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fascinate动词使着迷fantastic 形容词极好的fascinating形容词迷人的

哪位大神有《Fantastic Mr Fox - Roald Dahl》电子版书籍百度云资源

《Fantastic Mr Fox》百度网盘txt 最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:xxqiEvery time Mr Fox steals a chicken from the farm, Farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean grow wild with rage! They"re the nastiest crooks in the valley, and they"ve concocted a cunning plan to dig him out of his hole once and for all. But it never occurs to them that Mr Fox has a fantastic plan of his own ...Releasing October 2009, Wes Anderson and Twentieth Century Fox bring to life Roald Dahl"s classic tale in breathtaking stop-motion animation. With a cast that includes George Clooney, Meryl Streep and Bill Murray, this film is guaranteed to delight Dahl fans of every age.


没有这个单词。你是不是要找fascinating?fascinating:adjectiveof great interest or attraction; enchanting; charming; captivating: a fascinating story; fascinating jewelry.

fascinat fantastic fascinating fascinating怎样区别?我总是背浑。

fascinate 动词 使着迷fantastic 形容词 极好的</b>fascinating 形容词 迷人的</b></b>

attractive 与fascinating有区别吗

一个是吸引人的 一个是迷人的 个人觉得还是有点不同的


比较级 More fascinating最高级 the most fascinating


fascinatingly fascination


more fascinating




fascinating用法及搭配:fascinating用作形容词时,它可以和名词搭配。如:fascinating shop(富有吸引力的商店)。fascinating用作形容词时,还可以和介词搭配,如fascinating to sb(对某人来说很迷人)。 扩展资料 fascinating的例句:I still find this story both fascinating and unbelievable(我仍觉得这个故事既有趣又不太可信);The plot of the novel is intricate and fascinating(这部小说的情节错综复杂,引人入胜)。

lukes english podcast 文本在哪里找


unity3d 的canvas的texture在哪

Canvas 本身是个框架,没有背景图案也就没有Texture。如果你要背景的话,创建一个UI>Image,让它的Transform里Position=(0,0,0),Width 和 height 都和父级的Canvas同等大小就可以改图片/Texture了。望采纳。

张柏芝儿子英文名字LUCAS 是什么意思



amusing; interesting; amusive; colorful; diverting



the taste. by roald dabl描写的主题是什么

"Taste" is a short story by Roald Dahl that was first published in the March 1945 issue of Ladies Home Journal. It later appeared in the Dec 8 1951 New Yorker and the 1953 collection Someone Like You.There are six people eating a fine dinner at the house of Mike Schofield, a London stockbroker: Mike, his wife and daughter, an unnamed narrator and his wife, and a wine connoisseur, Richard Pratt. Pratt often makes small bets with Schofield to guess what wine is being served at the table, but during the night in the story he is uninterested, instead attempting to socialize with Schofield"s eighteen-year-old daughter, Louise.When Schofield brings the second wine of the night he remarks that it will be impossible to guess where it is from, but Pratt takes that as a challenge. The tough talk on both sides leads the two to increase the bet until Pratt declares that he would like to bet for the hand of Schofield"s daughter in marriage—if he loses, he will give Schofield both of his houses. Though his wife and daughter are understandably horrified, Mike eventually convinces them to accept the bet—it is too good a deal to pass up, especially since the wine will be impossible to identify.However, Pratt proceeds to name the district, commune, vineyard, and the year of the wine (though Mike doesn"t turn over the bottle, his reaction appears to be one of disbelief that Pratt could have guessed correctly). At this moment, however, the maid walks in and returns to Pratt his glasses, which he had left on the cabinet in the study earlier in the evening where the bottle had been left out to reach room temperature. (Pratt had picked out this place in the study on an earlier visit as the ideal place to sit the wine—his glasses being left there reveals that he knew the wine in advance and cheated on the bet.) The story ends with Mike starting to get angry and his wife telling him to calm down.




fascinating的意识是:极具吸引力的;迷人的;引人入胜的。1、释义。极其有趣的;极具吸引力的;迷人的;引人入胜的2、词语搭配。fascinating story,引人入胜的故事,精彩的故事;fascinating subject,吸引人的话题,绝妙的话题。fascinating history,精彩的历史,迷人的历史。fascinating question,有趣的问题。fascinating portrait,迷人的肖像。fascinating Figure,迷人的身材;有趣的图片。3、近义词。Attractive;killing;taking;absorbing;engaging;captivating。4、同根词。Fascinated,着迷的;被深深吸引的;使着迷;使陶醉(fascinate的过去分词)。Fascinatingly,极有吸引力的;迷人的;fascination,魅力;魔力;入迷;fascinate,入迷,使着迷,使人神魂颠倒。双语例句:There are fascinating beaches and caves to explore (探险).这里有迷人的海滩和洞穴可供探险。That sounds like a fascinating anecdote.这听起来像是一个有趣的轶事。Plant biology is complex and fascinating.植物生物学是复杂而迷人的。Though the book is written for children, it is also fascinating to adults.虽然这本书是为儿童写的,但它也吸引了成年人。And it transformed public history too: downstairs became just as fascinating as upstairs.它也改变了公共历史:楼下变得和楼上一样迷人。There was a fascinating scene unfolding before me.我眼前呈现出一幅迷人景象。A fascinating range of pottery, jewellery, and textiles.一系列迷人的陶瓷制品uff64珠宝和纺织品。A fascinating mix of the old and the new.一个新颖与古旧的迷人融合。




