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Canny边缘检测算法可以分为以下5个步骤: 应用高斯滤波来平滑图像,目的是去除噪声 找寻图像的强度梯度(intensity gradients) 应用非最大抑制(non-maximum suppression)技术来消除边误检(本来不是但检测出来是) 应用双阈值的方法来决定可能的(潜在的)边界 利用滞后技术来跟踪边界 1. 图像平滑(去噪声)任何边缘检测算法都不可能在未经处理的原始数据上很好地工作,所以第一步是对原始数据与高斯 mask 作卷积,得到的图像与原始图像相比有些轻微的模糊(blurred)。这样,单独的一个像素噪声在经过高斯平滑的图像上变得几乎没有影响。以下为一个5X5高斯滤波器(高斯核,标准差delta=1.4),其中A为原始图像,B为平滑后的图像。2. 寻找图像中的强度梯度Canny算法的基本思想是找寻一幅图相中灰度强度变化最强的位置。所谓变化最强,即指梯度方向。平滑后的图像中每个像素点的梯度可以由Sobel算子(一种卷积运算)来获得(opencv中有封装好的函数,可以求图像中每个像素点的n阶导数)。首先,利用如下的核来分别求得沿水平(x)和垂直(y)方向的梯度G_X和G_Y。K_{GX} = [-1 0 1 ; -2 0 2 ; -1 0 1], K_{GY} = {1 2 1 ; 0 0 0 ; -1 -2 -1}之后便可利用公式来求得每一个像素点的梯度度量值(gradient magnitude,可能翻译得不准确)。,有时为了计算简便,也会使用G_X和G_Y的无穷大范数来代替二范数。把平滑后的图像中的每一个点用G代替,可以获得如下图像。从下图可以看出,在变化剧烈的地方(边界处),将获得较大的梯度度量值G,对应的颜色为白色。然而,这些边界通常非常粗,难以标定边界的真正位置。为了做到这一点(参考非极大抑制Non-maximum suppression一节),还必须存储梯度方向,其公式如下图所示。也就是说在这一步我们会存数两块数据,一是梯度的强度信息,另一个是梯度的方向信息。3. 非极大抑制Non-maximum suppression这一步的目的是将模糊(blurred)的边界变得清晰(sharp)。通俗的讲,就是保留了每个像素点上梯度强度的极大值,而删掉其他的值。对于每个像素点,进行如下操作:a) 将其梯度方向近似为以下值中的一个(0,45,90,135,180,225,270,315)(即上下左右和45度方向)b) 比较该像素点,和其梯度方向正负方向的像素点的梯度强度c) 如果该像素点梯度强度最大则保留,否则抑制(删除,即置为0)为了更好的解释这个概念,看下图。图中的数字代表了像素点的梯度强度,箭头方向代表了梯度方向。以第二排第三个像素点为例,由于梯度方向向上,则将这一点的强度(7)与其上下两个像素点的强度(5和4)比较,由于这一点强度最大,则保留。处理后效果如下图所示。上图中,可以想象,边界处的梯度方向总是指向垂直于边界的方向,即最后会保留一条边界处最亮的一条细线。4.双阈值(Double Thresholding)经过非极大抑制后图像中仍然有很多噪声点。Canny算法中应用了一种叫双阈值的技术。即设定一个阈值上界和阈值下界(opencv中通常由人为指定的),图像中的像素点如果大于阈值上界则认为必然是边界(称为强边界,strong edge),小于阈值下界则认为必然不是边界,两者之间的则认为是候选项(称为弱边界,weak edge),需进行进一步处理。经过双阈值处理的图像如下图所示上图中右侧强边界用白色表示,弱边界用灰色表示。5.利用滞后的边界跟踪这里就不细作解释了。大体思想是,和强边界相连的弱边界认为是边界,其他的弱边界则被抑制。以上内容均翻译自参考文献【4】 上一个百科版本:图像中的边缘可能会指向不同的方向,所以 Canny 算法使用 4 个 掩模(mask) 检测水平、垂直以及对角线方向的边缘。原始图像与每个 mask 所作的卷积都存储起来。对于每个点我们都标识在这个点上的最大值以及生成的边缘的方向。这样我们就从原始图像生成了图像中每个点亮度梯度图以及亮度梯度的方向。以下两个公式分别求取高斯滤波后图像的梯度幅值及其方向的表达式。这一步,也叫称为非极大抑制(Non-maximum suppression)。 3. 在图像中跟踪边缘较高的亮度梯度比较有可能是边缘,但是没有一个确切的值来限定多大的亮度梯度是边缘多大又不是,所以 Canny 使用了滞后阈值。滞后阈值(Hysteresis thresholding) 需要两个阈值,即高阈值与低阈值。假设图像中的重要边缘都是连续的曲线,这样我们就可以跟踪给定曲线中模糊的部分,并且避免将没有组成曲线 的噪声像素当成边缘。所以我们从一个较大的阈值开始,这将标识出我们比较确信的真实边缘,使用前面导出的方向信息,我们从这些真正的边缘开始在图像中跟踪 整个的边缘。在跟踪的时候,我们使用一个较小的阈值,这样就可以跟踪曲线的模糊部分直到我们回到起点。一旦这个过程完成,我们就得到了一个二值图像,每点表示是否是一个边缘点。一个获得亚像素精度边缘的改进实现是在梯度方向检测二阶方向导数的过零点,它在梯度方向的三阶方向导数满足符号条件。滞后阈值也可以用于亚像素边缘检测。


韩国初试啼声大受欢迎 亚洲传媒齐聚争相报导 新歌发表会7,000人争抢名额收录六首歌的“KANGTA & VANNESS”首张专辑“SCANDAL”韩国版已在2006年5月19日在韩国抢先曝光;而在专辑发行之前,两人不但抢先在曼谷举行的MTV亚洲音乐奖颁奖典礼上,以压轴重头戏演唱,接着更在韩国首尔延世大学100周年纪念馆举行了新歌发表演唱会,当天演出现场云集1.000多名歌迷,更有来自台湾、中国和日本等亚洲各国的媒体记者争相进行采访,可见亚洲传媒对“KANGTA & VANNESS”的重视程度。此张专辑《SCANDAL》 在韩国、中国(包括台湾香港地区)、日本、马来西亚、泰国、 印度尼西亚、 新加坡、菲律宾 、印度等亚洲10个国家和地区发行。 这场演出之前有个小插曲:在刚宣布组成“KANGTA & VANNESS”时,在网路上曾经出现反对的声浪,有部分歌迷不希望这样的跨国组合瓜分了两人原本在韩国与台湾、中国的曝光量;因此安七炫和吴建豪原本担心这场新歌发表演唱会会因为歌迷抵制而乏人问津。没想到当入场券在网路上公开预约时,开放的1,000个名额,在一小时内就涌进7,000个人次争取登记,证明大家对他们的期待相当高!为了韩国版的专辑发售,韩国SM唱片公司制作了名为《SM EntertainmentTODAY》的宣传报,并于发片当天上午在首尔江南、蚕室、汝矣岛、光化门、新村、忠武路等18个地区的地铁站内散发。他们共发放出去五万份宣传报,仅制作费用就花费近5,000万韩圜!而紧接在韩国版之后,多增加四首歌曲中文版本的亚洲版“SCANDAL”,6月16日将在台湾、大陆、日本、马来西亚、泰国、印尼、新加坡、菲律宾、印度等10个亚洲国家和地区发行!安七炫更表示,除了在韩国出演电视和广播等节目,更计划在台湾、香港和中国内地以大型演出等方式展开宣传活动,要全亚洲刮起“KANGTA & VANNESS”炫风! 吴建豪与安七炫共同创作 中、英、韩三语齐下跨越国际安七炫大展音乐才华 担任专辑制作人 词、曲创作小露身手“KANGTA & VANNESS”的首张专辑“SCANDAL”亚洲版收录了全世界正流行的“Crunk & B"”曲风,充满律动感同名主打歌“SCANDAL”的中、英、韩三种语言版本,抒情歌曲“127日”、FUNKY轻快曲风的“ONEDAY”、中板Trendy R&B曲风的“GOODVIBRATION”这三首歌的的中、韩语版本,以及翻唱自梁静茹“勇气”的歌曲“Faint”等10首歌曲。正如专辑名称“SCANDAL”,吴建豪与安七炫希望这张专辑成为全亚洲最吸引人的热门话题!“SCANDAL”专辑中吴建豪与安七炫两人都发挥各自的音乐长处,不但由安七炫担任所有的歌曲制作,而且两人都演唱中、英、韩三种语言,吴建豪主要负责RAP部分的表演与RAP歌词撰写,以及“SCANDAL”英文版的歌词;安七炫则自己担任了“127日”、“ONEDAY”的词曲撰写与“Faint”的作词。主打歌“SCANDAL”是由韩国知名音乐人柳英真的作品,采用了世界上最流行的Crunk&B"旷课曲风,让吴建豪与安七炫在重拍节奏中展现powerful舞蹈演出;安七炫的漂亮嗓音与吴建豪柔软的Rap完美调和,在歌曲进行中演绎出多种唱法。 造型、舞蹈、MV上亿韩圜最高规格打造为了这张中韩天王级艺人跨国合作的专辑,韩国打造偶像艺人最为专业的SM唱片公司特地花费上亿韩圜,邀来各路顶尖高手为KANGTA&VANNESS打造“SCANDAL”专辑的全新造型、编舞以及MV拍摄。包括曾为东方神起、李孝利、BUZZ的造型师升憙(Lee SeungHee)、张孝真,KANGTA安七炫的御用编舞老师DOHC编舞队,以及拍过BoA的“MOTO”、东方神起的“RisingSun”、Superjunior的“Miracle”、天上之喜的“Boomerang”的知名导演千赫镇 ( ChunHyuk Jin),还有名摄影师金贤圣、艺术指导朴俊映、闵希珍等韩国顶尖幕后高手,一起让吴建豪与安七炫展现出最炫目迷人的明星风采。从令人惊艳的唱片封面视觉,就能看出这些高手的功力!在专辑封面中,KANGTA & VANNESS身穿一黑一白对比色,VANNESS胸前恤衫大开坦露出性感的胸肌线条,两名美男子在画面中流露出非常酷的男性友情表现,就像是时尚杂志一般,流露出高级的Chic、Mannish风格质感。此外还有两人身着全套西装,优雅的展现被媒体所追逐的明星气度。 中韩天王竞技 同名主打歌“SCANDAL”MV境内斗舞KANGTA & VANNESS对尬音乐、舞蹈、名车 精采万分VANNESS湿身上阵 性感胸肌力拼 电眼安七炫专辑同名歌曲“SCANDAL”在制作之初就希望能呈现出安七炫&吴建豪两人以前没有公开呈现过的面貌,因此决定以Crunk& B"旷课曲风来表现powerful的舞蹈演出,两人除了合唱之外更共编排舞蹈,以”Stoppower movedance”充满男性劲道的强劲舞蹈动作演出,将两人的舞蹈功力表现无遗!为了打响“KANGTA & VANNESS”的第一炮,唱片公司对“SCANDAL”的MV更是不惜血本,花大钱制造出华丽的效果!“SCANDAL”MV延续歌曲的内容,展现出两位男性亦敌亦友的对尬竞争。吴建豪与安七炫两个人从舞蹈、身材到名车无所不尬,MV一开始吴建豪便湿身展露他健壮的性感胸肌,接着安七炫与吴建豪不但在雨中跳舞,更在舞场上对尬舞技。不但如此,导演千赫镇还让两人分别开着价值几百万台币的宾士与法拉利跑车,互相尬车,充满速度感的画面与高难度的舞蹈动作,在强烈的节奏下交织演出,KANGTA & VANNESS powerful的男子气概,让人看得目眩神迷,为之醉倒! 谱成“127日”动人心声由安七炫自己作词、作曲、编曲的“127日”,是安七炫以自己的亲身经历写下的一首R&B抒情歌曲,在精致的R&BDrumbeat风格上,增加了钢琴和吉他的演奏,优美而大气。歌曲讲述了一对恋人分手了127日后,再度相遇,感觉有点不自然,但是男人明白在这127日里他一直爱她,而她正是他所等的人,表现出一个男人的内心感情世界。安七炫和吴建豪的和声温柔婉转,分离的苦涩和期待的渴望被他们演绎得淋漓尽致。专辑中另一首歌“ONE DAY”也是安七炫的作品,Funky节奏轻快,歌曲讲述了分手后不久就忘却,重新开始自然惬意的新生活的感觉,演绎了失恋的另外一种情感境界。 诚意十足 拉近中韩歌迷距离为了让韩国歌迷更了解华语歌曲,也更拉近KANGTA & VANNESS与华人歌迷的距离,“SCANDAL”专辑中特别收录了台湾人气女歌手梁静茹在2000年发表的“勇气”,并以UrbanBallard风格翻唱为韩文歌“Faint”,韩文版的歌词是由KANGTA亲自填写。由于这首歌是全华人地区都熟悉的名曲,因此两人演唱时都感觉到格外有压力。不过经过以R&B节奏以及两人柔美的合声重新诠释之后,又呈现出另一种属于“KANGTA & VANNESS”的风味!除此之外,由韩国知名音乐人柳英真所创作的Trendy MediumR&B歌曲“Good Vibration”,也为这张专辑的完美表现更加分。 首波主打MV“SCANDAL”KANGTA & VANNESS韩国首尔 亚洲第一场发表会实况DVD台湾版“SCANDAL”专辑除了比韩国版多了四首歌曲中文版之外,更超值加赠一片DVD,收录“SCANDAL”的音乐录影带,以及“KANGTA & VANNESS”在韩国首尔延世大学100周年纪念馆举行的新歌发表演唱会“The FirstShowcase-SCANDAL”的精采片段,包括showcase现场上千名歌迷高分贝尖叫声欢呼中,吴建豪与安七炫演唱“127日”及“SCANDAL”二首新歌,以及在喜剧演员朴敬林主持的访谈时间里,安七炫和吴建豪畅谈专辑概念及两人合作的感想;此外更示范平常如何用中、英、韩三种语言的特殊的对话方法,趣味演出赢得全场掌声!表演中两人连换三套衣服,光一个人的治装费就要20万元台币,可见他们非常重视这场韩国首度的公开演出。这么重要的历史性画面,只有在亚洲版“SCANDAL”专辑可以完整收藏!




