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有一首伦巴舞曲,是英文女声,里面有一句好像是i know was beautiful,是什么歌曲?

Carly Rae Jepsen - BeautifulHello, I know it"s been a whileI wonder where you are, and if you think of meSometimes, cause you"re always on my mindYou know I had it rough, trying to forget you butThe more that I look around, the more I realizeYou"re all i"m looking forWhat makes you so beautiful, is you don"t know how beautiful you are to meYou"re not trying to be perfectNobody"s perfect, but you are, to meIt"s how you take my breath awayFeel the words that I don"t sayI wish somehow, I could say them nowOh, I could say them now, yeahJust friends, the beginning or the endHow do we make senseWhen we"re on our ownIt"s like you"re the other half of meI feel incomplete, I should have knownNothing in the world compares to the feelings that we shareIt"s so not fairWhat makes you so beautiful, is you don"t know how beautiful you are to meYou"re not trying to be perfectNobody"s perfect, but you are, to meYou try to take my breath awayFeel the words that I don"t sayI wish somehow, I could say them nowOh, it"s not you, blame it all on meI was running from myselfCause I couldn"t tell how deep that weWe were gonna beI was scared, it"s destiny, but it hurts like hellHope it"s not too late, just a twist of fateWhat makes you so beautiful, is you don"t know how beautiful you are to meYou"re not trying to be perfectNobody"s perfect, but you are, to meIt"s how you take my breath awayFeel the words that I don"t sayI wish somehow, I could say them nowOh, oh, I could say them now, mmm

我的Kaspersky LabAVP8Data里面的tmp文件删不了


卡巴斯基在C盘的C:ProgramDataKaspersky Lab这个文件夹怎么清楚啊??占了我C盘140多G!!!

很久没见过有人用卡巴了哦 管他干么全卸了删除算了

电脑里面的C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataKaspersky LabAVP8QB是什么文件


卡巴斯基Kaspersky Lab Network Agent服务启动不了?急!!!

这个是卡巴企业版网络代理的服务 如果启动不了 试一下重装netagent 这个程序在安装盘里就有 如果安的时候报错 用windows clearup 卸了再重新装 再不行看看有没有15000端口被占用的 不行找客服吧

Kaspersky LabAVP8QB里的文件删不掉怎么办?

可以这样解决 到卡巴8.0的主界面下,有个备份和报告,经常删除一下,就好了,想彻底的就要:在数据和报告里的保留天数改成2天,最好哦,以后就没有折磨大的文件了 查看原帖>>满意请采纳

C:ProgramDataKaspersky Lab 是什么文件夹,里的文件可以删除吗?


what has he done?/what has he did?


what was he done


我的C盘 Kaspersky Lab 里有4.43G ,可Backup里是空的,PdmHist里有4.26G,请问这是咋回事啊,我该做什么么?


C盘里的Kaspersky Lab文件夹竟然有3GB大,请问里面有些什么?可以删除吗?


C:ProgramDataKaspersky Lab可以删除吗


怎么删除kaspersky lab

1:设置—报告 全部去掉 √ ,减少一些垃圾文件 2:设置—更新 运行模式设为 手动, 减少软件频繁更新文件(我一般自己10 天手动更新一次)防止软件更新时电脑死机。 3:设置—保护 将启用保护去掉 √ 然后找到 C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataKaspersky LabAVP8Data 将里面后缀名为 TMP 的文件 删掉,然后在将 启用保护 打√ ,这样你会腾出最起码 4GB的 C盘容量(正常情况 只有100MB左右)如果你不先在 启用保护 去√然后在打√的话,那些TMP文件是受保护,删不掉的。 4:在主届面 快速扫描 全部去掉 √ ,加快开机速度。5:设置—完全扫描 在扫描最优化下面 将 仅扫描新建和已更改的文件 √(加快完全扫面速度)

Kaspersky Lab问题


C盘Kaspersky Lab文件夹占用空间越来越大怎么办`=.=


Kaspersky Lab删不掉,怎么办?

你把卡巴斯基卸载了吗?如果卸载了的话,那就重启一次,然后再到目录里珊。这样都还删不掉就用360官网的文件粉碎机,官网有下,你可以去试试。 如果是没有卸载就删的话,你得进入安全模式最保险,卡巴斯基的安装文件夹是受自己保护的,向前面人所说,首先退出自我保护,接着退出程序,再进入安全模式进行删除!


she has got造句

She has got a speeding ticket.她领了一张罚单。

—Why not go out for a walk before breakfast? —Oh,yes. _________ is my favorite time of day.

B。 空处缺少一主语,而非状语。【译文】——早饭前你为什么不出去散步呢?——嗯。是的。那是我一天最美好的时光。


mini-ultrasonic prober微型超声探头希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可追问~

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uitrasonic cleaner是什么意思

应该是ultrasonic吧...如果是ultrasonic cleaner的话,是“超声波清洗器”之类的东西

ultrasonic horn是什么意思

ultrasonic horn 超声变幅杆网络释义专业释义英英释义能源科学技术 | 材料科学变幅杆 - 引用次数:9With the improvement of finite element method and the development of correlated application software,it is possible to design ultrasonic horn through computer.随着有限元理论的完善和相关应用软件的发展,通过计算机直接进行变幅杆的设计成为可能。参考来源 - 旋转超声加工装置的设计与新型变幅杆的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于 NoteExpress


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急用,英文造句用给的词造句~例子:feel as if,walk out ofI feel as if I had wa?

1.I feel as if I can fly like a bird I feel as if I have waken from a dream I feel as if I am in home 2.I was too tired to speak I was too weak to walk I was too excited to fall asleep I was too busy to write home 3.Myra arranged for me to meet you at the airport Myra arranged for me to pick up the child after school Myra arranged for me to clean the house 4.I got up early so that I can arrive in time He works hard so that he can get a good grade I buy today"s newspaper so that I can read on the bus,4,abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,2,急用,英文造句 用给的词造句~ 例子: feel as if,walk out of I feel as if I had walked out fo a nightmare. arrange,e in Myra arranged for Mrs.Morrison to e in and light the fire for her mother. 1.feel as if,fly like a bird feel as if,waken from a dream feel as if,be home, tired, speak, weak, walk, excited, fall asleep, busy, write home 3.arrange, meet you at the airport arrange, pick up the child after school arrange, clean the house 4.get up early, so that, arrive work hard, so that, get a good grade buy today"s newspaper, so that, read on the bus

HND Ultrasonic 全电子管电吉他箱头怎么样?


