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opportunity [,ɑpɚ"tjunətɪ] threat [θrɛt]

terrorist threat是什么意思


physical threat是什么意思

physical threat物理威胁physical英-["fɪzɪk(ə)l]美-["fɪzɪkl]释义n. 体格检查adj. [物] 物理的;身体的;物质的;根据自然规律的,符合自然法则的threat英-[θret]美-[θrɛt]释义n. 威胁,恐吓;凶兆


menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.menacen.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][(+to)]He spoke with menace in his voice.他说话的声音中带着威胁.2.威胁性的言行;具有危害性的人(或物)[C]These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace.这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁.3.【口】极端讨厌的人(或物)[C]You"re a menace!你这人真讨厌!vt.1.威胁,恐吓;危及The robber menaced him with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威吓他.vi.1.进行威胁,进行恐吓


menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.menacen.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][(+to)]He spoke with menace in his voice.他说话的声音中带着威胁.2.威胁性的言行;具有危害性的人(或物)[C]These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace.这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁.3.【口】极端讨厌的人(或物)[C]You"re a menace!你这人真讨厌!vt.1.威胁,恐吓;危及The robber menaced him with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威吓他.vi.1.进行威胁,进行恐吓


menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.menacen.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][(+to)]He spoke with menace in his voice.他说话的声音中带着威胁.2.威胁性的言行;具有危害性的人(或物)[C]These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace.这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁.3.【口】极端讨厌的人(或物)[C]You"re a menace!你这人真讨厌!vt.1.威胁,恐吓;危及The robber menaced him with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威吓他.vi.1.进行威胁,进行恐吓


give a threat to


threat n.恐吓, 凶兆, 威胁menace n.威胁, 危险物 v.恐吓, 危及, 威胁


threat [θret] n. 恐吓, 威胁, 凶兆


threats的音标——[θret]threats是威胁的意思。词组搭配:death threats    死亡威胁no legal threats    不要诉诸法律威胁opportunities and threats    外部环境的机会与威胁threats to murder    以谋杀相威胁utter threats    大声恫吓covert glances threats payments    偷偷的一瞥词组造句:They screwed the money out of her by threats .他们威胁她把钱交出来。The railway is under threat of closure .那条铁路有停止运营的迹象。The threat of redundancy was suddenly removed .裁员的危险顿时消除了。Allende began uttering threats of violence .阿连德开始扬言要使用武力。


menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.menacen.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][(+to)]He spoke with menace in his voice.他说话的声音中带着威胁.2.威胁性的言行;具有危害性的人(或物)[C]These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace.这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁.3.【口】极端讨厌的人(或物)[C]You"re a menace!你这人真讨厌!vt.1.威胁,恐吓;危及The robber menaced him with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威吓他.vi.1.进行威胁,进行恐吓


treat 英[triːt] 美[triːt] vt. 对待; 治疗; 处理; 把…看作; 把…视为; 讨论; 医疗; 处理,保护,保存; 招待; n. 款待; 乐事; 乐趣;


menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.menacen.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][(+to)]He spoke with menace in his voice.他说话的声音中带着威胁.2.威胁性的言行;具有危害性的人(或物)[C]These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace.这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁.3.【口】极端讨厌的人(或物)[C]You"re a menace!你这人真讨厌!vt.1.威胁,恐吓;危及The robber menaced him with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威吓他.vi.1.进行威胁,进行恐吓


threat和menace的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.threat意思:n. 威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆; 征兆; 构成威胁的人; 形成威胁的事物;2.menace意思:n. 威胁; 危险的人(或物); 令人恐怖的氛围; 危险气氛; 烦人的人(或事物); 引起麻烦的人。二、用法不同1.threat用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:His presence is a threat to our success.他的出现对我们的成功是一个威胁。2.menace用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:These weapons are a menace to world peace.这些武器是对世界和平的威胁。三、侧重点不同1.threat侧重点:threat 普通用词,语气弱于menace,指任何公开侵犯对方的言行,给对方构成危险或威胁。2.menace侧重点:menace 所指的危险性最严重,表示使用暴力或造成破坏性的可能。


threat [θret] n. 威胁,恐吓;凶兆menace ["menəs] n. 威胁;恐吓vt. 威胁;恐吓vi. 恐吓;进行威胁menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.