Java NIO FileChannel是连接到文件的通道。 使用文件通道,您可以从文件读取数据,并将数据写入文件。 Java NIO FileChannel类是NIO用于使用标准Java IO API读取文件的替代方法。 FileChannel不能设置为非阻塞模式。 它总是以阻止模式运行。 在您可以使用FileChannel之前,您必须打开它。 您无法直接打开FileChannel。 您需要通过InputStream,OutputStream或RandomAccessFile获取FileChannel。 以下是通过RandomAccessFile打开FileChannel的方法: 要从FileChannel读取数据,您可以调用read()方法之一。 这是一个例子: 首先分配一个缓冲区。 从FileChannel读取的数据被读入缓冲区。 二来调用方法。 此方法将数据从FileChannel读入缓冲区。 read()方法返回的int指示缓冲区中有多少个字节。 如果返回-1,则到达文件结尾。 将文件写入FileChannel是使用FileChannel.write()方法完成的,该方法采用Buffer作为参数。 这是一个例子: 注意在一个while循环中如何调用FileChannel.write()方法。 不能保证write()方法写入FileChannel的字节数。 因此,我们重复write()调用,直到Buffer中已经没有尚未写入通道的字节。 用完FileChannel后必须将其关闭。如: 有时可能需要在FileChannel的某个特定位置进行数据的读/写操作。可以通过调用position()方法获取FileChannel的当前位置。 也可以通过调用position(long pos)方法设置FileChannel的当前位置。 如果将位置设置在文件结束符之后,然后试图从文件通道中读取数据,读方法将返回-1 —— 文件结束标志。 如果将位置设置在文件结束符之后,然后向通道中写数据,文件将撑大到当前位置并写入数据。这可能导致“文件空洞”,磁盘上物理文件中写入的数据间有空隙。 FileChannel实例的size()方法将返回该实例所关联文件的大小 可以使用FileChannel.truncate()方法截取一个文件。截取文件时,文件将中指定长度后面的部分将被删除。如: FileChannel.force()方法将通道里尚未写入磁盘的数据强制写到磁盘上。出于性能方面的考虑,操作系统会将数据缓存在内存中,所以无法保证写入到FileChannel里的数据一定会即时写到磁盘上。要保证这一点,需要调用force()方法。 force()方法有一个boolean类型的参数,指明是否同时将文件元数据(权限信息等)写到磁盘上。 下面的例子同时将文件数据和元数据强制写到磁盘上:

关于 manners in daily life 的英语短文

Chinese manners in daily life China is known as a state of etiquette and ceremonies. Many proverbs have been passed down from generation to generation. For instance, there is an interesting short story. Once upon a time, a man went on a long tour to visit his friend with a swan as a gift. But it escaped from the cage on the way and in his effort to catch it, he got hold of nothing but a feather. Instead of returning home, he continued his journey with the swan feather. When his friend received this unexpected gift, he was deeply moved by the story as well as the sincerity. And the saying u2013 “the gift is nothing much, but it"s the thought that counts.” was spread far and wide. Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a salute. This tradition has a history of more than 2000 years and nowadays it is seldom used except in the Spring Festival. And shaking hands is more popular and appropriate on some formal occasions. But at present Chinese youngsters tend to simply nod as a greeting. To some extent this evolution reflects the everuff0dincreasing paces of modern life. It is common social practice to introduce the junior to the senior, or the familiar to the unfamiliar. When you start a talk with a stranger, the topics such as weather, food, or hobbies may be good choices to break the ice. To a man, a chat about current affairs, sports, stock market or his job can usually go on smoothly. Similar to Western customs, you should be cautious to ask a woman private questions. However, relaxing talks about her job or family life will never put you into danger. She is usually glad to offer you some advice on how to cook Chinese food or get accustomed to local life. Things will be quite different when you"ve made acquaintance with them. Implicit as Chinese are said to be, they are actually humorous enough to appreciate the exaggerated jokes of Americans. Chinese consider gifts as an important part to show courtesy. It is appropriate to give gifts on occasions such as festival, birthday, wedding, or visiting a patient. If you are invited to a family party, small gifts like wine, tea, cigarettes, or candies are welcomed. Also fruit, pastries, and flowers are a safe choice. As to other things, you should pay a little attention to the cultural differences. Contrary to Westerners, odd numbers are thought to be unfortunate. So wedding gifts and birthday gifts for the aged are always sent in pairs for the old saying goes that blessings come in pairs. Though four is an even number, it reads like death in Chinese thus is avoided. So is pear for being a homophone of separation. And a gift of clock sounds like attending other"s funeral so it is a taboo, too. As connected with death and sorrow, black and white are also the last in the choice. Gift giving is unsuitable in public except for some souvenirs. Your good intentions or gratitude should be given priority to but not the value of the gifts.

英语作文Do you agree that “Money talks”? What are the things that money cannot buy?

Do you agree that “Money talks”? What are the things that money cannot buy?I don"t agree. Money is not everything . In todayu2019s material world, making money or becoming wealthy means success and capability. Many people just make every effort, pay any price to make money. With money, they can buy nice, large apartments . With money they can own luxurious cars. Wealth seems to bring all happiness in life. But can money buy everything? No. There are many things in the world, which are beyond the means of money, such as friendship, love, health and knowledge.People will feel lonely without love or friends in the world even if they accumulate tremendous wealth. In my opinion, people canu2019t do anything without money, but money is not everything. What money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life. If you are kind enough to help others, especially the poor, money is a good thing to you. If you want money just for your own needs, youu2019ll never be satisfied or happy. In a word, you should have money spent for more people. Only then can money be the source of your happiness.

英语作文Do you agree that “Money talks”?What are the things that money cannot buy?