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我在使用python下的flask框架 但是我要怎么实现sso登录

单点登录跟登录其实差不多,理解了登录也可以搞出单点登录回顾在前面的系列章节中,我们创建了一个数据库并且学着用用户和邮件来填充,但是到现在我们还没能够植入到我们的程序中。 两章之前,我们已经看到怎么去创建网络表单并且留下了一个实现完全的登陆表单。在这篇文章中,我们将基于我门所学的网络表单和数据库来构建并实现我们自己的用户登录系统。教程的最后我们小程序会实现新用户注册,登陆和退出的功能。为了能跟上这章节,你需要前一章节最后部分,我们留下的微博程序。请确保你的程序已经正确安装和运行。在前面的章节,我们开始配置我们将要用到的Flask扩展。为了登录系统,我们将使用两个扩展,Flask-Login 和 Flask-OpenID. 配置如下所示 (fileapp\ osfrom flaskext.login import LoginManagerfrom flaskext.openid import OpenIDfrom config import basedirlm = LoginManager()lm.setup_app(app)oid = OpenID(app, os.path.join(basedir, "tmp"))Flask-OpenID 扩展为了可以存储临时文件,需要一个临时文件夹路径。为此,我们提供了它的位置。重访我们的用户模型Flask-Login扩展需要在我们的User类里实现一些方法。除了这些方法以外,类没有被要求实现其它方法。下面是我们的User类 (fileapp/ User(db.Model):id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True)nickname = db.Column(db.String(64), unique = True)email = db.Column(db.String(120), unique = True)role = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, default = ROLE_USER)posts = db.relationship("Post", backref = "author", lazy = "dynamic")def is_authenticated(self):return Truedef is_active(self):return Truedef is_anonymous(self):return Falsedef get_id(self):return unicode( __repr__(self):return "<User %r>" % (方法是一个误导性的名字的方法,通常这个方法应该返回True,除非对象代表一个由于某种原因没有被认证的用户。is_active方法应该为用户返回True除非用户不是激活的,例如,他们已经被禁了。is_anonymous方法应该为那些不被获准登录的用户返回True。最后,get_id方法为用户返回唯一的unicode标识符。我们用数据库层生成唯一的id。用户加载回调现在我们通过使用Flask-Login和Flask-OpenID扩展来实现登录系统首先,我们需要写一个方法从数据库加载到一个用户。这个方法会被Flask-Login使用(fileapp/ load_user(id):return User.query.get(int(id))记住Flask-Login里的user id一直是unicode类型的,所以在我们把id传递给Flask-SQLAlchemy时,有必要把它转化成integer类型。登录视图函数接下来我们要更新登录视图函数(fileapp/ flask import render_template, flash, redirect, session, url_for, request, gfrom flaskext.login import login_user, logout_user, current_user, login_requiredfrom app import app, db, lm, oidfrom forms import LoginFormfrom models import User, ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN@app.route("/login", methods = ["GET", "POST"])@oid.loginhandlerdef login():if g.user is not None and g.user.is_authenticated():return redirect(url_for("index"))form = LoginForm()if form.validate_on_submit():session["remember_me"] = form.remember_me.datareturn oid.try_login(, ask_for = ["nickname", "email"])return render_template("login.html",title = "Sign In",form = form,providers = app.config["OPENID_PROVIDERS"])注意到我们导入了一些新的模块,其中有些后面会用到。跟上个版本的变化很小。我们给视图函数添加了一个新的装饰器:oid.loginhandler。它告诉Flask-OpenID这是我们的登录视图函数。在方法体的开头,我们检测是是否用户是已经经过登录认证的,如果是就重定向到index页面。这儿的思路是如果一个用户已经登录了,那么我们不会让它做二次登录。全局变量g是Flask设置的,在一个request生命周期中,用来存储和共享数据的变量。所以我猜你已经想到了,我们将把已经登录的用户放到g变量里。我们在调用redirect()时使用的url_for()方法是Flask定义的从给定的view方法获取url。如果你想重定向到index页面,你h很可能使用redirect("/index"),但是我们有很好的理由让Flask为你构造url。当我们从登录表单得到返回数据,接下来要运行的代码也是新写的。这儿我们做两件事。首先我们保存remember_me的布尔值到Flask的session中,别和Flask-SQLAlchemy的db.session混淆了。我们已经知道在一个request的生命周期中用Flask的g对象来保存和共享数据。沿着这条线路Flask的session提供了更多,更复杂的服务。一旦数据被保存到session中,它将在同一客户端发起的这次请求和这次以后的请求中永存而不会消亡。数据将保持在session中直到被明确的移除。为了做到这些,Flask为每个客户端建立各自的session。下面的oid.try_login是通过Flask-OpenID来执行用户认证。这个方法有两个参数,web表单提供的openid和OpenID provider提供的我们想要的list数据项。由于我们定义了包含nickname和email的User类,所以我们要从找nickname和email这些项。基于OpenID的认证是异步的。如果认证成功,Flask-OpenID将调用有由oid.after_login装饰器注册的方法。如果认证失败那么用户会被重定向到login页面。Flask-OpenID登录回调这是我们实现的after_login方法(app/ after_login(resp):if is None or == "":flash("Invalid login. Please try again.")redirect(url_for("login"))user = User.query.filter_by(email = user is None:nickname = resp.nicknameif nickname is None or nickname == "":nickname ="@")[0]user = User(nickname = nickname, email =, role = ROLE_USER)db.session.add(user)db.session.commit()remember_me = Falseif "remember_me" in session:remember_me = session["remember_me"]session.pop("remember_me", None)login_user(user, remember = remember_me)return redirect(request.args.get("next") or url_for("index"))传给after_login方法的resp参数包含了OpenID provider返回的一些信息。第一个if声明仅仅是为了验证。我们要求一个有效的email,所以一个没有没提供的email我们是没法让他登录的。接下来,我们将根据email查找数据库。如果email没有被找到我们就认为这是一个新的用户,所以我们将在数据库中增加一个新用户,做法就像我们从之前章节学到的一样。注意我们没有处理nickname,因为一些OpenID provider并没有包含这个信息。做完这些我们将从Flask session中获取remember_me的值,如果它存在,那它是我们之前在login view方法中保存到session中的boolean类型的值。然后我们调用Flask-Login的login_user方法,来注册这个有效的登录。最后,在最后一行我们重定向到下一个页面,或者如果在request请求中没有提供下个页面时,我们将重定向到index页面。跳转到下一页的这个概念很简单。比方说我们需要你登录才能导航到一个页面,但你现在并未登录。在Flask-Login中你可以通过login_required装饰器来限定未登录用户。如果一个用户想连接到一个限定的url,那么他将被自动的重定向到login页面。Flask-Login将保存最初的url作为下一个页面,一旦登录完成我们便跳转到这个页面。做这个工作Flask-Login需要知道用户当前在那个页面。我们可以在app的初始化组件里配置它(app/ = LoginManager()lm.setup_app(app)lm.login_view = "login"全局变量g.user如果你注意力很集中,那么你应该记得在login view方法中我们通过检查g.user来判断一个用户是否登录了。为了实现这个我们将使用Flask提供的before_request事件。任何一个被before_request装饰器装饰的方法将会在每次request请求被收到时提前与view方法执行。所以在这儿来设置我们的g.user变量(app/ before_request():g.user = current_user这就是它要做的一切,current_user全局变量是被Flask-Login设定的,所以我们只需要把它拷贝到更容易被访问的g变量就OK了。这样,所有的请求都能访问这个登录的用户,甚至于内部的模板。index视图在之前的章节中我们用假代码遗留了我们的index视图,因为那个时候我们系统里并没有用户和博客文章。现在我们有用户了,所以,让我们来完成它吧:@app.route("/")@app.route("/index")@login_requireddef index():user = g.userposts = [{"author": { "nickname": "John" },"body": "Beautiful day in Portland!"},{"author": { "nickname": "Susan" },"body": "The Avengers movie was so cool!"}]return render_template("index.html",title = "Home",user = user,posts = posts)在这个方法中只有两处变动。首先,我们增加了login_required装饰器。这样表明了这个页面只有登录用户才能访问。另一个改动是把g.user传给了模板,替换了之间的假对象。现在可以运行我们的应用了。当我们连接到你将会看到登陆页面。记着如果你通过OpenID登录那么你必须使用你的提供者提供的OpenID URL。你可以下面URL中的任何一个OpenID provider来为你产生一个正确的URL。作为登录进程的一部分,你将会被重定向到OpenID提供商的网站,你将在那儿认证和授权你共享给我们应用的一些信息(我们只需要email和nickname,放心,不会有任何密码或者其他个人信息被曝光)。一旦登录完成你将作为已登录用户被带到index页面。试试勾选remember_me复选框。有了这个选项当你在浏览器关闭应用后重新打开时,你还是已登录状态。注销登录我们已经实现了登录,现在是时候来实现注销登录了。注销登录的方法灰常简单(file app/"/logout")def logout():logout_user()return redirect(url_for("index"))但我们在模板中还没有注销登录的链接。我们将在base.html中的顶部导航栏添加这个链接(file app/templates/base.html):<html><head>{% if title %}<title>{{title}} - microblog</title>{% else %}<title>microblog</title>{% endif %}</head><body><div>Microblog:<a href="{{ url_for("index") }}">Home</a>{% if g.user.is_authenticated() %}| <a href="{{ url_for("logout") }}">Logout</a>{% endif %}</div><hr>{% with messages = get_flashed_messages() %}{% if messages %}<ul>{% for message in messages %}<li>{{ message }} </li>{% endfor %}</ul>{% endif %}{% endwith %}{% block content %}{% endblock %}</body></html>这是多么多么简单啊,我们只需要检查一下g.user中是否有一个有效的用户,如果有我们就添加注销链接。在我们的模板中我们再一次使用了url_for方法。最后的话我们现在有了一个全功能的用户登录系统。在下一章中,我们将创建用户的个人资料页,并显示用户的头像。



