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さくら的《Awakening》 歌词

歌曲名:Awakening歌手:さくら专辑:Together ~探検ドリランド~「Awakening」作词∶青木久美子作曲∶浅田 直编曲∶前田克树歌∶さくら逆风が吹いてキミの希望の灯(ひ)がゆれてもココロに在る炎は 谁にも消せやしないやり残した事、やり直したい事あるなら今ここから始めよう ボクたちの物语大きく息を吸って前に歩き出そう小さな1歩から道は出来る东から夜(よ)が明けてゆく风も dawn, dawn 変わり始める目が覚める ココロが震えてる1人誓いをたてた梦をまた叶えるためにボクたちは生まれて来たんだだから wake up 今度こそ绝対次の扉を开けるんだ青い空の向こう 星が眠りつく场所にある挂替え无いカケラを 胸にそっと仕舞ってる立ちはだかる壁、立ち尽くす崖の前でも谛めなきゃ终わらない 始まりの物语大きく息を吸ってイメージ拡げて小さな世界から 自由になろう东から夜が明けて行く风も dawn, dawn 変わり始めるつま先が未来を目指すのはそれが自然なんだね何度だって立ち上がれるよボクたちは1人じゃないんだいつか flower 花を咲かせようよキミに続く明日(あす)のためにLRC to make By ★ SmIlE_YAKoI。终わり

await 和wait用法有区别吗?如果有是什么?

await,wait 这两个词都是动词,又都有“期待”、“等候”之意,但用法有所不同,它们的区别如下: (一)await是及物动词,后面直接接宾语;wait虽然也可用作及物动词,但在现代英语中,一般作不及物动词用,与for,to,till,until等词连用。 (二)await的宾语大都是抽象名词,如:decision,reply,arrival,announcement,return等;wait for的宾语一般是人或事物。 The judge awaits the coroner"s inquest before giving a verdict. 法官在作裁决前等待验尸官的调查。 I have been waiting for her for an hour at the bus stop. 我在公共车站等候她已一小时了。 (三)await之后接动名词;wait之后接动词不定式。例如: We shall await hearing further from them. We shall wait to hear further from them. 我们在静候他们进一步的消息。 (四)await多用于书面语;wait 多用于口语。如: This plan awaits the approval of the board of directors. 这项计划有待董事局批准。 I have been waiting here for a long time. 我已在这里等了好久了。 (五)wait 除作动词外,还可用作名词。例: I had a long wait for the train. 我等火车等了好久。 They pursue a policy of wait and see. 他们采取等待和观望的政策。如上所述,wait在特定情况下也可以用作及物动词,例如:to wait your turn;to wait one"s opportunity. 请注意下列句子中await和wait的使用场合: We await (or wait for)your reply. We wait for(不能用await)you to reply. I shall wait to bring her home.(不能用await) I await (or wait for)your ruling on the matter with some impatience. 当await的主语是没有生命的事物而宾语是人时,await表示 be in store或lie in wait for之意。如: On arriving at the guest house,he found a telegram awaiting him. Little did he realize what a surprise awaited him at home. A hearty welcome will await you. 请注意,Time and tide wait(s)for no man(岁月不待人)的wait既可以加s,亦可不加s


await是及物动词,后直接跟名词或代词,等于wait for;wait不及物,单独用时常用wait to do sth,不能说await sb to do,可说wait for sb to do.


await,wait这两个词都是动词,又都有“期待”、“等候”之意,但用法有所不同,它们的区别如下:(一)await是及物动词,后面直接接宾语;wait虽然也可用作及物动词,但在现代英语中,一般作不及物动词用,与for,to,till,until等词连用.(二)await的宾语大都是抽象名词,如:decision,reply,arrival,announcement,return等;wait for的宾语一般是人或事物.The judge awaits the coroner‘s inquest before giving a verdict.法官在作裁决前等待验尸官的调查.I have been waiting for her for an hour at the bus stop.我在公共车站等候她已一小时了.(三)await之后接动名词;wait之后接动词不定式.例如:We shall await hearing further from them.We shall wait to hear further from them.我们在静候他们进一步的消息.(四)await多用于书面语;wait 多用于口语.如:This plan awaits the approval of the board of directors.这项计划有待董事局批准.I have been waiting here for a long time.我已在这里等了好久了.(五)wait 除作动词外,还可用作名词.例:I had a long wait for the train.我等火车等了好久.They pursue a policy of wait and see.他们采取等待和观望的政策.如上所述,wait在特定情况下也可以用作及物动词,例如:to wait your turn;to wait one‘s opportunity.请注意下列句子中await和wait的使用场合:We await (or wait for)your reply.We wait for(不能用await)you to reply.I shall wait to bring her home.(不能用await)I await (or wait for)your ruling on the matter with some impatience.当await的主语是没有生命的事物而宾语是人时,await表示 be in store或lie in wait for之意.如:On arriving at the guest house,he found a telegram awaiting him.Little did he realize what a surprise awaited him at home.A hearty welcome will await you.请注意,Time and tide wait(s)for no man(岁月不待人)的wait既可以加s,亦可不加s.

await和wait for的区别

两者都可作及物动词,但多数情况下来说,await后一般直接接宾语,而wait一般与for,to等连用后再接宾语。 2.await的宾语大都是抽象名词,如:decision,reply,arrival,announcement,return等;wait for的宾语一般是人或事物。 3.await之后接动名词(如:writing,hearing);wait之后接动词不定式(如:to go,to write)。 4.wait可做名词,而await不可。如:It‘s a wait that need patience and determination.




“awaiting”是个及物动词,后面不跟介词“for”;等同于“waiting for”。 waiting是名词,等候等待服侍伺候的意思,形容词,等待的服侍的意思。


awaiting和waiting的区别在于词义辨析不一样、词语用法不一样和词义广泛性不一样。一、词义辨析不一样。1、await v.【正式】等待,期待。〔辨析〕指一直在等待,多强调有耐心。〔例证〕She awaits his answer.她等候他的答复。2、wait v.【正式】等待,期待。〔辨析〕侧重静候于某处,直到等候或期待的人或事物的到来,通常用作不及物动词,与for连用。〔例证〕He kept us waiting for ages while he packed his luggage.他收拾行李,让我们等了好半天。二、词语用法不一样。1、await后面可以接动名词作宾语,但不可接不定式。如:I shall await hearing from you.我将等待你的消息。2、wait后面可以接不定式作状语,但不可接动名词。如:I shall wait to hear from you.我等着你的消息。三、词义广泛性不一样。1、await。英[u0259u02c8weu026at];美[u0259u02c8weu026at]v.等候;等待;期待;将发生在,将降临到(某人头上)2、wait。英[weu026at];美[weu026at]v.等;等待;等候;(尤指长期地)希望,盼望,期待;准备妥;在手边;可得到;可使用。n.等候;等待;等待的时间。


“awaiting”是个及物动词,后面不跟介词“for”;等同于“waiting for”;waiting是名词,等候等待服侍伺候的意思,形容词,等待的服侍的意思。 awaiting和waiting的区别 awaiting是await现在分词,waiting是wait现在分词。 一、词义辨析不一样 1、await v. [正式]等待,期待 〔辨析〕指一直在等待,多强调有耐心。 〔例证〕She awaits his answer. 她等候他的答复。 2、wait v. [正式]等待,期待 〔辨析〕侧重静候于某处,直到等候或期待的人或事物的到来,通常用作不及物动词,与for连用。 〔例证〕He kept us waiting for ages while he packed his luggage. 他收拾行李,让我们等了好半天。 二、词语用法不一样 1、await后面可以接动名词作宾语,但不可接不定式。 如:I shall await hearing from you. 我将等待你的消息。 2、 wait后面可以接不定式作状语,但不可接动名词。 如:I shall wait to hear from you. 我等着你的消息。 三、词义广泛性不一样 1、await 英 [u0259u02c8weu026at] 美 [u0259u02c8weu026at] v.等候;等待;期待;将发生在,将降临到(某人头上) 2、wait 英 [weu026at] 美 [weu026at] v.等;等待;等候;(尤指长期地)希望,盼望,期待;准备妥;在手边;可得到;可使用 n.等候;等待;等待的时间


