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scanner scan =new scanner(什么意思

Scanner是SDK1.5新增的一个类,可以使用该类创建一个对象:Scanner reader=new Scanner(; 然后reader对象调用下列方法(函数),读取用户在命令行输入的各种数据类型: next.Byte(),nextDouble(),nextFloat,nextInt(),nextLin(),nextLong(),nextShot() 上述方法执行时都会造成堵塞,等待用户在命令行输入数据回车确认. 例如,拥护在键盘输入12.34,hasNextFloat()的值是true,而hasNextInt()的值是false. NextLine()等待用户输入一个文本行并且回车,该方法得到一个String类型的数据。


这是因为你没有导入Scanner的包,在java类的最上方加上import java.util.Scanner;或者你也可以使用ctrl+shfit+o快捷键自动导入所有没有导入的包,也可以鼠标放在有红色波浪线的类上面,会弹出提示框,第一个就是import "Scanner"。


扫描器,用来在控制台接收用户输入Scanner scan=new Scanner(;

(Pthc) !!! NEW !!! ann E-BlueHotel_05(Ann@8) 里面的歌曲名称是什么

may it be - enya

said the voice of the television announcer.翻译是电视广播员说,为什么加voice呢,总感觉有点别扭,


gatal—janni nick歌词大意

Biarkanlah resah sayang让亲爱的坐立不安Sukar ku lalui我好难离开Buat ku berduka让我好伤心*Kenangkanlah oh semalam纪念昨晚吧Walau cinta dikunci虽然爱情被锁了Janji tak ku lupa我忘不了承诺**Tak daya ku halangi我没能力越过,Tak ku cuba jauhi我尝试远离Tetap di sini可是还是在这里Terus menanti我继续等待Korus Ikrar kita mengharungi badai sakti我们的誓约经历过神奇的暴风Mencari sinar kasih suci寻找到了阳光 仁爱的圣洁Walaupun nafas ku ini pasti terhenti虽然我的呼吸会被停止Jangan pula ada sangsi lub

I wanna run to you是哪首歌里的歌词?

  以下是我找到的答案惠特尼 休斯顿 - Run To You I know that when you look at meThere"s so much that you just don"t seeBut if you would only take the timeI know in my heart you"d findA girl who"s scared sometimesWho isn"t always strongCan"t you see the hurt in me?I feel so all aloneI wanna run to you (oooh)I wanna run to you (oooh)Won"t you hold me in your armsAnd keep me safe from harmI wanna run to you (oooh)But if I come to you (oooh)Tell me, will you stay or will you run awayEach day, each day I play the roleOf someone always in controlBut at night I come home and turn the keyThere"s nobody there, no one cares for meWhat"s the sense of trying hard to find your dreamsWithout someone to share it withTell me what does it mean?I wanna run to you (oooh)I wanna run to you (oooh)Won"t you hold me in your armsAnd keep me safe from harmI wanna run to you (oooh)But if I come to you (oooh)Tell me, will you stay or will you run awayrun awayI need you hereI need you here to wipe away my tearsTo kiss away my fearsIf you only knew how much...

请帮忙写篇英语作文:the one thing I cannot live without is knowledge.高悬赏!急!

