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as far as i am concerned。as far as和concerned分别怎么解释

as far as 据。。。什么什么concerned 关心的 有关的as far as i am concerned 据我关心的。。。

过去式要用As far as I knew吗?

应该不能as far as I know是个固定搭配,意思是据我所知 这里的know是知道的,是个形容词,并不是个动词,所以无法用过去式


asc 是降序!(从小到大)

as far as,,,,,,,is concerned.就,,,,,而论。 这个短语在句中做什么


as long as 与 as far as 的区别

选A as long as 只要 as far as 就....来说

as far as 是副词 意思是:就...而言 为什么:就我而言→As far as I am concerned. 不是:As far as I

这是个固定用法,一般用来陈述己见,相当于:In my opinion,From my piont of view,就我个人而言

as/as soon as/as far as/now that有什么区别

as soon as 一。。。就 e.g. Write to me as soon as you arrive in England. He told me the news as soon as he knew it.通过上面两句可以看出:主句和as soon as 引导的时间状语从句要用一般时态。1. As far as 意为“就……来说”、“在……范围内”,引导状语从句,强调程度或范围,2. As far as作短语介词或连词,意为“像……那样远”、“远到……”、“直到……”

Beast总共有多少歌(合唱的也算) 最好一一写出来

  Frist Episode A New Hero (李起光AJ Solo)  曲目:   01. Intro   02. Dancing Shoes   03. 2009 (ft. 泫雅)   04. 擦干眼泪   05. Dancing Shoes (Inst.)     第一张迷你专辑  Beast Is The B2ST (1st Mini Album)  发行时间:2009年10月14日   曲目:   01. Beast Is The B2ST   02. Bad Girl [主打曲]   03. Mystery [主打曲]   04. 至今还   05. Oasis  Shock Of The New Era (2nd Mini Album)  发行时间:2010年03月02日  第二张迷你专辑  曲目:   01. Just Before Shock   02. Shock [主打曲]   03. Special   04. 请求我的女朋友 (Say No)   05. Easy  Easy (Digital Single)  发行时间:2010年04月29日   歌曲:Easy (Sincere Ver.)  Mastermind (3rd Mini Album)  发行时间:2010年09月28日  第三张迷你专辑  曲目:   01. Mastermind   02. 呼吸(Soom) [主打曲]   03. V.I.U (Very Important U)   04. Break Down   05. 握紧拳头  Lights Go On Again (4th Mini Album)  发行时间:2010年11月09日  第四张迷你专辑  曲目:   01. Lights Go On Again (Short Ver.)   02. Beautiful [主打曲]   03. 最喜欢你   04. Lightless   05. I"m Sorry  My Story  发行时间:2010年12月21日   曲目:  My Story  01. When The Door Closes (孙东云 & 尹斗俊)   02. Thanks To (梁耀燮 & 龙俊亨)   03. Let It Snow (李起光 & 张贤胜)   04. Lights Go On Again (Full Ver.)  SHOCK(日本出道单曲)  发行时间:2011.03.16  Fiction and Fact (1st Album)  Fiction and Fact  发行时间:2011年05月17日曲目:   01. The Fact   02. Fiction [主打曲]   03. Back to You   04. You   05. Freeze   06. Virus   07. ubd88ub7ecubcf4uc9c0ub9cc(Though I Call)   08. ube44uac00uc624ub294ub0a0uc5d4 (雨天)   09. Lightless (Unplugged Ver.)   10. Fiction (Orchestra Ver.)  还有一些翻唱的 虹 原创的 成长痛

as far as I am concerned是什么意思


Https 密钥协商中的第三个随机数pre-master-key如何防篡改?

Https 密钥协商中的第三个随机数pre-master-key使用对称加密就可以防篡改。加密密钥能够从解密密钥中推算出来,同时解密密钥也可以从加密密钥中推算出来。而在大多数的对称算法中,加密密钥和解密密钥是相同的,所以也称这种加密算法为秘密密钥算法或单密钥算法。密钥的作用:它的最大优势是加/解密速度快,适合于对大数据量进行加密,但密钥管理困难。 非对称密钥,需要使用不同的密钥来分别完成加密和解密操作,一个公开发布,即公开密钥,另一个由用户自己秘密保存,即私用密钥。

as far as,as long as,as well as,as often as 分别什么意思

as far as 英 基本释义1.直到…为止 2.只要 3.据…, 就… 4.远到... 1.直到…为止 He walked as far as the gate.他一直走到大门口。Fields of corn spread out as far as the eye could see.玉米地延伸到看不到边的地方。2.只要 As far as possible, he will help you.只要可能, 他会帮助你的。3.据…, 就… As far as I know, he will be away for three months.据我所知, 他将离开三个月。4.远到... as long as 英 基本释义1.只要, 如果 2.既然, 由于 1.只要, 如果 I"ll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on.只要我的钱还能维持一天, 我就在墨西哥待一天。I"ll never forget that as long as I am living.这事我至死也不会忘记。2.既然, 由于 You may stay here as long as you like.你高兴在这儿待多久就待多久。as well as 英 易混淆的单词: As well As基本释义同反义词1.也,又 2.不但...而且 ;和...一样 3.除…之外(也),同…一样(也),和,也,还 4.既…又… 5.此外,也 1.也,又2.不但...而且 ;和...一样3.除…之外(也),同…一样(也),和,也,还4.既…又…5.此外,也as often as 英 基本释义1.每次, 每当 1.每次, 每当 As often as he"s tried to go there, he"s always failed.每次他争取去那里都未能成行。


