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phrase 的意思


phrase是什么意思 phrase英语是什么意思

1、phrase是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“短语, 习语, 措辞, 乐句”,作及物动词时意思是“措词, 将(乐曲)分成乐句”。 2、The phrase What can you do for me?这个短语你能为我做什么? 3、Explain the function of this phrase(clause), please.请说明这个短语(从句)的作用。 4、Sources differ in their speculation on where this phrase came from.在猜测这个短语源自哪里时,资料并不一致。

phrase怎么读 phrase的意思

1、phrase的读音:英[freu026az],美[freu026az] 2、phrase是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“短语, 习语, 措辞, 乐句”,作及物动词时意思是“措词, 将(乐曲)分成乐句”。








短语 习语 措辞 乐句

选择题,the work is _finished. a.about regards c.above d.incomplete 并说明为什么, 谢谢你

a 的意思是关于,肯定不合题意,B 至于 ,关于,也不合题意。C 在.....之上。不合题意。那么只有D选项,incomplete 是不完全的 意思 工作没有完美做完,故符合题意。20公里长 twenty miles long 很明显 long 是形容词形容具体的事物,而lengthy 漫长的 冗长的,主要形容 抽象的事物 比如 时间,话语 等等。

There was nosound in movies before 1929的同义句

There was no sound in movies before 1929. = There wasn"t any sound in movies before 1929. = Movies were (all) silent before 1929. 注:( )表示可以省略不写.

PASCAL 高手进!!

PROGRAM Alert; USES Crt; VAR Hz : Word; Count : Word; BEGIN REPEAT Count:=Count+1; Hz := 262; WHILE Hz <= 524 DO BEGIN Sound(Hz); Delay(2); Hz := Hz + 1; END; UNTIL Count = 10; Nosound; END.

pascal 蜂鸣函数

是在crt单元中的一个函数,用法是sound(HZ),其中HZ是发声的频率,要使用本函数你要先确定你的pascal中有crt这个单元,要不然就没法用了,看例子:program beesound;uses crt;varHZ:integer;beginread(HZ);sound(HZ);readln;nosound;end.后面加个nosound是停止发声,要不然你的机器会一直响下去,很吓人的。


ubuntu怎么修改bash/minidwep-gtk1> 点dash home(左上角),键入ter,会出现Terminal,这个就是bash的emualtor了,可以在这里键入bash命令。2> 环境变量有很多,你大概想问的是PATH:这个。你可以echo $PATH,打出目前的路径,路径以":"区隔。添加的话,可以使用PATH=$(PATH):(your new path)3> 交叉编译环境的设置,是个大问题,需要找到对应的manual,最好先找个现成的例子,看懂他们。PS:bash manual

error analysis和contrastive analysis的区别


英语谚语:A friend is not so soon gotten as lost 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: A friend is not so soon gotten as lost 中文意思: 交友慢,失友快。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience 谚语言短简,得自老经验。 Proverbs are the cream of a nation"s thought 谚语是一国的思想精华。 Proverbs are the wisdom of the ages 谚语是时代的智慧。 Prove thy friends ere thou have need 需要朋友之前,先要加以考验。 Provide for the worst the best will save itself 作最坏的准备,可以得到最好的结果。 Providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions 天公总是佑强者。 Punctuality is the soul of business 严守时间是办事情的重要原则。 Purpose supposes foresight 深谋远虑。 Put not your hand between the bark and the tree 少管闲事。 Put (or Lay or Set) one"s shoulder to the wheel 出一把力。 英语谚语: A friend is not so soon gotten as lost 中文意思: 交友慢,失友快。


The proverb says if you chase two rabbits, you"ll catch neither. 谚语说:同时追两只兔子,一只也抓不到。

“he that sleeps with dogs must rise with fleas”的汉语意思是?




