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be ashamed to后加do 还是doing


it is ashamed/shameful ??



形容词 a. [F]1. 羞愧的,感到难为情的[(+of)][+to-v][+that]She was ashamed of having failed in the examination. 她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。 2. 耻于...的,因难为情而不愿...的[+to-v]She was ashamed to tell anyone that she had fallen in love with him. 她羞于告诉任何人自己爱上了他。




答案 ashamed ashamed是羞耻的 是人自己的感觉 shameful是用来形容对别的人或事的感觉 shameful可做表语 可做定语 ashamed做表语 feel相当于系动词

ashamed ashame区别

shame 是名词羞耻(心),羞愧(感)She felt great shame at having failed the exam.她考试不及格,感到极其羞愧.强调做了一些事而使自己羞愧不安ashamed 是形容词羞愧的,感到难为情的She was ashamed of having failed in the examination.她因考试不及格而感到羞愧. 望采纳




分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 请问ashamed和shamed区别是什么? 谢谢! 解析: 这种有a加动词组成的形容词和一般的形容词有一定的差别 a加动词组成的形容词只做表语,一般不做定语eg. alive asleep 等


ashame的形容词是:ashamed 惭愧的;羞耻的

ashame / shame

ashame / shame用作adj.既时候 两者分别在于? (1) ashamed (adj) ashamed of something/ somebody=.因本人或某人明知故犯的行为而感到惭愧 e.g. She was ashamed of her behaviour at the party. His daughter looked such a mess that he was ashamed of her. ashamed to do something = unwilling to do something because of shame or embaras *** ent.因惭愧而不情愿 e..g I am ashamed to say that I lied to her. I cried at the end and I am not ashamed to admit that. (2) shame (n) = the feeling you have when you feel guilty and embarassed because you or someone who is close to you have done something wrong. e.g To her shame (= it made her feel ashamed) she gained back all the weight she had lost. shame can also be in used in the following expression: shame on you = you should be ashamed of yourself. shame on him = he should be ashamed of himself = somebody should feel ashamed for something they have said or done (责备时说)= (某人) 真丢脸; 不知害臊 (3) shameful (adj ) that should make you feel ashamed of =可耻的 丢脸的=disgraceful; e.g shameful behaviour e.g It is shameful the way some people treat their pets. ashamed shame and shameful although belonging to different parts of speech can be used in different situations to describe the same thing. Care must be exercised when they are used. 2011-08-25 19:57:54 补充: reference: Oxford Advanced Learner"s English-Chinese Dictionary Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 您好,我是 lop****** ,高兴能解答您的问题。 问: ashame/shame 答: ashame 是一个极少被使用的 verb 解作「使羞愧」 ashamed 才是 adj. for example : There is nothing to be ashamed of . 没有什么见不得人的事。 至于 shame 是一个 noun or verb 解作「羞愧」(noun)、「羞愧感」(noun) 或解作「使感到羞愧」(verb),也不是 adj. shameful 就是 adj. ( 可耻的 ) for example : It was shameful of them to surrender. 他们投降是可耻的。 ashamed 同 shameful 的分别是 ashamed 用于人,指因做了错事、坏事或傻事等而感到羞愧。而shameful 是指人或人的行为本身不光彩、不道德。 参考: Hope I Can Help You ^_^ ( From website + me ) "shame" is a verb or noun can"t be used as an adjective. "ashame" should be spelled as "ashamed" it is an adjective. eg. the boy is ashamed of having told a lie.

ashamed shameful shamed区别

ashamed 是adj 形容词- You should be ashamed of yourself- his manners made me ashamed of him- I"m ashamed to tell my parents that I failed the test.shamed 是shame作为动词的用法,过去式- 使.某人.感到羞耻 I tried to shame him into giving some away.- 带来耻辱 the entire incident has shamed our community.


ashamed 是adj 形容词- You should be ashamed of yourself- his manners made me ashamed of him- I"m ashamed to tell my parents that I failed the test.shamed 是shame作为动词的用法,过去式- 使.某人.感到羞耻 I tried to shame him into giving some away.- 带来耻辱 the entire incident has shamed our community.祝您生活愉快,望采纳


1. be ashamed of (doing) sth 对(做)某事感到羞愧或惭愧。如:   You really ought to be ashamed of that. 你实在应该对此感到惭愧。   He was ashamed of asking [having asked]such a simple question. 他由于问了这样简单的问题而感到难为情。   He is ashamed of his failure [having failed]. 他对自己的失败感到羞惭。   比较以下同义句型:   I am ashamed of that. / I am ashamed of myself for that. 我对此感到羞愧。   He is ashamed of being poor. / He is ashamed of himself for being poor. 他因为穷而感到羞惭。   2. be ashamed to do sth   (1) 因感到难为情或感到差耻而不愿某事。如:   I am ashamed to say so. 这样说我不好意思。   He was too ashamed to ask for help. 他不好意思请求帮助。   (2) 对做某事而感到羞愧或惭愧。如:   You should be ashamed to tell such lies. 撒这样的谎你应该感到羞愧。   He was ashamed to have made some careless mistakes. 他因出了些很粗心的差错而感到惭愧。   注:该用法有时可换成 that 从句。如上面最后一句也可说成:   He was ashamed that he had made some careless mistakes.   再比较:   他因说谎而感到羞惭。   正:He was ashamed of having lied.   正:He was ashamed to have lied.   正:He was ashamed that he had lied.


