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Look! Ma Long is cleaning our classman.这句里有了系动词is,所以后面跟的动词需要变形。





英语中north korean和south korean南北高丽分别指朝鲜和韩国,为啥中文里是2个毫无关联的名字?

高丽是古称,被李成桂的朝鲜王朝取代。中国作为宗主国,对这些很清楚,称呼改为朝鲜。但日本人还沿用高丽的称呼,后来西方人来了,音译而成的korean南北分裂后,英文直接加 南北

A ,the,an,one的区别


Francesco Guccini的《Vorrei》 歌词

歌曲名:Vorrei歌手:Francesco Guccini专辑:The Platinum CollectionForza MilanBy EricVorreiFrancesco Guccini (中意对照)Vorrei conoscer l" odore del tuo paese, 我想要知道你故乡的味道camminare di casa nel tuo giardino, 想要在你家的花园中散步respirare nell" aria sale e maggese, 想要在田地的咸咸的空气中呼吸gli aromi della tua salvia e del rosmarino. 呼吸你的鼠尾草和迷迭香的味道Vorrei che tutti gli anziani mi salutassero 我希望所有的老人都向我打招呼parlando con me del tempo e dei giorni andati, 跟我诉说过往的日子vorrei che gli amici tuoi tutti mi parlassero, 我希望所有朋友都跟我聊着come se amici fossimo sempre stati. 就仿佛朋友我们一直都是如此Vorrei incontrare le pietre, le strade, gli usci 我想要看看石子,小道,小门e i ciuffi di parietaria attaccati ai muri, 看那一束束墙草轻抚着老墙le strisce delle lumache nei loro gusci, 看那蜗牛壳的纹路capire tutti gli sguardi dietro agli scuri 想要知道百叶窗后目光e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,一切都并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io... 而只剩我和我的思绪独自留下,而我.....Vorrei con te da solo sempre viaggiare, 我想要单独和你一直一起旅行scoprire quello che intorno c"è da scoprire 想要去发现周围一切等待着被发现的东西per raccontarti e poi farmi raccontare 为了诉说给你听也为了你让我诉说il senso d" un rabbuiarsi e del tuo gioire; 阴郁和欣喜的意义vorrei tornare nei posti dove son stato, 我想要回到我曾经去过的地方spiegarti di quanto tutto sia poi diverso 想要告诉你过去是如何如何而如今一切都变了e per farmi da te spiegare cos"è cambiato 而你会让我告诉你到底什么变了e quale sapore nuovo abbia l" universo. 而如今世界又有何新的味道Vedere di nuovo Istanbul o Barcellona 我想要再去看看伊斯坦堡和巴塞罗那o il mare di una remota spiaggia cubana 或者是那遥远的古巴的海滩o un greppe dell" Appennino dove risuona 一个回声缭绕的亚平宁山脉fra gli alberi un" usata e semplice tramontana 在树木之间吹过的熟悉的简单的北风e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,我并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io... 而只剩我的思绪留下陪着我,而我.....Vorrei restare per sempre in un posto solo 我希望在一个地方永远留下per ascoltare il suono del tuo parlare 为了能听你说话的声音e guardare stupito il lancio, la grazia, il volo 然后傻傻的看着天上的飞机impliciti dentro al semplice tuo camminare 一切都在包含在你简单的脚步中e restare in silenzio al suono della tua voce 而我静静的呆在你的嗓音中o parlare, parlare, parlare, parlarmi addosso 说吧,说吧,说吧,爬在我背上说吧dimenticando il tempo troppo veloce 忘记了飞逝的时光o nascondere in due sciocchezze che son commosso. 我想把自己藏在那些让我感动的蠢话中Vorrei cantare il canto delle tue mani, 想要唱一首关于你双手的歌giocare con te un eterno gioco proibito 想要跟你玩一个完全被禁止的游戏che l" oggi restasse oggi senza domani 那就是仿佛不会有明天一样去度过今天o domani potesse tendere all" infinito 或者让明天成为永远e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,我并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io...而只剩我的思绪留下陪着我,而我.....Sei l"unica per me,come sei sempre stata e sempre sarai2010-11-21

Francesco Guccini的《Vorrei》 歌词

歌曲名:Vorrei歌手:Francesco Guccini专辑:D Amore Di Morte E Di Altre SciocchezzeForza MilanBy EricVorreiFrancesco Guccini (中意对照)Vorrei conoscer l" odore del tuo paese, 我想要知道你故乡的味道camminare di casa nel tuo giardino, 想要在你家的花园中散步respirare nell" aria sale e maggese, 想要在田地的咸咸的空气中呼吸gli aromi della tua salvia e del rosmarino. 呼吸你的鼠尾草和迷迭香的味道Vorrei che tutti gli anziani mi salutassero 我希望所有的老人都向我打招呼parlando con me del tempo e dei giorni andati, 跟我诉说过往的日子vorrei che gli amici tuoi tutti mi parlassero, 我希望所有朋友都跟我聊着come se amici fossimo sempre stati. 就仿佛朋友我们一直都是如此Vorrei incontrare le pietre, le strade, gli usci 我想要看看石子,小道,小门e i ciuffi di parietaria attaccati ai muri, 看那一束束墙草轻抚着老墙le strisce delle lumache nei loro gusci, 看那蜗牛壳的纹路capire tutti gli sguardi dietro agli scuri 想要知道百叶窗后目光e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,一切都并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io... 而只剩我和我的思绪独自留下,而我.....Vorrei con te da solo sempre viaggiare, 我想要单独和你一直一起旅行scoprire quello che intorno c"è da scoprire 想要去发现周围一切等待着被发现的东西per raccontarti e poi farmi raccontare 为了诉说给你听也为了你让我诉说il senso d" un rabbuiarsi e del tuo gioire; 阴郁和欣喜的意义vorrei tornare nei posti dove son stato, 我想要回到我曾经去过的地方spiegarti di quanto tutto sia poi diverso 想要告诉你过去是如何如何而如今一切都变了e per farmi da te spiegare cos"è cambiato 而你会让我告诉你到底什么变了e quale sapore nuovo abbia l" universo. 而如今世界又有何新的味道Vedere di nuovo Istanbul o Barcellona 我想要再去看看伊斯坦堡和巴塞罗那o il mare di una remota spiaggia cubana 或者是那遥远的古巴的海滩o un greppe dell" Appennino dove risuona 一个回声缭绕的亚平宁山脉fra gli alberi un" usata e semplice tramontana 在树木之间吹过的熟悉的简单的北风e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,我并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io... 而只剩我的思绪留下陪着我,而我.....Vorrei restare per sempre in un posto solo 我希望在一个地方永远留下per ascoltare il suono del tuo parlare 为了能听你说话的声音e guardare stupito il lancio, la grazia, il volo 然后傻傻的看着天上的飞机impliciti dentro al semplice tuo camminare 一切都在包含在你简单的脚步中e restare in silenzio al suono della tua voce 而我静静的呆在你的嗓音中o parlare, parlare, parlare, parlarmi addosso 说吧,说吧,说吧,爬在我背上说吧dimenticando il tempo troppo veloce 忘记了飞逝的时光o nascondere in due sciocchezze che son commosso. 我想把自己藏在那些让我感动的蠢话中Vorrei cantare il canto delle tue mani, 想要唱一首关于你双手的歌giocare con te un eterno gioco proibito 想要跟你玩一个完全被禁止的游戏che l" oggi restasse oggi senza domani 那就是仿佛不会有明天一样去度过今天o domani potesse tendere all" infinito 或者让明天成为永远e lo vorrei 我想要这一切perchè non sono quando non ci sei 因为当你不在时,我并非如此e resto solo coi pensieri miei ed io...而只剩我的思绪留下陪着我,而我.....Sei l"unica per me,come sei sempre stata e sempre sarai2010-11-21

what can we learn fromHenryFord如何解答?

what can we learn from Henry Ford ?我们能从亨利福特那里学到什么?就是让你回答Henry Ford的优点


manage to do

Lettre De George Sand à Alfred De Musset 歌词

歌曲名:Lettre De George Sand à Alfred De Musset歌手:Céline Dion专辑:D"EllesCeline Dion - Lettre De George Sand A Alfred De MussetVenise, 12 mai 1834Non mon enfant chéri,ces 3 lettres ne sont pas le dernier serment de l"amant qui te quitteC"est l"embrassement du frère qui te resteCe sentiment la est trop beau,trop pur et trop douxpour que j"éprouve jamais le désir d"en finir avec luiQue mon souvenir n"empoisonne aucune des jouissance de ta vieMais ne laisse pas ces jouissances détruire et méprimer mes souvenirsSoit heureux, soit aiméComment ne le serais tu pasMais garde moi dans un petit coin secret de ton coeurEt descend y dans tes jours de tristessepour y trouver une consolation ou un encouragementAime donc comme AlfredAime pour tout de bonAime une femme jeuneMénage la et ne me la fait pas souffrirLe coeur d"une femme est une chose si délicateQuand ce n"est pas un glacon ou une pierreJe crois qu"il n"y a guère de millieuEt il n"y en pas non plus dans ta manière d"aimerTon ame est faite pour aimer ardammentOu pour se désécher tout a faitTu l"as dit cent fois et tu as eu beau tant a dire?Rien, rien a effacer cette sentence laIl n"y au monde que l"amour qui sur quelque chosePeut-etre m"a tu aimé avec peinePour aimer une autre avec abandonPeut-etre celle qui viendraT"aimera tellement moins que moiEt peut-etre sera-elle plus heureuse et plus aiméePeut-être ton dernier amour sera-t-ilplus romanesque et le plus jeuneMais ton coeur, mais ton bon coeurne le tue pas je t"en prieQu"il se mette tout entierdans tout les amours dans ta vieAfin qu"un jour tu puisse regarder en arrièreEt dire comme moi j"ai souffert souventJe me suis trompé quelques foisMais j"ai aimé

