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求歌词:karina pasian 的 《slow motion》中文歌词

我知道你一直在呼唤我我很高兴,我们遇见了不是我不感兴趣我只是很难得到什么从这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中我试图理解你可以成为我最好的朋友在你认为你是我的之前为什么我不能用慢动作爱你消磨时间带走压力在我脑海真正了解你每次倒带都想要用慢动作爱你为什么我不能你似乎知道你想要的我喜欢你的信心有些事情女孩永远不应该忽略因为如果你被伤害在这个被叫做爱的疯狂游戏中我仍然试图理解所以你会成为我最好的朋友在你认为你是我的之前为什么我不能用慢动作爱你消磨时间带走压力在我脑海真正了解你每次倒带都想要用慢动作爱你为什么我不能我太年轻夜晚的取笑而且还为时过早这是正确的不想惹你骄傲的问题时但为什么我不能用慢动作爱你 消磨我的时间带走了我的脑海压力真正了解你每次倒带我都想用慢动作爱你为什么我不能小锁收藏、8&name=yezhihao&id=50419415

意大利歌曲 :Ninna Nanna (中文译名:摇篮曲) - Mariangela 试听:下载:

Eva Cassidy 歌词&中文翻译

I see trees are green, red roses, too 我见到碧绿的树和艳红玫瑰I see them bloom for me and you 它们为我们开放And I think to my self 我心中想着What a wonderful world 多么的完美世界I see skies of blue and clouds of white 我见到蓝蓝的天,白白的云The bright blessed day 那明丽的一天The dark says good night 夜晚向人们说晚安And I think to my self 我心中想着What a wonderful world 多么的完美世界The colors of the rainbow 彩虹的色彩So pretty in the sky 在天空中多么开心Are also on the faces of people going by 那些行人脸上也一样Saying "how do you do?" 说着最近好吗?They"re really saying "I love you" 他们大声说着我爱你I hear babies cry, I watch them grow 我听着婴儿哭泣,看着他们成长They learn much more 他们学习着很多Than I"ll never know 我未知的东西And I think to my self 我心中想着What a wonderful world 多么的完美世界

toaster master club 杭州总部在哪里?怎么联系并参与其中?


toaster mater上海在哪里这里可以搜索 关键词 中国上海 得到的结果蛮多的 部分如下 Meeting Location Search ResultsSearch Criteria: China, Shanghai Results 1 - 10 of 23 1st Bilingual Zhangjiang - Club #: 996251, Dist #: 85, Est: 03/28/2007 Meeting Time: 18:30 / 20:25, Tuesday Room 207 Building A, Zhangjiang Overseas Hi-Tech ParkNo.563 Song Tao Road, Zhangjiang,, Shanghai, 201203, ChinaClub Status: Open to all (86) Friday Toastmasters Club - Club #: 1106199, Dist #: 85, Est: 01/29/2008 Meeting Time: 7:10 pm, Friday Room 301 No 150 Nanjing Xi Rd, Shanghai, 200031, ChinaClub Status: Open to all 86 21 13816 Advanced Toastmasters Club - Club #: 1039858, Dist #: 85, Est: 05/22/2007 Meeting Time: 19:10 - 21:10, 2nd & 4th Thursday Bailemen Hotel, 1728 West Nanjing Road7th Floor, Room # 712, Shanghai, P.R. China, ChinaClub Status: Membership eligibility criteria required - Contact club 86 15921002876cat.secretary@gmail.com Explorer Toastmasters Club - Club #: 942088, Dist #: 85, Est: 08/07/2006 Meeting Time: 12:00 am, 1st & 3rd 6th Fl New Jinjiang PlzNo 999 Changning Rd, Shanghai, 200050, ChinaClub Status: Membership eligibility criteria required - Contact club 86 21 22030332laker_bi@dell.comDELL Random Toastmasters Club - Club #: 1030116, Dist #: 85, Est: 06/30/2007 Meeting Time: 12:00 pm, 2nd & 4th Tuesday Room 501 Dell Random ToastmastersNo.999 Changning Rd. New Jinjiang Plaza, Shanghai, Shanghai, 200050, ChinaClub Status: Membership eligibility criteria required - Contact club 86 21 2203 0849eric_kong@dell.comHSBC I-Talk Toastmasters - Club #: 1037108, Dist #: 85, Est: 05/14/2007 Meeting Time: 6:45 p.m., Wednesday Ciro"s Plaza, No 388, Nanjing West Road, 200003Board Room, 36th Floor, HSBC Tower, No. 1000 Lujiazui Ring Road, Shanghai, P.R.C, 200120, ChinaClub Status: Membership eligibility criteria required - Contact club 8621 China Toastmasters Club - Club #: 1070469, Dist #: 85, Est: 08/01/2007 Meeting Time: 5:45 pm, Thursday Infosys Technologies (China) Co LtdBldg 18 1387 Zhang Dong Rd Pudong New Area, Shanghai, 201203, ChinaClub Status: Open to all N/AIntel PD No 1 TM Club - Club #: 1015577, Dist #: 85, Est: 03/23/2007 Meeting Time: 12:00 pm, Wednesday IntelNo 999 Ying Lun Rd, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Pudong, Shanghai, 200131, ChinaClub Status: Membership eligibility criteria required - Contact club 0086 21 38732945Lighthouse Shanghai Toastmasters Club - Club #: 1015193, Dist #: 85, Est: 06/01/2007 Meeting Time: 3:00 p.m., Sat Medium Conf. Rm 15/F, Hua Rong HotelNo 1271 South Pudong Rd, Shanghai, 200120, ChinaClub Status: Open to all 86 13701613013VPMembership@lighthouse.freetoasthost.orglighthouse.freetoasthost.orgMSD China Shanghai - Club #: 1048217, Dist #: 85, Est: 06/07/2007 Meeting Time: 12:00 pm, 1st & 3rd Friday MSD Chian Shanghai26F Shanghai Central Plz 381 Huai Hai Middle Rd, Shanghai, 200020, ChinaClub Status: Membership eligibility criteria required - Contact club 8621 63915522 ext. 361andrew_shih@merck.comNext Page | Last Page

