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这是导航需要校正的意思。calibration表示导航需要校正屏幕,按住加号别丢,自己会校正。这种情况等五个方位都校正好了就正常了。汽车中控屏幕出现黑屏的现象,很大可能是因为线路接触不良,需要及时检查一下线路是否出现虚接的情况。如果有的话自然会导致中控屏幕黑屏,这时候只要将其虚接的部位连接完好即可。当然,也可能是因为电源信号线出现老化了,可以尝试更换一条新的上去,如果黑屏得以解决的话,就说明的确是电源信号线存在问题了。 如果检查了上面两种情况之后,中控屏幕依然还是黑屏的话,那应该就是屏幕使用时间过长的缘故,导致供电模块出现故障,不仅存在卡顿的情况,严重的话就是我们今天所说的黑屏现象了。当然,也可能是因为电路设计存在缺陷。但像这种模块异常和设计缺陷的问题,已经超出我们的解决能力范围之内了,需要到维修店进行检查维修或直接更换才可以。 (图/文/摄: 张黄彬) 问界M5 小鹏汽车P7 AION V 传祺GS8 小鹏P5 理想ONE @2019


calibration英[ˌkælɪˈbreɪʃn]    美[ˌkæləˈbreʃən]n.    校准,标准化; 刻度,标度; 测量口径; [例句]A dark frame calibration is automatically applied to all CCD images that are loaded thereafter.此后载入的所有ccd图片将针对此暗场图片做校正。




这是导航需要校正的意思。calibration表示导航需要校正屏幕,按住加号别松,自己会校正,等五个方位都校正好了就正常了。汽车中控屏幕出现黑屏的现象,很大可能是因为线路接触不良,需要及时检查一下线路是否出现虚接的情况。如果有的话自然会导致中控屏幕黑屏,这时候只要将其虚接的部位连接完好即可。当然,也可能是因为电源信号线出现老化了,可以尝试更换一条新的上去,如果黑屏得以解决的话,就说明的确是电源信号线存在问题了。 如果检查了上面两种情况之后,中控屏幕依然还是黑屏的话,那应该就是屏幕使用时间过长的缘故,导致供电模块出现故障,不仅存在卡顿的情况,严重的话就是我们今天所说的黑屏现象了。当然,也可能是因为电路设计存在缺陷。但像这种模块异常和设计缺陷的问题,已经超出我们的解决能力范围之内了,需要到维修店进行检查维修或直接更换才可以。 (图/文/摄: 问答叫兽) 问界M5 小鹏汽车P7 AION V 传祺GS8 小鹏P5 理想ONE @2019




导航出现calibration什么意思导航出现calibration什么意思 您好,应该是触屏校准的意思,会在屏幕上出现一些 字光标,用笔依次点一下“ ”字。如果经常出现这个画面,估计是压屏了,找售后弄一下。 calibration英 [ˌkælɪˈbreɪʃn] 美 [ˌkæləˈbreʃən] n.校准,标准化;刻度,标度;测量口径 @2019


      现在即使是低端车型车内都会配备功能比较完善的车机系统,大部分车机都采用了触摸屏。不过部分车主发现车机使用一段时间之后中控屏每次启动都要进行校正,那么究竟是什么原因导致的呢?下面一起来聊聊吧!中控屏每次启动要校正      在触摸屏使用一段时间后就会出现触点偏移,因此每隔一段时间触摸屏就需要进行校正,电容屏需要经常校正才能保证使用效果。一般来说只需要校正一次就能使用较长一段时间,若每次启动后都需要校正的话就不太正常了。我们可以尝试把车机恢复出厂设置,看看有没有解决问题,如果仍然没有解决就需要到4S店进行维修了。车显示屏出现calibration      calibration的中文意思是校正,当屏幕出现calibration时我们就要对屏幕进行校正了。一般来说在校正界面会有五个写着序号的圆圈,我们只需要按照数字顺序点击屏幕上的点就能完成校正。进入校正界面之后车机里的导航、收音机、蓝牙等功能都无法使用,只有校正完毕之后车机功能才会恢复正常。中控屏不亮怎么重启      中控屏幕出现黑屏不亮的现象,我们可以先重新打火来重启一下屏幕,那如果还是解决不到的话,很大可能是因为线路接触不良,需要及时检查一下线路是否出现虚接的情况。如果有的话自然会导致中控屏幕不亮,这时候只要将其虚接的部位连接完好即可。


calibration voltage词典校准电压网络定准电压; 双语例句百度知道1Evaluation of measurement uncertainty of calibration voltage error of electrocardiograph 心电图机内定标电压示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定2Research of Error Calibration about Voltage Transfomer Based on Wavelet Transform 基于小波变换的电压互感器误差校正研究


calibration[英][ˌkælɪˈbreɪʃn][美][ˌkæləˈbreʃən]n.校准,标准化; 刻度,标度; 测量口径; 复数:calibrations形近词:Calibrationdelibrationcofibrationcalibrating1Algorithm of the IF amplitude calibration in the Spectrum Analysis频谱分析仪中频幅度的校准思想和算法


calibration翻译成中文:标定;校准;温度计或其他仪表上的刻度。例句:1、Calibration of a nuclear data acquisition system by means of data processing。 用数据处理标定核数据采集系统。2、An study of automatic calibration system for the vibration sensors。 振动传感器自动标定系统的研究。3、Calibration Method for the Initial Value in structural Reliability Analysis。 结构可靠度分析的初值校准方法。4、We research a calibration way based on virtual vision servo。在现有标定技术的基础上,研究了一种基于虚拟视觉伺服的摄像机标定方法。5、The result also proves that the calibration method is feasible。 分析结果验证了本文提出的校正方法具有一定的可行性。


词典结果:calibration[英][ˌkælɪˈbreɪʃn][美][ˌkæləˈbreʃən]n.校准,标准化; 刻度,标度; 测量口径; 复数:calibrations易混淆单词:Calibration以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.When did you check the calibration? 你上次什么时候检查的刻度?


calibration英[ˌkælɪˈbreɪʃn]美[ˌkæləˈbreʃən]n. 校准,标准化; 刻度,标度; 测量口径;[网络] 校准; 校正; 校准;[例句]Parallel-plane chamber calibration for measuring medical electron beam absorbed dose医用电子束吸收剂量测量中的平行板电离室校准[其他] 复数:calibrations 形近词: delibration cofibration calibrating