我们结婚了 强仁季 夫妻旅行的那段英文插曲 歌词里我听出的有 i am the only one she is the only one and


一个女音英文歌,很清脆的那种声音,有一句是I just want to know,

一个女音英文歌,很清脆的那种声音,有一句是I just want to know, you"ll just know 或者 i just want you to know 好听的英文歌,最好是女声,没有杂音,乐器只有一种,声音很清脆的那种型别,新歌老歌都行 <sunshine girl> <free loop>女声版 <young for you>女声版 <the tower> <yellow> <someone like you> <love paradise> <proud of you> <everything I do> 全部女声!很好听! 一首英文歌,开始时是很清脆的打响指的声音,然后是很纯净的女声,有一句歌词好像是I see you remember mariah carey - candy bling 绝对是这个啦 歌词你没听清楚吧 是i still remember 歌很经典了 很喜欢 一首英文歌,女音很动听很温馨有一句是:I have don"t…… Ellie Goulding - Your Song It"s a little bit funny 有一点点奇怪 This feeling inside. 这最深处的感受 I"m not one of those who can Easily hide. 我无法轻易隐藏我的情绪 I don"t have much money 我没有很多钱 But boy if I did 但是亲爱的 如果我可以 I"d buy a big house where 我要买一间大房子 We both could live. 能住下我们俩个 So excuse me fetting.原谅我的遗忘 But these things I do. 我所做的事 See I"ve fotten if 就像我忘记了 They"re green or they"re blue.它的色彩 Anyway the thing is... 不管怎样 What I really mean... 我想说 Yours are the sweetest eyes 你的眼睛 I"ve ever seen. 是这样的迷人 And you can tell everybody 你可以告诉所有人 This is your song. 这是只属于你的歌 It maybe quite simple but 也许简单 Now that it"s done 但它终究已经完成 I hope you don"t mind (x2) 希望你不介意 That I put down in words 我写下的歌词 How wonderful life is 多么美好的生活啊 While you"re in the world. 当你在这世上 If I was a sculptor 如果我是雕刻家 But then again no. 可惜不是 Or a girl who makes potions in a travelling show.或是演出的女魔术师 I know it"s not much but 我知道这样不够 It"s the best I can do. 但是我尽我最大的努力 My gift is my song and 我的礼物就是我的歌 This one"s for you. 只属于你的歌 And you can tell everybody 你可以告诉所有人 This is your song. 这是只属于你的歌 It maybe quite simple but 也许简单 Now that it"s done但它终究已经完成 I hope you don"t mind (x2) 希望你不介意 That I put down in words 我写下的歌词 How wonderful life is 多么美好的生活啊 While you"re in the world. 当你在这世上 一首英文歌,女唱的。声音很甜。最后有一句是i love you Gemini 播放 歌手:Amel Bent 语言:法语 所属专辑:Instinct 发行时间 男生唱的英文歌开始就唱I love 很清脆的伴奏 No matter_Ken 下载地址::f5.hjfile./...40504_3890.mp3?stdfrom=3 声音很清脆的一首古风流行歌曲 代表歌手 1 HITA :步步皆殇 长生劫 闻说 2 重小烟 浮舟相随 3 aki阿杰 凤于九天 她有点戏腔 4 泠鸢yousa 他声音脆什么歌都不错 5 梦璟saya!大爱高音简直绕梁三日 推荐 千秋诉 找一首英文歌,是个男的弹吉他,声音很清脆 Breakdown 是这个吗?反正一定是Jack Johnson唱的 我听过 不怎么记得了 满意请采纳 推荐几首英文歌曲适合做 *** 的 最好开头是很干净很清脆的那种 in love for a day 英文歌,有一句是just to lai to lai One And Only - Adele You"ve been on my mind, I grow fonder every day, Lose myself in time, Just thinking of your face, God only knows Why it"s taken me so long to let my doubts go, You"re the only one that I want, I don"t know why I"m scared, I"ve been here before, Every feeling, every word, I"ve imagined it all, You"ll never know if you never try, To five your past and simply be mine, I dare you to let me be your, your one and only, Promise I"m worth it, To hold in your arms, So e on and give me a chance, To prove I am the one who can walk that mile, Until the end starts, If I"ve been on your mind, You hang on every word I say, Lose yourself in time, At the mention of my name, Will I ever know how it feels to hold you close, And have you tell me whichever road I choose, you"ll go? don"t I know why I"m scared, "Cause I"ve been here before, Every feeling, every word, I"ve imagined it all, You"ll never know you if never try, To fet my past and simply be mine, I dare you to let me be your, your one and only, I promise I"m worth it, mmm, To hold in your arms, So e on and give me a chance, To prove I am the one who can walk that mile, Until the end starts, I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart, I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart, Nobody"s pefect, know it ain"t easy giving up your Trust me I"ve learned it, Nobody"s pefect, know it ain"t easy giving up your Trust me I"ve learned it, Nobody"s pefect, know it ain"t easy giving up your Trust me I"ve learned it, Nobody"s pefect, know it ain"t easy giving up your Trust me I"ve learned it, I dare So you to let me be your, your one and only, I promise I"m worth it, To hold in your arms, So e on and give me a chance, To prove I am the one who can walk that mile, Until the end starts, Come on and give me a chance, To prove I am the one who can walk that mile, Until the end starts now

one and only-saeeda wright 歌词 还要中文翻译

[00:00.60]One And Only [00:00.72]Saeeda Wright [00:01.00]Baby if you wanna love me [00:04.10]gotta show me all the things you do [00:08.38]to keep me your one and only [00:12.68]to keep my life fall for you [00:15.72]Baby if you wanna love me [00:18.33]gotta show me all the things you do [00:22.35]to keep me your one and only [00:25.21]to keep my life fall for you [00:29.58]I made you who you are now [00:33.00]I"ll take the credit and the blame [00:37.22]I changed you into someone special [00:40.38]I made it boy it not the same [00:44.03]I know you don"t understand [00:47.34]How could i do such a thing to you [00:51.51] I took control of your life [00:55.16] I didnt care if you wanted me to [00:58.31]Baby if you wanna love me [01:01.04]gotta show me all the things you do [01:05.20]to keep me your one and only [01:08.50]to keep my life fall for you [01:13.26]Baby if you wanna love me [01:16.46]gotta show me all the things you do [01:20.06]to keep me your one and only [01:23.00]to keep my life fall for you [01:28.55]I made you who you are now [01:31.31]I"ll take the credit and the blame [01:34.59]I changed you into someone special [01:38.56]I made it boy it not the same [01:41.92]I know you don"t understand [01:45.40]How could i do such a thing to you [01:48.00]I took control of your life [01:52.87]I didnt care if you wanted me to [01:55.94]Baby if you wanna love me [01:59.42]gotta show me all the things you do [02:02.50]to keep me your one and only [02:05.68]to keep my life fall for you [02:09.12]Baby if you wanna love me [02:12.40]gotta show me all the things you do [02:16.14]to keep me your one and only [02:19.00]to keep my life fall for you [02:26.07]Ho.... [02:28.00]keep me your one and only [02:33.10]Wanna be your one and only [02:38.13]to keep me your one and only yeh...

One And Only One 歌词

歌曲名:One And Only One歌手:Spank the Monkey专辑:White Trash Lullabies"One And Only"(feat. Twista)I"m lookin" for my one and onlyEvery time I turn aroundI find my heart in pieces on the groundSo so lonelyI"m lookin" for my one and onlyI"m riding home in pain again babyYou"re currently engagedIn an intimate conversationWith a young groupie or twoThey say "players only love youwhen they"re playing games"Still I gave my heart to youI should have stayed awayLike my friends all told me toEvery time I turn aroundI find my heart in pieces on the groundSo so lonelyI"m lookin" for my one and onlyEvery time I turn aroundI find my heart in pieces on the groundWhy can"t I find my one and onlySee I"m looking for a man that"ll rub me slowMake me sing real highWhen he goes down lowBut see it ain"t just a physical thingHe"s gotta treat me affectionatelyAnd I gotta know he won"t betray my trustIs this just an impossible dream babyTo elusive to pursueIt"s been such a sad and windy road for meJust searchin" for the truthEvery time I turn aroundI find my heart in pieces on the groundSo so lonelyI"m lookin" for my one and onlyEvery time I turn aroundI find my heart in pieces on the groundWhy can"t I find my one and onlyNow you know roll a beemer and a benzWhen I"m dishin out endsWhy you trppin on a player ballerHavin good conversation while we rollin on 2-4"sAnd I know you got doubtsBut why you listenin to what people talkin boutYou ain figured out why they call yaThe hefas steady hatin cause you rollin on 2-4"sSee how yo money floYou dressed in designer clothes from head to ya toeYou ain"t satisfied well tell me what you lookin for(I"m lookin for my one and only)Well I"ll be yo one and only if you give me a chanceI"ll make a change for you girlBut lets stay togetha so we can shine like pearlsSpit it to her while I fill her got her hot like fireTo kiss yo lips I desireTwis and Mariah togetha like them grips on ya tires(Lookin for my one and only)Well come here shawty well let me make it betterWe can do whateva while we sittin on sued and leatherFlickin through the city while we ridin on chromeLets kick it in the ChiI know I messed up wit you an i ain gon lieI know you was feelin you really know yo guyBut baby girl I ain"t mean to blow yo highLet me pick the pieces up and but um back togethaCause I wanna be wit you don"t wanna leave you lonelyRide wit you like a hommie neva no fonyShawty can I be yo one an onlyEvery time--oh-mmmEvery time I turn aroundI find my heart in pieces on the groundSo so loneyWhy--I"m looking for my one and onlyEvery time I turn aroundAgh--ha ha ha ha