texture和taste区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同taste:英 [teu026ast]     美 [teu026ast]。    texture:英 ["tekstu0283u0259(r)]     美 ["tekstu0283u0259r]。    2、意思不同taste:n. 味觉;味道;尝试;品味;爱好;v. 品尝;有 ... 味道的;体验。texture:n. 质地;手感;口感;组织;结构;纹理;特点。vt. 给予结构。3、用法不同taste的基本意思是“味道”,指人品尝某物后的感觉。也可指人的“味觉”,此时是不可数名词。还可指品尝食物等的“少量,一口”,此时须加不定冠词,常与介词of连用。texture第三人称单数: textures 复数: textures 现在分词: texturing 过去式: textured 过去分词: textured;记忆技巧:text 编织 + ure 表结果 → 编织的状态、结果 → 结构;质地。

Smash & Grab Productions在哪个国家


有一个短文,最后一句话是 Weleave the zoo at half past three in the afternoon.


The increasing number of

production comes to,需要去掉S


1)ASDM2)Show 命令如何利用ASA发现并应急处理DDOS攻击1) 通过ASDM发现每秒的TCP连接数突增。2)利用 show perfmon 命令检查连接状态,发现每秒的TCP连接数高达2059个,半开连接数量则是1092个每秒。从公司的日常记录看,此时这两个连接数量属于不正常的范围。3)利用show conn命令察看不正常连接的具体信息,例如源/目的地址以及源/目的端口。在本案例中发现随机的源地址和端口去访问相同的目的地址10.1.1.50的80端口,并且这些TCP的连接都是半开连接属于TCP SYN泛洪攻击。Flag DescriptionU Upf Inside FINF Outside FINr Inside acknowledged FINR Outside acknowledged FINs Awaiting outside SYNS Awaiting inside SYNM SMTP dataT TCP SIP connectionI Inbound dataO Outbound dataq SQL*Net datad DumpP Inside back connectionE Outside back connectionG Groupa Awaiting outside ACK to SYNA Awaiting inside ACK to SYNB Initial SYN from outsideR RPCH H.323T UDP SIP connectionm SIP media connectiont SIP transient connectionD DNS4)利用ASDM发现半开(TCP SYN 泛洪)攻击存在,并且连接数量突增。5)利用TCP Intercept机制应急处理TCP的半开连接攻击。利用ACL及Class-Map来分类流量,在Policy-Map下限制最大的半开连接数,在本案例中为100。6) 利用ASDM检查,是否TCP intercept机制起效。由此可见连接数和TCP SYN攻击的曲线都有所下降。所以证明TCP intercept机制生效。但是总连接数还是处于一个不正常的状态。7)限制每个客户端所能产生的最大连接数从而实现对垃圾连接的限制。8)通过ASDM检查当前连接状态。发现连接数开始下降并恢复正常。9)利用ASDM跟踪攻击状态。此时攻击还是存在的但是ASA阻断了它们并保护了服务器的运行。

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你好!asrock dehumidifier华擎科技除湿机

what is fashion?


Ermenegildo zegna和ZegnaSport二者有何区别

EZ是主线。包含成衣流水线和高级定制项目。Z SPORT是副线,而且是第二副线。还有一个副线是Z ZEGNA,副线价钱要比EZ低很多很多。大概就是ARMANI EXCHANGE 和GA的区别。

bias 和 discrimination. 的区别

bias是更倾向于偏好,偏见。。而discrimination多倾向为区别和歧视。。比如你可以说sexual discrimination..但是不可以用bias这里。。取决你要用在哪里!希望能帮到忙。。


