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一、下面我们来看看triangle有几种含义 , n. , 1.三角形,三角形物体 [C] ,The side AB is the shortest of the three sides of the triangle ABC.,边AB是三角形ABC三个边中最短的边。, 2.三角铁;三角板,三角尺 [C] ,Triangle is a kind of instrument.,三角铁是一种乐器。, 3.三角关系 [C] ,What a plicated triangle!,好复杂的三角关系呐!, 二、下面我们来学习一下含有triangle的常见短语 ,equilateral triangle,等边三角形,acute triangle,锐角三角形,isosceles triangle,等腰三角形, 三,学会triangle的用法了吗?来做个测试吧! ,oblique triangle,斜三角形,right triangle,直角三角形,scalene triangle,不等边三角形,spherical triangle,球面三角形,弧三角形,obtuse triangle,钝角三角形,right-angled triangle,直角三角形,acute-angled triangle,【机】 锐角三角形,bermuda triangle,n.百慕大魔鬼三角


三角轮胎 谢谢






可数it"s a triangle.




triangle的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. [C]1.【数】三角(形)the three sides of a triangle 三角形的三条边 2.三角形之物3.三角板,三角尺4.(打击乐器)三角铁5.三个一组;三件一套;(男女间)三角关系The plots of these stories almost always turn on love triangles. 这些故事的情节几乎总是离不开三角恋爱。 6.【天】三角星座




public class Triangle { //定义三角形 private double A,B,C; public Triangle() { this.A = 0d; this.B = 0d; this.C = 0d; } public Triangle(double A,double B,double C)throws IllegalAccessException{ if(!check1(A,B,C) && !check2(A,B,C)){ System.out.println("不能构成三角形"); } else{ this.A = A; this.B =B; this.C = C; } } //任意两边之和大于第三边, public boolean check1(double A,double B,double C) { if (A + B > C && A + C > B && B + C > A) return true; return false; } // 任意两边之差小于第三边 public boolean check2(double A,double B,double C) { if (A - B < C && A - C < B && B - C < A) return true; return false; } @Override public String toString() { return "三角形的三条边为: [A=" + A + ", B=" + B + ", C=" + C + "]"; } public double getA() { return A; } public void setA(double a) { A = a; } public double getB() { return B; } public void setB(double b) { B = b; } public double getC() { return C; } public void setC(double c) { C = c; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalAccessException { Triangle san = new Triangle(6,8,10); System.out.println(san); }}




trian gle 轮胎是什么品牌 triang le 轮胎是三角轮胎,属于三角集团。 1976年,三角集团成立,公司位于山东威海,年生产能力在2200多万套左右。 三角轮胎主要生产轻卡子午胎、轿车轮胎、巨型工程子午胎、卡客车子午胎、巨型斜交工程胎和普通斜交胎等产品,已经有四十几年的生产制造经验。 三角集团先后通过了DOT、ECE和CCC等国内外权威认证,已经达到世界先进水平,国家专利已有90多项,在同行业内首先建立了 IS O9001质量体系、ISO/T S1 6949质量体系、ISO14001环境管理体系和ISO10012计量体系等。 三角集团下有四个分公司,其中两个是轮胎制造公司,分别为:三角轮胎股份有限公司和三角(威海)华达轮胎复新有限公司。 三角轮胎生产的轿车轮胎适用于高速行驶,有着良好的散热性、稳定性和操控性,具有噪音小、安全性高的特点。 三角轮胎生产的工业轮胎,具有高效、耐磨的特性,广泛用于叉车、电瓶车和平板车上面,在工厂、港口、码头、物流等领域比较常见。 treadwear是什么牌子的轮胎 treadwear并不是轮胎的品牌,这是轮胎的一个参数,treadwear表示轮胎的耐磨性能。轮胎是汽车上一个重要的部件,这个部件也是汽车上唯一与地面接触的部件,这个部件关乎到汽车的行驶稳定性和行驶安全性。 轮胎是橡胶制品,橡胶制品长时间使用会出现老化现象,所以轮胎是需要定期更换的。 正常情况下,轮胎安装在汽车上是可以使用四年的,所以建议大家每隔四年更换一次轮胎。 在购买新的轮胎时,也一定要看清楚轮胎的生产日期,因为轮胎也是有保质期的。 轮胎放着不用的保质期是三年,如果出厂超过三年了,那就不要购买了。 在安装好新的轮胎后,一定要重新给每个车轮做一下动平衡测试,否则在高速行驶时轮胎可能会出现异常抖动现象。 如果在高速行驶时轮胎出现了异常抖动现象,会影响汽车的操控性和舒适性。 在平时用车时,一定要经常检查一下轮胎的气压,轮胎的气压不能过高也不能过低。 如果气压过高,会导致轮胎的抓地力降低,如果气压过低,在高速行驶时轮胎会出现波浪变形现象,这样也会导致轮胎的使用寿命降低。 (图/文/摄: 问答叫兽) @2019


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In the acute triangle ABC,AD is perpendicular to BC,and CE is perpendicular to AB


最近相亲才会赢中间插播英文歌,求歌名,好像有 my angle

歌曲: Valenti 歌手: 宝儿 专辑: 《miracle》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词Guderur barabon ne mosubgudega barabon ne mosubne mirerur godoborigogudeui dusonur jabassoirun achim hessar mejindudorin sarang iragohedomachi burkod gatha boyodooh STEP IN STEP IN BABYUrin otohge mannagonjiwe haphir guge na ingonjiBOY I FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUjigum isungandoThaithuhan gudeui thure machwojinsarami doegodo hengboghan nagu oton jogumahan sowoniradogudege gihoerur julleyo MY DREAMJijojyo inun chongbajiwasomsehan gudeui nunbiddohangsang jikhyojugo shiphossounmyong chorom bimillo hessosojunghan naui modungosunne jashini jikhyojwoya hegugoshui byogur twionomgooh STEP IN STEP IN BABYMu uimihan gu yogshimdurdoarsu obnun gu hengdongkajiJUST I FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUmodu badajurkeGudewa nasai uri dursaisarangur chajursu obnun goramyoninorbun sesange onu gosedosarangun jonjehaji anhnungor MY DREAMHeojimyon uimi objanhagunyang hamke igo shiphungorBOY I FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUironnar jabajwoDallinun gothongui girur gorogagudewa nega theghan igirwiegu oton arsu obnun yegamsogesosarang harsu ige midumurjwo MY DREAMThaithuhan gudeui thure machwojinsarami doegodo hengboghan nagu oton jogumahan sowoniradogudege gihoerur julleyo MY DREAM

TOM猫和angle 唱的you getme 有没有歌词?


推荐几个像triangle lovers 那样的纯爱动漫




情侣名." Devil" 的另一半是什么呀?"Angle" 还是 "Angela" ??