名词是shame,它既可以作名词,也可以作动词用名词 n. 1.羞耻(心),羞愧(感)[U][(+at)]She felt great shame at having failed the exam. 她考试不及格,感到极其羞愧。 2.羞辱,耻辱[U][(+on)]Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school. 你的恶劣行径给整个学校带来耻辱。 3.带来耻辱的人(或事)[S][(+to)]4.憾事;倒霉的事;令人憎恶的事[S]It"s a shame I haven"t heard from you for years. 真遗憾,我多年没有收到你的信了。 及物动词 vt. 1.使感到羞耻[(+for)]She was shamed and frightened. 她既羞愧又惊慌。 2.使感羞愧而...[(+into/out of)]He was shamed into admitting his guilt. 他羞愧地承认犯了罪。 3.使蒙受羞辱,使丢脸[(+by)]4.胜过,使相形见绌Her academic achievements shamed her brothers. 她的学术成就使她的兄弟们相形见绌。


ashamed与shameful的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、ashamed:惭愧。2、shameful:可耻的。二、用法不同1、ashamed:ashamed意思是“羞愧的,惭愧的”,表示的是人的一种心理体验,指为自己或别人有缺点(做错了事、说错了话、没有尽到责任等)而感到羞耻、惭愧不安或内疚,也可表示不好意思、难为情等。2、shameful:shameful指人或人的行为本身不光彩、不道德,比较级,more shameful,最高级,most shameful。三、侧重点不同1、ashamed:可以是好事,但是没有达到效果时的心理状态。2、shameful:指坏事,做坏事被人发现时的心理状态。


楼主你好,此句应用ashamed。一般来说,ashamed是指人感情上感到惭愧、内疚,强调“feel",不修饰名词;而shameful多用来修饰行为的可耻。例:ashamed:He ought to be ashamed of himself. shameful:It"s a shameful behavior/secret. shameful:It"s a shameful secret/behavior.


高考英语词汇详解:ashamed的用法与搭配   一、 ashamed 的用法   通常只用作表语,可以用 very, much, very much, deeply, half, quite 等修饰。如:   I am half ashamed to do so. 这样做我有些不好意思。   He was very [much, very much, deeply] ashamed ofwhat he said. 他对他说的话深感惭愧。   She was ashamed, both for herself and for Diana. 她感到羞愧,既为自己也为戴安娜。   二、 ashamed 的搭配   后接介词 of。如:   I am ashamed of him. 我为他感到羞愧。   Youreally ought to be ashamed of that. 你实在应该对此感到惭愧。   He is ashamed of his failure [having failed]. 他对自己的失败感到羞惭。   I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct. 我必须承认我为我的行为感到羞耻。   比较以下各句 。如:   a)I am ashamed of that. 我对此感到羞愧。   I am ashamed of myself for that.   b)He is ashamed of being poor. 他因为穷而感到羞惭。   He is ashamed of himself for being poor.   后接不定式。如:   I am ashamed to say so. 这样说我不好意思。   I am quite ashamed to have to trouble you. 真不好意思,我得要麻烦你。   后接that-从句。如:   I am ashamed that I couldn"t answer thequestion. 我很惭愧不能回答这个问题。   He was ashamed that hehad made some careless mistakes. 他很惭愧出了些粗心的错误。   有时以上几类句型可互换,且含义没有多少变化。如:   他因说谎而感到羞惭。   正:He was ashamed of having lied.   正:He was ashamed to have lied.   正:He was ashamed that he had lied.




ashamed的名词是shame。ashamed是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为:羞愧的,羞耻的;惭愧的,内疚的;尴尬的;因怕难堪而不愿意的;觉得丢脸的。ashamed的双语例句:1、He isashamedfor his former dishonorable action.他对他以前不光彩的行为感到羞愧。2、He jumped up,looking a littleashamedof himself.他跳了起来,显得有点惭愧。3、She seemedashamed, and turned away as we went by.她似乎很害臊,所以在我们走过的时候,她把头扭过去了。4、You ought to feelashamedof yourself for having descended to such falsehood.你竟然堕落到这样说谎的地步,自己应该感到害臊。5、I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry.我对自己发那么大的火而深感惭愧。6、I"ve never told this to anyone, but it"s true, I was terribly ashamed of my mum.这件事我从来没告诉过别人,但是我真的为我妈感到很害臊。


ashamed是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“羞愧的,羞耻的;惭愧的,内疚的;尴尬的;因怕难堪而不愿意的;觉得丢脸的”。短语搭配be ashamed惭愧felt ashamed感到羞愧 ; 感到难为情concubine ashamed娇羞Ashamed Ah惭愧啊Ashamed Front愧对nfeel ashamed抱愧ashamed abashed羞惭ashamed announce宣布ashamed of羞愧 ; 对 ; 害羞用作形容词 (adj.)He isashamedfor his former dishonorable action.他对他以前不光彩的行为感到羞愧。He wasashamedthat he had lied.他很惭愧他说了谎。He jumped up,looking a littleashamedof himself.他跳了起来,显得有点惭愧。She seemedashamed, and turned away as we went by.她似乎很害臊,所以在我们走过的时候,她把头扭过去了。You ought to feelashamedof yourself for having descended to such falsehood.你竟然堕落到这样说谎的地步,自己应该感到害臊。I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry.我对自己发那么大的火而深感惭愧。I"ve never told this to anyone, but it"s true, I was terribly ashamed of my mum.这件事我从来没告诉过别人,但是我真的为我妈感到很害臊。


ashamed是惭愧的意思。ashamed是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“羞愧的,羞耻的;惭愧的,内疚的;尴尬的;因怕难堪而不愿意的;觉得丢脸的”。短语搭配:be ashamed惭愧felt ashamed感到羞愧 ; 感到难为情concubine ashamed娇羞双语例句:1、He isashamedfor his former dishonorable action.他对他以前不光彩的行为感到羞愧。2、He wasashamedthat he had lied.他很惭愧他说了谎。ashamed的用法:1、ashamed意思是“羞愧的,惭愧的”,表示的是人的一种心理体验,指为自己或别人有缺点(做错了事、说错了话、没有尽到责任等)而感到羞耻、惭愧不安或内疚,也可表示不好意思、难为情等。2、ashamed是以a-开头的形容词,在其前没有修饰语的情况下在句中一般不能用作定语,只能用作表语,偶尔也可用作宾语补足语。3、ashamed用作表语时,常与介词of〔at〕或for搭配。介词不同,含义用法也不尽相同。(be)4、ashamed的后面还可以接that从句。


ashamed是指人的主观感觉,感觉到羞愧!而shameful是别人对某人的评价!就如他是一个可耻的人!!people always thought he was a shameful man ,which made him feel ashamed!懂了吗?


