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在淘宝购买。beautyrebirth作为一个自主研发的一个品牌:美丽哲学 ,用料奢华,做工精细,打造完美体验感,beautyrebirth女装定位于阳光、潮流、时尚、追求自我的18-35岁年轻女性消费群体;可在淘宝APP平台搜索beautyrebirth(或美丽哲学)即可购买,商家严格按照七天无理由退货标准。



java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to


废水 翻译成英语是什么?waste water?还是polluted water?

废水 liquid waste waste water 下面给楼主举3个例子,看其用法. 1.这些化学公司排出废水污染著我们的河流. The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent. 2.贵公司是否有自己的废水处理厂? Does the company maintain its own waste-water treatment plant? 3.他们怎能用这样的方式处理废水? How can they get rid of waste water in this way?

废水 翻译成英语是什么?waste water?还是polluted water?

废水 liquid waste waste water 下面给楼主举3个例子,看其用法. 1.这些化学公司排出废水污染著我们的河流. The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent. 2.贵公司是否有自己的废水处理厂? Does the company maintain its own waste-water treatment plant? 3.他们怎能用这样的方式处理废水? How can they get rid of waste water in this way?



如何确认11.2 RAC Grid Infrastructure的时区

一旦OS默认时区被修改,注意确保以下2点:1. 对于11.2.0.1 ,确保root、grid、oracle用户的shell环境变量TZ设置正确!2. 对于11.2.0.2及以上版本,确认 $GRID_HOME/crs/install/s_crsconfig_<nodename>_env.txt 中的参数设置为正确的时区例如:ech $TZTZ=US/Pacificgrep TZ s_crsconfig__env.txt TZ=US/Pacific若timezone设置时区不正确或存在无关字符可能导致RAC Grid Infrastructure无法正常启动。确保以上2点保证GI能正常启动,这种因时区不正确导致的启动异常问题常发生在OS、GI已经安装完毕后而时区最后被修改的情景中,若发现OS时间与ohasd.log、ocssd.log等日志中的最新记录的时间不匹配,则往往是由该时区问题引起的。在11.2 CRS之前可以通过init.cssd diag来确认时区设置。以下为各OS上Timezone默认配置信息LinuxTo change: /usr/sbin/timeconfigTo display current setting:cat /etc/sysconfig/clockZONE="America/Los_Angeles"UTC=trueARC=falseTo find out all valid setting: ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfoAnything that appears in this directory is valid to use, for example, CST6CDT and America/Chicago.Note: the "Zone" field in /etc/sysconfig/clock could be different than what"s in /usr/share/zoneinfo in OL6.3/RHEL6.3, the one from /usr/share/zoneinfo should be used in $GRID_HOME/crs/install/s_crsconfig_<nodename>_env.txthp-uxTo display current setting:cat /etc/default/tzPST8PDTTo change: set_parms timezoneTo find out all valid setting: ls -l /usr/lib/tztabSolarisTo display current setting:grep TZ /etc/TIMEZONETZ=US/PacificTo change, modify TIMEZONE, also run "rtc -z US/pacific; rtc -c"To find out all valid settings: ls -l /usr/share/lib/zoneinfoAIXTo display current setting:grep TZ /etc/environmentTZ=GMT

CSGO2022blast春季赛决赛落幕 NaVi横扫VIT登顶BLAST春决

CSGOBLAST2022春季决赛,NaVi对阵Vitality,图一Mirage,s1mple英雄AK翻盘点燃队内气氛,天生赢家全员爆发轻松拿下选图,来到Overpass,b1t超人表现彻底将小蜜蜂击落谷底,NaVi 2-0横扫Vitality夺冠BLAST Premier 2022春决。 NaVi 2-0 Vitality (Mirage 16-8;Overpass 16-5) 地图BP: 图一Mirage 天生赢家选择迷城开局中路默认被小蜜蜂枪法瓦解。次局s1mple英雄AK三杀A区翻盘成功!进入长枪局,s1mple A2架狙配合Perfecto的A1突破攻破防线,NaVi ON FIRE!天生赢家火力全开,electroNic刚枪指挥关键连杀频频立功,丹法军团节节败退。第十一局NaVi的VIP烟失误导致ZywOo拿到首杀,dupreeh绕下水道反清B2,小蜜蜂终于拿到第二分。 次局正面男孩Magisk三杀悍守A区,ZywOo补枪成功,小蜜蜂防守渐入佳境,上半场拿到5分。攻防转换小蜜蜂选择rush B,Perfecto精准四杀将手枪局收入囊中。来到长枪局,小蜜蜂默认后选择转B,dupreeh 1v2拯救队伍,NaVi强起失败,比分差距逐渐缩小。 关键时刻b1t超人发挥,四杀拦下进攻将对手推入谷底。次局s1mple二楼下一换二,electroNic强拆成功,NaVi拿到十四分。b1t再次上演极限操作,丝血制裁满血ZywOo拿到赛点后,再次突破中路拿下三杀终结图一。 图二Overpass 手枪局Vitality干摸A大,apEX双杀配合后路dupreeh取得胜利。小蜜蜂连续两次提速B区打开前期局面。NaVi双子星前压各收两人帮助队伍拿到第一分。次局b1t配合队友双闪收获三杀瓦解对手经济。面对下水道超人的b1t,小蜜蜂束手无策,NaVi队标燃起烈火! s1mple无限repeek四杀再度将对手送入经济局。调整后的小蜜蜂执着于A区一波,b1t火力无人能挡,B区electroNic主动出击ACE!NaVi在小蜜蜂开局连拿四分后反手连赢11分结束上半场。换边后NaVi佯攻A区等来前压,Perfecto三杀赢下手枪局。长枪局小蜜蜂主动前压中路拿到人数优势,然而b1t顶级突破双爆头攻破A区,NaVi顺势拿到赛点。赛点局天生赢家枪法平推包点结束比赛。 本场MVP:

开机时提示Primaary master hard disk fail错误

第一硬盘接口上的主硬盘有错误,或者是硬盘参数设置不正确,进入CMOS重新设置。硬盘不能启动,通过软驱、光驱或网络服务器仍能启动  这种情况一般是硬盘启动信息不完整或遭到了破坏,可以利用工具软件进行恢复。如果以前制作有系统急救盘,可以利用软盘启动,然后用急救盘恢复硬盘系统信息;如果没有系统急救盘,可以按照系统CMOS信息、硬盘分区表、C盘引导扇区、系统文件、系统配置文件的顺序对硬盘进行恢复。 1,判断系统是否能识别硬盘,如果系统BIOS不能识别硬盘,则应打开机箱检查软/硬盘驱动器的电源、数据电缆是否正常,连接是否可靠,驱动器安装是否正确,驱动器本身质量是否有问题。 2,若系统BIOS能识别硬盘,则需分析主引导记录、系统分区表和逻辑C盘信息是否正确。以A驱启动后系统不能识别C盘,表明 硬盘的主引导记录、分区信息已遭破坏,应使用FDISK重新建立分区信息,然后用FORMAT C:命令对C盘进行高级格式化。 3,若从A驱启动后系统能识别和进入C盘但不能从C盘启动,表明分区表和逻辑C盘信息正确,此时应判断C盘分区是否被激活,可运行FKISK查看并将C盘设为活动分区。 4,若分区表信息正确且C盘已是活动分区但仍不能C盘启动,表明C盘引导记录已遭到破坏,应重建C盘引导系统,可从A驱启动,并执行SYS C:命令将系统传到C盘上。 5,经上述步骤,C盘应能启动成功。若还不能,则应检查病毒。 6,在重装引导系统的过程中如发现不能烈军属入分区表信息或引导区记录,应BIOS设置中是否打开了病毒防护功能而阻止了程序向主引导分区的写操作。系统有效驱动器无均不能启动 1,检查系统BIOS设置中是否正确设置了软/硬盘驱动器的各项参数,参数设置不正常会导致微机不能正确识别各个驱动器,则系统启动也无从说起。 2,若系统能正确识别各个驱动器,除硬盘外的驱动器都能启动系统,则可参照本文第3节的方法对硬盘进行处理。 3,若仍不能从A驱或CDROM上启动,应该检查A驱或CDROM的安装、连线是否正常。 4,若A驱或CDROM安装正常仍不能启动,应该检查启动软盘或启动光盘是否安装了完整的引导系统,该步骤只能在其它确认正常的计算机上进行检查。 5,若系统引导盘也无问题,则应检查软驱磁头或CDROM的光头是否太脏,可用清洗剂或无水酒精进行清洗。 6,仍不能引导的,可能是驱动器本身有故障。

pebble-dash plaster是什么意思 pebble-dash plaster的中文释义

卵石抹面,pebble dash plaster 卵石抹面 ,pebble dash 干粘卵石 ,dash by 掠过去, 冲过去 ,dash in 急画,急写 ,dash with v. 搀加 ,dash to vt.掷到...处 ,dash into 冲进 ,plaster on 在…涂抹 ,in plaster 上了石膏的 ,plaster with (用...)厚厚地抹或粘贴 ,pebble dash n. 【建】小卵石灰浆;小卵石涂抹,拉毛粉刷,pebble n.[C]卵石,砾石,DASH =Drone Antisubmarine Helicopter 无线电遥控反潜艇直升飞机,dash n.1.[sing] ~ (for sth)] 突进, 猛冲2.[C]( 通常作单数)短跑,短距离赛跑3.[C]( 通常作单数)少量搀和物或混合物4.[sing][ ~ (of st,plaster n. 1.[U]【建】灰泥,灰浆2.[C,U]膏药,橡皮膏3.[U]熟石膏v.[T] 1.贴膏药于,粘贴2.掩饰3.安慰,安抚4.厚厚地涂抹5.【俚】(彻底)击败,pebble weave 小卵石形组织,dot dash 点划(无线电发送电码),pebble dashing 抛小石粗面,dash out 【计】 删去, 涂掉,pebble grained adj. 卵石纹的

英文,在过去的几年。over the past few years为什么不用a few,

a few表示的数量多一些 不是几年。望采纳

spiders never do the least harm to us这句话中为什么加个the least,什么词性?

形容词(是little的最高级),修饰名词harm 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

the good news is that this stormy period will not last这句话是什么从句

答:这个是含有表语从句的复合句。that...... last.. 这个句子是表语从句呵。

Stormy Monday Blues (1996 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Stormy Monday Blues (1996 Digital Remaster)歌手:Manfred Mann专辑:Mann MadeMick Hucknall - Stormy Monday BluesThey call it Stormy Monday but Tuesday"s just as badThey call it Stormy Monday but Tuesday"s just as badWednesday"s worse, Lord and Thursday"s all so sadThe eagle flies on Friday, Saturday I go out to playYes the eagle flies on Friday, Saturday I go out to playSunday I go to church and I kneel down and prayWoah, woah yeahAnd this is what I said baby “Lord, Lord have mercyLord have mercy on me”You know I cried“Lord have mercy, lord have mercy on me”You know I"m tryin" to find my babyWon"t somebody please send her home to meWell I cried “Lord, have mercy, Lord have mercy on me”You know I"m tryin", tryin" to find my babyWoah, send her home to meWoah, yeah

On a stormy day last August, Tim heard some shouting. Looking out to the sea carefully, he saw ...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A 试题分析:两个12岁的男孩为了捞取掉在水里的足球,划船去取,由于船上系着一把沙滩伞,大风把船刮到了开阔水域,但是这两个小孩无能为力;这时Tim看见了,就游泳到船只,然后带着两个小孩成功游回到岸边。小题1:细节题:根据文章第二段第一句Two 12-year-old boys, Christian and Jack, rowed out a boat to search for a football.可以两个12岁的男孩为了捞取掉在水里的足球,得出本题答案为B。小题2:细节题:根据文章第四段第二句Every 500 yards or so, he raised his head to judge his progress.可以得出提姆经常抬头看是想看看他和远处男孩的距离,本题答案是C。。小题3:根据文章倒数第二段Tim decided it would be safer and faster for him to pull the boys toward the pier.以及最后一段“Are we almost there?” they asked again and again. "Yes," Tim told them each time. After 30minutes, they reached the pier.可知两个男孩是提姆拖到码头的,得出本题答案是A。

求歌词和翻译!!!Defying Gravity (Glee Cast – Kurt/Chris Colfer Solo Version)

Something has changed within meSomething is not the sameI"m through with playing by the rulesOf someone else"s gameToo late for second-guessingToo late to go back to sleepIt"s time to trust my instinctsClose my eyes: and leap! It"s time to tryDefying gravityI think I"ll tryDefying gravityKiss me goodbyeI am defying gravityAnd you wont bring me down! I"m through accepting limits”cause someone says they"re soSome things I cannot changeBut till I try, I"ll never know!Too long I"ve been afraid ofLosing love I guess I"ve lostWell, if that"s loveIt comes at much too high a cost!