Do you agree that “Money talks”?What are the things that money cannot buy? I don"t agree.Money is not everything .In today"s material world,making money or becoming wealthy means success and capability.Many people just make every effort,pay any price to make money.With money,they can buy nice,large apartments .With money they can own luxurious cars.Wealth seems to bring all happiness in life. But can money buy everything?No.There are many things in the world,which are beyond the means of money,such as friendship,love,health and knowledge.People will feel lonely without love or friends in the world even if they accumulate tremendous wealth. In my opinion,people can"t do anything without money,but money is not everything.What money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life.If you are kind enough to help others,especially the poor,money is a good thing to you.If you want money just for your own needs,you"ll never be satisfied or happy.In a word,you should have money spent for more people.Only then can money be the source of your happiness.

土屋安娜 Anna Tsuchiya - 歌词

rose ANNA inspi" NANA(BLACK STONES) When I was darkness at that time 震えてる唇 部屋の片隅で I cry もがけばもがくほど 突き刺さるこの伤 破られた约束 hurt me Nobody can save me 神様ひとつだけ 止めて裂くような my love I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 舞い散る悲しみ your song 居场所无い孤独な my life I need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me I wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love... Wnen you are with me at that time 贵方の影を追いかけて 裸足で駆け抜けて stop me 闭ざせば闭ざすほど もつれてくこの爱 缓やかにやさしく kiss me Nobody can save me 冻える蔷薇のように やさしく眠りたい my tears I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 枯れ堕ちる悲しみ my soul 离れてく孤独な little girl I need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me I wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love... I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 舞い散る悲しみ your song 居场所无い孤独な my life I need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me I wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love... 罗马 When I was darkness at that time furueteru kuchibiru heya no katasumi de I cry mogakeba mo gaku hodo tsuki sasaru kono kizu yaburareta yakusoku hurt me Nobody can save me kamisama hitotsu dake tomete saku you na my love I need your love. I"m a broken rose. mai chiru kanashimi your song ibasho nai kodoku na my life I need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me I wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love... Wnen you are with me at that time anata no kake wo oikakete hadashi de kake nukete stop me tozaseba tozasu hodo motsureteku kono ai yuruyakani yasashiku kiss me Nobody can save me kogoeru bara no youni yasashiku memuri tai my tears I need your love. I"m a broken rose. kare ochiru kanashimi my soul hanareteku kodoku na little girl I need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me I wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love... I need your love. I"m a broken rose. mai chiru kanashimi your song ibasho nai kodoku na my life I need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me I wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love... 中文翻译: 当陷于阴暗的那时 颤抖的嘴唇 蜷在屋子一角,哭了起来 越是拼命挣扎,越是将伤口撕裂 那被打碎的约定,伤害了我 没人可以拯救我 神灵只有一位 能止住开裂的 是我的爱 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 凌乱舞步的悲伤,是你的歌 居无定所的孤独,是我的生活 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救 用你的微笑,你的眼眸,你的歌,只为了我 我需要你的爱 我是朵残破的玫瑰 我需要你的爱 当你在身边的那时 追逐着你的影子 赤着脚狂奔 请停下我 越是闭上眼,越是被爱纠缠 轻缓温柔的,请亲吻我 没人可以拯救我 像封冻的玫瑰 想要温柔的睡去 留下眼泪 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 凋零坠落的悲伤,是我的灵魂 因离别而孤独的,小女孩 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救 用你的微笑,你的眼眸,你的歌,只为了我 我需要你的爱 我是朵残破的玫瑰 我需要你的爱 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 凌乱舞步的悲伤,是你的歌 居无定所的孤独,是我的生活 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救 用你的微笑,你的眼眸,你的歌,只为了我 我需要你的爱 我是朵残破的玫瑰 我需要你的爱

求rihanna 《say it》歌词一份`请付上中文大意- -

歌曲:Say It歌手:RihannaRihanna - Say It Pre-chorus You should tell me whats buggin you And Imma tell ya bout me You should tell me your deepest thoughts And Imma make it easy You should tell me whats buggin you And Imma tell ya bout me You should tell me your deepest thoughts And Imma make it easy Verse 1 Emotions running wild I could feel it when I"m next to you, Something"s on ya mind You wanna stay but wont tell me, its about ya secrecy So what are you tryna hide? I know what the look means You hold my hand so tightly, Whenever we say goodbye Standing by the door, I could tell you can"t take no more Blow your secret open wide Chorus So maybe if you say it Tell me what it is you likeeee (likee) Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy) Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt) If you say it But if you playin (oh baby) Cuz you know what I wanna hear (hearr) Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr) I need to know how you feel So baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it) Bridge-1 Wont", won"t you tell me What, what"s going on Why, why you waitin" on it What you waiting for? Soon you should tell me or I might be gone But I"m here for you baby, You should put me on Verse 2 I won"t shoot you down, Make you feel some kinda way If you"ll be honest with me Put away your pride, I can see it in your face You want me permanently (unh) Like how i wine when we dancing, I know how it happened And I"m right there wit you But I won"t be the first to put myself out there, The feeling is mutual But I bet if you Chorus So maybe if you say it Tell me what it is you likeeee (likee) Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy) Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt) If you say it But if you playin (oh baby) Cuz you know what i wanna hear (hearr) Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr) I need to know how you feel so baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it) Bridge2- 2x Your eyes steady talking And your tryna fight it But some things baby are not worth hiding And we can find heaven, If we go look together So won"t, won"t you tell me, And get it off your chest Chrous Your eyes steady talking And your tryna fight it But some things baby are not worth hiding And we can find heaven, If we go look together So won"t, won"t you tell me, And get it off your chest Chrous So maybe if you say it (saa-ayyyy) Tell me what it is you likeeee (what it is you like)(likee) Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy)(oh no no) Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt) If you say it But if you playin (oh baby) Cuz you know what I wanna hear (you know what I wanna hear)(hearr) Say it, that"ll make it more clear (so boy say it loud and clear) I need to know how you feel So baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it) (saa-ayyyy ittt) Bridge2- 2x Your eyes steady talking And your tryna fight it But some things baby are not worth hiding And we can find heaven, If we go look together So won"t, won"t you tell me, And get it off your chest Chorus Your eyes steady talking And your tryna fight it But some things baby are not worth hiding And we can find heaven, If we go look together So won"t, won"t you tell me, And get it off your chest Chorus So maybe if you say it Tell me what it is you likeeee (likee) Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy) Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt) If you say it But if you playin (oh baby) Cuz you know what i wanna hear (hearr) Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr) I need to know how you feel so baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it) 中文大意:说白了就是他女朋友和他分手了。他心里很伤心。悲痛欲绝。就是这意思。这歌词那么多。其实就是我上述两句话。我自己翻译理解的。你可以考证下~~

Rihanna《Say it》的歌词

歌手名:Rihanna专辑名:Good Girl Gone BadRihanna - Say ItLRC制作:盛胡兵〈QQ 519376020 〉 Pre-chorusYou should tell me whats buggin youAnd Imma tell ya bout meYou should tell me your deepest thoughtsAnd Imma make it easyYou should tell me whats buggin youAnd Imma tell ya bout meYou should tell me your deepest thoughtsAnd Imma make it easyVerse 1Emotions running wildI could feel it when I"m next to you,Something"s on ya mindYou wanna stay but wont tell me,its about ya secrecySo what are you tryna hide?I know what the look meansYou hold my hand so tightly,Whenever we say goodbyeStanding by the door,I could tell you can"t take no moreBlow your secret open wideChorusSo maybe if you say itTell me what it is you likeeee (likee)Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy)Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt)If you say itBut if you playin (oh baby)Cuz you know what I wanna hear (hearr)Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr)I need to know how you feelSo baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it)Bridge-1Wont", won"t you tell meWhat, what"s going onWhy, why you waitin" on itWhat you waiting for?Soon you should tell me or I might be goneBut I"m here for you baby,You should put me onVerse 2I won"t shoot you down,Make you feel some kinda wayIf you"ll be honest with mePut away your pride,I can see it in your faceYou want me permanently (unh)Like how i wine when we dancing,I know how it happenedAnd I"m right there wit youBut I won"t be the first to put myself out there,The feeling is mutualBut I bet if youChorusSo maybe if you say itTell me what it is you likeeee (likee)Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy)Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt)If you say itBut if you playin (oh baby)Cuz you know what i wanna hear (hearr)Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr)I need to know how you feelso baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it)Bridge2- 2xYour eyes steady talkingAnd your tryna fight itBut some things baby are not worth hidingAnd we can find heaven,If we go look togetherSo won"t, won"t you tell me,And get it off your chestChrousSo maybe if you say it (saa-ayyyy)Tell me what it is you likeeee (what it is you like)(likee)Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy)(oh no no)Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt)If you say itBut if you playin (oh baby)Cuz you know what I wanna hear(you know what I wanna hear)(hearr)Say it, that"ll make it more clear(so boy say it loud and clear)I need to know how you feelSo baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it) (saa-ayyyy ittt)Bridge2- 2xYour eyes steady talkingAnd your tryna fight itBut some things baby are not worth hidingAnd we can find heaven,If we go look togetherSo won"t, won"t you tell me,And get it off your chestChorusSo maybe if you say itTell me what it is you likeeee (likee)Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy)Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt)If you say itBut if you playin (oh baby)Cuz you know what i wanna hear (hearr)Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr)I need to know how you feelso baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it)