C:Program Files (x86)Dell DataSafe Local BackupToasterLog2.log 说这个文件损坏 怎么办


Only gradually was the by products of th institut

机构的副作用只会缓慢地显露(被注意到),而这种副作用成为(被认为是)机构行为中的指导性因素的过程则只会更加缓慢。听我慢慢解释。首先解决词的问题。对“institution”这个词的翻译,网上有两种版本,一是“机构”,二是“制度”。我更倾向于理解为“机构”。因为上文提到“the express reason of the association”,这里的“association”一定是动词“联合”的名词含义,而“联合”的结果就是形成“组织机构”;下文举例时并列地提到“Religious associations”、“family life”和“systematic labor”,含义分别是“宗教协会”、“家庭生活”和“系统性的劳动”,这些名词含义的抽象的、概括性的含义也是“social institution”,即“社会机构”。下文还提到“human association under which the world"s work is carried”,即“人类工作所依附的‘联合"”;文章的最后一句提到“These groups mainly rely on ... association which keeps the adults loyal to their group”,即“这些群体以来于‘联合",这种‘联合"使承认保持对群体的忠诚”。总的来说,“assciation”即联合,其结果是形成“机构”。再看看牛津字典对“institution”的解释:“an organization founded for a religious, educational, professional, or social purpose”,另一种解释是:“an established law or practice”。在这两种含义中,我们自然会选择前者。另外一个比较难理解的词是“directive”,这个词去掉词缀“ive”,就变成了“direct”,这个词当动词讲,有“指导”的含义,加上“ive”,就变成了“指导性的”。类似的例子有active、supportive、cooperative等。这个句子里其他的词都是词汇书上有明确释义的正常词汇,不做过多解释。接下来解决语法问题。首先,必须明确的是,这个句子是由“and”连接的两个并列句组成的;两个并列句的语法结构平行,即结构一样。接下来是难点——倒装句。说难也不难,我不打算班门弄斧的讲学术。我们先看一个简单的句子。“There is a boy waiting.”这是一个倒装句,把颠倒的结构反过来,就变成了“A boy is waiting there.”所以,你是否可以理解,其实there是个副词,表示“那里”。理解到这里,我就把原句前半句搬来:Only gradually was X noted.这也是一个倒装句,按照刚才的道理,把颠倒的结构反过来,就变成了:X was noted only gradually.你说是不是很简单?如果你还没反应过来,我再举一个例子:There was a man shoted kicked by his wife. 把这句再点到过来,A man was kicked by his wife there. 这两句话的含义一样,即“一个男人被老婆揍了”。只不过,前一句强调的是“那里有一个”,而后一句强调的是“被老婆揍”。所以,“X was noted only gradually”的翻译是:X慢慢的被注意到。X指代“the by-product of the institution”,即“机构的副作用”。再看后一句:“only more gradually still was X considered as Y.”这句一样是个倒装,同样把颠倒的结构反过来,即变成了:X was considered as Y only more gradually.含义是:X被更缓慢地认为是X。这里的X指代“this effect”,即“这种副作用”;而Y指代“a directive factor in the conduct of the institution”,即“机构行为中的指导性因素”。再说最后一个重点。这两个平行结构的倒装句,强调的分别是“only gradually”和“only more gradually”。读到这里,我在把一开始的题目和翻译摆出来,你再认真看一遍。Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.机构的副作用只会缓慢地显露(被注意到),而这种副作用成为(被认为是)机构行为中的指导性因素的过程则只会更加缓慢。—浏览更多考研英语资讯,你可以在微信上关注公众号“标准化英语考试”。

三明治机(Sandwich Toaster) 可以用来做哪些东西?可以烤肉吗?


Harvest Moon 的歌词翻译Cassandra Wilson演唱

现在有点更密切 听听我不得不说 就像儿童sleepin " 我们可以梦想今天晚上离开 但有一个满月risin " 让我们去跳舞,鉴于 我们知道,在音乐的playin " 年轻尼尔 让我们去感受夜晚 因为我还是爱你 我想再次看到你舞蹈 因为我还是爱你 关于这个牧场物语 当我们是陌生人 我看着你从远处 当我们爱好者 我喜欢你的一切我的心 但现在gettin "迟交 和月亮是climbin "高 我想庆祝 看到它shinin "在你的眼睛 因为我还是爱你 我想再次看到你舞蹈 因为我还是爱你 关于这个牧场物语




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Treasure hunts have excited people’s imagination for hundreds of years both in real life and in..

小题1:C小题2:B 小题1:文中提到Ken Roberts 寻宝的逻辑顺序为:1.确定宝物小金兔的埋葬地与亨利八世第一个妻子有关;2.他这位妻子的名字是Ketherine of Aragon; 3. Ketherine 的墓地在Kimbolton; 4. 而埋葬小金兔的作者一定把这一宝藏埋在他熟悉的地方而不是Ketherine的墓地;5. 果然,Kit Williams 的家乡Ampthill公园内有两个石头制成的十字架,这是1773年为表达对Ketherine 的敬意而修造的。照此逻辑顺序,故应选C.小题2:先排除A项,因为寻得一件宝藏并非属重大历史事件;再排除C项,因为文中没有涉及到Masquerade这本书对人们的吸引力;最后再排除D项,因为文中并未对逻辑思维的重要性进行理论上的阐述。文中只是叙述了一个叫Kit Williams 的作者于1979写了一本叫Masquerade关于指导人们寻宝 的书,以及一个Ken Roberts 的人通过去伪存真、反复实践与思考的过程,于1982年发现了这一宝物,故应选B项,意为当代寻宝。




has disappeared是现在完成时态 已经消失了现在完成时态的结构是自动取have或has加动词的过去分词



Urbanization Until relatively recently, the vast majority of human beings lived and died withou...

小题1:E小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A小题5:F 文章大意:文章的主题是城市化,讲述了城市化由过去城市规模小,农民人口多,到后来现代化之后,城市规模大,农民人口少的现象,体现了产量的增加,社会的变迁。小题1:根据前一句“The first city was probably founded no more than 5,500 years ago”可知,此处讲的是以前城市的情况,即第一座城市仅仅是5500年才出现的,甚至200年前,也只有很少一部分人生活在城市中。其他几个选项没有关于以前城市的描述。故选择E小题2:根据前一句的“ Britain was only the beginning”可知,英国只是个开始,关键词beginning, 因此后面出现的是soon, 句意为,英国只是个开始,很快,其他工业国家也变成了城市化社会。小题3:根据前一句的“Today, over 82% of Americans live in cities. Only about 2% live on farms”目前,超过82%的美国人住在城市,只有2%的人住在农场,在讲完了82%和2%之后,还有剩下的人呢,住在哪里呢?因此可以推断出,下一句讲述的是the rest即,其余的人住在什么地方。因此,选择B,意为,其余的人住在城镇里。小题4:推理判断,根据前一句的”It took about ninety-five people on farms to feed five people in cities”可知,要有95个人在农场里工作,才能养活5个城市里的人,因此城市里居住的人肯定要少,规模肯定很小,因此选择A项,意为这种原因导致了城市规模很小。小题5:根据后面的“ Today, instead of needing ninety-five farmers to feed five city people, one American farmer is able to feed more than a hundred non-farmers”可知,现在一个美国人在农场里工作,可以养活100多个非农美国人,因此现代化让农民更加多产,让更多的人可以居住在城市里。

东方神起《wrong number 》原唱Phrased Differently 歌词

[ti:Wrong Number] [ar:东方神起(TOHOSHINKI)] [00:15.32]【Xiah】ha lo ei yang to pon xi qio nai go(nong) wang yi nai gong(wa) [00:18.89]qio da tong ma jio yi dai miong gui na nei xi mo lo [00:23.56]nong ton mai san jiong lang giong lang [00:29.98]【Micky】yi xi ga lin ku qai nu gu gi li gio nai dai [00:33.68]yi jin nun wa nun mio do sa sang ye(un) ma du long nai [00:38.17]sun yin ma kei gio ga ta Yeah~~ [00:43.67]【Max】sang lang gi lu ma lang [00:45.35]nang ka(dun) dun go qi go(un) qiang soo lin(un) sa ye go ji qia ji dun go [00:50.71]un no na gei un lei ta xin nun qio na ye mi ga tue ji mo ta ye I said~~ [00:57.88]【All】You got the wrong number [01:01.47]You got the wrong number [01:04.54]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [01:07.20]So don"t call me no more [01:13.46]【U-Know】ma ji nong ong ma qie long ha lv da a go wei go [01:17.30]ong ji soo mon gu wa mo la ga po na nang go [01:21.78]na wei yang go nang go mi ji [01:27.17]【Hero】ti kuang xi mio ten mang lo kio mio nei hang ji ma [01:30.96]jin lang jin go so(un) sa lang(un) to wa pun gei mang do nun go [01:35.69]qin gi qio na ye mei dang lin nio mo hei to lio lin(nun) gong bo hei What to say~~ [01:41.49]【All】You got the wrong number [01:45.12]You got the wrong number [01:48.20]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [01:50.96]So don"t call me no more [01:56.19]You got the wrong number [01:59.63]You got the wrong number(【Max】na kei sun gang o soo) [02:02.98]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [02:05.38]So don"t call me no more [02:11.21]【Xiah】ta ji wo bo li ta pon go bo li qi yo kun in do soo jia pin pi bo lo [02:18.75]ong jie lv do mei gi nun bi tun ten ma ga pun li to~~~ [02:24.29]no ye pi so li~~ [02:28.44]mo dun la qi wo Reset Reset~~ [02:31.62]RAP【Hero,U-Know】:WOW 我已经快疯了 我希望你给我闭嘴 [02:35.21]在你的网中 像傻瓜一样的fish 这样的话不行?cash [02:38.37]你的爱让我的生命变得模糊 [02:41.90]今天我的头好痛 又一次出现幻听 [02:46.11]装作关心 装作为我 在这里我只是你的木偶 [02:49.71]说NO并不费尽全部力气 [02:53.48]放过在你怀里的我say 帮我可以逃离吧say [02:57.02]我要远离 让我不会再次碰到你 [02:59.83]【All】You got the wrong number [03:03.25]You got the wrong number [03:06.42]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [03:09.16]So don"t call me no more(【Micky】yi ji bo so nun go xin pun nei) [03:14.43]You got the wrong number(ga xin jia ma ha jin na) [03:17.88]You got the wrong number(【Max】to le sang lang ang ji ma) [03:21.12]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [03:23.44]So don"t call me no more(【Xiah】qie ba no wa jio kun mang kun no jio) [03:29.74]wrong number(Ho yeah~~),wrong number [03:35.50]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [03:42.78]I"m sorry. You got the. You got the [03:50.10]I"m sorry. You got the. So don"t call me no more [03:57.92]

