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时间过得很快 用英语怎么说 是time fly quickly 还是 time fly fast 为什么?


英语单词解释 fast与quickly意思都是快地,迅速的.那么在句子中怎么用.

fast是形容词也是副词,以"快"这意思来说~ ->作形容词(修饰名词)-指那样被修饰的东西可以移动得很快 the fast train(中译"快车",停的站少) fast cars 跑车 fast food 速食 快餐 ->做副词时(修饰动词):指(动作)~得快 run/drive/act fast--跑/开(车)/反应 快 run faster跑更快点 drive too fast开太快 但quickly只做副词,他的形容词一般是quick quickly通常用来催促人"快些", 叫人快一点就可以直接用"quickly" 但是~两个如果放在选择题里,就文法位置和语义来说, 应该都对

英语中的说话很快 里的"快" 要用fast还是quickly





都表示 快fast 可以做形容词和副词quick 只能做形容词soon 是副词 表示不久以后 与速度快还是有区别的He will arrive soon(=in a short time).他不久之后就会到了He runs fast/quickly.他跑得很快

plastic price tag是什么意思


mp3上的英文缩写什么意思 contrast lightset repset eqset

contrast 对比度 lightset 亮度设定 repset 复读设定 eqset 均衡设定

以Dont waste any more写一篇英语短文呼吁大家节约粮食,防止浪费。




My brother(划船的英语单词)Last weekend?

went boating

pasta sauce是什么意思


关于waste sorting 的作文

Many people in China are still used to throwing away the rubbish unsorted despite a decade of calls for waste-sorting.For example,rubbish bins marked with “recyclable” are still seen to be full of non-recyclable kitchen waste and recyclable plastic bottles. People"s throwing rubbish unsorted will bring about some problems.First of all,it causes a big waste of recyclable resources.Second,rubbish that should be recycled and reused but are mixed with the non-recyclable stuff will take up a lot of space in the landfill site.Last but not the least,it will add to the difficulty and cost of waste treatment. Considering the problems mentioned,we find it not hard to see then environmental and economic benefits of carrying out the practice of waste sorting.On one hand,with recyclable waste sorted and taken out,the amount of waste will be reduced greatly and more space will thus be saved.On the other hand,less waste means less wasted transportation and treatment,and less impact on the environment.

waste sorting什么意思

waste sorting垃圾分类sorting[英]["su0254:tu026au014b][美]["su0254:tu026au014b]n.资料排架; v.分类,整理( sort的现在分词 ); 挑选; [计算机](根据指令的模式)把…分类; 把…归类(常与with, together连用); 例句:1.Bruno, can you come and help me finish sorting out in the kitchen? 布鲁诺,你能来帮我整理厨房吗?

求Last weed英语过去时作文,45个词左右就行了!急要!!!(注:是Last weed!)

Last weedMy last weed was in a winter with my best weed brothers. We turned the music volume up to 200 timed crazy, so it equalled HIGH... Suddently was a knock which came very unfriendly, we were all scared. It was me walked to the door, and when I opened, It was my parents with policman...@小鼠拨土



英语谚语:Haste makes waste 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Haste makes waste 中文意思: 拔苗助长。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The best horse needs breaking and the aptest child needs teaching 玉不琢不成器。 The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good 要求过高反难成功。 The best is yet to be 好戏在后头。 The best man stumbles 智者千虑,必有一失。 The best mirror is an old friend 老朋友是最好的镜子。 The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves 最好的 *** 是教导我们管理自己。 The best of friends must part 莫逆至交,终有一别。 The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between 敬而远之。 The best *** ell is bread the best savour salt the best love that of children 面包的气味最香,食盐的滋味最鲜,儿童的情爱最纯。 The best teacher one can have is necessity 我们能得到的最好教师是“需要”。 英语谚语: Haste makes waste 中文意思: 拔苗助长。

master car mechanic什么意思

master 一词多义,可以翻译为 形容词词性:熟练的car mechanic 可翻译为 名词词性:汽车修理工所以短语翻译为:熟练的汽车修理工望采纳,谢谢!

英语翻译 he beat a hasty retreat .那beat

他匆忙逃走了. beat a hasty retreat,固定搭配,匆忙逃走/急忙忙溜掉的意思.

he beat a hasty retreat中beat是什么意思


pronto tropic master 0094130 2036-1这款表怎么样


西班牙语中pronto, hasta, ahora mismo都是立刻马上的意思,他们有什么区别么

pronto = 很快hasta = 直到 例子: hasta cuando ? = 到什么时候 ahora mismo = 现在, ahora 是现在的意思 但是 mismo 是 一样 ok ? 希望 你能明白 我写的 XD

Valencia is in the east part of Spain(西班牙). It has a port on the sea, two miles away on the coa