threat和menace的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.threat意思:n. 威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆; 征兆; 构成威胁的人; 形成威胁的事物;2.menace意思:n. 威胁; 危险的人(或物); 令人恐怖的氛围; 危险气氛; 烦人的人(或事物); 引起麻烦的人。二、用法不同1.threat用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:His presence is a threat to our success.他的出现对我们的成功是一个威胁。2.menace用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:These weapons are a menace to world peace.这些武器是对世界和平的威胁。三、侧重点不同1.threat侧重点:threat 普通用词,语气弱于menace,指任何公开侵犯对方的言行,给对方构成危险或威胁。2.menace侧重点:menace 所指的危险性最严重,表示使用暴力或造成破坏性的可能。


threaten lifelessness consume prefer accidient


threat和menace的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.threat意思:n. 威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆; 征兆; 构成威胁的人; 形成威胁的事物;2.menace意思:n. 威胁; 危险的人(或物); 令人恐怖的氛围; 危险气氛; 烦人的人(或事物); 引起麻烦的人。二、用法不同1.threat用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:His presence is a threat to our success.他的出现对我们的成功是一个威胁。2.menace用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:These weapons are a menace to world peace.这些武器是对世界和平的威胁。三、侧重点不同1.threat侧重点:threat 普通用词,语气弱于menace,指任何公开侵犯对方的言行,给对方构成危险或威胁。2.menace侧重点:menace 所指的危险性最严重,表示使用暴力或造成破坏性的可能。


threat英音:[θret]美音:[θrɛt] 名词 n. 1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs. 一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁。 3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain. 阴云带来要下雨的征兆。


menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.menacen.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][(+to)]He spoke with menace in his voice.他说话的声音中带着威胁.2.威胁性的言行;具有危害性的人(或物)[C]These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace.这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁.3.【口】极端讨厌的人(或物)[C]You"re a menace!你这人真讨厌!vt.1.威胁,恐吓;危及The robber menaced him with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威吓他.vi.1.进行威胁,进行恐吓


threat英 [θret]美 [θrɛt]n. 威胁,恐吓;凶兆[网络短语]Threat 威胁,恐吓,挑战threat 威胁Stereotype threat 成见威胁,成见威胁,刻板印象威胁希望我的回答能帮助到你。


可以。threat是名词,意思是威胁,可数名词,所以复数的时候加s,threats。例句:His presence is a threat to our success.他的出现对我们的成功是一个威胁。The threat of an economic depression hangs over the world.经济衰退的威胁笼罩着世界。Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.污染对这一物种的继续生存造成了威胁。He took not notice of his father"s threat.他不理会他父亲的恐吓。There was a threat of typhoon.有刮台风的征兆。threat属于类名词,句子We disregarded all his threats里的threats不能以它的单数形式threat出现;threat后可接to的不定式。The tenants disregarded their landlord"s threat to expel them.这些租客完全漠视房东要把他们驱赶出去的威胁。threat后可接不同的介词,如of,to等。There was then a continual threat of war.There was then a continual threat to peace.


threat和menace的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.threat意思:n. 威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆; 征兆; 构成威胁的人; 形成威胁的事物;2.menace意思:n. 威胁; 危险的人(或物); 令人恐怖的氛围; 危险气氛; 烦人的人(或事物); 引起麻烦的人。二、用法不同1.threat用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:His presence is a threat to our success.他的出现对我们的成功是一个威胁。2.menace用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:These weapons are a menace to world peace.这些武器是对世界和平的威胁。三、侧重点不同1.threat侧重点:threat 普通用词,语气弱于menace,指任何公开侵犯对方的言行,给对方构成危险或威胁。2.menace侧重点:menace 所指的危险性最严重,表示使用暴力或造成破坏性的可能。

threat 名词性



threat 英[θret]美[θrɛt]n. 威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆;


threat [θret] n. 威胁,恐吓;凶兆menace ["menəs] n. 威胁;恐吓vt. 威胁;恐吓vi. 恐吓;进行威胁menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.