Solo Importas Tu 歌词

歌曲名:Solo Importas Tu歌手:Franco De Vita专辑:Coleccion SupremaLo siento si alguna vez te he heridoy no supe darme cuenta a tiempomientras soportabas en silenciotal vez algún despreciotal vez no sirva de nada el darme cuenta ahora,solo importas tusiento que en mi vida solo importas tuentre tanta gente,solo importas tuhasta el punto que a mi mismose me olvida que también existo,solo importas tu,da igual si tengo todo o nadasolo importas tu.Lo siento si en tu lugar, ya he puesto a otraera solo parte de este juego,mientras yo jugaba tu ibas en seriofui tonto y no lo niego,mis aires de importantey me doy cuenta ahora,solo importas tusiento que en mi vida solo importas tuentre tanta gente, solo importas tuhasta el punto que a mi mismose me olvida que también existo,solo importas tu,da igual si tengo todo o nadasolo importas tu.

This is a wrong number Please check up and take the telephone number again。 是什么意思?



可以啊 作为主语主动去消失的时候可以使用

as large as life是什么意思?

as large as life翻译之后,他的意思就是:和生命一样大

All My Love (Solo Tu) (1998 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:All My Love (Solo Tu) (1998 Digital Remaster)歌手:Cliff Richard专辑:The Platinum CollectionAll My Love- Cliff RichardAll my loveCame to nothing at all my loveWhen I wake up to findYou were no longer mineAll my loveThrown away after all this timeNow there"s no place for meIn the future you seeI don"t understand youI"ve done all I can doTell me how could I give you moreMore than all my loveAll my loveCame to nothing at all my loveWhen I wake up to findYou were no longer mineAll my loveThrown away after all this timeNow there"s no place for meIn the future you seeI don"t understand youI"ve done all I can doTell me how could I give you moreMore than all my loveAll my loveCame to nothing at all my loveWhen I wake up to findYou were no longer mineAll my loveThrown away after all this timeNow there"s no place for meIn the future you seeAll my loveCame to nothing at all my love...




在 JavaScript 省二级联动中,`options` 通常是指一个 HTML 元素对象的属性,它包含了这个元素的所有可选项。在省二级联动中,这个元素通常是一个 `select` 元素,用于选择省份。当省份选定后,对应的市级选项会动态生成并更新该 `select` 元素的 `options` 属性。每个 `option` 元素代表一个可选的市级名称,`options` 属性则包含了所有这些 `option` 元素的信息和属性,包括 `value` 和 `text` 等。通过 JavaScript 操作 `select` 元素的 `options` 属性,可以动态更新和控制这个元素的可选项,实现省二级联动的功能。例如,下面是一段 JavaScript 代码,演示了如何根据不同省份动态更新市级选项:```var provinceSelect = document.getElementById("provinceSelect");var citySelect = document.getElementById("citySelect");provinceSelect.onchange = function () { var province = provinceSelect.value; // 根据省份更新市级选项 updateCityOptions(citySelect, province);};function updateCityOptions(select, province) { // 根据省份从数据源中获取对应的市级信息 var cities = getCitiesByProvince(province); // 清空原有的市级选项 select.options.length = 0; // 重新添加新的市级选项 for (var i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) { var city = cities[i]; var option = new Option(, city.code); select.options.add(option); }}```在这个例子中,`provinceSelect` 和 `citySelect` 分别是省份和市级的 `select` 元素对象,当 `provinceSelect` 选项发生变化时,会触发 `onchange` 事件,调用 `updateCityOptions` 函数来更新 `citySelect` 的选项。`updateCityOptions` 函数会根据当前选定的省份从数据源中获取对应的市级信息,清空原有的市级选项,重新添加新的市级选项,并将其作为 `options` 属性赋值给 `citySelect` 元素。这样就实现了基本的省二级联动效果。