ultrasonic generator是什么意思



ultrasonic probe是什么意思

ultrasonic probe生词本英 [u02ccu028cltru0259u02c8su0254nu026ak pru0259ub] 美 [u02ccu028cltru0259u02c8sɑnu026ak prob]超声波探头,超声探针网 络超声波探头;超声波探针1. Ultrasonic probe, multi - directional object sensing and alarming. 超声波探头, 多方位物体探测报警.2. In the roller ultrasonic probe is a ultrasonic focusing probe which can strengthen the signal.轮式探头内部使用了用来加强信号强度的聚焦探头

ultrasound ultrasonic有什么不同

超声检测UltrasonicTesting(缩写UT);  射线检测RadiographicTesting(缩写RT);  磁粉检测MagneticparticleTesting(缩写MT);  渗透检测PenetrantTesting(缩写PT);  涡流检测EddyCurrentTesting(缩写ET);射线照相法(RT)  是指用X射线或g射线穿透试件,以胶片作为记录信息的器材的无损检测方法,该方法是最基本的,应用最广泛的一种非破坏性检验方法。  1、射线照相检验法的原理:射线能穿透肉眼无法穿透的物质使胶片感光,当X射线或r射线照射胶片时,与普通光线一样,能使胶片乳剂层中的卤化银产生潜影,由于不同密度的物质对射线的吸收系数不同,照射到胶片各处的射线能量也就会产生差异,便可根据暗室处理后的底片各处黑度差来判别缺陷。  2、射线照相法的特点:射线照相法的优点和局限性总结如下:  a.可以获得缺陷的直观图像,定性准确,对长度、宽度尺寸的定量也比较准确;  b.检测结果有直接记录,可长期保存;  c.对体积型缺陷(气孔、夹渣、夹钨、烧穿、咬边、焊瘤、凹坑等)检出率很高,对面积型缺陷(未焊透、未熔合、裂纹等),如果照相角度不适当,容易漏检;  d.适宜检验厚度较薄的工件而不宜较厚的工件,因为检验厚工件需要高能量的射线设备,而且随着厚度的增加,其检验灵敏度也会下降;  e.适宜检验对接焊缝,不适宜检验角焊缝以及板材、棒材、锻件等;  f.对缺陷在工件中厚度方向的位置、尺寸(高度)的确定比较困难;  g.检测成本高、速度慢;  h.具有辐射生物效应,无损检测超声波探伤仪能够杀伤生物细胞,损害生物组织,危及生物器官的正常功能。  总的来说,RT的特性是——定性更准确,有可供长期保存的直观图像,总体成本相对较高,而且射线对人体有害,检验速度会较慢。  无损检测X光机  用于工业部门的工业检测X光机通常为工业无损检测X光机(无损耗检测),此类便携式X光机可以检测各类工业元器件、电子元件、电路内部。例如插座插头橡胶内部线路连接,二极管内部焊接等的检测。BJI-XZ、BJI-UC等工业检测X光机是可连接电脑进行图像处理的X光机,此类工业检测便携式X光机为工厂家电维修领域提供了出色的解决方案。3、超声波检测(UT)  1、超声波检测的定义:通过超声波与试件相互作用,就反射、透  无损检测设备射和散射的波进行研究,对试件进行宏观缺陷检测、几何特性测量、组织结构和力学性能变化的检测和表征,并进而对其特定应用性进行评价的技术。  2、超声波工作的原理:主要是基于超声波在试件中的传播特性。  a.声源产生超声波,采用一定的方式使超声波进入试件;  b.超声波在试件中传播并与试件材料以及其中的缺陷相互作用,使其传播方向或特征被改变;  c.改变后的超声波通过检测设备被接收,并可对其进行处理和分析;  d.根据接收的超声波的特征,评估试件本身及其内部是否存在缺陷及缺陷的特性。  3、超声波检测的优点:  a.适用于金属、非金属和复合材料等多种制件的无损检测;  b.穿透能力强,可对较大厚度范围内的试件内部缺陷进行检测。如对金属材料,可检测厚度为1~2mm的薄壁管材和板材,也可检测几米长的钢锻件;  c.缺陷定位较准确;  d.对面积型缺陷的检出率较高;  e.灵敏度高,可检测试件内部尺寸很小的缺陷;  f.检测成本低、速度快,设备轻便,对人体及环境无害,现场使用较方便。  4、超声波检测的局限性:  a.对试件中的缺陷进行精确的定性、定量仍须作深入研究;  b.对具有复杂形状或不规则外形的试件进行超声检测有困难;  c.缺陷的位置、取向和形状对检测结果有一定影响;  d.材质、晶粒度等对检测有较大影响;  e.以常用的手工A型脉冲反射法检测时结果显示不直观,且检测结果无直接见证记录。  5、超声检测的适用范围:  a.从检测对象的材料来说,可用于金属、非金属和复合材料;  b.从检测对象的制造工艺来说,可用于锻件、铸件、焊接件、胶结件等;  c.从检测对象的形状来说,可用于板材、棒材、管材等;  d.