wake 可做名词 醒, 守夜, 尾迹, (人, 车等经过的)痕迹, 守丧awake 可做形容词 警觉的, 醒的以上是两者各自特有的用法,需要区别的是动词的用法。及物动词1. 唤醒,弄醒(sb)意义十分相近,但是wake需要和up一起用Please wake me up at 7:00.请于七点钟叫醒我。The thunder awoke me.雷声把我惊醒了。另外,awake更偏向精神方面的醒悟,所以 wake sb 多译为叫醒某人,而 awake sb 一般译为唤醒某人。His father tried to awake him to a sense of duty.他父亲试图使他认识到自己的责任。2. 唤起,激起虽然都有这个意思,但是一般情况下用awakeNothing can awake her interest in this subject.什么都无法激起她对这门学科的兴趣。不及物动词1. 醒来;醒着同样区别是wake需要和up连用I woke up at six this morning.今天早晨我六点钟醒来。He awoke from a sound sleep.他从酣睡中醒来。2. wake 特有的用法 :变活跃,振奋Nature wakes in spring.春回大地,万物复苏。wake to 和awake to 的区别都指 觉醒、意识到,但是一个自发,一个被动wake to指自己意识到了He woke to his sense of duty.他认识到自己的责任。awake to 指使(别人)意识到His father tried to awake him to a sense of duty.他父亲试图使他认识到自己的责任。总结,最重要的区别就是侧重点不一样,wake侧重生理方面的醒来,而awake侧重精神方面;wake多作为不及物动词使用而awake多用于及物动词。


wake和awake都有唤醒、醒来的含义;wake通常指真正的醒来,而awake通常表示觉醒,警惕的状态,多用于比喻。 1、wake是最常用词,也是最不正式的用语,awake则比wake正式些。如指“醒来”“使醒”,最好用wake。 2、awake正式用词,常指觉醒、警惕的状态,也多用于比喻。wake普通常用词,指真正的醒来。即可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。 3、awake用作形容词的基本含意是表示处于或进入与asleep相反的状态,即“醒着的”,尤指刚要睡或刚睡醒。引申可表示“警觉的,警惕的”“醒悟到的,意识到的”。 4、awake在句中用作表语,偶尔也可用作定语或宾语补足语;在其前没有修饰语时,作定语只能后置。 5、表示“唤醒”,“醒”时,习惯上用wake,而表示“醒悟”时,习惯上用awake。 6、wake和waken后可加up,wakeup(唤醒,醒来)比较常用,waken较少加up,而awake和awaken后不加up。不过文学著作上,常用waken替换wakeup。


"Awake" 是一个形容词,表示“醒着的”,或者动词,表示“唤醒”或“醒来”。例如:- I am already awake. 我已经醒了。- Please awake me at 6 o"clock. 请在六点叫醒我。"Wake" 是一个动词,表示“唤醒”或“醒来”。它也可以作为名词,表示“醒来的状态”或“尾浪”。例如:- He wakes up early every day. 他每天早上都早早地醒来。- The waves created a massive wake behind the boat. 这艘船在后面留下了巨大的尾浪。

wake, awake, waken,awaken 区别

wake waken awake awaken 的用法与区别这四个词的含义和用法区别不大, 常有交义, 但有些语法家认为, 如果后接直接宾语, 应当用"awaken", 而不用"wake" (书面语), 而"awaken"则多用於引申意义。 "wake":- >> (1) = "醒" e.g. I wake up at six every morning. e.g. He woke to find himself in the hospital. e.g. Peter was too tired to wake at the usual time. e.g. Has the baby waked (woken) yet? >> (2) = "叫醒"; "吵醒"; "引起" e.g. Please wake me at six. e.g. I"m afraid of waking her. e.g. The voice waked me out of a sound sleep. e.g. The incident woke memories of the war years. ==================================================================== "waken":- [用法和"wake"基本相同, 但在有直接宾语时用"waken"而不用"wake"。] >> = "弄醒"; "吵醒"; "唤醒" e.g. She wakened the baby with a kiss on his cheek. e.g. I was wakened early by the shouts of my neighbor. e.g. Nature seems to be wakened from a dead sleep. ==================================================================== "awake":- >> = "惊醒"; "吵醒"; "意识到"; "发现"; "醒" e.g. The noise of the explosion awoke me. e.g. He was awaked by loud cries. e.g. I slowly awoke to the danger that threatened me. e.g. He awoke to find himself famous. >> [作形容词用] e.g. Are you awake yet? e.g. He was fully awake to the importance of the economic development. ==================================================================== "awaken":- >> = "弄醒"; "使意识到" e.g. A knock on the door awakened me. e.g. She was awakened by the barking of a dog. >> ["awaken"常用於"引申意义"] e.g. It awakened millions to the danger of fascism. e.g. His stealth awakened my suspicion. e.g. Their national spirit was awakened.



Millo Torres Y El Tercer Planeta的《Fade Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fade Away歌手:Millo Torres Y El Tercer Planeta专辑:CaminandoTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me away

英国中餐馆(包括take away)菜名 各种酒名(加调酒方法) 用英文加解释 尽量详细

我是一名调酒师 1楼的可以作为参考 实际要自己去领悟我的也只是参考餐前是开胃酒 含有酸性的鸡尾酒 因为餐前喝点酸性的东西会显得饿 会更有食欲比如说金巴利 (非鸡尾酒) 加冰净饮餐中是柔和一点的酒比如说 法国人常喝的 葡萄酒 (据说法国人长寿就是因为吃饭的时候喝葡萄酒 法国的葡萄酒质量非常好)餐后是烈性酒 (不解释)比如说 干马天尼金酒1.5盎司干马天尼0.5盎司这只是其中的一种 现在的干马天尼上百种配方鸡尾酒杯 橄榄串签装饰希望我的回答对您有帮助调酒师俱乐部成员为您解答