Lesson36 Across the Channel 横渡海峡

Guinness World Record:吉尼斯世界纪录 record strong strong verb:不规则动词 weak verb:规则动词 swimmer n. 游泳运动员 good / strong swimmer:游泳健将 swim:n. / v. swim - swam - swum go for a swim swimming:n.(特指游泳这项运动) succeed **train ** anxiously adv. 焦虑不安地 anxious:adj. anxious about:对 … 感到焦虑,担心 anxious to do sth.:急切希望做某事 anxiety:n. intend v. 打算 intend to do sth.:计划,打算 it is intended that …:按计划 It is intended that all the students will take the exam. tend:v. tend to do sth.:易于,往往会,经常会(不好的事) solid at five o"clock in the morning be going to do:is / am / are going to 所表示的“对将来的预测”往往暗示与“现在”有紧密联系,在说话后不久即将发生,根据明显迹象做出的预测。 Look at the time, I"m going to miss the bus. Hold me! I"m going to fall! will 说话人认为某事将要发生,语气相对正式 在某种条件之下某事才会发生,在带有条件或时间状语从句的主句中,用will. You will enjoy yourself if you travel by sea. set up a new world record = make a new world record be sure to do be sure that:确定 he will be watching …:将来进行时 as she swims …:当 … 的时候,as引导时间状语从句 watch & look at & see watch TV / a game / a play … I was watching a basketball game last night when suddenly I saw a spider crawling down the wall! Look at the screen. see - 看见 look at - 看的动作 watch - 持续时间通常比look at要长,观看(正在发生的事) solid & firm & stable solid:相对液体或气体而言,不流动的 firm:稳固的,不松动的 We must maintain a firm attitude. stable:(抽象)工作稳定,人的性格坚定 Debbie"s mother will be among them … 方便使用定语从句 - … Debbie"s mother, who swam … 将来(将要 ... ,打算 ...) 一般将来时:be going to do / will / shall intend to do sth. mean to do sth. will be doing *Do you think he intends to sell his car? He certainly does. He"s going to sell it tomorrow. Do you think they intend to leave? They certainly do. They"re going to leave tomorrow. Do you think she intends to ask for an explanation? She certainly does.She"s going to ask for an explanation tomorrow. Do you think he intends to persuade his father? He certainly does.He"s going to persuade his father tomorrow.* The man on the raft saw the boat so he tried to send a signal. He took off his shirt and waved it but the men on the boat neither saw nor heard him. No good work is ever done while the heart is hot and anxious and fretted. fretted /"fretid/ adj. 焦躁的,

Canned Heat的《Sugar Bee》 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar Bee歌手:Canned Heat专辑:This Is... 1970Busta Rhymes - Sugar (Feat. Jelly Roll)(Busta Rhymes)Hey babyPut your hand on my heart tell me if you ever felt a heartbeat like this(Jelly Roll)Boom boom boom boom BOOM is the sound that you hearFrom my heart beating hard like a bass drumZoom zoom zoom zoom ZOOM as my blood starts to raise throughMy vains all I wanna is to be close to youI like you in those boots, you know just what to doGirl let me see those tattoos im gonna ride with youRite heres the perfect place for me to kiss and fuck youI cant wait to taste your SUGAR(Busta Rhymes)I want to taste your bodyI want to taste your faceI want to taste your breast taste below your wasteThats some of my many wishesFresh out the bubble bath girl you taste so deliciousFrom when you leave and go to work and how you blow me kissesThe way you come back to the crib and cook and wash the dishesIts kinda hard to fight it once the fire is ignitedYou feel my heart beat baby you got me so excited(Jelly Roll)Boom boom boom boom BOOM is the sound that you hearFrom my heart beating hard like a bass drumZoom zoom zoom zoom ZOOM as my blood starts to raise throughMy vains all I wanna is to be close to youI like you in those boots, you know just what to doGirl let me see those tattoos im gonna ride with youRite heres the perfect place for me to kiss and fuck youI cant wait to taste your SUGAR(Busta Rhymes)I cant explain the feelinIts such an amazing thingYou like a prize positionA gift to any king or wingsIs only here to protect usNo matter what we go throughAnd how it might affect usTired of the lecturesA piece to tell me to chillBut they dont really understand what im tryin to buildBut I brush it off as nothingBaby let me tell you somethingEvery single time I see you my adrenalin be rushin(Jelly Roll)Boom boom boom boom BOOM is the sound that you hearFrom my heart beating hard like a bass drumZoom zoom zoom zoom ZOOM as my blood starts to raise throughMy vains all I wanna is to be close to youI like you in those boots, you know just what to doGirl let me see those tattoos im gonna ride with youRite heres the perfect place for me to kiss and fuck youI cant wait to taste your SUGAR(Jelly Roll)Your body is smoking like a NewportBetter yet im backwardsYou like it in the back seat case baby girl your that hoodI never had it how you put it on meThe way you move is makin me hornyMan I just wanna kiss you all over you body stretch you like palatesBaby lets get naughty do it how we do fuckin all around the houseStarted on the bed ended up on the couch(Busta Rhymes)Damm I touch you and you touch meWe get closer and you hold me like your holdinOn for dear life boldlyAnd we go out on the balconyAnd let our bodies wrap up and we fuckUntil the sun come up housekeepin come and catch usI dont care thou u takin it im givin it we breakin itEverything up in the room like a tornado in the makinAnd im wildin and im racing baby let me take you downAnd while you give it to me let me give it back girl listen to the sound as it goes(Jelly Roll)Boom boom boom boom BOOM is the sound that you hearFrom my heart beating hard like a bass drumZoom zoom zoom zoom ZOOM as my blood starts to raise throughMy vains all I wanna is to be close to youI like you in those boots, you know just what to doGirl let me see those tattoos im gonna ride with youRite heres the perfect place for me to kiss and fuck youI cant wait to taste your SUGAR

i wanna be nalalalala的歌词,男生唱的,酒吧听到的

第一个人回答的很对啊 我也在找 谢谢1L啦

QQ飞车主界面里那首背景音乐的名字。好像有一句歌词是 I wanner na na...




求《okay spanner you win》全文,要英文

Okay.Spanner,YouWin!SometimesI thinkmyselfasecondDel.Wearepushedtodosomethingparentswantandtheothersappreciate.Soitseemsthatwhatarewesupposedtodonowisstudyingdayandnight.andonlybystudyingharderandhardercanwemakeothersbeproudof us.Buttobehonest,I havetosay,I donotlikestudyatall.Itoncegainedothers`respectowingtomygreatgrades.soI usedtostudyhardtogetgoodgradessoastosatisfymyabhorrentvanity.butnow.idonotthinkso/I believetherearesomethingmoreimportantthanstudy.Forexample,I likedrawing.Ithastakenmeover,includingmyheart.I canspendalldayinpaintingjustasmalllovelyflowersinsketch,butI cannotspendevenoneminuteindoingexerciseonweekend.maybeI amcrazy.ButI doenjoyitandI hopeonedayI canliveinaliferelatedtoarteveryminute.I canwellrememberwhenI decidedtomakepaintingasagreatpartofmylife,mymothersaidtome..‘youcannotputyourheartintopaintinganymorebecauseyouareahighschoolstudentnow.”ButI likeart.Livingwithoutartisjustlikefishliveswithoutwater.DoI havetoputmyinterestasidejusttogetreadyforentranceexamination?Ifitisso,I willjustdonothavemoretimetoinsistonmyhobby.I always thoughttostandandfightagainstit.butI didnot.Iamacoward.ireallydonotwanttoletmyparentsdown,.allI candonowistohidemythoughtsfrommyheartandburymyselfinstudy.I wonderifonedaywhenmyparentssupportmetodothethingsI like,weatherI willfindthatstudyisthethingI enjoyedinreality.justasDel.Heislucky.I alwaysthinklikethat.hegainsalotfromtheexperienceandheissurebrilliantignoringthepressurefromothers.Well,ifoneday,ididwellinstudy,(on,I havetosay,teacher,Ireallylikeenglish.itismyfavoritesubjectsoI ampuzzledwhyyouthinkthatI donothaveinterestinit,justbecauseI cannotreciteapassage?ButdidI failedeverytime?.idonotliketotoreciteitbecauseI thinkcomprehensionismoreimportant.ievenboughtsomebookslikethemostbeautifulEnglishtoreadeveryday…I enjoyit.I would...well,itseemsimpossible.Idonotlikeit..I wanttoyelllikeDel,I`mfree.I canbemyselfintime.WrittenbyVivian

boundary spanners是什么意思

boundary spanners巡边员; 边裁spanners扳手双语对照词典结果:spannersn.扳手( spanner的名词复数 ); 破坏计划; 阻挠进程; 从中捣乱; 例句: There is still potential for politicians to throw spanners in the works, whether it"s negotiations over the fiscal cliff in the us, elections in italy and germany, or more stand-offs over how to fix the eurozone. 各国政治人物仍可能从中作梗,不论是美国财政悬崖谈判、意大利和德国的大选,还是有关如何解救欧元区的对峙

Okay,Spanner,You Win 故事概括

一个男孩,踢球很牛,一直是他父亲的骄傲。教练和队友对他百分之百放心,有他在,天下无敌。但是他发现一直在为父亲而活,不想在踢球了。由于他赛前通常沉默不语,所以大家也没有觉得异常,不知道他已经下决心这是谢幕之战了。 可是在这场最重要的比赛中,他的过失让对方进了一球,随后队友开始嘲讽他,平时这时候他都已经灌对方5-6个球了,而他的好朋友Spanner,一个足球白痴,靠他妈妈为整个球队洗衣服,第一第二球员相继感冒才轮上的替补的替补的鼓励,赌气趁对方庆祝耍了帽子戏法进球,将结果打平。 最后,在快结束时候,把球弄到是个人都能进的位置,让从没有进过球的Spanner进了第二个球,从而赢了比赛。 比赛后,他郁郁寡欢,而后他老爸说看到他的样子很痛心,因为我是你爸爸,所以别人期望你做成球星,可我作为爸爸,不给这样,允诺让他做自己的事。可是他回顾了过去的光影,想起好朋友Spanner赢球后与家人庆祝时璀璨的笑容,决定要把球踢下去....

that la la la歌词?Rihanna的



spanner 两边是六角形的圈圈的wrench 大小可以调整的


spanner 两边是六角形的圈圈的wrench 大小可以调整的

the tyranny of majority是什么意思





《暴君》是款策略游戏,这款游戏主要以战争为主,在这款游戏中会展开激烈的战斗。在这款游戏的时候很多玩家们都在问暴君Tyranny队友怎么更换?那么下面深空高玩就为玩家们详细解说下关于暴君队友更换解析攻略,玩家们一起来看看吧。更换或踢掉队友操作方法: 去塔里,出塔的时候,左下角面板选择。或者在塔里,和多余的队友对话。暴君(Pharaonic)中文破解领主版v1.2.0.0079

