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it is considered rude to stare at people 这里的rude



yes, he"s father chirstmas now是的,他现在是圣诞老人.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

What does Mrs Li want for chirstmas是什么意思

李小姐想要什么圣诞礼物?希望能帮 到你

_____is on the first of October in China. AChirstmas B.Halloween C.National Day


改同义句what do you usually do for Chirstmas?

What do you usually do to celebrate Christmas? How do you usually celebrate Christmas?

at christmas和on Christmas Day的区别



She "d like__(have)a big dinner at Chirstmas.


propose that +虚拟语气的用法

  I propose that he be on time next time.一英语的影响力   (1)从全世界来看,说英语的人数已经超过了任何语言的人数,10多个国家以英语为母语,45个国家的官方语言是英语,世界三分之一的人口(二十几亿)讲英语。比如在日本,除了他们的本国母语——日语之外,英语是他们的第二语言,很多高层次的日本人以会说英语为荣。   (2)全世界75%的电视节目是英语,四分之三的邮件是用英语书写,电脑键盘是英语键盘,任何一个会议敢号称是国际会议,其会议工作语言一定要用英语,也是联合国的正式工作语言。二如何快速高效的提升记忆力   (1)比如,我们记忆一串较长的电话号码比较吃力,但是如果把电话号码分成几组,试着按组记忆,或是在记忆新信息时将其与已经记住的旧信息联系在一起,这样的话就会比死记硬背要好的多。   (2)已经有大规模的研究显示,鲑鱼和鲭鱼体内富含的脂肪酸对于提高记忆力和注意力有帮助,另外定期进食低脂碳水化合物的食物,例如麦片粥或是小扁豆也有助于增强记忆力。试着去学习一门全新的语言或是演奏一种新的乐器,用新的刺激来挑战你的大脑。

burden rate

fixed cost=常设费用,或者固定费用 variable cost=可调节费用/可变动费用/不固定费用


节日表示具体某一天用on chrismas day但是有时 on 和 at 都可以。。看你是怎么用。on chirstmas, 在圣诞节, 在圣诞节那天(强调某天)in chirstmas 字面翻译是 在圣诞节期间 可是英语语法上没有这么用的。 正确的应该要用 at christmas 来表示 在圣诞节期间at chirstmas, 在圣诞节, 在圣诞节期间,在圣诞节时(强调某时某刻)例句:In western countries children get present from their parents on Christmas。在西方国家,孩子们在圣诞节(那天,强调那一天)得到父亲给的礼物。In western countries children get present from their parents at Christmas。在西方国家,孩子们在圣诞节时(那时,强调某时某刻)得到父亲给的礼物。你发现了吗,on 和at 都可放在节日前用。在圣诞节那天 和 在圣诞节时 意思上没有多大区别。但有时翻译上还是有细微的不一样。 在某些特例的时候才会用 at chirstmas. 大部分都是on chirstmas.如果你不确定 on or at,那就都用 on 。绝对不会错!这只是节日时的哦

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irritate含有“是恼怒”或“使烦恼”的意思典型例句:The noise of the children was irritating me.孩子的吵闹使我恼火。The smoke irritated my eyes.烟熏的我的眼睛怪难受的。Insect bites irritate you skin.虫子叮疼里你的皮肤。annoy指由于干扰、不顺利或受不了某种外界情况等而“使烦恼、懊恼”,如I was annoyed by his bad manners.它的无理使我恼怒bother指不停地“扰乱”、“麻烦”,使人不能安宁,而产生烦恼的心理,如:Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter.请原谅我为这点小事麻烦你。


modest ["mɔdist] adj.谦虚的, 适度的, 端庄的, 有节制的moderate ["mɔdəreit,"mɔdərit] adj.适度的, 温和的, 稳健的, 中等的 v.节制, 使 ... 稳定;使 ... 缓和 n.稳健的人




modest ["mɔdist] adj.谦虚的,适度的,端庄的,有节制的 moderate ["mɔdəreit,"mɔdərit] adj.适度的,温和的,稳健的,中等的 v.节制,使 ...稳定;使 ...缓和 n.稳健的人