Bandari的《Beatrix》 歌词

歌曲名:Beatrix歌手:BandariBeatrixcocteau twinsEvery week, Move is smallWhen he cared, When he did loveWhen he knew, When he"d fallI hear she"d fall, Ha, she fellHere she"d fall, Ha, she fellEvery week, Move is smallWhen he cared, When he did loveWhen he knew, When he"d fallI hear she"d fall, Ha, she fellHere she"d fall, Ha, she fellEvery week, Move is smallWhen he cared, When he did loveWhen he knew, When he"d fallI hear she"d fall, Ha, she fellHere she"d fall, Ha, she fellFallen on, Fallen on meFallen on, Fallen on do we(??)Fallen on, Fallen on do we(??)Fallen on, Fallen on me

personnel and material facilities在这里是什么意思


resveratrol 白藜芦醇的用法

玛丽亚美国捷斯白藜芦醇魔法: 1,激活SIRT1的基因,延缓衰老,恢复生理功能,增加了预期寿命; 2,防癌抗癌,抑制肿瘤:在癌症的启动,促进和扩大三个主要阶段,白藜芦醇具有抗癌活性,而癌症的三个阶段可以镇压一切,第一次发现在1995年由大陆湖北大学白藜芦醇酒精会抑制正常细胞变异,并让癌细胞失活的蛋白质,预防癌症继续蔓延。在临床研究中,皮肤癌的老鼠喂食白藜芦醇补充剂20周以后,身体皮肤肿瘤的数目比老鼠不吃补品少98%。在从白藜芦醇人类白血病细胞的研究也已显示出抑制异常细胞的形成;恶性细胞也能变回正常。 3,具有抗动脉粥样硬化,冠状动脉心脏疾病,缺血性心脏疾病和高脂血症:白藜芦醇可以防止多个目标发生动脉粥样硬化,抑制低密度脂蛋白(LDL)的氧化和代谢,血管细胞功能调控等。 4,具有显著的抗氧化,清除自由基,增强免疫系统; 5,具有消炎,排毒解毒的作用; 6,具有抗血小板,抗血栓形成的作用:测试白藜芦醇抗血小板聚集的能力,结果表明白藜芦醇1.2 mg / L的能抑制80%的血小板聚集率,血小板显著降低聚集,经常食用可预防血栓形成。 7,有效控制血糖浓度,平衡胰岛素分泌; 8,一种新型的植物雌激素,延缓更年期; 9,预防骨质疏松,促进新骨形成; 10,男性天然伟哥,预防和改善前列腺问题; 11,抗过敏,哮喘,稳定神经,睡眠,抗抑郁药; 12,有效的减肥瘦身,保持体态轻盈苗条,促进新陈代谢:白藜芦醇能减少高热量食物的肝脏脂肪堆积,显著降低血糖水平的糖尿病患者食用和胰岛素,并实现减肥的效果。 玛丽亚·亚当斯美洁证实白藜芦醇健康益处:●心血管健康; ●预防中风; ●老化; ●预防大肠癌; 据研究,白藜芦醇(白藜芦醇),可以有效的:●预防心脏疾病; ●抑制血栓的形成; ●能帮助胆固醇代谢,防止阻塞动脉斑块形成; ●改善新陈代谢和肥胖症状; 白藜芦醇具有所含的抗癌先锋抗老成分:葡萄红据研究,葡萄中含有大量的抗氧化剂,白藜芦醇(Resreratrol)是最,果皮之一,种子最高水平; 法国“悖论”:法国人每天食用大量高脂肪的饮食,心血管疾病饮食状况,因为它没有增加的发病率,因为喝法国红酒中含有的白藜芦醇高的单位,可降低疗效血小板聚集(流血效果),以防止血液凝块和中风;总胆固醇可以减少在体内的作用,防止动脉硬化; 袋RéserveTM裴区铵本质酒精相当于186瓶红酒,具有显著的抗氧化,清除自由基,抗衰老作用。



natural resveratrol是什么意思

natural resveratrol 天然白藜芦醇resveratrol 英[rez"vɪərɪˌtrɔ:l] 美[rez"vɪərɪˌtrɔ:l] [词典] [医] 白藜芦醇,3",4",5-三羟(基)芪; [例句]Conclusion: These studies provide a theoretical reference for the fermentation and extraction of resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum.结论:本实验可为虎杖中白藜芦醇的发酵和提取提供一定参考。

personnel administration是什么意思

人事管理双语对照词典结果:personnel administration[英][ˌpə:səˈnel ədˌminisˈtreiʃən][美][ˌpɚsəˈnɛl ædˌmɪnɪˈstreʃən]干部[人事]管理; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

no solicitation of personnel 什么意思



词典结果:resveratrol[英][rez"vɪərɪˌtrɔ:l][美][rez"vɪərɪˌtrɔ:l][医]白藜芦醇,3",4",5-三羟(基)芪; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Dr. sinclair declined to name his source of resveratrol. 辛克莱博士没有说明自己服用的白藜芦醇的来源



accompany sb at the violin 介词用at 还是on



resveratrol英[rez"vɪərɪˌtrɔ:l]美[rez"vɪərɪˌtrɔ:l][医]白藜芦醇,3",4",5-三羟(基)芪[例句]Dr. sinclair declined to name his source of resveratrol.辛克莱博士没有说明自己服用的白藜芦醇的来源。


personnel后面的who is省略了

spectator violence的定义

spectator violence是指球场观众暴力或球迷暴力。球场观众暴力(specator violence in sports)是指球场观众暴力或球迷暴力。艾森(Eitzen)把球场观众暴力定义为:在赛场上球迷之间进行的有目的的破坏或伤害行为,这种行为可能是由于个人、社会、经济或者竞争等各种原因引起的。他把球场观众暴力行为分为三类:即流氓( rowdyism)、狂热的庆祝(exuberant celebration)和骚乱(sport riots)。球场观众暴力与球场暴力应有所区别,球场暴力应该包括球员暴力、球迷暴力以及发生在球场.上的其他人员的暴力。在我国描述球场观众暴力的词汇很多,如“球迷骚乱”、“足球流氓”、“球场暴力"、“观众暴力”、“观众闹事"等。从体育社会学角度来讲,球场观众暴力是一种激情犯罪行为。激情是-种比较激烈的.爆发性的、时间短暂的情绪状态,狂喜狂怒恐惧等多是激情的表现。对于球迷来说,观看比赛就是他们生活中的重要事件,积极的激情就是竭尽全力为自己喜爱的球队助威呐喊,但又不失自我形象。而消极的激情就是指看球时不能控制自己的情绪,出现狂喜、暴怒等有伤身体甚至危及他人的行为。


Sandy Bin 15/F,TOWARD ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING,BEIJING.      WORK EXPERIENCE   9/88-Present THE LAPIS CORPORATION,Pinesville,LA   Personnel Administrative Assistant      Maintained filles.   Prepared records for off-site storage.   Designed forms for archives.   Developed effective space management plan for on-site records.   Improved tracking system resulting in few lost files.   Handled employment verifications and designed forms to expedite process.   12/84-8/88 GLADE GROVE COLLEGE,Baton Rouge,LA   Records Coordinator for Development      Recorded gifts made to the college.   Maintained filles.   Coder      Translated data form surveys into numerical code for data entry.   Edited puter printouts.   Performed quality control.   6/72-12/81 PAISLEY TELECOMMUNICATIONS,New Orleans,LA   "Advantage" Coordinator (The "Advantage" is an auto dialer.)      Tested and programmed each unit.   Schedule site visits and installations.   Kept inventory.   Assisted customers with questions and problems.   4/71-5/72 Interviewer      Conducted public opinion surveys.   EDUCTION   Biltmore College,Dallas,Texas 1972   Associates degree in Marketing.      References are available upon request.      Work experience is emphasized while limited education is de-em-phasized.   Clean layout makes resume easy to read. “英文简历(行政助理)ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT(Personnel)”版权归作者所有;转载请注明出处!   英文简历(行政助理)ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT(Personnel),此文章版权归原作者所有!