从检测对象的尺寸来说,厚度可小至1mm,也可大至几米;  e.从缺陷部位来说,既可以是表面缺陷,也可以是内部缺陷。4、磁粉检测(MT)  1.磁粉检测的原理:铁磁性材料和工件被磁化后,由于不连续性的存在,使工件表面和近表面的磁力线发生局部畸变而产生漏磁场,吸附施加在工件表面的磁粉,形成在合适光照下目视可见的磁痕,从而显示出磁粉检测不连续性的位置、形状和大小。  2.磁粉检测的适用性和局限性:  a.磁粉探伤适用于检测铁磁性材料表面和近表面尺寸很小、间隙极窄(如可检测出长0.1mm、宽为微米级的裂纹),目视难以看出的不连续性。  b.磁粉检测可对原材料、半成品、成品工件和在役的零部件检测,还可对板材、型材、管材、棒材、焊接件、铸钢件及锻钢件进行检测。  c.可发现裂纹、夹杂、发纹、白点、折叠、冷隔和疏松等缺陷。  d.磁粉检测不能检测奥氏体不锈钢材料和用奥氏体不锈钢焊条焊接的焊缝,也不能检测铜、铝、镁、钛等非磁性材料。对于表面浅的划伤、埋藏较深的孔洞和与工件表面夹角小于20°的分层和折叠难以发现。5、渗透检测(PT)  1.液体渗透检测的基本原理:零件表面被施涂含有荧光染料或着色染料的渗透剂后,在毛细管作用下,经过一段时间,渗透液可以渗透进表面开口缺陷中;经去除零件表面多余的渗透液后,再在零件表面施涂显像剂,同样,在毛细管的作用下,显像剂将吸引缺陷中保留的渗透液,渗透液回渗到显像剂中,在一定的光源下(紫外线光或白光),缺陷处的渗透液痕迹被现实,(黄绿色荧光或鲜艳红色),从而探测出缺陷的形貌及分布状态。  2.渗透检测的优点:  a.可检测各种材料,金属、非金属材料;磁性、非磁性材料;焊接、锻造、轧制等加工方式;  b.具有较高的灵敏度(可发现0.1μm宽缺陷)  c.显示直观、操作方便、检测费用低。  3.渗透检测的缺点及局限性:  a.它只能检出表面开口的缺陷;  b.不适于检查多孔性疏松材料制成的工件和表面粗糙的工件;  c.渗透检测只能检出缺陷的表面分布,难以确定缺陷的实际深度,因而很难对缺陷做出定量评价。检出结果受操作者的影响也较大。6、涡流检测(ET)  1.涡流检测的基本原理:将通有交流电的线圈置于待测的金属板上或套在待测的金属管外(见图)。这时线圈内及其附近将产生交变磁场,使试件中产生呈旋涡状的感应交变电流,称为涡流。涡流的分布和大小,除与线圈的形状和尺寸、交流电流的大小和频率等有关外,还取决于试件的电导率、磁导率、形状和尺寸、与线圈的距离以及表面有无裂纹缺陷等。因而,在保持其他因素相对不变的条件下,用一探测线圈测量涡流所引起的磁场变化,可推知试件中涡流的大小和相位变化,进而获得有关电导率、缺陷、材质状况和其他物理量(如形状、尺寸等)的变化或缺陷存在等信息。但由于涡流是交变电流,具有集肤效应,所检测到的信息仅能反映试件表面或近表面处的情况。  2.应用:按试件的形状和检测目的的不同,可采用不同形式的线圈,通常有穿过式、探头式和插入式线圈3种。穿过式线圈用来检测管材、棒材和线材,它的内径略大于被检物件,使用时使被检物体以一定的速度在线圈内通过,可发现裂纹、夹杂、凹坑等缺陷。探头式线圈适用于对试件进行局部探测。应用时线圈置于金属板、管或其他零件上,可检查飞机起落撑杆内筒上和涡轮发动机叶片上的疲劳裂纹等。插入式线圈也称内部探头,放在管子或零件的孔内用来作内壁检测,可用于检查各种管道内壁的腐蚀程度等。为了提高检测灵敏度,探头式和插入式线圈大多装有磁芯。涡流法主要用于生产线上的金属管、棒、线的快速检测以及大批量零件如轴承钢球、汽门等的探伤(这时除涡流仪器外尚须配备自动装卸和传送的机械装置)、材质分选和硬度测量,也可用来测量镀层和涂膜的厚度。  3.优缺点:涡流检测时线圈不需与被测物直接接触,可进行高速检测,易于实现自动化,但不适用于形状复杂的零件,而且只能检测导电材料的表面和近表面缺陷,检测结果也易于受到材料本身及其他因素的干扰。

佳能镜头上的ULTRASONIC,imaga starilizer 什么意思啊?

ULTRASONIC是超声波的意思,指镜头内部装有超声波对焦马达(其特点是对焦快速而宁静)image starilizer 指镜头内装有图像稳定器,也就是指这款镜头是光学防抖镜头。




i has a big apple我有一个大苹果。

Dreams are often an elegant means of highlighting problems ________ in the present or the past.

【答案】:C动词的过去分词作定语后置。Problems faced=problems that are faced by someone。选项C是正确的。【句子大意】做梦经常会成为显示过去或现在所面临问题的很好方法。

As for me i have nothing to compiaim of!是什么意思?

As for me i have nothing to complain of!至于我,我没有什么可抱怨的!