Threat,英语单词,译为“威胁,分析”,读音为:英 [θret] 美 [θrɛt]。名词词义:威胁,恐吓,威吓,恫吓,吓唬;凶兆, 恶兆,征兆,兆头;构成威胁的人,形成威胁的事物;样子,势头;危险,隐患;难办的问题;动词词义:<古> 威胁,恐哧,恐吓。例句:Sme couples see single women as a threat to their relationships.有些夫妇把单身女人看成是对他们婚姻的威胁。He may be forced to carry out his threat to resign.他也许会被迫把自己的辞职威胁付诸行动。Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.污染对这一物种的继续生存造成了威胁。搭配:threat属于类名词,句子We disregarded all his threats里的threats不能以它的单数形式threat出现;threat后可接to的不定式。threat后可接不同的介词,如of,to等。


threat [θret] n. 威胁,恐吓;凶兆menace ["menəs] n. 威胁;恐吓vt. 威胁;恐吓vi. 恐吓;进行威胁menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.




menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.menacen.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][(+to)]He spoke with menace in his voice.他说话的声音中带着威胁.2.威胁性的言行;具有危害性的人(或物)[C]These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace.这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁.3.【口】极端讨厌的人(或物)[C]You"re a menace!你这人真讨厌!vt.1.威胁,恐吓;危及The robber menaced him with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威吓他.vi.1.进行威胁,进行恐吓


menace可以作动词,而threat没有动词意思,只能用threaten作动词;另外threat作名词还有凶兆;征兆的意思!具体的解释如下:threatn.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v]2.构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)]Some people think that machinery is a threat to their jobs.一些人认为机器是对他们工作的一种威胁.3.凶兆;征兆[S][(+of)]The clouds brought a threat of rain.阴云带来要下雨的征兆.menacen.1.威胁,恐吓[C][U][(+to)]He spoke with menace in his voice.他说话的声音中带着威胁.2.威胁性的言行;具有危害性的人(或物)[C]These local conflicts may constitute a menace to world peace.这些地方性的冲突有可能对世界和平构成威胁.3.【口】极端讨厌的人(或物)[C]You"re a menace!你这人真讨厌!vt.1.威胁,恐吓;危及The robber menaced him with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威吓他.vi.1.进行威胁,进行恐吓


Threat,英语单词,译为“威胁,分析”,读音为:英 [θret] 美 [θrɛt]。名词词义:威胁,恐吓,威吓,恫吓,吓唬凶兆, 恶兆,征兆,兆头构成威胁的人,形成威胁的事物样子,势头危险,隐患难办的问题动词词义:<古> 威胁,恐哧,恐吓例句:Some couples see single women as a threat to their relationships.有些夫妇把单身女人看成是对他们婚姻的威胁。He may be forced to carry out his threat to resign.他也许会被迫把自己的辞职威胁付诸行动。Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.污染对这一物种的继续生存造成了威胁。搭配:threat属于类名词,句子We disregarded all his threats里的threats不能以它的单数形式threat出现;threat后可接to的不定式。threat后可接不同的介词,如of,to等。

triple threat是什么意思

Triple threat 具有三种专长的多面手,能跑、能踢、能传球的足球选手


威胁概况按轻重排列保安策略:企业应该评估其受威胁概况(threat landscape),并因应结果制定独一无二、回应缓急轻重的保安策略。 希望能帮助你有不明白请追问如果满意了请采纳哦

英语 翻译 相对而言,污染带来的威胁比疾病更加严重。(threat)

Relatively speaking, the threat of pollution is more serious than the disease.