暴君天赋树怎么加点好 Tyranny天赋树选择推荐

暴君天赋树怎么点:天赋树怎么点区别可不小,每种天赋树中都有不少实用的技能,几乎适合任何的职业。不过无论怎么点,所有职业都应该要尽快点出agility树中的二级天赋arrow shield,该天赋使主角在远程判定时以parry值彻底取代dodge,实现两闪合一,这一天赋是主角耐打的根源。并且越早点出,浪费的经验值就越少。第一级天赋能够点穿刺附带目盲或增加移动速度25%,都是非常实用的技能。以后在游戏里面,每升一级都能够找人花钱训练五点技能值,不管什么职业,都建议大家一直坚持不懈地训练格挡(parry),因为主角双闪合一,没有比这个更有用的技能了。以后的天赋就见仁见智了,不过无论是什么职业,defense天赋树中的二级技能stance:challenge(挑衅姿势)也应该尽量点开,如上文所说,这个姿势的拉怪能力非常强。你能抗的话可做T,抗不住也能够风筝对方的近战人员,解救你的队友于水火。此外defense天赋树中的三级技能神技Iron light as air是所有穿重甲的职业必出的天赋。其他每一个天赋树中都有非常厉害的天赋,不过要注意,尽量别点那些固定伤害的技能,这种不与武器伤害挂钩的技能,到后期会越来越废,白白浪费你的天赋点。

暴君tyranny进不去游戏怎么办 打不开进不去解决办法一览






tyranny of the majority 怎么翻译

tyranny of the majority群体暴政;多数人的暴政;多数暴力。是用来质疑或反制民主制度及“少数服从多数”制度的而创造出来的一个政 治词汇,用于批评由多数人作决定的的制度,将此原则与专制主义相提并论,认为在该制度中将多数人的利益置于少数人的利益之上,使得少数的这派丧失了所欲为的特权。也有论调则认为,“多数人暴政”与“少数服从多数”制度还是有区别的。“少数服从多数”制度制定的规则相同适用于多数人和少数持异见者,但“多数人暴政”则对不同的人制定不同的游戏规则,让某些政 治势力能在无法获得多数民意授权的状况下依,旧能实现其政 治目的的手段。有些政 治理论宣称:一个实行议会制的政府,会透过宪法向议会作出权力制衡,及在议会民主制中应用权利法案,从而阻止出现所谓的“多数人暴政”,但实际上提出“多数人暴政”说辞的目的,无非是那些在无法获得合法民意授权的状况下,依旧把持或通过其他非选举手段重新夺取长期专政特权的政 治伎俩。但在议会民主制度的国家,一般的议会设有“绝对多数制”,只要该政 党在议会取得绝对多数(Supermajority),一般控制议会超过三分之二多数的议席,该政 党便可以推动及通过一些具争议性法案,甚至强行修改宪 法,反对党无法为所欲为实施独裁的时候,这某种程度上也会被少数派叫成多数人暴力。


这款即时战略游戏最近推出后大受好评,不过其中有狠多玩法目前还不被玩家们所了解,为了让大家可以更顺利的游戏,于是深空高玩这里就为游戏各方面展开一一科普,这里要为大家带来的是暴君Tyranny头像怎么自定义设置方法详解,有兴趣的话就一同了解下吧。自定义头像制作方法:1. 找到你想要的任何图片2. 这游戏要求头像是210x330(大头像)和76x96(小头像,就是游戏左边竖着排列的小头像)用ps或者可以改变图片大小的工具把图片改成210x330,76x96,就是说每个头像你需要制作2个,一个大的,一个小的,否则就会出现我上面图中的问号。 然后把keep aspect ratio选上,这回稍微把你的210x330这个数字变下,不过没关系不用管它。 然后图片格式选择png这项,最后点最下面的Resize image就只做成功了,接下来旁边有个下载图片,下载到你的电脑上即可。3. 重命名你的图片: 把制作好的大号的图片命名为 xxx_lg.png(xxx是你想要的名字)小号图片命名为 xxx_sm.png4. 最后一步,把制作好的图片放入游戏目录:具体目录是:SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Tyranny/Tyranny_Data/data/art/gui/portraits/player/male(或者female,看你头像性别选)就可以了暴君(Pharaonic)中文破解领主版v1.2.0.0079


这款游戏推出至今的时间还不是很长,所以许多内容都还不被玩家们所了解,诸如最近困扰着玩家们最多的则要数图书馆光门怎么打开的疑问,为了让大家可以更顺利的通关,于是深空高玩这里就为大家提供了暴君Tyranny如何打开图书馆光门攻略详解,有兴趣的话就赶快来了解下吧。图书馆光门打开方法: 首先你要在上层各个地图中收集密码碎片 (藏在图书馆的各个书柜中) 然后去除假的符号 最后剩下四个符号 没记错的话是上下左右 的顺序 不过记错也没关系 很简单的了。暴君霸王版(Tyranny)集成DLCs中文破解领主版v1.2.0.0124




许多玩家在游戏过程中似乎遇到了很多的疑问,最近提到最频繁的则要数favor和wrath的选择对剧情发展的影响,于是深空高玩下面就为大家提供了暴君Tyranny选择favor与wrath剧情发展对结局影响详解,相信玩家们了解后将可以更顺利的体验该游戏。Wrath 其实不太有用,剧情上来说wrath极高的派系结局会不一样(就不剧透了),disfavor和scarlet谁的wrath高也是你在act1最后做的决定定下来的。其他派系像是unbroken这种是需要走中立路线才可以吧favor加上去的。Archon的favor或者wrath我只知道Tunon的比较重要,最后审判有用(不剧透了,自己打吧)。暴君霸王版(Tyranny)集成DLCs中文破解领主版v1.2.0.0124

暴君Tyranny有哪些职业 暴君全职业介绍

在暴君Tyranny中,没有明确的职业划分,玩家在选择完出身阶层后,可以选择擅长的武器和次要武器,从而决定玩家的战斗风格,相当于选择职业。 暴君 Tyranny有哪些职业 暴君全职业介绍 在暴君Tyranny中的武器分为剑与盾、投枪、大剑、双持武器、短弓、徒手格斗,魔法分为闪电魔法、活力魔法、冰霜魔法和虚弱魔法。在选完你的主要武器后,还会出现一个相同的界面,选择你的次要武器。 1:剑与盾 剑盾组合让你奋战在最前线,成为你盟友的前锋。虽然用盾能够减少你的攻击频率,但能给你很好的保护。 单手武器+6;盾防+5;跑动+4。 使用武器:剑、盾牌。 技能:盾击、劈斩。 盾击:朝敌人挥击盾牌,对敌人造成阻挡和击退。 重斩:对敌人进行一次有力的斩击,削弱他的护甲。 2:标枪 使用投枪兼顾近身和远程战斗,投掷武器的攻击虽然不像弓箭那样远的 距离 ,但会比弓箭造成更多的伤害。根据敌人的远近,你可以在近身攻击和远程攻击之间切换。 投掷武器+6;躲闪+3、盾防+3、跑动+5。 使用武器:标枪、盾牌。 技能:一箭贯心、跛行。 一箭贯心:瞄准敌人的心脏投射,得到附加的精准度,并对目标造成流血效果。 跛行:朝着敌人的脚部投射,减缓目标的行动力。 3:大剑 使用双手武器,削弱了攻击的速度,但更专注于攻击的威力,可以破掉敌人的盔甲造成更多的伤害。 双手武器+6;盾防+5;跑动+5。 使用武器:青铜大剑。 技能:重斩、披荆斩棘。 重斩:对敌人进行一次有力的斩击,削弱他的护甲。 披荆斩棘:挥舞大剑,对身周的复数敌人造成伤害。 4:双持武器 使用双手武器给你更多的灵活性,每种武器可对敌人造成不同的伤害。 双持武器+6;盾防+5;跑动+5;诡计+3。 使用武器:铜斧、铜锤。 技能:飓风连击、精确切割。 飓风连击:对目标造成双重攻击。 精确切割:对敌人进行一次精准的切割,切开目标的动脉,造成流血效果。 5:短弓 用短弓可以在较远的地方攻击敌人,避免遭到敌人的近身攻击。 弓术+6;躲闪+3;诡计+5;跑动+3。 使用武器:短弓。 技能:一箭贯心、跛行。 一箭贯心:瞄准敌人的心脏投射,得到附加的精准度,并对目标造成流血效果。 跛行:朝着敌人的脚部投射,减缓目标的行动力。 6:徒手格斗这是一种较有挑战的战斗风格。伤害比较低,但攻击的频率非常高。在近身徒手格斗中,躲闪的能力非常重要。 徒手格斗+6;躲闪+5;跑动+5;诡计+3。。 使用武器:无。 技能:飓风连击、掌击。 飓风连击:对目标造成双重攻击。 掌击:朝着敌人前胸进行重击一掌,对目标造成击退效果,并能中止对方的法术符咒。您可以使用“u2190 u2192”键快速翻页





atrocity tyranny的区别与用法


nike giannis immortality适合什么季节

nike giannis immortality适合春秋穿。这款鞋子设计是比较透气,而且转正效果比较强,并且很适合于在运动当中跑步,很显着轻便简洁简洁,缓震透气,所以在运动当中穿着是很适合的,在脚暖的天气穿也是很合适的,但是如果冬季穿的话,就显得比较冷了。NIKE公司总部位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰市,公司生产的体育用品包罗万象,例如服装,鞋类,运动器材等,NIKE是全球著名的体育运动品牌,英文原意指希腊胜利女神,中文译为耐克。nike giannis immortality的特点球鞋拿到手第一感觉就是非常轻质,甚至很像是一双跑鞋的重量,球鞋整体的配色看上去很清爽,整体的造型流线感也比较出色,鞋面材质大体可以被分成两部分,整个中前掌的位置,是非常轻薄的网纱材质。外底方面就是以人字纹为基础的加以演变的纹路了,XDR的橡胶材质应该还是比较适合外场的,immortality鞋面材质的细节,鞋面看起来还是很轻薄的,透气性应该是不错的,鞋头位置的内侧有一块热熔的补强,实战的时候保护性还是不错的。球鞋的后半段材质相对较厚,而且外置填充很厚,虽然港宝的面积还比较可观,但是内置填充非常薄。鞋带系统的话看起来中规中矩,没有什么特别的,鞋底的纹路细节,以人字纹为基础的加以演变的纹路了,XDR的橡胶材质应该还是比较适合外场的。