Angle 正好也是五个字母


triangle的读音是:英["tra???ɡl]。triangle的读音是:英["tra???ɡl]。triangle的详尽释义是n.(名词)三角关系【几何】三角形三角形物体,三角形的东西【天】三角星座三角板,三角尺【音】三角铁【军】三戟刑具【船】三圆材起重机,三角起重架三角钩三人一组。triangle【近义词】threesome三人一组。一、详尽释义点此查看triangle的详细内容n.(名词)三角关系【几何】三角形三角形物体,三角形的东西【天】三角星座三角板,三角尺【音】三角铁【军】三戟刑具【船】三圆材起重机,三角起重架三角钩三人一组adj.(形容词)三角形的二、英英释义Noun:a three-sided polygonsomething approximating the shape of a triangle;"the coastline of Chile and Argentina and Brazil forms two legs of a triangle"a small northern constellation near Perseus between Andromeda and Ariesany of various triangular drafting instruments used to draw straight lines at specified anglesa percussion instrument consisting of a metal bar bent in the shape of an open triangle三、词典解释1.三角(形);三角形物体Atriangle is an object, arrangement, or flat shape with three straight sides and three angles.e.g. This design is in pastel colours with three rectangles and threetriangles…这一设计由淡色的 3 个长方形和 3 个三角形构成。e.g. Its outline roughly forms an equilateraltriangle.它的轮廓大致形成一个等边三角形。2.三角铁(一种打击乐器)Thetriangle is a musical instrument that consists of a piece of metal shaped like a triangle. You play it by hitting it with a short metal bar.3.三角关系If you describe a group of three people as atriangle, you mean that they are all connected with each other in a particular situation, but often have different interests.triangle的解释e.g. She plays a French woman in a lovetriangle with Jonathan Pryce and Christopher Walken.她扮演一位与乔纳森·普赖斯和克里斯托弗·沃肯有三角恋关系的法国女子。e.g. …the classictriangle of husband, wife and mistress.丈夫、妻子与情妇的典型三角关系四、例句He outlined the triangle in red.他用红笔画出三角形。The angles of a triangle total 180.三角形的三角之和等于180°。The place is a cobbled triangle.这个地方是一块铺石子的三角地。五、词汇搭配equilateral triangle等边三角形isosceles triangle等腰三角形love triangle三角恋爱eternal triangle三角恋爱spherical triangle球面三角形current triangle电流三角形color triangle原色三角形,原色三角...colour triangle原色三角形velocity triangle速度三角形right triangle直角三角形iron triangle铁三角triangle method三角法triangle belt三角皮带Pascal"s triangle帕斯卡耳(氏)三角形...composition triangle浓度三角形force triangle力三角形Golden Triangle金三角triangle file三角锉vector triangle矢量三角形cystohepatic triangle卡洛氏三角六、经典引文The triangle formed by three mountain peaks.出自:M. KlineA triangle of light from the streetlamp fell on my sheets.出自:AtlanticShrimps..with thin triangles of toast.出自:E. J. Howard七、词源解说☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的triangle;最初源自拉丁语的triangulum,意为三角形。triangle的相关临近词triangular、trial、triangles、triangle up、triangle arm、triangle law、Triangle Way、triangle net、triangle PCD、triangle bar、triangle tie、triangle map点此查看更多关于triangle的详细信息

once opon a time,a angle in the sky是哪首歌的歌词啊?

周美欣的You Are My Angel

求一首英文歌!!歌词好像是angle in the sky …… but

《Angels》Click To Download歌手: Within TemptationSparkling angel I believedYou were my saviour in my time of need.Blinded by faith I couldn"t hearAll the whispers, the warnings so clear.I see the angels,I"ll lead them to your door.There"s no escape now,No mercy no more.No remorse cause I still rememberThe smile when you tore me apart.You took my heart,Deceived me right from the start.You showed me dreams,I wished they would turn into real.You broke the promise and made me realise.It was all just a lie.Sparkling angel, I couldn"t seeYour dark intentions, your feelings for me.Fallen angel, tell me why?What is the reason, the thorn in your eye?I see the angels,I"ll lead them to your doorThere"s no escape nowNo mercy no moreNo remorse cause I still rememberThe smile when you tore me apartYou took my heart,Deceived me right from the start.You showed me dreams,I wished they would turn into real.You broke the promise and made me realise.It was all just a lie.Could have been forever.Now we have reached the end.This world may have failed you,It doesn"t give you a reason why.You could have chosen a different path in life.The smile when you tore me apart.You took my heart,Deceived me right from the start.You showed me dreams,I wished they would turn into real.You broke the promise and made me realise.It was all just a lie.Could have been forever.Now we have reached the end.

一首歌 有一段好像是something wrong/right/ture,it·s angle(忘记了,大概是这样的吧),请大大们说歌名

《It"s alright》?

求sky angle系列的有效迅雷下载地址,谢谢(高分)

这个怎样啊,什么公司都有,高清的很多,下到你手软 记得给我加分哦!

本屌英语不太好,谁知到 Sky Angle 是什么意思


本屌英语不太好,谁知到 Sky Angle 是什么意思

1.成为空天使公司到08年7月,爱川美里菜正式下马,并解除与S1的合约,成为空天使公司(SKY ANGLE)第80号天使,在广大粉丝面前露出自己隐藏多年的秘密花园。2年多的骑兵生涯造就了熟练的技巧,动作十分熟练唯美并富有激情。 2.天空角度

本屌英语不太好,谁知到 Sky Angle 是什么意思

Sky Angle 天空安琪儿;空中天使

本屌英语不太好,谁知到 Sky Angle 是什么意思

One of the biologically most important parameters of the cloudy sky is the proportion P of the celestial polarization pattern available for use in animal navigation. We evaluated this parameter by measuring the polarization patterns of clear and cloudy skies using 180 degrees (full-sky) imaging polarimetry in the red (650 nm), green (550 nm) and blue (450 nm) ranges of the spectrum under clear and partly cloudy conditions. The resulting data were compared with the corresponding celestial polarization patterns calculated using the single-scattering Rayleigh model.(参考资料来源于谷歌)Sky Angle(天体生物学术语)可翻译为穹体雨云角:生物学意义上有云天空所具有的最重要特质之一,是一种动物通过磁感应识别方位的媒介。可以通过地磁180度的维度去测量穹体雨云角的角度。得到的结果可以与地磁场进行进一步的比较来估计其程度。简而言之,穹体雨云角为一种动物使用的一种生物导航系统。Ps.天空中雨云隐约形成的较长的锐角即为Sky Angle附图片两张(图片来源于谷歌图片搜索):