表示过去式的英语单词,不少于30个 例如:Last sunday 上周日 不要重复类型的

yesterday last night last week last month last year

Warp Me in plastic这翻译过来到底是什么?

Warp Me in plastic,这句简短的英文句子可以翻译为:用塑料把我裹起来。

wrap me in plastic翻译中文是什么?

wrap me in plastic翻译中文是让我好好打扮,让我光芒四射。wrap me in plastic出自于最近超火的一首歌曲Wrap me In Plastic,歌曲的演唱者是CHROMANCE,单曲与2017年10月27日发行。plastic用作名词的基本意思是塑料,塑料制品,用作可数名词时常用于复数形式,当plastic指的是制造某种成品的原材料时,多用作不可数名词。warp me in plastic的意思是用塑料弯曲我,warp可引申指歪曲、曲解某事或扭曲某人的心智等。plastic用作名词的基本意思是塑料,塑料制品,用作可数名词时常用于复数形式。当plastic指的是制造某种成品的原材料时,多用作不可数名词。plastic用作形容词的基本意思是指物品塑料的,在专业术语中可指某种物质是可塑的,用于比喻义时可指人的思想等“可以塑造的,可以改变的,用作贬义时还可指某事物不真实的,合成的,人造的。

wrap me in plastic是什么意思?

wrap me in plastic翻译中文是让我好好打扮,让我光芒四射。wrap me in plastic出自于最近超火的一首歌曲Wrap me In Plastic,歌曲的演唱者是CHROMANCE,单曲与2017年10月27日发行。plastic用作名词的基本意思是塑料,塑料制品,用作可数名词时常用于复数形式,当plastic指的是制造某种成品的原材料时,多用作不可数名词。warp me in plastic的意思是用塑料弯曲我,warp可引申指歪曲、曲解某事或扭曲某人的心智等。plastic用作名词的基本意思是塑料,塑料制品,用作可数名词时常用于复数形式。当plastic指的是制造某种成品的原材料时,多用作不可数名词。plastic用作形容词的基本意思是指物品塑料的,在专业术语中可指某种物质是可塑的,用于比喻义时可指人的思想等“可以塑造的,可以改变的,用作贬义时还可指某事物不真实的,合成的,人造的。

Mastercam X9 NC变PIM 后处理方法

后处理路径:C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentsshared Mcamx6millPostsMPFAN.pst用记事本打开方式打开,搜素 Tooltable in header - with tool comments at T/C如下:tool_info : 3 #Output tooltable information?#0 = Off - Do not output any tool comments or tooltable#1 = Tool comments only#2 = Tooltable in header - no tool comments at T/C#3 = Tooltable in header - with tool comments at T/C注意这里 tool_info : 3 必须要选择2或3才可以解释如下:刀具信息: 3 #输出刀具信息?# 0 =——不输出任何评和刀具信息# 1 =只更换工具时有评论# 2 =只在 程序头处有工具评论,更换工具前没有评论# 3 = 程序头处于更换工具时都有评论快去小试试吧

Wasted Time 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted Time歌手:The Eagles专辑:老鹰乐队现场版Well baby, there you standWith your little head, down in your handOh, my Godyou can"t believe it"s happening againYour baby"s gone, and you"re all aloneand it looks like the end.And you"re back out on the street.And you"re tryin" to remember.How will you start it over?You don"t know what became.You don"t care much for a stranger"s touch,But you can"t hold your man.You never thought you"d be alone this fardown the lineAnd I know what"s been on your mindYou"re afraid it"s all been wasted timeThe autumn leaves have got you thinkingabout the first time that you fellYou didn"t love the boy too much, no, noyou just loved the boy to well, FarewellSo you live from day to day,and you dream about tomorrow, oh.And the hours go by like minutesand the shadows come to staySo you take a little somethingto make them go awayAnd I could have done so many things, babyIf I could only stop my mindfrom wondrin" what I left behindand from worrying "bout theis wasted timeOoh, another love has come and goneOoh, and the years keep rushing onI remeber what you told me before you went out on your own:"Sometimes to keep it together, we got to leave it alone."So you can get on with your search,baby,and I can get on with mineAnd maybe someday we will find ,that it wasn"t really wasted timeMm,hmOh hoo, ooh, ohh,Ooh,ooh, mmBy Jerry

Once time is wasted这句话对么?动词为什么不是过去式


wasted love 歌词

歌曲名:wasted love歌手:Marie Serneholt专辑:enjoy the rideMarie Serneholt - Wasted LoveAlbum: Enjoy The RideSo you say there"s nothing wrongThen tell me why I don"t believe youMaybe you sound just to sincereMaybe I just saw right trough youCause who"s the girlWalking there by your sideThe way she smiles I just knowI wasted loveI wasted loveI wasted all my emotions on youI wasted loveSo here the walls come tumbling downA heart"s breaking into a thousand piecesI might be damaged but I"ll be OkEverything happens for a reasonWho"s the girlWalking there by your sideThe way she smiles I just knowI wasted loveI wasted loveI wasted all my emotions on youI wasted loveEverything happens for a reasonWho"s the girlWalking there by your sideThe way she smiles I just know(I can tell by the way you smile, yeah)I wasted loveI wasted loveI wasted all my emotions on youI wasted loveI wasted love, babyI can tell by the way you smileI wasted all my emotions on youI wasted love<END>

”wasted on” 点解?

1. 浪费;滥用;未充分利用[(+on)] Don"t waste your time and energy on trifles. 别把你的时间和精力浪费在琐事上。 2. 消耗;使消瘦;使衰弱 3. 使荒芜;使荒废 The drought wasted the land. 旱灾使田地荒芜。 4. 【俚】杀害 谋杀 vi. 1. 被浪费 2. 消瘦[(+away)] She is wasting away from an illness. 她因病消瘦了。 n. 1. 浪费;滥用[U][S][(+of)] Doing such a job is a waste of his talents. 做这种工作是在浪费他的才能。 2. 废(弃)物;废料[U][P1] 排泄物 A lot of poisonous waste from the chemical works polluted the river. 化工厂的许多有毒废料污染这条河。 3. 荒地 荒野[P1] Few animals can exist in the frozen wastes of the Arctic. 几乎没有动物能在北极洲冰封的荒芜地区生存。 4. 一大片[S] 5. 消耗 损耗;毁坏[U] 6. 忽略不用 错过[U] a. 1. 废弃的 无用的 Throw out that waste paper. 把废纸扔掉。 2. 盛放废物的 排除废物的 3. 荒芜的;荒废的;未开垦的 It was a stretch of waste land. 那是一片荒地。 参考: yahoo dictionary