请i love you 的唱者joanna wang的事迹


西城男孩的i donnot wanny fight 的歌词

i can"t sleep everything i ever knew is a lie, without you i can"t breathe when my heart is broke in two there"s no beat without you you"re not gone, but you"re not here is that the way it seems tonight cause we can try to end these wars i know that we can make it right cause baby i don"t wanna fight no more i forgot what we were fighting for and as lonely as it"s in my heart wont let me be apart from you i don"t wanna have to try girl to live without you in my life so, i"m hoping we can start tonight cause i don"t wanna fight, no more how can i live when everything that i adore and everything i"m living for girl it"s in you i can"t dream sleepless nights have got me by the only dream i"ve ever had is being with you i know that we can make it right it"s gonna take a little time lets not leave ourselves with no way out lets not cross that line (that line)i don"t wanna fight no more i forgot what we were fighting for and as lonely as it"s in my heart won"t let me be apart from you i don"t wanna have to try girl to live without you in my life so, i"m hoping we can start tonight cause i don"t wanna fight, no more i made a bet, i made a vow that i will never let you go i mean it then, i mean it now and i wanna tell you so i don"t wanna fight no more (oh no)i forgot what we were fighting for and as lonely as it"s in my heart won"t let me be apart from you i don"t wanna have to try girl to live without you in my life so, i"m hoping we can start tonight (can we start)cause i don"t wanna fight, no more i don"t wanna fight no more i forgot what we were fighting for and as lonely as it′s in my heart won"t let me be apart from you i don"t wanna have to try girl to live without you in my life so, i"m hoping we can start tonight cause i don"t wanna fight, no more without you, without you

求一首英文歌女生唱的节奏挺快歌词有I wanna be right by your side还有I will never let you go的歌

dream you to life

java filechannel最后需要flush吗

需要关闭。 输入输出流是要关闭的 ,用来释放运行过程中保存的资源。Java通过系统类System实现标准输入/输出的功能,定义了3个流变量in,out,和err。这3个流在Java中都定义为静态变量,可以直接通过system进行调用。System.in表示标准输入,通常指从键盘输入数据,System.out表示标准输出,通常指把数据输出到控制台或者屏幕,System.err表示标准错误输出,通常指把数据输出到控制台或者屏幕,最后这些流运行完毕后都要将其关闭释放资源。



Rihanna的《Man Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Man Down歌手:Rihanna专辑:LoudMan DownRihannaI didn"t mean to end his life,I know it wasn"t rightI can"t even sleep at night,can"t get it off my mindI need to get out of sight "for I end up behind, barsWhat started out as a simple altercation,turned into a real sticky situationMe just thinkin" all the timethat I"m best and makes me wanna cryCus I didn"t mean to hurt him,coulda been somebody"s sonAnd I took his heart when, I pulled out that gunRumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man downIn central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiiiOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)When she fits right down in my shoes,but you expect me to do itYou were there playin" me for a fool,I would lose my cool and reach for my firearmI didn"t mean to let em down",but it"s too late to turn back nowDon"t know what I was thinking, now he"s gone, I"m livinSo I"m bout" to leave townCus I didn"t mean to hurt him,coulda been somebody"s sonAnd I took his heart when, I pulled out that gunRumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man downIn central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiiiOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)Said I never thought I"d do it,never thought I"d do it,never thought I"d do it (Oh gosh)Whateva happened to meh,eva happened to meh, eva happened to mehWhy did I pull di trigga,pull di trigga, pull di trigga (BOOM)And end a nigga, end a nigga"s life so soonWhen mi pull di trigga, pull di trigga, pull it pon" youSomebody tell mi what I"m gonna, what I"m gonna do ehhhRumpumpumpum RuupumpumpumRuuupumpumpumm mi say one man downA woman say, RumpumpumpumRuupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm when mi went downtownCus" now I am a criminal, criminal, criminalOh lord have mercy, now I am a criminalMan down tell di judge please gimme meeny moreRun outta town, nun of dem can ci mi now ci mi nowOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man downIn central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiiiOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)

求Rihanna《Loud》专辑内《Man down》的歌词翻译,谢~

你有我,你失去我了,你永远也不会得到机会了,我们分手了,你搞砸了,这一切都制定了最后。我不知道该怎么告诉你,我并不想成为你的,但是你为我做的,你打开,关上了同门。不会是你的门垫,不会流连忘返,它只是不喜欢这样,不要你点击你的手指,你说你不想要我,你不想做我的爱人,现在,你改变了这个故事,我很害怕,那人摔倒,它的比赛结束了。游戏结束。你想要我,你渴望我,你找错了树,我会动摇你,因为我不会带你,这是怎么回事的意思是。我不知道该怎么告诉你,我不爱了,尽管这是一个错误,告诉我走出大门,现在你要我回来,我将不符合,你给我发短信说“我爱你”,你知道我不会回答。不会是你的门垫,不会流连忘返,它只是不喜欢这样,<a href="">Man Down 歌词<a> <a href="">音乐 ABC<a>所以,不要你点击你的手指,你说你不想要我,我不是推覆,现在,你改变了这个故事,我很害怕,那人摔倒,它的比赛结束了。游戏结束。你就不能指望我,每次来运行,因为我快乐我的方式,而我做的很好,我觉得你的痴迷,就像你要我白天和晚上,你不应该让我走,或者至少提出了一个战斗。不,不,不,不是要奔向你,不不。您的游戏结束了。不会是你的门垫,不会流连忘返,它只是不喜欢这样,不要你点击你的手指,你说你不想要我,你不想做我的爱人,现在,你改变了这个故事,我很害怕,那人摔倒它的比赛结束了。它的比赛结束了,哦,不,不,比赛结束了,现在,你改变,这个故事,有人受伤了,它的比赛结束了。

i wanna nobody nobody but you 什么意思

i wanna nobody nobody but you 我想没有人除了你双语对照例句:1.I want nobody nobody but you. 我想要没有人没有人但你。2.Nobody but you came here yesterday. 昨天,除了你之外没有人来。

求韩文歌歌名 歌词含有i wanna nobody but you



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(I Wanna) Make Love to You 歌词

歌曲名:(I Wanna) Make Love to You歌手:Hanne Boel专辑:Best OfJohnta Austin - Make Love To YouNever thought I could feel like this, like thisGirl you got to know you are the hottest everSee everything you do is all hit no miss, no missA woman like you and me should be togetherI sweating you babyc"uz tonight is the night for you to be aloneI"m telling you baby sex with me is like, like your favorite songAll I want to do is kiss you in all of the places that your man don"t know aboutBaby I know what you like, the car is right outsideThat"s when she said, don"t let me be alone tonightThat"s when I said, I"ll give you what you want tonightBaby I got a king size bed with your name written on it and a night you won"t forgetIf you let me I"ll make love to you(Then I said) Girl I don"t think you抣l need your friends, your friendscuz they ain going to work your lil" body like me, like meAw baby just call me off state* c"uz your in good hands, good hands,Promise I"mma treat you like a lady, ooh I"m going to drive your body crazyI"m sweating you babyc"uz tonight is the night for you to be aloneI"m telling you baby sex with me is like, like your favorite songAll I want to do is kiss you in all of the places that your man don"t know aboutSweetie I know what you like, the car is right outsideThen she said, don抰 let me be alone tonightThat"s when I said, I抣l give you what you want tonightBaby I got a king size bed with your name written on it and a night you won"t forgetIf you let me I"ll make love to youDon"t let me be alone tonightThat when I said, I"ll give you what you want tonightBaby I got a king size bed with your name written on it and a night you won"t forgetIf you let me I"ll make love to youShaGuar & MoyileShaGuar 制作

I Wanna Know What Love Is 歌词

歌曲名:I Wanna Know What Love Is歌手:Mono T.专辑:A Mono SoundMariah Carey - I Wanna Know What Love IsI gotta take a little timeA little time to think things overI better read between the linesIn case I need it when Im olderIn my life theres been heartache and painI dont know if I can face it againCant stop now, Ive traveled so farTo change this lonely lifeI wanna know what love isI want you to show meI wanna feel what love isI know you can show meIm gonna take a little timeA little time to look around meIve got nowhere left to hideIt looks like love has finally found meOhhh In my life theres been heartache and painI dont know if I can face it againI cant stop now, Ive traveled so farTo change this lonely lifeI wanna know what love isI want you to show meI wanna feel what love isAnd I know you can show meI wanna know what love isI want you to show meI wanna feel, I want to feel what love isAnd I know, I know you can show meLets talk about love

寻找“I wanne know what love is”的歌词

I gotta take a little timeA little time to think things overI better read between the linesIn case I need it when I"m olderNow this mountain I must climbFeels like a world upon my shouldersI through the clouds I see love shineIt keeps me warm as life grows colderIn my life there"s been heartache and painI don"t know if I can face it againCan"t stop now, I"ve traveled so farTo change this lonely lifeForeignerI wanna know what love isI want you to show meI wanna feel what love isI know you can show meI"m gonna take a little timeA little time to look around meI"ve got nowhere left to hideIt looks like love has finally found meIn my life there"s been heartache and painI don"t know if I can face it againI can"t stop now, I"ve traveled so farTo change this lonely lifeI wanna know what love isI wanna feel what love isI know you can show meI wanna know what love isI want you to show meAnd I wanna feel, I want to feel what love isAnd I know, I know you can show meLet"s talk about loveI wanna know what love is, the love that you feel insideI want you to show me, and I"m feeling so much loveI wanna feel what love is, no, you just cannot hideI know you can show me, yeahI wanna know what love is, let"s talk about loveI want you to show me, I wanna feel it tooI wanna feel what love is, I want to feel it tooAnd I know and I know, I know you can show meShow me love is real, yeahI wanna know what love is...

