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凤凰城 英语书上有

Gabriella Cilmi的《Messy》 歌词

歌曲名:Messy歌手:Gabriella Cilmi专辑:Lessons To Be LearnedGabriella Cilmi - MessySo I Thought I"d Get A Little MessyOne Day Before It Gets Too HeavySo I Thought I"d Get A Little MessyOne Day Before It Gets Too HeavySee, Ya Make My Folks GrumpyThe Sweetest Thing, Ya Make My Socks Go DingMe, I Like The Road BumpyThe Sweetest Thing, You Make My Hips Go SwingOh I Do Do, Love It Baby, My Hearts LoudYeah, I"m Too, Too, Bloody Lazy To Start NowSo I Thought I"d Get A Little MessyOne Day Before It Gets Too HeavySo I Thought I"d Get A Little MessyOne Day Before It Gets Too Heavy1, 2, 3 You Know You Gotta Stick With MeOh And 4, 5, 6 You Know You Gotta Get Your KicksAnd 1, 2, 3 You Know You Gotta Stick With MeYeah 4, 5, 6 You Know You Gotta Get Your KicksOh I Do Do, Love It Baby, My Hearts LoudOh, I"m Too, Too, Bloody Lazy To Start NowSo I Thought I"d Get A Little MessyOne Day Before It Gets To HeavySo I Thought I"d Get A Little MessySo I"ll Let Loose And Get Things HeavyFreeze ,Drop To Your KneesYou Gotta Roll, Take ControlFreeze, Drop To You KneesYou Gotta Roll, Take Control





完成下列物质的合成: (1)通过Gabriel合成法,以异丁烯为起始原料合成亮氨酸?




interface gigabitethernet 2/3中的端口号是什么意思


交换机命令什么意思 interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 ip address # interface

这是交换机的当前端口状态啊,你这是show running-config 显示的?

h3c 7506交换机中interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1是什么意思?


华为路由器interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1下配置了多个子接口,用什么命令能查看所有子接口的信息?

display interface | inc 0/0/1.display interface br | inc 0/0/1.display cur | inc 0/0/1.这几个都包含了。

交换机命令interface gigabitethernet 0 0 1 的作用是( ),该接口是( )

【答案】:B交换机命令interface gigabitethermet 0/0/1可简单分为三个部分,interface 的含义指进入某个接口配置界面,gigabitethermet 含义指该接口是千兆以太网接口,0/0/1 含义指具体的接口编号。



interface GigabitEthernet是什么意思?

应该是 千兆以太网接口,一般用于接光纤或者1000M网线

interface Ethernet0/0/0 和interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0这两个命令各指的是交换机的那个端口。

interface Ethernet0/0/0 指的是以太网端口0下面的子端口0interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0 指千兆以太网接口 1/0/0表示机器号/槽位号/子接口号

交换机vlan信息求解释,Untagged Ports:GigabitEthernet1/0/13 是不是表示交换机13号端口在vlan11中?

可以这麼认为。 1、所谓的Untagged Port和tagged Port不是讲述物理端口的状态,而是讲诉物理端口所拥有的某一个VID的状态,所以一个物理端口可以在某一个VID上是Untagged Port,在另一个VID上是tagged Port; 2、一个物理端口只能拥有一个PVID,当一个物理端口拥有了一个PVID的时候,必定会拥有和PVID的TAG等同的VID,而且在这个VID上,这个物理端口必定是Untagged Port; 3、PVID的作用只是在交换机从外部接受到Untagged 数据帧的时候给数据帧添加TAG标记用的,在交换机内部转发数据的时候PVID不起任何作用; 4、拥有和TAG标记一致的VID的物理端口,不论是否在这个VID上是Untagged Port或者tagged Port,都可以接受来自交换机内部的标记了这个TAG标记的tagged 数据帧; 5、拥有和TAG标记一致的VID的物理端口,只有在这个VID上是tagged Port,才可以接受来自交换机外部的标记了这个TAG标记的tagged 数据帧;


ethernet 是 10M的接口,fastethernet 是100M以上的接口,不过现在的设备都4102是向下兼容的。也就是说,1653如果两个设备相连,一个是10M另一个是100M的接口话,那它们用的是10M的传输率。consol口是配置口,通过超级终端进行初始配置;aux口是辅助口,通过远程拨号连接让远方的电脑进入路由器设置;ether口是局域网口,连接局域网交换机,是作为局域网网关的,对于cico1711,外网口是接到S0口的。扩展资料:可进行网络管理的以太网交换机上一般都有一个“Console”端口,它是专门用于对交换机进行配置和管理的。通过Console端口连接并配置交换机,是配置和管理交换机必须经过的步骤。因为其他方式的配置往往需要借助于IP地址、域名或设备名称才可以实现,而新购买的交换机显然不可能内置有这些参数,所以Console端口是最常用、最基本的交换机管理和配置端口。与以太网交换机不同的Console端口相对应,Console线也分为两种:一种是串行线,即两端均为串行接口(两端均为母头),两端可以分别插入至计算机的串口和交换机的Console端口;另一种是两端均为RJ-45接头(RJ-45toRJ-45)的扁平线。参考资料来源:百度百科-以太网接口

华为路由器“interface GigabitEthernet1/0/46”是什么意思?