请帮忙写篇英语作文:the one thing I cannot live without is knowledge.高悬赏!急! It is said that knowledge is power.Indeed,as the development of the society,a good grasp of a knowledge is a key to suess. I ,as well need knowledge badly so that i can"t live without it. In the daily life, I need knowledge to solve problems such as how to municate with foreigners or how to make a supper.Let alone in the filed of acdemic. so, knowledge is very important in my life. 请帮忙写篇英语作文 初一作文,我写的,给我最佳。 It have been discussed for a long time that how to deal with the uncivilized behaviors during the travel, such as write on the place of historic interests, or claim to old trees. This kind of things happened in China more often than any other countries. What can we do to prevent those actions? Though we have advocate education of the tourists for years, the situation was not better than be imagined. In my opinion, we still have to encourage the education of our tourists, but with some change. For example, we should not only disseminate “Don"t Do Sth.”, but also with the reason and an explanation that it is not cool to sign names or words everywhere, in the contrary, we have to ashamed of that. Make a parison beeen foreigners and us can also increase our consciousness. 求达人帮忙写篇英语作文,高分悬赏! "Aording to the survey: arranged marriage than free love marriage divorce rate low, so someone that- arranged marriage than free love of the happiness of marriage degree is high, such a conclusion". Then think of this statement at odds, but they didn"t want to what it at odds in there. Today because of something, I suddenly thought of this problem, see the problem. Below we from longitudinal and transverse o direction to illustrate the problem: The longitudinal: thousands of years in China feudal society of China people"s thoughts in a conservative state, more people can"t, when not good at to express his thoughts and feelings. Our father in love time perhaps even a "I love you" are not said. It is this reason, even if their marital problems, they may choose to "aept, silent, his presidency. Think about China"s first caused a sensation of divorce together, s ~ s divorce of people affected by the frowns of, innumerable imperative to persuade "we do not have a divorce precedent", then how dare mention "divorce" 2 words. With the development of The Times, people"s thinking more and more open, when we open our doors, foreign thoughts also influence we of this generation. "Pursuit ego", "be kind to yourself", "enjoy life" words bee the mainstream ideology in our mind. We will actively pursue their love, to pursue their own happiness. At the same time, when to his marriage not content, this generation will say "divorce" 2 words, never keep a "barely happiness". Horizontal: in one generation, introverted or their own conditions limited (appearance, money, family circumstances, etc) people to aept the probability of "introduction marriage". And the outgoing or their own conditions of superior pursue "love marriage" likely to be big. The o types of people in the face of marriage at a red light, the former because of the character of the conservative or some real reasons, may be don"t or wouldn"t break now of the calm, they choose "to" the probability to big; The latter because of the character of the outgoing or superior conditions, he chose "back to" likely to be big. This is the longitudinal and transverse parison, through this parison, we can see why arranged marriage than free love divorce rate to low, but which happiness? Marriage is not I the young unmarried people can say clear. Even if people in marriage, also may not be able to understand said. Different marriage, different feelings. And happiness with everyone in the standard, a standard, is a different result, also have no way to clarify. Marriage this university may use the entire lives to read!“据调查显示:包办婚姻比自由恋爱的婚姻的离婚率低的多,因此有人得出了-——包办婚姻比自由恋爱的婚姻的幸福程度高--这样的结论”。当时就觉得这个说法别扭,但是一直没有想它到底别扭在那里。今天由于某件事情,我突然想到了这个问题,明白了这个问题。 下面我们从纵向和横向两个方向来说明这个问题: 纵向:中国几千年的封建社会使中国人民的思想处在一个保守的状态,更多时候人们都不敢、不善于表达自己的想法、感情。我们的父辈也许在恋爱时连一句“我爱你”都没有说过。正是由于这种原因,即使他们的婚姻出现问题时,他们可能会选择“接受,沉默,隐忍”。想想中国第一起离婚案时引起的轰动,六七十年代离婚的人遭受的白眼,无数个命令式的劝说“我们家没有离婚的先例”,当时的人怎么敢提“离婚”二字。随着时代的发展,人们的思想越来越开放,当我们开启国门的时候,国外的思想也影响了我们这一代人。“追求自我”,“善待自我”,“享受生活”等词语成为我们著一代人的思想主流。我们会去主动追求自己的爱情,追求自己的幸福。同时,当对自己的婚姻不满意时,这一代人会说出“离婚”二字,决不会守着那份“勉强的幸福”。 横向:在同一代人中,性格内向或者自身条件所限(相貌,金钱,家境等)的人接受“介绍婚姻”的概率要大。而那些性格外向或自身条件优越的人追求“恋爱婚姻”的可能性要大。这两类人在面对婚姻中的红灯时,前者由于性格的保守或一些现实的原因,很可能不愿或不能打破现在的平静,他们选择“坚持”的概率要大;后者由于性格的外向或优越的条件,他选择“重新来过”的可能性要大。 这是纵向和横向的比较,通过这样的比较,我们可以看到为什么包办婚姻比自由恋爱的离婚率要低,但是哪个幸福呢?婚姻不是我这种年轻的未婚人士能说的清楚的。即使是以婚人士,也未必能说明白。不同的婚姻,不同的感受。而且幸福在与每个人的标准,标准不一样,就有不一样的结果,同样也没有办法说清楚。婚姻这所大学也许人要用一生才能读完! 帮我写篇英语作文:Why I take the CET4高分悬赏 Why I take the CET 4 Although nowadays more and more people take the college English Test Band 4, still there are people who think it is unnecessary to take the CET--4. They may think that it is enough to study English. Ihave my own opinion. I think it is necessary to take CET--4. The reasons are as follows: first, English only means that you have the ability to read, write,speak and listen to simple English, you are far from being good at English. Second,with the development of market economy, more and more foreigners are ing to China.Since many people in the world speak English, you can munieate with them freely if you have a gty. Jd cx *** mand of the language. Last, if you plan to take CET--4, you will continue your English study, instead of sping English study , which will bring your English to a higher level. Higher English level will help you to find a satisfactory job in the future. I take CET--4 not only for a pans, but also for improving my English. So even after I pass it, I will continue my English study. 译文如下: 我为什么参加大学英语四级考试 尽管现在越来越多的学生参加大学英语四级考试,但是仍有人认为这是不必要的。他们或许以为学会英语就足够了。 我有自己的看法。我认为参加四级考试是必要的。理由如下:首先,学会英语只说明你具备了读、写、说、听简单英语的能力,你的英语还差得远。其次,随着市场经济的发展,许多外国人来到中国。由于世界上许多人说英语,如果你的英语掌握得好,你可以与外国人自由交流。最后,如果你打算参加四级考试,你就会继续学英语,这将会使你的英语达到较高水平,而不是学会英语以后就停止不学了。英语水平高会在将来有助于你找到一份满意的工作。 我参加大学英语四级考试不仅仅是为了通过考试,而是为了提高我的英语水平。因此,即使我通过了考试,我还要继续学英语。 帮忙写篇英语作文Life without puter,120字。 Necessity is the mother of invention.............few decades back we couldn"t imagine what we can do today.......ofcourse inter and puter will be replaced by something more need not be worried.even if it happens that we can neither use the inter nor the puter, we will survive.this type of speculations flood people"s mind everyday,before the wide spread aeptance of the puter, this was a major fear amongst the will ofcourse be a bit of uneasiness.hardship for few days.or for few months.or even years to go.but eventually, we will e out with some innovative idea to fet about the PCs and the we almost fot about transistor radios. Life without inter and puter wouldn"t be a life within. if puter or inter wouldn"t have been there then u wouldn"t have asked this question and or would i be answering it. world would have sped municating as they did before, so many people would have lost teir jobs. imagining life without puter or inter is not impossible but counting it"s effects on us from 1 day 2 day life r may say that a long time ago if there was no puter. or inter. so there would be no change at all. but however today people who at once find gold to build their house out of it and no precautions such as robber"s steelin" something. without puter it couldn"t get any worse. 请帮忙写篇容入集体的英语作文 get on well with ohters one should get on well with others if he wants to be an independent.No one can finish everything without any help from the others.And colorful lives need the collective happiness,we chat,play and do many things together to make our lives interesting.a lonely being bees desolate for he chooses to try to be with the others ,you will find something difficult will be easy ,someone boring will be intriguing,and someting you dont like will be your hobbies.finally you will be perfectly good boy or girl 帮忙写篇英语作文,题目是:The one i love most The one I love most My father is the one I love most, which is a definite answer for me. I have thought he is the best man in the world since I was a little girl. I am proud of him. He loves me all the time whatever is happening. When I grew up and even now I have a boyfriend, his love is never changed. I enjoy my boy friend"s love as well, but if somebody asks me who is the one I love most, I will still answer him straight out: it"s my father. 速求英语作文:If we don"t have knowledge 急!高悬赏!今天就要! The developing of world is getting quickily and quickily.We need knowledge as much as possible. Knowledge helps to open our eyes and learn a lot .If we don"t have knowledge,we can;t even live a happy life. First,we can"t find a good job which we enjoy.Maybe we just make a little money.As you know,money is not the most important thing in the world,but we also can;t have no money. Second,it;s not easy to make friends without konwledge.No one would like to be friends with a stupid person.Everyone wants to talk about something happened with friends,or their worries and problems. In a word,no konwledge,no happy life. 寒假初中英语作文3篇 急求~~~~~ 高悬赏 1 In ten years,I think I "ll be a reporter.I wiil live in an apartement with my sister.Because I don"t like living alone. And I can play with her inth aparement.So in ten years,I willba a good reporter.I will meet a lot of interesting and faous people and I willgo to another places on business.In ten years,i will have many different pets. Maybe I will keep a pet turtle.I think I will go shopping with my sister as long as I have time.And I will go to london on my vacation. So,my life in ten years will be better and better! 2 A Rainy Day the weather was so bad today as well as my mood.i failed in my test and was scolded by my teacher.i was so upset because i had try my best and spent a lot of time doing make things worse,it started to rain when the class is over. i stared at the gray sky,wondering whether i should to run in the rain.suddenly, someone patted my shoulder.i turned back immediately and find it was my best friend.saying nothing,he give me his umbrella with a *** ile.i felt so moved and warm. 3 I had a dream that I wanted to be a dancer .But now it"s just a dream in my heart. I lost my both legs in an aident.I had cried for a long time for I couldn"t aept this truth. I like dancing on the platform where I can show myself well. Three years has passed since that terrible thing.I began to learn how to make myself happy and mature.Even I still want to dance but I love my new job better. And I believe that trust yourself and you will do it best. 找高手帮忙写篇英语作文 Have you ever wondered why football is being more and more popular worldwide? Football, otherwise known as soer, is played all over the world. The exciting gaming process is extremely exciting, both for the players and the viewers. Football fans are spread throughout the world to support their favorite teams. The 90 minute football games are not violent but both physically and mentally challenging, and it also requires teamwork. Therefore, many schools have included soer into their physical education program, and thus, giving children opportunities to play football and learn football. Many students, both young and old, enjoy football and that is also an important factor which makes soer popular. Females who dislike physical activities can also enjoy soer because there are many handsome players out there and there are often female fans who chase after their favorite players and worshiping them as idols and stars. Soer is popular worldwide because of how mon it is, how challenging and fun it is and how entertaining it is for both male and female, young and old. Playing football is healthy and both physically and mentally challenging, thus, making it one of the most popular sports on earth.