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:B小题4:D小题5:D 试题分析:本文详细介绍了西班牙的著名城市Valencia的多方面的情况。小题1:C 细节题。根据文章第一段和最后一段Valencia is in the east part of Spain(西班牙)It is the capital of a province that is also named Valencia.there is also an important city in Venezuela(委内瑞拉)named Valencia.说明有Valencia这个城市,另外还有Valencia这个省,在委内瑞拉还有一个城市Valencia。一共3个地方。故C正确。小题2:C 细节题。根据第三段1,2行Valencia has an old part with white buildings, colored roofs, and narrow streets. The modern part has long, wide streets and new buildings.说明有新城和旧城,差别在于城市的历史。故C正确。小题3:B 细节题。根据最后一段In the 8th century it was the capital of Spain.说明在8世纪,Valencia是西班牙的首都,故是在8世纪,它很重要,故B正确。小题4:D 细节题。根据第三段2,3行Valencia is well known for its parks and gardens.说明D正确。小题5:D 细节题。根据第二段第二句Most of the city"s money is made from farming.说明大部分的收入都来自于农业。故D正确。点评:本文介绍了西班牙著名城市Valencia。文章基本上是考查细节题,对此类题型考生可以首先从问题中找到关键词,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节的细微区别,在准确理解细节的前提下,最后确定最佳答案。

Ten Out of Ten (Unedited) (2012 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ten Out of Ten (Unedited) (2012 - Remaster)歌手:Matt Monro专辑:Matt Uncovered - The Rarer MonroPaolo Nutini-Ten Out Of TenAll the people wana try ya girli hope you tell them where to goCos ive got so much here to offer girli love you more than you could knowSome people want to speed me downin fact i wana slow it downI wana get myself dressed upand take you out on the townAnd be a modern pupil tonight babeI wana get ten out of tenAnd be a modern pupil tonight babeI wana get ten out of tenEverybody"s got opinions girlTheir own version of a good ideaBut the best one i can think of nowIs to make sure that I keep you nearand I know I"m gona keep it upcos i can see you"re feeling downI wana get myself dressed up yehand take you out on the townAnd be a modern pupil tonight babeI wana get ten out of tenAnd be a modern pupil tonight babeI wana get ten out of tenget an A in the taxiA in the restaurantget ten out of tenget an A in the kitchenan an A in the bedroomget ten out of ten eeeeeemake it out of nothingturn it into somethingand give it to you all for freeAnd be a modern pupil tonight babeI wana get ten out of ten



last day of school 是谁唱的?

the Sugar Hill Gang


播客(Podcast)是一种数字媒体,在播客平台上,一系列音频、视频、电子电台或文档以列表的形式经互联网发布,人们可以通过电子设备进行订阅,从而接收并收听、收看内容。播客的最大优势是打破了节目的时间界限,让听众可以随时随地收听、收看所关注的节目。自问世以来,播客在海外一些国家一直深受喜爱,播客节目多如繁星。网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,你还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享,可以理解为播放音频,视频的客户端。扩展资料实现技术Podcast 节目订阅者可以通过多个来源订阅他们希望收听或观赏的节目, 与之对比的是, 传统广播只能在一个时刻内提供单一来源, 广播依照节目时间表进行。与流媒体比较而言, podcast不能在Internet上进行现场广播。 这并不是技术限制造成而是一个应用程序的先天缺陷。 Podcasts被设计用来订阅非现场信息, 媒体文档被以如MP3等格式的文件形式发向订阅者, 以便订阅者可以离线收听。 使用在线联合应用程序订阅一般流媒体源也是可能的。参考资料来源:百度百科-播客参考资料来源:中国经济网-美国画廊掀起播客热潮



为什么安卓手机的SD卡中都有 podcasts 文件夹?而且是空的。



  如果你刚了解Podcast,想收听又不知从何下手的话,首先推荐iTunes这款软件。(此教程示范版本为iTunes11)  1、下载安装之后,打开iTunes。点击“iTunesStore”,进入商店页面  2、进入iTunesStore后,点击“播客”,进入iTunesStore的播客主页。如果你已经知道某个知名的节目(如坏蛋调频、糖蒜广播等),可直接在搜索栏搜索。  3、进入商店之后,可以看到很多节目。主页有编辑推荐的节目,也有各种排行的TOP10,还有新上线的节目推荐。你可以按照自己的喜好,选择一档,点击进入节目页面。  4、进入节目的页面后,你可以先点击每条节目前面的播放按钮,在线播放收听节目。如果你喜欢它,还可以点击“免费”按钮来下载这期节目。听完之后觉得很喜欢它,想继续收听它以后更新的节目,可以点击“订阅”。这样以后只要节目更新了,你打开iTunes时,就会自动开始下载最新一期节目。  5、订阅或下载节目后,点击右上的“资料库”,选择“Podcast”类别。你就可以看到自己订阅和已下载的那些节目了。如果你想在电脑上找到这些已经下载的节目音频文件,可以在我的音乐中的iTunes/iTunesMedia/Podcasts找到它们。(我用的是win7系统,不知道其他版本的windows是否一样)  Mac上使用方法与之类似!您也可以将Podcast同步到您的iOS设备上收听!注:更多请关注手机教程栏目,三联手机数码群:296605639欢迎你的加入