本屌英语不太好,谁知到 Sky Angle 是什么意思


本屌英语不太好,谁知到 Sky Angle 是什么意思



ava.awt.geom类 Rectangle2D.Doublejava.lang.Object 继承者 java.awt.geom.RectangularShape 继承者 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D 继承者 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double所有已实现的接口: Shape, Cloneable正在封闭类: Rectangle2Dpublic static class Rectangle2D.Doubleextends Rectangle2DDouble 类定义以 double 坐标指定的矩形。从以下版本开始: 1.2嵌套类摘要从类 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D 继承的嵌套类/接口Rectangle2D.Double, Rectangle2D.Float字段摘要 double height 此 Rectangle2D 的高度。 double width 此 Rectangle2D 的宽度。 double x 此 Rectangle2D 的 X 坐标。 double y 此 Rectangle2D 的 Y 坐标。从类 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D 继承的字段OUT_BOTTOM, OUT_LEFT, OUT_RIGHT, OUT_TOP构造方法摘要Rectangle2D.Double() 构造一个新 Rectangle2D,并将其初始化为:位置 (0, 0)、大小 (0, 0)。Rectangle2D.Double(double x, double y, double w, double h) 根据指定坐标构造和初始化 Rectangle2D。方法摘要 Rectangle2D createIntersection(Rectangle2D r) 返回一个新的 Rectangle2D 对象,它表示此 Rectangle2D 与指定 Rectangle2D 的交集。 Rectangle2D createUnion(Rectangle2D r) 返回一个新的 Rectangle2D 对象,它表示此 Rectangle2D 与指定 Rectangle2D 的并集。 Rectangle2D getBounds2D() 返回此 Rectangle2D 的高精度边界框。 double getHeight() 以 double 精度返回此 Rectangle2D 的高度。 double getWidth() 以 double 精度返回此 Rectangle2D 的宽度。 double getX() 以 double 精度返回此 Rectangle2D 的 X 坐标。 double getY() 以 double 精度返回此 Rectangle2D 的 Y 坐标。 boolean isEmpty() 确定此 Rectangle2D 是否为空。 int outcode(double x, double y) 确定指定 double 坐标相对于此 Rectangle2D 的位置。 void setRect(double x, double y, double w, double h) 将此 Rectangle2D 的位置和大小设置为指定的 double 值。 void setRect(Rectangle2D r) 将此 Rectangle2D 设置为与指定的 Rectangle2D 相同。 String toString() 返回此 Rectangle2D 的 String 表示形式。直接查api呀

The Stranglers的《Shut Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Up歌手:The Stranglers专辑:The Collection潘玮柏&信 - Shut Up我的声音正在怒吼YOU"D BETTER SHUT我要你闭上嘴你到底听懂没我管你是何方神圣我不管你是谁你的傲慢让你跟着坠落下坠我的耐性已经飙到极限崩溃边缘你不要视而不见还在那摆个臭脸有种站在我的面前对我说你那SHIT我不想听我不想听我不想听我不想听SHUT YOUR MAUTH UP当谣言飞散满天(我从不理会这些无聊幼稚嘲讽)相信都变得困难(我为何这个字而生为伟大的名而存)回到原始的单纯(我就是我我不会改变)点燃这节奏释放(爆炸能最瞬间就要一触即发)SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP别想用你的笔代替我的语言SHUT UP SHUT UP我决定自己是谁SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SSHUT UP SHUT UP进入我的音乐世界不然闭嘴SHUT UP SHUT UP我的声音正在怒吼YOU"D BETTER SHUT NOW愤怒的拳头我早已紧握是由我选择人生不是人生选择我你不是我 你也不懂我你凭什么要我随着你的脚步跟你走我不想看到你也不想听你说HEY我觉得你应该这样做罗嗦你的能耐我早就看透还敢说SHH SHH SHH SHUT YOUR MOUTH UP当谣言飞散满天(我从不理会这些无聊幼稚嘲讽)相信都变得困难(我为何这个字而生为伟大的名而存)回到原始的单纯(我就是我我不会改变)点燃这节奏释放(爆炸能最瞬间就要一触即发)SHUT UP SHUT UP忍耐已经濒临极限SHUT UP SHUT UP当压力飙到了顶点SHUT UP SHUT UP别想用你的笔代替我的语言SHUT UP SHUT UP我决定自己是谁 SHUT UP现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁现在请你闭上嘴我才不管你是我们的谁SHUT UP ...

angle baby 谁有这歌的歌词发下 谢谢了

Angel baby—— 琳达 朗斯黛 It"s just like heaven being here with you You"re like an angel, too good to be true. But afterall, I love you I do. Angel baby, my angel baby. When you are near me, my heart gets to beat. I can hardly stand on my own two feet Because I love you, I love you, I do. Angel baby, my angel baby. Whooo…… I love you. Whooo……I do. No one could love you like I do. Whooo…… Please never leave me blue and alone. If you ever go, I"m sure you"re come back home. Because I love you, I love you, I do. Angel baby, my angel baby. Whooo…… I love you. Whooo……I do. No one could love you like I do. Whooo…… 译文 这就像天堂,在这里与你 您像一个天使,也真正的好。 但毕竟,我爱你,我。 天使的婴儿,我的天使宝宝。 当你靠近我,我的心愈跳动。 我很难的立场,我自己的两只脚 因为我爱你,我爱你,我做的。 天使的婴儿,我的天使宝宝。 whooo …我爱你。 whooo … …我做的。 没有人可以爱你像我这样做。 whooo…… 请从来没有离开我和蓝单。 如果你去,我敢肯定,您回来的家。 因为我爱你,我爱你,我做的。 天使的婴儿,我的天使宝宝。 whooo……我爱你。 whooo ……我做的。 没有人可以爱你像我这样做。 whooo ……

请教sky angle blue vol.10 和 sky angle vol.73 是一样的吗


How Could An Angle Break My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:How Could An Angle Break My Heart歌手:张中立专辑:如果云知道(排笛演奏曲)How Could an Angel Break My Heart《天使多情》I heard he sang a lullabyI heard he sang it from his heartWhen I found out thought I would dieBecause that lullaby was mineI heard he sealed it with a kissHe gently kissed her cherry lipsI found that so hard to believeBecause his kiss belonged to meHow could an angel break my heartWhy didn"t he catch my falling starI wish I didn"t wish so hardMaybe I wished our love apartHow could an angel break my heartEm...I heard here face was white as rainSoft as a rose that blooms in MayHe keeps her picture in a frameAnd when he sleeps he calls her nameI wonder if she makes him smileThe way he used to smile at meI hope she doesn"t make him laughBecause his laugh belongs to meHow could an angel break my heartWhy didn"t he catch may falling starI wish I didn"t wish so hardMaybe I wish our love apartHow could an angel break my heartOh...OhOh my soul is dying, it"s cryingI"m trying to understandPlease help meHow could an angel break my heartWhy didn"t he catch my falling starI wish I didn"t wish so hardMaybe I wished our love aparthow could an angel break my heart