进入千兆46端口 注解 上联另一个交换的百兆 1口端口类型 直连终端46口加入vlan 11端口46上 接收 发送 的的所有报文将被镜像到端口 1/0/1上




你这个是什么交换机? cisco的 我就会


吉比特以太网口3/0/3gigait ethernet 3/0/3吉比特(千兆) 以太网接口 机器号/槽位号/接口号

h3c 7506交换机中interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1是什么意思?那三个1分别表示什么意思?




pcie gigabitethernet

8168是千兆网卡 8139是百兆网卡




ethernet 是 10M的接口,fastethernet 是100M以上的接口,不过现在的设备都4102是向下兼容的。也就是说,1653如果两个设备相连,一个是10M另一个是100M的接口话,那它们用的是10M的传输率。consol口是配置口,通过超级终端进行初始配置;aux口是辅助口,通过远程拨号连接让远方的电脑进入路由器设置;ether口是局域网口,连接局域网交换机,是作为局域网网关的,对于cico1711,外网口是接到S0口的。扩展资料:可进行网络管理的以太网交换机上一般都有一个“Console”端口,它是专门用于对交换机进行配置和管理的。通过Console端口连接并配置交换机,是配置和管理交换机必须经过的步骤。因为其他方式的配置往往需要借助于IP地址、域名或设备名称才可以实现,而新购买的交换机显然不可能内置有这些参数,所以Console端口是最常用、最基本的交换机管理和配置端口。与以太网交换机不同的Console端口相对应,Console线也分为两种:一种是串行线,即两端均为串行接口(两端均为母头),两端可以分别插入至计算机的串口和交换机的Console端口;另一种是两端均为RJ-45接头(RJ-45toRJ-45)的扁平线。参考资料来源:百度百科-以太网接口




fastEhernet 快速以太网快速以太网可以满足日益增长的网络数据流量速度需求。100Mbps快速以太网标准分为:100BASE-TX 、100BASE-FX、100BASE-T4三个子类。快速以太网技术可以有效的保障用户在布线基础实施上的投资,它支持3、4、5类双绞线以及光纤的连接,能有效的利用现有的设施。 GigabitEthernet 千兆以太网千兆以太网是建立在以太网标准基础之上的技术。千兆以太网和大量使用的以太网与快速以太网完全兼容,并利用了原以太网标准所规定的全部技术规范,其中包括CSMA/CD协议、以太网帧、全双工、流量控制以及IEEE 802.3标准中所定义的管理对象。作为以太网的一个组成部分,千兆以太网也支持流量管理技术,它保证在以太网上的服务质量,这些技术包括IEEE 802.1P第二层优先级、第三层优先级的QoS编码位、特别服务和资源预留协议(RSVP)。

交换机的interface ethernet 0/0/1 或0/0/3或者GigabitEthernet 0/0/1怎么对应到物理上的具体是哪个端口

你好!1.只知道IP是不能确定哪个物理端口的,只能知道在哪个VLAN而已(原因一个VLAN对应一个网段),但是如果知道MAC地址即可知道哪个端口。如果交换机是三层交换机也可以查看MAC对应IP,然后在使用display mac-address XXXX-XXXX-XXXX即可知道接口是哪个了在PC上的命令行窗口使用ipconfig /all即可知道MAC地址。假设某台机器的MAC地址为1111.1111.1111那么在设备上使用display mac-addresss 1111-1111-1111 即可查出来对应哪个端口,如果没有说明这个MAC地址不在这个设备学习到。2.知道端口了,那么就可以进入端口了,例如1111-1111-1111在Ethernet0/0/1就那么输入interface ethernet0/0/1了。如果想知道某个接口对应哪个MAC地址,使用display mac-address interface 接口编号例如:display mac-address interface ethernet0/0/1如果想知道本设备所有学到的MAC地址,那么使用display mac-address 或者display mac-address table希望你能成功!

H3C路由 interface gigabitethernet 2/0/1.1什么意思?



