what it seems to be,I"m a replica, I"m a replicaEmpty shell inside of meI"m not myself, I"m a replicaNothing"s what it seems to be,I"m a replica,Empty shell inside of meI"m a replicaNothing"s what it seems to be,I"m a replica,Empty shell inside of meI"m a replicaNothing"s what it seems to be,I"m a replica,Empty shell inside of meI"m a replica of me ...I"m home again,I won the war,And now I am behind your door.I tried so hardTo obey the law,See the meaning of it all.Remember me?Before the war.I"m the man who paracortex

Beck的《feelings》 歌词

歌曲名:feelings歌手:Beck专辑:golden feelingsI have so many feelingsAnd I know that I"m dealingI"m dealing with all these feelingsFeelingsOh, feelings!Lord I have so many feelingsAnd I know that I"m dealingI"m dealing with all these feelingsI"m feeling all of these feelingsLord I know that I"m healingI"m trying to feel all of my feelingsFeelings that make me feelThat there"s something more to be realLord I"m dealing with these feelingsFeelingsFeelingsFeelingsOh no noAll of these feelingsWhen everything is turningTurning into my feelingsAnd I know that something is feelingAll of my feelings





Beck的《Orphans》 歌词

歌曲名:Orphans歌手:Beck专辑:Modern GuiltJack"s Mannequin - OrphansI am looking for a signMy spirit"s fadedShe holds on like a vinePatterns in trafficThey sound just like my heartRace in the darkIn time to catch you.No one should let youGo wandering off into the nightYou"re not an orphan.I keep waiting for my breathTo come back neverSo take what I have leftPatterns in trafficThat pulls just like my heartRace in the darkIn time to catch youNo one should let youGo wandering off into the nightYou"re not an orphan.Right there to catch youI won"t forget you.Now you"re wandering to the nightBut you"re no orphanYou"re not an orphanI never thought the day would come(you"re not an orphan)They tell me that you"ve finally run(you"re not an orphan)I guess you always said you would someday(you"re not an orphan)I never thought the day would come(you"re not an orphan)They tell me that you"ve finally run(you"re not an orphan)I guess you always said you would someday

如何评价 Beck 的《Morning Phase》

无意间看到这个问题。其实本人对欧美的音乐并没太对了解,但我女票在这方面是有自己的见解的却又没自信表达出来。于是我就把这个问题分享给了她,她果然很感兴趣给出了自己的想法。我也乐得把她的想法分享给题主。主要内容见下。第一,我心里的album of the year绝对是beyoncé【她是一个Beyonce的铁杆乐迷所以会这么说】第二,单看beck得奖我觉得。。。he deserves it.毕竟这么多年了。而且虽然确实是离最好还差点儿但是平心而论哪张也都不差。第三,小众虽然小众但音乐质量绝对不小众。grammy虽然主流虽然pop但是它至少也还是关注音乐本身的并且关注于各种音乐的。现在r&b,jazz,country,folk曾几何时都是小众。有的时候something new本身就意味着小众。而且一直以来推动音乐本身的也确实都是something new。况且beck也摸爬滚打这么多年,怎么说也已经不算是someone new了,而且他的音乐本身也对一些主流的pop歌手有一些影响。总之一句话,他得奖确实意外,因为有比他更好的选择;他今年得奖也意外,因为他以前的专辑感觉有更好的;但是他赢了就是赢了,我们也说不出什么来。that"s it。不知道答案是否有所帮助。只希望能有人看到。谢谢。

Beck的《Youthless》 歌词

歌曲名:Youthless歌手:Beck专辑:Modern Guilt-Interscope RecordsBeck - YouthlessThere"s A bottomless pitThat we"ve been Climbing fromJust to get On level groundShake your seasick Legs aroundDead of winter In a logo townSigns of life Are soft And flickeringNeed a bed To lay my body downDeadweight to carry downSome static Is lulling me to sleepHang your clothes On a chain link fenceIn a junkyard say amenYour mouth is full Of wordless hymns And run-on sentencesAnd they"re helpless And forgettingIn the background Holding nothingAnd they"re youthless And pretendingWith their bare hands Holding nothingThere"s A million horses Dragging downA monolith With these trademarks So bereavedTied my leg To a barricadeWith a plastic Hand grenadeThey tried To turn emotion Into noiseNeed a teleprompter For my lifeNeed a pipeline To the nightMy body Can"t get no reliefAnd this life it Goes by fastYou"re treading Water in the pastTrying to re-animate SomethingThat you Can"t understandAnd they"re helpless And forgettingIn the background Saying nothingAnd he"s youthless And forgettingWith his bare hands Touching nothingAnd he"s helpless And forgettingIn the background Saying nothingAnd he"s youthless And pretendingWith his bare hands Holding nothing