wasted love 是什么意思


Wasted Love 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted Love歌手:Wild Orchid专辑:OxygenWasted Lovewild orchidHow could you do this to me?How could you do this to me?I put my trust in youThat"s what you"re supposed to doHow could you tell all those liesWhile you"re looking dead straight in my eyes?You"re someone I thought I knewShe must have thought so tooBefore I say goodbye...Just tell me why did I give just a little but moreAnd take just a little bit lessAnd try just a little bit harderWhen it"s all just wasted loveWhy did you kiss me that way?Why did you stay?Now it"s all just wasted loveLooking back now it"s all making senseWhen you said she was only a friendFriends who were making loveWas it worth breaking up?All the answers I don"t want to knowI"ll keep asking for, after I goThe flowers they came too lateYou"ve turned the love to hate (ohh)It"s your turn now to cryJust tell me why did I give just a little but moreAnd take just a little bit lessAnd try just a little bit harderWhen it"s all just wasted loveTell me Why did you kiss me that way?Why did you stay?Now it"s all just wasted loveWe can try and lie, but we both knowToo many things have changedThe memory of her in your armsIs driving me insaneThe shattered dream just breaks my heartI can"t go on this wayI will never look at you the sameYou wear a different faceJust tell me why did I give just a little but moreAnd take just a little bit lessAnd try just a little bit harderJust tell me why did I give just a little but moreAnd take just a little bit lessAnd try just a little bit harderWhen it"s all just wasted loveWhy did you kiss me that way?Why did you stay?Now it"s all just wasted loveNow it"s all just wasted love

Wasted Breath 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted Breath歌手:Tonya Mitchell专辑:I RepresentI don"t wanna hear your storiesI don"t wanna hear your liesI don"t wanna hear those made up alibisYou told me that you lived for meYou sounded so sincereBut now the pictures suddenly so clearAfter all that"s been said and doneI should have been the only oneBut every word from you is nothing moreThan wasted breathWhy did you tell me I could put my trust in youThen turn around and tell me things you know ain"t trueWhy you trying to play me boy like I"m some foolThat"s hard to just forgetYou"re too busy trying to run a game on meBut now you can"t remember what you said last weekDon"t say another word cause baby now I seeIt"s only wasted breathI"m looking for some good reasonsI"m looking for the truthBut baby that"s something I won"t get from youCause now I see right through youYour game is oh so weakAnd you were better off when you didn"t speakAfter all that"s been said and doneI should have been the only oneHow could every word be nothing moreThan wasted breathWhy did you tell me I could put my trust in youThen turn around and tell me things you know ain"t trueWhy you trying to play me boy like I"m some foolThat"s hard to just forgetYou"re too busy trying to run a game on meBut now you can"t remember what you said last weekDon"t say another word cause baby now I seeIt"s only wasted breathI"m looking for some good reasonsI"m looking for the truthBut baby the only thing I get from youIs wasted breathWasted timeWasted tears on my pillow when I criedWasted daysWasted nightsWasted dream that will never come to lifeWhy did you tell me I could put my trust in youThen turn around and tell me things you know ain"t trueWhy you trying to play me boy like I"m some foolThat"s hard to just forgetYou"re too busy trying to run a game on meBut now you can"t remember what you said last weekDon"t say another word cause baby now I seeIt"s only wasted breathWhy did you tell me I could put my trust in youThen turn around and tell me things you know ain"t trueWhy you trying to play me boy like I"m some foolThat"s hard to just forgetYou"re too busy trying to run a game on meBut now you can"t remember what you said last weekDon"t say another word cause baby now I seeIt"s only wasted breath

time wasted和waste time意思有区别吗?

time wasted - 浪费的时间; 是被动语态例 : Look at the time you wasted. 看看你浪费多少时间。waste time - 浪费时间; 是主动语态例 : You are wasting my time. 你在浪费我的时间。两种说法是相同的含义。用于不同结构的句子上。

Wasted Time是什么意思

浪费的时间Wasted Time是美国流金乐队Skid Row的一支单曲,来自第二张专辑《Slave to the Grind》。这支单曲发行于1991年,由Sebastian Bach、Rachel Bolan和Dave "the Snake" Sabo创作。此曲也是乐队在美国最后一首实际意义上的热门单曲。

“Time you enjoy wasting,was not wasted” u200b什么意思呢


Wasted Generation 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted Generation歌手:Steel Dragon专辑:Rock StarSteel Dragon-Wasted GenerationYeaaaaaaah!A runaway was found todayDyin in the allyHe didn"t have a namea number, or a homeThey found him cold as iceHe was feelin" no pain~His destination was terminationA dead end situationWe are the wasted generationWe are the wasted generationA teenage idol died tonightLyin" in the gutterHe had the things in lifeOnly money could buyHe threw it all awaydown a river of fameHis destination was terminationA dead end situationWe are the wasted generationWe are the wasted generation<Musical Break..>Yeah~<Musical Break..>Wasted!~Wasted!~We are the wasted generation(Ge,Ge,Ge,Ge,Generation~)Generation~

为什么用is wasted 而不用was wasted ? It is reported that too much water is wasted in our city.



1、waste:n.浪费,白费,挥霍钱财;废料,废品,废物;荒地,荒芜;消耗(量),损耗vt.& vi.徒劳;(使)损耗;(使)消瘦;浪费vt.破坏;干掉;(游戏或比赛中)大胜adj.废弃的, 无用的, 荒芜的现在分词:wasting;过去式:wasted;第三人称单数:wastes;过去分词:wasted2、third[英][θɜ:d] [美][θə:d] n.第三;三分之一;第三档adj.第三的;三分之一的复数:thirds;

GTA5 wasted画面怎么制作

我觉得大多数的视频编辑软件,比如after effect,都能做这样的效果,自己输入WASTED,然后设置字体,搞得像GTA,再从网上找音效,添加进去,结束~


laughing,laughed,laughed dealing,dealt,dealt regarding,regarded,regared trying,tried,tried affording,afforded,afforded paying,paid,paid wasting,wasted,wasted breaking,broke,broken giving,gave,given

wasted tiesto中文歌词

Blacked out失去意识Everything faded on your love一切都在你的爱中褪色I"m already wasted so close我已快将时光挥霍一空That I can taste it now... now...以至于我现在便要去品味 现在So let"s break right out of these guilty cages让我们冲破罪恶的牢笼We"re going to make it now...我们现在就要成功Don"t ever turn around永远不要调转方向Don"t ever turn around永远不要调转方向Nobody else needs to know别人无需知晓Where we might go...我们去往何方We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行There ain"t no reason to stay没有理由停留We"ll be light years away...我们将超越光年We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行White lights, flirt in the darkness白色的灯光再黑暗中摇曳This road leads where your heart is这条路通往你心的方向These signs, something we can"t ignore我们无法忽视这些信号We can"t back down我们绝不退让We"ll never let them change us我们永远不会让他们改变我们We"re going to make it now我们现在就要成功What are we waiting for...我们还等什么What are we waiting for...我们还等什么Nobody else needs to know别人无需知晓Where we might go...我们去往何方We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行There ain"t no reason to stay没有理由停留We"ll be light years away...我们将超越光年We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行We could just run them red lights我们只需给他们亮红灯禁行

a waste of time to do还是doing?