谁给我推荐几首英文歌啊 晚上一个人听的那种 像「like a rose」 和you make me wanna 那种的

YUN.皇潮. 为您推荐,如果满意谢谢采纳!A Teens—YUN.皇潮.—fireflyA Teens—YUN.皇潮.—FloorfillerA Teens—YUN.皇潮.—In the blink of an eyeA Teens—YUN.皇潮.—Upside Down A Teens—YUN.皇潮.—hi and goodbye———A Teens是我很喜欢的组合,他们的歌都很不错,建议听下。Air Supply—YUN.皇潮.—All Out Of LoveAir Supply—YUN.皇潮.—making love out of nothing at all————Air Supply,“他们的流行歌曲真的很流行” 这句话是网友评论的。Alicia Keys—YUN.皇潮.—Empire State Of MindAlicia Keys—YUN.皇潮.—Doesn"t Mean Anything—————Alicia Keys很好听的2首歌。第一首是和天王巨星jay Z合唱的歌。Atomic Kitten(原子少女猫)—YUN.皇潮.—if you come to meAtomic Kitten(原子少女猫)—YUN.皇潮.—Eternal FlameAtomic Kitten(原子少女猫)—YUN.皇潮.—It"s OK!Atomic Kitten(原子少女猫)—YUN.皇潮.—Nothing in the world——原子猫的这几首歌都是她们的代表作了。aviation—YUN.皇潮.—You Were My Everything——还算不错的一首歌,无意中听到的。Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿)—YUN.皇潮.—When you"re goneAvril Lavigne(艾薇儿)—YUN.皇潮.—Innocence———个人最喜欢的艾薇儿的三首歌。Beyonce(碧昂斯)—YUN.皇潮.—HaloBeyonce(碧昂斯)—YUN.皇潮.—IrreplaceableBeyonce(碧昂斯)—YUN.皇潮.—Sweet Dreams———碧昂斯人气超旺的3首歌。bosson—YUN.皇潮.—one in a million ———这首歌,也还算不错了。Britney Spears(布兰妮)—YUN.皇潮.—baby one more time Britney Spears(布兰妮)—YUN.皇潮.—Oops I Did It AgainBritney Spears(布兰妮)—YUN.皇潮.—Lucky———个人最喜欢布兰妮的几首歌,特别是那首《lucky》。Christina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—DirrtyChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—I Turn To You Christina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—Lift Me UpChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—Love For All SeasonsChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—FighterChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—Lady MarmaladeChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—not myself tonightChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—HurtChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—Genie In A BottleChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—Nobody Wants to Be LonelyChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—pero me acuerdo de tiChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—Prima DonnaChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—Ain"t No Other ManChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—BeautifulChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—BionicChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—Birds of PreyChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—ReflectionChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—The Voice WithinChristina Aguilera—YUN.皇潮.—save me from myself——————Christina(克里斯蒂娜),又一位世界级流行天后。坦白地说,她是我最喜欢的女歌手。CA的歌多数都不是可以让人轻松接受的口水歌,她走的是名副其实的艺术家的道路。她的歌不是很大众化,这也是她在中国的知名度无法和她在欧美的知名度相比的一个重要原因。总之,听她的歌要考验你的品味能力了, Darin—YUN.皇潮.—peerless——————很红的一首歌。Enya(恩雅)—YUN.皇潮.—ON MY WAY HOMEEnya(恩雅)—YUN.皇潮.—Only Time———恩雅的歌我一般感觉都还值得一听,就看你喜不喜欢她的风格了。Gala—YUN.皇潮.—Faraway ———一首很个性的歌。Groove Coverage(舞动精灵乐团)—YUN.皇潮.—God is GirlGroove Coverage(舞动精灵乐团)—YUN.皇潮.—far away from homeGroove Coverage(舞动精灵乐团)—YUN.皇潮.—I need You———这3首歌很红,不需要多说。infernal—YUN.皇潮.—self control———一首老歌,节奏感很强。Jessica Simpson(杰西卡 辛普森)—YUN.皇潮.—I Wanna Love You ForeverJessica Simpson(杰西卡 辛普森)—YUN.皇潮.—When You Told Me You Loved Me————Jessica Simpson,人长得漂亮,歌也长得好听。Jewel—YUN.皇潮.—I Love You ForeverJewel—YUN.皇潮.—Stand———Jewel很红的2首歌,很好听。 Jordin Sparks—YUN.皇潮.—Tattoo———无意间听到的一首歌,jordin sparks是当红新人,希望将来可以有所发展。Justin Bieber—YUN.皇潮.—Never Let You GoJustin Bieber—YUN.皇潮.—One TimeJustin Bieber—YUN.皇潮.—Somebody To Love———Justin Bieber的歌一般都还行。Kelly Clarkson(凯莉 克拉克森)—YUN.皇潮.—I Can"t LoseKelly Clarkson(凯莉 克拉克森)—YUN.皇潮.—TimelessKelly Clarkson(凯莉 克拉克森)—YUN.皇潮.—already goneKelly Clarkson(凯莉 克拉克森)—YUN.皇潮.—My Life Would Suck Without You—————感觉那首already gone比because of you 好听多了 !Keri Hilson—YUN.皇潮.—I Like (Jost & Grubert Radio Mix)Keri Hilson—YUN.皇潮.—make love————一个曲折的新人力作,还算不错了,喜欢R&B就不能错过的歌手。Kylie Minogue(凯丽 米洛)—YUN.皇潮.—All The LoversKylie Minogue(凯丽 米洛)—YUN.皇潮.—Can"t Get You Out Of My HeadKylie Minoque(凯莉 米洛)—YUN.皇潮.—Come into my worldKylie Minogue(凯丽 米洛)—YUN.皇潮.—2 HeartsKylie Minogue(凯丽 米洛)—YUN.皇潮.—Red Blooded WomanKylie Minoque(凯莉 米洛)—YUN.皇潮.—AphroditeKylie Minoque(凯莉 米洛)—YUN.皇潮.—on a night like this———舞曲皇后 凯莉米洛很好听的几首歌。个人很欣赏她的现场,感染力很强,而且她现场的歌声不比CD差哦~Lady Gaga&Beyonce—YUN.皇潮.—TelephoneLady Gaga—YUN.皇潮.—AlejandroLady GaGa—YUN.皇潮.—Bad Romance Lady GaGa—YUN.皇潮.—beautiful dirty richLady GaGa—YUN.皇潮.—Big Girl NowLady GaGa—YUN.皇潮.—Chillin"Lady GaGa—YUN.皇潮.—Just DanceLady Gaga—YUN.皇潮.—Love GameLady GaGa—YUN.皇潮.—money honeyLady Gaga—YUN.皇潮.—MonsterLady GaGa—YUN.皇潮.—paparazziLady GaGa—YUN.皇潮.—Poker FaceLady GaGa—YUN.皇潮.—SpeechlessLady GaGa—YUN.皇潮.—rock showLady Gaga—YUN.皇潮.—TeethLady Gaga—YUN.皇潮.—Dance In The DarkLady Gaga—YUN.皇潮.—Eh,EhLady Gaga—YUN.皇潮.—OptimistLady Gaga—YUN.皇潮.—Born This Way————咱对gaga的歌有一定研究,最喜欢的就是上面的那几首了,一定要都听听。laura pausin—YUN.皇潮.—it"s not goodbye—————无意中听到的一首歌,很好听,很感人。ldylickem—YUN.皇潮.—tellmewhoyouare—————很好听很忧伤的一首歌,放在空间不错。Lene Marlin(琳恩 玛莲)—YUN.皇潮.—A PLACE NEARBYLene Marlin(琳恩 玛莲)—YUN.皇潮.—Disguise(伪装)Lene Marlin(琳恩 玛莲)—YUN.皇潮.—Unforgivable Sinner——————琳恩 玛莲的嗓音很特别,很空灵。我喜欢这种风格。M2M(窈窕美眉)—YUN.皇潮.—Mirror MirrorM2M(窈窕美眉)—YUN.皇潮.—Why————有很多人都喜欢M2M,我个人感觉她们的歌还算可以吧。Madonna(麦当娜)—YUN.皇潮.—CelebrationMadonna(麦当娜)—YUN.皇潮.—La Isla BonitaMadonna(麦当娜)—YUN.皇潮.—4 Minutes—————麦当娜,响当当的名字。世界级流行天后代表人物。她的歌太多太多了,但个人听过的不多,不过这几首都很好听。maria arredondo—YUN.皇潮.—burningmaria arredondo—YUN.皇潮.—The Touchmaria arredondo—YUN.皇潮.—Cross Every Rivermaria arredondo—YUN.皇潮.—Little Bit Better—————她的歌都不错,主要是她的嗓音很好听。Mariah Carey(玛丽亚 凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—HeroMariah Carey(玛利亚.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—Bye ByeMariah Carey(玛利亚.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—Without YouMariah Carey(玛利亚.凯莉) & Whitney Houston(惠特尼.休斯顿)—YUN.皇潮.—When you believe (简直是天后联盟啊)Mariah Carey(玛利亚.