moderate形容词 a. 1.中等的,适度的The hotel is moderate in its charges. 这家饭店收费适中。 2.有节制的,不过分的He is a moderate eater. 他吃饭有节制。 3.稳健的;温和的;不偏激的He holds moderate opinions. 他的意见稳健不偏激。 4.普通的,一般的;平庸的He is a child of only moderate ability. 这孩子能力平平。 名词 n. 1.温和主义者,稳健派He is a political moderate. 他是一个政治上的温和派。 moderate2及物动词 vt. 1.使和缓,减轻,减少,节制He did what he could to moderate the grief of his friend. 他尽了一切力量来减轻他朋友的痛苦。 2.主持(会议讨论,节目等)The commissioner moderated the public meeting. 特派员主持了这次公众集会。 不及物动词 vi. 1.变温和;变弱;静息The wind is moderating. 风势渐渐缓和。 2.主持会议(或电视节目等)Mr. White moderated on a weekly panel show. 怀特先生主持每周一次的电视讨论节目。modest形容词 a. 1.谦虚的,审慎的[(+about)]He"s got a drawer full of medals but he"s too modest to wear them. 他有满满一抽屉的奖章,但是他很谦虚,从不戴它们。 2.(女性及其衣饰)端庄的;稳重的She wore a modest bathing suit. 她穿一件不太暴露的游泳衣。 3.不太大(或多)的;适度的,有节制的Prices tended to rise year by year, but at a modest rate. 物价年年上涨,但幅度不大。

i subscribe the idea that什么意思,subscribe不是订阅的意思吗

作为及物动词,subscribe除了“捐助”“订阅”外,还有一个意思:to assent to=support 同意,赞成

mercator fellow 什么意思

Mercator词典墨卡托(Gerhardus,1512-1594,佛兰德Flanders 的地理学家,地图制作家)fellow英 [ˈfeləʊ]   美 [ˈfeloʊ]  n.同伴;男子;(大学的)研究员;(某些学院或大学的)董事adj.同伴的;同事的;同类的;同情况的vt.使…与另一个对等;使…与另一个匹敌

fellow student和classmateschoolmate都是同学的意思有什么区别

fellow student-----------------一起读书的(不一定同班,或同校)classmate----------------同班schoolmate--------------同校(不一定同班)

companion partner mate fellow区别,要详细!

先来看看Bing上面的各种解释:companion名词1. 伙伴,伴侣;朋友。2. (一对中的)一方。3. 最下级勋爵。4. (书籍杂志名)指南,必读,必携,手册,5. (pl.)伴生种,伴(细)胞;【天文学】伴星(=companion star)。6. 雇来照料病人[老人]的人。及物动词(与…)同行;(跟…)搭伴儿去。partner名词1. 合伙人;合作者,伙伴;配手,搭档 (with, in)。2. 配偶(夫或妻)。3. (跳舞等的)舞伴;同组伙伴。4. 【法律】(合营事业的)合股人。5. (pl.)【航海】桅孔加固板,(护持)木框。及物动词1. 同…合作[合伙];做…的伙伴。2. 使有搭档[配手]。不及物动词做搭档,当配手(with)。mate名词1. (工人间的)伙伴,同事;老兄,老弟(工人、水手间的亲密称呼)。2. 配偶(男女任何一方);动物之偶(尤指鸟类);(一对中的)一只;配对物。3. 【航海】(商船的)大副;驾驶员; 【海军】(美国)二级准尉的助手(相当于军士级别);【医学】(军医等的)助手。及物动词, 不及物动词(使)成伙伴,(使)成配偶 (with), (使)(鸟等)匹配,(使)交配 (with);(使)紧密配合。fellow名词1. 同伴,伴侣;帮手;同事,同辈;同类,酒友。2. 同等者,匹敌者,对手;同代人;一员;类似的人[物];一对中的一个。3. (口语)小伙子,家伙;某个人;男朋友。5. (英大学的)特别研究生;(英国)(由毕业生中选出的管理学校的)大学评议员;(得奖学金的)特等校友,特别研究生。6. (F-)(学会中地位较高的)特别会员。从中可以体会一些区别,比如mate更适用于工作和任务中的合作伙伴,而companion就具加亲近的私人关系,partner作“配偶”讲较常见,fellow更突出了地位平等之意。其实这些中文的解释都没办法形容出在老外心中这些词的微妙区别,也许通过体会原汁原味的英文材料对这些词的使用,才能更好的理解它们。

