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how do you like the fashion show是什么意思

B what do you think of sth="how" do you like sth,表示对···如何看待某物。故选B

一开始时装秀进展得顺利。 The fashion show______well______ ___

went; at first.

how is the fashion show的同义句

1 How do you like our fashion show? 2 What a beautiful girl Sandy is! 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 请点击“选为满意答案”按钮, 以后有问题可以直接向我或【海纳百川团】提问哦~

你们成功地举办了这次时装表演用英文来说you success什么the fashion show

如下 你们将什么时候举行这次服装表演呢 When are you going to hold the fashion show? fashion show 服装表演 若有疑问及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

英语作文the green fashionshow

你好!the green fashion show绿色时尚秀

A Fashion show的英语作文,翻译

Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class.Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen.

my view on Fashion show 作文



Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class. Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen. And Lily, she was a slim girl and wore a rabbit suit. She wore a rabbit hat and a white silk dress with a short tail. She looked very cute and no one is cuter than her. Ann was a lovely girl. She wore a pink pleated skirt. It looked pretty on her. Our class was all proud of them. All the students were happy and wanted to hold the show again

用英语写一篇以“Fashion Show”为题目的作文 急需

Time: on May 2, on Wednesday, fine.Morning to go shopping, and li hua in a supermarket around the door of the many people, are very busy. Originally there are having a fashion show, many model is show beautiful clothes, people were very interested.One of the most attractive is the outfit and those who wear the traditional model looks very beautiful. .Fashion show from7:00p.m.---9:00p.m.Both of us didn"t come back until the end

fashion show作文?

Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class.Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen.


Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class.Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen.And Lily, she was a slim girl and wore a rabbit suit. She wore a rabbit hat and a white silk dress with a short tail. She looked very cute and no one is cuter than her.Ann was a lovely girl. She wore a pink pleated skirt. It looked pretty on her.Our class was all proud of them. All the students were happy and wanted to hold the show again

There is going to _____ a fashion show next Friday.A.have C.being D.having

B.begoing to be 将有,将是

请问小嶋阳菜11年fashion show走秀的时候穿的这一套衣服的牌子是什么?


the january fashion show

1、全句翻译:一月份的时装秀,叫做未来时尚,证明了环保设计步入我们生活的程度/证明了环保设计在多大程度上融入了我们的生活. 2、句中的how far,修饰has come,说明其程度,所以以“意译”处理较为合理.理解为“到来的程度”,再做符合汉语表达的处理,译作“步入我们生活的程度/在多大程度上融入了我们的生活”.其中far应该是“多大程度”.

根据下列表格提示,以 "a fashion show" 为题,写一篇50 词左右的英语短文.

Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class.Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen.

___the fashion show 用at,in,on,还是with

at a fashion show 例如 models display clothes on it at a fashion show 模特在时装展示会上会用到它


Title: The Influence of Fashion on SocietyFashion is not just about clothes and accessories; it is a powerful form of self-expression and a reflection of society. The way we dress and present ourselves is influenced by various factors, and fashion plays a significant role in shaping our culture and identity.One aspect of fashion that affects society is trends. Fashion trends emerge and evolve over time, impacting people"s choices and preferences. For example, the rise of athleisure wear showcases the growing importance of comfort and functionality in fashion. This trend has influenced not only casual dressing but also the way people perceive and prioritize their comfort in everyday life.Moreover, fashion serves as a means of communication. The clothes we wear send messages and convey our personality, values, and social status. For instance, professional attire in the workplace signals competence and professionalism, while vibrant and bold outfits may indicate a person"s creativity and confidence. By understanding the language of fashion, individuals can express themselves and connect with others who share similar styles and interests.Grammar Analysis:1. Present Simple Tense: The present simple tense is used to state general facts and truths. For example, "Fashion is not just about clothes and accessories."2. Passive Voice: The passive voice is used to emphasize the action rather than the doer. For example, "Fashion plays a significant role in shaping our culture and identity."3. Modal Verbs: Modal verbs express possibilities, permissions, or obligations. For example, "Fashion trends emerge and evolve over time, impacting people"s choices and preferences."4. Comparative and Superlative Forms: Comparative and superlative forms are used to compare and highlight differences. For example, "The rise of athleisure wear showcases the growing importance of comfort and functionality in fashion."5. Gerunds and Infinitives: Gerunds and infinitives are used as nouns or to show purpose. For example, "The way we dress and present ourselves is influenced by various factors."6. Adverbial Phrases: Adverbial phrases modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. For example, "over time" in "Fashion trends emerge and evolve over time."The use of these grammar structures enhances the clarity and effectiveness of the essay, allowing the writer to convey ideas and concepts about the influence of fashion on society.在这篇作文中,使用了以下几种语法结构:1. 现在简单时:用于陈述一般事实和真理。例如,“Fashion is not just about clothes and accessories.”(时尚不仅仅是关于衣服和配饰。)2. 被动语态:用于强调动作而非行为者。例如,“Fashion plays a significant role in shaping our culture and identity.”(时尚在塑造我们的文化和身份方面发挥着重要作用。)3. 情态动词:情态动词表示可能性、许可或义务。例如,“Fashion trends emerge and evolve over time, impacting people"s choices and preferences.”(时尚趋势随着时间的推移出现和发展,影响着人们的选择和偏好。)4. 比较级和最高级形式:用于比较和突出差异。例如,“The rise of athleisure wear showcases the growing importance of comfort and functionality in fashion.”(休闲运动服的兴起展示了时尚中舒适性和功能性的日益重要。)5. 动名词和不定式:动名词和不定式可用作名词或表示目的。例如,“The way we dress and present ourselves is influenced by various factors.”(我们打扮和展示自己的方式受到各种因素的影响。)6. 状语短语:状语短语修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。例如,“over time”(随着时间的推移)在句子“Fashion trends emerge and evolve over time.”中。这些语法结构的运用增强了作文的清晰性和有效性,使作者能够传达关于时尚对社会影响的思想和观念。