Podcast 是可以通过 Internet 下载的广播式和电视式节目,可以从 iTunes Store 下载免费的 podcast,还可以订购 podcast(免费),以便在有新的专题节目时自动下载(某些网站会收取 podcast 费用)。

为什么Podcasts不断闪退 怎么解决

iOS8中Podcasts成为了原生应用,无法被删除。但是应用自身的质量并未得到很好的提升,月底苹果发布了一次Podcasts 更新,仅仅是小幅度的修复了一点bug并未有很大改善iOS8中Podcasts成为了原生应用,无法被删除。但是应用自身的质量并未得到很好的提升,月底苹果发布了一次Podcasts 更新,仅仅是小幅度的修复了一点bug并未有很大改善。目前据多位用户反映,和 iOS8 beta 2的设备打开苹果的Podcasts会出现闪退现象。在iOS8 beta 2 中,Podcasts 已作为一款原生应用存在,意味着用户不能删除该应用。但是Podcasts并没有因此改善许多。且针对闪退现象,苹果至今未对此做出回应。有用户发现了一个可暂时解决问题的方法:先打开飞行模式,然后再打开Podcasts,这样可防止Podcasts闪退。关闭飞行模式后,Podcasts也继续运行,不再闪退。但是你们真的那么常用Podcasts吗?反正在苹果没有进一步计划之前,Podcasts的性能也就仅限于此。一切都要等到苹果公司让我们明白为什么要把Podcasts作为原生应用之后才能明白。








Podcast [1] 应用程序是发现、订阅以及播放您喜爱的 Podcast 的最便捷途径。在 Podcast“商店”中探索成千上万个免费的音频和视频 Podcast。创建随新单集自动更新的个人电台。从 iTunes 同步播放列表,或者创建 On-The-Go 播放列表以仅播放您所需的单集。您甚至可以直接从内建的“热门排行榜”播放最受欢迎的 Podcast。功能在单个应用程序中欣赏您所有的音频和视频 Podcast探索成千上万个 Podcast,其中包括 40 多种语言的节目播放“热门排行榜”中的项目,找到涵盖各种主题的新鲜 Podcast 系列,包括艺术、商业、喜剧、音乐、新闻、体育等等按音频或视频 Podcast 浏览,或者在“热门排行榜”中查看最受欢迎的 Podcast [2] 创建您喜爱的 Podcast 的自定电台,该电台在新单集上线后会自动更新使用 On-The-Go 播放列表仅播放您所需的单集从 Mac 或 PC 上的 iTunes 同步播放列表轻按“订阅”来订阅您喜爱的 Podcast,并在新单集上线后自动免费获取流化单集或下载后离线收听使用简单的回放控制向前跃进或向后跃进躺在床上收听时,可以打开“睡眠计时器”以自动停止播放 Podcast使用 Facebook、Twitter、“信息”和“邮件”与朋友共享您喜爱的单集从 Mac 或 PC 上的 iTunes 选择性地同步您喜爱的单集iCloud 会记住您在单集、订阅和电台中暂停的位置,并让它们在所有设备上都保持最新。


播客(Podcast)是一种数字媒体,在播客平台上,一系列音频、视频、电子电台或文档以列表的形式经互联网发布,人们可以通过电子设备进行订阅,从而接收并收听、收看内容。播客的最大优势是打破了节目的时间界限,让听众可以随时随地收听、收看所关注的节目。自问世以来,播客在海外一些国家一直深受喜爱,播客节目多如繁星。网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,你还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享,可以理解为播放音频,视频的客户端。扩展资料实现技术Podcast 节目订阅者可以通过多个来源订阅他们希望收听或观赏的节目, 与之对比的是, 传统广播只能在一个时刻内提供单一来源, 广播依照节目时间表进行。与流媒体比较而言, podcast不能在Internet上进行现场广播。 这并不是技术限制造成而是一个应用程序的先天缺陷。 Podcasts被设计用来订阅非现场信息, 媒体文档被以如MP3等格式的文件形式发向订阅者, 以便订阅者可以离线收听。 使用在线联合应用程序订阅一般流媒体源也是可能的。参考资料来源:百度百科-播客参考资料来源:中国经济网-美国画廊掀起播客热潮


