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代号为 ‘BadUSB’ 的 USB 漏洞具体是何情况,有多大危害

BadUSB漏洞:该漏洞是利用将恶意代码存放在USB设备控制器的固件存储区,而不是存放在其它可以通过USB接口进行读取的存储区域,比如Flash等,这样,杀毒软件或者普通的格式化操作是清除不掉该代码的。在USB设备设计阶段,利用一种特殊的方法将恶意代码植入USB设备控制器固件,从而使USB设备在接入PC等设备时,可以欺骗PC OS,从而达到某些目的。 介绍该漏洞的文章内容源于美国网络电子杂志WIRED(于14年7月31日刊载的一篇文章:Why the Security of USB Is Fundamentally Broke。这里需要说明的是WIRED杂志是美国著名的网络电子类杂志,反映电脑技术应用于现代和未来人类生活的各个方面。每一期的WIRED杂志,都扫描商业、科学、娱乐、教育、文化的未来,揭示技术如何改变我们生活的惊人故事。无论是科技、商业、新媒体、艺术和文化、环境、最新产品,WIRED都一直站在报道的最前沿。 也就是说,该消息并非来自传统的安全漏洞研究评估组织或学术期刊。根据原文(附后),有如下信息:1. 两位攻击者Nohl和Lell,花费了数月时间对某一USB设备的控制器固件进行了逆向工程。注意,该USB设备(应该指USB通信芯片)具有控制芯片(controller chip)。他们发现该USB设备的固件可以被重编程以植入攻击代码(具体而言,这是指该设备的固件,能够在注入攻击代码后,重新刷入该设备)。2. 并没有任何厂家或权威组织确认这一漏洞。Nohl和Lell曾联系一家台湾USB设备制造商(具体名称并未被透露)提出了安全警告,该厂商反复否认了该攻击的可能性。而WIRED联系了非盈利组织USB Implementers Forum,该组织的发言人就此的回答较为程式化,即人们在使用USB设备时,始终都应该确认设备来源的可信性。3. 该文及相关文档在细节上比较晦涩,并没有更多的信息。以下是针对该文章所描述的攻击对USB安全性的分析:1. 绝大多数的USB设备控制器是ASIC的,即这些控制器是高度定制的,并无成为其他设备的扩展能力,更无执行其他代码的能力。根据原文,攻击需要修改USB设备类型,而标记USB设备类型和多种信息的USB endpoints在绝大多数情况下是固化在设备里的,因为这些信息不会需要更改。而由于绝大多数USB设备控制器是ASIC的,这使得极少的设备有被感染的可能。鉴于厂商对于成本的敏感,使得他们制造的设备尽可能的精简,不具备运行恶意代码的条件,换句话说,即使你感染了某些设备,只可能是被感染的设备无法运行,而不是运行恶意代码。而所谓的USB控制器固件,绝大多数是针对逻辑电路的配置文件,即使被篡改或破坏,也只能是使设备无法运行。极少有厂商会生产通用目的的USB控制器。绝大多数USB设备是不可通过固件升级/重编程进行改变的,这样会使控制器非常昂贵。事实上,绝大多数USB设备控制器根本不支持重编程。很多ASIC没有MCU核而完全依靠逻辑电路,这使得此类攻击完全不可实现。2. 攻击的前提是,对于设备固件的逆向工程。首先,不同的设备不同的厂商,由于设备结构的不同,固件必然千差万别,不存在可以进行“通吃”感染的恶意代码,而大多数ASIC都是使用定制的MCU内核,根本就没有对外的寄存器/编程指南,逆向工程无从下手;其次制造商通常非常注意保护设备固件,因为其中通常含有敏感信息,这些相关内容从不公开;最后,制造商会在控制器运行固件时检验固件的有效性,也即,制造商通常会对固件签名并核对。这些使得可能的攻击只是有可能在极少的一部分设备上开展。3. 即使攻击者发现了一个由于某种原因可以通过改变固件而支持其他USB类和Endpoints,并且攻击者成功逆向了固件,攻击者还必须要将篡改后的固件写入设备,USB设备控制器的固件通常是储存于的芯片金属层里,根本就是只读而不可写的;即使固件可写或储存与外部存储,攻击者同样需要制造商提供的特殊命令或专用设备。4. 根据该文,攻击者的恶意程序位于USB控制器的空间内。USB控制器的固件和PC等系统的BIOS/固件/OS是绝对完全隔离的,且只能运行控制器预定义好的USB命令。一旦涉及到通过USB行为(如键盘鼠标输入等)恶意影响PC等的OS,必然涉及到绕过防火墙和取得系统权限等问题,不可能悄无声息。但是必须说明,以上的分析,主要是针对于我们实际中所应用的绝大多数USB设备;而该漏洞的利用,根据其原文的描述,是通过支持通用编程开发的USB设备控制器,在成功完成固件的逆向工程后,再成功向USB设备控制器写入固件(可能是直接利用开发工具开发)从而实现的。综上,应有以下判断:1. 该漏洞几乎不能够被利用来制造可以真正大规模自动复制和传播的类似计算机系统病毒的攻击工具,不能够被大规模应用。2. 该漏洞的利用场景应为:攻击者制作特制的“USB间谍工具”,利用某种途径使该USB工具接入攻击目标的USB接口,并通过欺骗系统,达到插入攻击目标USB接口后伪装成网卡或键盘等设备的目的,从而获取目标的网络通讯数据,或者通过USB的输入输出设备向PC系统发送指令,安装事先存放在该工具某一位置上的恶意软件,该漏洞的核心价值在于它能够使间谍工具这些USB设备功能下的攻击行为,如果不涉及到在PC上安装软件或开启服务等涉及PC系统的动作,不会被PC杀毒系统检测到,如伪装成网卡等。该场景的必要条件为:利用专门的设备,完成USB间谍工具的制作;插入目标USB接口。应该说该漏洞并非一个国内某些媒体冠以所谓“灾难性”头衔的漏洞。甚至可以说,我们早就处理过类似的问题——实际上,该漏洞完全就可以看作一个高级的难于检测的USB“AUTORUN”。并且,需要指出,该漏洞的实现依赖于特殊硬件,且应用时需要相应特殊场景。