库纳瓦拉位于南澳大利亚州的石灰岩海岸(Limestone Coast)地区,以出产优质红葡萄酒闻名于世。其西北侧是临海的本逊山(Mount Benson)产区,正北面为拉顿布里(Wrattonbully)产区。这里拥有石灰岩海岸地区独有的红色土壤。该地区为地中海气候,南部的海洋对这里的气候有冷却作用,葡萄生长期的降雨量较低,所以葡萄园一般都需要灌溉。 从阿德莱德出发四小时车程,从墨尔本出发五个小时车程,整个产区呈南北狭长状分布,长约15公里,平均宽度仅有1.5公里,在整个澳大利亚版图上显得十分袖珍。比起别的产区,这里显得有些偏僻,但是丝毫不影响葡萄酒爱好者们对它的热爱。早在19世纪中叶,当殖民者发现这片平坦肥沃的平原非常适合牧羊与栽植水果时,库纳瓦拉的农业历史就已经开始,那时在潘纳拉(Penola)的牧羊农场已经发展了三十年,当时,这个产区被称为“Penola Fruit Colony”,意思是“潘纳拉水果产地”。到了1897年,苏格兰人John Riddoch给它起了个更有诗意的名字,库纳瓦拉,这个名字在当地的土著语中意思是“金银花“。库纳瓦拉的第一个葡萄园是19世纪80年代由 John Riddoch 建立的Yallum葡萄园。John本来主要的兴趣是养羊,但后来他发现自己栽培的葡萄树质量不错,于是在1897年建立了自己的酒厂,进而创建了 科莫酒庄(Chateau Comaum) 。可惜的是,因当地经济落后,且远离主要消费群体,该酒庄当时并没有发展起来。在接下来的时间里,对库纳瓦拉葡萄酒业影响最大的是Redman家族。1901年,年仅14岁的Bill Redman开始在John Riddoch的酒窖里打工。50年代的时候,Bill Redman推出了自己的葡萄酒品牌“Rouge Homme”,如今该品牌的主人已经是Redman家族的第四代成员了。1951年,Samuel Wynn和David Wynn买下了Riddoch酒厂,他们重新将之命名为 酝思酒庄 ,并将其成功经营并发展成为这一地区优秀的葡萄酒生产商和最大的单一葡萄园持有者,占据红土地上70%的葡萄园。紧接着, 奔富酒庄 也来到这里开垦葡萄园。在它们的带领下,这里迎来了葡萄酒热潮,各大葡萄酒生产商如雨后春笋般纷至沓来。目前,库纳瓦拉无疑是澳大利亚的标志性产区之一,产区内伫立着近40家酒庄。 库纳瓦拉拥有与波尔多颇为相似的海洋性气候。这里距离南部海岸线仅80公里,且海拔只有60米左右,凉爽的海风常年吹拂,气温较低。产区内光照充足,夏季温暖干燥,十分有利于葡萄果实的成熟。冬天寒冷而潮湿,在葡萄藤生长的大多数时候,夜间温度较低,而在生长季节,平均温度为16.5摄氏度。葡萄栽培的适应性已极大地降低了主要的霜冻问题,但是当地种植者仍然需要在葡萄藤上洒水或是用大型风箱促进空气流动来避免这类灾害。同时,这里还经常出现多云天气,厚重的云层可以在遮挡部分光照的同时降低气温,使得葡萄拥有漫长的成熟期,得以充分积聚风味和糖分,赋予了葡萄酒美好的水果风味和独一无二的单宁架构,并维持令人印象深刻的酸度。 年降雨量为647毫米,四月至十月的降雨量几乎占了年降雨量的一半,这折射出澳大利亚东南部的地中海气候,迫使酒农在十二月以后就得补充灌溉,以保证品质水平。夏天平均气温为18.8摄氏度,二至三月,热浪会突然袭击该地区,当然,凉爽的夜晚会调节了这突如其来的天气变化。 该产区之所以能成为享誉全球的葡萄酒产区,不得不提这里丰富且与众不同的土壤,红土(Terra Rossa)。红土是一类由石灰岩经过数千年风化而产生的红色黏土,其红色的外观主要与土壤中富含的氧化铁元素有关。这种土壤表层易碎,排水性极佳,非常适合葡萄树向下扎根,汲取养分。同时,红土之下的石灰岩层因受到地下水的浸润,拥有优秀的持水性能,可以给予葡萄树生长必需的水分。由于红土区域面积有限,所以成为酿酒商炙手可热的争夺热点,地价飙升至每公顷10万澳元。 该产区出产的赤霞珠品种酒一直为世人所称道;这些酒散发着黑醋栗、薄荷和雪松的芳香,其口感极为均衡,单宁十分细密;西拉子普遍带有覆盆子和黑胡椒的香味;雷司令虽然产量不大,但其酿制历史却较为久远,这里的白葡萄酒未来的发展同样令人期待。此外,产区还有一些用赤霞珠、梅洛、马尔贝克和味而多葡萄混酿的葡萄酒,这些混酿酒也是澳大利亚独有的葡萄酒类型。 如今,新一代酿酒师已逐渐担起产区发展的重任,他们在传承家族酿酒传统、延续优雅葡萄酒风格的同时,也尝试通过使用更成熟的果实以及优质橡木桶来打造风格更现代化、可以更早进入适饮期的佳酿。这为库纳瓦拉带来了新的受众,也使产区焕发出新的活力。因此,对于这个已经被视为澳大利亚优质赤霞珠代名词的产区,我们可以留有更多期待。 该地为地中海气候,密布的云层和南冰洋的冷却影响对其气候起调节作用,阳光充足,湿度中等。生长季平均温度为19.4°C。 土壤的起源可以追溯至一个古老的海底地带,接近一百万年前。那时候,在这个排水日益良好的山脉上,砂石、良好的粘土颗粒、有机物质和矿物质高度氧化,变成富饶肥沃的铁锈般的红色,因此赋予了这块崭新的红土地这种独一无二的颜色。红土层的厚度不超过1米,在红土层下面的石灰岩层既有良好的排水性,也保存有一部分的蓄水能力,这是酿酒师梦想中的土壤。 赤霞珠:拥有旧世界的高雅个性与优良架构,同时兼具澳大利亚的纯净果味和风味集中度,酒液颜色深邃,酒体中等至饱满,风味浓郁复杂,富含黑醋栗、黑莓和黑樱桃的风味,并伴有独特的桉树叶和薄荷的芳香,单宁柔顺精致,余味悠长。对于较为优质的酒款来说,随着陈年,酒液还可以发展出雪松、烟草和泥土等气息,十分迷人。 西拉子:通常富有薄荷和冬青树带来的咸鲜、草本的味道,为它本身的黑莓、李子和胡椒的香气增色不少。 梅洛:将阳光充沛、冷凉气候条件下发展出的优雅风格展露无遗,拥有李子、香料、薄荷脑和雪松的气息。 雷司令:拥有柔软精致的花香与柑橘味,同样赢得诸多称赞。 霞多丽:漫长的成熟期也赋予霞多丽生长的绝佳条件,梨、核果、柠檬和菠萝的味道在柔软的酸度配合下让酒清新而丰满。

cutaway造句 cutawayの例文 "cutaway"是什麼意思

Vikram , get some cutaways ofthis miracle 维克拉姆,拍几个这个奇景的切出镜头 Cutaway of the pw 4000112 - in ( 284 . 48cm ) gas turbine engine , showing fan bypass section 涡轮发动机剖面图,展示风扇旁路部分。 Cutaway of the pw 4000112 - in ( 284 . 48cm ) gas turbine engine , showing fan bypass section Pw 4000112英寸( 284 . 48厘米)的燃气涡轮发动机剖面图,图中所示的为风扇旁路部分。 A *** all mining town near cutaway cpffs that curve over narrow rock beaches below , where the silver sea rolls and rolls , flattering the moon 斜崖突兀,悬在乱石嶙峋的狭长海滩上,下面翻滚不息的海水泛著银色,赛过月亮。 Ben dollard s loose blue cutaway and square hat above large slops crossed the quay in full gait from the metal bridge . he came towards them at an amble , scratching actively behind his coattails 穿著宽松的蓝色常礼服头戴大礼帽下面是肥大裤子的本多拉德的身姿,迈著大步从铁桥那边穿过码头走了过来。 Cutaway model of automatic tran *** issions with colored internal ponents can clearly reflect inside structure and interactive relationship . it is the ideal education set for automatic tran *** ission 各种型号自动变速器总成剖面处理,内部零件分别著色处理,可清楚反映变速器的内部结构和和零件的相对位置.是自动变速器的理想教具 2 . on information extraction and recognition , some rules of dimension mark extraction are summarized by *** yzing the dimension restriction semantics , then effective methods of extracting text information from heading - table and filtering drawing " s peripheral frame are presented , in addition , this paper also discusses cutaway view " s recognition and pre - processing . 3 2 .在信息提取与识别方面,分析了尺寸标注约束语义,总结出尺寸标注提取的规则;给出了标题栏信息提取和工程图纸图框过滤的方法;详细讨论了有关剖视信息的提取、识别和预处理方法。 4 ^ included the content of single - picture rectification , image enhance , cutaway view of cavity , all kinds of image revelation through mosaic , and d *** collection of tunnels , many image processing method is studied . 5 ^ the paper introduces the method of photogrammetry geology catalog . all kinds of projective graphs in various layers are received 不同洞型影像的几何纠正;不同边坡影像的几何纠正;纠正或镶嵌像片的影像增强;洞室编录纵/横剖面图;影像镶嵌分别得到洞室影像展示图、坡面正射影像图、坡面正射影像镶嵌图;基坑的像对定向及d *** 生成; 5 、研究了基于影像的地质编录。 It"s difficult to find cutaway in a sentence. 用 cutaway 造句挺难的

eat away at造句

1、Toiling away at a job you hate may eat away at your happiness over time.在你讨厌的工作上工作可能会随着时间的推移而失去你的快乐。2、Just as rust eats away iron, indulgence in bourgeois ways of life may eat away one"s revolutionary will.就像锈侵蚀铁,放纵在资产阶级的生活方式可能会侵蚀一个人的革命意志。3、Endure eat away backing substance and sealed backing,bear platen,deway.eketrical equipment insulate spares.忍受吃掉背衬物质并密封背衬,轴承台板,结露。电动设备将备件绝缘。4、They prefer to live in the back of your brain which they will literally eat away.他们更喜欢生活在你的后脑勺,他们会把后脑勺子吃掉。5、Water pours through the roof, encouraging rot to eat away the interior of the house.水从屋顶倾泻而下,促使腐烂吞噬房屋的内部。6、Shareholders worry that these losses will continue to eat away at the banks" reserves.股东们担心这些损失将继续侵蚀银行的准备金。7、Mixed government must not be allowed to eat away under the banner of cutting the roots were tipping Ye!混政千万不能在砍根的旗帜下吃光了!8、Time really doesn"t heal, it just gives the bitterness and resentment longer to eat away at you from inside.时间真的无法治愈,只是让痛苦和怨恨更长,无法从内心吞噬您。9、If you fail to set limitations, your clients will request frequent revisions, which can eat away at your time and patience.如果你没有设置限制,你的客户会要求频繁修改,这会消耗你的时间和耐心。10、And the elderly are seeing inflation eat away the value of their savings; in Britain prices are rising by 5.2% but bank deposits yield less than 1%.老年人正看到通货膨胀蚕食他们的储蓄价值;在英国,物价上涨了5.2%,但银行存款收益率不到1%。11、Such automated downloading can cause significant strain on a server that"s hosting the content and eat away at the host"s bandwidth.这样的自动下载可能会对托管内容的服务器造成很大的压力,并消耗主机的带宽。12、Within three days Pharaoh will lift off your head and hang you on a tree. And the birds will eat away your flesh.三天之内,法老必将你的头抬起来,挂在树上。 鸟儿会吃掉你的肉。13、Ms Drake"s worry-and that of many others-is that Chicago"s congestion will eventually cause many shipments to be rerouted around it, a process that could eat away its advantages.德雷克女士和其他许多人担心的是,芝加哥的拥堵最终会导致许多货物在其周围改道,这一过程可能会蚕食其优势。14、The point isn"t to turn the average American into Warren Buffett but to help people avoid disasters and day-to-day choices that eat away at their bank accounts.关键不是要把普通美国人变成沃伦·巴菲特,而是要帮助人们避免灾难和日常选择,这些东西会耗尽他们的银行账户。沃伦·巴菲特

when I got tere,she had gone away.是什么从句?