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—For The RecordMariah Carey(玛利亚.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—I Stay In LoveMariah Carey(玛利亚.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—I STILL BELIEVEMariah Carey(玛利亚.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—I Want To Know What Love IsMariah Carey(玛利亚.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—My AllMariah Carey(玛利亚.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—We Belong TogetherMariah Carey(玛莉雅.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—obsessedMariah Carey(玛莉雅.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—Auld Lang SyneMariah Carey(玛莉雅.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—I"ll Be ThereMariah Carey(玛莉雅.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—It"s Like ThatMariah Carey(玛莉雅.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—Oh Santa!Mariah Carey(玛莉雅.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—Touch My BodyMariah Carey(玛莉雅.凯莉)—YUN.皇潮.—One Sweet Day———马利亚凯莉的歌是感染力的代表,她的歌超级耐听啊,她年轻时的嗓子太完美了。你一定会爱上她天籁般的声音。marie serneholt—YUN.皇潮.—the boy i used to know—————a teens 成员之一marie serneholt的作品,她真的很会唱歌。mika—YUN.皇潮.—Happy Endingmika—YUN.皇潮.—Relax, Take It Easy—————米卡的这2首歌我都很喜欢。Natasha Bedingfield—YUN.皇潮.—Pocketful Of SunshineNatasha Bedingfield—YUN.皇潮.—Soulmate————娜塔莎不错的俩首歌。Nik&Jay—YUN.皇潮.—en dag tilbageNik&Jay—YUN.皇潮.—kan du hre hende synge—————这俩首歌的风格有很多人喜欢,相信你也不会例外。One_T&cool_T—YUN.皇潮.—The Magic Key—————很好听,很个性的女声。Pink—YUN.皇潮.—Please Don"t Leave MePink—YUN.皇潮.—Lonely GirlPink—YUN.皇潮.—Raise Your GlassPink—YUN.皇潮.—So What————pink的几首不错的作品。Rihanna(蕾哈娜)—YUN.皇潮.—disturbiaRihanna(蕾哈娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Rude BoyRihanna(蕾哈娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Te AmoRihanna(蕾哈娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Only Girl (In the World)Rihanna(蕾哈娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Love The Way You Lie—————小天后蕾哈娜很好听的5首歌。S Club 7—YUN.皇潮.—Never Had A Dream Come True————这首歌也很棒,听听吧,你不会后悔的!Sarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—BounceSarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Every moment of my lifeSarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—From Sarah With LoveSarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Living To Love YouSarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Love is color blindSarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Music is the keySarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—wait till you hear from meSarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—just one last dance Sarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Christmas In My HeartSarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Cold As IceSarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—For The PeopleSarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Miss You too muchSarah Connor(莎拉 寇娜)—YUN.皇潮.—Real Love—————个人超喜欢沙拉寇娜,这几首歌都是她非常好听的作品。强力推荐!Shakira(夏奇拉)—YUN.皇潮.—Did it AgainShakira(夏奇拉)—YUN.皇潮.—hips don"t lieShakira(夏奇拉)—YUN.皇潮.—She WolfShakira(夏奇拉)—YUN.皇潮.—Whenever Wherever—————我个人是很喜欢夏奇拉的歌的风格,不知道你会喜欢吗?SweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—A Whole New WorldSweetbox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—AddictedSweetbox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—Far AwaySweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—CinderellaSweetbox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—Easy Come Easy GoSweetbox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—For The Lonely SweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—Miss YouSweetbox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—More Than Love Sweetbox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—Superstar Sweetbox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—THAT NIGHTSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—Trying To Be MeSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—UnforgivenSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—Everything"s Gonna Be AlrightSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—Here Comes The SunSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—Every Time SweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—Read My MindSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—coming home to youSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—everybody come out in the sunsSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—we can work it outSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—with a love like youSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—you don"t know what you"re sorSweetBox(糖果盒子)—YUN.皇潮.—Love Forgets——————糖果盒子的歌都很好听,特别是我推荐的几首歌。she翻唱了她们的好多歌,都大红大紫了,但你要听了原唱,会发现she唱的太烂了。现在,我的手机中属Sweetbox的歌最多了。 tonya mitchell—YUN.皇潮.—Stay—————这首歌很赞很赞!强力推荐。但搜索时注意要和歌手一块搜索,叫stay的歌有好多。The Cranberries—YUN.皇潮.—ZombieThe Cranberries—YUN.皇潮.—Never Grow OldThe Cranberries—YUN.皇潮.—JoeThe Cranberries—YUN.皇潮.—Dying In The SunThe Cranberries—YUN.皇潮.—Dreams——————一直很喜欢卡百利,很欣赏卡百利的女主唱,感觉她很有魅力,也很会唱歌,看他们的现场真的是一种享受,基本和听CD差不多。Westlife(西城男孩)—YUN.皇潮.—HomeWestlife(西城男孩)—YUN.皇潮.—YOU RAISE ME UP—————西域男孩的好歌太多了,推荐这2首只是皮毛。玛丽布莱姬(Mary J Blige)—YUN.皇潮.—Family Affair玛丽布莱姬(Mary J Blige)—YUN.皇潮.—be Without You玛丽布莱姬(Mary J Blige)—YUN.皇潮.—Break Up To Make Up玛丽布莱姬(Mary J Blige)—YUN.皇潮.—I Am—————越来越喜欢她的歌,她的歌节奏都很棒~Samantha Mumba—YUN.皇潮.—always comeback to your loveSamantha Mumba—YUN.皇潮.—Never Meant To Be———这2首歌好听,一定要听下。Sinead O′Connor—YUN.皇潮.—A Perfect IndianSinead O′Connor—YUN.皇潮.—Nothing Compares 2 U—————90年代最具瞩目的天后巨星,Sinead O′Connor很纯净的2首歌。后街男孩—YUN.皇潮.—How did I fall in love with you———she曾翻唱了这首歌,男生版的有另外的感觉。 YUN.皇潮. 为您推荐,如果满意谢谢采纳!