外科attending 和fellow有什么区别



Senior Research Fellow:意为高级研究人员,是一种高级研究头衔,相当于教职头衔中的Reader或Senior Lecturer。拥有该头衔者往往是有名气的学者,只从事科研,不进行教学。2.Senior Research Fellow:意为高级研究人员,是一种高级研究头衔,相当于教职头衔中的Reader或Senior Lecturer。拥有该头衔者往往是有名气的学者,只从事科研,不进行教学。Research Fellow:一种博士后研究人员,是初级的研究头衔,相当于教职人员中的Lecturer。一般来说,Research Fellow需要具备博士学位。Fellow:这个头衔往往跟金钱有关,如研究者拿到一笔研究经费,或者获得大学里长期设立的某项研究捐赠等,在往上晋升时,还需要拿出国际知名的研究成果。除上述三种外,英国大学里还有一些研究头衔,如Research Associate(助理研究员),Research Officer(研究人员)和Research Assistant(研究助理)等,他们等于Research Fellow,不算是正式的研究职称。


workmate 是一个英式英语的词汇,美国一般是不用的。指的就是一起工作的人,多数情况下是用于指做相同工作的人,像上下级什么的,都是不能用这个词的。fellow指同事可以,但是用法很不正式,这是美式英语的词,不能用在正式文体中。

“impress on/upon sb sth/that”中的“impress”是作不及物动词的用法吗?

此短语中的 impress 做的还是及物动词,只是因为它的宾语sth/that从句过于冗长,不符合英语语法中的“尾重”原则,所以被改放到on/upon sb 的后面而已。正常顺序的短语,还是 impress sth on/upon sb,所以此处的 impress 还是及物动词。

eat breakfast这样表达吃早饭对吗?

have breakfast .这样是不是更好一些?

Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mistery.Only today is the present,that"s why it was called gift.

yesterday is history tomorrow is mistory today is present昨天是历史,明天是秘密,今天是礼物或者present也可以翻译成“现实、现在”

Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mistery.Only today is the present,that"s why it was called gift.


the mistery is that this should come as a surprise to any boss


Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mistery.Only today is the present,that"s why it was called gift.


Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mistery.Only today is the present,that"s why it was called gift.



不清楚你的实际文件/情况,仅以问题中的样例/说明为据;以下代码复制粘贴到记事本,另存为xx.bat,编码选ANSI,跟要处理的文件放一起双击运行@echo off&cd /d "%~dp0"rem 修改一个ini文件里某一个指定项的值set #=Any question&set _=WX&set $=Q&set/az=0x53b7e0b4title %#% +%$%%$%/%_% %z%set "inifile=xxx.ini"if not exist "%inifile%" (echo;"%inifile%" 未找到&pause&exit)for /f "delims=[]" %%a in ("type "%inifile%"^|find /n "cando2="") do set "line=%%a"(for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ("type "%inifile%"^|findstr /n .*") do (if "%%a" neq "%line%" (echo;%%b) else echo;cando2=0))>t.tmove /y t.t "%inifile%"echo;%#% +%$%%$%/%_% %z%pauseexit

youcando what you want to do还是youcandoyouwanttodo

You can do what you want to do


Only One Earth We have only one earth. But now,the environment becomes worse and worse. As you know,there"s no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their lives because of water. In a lot of countries, people have to cut trees for living. So there"s nothing to keep water from running away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floods and droughts . It"s time that we must do something useful to protect our environment. We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save the water and ask our parents to do so. We can"t throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling. If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow.


  what can you do?你能做什么?  满意请采纳,谢谢

you can do everything what you want.


You can do what you can




youcando what you want to do还是youcandoyouwanttodo


whatcando? 造句

what can I do for you?

电脑里BIOS设置Gate A20 Option是什么意思?



John what can do约翰能做什么约翰会做什么正确的语序应该是what can John do.John,what can you do?


What kind of work you can do?你可以做什么样的工作?


what people can do人们可以做什么



the only thing you cando is correct them at once

你好,你的断句前面的the only thing 主语you can do 是主语的定语从句修饰thingis 是谓语表语coreect them 这里省略了to 所以你怎么看都是错的!有时候口语表达不是那么严谨!at once 是状语!乔布斯说过一句话the only thing you can"t do is ignore them.你唯独不能做的 是漠视他们!