求牛津初中英语七年级上U6 The fashion show这篇课文的翻译

第八单元 ReadingGood evening , ladies and gentlemen . Welcome to our fashion show . I am Millie from Class 1 Grade 7. Today we are going to show you different styles of clothes.Look at me .I am wearing sports clothes and a pair of trainers. Trainers are light and comfortable and are popular among young people .Here comes Simon .He is wearing a puple shirt and a pair of grey trainers .His red anf grey tie matches his clothes. He looks smart.Now Amy and Daniel are coming. They look cool! Amy is wearing a yellow cotton blouse and a blue scarf . Daniel is wearing a blue T-shirt. Both of them are wearing blue jeans . Young people really like jeans !Look ! Here comes Sandy. She is wearing a red silk blouse , a black wool skirt and a pair of red boots . She looks moden and beautiful! ......That"s all for today"s show . Thanks for coming.晚上好,女士们,先生们。欢迎来到我们的时装表演。我是米莉从七年级一班。今天我们将会向您展示不同风格的衣服。看着我。我穿着运动服和一双运动鞋。教练是光和舒适,很受年轻人的欢迎。这里是西蒙。他穿着一件衬衫和一条灰色裤子。他用灰色领带配他红色的衣服。他看起来聪明。现在,艾米和丹尼尔走过来。他们看起来很酷!艾米穿着一件黄色棉上衣和一条蓝色围巾。丹尼尔·戴着一个蓝色的t恤。他们两个都是穿着蓝色的牛仔裤。年轻人真的很喜欢牛仔裤!看!这里是桑迪。她穿着一条红色的丝质上衣,黑色羊毛裙和一双红靴子。她看起来现代和美丽!今天的节目。谢谢光临。

写一篇关于fashion show的介绍模特穿衣搭配的英语作文

Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class. Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen. And Lily, she was a slim girl and wore a rabbit suit. She wore a rabbit hat and a white silk dress with a short tail. She looked very cute and no one is cuter than her. Ann was a lovely girl. She wore a pink pleated skirt. It looked pretty on her. Our class was all proud of them. All the students were happy and wanted to hold the show again

Fashion show英语作文

Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class. Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen. And Lily, she was a slim girl and wore a rabbit suit. She wore a rabbit hat and a white silk dress with a short tail. She looked very cute and no one is cuter than her. Ann was a lovely girl. She wore a pink pleated skirt. It looked pretty on her. Our class was all proud of them. All the students were happy and wanted to hold the show again

以i wacthed a. fashion show 为题写一篇70词左右的英语作文?

您好,以“时装秀(fashion show)”为题的作文要以活动为主。例如,I watched a fashion show with my aunt last Sunday. There were lots of people in the big hall when the show began…

FASHION SHOW;时尚主题注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

FASHION SHOW;时尚主题商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册1件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,FASHION SHOW;时尚主题还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)

fashion show 60字左右的英语作文就一般现在时,急啊

I attended a swimsuit fashion show last Saturday. The setting of the cat walk was great. About thirty shapely models paraded up and down the cat-walk. The swimsuits which the models wore were colorful and sexy. The busts of the model almost popped out of the top piece. The bottom piece just managed to covere the private parts. Wow, I felt horny throughout the fashion show.

关于fashion show的看法




fashion show是什么意思


fashion show是什么意思


fashion show是什么意思

时装表演The models at the fashion show looked very beautiful.在时装表演中,模特们看上去非常漂亮。You"ll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.你要想看那场时装表演的话,就得早点儿定座位。Diana is modeling for a fashion show.戴安娜正在时装表演会上当模特。

落水狗中有首歌歌词是“wagashaga wugawuga”求这首歌

Hooked On A Feeling

i got this in a smash 歌词

歌曲名:i got this in a smash歌手:Fat Joe专辑:representYeah, it"s time to let "em know how I got this hereFat Joe Da Gangsta, got this in a smash, know what I"m saying?Showbiz, Diamond D, check this outAwww, one to the head, I don"t give a fuckSuckers better duck, buck buck buck buck!I let off mad shotsYou get dragged when you face the big shotYeah, and the Bronx is my territorySuckers getting sprayed, end of storyWhether one deep or with my crewI pack a .45, my girl packs a .22Huh, so you know I"m all rightIf niggas want beef, then I give "em a hell of a fightYeah, I"m quick to blow a nigga out the frameI"m insane, pushing punks in front of a trainCause I don"t have it up to hereTalking about skins, I have more than Richard GereFat JoeYeah, cause I got it like thatIt ain"t hard to tell that Joe is living fatHow I last and surpass any nigga who shows his assIs gonna end up getting blastRun for jewels and give me the cashEverybody knows I got this in a smashYeah, you know I got this in a smash (So what"s up, what"s up?) (Repeat 4x)Aw shit, another brother hitThis time it"s Tone, life is a fucking bitchIt really hurts when the shit hits homeEarly in the morning, they calling me on the phoneTelling me my man caught eight to the chestNah, this couldn"t be, Tone always wore a vestBut that"s the way the story goesToday you"re here, and tomorrow who knows?Man I"m gonna miss him, I love him to deathCharlie"s in jail and I"m the only brother leftIt"s time to get strong, forget about the sorrowBut like Ike said, no one is promised tomorrowDon"t fuck with me cause I got this in a smashYeah, you know I got this in a smash (So what"s up, what"s up?) (Repeat 4x)Well it"s the F-A-T, Gang S-T-E-RLiving like a star, drive a fat car525 and I"m crazy liveNot all the loot in the world could make me take a diveFucking mad bitches on the first dateStraight to the telly, hit the skins, I gotta skateSee, I got no time for a stuntBecause a 40 and a blunt, that"s all she really wantsYeah, so dough keeps collecting PCKnocking out punks with my man Diamond DCause everybody knows I"m the manAnd if you fuck with me, then shit"ll hit the fanI took mad flicks since "76Robbing every other brother for their motherfucking kicksI once heard a kid say he"s his brother"s keeperHis brother turned around and bust him with a street sweeperEverybody wants the cashBut don"t fuck with me cause I got this in a smashYeah, you know I got this in a smash (So what"s up, what"s up?) (Repeat 4x)


love life ,love fashion爱生活,爱时尚love life ,love fashion爱生活,爱时尚




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谁有talk to me 歌词?不是baby face的.是Smash!!的.

TALK TO ME心声交流 Every night I hear you cry 听见你偷泣的夜里 Don"t you wanna tell me why 请与我促膝畅谈 I"m afraid of up without you 我不能失去你 Many misunderstand but when I reach and touch your hand经历种种磨练 我终于找到你 I can"t feel you anymore 你已经不再爱我 You see my million miles away from me tonight 今夜你心不在焉 Baby but I"m right beside you 而我一直在你身边 Talk to me 告诉我 That"s what my love is here for 我的爱为你存在 Can"t stand to see those tears in your eyes 无法漠视 你的伤悲 I"d do anything that takes to make it right我愿为你赴汤蹈火 Baby 吾爱 Talk to me告诉我 Even if it"s just to say goodbye即使即将要告别 Whenever so hard to say 时时刻刻都有难以言语的苦衷 Whatever makes you turn away如何令你回心转意 Can"t be any worse than I imagine 都在我预计之内 You gotta tell me what you need from me 告诉我 你爱我那一点 So hold you close so set you free 才能更加亲近 让你释怀 Coz" I just wanna see you smile again好想令你再展笑颜 But I can"t help you if you keep me in the dark 你若是没法透漏心声 我也于事无补 Open up your breaking heart and 打开你受痛的心扉 Talk to me 告诉我

remnant from the ashes多少内存




我想请问一下:cash investments是什么意思?谁有没有完整的中英文资产负债表,损益表?谢谢提供!