歌词- i wanna to kown what love is

歌手:mariah carey 专辑:memoirs of an imper 搜索"i want to know what love is"LRC歌词 搜索"i want to know what love is"mp3 [ti:i want to know what love is] [ar:mariah carey] [al:memoirs of an imperfect angel] [by:活在当下] mariah carey - i want to know what love is i gotta take a little time a little time to think things over i better read between the lines in case i need it when i"m colder in my life there"s been heartache and pain i don"t know if i can face it again can"t stop now, i"ve traveled so far to change this lonely life i want to know what love is i want you to show me i want to feel what love is i know you can show me gonna take a little time a little time to look around me i"ve got nowhere left to hide it looks like love"s finally found me in my life there"s been heartache and pain i don"t know if i can face it again can"t stop now, i"ve traveled so far to change this lonely life i want to know what love is i want you to show me i want to feel what love is i know you can show me i want to know what love is i want you to show me i want to feel what love is i know you can show me i want to know what love is i want you to show me

英语阅读题,True , False , Cannot Say 三个选择

这短文讲的是关于企业经营理念和宗旨问题。一语以概之就是企业在制订经营宗旨时应不仅从实际业务着眼还要放眼于大的发展方向。22. F (带only的这种表述一般都有误的)23. T (对应本文第一句这好象是CS,但第二句末尾又说:from which a clear sense of business definition and direction can be achieved,所以应该是T)24. T (对应This stage is often overlooked in marketingplanning)25. CS (不同部门对企业宗旨可能有不同理解,显然未提及)



i don t wanna lose you 吴建豪 歌词

I don"t wanna lose you ある日偶然に 见かけた君に 户惑いは 隐せないものね 邻で微笑む ウワサの娘 Slow down 落ち著かなきゃね ドキドキの胸 押さえながらも 步いてみたけれど 目が钉付けで 君のくちびる 何か传えていたよ I don"t wanna lose you 何も见えない 泪で渗んだ景色 あの娘 ラッキみ·ガみル そう 君を虏にして 辉いている 突然气付いて 手を振る君に ぎこちない微笑みを返して 私の思考はカラ回り Slow down 谁のせいでもない どうかしてるね 途切れたメロディみ 思い出したりして 君の前をわざとゆっくり 通り过ぎてみたけど I don"t wanna lose you もう少しだけ 私だけ见ていて欲しい 君のラッキみ·ガみル なれなくて 孤独感じた 思い出の场所 I don"t wanna lose you もう少しだけ まだ 过去形にはできないよ 君の声がエンドレスに 缲り返してる 梦の中に

求一首一句歌词是i never wanna lose you的英文歌

never wanna lose you

1 don′t wanna lose you什么什么意思?

Dont Wanna Lose You Yet 歌词

歌曲名:Dont Wanna Lose You Yet歌手:Bertolf专辑:For LifeDon"t Wanna Lose Youby 明Say - say it ain"t over"cuz my heart is crying for youDown - deep down you know thatSo can you forgive me the truthI kept my feelings inside of meBut now I can seeDon"t wanna lose youI"m here to stayDid I confuse you - girlBelieve when I sayI never meant toOoohhHurt you that way"cuz I can"t take a day without youHere by my sideHere by my side, yeahby 明I - I got this feelingThat you"re gonna show me the wayHow can I convince youThat love is the reason to stayI kept my feelings inside of meBut now I can seeDon"t wanna lose youI"m here to stayDid I confuse you - girlBelieve when I sayI never meant toOoohhHurt you that way"cuz I can"t take a day without youHere by my sideby 明Ooohh yeahby 明Don"t wanna lose you(Lose you)I"m here to stayDid I confuse you - girlBelieve when I sayI never meant toOoohhHurt you that way"cuz I can"t take a day without you(Without you)Here by my side(Here by my side)Here by my sideI never meant toOoohhHurt you that way"cuz I can"t take a day without you(Without you)Here by my side

吴建豪《I don’t wanna lose you》中文翻译歌词


don\'t wanna lose you是什么意思


I don t wanna lose you yes I wanna hold you

prisoner of love

求歌词里有i don t wanna lose you love(大概是这样),是一首英文老歌.

I never thought I would lose my mind that I could control this Never thought that I d be left behind that i was stronger than you, baby girl if only I knew what I ve done you know, so why don t you tell me And I, wouldbring down the moon and the sun To show how much I care Don t wanna lose you now 这句?Baby, I know we can win this Don t wanna lose you now No no, or ever again I ve got this feeling you re not gonna stay it s burning within me the fear of losing you of slipping away it just keeps getting closer, baby whatever reasonto leave that I ve had my place was always beside you And I wish that I didn t need you so bad your face just won t go away Don t wanna lose you now Baby, I know we can win this Don t wanna lose you now No no, or ever again I never thought that I would lose my mind That I could control this never thought that I d be left behind that I was stronger than you Don t wanna lose to loneliness girl I know we can win Don t wanna lose to emptiness, oh no Never again Don t wanna lose you now Baby, I know we can win this Don t wanna lose you now No no, or ever again 是后街男孩的Don"t wanna lose you now

i don’t wanna lose you 是什么意思?


I don’t wanna lose you 中文歌词

你的温柔的天真 和你在一起的时间也不会再? 你的微笑也像你的脸也 我的思念也已经吗? is this meant to be ? 似乎他的“再见”发送的电子邮件 in time you will一行 不知为何,身边 “我什么都不需要你的话…” 现在,是否还能一如既往地 星星的希望 现在你 跑出了黄昏的街道, i don " t wanna lose you你身边 孤独过喜欢自由啦 他的态度i " m sorry 结束了恋爱或心灵创伤 你在坐满了些my life is this meant to be ? 但并不是 my insecurity 强度穿错的 夏日的终结难过 秋风令人揪心的 现在才孩子气 我泪来 跑...

Golang 语言深入理解:channel

本文是对 Gopher 2017 中一个非常好的 Talk: [Understanding Channel](GopherCon 2017: Kavya Joshi - Understanding Channels) 的学习笔记,希望能够通过对 channel 的关键特性的理解,进一步掌握其用法细节以及 Golang 语言设计哲学的管窥蠡测。 channel 是可以让一个 goroutine 发送特定值到另一个 gouroutine 的通信机制。 原生的 channel 是没有缓存的(unbuffered channel),可以用于 goroutine 之间实现同步。 关闭后不能再写入,可以读取直到 channel 中再没有数据,并返回元素类型的零值。 gopl/ch3/netcat3 首先从 channel 是怎么被创建的开始: 在 heap 上分配一个 hchan 类型的对象,并将其初始化,然后返回一个指向这个 hchan 对象的指针。 理解了 channel 的数据结构实现,现在转到 channel 的两个最基本方法: sends 和 receivces ,看一下以上的特性是如何体现在 sends 和 receives 中的: 假设发送方先启动,执行 ch <- task0 : 如此为 channel 带来了 goroutine-safe 的特性。 在这样的模型里, sender goroutine -> channel -> receiver goroutine 之间, hchan 是唯一的共享内存,而这个唯一的共享内存又通过 mutex 来确保 goroutine-safe ,所有在队列中的内容都只是副本。 这便是著名的 golang 并发原则的体现: 发送方 goroutine 会阻塞,暂停,并在收到 receive 后才恢复。 goroutine 是一种 用户态线程 , 由 Go runtime 创建并管理,而不是操作系统,比起操作系统线程来说,goroutine更加轻量。 Go runtime scheduler 负责将 goroutine 调度到操作系统线程上。 runtime scheduler 怎么将 goroutine 调度到操作系统线程上? 当阻塞发生时,一次 goroutine 上下文切换的全过程: 然而,被阻塞的 goroutine 怎么恢复过来? 阻塞发生时,调用 runtime sheduler 执行 gopark 之前,G1 会创建一个 sudog ,并将它存放在 hchan 的 sendq 中。 sudog 中便记录了即将被阻塞的 goroutine G1 ,以及它要发送的数据元素 task4 等等。 接收方 将通过这个 sudog 来恢复 G1 接收方 G2 接收数据, 并发出一个 receivce ,将 G1 置为 runnable : 同样的, 接收方 G2 会被阻塞,G2 会创建 sudoq ,存放在 recvq ,基本过程和发送方阻塞一样。 不同的是,发送方 G1如何恢复接收方 G2,这是一个非常神奇的实现。 理论上可以将 task 入队,然后恢复 G2, 但恢复 G2后,G2会做什么呢? G2会将队列中的 task 复制出来,放到自己的 memory 中,基于这个思路,G1在这个时候,直接将 task 写到 G2的 stack memory 中! 这是违反常规的操作,理论上 goroutine 之间的 stack 是相互独立的,只有在运行时可以执行这样的操作。 这么做纯粹是出于性能优化的考虑,原来的步骤是: 优化后,相当于减少了 G2 获取锁并且执行 memcopy 的性能消耗。 channel 设计背后的思想可以理解为 simplicity 和 performance 之间权衡抉择,具体如下: queue with a lock prefered to lock-free implementation: 比起完全 lock-free 的实现,使用锁的队列实现更简单,容易实现

LANN CKE SLOWLIFE注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

LANN CKE SLOWLIFE商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有0件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,LANN CKE SLOWLIFE还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)

cannot find a part of the path,该怎么解决

could not find a part of the path找不到路径的一个组成部分--建议你建一个专用的域账号并给他分配权限,然后设成密码不可修改、永不过期什么的,比直接用自己的好。然后:a.把service的运行账号改成这个域账号或者b.在代码里访问网络文件夹的前后加上身份模拟下面这个是我一直用的,或者你google下别人的代码(C# 身份模拟)

"the system cannot find the path specified" 是什么意思

"the system cannot find the path specified"“系统找不到指定的路径”重点词汇system制度; 体系,系统; 身体; 方法cannot不能; 未可; 不可path小路,路; 路线,路程; 〈比喻〉道路; 途径specified指定( specify的过去式和过去分词 ); 详述; 提出…的条件;