W hat can giraffe do?意思就是:长颈鹿能做什么?


What activities you can do?意思是:你能够做什么活动?希望可以帮到你望采纳

please see what youcando 这是什么句型?


Stratovarius的《Destiny》 歌词

歌曲名:Destiny歌手:Stratovarius专辑:DestinyDestiny---Stratovarius 腾云by姜小旻The times are changing so fastI wonder how long it lastsThe clock is ticking time is running outThe hatred fills this EarthAnd for what is worthWe"re in the end before we knowThroughout the yearsI have struggled to find the answer thatI never knewIt strucked me like a million lightningsAnd here I am telling to youEvery second of day it is coming your wayFuture unknown is here to stayGot to open your mindof you will be led to astrayThere"s a time to liveThere`s a time to dieBut no one can`t escape the DestinyLook all these things we`ve doneUnder the burning SunIs this the way to carry on?So take a look at yourselfAnd tell me what do you seeA wolf in clothes of the Lamb?Throughout the yearsI have struggled to find the answer thatI never knewIt strucked me like a million lightningsAnd here I am telling to youEvery second of day it is coming your wayFuture unknown is here to stayGot to open your mindof you will be led to astrayThere"s a time to liveThere`s a time to dieBut no one can`t escape the DestinyLet your spirit freeThrough Window of your MindUnchain your Soul from hateAll you need is FaithI control my LifeI am the OneYou control your LifeBut don"t forget Your Destiny....It"s time to say goodbyeI know it will make you cryYou make your DestinyI know you"ll find the wayAnd outside Sun is brightThe things will be alrightI will be back one day to youSo please Wait For ME~end~


【John英语课堂--30篇小目标】第30篇 同学们学过,fate和destiny,两个单词都表示:命运。 但是,你知道它们之间的区别吗? 一【英英解释】 General Definition Fate ‘“ the preordained course of your life that will occur because of or in spite of your actions. fate是你生命中注定的进程,它的发生与你的行为无关。 Destiny ‘“ a set of predetermined events within your life that you take an active course in shaping. destiny是你生命中一系列预先决定的事件,你需要积极地去塑造它们。 二【John解析】 Fate  is set by outside forces,  destiny  involves choice. Fate是由外在力量决定的,而Destiny是取决于个人的奋斗和选择。 三【John总结】 1.Fate and destiny both refer to a man"s future and fortune. Fate and destiny两者都指一个人的未来和命运。 2.Fate is seen as divinely planned, whereas destiny has the power to be influenced by man"s actions. Fate被视为被上天注定的,而Destiny能够被人的行为和力量所影响。 3.Fate is often pessimistic or fatalistic about one"s fortune whereas destiny is more upbeat and willing to take and chance for betterment. Fate往往是悲观的或宿命的,而Destiny是更乐观的,可以采取行动和主动选择去改善。






The times are changing so fast, I wonder how long it lasts. 时光飞速变幻,我在想时光能持续多久The clock is ticking time is running out. 钟表滴答着时光的流失The hatred fills this Earth and for what is worth, we"re in the end before we know. 仇恨存在于世的价值,是在我们不知道前将我们消亡Throughout the years I have struggled to find the answer that I never knew. 我挣扎在寻找内心的迷惑的道路上,年复一年It strucked me like a million lightnings and here I am telling to you. 我在这里讲述那残忍的像刺向我的遮天闪电Every second of day it is coming your way, future unknown is here to stay. 一秒一秒都是你自己的路,未知的将来在这里停留Got to open your mind or you will be led to astray. 不能打开心扉的人,会误入歧途There"s a time to live, there"s a time to die. 生死由命But no one can"t escape the Destiny. 但不是所有人都逃不出命运Look all the things we"ve done, under the burning sun. 看看我们在燃烧着的太阳下做的一切Is this the way to carry on? 是否该继续坚持这一切So take a look at yourself and tell me what do you see. 审视你自己,告诉我看到了什么,A wolf in clothes of the lamb? 披着羊皮的狼呵?Throughout the years I have struggled to find the answer that I never knew. It strucked me like a million lightnings and here I am telling to you. Every second of day it is coming your way, future unknown is here to stay. Got to open your mind or you will be led to astray. There"s a time to live, there"s a time to die. But no one can"t escape the Destiny. (repeat)Let your spirit free, 让灵魂自由through window of your mind. 透过灵魂之窗Unchain your soul from hate, 从仇恨中抽离魂灵all you need is faith. 信念是唯一的需要I control my Life, I am the One. 我人定胜天,我就是永远的唯一You control your Life 你支配自己的人生but don"t forget Your Destiny... 但别忘了自己的使命It"s time to say goodbye, 告别时间到I know it will make you cry. 我知道这让你哭泣You make your destiny. 你把握自己的命运I know you"ll find the way. 我知道,你会找到那条道路And outside the Sun is bright. 外面的阳光很刺眼The things will be all right. 一切都会过去I will be back one day to you. 某天我会回到你身边So please wait for me!在老地方等我吧!