资金量资产负债表 Balance Sheet 资 产 ASSETS 流动资产: Current asset 货币资金 Cash(currency fund)Bank 短期投资 Short-term investment 应收票据 Notes receivable 应收股利 Dividends receivable 应收利息 Interests receivable 应收账款 Accounts receivable 其他应收款 Other receivable 预付账款 Advances to suppliers 应收补贴款 Subsidies receivable 存货 Inventories 待摊费用 Prepaid expenses 一年内到期的长期债券投资 Long-term investments maturing within one year 其他流动资产 Other current assets 流动资产合计 Total current assets 长期投资: LONG TERM INVESTMENTS 长期股权投资 Long-term equity investment 长期债权投资 Long-term debt investment 长期投资合计 Total long term investment 固定资产: FIXED ASSETS: 固定资产原值 Fixed assets-cost 减:累计折旧 Less:Accumulated depreciation 固定资产净值 Fixed assets-net value 减:固定资产减值准备 Less: Impairment of fixed assets 固定资产净额 Fixed assets-book value 工程物资 Materials for projects 在建工程 Construction in progress 固定资产清理 Disposal of fixed assets 固定资产合计 Total Fixed Assets 无形资产及其它资产 INTANGIBLE ASSETS AND OTHER ASSETS: 无形资产 Intangible assets 长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred expenses 其他长期资产 Other long-term assets 无形资产及其他资产合计 Total intangible assets and other assets 递延税项 Deferred tax 递延税款借项 Deferred tax debit 资产总计 TOTAL ASSETS 负债及所有者权益(或股东权益) LIABILITIES AND OWNER`S EQUITY 流动负债: CURRENT LIABILITIES 短期借款 Short-term loans 应付票据 Notes payable 应付账款 Accounts payable 预收账款 Advances from customers 应付工资 Accrued payroll 应付福利费 Accrued Employee"s welfare expenses 应付股利 Dividends payable 未交税金 Taxes payable 其他应交款 Other taxes and expenses payable 其他应付款 Other payables 预提费用 Accrued expenses 预提负债 Provisions 一年内到期的长期负债 Long-term liabilities due within one year 其他流动负债 Other current liabilities 流动负债合计 Total current liabilities 长期负债: LONG-TERM LIABILITIES: 长期借款 Long-term loans 应付债券 Bonds payable 长期应付款 Long-term accounts payable 专项应付款 Specific accounts payable 其他长期负债 Other long-term liabilities 长期负债合计 Total long-term liabilities 递延税项: Deferred tax 递延税款贷项 Deferred tax credit 负债合计 Total other liabilities 所有者权益:(或股东权益) OWNER`S EQUITY 实收资本(或股本) Paid-in capital 减:已归还投资 Less:Investments returned 实收资本(或股本)净额 Paid-in capital-net 资本公积 Capital surplus 盈余公积 Surplus from profits 其中:法定公益金 Including:statutory public welfare fund 未分配利润 Undistributed profit 所有者权益(或股东权益)合计 Total owner`s equity 负债及所有者权益(或股东权益)合计 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNER`S EQUITY 损益表 Profit and Loss Statement 项目 ITEMS 一、营业收入 Income from main 减:营业成本 Less:Cost of main operation 营业税金及附加 Tax and additional expense 二、经营利润 Income from main operation 加:其他业务利润 Add:Income from other operation 减:营业费用 Less:Operating expense 管理费用 General and administrative expense 财务费用 Financial expense 三、营业利润 Operating Income 加:投资收益 Add:Investment income 补贴收入 Income from subsidies 营业外收入 Non-operating income 减:营业外支出 Less:Non-operating expense 四、利润总额 Income before tax 减:所得税 Less:Income tax 五、净利润 NET INCOME



flash 二进制加密 如何破解???