胜利之歌beck喜欢jade。VictoriaVega又名ToriVega,本剧女主角,在好莱坞艺术学院的年度报告汇演上替姐姐表演获得认可,从舍伍德高中转学到好莱坞艺术学院,这让她更好地展示自己在表演、唱歌、舞蹈方面的才华。并在好莱坞艺术学院结交更多新朋友。她一开始不太适应,但她很快就学到了很多新的知识,并知道如何在HA学习。热心帮助朋友,有时有点八卦。TrinaVega,女主角的姐姐。也在好莱坞艺术学院就读。AndreHarris,Tori在好莱坞艺术学院结交的第一个好友。黑人,是一位极其出色的音乐家,有着作词作曲演奏演唱等多方面才能,很受大家的欢迎。是Tori的好搭档和好友,经常帮Tori写歌。他有一位精神‘特殊"的奶奶,令他十分头疼,但也不得不说是他灵感的源泉。很热心,且很有音乐天赋,但很难掩饰自己的情感。基本信息《胜利之歌》是尼克儿童频道新推出的一部青春喜剧,由Steve Hoefer执导,Victoria Justice主演。讲述了出色的歌手Tori Vega(Victoria Justice饰)误打误撞地进入了她姐姐的学校好莱坞艺术学院之后的生活故事。



BECK中的露西露 是南介咋得来的 弹孔呢?

露西露是艾迪和龙介从雷恩车上偷来的,弹孔是原先就有的。这原本是传说中的蓝调之神Sunnyboy·Waters的所有物,在舞台上惨遭情敌枪杀才在琴身留下弹痕,死后便遗留给Sunnyboy的弟子约翰·李·戴维斯(John Lee Davis),其后又转交给外甥雷恩·赛克斯,后来被窃取车上物品的龙介及艾迪偶然发现并带走。

求《BECK》(摇滚新乐团)中的音乐,歌曲。 要动漫的,不要电影的,最好是MP3格式

youthless,loser,pay no mind,chemtrails,girl,paper tiger


首先,BECK的主人公是小雄龙介在乐队中是主音吉他手 小雄是节奏吉他手兼主唱 千叶是专职主唱个人觉得真人版的角色气场差别和原作很大。。。不期待




发生Beck三联征的原因如下:正常心包内压力是零或负值。如积聚液体较多时,心包腔内压力会升高,可以产生血流动力学的改变。当液体积聚达到一定程度时就限制心脏的扩张,降低心肌的顺应性,显著妨碍心脏舒张期的血液充盈,从而导致心搏量降低。 每搏量的下降最初由反射性的增加肾上腺素能神经的张力而代偿:静脉压的升高以增加心室的充盈;心肌收缩力的增强和心率的加快以增加心排出量;收缩周围小动脉以维持血压。如果心包积液继续增加,心包腔内压力进一步增高,机体代偿机制衰竭,导致心排出量显著下降,动脉血压下降,周围组织灌注不足,循环衰竭而产生休克,此时即为心脏压塞。因心脏舒张功能明显受限静脉回流受阻,而出现静脉压力上升;心脏搏出血量减少而出现动脉血压下降;心脏被积液包绕心音传导受限而出现心音遥远。


⑴片头曲“HIT IN THE USA”(歌:BEAT CRUSADERS、作词:ヒダカトオル、作曲?编曲:BEAT CRUSADERS)⑵片尾曲“My World Down”(1~20集) (歌:meister、作词:Tim Jensen、作曲?编曲:Ryo Matsui)“MOON ON THE WATER”(21~26集)