One And Only 歌词

歌曲名:One And Only歌手:Teitur专辑:Aquamarine-Music From The Motion PictureTeiturby:yudieingI"ve been wishing on a starbut I never could have imaginedI would land just where you areafter all this lonesome travellingTook one look in your eye,reached out to hold your handThis is when I realizedwhat I could never understandDo you want to be my oneand only love?Do you want to be my oneand only love?So you wanna be my friend,so you wanna be my loverWith you I do confessI can"t be one without the otherThat was hard for me to say,I hope I said it rightWhich ever, come what may, you see I need to know tonightDo you want to be my oneand only love?Do you want to be my oneand only love?Do you want to play these cards,do you want to lay them down?Do you want to run away ordo you want to stick around?Do you want to be my oneand only love?Do you want to be my oneand only love?fin

谁知道Saeeda Wright的《one and Only》的歌词和中文意思?

  Baby if you wanna love me  gotta show me all the things you do  to keep me your one and only  to keep my life fall for you  Baby if you wanna love me  gotta show me all the things you do  to keep me your one and only  to keep my life fall for you  I made you who you are now  I"ll take the credit and the blame  I changed you into someone special  I made it boy it not the same  I know you don"t understand  How could i do such a thing to you  I took control of your life  I didnt care if you wanted me to  Ho.... keep me your one and only  Wanna be your one and only  to keep me your one and only yeh...  非常想你让我的心情愉悦  就象四月的微风在春天的翅膀上  然后你辉煌地出现  我唯一的爱  影子落下散发着神秘的魅力  在夜深人静时  当你靠近我的手臂时  我感觉你的嘴唇如此温暖,如此娇嫩  我唯一的爱  你手的触感就像天堂  我不知道的天堂  无论我说什么,我在你面前总是脸红  告诉我你就是我自己  你就像我描述地这样让我的心热切  你给我的每个吻让我的灵魂火热  我让我自己在甜蜜中投降  我唯一的爱  你就像我描述地这样让我的心热切  你给我的每个吻让我的灵魂火热  我让我自己在甜蜜中投降  我唯一的爱

One And Only 歌词

You"ve been on my mind你一直在我心中I grow fonder every day每天我都会更加渴望你Lose myself in time在时间中迷失了自己Just thinking of your face只能不断想念着你的脸God only knows why it"s taken me so long只有天知道为什么我花了这么久的时间to let my doubts go才让疑虑消散You"re the only one that I want你是我想要拥有的唯一I don"t know why I"m scared我不知道为什么会畏惧I"ve been here before我曾经到过这里Every feeling, every word每种感觉,每个字句I"ve imagined it all我曾想像过这一切You"ll never know if you never try只有试过了你才会知道To forget your past and simply be mine只要忘记你的过去而纯粹得属于我I dare you to let me be your我挑逗你来占有我your one and only成为你的唯一Promise I"m worth it我承诺我会值得To hold in your arms让你拥抱在怀中So come on and give me a chance所以快来啊给我一个机会To prove I am the one who can walk that mile让我证明我就是那个可以跨越时空的唯一Until the end starts直到一切终结If I"ve been on your mind如果我一直在你心上You hang on every word I say你思虑着我说过的每一个字Lose yourself in time你迷失在时间中At the mention of my name一提到我的名字Will I ever know我会知道吗how it feels to hold you close将你紧紧相拥的感觉And have you tell me你曾告诉过我吗whichever road I choose, you"ll go?你会不会走我选择的道路I don"t know why I"m scared我不知道为什么自己会畏惧"Cause I"ve been here before我曾经到过这里Every feeling, every word每种感觉,每个字句I"ve imagined it all我曾想像过这一切You"ll never know if you never try只有试过了你才会知道To forget your past and simply be mine只要忘记你的过去而纯粹得属于我I dare you to let me be your我挑逗你来占有我your one and only让我成为你的唯一Promise I"m worth it我承诺我会值得To hold in your arms让你拥抱在怀中So come on and give me a chance所以快来啊给我一个机会To prove I am the one who can walk that mile让我证明我就是那个可以跨越时空的唯一Until the end starts直到结尾到来I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart我知道献上你的心不会简单I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart我知道献上你的心不会简单Nobody"s pefect没有人是完美的(I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart)我知道献上你的心不会简单Trust me I"ve learned it相信我学到的真理Nobody"s pefect没有人是完美的(I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart)Trust me I"ve learned it相信我学到的真理Nobody"s pefect没有人是完美的(I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart)我知道献上你的心不会简单Trust me I"ve learned it相信我学到的真理Nobody"s pefect没有人是完美的(I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart)我知道献上你的心不会简单Trust me I"ve learned it相信我学到的真理So I dare you to let me be your所以我挑逗你来占有我your one and only让我成为你的唯一Promise I"m worth it我承诺我会值得To hold in your arms让你拥抱在怀中So come on and give me a chance所以快来啊给我一个机会To prove I am the one who can walk that mile让我证明我就是那个可以跨越时空的唯一Until the end starts直到一切终结阿黛尔版本

投行内部的coverage analyst是什麼职位


banlieue rouge的《le serment》 歌词

歌曲名:le serment歌手:banlieue rouge专辑:engrenagesD镳 l"instant oje l"ai vueAlors j"ai tout de suite su,Ces cheveux blonds, ces yeux qui brillentC"閠ait en plein ton genre de filleTu t"es lev et tu lui a parlLe courant est tout de suite passDepuis qu"elle est entr闲 dans ta vie,Elle n"en est jamais ressortie!Banlieue RougeDe toute fa鏾n fait c"que tu veuxPourvu qu"tout aille pour le mieuxMais n"oublie jamais tes amisParce que tu comptes pour eux aussiToutes ces ann闲s qu"on a pass闲sA s"engueuler, s"r闰oncilierCa peut pas s"effacer comme 鏰Fais un effort, n"nous oublies pas!T"es amoureux; profites-enCrois-moi 鏰 n"arrives pas souventEt n"laisse pas la vie te casser!M阭e avec la fille de sa viePersonne ne sait comment 鏰 finitP"t阾e qu"un jour 鏰 se termineraMais nous on sera toujours lDe toute fa鏾n fait c"que tu veuxL"important c"est qu"tu sois heureuxMais n"oublies jamais tes amisCeux qui tu avais promisDe ne jamais tourner le dosDe ne jamais garder rancuneCar une amitiqui se termineN"en aura jamais 閠une...

阿黛尔one and only的中文歌词谁有啊??急求啊!!!亲们!!!

You"ve been on my mind你一直在我心中I grow fonder every day每天我都会更加渴望你Lose myself in time在时间中迷失了自己Just thinking of your face只能不断想念着你的脸God only knows why it"s taken me so long只有天知道为什么我花了这么久的时间to let my doubts go才让疑虑消散You"re the only one that I want你是我想要拥有的唯一I don"t know why I"m scared我不知道为什么会畏惧I"ve been here before我曾经到过这里Every feeling, every word每种感觉,每个字句I"ve imagined it all我曾想像过这一切You"ll never know if you never try只有试过了你才会知道To forget your past and simply be mine只要忘记你的过去而纯粹得属于我I dare you to let me be your我挑逗你来占有我your one and only成为你的唯一Promise I"m worth it我承诺我会值得To hold in your arms让你拥抱在怀中So come on and give me a chance所以快来啊给我一个机会To prove I am the one who can walk that mile让我证明我就是那个可以跨越时空的唯一Until the end starts直到一切终结If I"ve been on your mind如果我一直在你心上You hang on every word I say你思虑着我说过的每一个字Lose yourself in time你迷失在时间中At the mention of my name一提到我的名字Will I ever know我会知道吗how it feels to hold you close将你紧紧相拥的感觉And have you tell me你曾告诉过我吗whichever road I choose, you"ll go?你会不会走我选择的道路I don"t know why I"m scared我不知道为什么自己会畏惧"Cause I"ve been here before我曾经到过这里Every feeling, every word每种感觉,每个字句I"ve imagined it all我曾想像过这一切You"ll never know if you never try只有试过了你才会知道To forget your past and simply be mine只要忘记你的过去而纯粹得属于我I dare you to let me be your我挑逗你来占有我your one and only让我成为你的唯一Promise I"m worth it我承诺我会值得To hold in your arms让你拥抱在怀中So come on and give me a chance所以快来啊给我一个机会To prove I am the one who can walk that mile让我证明我就是那个可以跨越时空的唯一Until the end starts直到结尾到来I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart我知道献上你的心不会简单I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart我知道献上你的心不会简单Nobody"s pefect没有人是完美的(I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart)我知道献上你的心不会简单Trust me I"ve learned it相信我学到的真理Nobody"s pefect没有人是完美的(I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart)Trust me I"ve learned it相信我学到的真理Nobody"s pefect没有人是完美的(I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart)我知道献上你的心不会简单Trust me I"ve learned it相信我学到的真理Nobody"s pefect没有人是完美的(I know it ain"t easy giving up your heart)我知道献上你的心不会简单Trust me I"ve learned it相信我学到的真理So I dare you to let me be your所以我挑逗你来占有我your one and only让我成为你的唯一Promise I"m worth it我承诺我会值得To hold in your arms让你拥抱在怀中So come on and give me a chance所以快来啊给我一个机会To prove I am the one who can walk that mile让我证明我就是那个可以跨越时空的唯一Until the end starts直到一切终结