At the curtain call,please give a elegant bow whe

不是的,elegant是形容词,a是修饰bow的,所以不是an。特殊的情况当然有,比如说一个mp3 用的是an mp3而不是a

quadrasteer造句 quadrasteerの例文 "quadrasteer"是什麼意思

Quadrasteer ) were included at different times on the o trucks. Quadrasteer in trucks and tow vehicles, however, is another matter. That"s pretty much all there is to Quadrasteer . Another on-dash option for Quadrasteer is Tow Mode. GM insists that Quadrasteer was designed with failsafe mechani *** s. Parallel parking was much easier with the Quadrasteer on. Quadrasteer then was an answer to a question that didn"t exist. This is a truly fine truck even without Quadrasteer . Such is the case with General Motors" Quadrasteer . The Quadrasteer makes maneuvering the vehicle as easy as parking a pact car. It"s difficult to see quadrasteer in a sentence. 用 quadrasteer 造句挺难的 Quadrasteer four-wheel steering was added as an option on 1500 series trucks. Quadrasteer bines the front wheels"conventional hydraupc steering with electric rear-wheel steering. Yet with Quadrasteer switched on, he parked the trailer neatly on the first try. Quadrasteer is not a totally new concept. The Sierra Denap was initially equipped with Delphi"s Quadrasteer system as standard equipment. Except that the new Denap ( renamed from the former Sierra C3 ), es with Quadrasteer . GM has exclusive rights to the technology called Quadrasteer , made by Delphi Automotive, for o years. This gives the Sierra Denap a turning circle 20 percent tighter than a similar-size truck without Quadrasteer . I can"t wait for Quadrasteer to start showing up in the behemoth trucks of the GM fleet. GM says trailer-towing is truly remarkable with Quadrasteer , although I didn"t get to try it. That"s because Quadrasteer is expanding from GMC"s Sierra Denap pickup into big SUVS such as the Yukon XL. Quadrasteer was first introduced this year on the Sierra Denap and later expanded to the Silverado and Sierra extended-cab pickups. With Quadrasteer switched off, the same maneuver required pulpng ahead and backing up repeatedly, to avoid cppping cars on either side. After a week in the Sierra Denap, I was sold on Quadrasteer , but not on the truck"s high price. GM says the model costs roughly $ 5, 000 more than the C3 it replaced, mostly because of the addition of Quadrasteer . Quadrasteer can make the GMC Sierra Denap, the only vehicle on which it is currently available, seem as maneuverable as a family sedan. The Quadrasteer mechani *** s require an additional 5 inches of girth, and the wide fender flares give the rear wheels room to turn without rubbing. GMC has finally created the perfect truck _ the 2002 GMC Sierra Denap pickup with the exclusive new Quadrasteer four-wheel-steering system. Quadrasteer , developed for GM by Delphi Automotive Systems, is the first apppcation of four-wheel steering to a full-size truck. Another neat addition is the availabipty of the Quadrasteer four-wheel steering system that was introduced last year on pght-duty GM pickups. It"s difficult to see quadrasteer in a sentence. 用 quadrasteer 造句挺难的 Real rear seat, four doors, big bed for big loads, tons of torque for towing and, my favorite part : Quadrasteer . GMC Sierra Denap / Quadrasteer : And speaking of rigs, here, by a long shot, was my favorite pickup truck of the year. With Quadrasteer , that yaw is absent and the trailer more closely follows the pne of the tow vehicle, making for a much more stable ride. General Motors dropped Quadrasteer from the Sierra Denap after the 2004 model year and its entire pneup after 2005 due to poor sales of this expensive option. "There is a lot of redundancy built in, " said Thomas C . Zebehazy, manager of the GM engineering group that developed Quadrasteer . More practically, it is the first pickup with four-wheel steering, a system called Quadrasteer that was developed jointly by GM and Delphi Automotive Systems. But it is the Quadrasteer four-wheel-steering system that makes the Sierra Denap a depght to drive, at least by big-truck standards. The Quadrasteer system is standard on the top-of-the-pne Sierra pght-duty model _ the short-bed extended-cab Denap. That premium is pkely to drop as more systems are installed, and GM is planning to add Quadrasteer to less expensive trucks and sport utipties, including some Chevys. Even without Quadrasteer , the Sierra Denap is one truly fine truck, with more bells and whistles included as standard equipment than on any other truck on the market. Quadrasteer uses rear-wheel steering to help in slow moving _ parking or backing up a trailer _ by turning the rear wheels in the opposite direction of the front wheels. Quadrasteer is a remarkable innovation that cuts turning radius dramatically, makes thm Vahicle more stable in over-road towing, and makes parallel parking or backing a trailer far easier. Although Quadrasteer has had a pmited debut, given that it es only on a $ 44, 105 luxury truck, GM will soon expand availabipty to other pickups and sport utipties. To make the big truck easier to turn in tight spots, several models will be available with Quadrasteer , which allows the driver to turn all four wheels at the same time. The 2002 2004 Sierra Denap was equipped standard with a 325 hp 6.0L V8, All Wheel Drive and Quadrasteer , the 4-wheel steering system developed by General Motors. "" Quadrasteer ""is the name of a four wheel steering system developed by Delphi Corporation while under the ownership of 2500 Suburbans for model years 2002 through 2005. Now, with the Quadrasteer four-wheel-steering system, engineers at General Motors and Delphi Automotive Systems have e up with a way to cut a big truck down to size. I was sold on the system when I tried identical driving and parking maneuvers with Quadrasteer switched off and then on again . ( A switch lets you choose " 4WS," It weighs in at 6, 400 pounds and is powered by the 6-pter Vortec V-8 engine that is found in the new Denap Quadrasteer pickup and other Chevy trucks. Other Chevy vehicles to be displayed at the Capfornia event include the new 2003 SSR roadster, a 50th anniversary edition Corvette, a Camaro 510, and a 2003 Silverado pickup with Quadrasteer . It"s difficult to see quadrasteer in a sentence. 用 quadrasteer 造句挺难的

represented as 后面可以加句子吗

虽然大多数情况下,后面直接接名词.但是有时也可以接句子.例如:He is represented as a headless body holding its decapitated in its hands.(人们把她描绘成手持自己首级的无头之躯。)

求Eminem新单Fast Lane的歌词

First verse, uhI"m on "til I"m on a islandMy life"s ridin" on the Autobahn on autopilotBefore I touch dirt, I"ll kill you all wit" kindnessI kill ya, my natural persona"s much worseYou"ve been warned if you"ve been born or if you can formSlap up a cop and then snatch "im out of his uniformLeave him wit" his socks, hard bottoms and bloomers onAnd hang him by his balls from the horn of a unicornY"all *****" intellect mad slow, y"all fags knowClaimin" you bangin", you flamin"Bet you could light your own cigarette witcha assholeMe and Shady deaded the past, so that basically resurrected my cashflowI might rap tight as the snatch of a fat dykeThough I ain"t wrapped tightMy blood type"s the "80s!My "90s was like the Navy, you was like the BradysYou still fly kites daily!EminemCatch me in my MercedesBumpin" "Ice, Ice Baby," screamin" Shady "til I dieLike a half a pair of dice, life"s crazySo I live it to the fullest "til I"m SwayzeAnd you only live it once, so I"m thinkin" "bout this nice, nice ladyWait, no, stop me now "fore I get on a roll (Damn)Let me tell you what this pretty little dame"s name is, "cause she"s kinda famousAnd I hope that I don"t sound too heinous when I say thisNicki Minaj, but I wanna stick (My penis in your anus!)You morons think that I"m a geniusReally I belong inside a dang insane asylum, cleanin", try them trailer parksCrazy, I am back, and I am razor-sharp, babyAnd that"s back wit" a capital B wit" an exclamation mark, maybeYou should listen when I flip the linguistics"Cause I"m"onna rip this mystical slick shitYou don"t wanna become another victim or statistic of this shit"Cause after I spit the bullets, I"ma treat these shell casings like a soccer ballI"ma kick the ballistics! So get this dick, I"ma live this(Hook)Livin" life in the fast laneMovin" at the speed of life and I can"t slow downOnly got a gallon in the gas tankBut I"m almost at the finish line, so I can"t stop nowI don"t really know where I"m headed, just enjoyin" the rideJust gon" roll "til I drop and ride "til I dieI"m livin" life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)I"m livin" life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)RoyceMy whole goal as a poet"s to be relaxed in orbitAt war wit" a bottle, this Captain Morgan attacks my organsMy slow flow is euphoric, it"s like I rap endorphinsI made a pact with the Devil that says "I"ll let you take meYou let me take this shovel, dig up the corspes, Jack Kevorkian"Go "back and forth in more beef that you can pack a fork inI"m livin" the life of the infinite enemy downMy tenement, too many now, to send my serenity powersSpin "em around, enterin" in the vicinityEminemNow, was called Eminem, but he threw away the candy and ate the rapperChewed him up (Pt!) and spitted him outGirl, giddy-up, now get, get downHe"s lookin" around this club and it looks like people are havin" a shit fit nowHere, little t-t-trailer trash, take a look who"s back in t-t-townDid I s-st-stutter, motherfucker? Fuck them all, he"s justA whole motherfuckin" Walmart d-d-down every time a-r-r-roundAnd he came to the club tonight wit" 5"9″ to hold this bitch downLike a motherfuckin" chick underwater, he tryna d-dr-drownShawty, when you dance, you got me captivatedJust by the way that you keep lickin" them dicks like lips, I"m agitated, aggravatedTo the point you don"t suck my dick, then you"re gonna get decapitatedOther words, you don"t fuckin" give me head, then I"m have to take itRoyceAnd then after takin" that, I"ma catch a case, it"s gon" be fascinatin"It"s gon" say "The whole rap game passed away" on top of the affadavitGraduated from master debater slash massive masturbatorTo Michael Jackson" activator (Woo!)Meanin" I"m on fire off the top, might wanna back up the dataRu

