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CLASSIC 中文意思是什么?

classic 有很多数码产品比如苹果,诺基亚的产品后都跟classic 为什么呢? 根据百度词典的解释 classic KK: [] DJ: [] a.[Z] 1. 最优秀的,第一流的 He recommended me a classic book on Buddhism. 他向我推荐了一本有关佛教的经典名著。 2. 典型的 This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency. 这是一个官僚主义低效率的典型例子。 3. 经典的 4. 古典的,古希腊、古罗马文学艺术的 5. 古典派的;传统的;古雅的 The old gentleman had on a classic suit. 那位老年绅士穿着一套古朴的传统服装。 6. 有长远历史或文学意义的,著名的 n. 1. 大文豪;大艺术家;名著;杰作[C] "War and Peace" is a literary classic. 《战争与和平》是一部经典文学著作。 2. 古典著作;经典著作[P1] 3. 典型的事物;著名的事件[C] 4. (一九二五年至一九四二年间制造的)古典型汽车 我们可以理解为"典藏"版


1、classic是什么意思。 2、fashionclassic是什么意思。 3、classical是什么意思。 4、classic style是什么意思。1.classic:adj.最优秀的。 2.第一流的。 3.有代表性的。 4.典型的。 5.(风格或设计)典雅的,古朴的。 6.传统的。 7.n.(书、电影或歌曲的)经典作品,名著,杰作。 8.优秀的典范。 9.古希腊和古罗马的文化研究(尤指对其语言和文学的研究)。 10.[例句]ThedebateinthemainstreampresshasbeenaclassicexampleofBritishhypocrisy。 11.主流媒体上的辩论是英国式虚伪的典型例子。


classica.1. 最优秀的,第一流的[B]2. 典型的3. 经典的4. 古典的,古希腊、古罗马文学艺术的5. 古典派的;传统的;古雅的6. 有长远历史或文学意义的,著名的n.1. 大文豪;大艺术家;名著;杰作[C]2. 古典著作;经典著作[P1]3. 典型的事物;著名的事件[C]4. (一九二五年至一九四二年间制造的)古典型汽车

classic是什么意思 classic的释义

1、classic:adj.最优秀的;第一流的;有代表性的;典型的;(风格或设计) 典雅的,古朴的;传统的;n.(书、电影或歌曲的) 经典作品,名著,杰作;优秀的典范;古希腊与古罗马的文化研究(尤指对其语言与文学的研究)。 2、[例句]The debate in the mainstream press has been a classic example of British hypocrisy。主流媒体上的辩论是英国式虚伪的典型例子。


svmclassify 是MATLAB本身的函数。libsvm中的预测函数 是 svmpredict




class0.5是什么意思class名词 n. 1.(社会的)阶级;社会等级[C][G]They hope to win mass support among the middle class. 他们希望能赢得中产阶级的广泛支持。 2.等级制度[U]3.班级;年级[C][G]The class were/was interested in his lecture. 班上学生对他的讲座都很感兴趣。 Are you in the third-year class? 你是读三年级吗? 4.(一节)课;上课[C][U]No talking is allowed during class. 上课时不准交谈。 5.(高低优劣的)等级;种类[C]6.【美】(某一年度的)毕业班[C][G]a class of 1994 一九九四年毕业班 7.【生】(动植物分类的)纲[C]8.【口】高质量;出色的风度(或外表等)[U]a girl with real class 很有风度的姑娘 及物动词 vt. 1.把...分类;把...分等级;把...归入某类(或某等级)[(+as/among/with)]That state is classed as an agricultural area. 该州被划为农业区。 class.缩写词 abbr. 1.=classic; classical2.=classification; classified; classify












主 help classify; 在里面输入就可以看到这个函数的作用了。 次 贝叶斯判别:对象(总体)在抽样前已有一定的认识,常用先验分布来描述这种认识,然后给予抽取的样本再对先验认识作修正,得到后验分布,而各种统计推断均基于后验分布进行。将Bay...