(译者注:有人将podcast译成“播客”。但笔者认为,该词是由“pod”和“cast”复合而成。pod取自于iPod,它只是苹果公司MP3播放器的名称,本身没有什么意义,所以按其发音,译成“泡”。而podcast与broadcast(广播)、unicast(单播)和multicast(组播)等词为同一词根,所以将podcast译成“泡播”较为贴切。)定义:泡播是一种通过因特网出版音频广播(作品)的方法,其中,用户订阅自动馈送的新文件,供尔后下载到便携式音乐播放器或PC机上,并在它们上面播放。泡播有别于其他类型的在线媒体分发,它是在订阅的模型上,利用自动的馈送机制(通常是RSS)递交包封的文件。 当苹果公司在2001年推出手持式音乐播放器——iPod的时候,几乎无人预测到它会催生一个信息传播的新型公众媒体。但是自2004年秋天首次引起全国性的注意以来,不到一年,泡播已成为分销音频产品的重要渠道。 泡播标志着射频/音频出版(不久视频也可能加入进来)扩展成大众的、基于订阅的媒体,同时使这些节目免除必须实时收听的责难。 泡播起始于个别博客的零星行为。今天,很多商业广播和出版公司提供泡播,包括报社、电视网络、全国公共电台、BBC、杂志和各种各样的信息网站。 此术语本身就是由“iPod”和“广播”结合而成的,包含了三方面的内容: 1. 节目: 泡播者通常是以MP3文件的形式创作音频节目,再把它们上载到网站。现在,任何拥有计算机和麦克风的人都能创作音频节目。 泡播的格式各异,从原始的、类似博客那样的个人日记(以个人的狂言和漫谈为特色)到流利的、专业制作的访谈和讨论以及把商业和公众广播机构的节目再次分发等。泡播的主题覆盖了人类的所有兴趣和经历。 2. 出版和订阅:这是通过网站实现的,网站根据主题、来源、作者、元数据标志以及其他的标准,负责对泡播编制索引,方便查找和订阅。泡播不同于其他的在线媒体分发,大体上泡播是在订阅的模型上组织起来的,利用自动的馈送机制(如RSS或Atom)将文件传送给听众。 此外,现在很多网站对成千上万的泡播节目编制目录,用户只需简单的点击就能下载或订阅。 3. 重放: 用户只需简单地把泡播下载到他的计算机,尔后转到(常常是自动的)iPod或其他的音乐播放器,供他在方便的时候收听,而不是按广播的节目表收听。正如录像机以及后来的TiVo将电视观众解脱出来,不再受制于广播公司的安排,现在,泡播已经将这种能力延伸到移动播放器,供收听音频和电台节目。 通过订阅和自动将下载的泡播从计算机转到便携式音乐播放器,上网访问得到了简化。

...last night i ask you to marry me....that`s i remmber... 只听到这些,求是哪首英文歌!

刚上网搜了一下...这是英国 X Factor 上面一个弹吉他的女生唱的,叫 Last Night,说是她自己写的歌。那女孩叫 Lucy Spaggan。整首歌是在说 喝醉酒以後干了很多蠢事,一天就这样混过去了,第二天起来都会吓到....最後一段说 虽然如此,自己还年轻 所以还打算继续这样混下去。(三分钟极简大意,歌词里面有些非常非常口语的东西,在下翻不出来~)歌词:Last night I told you I loved you, woke up blamed it on the vodkaI generally thought I was dying and I could see that smile you were hiding Last night I told you I need you, that"s the last time I drink tequilaSuper lemon and his physic salt kit, I start crying and verbally assaulting Last night I asked you to marry me, that"s when I remembered the brandy I wake up and claim I didn"t say it, screwed if I ever wake up in Vegas Wish I could stop and I"m not joking Drinking too much and socially smoking Wish I could stop an start to behave and thenWake up in the morning and never miss a day again Last night I called you a loser, I think that was after flaming sambuca I shouted at you "do me a favor" and that"s when I fell off the pavement Wish I could stop and I"m not joking Drinking too much and socially smoking Wish I could stop an start to behave and thenWake up in the morning and never miss a day again Cause I"d love to learn when to shut my mouth Wake up in the morning and be in my own house Do one last shot and know when to stop No more photos on Facebook of me doing the robot No when to leave and when to lock my front door Stop waking up in cheese and in a bed full of people Sitting in a cupboard with my weird best friend But I"m only young so I"m not gonna pretend I Wish I could stop cause I"m not joking I love drinking too much and socially smoking Don"t wanna stop or learn to behave, Amen And hey, I just missed another day again歌词来源^_^ 雪人英语团 欢迎更多英语问题喔!!







eatsern与oriental的区别? eastern与oriental的区别

eastern就是指方位、方向上的东部的,东方的, 而oriental的含义其实是泛指“亚洲的”,就好像中国人称欧洲或美国是西方国家一样,不仅仅是地理上的西方,而用西方来指代.

The Last Day of Pompeii庞培的最后一天 作文

The day my life changed began like any other day. I stayed home and watched our slave, Sofia, prepare lunch. Pompeii was a rich city, and most families in Pompeii had three to five slaves.在我的生活发...