  关于database的英文写作,大家看过吗?   database英文写作篇1   I imagine a lot about lives in the future.I think two words can summarize my imagination.The first word is fast.In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means.Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time.With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space.People may can live in other planets.The second word is convenient.Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by computers or even robots.Lots of things are fully automated.Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.   database英文写作篇2   A database consists of an organized collection of data for one or more uses,typically in digital form.One way of classifying databases involves the type of their contents,for example:bibliographic,document-text,statistical.Digital databases are managed using database management systems,which store database contents,allowing data creation and maintenance,and search and other access.   Database architecture consists of three levels,external,conceptual and internal.Clearly separating the three levels was a major feature of the relational database model that dominates 21st century databases.   The external level defines how users understand the organization of the data.A single database can have any number of views at the external level.The internal level defines how the data is physically stored and processed by the computing system.Internal architecture is concerned with cost,performance,scalability and other operational matters.The conceptual is a level of indirection between internal and external.It provides a common view of the database that is uncomplicated by details of how the data is stored or managed,and that can unify the various external views into a coherent whole.   Database介绍   Database是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库,它产生于距今六十多年前,随着信息技术和市场的发展,特别是二十世纪九十年代以后,数据管理不再仅仅是存储和管理数据,而转变成用户所需要的各种数据管理的方式。数据库有很多种类型,从最简单的存储有各种数据的表格到能够进行海量数据存储的大型数据库系统都在各个方面得到了广泛的应用。   在信息化社会,充分有效地管理和利用各类信息资源,是进行科学研究和决策管理的前提条件。数据库技术是管理信息系统、办公自动化系统、决策支持系统等各类信息系统的核心部分,是进行科学研究和决策管理的重要技术手段。   数据库,顾名思义,是存入数据的仓库。只不过这个仓库是在计算机存储设备上的,而且数据是按一定格式存放的。   当人们收集了大量的数据后,应该把它们保存起来进行进一步的处理,进一步的抽取有用的信息。当年人们把数据存放在文件柜中,可现在随着社会的发展,数据量急剧增长,现在人们就借助计算机和数据库技术科学的保存大量的数据,以便能更好的利用这些数据资源。   要是下定义的话,就应该是:指长期储存在计算机内的、有组织的、可共享的数据集合。   数据库包含关系数据库、面向对象数据库及新兴的XML数据库等多种,目前应用最广泛的是关系数据库,若在关系数据库基础上提供部分面向对象数据库功能的对象关系数据库。在数据库技术的早期还曾经流行过层次数据库与网状数据库,但这两类数据库目前已经极少使用。




smash ,没有这个品牌的,或者应该是SWATCH. Swatch集团旗下拥有众多腕表品牌,其中包括Swatch(斯沃琪)、Breguet(宝玑)、Blancpain(宝珀)、Jaquet Droz(雅盖61德罗)、Glashutte、Original/Union(格拉苏蒂)、Leon Hatot、Omega(欧米茄)、Longines(浪琴)、Rado(雷达)、Tissot(天梭)、Calvin Klein(卡尔文61克莱恩)、Certina(雪铁纳)、Mido(米度)、Hamilton(汉米尔顿)、Pierre Balmain(皮尔61巴尔曼)、Flik Flak(飞菲)和Endura。 Swatch:大众品牌,价格低廉,质量很好,手表比较合适年轻人佩带,是世界销量做好的瑞士表. Breguet(宝玑):顶级品牌,没个十万八万买不回来。 Blancpain(宝珀):顶级品牌,最贵的那款636万,其他的不多说了! Jaquet Droz(雅盖61德罗):顶级品牌,只闻其名,没见其形! Glashutte(格拉苏蒂):高档品牌,十万左右的价格居多,国内可以见到。 Leon Hatot:顶级品牌,没办法了解到价格。 Omega(欧米加):国内比较常见的牌子,几千-几万元,属中高档品牌。 Longines(浪琴):国内比较常见的牌子,几千-几万元,中高档品牌。 Rado(雷达):国内常见的牌子,价钱万元以下居多,中档品牌。 Tissot(天梭):国内常见的牌子,价钱万元以下居多,中档品牌。 Calvin Klein(卡尔文61克莱恩):CK,流行品牌,万元以下居多,中低档品牌。 Certina(雪铁纳) Mido(米度):国内常见的牌子,价钱万元以下居多,中档品牌。 Hamilton(汉米尔顿):军表,中档品牌,几万元价位。 Pierre Balmain(皮尔61巴尔曼) Flik Flak(飞菲):儿童系列,国内好像还没有卖的。 SMASH也是韩国一个组合的名字,但是我觉得做为手表,它这是仿“swatch”品牌的商标。电子表很便宜的,除了名牌之外,好一点的也就是三十块钱左右SMASH是奥立弗的标志!

rasict什么意思 不是racist

抱歉, 到处帮你查了...可是没有...