pass away pass over put away put off分别是什么意思?

pass away 逝去,消失pass over 忽略不计put away 把………拿开,收起来put off 推迟,拖延

把...分类成....是写classified..into 还是classify..into ?????

classify是一个及物动词,看例子1. The books in the library are classified by subject. 图书馆的书是按科目分类的。 2. Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other? 你认为她的小说属于文学类,还是其它类? 你说的情况这要看主语什么了,懂了吧?


for:(1)表目的,向……努力。(2)表示目标,好了。(3)表最终所有权。to:(1)表目的结果、结局。(2)向到。for + noun or to + infinitive To talk about the purpose of an action, we use a for + noun construction or a to + infinitive structure. Compare the following: We stopped off at the Goose for a drink and then we carried on to embassy for dinner. I"m going to Brussels next week for an interview. I hope to work for the UN. Do you want to have a drink at the Goose before we go on to dine with the ambassador? I"ve come to Dublin to attend a seminar and to meet the new members of the faculty. But now I"m leaving for Rome. for + -ing To talk about the purpose of something, we use a for + -ing construction: - These double-strength paracetamols are good for getting rid of headaches. - Are they suitable for backache too? - What are these two knives used for? - This one is for cutting bread and that one is just for slicing meat. What…for? Note that What…for? can be used in questions to talk about the purpose of both actions and things: - You pinched me! What did you do that for? - I wanted to see if you were awake - What are these two buttons for? - The blue one is for gaining access to the main menu and the green one is for quitting teletext. giving reasons and explaining behaviour Note that the same constructions, for + noun and for + -ing, are used with thank, apologise and be / feel sorry: With be / feel sorry a to + infinitive structure is also possible. Compare the following: Thanks for the lift. Thank you for driving me home. South Western trains would like to apologise for the late arrival of this train and for the inconvenience this may cause you. He really should apologise for spitting in his face. That sort of behaviour is unacceptable, even on a football field. I"m sorry to have taken so long with this report. I"m sorry for taking so long with this report. - I feel sorry for the cleaners. - I feel sorry for them too. They"ve got the thankless task of cleaning up all this mess. Note also the way in which the for + -ing construction is used to explain the reasons for the following actions: He was rewarded for handing in the purse. He was criticised for not coming forward as a witness to the accident. He was fined heavily for speeding on the motorway. He was sent to prison for falsifying the accounts. in order (not) to / so as (not) to + infinitive Note that to + infinitive is one of the most common ways of expressing purpose. When we want to be explicit or sound more formal we can also use in order to or so as to. This structures are especially common before negative infinitives, in order not to and so as not to: To get a better job I decided to take a computer course. In order to get a better job I decided to take a computer course. I left home early in order not to be late for the appointment. I left the house early so as not be late for the job interview. 参考文献:


class读音是[klɑu02d0s]。常见变形:过去式classed,过去分词classed,现在分词classing,第三人称单数classes,复数classes,动词classify,形容词classic。派生词:class n. 等级;种类;品种;社会等级;班;班级;课;课程;阶层;社会阶级,classifier n. 分类者;类符,metaclass n. 元类;元类,outclass v. 比…等级高;远远超过。classify v. 把… 分类;将… 归入一类;将(文件;公文;情报)定为机密,classified adj. 分成类的;分类的;机密的;保密的;归为一类的,reclassify v. 把…重新分类;把…重新划入不同的种族,classifiable adj. 可分类(或级别)的。class例句:1、Two months ago, when our class election started, I decided to run for class president.两个月前,当我们班级选举开始时,我决定竞选班长。2、The class was often filled with laughter and screams.课堂上经常充满了笑声和尖叫声。3、The 8-year-old is the joker of the class.这个8岁的孩子是班上爱开玩笑的人。4、When I was in Grade 5, I had a fight with a boy named Tony in my class.五年级的时候,我和班上一个叫托尼的男孩打了一架。5、It gives you an extra purpose in class.这让你在课堂上多了一个额外的目的。