英语短语归纳! 带有 up off out away on 的动副短语 动介短语 动副介短语

wake up 醒来 bring up 抚养 get up 涂画 make up 赔偿 built-up 布满建筑物的 give up 放弃 go up 增长 come up开始 set up建立 sit up熬夜 turn up 找到 do up 整理 dry up 干涸 cry up 称赏 hitch up向上拉 push up 提高 pull up 停下 put up 建招 hurry up 快点 ice up 被冰覆盖 pick up 捡起be up发生;出事be well up in对…知道得很多;很熟悉(= be well up on)not up〈网球〉在地上反弹了一次上才被击中的up for打算;准备 eg:The house is up for sale.房子准备出售.up-and-comingadj.积极进取的,很有前途的,日见重要的up-and-downadj.上上下下的,起伏的,来来往往的,变动的up-and-overadj. (汽车库等常用的)上提式开启的up-and-upn.诚实的行为,向上,越来越好up-to-dateadj.直到现在的,最近的,当代的,新式的up a gum treeadv.进退维谷up a stumpadv. 处境尴尬 up a tree adv. 进退两难 up against adv. 面临 up against the wall adv. 碰壁 up and about adv. (病人)已起床走动 up and doing adv. 活泼,敏捷,忙碌 up and down adv. 上下地,到处,前前后后,来来往往 up front adv. 在前面,预先 up hill and dale adv. 翻山越水,拚命地,彻底地 up in arms adv. 进行武装斗争,竭力反对 up in the air adv. 悬而未决 up in the clouds [口]脱离实际,不切实际 get up ——起床 hang up——挂起来,挂断电话 keep up with ——跟上,不落后 look up to——尊敬,敬佩 pick up ——捡起 put up——立起,建造 wake up——醒来 stand up——起立 clean up--清除 clear up——澄清,放晴 dress up ——盛装 dry up——干涸,烘干 think up ——仔细思考 tie up——绑紧,捆好 make up one"s minds ——下决心 shut up——闭嘴 back(支持)up——支持,支援 back(倒退)up——倒退,倒车 be mixed up——糊涂,混合 blows(爆炸)up——爆炸 check up——检查 cheer up——鼓舞,使高兴 draw up ——起草 get mixed up——混乱,混淆 build up ——建立,增强 look up——查出 make up ——虚构,弥补 mix up——糊涂,混淆 show up ——出现,露面 to speed up——加快速度 stir up ——激起,鼓动 take up——占据,吸收 break up ——分裂,打碎 chew up——嚼碎 tear up ——撕碎,取消 chop up——剁碎,砍碎 cut up——切碎 smash up——击毁 up还有“结束,一点也不剩”的意思: be up ——时间到 give up——放弃,投降 let up——停止 burn up——完全烧尽 buy up——全部买尽 eat up——吃光 wait up for ——熬夜等人 stay up——熬夜 keep up——保持,维持 hold up——维持,劫持,耽搁 stand (经受)up ——经得住 stand(坚持) up for——坚持,支持 “到达,达到”也是up的常见含义: call up ——打电话 drive up to——开车到 go up to ——走到,走上前 live up to——达到标准,遵守 run up to——跑到(某人面前) walk up to——走到 be up to ——由某人决定 be up to——暗中做某事 stand sb up ——爽约 take up——学习,研究 throw up ——呕吐 bring up(成长)——抚养,教养 Break out 爆发 Call out 大声喊出 Carry out 贯彻 Come out 1.出来2.出版3.开花 Reach out 到达出 hold out one"s hand伸出手来 an out size 特大号 hurry out the room从房间匆匆出去 shout out 大叫 out ot sea航海中 far out at sea在远处海面上 shoot out buds发芽 put out a fire将火熄灭 go out the door从门出去 stretch out one"s arm伸出手臂 roll out a carpet 展开地毯 before the year is out在年底以前 fight it out 决一雌雄 set out on a journey动身去履行 out and out 撤头彻尾 out to试图 out and away显然 out for 力图要 Break out 爆发 Call out 大声喊出 Carry out 贯彻 Come out 1.出来2.出版3.开花 Reach out 到达出

The day you went away翻译成中文是什么意思?M2M一首英文歌

The day you went away (意为:当你走的那一天)附:M2M的《The day you went away 》翻译(希望你看得明)^_^噢,我真不相信事情竟会这样 well i wonder could it be 当我梦中见到你的时候 when i was dreaming abou...

M2M 的歌曲 (the day you went away)题目和歌词的大概意思是什么 ?


求don t walk away 中文歌词,中文的! 完整的 准确的 是韩国电影爱人中间的插曲

I"ve been waiting I"ve been searching for a beautiful one like you 我一直在等待 我一直在寻找 像你一样美丽的人儿I"ve been crying in the darkness like the bottom of the ocean我一直呆在海底般阴暗的地方哭泣 Please don"t walk away till I"m melted by a dreamDon"t think I"m insane I just want to be... loved 直到我被梦融化都不要离开我 不要认为我太笨 我只想...被爱

— Lily complains that she has never gets any mail. — ____. I will write her right away. A.Sh

D 由关键词:never gets any mail.推出:That"s too bad.

求歌名,歌词its a colorful world,wash away,all the gray

a new day has come.




awaken动词【唤醒】space名词【时空】这是【羽泉】歌曲【唤醒时空】歌词,也是歌名的英文翻译【awaken my space】【唤醒时空】




1)took a walk: 表示: (已经)去散步了.took 是take的过去式, 因此这个散步已经完成了。2) go to the walk. 表示:去散步; 是一般现在时, 既可以是一种想法, 也可以是一种命令, 但都没有完成。所以, 两者是不一样的。

they ran away and i felt free to take my time lo


有首英文歌的歌词好象有far away on the other adress这句,是什么歌啊

歌手: Dana Winner歌词制作:sanguo_gfThe last that ever she saw himcarried away by a moonlight shadowHe passed on worried and warningcarried away by a moonlight shadowLost in the riddle last Saturday nightfar away on the other sidehe was caught in the middle of a desperate fightand she couldn"t findhow to push throughThe trees that whisper in the eveningcarried away by a moonlight shadowSing the song of sorrow and grievingcarried away by a moonlight shadowAll she saw was a silhouette of a gunfar away on the other sidehe was shot six times by a man on the runand she couldn"t findhow to push throughI stayI prayI see you in heaven far awayI stayI prayI see you in heavenone dayFour a.m. in the morningcarried away by a moonlight shadowI watched your vision formingcarried away by a moonlight shadowStarsmoon was glowing in a slivery nightfar away on the other sidewill you come to talk to me this nightbut she couldn"t findhow to push throughI stayI prayI see you in heaven far awayI stayI prayI see you in heavenone dayCaught in the middleof a hundred and fiveThe night was heavy and the air was aliveBut she couldn"t findhow to push throughFar away on the other sideThe night was heavy and the air was aliveBut she couldn"t findhow to push throughshe couldn"t findhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push through

over the hills and far away歌词的主题是什么


So far away

So Far Away Lyrics and Music: Carole King 歌词 So far away; Doesn"t anybody stay in one place any more? It would be so fine to see your face at my door; Doesn"t help to know you"re just time away; Long ago I reached for you and there you stood; Holding you again could only do me good; How I wish I could, but you"re so far away One more song about movin" along the highway; Can"t say much of anything that"s new; If I could only work this life out my way; I"d rather spend it bein" close to you; But you"re so far away, doesn"t anybody stay in one place anymore? It would be so fine to see your face at my door; Doesn"t help to know you"re so far away Yay-uh-ay-eee; Oh, so far away Travelin" around sure gets me down and lonely; Nothin" else to do but close my mind; I sure hope the road don"t come to own me; Yet so many dreams I"ve yet to find; But you"re so far away, doesn"t anybody stay in one place anymore? It would be so fine to see your face at my door; And it doesn"t help to know you"re so far away