When I Was Young 歌词

歌曲名:When I Was Young歌手:Kenji Nakamura专辑:TV Magic ⅡWhen I need yaWhen I need loveI just close my love and Im with youYoure only a heartbeat awayWhen I need youI just close my eyes and Im with youAnd all that I so want to give youIts only a heart beat awayWhen I need loveI hold out my hands and I touch loveI never knew there was so much loveKeeping me warm night and dayMiles and miles of empty space in between usA telephone cant take the place of your smileBut you know I wont be traveling foreverIts cold out, but hold out and do like I doWhen I need youI just close my eyes and Im with youAnd all that I so want to give you babeIts only a heartbeat awayIts not easy when the road is your driverHoney, thats a heavy load that we bearBut you know I wont be traveling a lifetimeIts cold out but hold out and do like I doWhen I need loveI hold out my hands and I touch loveI never knew there was so much loveKeeping me warm night and dayWhen I need youJust close my eyes and Im with youAnd all that I so want to give you


PLASTAID-T is a Multifunctional Processing Aid (MPA) for highly filled Polyolefins like Filled PP/PE compounds, Colour masterbatches, TPO/TPE compounds.PLASTAID-T has sites available for hydrogen bonding and is therefore able to act as a coupling agent between base polymer and filler materials.PLASTAID - T是一个多功能加工助剂(MPA)看看自己能翻译不。



rascist 是什么意思?


CaCO3 masterbatches是什么意思

CaCO3 颗粒

masterbatches 是什么意思?



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This pair of trousers looks nice. Can I try____ on, please?该填it还是them?


the glasses are nice can i try it on

答案:Atry on试穿,试戴,是动词和副词组成的词组,这样的词组代词应该放中间.this pair of glasses这副眼镜,是一个整体,是单数,所以应该用it,故选:A.

nice easy try difficult哪个是不同类的

nice easy try difficult中try 是动词,是不同类的,其他是形容词

this pair of glasses looks very nice.May i try ________?A:try them on B:try it on C:try on them


the glasses are nice can i try it on

答案:A try on试穿,试戴,是动词和副词组成的词组,这样的词组代词应该放中间.this pair of glasses这副眼镜,是一个整体,是单数,所以应该用it,故选:A.

有人能告诉我一下MSc, Mphil和Master的区别嘛?

这三个都是硕士学历层次,但是最终授予的学位不同:MPhil全称Master of Philosophy,是研究型硕士,最终授予MPhil学位。之所以称作研究型,就是以主要去搞研究,要跟导师搞学术,出论文。理工类的通常还要去做实验。这个学位比授课式难很多,通常申请这类课程的,都是为将来继续深造博士做准备的。学制也较授课式长。MSc全称Master of Science,是理学硕士,最终授予MSc学位。这个通常就是授课式课程了,也就是跟咱们之前正常的教育模式一样的,大家选课,上课,最终考试也是试卷形式的。也没有太多论文写。如果读完硕士就想工作的话,申请这个就可以了。大多数学生还是申请授课式的,香港授课式课程一般是一年制。Master的话其实就是硕士学位,香港中文的Accountancy有MPhil和Master的话,Master就是授课式课程,之所以不叫MSc,可能在课程设置上面并非完全是理学的概念,还有文科类的课程。Master下细分的话有MSc、MA、MEng、MArch等等这些。如果自己意在申请授课式,选择Master of Accountancy就可以了。扩展资料:MSC = Master of Science, 缩写为MSc,理学硕士,根据国家和项目的不同,分为授课型、研究型、混合型(授课+研究)三种学位模式。授课型就是以授课为主的更高层面的学位,某些课程还包括研究内容,攻读授课型硕士学位的学生,一般是因为可以扩展某知识和技术,可以加强其事业选择。研究型则为在导师的指导下完成某一领域的研究,并通过最终的研究论文才可获得学位。混合型则第一年授课,第二年研究的类型,也需通过最终研究论文。研究硕士(拉丁文:Magister in Studiis,英语:Master of Studies,简称M.St.或MSt,又译研究大师)一般来说,课程要求学生完成课堂、研究、考试、论文和答辩才可以颁授相关学位。是一个仅次于哲学博士或工程博士的学位,其地位类近其他大学的哲学硕士、文学硕士和科学硕士。在牛津大学,这个课程的合格率相对低,却是不少哲学博士候选人的先修课程。参考资料:MSC——百度百科