山下达郎(Yamashita Tatsuro)的一首歌Christmas Eve

这是在日本非常知名且经久不衰的一首歌,自从1983年发行以来每年圣诞节广告主题曲都少不了它,算是山下达郎的最著名的代表作。歌曲描写男主人公在圣诞前夜一直等着那个女孩,最终她还是没有来。这首歌实在是非常好听,特地向大家推荐!资源介绍:由日本老牌民谣歌手山下达郎在1983年所演唱的这首歌所搭配的日本铁路东海线广告,利用圣诞节的气氛与山下达郎温馨的歌声,营照出感人肺腑的绝佳效果。 在此广告播出的1988-1992年间,曾引起日本民众的热烈话题,直到现在还有许多民众依然怀念那支令人感动到流泪的广告。译文:雨在夜更时就会变成雪吧 silent night holy night你是一定不会来了 一个人的圣诞节 Oh silent night holy night埋在心底的愿望 看样子也不会实现了还以为在今晚 我就能有勇气说出来 Oh silent night holy night依旧残留的 对你的思念 一直飘落在夜里街道角落里的圣诞树 闪烁着银色的光芒 Oh silent night holy night雨在夜更时就会变成雪吧 Oh silent night holy night你是一定不会来了 这是一个人的圣诞节 Oh silent night holy night歌词原文:雨は夜更け过ぎに 雪へと変わるだろう silent night holy nightきっと君は来ない 独りきりのクリスマスイブ Oh silent night holy night心深く秘めた思い 叶えられそうもない必ず今夜なら 言えそうな気がした Oh silent night holy nightまだ消え残る 君への思い 夜へと降り続く街角にはChristmas Tree 银色のきらめきOh silent night holy night雨は夜更け过ぎに 雪へと変わるだろう Oh silent night holy nightきっと君は来ない 独りきりのクリスマスイブ Oh silent night holy night

Tiffany Alvord The Reason Is You歌词

Tiffany Alvord ---The Reason Is YouI don"t need a reason to smileas I walk down the streetI don"t need a reason for my heartto feel completeNo another questionI tell you no one could take your placeI guess that maybe the answer iswritten all over my faceCause I"ve been,I"ve beennoticing you,noticing meas I notice youI think it"s kinda funnyI will like you like I doBaby I am crazy for youSo hot sparks are flyingthis is love the way I"d chine inMet you on the avenueNever talk around at youSo hot sparks are flyingthis is love the way I"d chine inMet you on that avenueI love to smileAnd the reason is you oooohI don"t need a reasonto dance under the starsI don"t need a reasonto blast a song in a carNo another questionawhile I glow when I see youI guess that maybe the answer is that I just wanna be with youCause I"ve been,I"ve beennoticing you,noticing meas I notice youI think it"s kinda funnyI will like you like I doBaby I am crazy for youSo hot sparks are flyingthis is love the way I"d chine inMet you on the avenueNever talk around at youSo hot sparks are flyingthis is love the way I"d chine inMet you on that avenueI love to smileAnd the reason is you oooohYou make me feel likenothing in this world couldever bring me downYou make me fell so special,so sweetso perfect as we walk trough townThere is no aparrent reasonwhy I feel the way I doBut maybe then againthe reason is youAnd I"ve been,I"ve beennoticing you,noticing meas I notice youI think it"s kinda funnyI will like you like I doBaby I am crazy for youSo hot sparks are flyingthis is love the way I"d chine inMet you on the avenueNever talk around at youSo hot sparks are flyingthis is love the way I"d chine inMet you on that avenueI love to smileAnd the reason is you The reason is youthe reason is you