I need a master key 我需要一把万能钥匙



so far as i know和as far as i know的区别

基本相同。1,据我所知,有一种情况下,只用as far as I know not as far as I know 据我所知不行,这里就不用 not so far as i know. 但这也不是语法上的问题,就是一个约定俗成的习惯用法而已。2, 另外,用so far as i know,语气显得稍微更强烈一点。总的说来,两者可以乱入,不用忌惮。

as far as是比较级吗

要根据句子意思和语境属于比较级中的一种是同级比较 as far as 和……一样远如果是 作为固定词组就不是比较级即as far asadv.至于,直到,远到;就…而言

as far as as fast as有什么区别

as far as和…一样远as fast as和…一样快

The master key system

这本书中文译名为《世界上最神奇的24堂课》,或者《万能钥匙》,该书思想最早形成于作者1912年教授的课程,1916年成书,致力于讲授使**精神成长、财富成功、身体健康(mental development、financial success、personal health)**的方法。 > Among the key points of Haanel"s system are what he refers to as the laws of concentration, attraction, and harmonious thinking and action. Unique to the Master Key System is a set of exercises that accompany each chapter, and which are systematically building upon each other — they are what makes the Master Key System a system. Another important aspect of the Master Key System is the element of "Truth". The understanding of "Truth" is derived from the understanding that Spirit is all there is, and that it cannot be other than perfect. Truth provides readers/students with certainty, courage and determination to change their life for the better. > 在哈奈尔的系统中最关键的点是专注法则,吸引力法则以及协调一致的思考和行动。万能钥匙体系最独特的部分是每章内容所附的一系列练习……正是这些练习使“万能钥匙体系”成为一个体系。这个体系另一个重要的部分是“真相”。对“真相”的理解源于理解“精神”普遍存在,且是完美的。真相给予读者和学生确定性、勇气和决心来为了更好地生活而改变。 为什么对这本书感兴趣呢?因为有一位朋友准备在2017年用365天践行这本书中的思想、书中要求的练习。所以,对她投入这么大精力来践行的事情,对这本书有了兴趣,就买了该书的英文版和中文版来读。 早上读了这本书一部分内容,发现这本书并不是我想要的,书中的很多论断类似宗教的话语,很绝对,并冠以终极智慧的称谓,这是我不能认可的。在维基百科上找一下这本书的背景,书中的思想源于十九世纪末美国的新思想运动(New Thought Movement),该运动主要思想如下:简单翻译下,可能不准确: * 无穷的智慧或者上帝是无处不在的。 * 灵魂、精神是最终的实体。 * 真正地人性是神圣的。 * 神圣的、协调的思想是向好的积极力量。 * 所有的疾病最初都来自于精神的问题。 * 正确的思考有着治愈的效果。 看来,这本书的思想源于身心灵锻炼的一个流派,但这是100年前的思想。本书的一个营销点是“据说,比尔盖茨在大学时读到了这本书,书中的思想促使他辍学创业,成就软件帝国”。但是,“据说”是真的吗?盖茨的成功都要归功于这本书吗? 其实自己只是投入了2个小时来看“万能钥匙体系”的相关资料,书,但我现在对它投了反对票。我更倾向于读李笑来的文章,当然也不是盲从,而是思考、践行。

as for与as for as区别

as for 是至于的意思As for the dinner, we will find a way ourselves.至于晚餐,我们会自己想办法Mr James said that he is arriving. As for the others, they are still in bed.詹姆士先生说他快到了。至于其他人,他们还没睡醒。as for as,在英文里没有这一词。或许你想问的其实是 as far asas far as 在不同的句子里有不同的用法和意思如 :As far as I know, this is not the truth据我所知,这不是事实As far as I am concerned, I don"t think he is telling the truth就我个人而言,我认为他在说谎He can run as fast as James他能够跑得和詹姆士一样快。

master key password是什么意思

master password 英     美    主口令master password的用法和样例:例句If you want to protect your Wand by setting a master password, go to the Security preferences under "Advanced".如果您想要使用主密码保护您的Wand,请在“高级”中的安全性首选项中设置。So these RoboForm security measures are really of limited value.So limited that I"ve been able to capture the RoboForm master password in every keylogger I"ve tried.这些为了增强安全性的特性效果有限,以至于我能使用很多键盘记录软件捕获到主密码;Encrypted data files are accessible only with the master password that you choose.For enhanced security, your master password is used as the encryption/decryption key and is not stored anywhere.锁码的文件只允许你所选择的密码可以进入,为了加强安全性,你的密码只在锁码和译码时使用,并且不被放在任何地方。Tip: To protect your e-mail and news passwords, enter a master password in Opera"s security preferences.提示:为了保护您的邮件和新闻密码,请在Opera的安全首选项中输入一个安全密码。Note: many BIOSes have well known default master passwords, and applications also exist to retrieve the passwords from the BIOS.注:许多BIOS都有默认密码,并且有些程序可以从BIOS获取密码。

as far as用什么时态


as far as sb /sth be concerned中的“as far as"什么意思?


as long as 、as far as 、as well as、as good 最好每个给个例句

as long as 只要 ,和...一样长 例:1.He came in with a face as long as a fiddle and said it was raining again. 他拉长着脸进来说,又下雨了. 2.I don"t mind as long as it doesn"t rain. 只要不下雨就行了. as far as 就...而言,至于 到...程度 例:As far as sb knows 就...所知 as far as something can go. 某事物所能达到的最远点. But as far as I know. 但据我所知. as well as (除...之外)也,又 例:He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 他既种菜也种花. as good as 和...几乎一样(差不多) 例:Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐.

as far as引导什么从句


as far as/so far as/so far/as long as/so long as

as far as远到…;据…;so far as 就~而论;就~之限度;在~之范围so far 到目前为止;迄今为止;as long as 只要; 如果;so long as 只要========如有疑问,马上追问!祝学习进步========

Teen Top、beast 有什么cp?