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密码:x5px 高品音质,望采纳

樱井翔 梦でもいいから罗马歌词arashi flashback 罗马歌词急需

两首歌日语以及罗马音都给出了,罗马音是本团编辑,保证正确。望能采纳加好评~ 梦でいいからVocal:樱井翔作词:栗原晋太郎, 大神正庆作曲:小田原弘(OH) I SEE YOUEVERYDAY IN MY DREAMS AND I JUST WANNA SAY梦でいい RIGHTC"MON YEAH! S.H.O. WHAT!?YO I NEED YOU GIRL! YEAH HA HACHECK IT OUT今関系は ONE WAYDREAMから目覚めてもOKになるには君の爱が必要 OHこのドア向こう 気になる人 一生何もかも君のため BABY高鸣る鼓动 约束しよう君と感じる幸せPLEASE BE MY LADY本気かな? そうたぶん 気まぐれ 嘘でもいい もう时间が无い言叶 缲り返して 思い出しても やっぱり 信じられない云间から 射す光 仆を照らすよ少しずつ 地面から 浮かび上がってゆく両手広げ 空を飞んで 街が小さくなって君の ほら笑颜探して ah-梦でもいいから月并みの事 言いたくないTHE WAY I FEEL INSIDEこれは梦じゃない IT"S REALうそのない感情はL.O.の后V.E.で君とMAKE A 物语り光さすと戸惑う事はなく时间経つと育つTHIS LOVE SONG IS FOR YOUもう君に梦中YOU ARE MY SUN AND MY MOON二人で旅する宇宙どこ行こう もう何も うかばない 何でもいい 彼女といれば気持ち 空回りの 仆を助けて ください どうすればいい迷うより 悩むより 君にとっての喜びを 心から 教えてあげよう大切な 大切な 気持ちを忘れないで君の ほら涙に触れたら ah-梦でもいいから梦じゃない これだけは 言える事 仆にとってはこれまでに 経験も したこと无いほど动いてく 変わってく 人を爱することの意味を ほら见つけられるの?云间から 射す光 仆を照らすよ少しずつ 地面から 浮かび上がってゆく両手広げ 空を飞んで 街が小さくなって君の ほら笑颜探して ah-梦でもいいから--------------------------------------------------------------------Yume de ii karaVocal : Sakurai ShoLyrics : Kurihara Shintarou, Daijin SeiyoshiMusic : Odawara Hiroshi(OH) I SEE YOUEVERYDAY IN MY DREAMS AND I JUST WANNA SAYyume de ii RIGHTC"MON YEAH! S.H.O. WHAT!?YO I NEED YOU GIRL! YEAH HA HACHECK IT OUTima kankei wa ONE WAYDREAM kara mezametemo OKni naru ni wa kimi no ai ga hitsuyou OHkono doa mukou ki ni naru hito isshounanimokamo kimi no tame BABYtakanaru kodou yakusoku shiyoukimi to kanjiru shiawasePLEASE BE MY LADYhonki kana? sou tabun kimagure uso demo ii mou jikan ga naikotoba kurikaeshite omoidashitemo yappari shinjirarenaikumoma kara sasu hikari boku wo terasu yosukoshi zutsu jimen kara ukabi agatte yukuryoute hiroge sora wo tonde machi ga chiisaku nattekimi no hora egao sagashite ah- yume demo ii karatsukinami no koto iitakunaiTHE WAY I FEEL INSIDEkore wa yume ja nai IT"S REALuso no nai kanjou wa L.O. no ato kimi to MAKE A monogatarihikari sasu to tomadou koto wa nakujikan tatsu to sodatsuTHIS LOVE SONG IS FOR YOUmou kimi ni muchuuYOU ARE MY SUN AND MY MOONfutari de tabi suru uchuudoko ikou mou nani mo ukabanai nan demo ii kanojo to irebakimochi karamawari no boku wo tasukete kudasai dou sureba iimayou yori nayamu yori kimi ni totte noyorokobi wo kokoro kara oshiete ageyoutaisetsu na taisetsu na kimochi wo wasurenaidekimi no hora namida ni furetara ah- yume demo ii karayume ja nai kore dake wa ieru koto boku ni totte wakore made ni keiken mo shita koto nai hodougoiteku kawatteku hito wo ai suru koto noimi wo hora mitsukerareru no?kumoma kara sasu hikari boku wo terasu yosukoshi zutsu jimen kara ukabi agatte yukuryoute hiroge sora wo tonde machi ga chiisaku nattekimi no hora egao sagashite ah- yume demo ii kara Flashback 歌手:岚 作词:小川贵史99樱井翔 作曲:今井晶规 夏の夕暮れを见つめてる 生温い风の中一人 nacunoyuukurewomitsumeteru namanuruikazenonakahitoriどこかではしゃいでいる声が 闻こえていた dokokadewashiaideirukoega kikoeteita君といた长い月日は どこまでも终わることはなくkimitoyidanagaitsukihi dokomademoowarukotowanaku笑颜の向こう 歩いてゆける 気がしたのが昨日のよう eganomokoo aruiteyukeru kigashitanogakinonoyuu无意识に思い返してる 自分に気がついた仆はmushikiniomoikaeshiteru jibunnikagatsuyitabokuwa何も変われないままで立ち止まって… nanimokawarenaimamadetachitomaate君が足りない日々 まだ惯れないまま ここまで过ごしてきた kimigahashirinaihibi madanarenaimama kokomadesugashitekeda今さらまた君を探してる この胸に刺さったままの爱のカケラ yimasaramatakimiwosagashiteru komomunenitogekaatamamanoainokakeraどしゃ降りの雨も降らずに 薄い水色の空の日doshiafurinoyumemofurazuni wusuimizuironosoranohi駅前あの小さな店で 终わりにした ekimaeanochiisanamisede owarinishita冷めていく红茶のなかに 浮かび上がる窓の景色は sameteikukoochianonakani ukabiagarumadonokishikiwa思い出くらい 甘く苦くて 切ないほど燃えていた omoidekurai amakuanigaikute detsunaihodomoeteita伝えたいことが何もかも 间违っていったあの顷にtsutaetaikotogananimodama manigaateyiitaanokoroni戻れるなら今すぐに戻りたくて… modorerunarayimasugunimodoritakute...気づいていた ただ素直になれたら 答えはひとつになる kizuyiteita tadasunaoninaretara kotaewahitotsuninaru呼びかければまだ君に声が届くような 行く当てのない爱の言叶 yobikakerebamadakiminikoegatodokuyuuna ikuatenonaiainokotobaボーッとしてると「あ…」まただ bootsutoshiteruto「a…」matadaあの时の笑颜 现在もまだ anoeokinoega imamomada声またこだま おかしいのかな… koemadekodama okashiinokana...気持ちとはまだまだ逆さま(ha...) kimochitowamadamadasakasama夜景の绮丽なとことか行って yakeinokirenatokotokayiiteありきたりの言叶とかなんか言ってnarikitarinokotobatokanankaiite视线合わせないままも 肩に手shisenawasenaimamamo katanite”なんか言って”困って 言ってたな あなたが… nankayiite komaate iitetana anataga...通り过ぎてく季节が君を远くへ连れてゆくよtoorisugitekukisetsukimiwo tookuetsureteyukuyo通り过ぎてく季节に仆は何を见つけるのだろう toorisugitekukisetsuni bokuwananiwomitsukerunotarou君が足りない日々 まだ惯れないまま ここまで过ごしてきた kimigamodorinaihibi madanarenaimama kokomadesugoshitekita今さらまた君を探してる この胸に刺さったままの爱のカケラ imasaramatakimiwosagashiteru komomunenitogekaatamamanoainokakera壊れたままの爱のカケラkowaretamamanoainokakera

Here it is Christmas,就是美剧天蝎网络片尾曲的歌词

September-Earth, Wind And Fire Do you remember the 21st night of September? Love was changing the minds of pretenders While chasing the clouds away Our hearts were ringing In the key that our souls were singing. As we danced in the night, Remember how the stars stole the night away Aaahh Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - dancing in September Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day My thoughts are with you Holding hands with your heart to see you Only blue talk and love, Remember how we knew love was here to stay Now December found the love that we shared in September. Only blue talk and love, Remember the true love we share todayyy yeah Aaahhh Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - dancing in September Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day There wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - dancing in September Ba de ya - golden dreams were shiny days The bells were ringing oh our souls were singing Do you remember, never a cloudy day? yow There wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - dancing in September Ba de ya - never was a cloudy day There wasn"t Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - dancing in September Ba de ya - golden dreams were shiny days Ba de ya