谁可以翻译wish i had an angle的歌词

I wish I had an angel 我愿天使降临 For one moment of love 只为感受片刻爱之温暖 I wish I had your angel tonight 我愿今夜天使将降临 Deep into a dying day 陷入死亡的边缘无法自拔 I took a step outside an innocent heart 我将抛弃清白之心踏入罪恶之地 Prepare to hate me fall when I may 诅咒我的堕落吧 This night will hurt you like never before 因这堕落之夜将带给你从未经受的苦痛 Old loves they die hard 逝去的爱情难以磨灭 Old lies they die harder 曾经的谎言更是不停在耳边萦绕 I wish I had an angel 我愿天使降临 For one moment of love 只为感受片刻爱之温暖 wish I had your angel 我愿天使降临, Your Virgin Mary undone 你心中的圣母正在消失 I`m in love with my lust" 我却深陷这充满贪欲的爱 Burning angel wings to dust 罪恶之火直要把天使的翅膀燃为灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight 我愿今夜天使将降临 I`m going down so frail `n cruel 堕落使我变得残忍而脆弱 Drunken disguise changes all the rules 只有在酒精的麻醉中我才能欺骗自己能改变这一切 Old loves they die hard 逝去的爱情难以磨灭 Old lies they die harder 曾经的谎言更是不停在耳边萦绕 I wish I had an angel 我愿天使降临 For one moment of love 只为感受片刻爱之温暖 wish I had your angel 我愿天使降临, Your Virgin Mary undone 你心中的圣母正在消失 I`m in love with my lust" 我却深陷这充满贪欲的爱 Burning angel wings to dust 罪恶之火直要把天使的翅膀燃为灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight 我愿今夜天使将降临 Greatest thrill Not to kill 终于,最让人激动不再是杀戮 But to have the prize of the night 而是去获得这罪恶之夜的赏赐 Hypocrite Wanna be friend 妄想获得我友谊的伪君子 13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing! 和那些背板者,对我来说什么都不是 Last dance, first kiss 最终之舞,最初之吻 Your touch, my bliss 你的抚摸,我的祝福 Beauty always comes with dark thoughts 最终的美丽只与黑暗思想同行!

what if she is an angle

If She"s An Angel. 乡村歌星Tommy Shane Steiner的首张音乐专辑 这里可以下载哦:)~ If She"s An Angel There"s a man standing on the corner With a sign sayin "will work for food" You know the man You see him every morning The one you never give your money to You can sit there with your window rolled up Wondering when the lights going to turn green Never knowing what a couple more bucks In his pocket might mean What if he"s an angel sent here from Heaven And he"s making certain that you"re doing your best To take the time to help one another Brother are you going to pass that test You can go on with your day to day Trying to forget what you saw in his face Knowing deep down it could have been his saving grace What if he"s an angel There"s a man There"s a woman Living right above you in apartment G There"s alot of noise coming from the ceiling And it don"t sound like harmony You can sit there with your TV turned up While the words and his anger fly Come tomorrow when you see her with her shades on Can you look her in the eye What if she"s an angel sent here from heaven And she"s making certain that you"re doing your best To take the time to help one another Brother are you going to pass that test You can go on with your day to day Trying to forget what you saw in her face Knowing deep down it could have been her saving grace What if she"s an angel A little girl on daddy"s lap Hiding her disease with a baseball cap You can turn the channel Most people do But what if you were sitting in her daddy"s shoes Maybe she"s an angel Sent here from Heaven And she"s making certain you"re doing your best To take the time to help one another Brother are you going to pass that test You can go on with your day to day Trying to forget what you saw in her face Knowing deep down it could have been her saving grace What if she"s an angel 中文翻译: 一个男子站在街角 身边的标示告之 他已失去了工作 你每天清晨都能见到他 只是你从不施舍 你安逸的坐在窗前 寻思着何时黄昏来临 却不曾考虑 那男子口袋中的几元钱对他的意义 倘若他是天使 从天间下凡 观察你是否用心尽力去帮助另一个人 兄弟 你会通过这个测试吗 你可以一如既往的打发日子 并抹去那张脸在你脑海中记忆 但你深知自己曾有过帮助他的机会 倘若他是天使 你的公寓楼上居住着一对夫妻 透过天花板 你能听到争执声此起彼伏 当他的怒吼声传来 你可以安然的坐在屋内开响电视的音量 而次日 当看着她受伤的印记 你是否还有勇气注视她的眼睛 倘若她是天使 从天间下凡 观察你是否用心尽力去帮助另一个人 兄弟 你会通过这个测试吗 你可以一如既往的打发日子 并抹去那张脸在你脑海中记忆 但你深知自己曾有过帮助她的机会 倘若她是天使 一个小女孩坐在父亲的膝上 她的棒球帽 遮掩住她病痛的模样 你可以象其他很多人那样转换频道 但是 倘若你是女孩的父亲 你会如何感受


n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向词组短语:angle of view视角visual anglen. 视界,视角contact angle接触角;交会角angle on引诱;角度对准angle for谋取dip angle[航海]倾角;[航空]俯角;磁倾角incident angle入射角phase angle相位角例句:We have looked at our planet from every angle and found all of the wildest things left to find.我们从各个角度观察我们的星球,去发现所有尚待发现的最疯狂的事物。The photo was taken from an unusual angle.这张照片是从不寻常的角度拍摄的。The boat is now leaning at a 30 degree angle.这条船现在正以30度角倾斜着。

There must have been an angle watching over me th


《暗香》插曲有一句是:You re an angle,后面是啥?还有,这首歌叫什么名字?

这首歌就叫暗香、You re an angle 我在等着你赐福 你却把泪珠抛向海深处 不禁茫然回首间 人生尘和土 我们的爱永不祈求别人的宽恕 You re an angle 我放弃了温柔 与爱的角斗早已成困兽 那些尊严的分量 随幸福动荡 像你善舞的翅膀 很飞扬 one more day one more night I beg you please Close me in Hold me up Let me breath 心同心 路同路 纵然是背对世界 我不在乎 one more day one more night I beg you please Close me in Hold me up Let me breath 爱的罪 爱中赎 罚我们生生世世终老于困苦 one more day one more night I beg you please Close me in Hold me up Let me breath 心同心 路同路 纵然是背对世界 我不在乎 one more day one more night I beg you please Close me in Hold me up Let me breath 爱的罪 爱中赎 罚我们生生世世终老于困苦 You re an angle

女声唱的,歌词有一句,looking for an angle

凯莉米洛唱的looking for an angelKylie Minogue - Looking For An Angel Sometimes it"s easy It"s meant to be Dream of the moment You"ll be with me "Cause I wanna look down now I wanna get deeper Can you let me in? To show me places To be my keeper I"m waiting for my Seraphim Oh, I"m looking for an angel For an angel Looking for an angel Yeah I"m looking for an angel For an angel Looking for an angel My heart is ready My mind is open My body"s aching I wait for you "Cause I wanna rise up now Don"t wanna be a bound Reach up to the sky Into the distance And the future Is waiting for me in your eyes Looking for an angel For an angel Looking for an angel Yeah I"m looking for an angel For an angel Looking for an angel (I"m waiting, I"m waiting for you) Oh, I"m looking for an angel For an angel Looking for an angel Yeah I"m looking for an angel For an angel Looking for an angel And when good things are good I want to share them I don"t want to be alone And when darkness falls Will you hear my call And show me the way back home? "Cause I want this life To be twice as nice With somebody by my side So my dreams are things Like your golden wings When you carry me and fly "Cause I wanna look down now I wanna get deeper Can you let me in? To show me places To be my keeper I"m waiting for my Seraphim I"m looking for an angel For an angel Looking for an angel Yeah I"m looking for an angel For an angel Looking for an angel Oh, I"m looking for an angel For an angel Looking for an angel (I"m waiting, I"m waiting for you) Yeah I"m looking for an angel For an angel Looking for an angel (I"m waiting, I"m waiting for you) I"m waiting, I"m waiting for you