as long as 、as far as 、as well as、as good as分别是什么意思



as1 [强 03z; 弱05z] adv. 1. [表示程度]同样地,相同地,一样地,相等地,达到…程度 2. [后接形容词或分词]被认为,被看作是,(从某种方式)与…对比时 3. [后接 directed, agreed, promised 等分词]照…一样,按照(规定的、同意的、答应的)方式 4. 诸如,例如 conj. 1. [表示比较]像…(一样),达到…程度,以至于: 例句: It flew straight as an arrow.它直飞如箭。 You are as good as you think you are.你像你自己认为的一样好。 2. [表示方式]以…的方式,按照;如同,如同…那样: 例句: Do as you are told.照吩咐去做。 Do as we do.我们怎么干,你就怎么干。 3. [表示时间] 当…的时候,在…的同时,和…同时;当,正值: 例句: She wept as she spoke.她边说边哭。 Pay as you enter.进来时付钱。 4. [表示原因]因为,由于,鉴于;既然: 例句: As you object, we won"t go.由于你反对,我们不去了。 As you are leaving last, lock up.你是最后一个离开,把门锁好。 5. [与so连用,表示结果或目的]:以至于,结果是: 例句: The question is so obvious as to need no reply.这问题很清楚,不必回答。 6. [表示让步,词序倒装]虽然,尽管,纵: 例句: Tall as she was she couldn"t reach the oranges.她虽然长得这么高,仍够不着那些橙子。 Strange as it seems,it is so.虽然看来很怪,但事实如此。 7. [口语][引导名词从句,在主从复合句的主句中]= that: 例句: I don"t know as I should.我不知道我该这么做。 I don"t know as I do.我不知道我知道。 8. [与 so 连用,表示目的]为了,为使,以便: 例句: Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.为了便于复习,学生应该记笔记。 9. [常与 so 连用,表示比例或关系]正像;随着…: 例句: As the wind blew harder,so the sea grew rougher.风越刮越大,海浪也越来越汹涌。 10. 仿佛,好像( = as if): 例句: It seems as she"s never happy.她似乎生活得一点也不愉快。 11. 根据;[与 go 连用]按照…的一般标准来说: 例句: as far as it goes就一般标准来说,就其本身来说 12. [口语][引导名词从句, = that] 13. [方言]比;与其…(不如…)( = than) pron. 1. 如(情形或事实所表示);这一点,这一事实,那一情况 2. [用于比较,前为such 或 the same,或与后跟形容词的 as 连用,引导定语从句,等于who,which或that]照此;如;像…样的人(或事物);凡是…的人(或事物) 3. 也一样( = and so) 4. [方言][引导定语从句,= who,whom,which 或 that] prep. 1. 当作;作为;以…的资格,以…的身份: 例句: He poses as a friend.他摆出一副朋友的样子。 I do not think much of her as a musician.她作为一名音乐家,我认为不怎么样。 2. 像,如同,跟…一样: 例句: The risk is as nothing compared to the gain.所冒风险与所得相比不足挂齿。 The thief disguised himself as a policeman.那贼乔装打扮成警察。 3. [表示比较]像…(一样): 例句: as early as 1848早在1848年 eyes as clear as crystals水晶般明亮的眼睛 4. 例如: 例句: a card game, as bridge一种牌戏,例如桥牌 In some words in English the initial h is not sounded,as honour,hour,honesty,etc.英语里有些词如 honour,hour,honesty等等的首字h不发音。 5. 为了…的目的: 例句: I only said it as a joke.我只是开玩笑说说而已。 6. 以…的形式: 例句: We all start life as babies.我们都是从婴儿开始人生的旅程的。 7. 由于…的理由[as being的省略形式]: 例句: He was detained as suspects.他因是嫌疑犯被拘留。 8. 起…的作用;(在剧中)扮演…的角色: 例句: The illustration shows Mr.John as prince in Hamlet.这个插图说明约翰先生在《哈姆雷特》一剧中扮演王子这个角色。 9. 当某人在…的时候: 例句: As a child,he was rather naughty.他小时候挺淘气。 短语 1. as a basket of chips极其,非常 2. as above如上;同上 3. as against与…相比,和…(过去情况加以)比较;与…相对照,比(对)… 4. as a general thing通例,惯例;通常;大概 5. as a matter of course当然,乃必然之事 6. as a matter of fact事实上,实际上,其实;事实恰恰相反[见matter] 7. as a matter of form作为一种礼节 8. as a matter of routine按照常规;例行公事 9. as a means of作为…的工具;作为…的方法 10. as appears(在…地方)能见到;出现(于);见(于)… 11. as appertains适当,适合;相当 12. as a result (或 consequence)因此,结果(发生某种情况),作为结果[见result或consequence] as a(或the) result of 由于…而,作为…的结果;因此,结果[见 result] 13. as a (general) rule一般说来,通常[见 rule] 14. as and when无论是以什么方式和在什么时候 15. as…as[用于表示两个事物的相同、相等或同样的关联结构]和…一样,与…同样地 16. as…as any不亚于任何一个,不比别的差,…中最…的 17. as…as anything极为,非常 18. as…as anything can be越…越好;越…越妙 19. as…as before像从前一样 20. as…as…can be到了最…的程度,极其,十分,很 21. (as…)as ever像从前一样;依旧 22. as…as one can尽力,尽可能地…;越…越好 as…as…permit 在…许可范围内尽量 23. as…as possible尽可能,尽量,越…越好 24. as…as they come(或 make them)非常,极端,极其…的,格外地[用于加强语气] 25. as a system有规律地;系统地;顺序地;有规划地 26. as a whole作为总体,总的说来,就全体而论,概括起来 27. as becomes one适当;相合;和…相称 28. as being就是;即像 29. as best one can (或 could)尽其所能地,尽可能好地,尽最大努力,用一切办法;全力以赴 30. as best one may竭力,尽力 31. as big as they come最大的 32. as big as you please若无其事地;无拘无束地 33. (as) black as a crow (或 raven,sloe)漆黑,极黑,十分黑 34. (as)black as coal乌黑,漆黑,极黑, 35. (as)black as inka. 极黑 b. 晦暗;毫无希望,无生气 36. (as) black as jet十分黑,极黑 37. (as) black as midnight暗如午夜;非常黑暗 38. (as) black as Newgate极黑 39. as black as one is painted像人们所说(或认为)的那么坏[用于否定句或疑问句] 40. (as) black as pitch黑如沥青,非常黑,漆黑 41. (as) blunt as hedge-hook十分纯 42. (as) bold as a lion勇如猛狮;十分勇敢 43. (as) bold as blind Bayard愚勇,勇而无谋 44. (as) brave as a lion勇如猛狮,非常勇敢 45. (as) bright as day (或 as moon day)十分亮,很明亮 46. (as) bright as silver (或 as the light)十分亮 47. (as) brisk as a butterfly十分活泼;非常敏捷 48. (as) brittle as glass容易碎的,很脆的 49. as broad as it is (或 it"s)longa. 没有区别,半斤八两,结果一样 b. 长宽一样 50. (as) brown as a berry (或 as mahogany)棕色,褐色 51. as chance will (或 would) have it凑巧;偶然;偏偏 52. (as) clear as day (或 a whistle)明若观火,很明白,很清楚,极易了解 53. (as) cold as ice (或 a marble)a. 冰冷,很冷 b. 冷酷无情 54. (as) common as the hedge (或 highway)十分平常(或普通) 55. as concerning关于,至于 56. as coolly as you like非常冷淡地 57. (as) dark as midnight暗似半夜,非常黑暗 58. as early as早在,和…一样早 59. as ever依然,依旧 [见as usual] 60. as fair (或 good) as一样好;不相上下 61. (as) fair as a lily (或 as a rose)美貌,姣好如出水芙蓉(或玫瑰花) 62. as far asa. 远到…,一直到…;到…那么远;像…那样远 b. [口语][表示程度、范围]就…;就…而论,尽…;至于,说到[见 far] 63. as far as anything goes就一般的情况来说;就事情的本身来说;就有关方面而论 64. as far as … be concerned就…而论 65. as far as … goes就…而论 66. as far as I can see据我看来 67. as far as in my lies尽我最大的力量;尽我力所能及 68. as far as it goes照目前情况而论;假使只是那么样 69. as far as one can see根据某人的判断;就某人所判断的 70. as far as the eye can reach就眼力所能及;极目 71. as far back as在早…,远在… 72. as far forth as= as far as 73. (as) fast as和…一样快,迅速,立即 74. as folks (或 men,people,things) go照习惯来说;照一般说法,照现在情况来说 75. as follows如下;如后 76. as fora. 就…而论,说到;在…方面 b. 至于,关于 77. as for the rest至于后来;至于其他,至于其余的人(或事物),(有时暗示不关心或轻蔑)[见 rest 条的 for the rest] 78. as from从…时起,以…时候开始[公文用语] 79. as God is my witness我郑重发(或起)誓 80. as good相等于,无异;同样,也 81. as good as与…无异,与…几乎一样;简直是;实际上等于,其实,实在[见 good] 82. (as) good as a feast充裕;富余 83. as good as done几乎用尽;行将完成 84. (as) good as golda. [口语] b. 极贵重的;很可靠的 c. (孩子)规规矩矩的,很乖的 85. as good as one"s word(s)说话算数,言行一致;守约 86. as good as they come极好的[见 come] 87. (as)happy as a king(或 a clam)非常愉快,非常幸福 88. as happy (或honest) as the day is long非常愉快(或诚实)的(尤指处于一种持续状态) 89. as … has it如…所说 90. (as) heavy as a bag of sand (或as lead,as sand)非常重;(心情)沉重 91. as howa. [主美国方言、口语] b. [引导名词性从句]= that c. 是否( = if,whether) 92. (as) hungry as a hawk (或 as a hunter,as a wolf)很饿,饿极了,非常饥饿 93. as I am alive见 as I live 94. as ifa. 好像,似乎,仿佛 b. [引导名词从句] = that c. [引导无定形句,表示惊讶、不信任、愤懑等强烈感情]好像…似的,倒是…似的 95. as if it"s going out of fashion[口语]毫无节制地(常用于 spend money 之后)[见like it"s going out of fashion] 96. as if it"s going out of style[口语]毫无节制地[见 like it"s going out of fashion] 97. as if it were= as it were 98. as if (或 though)one owned the place专横跋扈地;盛气凌人地 99. as if (或 though)one"s life depended on (或 upon) it竭尽全力地;专心致志地 100. as if (或 though) something were(或 was) not enough除(做)某事以外另外还…;好像(做)某事还不够似的