destiny n.(名词) 【复数】 destinies 1.The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one"s lot命运:一个特定的人或事注定的不可避免的运气 2.A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control: 注定:一个事件预先决定的,超越了人的能力和控制的过程 eg.“Marriage and hanging go by destiny”(Robert Burton) “婚姻与死亡都是命中注定的”(罗伯特·伯顿) 3.The power or agency thought to predetermine events; fate: 命运:被认为能预先决定事件的力量或因素 Destiny brought them together. 命运使他们联在一起 fate n.(名词) 1.The supposed force,principle,or power that predetermines events. 命运:假想的影响、原则或力量,能注定事情 2.The inevitable events predestined by this force. 命中注定的事:被这种力量预先决定了的不可避免的事件 3.A final result or consequence; an outcome. 结局:最后的结果或结局;后果 4.Unfavorable destiny; doom. 宿命:不好的命运;命运 5.Fates Greek Mythology Roman Mythology The three goddesses,Clotho,Lachesis,and Atropos,who control human destiny.Used with the. Fates 【希腊神话】 【罗马神话】 命运三女神:克劳丝、莱凯西丝和阿特波斯三位掌握人类命运的女神.与the连用 fate是指宿命(doom)(be condemned),常常喻指听天由命、命运变化无常; destiny是指命中注定,也可以指好事注定到来,而fate应该不能


应该是What can he/she do?吧他/她会干什么?“/”理解为或者。如果是男性,就选用What can he do?如果是女性,就选用What can she do?

destiny fate有什么不同?

destiny fate 名词 是 都是命运的意思 fate 有时指命中注定的不好的事fate 还可以是动词 注定 的意思


What can she do?她能做什么?

fate 和 destiny 有什么区别吗?

fate. n.命中注定的事(尤指坏事);命运的安排;命运;天数;定数;天意v.注定destiny.n.命运;天命;天数;主宰事物的力量;命运之神fate:fate强调责任性和不可逃避,有悲剧色彩,带有不可逃避的特点。destiny:destiny强调运气成分和机缘巧合,带有可改变的特点。

电脑里BIOS设置Gate A20 Option是什么意思?

Gate A20 Option(Gate A20的选择) 此项用来设定系统存取1MB以上内存(扩展内存)的方式。A20是指扩展内存的前部 64KB。当选择缺省值 Fast 时,GateA20是由端口92或芯片组的特定程序控制的,它可以使系统速度更快。当设置为Normal ,A20是由键盘控制器或芯片组硬件控制的。

Destiny and Fate 有什么 区别.... 具体些



还有[wink up],[oricon style],这些不是专门的j家杂志.只是有他们的采访或报道!这些杂志只有在网上才买的到.还有轻音乐上的j家部分好多是翻译自这五本杂志.网上这五本杂志都卖的很贵,个人认为在这边看轻音乐比较好哈!

fortune destiny fate 都有命运的意思,有什么区别呢?