on the past calendar year 为什么用on,year不是应该用in么


谁可以告诉我些魔兽世界宏的指令? 比如 cast 是施放

/Assist 这是个援助进攻的命令。当你的队伍同时面对几个敌人时,只要点击自己的队友(一般是队伍中的战士),然后使用这个命令,你的目标就会变成战士所选中的目标。大家集中火力消灭一个起!/Cast 这是个使用技能的命令。当你在宏命令里输入/Cast 技能名(技能等级)或者只要按住Shift同时用鼠标点击一下你想要输入的技能的图标。例如当你是一个战士,想制作一个使用战斗怒吼的宏时,你可以输入/Cast Battle Shout(Rank 1)或者是直接按住Shift点击Battle Shout这个技能的图标。当然你可以在一个宏的不同行上输入几个技能,那么当你使用这个宏时,几个技能就会一起释放出来,再用不着你像章鱼一样同时按下几个键了 。%t 这个符号也许会经常出现在你的宏命令里,它是一个代码,代表你当前所选中的人名。例如,你在宏里写下这么一句。(注意:后面要加一空格。) “/g %t ,今天天气真好,有没兴趣和我一起上山采蘑菇…”如果你点中一位名叫苯笨的玩家,那么当你按下这个宏时,你就会说:“笨笨,今天天气真好,有没兴趣和我一起上山采蘑菇…”/Target 这是一个自动选择目标的命令,你可以在宏里输入/Target (xxx),那么当你按下这个宏时,你将自动选定这个叫xxx的目标。/in 这是一个延时命令,时间以秒为单位.同时它不支持攻击指令.格式:/in 3 dance 三秒后跳舞,如/in 3 dance,就是在3秒后跳舞,/say start!/in 3 say 3s later/in 6 say 6s later 1。允许你在窗口和全屏状态之间切换/scriptSetCVar("gxWindow",1-GetCVar("gxWindow"));/consolegxRestart2。对于法师,必须要有的:将“X”换为你目前的变形术等级(下同);用它替换掉变形术技能。当你在队伍之外时使用它会得到“你不在队伍中。”的信息,但在队伍中的时候其它同伴会了解到你将释放的变形术目标。/pSheeping>>>%t<<</castPolymorph(RankX)3。作为一个术士,这是在队伍中使用的宏:首先将目标转为拖怪手或者坦克正在攻击的目标,然后命令宠物向前攻击,跟着一个虚弱诅咒。/assist队伍中的拖怪手或者坦克的名字/scriptPetAttack();/castCurseofWeakness(RankX)4。从背包和袋子里切换身上的武器/scriptif(notCursorHasItem())thenPickupContainerItem(,);PickupInventoryItem();endbag#-使用哪一个袋子的物品(0、1、2、3、4。0是背包)slot#-袋子里的位置(从0至左上)equip#-16是主要武器,17是副武器5。这个宏治疗队伍里你指定的人,如果你不在队伍中它会治疗你自己。然后会自动将目标切换回你最后一个敌人。它同时还会使用队聊提醒队友你会治疗哪一个人。/scriptif(UnitName("target")~=nilandUnitIsFriend("player","target"))thenCastSpellByName("Heal(RankX)")SendChatMessage("IncomingHealto%T","Party")elseTargetUnit("player")CastSpellByName("Heal(RankX)")TargetLastEnemy();end6。加速任务显示速度/scriptQUEST_DEscriptION_GRADIENT_CPS=600000/scriptRegisterForSave("QUEST_DEscriptION_GRADIENT_CPS")/scriptDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("questtextwillscrollfasternow");7。消除等待接受任务的时间/scriptAcceptQuest()8。这个宏可以在路上自动护送玩家做任务。/assist[playername]/cast法术(RankX)/target[playername]/follow[playername]9。切换主副武器,详情看第四条/scriptPickupInventoryItem(16);PickupInventoryItem(17);10。在没有目标或者目标是敌人的时候给自己加增益魔法或治疗。CastSpellByName("SpellName(RankX)");if((SpellIsTargeting())and(notUnitIsFriend("player","target")))thenSpellTargetUnit("player");end;TargetLastEnemy();11。切换双手武器与单手+盾或者双手挥舞武器/scriptPickupInventoryItem(17);if(CursorHasItem())thenPickupContainerItem(4,2);PickupContainerItem(4,1);PickupInventoryItem(16);elsePickupContainerItem(4,1);PickupInventoryItem(16);PickupContainerItem(4,2);PickupInventoryItem(17);end12。设定“真实鼠标视野”/scriptCameraOrSelectOrMoveStart(arg1);想取消就再次输入。13。切换近程技能栏和远程技能栏/scriptCURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE=2;/scriptChangeActionBarPage();/castaspectofmonkey(justusetheleftclick)/scriptCURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE=1;/scriptChangeActionBarPage();/castaspectofhawk(justusetheleftclick)14。牧师对队友的一键加血,比如一号键给第一队友加血,二号键给第二队友加血,免除了还要鼠标确定目标的操作。依次类推,从第一个人到最后一个给队友1加血:/scriptTargetUnit(GetPartyMember(1))CastSpellByName(Heal(RankX))TargetLastEnemy()给队友2加血:/scriptTargetUnit(GetPartyMember(2))CastSpellByName(Heal(RankX))TargetLastEnemy()给队友3加血:/scriptTargetUnit(GetPartyMember(3))CastSpellByName(Heal(RankX))TargetLastEnemy()15。一键解决喂养宠物:这个宏会从最左边的袋子里的第一个位置拿出食物喂养宠物,如果所在的位置没有食物,它会自动打开袋子。/scriptif(notPlayerFrame.inCombat)thenif(notGetContainerItemLink(4,1))thenOpenBag(4);elseCastSpellByName("FeedPet");PickupContainerItem(4,1);endend16。术士宏1)如果目标生命大于20,释放抽取生命法术,否则使用灵魂抽取。/scriptif(UnitHealth("target")>20)thenCastSpellByName("DrainLife(RankX)")elseCastSpellByName("DrainSoul(Rank2)")end;2)虚弱诅咒版本/scriptif(UnitMana("target")>0)thenCastSpellByName("CurseofTongues(RankX)")elseCastSpellByName("CurseofWeakness(RankX)")end;17.先治疗自己,然后自动选中上次的敌人/targetPugar//选择自己,假设自己的名字是Pugar/castLesserHeal(Rank1)//施展次级治疗rank1/scriptTargetLastEnemy();//重新选择刚刚选择的敌人/scriptAttackTarget();//攻击,等同于右键点击敌人18.对于一个术士很有用的宏:首先将目标转为拖怪手或者坦克正在攻击的目标,然后命令宠物向前攻击,跟着一个虚弱诅咒。/assist队伍中的拖怪手或者坦克的名字/scriptPetAttack();/castCurseofWeakness(RankX)19.等治疗完之后提醒别人注意下自己有可能被怪打,不加延时的话,就没这个效果了。/phealing%T,need3s,don"trunaway/castheal(rank1)/in4pcured%T300HP,pleasenoticetheenemiesturnonme^_^20.在路上自动护送朋友做任务。/assist[playername]/cast法术(RankX)/target[playername]/follow[playername]