XP系统EFS加密破解的一线希望 如果某个用户把自己的登录帐户删除,那么其他用户将无法访问其EFS加密文件。更可恶的是,一旦公司里的某个用户心怀怨气,恶意加密了本属于别的用户的重要文件,将会导致严重问题。一般情况下,这些EFS加密文件已经被判了死刑,但是实际上只要满足以下条件的话,我们还是可以在末日来临之前打开逃生的天窗: (1) 必须知道该被删帐户的密码。 (2) 该被删帐户的配置文件必须存在。如果使用“本地用户和组”管理单元删除帐户,则配置文件保留的机会很大,如果使用“用户帐户”控制面板删除帐户,则有一半机会保留配置文件。如果配置文件不幸被删,则只能祈祷可以借助Easy Recovery之类的数据恢复工具进行恢复。 可能有些朋友会觉得这两个条件比较苛刻,此处卖个关子先…… EFS加密原理 大家知道,EFS加密实际上综合了对称加密和不对称加密: (1) 随机生成一个文件加密密钥(叫做FEK),用来加密和解密文件。 (2) 这个FEK会被当前帐户的公钥进行加密,加密后的FEK副本保存在文件$EFS属性的DDF字段里。 (3) 要想解密文件,首先必须用当前用户的私钥去解密FEK,然后用FEK去解密文件。 看到这里,似乎EFS的脉络已经很清晰,其实不然,这样还不足于确保EFS的安全性。系统还会对EFS添加两层保护措施: (1) Windows会用64字节的主密钥(Master Key)对私钥进行加密,加密后的私钥保存在以下文件夹: %UserProfile%Application DataMicrosoftCryptoRSASID 提示 Windows系统里的各种私有密钥,都用相应的主密钥进行加密。Windows Vista的BitLocker加密,也用其主密钥对FVEK(全卷加密密钥)进行加密。 (2) 为了保护主密钥,系统会对主密钥本身进行加密(使用的密钥由帐户密码派生而来),加密后的主密钥保存在以下文件夹: %UserProfile%Application DataMicrosoftProtectSID 整个EFS加密的密钥架构如图1所示。 图1 提示 EFS密钥的结构部分,参考自《Windows Internals 4th》的第12章。 回到“任务描述”部分所述的两个条件,现在我们应该明白原因了: (1) 必须知道该被删帐户的密码:没有帐户密码,就无法解密主密钥。因为其加密密钥是由帐户密码派生而来的。 提示 难怪Windows XP和2000不同,管理员重设帐户密码,也不能解密EFS文件。 (2) 该被删帐户的配置文件必须存在:加密后的私钥和主密钥(还包括证书和公钥),都保存在配置文件里,所以配置文件万万不可丢失,否则就会彻底“鬼子不能进村”。重装系统后,原来的配置文件肯定被删,这时候当然不可能恢复EFS文件。 可能有用户会想,只需新建一个同名的用户帐户,然后把原来配置文件复制给新帐户,不就可以解密EFS文件了?原因在于帐户的SID,因为新建用户的SID不可能和老帐户一样,所以常规方法是不可能奏效的。我们必须另辟蹊径,让系统再造一个完全一样的SID! 恢复步骤 为了方便描述,这里假设被删帐户的用户名为Admin,Windows安装在C盘。 1.再造SID 注意 本方法取自“声明”部分提到的那篇文章。 首先确认被删帐户的SID,这里可以进入以下文件夹: C:Documents and SettingsAdminApplication DataMicrosoftCryptoRSA 在其下应该有一个以该被删帐户的SID为名的文件夹,例如是S-1-5-21-4662660629-873921405-788003330-1004(RID为1004) 现在我们要设法让新建帐户同样具有1004的RID,这样就能达到目的。 在Windows中,下一个新建帐户所分配的RID是由HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESAMSAMDomainsAccount注册表项的F键值所确定的。F键值是二进制类型的数据,在偏移量0048处的四个字节,定义下一个帐户的RID。那么也就是说,只需要修改0048处的四个字节,就能达到目的(让新建帐户获得1004的RID) 确认好以后,别忘记把Admin帐户的配置文件转移到别的地方! (1) 默认情况下,只有system帐户才有权限访问HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESAM,这里在CMD命令提示符窗口,运行以下命令,以system帐户身份打开注册表编辑器: pexec -i -d -s %windir% egedit.exe 提示 可以在以下网站下载psexec: (2) 定位到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESAMSAMDomainsAccount注册表项,双击打开右侧的F键值。 (3) 这里要说明一下,Windows是以十六进制、而且以反转形式保存下一个帐户的RID。什么意思呢?也就是说,如果是1004的RID,对应十六进制就是03EC,但是我们必须把它反转过来变成EC03,再扩展为4个字节,就是EC 03 00 00。 所以,我们应该把F键值的0048偏移量处,把其中四个字节改为“EC 03 00 00”,如图2所示。 图2 (4) 重要:别忘了重启计算机! (5) 重启以后,新建一个同名帐户Admin,它的SID应该和以前是完全一样。如果不相信的话,可以借助GetSID或者PsGetSID等工具测试一下。 2.“破解”EFS 接下来的方法就非常简单了,用新建的Admin帐户身份登录系统,随便加密一个文件,然后注销,用管理员帐户登录系统,把原来保留的配置文件复制到C:Documents and SettingsAdmin文件夹下。 再用Admin帐户登录系统,现在可以解密原来的EFS文件了。 疑难解答 1.如果已经重装系统,那怎么办? “声明”部分提到的那篇文章里提到,如果还记得原来帐户的密码,并且配置文件没有被删除的话,还有希望。这时候可以借助sysinternals的NEWSID工具把系统的计算机SID重设为原来的值,再用前面描述的方法构造所需的RID,这样就可以获得所需的帐户SID。剩余步骤完全一样。 2.有用户曾经遇到这样的问题:登录系统时收到提示说密码过期,需要重设,重设密码登录后发现打开EFS文件。 KB890951提到这个问题。其解释是因为在修改密码时,系统还没有加载配置文件(有点语焉不详),原文如下: This problem occurs because the user profile for the current user is not loaded correctly after you change the password. 配置文件和EFS有何相干?看完本文,大家应该知道,EFS的私钥和主密钥都是保存在配置文件里的。由于配置文件没有加载,所以主密钥的加密版本没有得到更新(没有跟上帐户密码的变化),导致主密钥无法正确解密,从而无法解密私钥和FEK。这就是问题的真正原因。 该KB提供了一个内部补丁,可以解决这个问题。KB890951的链接如下: 3.有关公钥的问题 为了容易理解,笔者故意忽略了公钥。公钥保存也保存在帐户的配置文件里: %UserProfile%Application DataMicrosoftSystemCertificatesMyCertificates 在EFS恢复的操作中,必须确保公钥也要复制到新帐户的配置文件里。尽管看起来公钥与EFS解密无关(它负责加密)。 原来,加密文件$EFS属性的DDF字段里除了有帐户SID和加密的FEK副本外,还有公钥的指纹信息(Public Key Thumbprint)和私钥GUID信息(私钥的某种散列值)。 系统在扫描加密文件$EFS属性中的DDF字段时,根据用户配置文件里的公钥中所包含的公钥指纹和私钥GUID信息,当然还有帐户的SID,来判断该帐户是否具有对应的DDF字段,从而判断该用户是否属于合法的EFS文件拥有者。 所以公钥也很重要。 当然公钥是可以“伪造”的(可以伪造出所需的公钥指纹和私钥GUID),以欺骗EFS系统,具体方法可以参考国外的那篇原稿,此处不再赘述。 加强EFS的安全 由于EFS把所有的相关密钥都保存在Windows分区,所以这可能给EFS带来一定的安全隐患。目前有一些第三方工具号称可以破解EFS,这些工具首先攻击SAM配置单元文件,尝试破解帐户密码,从而破解帐户密码→主密钥的加密密钥→主密钥→EFS私钥→FEK的“密钥链”。


microSD就是TransFlash卡,Transflash闪存卡是一开始的名字,后来改名为microSD。其实就是一种卡。 MicroSD约四分之一大小的SD卡,仅11mm、15mm厚,已经成为主流的手机数码存储卡,SanDisk MicroSD卡的前身是SanDisk TransFlash卡,microSD规格已经被SDA正式接受并成SDA正式规格之一,被列为主流移动装置数码存储卡,通过SD转换器,随插即用,兼容于绝大多数的手机、数码相机、MP3数字音乐播放器、个人数字助理(PDA)以及其它SD存储卡插槽的多媒体装置。

oracle开启flashback功能失败,错误信息:ORA-00439: 未启用功能: Flashback Database;



flashback database要求数据库必须处于归档模式,且闪回之后必须使用resetlogs打开数据库查看数据库的归档模式及闪回是否启用SQL> select log_mode,open_mode,flashback_on from v$database;LOG_MODE OPEN_MODE FLASHBACK_ON------------ ---------- ------------------ARCHIVELOG READ WRITE NO --FLASHBACK_ON为NO,则表示闪回特性尚未启用