it is far away的中文意思


away from和far away from的区别

第一个指 距离 相距 第二个是 远离 离XX远

求一首英文歌,女生唱的,十分宁静悠远的一首歌,歌词中有一句"far away


有首女声唱的英文歌 you far away的 很抒情 很安静

alicia keys - a woman"s worth

Nickelback的《Far Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Far Away歌手:Nickelback专辑:Now That"s What I Call LoveNickelback - Far AwayThis time, This placeMisused, MistakesToo long, Too lateWho was I to make you waitJust one chanceJust one breathJust in case there"s just one left"Cause you know,you know, you knowThat I love youI have loved you all alongAnd I miss youBeen far away for far too longI keep dreaming you"ll be with meand you"ll never goStop breathing ifI don"t see you anymoreOne my knees, I"ll askLast chance for one last dance"Cause with you, I"d withstandAll of hell to hold your handI"d give it allI"d give for usGive anything but I won"t give up"Cause you know,you know, you knowThat I love youI have loved you all alongAnd I miss youBeen far away for far too longI keep dreaming you"ll be with meand you"ll never goStop breathing ifI don"t see you anymoreSo far awayBeen far away for far too longSo far awayBeen far away for far too longBut you know, you know, you knowI wantedI wanted you to stay"Cause I neededI need to hear you sayThat I love youI have loved you all alongAnd I forgive youFor being away for far too longSo keep breathing"Cause I"m not leaving you anymorenot leavingHold on to me and, never let me gokeep breathingHold on to me and, never let me gokeep breathingHold on to me and, never let me go

谁知道far from;away from和far away的区别?

1. far from 强调距离上的远,远离,决不,完全不His home is not far from here.他家离这儿不远。Far from home is near to harm.龙游浅水遭虾戏,虎落平阳被犬欺。2.far away fromfar away 遥远far away from 离……远Far Away From Home 远离家园1. The family lived far away from downtown.那家人住在离市中心很远的地方。2. And you"re so far away from me.而你离我如此遥远。3. Your topic is far away from it.你谈得离题太远了。(你扯得太远了。)far from和far away from有时可以通用。far away from用作表语或状语,away可以省去far from除了表示距离的”远离”之外,还有”远远不,完全不,决非”之意,后接名词,动名词或形容词.He is far from (being)rich.他一点也不富有.

Ingrid Michaelson的《Far Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Far Away歌手:Ingrid Michaelson专辑:Girls And BoysNickelback - Far AwayThis time. This place 这个时间 这个地点Misused. Mistakes 浪费和误解Too long Too late 太长的时间 太晚了Who was I to make you wait 是我让你等了太久Just one chance 只有一次机会Just one breath 只有一次呼吸(生命)Just in case there"s just one left 就是那样一次的失去Cause you know 可是你知道you know. you know 你知道 你一定知道That I love you 我爱你I have loved you all along 我一直爱着你And I miss you 我想念你Been far away for far too long 虽然一直离你遥远I keep dreaming you"ll be with me 我依旧幻想着你和我在一起and you"ll never go 而且你永远不会离开Stop breathing if I don"t see you anymore 如果我无法与你相见,那是因为我停止了呼吸One my knees. I"ll ask 请坐在我的膝盖上 我请求Last chance for one last dance 这最后一次机会 与你跳这最后一支舞Cause with you I"d withstand 因为我和你在一起 我会守侯终生All of hell to hold your hand 牵着你的手闯过一切困难I"d give it all 给你我的所有I"d give for us 是为了我们Give anything but I won"t give up 付出而决不放弃Cause you know 因为你知道you know. you know 你知道 你一定知道!That I love you 我爱你I have loved you all along 我一直爱着你And I miss you 我想念你Been far away for far too long 虽然一直离你遥远I keep dreaming you"ll be with me 我依旧幻想着你和我在一起and you"ll never go 而且你永远不会离开Stop breathing if I don"t see you anymore 如果我无法与你相见,那是因为我停止了呼吸So far away 太遥远Been far away for far too long 一直离你太过遥远So far away 太遥远Been far away for far too long 这一切真的太遥远But you know. you know. you know… 但是,你知道、你知道、你一定知道!I wanted 我渴望I wanted you to stay 你要你留在这Cause I needed 因为我需要I need to hear you say 我需要听见你说That I love you 听你说你爱我I have loved you all along 我会一直爱着你 无论多久And I forgive you 我会原谅你For being away for far too long 原谅那遥远的距离So keep breathing 我要活下去Cause I"m not leaving you anymore 因为我不会离开你not leaving 永远不离开Hold on to me and never let me go 等我 不要离我而去!keep breathing 继续呼吸Hold on to me and never let me go 等我 不要离我而去!keep breathing 继续呼吸Hold on to me and never let me go 等我 不要离我而去!END 结束

Marsha Ambrosius的《Far Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Far Away歌手:Marsha Ambrosius专辑:Late Nights & Early MorningsMARSHA AMBROSIUS - Far AwaySo sad to see you go so soonI know that you ain"t coming backIn the beginning everything was coolToward the end of it all it"s all badI know I played my part in making it what it isAnd I know that you did the sameI guess i"m up outta hereI"m moving on againI"m sure that you will understandI play by the rulesYou play by the gameI couldn"t of stayedIt"s easier to sayCause I was by your sideWhen you went through the painI guess it doesn"t matter now that you"re so far awayAnd every minute you"re goneI"m missing you soI can"t believe that you"re far awayCan"t get you out of my mindBoy you"re out of my lifeI can"t believe that you"re far awayEverything would be different, If you could hear me babyNow that you"re so far awayDidn"t want you to go babe, babeOoh tear stains on my pillowTryna forget yaDon"t know what i"m gonna doMore days and countingI"ve been laying and staringMyself in the mirrorAll alone in my roomI can"t feel this way againGonna think with my headCause my heart is what got me hereSo hurt from what you"ve doneMore than enough reasons for me to move onCause I gave you my wordYou put your trust in meSupposed to be the one to give you what you needI was by your sideWhen we were meant to beGuess it doesn"t matter now that you"re so...Far awayAnd every minute you"re goneI"m missing you soI can"t believe that you"re far awayCan"t get you out of my mindBoy you"re out of my lifeI can"t believe that you"re far awayEverything would be differentIf you could hear me babyNow that you"re so far awayYeah, Yeah.If I"d have known Sunday morningThat you would be goneI would have never come homeI wouldn"t have answered my phoneTo hear the voice at a toneI knew that something was wrong babeThe cops the one who had told meThat you was alone inside an empty roomIdentified you as my babyOh my babySo far away (far away)And every minute you"re goneI"m missing you soI can"t believe that you"re far awayCan"t get you out of my mindBoy you"re out of my lifeI can"t believe that you"re far awayEverything would be differentIf you could hear me babyNow that you"re so far awayYeah...Can"t believe that you"re gone

歌里的歌词有far away的是什么歌曲

太多了so far away--stingfar away--nickelbackfar away from home--groove coverage

tyga far away歌词,要英文的!谢谢!

Tyga- Far Away Lyrics Feat. Chris Richardson[Chris Richardson]Just to see her (see her)But she"s far far awayAnd I"d do anything just to see her faceBut she"s far far awayWalk a thousand miles just to see her smile again[Tyga - verse 1]Sittin" on a planeReminscing back when I made that mistakeI wish it never ended with a heartbreakNow your heart broken, tears in ya faceAsk myself why, looking at the skyIf I could turn back I"d make it all rightPraying that you better but its still stormy weatherDon"t wanna let go but the rain wont let upNow you gone, still thinking bout you everydayAnd I know feelings was hurt and you can blame me butI"m sorry for the games that I playedBut now it"s too lateAnd now she"s…[Chris Richardson]Now she"s far far awayAnd I"d do anything just to see her faceBut she"s far far awayWalk a thousand miles just to see her smile again[Tyga - verse 2]It"s cold putting up a fightArguing back and forth through the nightRegardless what I said and I don"t most of itYou know I really love you, this the realest goin" getIt take time to realise what you really wanna knowYou was ready for it all but your feelings I ignoredI know my fault, I should"ve gave moreNow you"re miles away and I"m miles on tourNow it"s drums playing, crowd singingLight changing, wish you was here to witness all thatIt starts fadingThey say two wrongs don"t make it rightAnd I was wrong and now it aint right[Chris Richardson]Cause she"s far far awayAnd I"d do anything just to see her faceBut she"s far far awayWalk a thousand miles just to see her smile again[Tyga - bridge]Na na na nahIf I could turn backIf I could make it rightI"d do just thatIf I could make it rightI"d do it all tonightHold you in my arms, with you I"d spend my lifeNa na na nahIf I could turn backIf I could make it rightI"d do just thatI"d do just thatIf I could turn back(Come back here again)[Chris Richardson]Cause she"s far far awayAnd I"d do anything just to see her faceBut she"s far far awayWalk a thousand miles just to see her smile again[Bridge][End]