用as far as写五个句孑

as far as 只要; 远到…; 据…; 直到…为止As far as I can recall, Patti was a Smith.我记得帕蒂是姓史密斯的。There are pine trees as far as the eye can see.放眼望去,除了松树还是松树。It only lasted a couple of years, as far as I know.据我所知,它仅仅维持了两三年。That"s the problem as far as I can see.在我看来,那就是问题所在。He walked as far as the gate.他一直走到大门口。


你下酷狗 ,那差不多都有

so far as 和 so long as 的区别?

as far as =so far as :尽可能远的 / 据我所知 / 至于as long as=so long as :尽可能长的 / 只要


ubb34uc9c0uac1c (Single) ,so beast,bad girl,fiction and fact,ube44uac00 uc624ub294 ub0a0uc5d4 (Single),Mastermind,Beast Is The B2ST,Lights go on again,MY STORY (Single),Shock Of The New Era,BEAST(EXCLUSIVE REMIX),Skinny Baby ,握紧拳头,BAD GIRL(初回限定盤A),Bad Girl (Japanese Ver.)

as far as遵循主将从现

asfaras的用法1. 用于本义,意为“与……一样远”“一直到……”(在否定句中也可用sofaras)。如:Wewalkedasfarastheriver.我们一直走到河边。Wedidn"tgoas[so]farastheothers.我们走得不如其他人远。I"vereadasfarasthethirdchapter.我已读到第三章。2. 用于引申义,意为“就……而言”“从……来看”“尽……所能”“只要”(有时可用sofaras)。如:We"llhelpyouasfarasispossible.我们会尽可能帮你。As[So]farasIknow,thatishighlyunlikely.就我所知,那是极不可能的。As[So]farasIcansee,therearenomistakes.据我看没有什么差错。采纳先谢谢

as far as词性

as far as 作为介词是 就 ...而言,至于 的意思 例句:This is a book,which I dare say,is unequaled as far as translation practice is concerned. 就翻译训练而言我认为这是一本无出其右的好书 而作为连词是 到 ...程度 例句:As far as I know,he is kind. 就我所知,他人不错 as far as 后没有接介词to的用法 因为第二个as本身就作为连词和介词的词性 但有一个动词短语 go so/as far as to… 竟然到...地步 后面可以加名词 例句:Personally,I wouldn"t go so far as to say that. 就我个人而言,我还不至于说那个

请问so long as 和as long as, so far as 和as far as,

一、so long as 和as long as, 都有“……不如……一样长”的意思,有时可以互换。但用法有点不同。1、so long as 只能用于否定句中,意思是“……不如……一样长”。2、as long as 用于否定句与“so long as ”同义; 用于肯定句,意思是:“……和……一样长”。另外,它还有“只要”的意思,引导状语从句。如:1). The stick isn"t as long as that one. = The stick isn"t so long as that one. 这条棍子不如那条长。2). The stick is as long as that one. (此句不能用 so long as ) 这条棍子和那条一样长。3). I will help you as long as I have time . (此句不能用 so long as ) 只要我有空我就会帮助你。二、so far as 和as far as 都有“……不如……一样远”的意思,有时它们可以互换,但用法有点不同。1、 so far as 只能用于否定句,意思是“……不如……一样远”。2、as far as 可用于否定句,此时与“so far as” 同义。也可用于肯定句,意思是“ ……和……一样远”。3、作为“就……而言”“从……来看”“尽……所能”“只要” 解时,两者可互换。如:1).We walked as far as the river. (此句不能用so far as ) 我们一直走到河边。2).We didn"t go as far as the others. =We didn"t go so far as the others. 我们走得不如其他人远。3).As far as I know, that is highly unlikely. = So far as I know, that is highly unlikely. 就我所知,那是极不可能的。

As far as 与so far as 有什么区别

as far as 远方的,和...一样远so far as 到目前为止

as far as 后可接介词to 吗?