以太网接口基本配置 1. 接口双工和速率简介 设置以太网接口的双工模式时存在以下几种情况: · 当希望接口在发送数据包的同时可以接收数据包,可以将接口设置为全双工(full)属性; · 当希望接口同一时刻只能发送数据包或接收数据包时,可以将接口设置为半双工(half)属性; · 当设置接口为自协商(auto)状态时,接口的双工状态由本接口和对端接口自动协商而定。 设置以太网接口的速率时,当设置接口速率为自协商(auto)状态时,接口的速率由本接口和对端接口双方自动协商而定。 2. 配置限制和指导 shutdown、port up-mode和loopback命令互斥,后配置的失败。 3. 配置步骤 (1) 进入系统视图。 system-view (2) 进入以太网接口视图。 interface interface-type interface-number (3) 设置当前接口的描述信息。 description text 缺省情况下,接口的描述信息为“接口名 Interface”,例如:Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1 Interface。 (4) 设置以太网接口的双工模式。 duplex { auto | full | half } 缺省情况下,以太网接口的双工模式为auto(自协商)状态。 光口不支持配置half参数。 (5) 设置以太网接口的速率。 speed { 10 | 100 | 1000 | 2000 | 2500 | 5000 | 10000 | 20000 | 25000 | 40000 | 100000 | auto } 缺省情况下,以太网接口的速率为auto(自协商)状态。 (6) 配置接口的期望带宽。 bandwidth bandwidth-value 缺省情况下,接口的期望带宽=接口的波特率÷1000(kbps)。 期望带宽供业务模块使用,不会对接口实际带宽造成影响。 (7) 打开以太网接口。 undo shutdown 缺省情况下,以太网接口处于开启状态

H3C 交换机interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/3 里面的1/0/3是啥意思

g1/0/3 表示的就是第1板卡的0槽位3端口:1表示第一个板卡槽位,一般1U设备都是1.如果是模块化设备就是机框上的板卡槽位数;0表示在这个板卡上的0槽位;3表示这个槽位上的端口;交换机意为开关是一种用于电(光)信号转发的网络设备。它可以为接入交换机的任意两个网络节点提供独享的电信号通路。在计算机网络系统中,交换概念的提出改进了共享工作模式。而HUB集线器就是一种物理层共享设备,HUB本身不能识别MAC 地址和IP地址。扩展资料:x/y/z表示:第x台设备、第y板卡、第z端口,其中z是可以在同设备、同板卡上重复出现的,但分别对应Fastethernet(百兆端口)和Gigabitethernet(千兆端口)。[H3C-radius-system]retry 10 设置RADIUS服务器最大响应重试次数为10,1-20次,默认为5次。[H3C]display radius 显示radius方案信息。参考资料来源:百度百-H3C交换机

Cisco 路由器gigabitethernet口可以用网线直连


Sugababes的《Shape》 歌词

歌曲名:Shape歌手:Sugababes专辑:Overloaded: The Remix CollectionI live my life in chains got my hands in chainsAnd I can"t stick with the cardsThat I got with a deal like this I must insistThat a girl"s got more to doThen be the way you think a woman shouldI"m taking is into my own handsIn this mans land I can understandWhy I"m taking commandHad enough of stuff and now it"s time to think about meAnd you can easily gamble your life awaySecond after second and day by dayYou play the game or you walk awayIt"s a new turn on a blue dayAnd a cool deal of life for me and it"s all goodI know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know the the clubs are ewapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartI"ve always played it safe nothing"s ever safeGive me the courage to bace my own convictionsEvery decision I make I pay it back and moreNow turn the cards and let them fall to meI don"t need to play on with the handThat they have giveing meI"ll give it back "coz it"s not the way it has to beAnd you can easily gamble your life awaySecond after second and day by dayYou play the game or you walk awayIt"s a new turn on a blue dayAnd a cool deal of life for me and it"s all goodI know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know the the clubs are ewapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartThat"s not the shapeshapethe shape of my heartmy heartThat"s not the shape of my heartAnd you can easily gamble your life awaySecond after second and day by dayYou play the game or you walk awayIt"s a new turn on a blue dayAnd you can easily gamble your life awaySecond after second and day by dayYou play the game or you walk awayIt"s a new turn on a blue dayAnd a cool deal of life for me and it"s all goodI know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know the the clubs are ewapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartthat"s not the shape of my heartthat"s not the shapeshape of my heart




Switch1# configure terminalEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.Switch1(config)# switch virtual domain 1Switch1(config-vs-domain)# switch 1Switch1(config-vs-domain)# switch 1 priority 200 ------>默认优先级为100,配置为较高的优先级,VSU建立成功后将会成为管理主机。Switch1(config-vs-domain)# exitSwitch1(config)# vsl-aggregateport 1 ------>VSL链路至少需要2条,一条链路可靠性较低,当出现链路震荡时,VSU会非常不稳定。Switch1(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/1 ------>配置VSL链路,VSU主备核心之间的心跳链路和流量通道Switch1(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/2Switch1(config-vsl-ap-1)# exit核心交换机2:Switch2# configure terminalEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.Switch2(config)# switch virtual domain 1 ------>domaind id 必须和第一台一致Switch2(config-vs-domain)# switch 2 ------>第二台设备必须更改ID为2Switch2(config-vs-domain)# switch 2 priority 150Switch2(config-vs-domain)# exitSwitch2(config)# vsl-aggregateport 1 ------>VSL链路至少需要2条,一条链路可靠性较低,当出现链路震荡时,VSU会非常不稳定。Switch2(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEtherne 1/1 ------>配置VSL链路,VSU主备核心之间的心跳链路和流量通道Switch2(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/2Switch2(config-vsl-ap-1)# exit

Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controlle网卡不能上网

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vagrant 流浪汉,漂泊者,无赖wanderer 流浪者tramp 流浪汉,淫妇vagabond 流浪汉,无业游民

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 peggable packaging 翻译结果:peggable包装,peggable单个词属于印尼爪哇语  猜测您可能要查找:pluggable packaging 可插拔的包装


《Anne of Green Gables》(L. M. Montgomery)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:q7kt书名:Anne of Green Gables作者:L. M. Montgomery豆瓣评分:8.9出版社:Wordsworth Editions Ltd出版年份:1999-12-05页数:528内容简介:Book DescriptionThe highest standards in editing and production have been applied to the Wordsworth Children"s Classics, while the low price makes them affordable for everyone. Wordsworth"s list covers a range of the best-loved stories for children, from nursery tales, classic fables, and fairy tales to stories that will appeal to older children and adults alike. Many of these volumes have contemporary illustrations, and while they are ideal for shared family reading, their attractive format will also encourage children to read for themselves. Like all Wordsworth Editions, these children"s books represent unbeatable value.When the Cuthberts send to the orphanage for a boy to help them at their farm Green Gables, they are astonished when a talkative little girl steps off the train. Anne, an incurable romantic causes chaos at Green Gables and at the village, but her good nature endears her to the residents.Amazon.comWhen Marilla Cuthbert"s brother, Matthew, returns home to Green Gables with a chatty redheaded orphan girl, Marilla exclaims, "But we asked for a boy. We have no use for a girl." It"s not long, though, before the Cuthberts can"t imagine how they could ever do without young Anne of Green Gables--but not for the original reasons they sought an orphan. Somewhere between the time Anne "confesses" to losing Marilla"s amethyst pin (which she never took) in hopes of being allowed to go to a picnic, and when Anne accidentally dyes her hated carrot-red hair green, Marilla says to Matthew, "One thing"s for certain, no house that Anne"s in will ever be dull." And no book that she"s in will be, either. This adapted version of the classic, Anne of Green Gables, introduces younger readers to the irrepressible heroine of L.M. Montgomery"s many stories. Adapter M.C. Helldorfer includes only a few of Anne"s mirthful and poignant adventures, yet manages to capture the freshness of one of children"s literature"s spunkiest, most beloved characters. There"s just enough to make beginning readers want more--luckily, there"s a lot more in the originals! Illustrator Ellen Beier creates vibrant pictures to portray the beauty of the land around Green Gables and the spirited nature of Anne herself. (Ages 5 to 8)--Emilie CoulterFrom Library JournalThis version of Mongomery"s classic is illustrated with 14 beautiful color prints by artist Gabriella Dellosso. Though many cheaper editions are available, this is really quite nice for the price.From School Library JournalGrade 5-8-The nostalgic charm of Avonlea comes alive in Lucy Maud Montgomery"s heart-warming tale set on the quaint island of Prince William about an aging brother and sister, Mathew and Marilla Cuthbert, and their decision to adopt a young boy to help with chores around their farm. However, as the result of a misunderstanding the boy turns out to be a feisty, independent, and wildly imaginative redheaded girl named Anne. Marilla"s first reaction to this news is, "What use is she to us?" Wherein Mathew replies, "We might be of some use to her." Throughout this moving story these two statements mix and meld together so richly and completely that they become one truth. Three lives are changed so dramatically that none can imagine life without the others. Each new day brings a new set of adventures, often hilarious and always uplifting. Anne"s vivid and overactive imagination is the cause of many mishaps, but her saving grace is her heart of gold. Her best friend and "kindred spirit," Diana, and her handsome admirer, Gilbert Blythe, often find themselves unintentional victims of Anne"s escapades. Narrator Shelly Frasier"s pleasant voice is especially enjoyable during the rapid ramblings of Anne and as the soft-spoken, slow-paced Mathew. Her voice reflects the human qualities of each character, switching seamlessly between broken and despaired, curt and crisp, or dreamy and absent-minded. This perennial classic, divided into convenient three minute tracks and containing a short biography of the author, is a must have for expanding audiobook collections.Cheryl Preisendorfer, Twinsburg High School, OHFrom AudioFile[Editor"s Note: The following is a combined review with THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER.]--Imagination is key to both these classics. Young Anne ("Anne with an e"), adopted into a Prince Edward Island household, uses her imagination and determined spirit to fill her world with hopes and aspirations. And the "dreamings and readings" of the pauper Tom Canty set off the cascade of mistaken identities that comprise Twain"s famous tale. The St. Charles Players offer amusing adaptations of these stories with accessible, appealing performances. Here is family listening to entertain different ages and interests. The casts are a bit uneven, but each has some outstanding roles. These are not sophisticated productions, but the spirit of these classics is undaunted--like Anne of Green Gables herself. R.F.W.About AuthorL. M. Montgomery, a Canadian national treasure, grew up on Prince Edward Island, where her stories are set. Her Anne of Green Gables novels are popular worldwide.Book Dimension :length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6点击链接进入中文版:清秀佳人作者简介:露西·莫德·蒙哥玛利出生在加拿大最美丽的爱德华王子岛,从小与外祖父母一起生活在一所老式的四周都是苹果园的农舍里,美好的田无生活培养了她对大自然的终生热爱。露西九岁开始写诗,十六岁开始投稿,三十七岁结婚,嫁给一位牧师。在忙碌操劳的漫长岁月里,她每天都挤出几个小时坚持阅读与写作,成果累累。她的女孩成长小说系列在英语国家畅销近一个世纪而不衰,被译成数十种文字,被多次改编成电影、电视剧,又搬上舞台,改编成音乐喜剧。 艾米莉系列小说以迷人的艺术魅力展现了异国异地一个女孩丰满的成长过程。艾米莉坚持自己爱美的天性和纯真的情怀,通过自己的良好行为,成为人们心目中有着阳光般美好性格和浪漫情怀的梦女孩。