ashamed是惭愧的意思。ashamed是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“羞愧的,羞耻的;惭愧的,内疚的;尴尬的;因怕难堪而不愿意的;觉得丢脸的”。短语搭配:be ashamed惭愧felt ashamed感到羞愧 ; 感到难为情concubine ashamed娇羞双语例句:1、He isashamedfor his former dishonorable action.他对他以前不光彩的行为感到羞愧。2、He wasashamedthat he had lied.他很惭愧他说了谎。ashamed的用法:1、ashamed意思是“羞愧的,惭愧的”,表示的是人的一种心理体验,指为自己或别人有缺点(做错了事、说错了话、没有尽到责任等)而感到羞耻、惭愧不安或内疚,也可表示不好意思、难为情等。2、ashamed是以a-开头的形容词,在其前没有修饰语的情况下在句中一般不能用作定语,只能用作表语,偶尔也可用作宾语补足语。3、ashamed用作表语时,常与介词of〔at〕或for搭配。介词不同,含义用法也不尽相同。(be)4、ashamed的后面还可以接that从句。


不错,情态动词后面用动词原形,但 ought to 合在一起是情态动词,是你理解上的错误.



embarrassed 与ashamed的区别

尴尬 和 羞愧

feel/ ashamed+ for/of/at六个短语有什么区别

feel是及物动词,也就是说后面可以直接接名词,也可以做系动词,像am is are 那样的ashamed 本身为形容词,因此你可以说 I feel/am ashamed of you ,我为你噶按到丢脸ashamed 有几个固定搭配:1 be ashamed of sth 对某事感到惭愧,尴尬2 be ashamed of sb/yourself 对某人、自己感到惭愧,尴尬 见上例句3 be ashamed to do sth 为做了某事儿感到惭愧4 be ashamed that +句子,如 I feel ashamed that my best friend talked to you in that way.打字很不易啊!望楼主采纳!给金币呦~

be ashamed at/of /for3者有何区别

be ashamed to 翻译?


shame.shame作不可数名词时是羞耻、羞愧意,与负罪感和丧失尊严相对应,作可数名词时,它的意思就完全不一样了,从“羞耻”变成了“遗憾”。需要注意的是,表遗憾意时,它只有单数形式,只能用a修饰。当我们想说很遗憾时,除了用pity,我们还可以说what a shame/ it"s a shame that...


语法关键是he"s=he is,所以is后面要形容词而不是动词,也不要被动啊。ashamed是形容词,觉得羞耻的意思。

be .ashamed .to .do的意思是“做某事而感到羞愧”还是“因羞愧而不做某事”?

意思是:做某事而感到羞愧 因羞愧而不做某事的英语是:be ashamed not to do sth.

it is ashamed/shameful ??



意思和用法的不同:一般来说,ashamed是指人感情上感到惭愧、内疚,强调feel,不修饰名词;而shameful多用来修饰行为的可耻。例:He ought to be ashamed of himself。It"s a shameful behavior/secret。It"s a shameful secret/behavior。 as if 的用法 一、as if 从句的作用 1.在look, seem 等系动词后引导表语从句。如: She looks as if she were ten years younger. 她看起来好像年轻了十岁。 It seems as if our team is going to win. 看来我们队要胜了。 2.引导方式状语从句。如: She loves the boy as if she were his mother. 她爱这男孩,就好像她是他的母亲一样。 The child talked to us as if he were a grown?up. 那孩子跟我们谈起话来,像个成年人似的。 二、as if 还可用于省略句中 如果as if 引导的从句是“主语+系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,这样as if 后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语或分词。如: He acts as if (he was) a fool. 他做事像个傻子。 Tom raised his hands as if (he was going) to say something. 汤姆举起手好像要说什么。 She left the room hurriedly as if (she was)angry. 她匆忙离开房间好像生气的样子。 三、as if 从句的语气及时态 1. as if 从句用陈述语气的情况。 当说话者认为句子所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时。如: It sounds as if it is raining. 听起来像是在下雨。 He talks as if he is drunk. 从他谈话的样子来看他是醉了。

shamful 和ashamed 的用法

ashamed 意为“感到羞耻,觉得惭愧,不好意思”表示主语主观认为是可耻的. 如:He was ashamed of being unable to answer the question.他因为不能回答那个问题而感到羞愧. shameful 表示事物本身的客观性质是“可耻的” 如:To steal money from a blind person is a shameful act.偷盲人的钱是可耻的行为.


“shameful”意思是:adj. 可耻的;不体面的;不道德的;猥亵的。主语通常是某种行为,指的是某项行为是“可耻的、不体面的”。 “ashamed”意思是:adj. 羞愧的;惭愧的;因怕难堪而不愿意的;觉得丢脸的。主语通常是某人,指的是个人感到羞愧、惭愧、不好意思、难为情、尴尬等。 扩展资料   例句:Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts .   正因为如此,上帝给他们交给可耻的欲望。   I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry.   我为自己发了这么大的.脾气而感到极为惭愧。   Do you have to always rehash my humiliating past?   你老是要这样重提我丢脸的往事吗?


1.ashamed词尾结构为单个元音字母后面+单个辅音字母+一个不发音字母e,所以是开音节.开音节分为下面两种:a) 以元音字母结尾的单词,如:no, he, hib) 单个元音字母后面+单个辅音字母(r除外)+一个不发音字母e构成的重读音节。例如:name these bike home 2.对于r, w, y结尾的单词,并不是绝对的开音节.主要得看单词发音而不是字母.比如: cow就是闭音节,因为元音o的发音和字母音不同.play是开音节因为ay字母组合同发a在字母里的音.你只需记住,闭音节发的主要元音的音不同于本字母音,而开音节是相同的.


ashamed / u0259u02c8u0283eu026amd; u0259ˋu0283emd/ adj[pred 作表语] ~ (of sth/sb/oneself); ~ (that...) feeling shame, embarrassment, etc about sth/sb or because of one"s own actions 感到羞耻; 感到惭愧: ashamed of her behaviour at the party 对她在聚会上的行为而感到羞耻的 * You should be ashamed of yourself for telling such lies. 你应该为说这些谎话而感到羞耻.* He felt ashamed of having done so little work. 他因只做了这麽一点儿工作而感到惭愧. * I feel ashamed that I haven"t written for so long. 我很久未曾写信, 甚为惭愧. ~ to do sth reluctant to do sth because of shame or embarrassment 因为羞耻或惭愧而勉强作某事: I"m ashamed to say I haven"t been to church for three years. 我真不好意思说我已经三年没上教堂了.* He felt too ashamed to ask for help. 他不好意思请求帮助. * I"m ashamed to let you see my paintings. 让你看我的画, 很难为情.