  作者: 佘涛     对于像Sybase这样的大型DBMS系统而言 作为OLTP(联机事务处理)应用的基石 它需要能每天 小时 每年 天不间断运行 由于其应用程序每天对数据库进行大量的插入 更新 删除等操作 在数据库的物理存储介质上产生了大量存储碎片 从而影响了存储的效率以及数据库应用运行的速度 是否可以像Windows操作系统的 碎片整理 程序一样 整理这些碎片 从而优化数据库存储 提高数据库的运行速度呢?答案是肯定的 本文将介绍Sybase数据库的碎片类型以及碎片整理方法   碎片类型   由于Sybase是通过OAM页 分配单元和扩展页来管理数据的 所以对OLTP应用的Database Server会十分频繁地进行数据删除 插入和更新等操作 时间一长就会出现以下几种情况    页碎片   即本来可以存放在一个页上的数据却分散地存储在多个页上 如果这些页存储在不同的扩展单元上 Database Server就要访问多个扩展单元 因此降低了系统性能    扩展单元碎片   在堆表中 当删除数据链中间的记录行时 会出现空页 随着空页的累积 扩展单元的利用率也会下降 从而出现扩展单元碎片 带cluster index的table也有可能出现扩展单元碎片   当有扩展单元碎片存在 会出现以下问题   ● 对表进行处理时 常常出现死锁   ● 利用较大的I/O操作或增加I/O缓冲区的大小也无法改变较慢的I/O速度   ● 行操作的争用    扩展单元遍历   带有cluster index的table会由于插入记录而导致页分裂 但当删除记录后 页会获得释放 从而形成跨几个扩展单元和分配单元的数据 而要访问该数据就必须遍历几个扩展单元和分配单元 这将导致访问/查询记录的时间大大延长 开始时数据库的性能虽然较高 但使用一段时间后性能就会下降等问题   实际上 数据在存储空间上排列得越紧密有序 Database Server访问的速度就越快 消除碎片有助于提高系统的性能和更有效地利用数据存储空间   碎片优化方法   处理碎片有多种方法 如重新定义table的填充因子 根据table的定义删除并重新创建索引 重建表等   本文给出的方法是通过BCP实用程序将用户数据库的数据以文本形式导出 然后将用户数据库彻底清空 截断 再将文本数据导入到数据库 从而达到消除碎片的目的 具有通用性   下面以Sun Solaris 操作系统下的Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 为例 说明整理数据库数据的具体方法    备份数据库   为防止在数据库碎片整理过程中出现不可预见的问题 有必要先备份数据库    创建bcp out脚本并导出数据   ● 创建包含下列SQL语句的文件   cre_bcp_out sql   select bcp + name + out / + name + _out txt Udboname Pdbopwd Ssys_name c   from sysobjects where type = U   order by name   go   ● isql Udboname Pdbopwd Ssystemname < cre_bcp_out. sql > b_out   ● 编辑输出文件 去掉文件第一行和最后两行无关的字符 vi b_out   ● 执行脚本 将数据库的数据导出到文本文件 sh b_out    创建truncate table脚本并截断数据库   ● 创建包含下列SQL语句的文件   cre_trunc_out sql   select truncate table + name from sysobjects where type = U   order by name   go   ● isql Udboname Pdbopwd Ssystemname < cre_ trunc_out. sql > trunc_out sql   ● 编辑输出文件 去掉文件第一行和最后两行无关的字符 并在最后一行加入 go构成完整的SQL语句 vi trunc_out   ● 执行以下语句 清空数据库的数据   isql Udboname Pdbopwd < trunc_out. sql   4. 创建bcp in脚本并导入数据   ● 创建包含下列SQL语句的文件:   cre_bcp_in. sql   select “bcp” + name + “in ./” + name + “_out.txt -Udboname -Pdbopwd -Ssys_name -c”from sysobjects where type = ‘U"   order by name   go   ● isql -Udboname -Pdbopwd -Ssystemname < cre_ bcp_in. sql > b_in   ● 编辑输出文件,去掉文件第一行和最后两行无关的字符:vi b_in   ● 从文本中导入数据:sh b_in   5. 更新数据库状态   Sybase不自动维护索引的统计信息,当用truncate table截断数据库时,索引并没有改变,所以必须用update statistics来确保索引的统计信息对应当前表数据的统计。tW.WiNgwiT   ● 创建包含下列SQL语句的文件:   cre_upd_st. sql   select “update statistics” + name from sysobjects where type = “U” order by name   go   ● isql -Udboname -Pdbopasswd -Ssystemname < cre_upd_st. sql > upd_st. sql   ● 编辑输出文件,去掉文件第一行和最后两行无关的字符,在最后一行加入 go构成完整的SQL语句:   vi upd_st. sql   ● 更新数据库状态:   isql -Udboname -Pdbopasswd -Ssystemname < upd_st. sql   至此,基本上完成了数据库用户表的碎片整理工作。   小 结   在整理过程中,有以下两点需要注意:   1. Tempdb的大小   当Sybase执行bcp in脚本时,会占用导入数据2倍的tempdb空间,因此在执行前要仔细估计最大的table的大小,保证有足够的tempdb空间。当空间不够时,要考虑用分割table或删除陈旧数据的方法缩小table的大小,或者考虑增加tempdb的大小。   2. 数据库配置选项的设置   当数据库执行bcp in脚本时会产生大量的log,为保证bcp in进程不致因为log溢出而中断,应该设置database的选项“truncate log on cpt”为“true”。   虽然Sybase数据库是自优化的,但只要数据库是动态的,数据库碎片现象就会存在。在OLTP应用的场合,随着数据的不断增大,系统变得越来越缓慢,并且经常出现死锁时,应该检查数据库的碎片,并且采用以上方法进行优化。   实际上,应该定期做数据库的碎片整理,保证数据库的物理存储经常处于最优状态,相对于增加硬件而言,这是一种更好的保持数据库性能的低成本的途径。        lishixinzhi/Article/program/Oracle/201311/17019

asus motherboard可以卸载吗

1. 开启控制面板, 点选[程序和功能]。2. 点选ARMOURY CRATE Lite Service卸载.本文来自:AsusSmart Router Blog

asus motherboard可以卸载吗

1. 开启控制面板, 点选[程序和功能]。2. 点选ARMOURY CRATE Lite Service卸载.本文来自:AsusSmart Router Blog

ASP.Net 中.PDB, .DLL 文件是数据库文件还是...?使用方法是怎样?这两个文件和SQL SERVER 有什么关系?