tom is takingabout his

Tom is talking to his parents about his lessons. 选B

Gabrielle的《Dreams》 歌词

歌曲名:Dreams歌手:Gabrielle专辑:Lost & Found: 1990"S Pop Volume 6I have a life time full of hopes and dreamsI thought I seek true love but it"s never what it seemI"ve been broken but I know how to surviveSome how I always keep my dreams aliveBut I wasn"t prepare for the feeling that I would findThe first time that I held youFor the fuzz that came to mindThe love that I"ve been waiting for all those yearsWas holding on to me and ceasing all my fearsEvery part that I ever prayedHas been answer in a heart beatMy spirit want to sing every time we meetNow my only fear is that it"s true Could you true?Every dreams that I ever dreamedIs coming true in youI have a life time full of hopes and dreamsI thought I seek true love but it"s never what it seemI"ve been broken but I know how to surviveSome how I always keep my dreams aliveBut I wasn"t prepare for the feeling that I would findThe first time that I held youFor the fuzz that came to mindThe love that I"ve been waiting for all those yearsWas holding on to me and ceasing all my fearsEvery part that I ever prayedHas been answer in a heart beatMy spirit want to sing every time we meetNow my only fear is that it"s true Could you true?Every dreams that I ever dreamedIs coming true in youSome sort of connectionwhat a wonderful surpriseChange my life direction with the look in your eyesYou always a part of meI just didn"t knowNow I"ve finally found and I will never let you goEvery part that I ever prayedHas been answer in a heart beatMy spirit want to sing every time we meetNow my only fear is that it"s true Could you true?Every dreams that I ever dreamedIs coming true in youIt"s all coming true in you...

jogabilidade中文 翻译


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求Peter Gabriel 歌词翻译

Father, son 父与子Locked as one 如一体In this empty room 在这个空空的房间里Spine against spine 脊梁靠着脊梁Yours against mine 你的靠着我的Till the warmth comes through 直到暖流穿过Remember the breakwaters down by the waves 还记得那被浪摧垮的防波堤I first found my courage 那是我第一次意识到自己的勇气Knowing daddy could save 因为相信父亲能够力挽狂澜I could hold back the tide 我能够遏制住浪潮的袭击With my dad by my side 因为有父亲与我在一起Dogs, plows and bows 狗,犁和弓We move through each pose 我们以各种姿势前行Struggling in our separate ways 用各自的方式拼命Mantras and hymns 唱着圣歌和赞美诗Unfolding limbs 展开四肢Looking for release through the pain 苦中求乐And the yogi"s eyes are open 瑜伽熊的眼睛也睁开着Looking up above 向上看He too is dreaming of his daddy"s love 他也梦见了父亲的爱With his dad by his side 和父亲在一块Got his dad by his side 与父亲在一起Can you recall 你是否还能回想起How you took me to school 你把我送去学校We couldn"t talk much at all 我们实在无法交谈It"s been so many years 这么多年了And now these tears 现在这些眼泪Guess I"m still your child 告诉我我还是你的孩子Out on the moors 在荒野上We take a pause 我们停顿了一下See how far we have come 看看我们走了多远You"re moving quite slow 你走的有些慢How far can we go 我们能走多远Father and son 父与子With my dad by my side 与父亲在一起With my dad by my side 与父亲在一起Got my dad by my side 让父亲在我身边With me与我同在