1.用于指距离,表示“直到……为止”之意时,as far as既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句,但so far as只能用于否定句中。例如:We went as far as Lion Rock Tunnel. 我们一直走到狮子山隧道公路那儿。 They did not go as far as the others. 他们没有像其他的人走得那么远。 (此句的as far as可以改作so far as) (二)在表示“直到……程度”之意的借喻说法中,as far as和so far as都可使用,但前者不及后者用得普遍。例:she went so far as (or as far as) to call him a coward. 她甚至骂他是儒夫。 (三)在表示“就……而论”之意时,as far as和so far as可互换使用。例: As (or So) far as I koow,she will be away from Macao for two months. 据我所知,她将要离开澳门两个月。 As (or So) far as my knowledge goes,there is no such word in English. 据我所知,英语里没有这样一个字。 (四)在表示“只要”、“尽……所能”之意时,应用as far as,不用so far as。例: I"ll do my utmost to help you as far as I can. 只要可能,我一定竭尽全力来帮你。 Eric Partridge在他编著的Usage and Abusage一书中写道(第44页),在用作比喻意义的叙述句里,so far as比as far as用得普遍,他举了这样一个例子:so far as I can see,your idea is admirable.2.一、在表示during the whole time that(长达……之久)或while(只要)的含义时,往往用as long as。如: 1. they all continued their regard for me as long as they lived. 他们毕生都在关心着我. 2. For almost as long as Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural. 在胡安妮塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己来说早就是如同呼吸一样简单而自然了. 3. As long as there is life there is hope. 留得生命在,不怕没希望. 二、在表示on condition that, provided that或if(只要,如果)的含义时,用as long as或so long as的情况均很常见。如: 1. You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 11 o"clock. 你可以出去,只要你答应在11点以前回来. 2. I"ll accept any job as / so long as I don"t have to get up early. 只要不必早起,任何工作我都可以接受. 3. So / As long as electric current flows through a wire, there is a potential difference. 只要有电流通过,导线就有电位差. 4. these stories reinforced the idea that all individuals, no matter how poor, were capable of becoming wealthy so / as long as they were hardworking. 这些故事强化了一种思想,那就是,所有人,不管有多穷,只要勤劳,都能变富有. 三、在表示since, considering that(既然,因为)的含义时,多用as long as。如: 1. As long as we"ve driven this far, we might as well go on. 我们既然已经驶得这么远了,就不妨继续前进. 2. As long as you are here, go on. 你既然已经来到这里了,就干吧.3. As long as you are going, I"ll go too. 既然你要去,那么我也去. 四、有时,as / so long as与if only同义,由它引导的状语分句可不依附主句而单独使用,表示说话人的希望、愿望或遗憾心情等。如: —It"s said it"s going to turn colder and freeze later on. 听说过些时候天气要变冷,有冰冻.—As long as it doesn"t spoil the weekend. (=I hope that it doesn"t spoil the weekend.) 只要不把周末弄糟了就没事. 五、在用as / so long as连接的从句中,当其谓语为be,而主语和主句的主语相同时,则从句的主语和be可以省略。如: I"m sure we are safe as long as(we are) in his care. 我深信只要在他的保护下,我们就会平安无事.

as far as/so far as/so far/as long as/so long as 几者都是什么意思?具体区别?

一,as far as 到,程度,远到.和,一样远 1.As far asI know,he is kind. 就我所知,他人不错. 2.Yesterday we walked as far as the end of the river. 二.so far as 用于否定句,意思是:没有远到, He didn"t walked as far as the park.他昨天还没走到公园. 三.so far到目前为止.用于现在完成时. So far we have learned 2000 words. 四.as long as 只要.和,一样长 As long as you work hard ,you will succeed in time. The river is as long as that one. 五.so long as 只要,不及,长(用于否定句) So long as you can take care of my book,you can read it . The river is not so /as long as that one.

As far as 的意思、用法,

as far as 的意思比较抽象,可以表示距离上的“远到,直到”也有“据我所知”的意思,翻译起来可根据上下文语境灵活处理. As far as I can see,it is a perfect plan. 在我看来,这是个完美的计划.

This is as far as we go这句话中的两个as和far是什么意思啊?

在这句话里 As far as作短语介词或连词,意为“像……那样远”、“远到……”、“直到……”