classifiedadj.保密的,(信息)归入密级的; 分类的,归类的v.分类( classify的过去式和过去分词)She glanced her eye down the classified advertisements. 她扫视了一下分类广告。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O


classify的ion名词形式是:classification。n.分类;归类;分级;类别;等级;门类;(动植物等的)分类学,分类法; 复数: classifications 扩展资料   Research on High Performance Chinese Text Classification Based on Machine Learning.   基于机器学习的高性能中文文本分类研究。   Study of Land Use Classification Based on Decision Tree Method.   基于决策树的土地利用分类方法研究。   Development of Simulation System for Grinding Classification Process Based on ActiveX Technology.   基于ActiveX技术的磨矿分级流程模拟系统的开发。

关于classify 请解释一下 be classiflied with和be classiflied as

classify是动词形式 分类,归类be classified with使归入…类例句All books in the Library are classified with the Library of Congress (LC) Classification system and are shelved in the classified order A-Z....


classify:(按一定方式)分类 sort:(按一定方式)排列



分辨tell recognize distinguish classify 详细 拜托了

tell 辨别;分辨recognize 认出;认识distinguish 区别;识别;辨别classify 将...分类;将...分等级


>> training = randn(34,7)training = -0.0715 0.3757 0.6518 -1.3235 -0.1721 -0.8763 0.4427 0.2792 -1.3454 -0.3771 -0.6616 -0.3360 -0.2655 0.9111 1.3733 1.4819 -0.6614 -0.1461 0.5415 -0.3276 -1.0741 0.1798 0.0327 0.2490 0.2481 0.9321 -1.1582 0.2018 -0.5420 1.8705 -0.3835 -0.0766 -0.5703 0.5801 0.7629 1.6342 -1.2090 -0.5285 1.7382 -1.4986 0.2398 -1.2882 0.8252 -0.7826 0.0554 1.6220 -0.0503 -0.3509 -0.9530 0.2308 -0.7673 1.2538 0.6264 0.5530 0.8921 0.7782 0.6716 -0.1072 -2.5200 0.0918 0.0835 1.5783 -0.0063 -0.5081 -0.9771 0.5849 -0.8076 1.5775 -1.1082 0.5245 0.8564 -0.9640 -1.0081 -0.4613 -0.3308 -0.0259 1.3643 0.2685 -2.3792 0.9443 -1.4060 0.7952 -1.1106 0.4820 0.6250 -0.8382 -2.4240 -0.3745 -0.7848 0.7508 -0.7871 -1.0473 0.2573 -0.2238 -0.4709 -1.2631 0.5002 0.7520 1.5357 -0.1838 0.0581 1.7513 0.6667 -0.5173 -0.1669 0.4344 -0.1676 -0.4246 0.7532 -1.3926 -0.5592 -0.8162 -1.9171 -0.1170 -0.2029 0.0650 -1.3006 -0.7534 2.0941 0.4699 0.1685 -1.5131 -0.2928 -0.6050 0.9258 0.0802 1.2744 -0.5012 -1.1264 0.0828 -1.4886 -0.2485 -0.9373 0.6385 -0.7051 -0.8150 0.7662 0.5585 -0.1498 0.6357 1.3808 0.5082 0.3666 2.2368 -0.2774 -1.2584 1.6820 1.3198 -0.4209 -0.5861 0.3269 -1.2937 0.3126 0.5936 -0.9094 0.2291 1.5374 0.8633 -0.8884 2.6903 0.7902 -2.3056 -0.9595 0.1401 0.6794 -0.9865 0.2897 0.1053 1.7887 -0.1460 -1.8628 0.5548 -0.0716 -1.4228 -0.1586 0.3908 0.7445 -0.4542 1.0016 -2.4146 0.2468 0.8709 0.0203 -0.8905 -0.6521 1.2594 -0.6943 -1.4358 -0.1948 -0.4060 0.1391 0.1033 0.0442 -1.3914 0.1486 0.0755 -1.5349 -0.2361 -0.2206 -0.3141 0.3296 -1.6931 -0.5266 0.2214 -0.0755 -0.2790 0.2267 0.5985 0.7192 -0.6855 -1.3745 -0.3586 -0.7337 0.9967 0.1472 1.1418 -0.2684 -0.8393 -2.0776 -0.0645 1.2159 -0.1014 1.5519 -1.1883 -0.2086 -0.1435 -1.4440 -0.5427 -2.6350 1.3836 0.2486 0.7559 1.3933 0.6123 0.9122 0.0281 -0.7581 0.1025>> sample=[13,10,15,44,48,-4,49];>> group=[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,3]";>> [class,err]=classify(sample,training,group);>> classclass = 1>> errerr = 0.4184我的和你的一样报错,你的样本协方差不是正定矩阵吧。