英语:玻璃清洗系统 包括雨刮器,雨刮片,玻璃清洗液,清洗罐和喷头 Windshield:风挡玻璃, Wiper:雨刮器和雨刮片, WASHER:清洗液喷头. 不一定是前风挡,两厢车后风档也有的

norashino 是日本哪个城市,其中文是哪几个字

ならしの 【习志野】 千叶県北西部、东京湾奥に面する市。湾岸は住宅u30fb工业団地が発达。

舞林争霸第八季第五集Iveta and Pasha那个歌叫什么

Lambada 这个哈~


主要是与你的机器配置及文件内容有关。支持格式:swf这是一个完整的影片档,无法被编辑。有时会被念做“swiff”。Swf在发布时可以选择保护功能,如果没有选择,很容易被别人输入到他的原始档中使用。然而保护功能依然阻挡不了为数众多的破解软件,有不少闪客专门以此来学习别人的程序码和设计方式。flaFlash的原始档,只能用Adobe Flash(前身Macromedia Flash)打开编辑。as为ActionScript的缩写,是一种编程语言的简单文字档案.FLA档案能够直接包含Actionscript,但是也可以把它存成AS档做为外部链接档案(如定义ActionScript类则必须在写在as文件里,再通过import加入类),以方便共同工作和更进阶的程序修改。flvFlash Video的简称,FLV流媒体格式是一种视频封装格式,它的出现有效地解决了视频文件导入Flash后,使导出的SWF文件体积庞大,不能在网络上有效使用等缺点。上网操作注意事项:1.不随意将陌生人添加为QQ好友、微信好友,不随便接受他们的视频或语音聊天请求,避免遭受端口攻击或个人隐私泄露;2.不随意打开不明网站链接,尤其是不良网站的链接,陌生人通过QQ给自己传链接时,尽量不要打开;3.不随便打开来历不明的邮件及附件,避免设备感染病毒,导致设备无法使用或硬盘被格式化;4.不随便点击可疑网站或弹窗广告,避免浏览器遭受恶意攻击导致无法使用,还可能泄露个人终端上的敏感文件;5.尽量将文件扩展名设置为打开,打开前注意确认文件属性,防止恶意文件伪造图标,导致电脑感染恶意病毒;6.不在微博、论坛等公共平台发布不当言论,文明上网。



January - 2014 K-POP MEGA MASH-UP有哪些歌曲

1. 15& - Sugar2. 2000 Won - I hate Seoul3. 2NE1 - Come Back Home4. 2NE1 - Gotta Be You5. 4minute - Whatcha Doin" Today?6. A Pink - Mr. Chu7. Ailee - I Can Sing Better8. Akdong Musician - 200%9. Alphabat - Tantara10. AOA - Miniskirt11. AOA - Short Hair12. B1A4 - Lonely13. Bangtan Boys - Boy In Luv14. BAP - 100415. BEAST - Good Luck16. BESTie - Thank You Very Much17. Block B - Jackpot18. Bob Girls - No Way19. Boyfriend u2013 Obsession20. BTOB u2013 Beep Beep21. CNBLUE - Can"t Stop22. Crayon Pop - Uh-ee23. Cross Gene - Amazing -Bad Lady-24. Dal shabet - BBB25. EXO u2013 Overdose26. G.NA u2013 Pretty Lingerie27. Ga-in - Fxxk U28. Girl"s Day - Something29. Girls" Generation - Mr. Mr.30. GOT7 - A31. GOT7 - Girls Girls Girls32. GP BASIC - Pika Burnjuck33. HIGH4, IU - Not Spring, Love, or Cherry Blossoms34. HISTORY - Psycho35. Hyomin (T-ARA) - Nice Body36. Infinite - Last Romeo37. Jiyeon (T-ARA) - Never Ever38. JJCC - At First39. Jun Hyosung (SECRET) - Good Night Kiss40. Junggigo - Want You41. K-Much - Good to Go42. Kiss&Cry - Domino Game43. Ladies" Code - So Wonderful44. MBLAQ - Be a Man45. MR. MR. - Big Man46. NS Yoon-G - Yasisi47. Orange Caramel - Catallena48. Rain - 30SEXY49. Rainbow Blaxx - Cha Cha50. Soyu x Junggigo - Some51. SPICA - You Don"t Love Me52. Stellar - Marionette53. Sunmi - Full Moon54. Taeyang - Eyes, Nose, Lips55. TAHITI - Oppa You"re Mine56. TINT - Wolf is Stupid57. TOHEART - Delicious58. TROY - Green Light59. TVXQ - Something60. U-KISS - Don"t Flirt61. VIXX - Eternity62. ZE:A - Breath

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clash, to crash with violent impactcollaspe, to break down or fall downcollision, n. the act of colliding 近义词的区分 还是要依靠英文解释才能分辨清楚

hash算法中解决collision其中有种方法是double hash,那么如果第二次的hash的结果仍然被占据。

Hi=RHi(key) i=1,2,3.....until it doen"t confict, this way takes a lot of time , but can reduce the Probability of "聚类"


Hashing是一种数据影射(mapping)的算法(algorithm)通常用来把一大串不定长度的数据影射到一个固定长度的、较短的数据,这个固定长度的数据称为hashing value(散列值)例如我们把一个由英文字母组成的任意长度的字串,把每一个字符的ASCll数值加起来,最后除以256得到的余数作为hash value,这里输入的字串长度没有限制,输出的数值则必定在0至255之间,所以是一个合法的hashing function。相当于所有长度的英文字符串,通过这个hash函数,必定对应一个0-255的整数,这就造成了会有多个字符串通过hash函数,得到相同的值。这种情况我们称为hash collision(散列冲突)或者简称collision,事实上一个不定长度的数据影射到一个固定长度的数据Collision是无可避免的,我们并不要求完全没有collision,只需把collision的机会尽量降低便可以了,若果真的要完全没有collision的话,Hash value理论上必须与输入的数据长度相同,这样便违背了hash function的设计目的



crash和 collision有何区别



1clash指一般的冲突There is a clash between two classes at 2 p.m.on Thursday.星期四下午两点有两堂课是冲突的。2 collision一般指船舶方面的触礁,碰撞碰撞, 冲突, 抵触The two ships came into collision.两艘轮船相撞。



谁帮我翻译一下arash feat helena歌词的中文意思啊?谢谢啦

(Helena) (Helena) Arash,对你说我爱你…… Arash behet migam dooset daram…. 在这世界上我只拥有你…… Toe ein donya faghat toro daram…" Arash,没有你我很孤单…… Araaaaasshhhh….Bi to man tanhayam.. 听我说,我爱你…… Gooshet ba man bashe, toro dost daram (Arash) (Arash) 独自一人在房中,你不在身边 Tak o tanha toe ein otagh, bi to hastam… 不在我身边,到处在下雨 Hala bi to dar be dar baroon mibare… 在这雨夜你远离我 Toe ein shabe bahari to door az man.. 到我身边来吧,对我说是的 Bia einja setare be man begu are. (Helena) (Helena) 是啊,我会来到你身边 Are are bahare, miam pishet dobare.. Arash,没有你我感到寒意 Arash bi to sardame.. 我的爱 Ey eshghe man.. 对啊,今夜心不宁静 Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare… Arash你是我的 Arash to male mani, 我的爱 ey eshghe man…(Arash) (Arash) 有你的日子无比幸福 Zendegi ba to kheyli khobe.. 每当你在身边,就感到春天 Harvaght to einja hasti, hamash bahare.. 手牵手守在一起 Dast be dast nazanin, ba ham bashim.. 叫我的名字吧,对我说是的 Esmamo seda kon, be man begu are… (Helena) (Helena) 是啊,我会来到你身边 Are are bahare, miam pishet dobare.. Arash,没有你我感到寒意 Arash bi to sardame.. 我的爱 Ey eshghe man.. 对啊,今夜心不宁静 Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare… Arash你是我的 Arash to male mani, 我的爱 ey eshghe man