求 杀出个黎明2 中英字幕: From.Dusk.Till.Dawn.2.-.Texas.Blood.Money.


if i was a serial killer 歌词

歌曲名:if i was a serial killer歌手:Insane Clown Posse专辑:the tempestIf I was a Serial KillerThey would find all my victim"s headsIn funky ass gas station toiletsAnd if I was a Serial KillerI would be strange and derangedAnd I would never changeIf I was a Serial KillerI"d be known as the smokerCause I"d cut off and smoke all they hairand if I was a Serial KillerI would sleep on broken glass and thumbtacksand I would smoke mad crackFirst thing I would do is kill a couple hottiesThey"d always get some mustard up decapitated bodiesDumped on State police law just before dawnTo let em know my ritual had begunI"d crack a 40 with the devil tell him dig me a holecause I"m coming when I die until them I"m in controlThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I aintbut if I was I"d do my walls all blood red with blood paintThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I aintBut if I was I"d never stop cause I know I can"tIf I was a Serial KillerI would drive a black vanAnd I would ride around on college campusAnd if I was a Serial KillerI would walk among us and gain trustUntil I needed that rushI"d park outside these bitches homes and then drive awayThen come back with my lights off this time I"m here to stayI"d wear human bones around my neck and have my ceremoniesThen go back upstairs and microwave some macaronisYou know what"s all up in my trunkSo don"t ask me to pop itOnce I get out to my cabinThen I"ll finally unlock itThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I"m notBut if I was I"d snap a photo once they died on the spotThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I"m notBut if I was I"d know that I can"t so I would never stopAnd I don"t know myself anymore(and I don"t know who I am anymore)And I don"t know who to be anymore(and I don"t know who I am anymore)And I don"t know what to think anymore(and I don"t know who I am anymore)Except that I am strange and deranged(and I don"t know who I am anymore)And I will never changeI wanna hold up this hatchetPsychopathic Records shit we"ll burn the whole planet downI wanna run with this hatchetWe gotta always kick the wicked shit we"ll always be the sameI wanna hold up this hatchetFuck the world take me under bitch we trying to rule the tunnels,The Tempest raining lightning balls of fire rainICP with Mike E Clark againI wanna run with this hatchet(Wicked Clowns, Blaze, Twiztid, Boondox and LotusHolding down the underground and you know thisI wanna run with this hatchetYou know thisChop it on downChop it on downI wanna run with this hatchetI wanna run with this hatchetI wanna hold up this hatchetPsychopathic Records shit we"ll burn the whole planet downI wanna run with this hatchetWe gotta always kick the wicked shit we"ll always be the sameI wanna hold up this hatchetFuck the world take me under bitch we trying to rule the tunnels,The Tempest raining lightning balls of fire rainICP with Mike E Clark againI wanna run with this hatchetWicked Clowns, Blaze, Twiztid, Boondox and LotusHolding down the underground and you know thisI wanna run with this hatchetYou know thisIf I was a Serial KillerI would bury all my special projectsunderneath the garden in my grandmother"s backyardAnd if I was a Serial KillerI would be strange and derangedAnd I would rock my hatchet chain

麻烦哪位高人帮忙把下面的句子结构给分析下,特别是最后的passing away 做什么成分。




enter new password是什么意思



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last name和family name的区别是什么?什么时候用last name什么时候用family name ?谢谢


请问“last name” .“first name”. “family name” 有什麼区别[说明和举例]?

“last name=姓氏” “first name”= 名字. “family name”=姓氏

last name和family name的区别是什么

你好!很高兴为你答疑解惑。family name相当于中国的姓,first name相当于名,外国人的名字还有个last name,中国人的名字都没有!例如:Jim Allen Green family name=Green first name=Jim last name=Allen 我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳,谢谢!

英语中的家族姓名是什么?什么是family name?last name又是什么?

family name 姓 家族的名字当然是姓 last name 姓 外国人的姓名是倒序的,姓放在后面,所以用last. first name (given name)名 外国人的姓名是倒序的,名放在前面,所以用first. middle name 类似于“王小二”中的“小” surname 姓

first name和last name还有family name的区别,具体点

西方国家是名字在前 姓在后 first name是西方人名的第一个字 last name是放在名字后面的姓 family name 也是姓 它和last name意思是一样的一、英美人姓名( 1 )英美人的姓名排列次序为名在前,姓在后.如Herbert George Wells(赫伯特· 乔治· 威尔斯),第一、第二两个词是名,末一词是姓.〔 2 )英美习俗,通常在婴儿受洗礼时,由教士或父母亲朋起名字,献为教名,排列在姓名的最前面.此外,长辈或本人也可起第二个名字,排在教名之后.这就是英美人常常有两个甚至更多名字的原因.最前面的叫first name,相当于汉语的“名字”.最后的这个就是last name了,相当于汉语的“姓”.姓是一个家族所共有的,所以也叫family name,英语也叫surname,(sur-有“后”的意思,如surfix后缀,对比:prefix 前缀.)中国人的姓在最前面,与西方人的不同.自我介绍时,说My name is Zheng Liping 时,要说我的姓是Zheng时,最好说:My family name is Zheng.而说:my last name,或surname时,都会引起误会.1、family name是姓,在英文中放在最后.例如:Jone Smith,Smith是姓.老外一般也都一家人姓一个姓.在英文中姓是不能单独用的,通常加上Mr.Smith,史密斯先生或者Mrs.Smith史密斯太太,都行.跟中文的“赵钱孙李”一样.2、first name是你的名字,在英文中,通常放在最前面,例如:Lily White ,Lily就是first name,是她的名字.在英文中,名字是可以单独叫的,比如你可以喊她“Lily”.跟“强强,敏敏,花花”之类的一样.3、last name 实际上我们可以理解为与family name是一样的,是姓,因为放在最后,所以叫last name.不再赘述.