——(he)feet——(be) big

e, not condemned criminals whose sphere o

he has two big feet

feet foot的复数形式为feet





Elias的《Bye Bye》 歌词

歌曲名:Bye Bye歌手:Elias专辑:Shine EPBye ByeMariah Carey feat Akon & Lil WayneThis is for my people who just lost somebodyYour bestfriend, your baby, your man, or your ladyPut your hands way up high (Put "em way up high)We will never say bye, never, no, no (Never say goodbye)Momma"s, daddies, sistas, friends & cousins (Yeah)This is for my people who lost they grandmothers (Yeeeeaaahh)Lift ya hands to the sky (Lift "em way up high), "cause we will never say bye (Never say goodbye)I know, I know you"re gone, I know i"ll see you againOne thing that I can promise, that we gon" meet up againHopefully up in heaven, prayin" that i"m forgivenFor everything that i"ve done, and everything I forgot to mentionIf feel so bad to be without my homieAnd every since you"ve been absent i"ve been so lonelyWhy does our life cycle round like a trophyEven though know somebody took the time to warn meThat you just keep me "til the end it"s just crazyAnd everyday i"m wishin" you could come save meAnd I know a man ain"t supposed to cryIt"s taken all the strength in my soul to say goodbyeBye bye, Bye bye, Bye byeBye bye, Bye bye, Bye byeBye bye, Bye bye, Bye byeBye byeAnd you never got the chance to see how good i"ve doneAnd you never got to see me back at number oneI wish that you were here to celebrate togetherI wish that we could spend the holidays togetherI remember when you used to tuck me in at nightWith the teddy bear you gave to me that I held so tightI thought you were so strongThat you can make it through whateverIt"s so hard to accept the fact you"re gone foreverI never knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on likeI wish I could talk to you for awhileI wish I could find a way try not to cryAs time goes byAnd soon as you reach a better placeStill I"ll give the whole world to see your faceAnd I"m right here next to youIt feels like you gone too soonThe hardest thing to do is say bye, byeBye bye, Bye bye, Bye bye,Bye bye, Bye bye, Bye bye,Bye bye, Bye bye, Bye bye,Bye byeHow come they call it goodbye?How come the good die?See I just get high and think of the good timesThat I had with my pops, he was a good guyHow come the good die?As i protect my mother, Cause i"m her oldest sonAnd there are different worlds, and we in the coldest oneWhich one did granny go to? And why do death come?As my baby ask where do babies come fromI tell her where, I tell her whyAnd I tell her I love her until I tell her byeAnd whenever I shall ever dieI hope you celebrate it, I hope you never hatedAnd they say heaven"s gatedBut I think I know the codeAnd let"s get your life right by the end of the roadThat"s why I drive alone down memory laneSo if I crash I hope ya"ll remember Wayne!GoodbyeI never knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on likeI wish I could talk to you for awhileI wish I could find a way try not to cryAs time goes byAnd soon as you reach a better placeStill I"ll give the whole world to see your faceAnd I"m right here next to youThe hardest thing to do is say bye, byeIt"s hard to say bye, bye, bye, byeSo come on somebody say it with meWave ya hands up high,"Cause this is for my peoples who just lost somebodySee this is for everybody, just lift ya hands to the sky"Cause we will never say bye, bye


EXW 工厂交货(指定交货地点)出口国商品所在地交货 FCA 货交承运人(指定交货地点)出口国指定地点交货FAS 转运港船边交货(指定装运港)出口国装运港船边交货FOB 装运港船上交货(指定装运港)出口国转运港船上交货CFR 成本加运费(指定目的港)出口国装运港船上交货CIF 成本保险加运费(指定目的港)出口国装运港船上交货 CPT 运费付至(指定目的地)出口国指定地点交货 CIP 运费保险费付至(指定目的地)出口国指定地点交货 DAT 运输终端交货(指定目的地))进口国指定地点交货 DAP 目的地交货(指定目的地)进口国指定地点交货 DDP 完税后交货(指定目的地)进口国指定地点交货 注:括号内的内容即术语后接地点,注意C组术语的实际交货地点和术语后接的地点是不同的。拓展资料:贸易术语(Trade Terms)也被称为价格术语(Price Terms),是在长期的国际贸易实践中产生的,用来表示成交价格的构成和交货条件,确定买卖双方风险、责任、费用划分等问题的专门用语。主要作用是:1.有利于买卖双方洽商交易和订立合同。由于每一种贸易术语对买卖双方的义务都有统一的解释,有利于买卖双方明确各自的权利和义务,早日成交。2.有利于买卖双方核算价格和成本。各种贸易术语对于成本、运费和保险费等各项费用由谁负担都有明确的界定,买卖双方比较容易核算价格和成本。3.有利于解决履约当中的争议。由于贸易术语由相关的国际惯例解释,对买卖双方在交易中的争议,可通过国际贸易惯例解释。《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》(Incoterms 2000)列出十三种共四组贸易术语,其要点如下:E组,F组,C组,D组 E-D组术语卖方义务逐渐加重。

高分跪求Tarantella in 3rd Class (海上钢琴师插曲)四手联弹钢琴谱!

是《study for three hands》试听:

EPEC申请资料中的the official English translation certified by the respective embassy 是什么?




bitter as gall中文翻译

Her mouth , she averred , was as bitter as gall 她说她嘴里苦得像有胆汁似的。 He s as bitter as gall at your desertion and its consequences : don t expect thanks for this noble devotion 他对于你的遗弃和这后果是怨恨透啦对于你这种高尚的爱情不要期待感谢吧。 My aunt martha thought that she was done a terrible injustice when she was jilted as a young woman and she " s been as bitter as gall ever since 我的阿姨玛莎认为,因为她当姑娘的时候曾被情人抛弃,所以她遭到了极其不公平的待遇。从那时候她一直很苦恼。



iPod shuffle 怎么听Podcast

iTunes的“自动填充”功能并不会向任何iPod机型中添加有声读物和 podcast。不过,可手动通过将这些内容拖到 iTunes 中的 iPod shuffle 上来进行添加。 对于 iPod shuffle(第 3 代),必须在“摘要”标签中启用“手动管理音乐”,才能将歌曲拖到 iPod shuffle 中。此外,可使用 iTunes 中的“音乐”标签和“Podcast”标签来分别自动同步有声读物和 podcast。 iPod shuffle(第 3 代) 在 iPod shuffle 上播放有声读物和 Podcast 在使用 iPod shuffle(第 1 代和第 2 代)时,如果将 iPod shuffle 设置为“自动播放歌曲”, 则设备将会自动播放 iPod shuffle 上除有声读物和 podcast 外的所有音频文件1 。要播放有声读物或 podcast,请将 iPod shuffle 上的开关设置为“顺序播放”。 如果使用的是 iPod shuffle(第 3 代),则在选择播放“所有歌曲” 中的内容时,将不会播放 podcast 和有声读物。如果选择播放从 iTunes 同步过来的播放列表,则仅在 iPod 开关设置为“顺序播放” 时,才会播放有声读物和 podcast。除从 iTunes 同步过来的播放列表之外,iPod shuffle(第 3 代)将会为同步而来的每个有声读物分别创建一个特殊播放列表,并会为同步而来的所有 podcast 创建一个特殊列表。访问这些特殊播放列表时,则不论

IPOD CLASSIC支持的podcast怎么用

在iTunes store上订购,下完后,再同步到iPod上

what is podcast!