"the system cannot find the path specified" 是什么意思

"the system cannot find the path specified"“系统找不到指定的路径” 重点词汇system制度; 体系,系统; 身体; 方法cannot不能; 未可; 不可path小路,路; 路线,路程; 〈比喻〉道路; 途径specified指定( specify的过去式和过去分词 ); 详述; 提出…的条件;

Rule, Britannia 的歌词

When Britain first— at Heaven"s command Arose— from out the azure main Arose, arose, arose from out the azure main This was the charter, The charter of the land, And guardian angels sung this strain: Refrain: Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves, Britons never never never shall be slaves. The nations, not— so blest as thee, Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall: Must in, must in, must in their turns to tyrants fall. While thou shalt flourish, Shalt flourish great and free, The dread and envy of them all. Refrain: Still more majestic shalt thou rise, More dreadful, from each foreign stroke: More dreadful, dreadful, dreadful from each foreign stroke. As the loud blast, The blast that tears the skies, Serves but to root thy native oak. Refrain: Thee haughty tyrants ne"er shall tame: All their attempts to bend thee down, All their, all their, all their attempts to bend thee down Will but arouse thy, Arouse thy generous flame; But work their woe, and thy renown. Refrain: To thee belongs the rural reign; Thy cities— shall with commerce shine: Thy cities, cities, cities shall with commerce shine All thine shall be the, Shall be the subject main, And every shore it circles thine. Refrain: The Muses, still with freedom found, Shall to— thy happy coast repair: Shall to, shall to, shall to thy happy coast repair Blest isle! with matchless, With matchless beauty crown"d, And manly hearts to guard the fair.

找一首歌啊,感觉歌词有like you, you drop me crazy ,i just wanna be the love

《wanna be where you are》歌手是M2M 我觉得应该是这首。

I Wanna Know 歌词

歌曲名:I Wanna Know歌手:Blue专辑:GuiltyBlue - I Wanna KnowYeah, BlueGet to the floor (that"s right)Get to the floor (you heard)Get to the floor (get to the floor)Get to the floorJust DanceFirst grab a lady, know what I"m sayingTrust meShaped like an hourglass, helloWhat"s your name and number let me know (c"mon)You"re the baddest thing for sure (yeah, yeah)Shorty we should do it all tonight (that"s right)No disrespect to you lady (no, no)But your walkie talk is like crazyYou should take the time to get to know me (what, what)Like I said lets do it all tonightSo if you"re feeling meCome put your hands on me (put your hands on me girl)And we can do this all nightI want you to leave with me tonightWanna know what"s going through your mindIs it that you want me by your side?Is it that you know I"ll treat you rightI wanna know if you see us holding handsI wanna know if you see me as your manI wanna know everything that"s on your mindCause you"re the baddest thing here tonight (trust me)Got a little dough I"ve been saving,On you I"m thinking about spendingHere to the mall, walk till you fallShorty we should do it all tonightGot plans to make you my lady (lady)Anything you want from me tell me (tell me)Just watch me work it babyLike I said lets do it all tonight (let"s do it, c"mon c"mon)So if you"re feeling meCome put your hands on meAnd we can do this all night (all night)I want you to leave with me tonightWanna know what"s going through your mindIs it that you want me by your side?Is it that you know I"ll treat you rightI wanna know if you see us holding handsI wanna know if you see me as your manI wanna know everything that"s on your mindCause you"re the baddest thing here tonightCan"t you see? (can"t you see)Baby you and meLiving life together as one endlessly (endlessly)Cause my hopes and dreamsAre so vividly colourfulOf painted pictures of us in loveDanceGet to the floor (c"mon y"all)Get To The floor (yeah, yeah)Get to the floor (c"mon y"all))Get to the floor (just dance)Get to the floor (c"mon c"mon)You"re the baddest thing up in here tonight (tonight)Get to the floorBaby girl you"re looking outta sightGet to the floorJust danceI want you to leave with me tonightWanna know what"s going through your mindIs it that you want me by your side?Is it that you know I"ll treat you rightI wanna know if you see us holding handsI wanna know if you see me as your manI wanna know everything that"s on your mindCause you"re the baddest thing here tonightYou"re the baddest thing here tonightBaby girl you"re looking outta sight



anna abreu的 worst part is over 的歌词~ 英文就好了,谢谢~

余小海2011-04-18 11:52回复 悄悄话You"re moving on, that"s what they say But how can I feel this way, with a broken heart alone in the dark. Looking for a way to escape, when it gets hard you gotta stay strong . When everybody wants you to feel, where are the world today. You lost the spark, and that"s the worst part. But you gotta take the good with the bad. No matter what, I called you god You still? When it gets hard you gotta stay strong, see what I mean one day. Where are the world today .Worst part is over? It"s always the darkest before you see the light. You keep on falling, hear me calling out to you, Just don"t give up, don"t let nobody to break you down .Worst part is over?? It"s always the darkest before you see the light. You keep on falling, hear me calling out to you, Just don"t give up, don"t let nobody to break you down . You keep on falling, hear me calling out to you, Just don"t give up, don"t let nobody to break you down . They knocking them down. Just follow the sound so when you are falling Hear me calling I"ll keep holding out to you. Worst part is over?? It"s always the darkest before you see the light. You keep on falling, hear me calling out to you, Just don"t give up, don"t let nobody to break you down. You keep on falling, hear me calling out to you, Just don"t give up, don"t let nobody to break you down. I"m really sorry, but I had no idea what Redman was singing.

Bring Me The Night-- Sam Tsui & Kina Grannis 中文和英文歌词..

Measuring days in the spaces between our goodbyesLearning to wait through the endless paradeOf our same old see-you-next-time sBut when I close my eyes, the miles melt awayLike you re here in my arms at the end of the day.So bring me the night, send out the starsCause when I m dreaming we don t seem so farDarken the sky, and light up the moonSo that somehow you ll be here with me soonBring me the nightBring me the nightThat brings me to youYou..Wondering when you ll be with me again and thisFinally can be more than just a dreamBut when I close my eyes, I want only to stayWhere the farthest you are is a heartbeat away.So bring me the night, send out the starsCause when I m dreaming we don t seem so farDarken the sky, and light up the moonSo that somehow you ll be here with me soonBring me the nightBring me the nightThat brings me to you.And it s enough, knowing you are calling to meWhile we re dreaming beneath the same moonAll it takes is imagining you so that I can get throughOne more long and lonely day.So bring the night, tell me it s nearGive me the chance to to pretend to you re hereDarken the sky and light up the moon,Please bring it soon..Cause when I m dreaming we don t seem so farDarken the sky, and light up the moonSo that somehow you ll be here with me soonBring me the night,Bring me the night,Bring me the night,Bring me the nightThat brings me to you..

All I wanna do is love your body 的歌词的歌名是什么


《cry on my shulder 》 《be what you wanna be》 两首英文歌的歌词翻译

第一首歌词如果你的真命天子仍未来到如果你情绪低落需要有人陪伴如果你离爱遥远,孑然一人如果你打电话给朋友却没有一人在家你可以逃开却不可以隐藏经历了风暴忍受了孤独我要让你知道每人都有他的命运一生中最美的事那就是自由如果你想哭靠着我的肩膀如果你需要关怀你的人如果你感到悲伤心渐渐变冷我会让你知道真爱的力量如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告诉我天堂总有一块我们要投奔的乐土 如果天堂离我们有百万年远哦,只要来个电话 让我与你相约当夜变冷变深 当日子变得艰难我会一直陪在你身边我向你承诺,我不会躲藏 真爱的力量爱的力量第二首中文歌词医生,演员,律师或者歌手. 为什么不是总统,做一个有梦想的人 只要你想,你就能做到 警察,消防员还是邮递员 为什么不是像你老人的某些事情 只要你想,你就能做到 医生,演员,律师或者歌手. 为什么不是总统,做一个有梦想的人 只要你想,你就能做到 我知道我们得到了我们共同享有的一件事情 我们得到了一个美丽的梦 我们活着为了 你不知道生活会带给我们什么 因为没有什么能够永恒 继续为你的团队努力 我知道你能到达顶点 确定你不会停止 做你想做的事 现在跟我一起唱 我们也许有不同的思维方式 但这没什么 我们一起被生命吸引 注视每一件细小的事 这才是重要的事 豪华的车 那不是真正的生活 我知道你能到达顶点 确信你不会停止 做你想做的事 现在跟我一起唱 医生,演员,律师或者歌手, 为什么不是总统,做一个有梦想的人 只要你想,你就能做到 警察,消防员还是邮递员 为什么不是像你老人的某些事情 只要你想,你就能做到 去年我一直梦想这么一天 现在我在这为你歌唱 我希望我能感动你 因为我得到所有的爱,因为我得到所有的爱为你

《Swanns Way 》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Swann"s Way》(Marcel Proust)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:bsmq书名:Swann"s Way作者:Marcel Proust译者:Lydia Davis豆瓣评分:9.4出版社:Penguin Classics出版年份:2004-11-30页数:468内容简介:Marcel Proustas "In Search of Lost Time" is one of the most entertaining reading experiences in any language and arguably the finest novel of the twentieth century. But since its original prewar translation there has been no completely new version in English. Now, Penguin Classics brings Proustas masterpiece to new audiences throughout the world, beginning with Lydia Davisas internationally acclaimed translation of the first volume, "Swannas Way."

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经典的英文歌曲,类似于You Make me wanna

A Fine Frenzy - Almost LoverKelly Mack - Take Me With YouLucky Twice - LuckyDido - Life For RentEliza Doolittle - Missing.Melanie C - First Day Of My LifeSelena Gomez - Who Says.Catie Mckinney--SunriseOne direction--What makes you beautifulMuse - Can"t Take My Eyes Off You.Bruno mars - Count on meLady GaGa--PaparazziJessica Simpson - A Little BitJoy enriquez - losing the loveTaylor Swift-redRihanna-diamondMarcela Morelo-loving you F1ona - Jami Soul SheMaroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
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