money was tight中文U0001f609U0001f609

tight是“紧” 。这句话类似中文里的“手头紧”

一首英文歌是女歌手唱的,歌名叫just...last…名字我记的不全 这首歌叫什么


麻烦你代我找一下阅读理解答案A long time ago,there was an empero

A long time ago, there was an emperor. He had a beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a little nightingale ( 夜莺) singing very beautifully.  One day, the emperor heard about this little bird"s beautiful voice. He asked his guards to bring her to him. As soon as the emperor heard the nightingale"s voice, he said, "   Put her in a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her."   The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. The emperor was very angry. He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully,too.   The emperor was pleased.   Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time,the emperor became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the robot bird couldn"t sing any more. Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and better each day.   After the emperor was well, he changed a lot and became kind to his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴)him for his love and kindness.   56. Both the nightingale and the robot bird had a beautiful voice.   57. The emperor kept the nightingale in a golden cage in order to hear her sing at any time.   58. The nightingale was very happy after she was kept in the golden cage.   59. The emperor was not satisfied with the robot bird at first.   60. The emperor learnt from the nightingale what love and kindness was.   【主旨大意】本文讲述了一位国王在一只夜莺”无心的帮助”之下完成自我救赎,最终赢得百姓爱戴的故事。 3. 【解析】答案为T。细节理解题。由第一段的In the garden, there was a little nightingale ( 夜莺) singing very beautifully.和第三段的最后一句The bird could sing very beautifully,too.可知夜莺和机器人夜莺都唱得很好。 4. 【解析】答案为T。细节理解题。由第二段国王的话"Put her in a golden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her." 国王把鸟放进笼子的目的是为随时听到鸟儿歌唱。 58. 【解析】答案F。细节理解题。由第三段的The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. 可知鸟儿不开心,以至于不再歌唱。 59. 【解析】答案F。细节理解题。由第四段的The emperor was pleased.可知国王对于机器人夜莺很满意。 60. 【解析】答案T。推理判断题。由最后一段可知国王改变了他以往的作风,以仁爱和爱治国,故推知国王从这只鸟儿身上学得了仁和爱。


tightadj. 紧的;密封的;绷紧的;麻烦的;严厉的;没空的;吝啬的adv. 紧紧地;彻底地 fasten动词: 扎牢

the last but one paragraph和the Last but twoparagraph是什么意思?


to the east coast of

D on off 为正确选项. coast 是海滨,是与on 连用的,“在.海滨,沿岸”的意思,on the east coast of the island 是“在这个岛的东部沿岸”;off .是 “离.多远”的意思.

off the coast 请问是什么意思?

Bering Island off the coast of Siberia翻译过来就是西伯利亚海岸的白令岛。off the coast 就是岸边、海岸的意思。希望可以帮到你!