adele one and only 歌词

Youve been on my mind I grow fonder every day Lose myself in time Just thinking of your face God only knows Why its taken me so long To let my doubts go Youre the only one that I want I dont know why Im scared Ive been here before Every feYou"ve been on my mindI grow fonder every dayLose myself in timeJust thinking of your faceGod only knowsWhy it"s taken me so longTo let my doubts goYou"re the only one that I wantI don"t know why I"m scaredI"ve been here beforeEvery feeling, every wordI"ve imagined it allYou"ll never know, if you never tryTo forgive your past, and simply be mineI dare you to let me be, yourYour one and onlyPromise I"m worth itTo hold in your armsSo come onAnd give me a chanceTo prove I am the one who canWalk that mileUntil the end startsIf I"ve been on your mindYou hang on every word I sayLose yourself in timeAt the mention of my nameWill I ever knowHow it feels to hold you closeAnd have you tell meWhichever road I choose you"ll goI don"t know why I"m scaredCos I"ve been here beforeEvery feeling every wordI"ve imagined it allYou"ll never knowIf you never tryTo forgive your pastAnd simply be mineI dare you to let me be yourYour one and onlyI promise I"m worth itTo hold in your armsSo come onAnd give me a chanceTo prove I am the one who canWalk that mileUntil the end startsI know it ain"t easyGiving up your heartI know it ain"t easyGiving up your heart (nobody"s perfect)I know it ain"t easy (trust me I"ve learned it)Giving up your heart (nobody"s perfect)I know it ain"t easy (trust me I"ve learned it)Giving up your heart (nobody"s perfect)I know it ain"t easy (trust me I"ve learned it)Giving up your heart (nobody"s perfect)I know it ain"t easy (trust me I"ve learned it)Giving up your heartSo I dare you to let me be yourYour one and onlyI promise I"m worth itTo hold in your armsSo come onAnd give me the chanceTo prove I am the one who canWalk that mileUntil the end startsCome onAnd give me a chanceTo prove I am the one who canWalk that mileUntil the end starts

My One And Only 歌词

歌曲名:My One And Only歌手:Ella Fitzgerald&Ellis Larkins专辑:Pure EllaRachael Lampa - My One And Only...I""m flying high in your arms tonightPassing the satellites, the earth is fading fastDon""t care where we go, let""s make it lastFacing up to the speed of light, with time at our backs.I""m right here next to youand feeling so fearless nowWe can do anything, nothing can hold us downYou rescued me from the weightof the world and I want you to know.You are my one and onlyYou""re not like the rest,I know that you""ve got my backYou are, you areYou are my one and onlyRight from the start,you saved my damaged heartYou are, you are,you""re the one and only, only, only.Every time that I see you smileIt""s like all of the universe is dancing in your eyesA new star is born so let""s make a wishLet""s put on a show tonight and light up the sky.I""m right here next to youand feeling so fearless nowWe can do anything,nothing can hold us downYou rescued me from the weightof the world and I want you to know.You are my one and onlyYou""re not like the rest,I know that you""ve got my backYou are, you areYou are my one and onlyRight from the start, you saved my damaged heartAnd you are, you areMy one and only yea, my one and only yeah,my one and only yea yeaMy one and only yea, my one and only yeah,my one and only yea yea.My love will last forever, that""s right I said foreverIt""s all because you made my heart believeIt""s something powerful, so indestructibleIt will live for eternity.You are my one and onlyYou""re not like the rest,I know that you""ve got my backYou are, you areYou are my one and onlyRight from the start, you saved my damaged heartAnd you are, you are my one and onlyMy one and only yea, my one and only yeah,My one and onlyMy one and only yea, my one and only yeahMy one and only.

My One And Only 歌词

歌曲名:My One And Only歌手:Rachael Lampa专辑:All We NeedRachael Lampa - My One And Only...I""m flying high in your arms tonightPassing the satellites, the earth is fading fastDon""t care where we go, let""s make it lastFacing up to the speed of light, with time at our backs.I""m right here next to youand feeling so fearless nowWe can do anything, nothing can hold us downYou rescued me from the weightof the world and I want you to know.You are my one and onlyYou""re not like the rest,I know that you""ve got my backYou are, you areYou are my one and onlyRight from the start,you saved my damaged heartYou are, you are,you""re the one and only, only, only.Every time that I see you smileIt""s like all of the universe is dancing in your eyesA new star is born so let""s make a wishLet""s put on a show tonight and light up the sky.I""m right here next to youand feeling so fearless nowWe can do anything,nothing can hold us downYou rescued me from the weightof the world and I want you to know.You are my one and onlyYou""re not like the rest,I know that you""ve got my backYou are, you areYou are my one and onlyRight from the start, you saved my damaged heartAnd you are, you areMy one and only yea, my one and only yeah,my one and only yea yeaMy one and only yea, my one and only yeah,my one and only yea yea.My love will last forever, that""s right I said foreverIt""s all because you made my heart believeIt""s something powerful, so indestructibleIt will live for eternity.You are my one and onlyYou""re not like the rest,I know that you""ve got my backYou are, you areYou are my one and onlyRight from the start, you saved my damaged heartAnd you are, you are my one and onlyMy one and only yea, my one and only yeah,My one and onlyMy one and only yea, my one and only yeahMy one and only.


在angular中我们定义directive方法时,可以看到 return { restrict: "AE", scope: {}, template: "", link: function() {} } 除了代码中出现的属性,还有一些其他的属性可供配置,这里不作详述。 今天我们要说的重点是 scope 字段。



you are one and only 是啥意思?

直译过来就是:你是唯一;你是独一无二的. 另外,类似的用法还有很多, you are my one and only 你是我的唯一 You are the one and only 你是唯一的 You are the one and only for me 你是我唯一

The One And Only 歌词

歌曲名:The One And Only歌手:NRBQ专辑:Wild WeekendThe One And OnlyChesney Hawkes编辑整理:SmilingbearI am the one and onlyoh yeahCall me, call me by my name or call me by numberYou put me through itI"ll still be doing it the way I do itAnd yet, you try to make me forgetWho I really am, don"t tell me I"m no bestI"m not the same as all the restNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from meI"ve been a player in the crowd sceneA flicker on the big screenMy soul embraces one more in a million facesHigh hopes and aspirationsAnd years above my stationMaybe but all this time I"ve tried to walk with dignity and prideI am the one and onlyNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from meI can"t wear this uniformWithout some compromisesBecause you"ll find out that we comeIn different shapes and sizesNo one can be myself like I canFor this job I"m the best manAnd while this may be trueyou are the one and only youI am the one and onlyI am the one and onlyNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from meI am the one and onlyNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from me

The One And Only 歌词

歌曲名:The One And Only歌手:Chesney Hawkes专辑:The Very Best Of Chesney HawkesThe One And OnlyChesney Hawkes编辑整理:SmilingbearI am the one and onlyoh yeahCall me, call me by my name or call me by numberYou put me through itI"ll still be doing it the way I do itAnd yet, you try to make me forgetWho I really am, don"t tell me I"m no bestI"m not the same as all the restNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from meI"ve been a player in the crowd sceneA flicker on the big screenMy soul embraces one more in a million facesHigh hopes and aspirationsAnd years above my stationMaybe but all this time I"ve tried to walk with dignity and prideI am the one and onlyNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from meI can"t wear this uniformWithout some compromisesBecause you"ll find out that we comeIn different shapes and sizesNo one can be myself like I canFor this job I"m the best manAnd while this may be trueyou are the one and only youI am the one and onlyI am the one and onlyNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from meI am the one and onlyNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from me

用an only one还是the only one,又没有明确的答案

既然是 only one,前面必须用 the。没有 an only one 一说,因为逻辑上说不过去。不定冠词 a 是不定指的,即可以是任何“一个”。而 only 的意思是“唯一的”。你看这两个词能用在一起修饰某一人或事物吗?