classify是分成类别 分成等级。。divide有分类。。出发。。分开(实物的分开 如分开一块蛋糕)

classify 和type 的区别?

第一个动词 分类 第二个名词 类型




Classify 的分类是一个自然已形成的分类,如上述文字中所说,例如文章开头和结尾的划分,这个分类是文章自身本就包含的,这个标准不是分类者自己设的,而是自然的规则。


v&adj 分类,保密(只有adj)




是过去分词,在这里作原因状语,因为逻辑主语是句子的主句beer ,和classify 为被动关系,故用过去分词表被动 注意,这里不是动名词做主语的,主语为beer


help classify;在里面输入就可以看到这个函数的作用了。


classify 分类;为…归类同义词 categorize 把…分门别类 另外还有sort ,organize ,arrange个人觉得categorize 意思是最相近的


这个不是个完整的句子,在这里是做定语的。也就是说studied and classified from people"s own speech是定语。所以整句话Simply phonetics studied and classified from people"s own speech只是个有定语的名词。这里的确是被动,本应该是Simply phonetics which were studied and classified from people"s own speech,但是省去which were 也是很普遍的用法。



classify categorize 区别

“Categorizing means sorting phenomena (stuff in general) into categories that work in that situation. Categories are specific and personal; they help you impose order.”Categorize 的分类标准比较personal和specific,比如我把书按照我的喜好分类,或者他把杯子按照颜色分类,这些分类都建立在一个分类人自我的标准之上。“Classifying involves sorting phenomena (stuff in general) into known, fixed classes. For example, let"s say someone gave you a 2-page article and asked you to classify the material as Introduction, Main Text, and Summary. You would need to look at the text and make inferences about the material in order to say which class the various sections of the text belonged to. You might infer, for example, that since the first paragraph came first and hinted at the contents of the article, it could be classified as part of the introduction.”而Classify 的分类是一个自然已形成的分类,如上述文字中所说,例如文章开头和结尾的划分,这个分类是文章自身本就包含的,这个标准不是分类者自己设的,而是自然的规则。希望回答对你有帮助。


classify 分类的用法是:classify sth as sth或sth be classified as sthsort:sort sth out,sort sth——精锐英语孙老师。


classify vt.将...分类;将...分等级 Eggs are classified according to size. 鸡蛋按大小分等级。

put away / put aside 有什么区别

区分一下其英文解释:put away - to store away, place out of the way, clean up, or organize; to eat a great deal (informal); to send someone to prison; divorce; kill gentlyput aside - to save money; to ignore or intentionally forget something, temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can have one"s attention区别在于:1、put away “放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃”含有一些 put aside所没有的意思,例如“吃得很多;把某人送进监狱;离婚;杀”之类,其本身作为“放置好”的意思之时,没有重要性的差异,仅仅是“放开,放好”,强调让“被放置的东西在被放置的位置上不动”。例句:-The injured cat was put away. 这个受伤的猫被杀死了。-They put away a lot. 他们吃得很多。-Put all negative thoughts away. 抛弃所有消极的思想。(让这些思想被放弃后不再回来)2、put aside “撇开, 储存...备用”含有“放置一边”的意思,即可表示“把钱放置一边(存钱)”也可表示“把事物放置一边,因此可以做其他更重要的事”,强调的是有目的性地“故意放开”。例句:-She put aside her needlework. 她放下了手中的针线活。(去干其它事情)有时两者可以通用。希望回答对你有帮助。




