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the man和 man的区别?

the man特指前句中提到的那个MAN.. man泛指


[Hook] Iwantedakiss,kiss,kiss 我要一个吻,一个吻 [Verse1:Royce] NickelNina,niggaTωitter-beefing,firstrappertoIshotafan 我是Royce59,我在微博上树敌,第一个敌人就是我的粉丝 Gucci"myabsolutestateofmind,likeWaka"man 古奇是我的最爱,是匪帮们的穿戴 Chopper"brand,gettingheadinthecarpark,newGallardo 兰博基尼里停在停车场里,女孩埋头给我口丵交 Thibitchsuckingmydicktoday,callyesterday"snewstomorrow 她不停的吹箫,却把昨日称作新的明天 Stretchaniggaout,I"mthenewTae-bo,"bouttocrossover,I"mthenewIver 监狱生涯结束,我是新生的有氧搏击运动,将要穿越这一切,我就是如此帅气 "bouttosavesacoupleofthesebitchesthat"sright,I"mthenewBible 我就是圣经,婊丵子们读我的歌词就好像的到了救赎 You?You5.0,me?I"mallgroundedtopunishment,butI"mtooflythough 你?警丵察?我已经承受了惩罚,现在是我飞升的时刻 Y"allniggabewinin",IshouldcallyouMoscato 黑丵鬼们又赢了,我应该尊称你为莫斯卡多 [Eminem] Lookdownatthefloorboard 低头看看地板 ItlookslikesomeoneleftapairofstilettoshoesinmyTahoe 好像有人在车上留下了一双高跟女鞋 NeverknowwhattypeofahoinsideofmyrideImaylet 我从未想过会让什么样的女孩上我的车 Lastnightat5AM,andsheain"tevenrecoverfromlastFridayyet 昨夜凌晨五点,女孩的高丵潮甚至从上周五持续到今天 Hoesallovertheridelikeit"sanicecreamtruck,Icanseewhytheyfret 车厢里全是**,就像个冰激凌卡车, IalreadyranovertwohoesandIain"tgetupthefuсkingdrivewayyet 我已经搞定了2个**,而且还在继续开车 SoonasIopenthedoor,youtrytoresist,whatfor?Getingirl,don"tpushshorty 车门一开你就开始抵抗不愿下车,为什么?进来吧,别推搡了 Your,fightin"awar,it"suseless,titsonawhore,littletitsonawhore 我们激情碰撞,我的小鸟在洞里激情的乱撞 Gotamackandit"sscreaminglikelittlekidsthrowingfitsonthefloor 像是情场高手让你尖叫的就像少年的野战 Getinthewhip,butyouain"tturning,afrogintoaprince 上车吧,你不是我的真命天女,我也不是你的青蛙王子 Whatyoutrynakeepyourhandsonmefor? 那么你把手放在我身上还有什么企图? [Hook] [Verse2:Eminem] NowyouinmywhipjustlongasyouunderstandthatIcan"tbewhipped 你在我车上呆的太久你应该明白我不会被你击败 Yousickofmeandshit,I"magigolosoyouknow,I"malwaysonthego 你让我难过,你知道的,我只是个小白脸,总是漂泊不定 Iain"tgotnotimetoslowdownfornorelationshit 我根本没有时间开始另一段狗血般的恋情 DropthePandaddaT,yaeh,youcangetmadatmeallyouwant 没错是shit,不是ship,你可以对我发泄你所有的不满 ButI"mghostbeforeyoucanevensayboo,hunletalonecallmeone 但是无论怎样我都不会让你满意,宝贝,不要在束缚我 Aone-nightstandisonlyoncebutafemalefanyeahonelegstanding 无论夜里我们多么缠绵,一夜情就仅仅是一夜 Sobytheonenightstandthibedroomhastwolampsandonlyonenightstand 所以此时此刻房间里的我们只是普通朋友,故事只有一夜 Getthehint?Oohyeahboo,ew!Iain"tgonnaarguebutwhydoyouthink 明白了吗?我根本不想解释,但是你又是怎么看呢? Theycallitboo?Yeah,causethesoundofit"s"posedtoscareyou 又想鄙视我吗?那是因为你们都还未谙世事 [Royce] Hhoe,wecanshareyouinthebackoftheMclaren,Idon"tgiveafuсkwhat 嘿,女孩,我们可以在迈凯轮赛车的后面缠绵 Yournameis,I"llcallyouHottentot,Hopenbot,howcomeyournameisSharon? 我才不管你是谁,我叫你Hottentot,Hopenbot,你的名字怎么会是莎伦? SlowtheflowdownsoIcanwhat?Thesameface 我得缓缓我的flow好好看清楚你的面庞 WhenI"mshootingthegunsthesamefacethatImakewhenIfuсk 这是不是我嘿咻时颜丵射的那个脸庞 Thebackofmyhandonyourneckpressingyourfaceagainstthesheetsit"sinsane 我们在床上激情的缠绵,快要疯掉 Youbeenchanged,causeI"moutofthisworldgirlIgotthatMilkyWaydickvein 你变了,因为我要离开这个世界,我抽搐的JB射在了女孩的脸上 I"matanall-timehighwithhighness,I"matanall-timeflywithflyness 我高丵潮不断,我是你的殿下,我机智而敏捷 Andthisisexactlywhattheysaywhentheybowtoyourhighness 