Review“Rodney King beating ”是什么事件?

近日,因一名美国非裔男子遭暴力执法死亡,一场声势浩大的抗议活动从明尼苏达州开始。目前,30多城爆发抗议示威,多地的抗议活动走向暴力。Protests have erupted in at least 30 US cities over the death of unarmed black man George Floyd at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota.rodney king是一个普通的黑人,1991年一个晚上因酒后驾车超速被洛杉矶警察追捕,但他拒绝停车应为后来他说如果被抓就会违反他的假释便会入狱。后来被警察截住,几个警察把他用警棍臭揍一顿。一个好事小子把这一场面录了下来,卖给电视台,播出后公众气愤,要求惩罚打人警察。但四名警察经初级法院审理后无罪释放,洛杉矶黑人(1992年)趁机闹事打砸抢烧。后来只好重新审理此案,结果两名警察判有最入狱,其他两名无罪释放。最终rodney king获百万美元赔偿。这就是rodney king beating(riot)事件。这次事件中韩国人勇敢团结,在自己杂货店(韩国人在美国专开杂货店)屋顶筑工事架机枪,来抢者格杀勿论,一前来抢店的黑小子被当场击毙,再没有人敢抢韩国人的小店。从此美国人对韩国人另眼看带。 Inner-city rebuilding dominated by supermarkets; two years after riot, smaller businesses not restored - Los Angeles, California - Real Estate Los Angeles Business Journal,  April 25, 1994  by Bob Howard bullet E-mail bullet Print bullet Link Almost two years to the day since hundreds of commercial buildings were damaged or destroyed in the Los Angeles riot, supermarkets are the main rebuilders of commercial properties in the areas most affected by the riot. But according to preliminary figures in a new study by RLA, the organization attempting to rebuild riot-damaged areas and other "neglected areas" of L.A., the smaller property owners have made little headway in rebuilding. Linda Griego, the former Los Angeles deputy mayor who became president and chief executive officer of RLA in February, said approximately 350 of the commercial sites damaged in the April 1992 rioting remain vacant. Most of those properties were formerly occupied by smaller businesses that have been either unable or unwilling to rebuild. Griego said most of those 350 sites are in the parts of South Central and South Los Angeles that were hit hardest by the riot, but the 350 also include sites in many other surrounding communities that RLA defines as "neglected." These include parts of Hollywood, Long Beach, East Los Angeles, Pacoima and portions of the San Fernando Valley. In the two years since the riot, supermarket chains Vons Cos. Inc., Ralphs Grocery Co. and Smart & Final Iris Co. have opened 10 new stores in the neglected areas. Those three chains, plus Food-4-Less, have announced plans to open another 20 stores, including eight that are scheduled to open this year. Most of the (supermarket) commitments are still very much on line," Griego said. It"s the businesses on the other end of the scale - the ones that formerly inhabited small commercial sites - that have not reinvested. Most of those sites remain vacant and fenced in. Griego said the 350 sites that remain vacant were among 1,100 commercial sites damaged in the riots. About half of the 1,100 structures sustained relatively little damage, she said, and most of the sites with minor damage have been restored. She said the biggest challenge is to restore the 350 properties that were the most heavily damaged because those are the sites where the least amount of rebuilding has occurred and where owners are least capable of rebuilding on their own. RLA is currently updating its survey of the owners of the damaged properties to find out if they are doing anything to rebuild or if there is some way RLA can help them rebuild. "When you consider how many grocery stores have been built in two years, that"s not so bad considering how difficult development is in today"s economy. Most of the commitments for additional stores from supermarkets are still on line. But not very much has occurred on the 350 vacant sites," Griego said. "I"m concerned that they"re just sitting there with no one working with the properly owners. I don"t want these empty lots to be forgotten. According to the new RLA president, some of the property owners have not rebuilt because they had insufficient insurance. Others already had heavy debt before their properties were destroyed, so they are not good candidates for SBA-backed loans or other traditional sources of financing for small commercial developments. "The biggest problem for these small property owners, which is the biggest problem for everyone in today"s economy, is getting financing," Griego said. Some property owners also received sizable insurance claims settlements and have decided not to rebuild because their buildings had high vacancies before the April 1992 riot. Many of those owners are waiting for the market to improve before rebuilding, Griego added. Griego said a recent RLA study, which was conducted for the agency by Cal State Los Angeles, surveyed owners of riot-affected properties to find out the status of their properties and what their plans are - if any. Survey results are still being compiled and are expected to be completed in May. "We want to look at the survey results and see if we can come up with a strategy" to help the property owners, Griego said. For example, if RLA finds that a property owner needs $2 million to rebuild, and the SBA will only guarantee a loan on part of that amount, RLA would try to find a "combination of resources" for the rest of the financing. The damaged properties include a variety of retail and some light industrial uses that are still in demand, even though the properties haven"t been rebuilt, RLA officials said they believe. "We know these communities need a whole bunch of amenities," Griego said. RLA is looking for these new service "amentities" - such as dry cleaning, restaurants, auto repair, etc. - to be provided primarily through the expansion of existing businesses that are currently providing such services within the areas served by RLA. Griego even sees a need for new office buildings, despite the glut of such space throughout the Los Angeles Basin. "There aren"t surplus office buildings in this part of town (South Los Angeles). If some government agencies wanted to be closer to where their customers are, there are very few spaces where thy can go," the RLA president said.The Rodney King Riot of 1992 occurred in Los Angeles, California in response to a highly publicized incident of police brutality.  Rodney King, who had worked as a Dodgers Stadium usher, was arrested on charges of speeding, driving while intoxicated, and failing to yield.  The four responding police officers claimed that King had been high on drugs and was trying to attack them, prompting the police to beat him on the grounds of self defense.  An amateur photographer, George Holliday, was standing nearby and captured the attack on film.  The four officers were brought to court and tried on charges of assault.During the trial, the officers argued that Rodney King"s body was always in the position to inflict harm on others.  The use of force was termed as “necessary” when police thought King was reaching for a weapon in his waistband. At 3:00 p.m. on the day of April 29, 1992, the four police officers were acquitted of the assault charges.  The riot started soon after the announcement.  Around 4:15 p.m, a little over an hour after the acquittal was delivered, there were reports of looting in South Central Los Angeles.  By 5:45 p.m. there were numerous reports of motorists being assaulted in the streets and by 8:15 that evening, the first fatality was reported in the news. Rioting occurred throughout the next few days, with the heaviest damage done in the South Central district of Los Angeles and “Koreatown,” which was located between black neighborhoods and Hollywood.  Koreans became the eventual targets of the rioting, as minorities claimed they mistreated both Latino and African American customers in their stores. The rioting finally came to a halt on May 2, 1992 when 10,000 National Guardsmen, 3,500 military personnel, and the entire Los Angeles Police Department were deployed to the South Central district.  When all of the rioting was finally stopped, over 51 people were killed, 2,383 people were injured, 8,000 people were arrested, and over 700 businesses were burned.  Damages were estimated at about $1 billion to property. African American History, Events TERMS: 20th Century (1900-1999), United States - California, Racial Conflict - Race Riots