on the coast 和off the coast的区别 on the coast 和off the coast他们之间的区别

on the coast 在海岸线上 off the coast 离开海岸线,沿海



in the east coast of China还是on the east coast of China





楼盘名称:武汉美院coast 别名:美院coast 一期|美院coast 二期|美院coast 三期|美院coast一区|美院coast二区 城市:武汉楼盘位置:江夏庙山开发区江夏大道邬树村(奥特莱斯商城对面) 开发商:湖北中天鸿源房地产开发有限公司 产权年限:70年 公交线路:901路、903路公交;交通便捷,距离城市中环线约4分钟车程,距离城市核心区域鲁巷广场约8分钟车程,107国道、京珠高速、沪蓉高速、武黄等省级公路,都坐落在项目不远处,路宽多达60米。 其他交通方式:江夏庙山开发区江夏大道邬树村(奥特莱斯商城对面)规划信息:其占地面积为18000平方米,容积率,绿化率45%,共0栋楼,停车位平均一户一车位291个 周边配套:环境优美,8万亩汤逊湖,水质良好,生态绝佳,为本项目提供了长达1000米的水岸线,大气质量良好;规划新颖,设计结合了柔顺起伏的自然坡地和蜿蜒灵动的溪水,在社区内均好良性分布,同时通过对建筑的朝向和布局进行精心规划,每一户都将以绝佳的视角欣赏原生自然风情;建筑华美,外墙以黄色涂料为主,辅以深色文化石,拱形窗户边配以木制品,每个大露台上均赠送精美花架,大面积采用落地玻璃窗,西班牙风情触目可及。在钢琴吧、在SPA游泳池、在户外网球场……,全面满足VIP们社交、休闲、运动等诸多的需求,每个人都能在亲切友善的氛围中拥有共同的喜悦。毗邻武汉外国语学校武昌分校,距华师一附中5分钟车程,距离华中科技大学、中南财经政法大学、武汉大学分校、华中师范大学分校等高校区皆在10分钟车程以内,高知人文氛围浓郁。(所载信息仅供参考,最终以售楼处信息为准。)搜狐焦点网,为您提供房产信息,房产楼盘详情、买房流程、业主论坛、家居装修等全面内容信息



NBA什么是Coast to coast?拜托各位大神


from coast to coast 是一个特定的短语指全美上下?还是泛指全国上下?

意思是 从东海岸到西海岸指全美(东西) 上下 ( 不包括夏威夷,和阿拉斯加)真情为您解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Coast To Coast是什么意思


on the coast和along the coast区别

on the coast表示在海岸线上,并不一定“沿着”;along the coast沿着海岸

in the coast ,on the coast ,off the coast区别

on the coast 在海岸上 in the coast 在海岸内 off the coast离开海岸

on the coast of是什么意思

on the coast of海岸上的双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 在海岸线上例句:1.A summer idyll on the coast of france. 法国海岸田园诗般的夏季生活。

on coast

on the coast 在海岸线上 off the coast 离开海岸线,沿海是什么意思?


有人知道coast to coast是什么意思?



那是定速巡航系统的一些开关。巡航控制功能按扭的介绍:  1、ON/OFF按扭――巡航(cruise)控制开关  功能一:当按下ON/OFF按扭时;水温表上侧CRUISE/MAIN巡航主指示灯亮。巡航控制系统工作,等待接受定速控制各种操作。  功能二:再次按下ON/OFF按扭时;水温表上侧CRUISE/MAIN巡航主指示灯灭。巡航控制系统被关闭。  2、SET/COAST按扭――车速设置/减速控制开关(大于30Km/H时允许)  功能一:当行驶时按下SET/COAST按扭;设定当时的车速,水温表上侧CRUISE巡航设定指示灯亮。松下油门后按设定的速度行驶。  功能二:在巡航时,再次按下SET/COAST按扭时;每次以1.6Km/H减少速度。  功能三:在巡航时,按住不放车速会慢慢降低。  3、RES/ACCEL按扭――加速设置/加速控制开关(大于30Km/H时允许)  功能一:在巡航时,按下RES/ACCEL按扭;每次以1.6Km/H增加速度。  功能二:在巡航时,按住不放车速会不断增加。  功能三:在巡航时,按下CANCEL按扭;将暂时停止巡航,再按下RES/ACCEL按扭;汽车会急加速至刚在巡航时的速度!(例如:汽车巡航速度为100Km/H,当按下CANCEL按扭后,汽车进入滑行减速状态;只要车速大于30Km/H之前按下RES/ACCEL按扭;汽车会急加速至刚在巡航时的100Km/H速度,这种操作谨慎使用!)  4、CANCEL按扭――停止巡航速度开关  在巡航时按下CANCEL按扭;将暂时停止巡航,水温表上侧CRUISE巡航设定指示灯灭。  介绍我的使用方法供参考:  1、正常行驶的巡航操作  首先按下ON/OFF按扭,使巡航控制开启;CRUISE/MAIN巡航主指示灯亮,巡航控制系统工作。  踩油门加速到合适车速时按下SET/COAST按扭(大于30Km/H时允许);设定当时的车速,CRUISE巡航设定指示灯亮,松下油门后按设定的速度行驶。右脚放在制动踏板旁边,随时处理紧急情况。  在巡航时按下RES/ACCEL增加速度按扭和SET/COAST减少速度按扭来调整巡航行驶速度。  2、弯道或者减速行驶的巡航操作  方法一:按下CANCEL按扭或者轻点制动踏板;将暂时停止巡航,CRUISE巡航指示灯灭。滑行减速或者控制油门行驶,岀弯后按下RES/ACCEL按扭;继续按之前速度行驶。  方法二:按下SET/COAST按扭不放或者点击(每次以1.6Km/H减少速度),等待合适速度停止操作;岀弯后按下RES/ACCEL按扭不放或者点击(每次以1.6Km/H增加速度),达到合适速度停止操作。  3、加速超车行驶的巡航操作  方法一:在巡航时直接踩油门加速到合适车速,要回到原来的车速只要松开油门即可;继续按之前速度行驶。(例如:汽车巡航速度为100Km/H,同时可以直接踩油门加速到大于100Km/H以上车速,松开油门后慢慢减速至刚在巡航时的100Km/H速度,这是一种常用的操作。)  方法二:在巡航时按下RES/ACCEL按扭不放或者点击(每次以1.6Km/H增加速度),加速至合适速度停止操作;超车后按下CANCEL按扭不放或者点击(每次以1.6Km/H减少速度),减速达到合适速度停止操作。  4、在城市道路使用巡航功能的操作  当车速大于30Km/H时,按下SET/COAST按扭开启巡航;使用RES/ACCEL按扭或者踩油门控制加速;配合SET/COAST按扭进行多次定速控制。  按下CANCEL按扭或者轻点制动踏板,控制汽车滑行减速;也可以按下SET/COAST按扭,直接控制汽车巡航减速;  在按下CANCEL按扭或者轻点制动踏板;控制汽车滑行减速时,按下SET/COAST按扭;重新设定当时的车速巡航。  在巡航时右脚放在制动踏板上,随时处理紧急情况;在紧急情况下不会踩错踏板,提高行车的安全性。  灵活组合使用SET/COAST按扭、RES/ACCEL按扭、CANCEL按扭、踩油门控制、制动踏板。提高驾驶乐趣,节省燃油!