这就是当你向你的殿下鞠躬时所听到的故事 [Hook] [Verse3:Royce] NickelNina,niggaTωitter-beefing,firstbeefandIshotyourfans Royce59在微博上树敌,我的第一个恩怨就是和你的粉丝产生矛盾 Herbottom"sdark,buthertopittan,herprivateparts 女孩的屁股是黑的,他的私处也已经湿黑木耳 Gotitonthepoleliketheoppositeofherpapa"splan 我猛烈的嘿咻,就像他爸爸的阴谋 (Comeonstripper!Let"shitthestrip180anddropthetrance I"minthetrance,lookingatthibitchdance) 来吧舞娘,尽情的脱吧,伴着迷幻的音乐,我入神的看着她扭动 Lookingatthisgirl,likewhatyouwearinggirl,quitplaying 女孩我喜欢你的穿着,真是挑弄人心 (Youwearingthemscrachandsniffpants?Wellletmescratch"em Letmesniff,yeah(What?)DidIsaythat? 嘿你真是太火辣太性感勒,让我在你身上打一排药吧,什么?我又说要嗑药了? I"monleanlikestyrofoamcupsandkickstand 我欲火中烧,就好像是发泡塑料杯,感觉就要脱缰而出了 [Eminem] Middlefingerstuckonfuсk,sniffpantbutgirlyougotabutt 中指不停的挑弄着女孩,女孩你的屁股真是美妙 Like(?)socanwiththehell,maybe Awhell,Shady,he"lltellitlikeitis SotellKatiePerryhe"sonthetail,he"stailgating 告诉KatiePerry她已经快要追尾了 ThesebellsaremymaidencallandI"mhere,bell"sraidingandtellLady 这是我接的第一个电话说明我的电话已经打得通了,所以 Gaga,shecanquitherjobatthepostoffice,she"sstillamalelady! 告诉LadyGaga他可以辞去邮局的工作了,因为不管怎么样他仍然是个女邮差(阴阳人) Whatthefuсk?Andwithherdick,youheard,theverdict"sin 怎么回事?他有阳器,我的结论就是 He"sallergictoD,doesn"ttakemeClevistohim,himdon"tgiveadamnhowBeaverdoing 他讨厌生殖器,别让我和他在有交集,我才不管他的阴丵户是如何做的 Whatademon,abehemoth,eviljustseemstobeseethingthroughhim 真是个魔鬼,真是个怪兽,邪恶好像正灼烧着他的身体 [Royce] Ilikethestripteaseyoudoingthisevening,youandmegon"find 我喜欢无娘们今夜的挑逗 3morechickadeesandhaveamenagelikeNikki 再叫三个脱衣舞鸟然后我们玩3P就像Nikki做的那样 YouhotlikeaDickieoutfitinTexaswithoutshitunderit,sweating 你火辣极了就像挂空挡穿着迪基装一样 Suckmydick,webothgetstosteppintomylogic Suckmydick,我们一起步入饶舌的殿堂 [Eminem] Mypatrick,mydickisashardandthickasayardstick 我的JB有粗又大硬又黑 Whatwegonnado?Ridearound"tilwe"recarsick 我们该怎么做?到处兜风知道我们晕车 ThenI"mgonnaputthisshitinparklikedogshit 然后将车停在某个公园 Andyoucanblowmeinthedarkintheparkinglot 让你开始给我丵干口丵活,就在昏暗的停车场里 Outofthetrailerparkbythegarbage 在拖车场外的垃圾车旁 Whatyouwaitingon?Metorollupthecarpet? 你还在等什么?要我铺上地毯吗? Thecondomsareintheglovecompartment,let"sstartit! 避孕套就在储物箱里呢,让我们开始干吧! ThinkI"mjoking?What,amIsittinghere 你以为我在开玩笑,废话,不然我坐在这里干嘛? Tryingtomakefakefartswithmyarmpits? 想用我的腋窝做放屁的声音? AmIheretoamuseyou?Stopit 你以为我来这里就是和你开玩笑的吗?闭嘴吧 [Royce] I"minyourpocketoutsideofachurch 在教堂之外我藏在你的口袋里 Theotherhandisatthebottomofyourpurse 另一首却放在你的钱包下 Yougivingmeheadinaboxingstance 你的嘴像个拳击手一样急速的在我胯下套弄 Mydick"ssobigyoucoulddropitindirt 我的JB太大以至于你都不能吞下 I"mnotyourman,we"resparringpartners 我不是你的喽啰,我们是一对陪练 There"s5thingsyouareinchargeof,that"s 只有5件事是你能管的 Suckingadick,suckingadick,suckingadick 那就是口丵交,口丵交,口丵交,口丵交,和口丵交 Suckingadick,suckingadick [Eminem] Ifyouain"tsuckingadick 如果你不想做口丵活的话 Whyyousittingtherewithpuckeredlips?That"scollagen.. 你为什么要坐在这里摆弄嘴唇 Motherfuсkingbitch,whatyoumeanhow"dyou 婊丵子,你到底想怎么样 (Youshouldbesuffering,youshouldbecooking Youshouldbebucklingyourseatbeltwithovenmitts) 你应该受尽苦难,你应该赶紧配好我要磕的药,你应该带上手套扣紧安全带 ExcusemewhileI"mmakinganassofmyself,butit"sonly 抱歉,我又闹笑话了,因为 CauseIjustwannaget.. 我这次是故意的 [Hook] 注明来源eminem吧~~