fortune 一定是好运气He did not deserve such fortune. 他不配得到这种好运气。destiny 命运,如:It was his destiny never to see her again. 命运注定他再也见不着她。fate 一般是指不好运的 We still don"t know the fate of the plane"s passengers. 我们仍然不知道那架飞机上旅客的命运如何。


destiny["destini] n.命运, 定数百科词典 n. 命运, 定数同反义词 相关例句 1.Marriage comes by destiny .--- 婚姻命中定。2.Marriage comes by destiny. 姻缘本是前生定,不是姻缘莫强求。3.Destiny brought us together. 命运把我们连在一起.4.Destiny brought them together. 命运使他们联在一起5.Destiny is sometimes cruel. 命运有时是残酷的。destiny1. 命运2. 命运、天命3. 命运,天数4. 命运;天数,天命DESTINY1. 零的命运2. 潜力my destiny1. 我要好好珍惜你2. 连我的痛都夺走吧destiny awaits1. 命运在等待2. 命运在等着呢SEED DESTINY1. 高达2. 机动战士高达fate[feit] n.天数, 命运, 运气vt.注定, 送命百科词典 n. 命运, 运气vt. 注定【医】 命运【经】 命运同反义词 同义词:destiny fortune lot 相关例句 1.their inexorable fate 他们无可变更的命运2.Fate bilked their hopes. 命运使他们的希望落空。3.My pet love fate 我的宠物情缘4.His fate is sealed . 他的命运已经决定。5.An accepter of fate. 命运的接受者fate1. 命运2. 命运,天数3. 天数4. 命运;毁灭;结局FATE1. 爆2. 线mercyful fate1. 仁慈命运2. 慈悲命运man"s fate1. 人的命运f fate1. 命运fate n. 命运;宿命Fate brought them together ten years later. || He expected to spend his life in Germany, but fate had decided otherwise.他希望到德国生活,而命运却偏偏另有安排。区分fate destiny doom都含“命运”的意思。fate指“宿命”, 具有神话或迷信色彩, 使人有畏惧和无可奈何之感, 如:They ascribed their disaster to an unkind fate.他们把他们的灾难归于命不好。destiny 除含有“命运注定”之意外, 还暗示“充满美好希望”, 如:It was her destiny to become famous.她命里注定出名。doom 指“最终的、常常是毁灭性或灾难性的命运”, 如:The Battle of Stalingrad sealed Hitler"s doom.斯大林格勒战役决定了希特勒的灭亡。

fortune destiny fate 都有命运的意思,有什么区别呢?



destinyn.(名词)【复数】 destinies1.The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one"s lot命运:一个特定的人或事注定的不可避免的运气2.A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control:注定:一个事件预先决定的,超越了人的能力和控制的过程eg.“Marriage and hanging go by destiny”(Robert Burton)“婚姻与死亡都是命中注定的”(罗伯特·伯顿)3.The power or agency thought to predetermine events; fate:命运:被认为能预先决定事件的力量或因素Destiny brought them together.命运使他们联在一起faten.(名词)1.The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events.命运:假想的影响、原则或力量,能注定事情2.The inevitable events predestined by this force.命中注定的事:被这种力量预先决定了的不可避免的事件3.A final result or consequence; an outcome.结局:最后的结果或结局;后果4.Unfavorable destiny; doom.宿命:不好的命运;命运5.Fates Greek Mythology Roman Mythology The three goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, who control human destiny. Used with the. Fates 【希腊神话】 【罗马神话】 命运三女神:克劳丝、莱凯西丝和阿特波斯三位掌握人类命运的女神。与the连用 fate是指宿命(doom)(be condemned),常常喻指听天由命、命运变化无常;destiny是指命中注定,也可以指好事注定到来,而fate应该不能





有谁知道very、greatly、considerably、extremely的区别? 请帮忙举几个例子啊!

意思都是一样的 程度副词,就是词用得越来越高级了而已,含义不大,如果写作文建议用后面2个。

请翻译extremely attractice or impressive


comparative advantage 和absdute advantage的意思


especially ,extremely,actually,excatly,completely等的区别


日本杂志seventeen、potato、wink up、dute要多少钱?

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七个职阶分别是: 剑之骑士:Saber 枪之骑士:Lancer 弓之骑士:Archer 骑兵: Rider 魔术师: Caster 暗杀者: Assassin 狂战士: Berserker 马上要出新的一集了,期待

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哪位大神知道包装上写着creamy amande chocolate黄色包装的巧克力,下面有一行日文小字是什么牌子的巧克力




evening前是用 on,at,还是in?

in the evening

at night和in the evening的区别

分不清at night和in the night?不知道什么时候该说good evening?一起来学习吧!
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