Over The Hills And Far Away 歌词

歌曲名:Over The Hills And Far Away歌手:Royal Scots Dragoon Guards专辑:Spirit Of The Glen1. Over The Hills And Far AwayThey came for him one winter"s night.Arrested, he was bound.They said there"d been a robbery,his pistol had been found.They marched him to the station house,he waited for the dawn.And as they led him to the dock,he knew that he"d been wronged."You stand accused of robbery,"he heard the bailiff say.He knew without an alibi,tomorrow"s light would mourn his freedom.Over the hills and far away,for ten long years he"ll count the days.Over the mountains and the seas,a prisoner"s life for him there"ll be.He knew that it would cost him dear,but yet he dare not say.Where he had been that fateful night,a secret it must stay.He had to fight back tears of rage.His heart beat like a drum.For with the wife of his best friend,he spent his final night of freedom.Over the hills and far away,he swears he will return one day.Far from the mountains and the seas,back in her arms he swears he"ll be.Over the hills and far away.Over the hills and,over the hills and,over the hills and far away.Each night within his prison cell,he looks out through the bars.He reads the letters that she wrote.One day he"ll know the taste of freedom.Over the hills and far away,she prays he will return one day.As sure as the rivers reach the seas,back in his arms he swears she"ll be.Over the hills and far away,he swears he will return one day.Far from the mountains and the seas,back in her arms he swears he"ll be.Over the hills and far away,she prays he will return one day.As sure as the rivers reach the seas,back in his arms is where she"ll be.Over the hills,over the hills and far away.Over the hills,over the hills and far away.

far away和far apart的区别

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: far away: 是距离的遥远(指代物理距离) a. 遥远的(远远的) Christmas is a time for friends and family members to see each other again and to send Christmas cards to those who live far away. 圣诞节是朋友家人互相再见,以及寄圣诞卡给住在远方的人的一段时间。 We can talk to those who live far away by telephone. 我们可以用电话和住在远处的人说话。 I live far away from my school. 我住的地方离学校很远。 far apart: 可以指代思想性格等差距很远 a. 远远分开(远离着,远隔着) 例句与用法: 1. Our view are not so far apart, after all. 我们的见解毕竟没有多大的分歧。 2. The in brothers are far apart in character. 那两个孪生兄弟的性格相差很远。 3. In gases, the particles are far apart, with empty space beeen. 在气体中分子之间的距离很大,彼此之间有空隙。 4. Our views are not so far apart, after all. 我们的想法毕竟没有多大的分歧。

Over The Hills And Far Away (Children S March) 歌词

歌曲名:Over The Hills And Far Away (Children S March)歌手:Daniel Adni专辑:Grainger: Country Gardens And Other Piano Favourites1. Over The Hills And Far AwayThey came for him one winter"s night.Arrested, he was bound.They said there"d been a robbery,his pistol had been found.They marched him to the station house,he waited for the dawn.And as they led him to the dock,he knew that he"d been wronged."You stand accused of robbery,"he heard the bailiff say.He knew without an alibi,tomorrow"s light would mourn his freedom.Over the hills and far away,for ten long years he"ll count the days.Over the mountains and the seas,a prisoner"s life for him there"ll be.He knew that it would cost him dear,but yet he dare not say.Where he had been that fateful night,a secret it must stay.He had to fight back tears of rage.His heart beat like a drum.For with the wife of his best friend,he spent his final night of freedom.Over the hills and far away,he swears he will return one day.Far from the mountains and the seas,back in her arms he swears he"ll be.Over the hills and far away.Over the hills and,over the hills and,over the hills and far away.Each night within his prison cell,he looks out through the bars.He reads the letters that she wrote.One day he"ll know the taste of freedom.Over the hills and far away,she prays he will return one day.As sure as the rivers reach the seas,back in his arms he swears she"ll be.Over the hills and far away,he swears he will return one day.Far from the mountains and the seas,back in her arms he swears he"ll be.Over the hills and far away,she prays he will return one day.As sure as the rivers reach the seas,back in his arms is where she"ll be.Over the hills,over the hills and far away.Over the hills,over the hills and far away.

求Faydee的Far away 歌词翻译

歌曲:Far Away歌手:Faydee所属专辑:All The Right ReasonsThis time, This place时间 地点Misused, Mistakes白费 罪孽Too long, Too late太久 太远Who was I to make you wait我凭什么 让你望穿秋水Just one chance尝试一遍Just one breath呼吸一遍Just in case there"s just one left怕只剩 最后一次机会"Cause you know,因为你知道you know, you know你知道 你知道That I love you我爱你I have loved you all along我一直爱着你And I miss you我想你Been far away for far too long太多太久的相思两地I keep dreaming you"ll be with me不停希冀 能与你相依and you"ll never go永不离弃Stop breathing if会停止呼吸I don"t see you anymore如果再也见不到你One my knees, I"ll ask屈膝 请愿Last chance for one last dance最后一次 分享最后一支舞的机会"Cause with you, I"d withstand只要有你 我就情愿All of hell to hold your hand万丈深渊 也要握你的手在我里面I"d give it all我愿付出I"d give for us为我俩付出Give anything but I won"t give up付出所有 就是不愿放弃"Cause you know,因为你知道you know, you know你知道 你知道That I love you我爱你I have loved you all along我一直爱着你And I miss you我想你Been far away for far too long太多太久的相思两地I keep dreaming you"ll be with me不停希冀 能与你相依and you"ll never go永不离弃Stop breathing if会停止呼吸I don"t see you anymore如果再也见不到你So far away如此遥远Been far away for far too long离开太久也太远So far away如此遥远Been far away for far too long离开太久也太远But you know, you know, you know但你知道 你知道 你知道I wanted我多想I wanted you to stay多想你能停留"Cause I needed因为我需要I need to hear you say我需要听你亲口说--That I love you我爱你I have loved you all along我一直爱着你And I forgive you我原谅你For being away for far too long原谅长久以来的分离So keep breathing所以 请继续呼吸"Cause I"m not leaving you anymore因为我再也不会离开你not leaving不会离开你Hold on to me and, never let me go抱紧我 别让我离去keep breathing请继续呼吸"Cause I"m not leaving you anymore因为我再也不会离开你not leaving不会离开你Hold on to me and, never let me go抱紧我 别让我离去keep breathing别停止呼吸Hold on to me and, never let me go抱紧我 别让我离去keep breathing请继续呼吸Hold on to me and, never let me go抱紧我 别让我离去

谁知道Through the Years and Far Away的歌词

Through the Years and Far AwayHello, little starAre you doing fine?I"m lonely as everything in birthSometimes in the darkWhen I close my eyesI dream of you, the planet earthIf I could fly across this nightFaster than the speed of lightI would spread these wings of mineThrough the years and far awayFar beyond the milky waySee the shine that never blinksThe shine that never fadesThousand years and far awayFar beyond the silky wayYou"re the shine that never blinksThe shine that never diesHello, tiny starCan you hear me call?I"m so blind as everything at birthIf I could flow against these nightsStraiter than the string of lightI would lay these hands on timeThrough the years and far awayFar beyond the milky waySee the shine that never blinksThe shine that never fadesThousand years and far awayFar beyond the silky wayYou"re the shine that never blinksThe shine that never diesThrough the years and far awayFar beyond the milky wayYou"re the shine that never blinksThe shine that never dies

求 Far Away歌词,中英翻译

nickelback - Far Away 太遥远this time, this place 同一时间,同一地点misused, mistakes 我用错了,我做错了too long, too late 太遥远了,太迟了who was i to make you wait 谁又是我让你等的人 just one chance 只一个机会just one breath 只一次呼吸just in case there"s just one left 只为万一还有一口气在"cause you know, 因为你知道you know, you know 你知道,你知道that i love you 知道我爱你i have loved you all the along 我一直都在爱着你and i miss you 我一直都在思念着你been far away for far too long 离你太远了,太久了i keep dreaming you"ll be with me 在梦里我们在一起and you"ll never go 永远不会离开我 stop breathing if 我将停止呼吸 i don"t see you anymore 如果我无法再见到你on my knees, i"ll ask 我跪着last chance for one last dance 要你陪我跳最后一舞"cause with you, i"d withstand 因为和你在一起,all of hell to hold your hand 我可以经受所有的痛苦只为握你的手,i"d give it all 我可以放弃所有的一切i"d give for us 为了我们give anything but i won"t give up 放弃所有的一切但除了你"cause you know, 因为你知道you know, you know 你知道,你知道that i love you 知道我爱你i have loved you all along 我一直都在爱着你and i miss you 我一直都在思念着你been far away for far too long 离你太远了,太久了i keep dreaming you"ll be with me 在梦里我们在一起and you"ll never go 因为你再也不会走了 stop breathing if 我将停止呼吸i don"t see you anymore 如果我不再见到你so far away 太远了been far away for far too long 离你太远了,太久了so far away 太远了been far away for far too long 离你太远了,太久了but you know, you know, you know 但你知道,你知道,你知道i wanted 我想要 i wanted you to stay 我想要要你留下"cause i needed 因为我需要i need to hear you say 需要听到你说that i love you 说你爱我i have loved you all along 我一直都在爱着你and i forgive you 所以我原谅你for being away for far too long 原谅你离我这么远这么久so keep breathing 所以请你继续呼吸下去"cause i"m not leaving you anymore 因为我不再离开你,not leaving 不再离开hold on to me and, never let me go 为我坚持下去,请不要再让我离开keep breathing 请你呼吸下去hold on to me and, never let me go 为我坚持下去,永远不要再让我离开keep breathing 请你为我呼吸下去hold on to me and, never let me go 为我坚持下去,永远不要再让我离开

《Though the years and far away》(《星之声》)的歌词??