SWAT这个代表Special Weapons And Tactics(特殊武器与战术)的英文缩写,俨然已经成为世界各地许多特警的代名词,包括美加各地与我国的霹雳小组。目前成立最早,规模最大的SWAT位於美国洛杉矶市警局。当地的SWAT为市警局的独立编制,拥有专属的办公与训练地点。1998全美SWAT竞赛冠军,为世界极具知名度的特警部队。  SWAT的成立前最早可追溯至反战与黑人运动盛行的1960年代,当时除了市区发生大规模的暴动外,1965年出现了亡命之徒Watts Riots,1966年发生歹徒在街头狙杀路人等重大治安事件,洛城市长不得不发布戒严令,并要求加州国民兵镇暴。当时John Nelson警官构思建立一支机动的小型部队,并具有特殊战术与武力能够应付重大案件。这支小型部队称为”station defense teams(地区防卫小队)”,由Daryl F.Gates担任队长,乃15支四人小组所构成,并由海军陆战队代为训练其在越战中获得的爆破、狙击、侦察、战斗等宝贵经验,,对当时治安产生很大的作用。1967年洛城警局将这支部队纳编为D中队(D platoon),编制约60名成员,以每小队(element)5名成员,两小队为一分队(squad)的编制执行任务,小队包含小队长、观测手、狙击手、前方警戒手、后方警戒手,命名为Special Weapons Attack Team(特殊武器攻击队),取各字开头字母而简称为SWAT。但此名称具有火力至上的意味,与保护市民安全的警察身分极不相称,后更名为Special Weapons And Tactics(特殊武器与战术),虽然更改名称已久,但直到现今仍可见到旧有的Special Weapons Attack Team这个名词,不过这已不代表现今SWAT的名称了。

Translate a letter of credit

天啦,你发了这么多,上面的大部分是跟你没关系的,是银行的解押信息。 Documentary Credit Number:21:M331396 信用证号码 Date of issue:31c:2008.12.15 开证日期 Appllcable Rules:40E:UCP latest version 规则:UCP最新版本 Date and Place of Expiry:2009.01.31 Beneficiary"s country 2009.01.31受益人国家到期 Issuing Bank:52A KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CLEVELAND,United states of America 开证行 Applicant :50 :GOLDEN-TECH INTERNATIONAL,INC.2461 152 ND AVENUE N.E. 开证人 currency code:usd 94600 金额 percentage credit Amount:1.0/10 Tolerance 10%的溢短 Avallable with...By.. :41D: any bank by negotiation Drafts at...:42C: sight 即期付款 Drawee:42D: KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATON partial shipment:43P:partial shipment are prohibited 不可分批 Transshipment:44T:Transhipment are allowed 允许转船 port of loading/airport of departure:44E:China 装运港 port of discharge/airport of destination:44F: seattle,WA,USA 目的港: 美国西雅图 latest Date of shipment: 44C:2009.01.20 最迟交货期 description of goods and/or services:FROZEN TILAPIA FILLETS,SUPER DEEP SKINNED,BULK PACK 1.8-2.6OZ,1*25LBS PER CARTON BOX 100PCT NET WEIGHT,CLEAN,WHITE COLOR,NO MUDDY NO CO TREATMENT FREE OF ALL GROWTH HORMONES AND ANTIBIOTICS 货描 (显示在提单和发票上的货描部分) Documents Required:signed orginal commercial invoice and 3 copies 签署的商业发票3正3副 clean marine/ocean bill of lading covering port to port shipment consigned to the order shipment endorsed in blank marked notify to applicant and marked freight prepaid 清洁已装船提单,TO THE ORDER, 空白背书,通知人为收获人,显示运费已付 packing list in 1 original and 3 copies 装箱单一正3副 cargo insurance certificate in duplicate,in negotiable form for 110 percent of commercial invoice value in U.S dollars 货物保险单一式二份,发票金额的110%投保 endorsed in blank and covering the following risks: 空白背书并显示以下险别: all risks warehouse to warehouse;including war risks and strikes,riots,civil commotion ,and marine risks 仓到仓一切险:包括战争险,罢工险,水渍险





特警 SWAT代表什么意思?


大学名叫California Northstate University(应该是叫北加大学)



JSP 报The value for the useBean class attribute XXX is invalid

太长了 懒的看 从 异常The value for the useBean class attribute XXX is invalid应该是 你表单的 字段 值 跟 目标 Action中的 FormBean 之间的值不能 赋值 可能因为没转换器的原因 所以无法转换 只能对基本数据类型进行转换 和 已有转换器的数据进行转换赋值

Pistols At Dawn 歌词

歌曲名:Pistols At Dawn歌手:Kasabian专辑:Avengers AssemblePistols At DawnI"m the smoke behind the screen, astronaut in the limozineNow picture us amphetamines, a taxidermy in the magazineThe mutiny amongst the fees, all the cards hiding up my sleevesBandages, a stripper"s thighs tell the jury you"re an animalYeah, oh yeahBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowThis aggravation is heavy dutyBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowYou"ve got to slow down and see the beautyStraighten up, take your pills, nuts is watching, so forget your thrillsPlastic limbs, antidote, now you see it was all a hoaxMicrochips inside your ears tapping in to your inner fearsLousy kids, we can tick beaten up with the ugly stickYeah, oh yeahBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowThis aggravation is heavy dutyBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowYou"ve got to slow down and see the beautyOh, temper, temper, missyResorting to violence if you disagreeOh, the rhythm, the rhythm is slowHave to admit you"re the star of the showOh, temper, temper, missySitting there laughing it"s now that you seeOh, the visions, the visions are blackTears on your gravestone, you"re not coming backI"m the smoke, a mocking bird the filthy joke that you overheardSo giz a squeeze, I"m you, you"re always fucked but you never knewYeah, oh yeahBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowThis aggravation is heavy dutyBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowYou"ve got to slow down and see the beauty