跪求一些女高音的伤感英文歌,男声也可以,比如迪克兰的an angle,在线等


求dying for an angle歌词翻译

Dying For An Angel 渴望一个天使 You"re awake in your darkest dream 你清醒在你们的最黑暗的梦想 I have come for you 我来给你 And nobody can hear you scream 没有人能听到你和尖叫 When I reach for you 当我牵着你 Don"t you remember they"re feeding your face 你不记得了吗?他们正在喂你的脸 Before they have carved you in stone 之前,他们已刻你刻在石头上 And don"t you remember your sweat and your pain 你不记得你的汗水和你的痛苦 When you were drawn to the bone 当你被吸引到骨头 When you were left on all alone 当你被留在孤零零一个人 Chorus: 合唱: Living on a dream 生活在一个梦想 Dying for an angel 渴望一个天使 Reach out, waiting for a miracle 伸出你的手,等待一个奇迹 No sign of wings, as you turn your back on me 没有迹象表明翅膀,当你把我丢在背后 Living on a dream 生活在一个梦想 Lonely call to dial 孤独的电话拨 Head up, feet down in the fire 抬起头,脚放下来在火中焚烧 Can I tell your gone 我可以告诉你一去不复返了 Dying for an angel 渴望一个天使 Everyday 每天 Where do we go from the apology 我们要在哪做道歉吗 What do I leave behind 我留下吗 How will I stand what I"ll have to say 我怎么能忍受我会怎么说的呢 This reflexion of mine 我的这个永久性 Colitteral damage, your sacrifice 你们的牺牲Colitteral伤害, Got a longer fly alone to fall 有一个不再独自飞掉下来 Gotta tear down the walls of love and light 必须拆除墙壁的爱和光 You have come on your own 你来了你自己 You will go on all alone 你还是会继续独自一人 Chorus 合唱 Solo: Sascha Paeth Sascha Paeth独奏: (Living on a dream (生活在一个梦想 Dying for an angel 渴望一个天使 Reach out, waiting for a miracle 伸出你的手,等待一个奇迹 No sign of wings, as you turn your back on me) 没有迹象表明翅膀,当你耍我)

You are an angle 歌词?

You are an angle ”你是天使 作词:陈涛 作曲:王备 You re an angle 我在等着你赐福 你却把泪珠抛向海深处 不禁茫然回首间 人生尘和土 我们的爱永不祈求别人的宽恕 You re an angle 我放弃了温柔 与爱的角斗早已成困兽 那些尊严的分量 随幸福动荡 像你善舞的翅膀 很飞扬 one more day one more night I beg you please Close me in Hold me up Let me breath 心同心 路同路 纵然是背对世界 我不在乎 one more day one more night I beg you please Close me in Hold me up Let me breath 爱的罪 爱中赎 罚我们生生世世终老于困苦 one more day one more night I beg you please Close me in Hold me up Let me breath 心同心 路同路 纵然是背对世界 我不在乎 one more day one more night I beg you please Close me in Hold me up Let me breath 爱的罪 爱中赎 罚我们生生世世终老于困苦 You re an angle

nightwish wish i have an angle的中文歌词。

I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使 For one moment of love哪怕只为昙花一现般的爱情 I wish I had your angel tonight我真的希望今晚我能遇到你的天使 Deep into a dying day深深的藏在那消逝的一天 I took a step outside an innocent heart我在赤子之心外面采取着措施 Prepare to hate me fall when I may 准备着怨恨我随时可能的跌倒 This night will hurt you like never before 这个夜晚会前所未有的伤害你 Old loves they die hard年老的恋人炫丽般离去 Old lies they die harder而古老的谎言亘古不变 I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使 For one moment of love哪怕只为昙花一现般的爱情 I wish I had your angel我希望能拥有你的天使 Your Virgin Mary undone你的圣母玛利亚所未能完成的 I`m in love with my lust"我爱上我的情欲米 Burning angel wings to dust燃烧天使翅膀直到灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight我真的希望今晚会有你的天使 I`m going down so frail `n cruel我正在坠落,那么的脆弱和悲惨 Drunken disguise changes all the rules酒醉的伪装更改了所有的准则 Old loves they die hard年老的恋人炫丽般离去 Old lies they die harder而古老的谎言亘古不变 I wish I had an angel我真的希望能有一个天使 For one moment of love哪怕只为昙花一现般的爱情 I wish I had your angel我希望能拥有你的天使 Your Virgin Mary undone你的圣母玛利亚所未能完成的 I`m in love with my lust"我爱上我的情欲米 Burning angel wings to dust燃烧天使翅膀直到灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight我真的希望今晚会有你的天使 Greatest thrill最大的震颤 Not to kill不是去屠杀 But to have the prize of the night而是去获得黑夜的奖赏 Hypocrite伪君子 Wanna be friend想要成为朋友 13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!第十三弟子就是徒然出卖我的人吗! Last dance, first kiss最后的舞蹈,初吻 Your touch, my bliss你的抚摸,我的福佑 Beauty always comes with dark thoughts美丽总是与黑暗的思考并行

我要declan 的An Angle 全歌

Declan Galbraith - Angel 8.6Mb下载地址:视频观看地址:歌词:I wish I had your pair of wingshad them last night in my dreamsI was chasing butterfliestill the sunrise broke my eyesTonight the sky has glued my eyescause what they sees an angel hiveIve got to touch that magic skyand greet the angels in their hiveSometimes I wish I were an angelSometimes I wish I were youSometimes I wish I were an angelSometimes I wish I were youAll the sweet honey from abovepour it all over me sweet loveAnd while youre flying around my headyour honey kisses keep me fedI wish I had your pair of wingsjust like last night in my dreamsI was lost in paradisewish Id never opened my eyesSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youBut theres danger in the airtryinso hard to be unfairDangers in the airtryin so hard to give us a scarebut were not afraidSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youSometimes I wish I were an angelsometimes I wish I were youWish I were you Oh I wish I were you

an angle是dec几岁唱的,他现在多大了啊?

An Angel ,是 Declan 在他的第三张专辑《Thank You》 (2006年12月发行)收录的主打歌曲,当时他15岁。Declan Galbraith(迪克兰·加尔布雷思,1991年12月19日-)是一名英国歌手。他具有双重血统,父亲是苏格兰人,母亲则是爱尔兰人。他和家人一起住在英国肯特郡罗彻斯特附近的一个村庄。他的祖父曾参加过乐队,会几种乐器。他曾带年幼的迪克兰去观看自己参与的“Fleadhs”(音乐会)。苏格兰、爱尔兰音乐传统的融合给予了迪克兰灵感,并最终成为他早期的音乐启蒙。迪克兰以他的嗓音和对嗓音的控制能力而闻明于世,而他结交朋友的能力也名声在外。An Angel的原唱其实是Kelly Family。 Kelly Family是德国非常有名的家庭组合,这首An Angel是Paddy十几岁时,为了纪念在他五岁那年去世的母亲所创作的。