In a very real sense, people who have read good literature have lived more than people who cann...

小题1:B小题1:C小题1:D小题1:D 略

i wanne wainting hear my dreaming so the way.这句歌词是哪首歌里面的?

Sophia Maria-OH MY MYMy my oh my oooooo When I look into your eyes, I know that your the real deal Everything about you is so fly, I wanna know how you feel And how your body makes my body move from side to side Hands on my thighs makn me say oh my my my I love the way you make me feel Everything about yous, so damn real I love the way, you make me feel ]Everything about you is so damn real ooooooo you make me say my my Boy you"re lookn so good tonite, oh my, oh my Cmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytime Really feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mind And how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my boo Oh my Dreaming of the day when you take my hand Rolling around up in the sand Falling in love in a different land Thats how I feel Embrassing eachother will make us one Lying up under the distant sun, found my love now I am done My soul is healed I love the way you make me feel Everything about yous, so damn real I love the way, you make me feel Everything about you is so damn real ooooooo you make me say my my Boy you"re lookn so good tonite, oh my, oh my Cmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytime Really feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mind And how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my boo ooooo there"s not another man like you Hope you feel the same way too, bout me as your girl Us against the world Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my, my, my [Preemo: Rap] ooooooo you make me say my my Boy you"re lookn so good tonite, oh my, oh my Cmon baby make this happen, crackn for me anytime Really feeln what your telln me, it"s goin through ooo my mind And how your gonna make my fantasies come true, with you bein my boo

Distribution Channels是分销渠道的意思吗?

正确。还可以译为 分配渠道、销售渠道、流通渠道等。通常一个英文单词,可以对应不同的中文意思,在不同的专业领域,也会有不同的含义。比如还可以译作 分配线路。

无耻混蛋 Basterds 为什么Hans Landa没有射杀Shosanna?


i wanna be there for you是什么意思?



Rihanna <cry>Another tactic to get my heart brokenAnother tactic to get upset and cryCuz I never leave my heart openNever hurts me say goodbyeRelationships don"t get deep to meNever got the whole in love thingAnd someone can say they loved me trulyBut at the time it don"t mean a thingMy mind is goneI"m spinning roundAnd deep insideMy tears ill drownI"m loosing gridWhat"s happening?I stray for luckThis is how I feelThis time was differentFelt like I was just a victimAnd it cut me like a knifeWhen you walked out of my lifeNow I"m in this conditionAnd I got all the symptomsOf a girl with a broken heartBut no matter whatYou"ll never see me cryDid it happened when we first kiss?Cuz it"s hurting me let it goMaybe cuz we spent so much timeAnd I know that is no moreI should have never let you hold me babyMaybe why I"m sad and he"s apartI didn"t give it to you on purposeTo take a ride it stole my heartMy mind is goneI"m spinning roundAnd deep insideMy tears ill drownI"m loosing gridWhat"s happening?I stray for luckThis is how I feelThis time was differentFelt like I was just a victimAnd it cut me like a knifeWhen you walked out of my lifeNow I"m in this conditionAnd I got all the symptomsOf a girl with a broken heartBut no matter whatYou"ll never see me cryHow did I get here with you?I"ll never knowI never meant to let it get so personalAnd after all I tried to doStay away from love with youI"m broken-heartedI can"t let you knowAnd I Won"t Let It ShowYou won"t see me cryThis time was differentFelt like I was just a victimAnd it cut me like a knifeWhen you walked out of my lifeNow I"m in this conditionAnd I got all the symptomsOf a girl with a broken heartBut no matter whatYou"ll never see me cryThis time was differentFelt like I was just a victimAnd it cut me like a knifeWhen you walked out of my lifeNow I"m in this conditionAnd I got all the symptomsOf a girl with a broken heartBut no matter whatYou"ll never see me cry另一个策略让我的心破碎另一个策略,以底价获得呐喊cuz我从来没有离开我的心开放从来没有伤害我说再见关系不深,我从未得到整个爱情事有人可以说,他们喜欢我的真正但在当时,它并不意味着东西我脑海中消失我纺轮深内我的眼泪溺死生病我松动格有什么事情发生?我流浪好运这是我的感觉这次不同就象我只是一个受害者它削减就像一把刀当你走出了我的人生现在,我在此情况我得到的所有症状一个女孩破碎的心但不管是什么你永远不会看见我哭泣它发生时,我们第一次吻?cuz它的伤害,让我走cuz也许,我们花了这么多时间我知道这是没有更多我应该永远让你拥有我的宝宝也许为什么我难过,他除了我没有给你的目的就以乘坐它偷走了我的心我脑海中消失我纺轮深内我的眼泪溺死生病我松动格有什么事情发生?我流浪好运这是我的感觉这次不同就象我只是一个受害者它削减就像一把刀当你走出了我的人生现在,我在此情况我得到的所有症状一个女孩破碎的心但不管是什么你永远不会看见我哭泣怎么我这里得到你?我永远不会知道我绝不让它得到这么个人毕竟我已经尽远离爱你我断心肠我不能让你知道我不会让它展你不会看见我哭泣这次不同就象我只是一个受害者它削减就像一把刀当你走出了我的人生现在,我在此情况我得到的所有症状一个女孩破碎的心但不管是什么你永远不会看见我哭泣这次不同就象我只是一个受害者它削减就像一把刀当你走出了我的人生现在,我在此情况我得到的所有症状一个女孩破碎的心但不管是什么你永远不会看见我哭泣