Pistols At Dawn 歌词

歌曲名:Pistols At Dawn歌手:Kasabian专辑:Days Are ForgottenPistols At DawnI"m the smoke behind the screen, astronaut in the limozineNow picture us amphetamines, a taxidermy in the magazineThe mutiny amongst the fees, all the cards hiding up my sleevesBandages, a stripper"s thighs tell the jury you"re an animalYeah, oh yeahBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowThis aggravation is heavy dutyBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowYou"ve got to slow down and see the beautyStraighten up, take your pills, nuts is watching, so forget your thrillsPlastic limbs, antidote, now you see it was all a hoaxMicrochips inside your ears tapping in to your inner fearsLousy kids, we can tick beaten up with the ugly stickYeah, oh yeahBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowThis aggravation is heavy dutyBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowYou"ve got to slow down and see the beautyOh, temper, temper, missyResorting to violence if you disagreeOh, the rhythm, the rhythm is slowHave to admit you"re the star of the showOh, temper, temper, missySitting there laughing it"s now that you seeOh, the visions, the visions are blackTears on your gravestone, you"re not coming backI"m the smoke, a mocking bird the filthy joke that you overheardSo giz a squeeze, I"m you, you"re always fucked but you never knewYeah, oh yeahBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowThis aggravation is heavy dutyBest laid plans can wait, don"t need them nowYou"ve got to slow down and see the beauty


字典里没有。如果是alienation,则是n. 离间; 疏远; (觉得周围环境与自己格格不入的)疏离感; 离心离德 如果是calumniation 那就是n. 诽谤,中伤

ermm at cali 是美国的一个地方吗?具体在哪里?

在美国的加利福尼亚州(cali 是缩写)



⑴ 时间或地点介词in、on、at的用法区别:表示时间时, in表示在一段时间里(在将来时句子中则表示在一段时间之后), on表示在具体的某一天或者某天的上下午等, at表示在某个时刻或者瞬间;表示地点时, in表示在某个范围之内, on表示在某个平面上或与一个面相接触,at则表示在某个具体的场所或地点。如:He was born on the morning of May 10th.(他出生于五月十日的早晨)/ I usually get up at 7:00 in the morning.(我通常在早上的七点钟起床) / His glasses are right on his nose.(他的眼镜就架在他的鼻子上)/ He is at the cinema at the moment.(此刻他正在电影院)⑵ after与in表示时间的用法区别:“after+(具体时刻/从句)”表示“在…时刻之后”常用于一般时态;“in+(一段时间)”表示“在(多久) 之后”,常用于将来时态。如:He said that he would be here after 6:00.(他说他六点钟之后会来这儿)/ My father is coming back from England in about a month.(我父亲大约一个月以后从英国回来)⑶ since与for表示时间的用法区别:“since+(具体时刻/that-从句)”表示“自从…起一直到现在”,“for +(一段斶间)”表示“总共有…之久”,都常用于完成时态;如:Uncle Li has worked in this factory since 1970.(李叔叔自从1970年起就在这家工厂工作了)/ Uncle Li has worked in this factory for over 30 years. (李叔叔在这家工厂已经工作了30多年)⑷ by、in与with表示方式的用法区别:都可以表示“工具、手段”,但是by主要表示“乘坐”某个交通工具或“以……方式”,在被动句中可以表示动作的执行者;in表示“使用”某种语言/文字,with表示“使用”某个具体的工具、手段。如:We see with our eyes and walk with our feet.(我们用眼睛看东西,用双脚走路)/ Please write that article(文章) in English.(请你用英语写那篇文章)/ Let"s go to the zoo by taxi.(我们打的去动物园吧。)/ It was written by Lao She.(那是老舍写的)⑸ about与on的用法区别:都可以表示“有关…”,但是about的意义比较广,而on主要表示“有关…(专题/课程)”。如:Tom is going to give a talk on the history of America.(汤姆要作一个美国历史的报告)/ They are very excited talking about the coming field trip.(他们兴致勃勃地谈论着即将来到的野外旅游)⑹ through与across、over的用法区别: through指“穿过…(门洞/人群/树林)”; across和over可以指“跨越…(街道/河流)”,可互换,但是表示“翻过…”时只能用over. 如:Just then a rat (鼠)ran across the road.(就在那时一只老鼠跑过路面)/ There is a bridge across/over the river.(河上有座桥)/ They climbed over the mountain and arrived there ahead of time.(他们翻过大山提前到达了那里)/ The visitors went through a big gate into another park.(参观者们穿过一个大门来到另一个公园)(7)as与like的区别:两个词都表示“像……”,但是as译为“作为……”,表示的是职业、职务、作用等事实,而like译为“像……一样”,表示外表,不是事实。如:Let me speak to you as a father.(我以父亲的身份和你讲话。)(说话者是听者的父亲) / Let me speak to you like a father.(让我像一位父亲一样和你讲话)(说话者不是听者的父亲)(8)at the end of、by the end of、to the end、in the end的用法区别:at the end of…既可以表示时间也可以表示地点,译为“在…末;在…尽头”,常与过去时连用;by the end of…只能表示时间,译为“在…前;到…为止”,常用于过去完成时; in the end与at last基本等义,表示“终于、最后”,通常用于过去时;to the end译为“到…的终点为止”,前面往往有表示运动或连续性的动词。如:By the end of last term we had learned 16 units of Book III.(到上学期期末我们已经学习了第三册16个单元)/ At the end of the road you can find a big white house with brown windows.(在路的尽头你能找到一幢有棕色窗户的白房子)/ They left for Beijing at the end of last week.(上周末他们动身去了北京)/ In the end he succeeded in the final exams.(他最终在期末考试中考及格了)/ We should go on with the work to the end.(我们应该把工作干到底)/ Follow this road to the end and you will see a post office.(沿这条路走到底就能看见一家邮电局)(9)for a moment、for the moment、in a moment、at the moment的区别:for a moment“一会儿、片刻”(=for a while),常与持续性动词连用;for the moment“暂时、目前”,常用于现在时;in a moment“一会儿、立即、马上”(=soon; in a few minutes),一般用于将来时;at the moment“此刻,眼下”(=now),用于现在进行时。如:Please wait for a moment.(请稍等)/ Let"s leave things as they are for the moment.(暂时就维持现状吧!) / I"ll come back in a moment.(我过会儿回来)/ I am very busy at the moment.(眼下我很忙)(10)but的问题:用介词but引出另一个动词时,要注意:如果前面有do,后面就用原形动词,前面没有do时,后面的动词要加to。如:I could do nothing but wait.(我什么也做不了只能等) / They had no choice(选择) but to fight.(他们没有选择只有战斗)(11)in front of 与in the front of: in front of“在…的前面”, 与in the front of“在…的前部”。如:A car was parking in front of the hall.(大厅跟前停着一辆汽车)/ In the front of the hall stood a big desk.(大厅前部立着一个大讲台)(12)except (for)与besides的区别:except“除了”,表示排除掉某人物,即不包含;而besides“除了”则表示包含,即“不仅……又……”。如:Everyone went to the Palace Museum except Tom.(除了Tom,大家都去了故宫博物院)(Tom没有去故宫)/ Besides Chinese he also studied many other subjects.(除了汉语之外,他还学其他许多功课)(“汉语”也是他学的功课之一)other than 除了......之外...... There "re nobody here other than me 与.....不同..... 与.....不同方式.....we can"t get there other than by swimming.Apart from : with the exception of ...; besides... Apart form a few scratches, the car was undamaged.