男生英文歌,歌词里有baby you like an angle后面好像还有几句只有一个单词beautiful


wish i had an angle

我愿天使降临 For one moment of love 只为感受片刻爱之温暖 I wish I had your angel tonight 我愿今夜天使将降临 Deep into a dying day 陷入死亡的边缘无法自拔 I took a step outside an innocent heart 我将抛弃清白之心踏入罪恶之地 Prepare to hate me fall when I may 诅咒我的堕落吧 This night will hurt you like never before 因这堕落之夜将带给你从未经受的苦痛 Old loves they die hard 逝去的爱情难以磨灭 Old lies they die harder 曾经的谎言更是不停在耳边萦绕 I wish I had an angel 我愿天使降临 For one moment of love 只为感受片刻爱之温暖 wish I had your angel 我愿天使降临, Your Virgin Mary undone 你心中的圣母正在消失 I`m in love with my lust" 我却深陷这充满贪欲的爱 Burning angel wings to dust 罪恶之火直要把天使的翅膀燃为灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight 我愿今夜天使将降临 I`m going down so frail `n cruel 堕落使我变得残忍而脆弱 Drunken disguise changes all the rules 只有在酒精的麻醉中我才能欺骗自己能改变这一切 Old loves they die hard 逝去的爱情难以磨灭 Old lies they die harder 曾经的谎言更是不停在耳边萦绕 I wish I had an angel 我愿天使降临 For one moment of love 只为感受片刻爱之温暖 wish I had your angel 我愿天使降临, Your Virgin Mary undone 你心中的圣母正在消失 I`m in love with my lust" 我却深陷这充满贪欲的爱 Burning angel wings to dust 罪恶之火直要把天使的翅膀燃为灰烬 I wish I had your angel tonight 我愿今夜天使将降临 Greatest thrill Not to kill 终于,最让人激动不再是杀戮 But to have the prize of the night 而是去获得这罪恶之夜的赏赐 Hypocrite Wanna be friend 妄想获得我友谊的伪君子 13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing! 和那些背板者,对我来说什么都不是 Last dance, first kiss 最终之舞,最初之吻 Your touch, my bliss 你的抚摸,我的祝福 Beauty always comes with dark thoughts 最终的美丽只与黑暗思想同行!



的"like an angle"的罗马字和中文歌词?

[人鱼之森 op][Like an angel][石川知亚纪]Like an angelLike an angel 坐在咖啡店 阳光明媚的窗前 轻易又 打发掉一天人来人往是 否都一样的繁忙不曾在我的身边停歇任他们眼神 在我平静的脸上只看到 无所谓的悠闲我一向太会 隐藏思绪中那些不为人知的汹涌波澜若放开羁绊走向那 别的地方 换上另一种 不同生活方式是否放得 开目前为止 这些坚持*Oh please come down like an angel 我知道 他就悄悄躲在那离我不远的地方却害羞 而带着面具一边表演着 意料之中的满足像精致 的行为艺术一边酝酿着 投入到义无反顾情理之外矛盾冲突社会的现实或亲友 种种义务不是好借口 来诠释这孤独 我只是接 受寂寞邀请 翩翩起舞Repeat *like an angel (限制如同骑自行车在路口等候绿灯希望像风筝一样高高飞翔)啊~啊~啊~啊~Oh please come down like an angel 我愿意 等他从天降临他说着平常对话而且听众 只有我一人Oh please come down like an angel 我知道 他就悄悄躲在那离我不远的地方却不屑 摘-下面具

求一首英文歌的名字,是一个女生唱的,歌词好像有 sometime I……angle sometim

someone like you?

求Ben Harper的waiting on an angle的歌词及中文翻译谢谢~


一次看到一个mv,是一位国外的女星唱的歌,只记得歌词里有一句she sing like an angle,哪个亲知道

U"ve been walking around in tears.

跪求一些女高音的伤感英文歌,男声也可以,比如迪克兰的an angle,在线等

tell me why 是declan的Concerto pour deux voix Jean-Baptiste Maunier & Clemence 这首歌没有歌词,歌词就是“啊”eversleeping xandria我知道不是英文的不过也是高音的比较伤感我比较喜欢的像是维塔斯的歌鹤之泣星星歌剧

thought of an angle

原文天使一次有误,是纪伯伦的《沙与沫》里面的句子: The first thought of God was an angel.The first word of God was a man. 一想到上帝我们首先觉得他是个天使,一提到上帝我们首先觉得他是个人. 言外之意:上帝既是神圣的天使,又是我们人类根据自身特征想象出来的超乎世界的人!

an angle( Declan Galbraith )


An angle的中文歌词及翻译!!!!谢谢,多分啊!!!!!!!

Does an angel contemplate my faith?And do they knowThe places where we goWhen we"re gray and old?"Cause I"ve been toldThat salvation lets their wings unfoldSo when I"m lying in my bedThoughts running through my headAnd I feel the love is deadI"m loving angels insteadAnd through it all she offers me protectionA lot of love and affectionWhether I"m right or wrongAnd down the waterfallWherever it may take meI know that life won"t break meWhen I come to call She won"t forsake meI"m loving angels insteadWhen I"m feeling weakAnd my pain walks down a one way streetI look aboveAnd I know I"ll always be blessed with loveAnd as the feeling growsShe breathes flesh to my bonesAnd when love is deadI"m loving angels insteadAnd through it all she offers me protectionA lot of love and affectionWhether I"m right or wrongAnd down the waterfallWherever it may take meI know that life won"t break meWhen I come to call She won"t forsake meI"m loving angels instead(solo)And through it all she offers me protectionA lot of love and affectionWhether I"m right or wrongAnd down the waterfallWherever it may take meI know that life won"t break meWhen I come to call She won"t forsake meI"m loving angels instead我的信念是天使迎面而来? 而我们不知道的地方去,当我们老灰? 『事业我被告知,让它们的翅膀展开救助等我当我躺在床上思考贯穿头部,我觉得我的爱情已死天使不是我爱她,并通过它的一切让我保护了大量的喜爱,无论我对错上下瀑布而我知道我可以不要发生在我的生命来请她不要抛弃我,我不是天使热爱的感情,当我和我的痛弱了单程步行街段,我知道我看,保佑我永远爱她的感觉呼吸坑肉和骨头时,我的爱 我不是天使死爱她,并通过它的一切让我保护了大量的喜爱,无论我对错上下瀑布而我知道我可以不要发生在我的生命来请她不要抛弃我,我不是天使爱(独奏),并通过它的一切让我保护她的喜爱,很多我是否对或错,而可能采取的瀑布下,我知道我的生活不要发生在我来请她不要抛弃我,而是我爱天使

求an angle歌词

An angel I wish I had your pair of wings      Had them last night in my dreams      I was chasing butterflies     Till the sunrise broke my eyes      Tonight the sky has glued my eyes      Cause what they see"s an angel hive     I"ve got to touch that magic sky       And greet the angels in their hive      Sometimes I wish I were an angel      Sometimes I wish I were you      Sometimes I wish I were an angel     Sometimes I wish I were you     All the sweet honey from above     Pour it all over me sweet love     And while you"re flying around my head      Your honey kisses keep me fed      I wish I had your pair of wings      Just like last night in my dreams     I was lost in paradise      Wish I"d never opened my eyes     Sometimes I wish I were an angel     Sometimes I wish I were you     Sometimes I Wish I were an angel     Sometimes I wish I were you      But there"s danger in the air     Tryin" so hard to be unfair      Danger"s in the air     Tryin" so hard to give us a scare    But we are not afraid      Sometimes I wish I were an angel   Sometimes I wish I were you     Sometimes I wish I were an angel     Sometimes I wish I were you   Wish I were you  Oh I wish I were you  