but parents do a lot more than just pass on their h_ 速度

But parents do a lot more than just pass along their hobbies. Moms and dads need to care for their kids from the minute they"re born. Mom and dad — they"re two of the most important people in your life. You probably see at least one of them every day and, over your lifetime, they"re likely to influence you more than anyone else you will meet. So if your dad worships, say, the Pittsburgh Steelers, you"re likely to grow up being a big fan of that football team. And if your mom loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just like she does.But parents do a lot more than just pass along their hobbies. Moms and dads need to care for their kids from the minute they"re born. It"s a parent"s job to love and guide kids — and most parents will do this as long as they live, even when the "kids" are grown up and have children of their own. That means you have many years ahead to share with your mom and dad.Here are five ways you can stay close, get along, and build a strong relationship:Spend time together. It might be easy to be physically in the same place as your mom or dad (like at home — it"s where you all live, after all.) But how much time do you spend just enjoying each other"s company? Instead of playing a computer game or watching TV, maybe ask your mom and dad to play with you. Go outside together, try a board game, or read a book out loud. If your parents are divorced, make the most of the time you do spend together. In between, talk on the phone and email each other to stay in touch. Share your feelings and ask for help. Many kids say they"d like their parents to help them when they"re upset. But your mom or dad might not know that you"re having a problem. Tell a parent if you"re sad or struggling with something. If you don"t usually do this, it can feel funny at first. Try it and you"ll be glad you did. Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad. You can brighten a parent"s day with a hug, a card, or a joke. It"s also lovely when a kid offers to help fold the laundry or cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents might be so thrilled they"ll do a silly dance around the kitchen! Show you care. Some families are always kissing, hugging, and saying "I love you." Other families aren"t as lovey-dovey. But it"s important to show that you care for each other. In addition to kisses and hugs, kids and parents show their love by respecting each other, being caring, polite, and thoughtful. Do your best at whatever you do. You don"t have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud. It makes them happy to see how you"re turning into such a great kid. Why? Because it lets them know they"re doing a good job.


Check Point Firewall-1是一款高性能防火墙。Check Point Firewall-1 SmartDashboard存在缓冲区溢出问题,远程攻击者可以利用这个漏洞以管理员权限在系统上执行任意指令。当SmartTracker工具用于增加防火墙过滤器给Firewall-1时存在问题,攻击者可以通过过滤器行提供超多数据而触发缓冲区溢出,由于访问SmartDashboard需要管理员权限,因此不能作为安全漏洞来考虑,目前还没有详细漏洞细节提供。


六芒星写轮眼 芒星(Hexagram)发源于印度教的古代宗派Tantrism派,这个宗派奉行女阴崇拜或女性中心性崇拜,传承自一个女性教徒组成的乌拉迪亚派(崇拜“圣娼”),其主要的崇拜偶像是男根-女阴(Lingam-Yoni)的结合体,男根为席瓦(Shiva)的象征、女阴为卡利·玛的象征(破坏神Kali Ma,原意为“黑色之母”,在Tantrism派被称为Shakti Kali,也被认为是席瓦之妻),表示男性原理和女性原理的合一。Tantrism派的基本教义认为女性所储藏的“能力”多于男性,因此鼓吹保留性交(maithuna,即男性不泄漏体液的性交)、迷信可以通过得到女性体液而储存在脊柱内,进而向上打通各个中心轮(Chakra)而提升到头部绽开所谓“神灵知惠之花”。这种储存在女性体液中的“宇宙能力”包括“力量、能力、才能、勇气、王权(生殖力)、创造力、语言能力”等。 而现今犹太人的象征图形六角星,则称为“Magen David”,原意为“大卫之盾”,现也称为大卫星或“所罗门封印”。不过它和大卫、所罗门没有关系,六角星最初出现在12世纪的犹太文献中,由于十字军东征的关系,在西班牙(被摩尔人统治)的犹太人接触到这个符号,并且被运用到拉比们提倡的神秘主义(Cabala,也作Kabbalah-喀巴拉,圣典为《光辉之书》-《Sefer ha-Zohar》)中,作为男性和女性能量的象征-女神Shekina结合的标志,Shekina的名字来源于Kali Ma的Tantrism派冠名Shakti Kali,因此六角星被犹太人理解为“神”(上帝)和自己的女性的一面Shekina完全结合的神圣标志。为了加强宣传的力度,拉比们也宣称在约柜中两块 “十戒”石版旁放有“绘制一对男女以六角星形姿态紧紧相拥的图样”,这是一种宗教欺骗。 女阴为卡利·玛的象征(破坏神Kali Ma,原意为“黑色之母”) “Magen David”,原意为“大卫之盾”,现也称为大卫星或“所罗门封印”。 这2句话应该和ZZ的写轮眼能力有一些关系。 不过可以想象。ZZ的一只眼有可能有极强的破坏能力。(破坏神Kali Ma)加上黑色之母的称号估计类似于天照而比天照更强大破坏力的技能 而对于封印9尾来说,应该有一只眼睛拥有极强的控制能力(封印控制----所罗门封印) 不过不知道ZZ的万花筒是不是永恒的。有可能还有超过2个以上的术也说不定。




classical是古典的意思,而ancient则是古代的意思。区别可以从以下例子看出:I will go to concerts tonight, I like classical music, but tonight concert will represent modern world rather than ancient one. 今晚我会去看音乐会,我喜欢古典音乐,但今晚的音乐会代表的是现代世界而不是古代世界。

A and B is/are... He and she have/has... 这种情况谓语动词用单数还是复数啊?


my favourite festival is the Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year.