The men have some pears and mangoes句中为什么不用has?


De Yang Gatal Gatal 为啥没有钢琴谱




gatal—janni nick歌词大意

Biarkanlah resah sayang让亲爱的坐立不安Sukar ku lalui我好难离开Buat ku berduka让我好伤心*Kenangkanlah oh semalam纪念昨晚吧Walau cinta dikunci虽然爱情被锁了Janji tak ku lupa我忘不了承诺**Tak daya ku halangi我没能力越过,Tak ku cuba jauhi我尝试远离Tetap di sini可是还是在这里Terus menanti我继续等待Korus Ikrar kita mengharungi badai sakti我们的誓约经历过神奇的暴风Mencari sinar kasih suci寻找到了阳光 仁爱的圣洁Walaupun nafas ku ini pasti terhenti虽然我的呼吸会被停止Jangan pula ada sangsi lub

they heard the voice of an old woman coming from


said the voice of the television announcer.翻译是电视广播员说,为什么加voice呢,总感觉有点别扭

因为一句别人在陈述的句。比较正式。如果不用这样的句型,可以用said by the television announcer。



The man什么意思


the man和this man的区别

你好,the man 可以泛指,this man特指这个人,当然,在某一些特定的条件下意思一样,e. g。the/ this man in black t-shirts...... 希望对你有帮助哈。

that man和the man


高分悬赏marketing plan

那就要看看你是需要怎样的marketing plan了,因为毕竟4P和online marketing的方式不一样,而且有几个东西你要特别清楚地就是,这是不是一种trend?通常一种基本的marketing plan最重要的就是brainstorming,know-how,risk plan,market demand, price trend等等,这些资料都是需要去收集回来的。计划和规划好后才能真正的去执行。想知道详情的话,可以消息我

The man 翻译为中文 是怎样说法...?


the man是三单吗?


marketing plan怎么做啊,麻烦给个范例最好英语的!