固定搭配:in expectation 期望着;意料之中 have expectations of (对…)抱有期望 beyond expectation 出乎意料 expectation of life 平均寿命;预期寿命(等于life expectancy)用法:expectation 英[ˌekspekˈteɪʃn] 美[ˌɛkspɛkˈteʃən] n. 预期; 期待; 前程; [数] 期望值; [例句]Students "expectations were as varied as their expertise学生们的期望根据他们的专业各有不同。There"s no expectation of snow tonight.今晚预料无雪。Excellencies, the sense of expectation is clear.这种期望感显而易见。我们即将开展非常重要的工作。Some people live by the expectation of others.有些人为他人的期望而活。The weight of expectation was getting to them.他们逐渐感觉到了期望带来的压力。


n. 希望( expectation的复数形式 ) 预料; (被)预期; [常作复数] 期望的事情,期望双语例句1. unrealistically high expectations不切实际的过高期望2. Against all expectations, the theatre reopened to encouragingly large audiences.出乎所有人的预料,剧院重新开放时观众数量喜人。3. She thus confounded expectations yet again.于是她再一次使人们的预期落空。4. It was an excellent party that surpassed expectations.这是一次远超人们预期的精彩聚会。5. Students" expectations were as varied as their expertise.学生们的专长各有不同,期望值也不一样。


expectation 英[ˌekspekˈteɪʃn] 美[ˌɛkspɛkˈteʃən] n. 预期; 期待; 前程; [数] 期望值; [例句]Students "expectations were as varied as their expertise学生们的期望根据他们的专业各有不同。[其他] 复数:expectations

musters,please translate this for me ,thanks 。 you are so cool.


Strategy and Human Resource Management

your score is too low!

Clinical Management of Binocular Vision: Heterophoric, Accommodative, and Eye Movement Disorders

你那儿有么 可否发我一份?


应该是脱口秀的意思吧scratch show


抓 搔

scratch the surface在下面这句里的意思是什么?



scratch ------ 用耙子或手爪抓1)to rub your skin with your nails because it feels uncomfortable2)to cut someone"s skin slightly with your nails or with something sharp【例句】you scratch my back, I"ll scratch yoursThat cat scratches.那只猫会抓伤人。The famine is so bad, aid can only scratch the surface.饥荒十分严重,援助也只是杯水车薪。scrape ---------檫去、用刀刮、挖出1)to remove something from a surface using the edge of a knife, a stick etc2)to make a noise by rubbing roughly against a surface【例句】Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in.进屋前先在门口擦鞋垫上擦一擦鞋子。He suffered a few cuts and scrapes.他割破和擦伤了几个地方。求点赞和关注




1、n.划痕;(皮肤或物体表面上的)划伤;刮(或擦、抓)的刺耳声;挠痒;搔痒。2、v.挠(痒处);划破;抓伤(皮肤);(尤指意外地)擦破;刮坏。3、adj.仓促拼凑的;无让步的;无让杆的。4、例句:I pointed to a number of scratches in the tile floor. 我指向地板砖上的一道道划痕。

scrape scratch有区别吗



scratch 英[skrætʃ] 美[skrætʃ] vt. 擦,刮; 擦痛,擦伤; 在…处搔痒; 抓破; vi. 发出刮擦声; 擦红,擦伤; 搔痒; 抓,扒; n. 擦,刮; 刮擦声; 搔痕; 乱写乱画; 全部释义>> [例句]But it is also now possible deliberately to start new financial centres from scratch.然而,如今从零开始建设一个新的金融中心也是有可能的。更多例句>> 复数:scratches过去式:scratched现在分词:scratching过去分词:scratched第三人称单数:scratches易混淆单词: Scratch


scratch[英][skrætʃ] [美][skrætʃ] 生词本简明释义vt.擦,刮;擦痛,擦伤;在…处搔痒;抓破vi.发出刮擦声;擦红,擦伤;搔痒;抓,扒n.擦,刮;刮擦声;搔痕;乱写乱画adj.打草稿用的,随便写用的;碰巧的,侥幸的;东拼西凑的;平等比赛的复数:scratches第三人称单数:scratches过去式:scratched过去分词:scratched现在分词:scratching易混淆的单词:Scratch以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.VERB给…搔痒;给…挠痒If you scratch yourself, you rub your fingernails against your skin because it is itching. He scratched himself under his arm...他在胳膊下面挠了挠。The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side...老人撩起开襟毛衣挠了挠身体的一侧。


scratch[英][skrætʃ][美][skrætʃ]vt.擦,刮; 擦痛,擦伤; 在…处搔痒; 抓破; vi.发出刮擦声; 擦红,擦伤; 搔痒; 抓,扒; n.擦,刮; 刮擦声; 搔痕; 乱写乱画; adj.打草稿用的,随便写用的; 碰巧的,侥幸的; 东拼西凑的; 平等比赛的; 第三人称单数:scratches过去分词:scratched复数:scratches现在进行时:scratching过去式:scratched以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Did the furniture movers scratch your floor? 移动你的家俱时,地板是否会因此而刮花?


scratch英[skrætʃ]美[skrætʃ]n.划痕;(皮肤或物体表面上的)划伤;刮(或擦、抓)的刺耳声;挠痒;搔痒。v.挠(痒处);划破;抓伤(皮肤);(尤指意外地)擦破;刮坏;刮出(或刮去)痕迹;刮(或擦、抓)出刺耳声;勉强维持生活;取消。adj.仓促拼凑的;无让步的;无让杆的。[例句]Knives will scratch the worktop.小刀会在工作台上留下划痕。[其他]第三人称单数:scratches。英语单词scratch有多层含义:以前比赛的时候,都会在地上划一条线作为起点,而划线的动作就是scratch。后来就用from scratch表示“从零开始”、“白手起家”。例如:Start from scratch:To begin from the very beginning without the aid or advantage of something that is already prepared or completed.不借助别人帮助或借助已有优势,完全从头开始。一起来看两个例句:The folder with my outline and notes got deleted, so now I have to start the whole project again from scratch.我的文件夹被删除了,大纲和笔记都在里边。所以现在我不得不从头开始整个项目。Are you thinking of starting a business from scratch? Then you have come to the right place.你想白手起家,开始创业吗?那你来对地方了。还有一个词,也可以表示“白手起家的”self-made。



We are here to make available to you,as best we can,that expertise.这里的that是引导什么从句?