[ti:THOUGH THE YEARS AND FAR AWAY][ar:Low][al:][by:][00:26.86]Hello, little star[00:32.58]Are you doing fine?[00:37.71]I"m lonely as everything in birth[00:47.23]Sometimes in the dark[00:52.58]When I close my eyes[00:57.06]I dream of you, the planet earth[01:05.94]If I could fly across this night[01:16.09]Faster than the speed of light[01:26.21]I would spread these wings of mine[01:35.86]Through the years and far away[01:41.46]Far beyond the milky way[01:46.25]See the shine that never blinks[01:51.72]The shine that never fades[01:56.50]Thousand years and far away[02:01.52]Far beyond the silky way[02:06.57]You"re the shine that never blinks[02:11.58]The shine that never dies[02:35.49]Hello, tiny star[02:40.92]Can you hear me call?[02:45.72]I"m so blind as everything at birth[02:54.68]If I could flow against these nights[03:05.06]Straiter than the string of light[03:14.70]I would lay these hands on time[03:24.84]Through the years and far away[03:29.96]Far beyond the milky way[03:34.90]See the shine that never blinks[03:40.57]The shine that never fades[03:45.02]Thousand years and far away[03:50.01]Far beyond the silky way[03:55.43]You"re the shine that never blinks[04:00.10]The shine that never dies[04:05.68]Through the years and far away[04:10.48]Far beyond the milky way[04:15.47]You"re the shine that never blinks[04:20.71]The shine that never diesTHROUGH THE YEARS FAR AWAY (Hello,little star) 作曲:天门 作词:K.JUNO 演唱:Low

歌词 far away awayaway

歌曲名:Far Away歌手: nickelback发行时间:2005-10-04所属专辑:《all the right reasons》互译歌词:this time, this place这个时间 这个地点misused, mistakes浪费和误解too long, too late太长的时间 太晚了who was i to make you wait是我让你等了太久just one chance只有一次机会just one breath只有一次生命just in case there"s just one left就是那样一次的失去"cause you know,可是你知道you know, you know你知道,你一定知道that i love you我爱你i have loved you all along我一直爱着你and i miss you我很想你been far away for far too long虽然一直离你遥远i keep dreaming you"ll be with me我依旧幻想着你和我在一起and you"ll never go而且你永远不会离开stop breathing if如果我无法再与你相见i don"t see you anymore我会呼吸困难one my knees, i"ll ask请坐在我的膝盖上 我要请求last chance for one last dance这最后一次机会 与一跳这最后一支舞"cause with you, i"d withstand因为我和你在一起 我会守侯终生all of hell to hold your hand牵着你的手,去渡过一切困难i"d give it all给你我所有i"d give for us是为了我们give anything but i won"t give up付出而决不放弃"cause you know,因为你知道you know, you know你知道 你一定知道!that i love you我爱你i have loved you all along我一直爱着你and i miss you我很想你been far away for far too long虽然一直离你遥远i keep dreaming you"ll be with me我依旧幻想着你和我在一起and you"ll never go而且你永远不会离开stop breathing if如果有提那我停止了呼吸i don"t see you anymore一定是因为我无法与你相见so far away太遥远been far away for far too long一直离你太过遥远so far away太遥远的距离been far away for far too long这一切真的太遥远but you know, you know, you know但是你知道,你知道,你知道!i wanted我渴望i wanted you to stay你要你留在这"cause i needed因为我需要i need to hear you say我需要听见你说that i love you听你说你爱我i have loved you all along我会一直爱着你,无论多久and i forgive you我会原谅你for being away for far too long原谅那遥远的距离so keep breathing我要活下去"cause i"m not leaving you anymore因为我不会离开你not leaving要相信hold on to me and, never let me go等我,不要离我而去!keep breathing要相信hold on to me and, never let me go因为我不会离开你keep breathing要相信hold on to me and, never let me go等我,不要离我而去!

求On the seas and far away的英文赏析,不要原文, 不要原文 太短了

This poetry writes about a girl misses her lover day and night, whatever they do, wherever they are, she thinks they"re always together, that"s strength her affection to her lover in turn.

Far far away 歌词

歌曲名:Far far away歌手:Blackmore"s Night专辑:Secret VoyageFar Far AwayBlackmore"s NightFar Far AwayBlackmore"s NightShe passes the days one after the otherShe never sees, she never hearsCounting the hours, her life is a rerunA series of failures rolled into one.When she was young she looked towards the futureEyes full of promise, a heart filled with joyHow had her road twisted so harshlyCan these two women be one and the same?Once she dreamed of romanceOnce she imagined she lived in a castleOnce she held the world in her handsOnce was a long time ago,Far far away.How her mind aches, her life"s been a hard oneFilled with such sorrow, no girl should knowHow her heart aches, she"s loves and she"s lostSome say its better, but she disagrees...Once she dreamed of romanceOnce she imagined she lived in a castleOnce she held the world in her hands,Once was a long time ago,Far far away-when she was young she looked towards the futureEyes full of promise, a heart filled with joyHow had her road twisted so harshlyCan these two women be one and the same?la la la ……She passes the days one after the other...Looking for answersFar far awayFar far awayFar far awayFar far away

Long Ago (And Far Away) 歌词

歌曲名:Long Ago (And Far Away)歌手:Acker Bilk专辑:Clarinet MoodsOahhhYeahNoYeah yeah yeahOnce upon a timeYou whispered softly in my earLoving words and fairytalesThat I longed to hearI gave you my body and soulAnd you took controlAs you slowly swept me upAnd carried me awayYou told me pretty liesAs I held onto you tightYou knew how to get your wayIgnorance was bliss in your warm embraceLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt meAnd take me back to yesterdayEvery now and thenI drown in thoughts of yesterdayAnd the fools" paradise that you blew awayI feel you beside me againAnd remember when you came to my windowOn a dark and stormy dayBaby, I need you nowTonight I"m crumbling down (down)Sinking in the memoriesShadows of you keep washing over meLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt meLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt meAnd take me back to yesterday(So long ago)(So long ago)(So long ago)(So long ago)(So long ago)(So long ago)(So long ago)Oh baby, I need you now"Cause tonight I"m crumbling downSinking in the memoriesShadows of you keep washing over meLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt meAnd take me back to yesterdayLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt meLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt me

Long Ago (And Far Away) 歌词

歌曲名:Long Ago (And Far Away)歌手:Rosemary Clooney专辑:Rosemary Clooney Sings The Songs Of Ira GershwinOahhhYeahNoYeah yeah yeahOnce upon a timeYou whispered softly in my earLoving words and fairytalesThat I longed to hearI gave you my body and soulAnd you took controlAs you slowly swept me upAnd carried me awayYou told me pretty liesAs I held onto you tightYou knew how to get your wayIgnorance was bliss in your warm embraceLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt meAnd take me back to yesterdayEvery now and thenI drown in thoughts of yesterdayAnd the fools" paradise that you blew awayI feel you beside me againAnd remember when you came to my windowOn a dark and stormy dayBaby, I need you nowTonight I"m crumbling down (down)Sinking in the memoriesShadows of you keep washing over meLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt meLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt meAnd take me back to yesterday(So long ago)(So long ago)(So long ago)(So long ago)(So long ago)(So long ago)(So long ago)Oh baby, I need you now"Cause tonight I"m crumbling downSinking in the memoriesShadows of you keep washing over meLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt meAnd take me back to yesterdayLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt meLong agoYou used to want me(Now it"s all so far away)Now it"s all so far awayBut you still haunt me