Sweet Baby (Feat. Erykah Badu) 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Baby (Feat. Erykah Badu)歌手:Macy Gray专辑:The Id"sweet baby"-Macy Gray-Many times I"ve been told that I should gobut they dont know,what we got babythey may not see the love in youthe love I do,and i"ll stay right hereummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everSuga wishes dont change what is realor how it feelsin the bad timesfor whatever he is, he is mine all the timeand we get by with our true loveummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everummm sweet baby life is crazybut there"s one thingi am sure ofsee I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everbaby would I ever find, my sweetjust a true love, my sweetthat we come this far togetherbaby so I"m here to staycos without you babyI cant go any furtherummm sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure of see iI"m your ladyalways baby babymah mah everit"s not that evermah mah everit"s not that evermah mah sweet sweet babylife is so sweet with yousweet with yousweetsweet with...macy fades away

Sweet Baby (Featuring Erykah Badu) 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Baby (Featuring Erykah Badu)歌手:Macy Gray Featuring Erykah Badu专辑:On How Life Is / The Id (Coffret 2 Cd)"sweet baby"-Macy Gray-Many times I"ve been told that I should gobut they dont know,what we got babythey may not see the love in youthe love I do,and i"ll stay right hereummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everSuga wishes dont change what is realor how it feelsin the bad timesfor whatever he is, he is mine all the timeand we get by with our true loveummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everummm sweet baby life is crazybut there"s one thingi am sure ofsee I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everbaby would I ever find, my sweetjust a true love, my sweetthat we come this far togetherbaby so I"m here to staycos without you babyI cant go any furtherummm sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure of see iI"m your ladyalways baby babymah mah everit"s not that evermah mah everit"s not that evermah mah sweet sweet babylife is so sweet with yousweet with yousweetsweet with...macy fades away

Sweet Baby (Featuring Erykah Badu) 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Baby (Featuring Erykah Badu)歌手:Macy Gray Featuring Erykah Badu专辑:The Id"sweet baby"-Macy Gray-Many times I"ve been told that I should gobut they dont know,what we got babythey may not see the love in youthe love I do,and i"ll stay right hereummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everSuga wishes dont change what is realor how it feelsin the bad timesfor whatever he is, he is mine all the timeand we get by with our true loveummm sweet sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure ofthat I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everummm sweet baby life is crazybut there"s one thingi am sure ofsee I"m your ladyalways babyand I love you now and everbaby would I ever find, my sweetjust a true love, my sweetthat we come this far togetherbaby so I"m here to staycos without you babyI cant go any furtherummm sweet babylife is crazybut there"s one thangi am sure of see iI"m your ladyalways baby babymah mah everit"s not that evermah mah everit"s not that evermah mah sweet sweet babylife is so sweet with yousweet with yousweetsweet with...macy fades away