A Marketing Plan is a written document that details the actions necessary to achieve a specified marketing objective(s). It can be for a product or service, a brand, or a product line. It can cover one year (referred to as an annual marketing plan), or cover up to 5 years.A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan. Solid marketing strategy is the foundation of a well-written marketing plan. While a marketing plan contains a list of actions, a marketing plan without a sound strategic foundation is of little use.

the man 不是个人吗,为什么用whose!!

关系代词whose 可以指代人和物。如:The. house whose windows face south is a shop. I know the man whose uncle is a doctor.

marketing plan和marketing strategy的区别


the man the men a man man的区别

The man是指之前提到或特指某一个人。the man同上,但是多个人。a man没有特指,就是有一个,一个人man是一个单词,人,男人的意思。

求一个简单的marketing plan 英语作文.

Summary and Further Reading on Marketing Plan When making a marketing plan,it is important to know and state the timescale you are working with.Are you making a long term plan,a short term plan,or something in between?You may also find that some areas of your marketing plan are short term,while others will work in the long term. A business that deals with new technology may need to update their marketing plans every 3-6 months,where as a business in an established and stable industry might only need to update their plan every other year. Your targets and objectives need to be based on a realistic timescale,there is little point making a target of 400% sales growth in 2 months when you know that is impossible.Set realistic but challenging targets over an accurate timescale. Summary * A marketing plan is in addition to a standard business plan. * A marketing plan helps set realistic objectives for your business,and helps make sure that the business is focused on the most important areas of marketing. * A marketing plan can help in obtaining finance by demonstrating that the business has been thoroughly planned. * A plan should look at each of the important areas and have realistic objectives for the short,medium,or long term. * Looking at the prices of your products should take into account both consumers and petitors products. * Looking at the locations of your products should take into account where the product is sold as well as the distribution methods used to get there. * You should firmly know the unique selling points of your business and its products. * Sales of one product may help increase sales of another product; you should look at how this can be achieved. * If your product is seasonal,look at introducing a new or modified product to sell during the slower months. * Both the budgets and message of your advertising and public relations should be reviewed regularly to ensure best results. * Word of mouth is free marketing!Look at how you can encourage it. * Special offers and petitions can increase interest in your product and convert possible buyers into sales.Look at how you can maximise this. * In a SWOT,Strengths and Weaknesses are internal,while Opportunities and Threats are external.Each point should be written down briefly to provide a quick overview of the status of your business and its market(s). * A marketing plan should have a timescale relevant to the nature of your business,although different areas of the plan may have different timescales. SWOT Analysis in a Marketing Plan SWOT This is a monly used form of marketing *** ysis.It looks at both your business and the external environment to anticipate possible future action you may need to take to defend or expand your market position. SWOT stands for Strengths; Weaknesses; Opportunities; and Threats. (i) Strengths Here you should list the main strengths of your business and products/services.This should include not only the areas that your business or products are good at,but also high profit margins,successful current marketing campaigns and similar strengths.e.g.Our business has a reputation for excellent quality customer service. Strengths are internal factors,and are usually related to your business only. (ii) Weaknesses Here you should list the main weaknesses of your business and products/services.This should include the areas that you feel your business could improve on,or are limiting your quality or expansion.e.g.Our slow production speed makes it difficult for us to meet shipment dates effectively. Weaknesses are internal factors,and are usually related to your business only. (iii) Opportunities Here you should list what you believe to be the best opportunities available in your market,or new markets you believe your business can succeed in.e.g.Gap in market for *** aller versions of our products. Remember,a weakness may be an opportunity in disguise!e.g.If we fix the weakness in our manufacturing speed whilst maintaining quality,we have an opportunity to offer faster delivery to our customers. Opportunities are almost always external,although they may rely on internal strengths.e.g.An opportunity is available by advertising our strengths in quality of service. (iv) Threats Here you should list what you believe to be the biggest threats to your business.This could include petitors,government regulations,changes in customer attitudes and other such areas.e.g.Our petitors are planning to launch a big new product in the next 6 months. Threats are almost always external,although they may rely on internal weaknesses or external factors that limit your strengths.e.g.If our petitors lower their prices and we match them,we may be left with an unprofitable product.