Far, Far Away 歌词

歌曲名:Far, Far Away歌手:Efatha专辑:This Is What You GetFar Far AwayBlackmore"s NightFar Far AwayBlackmore"s NightShe passes the days one after the otherShe never sees, she never hearsCounting the hours, her life is a rerunA series of failures rolled into one.When she was young she looked towards the futureEyes full of promise, a heart filled with joyHow had her road twisted so harshlyCan these two women be one and the same?Once she dreamed of romanceOnce she imagined she lived in a castleOnce she held the world in her handsOnce was a long time ago,Far far away.How her mind aches, her life"s been a hard oneFilled with such sorrow, no girl should knowHow her heart aches, she"s loves and she"s lostSome say its better, but she disagrees...Once she dreamed of romanceOnce she imagined she lived in a castleOnce she held the world in her hands,Once was a long time ago,Far far away-when she was young she looked towards the futureEyes full of promise, a heart filled with joyHow had her road twisted so harshlyCan these two women be one and the same?la la la ……She passes the days one after the other...Looking for answersFar far awayFar far awayFar far awayFar far away

Far, Far Away 歌词

歌曲名:Far, Far Away歌手:Five Iron Frenzy专辑:Electric BoogalooFar Far AwayBlackmore"s NightFar Far AwayBlackmore"s NightShe passes the days one after the otherShe never sees, she never hearsCounting the hours, her life is a rerunA series of failures rolled into one.When she was young she looked towards the futureEyes full of promise, a heart filled with joyHow had her road twisted so harshlyCan these two women be one and the same?Once she dreamed of romanceOnce she imagined she lived in a castleOnce she held the world in her handsOnce was a long time ago,Far far away.How her mind aches, her life"s been a hard oneFilled with such sorrow, no girl should knowHow her heart aches, she"s loves and she"s lostSome say its better, but she disagrees...Once she dreamed of romanceOnce she imagined she lived in a castleOnce she held the world in her hands,Once was a long time ago,Far far away-when she was young she looked towards the futureEyes full of promise, a heart filled with joyHow had her road twisted so harshlyCan these two women be one and the same?la la la ……She passes the days one after the other...Looking for answersFar far awayFar far awayFar far awayFar far away

谁能帮我翻译一下《Over the hills and far away》这首歌的歌词?谢谢。。。


far from, away from, away, far away的区别 the other ,another ,other ,the others的区别

[Far Away]这首歌的中文意思是什么?

This time, This place 这个时间 这个地点 Misused, Mistakes 浪费和误解 Too long, Too late 太长的时间 太晚了 Who was I to make you wait 是我让你等了太久 Just one chance 只有一次机会 Just one breath 只有一次呼吸(生命) Just in case there"s just one left 就是那样一次的失去 "Cause you know, 可是你知道 you know, you know 你知道 你一定知道 [CHORUS] That I love you 我爱你 I have loved you all along 我一直爱着你 And I miss you 我很想你 Been far away for far too long 虽然一直离你遥远 I keep dreaming you"ll be with me 我依旧幻想着你和我在一起 and you"ll never go 而且你永远不会离开 Stop breathing if I don"t see you anymore 只要能够呼吸 我就要见到你 (如果有提那我停止了呼吸 一定是因为我无法与你相见) On my knees, I"ll ask 请坐在我的膝盖上 我要请求 Last chance for one last dance 这最后一次机会 与一跳这最后一支舞 "Cause with you, I"d withstand 因为我和你在一起 我会守侯终生 All of hell to hold your hand 牵着你的手 去渡过一切困难 I"d give it all 给你我所有 I"d give for us 是为了我们 Give anything but I won"t give up 付出而决不放弃 "Cause you know, 因为你知道 you know, you know 你知道 你一定知道! [CHORUS] So far away 太遥远 Been far away for far too long 一直离你太过遥远 So far away 太遥远的距离 Been far away for far too long 这一切真的太遥远 But you know, you know, you know 但是 你知道 你知道 你知道! I wanted 我渴望 I wanted you to stay 你要你留在这 "Cause I needed 因为我需要 I need to hear you say 我需要听见你说 That I love you 听你说你爱我 I have loved you all along 我会一直爱着你 无论多久 And I forgive you 我会原谅你 For being away for far too long 原谅那遥远的距离 So keep breathing 我要活下去 "Cause I"m not leaving you anymore 因为我不会离开你 believe it 要相信 Hold on to me and, never let me go 等我 不要离我而去!

far from 和 away from 区别 解释 +例句

itusesalanguageandastylethat"sveryfarfromthelanguageandstyleoflaterphilosophyandabstracttheology.它运用的那种语言和风格,与后来的哲学及抽象神学的风格,大不相同。theycould"vetakenyouawayfrom me,buttheydidn"t.他们本可以将你带走的,但是他们并没有这么做。 两者都有远离的意思。当解释为远离时其实相当于词组"farawayfrom".而不解释为远离时。farfrom:完全不,远非。 awayfrom离开;离开某物多远。

求一首英文歌,其中有个女的唱far away,,far away

ayumi hamasaki

求经典英语歌,歌词含有far away的,曲调很欢快的

take me to your heart

求一首歌曲开头为far away far away的英文歌?

She Moves (Far Away)

far from,far away,far away from的区别,例句!谢谢!

小孩 你太晕了 真正的短语是far(away)from,在用的时候常把away省略。far from=far(away)from就这么简单

求一首英文歌歌名,听的里边老重复so far and away还是far away来着 重复3次好

far away from home

求看过电影《大地雄心》(far and away)的童鞋帮忙写作业~~~~


歌词里有重复far and away

Enya: Book Of DaysRoma RyanOne day, one night, one momentMy dreams could be tomorrowOne step, one fall, one falterEast or West,Over earth or by oceanOne way to be my journeyThis way could be myBook of DaysNo day, no night, no momentCan hold me back from tryingOne flag, one fall, one falterI"ll find my day maybeFar and AwayFar and AwayOne day, one night one momentWith a dream to be leavingOne step, one fall, one falterFind a new world across a wide oceanThis way became my journeyThis day brings togetherFar and AwayThis day brings togetherFar and AwayFar and Away.

by far and away是什么意思


far and away的意思与用法

Adv. 1. far and away - by a considerable margin; "she was by far the smartest student"; "it was far and away the best meal he had ever eaten"

turn off /turn down /turn away的区别

B 拒绝

turn away和turn down 都有拒绝的意思,两者有区别吗?可不可以换用?

1 turn away 的感情色彩更浓如: To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good. 使堕落,使走邪路使远离正确的、合理的或好的事物。 Do you think I should turn down his offer? 你认为我应该拒绝他的报价吗?2 换用请注意 turn sth /sb away= turn away from sth/ sb turn sth/sb down= turn down sth/sb

turn down和turn away 的区别

turn down "把声音调小”的意思。从down(向下)就可以看出来。turn away "转身离开,掉头就走”的意思。

Push Me Away 歌词

歌曲名:Push Me Away歌手:Kutless专辑:Kutless: The BeginningThe Last GoodnightPush me awayPoison KissWhy can"t you begin to understand?You"re only happy when you"re sad and it"s killing meWe can talk, we can cry, we can tell each other liesAnd call this our goodbyeThis is no kind of relationshipIt"s all stressed, broken, bruised and walking out the doorWe can run, we can hide, just look me in the eyeAnd call this our goodbyeYou push me away for the first time, ohI can see, this will be just another landslide,You push me away for the last timeAnd I"m over it, but in the meantimeYou push me away for the last timeBa da da, Ba da da, Ba da daBa da da, Ba da daYour parade of dishonestyHas shown me sides of you I never knew and never want to knowWe can run, we can fly, I"m just sick of all the liesThis is my goodbyeYou push me away for the first time, ohI can see, this will be just another landslide,You push me away for the last timeAnd I"m over it, but in the meantimeYou push me away for the last timeThis is my break up to you, breaking through youThis is me, broke in pieces, can"t you see this?You push me away for the first time, whoahI can see, this will be just another landslideYou push me away for the first time, whoahI can see, this will be just another landslide,You push me away for the last timeAnd I"m over it, but in the meantimeYou push me away for the last timeI don"t want this to be just another landslideI don"t want this to be just another landslideYou"re only happy when you"re sad and it"s killing me

passerby. takemeaway中文什么意思


Cut away和Cut out都有切去的意思,什么区别

请问 请问请问

想找一首外文歌,其中一句歌词大概是too far away

<Far Away From Home>

cut off、cut down、cut away的区别 急求,快快啊


cut away 与cut off 的区别?

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