Erykah Badu的《On & On》 歌词

歌曲名:On & On歌手:Erykah Badu专辑:Live《On & On》Sung By "Erykah Badu"Oh my my myI"m feeling highMy moneys goneI"m all aloneThe world is turnin"Oh what a dayWhat a day whay a dayPeace and blessings manifest with every lesson learn,If your knowledge were your wealth then it will be well earnIf we were made in his image then call us by our namesMost intellects do not believe in god but they fear us just the sameOh on and on and on and onWhew on and on and on and onI go on and on and on and onOhh on and on and on and onI was born under water with 3 dollars and 6 dimesYeah you might laugh "cause you did not do your mathNa qua 2..3.Damn, yall feel that? Oh...Qua 2..3.The world keeps turningOh what a day what a day what a dayThe man that knows something knows that he knows nothing at allDoes it seem colder in your summertime and hotter in your fallIf we were made in his image then call us by our namesMost intellects do not believe in god but they fear us just the sameOh on and on and on and onOn and on and on and onI go on and on and on and onOn and on and on and onI am feeling kinda hungry "cause my high is coming downDon"t feed me yours "cause your food does not endureI think i need a cup of tea, the world keeps burnin"Oh what a day, what a day what a dayYou rush into destruction "cause you don"t have nothin" leftThe mothership can"t save you so your ass is goin" get itIf we were made in his image then call us by our namesMost intellects do not believe in god but they fear us just the sameOh on and on and on and onOn and on and on and onOoh ooh wee on and on and on and onOn and on and on and onThe End.

Erykah Badu&The Roots的《You Got Me》 歌词

歌曲名:You Got Me歌手:Erykah Badu&The Roots专辑:Things Fall ApartOne Block Radius - You Got MeYou Got MeNo need to wonder why.Don"t have to question,So clear your worried mindNow I don"t wanna lose you,But I"m tryin" do, what I gotta do, do.I know the style of my life might confuse you.And I don"t blame you one bit.I don"t even say nothin" when you tripp.But I thought I told you?You can put it on my shoulder"s, I can hold you.And I don"t care who all believes me, I"m a show you.Momma it"s been a long time.My leadin", bangin boys about to shine,All up on my grind.Gotta get this money what door, just a little crack.I"m gonna kick it in and make some noise, baby I"ll be back.Gotta keep you movin" ma,That"s how we do it ma,We chasin" dreams and makin wishes,I"m your shootin" star.Now I don"t really want to leave you right now,And I don"t even really wanna go.And I don"t even wanna see you cry now,Baby you should, already know.Sooo.You Got Me, (You know that you got me)No need to wonder why. (No reason to wonder why)Don"t ever question, (You ain"t got to question)So clear your worried mind (It"ll be alright)You Got Me, (You know that you got me)No need to wonder why. (No reason to wonder why)Don"t ever question, (You ain"t got to question)So clear your worried mind (It"ll be alright)No need for second guess, yes, I know I"m running lateBut I"ll be right there in a sec,No stress, no disrespect, I"m a put my kneck up there for us.See you can see you and me got that unity and trust.Plus, I know you see oportunity knockin, lately it"s been poppin forMe, we gona solve these problems,Ain"t we been through hevier, wearier weather? clearly whatever getBetween us, we always seem to put it back together, like that!No need to snap my love, your boy is comming back.We scratchin and I scratchin your back, now girl relax!And put it all on the table and get it all off your chest, believe meWhen I tel you I"m a give you my best!You Got Me, (You know that you got me)No need to wonder why. (No reason to wonder why)Don"t ever question, (You ain"t got to question)So clear your worried mind (It"ll be alright)You Got Me, (You know that you got me)No need to wonder why. (No reason to wonder why)Don"t ever question, (You ain"t got to question)So clear your worried mind (It"ll be alright)We can fly away,And start another life some how!I love you every day!I"ll never ever let you down!Yaa...I know that it hasnt been easyBut I need you more than ever to believe me(me)I"m a make it good(good)I"m a set it straight(straight)We gona do right!So trust me when I say!You Got Me, (You know that you got me)No need to wonder why. (No reason to wonder why)Don"t ever question, (You ain"t got to question)So clear your worried mind (It"ll be alright)You Got Me, (You know that you got me)No need to wonder why. (No reason to wonder why)Don"t ever question, (You ain"t got to question)So clear your worried mind (It"ll be alright)I"m a make it alrightYou know that you got meI told youSo clear your worried mindI"m a make it alrightYou know that you got meI told youSo clear your worried mind