class加ify即classify,中文意思为“分类”、“划分”、“将…分类”、“界定”。classify作为及物动词,后面可接介词as,固定搭配为classify sb/sth as sth,意为“将某物划分给某人”。organize,arrange,classify,sort这些动词均含“使有条理、安排”之意。organize指按计划或需要把人或物安排组织成一个整体。arrange指按计划、秩序、需要和可能等进行安排。classify指按照事物类型、质量或是否相似进行分类。sort通常指根据类型或种类分类或整理选择。1、The books in the library are classified according to subject.图书馆的书按学科分类。2、Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major.这些事故中只有十一例被判定为重大事故。3、It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types...首先,必须将头痛分为几个类型。

put away和put aside作为“储存,攒钱”之意时有什么区别啊?

区分一下其英文解释:put away - to store away, place out of the way, clean up, or organize; to eat a great deal (informal); to send someone to prison; divorce; kill gentlyput aside - to save money; to ignore or intentionally forget something, temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can have one"s attention区别在于:1、put away “放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃”含有一些 put aside所没有的意思,例如“吃得很多;把某人送进监狱;离婚;杀”之类,其本身作为“放置好”的意思之时,没有重要性的差异,仅仅是“放开,放好”,强调让“被放置的东西在被放置的位置上不动”。例句:-The injured cat was put away. 这个受伤的猫被杀死了。-They put away a lot. 他们吃得很多。-Put all negative thoughts away. 抛弃所有消极的思想。(让这些思想被放弃后不再回来)2、put aside “撇开, 储存...备用”含有“放置一边”的意思,即可表示“把钱放置一边(存钱)”也可表示“把事物放置一边,因此可以做其他更重要的事”,强调的是有目的性地“故意放开”。例句:-She put aside her needlework. 她放下了手中的针线活。(去干其它事情)有时两者可以通用。希望回答对你有帮助。



classify意思是分类,归类;把…列为密件。classify 变化形式:第三人称单数: classifies过去式: classified过去分词: classified现在分词: classifyingclassify 用法和例句:Unlike americans , brazilians rarely classify themselves by race .与美国不同的是,巴西人们很少按照种族给自己分类。Intriguingly , there was also a virus that the researchers were unable to classify .有趣的是,还有一种研究者们无法分类的病毒。The challenge for mathematicians became how to classify the complete set of these simple groups .数学家的挑战在于,如何对这些简单群的完整集合进行分类。Today we find it quite natural to classify the world as a prerequisite to understanding it .在今天,我们发现将世界分类作为理解这个世界的前提条件,是一件相当自然的事。Its software can analyse digital images , including video , to recognise and classify facial expressions .他们开发了一种可以分析数码图像和视频的软件,该软件可以对人的面部表情进行识别和分类。

put away和put aside作为“储存,攒钱”之意时有什么区别啊?

区分一下其英文解释: put away - to store away, place out of the way, clean up, or organize; to eat a great deal (informal); to send someone to prison; divorce; kill gently put aside - to save money; to ignore or intentionally forget something, temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can have one"s attention 区别在于: 1、put away “放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃”含有一些 put aside所没有的意思,例如“吃得很多;把某人送进监狱;离婚;杀”之类,其本身作为“放置好”的意思之时,没有重要性的差异,仅仅是“放开,放好”,强调让“被放置的东西在被放置的位置上不动”. 例句: -The injured cat was put away. 这个受伤的猫被杀死了. -They put away a lot. 他们吃得很多. -Put all negative thoughts away. 抛弃所有消极的思想.(让这些思想被放弃后不再回来) 2、put aside “撇开, 储存...备用”含有“放置一边”的意思,即可表示“把钱放置一边(存钱)”也可表示“把事物放置一边,因此可以做其他更重要的事”,强调的是有目的性地“故意放开”. 例句: -She put aside her needlework. 她放下了手中的针线活.(去干其它事情) 有时两者可以通用.希望回答对你有帮助.