首先,th在英语中是舌头放于上下齿之间的发音,分为轻音和浊音。其次,你所听到的“吃”是浊音,而“斯”即是轻音,这是两种不同的发音。最后,这两种发音来源鱼发音规则,与口音无关。举例而言,father、mother就是浊音,而breath,threats就是轻音。:) 我说明白了吗?

prefer 的用法prefer to. do A. rather than do

prefer doing rather than do是错的请看prefer用法是可以加to的,但一般用法都是用不带to的用法.(中国考试也爱考这个,所以考试万一出了你还是不要带to) prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿做...而不做...” I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。 prefer A to B 在本句型中,A与B是平行结构,可以是名词,也可以都是动名词。例如: I prefer dogs to cats.在狗与猫之间我更喜欢狗。 Most people prefer trains to buses.大多数人愿意坐火车而不愿坐汽车。 I prefer writing a term paper to taking an examination. 我宁愿写一篇学期论文也不愿参加考试。 I prefer staying at home to going ou.我觉得在家里比出去好。 Thousands of children nowadays prefer doing their homework to a background of pop-music to doing it in a quiet room. 成千上万的孩子如今一边听流行音乐一边做作业,也不愿在安安静静的房间里做。 She has always preferred marking her own clothes rather than buying them in the shops. 她向来喜欢自己做衣服,而不到商店里去买衣服 Prefer+不定式+rather than+不定式 1) 本句型中,第一个不定式前面要加to,第二个不定式前面以不加to居多。例如: He prefer to die rather than become traitor.她宁死也不做叛徒。 Older people often fear change. They know what they can do best. They prefer to repeat their successes rather than risk failure. 年纪大的人常常怕变化。他们知道什么最拿手,宁愿把自己成功的经验在如法炮制而不愿冒失败的危险。 She preferred to sew rather than to knit.她喜欢缝纫而不喜欢编织。 2)rather than 也可以至于句首: Rather than buy a car of his own, he prefers to rent one. 3) than后也可用动名词: I prefer to stay at home rather than go/going to see a film. 我觉得与其去看电影倒不如呆在家里。 I would prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than drive/driving all the way to your mother"s. 我觉得与其开车跑那么远的路到你母亲那里度周末,到布热在家里过更好些。 4) prefer …rather than 中的rather也可以移到第一个不定式之前(prefer rather…than),这种用法多见于书面语。例如: He preferred rather to take the whole blame himself than to allow it to fall on the innocent. 她宁可自己承担全部责任而不愿让无辜的人受到连累。 5) prefer to do A rather than do B 意义相同,试比较: Joe prefers skating to skiing. Joe prefer to skate rather than ski. Bill preferred playing soccer to swimming. Bill preferred to play soccer rather than swim. He preferred rating a car to having one of his own. He prefers to rent a car rather than to have one of his own. 他宁愿租车也不愿买车。 6) 用prefer…rather than代替prefer…to连接名词的情形偶尔也可见到。如: Mr. Brunner prefers chemistry rather than physics. 有人认为两者的区别是:prefer…to表示一般的倾向,prefer…rather than则表示在某种具体场合的选择。如: What shall we have to drink, port or sherry? 我们该喝什么呢? I should prefer port rather than sherry. 我宁愿和红葡萄酒而不合雪利酒。

threat后面可以跟for 吗?。 threat to 和threat for有什么区别

不曾见过threat fora threat to sb 对某人而言是个威胁

self-interest threat, self-review threat, advocacy threat, familiarity threat, intimidation threat