英语中名字 姓 还有名怎么说 last name/family name ……等等

last name也就是family name,也就是姓;first name是名;middle name是中间名字,通常会是教名或为了纪念谁。另外:first name + middle name = given name名字,名字是后来父母取的,所以是given,而姓一般是出生就带有的。 英美人的姓名顺序和我们中国人的是反的,是先名后姓,而我们是先姓后名,所以在看到first name时有些人会理解不了。这也是文化上的差异,中国人注重家观念,注重的是团体,而英美人强调个性,所以在姓名上我们先说姓,他们先说名。(啰嗦了。。。)Linda Allen Green中,Linda是名,也就是first name;Allen是中间名,middle name;Green是她们家族的名,即姓氏,family name。

阅读理解Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans是哪个省市的中考题



Mardi Gras 英[ˌmɑ:di ˈgrɑ:] 美[ˈmɑ:rdi grɑ:]n. (基督教忏悔星期二当天、大斋期前一日的狂欢活动) 狂欢节;[例句]The official colors for Mardi Gras are purple, green, and gold.新奥尔良的狂欢节的官方规定颜色是紫色、绿色和金色。

Iko Iko (Cajun Mardi Gras Album Version) 歌词

Iko Iko歌手名:Aaron Carter专辑名:Come to the partyMy grand-ma and your grand-ma wereSit-tin" by the fire.My grand-ma said to your gradmaI"m gon-na set your flag on firetalkin bouthey now ,hey now iko iko undayJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee naneLook at my king all dressed in rediko iko undayBet you five dollarshe"ll kill me deadJackamo fee nanetalkin bout hey now,hey nowiko iko undayJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee naneMy flag boy and your flag boysittin by th fireMy flag boy said to your flag boyI"m gonna set yout flag on firetalkin bout hey now ,hey nowiko iko ai naneJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee naneJackame fee naneIkotalkin bout hey now ,hey nowiko iko undayJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee naneSee that guy all dressed in greenI-KO, I-KO, un-day.He"s not a man He"s a lov-in" ma-chineJackame fee nanetalkin bouthey now ,hey now iko iko undayJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee nanetalkin bout hey now,hey nowiko iko undayJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee nanetalkin bout hey now ,hey nowJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee nane

family name和last name的区别

family name和last name没有什么很大的区别,具体的说,因为外国人的family name也就是我们通常说的姓氏,他们通常是放在最后说的,也是他们的last name。实际上last name等同于family name,同样为姓氏的意思。 family name和last name的不同 last name比family name非正式,比如填写表格一般用正式用语family name,口语中可用last name。 family name是姓,在英文中放在最后.例如:Jone Smith,Smith是姓.老外一般也都一家人姓一个姓。在英文中姓是不能单独用的,通常加上Mr.Smith,史密斯先生或者Mrs.Smith史密斯太太,都行.跟中文的“赵钱孙李”一样。 family name和given name的区别 Family name是姓,given name是名。例如:Tom Green中Tom是given name,Green是Family name。 Family name姓氏,家族名FAMILY是家庭的意思,姓是家庭共有的,可以这样理解。 given name名字,等于first name,起的名字。GAVE的过去分词表示被动,被给的名字,就是名字,这样理解就不会乱了。 小名,昵称就是NICE NAME,或者childhoodname。

family name last name的区别

family name last name的区别是意思不同、用法不同。first name是西方人名的第一个字,在英文中放在最后,last name是放在名字后面的姓,因为放在最后,所以叫last name。 扩展资料 family name是姓,在英文中放在最后.例如:Jone Smith,Smith是姓.老外一般也都一家人姓一个姓.在英文中姓是不能单独用的`,通常加上Mr.Smith,史密斯先生或者Mrs.Smith史密斯太太,都行.跟中文的“赵钱孙李”一样.last name 实际上我们可以理解为与family name是一样的,是姓。

Daybreak (Based On The "Mardi Gras" Theme From Mississippi Suite) 歌词

歌曲名:Daybreak (Based On The "Mardi Gras" Theme From Mississippi Suite)歌手:Frank Sinatra&Tommy Dorsey专辑:Love SongsDaybreak歌:镜音リン·レン feat. 下田麻美作词/作编曲:SAM惑(まど)う心(こころ)繋(つな)ぎ止(と)める何(なに)か求(もと)めて闇(やみ)に染(そ)まる远(とお)い空(そら)を一人(ひとり)见(み)つめた孤独(こどく)の中(なか)导(しるべ)もなく歩(ある)き続(つづ)けて何度(なんど)同(おな)じ过(あやま)ちを缲(く)り返(かえ)してきた?胸(むね)に残(のこ)る痛(いた)みも私(わたし)が生(い)きた证(あかし)と何(なに)もかも受(う)け入(い)れてまた歩(ある)き出(だ)すから立(た)ち上(あ)がれ 谁(だれ)よりも强(つよ)い想(おも)いがあるからこの世界(せかい)残(のこ)された光(ひかり)を探(さが)してもう二度(にど)と戻(もど)らない过去(かこ)を振(ふ)り返(かえ)りはしないやがてまた阳(ひ)は升(のぼ)りすべて始(はじ)まるDaybreak掴(つか)みかけて砂(すな)のように零(こぼ)れ落(お)ちてく遥(はる)か远(とお)い地平线(ちへいせん)戸惑(とまど)い呼(よ)ぶけどそれでもまだ信(しん)じているものがあるから答(こた)え求(もと)め歩(あゆ)むことを决(けっ)して止(や)めない希望(きぼう)というカケラは确(たし)かに息(いき)づいている时(とき)を超(こ)えどこまでも祈(いの)りを届(とど)けよう舞(ま)い上(あ)がれこの想(おも)い暗(くら)い夜(よる)を切(き)り裂(さ)いて抗(あらが)えぬ运命(さだめ)でも踌躇(ためら)いを舍(す)ててどこまでも强(つよ)くなれ意志(いし)の导(みちび)くその先(さき)ただ一人(ひとり)求(もと)め行(ゆ)く长(なが)い梦(ゆめ)の终(お)わりを立(た)ち上(あ)がれ 谁(だれ)よりも强(つよ)い想(おも)いがあるからこの世界(せかい)残(のこ)された光(ひかり)を探(さが)してもう二度(にど)と戻(もど)らない过去(かこ)を振(ふ)り返(かえ)りはしないやがてまた阳(ひ)は升(のぼ)りすべて始(はじ)まるDaybreak

英语中的家族姓名是什么?什么是family name?last name又是什么?

family name 姓 家族的名字当然是姓 last name 姓 外国人的姓名是倒序的,姓放在后面,所以用last. first name (given name)名 外国人的姓名是倒序的,名放在前面,所以用first. middle name 类似于“王小二”中的“小” surname 姓

password change是什么意思

密码更改相关例句:1.Confirm your password change with your ISP.与ISP确认密码更改.