the teacher and {} student {} been invited to the party 第一个空要不要加THE 第二个空加HAS 还是have



恰恰相反,phrases 是依附主语的,单独则会难以理解。而clauses是独立的,它包含有主语和谓语。


最主要的分别是: phrase 没有动词 clause 有动词 例句: A phrase is a group of words which acts as a single unit in meaning and in grammar and is not built round a verb for example: (1) the lovely girl (noun phrase) (2) behind the door; in the river (prepositional phrase) (3) good at English (adjectival phrase) (4) very quickly (adverbial phrase) A clause is a group of words which acts as a single unit and is built round a verb for example: (1) He lives in America. (main clause) (2) Why she bought it is a great mystery to us all. (noun clause) (3) She seems to be pleased with it. (noun phrase) (4) I suggest going to Shatin. (noun phrase) (5) The shop where I work is closing. (relative clause) (6) They arrived before it started raining. (adverbial clause) 2011-07-30 23:47:01 补充: Dictionary: build something around something (usually passive) - to create something using something else as a basis 在…基础上创作 Example: The story is built around a group of high school dropouts. 故事围绕着一群辍学的中学生展开。 2011-07-30 23:54:32 补充: a clause is built around a verb 意思指 子句以动词为中心而组成 2011-07-31 00:00:39 补充: Tpyo 文稿小错误 to be pleased with it. (noun phrase) 应该是 (noun clause) going to Shatin. (noun phrase) 应该是 (noun clause) Sorry! 参考: 主要分别 phrase冇verb clause有verb

ask her to call me的另一种说法

ask her to call me 同义句:tell her to give me a call翻译结果:告诉她给我打电 话

英语,asked to call 什么意思?




I was not allowed to call him Charlie to his face.

1)to call him chalie中call是双宾动词,如称某人小王,都是用这类句型:call sb Xiao Wang.2)此句为被动语态,在理解上to call应按allow sb to do sth句型理解,因而我认为这里的to call应该为宾语补足语!

Oki Kumas Adventure 歌词

歌曲名:Oki Kumas Adventure歌手:Machinae Supremacy专辑:Redeemer (Underground Edition)Oki Kuma"s Adventure-Machinae Supremacy 歌词我的最爱I look at the sky as my ownAnd the light always warms my bonesBut the light brings the dark in shadowAnd somewhere inside I know.It glows in the freezing nightThe midwinter snow so whiteIn its celestial path in the skyThe great hubnester lies.I refuse to fail, to kneel or bow.No power in the "verse can stop me now.Leading me towards the dawn of day.The stars above illuminate my way.My burden an awful loadMy chest holds a heart of goldIn the stories a child is toldA legend amongst the old.It speaks of a legacyOne of me and my family.And I burn for their right to surviveTo be alive.I refuse to fail, to kneel or bow.No power in the "verse can stop me now.Leading me towards the dawn of day.The stars above illuminate my way."Kuma was a hero who saved the world. ""The Legend of hubnesters fight will be told forever"I refuse to fail, to kneel or bow.No power in the "verse can stop me now.Leading me towards the dawn of day.The stars above illuminate my way.It glows in the freezing nightThe midwinter snow so whiteIn its celestial path in the skyThe great hubnester lies.It speaks of a legacyOne of me and my family.And I burn for their right to surviveTo be alive

Down is to low as up is to high

Down is to low as up is to high降至最低

too fast to live too young to die什么意思

您好:活得太快太年轻死双语对照例句:1.Yoo fast to live too young to die. 裕快速的生活太年轻死。----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

关于英语语法的一道填空题: He asked me several questions ____(


Too fast to live,too young to die.翻译,谢!


我有一条军牌项链上面写着too fast too live too young too die?