Sugababes的《Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue歌手:Sugababes专辑:Angels With Dirty FacesI guess I saw through youI"ve seen your colours blueTryin" to join me when I"m on topObserving what I doBut then you weren"t aroundI was down and in the groundDo you remember shut your mouthDon"t wanna hear your soundDon"t you try itI"m not so forgetfulYour colours are rather dullIt"s never gona beThat picture that you wantOf being seenBlueThat"s all you doPlay with people"s mindsTwo facedI wasn"t blindI wasn"t so blueBlueYou are a fool because you lost meI thought that we were coolBlue and that is deepI can"t be askedBlue and that is you and that"s too longBlueDon"t you see your colours wrongYou"ve been there far too longI see it going onYou"ve been fakingTrying to be my friendWhen all along you were out thereTrying to set a trendI"ve, I"ve only got one word for youAnd every word is trueThe colour that suits you is blueYou are sleazy and two facedI can"t believe I missedWhat you were all aboutTrying to use me but your game ran outYou can"t take advantage of meMy eyes are open nowTrying to use me to get into my crowdYou"re all about the hypeWhen you see me on TVTwo weeks later talking my nameYou"re the one to blameThen you try and dress likemeTalk like meAre you crazy?Why are you trying to claimFor you I"ve only got one nameBlueThat"s all you doPlay with people"s mindsTwo facedI wasn"t blindI wasn"t so blueBlueYou are a fool because you lost meI thought that we were coolBlue and that is deepI can"t be askedBlue and that is you and that"s too longBlueDon"t you see your colours wrongYou"ve been there far too longI see it going onYou"ve been fakingTrying to be my friendWhen all along you were out thereTrying to set a trendI"ve, I"ve only got one word for youAnd every word is trueThe colour that suits you is blueYou think you"re too heavyTrying mess don"t fk with meCan"t you see that your games run outIn the beginning all you did was doubtDidn"t know that I"d catch your gameCouldn"t fit in my crew anywayNow if you don"t knowI"m agive you a clueYou"re lameYou"re brokeLet the fellas take a strokeOf the skit that you areUse the fellas for the carsUse me for my braAnd she thought you would scarHell no, I"m selling recordsGot no time for the hatersGot them shook up with my lyricsWhen I"m fluffin" with my digitsWanna hate meWanna be meGot me vexedGot me so angryCos I"m doing my dreamDon"t screw so blueBlue and that is deepI can"t be askedBlue and that is you and that"s too longBlueDon"t you see your colours wrongYou"ve been there far too longI see it going onYou"ve been fakingTrying to be my friendWhen all along you were out thereTrying to set a trendI"ve, I"ve only got one word for youAnd every word is trueThe colour that suits you is blue

Gabrielle (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Gabrielle (Album Version)歌手:Cradle Of Filth专辑:NymphetamineGabrielleCradle Of FilthFoul snake despairWhere once you darkened gardensAnother coils thereWhere twice you sliced all hope from meAnd left these present scarsAn insane love now burns aboveThe weft of incandescent starsHilt your dripping fangs that rangeSkywards to rend apartI might have sang of wings unchainedBut long before I locked my heartFor GabrielleA fit and perfect stitch of foreign partsWhose beauty fostered poetsWhose laugh like silver beltsThawed your bitter winter from my pathGabrielleFoul snake despairWhere once you peddled secretsAnother spoils thereWith speech that sweetens drowningIn deep lagoons of eyesAnd legs that begged apologiesFor lengths that mesmerisedSpare your hissing sentimentsFor her fee welts more than thineThough no malice she weansJust a palace of dreamsWhere windswept chambers pineFor GabrielleWhose hair-spun onyx is run with goldHer rouge lips smack of dark bloodHer name in whisper rollsForever on my tongueLest her memory dissolveGabrielleOh, GabrielleOnce crucifiedI would have diedA thousand more timesJust to feel her breathOn my neck as a fervent loverTo drown her sighsIn floods of tears so well refinedAnd blind from spying herIn the arms of othersGabrielleGabrielleBuried insideWhere she"s all but mineSave for those that dineOh her, on her perfect carcassGabrielleGabrielleFoul snake despairWhere once you wreaked my miseryAnother toils thereFor long lost GabrielleWhose nightly spreading grinPersists in other facesBy whom I"m slowly taken in

Vengaboys 中黑美人,子弹暴力女的资料,越详细越好

Vengaboys 中黑美人 Vengaboys 中黑美人 Vengaboys 中黑美人 Vengaboys 中黑美人 Vengaboys 中黑美人 Vengaboys 中黑美人 Vengaboys 中黑美人

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  不能。  因为这款网卡不是无线网卡。  你可以购买一个USB接口的无线上网卡,直接接受无心网络信号。或者去移动、联通、电信开通无线上网业务。  不过不赞成台式机无线上网,原因有三:第一,上网速度慢;第二,上网费用高;第三,台式机移动不便,缺少了移动的乐趣。

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Marvell Yukon 88E8055 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller是无线网卡么