分类: 电子数码 问题描述: 过几天要买NANO 现在先把不懂的问题提出来 ~买后慢慢研究! podcast 怎么使用呢? 解析: 一:何为PodcastPodcast,中文译名尚未统一,但最多的是将其翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting 录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3 播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,你还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。就像博客颠覆了被动接受文字信息的方式一样,播客颠覆了被动收听广播的方式,使听众成为主动参与者。有人说,播客可能会像博客(Blog)一样,带来大众传媒的又一场革命。 二:收听播客的条件 收听播客必须具备三个要件: 1:播客网站提供独立的、可下载的媒体文件(一会我会给大家提供几个不错的播客网站); 2:该文件的发布格式为RSS2.0 enclosure feed(这个就是指要获得播客的rss 链接); 3:接收端能自动接收、下载并将文件转至需要的地方,放置于播放器的节目单中。(这就是我们的iTunes 和iPod 喽) 三:在iPod 上听播客 好,下面我们切入正题。 俗话说:"工欲善其事,必先利其器",要想听播客必须要有一台接入互联网的电脑,对于PC 或是MAC 没有要求。不过要先安装iTunes4.9 或以上版本的软件(现在最新的就是iTunes4.9,下载地址:apple/itunes/download/)。当然还有一台iPod 或是iPod Mini 也是必不可少的,不然就只能在电脑上听Podcast 了。各项准备的条件都满足后,打开iTunes,我们就可以订阅播客了。打开你的iTunes 之后,在左边栏点击“播客”。 当然,如果你是头一次运行的话,可能右边的列表是空白的,没关系,下面我们就来添加几个不错的中文播客地址:) 点击“高级→订购播客”打开播客的添加窗口, 在弹出的窗口输入播客网站的rss 链接,就完成定购了,这一切都是免费的哦! 如:输入的是播客中国的rss feed podcast.bokee/podcast.xml。 确定后就完成了播客的定购了,iTunes 会自动帮你分析rss 链接,然后在右边的列表里就会增加动听播客的目录了。 点击前面的小三角,打开节目表,再双击你要收听的节目或点击"获得"按钮,就可以把你稀饭的节目下载到硬盘里了。 下载完成后的节目会是黑色的,而未下载的则是灰色的。 下载完成之后,连上你的iPod,点击"编辑偏好设置",来进行你的iPod 设置。 然后在iPod 图标上右击,更新。你的iPod 上就会多出一个“播客”列表了 ok,到此就能在iPod 上尽情的听免费的Podcast 了 断开你的iPod 与电脑的连接,进入音乐播客,听听你刚刚下载的节目,是不是很爽? 四:如何获得网站的rss feed 当大家找到一个不错的播客网站,如何获得它的rss 链接呢?其实很简单,注意网站的页面上是否出现了下列图标? 其实类似这些图标指向的URL 就是rss feed。把它们添加到iTunes 就ok 了:D 五:下面介绍几个不错的播客网站: 1. 播客中国-动听播客 podcast.bokee/podcast.xml 2. 反波 antiwave/index.xml 3. 欢乐波 xintiantang/joywave/index.xml 4. E 路收听 imboke/asp/rss?domain=sanmoon 5. 播客台湾 podcast.focusing/i ... ed=RSS2.0&no_=1 其实还有很多的播客网站都不错,大家自已去发掘吧。不可否认,现在我国的podcast 还不是十分完善,好多都更新缓慢。如果有朋友对国外的播客有兴趣,不妨去macfans:16080/ ... de=1&postid=249305& pageid=1 看看,网友dingdong 详细介绍了如何在iTunes 的音乐商店上订购播客。 PS:给楼主推荐一个iPod论坛,我想大部分NANO的持有者都在这里面的,可以交流使用经验91apple/



webcast ,podcast是什么意思?

webcast网上直播;podcast 播客;live podcast生活播客“播客”又被称作“有声博客”,是Podcast的中文直译。用户可以利用“播客”将自己制作的“广播节目”上传到网上与广大网友分享。 「播客」(Podcasting)这个词来源自苹果电脑的"iPod"与"广播"(broadcast)的合成词,指的是一种在互联网上发布文件并允许用户订阅feed以自动接收新文件的方法,或用此方法来制作的电台节目。这种新方法在2004年下半年开始在互联网上流行以用于发布音频文件。 Podcasting与其他音频内容传送的区别在于其订阅模式,它使用RSS 2.0文件格式传送信息。该技术允许个人进行创建与发布,这种新的传播方式使得人人可以说出他们想说的话。





Please Call Home 歌词

歌曲名:Please Call Home歌手:The Allman Brothers Band专辑:Beginningsby Gregg AllmanCopyright 1970 Unichappell Inc. and Elijah Blue Music (BMI)Take one last look... before you leave,"cause oh, somehow it means so much to me.And if you ever need me, you know where I"ll be.So please call home... if you change your mind.Oh, I don"t mind.I guess I saw it comin"... day by day.But oh, I could not stand the failure.Before you leave, there"s just one thing I must say.Please call home... if you change your mind.Oh, I don"t mind.And I know, that you"re used to runnin".Oh you"re lost baby, and I ain"t funnin".But oh, when you call to me, well, I"ll come runnin"safe to your side... again I"ll confide... in you.So go on, I won"t say no more.My heart ain"t in it, but I"ll hold the door.But just remember, what I said before.Please call home... if you change your mind.


podcast中文翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。扩展资料:Podcast节目订阅者可以通过多个来源订阅自己希望收听或观赏的节目。与之对比的是,传统广播只能在一个时刻内提供单一来源,广播依照节目时间表进行。Internet上的"流媒体"文档相对来说解放了受众的时间限制。通过不同来源"新闻聚合"得到节目是 podcast收听的特色和主要吸引力。任何数字音频播放器或拥有适当软件的电脑都可以播放Podcasting节目。相同的技术亦可用来传送视频文件,照片,文本档案之类的其他媒体文档亦可通过podcast传送。但单词"cast"最广泛的含义仍然是指大范围的音频传送。事实上RSS允许与任何文档格式联合,从PDF格式到MP3格式等等都可以产生URL。

有冇人有it was a good day歌词

Just waking up in the morning gotta thank God I don"t know but today seems kinda odd No barking from the dog no *** og And momma cooked a breakfast with no hog I got my grub on but didn"t pig out Finally got a call from a girl wanna dig out Hooked it up for later as I hit the do" Thinking will i live another enty-fo" I gotta go cause I got me a drop top And if I hit the switch I can make the ass drop Had to stop at a red light Looking in my mirror not a jacker in sight And everything is alright I got a beep from Kim and she can ***** all night Called up the homies and I"m askin y"all Which park are y"all playin basketball? Get me on the court and I"m trouble Last week *****ed around and got a triple double Freaking niggaz every way like M.J. I can"t believe today was a good day Drove to the pad and hit the showers Didn"t even get no static from the cowards Cause just yesterday them fools tried to blast me Saw the police and they rolled right past me No flexin didn"t even look in a niggaz direction as I ran the intersection Went to Short Dog"s house they was watchin YO! MTV Raps What"s the haps on the craps Shake em up shake em up shake em up shake em Roll em in a circle of niggaz and watch me break em With the seven seven-eleven seven-eleven Seven even back do" little Joe I picked up the cash flow Then we played bones and I"m yellin domino Plus nobody I know got killed in South Central L.A. Today was a good day 2008-04-07 23:22:42 补充: Left my niggaz house paid Picked up a girl been tryin to ***** since the elfth grade It"s ironic I had the blunt she had the chronic The Lakers beat the Supersonics I felt on the big fat fanny Pulled out the jammy and killed the punanny And my dick runs deep so deep so deep 2008-04-07 23:23:04 补充: put her ass to sleep Woke her up around one she didn"t hesitate to call Ice Cube the top gun Drove her to the pad and I"m coasting Took another sip of the potion hit the three-wheel motion I was glad everything had worked out Dropped her ass off then I chirped out 2008-04-07 23:23:56 补充: Today was like one of those fly dreams Didn"t even see a berry flashing those high beams No helicopter looking for a murder Two in the morning got the Fatburger Even saw the lights of the Goodyear Blimp And it read Ice Cube"s a pimp 2008-04-07 23:24:07 补充: Drunk as hell but no throwing up Half way home and my pager still blowing up Today I didn"t even have to use my A.K. I got to say it was a good day. Hey wait wait a minute poo Stop the shit What the ***** am I thinking about?


podcast中文翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。1.删除已下载的内容 进入【设置】—>【用量】—>【Podcast】—>【编辑】—>【删除】即可!(当然也可以直接向右滑动,弹出删除按钮,点击删除)。2.可能会发现在Podcast里向右滑动也可以进行删除,但是这种删除是会连那一期的节目都一期删除掉的,就算下拉刷新一次也不能恢复。因此不建议采取这种方式。3.恢复在App里误删的节目 点击进入订阅的设置,关闭订阅之后重新开启,这样就可以恢复了。