这句话你看错了吧 应该是too fast to live , too young to die. 前面那句是说 人生短暂,后面说 英年早逝

Too fast to live,too young to die,中文是什么意思


as concerns 怎么用?为什么concern要加s?concerning怎么用?

as concerns其实省略是as (it) concerns,所以加sconcerning和regarding差不多:关于,论及,就…而言:He heard nothing concerning this matter.关于这件事他什么都没听到。

All cases concerning children are dealt with in a special court.为什么前面用concerning?

concerning是介词“关于” 常常构成短语concerning about sb/sth 关于某人某物

as to和concerning有什么区别

as to 常用于相当正式的语境中,尤其用于争论和做出决定时。可放于句首或与 wh- 疑问词引导的动词不定式和名词性从句连用(有时可省略),concerning prep.介词 (表示论及)关于, 有关, 就…而论,涉及,表示比较专业内容方面的.例如:1. I want to know about your family.2.Conerning his proposal(提案) ,there are were pros(赞成) and cons (反对).3.I buy a book on Shakespeare.(莎士比亚)

Too fast to live,too young to die.翻译,谢!


Too fast to live,too young to die,中文是什么意思


too fast to live, too young to die是什么意思

生命的时光匆匆, 太年轻以至不该早死.

as 的用法、意思总结

as adv. 同样地, 一样。prep. 1. (表示时间)当还是…的时候 2. (表示方式)以…的身份, 以…资格, 作为; 以…形式, 以作为; 以…角色, 扮演…角色; 如同, 像 3. (表示结果)成为, 看作, 看成 4. (表示目的)为了, 以…为目的 5. (表示举例)例如, 诸如…之类的 conj. 在…期间, 当…时候;尽管, 即使, 虽然;像…一样;由于, 因为还有一些短语as a matter of fact =as a result ,结果as a whole 整体来看

Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die 是什么意思?


Too fast to live, too young to die,中文是什么意思


西班牙文学作品las hojas secas 麻烦问一下 谁知道中文是什么

别找了 。。。无果 。对了桌,你隐藏的真不深。。。。

Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast 歌词

歌曲名:Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast歌手:Airbourne专辑:Too Much, Too Young, Too FastAirbourne - Too Much, Too Young, Too FastWritten by Red Hair DanieLSome people like to make all the rulesAnd tell others what to doThey make it their way so they always winAnd the others always loseStreet gangs and madmenHow they wage their private warsIn bankers clothes their hearts are frozeand Their wives hold hands with whoresI"ll sit and spin for a little whileIf it"s the end of daysI"m goin out in styleToo much, Too young, Too fastI"m gonna drink it up while it lastsToo much, Too young, Too fastI"m gonna tear it up so fill my glassThieves in the night rob you blindWith surgical precisionYou can"t evade the eye in the skyHe got facial recognitionParanoia on every streetIt"s hard to stay aliveNever know when you"ll feel the heatBefore it takes your lifeI"ll sit and spin for a little whileIf it"s the end of daysI"m goin out in styleToo much, Too young, Too fastI"m gonna drink it up while it lastsToo much, Too young, Too fastI"m gonna tear it up so fill my glasswaaaaaaa....Too much, Too young, Too fastI"m gonna drink it up while it lastsToo much, Too young, Too fastI"m gonna tear it up so fill my glassToo much I"m gonna drink it upToo fast yeah while it lastswhaaaa...Written by Red Hair DanieL

贫瘠的生活 VIDAS SECAS怎么样

虽然选择的题材点比较的另类 但如果不用传统的叙事结构来整合整体剧情 就会显得凌乱拖沓 不同与意大利新现实主义的深刻性 巴西新电影运动稍显平淡但有一些独特的悲凉 []

Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die 是什么意思?