求助短语意思 as soon as,as far as as long as

as soon as 一……就……as far as 只要; 远到…; 据…; 直到…为止;as long as 只要; 如果;既然; 由于

as far as ;so far as区别

1.用于指距离,表示“直到……为止”之意时,as far as既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句,但so far as只能用于否定句中。例如:We went as far as Lion Rock Tunnel. 我们一直走到狮子山隧道公路那儿。 They did not go as far as the others. 他们没有像其他的人走得那么远。 (此句的as far as可以改作so far as) (二)在表示“直到……程度”之意的借喻说法中,as far as和so far as都可使用,但前者不及后者用得普遍。例:she went so far as (or as far as) to call him a coward. 她甚至骂他是儒夫。 (三)在表示“就……而论”之意时,as far as和so far as可互换使用。例: As (or So) far as I koow,she will be away from Macao for two months. 据我所知,她将要离开澳门两个月。 As (or So) far as my knowledge goes,there is no such word in English. 据我所知,英语里没有这样一个字。 (四)在表示“只要”、“尽……所能”之意时,应用as far as,不用so far as。例: I"ll do my utmost to help you as far as I can. 只要可能,我一定竭尽全力来帮你。 Eric Partridge在他编著的Usage and Abusage一书中写道(第44页),在用作比喻意义的叙述句里,so far as比as far as用得普遍,他举了这样一个例子:so far as I can see,your idea is admirable.2.一、在表示during the whole time that(长达……之久)或while(只要)的含义时,往往用as long as。如: 1. they all continued their regard for me as long as they lived. 他们毕生都在关心着我. 2. For almost as long as Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural. 在胡安妮塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己来说早就是如同呼吸一样简单而自然了. 3. As long as there is life there is hope. 留得生命在,不怕没希望. 二、在表示on condition that, provided that或if(只要,如果)的含义时,用as long as或so long as的情况均很常见。如: 1. You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 11 o"clock. 你可以出去,只要你答应在11点以前回来. 2. I"ll accept any job as / so long as I don"t have to get up early. 只要不必早起,任何工作我都可以接受. 3. So / As long as electric current flows through a wire, there is a potential difference. 只要有电流通过,导线就有电位差. 4. these stories reinforced the idea that all individuals, no matter how poor, were capable of becoming wealthy so / as long as they were hardworking. 这些故事强化了一种思想,那就是,所有人,不管有多穷,只要勤劳,都能变富有. 三、在表示since, considering that(既然,因为)的含义时,多用as long as。如: 1. As long as we"ve driven this far, we might as well go on. 我们既然已经驶得这么远了,就不妨继续前进. 2. As long as you are here, go on. 你既然已经来到这里了,就干吧.3. As long as you are going, I"ll go too. 既然你要去,那么我也去. 四、有时,as / so long as与if only同义,由它引导的状语分句可不依附主句而单独使用,表示说话人的希望、愿望或遗憾心情等。如: —It"s said it"s going to turn colder and freeze later on. 听说过些时候天气要变冷,有冰冻.—As long as it doesn"t spoil the weekend. (=I hope that it doesn"t spoil the weekend.) 只要不把周末弄糟了就没事. 五、在用as / so long as连接的从句中,当其谓语为be,而主语和主句的主语相同时,则从句的主语和be可以省略。如: I"m sure we are safe as long as(we are) in his care. 我深信只要在他的保护下,我们就会平安无事.

用as far as 造句

As far as I know, he is kind. 就我所知,他人不错。As far as I could remember, I did return him the money. 就我所能记得的,我确实把钱还给他了。As far as I am concerned, I"m not against your plan. 就我而言,我并不反对你的计划。This is a book, which I dare say, is unequaled as far as translation practice is concerned. 就翻译训练而言我认为这是一本无出其右的好书 如果满意请采纳 谢谢

As far as i am considerd 和concerned分别什么意思

As far as i am considered就我个人考虑As far as i am concerned就我个人而言As far as I am concerned, they are strongly against it.据我所知,她们都很强烈地反对假唱。

in so far as 和 as far as有啥区别?




Master Key(中文什么意思)


as far as常与哪些动词连用

as far as I know,as far as is known to all,as far as is concerned,as far as is considered,as far as is given to us,



问一个关于as far as的用法

只要的意思,eg:you will make success ,as far as work hard .在这里做连词

As far as 与so far as 有什么区别

1.用于指距离,表示“直到……为止”之意时,as far as既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句,但so far as只能用于否定句中.例如:We went as far as Lion Rock Tunnel. 我们一直走到狮子山隧道公路那儿. They did not go as...

master key是什么意思

主键 的意思

as far as 和 so long as的区别

回答如下as long as表示只有要,属于出一个条件只要你做我说的,你就会安全You are safe as long as you do what I far as表示以。。。的程度来说As far as I know, it"s safe.就我所知,就我知道的程度多少来说,它是安全的。

as far as we know 和as we know有什么区别?

as far as we know 和as we know有什么区别?The more used, the more lively atmosphere. Make a sentence?

“As far as be concerned”是什么意思?

As far as。。。is concerned至于(就)……而言双语对照例句:1.But not as far as china is concerned. 但对中国来说却没有什么教训可以吸取。2.As far as gis is concerned, the key constraint remains the user interface. 就gis技术本身而言,计算机主要的限制还是在于用户的进入。3.So, as far as drilling is concerned, there should be no issue. " 所以,就钻探而言,应该是没有问题的。

关于as far as 短语

as far as,就……而言,As far as I am concerned,...就我而言,……。当然还有和……一样远。

as far as possible的用法

as far as possible的英语解释:to a feasible extentas far as possible的例句:He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour He dwells far from neighbours that is fain to praise himself不愿吃苦的人,不配享乐;爱炫耀自己的人,没有人愿与他为邻She"s tight-mouthed. So far she has not Breathed a word about that.她的嘴很紧。直到现在对那件事她也没有吐露一个字Tom is far and away the best lecturer in our department.毋庸置疑,这是你们系最好的演讲者To care for wisdom and truth and the improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honour and reputation获得智慧,寻求真理,并使心灵美好,要比追求金钱、荣誉和名声好得多He who fears to venture as far as his heart urges and reason permits is a coward有道理的事想做而不敢做的人是懦夫如果还有什么问题的话,可以去小马过河问问那里专业的英语老师,谢谢!


1.用于指距离,表示“直到……为止”之意时,as far as既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句,但so far as只能用于否定句中。例如:We went as far as Lion Rock Tunnel. 我们一直走到狮子山隧道公路那儿。  They did not go as far as the others. 他们没有像其他的人走得那么远。  (此句的as far as可以改作so far as)  (要离开澳门两个月。  As (or So) far as my knowledge goes,there is no such word in English.  据我所知,英语里没有这样一个字。  (四)在表示“只要”、“尽……所能”之意时,应用as far as,不用so far as。例: I"ll do my utmost to help you as far as I can.  只要可能,我一定竭尽全力来帮你。 Eric Partridge在他编著的Usage and Abusage一书中写二)在表示“直到……程度”之意的借喻说法中,as far as和so far as都可使用,但前者不及后者用得普遍。例:she went so far as (or as far as) to call him a coward. 她甚至骂他是儒夫。  (三)在表示“就……而论”之意时,as far as和so far as可互换使用。例: As (or So) far as I koow,she will be away from Macao for two months.  据我所知,她封(第44页),在用作比喻意义的叙述句里,so far as比as far as用得普遍,他举了这样一个例子:so far as I can see,your idea is admirable.  2.一、在表示during the whole time that(长达……之久)或while(只要)的含义时,往往用as long as。如:  1. they all continued their regard for me as long as they lived. 他们毕生都在关心着我.  2. For almost as long as Juanita could remember, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing seemed as easy as breathing, and as natural. 在胡安妮塔的记忆中,加减乘除对自己来说早就是如同呼吸一样简单而自然了.  3. As long as there is life there is hope. 留得生命在,不怕没希望.  二、在表示on condition that, provided that或if(只要,如果)的含义时,用as long as或so long as的情况均很常见。如:  1. You can go out, as / so long as you promise to be back before 11 o"clock. 你可以出去,只要你答应在11点以前回来.  2. I"ll accept any job as / so long as I don"t have to get up early. 只要不必早起,任何工作我都可以接受.  3. So / As long as electric current flows through a wire, there is a potential difference. 只要有电流通过,导线就有电位差.  4. these stories reinforced the idea that all individuals, no matter how poor, were capable of becoming wealthy so / as long as they were hardworking. 这些故事强化了一种思想,那就是,所有人,不管有多穷,只要勤劳,都能变富有.  三、在表示since, considering that(既然,因为)的含义时,多用as long as。如:  1. As long as we"ve driven this far, we might as well go on. 我们既然已经驶得这么远了,就不妨继续前进.  2. As long as you are here, go on. 你既然已经来到这里了,就干吧.  3. As long