The Stranglers的《Non Stop》 歌词

歌曲名:Non Stop歌手:The Stranglers专辑:La FolieAtozzio - Non StopThrow yourself over hereYou know what i wanna doSo bring yourself over here, yeahI know we got company overBut I am so temptedTo take it you up in the roomAnd give it to you, baby,babyCause you"re looking so damn good right nowAnd you keep walking in front of me with them lil shorts onYou know what I wantCause I"ve been waiting all dayYou know what I wanna doI wanna taste youSo girl have on your birthday suitI"m gonna unplug all the phonesWe"re in tonightTurn off your cellcause no more calls at the nightCause when we wrap upThere"s nothing that"s gonna be able to come between usTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babySweating till the sun comes upNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma have you screaming for more like OH! OHUntil you lose your voice like OH! OHTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyNow I got you in this roomBaby there"s no exitYou gon" thinkFrom the way we sexin" till the morningWe gon" make love until the morningWe can do it however you like itJust let me knowLike it rough, or thug it outOr I take you real nice and slowTry something differentGirl let"s experimentAin"t no place we can"t goI"m gonna unplug all the phonesWe"re in tonightTurn off your cell,cause no more calls at the nightCause when we wrap upThere"s nothing that"s gonna be able to come between usTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babySweating till the sun comes upNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma have you screaming for more like OH! OHUntil you lose your voice like OH! OHTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma give it to ya in the worst way, babyI"mma give it to ya all nightI"mma give it to ya all night, my babyI"mma have you screamin out my name baby"Like give it to me babyGive it to me babyGive it to me babyTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babySweating till the sun comes upNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop babyI"mma have you screaming for more like OH! OHUntil you lose your voice like OH! OHTonight we gon" make loveNon stop babyNon stop babyNon stop baby


曲名:Room of Angel 曲风:欧美流行 作词:Hiroyuki Owaku 作曲/编曲:Akira Yamaoka 演唱:Mary Elizabeth McGlynn You lie, silent there before me 你说谎,在我面前沉默着 Your tears, they mean nothing to me 你的眼泪,它们对我并不意味着任何事情 The wind, howling at the window 风,敲打着窗户 The love you never gave, I give to you 爱,你从未给过我的,我给了你 really don"t deserve it 确实不值得 but now, there"s nothing you can do 但是现在,你什么事也做不了 So sleep in your only memory 所以睡吧,在你仅有的回忆里 And weep, my dearest mother 并且哭泣,我最亲爱的母亲 Here"s a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye 这是使你闭上眼睛的催眠曲,永别 It was always you that I despised 我所蔑视的就是你而已 I don"t feel enough for you to cry, oh my 我没有感动到为你而哭泣,噢我的 Here"s a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye 这是使你闭上眼睛的催眠曲,永别 goodbye... 永别 So insignificant 如此无用 Sleeping dormant deep inside of me 你在我里面休眠着 Are you hiding away, lost 你是不是藏起来了,丢失了 Under the sewers 在下水道里面 Maybe flying high 也许飞得高远 In the clouds 在云朵里 Perhaps you"re happy without me 也许没有我你很快乐 So many seeds have been sown on the field 所以那些已经被播种在田野里的种子 And who could sprout up so blessedly 还有那清洗自己的是多么纯洁 if I had died 如果我已经死了 I would have never 我将绝不 felt sad at all 感到一丝悲哀 You will not hear me say 你将永远不会听到我说 I"m sorry 对不起 Where is the light 光在哪里 Wonder if it"s weeping somewhere 我想知道它是否在什么地方哭泣 Here"s a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye 这是使你闭上眼睛的催眠曲,永别了 It was always you that I despised 我常常蔑视的人就是你 I don"t feel enough for you to cry, oh my 我没有那么感动以至于要为你哭泣,噢,我的…… Here"s a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye 这是使你闭上眼睛的催眠曲,永别了 goodbye.........

rectangle square读音


How could an angle break my heat中文歌词?

I heard he sang a lullaby 我听到他唱的摇篮曲I heard he sang it from his heart 我听到他发自内心的吟唱When I found out thought I would die 当我发现的时候我以为我会死Because that lullaby was mine 因为那支摇篮曲是我的I heard he sealed it with a kiss 我听说他以吻封缄He gently kissed her cherry lips 他轻轻吻了她如樱桃般的唇I found that so hard to believe 对此我难以置信Because his kiss belonged to me 因为他的唇属于我I heard her face was white as rain 我看到她的脸如雨般苍白透明Soft as a rose that blooms in may 柔软如盛开在五月的玫瑰He keeps her picture in a frame 他将她的相片保存在相框里And when he sleeps he calls her name 且在睡梦中叫着她的名字I wonder if she makes him smile 我想知道是否她能令他微笑The way he used to smile at me 就像他过去对我微笑的那样I hope she doesn"t make him laugh 我希望是她让他有了笑容Because his love belongs to me 因为他的爱属于我How could an angel break my heart 天使怎么会伤我的心Why didn"t he catch my falling star 他为什么没有抓住我坠落的心I wish I didn"t wish so hard 我希望我的愿望不是奢望Maybe I wished our love apart 也许我希望我们的爱就此分离my soul is dying it"s crying 我的灵魂在垂危挣扎,它正在哭泣I"m trying to understand 我努力地想去了解Please help me 请帮帮我How could an angel break my heart 天使怎么会伤我的心Why didn"t he catch my falling star 他为什么没有抓住我的坠落的心I wish I didn"t wish so hard 我希望我的愿望不是奢望Maybe I wished our love apart 也许我希望我们的爱就此分离How could an angel break my heart 天使怎么会伤我的心


Please be my angel, babyI miss you, I want to be your angelYes 低头踢著小石头 甚至朝霞也看不到So 试问晚霞云彩那一头的天空 没有答案的未来如果将全部化为有形 再这个一切都暧昧不明的黑暗时代一首传达「爱的语言」的歌 轻触著你的浏海My angel,you are Angel我们是如此不可思议地深深看著对方My angel,you are Angel连系了坦率心灵的声音 是化作了光芒的希望My angel,you are Angel我们是如此不可思议地深深看著对方My angel,you are Angel连系了坦率心灵的声音 是化作了光芒的希望不信你看 我们就有如轻轻地 在飘起一阵雨里让彼此淋湿的肌肤 相依相偎在一起My angel,you are Angel我永远在你的身边 此刻这首歌就代表了承担我们的希望My Angel, you are AngelPlease be my angel, baby I miss you, I want to be your angelYes 朝焼けにも気付かずうつむいたまま 石コロ蹴っ飞ばした 夕焼け云の向こうに问いかける空 答えのない未来だ全部.形にしたなら 壊れてしまいそうな暗い时代に「爱の言叶」届けるための呗 君の前髪に触れた Angel, you are Angel不思议なくらいに见つめ合うから 约束になった Angel, you are Angel素直な心をつないだ声が 光に変わった希望 Angel, you are Angel不思议なくらいに见つめ合うから 约束になった Angel, you are Angel素直な心をつないだ声が 光に変わったほらきっと ただそっと 降り出した雨に濡れた素肌を 寄せあうみたいに Angel, you are Angelいつもそばにいるよ 今この呗が约束 仆达の希望