pleasures是什么牌子 美式街头品牌

pleasures是一个来自洛杉矶的潮牌,这个牌子美式风格非常的浓厚,有很多年轻人都特别喜欢穿pleasures家的服装,潮味十足,一起来了解下吧。 pleasures是什么牌子 PLEASURES,创立自 2015 年,由原 Publish Brand 创意总监 Alex James 与来自 SSUR 的 Vlad Elkin 共同创立,凭藉著充满地下朋克风格的图案和标语设计而迅速走红。不过,最早被大多数人所熟知的单品是一顶完全由 IKEA 购物袋改造而成的帽款,即是由 PLEASURES 与 Chinatown Market 联手打造。 提起品牌的创立,创始人Alex James 说一切都源于对美国东岸次文化的艺术与音乐的热爱,而来自西岸的自己,更想创作出专属本土的时尚风格。正是根植于朋克摇滚的独有的设计美学,为品牌带来了取之不尽的灵感来源。通过致敬(R.I.P.)那些令人迷醉的 ROCK STAR 与伟大的乐队们,一再的唤起了我们心中的理想与幻梦。pleasures是什么档次 PLEASURES作为一个 2015 年在洛杉矶成立的新晋街头品牌,不能不说是“年轻”,但绝不该因此而小看它,其主理人可是十分有来头 —— Publish Brand 的创意总监 Alex James 和来自 SSUR 的 Vlad Elkin。 摇滚文化与街头精神的碰撞,如同实验般激荡出不同的火花。对比我们毫无激情和意义的生活,每一天的 PLEASURES 都是全新的开始。短短几年已经成为了一股不可忽视的新锐力量,受到 Wiz Khalifa、The Weeknd 在内的歌手力捧。pleasures品牌风格 PLEASURES对国内潮流爱好者们来说,印象最深的应该还是那件拿陈冠希开刀的 “R.I.P. EDC”。Alienegra 系列常出现的陈冠希头像很熟悉了吧,PLEASURES 将其倒置在前胸,双袖还印了硕大的 “R.I.P. EDC”。 PLEASURES 的设计上,经常能看到地下朋克、嘻哈、摇滚、重金属、硬核等元素。PLEASURES 的许多单品都与歌词相关,一些年轻人可能原先不了解这些乐队,但却会因为觉得 PLEASURES 上的这句话很酷而专门去发掘背后的内涵。pleasures是哪里的品牌 美国洛杉矶。 洛杉矶作为滑板爱好者的天堂,也因其滑板文化孕育出了众多享誉世界的街头品牌。supreme,stussy,undefeated等,可以说洛杉矶街头文化早已扎根在每个人心中。不过就是在如此拥挤的市场下,2015年,仍有一个异类异军突起,它的几次受争议的举动吸引了许多街头爱好者的关注,同时也正式将自己推入潮流圈,这就是pleasuers与它的主理人Alex James和Vlad Elkin。





《Strange Caseof Dr Jekyll》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Tales》(Robert Louis Stevenson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: u36s书名:Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Tales作者:Robert Louis Stevenson出版社:OUP Oxford出版年份:2008-05-08页数:256内容简介:"Instantly the spirit of hell awoke in me and raged...I was suddenly struck through the heart by a cold thrill of terror." Stevenson"s short novel, published in 1886, became an instant classic. It was a Gothic horror that originated in a feverish nightmare, whose hallucinatory setting in the murky back streets of London gripped a nation mesmerized by crime and violence. The respectable doctor"s mysterious relationship with his disreputable associate is finally revealed in one of the most original and thrilling endings in English literature. In addition to Jekyll and Hyde, this edition also includes a number of short stories and essays written by Stevenson in the 1880s, minor masterpieces of fiction and comment: "The Body Snatcher", "Markheim", and "Olalla" feature grave-robbing, a sinister double, and degeneracy, while "A Chapter on Dreams" and "A Gossip on Romance" discuss artistic creation and the "romance" form. Appendixes provide extracts from contemporary writings on personality disorder, which set Stevenson"s tale in its full historical context. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World"s Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford"s commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.

cleanup the classroom

sweep一般是说扫地,而clean是打扫干净的意思. 应该是clean the classroom,也可以是clean the classroom up. sweep应该是sweep the floor.

Please allow me to love you again 什么意思

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