这个that是指示代词,expertise 名词。that expertise那些专业知识。


正文Rules for teaching grammar in schools 学校语法教学的应尽之事In retrospect it scarcely seems surprising that learning to underline a modal verb, such as "can", "should" and "may", does little to help students use them effectively in their own writing. These words are anyway grasped by tiny children without the need to know what they are called. 回过头看,学生学着用下划线标示出“can(可以)”、“should(应该)”和“may(可能)”之类的情态动词,其实对他们在自己的写作中恰当使用这些词没什么帮助,而这样的结果似乎也没什么好惊讶的,毕竟(英国的)小孩子不需要知道这些词的名字叫什么,就已经会使用了。This may tempt the conclusion that the teaching of grammar should be shelved altogether. But there are reasons to reform it rather than scrap it. 这可能会促使人们得出如下结论:语法教学就应该被完全搁置。但是,我们有理由对其进行改革,而不是将其废除。Understanding of language is part of a wider education in what makes human beings human. How concepts are turned into sounds, and how those sounds combine to form propositions, commands or questions, are issues that have occupied many linguists in philosophy departments. 对语言的理解是更广义的“树人”教育的一部分。内心的概念如何转变为声音?那些声音又如何组合起来,形成观点、命令或者疑问?很多哲学系的语言学家们一直都在思索这些难题。For grammarians keen on the jobs of the future, the field of natural-language processing is booming. After many years of poor results, technological wizards have devised programs for automated translation, speech recognition and other services that are actually usable, if far from perfect.*** 对那些热衷于琢磨新兴工作的语法学家们来说,自然语言处理领域正在蓬勃发展。尽管科技奇才们多年来的工作成果不尽如人意,但他们还是设计出了自动翻译、语音识别和其他服务程序,这些程序虽远非完美,但实际上还是能用的。These tools may rely more on knowledge of artificial intelligence than of the subjunctive, but linguistic expertise still matters, and may give budding programmers an edge over rivals whose best language is Python. 这些程序可能更依赖人工智能的相关知识,而不是虚拟语气之类的语法知识。不过,语言学的专业知识仍然很重要,它们或许能让刚起步的程序员比那些掌握最熟练的“语言”是 Python 的对手更有优势。A cook does not need to know chemistry to make a delicious sauce. But the science of how words combine to make meaning is fascinating as well as fundamental. (尽管)厨师不需要了解化学知识就能制作美味的酱汁,但是,遣词造句的学问既是迷人的,也是基本的。主编:啾笛、Amber 品控:大芃、Amber 审核:Jack 重点词汇 in retrospect 回想起来,事后看来 例句:In retrospect, I think that I was wrong. 相关词汇:retrospect(n. 回顾,回想) 词根词缀:retro- (to look back at,往回看) 词根词缀:spect(to look at,看) scarcely /ˈ adv. 勉强;几乎不 近义词:hardly(adv. 几乎不) 例句:I can scarcely believe it. 例句:We scarcely ever meet. do little to 未能做某事 相关词汇:little(pron. 一点儿;少得几乎没有) 英文释义:fail to do sth. 例句:The company did little to prevent the disaster. grasp /ɡræsp/ v. 理解,领悟,明白(尤指费解之事);抓紧,握紧 英文释义:to take and hold something firmly 例句:We need to grasp the rope. 搭配短语:to grasp the main points of the lecture tempt /tempt/ v. 促使;引诱 搭配短语:tempt sb. to do sth. / into sth. / into doing sth.(诱惑某人做某事) 例句:The smell of the pie tempted me. 相关词汇:tempting(adj. 吸引人的;诱人的) 搭配短语:This may be tempting to draw the conclusion that … shelve /ʃelv/ v. 推迟处理,搁置;把……放在架子上 英文释义:to put (something) on a shelf 例句:The plan had to be shelved because of lack of money. 补充:动词 shelve 是个逆生词,是和“派生词”相反的一个概念,所谓逆生,也就是 back-formation,是指将已经存在的词通过去除或改变后缀构成新词,举个例子,其实是先有的名词 editor,编辑,去掉词尾 or 后,逆生,得到了动词 edit,文中这里的 shelve 就是表示“架子”的名词 shelf 的复数形式 shelves 的逆生词,shelves 去掉了结尾的 s,就变成 shelve。 scrap /skræp/ v. 放弃;取消;报废 词性拓展:scrap(n. 碎片,小块) 搭配短语:a scrap of paper 相关词汇:scraps(n. 吃剩的东西,残羹剩饭) 搭配短语:kitchen scraps(厨余垃圾,厨房泔水) 搭配短语:to scrap a car(报废汽车) 搭配短语:to scrap a plan(取消计划) 例句:We should scrap the idea. occupy /ˈɑː.kjə.paɪ/ v. 使忙于(做某事) 例句:The hobby occupies all of my free time. grammarian /ɡrəˈmer.i.ən/ n. 语法学家 keen /kiːn/ adj. 喜爱;(对……)有兴趣 搭配短语:keen on sth. 例句:I am not keen on jogging. devise /dɪˈvaɪz/ v. 发明,设计 近义词:invent / think up far from 几乎相反 搭配短语:far from + adj. / n. / v-ing 例句:Far from helping the situation, you"ve just made it worse. subjunctive /səbˈdʒʌŋk.tɪv/ n.(语法中的)虚拟语气 搭配短语:subjunctive mood linguistic /lɪŋˈɡwɪs.tɪk/ adj. 语言的,语言学的 相关词汇:linguistics(n. 语言学) 相关词汇:linguist(n. 语言学家) 词根词缀:-ist(……人) expertise /ˌek.spɝːˈtiːz/ n. 专门知识,专门技能 相关词汇:expert(n. 专家) 搭配短语:financial expertise(金融专业知识) 搭配短语:medical expertise(医疗专业知识) 搭配短语:expertise in sth. 搭配短语:expertise in engineering 搭配短语:He has great expertise in linguistics. budding /ˈbʌd.ɪŋ/ adj. 开始发展的;崭露头角的 相关词汇:bud(n. 花蕾,花芽) 相关词汇:bud(v. 发芽) edge /edʒ/ n. 优势 近义词:advantage(n. 优势;优点) 搭配短语:cutting edge 搭配短语:the cutting edge of computer technology 相关词汇:cutting-edge(adj. 最新的,尖端的) 例句:We have the cutting-edge speech recognition techonogy. 搭配短语:give an edge over sth. fundamental /ˌfʌn.dəˈmen.t̬əl/ adj. 基本的,基础的 近义词:basic(adj. 基础的) 词义辨析:basic,fundamental fundamental 跟我们熟悉的 basic 意义差不多,但 fundamental 的语气更重,有“根本的、彻底的”含义,重要性比 basic 要大很多。比如在我国的法律体系中,香港的基本法叫 Basic Law,而宪法是国家的根本法,the fundamental law。再给大家两个句子对比一下,The hotel only provides basic service. 这家旅馆只提供基础的服务,比如电话叫醒,清洁等等,像干洗衣服这种附加服务是不提供的。再来一个,Hard work is a fundamental requirement. 努力是最基本的要求。 加