单词 ashamed 和shy和shamed,shameful,embarrassed,五个词的区别是什么?词性?用法?




【 #英语资源# 导语】ashamed有感到惭愧的;感到害臊的等意思,那么你知道ashamed的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】ashamed的用法   ashamed的用法1:ashamed意思是“羞愧的,惭愧的”,表示的是人的一种心理体验,指为自己或别人有缺点(做错了事、说错了话、没有尽到责任等)而感到羞耻、惭愧不安或内疚,也可表示不好意思、难为情等。   ashamed的用法2:ashamed是以a-开头的形容词,在其前没有修饰语的情况下在句中一般不能用作定语,只能用作表语,偶尔也可用作宾语补足语。   ashamed的用法3:ashamed用作表语时,常与介词of〔at〕或for搭配。介词不同,含义用法也不尽相同。(be) ashamed的后面还可以接that从句。   ashamed的用法4:(be) ashamed可接不定式作补足语,意思是“耻于做某事”或“因做了某事而感羞愧”。多表示非意愿性的动作, ashamed所描述的情况是动词不定式产生的结果。主语与动词不定式没有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以当不定式为及物动词时,须加上宾语。   ashamed的用法5:(be) ashamed of是常用的习语,表示导致“羞愧的,惭愧的”原因,即“为…而感到羞愧”。of的宾语可以由名词、代词(含反身代词)、动名词和疑问词引导的从句等充当。当动名词表示的是非意愿性动作时, of可换为at。(be) ashamed for sb 的意思是“替…感到羞愧”; (be) ashamed of oneself for sth/ v -ing的意思是“为…自感羞愧”。   ashamed的用法6:ashamed不用very修饰,但可用much或very much修饰,用very much比用much更普遍。   ashamed的用法7:ashamed是表语形容词,不能用在名词前作定语,但由于英语中没有相当于ashamed的定语形容词,偶尔也可放在名词前。 【篇二】ashamed的常用短语   用作形容词 (adj.)   be ashamed at   be ashamed for   be ashamed of 【篇三】ashamed的用法例句   1. I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry.   我对自己发那么大的火而深感惭愧。   2. He knew full well he"d be ashamed of himself later.   他很清楚地知道自己过后会无地自容。   3. I"m a lesbian and I"m not ashamed about it.   我是个女同性恋,但我并不为此感到羞耻。   4. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You"ve created this problem.   你们应该感到惭愧,都是你们惹的祸。   5. Women are often ashamed to admit they are being abused.   妇女对受到的侵犯常常羞于承认。   6. I was ashamed at my clumsiness and insensitivity.   我为自己的笨拙和麻木不仁感到羞愧。   7. I felt ashamed of myself.   我感到惭愧。   8. I"m ashamed of the babyish nonsense I write.   我对自己写出这么幼稚的东西感到羞愧。   9. I"d be ashamed to admit feeling jealous.   我不好意思承认自己的嫉妒之心。   10. She was deeply ashamed of her behaviour at the party.   她对自己在聚会上的行为深感羞愧。   11. Peter ought to be ashamed of himself.   彼得应为自己感到羞耻。   12. Of course he would be ashamed to borrow often.   当然,常常向人借钱他自己也会惭愧的.   13. You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.   你那样巴结董事,应该感到羞耻.   14. He is ashamed to show his face at the club.   他不好意思在俱乐部露脸.   15. I should be ashamed to show my face in public.   我不好意思抛头露面.


ashamed的意思是:惭愧、害羞。一、ashamed的用法通常只用作表语,可以用 very、much、very much、deeply、half、 quite等修饰。如:I am half ashamed to do so.这样做我有些不好意思。He was very [much、very much、deeply ashamed of what he said.他对他说的话深感惭愧。二、ashamed的搭配1、后接介词of。如:I am ashamed of him.我为他感到羞愧。Youreally ought to be ashamed of that.你实在应该对此感到惭愧。He is ashamed of his failure having failed.他对自己的失败感到羞惭。I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct.我必须承认我为我的行为感到羞耻。2、后接不定式。如:I am ashamed to say so.这样说我不好意思。I am quite ashamed to have to trouble you.真不好意思,我得要麻烦你。


  ashamed英 [u0259u02c8u0283eu026amd] 美 [u0259u02c8u0283emd]  adj.惭愧的,羞耻的,害臊的; 难为情;  [网络]感到羞耻,惭愧; 羞耻的; 羞愧的,感到难为情的;  [例句]The poor boy was ashamed of his ragged cloths.  这个穷孩子为我自己的破衣服感到难为情。  -------------------------------如有疑问,可继续追问,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢。


ashamed是惭愧的意思。ashamed是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“羞愧的,羞耻的;惭愧的,内疚的;尴尬的;因怕难堪而不愿意的;觉得丢脸的”。短语搭配:be ashamed惭愧felt ashamed感到羞愧 ; 感到难为情concubine ashamed娇羞双语例句:1、He isashamedfor his former dishonorable action.他对他以前不光彩的行为感到羞愧。2、He wasashamedthat he had lied.他很惭愧他说了谎。ashamed的用法:1、ashamed意思是“羞愧的,惭愧的”,表示的是人的一种心理体验,指为自己或别人有缺点(做错了事、说错了话、没有尽到责任等)而感到羞耻、惭愧不安或内疚,也可表示不好意思、难为情等。2、ashamed是以a-开头的形容词,在其前没有修饰语的情况下在句中一般不能用作定语,只能用作表语,偶尔也可用作宾语补足语。3、ashamed用作表语时,常与介词of〔at〕或for搭配。介词不同,含义用法也不尽相同。(be)4、ashamed的后面还可以接that从句。