English: "My favorite festival is the Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. This festival marks the beginning of the lunar new year and is filled with tradition and joy. One of my favorite traditions is the family reunion dinner on New Year"s Eve, where we share delicious food and quality time together. Another tradition I love is giving and receiving red envelopes, symbolizing good luck for the upcoming year. The festival ends with the Lantern Festival, a magical night filled with brightly colored lanterns that light up the sky."中文:"我最喜欢的节日是春节,也被称为中国新年。这个节日标志着农历新年的开始,充满了传统和快乐。我最喜欢的传统之一是除夕的家庭团聚晚餐,我们在一起分享美味的食物和宝贵的时间。我还喜欢给予和接收红包的传统,象征着新的一年的好运。节日以元宵节结束,那是一个充满了色彩鲜艳的灯笼的神奇夜晚,照亮了天空。"


There is grass and flowers.

vb6.0中case语句 case is>10 and is

case is > 10 , is < 50

求sth. is to sth. is to sth.造句

Water is to fish as air is to men.Weapon is to soldier as pen is to writer.Scores are to students as final products are to workers还有一种比此更简洁表达方式:A is to B what C is to D,如:Wate is to fish what air is to men.

vb中Case Is>10 And Is


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How to time travel to the past?

Yes but we cannot do it in the mean time Most of the people think that time traveling must be traveled by time machine. Based on what we have today we still cannot travel back to the past. Maybe we may travel back to the past in the future. I realized many people wish to travel back to the past because they want to rewrite their history.Unfortunately we don"t have high technology otherwise we all can travel back to the past to do something we want & don"t want to do.I wish I can travel back to the past too so I bought a lot of books about time traveling. I suggest you go buy books with the similar topic it might help you solve your problems. If you care about your past why don"t you do more better in order make your life full of happiness. Here I hope your question will be e true one of the days. 2007-02-01 07:10:13 补充: I got this idea from my book. 我的名字is raymond li 我有网站可以赚钱和创业。 money128.biz和fast - 我还有美容产品可以免费试用详情 请发送电子邮件给我。 [email protected] 感谢你。 在现实 的确可以时间旅行. 人们经常想像时间就是一条严谨的直线 有先因有后果 但事实上 从一个非线性非主观的观点来说 时间其实像一个乱7八糟一团混乱的大球 如果你在过去改变了一些已发生了的事 那会令到三分之一的宇宙崩溃 举个例 有个人从不在过去存在却在现实生存 想像一下那会怎样? Based on present technolgy time travel is not possible. One of the strong argument against time travel is that if it were possible we should expect to meet time travelers ing back from the future to meet us. But there is none.

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没设定全局时钟方法: 选择Assignment > Setting命令,在Timing Analysis Settings下选择的Classic Timing Analyzer Settings Default required fmax中填入时钟频率,点击下面的Indicidual Clocks按钮 点击New 点击Applies to node后面的“...”按钮,并在弹出的Node finder中加入相应的CLK信号 填上clock settings name(即为程序中CLK),设置时钟频率和占空比,点击OK 然后一路OK下去,再编译的时候这个警告就会没有了




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介绍一下Washington Irving作品的style?还有他著名作品Rip Van Winkle象征了美国的什么生活面貌?