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nian ba du

Erykah Badu的《Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Me歌手:Erykah Badu专辑:New Amerykah Part One (4Th World War)ME作词:zopp作曲·编曲:Jason Blume,John Acosta,Fredrik Hultユーラスアレンジ:岩田雅之I can make you SatisfactionNothing like you went throughAre you ready for the Show Time right nowDon"t you ever never ever look backIt"s gonna be a Funky TimeYou don"t wanna ever miss it outOh yeahLet it down a curtain right nowLwmme show you what I gotKeep on moving dance it like thatC"mon baby don"t you worry "bout it nowI"ll take you PradiseForget "bout Everything Ah hahBabyTell me which way you like that(Let"s get together)Tell me which way you like me(Beauty or Dirty)I could be anything if you wantNobady can stop fallin" down nowLook at that(what?)MELook at that(what?)MELook at that(what?)MEI"ve got sexy ladiesLemme see you work it outCall my name Show me your faceTell me tell me what you wantLet"s make your dreams come tureParty goes all night long Oh yeahBabyTell me which way you like that(Let"s get together)Tell me which way you like me(Beauty or Dirty)I could be anything if you wantNobady can stop fallin" down now(what?)MEBabyTell me which way you like that(Let"s get together)Tell me which way you like me(Beauty or Dirty)I could be anything if you wantNobady can stop fallin" down nowLook at that(what?)MELook at that(what?)MEBabyTell me which way you like that(Let"s get together)Tell me which way you like me(Beauty or Dirty)I could be anything if you wantNobady can stop fallin" down nowBabyTell me which way you like that(Let"s get together)Tell me which way you like me(Beauty or Dirty)I could be anything if you wantNobady can stop fallin" down nowLook at that(what?)MELook at that(what?)MELook at that(what?)MELook at that(what?)MELook at that(what?)ME

Erykah Badu的《Appletree》 歌词

歌曲名:Appletree歌手:Erykah Badu专辑:Erykah BaduErykah Badu - AppletreeI"d like to dedicate this to all the childrenI have some food in my bag for youNot the edible food, the food you eat, noPerhaps some food for thoughtSince knowledge is infinite It has infinitely fell on me, so um...It was a stormy night,you know the kind where the lightnin" strikeAnd i was hangin" out with some my yatzhee friendsOoh wee ooh wee ooh weeThe night was long,the night went on,people coolin" out until the break of dawnIncense was burnin" so i"m feelin" right, aightSee i picks my friends like i pick my fruitMy ganny told me that when i was only a youthI don"t walk around trying to be what i"m notI don"t waste my time trying to get what you gotI work at pleasin" meCause i can"t please you and that"s why i do what i doMy soul flies free like a willow treeDoo wee doo wee doo weeAnd if you don"t want to be down with me,then you don"t want to pick from my apple treeAnd if you don"t want to be down with me,then you don"t want to pick from my apple treeAnd if you don"t want to be down with me,then you don"t want to pick from my apple treeAnd if you don"t want to be down,you just don"t want to be downI have a hoeAnd i take it everywhere i goCause i"m plantin" seeds so i reaps what i sow, ya know, ya knowOn and on, and on and on my (?) keep"s movin" like a rollin" stoneI can"t control the soul flowin" in meOoh wee ooh weeSee i picks my friends like i pick my fruitMy ganny told me that when i was only a youthI don"t walk around trying to be what i"m notI don"t waste my time trying to get what ya gotI work at pleasin" meCause i can"t please you and that"s why i do what i doMy soul flies free like a willow treeDoo wee doo wee doo weeAnd if you don"t want to be down with me,you don"t want to pick from my apple treeAnd if you don"t want to be down with me,you don"t want to pick from my apple treeAnd if you don"t want to be down with me,you don"t want to pick from my apple treeAnd if you don"t want to be down with me,you just don"t want to be downOh my my my my,Oh my my my my,Oh my my my my,oh my my my my my my myI picks my friends like i pick my fruitMy ganny told me that when i was only a youthI don"t walk around trying to be what i"m notI don"t waste my time trying to get what you gotI work at pleasin" meCause i can"t please you, and thats why i do what i doMy soul flies free like a willow treeDoo wee doo wee doo weeAnd if you don"t want to be down with meyou don"t want to pick from my apple treeAnd if you don"t want to be down with me,dum dum diddyAnd if you don"t want to be down with me,you don"t want to pick from my apple treeAnd if you don"t want to be down with me,you just don"t want to be downYou just don"t want to be downYou just don"t want to be down... down...You just don"t want to be down... down...You just don"t want to be down... down...