Ja Rule&Ashanti的《Mesmerize》 歌词

歌曲名:Mesmerize歌手:Ja Rule&Ashanti专辑:exdousJa Rule - Mesmerizefeat. AshantiHaha yeahWhat up maYea I know, I knowIts all goodMurder inc Girl your stare those eyes I Love it when you look at me baby Your lips, your smile I Love it when you kiss me baby Your hips those thighs I Love it when you hug me baby And I cant deny I Love it when Im with you babyI got a fetish with fucking you with the skirt onOn a back street in the back seat of a YukonWhats taking so long?Im getting extra impatient waiting for youto tell a nigga to move onBetween me and you we can find a jetto fly in my private g2Im not trying to g you ma, Im trying to see youBend over you know how we do it, fleet to showsBring heat to the coldest night So ferociousNow you street promotin" the dick game is potentCause in the bed nigga go hard like sweat pouringloving the way you be moaning, gripping the sheets,Looking at me, Licking at meCause every woman just want to be happyIts crazy but baby I love it when Im with you baby Girl your stare those eyes I Love it when you look at me baby Your lips, your smile I Love it when you kiss me baby Your hips those thighs I Love it when you hug me baby And I cant deny I Love it when Im with you babyNow ima get awayCause you know like I knowAnd theres a better day comingAnd I hope you love itBelieve meAnd when you want my bodyI know you need meWait for me babyI been going half crazy for your loveAnd I been told that the sex is better then drugsYour the only piece of the puzzle been missingYou got a girl thatll ride, ride, rideSo take me tonight and do what you do to me baby Girl your stare those eyes I Love it when you look at me baby Your lips, your smile I Love it when you kiss me baby Your hips those thighs I Love it when you hug me baby And I cant deny I Love it when Im with you babyShorty Are you really getting bored with meAh hell Cause though I play a lot of gamesI play them to win But then again Im still youngand willing to love, love Your know you ride and Im the tigerpull up to your bumper get your number Baby I can only help but wonder life would be without my sweet baby and youre my baby Holler if you hear meOooooh oooh ooohYou can understand that my love is painAnd how I feel babe is a women pain Its a mans world but I understand But there still nothing differentboy lets go through the flame Be my down ass with your round ass I know Im feeling you Like you feeling me

thank you-ashanti中文歌词

I just wanna say that我只是想说I"m thanklul for having you in my life,我thanklul因为有你在我的生命,I wanna say thank you,我想说谢谢,I wanna say,我想说,I wanna thank you for being in my life,我要感谢你在我的生命中,I wanna say thank you.我想说谢谢。I miss you,我想念你,I wish you were here with me我希望你和我在一起saying thank you,说谢谢,and I love you for being in my life.我爱你在我的生命里。I don"t know我不知道I don"t know,我不知道,I don"t know what I would do我不知道我会做什么if I didn"t have you in my life,如果我没有你在我的生活,In my life,在我的生活中,I just wanna say thank you,我只是想说谢谢,I love you and I miss you,我爱你,我想念你,I just wanna say thank you,我只是想说谢谢,I love you and I miss you我爱你,我想念你


Artist: Ashanti Song: I Love You Album: Collectables By Ashanti i love you (x4)(chorus)i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me smile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (verse #1)nobody ever bring the joy you bring to me you make me feel the way you do and there aint nothing like your love that sometimes makes you stop and think like do i deserve such a love that can now move heaven and earth for my lovin i could never surround my life without the things that you provide ever since you came into my life and it feels like my whole world is happening i cant stress how much i"ve been blessed see what you came and done to me you make my life complete i know sometimes i might forget that even when i dont say it you know that i mean it i (chorus)i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me smile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (verse #2)see i dont minding wake up everyday and see your face and wanting to lay inside your arms cause there aint nothing like your touch it"s so good never seems like enough i didnt know that a love could grow and take over your soul dont advise much more only when you"re apart if feels like living life is hard your entire world just seems so dark then it lights up cuz you are my shining star and i dont know what i"d do without you see what you came and done to me you make my life complete i know sometimes i might forget but even when i dont say it you know that i mean it i (chorus)i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me smile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (bridge)when you love somebody you can share everything because you understand that you"ll be right there anytime, any place, anywhere when you love somebody you can be only me if they cry you"ll be right by their side to make everything alright (chorus)i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me smile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart i love you (x3)(chorus)i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me smile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart

Ashanti的《Show You》 歌词

歌曲名:Show You歌手:Ashanti专辑:Collectables By Ashanti江若琳 - Show You作曲:Edward Chan / Charles Lee填词:夏至编曲:Edward Chan / Randy Chow / Mica监制:Edward Chan / Charles LeeHey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火远看 人潮聚满四处在跳舞引起巨浪伴着我声音曲线像置身在浮床行前望向我 让我蒸发着你 每滴冷汗兴奋怎样对抗 来撩动你眼尾遇上了我的愿望就任你欣赏这片自信的目光越来越放 不要遮挡 挨近些对望Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love试试看穿我 引你赞赏我要爱上刺激 跳动别来懒惰Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火跳上 从萤幕看见我带我去跳出录像就让你高高升上让你心动磁场怀疑就缺氧 令气温也上涨 炽热发亮激素不断再上 眉来或眼去这动作每秒钟荡漾就让我率先给你耀眼的卖相尽情地唱 给你欣赏 高贵的叫嚷Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love试试看穿我 引你赞赏我要爱上刺激 跳动别来懒惰Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火留低 红黄蓝灯光闪烁布满了天际来环回摆出姿势让我彻底 倾出一切 超出美丽Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love试试看穿我 引你赞赏我要爱上刺激 跳动别来懒惰Hey baby show me show me your loveI will promise to show you show you all my love爱变化的我 有个性的我看意态发光 贴近我拍和闪出了花火