(Helena)Arash behet migam dooset daram….Toe ein donya faghat toro daram…"Araaaaasshhhh….Bi to man tanhayam..Gooshet ba man bashe, toro dost daram(Arash)Tak o tanha toe ein otagh, bi to hastam…Hala bi to dar be dar baroon mibare…Toe ein shabe bahari to door az man..Bia einja setare be man begu are.(Helena)Are are bahare, miam pishet dobare..Arash bi to sardame..Ey eshghe man..Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare…Arash to male mani, ey eshghe man…(Arash)Zendegi ba to kheyli khobe..Harvaght to einja hasti, hamash bahare..Dast be dast nazanin, ba ham bashim..Esmamo seda kon, be man begu are…(Helena)Are are bahare, miam pishet dobare..Arash bi to sardame..Ey eshghe man..Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare…Arash to male mani, ey eshghe man(Helena)Are are bahare, miam pishet dobare..Arash bi to sardame..Ey eshghe man..Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare…Arash to male mani, ey eshghe manAre are bahare, miam pishet dobare..Arash bi to sardame..Ey eshghe man..Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare…Arash to male mani, ey eshghe man 翻译(Helena)Arash,对你说我爱你……在这世界上我只拥有你……Arash,没有你我很孤单……听我说,我爱你……(Arash)独自一人在房中,你不在身边不在我身边,到处在下雨在这雨夜你远离我到我身边来吧,对我说是的(Helena)是啊,我会来到你身边Arash,没有你我感到寒意我的爱对啊,今夜心不宁静Arash你是我的我的爱(Arash)有你的日子无比幸福每当你在身边,就感到春天手牵手守在一起叫我的名字吧,对我说是的(Helena)是啊,我会来到你身边Arash,没有你我感到寒意我的爱对啊,今夜心不宁静Arash你是我的我的爱Repeat × 3没有官方翻译,大意如此吧,波斯语的歌词挺直白的,不似波斯语诗歌般有韵味。这首歌还有Remix版本和英语版本(英语版是指女声用英语唱:It"s true I"m crazy about you, on night and day I miss you, Arash you"re so far away, so far away)。



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Baby Bash的《Na Na》 歌词

歌曲名:Na Na歌手:Baby Bash专辑:CycloneAhhWho Got ItWho Got ItHuhYoung BashJim JohnsonUh OhShe"s So Yummy Yummy YummyOhh She"s Sweet As HoneyOhh I Gotta Get Some Na Na, Na NaShe"s So Yummy And DeliciousOhh With Tender KissesOhh I Gotta Get Some Na Na, Na NaSome Na Na (Na Na Na)Out With The Old GirlIn With The NewTastes So Good, Lemme Get Me A Spoon31 Flavors, I"m Pimpin" WithchuAnd Girl I Got The Munchies, So I"m Stickin" WithchuCinnamin Spice Up In My Life, Maybe One Day You CanBe My WifeI Can"t Wait, I Got A Date MananaAnd My Girl Got A Platinum Na NaShe Smell Like Shaqel With Her Cucumber MelonAnd Her Fashion Is Dipped In Prada PradaI Got A Boss One On My TeamEvery Playboy Mansions DreamAnd She Thicker Than The Sticker On My Winter Go-GetterCuz She Break Me Off That Candy CreamShe"s So Yummy Yummy YummyOhh She"s Sweet As HoneyOhh I Gotta Get Some Na Na, Na NaShe"s So Yummy And DeliciousOhh With Tender KissesOhh I Gotta Get Some Na Na, Na NaSome Na Na (Na Na Na)She Got A Stack Full Of CakesAnd A Million Dollar WaistWhen She Slid Up On My ChromeShe Said Itas True Ronny RayYou As Cool As A ShadeI Said Ya Whatas Goin OnThatas When The Na Na Got WeirdAnd We Started The PercGetting High As A Fire EscapeShe Said I Heard From A Bird Bout The Way You GetDownAnd Now Im Ready With A Video TapeI Guess It Was My DestinyTo Hit That Juicy RecipeCall A Man Who Did EctasyWith A Whole Lotta Freaky EnergySwet Azuca On My MindWith A Top Notch Breezie On My LineI Get A Cavity Girl Every TimeI Go Down Low Where The Sun Donat ShineShe"s So Yummy Yummy YummyOhh She"s Sweet As HoneyOhh I Gotta Get Some Na Na, Na NaShe"s So Yummy And DeliciousOhh With Tender KissesOhh I Gotta Get Some Na Na, Na NaSome Na Na (Na Na Na)She"s So Yummy Yummy YummyOhh She"s Sweet As HoneyOhh I Gotta Get Some Na Na, Na NaShe"s So Yummy And DeliciousOhh With Tender KissesOhh I Gotta Get Some Na Na, Na NaSome Na Na (Na Na Na)




代码书写注意细节,中英文标点,还有不该出现的符号不要出现提示错误的地方,基本就是代码写错的地方_root.attachMovie("box"+(random(5)+1), "box"+i, i+10);_root["box"+i]._x=(random(600)+20);其它部分以此类推




它由flash内置的一系列方法、常量和函数构成。使用key对象可以检测某个键是否被按下,如要检测左方向键是否被按下,(key.isdown(key.getcode("x"))){trace("x is pressed");上面脚本的意思就是,利用key.getcode函数来告诉系统你