求歌名 歌词 you can follow me,and you can follow me 是男女合唱的歌,,今天十点半以后在HITFM中听到的

Wolves Without Teethby : Of Monsters and MenOpen my chest and color a spine I"m giving you all I"m giving you all Swallow my breath And take what is mine I"m giving you all I"m giving you all I"ll be the blood If you"ll be the bones I"m giving you all I"m giving you all So lift up my body And lose all control I"m giving you all I"m giving you all You haunt like a hummingbird Haunt me in my sleep You"ll say they"re from another world Sinking in my seat oh You"re feeding on my energy Letting go of it she once said And I run from wolves Breathing heavily And my feet And I run from wolves Tearing into me Without teeth I can see through you We are the same It"s perfectly strange You run in my veins How can I keep you Inside my lungs I breathe what is yours You breathe what is mine You haunt like a hummingbird Haunt me in my sleep You"ll say they"re from another world Sinking in my seat oh You"re feeding on my energy Letting go of it he once said And I run from wolves Breathing heavily And my feet And I run from wolves Tearing into me Without teeth And you can follow You can follow me You can follow You can follow me You haunt like a hummingbird Haunt me in my sleep You"ll say they"re from another world Sinking in my seat oh You"re feeding on my energy Letting go of it she once said And I run from wolves Breathing heavily And my feet And I run from wolves Tearing into me Without teeth And you can follow You can follow me You can follow You can follow me You can follow You can follow me You can follow You can follow me



one and only 歌词中英对照


one and only歌词

One and Only歌手:Saeeda Wright Baby if you wanna love me gotta show me all the things you do to keep me your one and only to keep my life fall for you Baby if you wanna love me gotta show me all the things you do to keep me your one and only to keep my life fall for you I made you who you are now I"ll take the credit and the blame I changed you into someone special I made it boy it not the same I know you don"t understand How could i do such a thing to you I took control of your life I didnt care if you wanted me to Ho.... keep me your one and only Wanna be your one and only to keep me your one and only yeh...这是中文翻译:宝贝 如果你想要爱我就要让我知道你为我做的一切让我成为你的唯一为你保留我的爱宝贝 如果你想要爱我就要让我知道你为我做的点点滴滴让我成为你的唯一我的爱只为你保留我令你变成了现在这样这都归功于我 而我也理应为此负责 我将你变成了特别的人男孩 我成功了 你和以前不一样了我知道你不明白我怎么能对你这么做呢我掌控了你的生活我不在乎你是否希望我这么做宝贝 如果你想要爱我就要让我知道你为我做的一切让我成为你的唯一为你保留我的爱宝贝 如果你想要爱我就要让我知道你为我做的点点滴滴让我成为你的唯一我的爱只为你保留我令你变成了现在这样我该承担这个责任 我将你变成了特别的人男孩 我成功了 你和以前不一样了我知道你不明白我怎么能对你这么做呢我掌控了你的生活我不在乎你是否希望我这么做宝贝 如果你想要爱我就要让我知道你为我做的一切让我成为你的唯一为你保留我的爱宝贝 如果你想要爱我就要让我知道你为我做的点点滴滴让我成为你的唯一我的爱只为你保留让我成为你的唯一想要成为你的唯一让我做你的唯一吧这都是在网上摘的~不知道是不是这首 One and Only?

I wanna run to you是哪首歌里的歌词?

  以下是我找到的答案惠特尼 休斯顿 - Run To You I know that when you look at meThere"s so much that you just don"t seeBut if you would only take the timeI know in my heart you"d findA girl who"s scared sometimesWho isn"t always strongCan"t you see the hurt in me?I feel so all aloneI wanna run to you (oooh)I wanna run to you (oooh)Won"t you hold me in your armsAnd keep me safe from harmI wanna run to you (oooh)But if I come to you (oooh)Tell me, will you stay or will you run awayEach day, each day I play the roleOf someone always in controlBut at night I come home and turn the keyThere"s nobody there, no one cares for meWhat"s the sense of trying hard to find your dreamsWithout someone to share it withTell me what does it mean?I wanna run to you (oooh)I wanna run to you (oooh)Won"t you hold me in your armsAnd keep me safe from harmI wanna run to you (oooh)But if I come to you (oooh)Tell me, will you stay or will you run awayrun awayI need you hereI need you here to wipe away my tearsTo kiss away my fearsIf you only knew how much...

one and only 的中文歌词

工程太大,分数太少,回答太难,但是,我做到了:我在这里的聚光灯下 不怯场 我会为你唱歌 记得面前站立得住 我很不安 没有一个焦点 没有一个景象 许多疲惫的夜晚 我躺在床上的烦恼 我正在努力 当然,注定, 我将在我的方法是正确的 它的信如果我今晚要成为明星充分利用我来听我怎么觉得让我有一个声音用爱唱歌,从我到你们这里来如果时间可以停止我将把这一刻来和我住在一起要后悔你会看到的不好意思,可能有些问题,我不是自己翻译的,找有道帮的忙,但,大概就这样了

you are one and only !是啥意思? 请教高手!




The One And Only 歌词

歌曲名:The One And Only歌手:One专辑:Eho Tosa Na Sou Po - The One And OnlyThe One And OnlyChesney Hawkes编辑整理:SmilingbearI am the one and onlyoh yeahCall me, call me by my name or call me by numberYou put me through itI"ll still be doing it the way I do itAnd yet, you try to make me forgetWho I really am, don"t tell me I"m no bestI"m not the same as all the restNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from meI"ve been a player in the crowd sceneA flicker on the big screenMy soul embraces one more in a million facesHigh hopes and aspirationsAnd years above my stationMaybe but all this time I"ve tried to walk with dignity and prideI am the one and onlyNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from meI can"t wear this uniformWithout some compromisesBecause you"ll find out that we comeIn different shapes and sizesNo one can be myself like I canFor this job I"m the best manAnd while this may be trueyou are the one and only youI am the one and onlyI am the one and onlyNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from meI am the one and onlyNobody I"d rather beI am the one and onlyYou can"t take that away from me

Polite manners(A) in China demand that a person stands up(B) when anyone enters(C) a room or when an

B demand+宾语从句(从句谓语动词用should+动词原形,或者should可以省略)should stand 或者stand。很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^

Janet Jackson的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:Number OnesJanet Jackson-RunawayI"ve seen the worldBeen to many placesMade lots of friendsMany different racesI"ve had such funAround the world it"s trueAfrican skies with Nairobi moodI fell asleep in Tuscany and dreamedThe one thing missing was youRunaway with me my loveYeah yeah yeah yeahThe one thing missing was youRunaway with me my loveYeah yeah yeah yeahI woke up with an Australian breezeAnd danced the dance with AboriginesOh under the moon glowDown in MexicoI dreamedOne thing was missing that"s youWe"ll sail the water of many coloursWon"t need no compassLove will guide our wayDon"t need nobodyLong as we got each otherNo need to hurryWe"ve got everydayI want to shareThe world with you you seeSpringtime in ParisWas so good to meOh this is for me andReality so pleaseMake all my wishes come trueRunaway with me my loveYeah yeah yeah yeahThe one thing missing was youAnd I just want to have a good timeYeahOoh-ooh-ooh-oohAnd I just know we"ll have a good timeYeahOh please come with meAnd I just know we"ll have a good timeIt"ll be fun walking in the rain in SpainAnd I just know we"ll have a good timeOh didn"t quiet hit the noteThat wasn"t such a good timeAnd I just know we"ll have a good timeYeah

The one and only me翻译成汉语意思是什么


The one and only 是什么意思


the one and only是什么意思

(用于节目中介绍演员、歌手或其他名人)绝无仅有的,独一无二的。例:Here he is,the one and only Van Morrison!他来了,这盖世无双的范u2219莫里森! 双语例句双语例句 Here he is, the one and only Van Morrison! 他来了,这盖世无双的范u2219莫里森! This is the one and only way. 这是不二法门的方法。 It was the one and only time I ever did anything like that. 那是我唯一一次做象那样的事。 It is as if they are the one and only person on Earth. 好像他们是地球上唯一的人。 In fact, vector control is the one and only preventive measure. 事实上,病媒控制是唯一的预防措施。 重点词汇解释 1、one num. 一;一个;一岁;一点钟 pron. 一个人;任何人,人们(表泛指);那个人;(特指的)那种人 adj. 唯一的;一的 n. 一;一美元纸币 双语例句: They had three sons and one daughter. 他们有3儿1女。 2、only adv. 只,仅仅;不料 adj. 唯一的,仅有的;最合适的 conj. 但是;不过;可是 双语例句: At the moment it is only a theory. 眼下,它还只是个理论而已。


the one and only唯一


demand词组Aggregate demand 总需求 ; 总需求量 ; 总合需求 ; 政府开支derived demand 派生需求 ; 衍生需求 ; 引致需求 ; 引申需求consumer demand 消费者需求 ; 消费者 ; 消费需求 ; 消费者的要求tax demand 催税单 ; 催税双demand forecasting 需求预测 ; 请求预报 ; 需要预测 ; 需求猜测demand function 需求函数 ; 需求作用 ; 需求函uf969Abnormal Demand 反常需求 ; 异常需求 ; 变态需求 ; 预测外需求demand expansion 需求膨胀例句Demand for a product usually determines supply. 一种产品的需求往往影响供应。The measure falls in with popular demand这种方法适合大众的要求。What will the next demand be? 接下来还会要求什么呢?of词组think of 想起 ; 认为 ; 想到 ; 考虑Of course 当然 ; 自然 ; 无疑 ; 当然可以out of 从 ; 缺乏 ; 由于 ; 缺少hundreds of 数以百计的 ; 成百上千 ; 数百 ; 几百dispose of 处理 ; 去掉 ; 解决 ; 处置approve of 赞成 ; 满意 ; 赞赏 ; 获准thousands of 成千上万的 ; 数以千计的 ; 几千 ; 许多ahead of 在 ; 胜过 ; 之前 ; 先于conceive of 设想 ; 想像 ; 以为 ; 构思例句We have nothing to complain of. 我们没有什么可发牢骚的。I have nothing to repent of. 我没有什么可后悔的。Can you spare one of them for me? 你能把其中的一个匀给我吗?She devested herself of my advice. 她把我的忠告置之脑后。

demand from和demand of的区别 并举例

某人需求(需要)某物demand from后接某人 翻译成 某人的需求demand of 后接某物 翻译成 对于某物的需求

the one and only是什么意思


on-demand按需;随选;按需定制;按需服务And once a virtual class is finished, it can be reused in an on-demand fashion. 而且一旦完成了一个虚拟的课程,它可以再使用到单需求的版本中。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