Erykah Badu的《My People》 歌词

歌曲名:My People歌手:Erykah Badu专辑:New Amerykah Part One (4Th World War)Uhh, yoThis is for my motherfucking club heads, you feel me? (Fuck, yeah!)AAAAOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!People, gangstas, and pimps and peopleSmokin that lethal reeferUp in the club the speakersHighhats and base and tweetersDJ is jockin needlesSweat till I catch a feverCall me the illest divaYo I"m on FIRE!!!!!People go head and drink upGet in the club get fucked upSee me you got get lucked upSomeone to touch and rub up..Show me some love, strip off your clothes, and takeoff your socksThe party"s jumpin, I see something fine (ooh)Boy I wanna kiss you, but I"m just too shy (too shy)Let me dance with you, let me wear you out (out)Here"s a glass of orange juice, let"s go X it outThe music"s bangin, way down in my soul (soul)When you dance behind me, I lose all control (ohh)Make me grind my hips, make me move my waist (my waist)When the music comes on, you take my breath awayHOOK:This is for my people, my party peopleThis is for my people, my motha fuckin peopleC"mon, c"mon, get down, get, get on downC"mon, c"mon, get down, get, get on down downThis is for my people, my party peopleThis is for my people, my ecstasy peopleC"mon, c"mon, get down, get, get on downC"mon, c"mon, get down, get, get on down (Oh, the bar)I"m at the bar now, and I"m buying drinks (uh huh)And I got this feeling, and it"s all over me (ooh)I wanna dance with you, and lick your face (ooh)Take me on the dance floor to feel some ecstasyThe vibe is right now, and I"m bout to score (score)Mr. DJ can you, play this joint once more (oww)Cuz I see the man I want, I want him right away (ahh)I"m look him right in his face and say DANCE WITH ME!!!HOOKThis is for my people, my party peopleThis is for my people, my motha fuckin peopleC"mon, c"mon, get down, get, get on downC"mon, c"mon, get down, get, get on down get on downThis is for my people, my party peopleThis is for my people, my ecstasy peopleC"mon, c"mon, get down, get downC"mon, c"mon, get down, get, get on downFreak that, come here baby, grab me from the backBaby you the mack, and you know thatPut the needle on the track skip that, flip that,bring the beat backOh, freak that, come here baby, grab me from the backBaby you the mack, and you know thatPut the needle on the track, skip that, flip that,bring the beat backUno (uno)... dos (dos)... tres (tres)...Uno (uno)... dos (dos)... tres (tres)...Uno (uno)... dos (dos)... tres (tres)...Uno (uno)... dos (dos)... tres (tres)...Can"t stand when a nigga fuckin up my plansAll night liquored up while I"m tryin to danceDrunk, and his breath stink, freaky with his handsCocky with his mouth please like he got a fanCan"t stand when a bitch all in my sideI don"t even know her and she all up in my lightGivin me the side eye like she wanna fightPhilly known for boxing bitch better get it rightCan"t stand when a DJ fuckin up the songKnow I"m tryna to shake my ass all night longCuttin up the same shit all night longHigh "fore I got there, now my shit is blownCan"t stand when it aint jumpin like I wantCats that try to stop my fun, take away my bluntI don"t give a fuck he aint gon" take away my funSee him when this shit is over, make a nigga run, uhHOOKThis is for my people, my party peopleThis is for my people, my motha fuckin peopleC"mon, c"mon, get down, get on downC"mon, c"mon, get down, get on down downThis is for my people, my party peopleThis is for my people, my ecstasy peopleC"mon, c"mon, get down, get on downC"mon, c"mon, get down, get on down