是do,不用doing,因为句子是一般现在时,不是现在进行时,所以不用doing,全句意思是:浪费时间。重点词汇:waste英[weu026ast]释义:n.浪费,滥用;废物,废弃物(同wastes);荒地,荒原(wastes);<法律>(尤指因租借人的行为或疏忽而导致的)不动产的损坏,产业损伤;粪便,尿液。v.浪费,滥用;未能充分利用,没有物尽其用;<美,非正式>杀害,谋杀(某人);(使)(人,身体部位)逐渐变虚弱,变消瘦;<文>破坏,毁坏(地方);<文>(时间)流逝,被花掉。adj.(通常指城市中的某地)荒芜的,荒废的;(材料、物质等)废弃的,无用的。[复数:wastes;第三人称单数:wastes;现在分词:wasting;过去式:wasted;过去分词:wasted]短语:radioactive waste放射性废料;[环境]放射性废物;放射性废弃物;废料。词语使用变化:n.(名词)。1、waste用作名词的基本意思是“浪费,滥用”,指对人力、财物、时间等用得不当或没有节制,表示抽象意义,不可数。waste也可作“废料,废弃物”解,指失去原使用价值的、陈旧、破损了的物品,是不可数名词,表示不同种类的废弃物时可用于复数形式。2、waste还可作“荒地”解,指没有开垦或没有耕种的土地,作此解时是可数名词,可用于复数形式。3、waste后可接of短语作其定语。


waste的用法如下:1、用作(n.)翻译为:废物;浪费;荒地(1)The city waste is disposed of in the sea.城市垃圾倒在海里处理掉。(2)Its only a waste of time to speak to her.和她说话纯粹是浪费时间。2、用作动词(v.)浪费; 挥霍; 逐渐变虚弱; 变消瘦; 破坏; 毁坏(1)All his efforts were wasted.他的所有努力都白费了。(2)I don"t take to waste your time.我不愿浪费你的时间。3、用作形容词(adj.)废弃的; 丢弃的; 闲置的; 荒芜的(1)They are turning waste land into paddy fields.他们正在使荒地变为稻田。(2)Waste water from factories should be treated before flowing into rivers.工厂里的废水在流入河里之前应该经过处理。


题目意思是:这个停车场被遗弃了,它是 ----- A.desert作名词解释是沙漠的意思,所以不对 B.空的,停车场被遗弃不用的时候应该是空的 C.被抛弃的,句意已与前文重复 D.wasted 表示浪费的,并不是废弃的意思

The Runaways的《Wasted》 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted歌手:The Runaways专辑:Best Of/20Th CenturyI"m looking at my watchAt all the time that"s been stolenWhen I was carrying youIt seemed I"ve tripped and I"ve fallenDon"t want no one to acheOh to be in drunk and forgetfulTo get out of this unscathedOh be free and inhumanSome may sayI"d love to playWhen the chances there to takeI"m mopping up the floorFrom messy recipes of romanceI"m packing up the potsToo many cooks in the kitchenSome may sayI"d love to letA good thing go to wasteI let it go to wasteLet a good thing go to waste a good thing go to wasteLet a good thing go to waste a good thing go to wasteI"m looking at my watchAt all the time that"s been stolenWhen i was carrying youIt seemed I"ve drifted and I"ve fallen


All tv stations speciapze in time wasting . 电视台都擅长浪费时间。 You"re wasting your time here, lad . 小伙子,你在这里是浪费光阴呀。 Don"t waste pfe in doubts and fears . 不要在怀疑与恐惧中浪费生命。 We emptied the waste paper onto the floor . 我们把废纸倒在地板上。 It is a crime to waste money pke that . 那样浪费金钱是一种罪过。 Do n"t waste time on domestic triviapties . 不要在家常琐事上浪费时间。 All these waste materials can sell for money . 这些废品可以换钱。 A wrong approach means a waste of effort . 路子不对等于白费劲儿。 He was wasting the precious minutes . 他在浪费这宝贵的分分秒秒。 I will not waste words in ppments . 我不想在赞扬的话语方面多费词句。 An enquiry she thought was a waste of resources . 她认为调查是浪费财力。 His face was wasted and colorless . 他的面孔是憔悴的,毫无血色。 Oh, my god, how i"ve wasted my pfe ! 啊,我的上帝,我这一辈子可给毁了。 The blood exports waste products from the tissue . 血液从组织中排出废物。 He knew now that he was wasting his time . 他现在明白自己是在白废口舌了。 Do n"t waste such a golden opportunity . 不要糟踏这样一个千载一时的机会。 I"m a very thrifty housekeeper-no waste . 我是一个很勤俭的管家,从不浪费。 He was enraged at the waste . 他觉得这样荼毒生灵实在令人气愤。 The waste material and water carried in sewage . 污水,污物从下水道中排出。 It was all a thoroughgoing waste of time . 那完全是浪费时间。 It is waste of time, admonishing you . 劝告你简直是浪费工夫。 He made a considerable fortune selpng waste materials . 他卖废料发了大财。 Let "s burn up all this waste paper . 咱们把这些废纸烧掉吧。 I wasted a lot of time for him ( and he did n"t turn up ) . *** 等了他半天。 Do n"t waste any more time on it . 不要在这上面旷费时间了。 It is distressing to see food being wasted pke this . 这样浪费粮食令人痛心。 Rivers are often defiled by waste from factories . 河水常被工厂来的废物弄脏。 I can not waste time on such frivopties . 我不能在这种无聊的事情上浪费时间。 Ben dispkes waste and extravagance . 本不喜欢浪费和奢侈。 Do n"t waste words on that fellow . 不要同那家伙白费口舌。 You"re wasting your pfe, man . 你这是在糟践自已呀,伙计? Do n"t waste your time arguing with him . 你不用跟他磨牙。 It would be a grievous waste . 那将是一种令人可悲的浪费。 Do n"t ptter the place with waste paper . 不要乱扔废纸。 They dispose of the city "s waste in the sea . 他们把城市的废物倒入大海处理掉。 She has wasted in her present job . 她做现在的工作屈才。 I"m wasting my pfe in this place . 我是在这里虚度年华。 The sopd wastes can be incinerated . 固体废料可以烧弃。 Waste material cannot be drained directly to the outside . 废物不能直接排到外面。 What a pity to see all that food go to waste . 那么多食物都浪费了,看著觉得可惜。 Waste an hour talking round the real problem . 围绕实质问题兜圈子谈论浪费一个小时。 Kind words are wasted upon him . 跟他说好话是白说了。 Instead of wasting time, she employed herself in reading . 她不浪费光阴而勤于阅读。 Time and money have often wasted on hastily planned . 时间和金钱往往浪费于计划不周。 The big man wasted no time on prepminaries . 这位身材高大的人没有浪费时间讲开场白。 The waste gases must be vented from the forehearth sections . 废气必须从通路段排除。 The function of the kidneys is to excrete waste products . 肾脏的功能是排泄代谢废物。 Kind words are wasted on him . 跟他说好话是白说了。 It won"t do, you know, to waste o shots on one . 一个人费两颗子弹可不合算,知道吗? Waste is dumped into the ocean . 废物倾卸到海洋里。