大概是8年前,还在上初中的我第一次接触到BECK,那是在一本杂志的小角落。每天生活在题海中迷茫的我搜索了BECK,点开了其中特别狂热的一集,从此我和吉他正式结缘。虽然是推荐作品给大家,但这里对剧情就不做太多的描述,讲的是一个少年无意中接触到吉他改变了他生活的故事。对于那时刚进入叛逆期的我,对于梦想/理想/热血这类事情是毫无抵抗力的。从来不敢和家里索求东西的我,看完BECK后第一次开口向家里要了一把吉他。在第二年中考完后,我拿到了人生中第一把吉他。 后来上了高中,在一个无意的契机下,认识了几个志同道合的朋友。他们说:“我们创立一个吉他社吧。”就这样,在大学大环境并不支持学生搞社团的情况下,由几个小青年创立的吉他社出现了。后来陆续来了一些同样热爱音乐的朋友。但是学校并不支持学习以外的任何组织活动,除了给予我们一间破教室以外没有任何支持。社团除了内部成员的日常活动,并没有什么提高社团知名度的机会,成员们感觉到无趣后离开了不少。后来转机出现了,学校的新年晚会需要我们一个节目作为开场。那时候大家就说组一支乐队上吧!那时候队伍里缺一名bass,队长希望我能担任这个位置。那时候深受BECK影响的我可以说是得到了千载难逢的机会。但是对bass的一无所知,加上根本不敢开口和家里索要一把如此昂贵的bass,人生中就这样第一次和组乐队擦肩而过。后来这支乐队出了矛盾,加上水平有限,表演得很糟糕,不久后乐队解散了,而刚成立的吉他社也四分五裂。后来因为要准备高考,大家也都纷纷放下了手中的琴,在角落里铺满了尘。后来在大学因为加入了吉他协会,又重新拾起了吉他。和高中不同的是大学的社团有资金,有舞台,有梦想。我人生中也第一次领略到摇滚节现场的魅力。 大一摇滚节过后,出现了一波乐队热,许多喜欢音乐的人纷纷组起了乐队,为了下一年的摇滚节而奋斗。这时候,我错过了第二次组乐队的机会。原因很复杂,但最根本的原因也就是自己怂罢了。这成了我后来大学乃至人生的遗憾。再后来,我彻底融入了协会,当上了部长,结交了很多同样喜欢吉他,喜欢音乐的人。虽然自己任然没有站上大舞台,任然没有组起乐队,但这儿认识了许多有趣的人,经历了许多有趣的事,这或许比其他更加重要吧。 如今,我毕业了。手上的吉他应该会继续陪伴我日后的人生,即使技术还是一如既往的低。对了,说到最后发现好像没有怎么介绍BECK。其实,故事的内容和评价网上一搜到处都有,并不需要我做更多的阐述。而我和吉他的故事的开始,却毫无疑问因为BECK。每次打算放弃吉他的时候,我都会再次看一遍BECK,找回当初第一次拾起吉他的心情,找回那个拥有着梦想的自己。 题外话:【BECK】是26集动漫,画质已经跟不上现在的动漫,但音乐绝对是一流。没有耐心的朋友可以先看最后23-26,如果觉得有趣再从头看(前几集比较枯燥)。【BECK】后来翻拍了真人剧场版,但并没有采用原动漫的歌曲,并对一场关键演出运用了消音想象的拍摄方法。个人感觉比较遗憾,但里面的歌曲【evolution】依旧十分热血狂躁! 最后的最后:写这文章一方面想向大家推广这部小众的好作品,另一方面也是记录我和吉他的故事。毕竟,这样的青春,以后没有了吧。









If you throw a stone into the red sea ,what will it become?原因

Answer: It will become invisible.It will become a stone in the red sea.It will become a wet stone.

become hot成分

3Dtechology 是主语 has become 是谓语 a hot topic是宾语 after引导的是时间状语从局 在电影Avatar让世界疯狂之后,3D科技变成了一个热门话题 继续问吧,

谁有后街男孩的 I need you tonight和 because of you的歌词 (完整版)