关于aggregate demand/supply curve的一道题。也就是总需求曲线和总供给曲线的题。



on-demand 按需; 随选; 按需定制; 按需服务 And once a virtual class is finished,it can be reused in an on-demand fashion. 而且一旦完成了一个虚拟的课程,它可以再使用到单需求的版本中. 很高兴第一时间为您解答,

language take away是什么意思?


In high demand意思是什麼?抢手?

不同语境下的意思有所区别: 高需求、受欢迎、抢手等等。

各位亲爱的同志们,有谁知道super junior的《the one i love》歌词么?要有罗马注音的。Thanks!!!


谁能推荐几首类似于《you can trust in me》这首歌旋律的好听的欧美歌曲?

记住,个人原创。请勿抄袭!01 My Love-Westlife 02 God Is A Girl (Album Version)-Groove Coverage 03 The Day You Went Away-M2M 04 Take Me To Your Heart-M.L.T.R. 05 Never Gone-Backstreet Boys 06 Everytime (Hi-Bias Radio Remix)-Britney Spears 07 Welcome To My Life-Simple Plan 08 Beautiful Soul-Jesse McCartney 09 She"s No You-Jesse McCartney 10 Because You Live-Jesse McCartney 11 Just One Last Dance-Sarah Connor 12 Shut Up!-Simple Plan 13 He Wasn"t-Avril Lavigne 14 Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying From You-Linkin Park 15 Girlfriend-Avril Lavigne 16 Sold My Soul To Yo Mama-Linkin Park 17 Climbing The Walls-Backstreet Boys 18 I Can Do Better-Avril Lavigne 19 4 Minutes(完整试听版)-Madonna 20 She-Groove Coverage 21 Touch My Body-Mariah Carey 22 Heal The World-Michael Jackson 23 When You"re Gone-Avril Lavigne 24 Home 回家-Westlife 25 Numb-Linkin Park 26 Without You-Mariah Carey 27 Don"t Cry-Guns N" Roses 28 We Belong Together-Mariah Carey 29 we will rock you-Queen 30 Gimme More 再危险 我也要-Britney Spears 31 New Divide-Linkin Park 32 We Are The World (Demo)-Michael Jackson 33 The Best Damn Thing-Avril Lavigne 34 Womanizer-Britney Spears 35 You Raise Me Up-Westlife 36 Because of You 因为你的缘故-Kelly Clarkson 37 Seasons In The Sun-Westlife 38 Bye Bye-Mariah Carey 39 One Love-Blue 40 Just Want You To Know-Backstreet Boys 41 You Are Not Alone-Michael Jackson 42 In The End-Linkin Park 43 Lonely-Akon 44 Hero-Mariah Carey 45 What I"ve Done-Linkin Park 46 Poker Face-Lady GaGa 47 Obsessed-Mariah Carey 48 It"s My Life-Bon Jovi 49 I Stay In Love-Mariah Carey 50 Yesterday Once More-Carpenters 51 Circus-Britney Spears 52 Hotel California-Eagles 53 Moonlight Shadow-Groove Coverage 54 All Rise-Blue 55 Innocence-Avril Lavigne 56 Pretty Boy-M2M 57 Runaway-Avril Lavigne 58 You Are Not Alone-Michael Jackson 59 Stand-Jewel 60 where is the love 爱在哪里-Black Eyed Peas 61 Yesterday-The Beatles 62 My Humps-Black Eyed Peas 63 Sexy Bitch (Featuring Akon)-David Guetta 64 Complicated-Avril Lavigne 65 Shadow Of The Day-Linkin Park 66 She Wolf-Shakira 67 for away from home-Groove Coverage 68 Yeah!-Usher 69 Apologize (Feat. One Republic)-Timbaland 70 I Want It That Way (Live)-Backstreet Boys 71 ...Baby One More Time-Britney Spears 72 星星-Vitas 73 Hey Jude-The Beatles 74 歌剧2-Vitas 75 It"s Alright, It"s Ok-Ashley Tisdale 76 Soledad-Westlife 77 Because Of You-Kelly Clarkson 78 Time to Say Goodbye 告别的时刻-Sarah Brightman 79 Right Now (Na Na Na)-Akon 80 Stan (Feat. Dido)-Eminem 81 Lose Yourself-Eminem 82 Breathless-Shayne Ward 83 Beat It-Michael Jackson 84 Touch My Body-Mariah Carey 85 Keep Holding On-Avril Lavigne 86 Billie Jean-Michael Jackson 87 Perfect Lover 完美情人-Britney Spears 88 Leave Out All The Rest-Linkin Park 89 Hot As Ice 如冰似火-Britney Spears 90 I Don"t Give-Avril Lavigne 91 You"re Beautiful 美丽的你-James Blunt 92 Boulevard of Broken Dreams-Green Day 93 I"m with you-Avril Lavigne 94 Breakaway 美梦成真-Kelly Clarkson 95 Piece Of Me 破碎的我-Britney Spears 96 Remember The Name (featuring Styles of Beyond)-Fort Minor 97 Tonight-Jay Sean 98 Smack That (Feat. Eminem)-Akon 99 The Rose-Westlife 100 Take Me Away-Avril Lavigne 101 It"s Like That-Mariah Carey 102 She Is My Sin-Nightwish 103 Given Up-Linkin Park 104 Everything Back But You-Avril Lavigne 105 My Happy Ending(Album Version)-Avril Lavigne 106 Hot-Avril Lavigne 107 Don"t Cry-Guns N" Roses 108 Us Against The World 不顾一切-Westlife 109 My Love-Westlife 110 7 Days-Craig David 111 Migrate (featuring T-Pain)-Mariah Carey 112 Before The Goodbye-Britney Spears 113 When You Tell Me That You Love Me(Westlife & Diana Ross)-Westlife 114 I need You vs. I need You-Groove Coverage 115 My Oh My-Aqua 116 I Still Believe-Mariah Carey 117 Everytime-Britney Spears 118 Yellow-Coldplay 119 When You Believe (From The Prince Of Egypt)-Mariah Carey 120 Sexy Back-Justin Timberlake 121 Without Me-Eminem 122 As Long As You Love Me (Karaoke Version)-Backstreet Boys 123 Everything"s Good-Lene Marlin 124 When You Told Me You Loved Me-Jessica Simpson 125 Goodbye-Kristinia DeBarge 126 Dance In the Dark-Lady GaGa 127 Bad Day-Daniel Powter 128 Buttons-Pussycat Dolls小野猫 129 Summer Rain 夏天的雨-Groove Coverage 130 Lucky-Britney Spears 131 U Make Me Wanna-Blue 132 Uptown Girl-Westlife 133 I Lay My Love On You-Westlife 134 I Want You Back - The Jackson 5-Michael Jackson 135 Dangerous-Michael Jackson 136 Somewhere I belong-Linkin Park 137 Fouradi - Sneeuw Voor De Zon-Fouradi 138 Because Of You-98 Degrees 139 What Ive Done-Linkin Park 140 I"m Gonna Getcha Good-Shania Twain 141 ONE LOVE (Live)-Blue 142 Billie Jean-Michael Jackson 143 Get Your Number-Mariah Carey 144 my heart will go on-Celine Dion 145 Here I Am-Bryan Adams 146 Barbie Girl-Aqua 147 Wake Me Up When September Ends (Album Version)-Green Day 148 I Wanna Love You (Feat. Snoop Dogg)-Akon 149 Boom Boom Pow (Clean)-Black Eyed Peas 150 Incomplete-Backstreet Boys 151 You Raise Me Up-Westlife 152 Do You Know? (The Ping Pong Song)-Enrique Iglesias 153 My Love-Justin Timberlake 154 Free Loop-Daniel Powter 155 Never Had A Dream Come True-S Club 7 156 Oops I Did It Again-Britney Spears 157 Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely (Live)-Backstreet Boys 158 Bye Bye Bye-N"Sync 159 Broken-Hearted Girl (Original)-Beyonce Knowles 160 To Be With You-Westlife 161 Fuck Deg-Sichelle 162 I Don"t Have To Try-Avril Lavigne 163 Thankyou-Dido 164 The Coming Past-Susperia 165 Number 1 (feat. N-Dubz)-Tinchy Stryder 166 I Gotta Feeling (Radio)-Black Eyed Peas 167 god is a girl-Groove Coverage 168 God Is A Girl (Axel Konrad Remix)-Groove Coverage 169 Truly Madly Deeply-Savage Garden 170 One Love-Blue 171 3 (Main)-Britney Spears 172 My Humps (Radio Edit)-Black Eyed Peas 173 Lonely-Britney Spears 174 My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne 175 You Are Not Alone-Michael Jackson 176 Manos Al Aire (Album Version)-Nelly Furtado 177 When I"m Gone-Eminem 178 Moonlight Shadow 月光下的影子-Groove Coverage 179 hands up 举起手来-Black Eyed Peas 180 Tomorrow-Avril Lavigne 181 So Sick-Gorilla Zoe 182 Amandoti-Gianna Nannini 183 Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know-Britney Spears 184 Hot Stuff (Let"s Dance)-Craig David 185 Mad Sexy Cool-Babyface 186 Don"t Tell Me-Avril Lavigne 187 Something That I Already Know-Backstreet Boys 188 Running 奔驰-Sarah Brightman 189 No Surprise-Daughtry 190 Time Machine Mix (Menty"s Total Conversion Edit)-Michael Jackson 191 Be Mine-Vota 192 Song From A Secret Garden-Secret Garden 193 Hung Up-Madonna 194 Beat It-Michael Jackson 195 Beautiful-Christina Aguilera 196 Around the world-Aqua 197 ...Baby One More Time-Britney Spears 198 Out From Under-Britney Spears 199 Inconsolable-Backstreet Boys 200 I Will Not Be Moved-Natalie Grant 201 My Love (Feat. Mariah