(1)自身利益威胁(self-interest threat)。当事务所或认证团队的成员在认证客户中持有财务利益,或者他们的个人利益同认证客户的利益发生冲突时,将产生自身利益威胁。比如:在认证客户中拥有直接的财务利益或者是重大的间接财务利益;为认证客户或其董事、高级管理人员提供借款、担保或者对其负有贷款或由其提供担保;过分依赖于从某一认证客户处收取的费用;担心失去某一认证业务;同某一认证客户之间存在潜在的雇佣关系;存在同认证业务相关的或有收费。(2)自我复核威胁(self-review threat)。当下列情况出现时,可能产生自我复核的威胁:在对某一认证业务作出结论时,需要对以前执行的认证业务或者非认证业务的结果或判断进行重新评估;认证团队的成员曾经是认证客户的董事、高级职员,或者担任对认证业务所涉及的主题事项能够施加影响的职位。(3)倾向性威胁(advocacy threat)。当事务所或者认证团队的成员对认证客户的立场或观点持支持态度,而这种支持可能对其应有的客观性产生威胁,比如:参与认证客户股票或其他证券的交易或向他人推荐;在认证客户与第三方的诉讼或争端中充当认证客户的辩护人。(4)亲密关系威胁(familarity threat)。由于同认证客户、认证客户的董事、高级职员或者雇员间存在亲密的关系,可能导致事务所或认证团队偏向于客户的利益,形成亲密关系威胁。比如:与认证团队成员关系密切的家庭成员担任认证客户的董事、高级职员、或能够对认证业务施加直接重大影响的职位;认证客户的董事、高级职员、或能够对认证业务施加直接重大影响的员工是会计师事务所的前任合伙人;认证团队的高层人员与认证客户存在长期交往;接受认证客户或其董事、高级职员或能够对认证业务施加直接重大影响的员工的贵重礼品或超乎合理的款待。(5)胁迫威胁(intimidation threat)。当认证团队的成员受到来自认证客户的董事、高级职员或雇员包括实质上或者形式上的威胁而偏离其应有的客观和履行应有的职业怀疑时,就产生了胁迫威胁。比如:在会计政策问题上与认证客户存在意见分歧而受到解聘威胁;受到认证客户降低收费的压力而不恰当地缩小工作范围。







threat & intimidation 是同义词还是近义词? 如题,求解,谢谢.

intimidation n.恐吓,威胁 threat[θret] n.威胁,恐吓 所以,threat和intimidation是同义词.

threat & intimidation 是同义词还是近义词?


terrify , threat 的区别 ?



threat后跟介词to 。例句:A threat to a person or thing is a danger that something unpleasant might happen to them. A threat is also the cause of this danger.


--threaten :)




threat [θret] n. 威胁,恐吓;凶兆

warning和 threat的 区别

理解了中文意思就知道英文的区别了,和中文的区别一样. I have warned you not to make noises,or your papa will wake up. I threat you not to make noises,or I will beat you.


θretsi ruai te




threats n. 威胁,恐吓( threat的名词复数 ); 可能造成威胁的人[事,想法]; 恶兆,兆头; [其他] 原型: threat 没有反义词


threat[英][θret][美][θrɛt]n.威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆; 装备交易---帮卖网---中国网络游戏服务网


threat 意思是威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆; 征兆; 构成威胁的人; 形成威胁的事物; Threaten 常指不安或不祥的征兆,有计划地或特意阻碍的外表或行动, 或危险的来源。 扩展资料   He was seen as a threat to the established order.   他被视为现存制度的大敌。   Despite the threat of war, people went about their business as usual.   虽然战争在即,人们照常忙着自己的事。   This is a trend which threatens the very fabric of society.   这是威胁社会基本结构的趋势。   They have threatened us with legal action.   他们用起诉来要挟我们。