You are my angle , i will protect you foever 是什么意思,

你是我的天使,我将永远保护你。 失去你,没必要打开伞了,我的心都是湿的

《you are my angle》的歌词

Once upon a time an angel in the sky made comfort every night once upon a time the angel loved me so it"s a miracle in the snow my heart won"t be cold my dear you are my angel tell me what you know something should be told my dear you are my angel tell me where you go I will breathe behind your love Once upon a time my angle give me life


大嘴巴 - You Are My Angel作词:怀秋 作曲:怀秋 编曲:林俊杰电话里的我 是不是很拙安慰你的话 不知该怎么说他在你的心 画了一道伤口拨开乌云朵 飞来我的天空软弱的双手 换我来紧握听你的要求 呵护你的感受安抚你的心 缝合你的伤口有我来倾听 送你我的耳朵you are my angel 飞到我左右在你的宇宙 每颗星都是我you are my angel 陪伴我左右就算海着火 陆地都沉没 爱你到最后you are my angel 飞到我左右在你的宇宙 每颗星都是我you are my angel 陪伴我左右就算海着火 陆地都沉没 爱你到最后多希望 倒转回到时空阻止你们相遇的时候带着你逃脱 即使我look like a fool也许这么做 你就不会难过you are my angel 飞到我左右在你的宇宙 每颗星都是我you are my angel 陪伴我左右就算海着火 陆地都沉没 爱你到最后

有首男女合唱的歌词里有句you are my angle


一首女歌手唱的英文歌,歌曲高潮的时候有一句歌词是you are my angle fly away

《北京遇上西雅图》片尾曲《Angle》中英文歌词:Spend all your time waiting - 耗尽你全部精力孤苦寻觅For that second chance - 只为了一次天使重现的机会For a break that would make it okay - 静静的等待突破There"s always some reason - 但为什么总有一些原因To feel not good enough - 要让我再次感受遗憾And it"s hard at the end of the day - 临近午夜总是那么悲凉I need some distraction - 我需要一些慰藉Oh beautiful release - 哦,就像天使般的美丽Memories seep from my veins - 记忆从我的心底缓缓流溢And may be empty - 那或许就是空虚孤寂Oh and weightless and maybe - 哦,我乏力无劲,也许I"ll find some peace tonight - 今晚我才能找到一些宁静In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上Fly away from here - 从这里飞向天际From this dark cold hotel room - 远离黑暗冷寂的房间And the endlessness that you fear - 和你惧怕的一切You are pulled from the wreckage - 你从绝望中挣脱Of your silent reverie - 留下寂静的幻想You"re in the arms of the angel - 你在天使的肩膀上May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平So tired of the straight line - 每天为工作事业奔波劳累And everywhere you turn - 犹豫在每个十字路口上Cause vultures and thieves at your back - 原因是奸贼和小人总是在你身旁The storm keeps on twisting - 风暴总是不停延蔓Keep on buliding the lies - 继续编造着谎言That you make up for all that you lack - 继续为你的名利空耗心扉It don"t make no difference - 那有什么区别Escape one last time - 最后不是也要远离尘世It"s easier to believe - 那是多么简单的事情In this sweet madness - 陷入甜蜜的疯狂Oh, this glorious sadness - 哦,这么光荣的悲伤That brings me to my kness - 那带我去到天堂In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上Fly away from here - 从这里飞向天际From this dark cold hotel room - 远离黑暗冷寂的房间And the endlessness that you fear - 和你惧怕的一切You are pulled from the wreckage - 你从绝望中挣脱Of your silent reverie - 留下寂静的幻想You"re in the arms of the angel - 你在天使的肩膀上May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平In the arms of the angel - 倚傍在天使的肩膀上May you find some comfort here - 或许你能在这里将心抚平Some comfort here - 在这里将心抚平

大嘴巴的 you are my angle.歌词

歌佲:You Are My Angel縯唱:大嘴巴专辑:《仼えロㄌロ》pIng孒制作 QQ:511477348电话里的我 是不是很蠢安慰你的话 不知该怎么说他在你的心 划了一道伤口拨开乌云朵 飞来我的天空柔软的双手 换我来紧握 听你的要求 呵护你的感受安抚你的心 缝合你的伤口用耳来倾听 送你我的耳朵You Are My Angel 飞到我左右在你的宇宙 每颗星都是我 You Are My Angel 陪伴我左右就算海角或 陆地都沉没爱你到最后pIng孒制作 QQ:511477348多希望 倒转回到时空 阻止你们 相遇的时候带着你逃脱即使我 Look Like a Fool 也许这么做 你就不会难过You Are My Angel 飞到我左右 在你的宇宙 每颗星都是我You Are My Angel 陪伴我左右就算海角或 陆地都沉没爱你到最后

法证先锋2You are my angle是谁唱的

歌曲:You Are My Angel(TVB电视剧《法证先锋II》英文插曲) 歌手:周美欣(2008年度香港小姐季军) 专辑:TVB电视剧《法证先锋II》原声带 公司:香港无线TVB 语言:英语 时间:2008.5.27 介绍:TVB电视剧《法证先锋II》英文插曲“You Are My Angel”由2008年度香港小姐季军周美欣演唱. You Are My Angel(TVB电视剧《法证先锋II》英文插曲)歌词: Once upon a time an angel in the sky made comfort every night once upon a time the angel loved me so it"s a miracle in the snow my heart won"t be cold my dear you are my angel tell me what you know something should be told my dear you are my angel tell me where you go I will breathe behind your love Once upon a time my angle give me life满意请采纳

you are my angle 这首歌谁知道

好像是 周美欣

急求一个女歌手唱的一首叫angle by my side的歌词,谢谢

歌手叫做“Do”歌词如下 Angel By My Side LyricsArtist(Band):Do In this life we all search for somethingSomething good and something oh so pureWell I believe that if you find that one thingYou must fight, for then you will be sureChorus:Could it be that I have found an angelI can see heaven in your eyesIn my soul I never will be lonelyFor there will be an angel by my sideThere were times I never thought I"d make itNever dreamed I"d find someone like youWho"d be there when days were at their darkestWatching over everything I doChorus:Could it be that I have found an angelI can see heaven in your eyesIn my soul I never will be lonelyFor there will be an angel by my sideThere will be an angel by my sideCould it be that I have found an angelI can see heaven in your eyesIn my soul I never will be lonelyThere will be an angel by my sideIn my soul I never will be lonelyFor there will be an angel by my side
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