找一首英文歌 “Can you tell me……”

tell me why

Well, you can cry me a river 那首歌里的?

Cry Me A River - Justin Timberlake

ask request demand 有什么区别

ask: 寻问,请求。 ask for sth。 request: 动词.要求。但也许是不必要的。request sth. request sb to do sth demand: 可做名词"...的要求",也可做动词"要求...".但更多是指这个要求是需要的,必须的. the market demand for this product

in high demand是什么意思


in high demand是什么意思

in high demand高需求例句:1.Black-market cigarettes and fuel are in high demand. 黑市上的香烟和燃料的需求十分旺盛。2.At the time, collections of omens and predictions were in high demand. 在那个时代,关于占卜与预言的书有很大的市场需求。

admit doing 和admit having done 的区别 in want of 和in need of 的区别 谢谢!

admit doing sth是承认去做某事,但尚未做admit having done sth是承认已经做了某事,已经完成 in need of... 意思是“需要……”,以人或单位作主语,后面接需要的对象作宾语。例如: You look tired. You are in need of sleep / rest. 你看来很疲倦,你需要休息。in want of 意思是“需要, 缺少”,相当于in need of / in demand of。例如: Some areas in Gansu Province are in want of water. 甘肃省的一些地方缺水。

in great demand是什么意思

1.ingreatdemand的意思是需要量很大,畅销。2.一般与系动词be搭配使用。例如:Bronzecontinuedto beingreatdemand.青铜的需求量仍然很大。Thegoodsaremuchindemandinwinter.这种物品冬季需求量很大。3.demandvt.(及物动词)1.要求,命令2.急需(=needurgently)3.查询,询问n.(名词)1.要求;请求2.(U,sing.)需要,要求(量)例如:He demands somemoneyfromhisfather.他要求他的父亲给他点钱

推荐几首好听的英文歌,像burning和just one last dance这种风格的

it"s amazing

language is the spirit of the soul.怎么翻译?


on the demand

答案:D 翻译:技术娴熟的技术员/技师总是很受欢迎的/很吃香的. 此题考查固定短语的意思和用法. on demand 一经要求 in demand 被需要,受欢迎,畅销,跑火/吃香

英语翻译 转译法 They went on strike in demand of a 40 percent wage

他们为了工资上调40%而继续 *** . 再问: 我觉得是应该把in demand of 以为动词“要求”、、该怎么体现呢

用in demand of 造句

A fall in demand for oil tankers has put jobs in jeopardy.油轮需求量的下降使很多工作职位受到威胁。

请问一首英文歌的歌名,歌词是she said when you were the only thing, you get when you can let go

这首歌的名字叫《You were my everything》。中文名:you were my everything作者 :Aviation演唱:Aviation风格:Rap歌词:英文歌词you were my everythingthis goes out to someone that wasonce the most important person in my lifei didn"t realize it at the timei can"t forgive myself for the way i treated you soi don"t really expect you to eitherit"s just... i don"t even knowjust"re the one that i wait, the one that i needthe one that i gotta have just to succeedwhen i first saw you, i knew it was reali"m sorry about the pain i made you feelthat wasn"t me; let me show you the wayi looked for the sun, but it"s raining todayi remember when i first looked into your eyesit was like god was there, heaven in the skiesi wore a disguise "cause i didn"t want to get hurtbut i didn"t know i made everything worseyou told me we were crazy in lovebut you didn"t care when push came to shoveif you loved me as much as you said you didthen you wouldn"t have hurt me like i ain"t shitnow you pushed me away like you never even knew mei loved you with my heart, really and trulyi guess you forgot about the times that we sharedwhen i would run my fingers through your hairlate nights, just holding you in my armsi don"t know how i could do you so wrongi really wanna show you i really need to hold youi really wanna know you like no one else could know youyou"re number one, always in my heartand now i can"t believe that our love is torn apartrefrain:i need you andi miss you andi want you andi love you "causei wanna hold you,i wanna kiss youyou were my everythingand i really miss you (x2)i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new manand then sit and laugh as you"re holding his handthe thought of that just shatters my heartit breaks in my soul and it tears me apartat times we was off i was scared to show younow i wanna hold you until i can"t hold youwithout you, everything seems strangeyour name is forever planted in my braindamn it, i"m insane,take away the paintake away the hurtbaby, we can make it workwhat about when youlooked into my eyestold me you loved meas you would hugged mei guess everything you said was a liei think about it, it brings tears to my eyesnow i"m not even a thought in your mindi can see clearly, my love is not blindrefraini just wish everything could have turned out differentlyi had a special feeling about youi thought maybe you did tooyou would understand, matter what, you"ll always be in my heartyou"ll always be my babyour first day, it seemed so magicali remember all the time that i had with youremember when you first came to my house?you looked like an angel wearing that blousewe hit it off, i knew it was realbut now i can"t take all the pain that i feelreach in your heart, i know i"m still therei don"t wanna hear that you no longer careremember the times? remember when we kissed?i didn"t think you would ever do me like thisi didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressedi thought you"d be there for me, this i confessyou said you were my best friend, was that a lie?now i"m nothing to you, you"re with another guyi tried, i tried, i tried, and i"m tryingnow on the inside it feels like i"m dyingrefrain[talking] and i do miss youi just thought we were meant to bei guess now, we"ll never knowthe only thing i want is for you to be happywhether it be with me, or without mei just want you to be happy中文歌词曾经她是我生命中最重要的一个人但当时我却没有意识到当时那样的对你,直到现在我无法原谅我自己我也没有期望过你能原谅我从来没有我只是…我只是…我真的不知道结果会那样…你…你能听我讲吗你是我想要的那个唯一,也是我需要的那个唯一是唯一我想要成功的唯一当我第一次看到你的时候,我知道你是我真正的唯一但我却让你陷入了痛苦的境地,对不起,真的对不起!那不是我!那不是真正的我!但是世事就是这样无奈,就像我想要太阳,天空却偏偏下起了雨一样的无奈。我还记得第一次凝望你眼眸时的情景,在里面我仿佛看到了上帝,仿佛看到了天堂我害怕受到伤害,所以我总是披着伪装来保护自己但我却不知道,这样的我让每件事变得更加糟糕你告诉我我们疯狂地相爱着但是在紧要关头你却总是那样不在乎如果你像你所说的那样爱我那你一定不会像对待一个傻瓜那样地伤害我我爱你,真真正正、完完全全、全身心的爱你、可如今你却一把将我推开,好像你从来就没有认识过我我想你一定忘记了我们曾经一起渡过的美好时光那些午夜我轻轻地将你挽入臂弯,用手指柔柔地触摸着你的头发那时我绝不知道,我将怎样错误地对待你我真的想抱着你我真的想知道你比其他所有人都要理解我你永远都在我心里占据着重要的地位我永远也不相信我们的爱就这样被割裂了。我需要你我思念你我想要你我爱着你我想抱着你我想吻着你我真的很想你,你就是我的所有我知道你将要和一个新的男人重复发生在你我之间的爱情游戏我知道你会坐在他的身边,笑着牵住他的双手每当想到这些,我的心就像被撕裂了一样这种想法甚至撕开了我的灵魂,将我整个分成了两半当我们外出的时候,我真的很害怕让你看到现在的我非常非常的想抱住你直到我无法再能抱着你,没有你,所有的一切看起来都仿佛陌生了起来你的名字永远地铭刻在了我的大脑里愚蠢!我真的很愚蠢。拿走痛苦拿走伤害亲爱的!我们一定能够重新开始告诉我好吗!你在想些什么,但你凝视着我的眼眸告诉我好吗你还爱着我告诉我好吗你想拥抱我也许你说的一切都只是谎言一个弥天大谎想到这,我的眼里就会含满泪水我清楚地看到在你的内心里现在的我已不再重要我清楚地看到你的爱已不再像从前一般盲目我只希望一切能够会变得不一样对你我有一种特别的感觉我想:也许你对我也会这样吧也许你会理解我的这种感觉吧然而…不管怎样,你永远都会留在我的心里你永远都会是我的宝贝还记得我们相遇的那一天,那真是梦幻般的一天我还清楚地记得和你在一起渡过的分分秒秒我还清楚地记得你第一次来我家里时的情景你穿着那件宽松的衬衣,看起来就像一个天使一样美丽我们适合相爱,我知道我们真的适合相爱。但是现在我却不能摆脱内心的痛苦。因为我知道你的内心里依然有我的位置,因为我真的不想听你说,你不再在乎我。还记得那些时刻吗!记得那些我们双唇相接的时刻吗?我真的不相信你竟会那样对我!我真的不相信你会忍心看我难过!我只相信你会在那里为我停留,我只相信!你曾说过你是我最好的朋友!那是个谎言吗?现在你和我行同陌路,现在你已经和另一个男孩相守相依。我曾经试着忘记你我曾经试着忘记你,我曾经试着忘记你,或者我一直在努力地试着忘记。然而,现在我却也正在慢慢地死去,我真的想你,现在我们也许永远不会知道我唯一希望的只是你能快乐不管有我在你身边,或者没有我唯一希望的只是你能快乐