求Rihanna-Love The Way You Lie的歌词翻译。蕾哈娜个人版的。



n.举止,礼貌,方式,习俗 god manners指“有礼貌”,bad manners指“没有礼貌”; manner作单数使用时,可以解释为“大方的态度”。 He has fair manners, but no manner.他颇有礼貌,但态度不大方。manner和good manner虽然是复数形式,但属于抽象名词,前面需用much,little修饰,而不是many等。 Where is your manners?你的礼貌去哪了?manner与manners在意思上有一点小区别:前者表示“待人接物的态度”,而后者表示“礼貌”。 She has graceful manners.她很有礼貌。She has a graceful manner.她待人接物的态度很优雅礼貌。表达方式in this manner中的manner表示“方式”,一般不用复数形式; all manner of people,all manner of goods 等表达方式里的manner解释为“种类”; by all manner of means (必定),by no manner of means (决不)和not by any manner of means (决不)等表达方式中用的都是介词of。习惯用语 after a manner 马马虎虎地, 不大令人满意地 after the manner of 仿效, 学...的样; ...式的 all manner of 各种, 形形色色的(人、东西等) by all manner of means 尽一切办法; 一定, 绝对; 当然可以, 没问题 by any manner of means (=by any means) 以任何可能的方法; 无论如何 by no manner of means 决不, 一点也不 do [make] one"s manners [古]行礼, 敬礼 have no manners 没有礼貌 have no manner of (right) 毫无(权利) in manner of 以...方式 in a manner (=in a way, in some degree) 在某种意义上; 多少, 有点 in a manner prescribed by law 依法定程序 in a manner of speaking 不妨说; 说起来, 在某个意义上说 in an all-round manner 全面地 in like manner 同样地 in such a manner 于是, 如此 in [with] the manner 在现形中, 当场 in the manner born 天生的 in the manner of 照...的式样; 做出...的样子 in this manner 如此, 照这样 no manner of 一点也不, 根本没有 shark"s manners [俚]贪心, 贪婪 taken [found] with the manner 人赃俱获 to the manner born 生来的; 生来就适合... what manner of ...? [古]什么样子的...? 哪一种的...?



you cannot fail to obey it,fail to在句中是什么意思

to obey it you can not fail

一首英文歌,是一个三个女生的组合唱的。里面有句歌词是I wanna be your NO.1.

是不是辣妹的wanna be

我的世界神奇宝贝a legendary has spawned in a savanna biome,这是什么意思

a legendary has spawned in a savanna biome一个传奇了草原生物群落双语对照例句:1.What life has in store. 人生中会发生些什么。



savannabeige 是什么意思?


TPO 31 阅读第3篇 第5题According to paragraph 3, all of the following are true of savanna ...为什么

本题对应原文第三段关于 savanna soil 的特点, B 项对应 “while aluminum levels are high”, C 项对应“with a high acidity”, D 项对应“oxisols (dominated by certain oxide minerals)” ,都符合原意。 A 项 potassium 与原文 “low concentrations …potassium”描述相反,故正确答案是 A 。

17岁加拿大模特savanna blade拍的是什么游戏


有一首英文歌里面有这么一句the lion king ofthe savanna,求这是什么歌




savanna elephant 什么意思

savanna elephant稀树草原的大象例句:1.The savanna elephant weighs between six and seven tons, roughly double the weightof the forest elephant. 草原象的体重在6吨至7吨间,大约是森林象的2倍。

浩方玩使命召唤5出现you are permanently banned from this server


我的世界 神奇宝贝模组 savanna地形刷什么神兽

梦幻召唤指令/pokespawn mew这个是普通梦幻闪光超梦是:/pokespawn mew s再加五个空格。 超梦召唤指令:Mewtwo 三神兽召唤~~~来啦。固拉多:/pokespawn Groudon。 裂空座:/pokespawn Rayquaza /pokespawn Kyogre 索罗亚克:pokespawn Zoroark 个人觉得他的招:黑夜爆裂和街头试刀很厉害,很实用~~ 喷火龙:pokespawn Charizard 水箭龟:pokespawn Blastoise 妙蛙种子:pokespawn Bulbasaur 九尾:pokespawn Ninetales 这只骑起来很帅的~~~ 嘎啦嘎啦:pokespawn Marowak这个还可以的~~~ 暴蝾螈:pokespawn Salamence 这只很厉害也很帅建议试试哦 烈焰猴:pokespawn Infernape 帝王拿波:pokespawn Empoleon 叶精灵:pokespawn Leafeon 太阳精灵:pokespawn Espeon 月精灵:pokespawn Umbreon 大钢蛇:pokespawn Steelix 萌萌哒幸福蛋:pokespawn Blissey 蜥蜴王:pokespawn Sceptile 火焰鸡:pokespawn Blaziken 波士可多拉:pokespawn Aggron 可爱的负电拍拍:pokespawn Minun 巨牙鲨:pokespawn Sharpedo

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  车辆名称:Savanna(防弹/防火/防爆),Remmington(防火),Majestic(防火),Blade(防火)  得到要求:推入车库保存(无需破坏)  入手难度:中等  获得简介:该任务所有的赛车都是无敌车,其中Cesar开的Savanna有一些收藏价值,除了不防撞其他都防。其他4辆都只是防火的。赛车任务只要你一直保持看的见车状态,到达终点不拿第一,使得任务失败,然后所有赛车都会在码头最里面堆在一起。这个时候,Cesar开的红色Savanna和黑**lade还有蓝白色的Majestic这3辆车都可以用拳头敲车门让驾驶员下车,杀死驾驶员就能推车了(不杀也可以),距离不远,而且车轻,很好推,只要买下海滩边的房子,很容易贮存车。黄黑色的Majestic和白色Remmington的驾驶员用拳头打车也难以让他们下来,由于已经有一辆同样的Majestic了,所以重点就是Remmington,我是用枪把车打到出烟然后再威胁驾驶员才让他下来的,之后推的时候就比较危险些。另外这些车就算底朝天也不会爆炸(之后所有的赛车任务都是如此)