can you hear the voice是哪部番的OP?


Man和The man


the man 意思


the man是单数还是复数

这得依题而异,1.当男人,人 这个意思时,man 是可数名词,谓语动词要根据man的单复数来决定2.当人类这个意思时时不可数名词,谓语动词用单数,但在这道题中,man前面有the 修饰,the man 表示一类一,也就是你说得人类,所以谓语动词用单数,另外the + 名词,都表示一类,谓语动词都得用单数的.

the man 翻译中文什么意思

said the voice of the television announcer 为什么加voice 这是什么结构,什么语法,详细说明,求解!

宾语补足语, 电视播音员说的

求 Timbaland - Meet In Tha Middle歌词翻译!中文歌词!!急!谢谢各位了.机译的不需要.谢谢

百度的英文歌词……还是有单词错了发现的都改过来了。翻译很累,并不是很好,呵呵。,有的地方需要自己想一些好听的词,说的好听点。你也可以自己换句话说。翻译么,一千个人翻译,就有一千个哈姆雷特timbaland - meet in tha middlewe fuss we fight your fault my fault我们之间充满了火药味we was on the same team least thats what i thought但是我还是觉得我们仍然可以像从前一样在一起we both participated only i got caught我们一起走,你却没有抓紧我的手now we hardly conversatin baby, we don"t talk现在我们无话可说it was fun at first, you can"t say im wrong以前多可笑,你不承认你的错now you wanna talk about it? too late, im gone现在你后悔了?太晚了,我已经被你伤透your mad at me cos i dont wanna play your games你因为我不能继续你的游戏而生气i aint perfect but imma do my thing我不够好但是我是我,我有自己的生活we gotta meet in the middle我们要在这里做个了结you here im there, tell me whats the scence in me trying if you dont care?感觉我们的距离好远,你能明白我的努力被你忽视的感觉?this relationship is heading to who knows where我们不知道该往拿哪that means one of us got to chose, because谁都要狠下心来停下you hurt me, and i hurt you, you complain about the things that i dont do彼此伤害,你说我好多事情都做得不够i dont wanna take the blame niether do you, because we got too much to loose谁都不想承担痛苦,我们都已经有够不堪了meet in the middle面对它吧we gotta gotta meet in the middle我们要好好谈谈gotta compromise然后彼此妥协baby don"t analyse亲爱的,不要躲避we need to see eye to eye, so lets meet in the middle我们要坦诚的一起做,所以,我们好好谈谈吧we gotta compromise我们得彼此妥协we gotta work it out this time我们总要结束we need to see eye to eye看开点吧so lets meet in the middle来吧,we got somethin we can"t enjoy那些让彼此不快的im sick of you trynin to play with me like i"m your toy你总是自作聪明的把我当做你的玩具一样玩弄,想想就恶心hm, you tried to run game i saw,我看得出你想继续下去we gotta lotta issues you got yours, we gotta meet in the middle但是我们必须解决这些,你我已经积怨太多you cant talk that shit, you cant travel to the future if you walk backwards你不要说那些没用的话,谁都不能重来once you walk out the door, you cant walk back in做了就不要后悔we gotta find a way to solve it, think about our kids我们必须解决它,想想孩子们,cos they in the middle他们夹在中间you wanna sing that song?你想要那样?you want me to cop that plead and say ok im wrong?你想要我退让?things are gettin heavy but i gotta stay strong事情更加沉重但是我一定要这么做i try to talk it over with you when i coulda been gone becauseand i dont wanna take the blame niether do you because we got too much to loose我也想在走之前跟你好好谈谈i told you once, i told you twice我一说再说and now my shoulders cold, like a block of ice终于失望到底you playin games like you rollin dice你在赌hey what you know about sacrifice?你知道什么叫做牺牲么?baby ive been in the middle..亲爱的,我独自在这里ive been givin you more than a little我给了你太多had the ball then you double dribble但你却毫不珍惜i guess that love is a riddle..我真的不知道你到底爱不爱我……you never listen i dont ever get my point across你从不好好听我的心里话i washed ya dirty draws, you out with dirty broads我为你默默付出you did me dirty dawg, cos yous a dirty dog,你因为别人让我狼狈its a quit n call, and i aint mad at all我已经不会再为什么生气i gave you more than you deserve, i was worth it all我给你太多bottom line i hope you find what your searchin for我曾希望你知道回头you hurt me, said i hurt you你伤害了我还说我不爱你and i complain about the things that you dont do我也和你一样的开始抱怨and i dont wanna take the blame niether do youwe got too much to lose...但是你我都是那么脆弱,谁都承受不起……so lets meet in the middle这首歌真长!翻译到最后,我受够了……第一次自己翻译。啊#¥%……#¥&*!@#¥