Ashanti的《Scared》 歌词

歌曲名:Scared歌手:Ashanti专辑:AshantiMa what"s going on We sitting here man Digging on each other I"m feeling the shit out of you You feeling the shit out of me What you scared don"t be scared It was around 11:30 when I realized I miss you, sitting at home all alone thinking what did I just do, feeling was strong coming on and I knew I wanted you, something inside me held me back, boy you got me scared of you. You got me afraid to let my love go. Is it my heart that I should follow. Got me afraid to let myself go. Got me scared of you. See,see what what it"s like it"s like we got to get over this hump ma until we get over this hump, it"s going to be fucked up! If I let go I don"t know if my heart will remain strong cause you the type that just might give right and get me strong I couldn"t be just a girl that your"re seeing once a month cause if it goes down better believe I"m gonna be your only one Should I let it go, Should I let it go no no no no Should I let it go, Should I let it go no no no no no noWhat"s the problem ma, I can see it in ya eyes you want me just how I want you, you still scared, you still scared it"s cool though, I"ll be scared too fuckin" with a nigga like me, I"ll be scared too, it"s aight though, I"m a wait on you, just holla back aight

Ashanti的《Good Good》 歌词

歌曲名:Good Good歌手:Ashanti专辑:Radioplay Pop Express 785PGood GoodAshantiThe Declarationuh uh when you hear it knockin" like thatya"ll know what this iswhen my man leave the housei know he"s coming right backi got that good goodno matter how much he might try to acthe know just where it"s ati got that good good (yup)i put it on him righti do it every nighti leave him sittin"mouth open like,"whoa!"so i don"t worry bout (uh)nobody takin my (okay)cause i know just the right thang to doi never had a problem with the onenever been worry about him ever cheating on mecause when i say i got that pop lock and drop itbelieve meif i"m with you it"s gonna kill youon the days you don"t see mesee the things i possess a lot of women don"t (don"t)and the things i"mma do for my most wont (won"t)i hear em talking bout it when i"m up on the saloncrying cause they man aint come homei try to tell emwhen my man leave the housei know he"s coming right backi got that good good (uh)no matter how much he might try to acthe know just where it"s ati got that good good (yup)i put it on him righti do it every nighti leave him sittin"mouth open like,"whoa!"so i don"t worry bout (haha)nobody takin mycause i know just right thang to doladies don"t believe half what you hearcause it"s all a waste of timeif you know you got that good good goodeverything will be just fineso let your man be the man when he in publiceven though behind the scenes yall be runninlet him run with his boyslet him play his little gameslet him drive his cadillacdon"t worry hell be backwhen my man leave the housei know he"s coming right backi got that good goodno matter how much he might try to acthe know just where it"s ati got that good good (yup)i put it on him righti do it every nighti leave him sittin"mouth open like,"whoa!"so i don"t worry bout nobody takin mycause i know just the right thang to doi got that good goodif you got that good goodand you know it ladies show em where it"s atright herewhere it"s at right hereif you got that good goodand you know it ladies show em where it"s atright herewhere it"s at right heresee i don"t know what them otha girls be doingthey be crying bout they man cause they always losingyou need that good goodgotta have that good goodso keep on good goodthey need that good goodwhen my man leave the housei know he"s coming right backi got that good goodno matter how much he might try to acthe know just where it"s ati got that good good (yup)i put it on him righti do it every nighti leave him sittin"mouth open like,"whoa!"so i don"t worry bout (uh)nobody takin my (okay)cause i know just the right thang to doi got that good goodwhen my man leave the housei know he"s coming right backi got that good goodno matter how much he might try to acthe know just where it"s ati got that good good (yup)i put it on him righti do it every nighti leave him sittin"mouth open like,"whoa!"so i don"t worry bout (uh)nobody takin my (okay)cause i know just the right thang to doi got that good good

Ashanti的《Love Again》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Again歌手:Ashanti专辑:Concrete RoseAshanti - Love AgainYeah YeahI got somebody..He just got me feelin" crazyI mean he really really did his thangI think I feel in love againYou came into my world and thought me thingsAnd I can"t lie cause boy you did your thingFeel like i"m floating when I hear your nameI think you made me fall in love againI ain"t know it could be done like this, yeahA simple touch could feel just like a kiss, yeahAnd when you put your hands in certain placesBoy I can"t help but make them silly facesCause what your doing to me it should be a sinIt feels so good that I could barely hold it inBoy you...You came into my world and thought me thingsAnd I can"t lie cause boy you did your thingFeel like i"m floating when I hear your nameI think you made me fall in love againI love to feel your heart beat next to mine, yeahIt always seems to heat me up inside, yeahIt"s crazy how we worked up such a sweat, yeahAnd I ain"t ever had it better since, yeahCause what your doing to me it should be a sinIt feels so good that I could barely hold it inBoy You...You came into my world and thought me thingsAnd I can"t lie cause boy you did your thingFeel like i"m floating when I hear your nameI think you made me fall in love againYou, Stay on my mind causeBoy, I just can"t find noOne, To do those things that you oohEver since you came into my lifeYou came into my world and thought me thingsAnd I can"t lie cause boy you did your thingFeel like i"m floating when I hear your nameI think you made me fall in love again

Ashanti的《So Hot》 歌词

歌曲名:So Hot歌手:Ashanti专辑:Concrete RoseAshanti - So Hotyou drive me crazyso I wanna take it to the topohh can you make it so hot so hotlet the fire burn babycuz I wanna get close tonightbaby wen you come insidedont forget to turn off the lightcome on over lemme make a little rooommeaning to hold you real real tightyou kissing on my shoulders over and over and overand everything is rite cuz baby only youyou drive me crazyso I wanna take it to the topohh can you make it so hot so hotnow let the water run babyyou can fill it up to the rimand when it bublles all overbaby lets get inand I cant help but lookin in your eyesand wanting to show you these things I likewith your hands inside mine and your lips against mineI almost wanna cry cuz baby only youyou drive me crazyso I wanna take it to the topohh can you make it so hot so hotsee nobody ever made me lose my mindand I"m so addicted to you babeI wanna say your namemake me say your namecuz your driving me crazyyou kno that you make me let go of wateva I"m scared ofwhen I am around you, only youyou drive me crazyso I wanna take it to the topohh can you make it so hot so hotI dont wanna stopbaby cuz your so hotdo it when its rightgive it to me all nightI just wanna loveeverything about yousent you from aboveand I"m glad I found youyou drive me crazyso I wanna take it to the topohh can you make it so hot so hot

Ashanti的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:Ashanti专辑:AshantiI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...