求一篇Planning a trip aboard的演讲稿

Getting thereThe most accessible ways to reach Disneyland Paris are by air, on the Eurostar direct to Paris or with your car via Eurotunnel. Paris" main airport is Charles De Gaulle, and plenty of airlines offer flights to Paris from airports across the UK. These include: Aer Lingus, Air France, bmibaby, British Airways, easyJet, flybe,, Ryanair.From Charles De Gaulle it"s pretty straightforward to travel on to the resort. You can catch the handy VEA Navette , a scheduled shuttle-bus service that leaves approximately every 15 minutes, seven days a week (trains run from 8.30 in the morning with last train times varying throughout the week). The journey to Disneyland takes around 45 minutes and costs around 16 euros for an adult ticket and 13 euros for children from 3 to 11 years old (under 3s travel free). Tickets can be purchased on board.Alternatively you can catch an RER train, which offers a faster transfer to the resort (35 minutes) but doesn"t run as regularly as the Navette. You"ll need the RER line A4 from Paris, which drops you off at the end of the line at Marne la Vallee/Chessy station, just 100 metres from the resort.If you"ll be travelling by car from Calais (either from the Eurotunnel or ferry arrival points) your journey to the resort is via the motorway and takes around 3 hours. There is free car parking at all Disney hotels and a paying car park at the actual park. If you"d prefer to travel on the Eurostar train you can pick this up at either London St Pancras or Ashford International in Kent - the journey takes just over 3 hours. The big bonus of travelling via Eurostar is there is no additional transfer hassle - your train drops you off direct at the gates of the Disney resort.

I Wanna Come Back To You 歌词

歌曲名:I Wanna Come Back To You歌手:Crystal Gayle专辑:20 Love SongsOlivia Ong - I"ll Get Back To YouAlbum: Just For YouI can tell youI"m not gonna hideBut somewhere insideI get shy when you"re aroundCruising fellingI go up and downIn and outLand on the groundSo...What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowI can tell youIt"s more than crushCoz somewhere insideI"m gonna get you tooCruising feelingI go up and downin and outLand on the groundSo....What is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowWhat is thisWhat"s happenin"What it is i feel for you and you and only youGets me going highThere you areWalking byTwinkle in your eyesI see it everywhere i goTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTake me to fairytale land, you don"t have toLet youself beNaturalCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flowTeddy bear toys are not what i want from youTell you the truethI just want to be with youCoz you knowI"ll get back to youCome on feel the flow


savanna的意思:稀树草原中国在八九十年代开始普及英语,教学方法采用的是50年代翻译法,这种方法对英语老师的要求不高,也方便考试,符合当时的国情。缺点是教出来的英语,大多是哑巴英语。翻译法主张背单词、背语法,把英语学习碎片化,不符合英语自然习得过程,破坏了英语思维整体性,成功地将英语变成大多数人的噩梦。这种方法至今仍深深地影响着中国的英语教育。切记:背单词、背语法是学英语的最大阻碍!为什么中国人花了十几年也学不好英语,它就是罪魁祸首;为什么雅思口语,中国学生全球垫底,它就是罪魁祸首!随着新概念英语的引进,70年代的情景教学法开始盛行。这种教学法采用PPP教学模式:即Presentation(演示),Practice(练习) and Production(产出),大大提高了英语学习效率,但是缺点是文本太过陈旧,模拟过程不贴近当下生活,课堂气氛不是很成功,无法激起学习者的兴趣。最为可惜的是,很多人把《新概念英语》买回来,自己独自背诵,完全违背了这种教学方法的初衷(当然,背诵英语课本也有一定的作用)。

i wanna be with you

莫非是Akon的be with you?? 潘玮柏也有唱、、

求歌名,歌词大概是i don t wanna be with you you don t have to。。

潘玮柏的be with you?


歌曲名:STEREO CANNON歌手:MIHIRO专辑:green GO lightSTEREO CANNONMIHIRO作词:MIHIRO, SUNNY BOY作曲:MIHIRO, SUNNY BOYNot Yet!! Boom! Boom!さあ行こうか! My arena!Blow your speaker!!Now blow your ear!!I"ll blow your mind!! Girl!!with MY STEREO CANNON!!Blow your speaker!!Now blow your ear!!I"ll blow your mind!! Girl!!with MY STEREO CANNON!!Baby!! Baby!! Ah!!なあ调子はどうだ 浮かないのかい今夜くらいはそんな気分放り出そう止まらないこの音に Baby just rideI"m on my way to you何时だって My song for youLet me see your hands!Let me see you jump!Oh 无礼讲でノレばいいシャンペンorイエガーが Your sweat洗い流す冷たい现実でも Oh 热く生き抜くためこのSoundをこのBodyにチャージしYo!!Not Yet!! Boom! Boom!騒ぎな! My arena! Yo know!Not Yet!! Boom! Boom!さあいこうか! My arena! Yo know!Not Yet!! 怠惰な日常なんざ俺が壊してやる!Blow your speaker!!Now blow your ear!!I"ll blow your mind!! Girl!!with MY STEREO CANNON!!Blow your speaker!!Now blow your ear!!I"ll blow your mind!! Girl!!with MY STEREO CANNON!!Common! Baby!鸣りまくれ俺のLove!One nightだけじゃもう足んないいっそ时计舍てParty night!Let me see your hands!Let me see you jump!Oh 休んだってかまわない心が负った怪我が汗で愈えてく痛みの中见つけた Oh 朝阳は昨日よりも真新しい辉きを放つはず!!Not Yet!! Boom! Boom!騒ぎな! My arena! Yo know!Not Yet!! Boom! Boom!もっとだ! My arena! Yo know!Not Yet!! 怠惰な日常なんざ俺が壊してやる!Blow your speaker!!Now blow your ear!!I"ll blow your mind!! Girl!!with MY STEREO CANNON!!Blow your speaker!!Now blow your ear!!I"ll blow your mind!! Girl!!with MY STEREO CANNON!!止めらんない 意味わかるかい?疑问视 (Why) まだ重ねんのかい?この歩みStopしたら明日はLoserBoom! Boom! だから Tears & pain今日ここに舍て去れ さあ行こうか! You!!Blow your speaker!!Now blow your ear!!I"ll blow your mind!! Girl!!with MY STEREO CANNON!!Blow your speaker!!Now blow your ear!!I"ll blow your mind!! Girl!!with MY STEREO CANNON!!

Yet 是什么意思,它引导he cannot find a bank从句吗,是状语从句吗 是什么状

yet 英[jet] 美[jɛt] adv. 还; 但是; 已经; 又,再; conj. 然而,但是; 它不能引导从句,它是连接词可以连接句子可以说yet he cannot find a bank但他没找到,这里是连词然而,已经不是还没的意思了。这个句子是单独的句子,不是从句,所以亦不会是状语从句。Yet 用法:1.(用于否定句)还(没)The moon has not risen yet.月亮还没有升起.2.(用于疑问句)现在,已经Has he finished the work yet?那工作他做完了没有?3.总有一天,终必He will suffer for fun yet.他总有一天会因贪玩吃苦头.4.(与比较级连用)更,益发That job is yet more demanding.那个工作甚至更加费力.5.(与once,another等连用)再I have yet another question to ask.我还有一个问题要问.6.(与最高级连用)到目前(或当时)为止(最...)7.而,然而My room is small yet cosy.我的房间很小,但很舒适.8.依然,还There is hope for her yet.她的事仍有希望.连接词 conj.1.可是,却,然而I don"t know him,yet I can get his help.我不认识他,但我会得到他的帮助.