Podcast,中文译名尚未统一,但最多的是将其翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它便携式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,你还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。 就像博客颠覆了被动接受文字信息的方式一样,播客颠覆了被动收听广播的方式,使听众成为主动参与者。有人说,播客可能会像博客(Blog)一样,带来大众传媒的又一场革命。 关于Podcast的定义目前仍在争论中,比较有代表性的说法有以下三种: 一、Podcast的推动者Doc Searls给出的定义:PODcasting,Personal Optional Digital casting.PODcasting是自助广播,是全新的广播形式。收听传统广播时我们是被动收听我们可能想听的节目,而PODcasting则是我们选择收听的内容、收听的时间以及以何种方式让其他人也有机会收听。 戴维。温纳(Dave Winer)的Morning Coffee Notes:人各有所专,所以理论上人人播客是可能的。 二、Dave Shusher在其“Podcasting的定义”一文中的定义: 他提出Podcasting必须具备三个要件: 1.必须是一个独立的、可下载的媒体文件; 2.该文件的发布格式为RSS2.0 enclosure feed; 3.接收端能自动接收、下载并将文件转至需要的地方,放置于播放器的节目单中。 他认为可下载MP3 不是波刻(Podcast)――这是充分但不是必要条件。“能下载固然不错,但能自动出现供你播放而无需你关照才是关键。这才是Podcasting.” 三、Wikipedia的定义: 像WIKI这样的定义是开放、动态的,到2004年12月13日为止,其定义为:Podcasting源于iPod,兼具broadcasting和webcasting 之意。Podcasting 与TiVo相似, 只是Podcasting是用于声讯节目而且目前免费。但是应该注意,该技术能把任何文件“拉”过来,包括软件更新、照片和视频。


播客,苹果中国译为播客,苹果台湾称为Podcasting;除“播客”外,其他的中文译名包括“爱波”、“广波”、“波刻”、“网播”、“聚播”、“随身播”、“自由播”等等。另外,由于“播客”一词包含Podcast, Podcastor或Podcasting的多个含义,所以使用时亦容易发生歧义。“播客”(Podcasting)这个词来源自苹果电脑的"iPod"与"广播"(broadcast)的合成词,指的是一种在互联网上发布文件并允许用户订阅feed以自动接收新文件的方法,或用此方法来制作的电台节目。这种新方法在2004年下半年开始在互联网上流行以用于发布音频文件。播客与其他音频内容传送的区别在于其订阅模式,它使用RSS 2.0文件格式传送信息。该技术允许个人进行创建与发布,这种新的传播方式使得人人可以说出他们想说的话。订阅播客节目可以使用相应的播客软件。这种软件可以定期检查并下载新内容,并与用户的便携式音乐播放器同步内容。播客并不强求使用iPod或iTunes;任何数字音频播放器或拥有适当软件的电脑都可以播放播客节目。相同的技术亦可用来传送视频文件,在2005年上半年,已经有一些播客软件可以像播放音频一样播放视频了。

I Wish You Love (Digitally Remastered 93) 歌词

歌曲名:I Wish You Love (Digitally Remastered 93)歌手:Nancy Wilson专辑:Great Ladies Of Song / Spotlight On Nancy Wilson~I wish you love~lyric by:Eric_2omb1eGoodbye, no use leading with our chinsThis is where our story endsNever lovers, ever friendsGoodbye, let our hearts call it a dayBut before you walk awayI sincerely want to sayI wish you bluebirds in the springto give your heart a song to singAnd then a kiss but more than thisI wish you loveAnd in July a lemonadeto cool you in some leafy gladeI wish you health but more than wealthMy breaking heart and I agreethat you and I could never beSo with my best my very bestI set you freeI wish you shelter from the stormA cozy fire to keep you warmBut most of allwhen snowflakes fall~THE END~written by Eric_2omb1e

podcast 是什么意思?




学习日语有什么好的播客 (Podcast)吗?

推荐未来授业。可以学习很多逼格高的术语,日语之类。播客是iPod+broadcasting,是数字广播技术的一种。出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软件与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。三种定义一、Doc Searls的定义1、Podcast的推动者Doc Searls给出的定义:PODcasting,Personal Optional Digital casting。PODcasting是自助广播,是全新的广播形式。2、收听传统广播时我们是被动收听我们可能想听的节目,而PODcasting则是我们选择收听的内容、收听的时间以及以何种方式让其他人也有机会收听。二、Dave Shusher的定义1.必须是一个独立的、可下载的媒体文件;2.该文件的发布格式为RSS2.0enclosure feed;3.接收端能自动接收、下载并将文件转至需要的地方,放置于播放器的节目单中。三、Wikipedia的定义1、播客,台湾亦常直接称作“Podcasting“,是指一种在互联网上发布文件并允许用户订阅feed以自动接收新文件的方法,或用此方法来制作的电台节目。这种新方法在2004年下半年开始在互联网上流行以用于发布音频文件。2、“播客”一词来源自苹果电脑的“iPod”与“广播”(broadcast)的混成词。由于英文中的Podcast、Podcaster或Podcasting等词的相关性,中文中往往统称为“播客”。



Lil Jon的《Killas》 歌词

Lil Jon Ft. Ice Cube & The Game - KillasHey Hey Hey, Bring it on mutha fuckas,Bring it on mutha fuckas,Bring it on Mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin witYou fuckin wit the killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fukin realist niggasLil Jon:Now what"s your mutha fuckin word, say somethingFuck around and get your goddamn ass whoopedNigga I feel like start some shit, and I might just snap to pissall the pussy-ass niggas like you, nigga fuck yaTake a 45 across the head go butcha (Yeah!!)Ya"ll pussy-ass niggas ain"t hard, stuff that ass like that nigga named martSawwed off shot gun hand on the pump, finga on the triggaready to duckGo mutha fuckas bye byewouldn"t make way, yeah niggas gon" dieThat"s why I never leave the tril wthout packing my gatStrap on my vest, put on my hat. Mutha fuckers I liedGettin laid out flat, let me show you how a real nigga actHey! Bring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin WitYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasThe Game:It"s 3, The hard wayBlack Lambo, No passengersBlack Ski mask, Chain Saw MassacreKill fast wit the Ak-four 7(Blacka) Yellow Take the intersectionLoaded clips, Lock "em inGot a black four fiveCall it Pac"s revengeI"m a mutha fuckin animalLil Jon be canibalEvery nigga in Atlanta KnowI"m psycho inasne about my cash, nigga we open alpa trashAnd sentance with a life without rehabillitaionFuck up in a schortsi niggaIt"s my stamentDear Mr. President Barack Obama, Righ after you catch Osama, Tell Mr. WasoPlease let oprah know that I won"t ever stop sayin bitch and hoeHey! Bring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin witYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou Fuckin with some killas you fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasIce Cube:Dirty Mutha fuckas tryina clean hip-hop, but it don"t stop, like L.A grip LockIf you did pop, your shit will stopClostamy bags, for all these bags, I don"t wanna hear that shitHue Heff"s a prince, Mesh Gwan"s a pimpI learned the word bitch from you, so why can"t a nigga get rich from youThese are English wordsScarred to be used by geeks and nerds,Mad cause I flip these verbs and pull that phantom away from the turnI think they jelous of the hood fellas,hot dogs make alota relishRemember a world withouthip-hop, Lord used to believe these bitch copsHey! Bring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin witYou fuckin with some killasyou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasEndLil Jon Ft. Ice Cube & The Game - Killas

Please tell me the truth

Please tell me the fact, Please tell me the real thing.He is one of the best students in the schoolI drinks coffee everyday.