谁能帮我翻译一下texas的 《in demand》

When we were together I was blown away 当我们在一起的时候,我被吹走Just like paper from a fan 就像一张纸在电风扇前那样But you would act like I was just a kid 但是你会表现的像我是孩子一样Like we were never gonna" last 就像我们之间不会持久But now I"ve got someone who cares for me, (yeah) 但是现在我找到了一个关心我的人(是的)Wrote my name in silver sands 把我的名字写在银色的沙滩上I think you know you"ve lost the love of your life 我想你知道你已经失去了你生命中的爱(you said) I was the best you"ve ever had 你说,我是你所拥有的最好的Because I"m in demand, (hey) 因为我真需要,(嘿)You"re thinking of the way you should"ve of held my, (hand) 你正在思考你应该握我的手的方式and all the times you"d say you didn"t understand 你一直说你不理解You never had our love written in your, (plans) 你从没有把我们的爱写进你的计划But now I"m In Demand 但是现在我很需要I never think you saw the best of me (ahh haa haa haa) 我从未想过你看到最好的我(啊哈哈哈)There"s a side you"ll never know 有一面你永远也不会知道"cos love and loving are two different things (ahh haa haa haa) 因为爱情和爱别人是两件不一样的事情(啊哈哈哈)。Set your sights far too low 你的目光太短浅But now i"ve got someone who cares for me, (yeah) 但是现在我找到一个关心我的人,(是的)He wrote my name in silver sands 他把我的名字写在银色的沙滩上I think you know you"ve lost the love of your life 我想你知道你已经失去了你生命的爱(you said) I was the best you"ve ever had 你说,我是你所拥有过的最好的Because I"m in demand, (hey) 因为我很需要,(嗨)You"re thinking of the way you should"ve held my (hand) 你在想你应该握我的手的方法and all the times you"d say you didn"t understand 你一直在说你不理解我You never had our love written in your plans 你从未把我们的爱写在你的计划里But now I"m in demand 但是现在我很需要Your"e thinking of the way you should"ve of held my, (hand) 你在想你应该握我的手的方法and all the times you"d say you didn"t understand 你一直在说你不理解我You never had our love written in your, (plans) 你从未把我们的爱写在你的计划里But now I"m in demand 但是现在我很需要It"s only when I fall asleep 这只是当我睡着的时候I see that winning smile 我能看到那个胜利的微笑When my dreams just move along 当我的梦继续下去You"ve lost the race by miles 你已经在比赛上输了几里路Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 耶,耶,耶,耶,耶Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 耶,耶,耶,耶,耶Stay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 留下,耶,耶,耶,耶Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 耶,耶,耶,耶,耶Because I"m in demand 因为我很需要Your"e thinking of the way you should"ve of held my, (hand) 你在想你应该握我的手的方法and all the times you"d say you didn"t understand 你一直在说你不理解我You never had our love written in your, (plans) 你从未把我们的爱写在你的计划里but now I"m in demand, (yeah) 但是现在我很需要You know I"m in demand 你知道我很需要(say you"re in demand) 说你很需要You know I"m in demand, (yeah) 你知道我很需要,(是的)Always in demand, (yeah) 总是需要,(是的)Never had our love written in your plans 从未把我们的爱写在你的计划里You know I"m in demand你知道我很需要



谁知道有一首歌歌里面歌词是I need you when i miss you when i want you I love you girls的?

歌曲:You Were My Everything- Aviation

that is the one i love most .omg丶ranking是什么意思

that is the one i love most .omg ranking的中文翻译_百度翻译 that is the one i love most .omg ranking这是我最爱的人。OMG排名


  土屋安娜《rose》  Olivia 《wish》  土屋安娜 《luck》  作词:ANNA  作曲:COZZi  编曲:COZZi  歌:ANNA TSUCHIYA inspi" NANA(BLACK STONES)  Yeah...  Bady I"m standing alone 忘れぬ Rainy day  あなたの影を追って And it"s over 砂のように  I sigh every night I scream like a child & cried  静かに漂うSorrow Please god 罪を许して  I don"t need to hide no more 碧く光るほうへ  流れてく Just keep going on  You"ve got the chance now  You"ve got the power  気付いてso true yourself  I show you my life now  I show you my love now  I show you everything yeah yeah  Bady don"t be afraid  Bady I"m lying alone 目覚めぬdrowning days  终わりの无い my misery Now I know that 振り向かない  Life goes round & round Just silence surrounding me  燃え尽きて like a phoenix And I"m falling 夺われていく  I don"t need to lie any more 揺れる波の样に  生きればいい Just keep going on  You"d better change now  You"d better catch now  変わらない so be yourself  I"ll show you my strength now  I"ll show you my love now  I"ll show you everything yeah yeah  Bady don"t be afraid  You"ve got the chance now  You"ve got the power  気付いてso true yourself  I show you my life now  I show you my love now  I show you everything yeah yeah  You"d better change now  You"d better catch now  変わらない so be yourself  I"ll show you my strength now  I"ll show you my love now  I"ll show you everything yeah yeah  Bady don"t be afraid  Yeah...  _______________________________________  Yeah…  Baby I"m standing alone  wasurenu Rainy day  anata no kage wo otte  And It"s over suna no youni  I sigh every night  I scream like a child & cried  shizukani tadayou Sorrow  Please Please god tsumi wo yurushite  I don"t need to hide no more  aoku hikaru hou e  nagareteku going on  You"ve got the chance now  You"ve got the power  kizuite so true yourself  I show you my life now  I show you my love now  I show you everything yeah yeah  Baby don"t be afraid  Baby I"m lying alone  mezamenu drowning days  owarino nai my misery  Now I know that furi mukanai  Life goes round & round  Just silence surrounding me  moe tsukite like a phoenix  And I"m falling ubawarete iku  I don"t need to lie any more  yureru nami no youni  ikireba ii going on  You"d better change now  You"d better catch now  kawaranai so be yourself  I"ll show you my strength now  I"ll show you my love now  I"ll show you everything yeah yeah  Baby don"t be afraid  You"ve got the chance now  You"ve got the power  kizuite so true yourself  I"ll show you my strength now  I"ll show you my love now  I"ll show you everything yeah yeah  You"d better change now  You"d better catch now  kawaranai so be yourself  I"ll show you my strength now  I"ll show you my love now  I"ll show you everything yeah yeah  Baby don"t be afraid  Yeah…

you are the one i love hurts and love me.

wut u tryna say, it doesn"t make no sense




in the demand for在需求

英语翻译 转译法 They went on strike in demand of a 40 percent wage increase.

= = 同学 你是在上叶净的翻译课吧?

westray scotland怎么读

Westray [人名] 韦斯特雷; [地名] [加拿大] 韦斯特雷;Scotland 英["skɒtlənd] 美["skɑ:tlənd]n. 苏格兰(英国的一部分,在大不列颠岛北部);[例句]The Under-21 team has defeated Wales and Scotland this season, and ran England very close在这个赛季中,21岁以下代表队已经打败了威尔士队和苏格兰队,和英格兰队的比分也非常接近。

demand不能加双宾语嘛?比方说demand sb. to do sth.

demand 不加双宾语,demand to dodemand sth没有demand sb to do sth百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答,若帮了您,记得采纳哦-,0

when certain products have huge spikes in demand 里面的 huge spikes 什么意思

翻译:当某些产品有巨大的暴涨时的需求。huge spikes in demand是组合在一起的吧,逐个分开意思就差很远了。
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