Bastille的《Pompeii》 歌词

歌曲名:Pompeii歌手:Bastille专辑:Bad Blood (The Extended Cut)Pompeii--Bastille~I was left to my own devicesMany days fell away with nothing to showAnd the walls kept tumbling downIn the city that we loveGreat clouds roll over the hillsBringing darkness from aboveBut if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeNothing changed at all?And if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeYou"ve been here before?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?We were caught up and lost in all of our vicesIn your pose as the dust settles around usAnd the walls kept tumbling downIn the city that we loveGreat clouds roll over the hillsBringing darkness from aboveBut if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeNothing changed at all?And if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeYou"ve been here before?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?Oh where do we begin?The rubble or our sins?Oh where do we begin?The rubble or our sins?And the walls kept tumbling downIn the city that we loveGreat clouds roll over the hillsBringing darkness from aboveBut if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeNothing changed at all?And if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeYou"ve been here before?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?If you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?~Edit by 六道飘零

求翻译Bastille 的歌Pompeii的歌词!不要机器翻译。感激不尽!

"Pompeii"庞培Eh-eh-o eh-o [4x] I was left to my own devices我沉浸在我的各种设备里 Many days fell away with nothing to show但许多天过去了,却毫无进展 And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love这个我们深爱的古城,它的城墙摇摇欲坠 Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above乌云起伏翻腾黑暗笼罩群山 But if you close your eyes,但如果你闭起双眼 Does it almost feel like Nothing changed at all?那古城不是几乎没有丝毫改变吗? And if you close your eyes,如果你闭起双眼 Does it almost feel like You"ve been here before?难道你没有那种曾经身临其境的感觉吗? How am I gonna be an optimist about this?我该怎么做,才能对此乐观呢? How am I gonna be an optimist about this?我该怎么做,才能对此乐观呢? We were caught up and lost in all of our vices我们迷失在罪恶中,无法自拔 In your pose as the dust settled around us灰烬四落,把我们定格在某个姿势 And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love这个我们深爱的古城,它的城墙摇摇欲坠 Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above乌云起伏翻腾黑暗笼罩群山 But if you close your eyes,但如果你闭起双眼 Does it almost feel like Nothing changed at all?那古城不是几乎没有丝毫改变吗? And if you close your eyes,如果你闭起双眼 Does it almost feel like You"ve been here before?难道你没有那种曾经身临其境的感觉吗? How am I gonna be an optimist about this?我该怎么做,才能对此这么乐观呢? How am I gonna be an optimist about this?我该怎么做,才能对此这么乐观呢? If you close your eyes如果你闭起双眼 Eh-eh-o eh-o [4x] Oh where do we begin?噢,我们该从何说起 The rubble or our sins?从断壁残垣,还是从我们的种种罪行? Oh where do we begin?噢,我们该从何说起 The rubble or our sins?从断壁残垣,还是从我们的种种罪行? And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love这个我们深爱的古城,它的城墙摇摇欲坠 Grey clouds roll over the hills Bringing darkness from above乌云起伏翻腾黑暗笼罩群山 But if you close your eyes,但如果你闭起双眼 Does it almost feel like Nothing changed at all?那古城不是几乎没有丝毫改变吗? And if you close your eyes,如果你闭起双眼 Does it almost feel like You"ve been here before?难道你没有那种曾经身临其境的感觉吗? How am I gonna be an optimist about this?我该怎么做,才能对此这么乐观呢? How am I gonna be an optimist about this?我该怎么做,才能对此这么乐观呢? But if you close your eyes,但如果你闭起双眼 Does it almost feel like Nothing changed at all?那古城不是几乎没有丝毫改变吗? Eh-eh-o eh-o [4x] 【注】庞培:庞培古城,位于意大利肥沃的小平原-坎帕尼亚的边缘,萨尔诺河的入海口附近。在意大利那不勒斯海湾,维苏威火山下。庞培始建公元前8世纪,它占地1.8平方公里,曾经繁华一时。但是,公元79年8月,维苏威火山大爆发,滚滚的岩浆埋葬了这座美丽的城市。1600多年后,即1748年,这座古城被发现。此后,经过了200多年的挖掘,这座沉睡了近2000年的城市重见天日。庞培古城资料参考: 非机译,希望你满意!望采纳,谢谢~

Bastille的《Pompeii》 歌词

歌曲名:Pompeii歌手:Bastille专辑:PompeiiPompeii--Bastille~I was left to my own devicesMany days fell away with nothing to showAnd the walls kept tumbling downIn the city that we loveGreat clouds roll over the hillsBringing darkness from aboveBut if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeNothing changed at all?And if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeYou"ve been here before?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?We were caught up and lost in all of our vicesIn your pose as the dust settles around usAnd the walls kept tumbling downIn the city that we loveGreat clouds roll over the hillsBringing darkness from aboveBut if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeNothing changed at all?And if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeYou"ve been here before?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?Oh where do we begin?The rubble or our sins?Oh where do we begin?The rubble or our sins?And the walls kept tumbling downIn the city that we loveGreat clouds roll over the hillsBringing darkness from aboveBut if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeNothing changed at all?And if you close your eyes,Does it almost feel likeYou"ve been here before?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?How am I gonna be an optimist about this?If you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?~Edit by 六道飘零