对不起 这是一块Marvell Yukon系列千兆以太网卡,并不是无线网卡!【希望我的回答对你有帮助】

Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controlle



背景音乐是:1、Martin Garrix/Dua Lipa/Gigamesh-Scared To Be Lonely(Gigamesh Remix) 2、Martin Garrix/Troye Sivan-There For You 3、Martin Garrix/Bebe Rexha-In The Name Of Love 4、Martin Garrix/Matisse&Sadko-Together 5、Martin Garrix / Brooks-Byte



dolce gabbana腮红怎么样?DG杜嘉班纳腮红评测

给大家安利一下杜嘉班纳的彩妆,虽然这个牌子出名是因为它们家的服饰非常潮流,但是不得不说,它们家的彩妆质量让人感到很意外,设计师可能是一个全才!这一次给大家介绍它们家比较出名的腮红 dolce gabbana腮红怎么样 分享一块杜嘉班纳的大金砖,d&g和burberry一样,彩妆线都做的不错,但是推的人不多。这款腮红买了有一段时间了,上面的logo已经被我刷没了。包装自然美的没得说,blingbling的大金砖,还有附赠一个绒布套,但是我每次都嫌麻烦,后来直接扔了,这种包装缺点就是会集指纹,而且很容易出划痕,我的腮红已经伤痕累累啦。粉质超级细腻,是我目前用过的腮红中粉质最好的,粉压的较实,完全不飞粉,简直无可挑剔,附赠的刷子质量很好,用起来完全不扎,很好晕染。我这块色号是20# peach,珊瑚粉又有点豆沙色,自然提气色,很温柔啦,属于不会出错的颜色,不知道用哪块腮红就用它就行,显色度比较好,下手不要太重~DG杜嘉班纳腮红多少钱 价格47美元很多美妆博主推荐它家腮红和粉底。这款腮红一共10个色号,比较热门的是33和40,尤其是33号超级难买!33号色挺美的,偏珊瑚粉;40号色是带点紫色调的粉,特别显白。这块腮红之后,可以搭配家里任意一块高光,腮红颜色不仅更持久,还变得更清透了!评测 Luminous Cheek Color Blush 跟其他专业彩妆牌相比,DG的腮红色号其实并不多,但胜在品质卓越,样样经典,就现在推出的这十几个颜色来讲,真真是随便抓起哪一盘都不会出错,清淡典雅,还是高贵冷艳,都能从中选出你心中所求,大热色号推荐Peach-蜜桃色永远都不会过气,也很贴合大部分的肤色和肤掉,修容色Tan-跟KA的修容比起来会黄一米米,但粉质细腻不容易失手,也算是灰调中的修容了。 使用心得 这是一块用来做修容的腮红,我才开始用没多久,但已经完全爱不释手。外观:美得有质感,外观有档次却不炫耀;大小合适,无论外出携带还是家中收纳,都很方便。 使用:粉质非常细,不会飞粉,颜色棕中有灰,特别自然,不用怕下重手,它上脸显色但轻,新手也无需很担心。这个色调和皮肤我融合得很好,修容效果堪比液化!我一点都不夸张!目前修容里最喜欢的,也不是其他的不好用,是它太好用。


作为国内炙手可热的女演员,荧幕中的迪丽热巴因其优雅迷人的出众气质而受到广泛的喜爱,而生活中的她,天性乐观豁达,个人魅力非凡,这些特质让她成为杜嘉班纳 (Dolce&Gabbana) 一直以来所宣扬的千禧精神的最佳代表



Dolce & Gabbana唯我男士升级版奢华来袭

正所谓闻香识人,代表意大利精神的顶级时尚品牌Dolce & Gabbana不但深受好莱坞明星们的热爱,也是全球时尚人士的首选。 Dolce & Gabbana he One for Men Eau de Parfum Dolce & Gabbana(杜嘉班纳)品牌在2008年推出了The One for Men(唯我男士),一款旨在成为男士经典的香氛。在2015年,The One for Men Eau de Parfum(唯我男士香水)版本,作为该香氛被提高后,更深邃的版本上市了。 高雅的首调带来的是香菜,罗勤,以及葡萄柚的香气,这将整个香味引入温暖的,由生姜,橙花和豆蔻组成的中心。菸草,感性的琥珀以及雪松则在香氛的基调里留下了它们的身影。 这款香氛有50和100 ml装的Eau de Parfum(香水)浓度,香水瓶沿袭了原版的设计,但换上了深色的色彩。

香港 卓维司GABA对睡眠的作用和功效?