threat的动词和形容词如下:n.威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆网络;挑战; 威胁分析; 威胁。Some couples see single women as a threat to their relationships.有些夫妇把单身女人看成是对他们婚姻的威胁。He may be forced to carry out his threat to resign.他也许会被迫把自己的辞职威胁付诸行动。His position as leader will be under threat at a party congress due next month.在定于下月举行的党代表大会上,他的领导地位将受到威胁。However, for dogs, this threat to their safety, so they have a kind of antagonistic heart.然而,对狗来说,这威胁了自己的生命安全,于是就产生了一种逆反心里。以上内容参考:百度百科-Threat


threat和menace区别是::意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同threat:英 [θret]     美 [θret]。    menace:英 ["menəs]     美 ["menəs]。    2、意思不同threat:n. 威胁;恐吓;凶兆。menace:n. 威胁;恐吓;<口>讨厌的人(物);v. 威吓;威胁。3、用法不同这组词的共同意思是“威胁,恐吓”。其区别是:threaten指如不服从将会有严重后果,以此相威胁,迫使别人干某事或不许别人干某事; menace多指用目光、行动或武器等对别人进行恐吓。These weapons are a menace to world peace.这些武器是对世界和平的威胁。His presence is a threat to our success.他的出现对我们的成功是一个威胁。


threat的形容词形式是threatening。threat用作名次,意思是威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆; 征兆; 构成威胁的人; 形成威胁的事物;用作形容词意思是威胁的; 恐吓的; 阴沉沉的; 乌云密布的。 threat的同义词辨析 danger, risk, hazard, menace, peril, threat 这些名词均含有"危险,威胁"之意。 danger : 含义广,普通用词,指能够造成伤害、损害或不利的任何情况。 risk : 指有可能发生的危险,尤指主动进行某种活动或去碰运气而冒的危险。 hazard比risk正式,多指偶然发生的或无法控制的危险,常含较严重或有一定风险的意味。 menace : 所指的危险性最严重,表示使用暴力或造成破坏性的可能。 peril : 指迫在眉睫很有可能发生的严重危险。 threat : 普通用词,语气弱于menace,指任何公开侵犯对方的言行,给对方构成危险或威胁。 threat的用法 She is prepared to carry out her threat to resign. These ancient woodlands are under threat frim new road development. They broke my windows and threatened me. The attacker threatened them with a gun. Consider all the possible threats to the environment. 他已经准备用辞职进行威胁. 新的 道路的发展可能对这些古老的林地构成威胁. 他们砸碎我的玻璃并威胁我。 袭击者用枪威胁我们. 考虑环境受到的威胁.


threat和menace的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.threat意思:n. 威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆; 征兆; 构成威胁的人; 形成威胁的事物;2.menace意思:n. 威胁; 危险的人(或物); 令人恐怖的氛围; 危险气氛; 烦人的人(或事物); 引起麻烦的人。二、用法不同1.threat用法:表示人或事物的名称。例句:His presence is a threat to our success.他的出现对我们的成功是一个威胁。2.menace用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。例句:These weapons are a menace to world peace.这些武器是对世界和平的威胁。三、侧重点不同1.threat侧重点:threat 普通用词,语气弱于menace,指任何公开侵犯对方的言行,给对方构成危险或威胁。2.menace侧重点:menace 所指的危险性最严重,表示使用暴力或造成破坏性的可能。


threat的意思是n.威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆; 征兆; 构成威胁的人; 形成威胁的事物;Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.污染对这一物种的继续生存造成了威胁。The threat of war has depressed business activity.战争的威胁使经济萧条。The situation poses a grave threat to world peace.这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。Terrorism is a threat to the whole country.恐怖主义是整个国家的祸根。His presence is a threat to our success.他的出现对我们的成功是一个威胁。There was a threat of typhoon.有刮台风的征兆。The threat of an economic depression hangs over the world.经济衰退的威胁笼罩着世界。