on the coast与off the coast 有什么区别

on the coast 在海岸线上off the coast 离开海岸线,沿海



请问by the coast,off the coast ,on the coast有什么区别呢?

by the coast: at the seaside 在海边on the coast:on the land near the sea 汉语释义:滨海- 靠近海边;沿海off the coast:in the sea near the land 汉语释义:近岸

和篇文章coast 和 shore前面为什么要加the?





on the coast 在海岸线上off the coast 离开海岸线,沿海

港口在英语里 有几种表示 除了 coast harbor

还有haven [ha·ven || "heu026avn]n. 港口, 安息所, 避难所

coast /spend /take /pay 都有花费的意思,怎么区别。怎么用?

第一个单词错了,是cost,主语是人,只能是人花费了钱什么的,spend是可以用来说时间或钱,主语是人或物都行,spend two days,spend five dollars,take主语是人,it takes me five dollars,pay主语是人,我为什么什么东西付钱,这样可以了吗?楼主清楚了吗?

Coast 2 Coast 歌词

歌曲名:Coast 2 Coast歌手:Alvin and The Chipmunks专辑:Alvin & The Chipmunks / OstSam Adams - Coast 2 Coast(Coast to coast, coast to coast)Sammy Adams (Coast to Coast)Coast to coastLifestyle switching, the illest up in the businessI"m hoping to make a killingGet at me, get at meGoing coast to coastGoing coast to coastWe going coast to coastCoast to coastI"m not being mean, just being meCosta, Sinatra, get on my teamGirls see me say "OMG"He"s back on flights going overseasNot rich but aspire to beGot a new Bentley but my swagger cheeseRather be an act with a pound of treesNever been down and you cannot seeGirl problems, you think you had someHit the beats, you won"t have noneBig dream sale, you know platinumChecks never deposit, just cash "emSummertime, triple eight vodkaGoing out with my boys, looking properUsed to be at the bottom with the other lobstersNow I"m in the sky like birds and helicoptersLifestyle switching, the illest up in the businessI"m hoping to make a killingGet at me, get at meGoing coast to coastGoing coast to coastWe going coast to coastCoast to coast (yeah)On flights traveling to play songsTwo things, iPod and my Dre"s onTwo things on my mind at the same timeGot to go both coasts on the same songGotta kill shit, no limitI spit my heart out cause it"s in thisThe bridges, the beginningYeah something like the keys to my ignitionCome fly, yeah get a boarding passToo busy all day can"t go to classStill getting good grade, know I"m gonna passHit the West Coast, I"m leaving lastDomestic, got a press kitSide life girls impressed withGirls strutting like they wont have sex with me(Yeah right)Lifestyle switching, the illest up in the businessI"m hoping to make a killingGet at me, get at meGoing coast to coastGoing coast to coastWe going coast to coastCoast to coastLifestyle switching, the illest up in the businessI"m hoping to make a killingGet at me, get at meGoing coast to coastGoing coast to coastWe going coast to coastCoast to coast
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