请问这句话中scratches能否换成will scratch ?


scrape 和scratch怎样区别?



scratch英[skrætʃ]美[skrætʃ]vt.擦,刮; 擦痛,擦伤; 在…处搔痒; 抓破; vi.发出刮擦声; 擦红,擦伤; 搔痒; 抓,扒; n.擦,刮; 刮擦声; 搔痕; 乱写乱画; [例句]He scratched himself under his arm他在胳膊下面挠了挠。第三人称单数:scratches复数:scratches现在分词:scratching过去式:scratched过去分词:scratchedswift英[swɪft]美[swɪft]adj.迅速的; 敏捷的; 立刻的; 突然发生的; n.雨燕; 环球金融同业电讯会; [人] 斯威夫特,《格利佛游记》作者; adv.迅速地,敏捷地; [例句]Our task is to challenge the UN to make a swift decision我们的任务是敦促联合国快速做出决策。[其他]比较级:swifter最高级:swiftest复数:swifts


n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛[ 第三人称单数scratches 过去式scratched 过去分词scratched 现在分词scratching ] from scratch 白手起家;从头做起 start from scratch 从头开始;白手起家;从起跑线开始 up to scratch 达到标准 without a scratch 一点儿也没受伤,安然无恙 scratch the surface 只做了肤浅的研究;不深刻,不周详 scratch for oneself [美国口语]关心自身利益 scratch line n. 起跑线 on scratch 准时,正点 scratch resistance 抗划伤;耐擦伤性 starting from scratch 白手起家;从零开始 scratch resistant 耐划伤性 scratch test 过敏性测验;划痕试验 更多收起词组短语 n.擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写abrasion, brush-burnadj.打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的hit-and-missvt.抓;刮;挖出;乱涂paw, hentvi.抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛grasp, strike

Part1- Hoseholds owning and renting accommodation in England and Wales 1918 to2011

Topic: The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918and 2011. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the mainfeatures, and make comparisons where relevant.The bar graph illustrates how the rates of families living in both possessed and leased houses changed in England and Wales in a span of 93 years. It is clear that the percentage of households who lived in rented accommodations generally decreased during this period, while the counterpart of households in owned residences overall increased at the same span of time. To be specific, in 1918, about 23% of families lived in accommodations which were owned by themselves. The proportion continuously enlarged, and peaked in 2001, at around 68%, then declined to roughly 65% after 10 years. By contrast, the percentage of households living in rented houses was nearly 80% at the beginning, which was much more substantial than the equivalent rate of rented accommodations. After a long period of shrinkage,in which the level of the other type of households equaled and surpassed it in1971 and 1981,respectively, merely about 32% of families resided in rented homesin 2001, then the percentage experienced a fall to around 36% in 2011.

这两个英语 scratch 和 scrape 怎么念


scratch 基本原理是什么呀~~~摆脱啦~

n. 草稿,抓痕,搔,抓,擦伤,刮擦声,乱写,零,起跑线,未中的一击vt. 搔,抓,挖出,擦时 态:scratched, scratch·ing, scratch·es名 词:scratch"erShe scratched her initials on the glass.她将自己姓名的首字母刻在玻璃上。Our answer only scratches the surface of the problem.我们的答案只是和问题稍微有关而已。Superficial scratches can be easily removed.表层的划痕很容易除掉.The laboratory scratched that experiment for this year.实验室今年取消了那项实验。Hard chalk scratches the blackboard.硬粉笔会把黑板划坏。The dog scratched up a bone in the garden.那条狗在花园里刨出一根骨头.The monkey scratched about in its mate"s fur for fleas.那只猴子在另一只猴子身上找跳蚤.It"s only a scratch,ie a very slight injury.那只是一点擦伤.

alleycat scratch什么意思

alley cat scratch胡同里的猫抓-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

scratch the surface在下面这句里的意思是什么?

scratches the surface本来直译就是 划伤表面、触及了一些皮毛、涉及到表面所以引申一下,就翻译为 浮光掠影 了!这是意译,更加的符合国人习惯


划伤 抓伤

java idea里scratchs and consoles什么意思?

scratches and consoles:提供了两种临时的文件编辑环境,通过这两种临时的编辑环境,你可以写一些文本内容或者一些代码片段。两种 Scratches 分别是:Scratch files 和 Scratch buffersScratch files:Scratch files 有着完整的运行和 debug 功能等等,这些文件需要指定编程语言类型并且指定后缀。Scratch buffers:Scratch buffers 仅仅是为了简单的编辑记录,所以不需要指定编程语言并且指定后缀,默认文件类型是 .txt。需要注意的是,Scratch buffers 最多只能创建 5 个,超过 5 个将开始重用以前的,并且以前文件的内容会被重置。补充:隐藏scratches and consoles在显示Project的地方(左上角)改选成Project Files就行了


应该是:scratch 罢?n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声;乱写adj. 打草稿用的;凑合的;碰巧的vt. 抓;刮;挖出;乱涂vi. 抓;搔;发刮擦声;勉强糊口;退出比赛


划伤 划痕等


  scratch在信息技术里是一个编程语言意思。可以用它很容易的制作动画、游戏、音乐、艺术作品。使用Scratch可以学习数学知识,物理知识等,还能得到创造性思维和团结协作能力的锻炼。  编程语言:  编程语言(programming language),是用来定义计算机程序的形式语言。它是一种被标准化的交流技巧,用来向计算机发出指令。一种计算机语言让程序员能够准确地定义计算机所需要使用的数据,并精确地定义在不同情况下所应当采取的行动。  编程语言的描述一般可以分为语法及语义。语法是说明编程语言中,哪些符号或文字的组合方式是正确的,语义则是对于编程的解释。有些语言是用规格文件定义,例如C语言的规格文件也是ISO标准中一部份,2011年后的版本为ISO/IEC 9899:2011,而其他语言(像Perl)有一份主要的编程语言实现文件,视为是参考实现。  编程语言俗称"计算机语言",种类非常的多,总的来说可以分成机器语言、汇编语言、高级语言三大类。电脑每做的一次动作,一个步骤,都是按照已经用计算机语言编好的程序来执行的,程序是计算机要执行的指令的集合,而程序全部都是用我们所掌握的语言来编写的。所以人们要控制计算机一定要通过计算机语言向计算机发出命令。 目前通用的编程语言有两种形式:汇编语言和高级语言。
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