舒压宁神GABA 氨基丁酸

随着现代生活节奏的加快,生活压力,工作压力,家庭压力日益增大,使人们长期处于高度紧张,精神焦虑的状态。从而导致失眠或者睡眠不深的情况增多。而睡眠不足导致的众多问题中,精神问题占24%,54%关乎肌肤问题,细纹增多,毛孔粗大,皮肤弹力不足。脸色蜡黄等。 γ-氨基丁酸,GABA,是一种天然氨基酸,能降低神经元活性,抑制神经细胞间的信息传递,阻止与焦虑相关的信息抵达脑之中枢,防止神经细胞过于兴奋。有效帮助你缓解疲劳,舒缓压力,拥有一整天的舒畅心情。 情绪舒缓有助睡眠,这时,GABA 还能促进脑中α波的自然增加,减缓压力,帮助你尽早入睡,并增加深睡时间,,充分实现GABA 舒压宁神的功效。 人体中的GABA ,虽然可以通过体内的氨基酸转化而来,但是随着年龄增长,精神压力加大,身体疲劳等因素, 导致身体的实际需求大于内在的供给。因此,需要通过日常饮食,适量补充。 情绪舒缓,摆脱失眠。 健康绽放年轻美!


rett 群里面有




5一氨基乙酰丙酸是一种化学品,分子式是C5H9N03。5-ALA是四氢吡咯(四氢吡咯是构成血红素、细胞色素、维生素B12的物质)的前缀化合物,是生物体合成叶绿素、血红素、维生素B12等必不可少的物质。农业上常用于增加光和效能、促进转色等。医学上5-ALA作为一种新型光动力药物,不仅用于局部或全身的皮肤癌的治疗,还可用于膀胱癌、消化道癌、肺癌等的诊断。5-ALA是第二代光敏剂,是光动力治疗(PhotodynamicTherapy,简称PDT)药物。光动力治疗是指给予药物之后,在一定波长的光照射下,才产生治疗作用的一种新兴的治疗方法。是继手术、放疗、药物治疗之外的第四种日渐成熟的治疗方法。 5-ALA作为光敏剂,应用范围广泛,可用于痤疮、光化性角化病、各种皮肤病、膀胱癌、尖锐湿疣、上消化道癌、直肠癌、乳腺癌、鲜红斑痣、老年性黄斑变性、类风湿关节炎等疾病的治疗。如对基底细胞癌的治愈率达91%,对痤疮的治愈率达95%以上,对膀胱癌以及被认为顽疾的牛皮癣的治疗,都取得令人满意的疗效。了解更多相关信息,推荐咨询华熙生物。




GABA氨基丁酸学名叫:伽玛-氨基丁酸,是一种天然存在的非蛋白质氨基酸。 是哺乳动物中枢神经系统中重要的抑制性神经传达物质。 当人体内GABA缺乏时,会产生焦虑、不安、疲倦、忧虑等情绪。 还有体弱多病,睡眠不佳,精神压力大,胃肠不适的症状时,也一定要补充GABA氨基丁酸。 GABA氨基丁酸是在大米的胚芽中所内含的营养成分。 GABA氨基丁酸,它的作用是什么? 1. 镇静神经、抗焦虑 医学家已经证明GABA是中枢神经系统的抑制性传递物质,是脑组织中最重要的神经递质之一。 其作用是降低神经元活性, 防止神经细胞过热,镇静神经、抗焦虑。所以,被人们称为GABA为“情绪的维他命”。 2.促进脑的活性化 GABA能进入脑内三羧酸循环, 促进脑细胞代谢, 同时,还能提高葡萄糖代谢时葡萄糖磷酸酯酶的活性, 增加乙酰胆碱的生成, 扩张血管增加血流量, 并降低血氨, 促进大脑的新陈代谢, 恢复脑细胞功能。 3. GABA可以舒缓许多身心不适症状 人体内的GABA一旦不足时就会产生焦虑、不安、疲惫、失眠、多梦、不耐疼痛、抵抗力低等症状, 所以一定要补充GABA。 我们为什么要补充GABA? 主要是因为随着年龄的增加GABA自身的合成减少,影响的不仅仅是人们的睡眠问题,还有当我们感觉压力大,睡眠质量差的时候,本身身体对GABA的需求量就会上升,但是这个时候自身的合成又难以满足机体的需求,就会造成缺口更大,我们说GABA有舒压,舒心,舒眠的三大作用,其实就是因为在日常生活中补充了GABA之后,可以让我们增加这种平和、舒缓的大脑。 另外,GABA氨基丁酸还能够: 1. 减轻压力。 2. 改善肝功能。 3. 缓解失眠症状。 4. 稳定情绪。 5. 预防焦虑症和忧郁症。 6. 抑制神经细胞的兴奋。


GABA全称γ-氨基丁酸,是一种天然存在的非蛋白质氨基酸,当人体内GABA缺乏时,会产生焦虑、不安、疲倦、忧虑等情绪。GABA广泛分布于动植物体内。植物如豆属、参属、中草药等的种子、根茎和组织液中都含有GABA。在动物体内,GABA几乎只存在于神经组织中,其中脑组织中的含量大约为0.1-0.6mg/克组织,免疫学研究表明,其浓度最高的区域为大脑中黑质。GABA是目前研究较为深入的一种重要的抑制性神经递质,它参与多种代谢活动,具有很高的生理活性。目前国内有款叫“随悦”维生素果味饮料含有这种物质,这款产品也是中国达能饮料的 。
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