“As far as you know”是什么意思?as far as是什么意思?其用方法是什么?

as far as直到的意思as far as I know 是据我所知 as 。。 as像什么一样什么。。

christmas is all around的原曲是什么?

Christmas is all around翻唱自love is all around有趣的是这首歌后来真的成为了圣诞的畅销曲,并且单曲发行。个人也非常喜欢真爱至上这部电影,至今电脑里都还留着。歌曲:Christmas Is All Around 歌手:Billy Mack I feel it in my fingers,I feel it in my toes,Christmas is all around me,and so the feeling growsIt"s written in the wind,It"s everywhere I go,So if you really love Christmas,C"mon and let it snowYou know I love ChristmasI always willMy mind"s made upThe way that I feelThere"s no beginningThere"ll be no endCuz on Christmas,You can dependYou gave your presents to meAnd I gave mine to youI need Santa beside meIn everything I doYou know I love ChristmasI always willMy mind"s made upThe way that I feelThere"s no beginningThere"ll be no endCuz on Christmas,You can dependCuz on Christmas,You can dependIt"s written on the windIt"s everywhere I goSo if you really love meC"mon and let it showC"mon and let it showSo if you really loveC"mon and let itIf you really love meC"mon and let itNow if you really love meC"mon and let it show

as far as和as long as有什么区别?


as far as 是什么意思,怎么用,还有那些短语与之相似??

as far as I can see ;as far as I"m concerned都是据我所知的意思;单独用译为和。。。一样远如果只是中学生掌握这些就足够了,太多反而易混!

as far as是特定用法么?


as far as是介词短语,对吗?

as far as是介词短语,也可以作连词。as far as 可以用作连词(从而接从句),也可以用作介词(从而接名词 短语)。

as far as sth是什么意思?as是什么意思

as far as sth 就某事而言as far as 到目前为止as 像; 如同; 作为; 当作

beast Let It snow 音译歌词 汉字。


as far as 的用法


beast起光和贤胜的let it snow中文歌词意思

Let It Snow专辑:《my story》歌手:张贤胜/李起光 歌词ub2e4uac00uc640 uc548uc544uc918 ub0b4uac8c ub3ccuc544uc640uc918走近我 拥抱我 回到我身边Let it snow, Let it snowub09c ub2e4uc2dc uc7a0ub4e4uc5b4 uafc8uc5d0uc11c uae30ub2e4ub824 ub110让我能再次睡去 在睡梦中等待你ud589ubcf5ud588ub358 ub108uc640uc758 uc2dcuac04uc774 ub2e4uc2dc uc62c uc21c uc5c6ub294uc9c0与你幸福的时间能再回来吗(ub108 ub3ccuc544uc62c uc218 uc5c6ub294uc9c0, ub110 ub0b4uac8c uc904 uc218 uc5c6ub294uc9c0)(你能回来吗 能给我回来吗)I don`t know why I`m doing thisYou`re ma sweetie, girl, ma ladyucc28uac00uc6ccuc9c4 ub0a0 uc548uc544uc918 my love拥抱变冷的我吧 my loveub108uc758 uc785uc220uc744 ub108uc758 ud0a4uc2a4ub97c ubc14ub798想要你的唇想要你的吻ub108uc758 uc0acub791ub97c uc6d0ud574 (ub124 uc0acub791uc744 uc6d0ud574)想要你的爱(想要你的爱)ub108uc758 uc9c4uc2ecuc744 ubc14ub798 (ub124 uc9c4uc2ecuc744 ubc14ub798)想要你的真心(想要你的真心)uc624ub298 ubc24 ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574今天的晚上想要你ub108uc758 uc804ubd80ub97c ub108uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 uc6d0ud574想要你的全部 你的一切(baby love you girl, baby love you girl)Let it snow, Let it snowub108uc5d0uac8c ub2e4uac00uac00 ub2e4uc2dc uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544走近我身边 再次抓住我的手Let it snow, Let it snowub09c ub2e4uc2dc ub5a8ub824uc640 uadf8ub54cub85c ub3ccuc544uac00我再次颤抖著 回到了那时候uc18cuc911ud588ub358 ub108uc640uc758 uc2dcuac04uc744 ub2e4uc2dc uc904 uc21c uc5c6ub294uc9c0跟你珍贵的时间 不能再降临了吗(ub2e4uc2dc ub108 uc62c uc21c uc5c6ub294uc9c0, ub110 uac16uc744 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uc9c0)(你不能再回来了吗,不能再拥有你了吗)I don`t know why I`m doing thisYou`re ma sweetie, girl, ma ladyub2e4uc2dc ub0b4uac8cub85c ub3ccuc544uc640 my baby再次回到我身边吧 my babyub108uc758 uc785uc220uc744 ub108uc758 ud0a4uc2a4ub97c ubc14ub798想要你的唇想要你的吻ub108uc758 uc0acub791uc744 uc6d0ud574 (ub124 uc0acub791uc744 uc6d0ud574)想要你的爱(想要你的爱)ub108uc758 uc9c4uc2ecuc744 ubc14ub798 (ub124 uc9c4uc2ecuc744 ubc14ub798)想要你的真心(想要你的真心)uc624ub298 ubc24 ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574今天的晚上想要你ub108uc758 uc804ubd80ub97c ub108uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 uc6d0ud574想要你的全部 你的一切(baby love you girl, baby love you girl)ub208uc774 uc624ub294 uc624ub298ub3c4 uc774 uacf3uc5d0uc11c下雪了的今天 我仍然在这里ub124uac00 uc624uae38 ub098ub294 uae30ub2e4ub824, ub2e4uc2dc ub108 uc6c3uc73cuba70 uc62c uac83 uac19uc544uc11c我等待著你回来,就像你会再次笑著回来那样ud639uc2dc uc548 uc628ub370ub3c4 ub098ub294 uc5ecuae30 uc788uc744uac8c或许你不会再回来 我也会在这里的Baby love you girl, baby love you girlBaby love you girlLet it snowLet it snowLet it snow

so far as 和as far as的区别

as far as : 远至,到...程度, 就---而言so far as : 只要;就…而言;在…范围内

as far as 这里意思是?