关于"his parents both died last year,leaving him an orphan"


求声卡推荐 华硕Xonar D2X/ROG Xonar Phoebus/创新Sound Blaster ZXR

1、你这几块卡是两个档次的,D2X和ROG Phoebus是家庭娱乐级(高级民用卡),创新的ZXR和老虎卡是爱好者级(顶级民用卡)。2、如果预算允许老虎卡2代是不二之选,老虎卡系列代表了目前民用声卡的最高素质水平(最高124SNR、耳机120SNR),而且本身使用方面功能也全面,前两天我一个小伙伴买的时候还送了几颗运放,随不能说性价比高,不过也让人感觉到了商家的诚意。至于创新ZXR,虽然是针对老虎卡推出的产品,不过实际用过的话都知道ZXR的悲剧,5.1声道在影音爱好者面前已经显得落后,600欧推力的耳放则因为素质问题没有实际意义。3、D2X和ROG Phoebus的选择上主要看你用的音频设备了,你用的什么耳机,你和家人看电影用的什么音响,整体偏音乐欣赏的选D2X,偏环绕效果的选ROG Phoebus。



“北京烤鸭” 的英语 是 “roasted duck” 还是 “roast duck”

roast duck


图片:想搜索更多关于它的资料的话肯定要知道他的日文名字.是Takahiko Hasegawa.搜索一下图片更多..官方网站



3dmax里Skylight Cast Shadows无法勾选。。。。

如果你用 默认扫描线的话把这个换成radiosity 光能传递 或者你要用这个光


master 指的是(电影、录音等)原始拷贝的,母盘的,母带的。功放上指自己录制的音频或音乐。

Masters Of War 歌词

歌曲名:Masters Of War歌手:Eddie Vedder专辑:The People SpeakBob Dylan - Masters of WarCome you masters of warYou that build all the gunsYou that build the death planesYou that build the big bombsYou that hide behind wallsYou that hide behind desksI just want you to knowI can see through your masksYou that never done nothin"But build to destroyYou play with my worldLike it"s your little toyYou put a gun in my handAnd you hide from my eyesAnd you turn and run fartherWhen the fast bullets flyLike Judas of oldYou lie and deceiveA world war can be wonYou want me to believeBut I see through your eyesAnd I see through your brainLike I see through the waterThat runs down my drainYou fasten the triggersFor the others to fireThen you set back and watchWhen the death count gets higherYou hide in your mansionAs young people"s bloodFlows out of their bodiesAnd is buried in the mudYou"ve thrown the worst fearThat can ever be hurledFear to bring childrenInto the worldFor threatening my babyUnborn and unnamedYou ain"t worth the bloodThat runs in your veinsHow much do I knowTo talk out of turnYou might say that I"m youngYou might say I"m unlearnedBut there"s one thing I knowThough I"m younger than youEven Jesus would neverForgive what you doLet me ask you one questionIs your money that goodWill it buy you forgivenessDo you think that it couldI think you will findWhen your death takes its tollAll the money you madeWill never buy back your soulAnd I hope that you dieAnd your death"ll come soonI will follow your casketIn the pale afternoonAnd I"ll watch while you"re loweredDown to your deathbedAnd I"ll stand o"er your grave"Til I"m sure that you"re dead

Masters Of War 歌词

歌曲名:Masters Of War歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:The Freewheelin" Bob Dylan (2010 Mono Version)Bob Dylan - Masters of WarCome you masters of warYou that build all the gunsYou that build the death planesYou that build the big bombsYou that hide behind wallsYou that hide behind desksI just want you to knowI can see through your masksYou that never done nothin"But build to destroyYou play with my worldLike it"s your little toyYou put a gun in my handAnd you hide from my eyesAnd you turn and run fartherWhen the fast bullets flyLike Judas of oldYou lie and deceiveA world war can be wonYou want me to believeBut I see through your eyesAnd I see through your brainLike I see through the waterThat runs down my drainYou fasten the triggersFor the others to fireThen you set back and watchWhen the death count gets higherYou hide in your mansionAs young people"s bloodFlows out of their bodiesAnd is buried in the mudYou"ve thrown the worst fearThat can ever be hurledFear to bring childrenInto the worldFor threatening my babyUnborn and unnamedYou ain"t worth the bloodThat runs in your veinsHow much do I knowTo talk out of turnYou might say that I"m youngYou might say I"m unlearnedBut there"s one thing I knowThough I"m younger than youEven Jesus would neverForgive what you doLet me ask you one questionIs your money that goodWill it buy you forgivenessDo you think that it couldI think you will findWhen your death takes its tollAll the money you madeWill never buy back your soulAnd I hope that you dieAnd your death"ll come soonI will follow your casketIn the pale afternoonAnd I"ll watch while you"re loweredDown to your deathbedAnd I"ll stand o"er your grave"Til I"m sure that you"re dead