The Runaways的《Wasted》 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted歌手:The Runaways专辑:The Runaways - The Mercury Albums AnthologyI"m looking at my watchAt all the time that"s been stolenWhen I was carrying youIt seemed I"ve tripped and I"ve fallenDon"t want no one to acheOh to be in drunk and forgetfulTo get out of this unscathedOh be free and inhumanSome may sayI"d love to playWhen the chances there to takeI"m mopping up the floorFrom messy recipes of romanceI"m packing up the potsToo many cooks in the kitchenSome may sayI"d love to letA good thing go to wasteI let it go to wasteLet a good thing go to waste a good thing go to wasteLet a good thing go to waste a good thing go to wasteI"m looking at my watchAt all the time that"s been stolenWhen i was carrying youIt seemed I"ve drifted and I"ve fallen


  过去式:wasted   过去分词:wasted   现在分词:wasting   waste作名词时:waste翻译为浪费,废料,垃圾等时,是可不数名词,此时”waste"没有复数形式。   waste作动词时:waste翻译为浪费;消耗;使荒芜;浪费;变消瘦;挥霍钱财。

Big Iron的《Wasted》 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted歌手:Big Iron专辑:Falling DownSeether - WasteVAN制作Go unnoticed, let the freedom wash away.Losing focus, the pretense is second nature.It"s a broken life that I cling too,Trying to make rightI feel dismayed, just like you do.I feel decayed...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me after allYes, I see you surrounded by the hopelessWhen they need you you"re much to good and bloated,By the hopeless life that you cling tooTrying to make rightI feel distained, just like you do.I feel decayed...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me after allGo away...Go away...And just leave me here..Just leave me here...Just leave me here...So find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)Find me a way,to leave this wasted life behind me.(this wasted life)This wasted life...

Gucci Mane的《Wasted》 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted歌手:Gucci Mane专辑:欧美2009年8月最新单曲Gucci Mane Ft. Plies - Wastedha ha ha ha ha....ha (wasted)ha ha ha ha...ha..... rock star lifestyle might don"t make itlivin life high everyday click wastedsippin on purple stuff rollin up stankywake up in the morning 10 clock drankinparty party party lets all get wastedshake it fa me baby girl do it butt nakedim so wasted she so wastedshout the bartender send 20 more casesGeekin like whitney geekin like britneygucci no hipi but its on like jimyx pill poppers geeked up krazy whole click rollineveryone wasted purple codine sprite,pink don"t wasted mix up grandma drunk it then taste itnow grandma sipping syrp leaning wastedwalking round fuck up twisting her fingahome gurl slipped up drunk got wastednow she back stage an she tryna get famoushit me up the drinky drinky gucci mane shake itclub night damn right gucci mane wastedrock star lifestyle might don"t make itlivin life high everyday click wastedsippin on purple stuff rollin up stankywake up in the morning 10 clock drankinparty party party lets all get wastedshake it fa me baby girl do it butt nakedim so wasted she so wastedshout the bartender send 20 more casesi don"t wear tight jeans lyk da white boysbut i do get wasted lyk da white boysnow im lookin 4 a bitch to suck dis almond joysaid she gotta stop suckin cuz ha jaws soregotta bitch on da couch, bitch on da floorparty just poppin up but now he rollin morerolled on 3 pillz now he on 4idk why but that remy turned into a whorewalked in the club pocket full of big facesgot the 40 on my waist n its off safetybout 40 goons wit me and we all wastedonly remy straight tonite dawg no chasing..rock star lifestyle might don"t make itlivin life high everyday click wastedsippin on purple stuff rollin up stankywake up in the morning 10 clock drankinparty party party lets all get wastedshake it fa me baby girl do it butt nakedim so wasted she so wastedshout the bartender send 20 more casesOnly click faded we geeked up crazybig boy bracelet we white boy wastedno shirt fuck it unless your arms tattedwe slappin trunk disgusted the liquor keep wastin285 east side me n plies wastedracing seven big booty broads chasinspring break 50 thousand white girls shake itsome dancing naked but everyone wastedmagic city monday ball players wastedthis one for yo uncle drinkin thunderbird wasted12 pack wasted i need more casesand gucci not a racist all my diamonds Caucasians..rock star lifestyle might don"t make itlivin life high everyday click wastedsippin on purple stuff rollin up stankywake up in the morning 10 clock drankinparty party party lets all get wastedshake it fa me baby girl do it butt nakedim so wasted she so wastedshout the bartender send 20 more casesthis has been a GPSA(ghetto public service announcement)we don"t get fucked up no more,we get wasted..