你要英语的?早说。中文的在百度百科。Irving left for Europe in 1815. In 1819-1820 he published The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, which includes his best known stories, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Rip van Winkle”. During this stay in Europe he was a member of the American Legation to England but in his spare time he traveled to the continent and widely read Dutch and German folk tales. The pieces for The Sketch Book were originally written by Irving in Europe and were sent to his publishers in New York for publication in periodicals in the U.S. While in England, his sketches were published in book form by British publishers without his permission and from then on he published in Europe and the U.S. concurrently to protect his copyright.“Rip Van Winkle” was written overnight while Irving was staying with his sister Sarah and her husband, Henry van Wart in Birmingham, England, a place that also inspired some of his other works. Bracebridge Hall or The Humorists, A Medley is based on Aston Hall there.Irving wrote The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus in 1828, the Conquest of Granada a year later, and, the Voyages of the Companions of Columbus in 1831, during his 4-year stay in Spain. The first of these invented the durable myth, taught for more than a century in many US elementary schools, of Columbus proving the world round. Just prior to his return to the United States, he wrote Tales of the Alhambra, which was to be published concurrently in England and the United States. (The actual title is more lengthy, as its contents amounted to a collection of sketches. In 1851 he wrote an “Author"s Revised Edition” entitled [[Tales of the Alhambra]].)Irving returned to the United States in 1832 and published Legends of the Conquest of Spain in 1835. But primary among his works of this period were three “Western” books, designed to put to rest the notion that Irving"s time in England and Spain had made him more European than American. His first western book was A Tour on the Prairies, published in 1835; the beginning of Chapter 10 includes the following, interpreted by some literary critics to be a comment on concerns about his public persona:We send our youth abroad to grow luxurious and effeminate in Europe; it appears to me, that a previous tour on the prairies would be more likely to produce that manliness, simplicity, and self-dependence, most in unison with our political institutions. His second Western book was Astoria; he wrote it during a six-month stay with the then-retired John Jacob Astor. It was a worshipful account of Astor"s attempt to establish a fur trading colony at present-day Astoria, Oregon.During Irving"s stay with Astor, Benjamin Bonneville paid a visit. His tales of his three years in Oregon Country were said to have enthralled Irving. A month or two later, when Irving encountered Bonneville in Washington, D.C., Bonneville, struggling to write about his journey, decided instead to sell his maps and notes to Irving for $1,000. Irving used that material as the basis for his 1837 book The Adventures of Captain Bonneville, which is often considered the best of his three Western books.

yassou maria歌词

yassou maria

励志:You are always in my heart, but the weight has changed

Say goodbye to the depravation of yesterday. 告别昨日的颓废。 To look up and see the light of hope in despair. 绝望时抬头看看希望的光芒其实一直都在。 Dont lose everything and dont lose the smile. 即使输掉了一切也不要输掉微笑。 Take the time to explain not to spend time to prove. 花时间去解释不如花时间去证明。 If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit. 如果你累了,学会休息,而不是放弃。 Stop the pain and leave the smile to tomorro the position of rebirth. 我们的生命,就是以不断出发的姿势得到重生。 In fact, each of the road leading to the sun, are full of frustrations. 其实每一条都通往阳光的大道,都充满坎坷。 Do not have to because of yesterdays tears wet todays sun. 不必因昨天的眼泪湿了今天的太阳。 stands for my heart ●Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect. 有时候,最适合你的人, 恰恰是你最没有想到的人。 ●Some people ee people an is panying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness. 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 ◆ I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you . 我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 I always love you Dear J, You just dont knoter with I love you more than anything in this world.Remember that now. I love you so much, my baby. Love always, E 译文 亲爱的J: 你从来不知道我有多爱你。你是世上好的男朋友,你不会拒绝我任何的请求。每当我有问题,需要你,你就会出现,你说:不怕,有我在。那时,我就知道你是我想共度余生的那一位。真希望能有一天与你喜结连理,能和你有个宝宝。你甚至还不知道我多喜欢你,欣赏你,佩服你,信任你,尊重你和毫无保留地爱你。 我认为你就是我的幸福。要我离开你,这会让我疯狂。如果分离是一种测试的,我会想尽一切办法跨越它。这一刻,我想和你永远在一起。如果这是一种能和你在一起的途径,我相信我会与你携手同行。 好吧,亲爱的。在这封信结束前,我要说:我爱你,胜过这世上的一切。请记住这一刻,我是如此地爱你。 英文心情短语:You stole my heart. 你偷走了我的心。 1、She is not mature sensible mischief but also doesn love laugh. 她成熟了懂事了不胡闹了可是也不爱笑。 2、Sudden fear in this life is not me. 你总在笑只是从不对我。 12、Say that is not emotional, but I move the heart. 说好不动情,我却动了心。 13、Now I am in addition to express who are ranging. 现在的我,除了快递谁都不等。 14、I am finally going to leave you very slow but very firm. 我终于打算离开你了,很慢但很坚定。 15、Time wont go back I wont turn back. 时光不会倒着走,我也不会再回头。 16、You stole my heart. 你偷走了我的心。