threat是动词,形容词是threating。threat的意思是威胁,分析等。动词的形容词一般是在后面加ing,比如fight,形容词为fighting。双语例句:1、However, for dogs, this threat to their safety, so they have a kind of antagonistic heart.然而,对狗来说,这威胁了自己的生命安全,于是就产生了一种逆反心里。2、When the threat of deportation was raised, I was immediately concerned for his wellbeing.当驱逐出境的威胁被提出,我马上关注他的安好。3、Bankers say financial stringency constitutes a serious threat to the country.银行家们说信用紧缩对国家构成了严重的威胁。4、The threat of war has depressed business activity.战争的危胁使商业变得不景气。5、The threat now is of irrelevance in a world that belongs to the Pacific rather than the Atlantic.在这个属于太平洋(而非大西洋)的世界上,目前的威胁是无足轻重的。

beat与defeat 的区别

选择 B Knowing it is going to snow heavily this weekend ,we realized that our plan to hold a basketball game is defeated. 由于本周末要下大雪,我们意识到举办篮球比赛的计划泡汤了(被搁浅了)。 一、defeat 的含义是“打败”,但被打败者不一定服输: The public bet a lot of money on him, but he was defeated. He said he would win the next time. 公众为他下了一大笔赌注,但是他被击败了。他说下次他会赢的。 Internal strife defeats the purpose of teamwork. 内部争斗挫伤了团队合作的目的。 He was defeated in his purpose but he never give it up. 他的计划失败了但是他决不放弃。二、beat 则表示彻底“打败”,而且被打败者完全服输了。 The Red Army beat the enemy finally. 红军最终打败了敌人。 That problem has beaten me. 那个问题把我难住了。 It was not until his third match that he finally beat his rival and became Champion of the country.. 直到第三次比赛时,他才最后打败对手成为全国冠军。





opera is expensive:that much is inevitable的翻译


Not that a positive outcome is inevitable by any means,


The situation in which you find yourselves was predictable and inevitable

后一句是指一个situation ,在其中你会迷失自我(感到困惑迷茫).

请问It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer. 怎么译

should have 是虚拟语气 翻译为 应该做而没有做

英译: Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable


be nervous at/in/on/of 分别有什么不同的意思?


be nervous at/in/on/of 分别有什么不同的意思?



satisfied 形容词 a. 感到满意的; 令人满意的; 满足的及物动词 vt. 动词 satisfy 的过去式和过去分词不及物动词 vi. 动词 satisfy 的过去式和过去分词 satisfactory 形容词 令人满意的 符合要求的 良好的content content1 形容词 a. 1.满足的,满意的;甘愿的[F][(+with)][+to-v] She seems content to live with him. 她似乎很满意与他生活在一起。 He was content with his work. 他对自己的工作很满意。 He seemed content. 他好像满足了。 及物动词 vt. 1.使满足[(+with)] Her answer seemed to content him. 她的回答好像令他满意。 名词 n. 1.满足[U]content2 名词 n. 1.内容,要旨[U] The play lacks content. 这出戏缺乏实质性内容。 2.含量,容量[the S] 3.容纳的东西;具体内容[P] Show me the contents of your suitcase. 给我看看你手提箱里的东西。 The contents of the letter are secret. 这封信的具体内容是不公开的。 4.(书刊等的)目录 用法根据词性


satisfactory 令人满意的e.g. She is a satisfactory wife. (她是一个令人满意的妻子.)satisfied (人)感到满意的e.g. He is satisfied with his wife. (他对他的妻子感到满意.)注意:都可以做表语.e.g. This book is satisfactory.(这本书令人满意.)He is satisfied. (他感到满意.)