waste,作名词时意为“浪费;废物;荒地;损耗;地面风化物”,作形容词时意为“废弃的;多余的;荒芜的”,作动词时意为“浪费;消耗;使荒芜;变消瘦;挥霍钱财”。读音:英[weu026ast],美[weu026ast]。释义:vt. 浪费;滥用;白费;糟蹋;未充分利用;使…屈才;干掉;(游戏或比赛中)大胜,把…打得落花流水。n. 浪费;滥用;白费;糟蹋;废料;废物;弃物;垃圾;人烟稀少的地区。adj. 荒芜的;废弃的;丢弃的;无用的。例句:In my view it was a waste of time.依我看,这是浪费时间。变形:第三人称单数wastes,现在分词wasting,过去式wasted,过去分词wasted。短语:waste treatment废料处理waste water废水lay waste糟蹋lie waste (土地等)荒芜waste uselessly没必要地浪费waste away日渐消瘦waste的用法waste主要用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。当表示人在某人〔物、事〕上浪费时间〔金钱、精力、话语〕等时,其宾语后常接介词on+ n.或接(in〔on〕+)v -ing。waste用作形容词作“废弃的,无用的”解时,在句中只用作定语。waste也可用作“荒芜的”解,一般用于修饰土地等,在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。waste后可接of短语作其定语。


waste作"浪费,废料,垃圾等"的时候是"不可数名词"。但可连用不定冠词。用作形容词时,有荒芜的,废弃的等含义;作"荒地,荒漠,凄凉的景象"的时候是"可数名词" 例:the wastes of the Sahara。 扩展资料   例句:   Soaps and other wastes can harm waterways。   肥皂和其他废弃物会损害水道。   There are many other ways to reuse wastes。   当然还有很多其他废物利用的方法。   Electronic wastes also contain many poisonous metals。   电子垃圾也会含有很多有毒金属物。   If we try our best to recycle the wastes, we can reduce pollution and conserve natural resources。   如果我们尽力回收废物,我们可以减少污染,保护自然资源。

我的世界you died是什么意思,还有GTA的Wasted是什么意思

you died直接翻译就是你死了。


waste一词的意思是“浪费;废物”。扩展资料1、作为动词在日常生活中,waste常常指的是浪费。比如:“Don"t waste your time on the internet.”(别在网上浪费你的时间)。同时,在环境领域,waste也常常被用来形容废弃物。比如:“We need to take care of our waste disposal.”(我们需要慎重处理我们的废弃物)。2、作为名词当waste作为名词时,多数情况下可以指的是垃圾、废料等物质。比如:“The factory produced a lot of waste.”(这家工厂产生了很多废料)在医学或科技领域,有时候也用waste作为特定产品的消耗品。例如:“I need to replace the ink waste in my printer.”(我需要更换打印机的墨水废液)。3、拓展知识除了waste本身的简单含义外,还有许多与其相关的短语和表达方式。比较常见的有:- A waste of: 是指一种十分浪费、毫无必要的行为,使用它时常以“a waste of time”(浪费时间)、“a waste of money”(浪费金钱)等表达形式。- Wasted on: 是指一种资源被浪费在不该浪费的地方上。例如:“Her talents are wasted on this boring job.”(她的才华被用在这份无聊的工作上太浪费了)4、总结waste作为一个词汇,在日常生活中十分常见。它可以指浪费时间、金钱等资源的行为,也可以指废弃物、废料等物质。此外,还存在与其相关的短语和表达方式,可以帮助我们更好地理解并运用这个词汇。

求brandi carlile的wasted的歌词翻译



wasting英 ["weu026astu026au014b]美 ["westu026au014b]n. 浪费adj. 浪费的;造成浪费的[网络短语]wasting 浪费的,消瘦,老年性消耗wasting diseases 消耗性疾病WASTING YOUTH 枉费青春

求brandi carlile的Wasted中文歌词

Jennifer Paige - Wasted 珍妮花佩吉-浪费通过迫使lzh,从江西萍乡 @ @”我们曾经有过的快乐我们曾经是有意义的我们每个人都再相信我们曾经粘在一起去任何地方我们总是在到每一个人所以在自信我不知道你是否曾经精神崩溃了或曾经一颗破碎的心我不想在那里我不想是免费的这是浪费,这是浪费在我我不想感到害怕,你为什么不能同意这是浪费,这是浪费在我我们曾经有过的东西每个人都见说这是永远的在正确的轨道我不知道它是如何改变但我想把它要回来因为我从未见过这来了从来没想过你能做到我不知道你是否曾经精神崩溃了甚至真的有心脏我不想在那里我不想是免费的这是浪费,这是浪费在我我不想感到害怕,你为什么不能同意这是浪费,这是浪费在我我不知道这一切我想拥有一切只是想回到你和我不想去,但是我走了。我不想在那里我不想是免费的这是浪费,这是浪费在我我不想感到害怕,你为什么不能同意这是浪费,这是浪费在我LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang @ @ We used to be happy We used to make sense We had everybody Believing again We used to stick together Everywhere we went Always in to each other So over confident I don"t know if you"ve ever fallen apart Or ever had a broken heart I don"t wanna be there I don"t wanna be free It"s wasted, it"s wasted on me I don"t wanna be scared, why can"t you agree It"s wasted, it"s wasted on me We used to be something Everybody saw that Said it was forever On the right track I don"t know how it changed But I want it back Cuz I never saw this coming Never thought you could do that I don"t know if you"ve ever fallen apart Or ever really had a heart I don"t wanna be there I don"t wanna be free It"s wasted, it"s wasted on me I don"t wanna be scared, why can"t you agree It"s wasted, it"s wasted on me I don"t know it all I want it all Just wanna be Back to you and me Don"t wanna go, but here I go. I don"t wanna be there I don"t wanna be free It"s wasted, it"s wasted on me I don"t wanna be scared, why can"t you agree It"s wasted, it"s wasted on me

Wasted (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted (Album Version)歌手:Beautiful Creatures专辑:Beautiful CreaturesI"m looking at my watchAt all the time that"s been stolenWhen I was carrying youIt seemed I"ve tripped and I"ve fallenDon"t want no one to acheOh to be in drunk and forgetfulTo get out of this unscathedOh be free and inhumanSome may sayI"d love to playWhen the chances there to takeI"m mopping up the floorFrom messy recipes of romanceI"m packing up the potsToo many cooks in the kitchenSome may sayI"d love to letA good thing go to wasteI let it go to wasteLet a good thing go to waste a good thing go to wasteLet a good thing go to waste a good thing go to wasteI"m looking at my watchAt all the time that"s been stolenWhen i was carrying youIt seemed I"ve drifted and I"ve fallen

Mazzy Star的《Wasted》 歌词

歌曲名:Wasted歌手:Mazzy Star专辑:So Tonight That I Might SeeWastedMazzy StarAfter I stuck my handsInto your groundAnd pulled out somebody else"s sonI felt a little unfortunateA little mistakeI felt like I"d been wastedAll day longAll day longAfter I bent myself to my kneesAnd raised my hands upRight above my headI felt a littleA little bright patchI felt like I"d been wastedAll day longAll day longAfter I took my eyesFrom the westAnd brought myself backTo my placeI felt a little light for a whileA little light stoneI felt like I"d been wastedAll day longAll day long