求和Ashanti的《The Way That I Love You 》风格相近的歌曲,或者她本人的好听的歌

Ashanti的Always on Time



Ashanti唱的 Where I Stand 中文歌词!


请高手将 ashanti - 《body on me》 歌词英文译成中文

body on methe way that you walkin, the way that you talkin你走路的样子,你说法的方式you"re the one i want to spend this night with你就是我想要共度今夜的人tryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morning试着到达那个G点,并且缠绵到天亮i can already tell you want it我真的能够向你开口要它了cause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to me因为你让我在颤动,给予我全部rubbin dat body on me不停地与我的身体摩擦着keep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to me让我不停的摇晃着,给我,全部hey boy嘿,男孩i think i just might wanna come see you tonight我想我今晚想要来这里与你相会and you can have your way boy并且你可以得到你想的i know its been a while since you made my body right我知道这是你让我感到High的瞬间now i"ve been waiting patiently现在我在耐心的等待anticipating you and me适合于你与我and it aint no question cuz boy i love you这是毫无疑问的,因为我爱你,男孩when you put that body on me当你"压"着我的时候 (do Bam chi ga bon-bon)hey how you doin mama嘿,你好吗?i need to know ur name我需要知道你的名字you givin me the eye eye你给我的是im givin you the same我同样给你it just hit me right now只要马上"撞击"我 (do Bam chi ga bon-bon)what we should do today这是我们今天所要做的go tell you friends bye bye去告诉你的朋友,再见and lets go hop a plane并且让我们见面its no mistaken the attractions ironic我们出乎意料的相互吸引是没错的i wanna make you someone more then just a a bon in my closet我想要让你成为我的私密中的某人i wanna win that type of relationship我想要得到更典型的关系where you wanna come hang when your man is trippin当你的男人不在之时你想要来这里逗留的地方you say your short this month and your late on your rent你说你这个月没空,并且推迟你....he took your car watchin me hold this他坐你的车里面抱着它同时也看着我hey hey you see oohhh嘿嘿.你看,you see lil mama outta control你看到唇蜜失去了控制(注lil mama是一个国年轻女饶舌歌手Lil" Mama的Lip Gloss ,Lip Gloss的意思就是我们所谓的唇蜜 MV中特殊的唇蜜可以让一个女生从普通女孩变成一个cool girl)。。让我想起另首:Sex(Im"A)

Ashanti的《Body On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Body On Me歌手:Ashanti专辑:The DeclarationAshanti Feat. Akon & Nelly - Body On Me (Ashanti Version)Made by Bo Yuan - Love YuanYuan forever3112410 1314 YYB For my baby YY: Hey baby, I know I"ve done something I shouldn"t have done in the past I know I"ve hurted you, I"m so sorry... But thank god we get a second chance to be together I will never let you go again, you are the one and only in my life Lov u~ BoSTARTThe way that you walkin the way that you talkinyou"re the one i want to spend this night withtryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morningi can already tell you want itcause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mekeep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on meVerse 1(Ashanti)Hey boyI think i just might wanna come see you tonightand you can have your way boyi know its been a while since you made my body rightnow i"ve been waiting patiently, anticipating you and meand it aint no question cuz boy i love youwhen you put that body on meThe way that you walkin, the way that you talkinyou"re the one i want to spend this night withtryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morningi can already tell you want itcause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mekeep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on meVerse 2(Nelly)Hey how you doin mamaI need to know ur nameYou givin me the eye eyeIm givin you the sameIt just hit me right nowWhat we should do todayGo tell you friends bye byeAnd lets go hop a planeIts no mistaken the attractions ironicI wanna make you someone more then just a a bon in my closetI wanna win that type of relationshipWhere you wanna come hang when your man is trippinYou say your short this month and your late on your rentHe took your car watchin me hold thisHey hey you see oohhhYou see lil mama outta controlThe way that you walkin, the way that you talkinyou"re the one i want to spend this night withtryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morningi can already tell you want itcause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mekeep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on meVerse 3(Nelly)Shorty movin closer and closerAnd slower and lower yeahI think she know she makin me hardGot every man in the club like oh my GodShe slicker then lody dodyShe work her body bodyWhen you done her at the partyMeet me down there in the lobbyAnd ill be waitin on yahAnd no debatin on yahI got a seat for yahWe can let the top back and ohhhhhhhWe don"t have to stop girl noooooooI got a lil something I wanna shoooooowwwBelieve me your strongLil mama please don"t make me wait too longThe way that you walkin, the way that you talkinyou"re the one i want to spend this night withtryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morningi can already tell you want itcause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mekeep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on meThe way that you walkin, the way that you talkinyou"re the one i want to spend this night withtryna get in them draws and bang it out til the morningi can already tell you want itcause you shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on mekeep on shakin it all for me, givin it all to merubbin dat body on me


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 请哪位好心人帮忙谢谢谢谢谢谢..... 解析: Artist: Ashanti Song: I Love You Album: Collectables By Ashanti i love you (x4) (chorus) i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me *** ile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (verse #1) nobody ever bring the joy you bring to me you make me feel the way you do and there aint nothing like your love that sometimes makes you stop and think like do i deserve such a love that can now move heaven and earth for my lovin i could never surround my life without the things that you provide ever since you came into my life and it feels like my whole world is happening i cant stress how much i"ve been blessed see what you came and done to me you make my life plete i know sometimes i might fet that even when i dont say it you know that i mean it i (chorus) i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me *** ile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (verse #2) see i dont minding wake up everyday and see your face and wanting to lay inside your arms cause there aint nothing like your touch it"s so good never seems like enough i didnt know that a love could grow and take over your soul dont advise much more only when you"re apart if feels like living life is hard your entire world just seems so dark then it lights up cuz you are my shining star and i dont know what i"d do without you see what you came and done to me you make my life plete i know sometimes i might fet but even when i dont say it you know that i mean it i (chorus) i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me *** ile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart (bridge) when you love somebody you can share everything because you understand that you"ll be right there anytime, any place, anywhere when you love somebody you can be only me if they cry you"ll be right by their side to make everything alright (chorus) i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me *** ile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart i love you (x3) (chorus) i love you cuz you mean everything to me and i i love you i thank you for just being in my life i love you i love the way you can always make me *** ile i love you and wherever i go you"re always in my heart