笔记本hard disk password有什么作用

hard disk password 是硬盘密码,是专门针对硬盘数据的保护而设置的,密码被设定后其加密信息会分成两部分,一部分储存于主板BOIS芯片,另一部分会储存在硬盘上,这样就防止了别人把硬盘卸下来挂到别的机子上偷取资料。这一点有别于主板 supervisor password 和user password ,另外这种密码是我所见的开机密码中最难破解的密码。一般售后维修都是拒绝破解的,更别说个人破解了。就算破解其成功率也不高,所以设置这种密码的时候一定要小心,防止密码忘记,不然很有可能会换硬盘。。。


podcast是什么意思 Podcast,中文译名尚未统一,但最多的是将其翻译为“播客”。它是数字广播技术的一种,出现初期借助一个叫“iPodder”的软体与一些便携播放器相结合而实现。Podcasting录制的是网路广播或类似的网路声讯节目,网友可将网上的广播节目下载到自己的iPod、MP3播放器或其它行动式数码声讯播放器中随身收听,不必端坐电脑前,也不必实时收听,享受随时随地的自由。更有意义的是,你还可以自己制作声音节目,并将其上传到网上与广大网友分享。 就像部落格颠覆了被动接受文字资讯的方式一样,播客颠覆了被动收听广播的方式,使听众成为主动参与者。有人说,播客可能会像部落格(Blog)一样,带来大众传媒的又一场革命。 关于Podcast的定义目前仍在争论中,比较有代表性的说法有以下三种: 一.Podcast的推动者Doc Searls给出的定义:PODcasting,Personal Optional Digital casting。PODcasting是自助广播,是全新的广播形式。收听传统广播时我们是被动收听我们可能想听的节目,而PODcasting则是我们选择收听的内容、收听的时间以及以何种方式让其他人也有机会收听。 戴维·温纳(Dave Winer)的Morning Coffee Notes:人各有所专,所以理论上人人播客是可能的。 二.Dave Shusher在其“Podcasting的定义”一文中的定义: 他提出Podcasting必须具备三个要件: 1.必须是一个独立的、可下载的媒体档案; 2.该档案的释出格式为RSS2功0 enclosure feed; 3.接收端能自动接收、下载并将档案转至需要的地方,放置于播放器的节目单中。 他认为可下载MP3 不是波刻(Podcast)――这是充分但不是必要条件。“能下载固然不错,但能自动出现供你播放而无需你关照才是关键。这才是Podcasting。” 三.Wikipedia的定义: 像WIKI这样的定义是开放、动态的,到2004年12月13日为止,其定义为: Podcasting源于iPod,兼具broadcasting和webcasting 之意。Podcasting 与TiVo相似, 只是Podcasting是用于声讯节目而且目前免费。但是应该注意,该技术能把任何档案“拉”过来,包括软体更新、照片和视讯。

七彩虹主板开机出现harddisk alias什么意思

七彩虹主板开机出现HardDisk-Alias ,没有检测到硬盘MBR is missing --》没找到引导系统没有安装成功,重装系统。安装的系统,可能没有你的硬盘驱动。有可能是你的硬盘是固态硬盘或是什么新版本的硬盘。可以试下安win8之类的新系统试下。或者在安系统是把硬盘驱动刻盘,加载下驱动。U盘装系统,如果刻盘的U盘系统驱动不全就容易这样。


这个 条件表达式 好吓人啊。你是看的哪个框架的源码吧

苹果手机出现the itunes store is unable to process purchase at this time是什么意思



用javascript 你等等 我写段代码贴上来

SD卡分区后 显示 basic hard disk drive 无法识别了



直接用超级链接不就好了嘛?为什么呢非得要用javascript框架调用自己的没问题但是调用别的网站不一定行得通的" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="48

Hymn To The Sea下载试听

电脑开机后显示Enter harddisk Password 这个怎么破除

开机l进入bios设置找到security这一项更改sata 0 password或者sata1 password或者 sata2 password,要看你的硬盘被认作了sata几,按Enter后先输入old password,然后New password和Confirm password 都不要输,直接回车,然后按F10保存并退出就行了。。。



求珍珠果酱乐队的《last kiss》的中文歌词

英语 03 中文 Song title Last Kiss Album 1998 Xmas Single Artist/Band Jam Pearl Oh where, oh where Oh where, oh where can my baby be The Lord took her away from me. She"s gone to heaven so I"ve got to be good, so I can see my baby when I leave this world. We were out on a date We were out on a date in my daddy"s car, we hadn"t driven very far. There in the road, straight ahead, a car was stalled, the engine was dead. I couldn"t stop, so I swerved to the right. I"ll never forget the sound that night-- the screamin tires, the bustin glass, the painful scream that I heard last. Oh where, oh where Oh where, oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me. She"s gone to heaven so I"ve got to be good, so I can see my baby when I leave this world. When I woke up, When I woke up, the rain was pourin down. There were people standin all around. Somethin warm flowin through my eyes, but somehow I found my baby that night. I lifted her head, she looked at me and said, Hold me darlin just a little while. I held her close, I kissed her--our last kiss. I"d found the love that I knew I had missed. Well now she"s gone, even though I hold her tight. I lost my love, my life that night. Oh where, oh where Oh where, oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me. She"s gone to heaven so I"ve got to be good, so I can see my baby when I leave this world 歌曲名称最后吻相册1998年xmas单艺人/乐队珍珠果酱哦哪里,哦哪里哦哪里,哦哪里可我的宝宝被主带她远离了我。 她的去了天堂因此,我已经到了好, 因此,我可以看到我的宝宝当我离开这个世界。 我们被列于一个日期我们被列于一个日期在我爸爸的车, 我们并没有驱动的很远。 有在道路上, 直行, 汽车是停滞不前, 引擎已死亡。 我不能停止, 所以我swerved到正确的。 我永远不会忘记声音夜晚- 该screamin轮胎, 该bustin玻璃, 痛苦的尖叫我听到最后。 哦哪里,哦哪里哦哪里,哦哪里可我的孩子呢? 主带她远离了我。 她的去了天堂因此,我已经到了好, 因此,我可以看到我的宝宝当我离开这个世界。 当我醒来时, 当我醒来时, 雨pourin下来。 有人standin所有靠近。 somethin热烈flowin通过我的眼睛, 但在某种程度上我发现我的宝宝晚上。 i解除了她的头部, 她期待在我说, 举行darlin我只是一个小而。 我曾接近她, i亲吻了她-我们最后的吻。 我要找到爱我知道我错过了。 以及现在她的经历, 即使我认为她的紧张。 我失去了我的爱, 我的生活夜间。 哦哪里,哦哪里哦哪里,哦哪里可我的孩子呢? 主带着她离开了我。 她的去了天堂因此,我已经到了好, 因此,我可以看到我的宝宝当我离开这个世界

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 这里can有几种意思

Can(能) you can(开罐) a can(罐头) as a canner(罐头制造商) (,)(who) can(能够) can(开罐) a can(罐头). 这里can有三种意思,分别是“能够”,“开罐”,“罐头”,这句话是个状语从句,后面我用逗号隔开的半句是用来修饰罐头制造商canner的。 直译:你能开一个罐头像一个罐头制造商一样开一个罐头吗? 意译:你能像一个罐头制造商一样开一个罐头吗? 有什么不懂的随便问。

跪求有趣的英文句子, 如 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?


Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?这里出现的can有哪几种意思呢

Can(能) you can(开罐) a can(罐头) as a canner(罐头商) can(能) can(开罐) a can(罐头) 你能和罐头商开罐一样的来打开一瓶罐头么?


就是一个框架,<IFRAME src=xxx.htm WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0></IFRAME>加上src属性就可以在本页中套用其它页面

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Canner后的定语从句can can a can里的关系词去哪儿了?

这句的结构是 Can you do A as B do A? as这里是连词,像。。。一样,引导的是状语从句。整句有两部分, Can you can a can? 你能装罐吗?as a canner can can a can. 像装罐工那样装罐
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