Shakira的《Si Te Vas》 歌词

歌曲名:Si Te Vas歌手:Shakira专辑:Oral Fixation TourShakira - Si Te VasCuéntame que haras después que estrenes su cuerpoCuando muera tu traviesa curiosidadCuando memorices todos sus recobecosY decidas otra vez regresarYa no estaré aquí en el mismo lugarSi no tiene mas que un par de dedos de frenteY descubres que no se lava bien los dientesSi te quita los pocos centavos que tienesY luego te deja solo tal como quiereSe que volverás el díaEn que ella te haga trizasSin almohadas para llorarPero si te has decididoY no quieres mas conmigoNada ahora puede importarPorque sin tiEl mundo ya me da igualSi te vas, si te vas, si te marchasMi cielo se hará grisSi te vas, si te vas, ya no tienesQue venir por miSi te vas, si te vas, y me cambiasPor esa bruja, pedazo de cueroNo vuelvas nunca masQue no estaré aquíToda escoba nueva siempre barre bienLuego vas a ver desgastadas las cerdasCuando las arrugas le corten la pielY la celulitis invada sus piernasVolverás desde tu infiernoCon el rabo entre los cuernosImplorando una vez masPero para ese entoncesYo estaré un millón de nochesLejos de esta enorme ciudadLejos de tiEl mundo ya me da igual



清风dj网 四会Dj贺仔-全英文Mashup音乐本色劲爆气氛强势靓歌欢快串烧第二首英文歌叫什

第一首-Kesha的Die Young其中一些rap来自LMFAO的Shots 一些来自Black Eyed Peas第二首: 歌手 RIO feat Nicco 歌名:Party Shaker第三首是 Pitbull 的I know you want me第四首是:Michael Mind Project feat. Dante Thomas - Feeling so Blue (2012年)但是它的高潮是改编自Flo Rida唱的Sugar (因为2009年的歌)第五首:Osibisa - Sunshine Day然后是 Just Another NightPitbull - We Run The Night 后面有几首西班牙语的歌,其中我最喜欢的是33分钟的来自Alvaro Guerra Ft. Kilian Dominguez - Girls Party (Club Extended Mix) DVJ XAVI之后是Kesha的Timber和Tik TokManian feat. carlprit - Don"t Stop The Dancing最后一首背景音乐是邓丽君的《我只在乎你》我就这么没关网页把所有歌都听下来了,然后发现我几乎全都会唱 全都在club听过。。。好多rap也都知道出处(好像暴露了什么=。=话说这个DJ真的好喜欢钱妞啊好多她的歌~附你要的第二首的歌词如下:"Party Shaker"(feat. Nicco)Yeah-eah-eah, Oh-Oh, Party ShakerWake Up, Wake UpPeople getting onGunna rock your bodyStand Up, Stand UpWe"re moving all the way to the topWe"re flying high, so highTo the skyAnd we lead any dance floorRight tonightWe will blow this club awayFrom Rio to Jamaica We are the party shakerSo welcome everybodyLet"s party tonightWe"ll sip until we"re wastedThey call us troublemakersBut we just like to party And party tonightFrom Rio to Jamaica We are the party shakerSo welcome everybodyLet"s party tonightWe"ll sip until we"re wastedThey call us troublemakersBut we just like to party And party tonightoh way-oh, oh way-ohoh way-oh, oh way-ohWe just like to partyAnd party tonight(that"s right)All right, all rightLove is in the airAll of the girls get naughtyTonight"s the nightWe blow this disco lightsWe flying high, so highTo the skyMake it over the rainbowRight tonightWe will blow this club awayFrom Rio to Jamaica We are the party shakerSo welcome everybodyLet"s party tonightWe"ll sip until we"re wastedThey call us troublemakersBut we just like to party And party tonightoh way-oh, oh way-oh (oh-oh, woah-oah-oah)oh way-oh, oh way-ohWe just like to party And party tonightSo if you wanna danceThe party never endsSo people put your hands upYour ass shakeYour body rock in danceLet"s get ready to the party tonightLet"s make that partyEverybody what wantsSo if you want one moreYou just know on the doorEverybody get your ass down on the floorFrom Rio to Jamaica We are the party shakerSo welcome everybodyLet"s party tonightWe"ll sip until we"re wastedThey call us troublemakersBut we just like to party And party tonightoh way-oh, oh way-oh (All the people from Rio to Jamaica)oh way-oh, oh way-oh (We"re gunna rock and dance, spread all over the world)

Shakira的《Ojos Asi》 歌词

歌曲名:Ojos Asi歌手:Shakira专辑:Live And Off The RecordShakira - Ojos AsiAyer conoci un cielo sin solY un hombre sin sueloUn santo en prisiónY una canción triste sin due?oYa he ya he ya la heY conocí tus ojos negrosYa he ya he ya la heY ahora si que noPuedo vivir sin ellos yoLe pido al cielo solo un deseoQue en tus ojos yo pueda vivirHe recorrido ya el mundo enteroY una cosa te vengo a decirViaje de Bahrein hasta BeirutFui desde el norte hasta el polo surY no encontré ojos asíComo los que tienes tuRabboussamai fikarrajaiiFi ainaiha aralhayatiAti ilaika min haza lkaaouniArjouka labbi labbi nidaiViaje de Bahrein hasta BeirutFui desde el norte hasta el polo surY no encontré ojos asíComo los que tienes tuAyer vi pasar una mujerDebajo de su camelloUn río de sal un barcoAbandonado en el desiertoYa he ya he ya la heY vi pasar tus ojos negrosYa he ya he ya la heY ahora si que noPuedo vivir sin ellos yo

It`s an eraser.为什么加an不加a


I am和I was有什么区别?