Ashanti的《Wonderful》 歌词

歌曲名:Wonderful歌手:Ashanti专辑:Concrete RoseAshanti - Wonderful (Remix) (Feat. Ja Rule & R. Kelly)If it wasn"t for the money, cars and movies stars and jewelsAnd all these things I gotI wonder, heyWould you still want me (Want you)Would you still be calling me (Still calling you)You be loving me? (I"ll be loving you)Wanna keep you flawed with no doughPimpin ain"t easyTrust me I knowWhen gangstas and hosGo go go go go go togetherLike chinchilla and bad weatherI"m good but been betterAll my bros, chedda and glamorous thingsCopped a few carsA crib with a east and west wingCuz this is how I"m livin and y"all women know the secretsOf how to get it and keep itHow to prey on my weaknessCuz I want the p-u-s-s-yGot a lotta niggaz wonderin it ain"t just iGotta keep ya cash comin and that"s on my lifeIf it wasn"t for the money and the things I gotShit, she probably wouldn"t like meBut I keep her and irv and jeffrey quite icySip seraphinWho doesn"t like meAnd the murderous I-n-cIf it wasn"t for the money, cars and movies stars and jewelsAnd all these things I gotI wonder, heyWould you still want me (Want you)Would you still be calling me (Still calling you)You be loving me? (I"ll be loving you)I wonder why love is about moneyAnd why wou wanna take it all from meHoneyMy life is dark but its lovelyCrimes cars cribs aint that right kelly?(Oh oh oh oh oh oh)Yall bitches don"t knowMoney aint a thangMami need a lil changeGirl im pitchin quartersClosest to the arches but live in a fortressNew benzes new porschesNew cases new lawyersim becoming the infamous notorious ruleNiggaz couldn"t walk a mile in my shoesNiggaz don"t possess the heart that I doAnd it"s a wonder that im still hereThought I was gone but im still hereAnd all you bitches that left me hereIts kinda funny how you right back thereIf it wasn"t for the money, cars and movies stars and jewelsAnd all these things I gotI wonder, heyWould you still want me (Want you)Would you still be calling me (Still calling you)You be loving me? (I"ll be loving you)mmmmmmmm yeaahhhh ooohhh yeaahhhh ooohhhhhnow how many nights does it taketo make you believe my love through all this yearsdone have ur kids how could u wonder yeaaahhsee i was with you through the rain and the thunderan all the crying and the pain who u frontanow tell me baby do you still wonder yeahhcuz" im dat chick frum I- N -Cstraight to the top yall all gon seeall my ladies say ooohhhhhhhhhhis no wonder why (were still here)and all this hatin (and were still here)u didnt think (that will be here)aint no mistake this is our yearrIf it wasn"t for the money, cars and movies stars and jewelsAnd all these things I gotI wonder, heyWould you still want me (Want you)Would you still be calling me (Still calling you)You be loving me? (I"ll be loving you)ooh oh oooohhhhhhhhhh




今年30岁的拉沙德·埃文斯(Ras卜ad Evans)在州MA领域的事业起步并不早,但仅仅奋斗了5年他就获得了包括GC轻重量级冠军、丁UF格斗真人秀冠军、2008年M州A年度选手以及UFC轻重量级冠军腰带等太多的荣誉。他就如同自己的绰号“蜜糖”那样人见人爱,他是一个没有排闻的格斗明星,一个慈爱的父亲,一个好丈夫。在他身上有三种特质:领导力、团队合作能力以及真挚的友情,而这三种特性也造就了他的三个身份—胜利者、冠军以及一个伟大的运动员。克这么评价大学时代的埃文斯:‘,我刚认识埃文斯的时候,他给我最深的印象是在没有家庭长辈的指导和建议下,他还是能把自己的生活安排的井井有条,作为一个他那种年纪的孩子做到这些要比我们想的难得多。一旦你了解了他,你就会发现他是个有着极高天赋的选手,他非常强壮,适应性很强,而且十分聪明。”很快在汤姆的悉心栽培下,埃文斯在摔跤领域快速成长,他在3年内获得了48场胜利,他战胜的对手中甚至包括本级别3届冠军格雷格·琼斯,要知道至今为止只有4个人战胜过琼斯,埃文斯就是其中之一。



Skin deep-Natasha Thomas[娜塔莎 托马斯]中文歌词翻译

You"re telling me that I"m your queen 你告诉我,在你心中,我是女王That nothing matches me.没有什么东西能配得上我You"re making me feel like a dream 你让我犹如置身梦中The way you flatter me你对我的奉承Are you just another fake 只是假装Or something special?还是我对你是特别的?(Yeah, yeah, yeah) (Yeah, yeah, yeah)You"re telling me that I"m too cool 你说我很有自己的风格You say I"m beautiful你说我很漂亮I gotta tell you I"m no fool 我只想说我不是笨蛋I"m kinda cynical我有些愤世嫉俗Boy have you got what it takes你见识过什么叫做Something special 特别的吗?(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些了解Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式You sit me on the top of your world 你说我太高贵让你必须仰望Can"t take your eyes of me无法移开你的视线You say that I"m your candy girl 你说我是你的甜心Well that"s oh so sweet真是很好听的甜言蜜语Boy have you got what it takes你见识过什么叫做Something special 特别的吗?(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些了解Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Down, down, take it to the bone深入一些Get to the beauty within了解美女的内心世界Down, down take it to the bone深入一些Got to discover me发现我的可爱之处Down, down take it to the bone深入一些Open your mind and come in全心全意Down, down, take it to the bone深入一些Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式Don"t think this beauty"s Skin Deep不要以为站在你面前的这位美女这么肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)I need more than you"re giving me我要的东西你根本没有满足我Skin Deep肤浅(Yeah, yeah, yeah)Get down to the bone深入一些Heart and soul, I"ve got to have it all我需要全心全意地被对待It"s got to be special (special)必须是与众不同的方式好多重复的,害我打字好累,自己翻译的,希望你可以满意:)
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