Erykah Badu的《On & On》 歌词

歌曲名:On & On歌手:Erykah Badu专辑:1998 Grammy Nominees《On & On》Sung By "Erykah Badu"Oh my my myI"m feeling highMy moneys goneI"m all aloneThe world is turnin"Oh what a dayWhat a day whay a dayPeace and blessings manifest with every lesson learn,If your knowledge were your wealth then it will be well earnIf we were made in his image then call us by our namesMost intellects do not believe in god but they fear us just the sameOh on and on and on and onWhew on and on and on and onI go on and on and on and onOhh on and on and on and onI was born under water with 3 dollars and 6 dimesYeah you might laugh "cause you did not do your mathNa qua 2..3.Damn, yall feel that? Oh...Qua 2..3.The world keeps turningOh what a day what a day what a dayThe man that knows something knows that he knows nothing at allDoes it seem colder in your summertime and hotter in your fallIf we were made in his image then call us by our namesMost intellects do not believe in god but they fear us just the sameOh on and on and on and onOn and on and on and onI go on and on and on and onOn and on and on and onI am feeling kinda hungry "cause my high is coming downDon"t feed me yours "cause your food does not endureI think i need a cup of tea, the world keeps burnin"Oh what a day, what a day what a dayYou rush into destruction "cause you don"t have nothin" leftThe mothership can"t save you so your ass is goin" get itIf we were made in his image then call us by our namesMost intellects do not believe in god but they fear us just the sameOh on and on and on and onOn and on and on and onOoh ooh wee on and on and on and onOn and on and on and onThe End.



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《hello》erykah badu歌词翻译

Hello, it"s meHello,是我I was wondering if after all these years you"d like to meet我想知道,多年以后你是否还想再见To go over everything重温往事They say that time"s supposed to heal ya but I ain"t done much healing他们说时间会疗伤,但我并没有怎么痊愈Hello, can you hear meHello,你能听到我吗I"m in California dreaming about who we used to be我在加州做着关于过去我们的梦When we were younger and free当我们年轻又自由的时候I"ve forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet我已经忘了那是什么感受,在世界崩塌在我们脚边之前There"s such a difference between us我们之间有如此的不同And a million miles还有一百万英里的距离Hello from the other sideHello,从另一边传来I must"ve called a thousand times to tell you我一定已经打给你千万次,想要对你说I"m sorry, for everything that I"ve done对不起,为了我做过所有的事But when I call you never seem to be home但是我打给你的时候,你似乎从没在家Hello from the outsideHello,从外面传来At least I can say that I"ve tried to tell you至少我可以说,我曾试过告诉你I"m sorry, for breaking your heart对不起,伤透了你的心But it don"t matter, it clearly doesn"t tear you apart anymore但无所谓,很显然再也不会让你撕心裂肺了Hello, how are youHello,你好吗It"s so typical of me to talk about myself我跟你这样谈起自己,如此典型I"m sorry, I hope that you"re well对不起,我希望你很好Did you ever make it out of that town你是否曾经出过那座小城Where nothing ever happened那个没有故事的地方It"s no secret它没有秘密That the both of us are running out of time我们彼此都快没有时间So hello from the other side所以,Hello,从另一边传来I must"ve called a thousand times to tell you我一定已经打给你千万次,想要对你说I"m sorry,对不起for everything that I"ve done为了我做过所有的事But when I call you never seem to be home但是我打给你的时候,你似乎从没在家Hello from the outsideHello,从外面传来At least I can say that I"ve tried to tell you至少我可以说,我曾试过告诉你I"m sorry, for breaking your heart对不起,伤透了你的心But it don"t matter但无所谓it clearly doesn"t tear you apart anymore很显然再也不会让你撕心裂肺了but it won"t但再也不会anymore再也不会anymore再也不会anymore再也不会Hello from the outsideHello,从外面传来I must"ve called a thousand times我一定已经打给你千万次to tell you想要对你说I"m sorry,对不起for everything that I"ve done为了我做过所有的事But when I call you never seem to be home但是我打给你的时候,你似乎从没在家Hello from the outsideHello,从外面传来At least I can say that I"ve tried至少我可以说,我曾试过to tell you想告诉你I"m sorry, for breaking your heart对不起,伤透了你的心But it don"t matter但无所谓it clearly doesn"t tear you apart anymore很显然,再也不会让你撕心裂肺了





找歌 badu badu badu badubadibadu



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百度吧?? 百度=baidu