中文谐音:斧嘞嘘赖忑Jessie J - flashlight When tomorrow comes当明天来临时I"ll be on my own我将一己之力Feeling frightened up害怕的感觉不断涌来The things that I don"t know我不知道会发生什麼事When tomorrow comes当明天来临时Tomorrow comes明天来临时Tomorrow comes明天来临时And though the road is long虽然道路漫长I look up to the sky我抬头看向天空In the dark I found, I stop and I won"t fly我在黑暗中发现 我停下脚步不动 And I sing along, I sing along, then I sing along然后唱起歌来 而我独自歌唱 独自歌唱 I got all I need when I got you and I当我有了你,我就像拥有一切I look around me, and see sweet life我环顾四周 而我看见了美满的生活I"m stuck in the dark but you"re my flashlight我被困在黑暗中 但你是我的照明灯You"re gettin" me, gettin" me through the night你抓著我 将我带领出黑暗之中Can"t stop my heart when you shinin" in my eyes当你闪耀在我的双眼里时 我无法阻止我的心跳Can"t lie, it"s a sweet life/不得不说 这是个美满的生活I"m stuck in the dark but you"re my flashlight我被困在黑暗中 但你是我的照明灯You"re gettin" me, gettin" me through the night/你抓著我 将我带领出黑暗之中Cause you"re my flash light因为你是我的光芒You"re my flash light, you"re my flash light你是我的光芒 你就是我的光芒I see the shadows long beneath the mountain top我看到在山顶下的阴影I"m not the afraid when the rain won"t stop/我不怕雨不停止Cause you light the way那是因为你照亮了道路You light the way, you light the way你照亮了道路 指引著我I got all I need when I got you and 当我有了你,我就像拥有一切I look around me, and see sweet life我环顾四周 而我看见了美满的生活I"m stuck in the dark but you"re my flashlight我被困在黑暗中 但你是我的照明灯You"re gettin" me, g etting" me through the night你抓著我 将我带领出黑暗之中Can"t stop my heart when you shinin" in my eyes当你闪耀在我的双眼里时 我无法阻止我的心跳Can"t lie, it"s a sweet life不得不说 这是个美满的生活I"m stuck in the dark but you"re my flashlight我被困在黑暗中 但你是我的照明灯You"re gettin" me, gettin" me through the night你抓著我 将我带领出黑暗之中Cause you"re my flash light因为你是我的光芒You"re my flash light, you"re my flash light你是我的光芒 你就是我的光芒I got all I need when I got you and I我得到了我所需要的 就是当我拥有你时I look around me, and see sweet life/我环顾四周 而我看见了美满的生活I"m stuck in the dark but you"re my flashlight我被困在黑暗中 但你是我的照明灯

求Jessie J的《Flashlight》中文歌词

歌曲名:《Flashlight》歌曲原唱:Jessie J填词:Sia Furler,Christian Guzman,Jason Moore,Sam Smith,Mario Mejia歌词:When tomorrow comes当明天来临时I"ll be on my own我将独自面对Feeling frightened up害怕的感觉不断涌现The things that I don"t know我不知道会发生什么事When tomorrow comes当明天来临时Tomorrow comes明天来临时Tomorrow comes明天来临时And though the road is long虽然路途漫长I look up to the sky我抬头望向天空In the dark I found, I stop and I won"t fly我在黑暗中发现,我停驻不前And I sing along, I sing along, then I sing along然后唱起歌来,独自歌唱,独自歌唱I got all I need when I got you and I当我有了你,我就像拥有一切I look around me, and see sweet life我环顾四周,看见了美满的生活I"m stuck in the dark but you"re my flashlight我被困在黑暗中,但你是我的希望之光You"re gettin" me, gettin" me through the night你将我带领出黑暗之中Can"t stop my heart when you shinin" in myeyes当你闪耀在我的双眼里时,我无法阻止我的心跳Can"t lie, it"s a sweet life必须承认,这便是美好的人生I"m stuck in the dark but you"re my flashlight我被困在黑暗中,但你是我的希望之光You"re gettin" me, gettin" me through the night你将我带领出黑暗之中Cause you"re my flash light因为你是我的光芒You"re my flash light, you"re my flash light你是我的光芒,你就是我的光芒I see the shadows long beneath the mountain top我看到在山顶下的黑暗I"m not the afraid when the rain won"t stop我不怕大雨一直下Cause you light the way那是因为你照亮了道路You light the way, you light the way你照亮了前方道路,指引著我I got all I need when I got you and当我有了你,我就像拥有一切I look around me, and see sweet life我环顾四周,而我看见了美满的生活I"m stuck in the dark but you"re my flashlight我被困在黑暗中,但你是我的希望之光You"re gettin" me, getting" me through the night你将我带领出黑暗之中Can"t stop my heart when you shinin" in my eyes当你闪耀在我的双眼里时,我无法阻止我的心跳Can"t lie, it"s a sweet life不得不说,这是个美满的生活I"m stuck in the dark but you"re my flashlight我被困在黑暗中,但你是我的希望之光You"re gettin" me, gettin" me through thenight你将我带领出黑暗之中Light light you"re my flash light你是我的希望之光Light light you"re my flash light你是我的希望之光Light light you"re my flash light你是我的希望之光You"re my flash你是我的希望之光扩展资料:《Flashlight》是Jessie J为电影《Pitch Perfect 2》(完美音调2)献唱的原声歌曲,歌曲于2015年4月24日发行。Jessie J(全名:Jessica Ellen Cornish),1988年3月27日出生于英国伦敦雷顿布里奇,毕业于伦敦表演艺术学院,英国流行女歌手、词曲创作者。这首歌曲在2016的美国公告牌颁奖典礼上该曲获得了最佳电影原声带奖。这首歌曲其他版本:1、Estelle Brand所演唱的《Flashlight》,发行于2015年6月2日,收录在专辑《Stole The Show Hits 2015》中,这张专辑总共包含了20首歌曲。2、Nicole Cross所演唱的《Flashlight》,发行于2015年5月29日,收录在专辑《Flashlight》中,这张专辑总共包含了1首歌曲。




wash vt. 清洗 ,洗刷She washed her face with cold water.她用冷水洗了脸。They looked as if they hadn"t watered in days.他们看样子好几天没有洗澡了。brush vt. 刷 , 洗刷After Li Ming gets up , he brushes histeeth and washes his face. 李明起床后,他刷牙、洗脸。


xml里配置进去链接,如下:<icon image="icon1.png" tooltip="LimeWire" url=""/>然后读出来:t.url = nodes[i].attributes.url;然后单击的时候打开链接function released(){ trace(this._parent.toolText); getURL(this.url,"_blank");}


XML<icons><icon image="icon1.png" link="" tooltip="LimeWire" /><icon image="icon2.png" link="#" tooltip="Rubik"s Cube" />..........Flash代码: xml.onLoad = function(){ var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes; numOfItems = nodes.length; for(var i=0;i<numOfItems;i++) { var t = home.attachMovie("item","item"+i,i+1); t.angle = i * ((Math.PI*2)/numOfItems); t.onEnterFrame = mover; t.toolText = nodes[i].attributes.tooltip; t.icon.inner.loadMovie(nodes[i].attributes.image); t.r.inner.loadMovie(nodes[i].attributes.image); t.icon.links=nodes[i] //读取链接地址到icon t.icon.onRollOver = over; t.icon.onRollOut = out; t.icon.onRelease = released; }}function released(){ getURL(this.links) trace(this.links);}




感受一下程度上的区别:release prisonersunleash chaos


添加动作方法有两种:1、选中场景中的按钮(注意,只选按钮,不是那个桢的所有内容都选),按F9打开动作面板,在动作面板中输入:on release(){ //当点击按钮并松开时做以下动作gotoAndPlay(2) //跳转到第二桢并播放} 2、选中场景中的按钮,打开按钮的属性面板,在实例名称框里给这个按钮取个实例名称,比如a_btn(注意,不是按钮在库里的名称,而是这个按钮放在第一桢这次实际用应的名称)在按钮所在的桢上,或新建一层的第一桢(与按钮同一桢)输入以下代码:this.a_btn.onRelease=function(){ //这个场景的a_btn按钮点击时执行以下动作this.gotoAndPlay(2) //这个场景跳转到第二桢并播放}注:双斜杠后面的文字是注释,可输进也可不输进去。第一桢停止应该是在桢上写stop(),把第二种方法的代码写在stop()下面即可。

翻译 Nashville,Tennssee is home of courtry music.