"I am" 和 "I was" 都是英语中的动词时态,但它们的含义和用法略有不同:I am"I am" 是现在时态的形式,表示目前正在进行或存在的动作或状态。例如:I am studying English.(我正在学习英语。)She is a doctor.(她是一名医生。)I was"I was" 是过去时态的形式,表示过去某个时间点或某个时间段内发生的动作或状态。例如:I was studying English yesterday.(昨天我在学习英语。)She was a doctor before she retired.(她退休前是一名医生。)需要注意的是,"I am" 和 "I was" 的区别在于时间和状态的不同。如果要表示过去正在进行的动作或状态,可以使用 "I was",而如果要表示现在正在进行的动作或状态,则应该使用 "I am"。

It takes brass-balls to sell real estate.这句话的意思。

一楼个哥们厉害啊~!居然连佳能也搞上了~!这一说法来自很久以前船上的用语:如果人冷得要冻僵了, 会说:“冷得要把铜猴上的球冻坏了。”“cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey”.

it was什么amazing day是a还是 an




ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5X10演唱会的曲目

OVERTURE1.感谢カンゲキ雨岚2.Step and Go3.Lucky Man挨拶 4.We can make it!5.风の向こうへ6.Crazy Moon~キミ☆ハ☆ムテキ~ 7.PIKA☆NCHI (AIBAちゃんsolo)8.HORIZON9.DANGAN-LINER10.アレルギー11.ココロチラリ12.CARNIVAL NIGHT Part213.言叶より大切なもの (NINO solo)14.Everything15.瞳の中のGalaxy16.アオゾラペダル17.台风ジェネレーション18.昙りのち、快晴 (大ちゃんsolo)19.a Day in Our Life20.Oh Yeah!21.ハダシの未来22.Beautiful DaysMC23.とまどいながら (翔ちゃんsolo)24.WISH (松润solo)25.Attack it! (5x10 secert track)26.truth27.明日の记忆VTR28.Au30fbRAu30fbSHI29.SUNRISE日本30.君のために仆がいる31.时代32.ナイスな心意気33.PIKA☆NCHI34.とまどいながら35.言叶より大切なもの36.Hero37.サクラ咲ケ38.WISH39.きっと大丈夫40.Love so sweet41.Happiness42.Believe挨拶(ENDING)43.5×10[アンコール1]44.PIKA★★NCHI DOUBLE45.明日に向かって46.できるだけ47.One Love [アンコール2]48.ファイトソング49.五里雾中50.Au30fbRAu30fbSHI[アンコール3]51.SEASON

I am和I was有什么区别?


ARASHI Anniversary Tour 5×10 演唱会节目单

1、感谢カンゲキ雨岚2、Step and Go3、LUCKY MAN~挨拶~4、We can make it!5、风の向こうへ6、Crazy Moon~キミ?ハ?ムテキ~7、PIKA☆NCHI(雅纪ソロ)8、HORIZON9、DANGAN-LINER10、アレルギー11、ココロチラリ12、CARNIVAL NIGHT part213、言叶より大切なもの(和也ソロ)14、Everything15、瞳のGalaxy16、アオゾラペダル17、台风ジェネレーション18、昙りのち、快晴(矢野健太ソロ)19、a Day in Our Life20、Oh Yeah!21、ハダシの未来22、Beautiful days~MC~23、とまどいながら(翔ソロ)24、WISH(润ソロ)25、アルバムボーナストラック曲26、truth27、明日の记忆~モニターで10年を振り返る~~メドレー(28~42)~28、A?RA?SHI29、SUNRISE日本30、君のために仆がいる31、时代32、ナイスな心意気33、PIKA☆NCHI34、とまどいながら35、言叶より大切なもの36、Hero37、サクラ咲ケ38、WISH39、きっと大丈夫40、Love so sweet41、Happiness42、Believe~花火~~挨拶~43、5×10~风船が空へ~~アンコール~44、PIKA★★NCHI DOUBLE45、明日に向かって46、できるだけ47、One Love~メンバー绍介~~ダブルアンコール~48、ファイトソング49、五里雾中50、A?RA?SHI


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