1.是的,省略了谓语动词go 像这样的状语一般都置于句尾,当前面有谓语动词go 时,一般接as far as you can以避免重复 far as 在此举中作 远到。。。。的意思解,这句话的意思是走得越远越好3.1.用于指距离,表示“直到……为止”之意时,as far as既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句,但so far as只能用于否定句中。例如:We went as far as Lion Rock Tunnel. 我们一直走到狮子山隧道公路那儿。 They did not go as far as the others. 他们没有像其他的人走得那么远。 (此句的as far as可以改作so far as) (二)在表示“直到……程度”之意的借喻说法中,as far as和so far as都可使用,但前者不及后者用得普遍。例:she went so far as (or as far as) to call him a coward. 她甚至骂他是儒夫。 (三)在表示“就……而论”之意时,as far as和so far as可互换使用。例: As (or So) far as I koow,she will be away from Macao for two months. 据我所知,她将要离开澳门两个月。 As (or So) far as my knowledge goes,there is no such word in English. 据我所知,英语里没有这样一个字。 (四)在表示“只要”、“尽……所能”之意时,应用as far as,不用so far as。例: I"ll do my utmost to help you as far as I can. 只要可能,我一定竭尽全力来帮你。 Eric Partridge在他编著的Usage and Abusage一书中写道(第44页),在用作比喻意义的叙述句里,so far as比as far as用得普遍,他举了这样一个例子:so far as I can see,your idea is admirable.

这句话,as far as 什么意思?

此副词短语意为"就如~~~所言""依~~看来",常放于句首。例如"As far as I"m concerned, Jack got jackpot last weekend.(正如我所言,杰克上周末中了六合彩了。)"

as far as 是什么意思,怎么用,还有那些短

as far as1:像xxx一样远2:as so asas well asas long as这是一个as,as 比较句式.比较的成分是表语部分,as convincing an answer to the efforts undertaken in Tehran over the last few days 和any we could provideto the efforts undertaken 是不定式做answer定语,in Tehran 地点状语,over the last few days 时间状语.as any we could provide其中any announcement 的缩写,we could provide是定语从句修饰any announcement ,,as,as 中第一个AS 是副词通常修饰形容词如 convincing ,而第二个AS是连词,连接句子,或者是句子的省略成分.这样的句子很多,看看语法书中的形容词,副词比较级,就可以了

As far concerned是什么意思

as/so far concerned 就...而言

【as far as】秒懂英文「as far as」的中文意思跟用法

as far as的中文意思跟用法 ,你已经知道了吗?as far as的中文意思很多,比如「与…的距离相等;达到…的程度; 尽…; 就..」等等,跟as 一起出现的相关片语有非常多,例如as well as、as long as、as far as…等等。今天就来说明一下as far as的中文意思跟用法。 下面说明as far as的几种用法与中文意思。 far as I know 就我所知 as far as I know 中文意思是指「就我所知」的意思,as far as I know这句话出现频率很高,一定要知道。 例: As far as I know, She has gone to town. 据我所知,她已经去了城镇。 例: As far as I know, Jenny will be away for three months. 据我所知,珍妮将离开三个月。 另外,跟as far as 类似的「as…as…」用法还有as long as 跟as well as。as long as 跟as well as 用法可以参考如下: far as 尽….. as far as同时也有尽….的意思。 例: His parents supported him as far as they could. 他的父母尽可能地支持他。 far as 与…一样远 as far as同时还有「与…一样远」,因为far本身就是远的意思,所以与…一样远这个中文意思也很常见喔。 例: Singapore is as far as Hokkaido from Taiwan. 从中国台湾去新加坡跟去北海道一样远。 as far as, as far as 中文, as far as 中文意思, as far as 中文的意思, as far as 中文解释, as far as 意思, as far as 用法, as far as 翻译, 英文 as far as

as far as 的用法


as far as的中文意思

"As far as"是一个常用的英语短语,通常用来表示某种程度或范围,表达某种限制或条件。具体而言,它表示到达某种特定的距离、程度或条件,并且不再超过这个限制或条件。在表达方面,"as far as"可以与动词、形容词、副词、名词等一起使用,表示不同的含义。下面是一些常见的用法:"As far as" + 动词这种用法表示某种程度或限制。例如:As far as I know, he hasn"t made a decision yet.(据我所知,他还没有做出决定。)As far as I"m concerned, you can do whatever you want.(就我而言,你可以做任何想做的事情。)"As far as" + 形容词/副词这种用法表示某种程度或范围。例如:As far as possible, we will try to finish the project on time.(尽可能地,我们会尝试在规定时间内完成这个项目。)As far as I can see, the situation is improving.(就我所能看到的,情况正在好转。)

as far as有哪几种意思?

1.远到...They walked as far as the lake. 他们一直走到湖边。 2.尽...;就...而言I"ll help you as far as I can. 我将尽我所能帮助你。

As far as,as long as ,as well as 分别是什么意思?


as far as 是什么意思, 请举个例子

as far as=so far as 1 到...那么远 例:The children walked as far as the lake.孩子们一直走到湖边 2 (表示程度 范围)就...;尽...;至于 例:as far as I know 就我所知 as far as possible 尽可能

It can be rewarding or just a waste of time翻译成中文是什么意思?


A life lived without fantasies and daydreams is not as rich and rewarding as life can be.

首先确定是形容词,然后明白了reward的意思了后,加了ing 表示可。。。的, 也就是可获得回报的,这样不就好翻译了?
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