我想您是指 country 而非 courtry,以下为中文翻译:Nashville,Tennessee is home of country music 田纳西州的纳士维是乡村音乐的家乡. Nashville,Tennessee is home of country music 田纳西州的纳许维尔是乡村音乐之乡. Nashville,Tennessee is home of country music 田纳西州的纳许维尔市是乡村音乐故乡.注:纳许维尔以及纳士维皆是Nashville的中文翻译.

nashiville,tennessee与mount juliet,tennessee是同一个地方吗


求arashi的one love罗马音

ARASHI ONE LOVE Tsutae takute tsutawara nakuteToki ni wa sunao ni nare zu niNaita kisetsu wo koeta bokura waIma totemo kagayaiteru yoSore zore egaku shiawase no katachi waKasanari ima ookina ai ni naruZutto futari de ikite yukouHyaku nen saki mo ai wo chikau yoKimi wa boku no subete saShinjiteiru tada shinjiteruOnaji toki wo kizamu hito eDonna kimi mo donna boku de moHitotsu hitotsu ga itoshiiKimi ga ireba nani mo iranaiKitto shiawase ni suru karaAme no naka de kimi wo matte taYasashisa no imi sae shirazuSurechigai ni kizutsuita yoruSore demo koko made kitandaKakegae no nai deai waKiseki wo tsunaidekuOmoi de kasanariauHajimari no uta nari hibi iteDonna toki mo sasaetekuretaWarai naita nakama eKokoro wo komete tada hitotsu dakeOkuru kotoba wa "arigatou"Hyaku nen saki mo ai wo chikau yoKimi wa boku no subete saAishiteiru tada aishiteruOnaji asu yakusoku shiyouSekai juu ni tada hitori dakeBoku wa kimi wo erandaKimi to ireba donna mirai moZutto kagayaiteiru kara LA LA LA LA....视频、原文、英文版见以下网址:原文、英文、假名对照版:伝えたくて 伝わらなくて I want to tell you, but it won"t reach youTsutae takute Tsutawara nakute时には 素直になれずに sometimes I can"t be completely honest Toki niwa Sunao ni narezuni泣いた季节を 超えた仆らは we overcame the time we shed tearsNaita Kisetsu wo Koeta Bokura wa今 とても辉いてるよ now we are shining very muchIma Totemo kagayaiteru yoそれぞれ描く しあわせの形は重なり each of us pictured the forms of happiness overlappedSore zore Egaku Shiawase no Katachi wa Kasanari今 大きな爱になる now it becomes One big LoveIma Ooki na Ai ni naruずっと二人で 生きてゆこう let"s live together foreverZutto Futari de Ikite yukou100年先も 爱を誓うよ I promise this love even 100 years from nowHyakunen saki mo Ai wo Chikau yo君は 仆の全てさ You are my everythingKimi wa Boku no Subete sa信じている ただ 信じてる Believe it, just believe itShinjite iru Tada Shinjiteru同じ时を 刻む人へ To you, who shares the same time with meOnaji Toki wo Kizamu Hito eどんな君も どんな仆でも Every kind of you even every kind of meDonna Kimi mo Donna Boku demo一つ 一つが 爱しい Each one is so preciousHitotsu Hitotsu ga Itoshii君がいれば 何もいらない if I have you I don"t need anything elseKimi ga Ireba Nani mo Iranaiきっと 幸せにするから I will surely make you happyKitto Shiawase ni Surukara 雨の中で 君を 待ってた I waited for you in rain Ame no Naka de Kimi wo Matteta 优しさの 意味さえしらず I didn"t even know the meaning of kindnessYasashisa no Imi sae Shirazu すれ违いに 伤ついた夜 We missed each other The night when we hurt Surechigai ni Kizutuita Yoruそれでも ここまで来たんだ Still, we came this farSoredemo Koko made Kitanda かけがえのない 出会いは 奇迹を 伝えてく An irreplaceable encounter is creating miracle Kakegae no nai Deai wa Kiseki wo Tsutaete ku 思い出 重なり合う Memories overlapsOmoid Kasanari au 始まりの 歌 鸣り响いて the Song of our beginning ResoundedHajimari no Uta Nari Hibii te どんなときも 支えてくれた At any time supported meDonna Toki mo Sasae te kureta 笑い合えた 仲间へ To my friend who share the laughs Warai Aeta Nakama e心を込めて ただ一つだけ With all my heart there is only oneKokoro wo komete Tada Hitotsu dake赠る言叶は ありがとう word I want to give, Thank you Okuru Kotoba wa Arigatou100年先も 爱を誓うよ I promise this love even 100 years from nowHyakunen saki mo Ai wo Chikau yo 君は 仆の全てさ You are my everythingKimi wa Boku no Subete sa 爱している ただ爱してる I love you just love youAishite iru Tada Aishiteru 同じ明日 约束しよう I will promise the same tomorrow Onaji Asu Yakusoku shiyou世界中に ただ一人だけ You are the only one from all over the worldSekaiju ni Tada Hitori dake 仆は 君を选んだ I chose youBoku wa Kimi wo Eranda 君といれば どんな未来も When I"m with you every kind of futureKimi to Ireba Donna Mirai mo ずっと 辉いているから It"ll shine foreverZutto Kagayaite irukaraLA LA LA LA....=================================中文、LRC版见以下网址:

求岚Arashi One Love的罗马拼音和中文歌词

I refused to give up I refused to give in You"re my everything I don"t wanna give up I don"t wanna give in, oh no (so) Everybody sings [chorus] One love - for the mother"s pride One love - for the times we cried One love - gotta stay alive I will survive One love - for the city streets One love - for the hip-hop beats One love, Oh I do believe One love is all we need Late at night I"m still wide awake Feel this is far more than I can take I thought my heart could never break Now I know that"s one big mistake [bridge] [chorus] Baby, just love me love me love me Baby, just hold me hold me hold me Oh, love me love me love me, Oooh
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