Masters Of War 歌词

歌曲名:Masters Of War歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Songs And Artists That Inspired Fahrenheit 9/11Bob Dylan - Masters of WarCome you masters of warYou that build all the gunsYou that build the death planesYou that build the big bombsYou that hide behind wallsYou that hide behind desksI just want you to knowI can see through your masksYou that never done nothin"But build to destroyYou play with my worldLike it"s your little toyYou put a gun in my handAnd you hide from my eyesAnd you turn and run fartherWhen the fast bullets flyLike Judas of oldYou lie and deceiveA world war can be wonYou want me to believeBut I see through your eyesAnd I see through your brainLike I see through the waterThat runs down my drainYou fasten the triggersFor the others to fireThen you set back and watchWhen the death count gets higherYou hide in your mansionAs young people"s bloodFlows out of their bodiesAnd is buried in the mudYou"ve thrown the worst fearThat can ever be hurledFear to bring childrenInto the worldFor threatening my babyUnborn and unnamedYou ain"t worth the bloodThat runs in your veinsHow much do I knowTo talk out of turnYou might say that I"m youngYou might say I"m unlearnedBut there"s one thing I knowThough I"m younger than youEven Jesus would neverForgive what you doLet me ask you one questionIs your money that goodWill it buy you forgivenessDo you think that it couldI think you will findWhen your death takes its tollAll the money you madeWill never buy back your soulAnd I hope that you dieAnd your death"ll come soonI will follow your casketIn the pale afternoonAnd I"ll watch while you"re loweredDown to your deathbedAnd I"ll stand o"er your grave"Til I"m sure that you"re dead

急!美国高中The masters school(NY); the Manlius Pebble Hill School (NY); 还有the hill school哪个好!


Masters Of War 歌词

歌曲名:Masters Of War歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:The Witmark Demos: 1962-1964 (The Bootleg Series Vol. 9)Bob Dylan - Masters of WarCome you masters of warYou that build all the gunsYou that build the death planesYou that build the big bombsYou that hide behind wallsYou that hide behind desksI just want you to knowI can see through your masksYou that never done nothin"But build to destroyYou play with my worldLike it"s your little toyYou put a gun in my handAnd you hide from my eyesAnd you turn and run fartherWhen the fast bullets flyLike Judas of oldYou lie and deceiveA world war can be wonYou want me to believeBut I see through your eyesAnd I see through your brainLike I see through the waterThat runs down my drainYou fasten the triggersFor the others to fireThen you set back and watchWhen the death count gets higherYou hide in your mansionAs young people"s bloodFlows out of their bodiesAnd is buried in the mudYou"ve thrown the worst fearThat can ever be hurledFear to bring childrenInto the worldFor threatening my babyUnborn and unnamedYou ain"t worth the bloodThat runs in your veinsHow much do I knowTo talk out of turnYou might say that I"m youngYou might say I"m unlearnedBut there"s one thing I knowThough I"m younger than youEven Jesus would neverForgive what you doLet me ask you one questionIs your money that goodWill it buy you forgivenessDo you think that it couldI think you will findWhen your death takes its tollAll the money you madeWill never buy back your soulAnd I hope that you dieAnd your death"ll come soonI will follow your casketIn the pale afternoonAnd I"ll watch while you"re loweredDown to your deathbedAnd I"ll stand o"er your grave"Til I"m sure that you"re dead

谁能介绍the masters of evil


Modern Masters艺术涂料有哪些系列?


Masters Of War 歌词

歌曲名:Masters Of War歌手:Lucinda Williams专辑:Lu In "08Bob Dylan - Masters of WarCome you masters of warYou that build all the gunsYou that build the death planesYou that build the big bombsYou that hide behind wallsYou that hide behind desksI just want you to knowI can see through your masksYou that never done nothin"But build to destroyYou play with my worldLike it"s your little toyYou put a gun in my handAnd you hide from my eyesAnd you turn and run fartherWhen the fast bullets flyLike Judas of oldYou lie and deceiveA world war can be wonYou want me to believeBut I see through your eyesAnd I see through your brainLike I see through the waterThat runs down my drainYou fasten the triggersFor the others to fireThen you set back and watchWhen the death count gets higherYou hide in your mansionAs young people"s bloodFlows out of their bodiesAnd is buried in the mudYou"ve thrown the worst fearThat can ever be hurledFear to bring childrenInto the worldFor threatening my babyUnborn and unnamedYou ain"t worth the bloodThat runs in your veinsHow much do I knowTo talk out of turnYou might say that I"m youngYou might say I"m unlearnedBut there"s one thing I knowThough I"m younger than youEven Jesus would neverForgive what you doLet me ask you one questionIs your money that goodWill it buy you forgivenessDo you think that it couldI think you will findWhen your death takes its tollAll the money you madeWill never buy back your soulAnd I hope that you dieAnd your death"ll come soonI will follow your casketIn the pale afternoonAnd I"ll watch while you"re loweredDown to your deathbedAnd I"ll stand o"er your grave"Til I"m sure that you"re dead