请问谁知道Rihanna那首"sell me candy"的歌词及中文意思吖?

happy anniversary,是什么意思

happy anniversary 周年纪念快乐

10th anniversary是什么意思

10th anniversary第十周年(庆典)双语对照例句:1.But as it celebrates the 10th anniversary of accession, beijing faces growing criticismfrom trade partners and investors who say progress has stalled. 但在中国庆祝入世10周年之际,中国政府却面临着越来越多来自贸易伙伴和投资者的批评,他们表示,这一进程已陷入停滞。2.Since it opened to the public sept. 12, following the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks,more than 1 million people have visited the memorial plaza at the world trade center,officials announced thursday. 恐怖袭击的十周年纪念活动后的9月12日国家纪念博物馆对公众开放.根据官方周四发布的数据至今为止已逾100万人参观了世贸中心遗址的纪念广场.

10th anniversary是什么意思

10周年纪念 。

越狱第4季最后一集的最后,Danny Hale的遗孀吐了Paul一口,Danny是谁来着?他的遗孀为什么要吐Paul??


贺曼国际电影台的Hallmark channel (贺曼娱乐公司)

Hallmark channel成立于1994年,并且开始为全球市场制造及传送精彩的电视节目,就得奖的数量而言,Hallmark无疑是世界上为全球民众制作及传送最多得奖迷你影集及电视节目的频道,在前三年中,Hallmark channel总共制作了超过200部的自制电影及迷你影集,计划在1999年制作超过45部的节目。由于全球对电视节目品质的要求日渐提升,使得Hallmark在全球的卫星及有线电视市场上占有一席独特的地位,自1995年Hallmark频道首播起,这个频道快速成长,目前已在65个国家播出、并有一千两百万收视户,在1999年底,收视户预计可达两千万户。大通集团(Chase Capital Partners)大通集团是一个全球性的金融组织,并管理55亿美金的金融运作;纽约大通银行是大通集团的合作伙伴,并且也是美国拥有最多银行资产的公司;自从大通集团在1984年成立之后,大通集团已经成功的管理北美地区、欧洲、亚洲及拉丁美洲的投资个案。达成讲究高品质节目之观众的要求基于对高节目品质的执着,Hallmark努力朝着得奖作品的方向去制作节目,从这些年来,Hallmark总共获得126项艾美奖,可以证明Hallmark高品质的节目内容及制作方式;Hallmark扬弃了色情及暴力的低级娱乐,为观众提供更高品质的娱乐选择,并且为了诉求更广大的观众,Hallmark的节目表反映出Hallmark对家庭观念的价值观,也就是说,Hallmark是一个适合阖府观赏的频道,在这种信守与观众承诺之下,Hallmark也希望建立与观众之间长久的关系,进而建立观众的忠实度及而与相传的好口碑。

木材漂白稳定剂TANNEX CX,和螯合剂的问题

TANNEX CX属于阴离子型双氧水稳定剂,有优异的双氧水稳定效果,确保均匀漂白,极佳的渗透性,白度高,手感好,不含APEO。螯合剂 BAYQUEST 100 阴离子 一综效型助剂,具有分散、螯合、保护胶体等功效,防止染料与助剂在硬水中沉淀,因此可以增加匀染度与染色再现性。 2.0-6.0g/l 0.5-4.0g/l √ BAYSOLEX EXT 阴离子 前处理和荧光漂白用螯合分散剂,去除纤维中的重金属杂质,中和漂液中的碱剂。 2.0-6.0g/l 0.5-4.0g/l √ BAYSOLEX EXT-120 阴离子 可应用于染色,中性及酸性含媒染料染色,提高织物白度与毛效,中和漂液中碱剂。 2.0-6.0g/l 0.5-4.0g/l √ BAYSOLEX QXL 阴离子 碱性精练、漂白与生物精练用螯合剂,对碱土金属盐具有良好的螯合作用,可生物降解,不含任何氮类、磷酸盐。 2.0-6.0g/l 0.5-4.0g/l √ LEVAQUEST 98-3 阴离子 钙、镁离子的高效螯合剂,防止染料与助剂在硬水沉淀,因此可增加匀染度与染色再现性。不会影响中性含金染料得色量。 2.0-6.0g/l 1.0-4.0g/l √ PLEXENE CA 阴离子 适用于棉织物的前处理、碱煮和漂白。 2.0-6.0g/l 1.0-2.0g/l √ PLEXENE FED 阴离子 耐强碱螯合剂,对重金属离子具有高度的螯合能力,适用于煮练漂白与丝光,耐高温可达130℃,无泡沫。 2.0-6.0g/l 1.0-2.0g/l √ PLEXENE PERP 阴离子 棉用前处理去除碱土及重金属离子杂质的螯合剂,可与淀粉酶合用,非常利于亚麻及其混纺制品的前处理。 2.0-15g/l 1.0-3.0g/l √ PLEXENE UL 阴离子 钙、镁离子的高效螯合分散剂,可与中性含金染料共浴,不会影响得色量。 2.0-6.0g/l 0.25-2.0g/l √

《越狱》第四季里,Trish Ann的演员资料?

  Shannon Lucio 姓名:Shannon Lucio  性别:女  生日:1980年08月17日  出生地:美国田纳西  星座:狮子座  身高:1.68米(5.5英尺)  职业:演员  所属地区:欧美  电影  Autopilot (Not yet released)  Fireflies in the Garden (2008) .... Ryne Waechter  Feast of Love (2007) .... as Janey (with Morgan Freeman and Fred Ward)  The Cantina Bar Tales (2007) .... Lily  Graduation (2006) .... Polly Deely  A House Divided (2006) (TV) .... Pam  Youthanasia (2005) .... Michelle  Spring Break Shark Attack (2005) (TV) .... Danielle  Starkweather (2004) .... Caril-Ann Fugate  电视剧  The Oaks .... Sarah  9th Annual Prism Awards (2005) .... Herself  The O.C.  "The New Kids on the Block" (2004) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The New Era" (2004) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The SnO.C." (2004) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Chrismukkah That Almost Wasn"t" (2004) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Family Ties" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Power of Love" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Ex-Factor" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Accomplice" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Second Chance" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Lonely Hearts Club" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Test" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  "The Rainy Day Women" (2005) .... Lindsay Gardner  CSI: Miami  "Innocent" (2004) .... Gina Lamar  The Division  "The Fall of the House of Hayes" (2004) .... Morgan Hillford  NYPD Blue  "Chatty Chatty Bang Bang" (2004) .... Courtney Bates  ER  "Missing" (2003) .... Johanna Lambright  Prison Break ...Trishanne. (Episode 4.01- onwards. 11 episodes so far)
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