Backstreet Boys---I Need You Tonight Open up your heart to meAnd say what"s on your mind, oh yes I know that we have been through so much pain But I still need you in my life this time and, I need you tonight, I need you right now I know deep within my heart It doesn"t matter if it"s wrong or right I really need you tonight I figured out what to say to you sometimes the words they, they come out so wrong, oh yes they do And I know in time that you will understand That what we have is so right this timeand, I need you tonight, I need you right now I know deep within my heart It doesn"t matter if it"s wrong or right All those endless times we tried to make it last forever more And baby I know I need you, oh, oh, yeahI know deep within my heartIt doesn"t matter if it"s wrong or right I really need you, ohI need you tonightI need you, oh I need you baby I need you right nowIt"s gotta be this, it"s gotta be this I know deep within my heart No, it doesn"t matter if it"s wrong or it"s right All I know is baby I really need you tonight hu...because of youYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCuz I"m losing my mind when you"re not aroundIts all (It"s all) It"s all because of youBaby I really know by nowSince we met that dayYou showed me the wayI felt it then you gave me love I can"t describeHow much I feel for youI said baby I should have known by nowShould heave been right there whenever you gave me loveAnd if only you were hereI"d tell you yes I"d tell you(oh yeah)You"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCuz I"m losing my mind when you"re not aroundIts all (It"s all) It"s all because of youIf I knew how to tell you what"s on my mind(make you understand)Then I"d always be there right by your sideYou"re my sunshine after the rainYou"re the cure against my fear and my painCuz I"m losing my mind when you"re not aroundIts all (It"s all) It"s all because of youYou"re my sunshine You"re my sunshineOh, yeah

because of you凯莉克莱森 中文歌词

I will not make the same mistakes that you did 我不会犯你犯过的错误 I will not let myself 我不会让我自己 Cause my heart so much misery 导致我的心情如此苦恼 I will not break the way you did, 我不会破坏你的方式 You fell so hard 你坚强的倒下 I ve learned the hard way 我已经学会那条艰辛的道路 To never let it get that far 去不让它永远都到那里为止 Because of you 因为你 I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我从来不远离人行道 Because of you 因为你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt 我学会在安全的地方玩耍所以就不会受伤 Because of you 因为你 I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me 我发现很难去相信自己以及所有在我身边的人 Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我害怕 I lose my way 我迷失方向 And it s not too long before you point it out 在你指出问题的不久前 I cannot cry 我不能哭 Because you know that s weakness in your eyes 因为你知道我的弱点 I m forced to fake 我被迫去伪装 A smile, a laugh everyday of my life 微笑.大笑,在我的生命当中的每一天 My heart can"t possibly break 我的心不可能碎 When it wasn"t even whole to start with 甚至当它一开始就不是完整的 Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I watched you die 我看着你死去 I heard you cry every night in your sleep 我听见过你每天晚上在床上哭泣 I was so young 我当时太小 You should have known better than to lean on me 你应该知道一些比依靠我更好的办法 You never thought of anyone else 你从来没有考虑过别人的感受 You just saw your pain 你只看见自己的伤痛 And now I cry in the middle of the night 现在我在深夜里哭泣 For the same damn thing 也是为了同样谴责的事 Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don t get hurt Because of you 因为你 I try my hardest just to forget everything 我尽我最大努力去忘记所有事 Because of you 因为你 I don t know how to let anyone else in 我不知道如何容纳任何人 Because of you 因为你 I m ashamed of my life because it s empty 我为我的生活感到羞耻 因为它是空的 Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我害怕

求because of you歌词

because of you 歌手:kelly clarkson 专辑:breakaway I will not make the same mistake that you did. I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery. I will not break the way you did, you fell so hard. I"ve learned the hard way to never let it get that far.Because of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkKelly ClarksonBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side, so I don"t get hurtBecause of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me, Because of you, I am afraid.I lose my way and it"s not too long before you point it out. I cannot cry because I know that"s weakness in your eyes. I"m forced to fake a smile, a laugh, everyday of my life. My heart can"t possibly break because it wasn"t even whole to start with.Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalkI find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me, Because of you, I am afraid.I watched you die, I heard you cry in the night in your sleep. I was so young you should"ve known better than to lean on me. You never thought of anyone else you just saw your pain. And now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing. Because of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side, so I don"t get hurtBecause of you I tried my hardest to forget everything. Because of you I don"t know how to let anyone else in. Because of you I"m ashamed of my life because it"s empty. Because of you I"m afraid, Because of you.

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