The first Routemasters.中的 Routemasters 在句中是什么意思 ...最好给个音标,好像是个人名


Masters Of War 歌词

歌曲名:Masters Of War歌手:Martin Simpson专辑:The CollectionBob Dylan - Masters of WarCome you masters of warYou that build all the gunsYou that build the death planesYou that build the big bombsYou that hide behind wallsYou that hide behind desksI just want you to knowI can see through your masksYou that never done nothin"But build to destroyYou play with my worldLike it"s your little toyYou put a gun in my handAnd you hide from my eyesAnd you turn and run fartherWhen the fast bullets flyLike Judas of oldYou lie and deceiveA world war can be wonYou want me to believeBut I see through your eyesAnd I see through your brainLike I see through the waterThat runs down my drainYou fasten the triggersFor the others to fireThen you set back and watchWhen the death count gets higherYou hide in your mansionAs young people"s bloodFlows out of their bodiesAnd is buried in the mudYou"ve thrown the worst fearThat can ever be hurledFear to bring childrenInto the worldFor threatening my babyUnborn and unnamedYou ain"t worth the bloodThat runs in your veinsHow much do I knowTo talk out of turnYou might say that I"m youngYou might say I"m unlearnedBut there"s one thing I knowThough I"m younger than youEven Jesus would neverForgive what you doLet me ask you one questionIs your money that goodWill it buy you forgivenessDo you think that it couldI think you will findWhen your death takes its tollAll the money you madeWill never buy back your soulAnd I hope that you dieAnd your death"ll come soonI will follow your casketIn the pale afternoonAnd I"ll watch while you"re loweredDown to your deathbedAnd I"ll stand o"er your grave"Til I"m sure that you"re dead

The Chancellor , Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford 怎么翻译?






i am a masters是什么意思

语法错误= =

C.J. Masters的《Blue》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Blue歌手:C.J. Masters专辑:Counting All My BlessingsManic DriveBlueMold black models out of clayI thought I made a masterpieceCompared it to clonesI thought I made an art that was uniqueOnly minutes crossed me bySomething drastic caught my eyeMy model look the same as myAcquaintance" models once it driedDumbfounded scratching my headLet"s try again and insteadI"ll use my strength and fingernailsUntil I come up with something else newI"ll turn this black into blueCHORUSTried my own wayStill I can never feel at homePlease don"t remind meThat I can"t do this on my ownChange my will to YoursSince I"ve been proven wrong againTear my grey clouds and let my skies go blue who who who who whoMade a smart judgment todayThought my choice was good for meMy choice was better than anything I ever dreamedOnly seconds crossed me byWhen her lips drew out that lieMy heart turned black when I lost hopeI"ve never noticed till it driedDumbfounded scratching my headLet"s try again and insteadUse me, consume me, deliver meFrom the stupid things I always doTurn this black into blueCHORUSTried my own wayStill I can never feel at homePlease don"t remind meThat I can"t do this on my ownChange my will to YoursSince I"ve been proven wrong againTear my grey clouds and let my skies go blue who who who who whoCHORUShttp://music.b***.com/song/15138424

C.J. Masters的《Twisted》 歌词

歌曲名:Twisted歌手:C.J. Masters专辑:Counting All My BlessingsRight here, babyYou"ve got to make your mind upYeahCome close, i"m hereYou know you are my loverYou"ve got me twisted over youI know I got what you need (right here, baby)So what you wanna do?Maybe, baby, I knowMaybe I love you soBut you don"t feel like I doTell me, what can I do?But I gotta be strong (but I gotta be strong)You did me wrongWhen I thought we were really downSo you say you want me,Make up your mind"Cause i"m not gunna be here for longYou know you are my loverYou"ve got me twisted over youI know I got what you need (right here, baby)So what you wanna do?Maybe, baby, in timeMaybe, i"ll know you"ll findThat what you needed was hereThink about it, my dearBut I gotta be strong (but I gotta be strong)You did me wrongWhen I thought we were really down (I thought we were down)So you say you want me,Make up your mind"Cause i"m not gunna be here for longYou know you are my loverYou"ve got me twisted over youI know I got what you need (right here, baby)So what you wanna do?




Masters Series 是英国 NAD 的大师系列功放。



港服数码宝贝大师(Digimon Masters、数码暴龙online) 每次退出时蓝屏、掉线时候再登陆也是蓝屏


imac链接masters 2

imac链接masters 2的介绍如下:现象:罗技MX Master 2S蓝牙连接MacBook Pro连不上,小圆圈一直闪。解决方案:长按鼠标背后切换设备的按钮,直至快速闪烁,可重置鼠标连接。

刚买的MASTERS 红顶 登山杖 每节和锁扣之间都有轻微的晃动,这是正常现象?还是质量问题?求指教?




Subsequent Masters是什么意思?

你是本科毕业生吧可以申请的他们原来分成master和 master after master但是回中国的话都是硕士同等学历

请问teacher 与master有什么区别?

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