satisfied歌词 歌曲satisfied歌词

歌词: if you love somebody 如果你爱上某人 youd better let it out 最好亲口说出 dont hold it back 不要犹豫不决 while youre trying to figure it out 当你试图找到答案 dont be timid 不要胆怯害羞 dont be afraid to hurt 不要惧怕受伤 run toward the flame 赴汤蹈火 run toward the fire 在所不惜 hold on for all your worth 为值得你做的一切坚持不懈 cause the only real pain a heart can ever know 因为刻骨铭心的痛 is the sorrow of regret 便是追悔莫及 when you dont let you feelings show 你没有流露真情 so did you say it 因此,你是否表白 did you mean it 你是否真心实意 did you lay it on the line 你是否实话实说 did you make it count 你是否全心全意 did you look them in the eye 你是否含情脉脉 did they feel it? 他们是否心领神会? did you say it in time 你是否及时表白 did you say it out loud 你是否大声表白 cause if you did hun 亲爱的 如果你做到了 then you lived some that feeling inside 心中之喜 油然而生 that is called satisfied 真可谓心满意足 busy people walking by 忙碌之人 行色匆匆 cant help but worry some 忧心匆匆 爱莫能助 with so many things to do 千头万绪 百端待举 so little love gets done 真心真意 寥寥无几 empty hearts everywhere 百无聊懒 无处不在 drowning but dying of thirst 萎靡不振 望眼欲穿 if we want love 如果我们需要真爱 its not that tough 这并非难事 start by giving it first 首先要舍得付出 its easy to give 付出并非难事 baby cant you see 宝贝,难道你不明白吗? just close you eyes open you heart 只需闭上眼睛,敞开心扉 and do what comes naturally 一切顺其自然 so did you say it 因此,你是否表白 did you mean it 你是否真心实意 did you lay it on the line 你是否实话实说 did you make it count 你是否全心全意 did you look them in the eye 你是否含情脉脉 did they feel it? 他们是否心领神会? did you say it in time 你是否及时表白 did you say it out loud 你是否大声表白 cause if you did hun 亲爱的 如果你做到了 then you lived some that feeling inside 心中之喜 油然而生 that is called satisfied 真可谓心满意足 horses are born to run 骏马天生奔跑 the sun is meant to shine above 太阳注定普照万物 flowers are made to bloom 鲜花一定会盛开绽放 and then theres us 而我们两人 we were born to love 我们生而为爱 we were born to love 我们生而为爱 so did you say it 因此,你是否表白 did you mean it 你是否真心实意 did you lay it on the line 你是否实话实说 did you say it 你是否表白 did you mean it 你是否真心实意 did you lay it on the line 你是否实话实说 did you make it count 你是否全心全意 did you look them in the eye 你是否含情脉脉 did they feel it? 他们是否心领神会? did you say it in time 你是否及时表白 did you say it out loud 你是否大声表白 Because if you did honey 亲爱的 如果你做到了 then youve left some that felling inside 心中之喜 油然而生 that is called satisfied 真可谓心满意足




patient ["peiʃənt]adj.1.忍耐的;容忍的2.坚忍的;耐心的;平静等待的3.沉着的;不急躁的4.耐心等待的;显出有耐心的5.勤快的;孜孜不倦的;允许的6.[罕用语]接受治疗的;驯服的7.[罕用语]被动的;被使然的n.1.(尤指接受医生治疗的)病人2.受动着;承受者3.[罕用语](美容院等的)顾客4.[废语]受难者;受苦者5.[美国英语]殡仪馆的尸体短语1.(as) patient as Job 像约伯一样忍耐;耐心非常大2.patient of能忍耐…的容许…的;有…可能的包含…意义的;可以包含…意义的satisfied ["sætisfaid]adj.1.满足的;满意的2.确信的,信服的3.(债务)全部偿清了的vt.satisfy的变形

satisfy与 satisfied的区别,且求例句。谢谢。

satisfy是动词 :满足 有 sth. satisfy sb.satisfied是形容词 :感到满意的(表达人的感受。例如对某人满意,或对某事满意) 有 sb. be saisfied with sth./sb. 另外:sth. satisfy sb. =sb. be saisfied with sth./sb. 且根据我的总结 形容词-ied 一般都是表示人的感受。 而形容词-ing 一般形容物体。

谁能告诉我satisfied 和 satisfying 的用法分别是什么,有什么区别?

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