the password and its confirm are not the same是什么意思


Confirm new password是什么意思

Confirm new password确认新密码你这是注册什么账号的时候弹出来的窗口吧建议用网页浏览器在线翻译,省的一个个查单词了

Confirm Password是什么意思


Conflrm Password是什么意思

"确认口令"的意思!你是不是打错了?应该是confirm password吧?confirm 是确认的意思,password就是口令、密码的意思。

confirm password是什么意思

confirm password-确认口令;确认密码网络确认密码,重复密码,再输入一次密码

Marti Gras

是一个原自法国的节日。俄, 我也不是很懂啦, 前几天我们文化社老师(那个老师是从新奥尔良来的,新奥尔良原来是法国殖民地, 所以这个节的气氛很浓..)叫我们卖这个节日颜色的项链, 然后才听说到一点点。就是, 这个节日的第二天, 就是Ash Wednesday啦(Ash Wednesday就是还有40天就是耶稣忌日了。从这40天开始倒数, 为耶稣放弃自己喜爱的东西, 为耶稣祷告。这40天以后,就是复活节了。)所以咧,开始Ash Wednesday的悲哀之前,就用Mardi Gras的前一天,这一个星期二, 来开派对,大吃特吃,大玩特玩。所以咧, 在新奥尔良市, 每年的Mardi Gras, 街上会有大游行, 大家都按照节日的气氛,把自己也装扮起来,然后上街去玩-0-...再然后,据说还会有很多免费的东西得..像食物阿,杯子阿,之类的。[-0-好幸福......][PS:表达能力不是很好-0-,,不好意思啦。]

在美国 哪些人过mardi gras

  Mardi Gras是美国最大的嘉年华会。每年预计有三百多万人参加这项盛会, 大多是年轻人, 尤其是美国大学生把参加 Mardi Gras 之行当成朝圣之旅。  Mardi Gras是一个天主教的节日 (但通常越不是天主教教徒的人玩得越疯狂)。它永远是在复活节 (Easter Sunday) 前的四十七天。由于Mardi Gras 是依据阴历去推算的,所以可能是介于二月 三号到三月九号之间的任何一天 (比方说 2003 年是在三月四号),Mardi Gras 是在星期二,也就是所谓 的 Fat Tuesday。所以有时候老美也会用 Fat Tuesday 来指 Mardi Gras Day。Mardi Gras 的由来是天主教徒在复活节之前会有一个斋戒的仪式,在这个斋戒之前呢?当然要好好的大吃大喝再加上疯狂地纵欲一番了,所以 Mardi Gras也就这样应运而生。通常热烈庆祝的活动会持续二个星期那么久,过节的气氛则是一天比一天热烈,一直持续到 Mardi Gras Day那天达到最高潮!  为什么 Mardi Gras会这么出名呢?因为它是美国一年一度最大的盛会。Mardi Gras的活动形式,则是类似全球知名的的巴西嘉会华会 (carnival),有一波接着一波的游行,各式各样的庆祝活动,满天 乱撒的各式珠珠、假的钱币和奇奇怪怪的小玩具,当然也肯定少不了啤酒和纽奥良远近驰名的 King Cakes (国王蛋糕)。Mardi Gras每年都是在纽奥良(New Orleans)举行。  Parade是Mardi Gras的一个重头戏,但它不像一般的游行只有一场,而是从Mardi Gras Day的前二个星期前,每天都会有数场的 parade,而且离Mardi Gras越近,次数越多,内容也越精采。虽说每个parade都有主题,但基本上每个游行看起来都是差不多的,而且游行都是由当地的一些高中、社团自发性参加的,所以水准其实并不会太高。但是,"Who cares?" 去那里最主 要的还是感受一下嘉年华会的热力,抢花车上洒下来的珠珠和看看挤人的画面,至于每个游行的主题是什么,反倒没有什么人关心了。

英语单项选择(希望有解释)() ,we went home straight away.A.The job has be?

C 表示一种状态,或者也可以理解成是一种条件 英语句子中,一个句子只含有一套句子主干,若有两套以上应该在逗号后面加and,ABD均可排除,9,选A 理由如下: 选项中 B的表达本身就是错误的 要在原选项上改的话应该改be为is C选项应该用被动式而不能用过去分词形式,因为做完工作是人主动做而不是工作自己做完,D选项如果选上去,那么原题干就会出现两个相同的主语,犯了主语重复的大忌...,0,A, 过去完成式的被动语态 与后面的过去时吻合,0,c a应该用过去完成时表示finish这个在went之前完成 b的be动词为啥用原型。。。不懂。。 d同样应该用过去完成时,而且前后句都有we,重复,0,英语单项选择(希望有解释) () ,we went home straight away. A.The job has been finished B.The job be finished C.The job finished D.We have finished the job

Mardi gras 怎么读?是什么节日?哪个国家过这个节日?

Mardi gras=Mardi GrasMardi Gras固定词组 ph. 【法】1.大斋期开始的前一天(即狂欢节的最后一天,直译为"油腻的星期二")2.狂欢节日

Mardi Gras是什么意思

Mardi Gras 英[u02ccmɑ:di u02c8grɑ:] 美[u02c8mɑ:rdi grɑ:] n. (基督教忏悔星期二当天、大斋期前一日的狂欢活动) 狂欢节; [例句]The official colors for Mardi Gras are purple, green, and gold.新奥尔良的狂欢节的官方规定颜色是紫色、绿色和金色。

family name是否等于last name?


英语中名字 姓 还有名怎么说 last name/family name ……等等


family name和last name的区别是什么?

family name和last name的区别是:1、last name比family name非正式,比如填写表格一般用正式用语family name,口语中可用last name。2、family name是姓,在英文中放在最后.例如:Jone Smith,Smith是姓.老外一般也都一家人姓一个姓。在英文中姓是不能单独用的,通常加上Mr.Smith,史密斯先生或者Mrs.Smith史密斯太太,都行.跟中文的“赵钱孙李”一样。family name和given name的区别有:1、Family name是姓,given name是名。例如:Tom Green中Tom是given name,Green是Family name。2、Family name姓氏,家族名FAMILY是家庭的意思,姓是家庭共有的,可以这样理解。3、given name名字,等于first name,起的名字。GAVE的过去分词表示被动,被给的名字,就是名字,这样理解就不会乱了。小名,昵称就是NICE NAME,或者childhoodname。

family name,first name,last name, middle name都是指英语中的姓或名,举例说说他们的区别

1 人名分为姓和名。中文中姓在前,名在后,姓 和 名的第一个字母必须大写。如Liu Zikang。其中Liu是家族传下来的姓称为family name。Zikang是你父母起的名字称为first name,也可叫given name。2 在英语中姓名与中文中不一样,是名在前,姓在后。如John Croft 。John是名,因为他在前面所以称为first name,Croft是姓因为他在最后面所以称为last name(当然也可为family name)。3 至于middle name 比如John William Croft 中的Willian就是,通常会是教名或为了纪念谁。

i want to suck your dick and **** your ass什么意思


last name和family name的区别是什么?

都是姓的意思 last name比family name非正式, 比如填写表格一般用正式用语family name,口语中可用last name.

nickname , Enter your password here ,


confirm new password是什么意思

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