没问题。time 是被wasted。用被动式

gta5 为什么使用wasted



/u02c8weu026astu026ad/wasted的意思为:浪费掉的;徒劳无功的;(因病)瘦弱的;(非正式)醉了的v.浪费;白费;未充分利用;(非正式)干掉;(非正式,游戏、比赛中)大胜(waste 的过去式和过去分词)。wasted的咧句为:Time spent on reconnaissance is seldom wasted. 花在侦察上的时间是不会白费的。你可以下载一个有道词典的,在里面可以跟读好多的英语,而且还有很多单词可以学习,不会的可以跟着读噢。在里面可以有很多的老师教学,都是直播的,有不会的单词读法可以在里面搜索就可以跟读了。


  1、wasted,adj.徒劳无功的; 白费的; (尤指因病)瘦骨嶙峋的,瘦弱的; 极度迷醉的;v.浪费; 滥用; 白费; 糟蹋; 未充分利用; 使…屈才;   2、[词典]wasted是waste的过去分词和过去式;   3、[例句]It was too expensive, to say nothing of the time it wasted.这太贵了,更不用说它浪费的时间了。


wasted adj. (常指因病而)憔悴的,疲惫不堪;徒劳的;无用的 [例句]So , how can you minimise wasted time , and get more work done?那么,怎么样才让你尽可能减少被浪费的时间并完成更多的工作呢?如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


withdraw 为 资 卓 翶chapter 慨 普 特厄plastic 普 莱斯提克

区别:last/remain表持续;recycling/recycled material表可回收金属




recycled plastic是什么面料

recycled是RPET面料。 RPET面料,是一种新型的环保再生面料,英文称 Recycled PET Fabric ,也称为再生PET面料。其纱线是从回收的矿泉水瓶子和可乐瓶中提取的,又俗称为可乐瓶环保布。 因其是一种新型的绿色再生环保面料,其来源的低碳性,为节约石油资源,保护生态环境做出了巨大贡献。所以在国外尤其是欧美发达国家很受青睐,广泛用在吊带衫、衬衫、裙子、童装、丝巾、旗袍、领带、手帕、家纺、窗帘、睡衣、蝴蝶结、礼品袋、套袖,时尚雨伞、枕套、抱枕等等。



今天看到一架车好像阿斯顿。马丁 标志是一个扇形 里面的字母是ASTON MARIN右上角还有RRPIOE 应该没记错...


英文中 last bus是上班车还是末班车


品味人生 翻译成英文,除了Taste life之外,还有没有其他翻译方式?


翻译:品味时光 英文怎么翻译 翻译成“taste time”对吗?是用在咖啡店的名字。

干嘛不用:Enjoy Timem享受时光0628享受的同时也在品味撒



品味人生 翻译成英文,除了Taste life之外,还有没有其他翻译方式?








/cast [nocombatuff0cnostealth] stealth


魔兽世界宏命令 宏1: /cast [stance:1]迎头痛击(熊形态); 宏2: /cast [target=focus,harm,exists][target


Fate/stay night里面 lancer的master 怎么没见过啊 据说是个女的 叫巴泽特 在哪一集出现过



巴捷特·弗拉加·马克雷密斯(バゼット·フラガ·マクレミッツ,Bazetto·Flaga·Makuremitts) 身高:172cm 体重:58㎏ 三围:B87 W55 H83 魔术协会派遣来的外来魔术师。第五次圣杯战争Lancer原来的Master,魔术协会的ミスティック(Mystic,神秘主义者...

把每一天都当做最后一天过"Live every day as if it was your last."

昨天下班后在公交车上开始觉得头晕、身体不舒服,浑身没力。以为自己只是这段时间累了,回到宿舍赶紧洗澡,八点多就躺床昏睡过去了,把闹钟调到6:02,比平时晚了7分钟。 第二天起来感觉身体没有异样,精力也恢复过来了,照样起床搭公交去上班了。那么早就出发不是因为工作繁重,只是想赶最早一班车,回到律所还没到八点,至少有一个小时的学习时间,因为开始实习之后,一天公交车来回,通勤时间近三个小时,每天晚上回到宿舍七八点已经没有精力继续学习(最近复盘之后其实都是借口)。 公交车上感觉还可以,回到所里开始吃不下早餐,上吐下泻。在办公桌上趴着休息了一下,还是觉得不能恢复过来,头晕、没力气,从来没有过的难受,跟老板请了假,在附近的医院预约挂号,赶紧去看医生了。医生大概的意思就是吃的东西有问题,叫我最近都喝白粥,给我开了葡萄糖、什么素、什么菌各种补剂。在回学校的公交车上晃悠悠的,觉得胃在翻滚,想吐,希望一秒钟回到宿舍躺着。安全到达学校之后,没吃东西,喝了医生开的葡萄糖,睡了一下午。感谢同事帮我完成了工作。我祈祷自己醒来就好了,但是还是浑身没劲。大学四年以来,在准备任何重要的考试、比赛期间我都不允许自己病倒,靠主观意志hold住,但很多时候在完成任务之后当晚就病倒了,印象最深刻的就是商务英语中级考试。 今晚我也是八点多就爬上床了,身体很累挺难受的,但是有点睡不着,于是开始想七想八,如果明天醒不来怎么办?让我想起那句话:把每一天都当做最后一天过("Live every day as if it was your last.")。 如果今天真的是最后一天,我应该会很不甘心、很不舍得吧。一方面是,我太多东西还没经历过了;另一方面是,过去我还有很多没有做好,或者如果有时间,我可以做得更好。 到生命中每一个时间点都是以往一分一秒的结果,都是有原因的。如果是最后一天了,我最后悔的可能是平时没有多多联系身边爱自己的人;没有多读点书,做做读书笔记;没有看《猫》…… 感觉自己上了大学才开窍,对于初中高中的记忆已经十分模糊。从开学第一天开始,下定决心要珍惜时间,将每一天都过得有滋有味。有身边的好朋友、离学校两个小时车程的父母,四年来极少负面情绪,几乎没有病痛,所以这次这么难受也是我预料之外,也让我开始胡思乱想,再一次感受到时间的宝贵。 关于时间的感悟不能太多,最关键还是活在当下,且对未来有清晰的规划,对过去进行总结。 Enjoy the present, Plan for the future, Learn from yesterday.
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