《Man in the Middle》(Brian Haig)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:uoui书名:Man in the Middle作者:Brian Haig出版社:Grand Central Publishing出版年份:2009-08-01页数:416内容简介:Despatched to investigate the suicide of one of DC"s most influential defence officials - an ardent, early supporter of the war in Iraq - Drummond and his female partner find themselves in the middle of a tug-of-war between Washington"s most influential power brokers and his own personal allegiance to the soldiers dying overseas. What he uncovers are the secrets that led to the war, secrets that once exposed would destroy public support and undermine the presidency. Now, Drummond faces the greatest moral quandary of his life: What is the true meaning of patriotism?

Man In The Middle 歌词

歌曲名:Man In The Middle歌手:Bee Gees专辑:This Is Where I Came In歌名:Man In The Middle主唱:Bee GeesYou"ve got a plan that could never go wrongYou took advantage and the damage doneIt all comes back to me babyIt all comes back to meI played the fool and I went off the trackAnd when I think of all it costWhen the die was castYou know I had to be crazyYou know I had to beI"ve been telling liesAnd you forgive me but my heart still criesAnd you can understandI"m just the man in the middleOf a complicated planNo one to show me the signsI"m just a creature of habitIn a complicated worldNowhere to run toNowhere to hideI know I let you down in so many waysI know that sorry doesn"t tell youWhat you need me to sayBut, I would die for you babyYes, I would die for youI"ve been in disguiseAnd you forgive me and our love will riseAnd you can understandI"m just the man in the middleOf a complicated planNo one to show me the lightAh,yes, I"m weary from battleBut I"ve just begun to fightNowhere to run toNowhere to hideI"m just the man in the middleOf a complicated planNo one to show me the signsI"m just a creature of habitIn a complicated worldNowhere to run toNowhere to hideI"m just the man in the middleOf a complicated planNo one to show me the lightAh,yes, I"m weary from battleBut I"ve just begun to fightNowhere to run toNowhere to hideI"m just the man in the middleThe only manThe fool of a man in the middleNowhere to run toNowhere to hideI"m just the manThe only manThat stupid manNowhere to run toNowhere to hide



changed the voice

修改 hesperchen :) It was very noisy.Her answer to the question could not be heard by us. the prep.between "answer" and "question" should be "to" ..

Andy Cooney的《The Voice》 歌词

歌曲名:The Voice歌手:Andy Cooney专辑:Irish InfluenceEveryday I listen to my heartIn times when I can"t seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in meSo when you"re lost wishing for an angelOr a hand to pull you throughWhen the world is on your shoulderEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in...Sometimes life moves in mysterious waysAnd you don"t know where it will endIt"s a fight, no one can fill your placeBut when you call looking for an answerTo justify what you have to doBaby don"t look any furtherEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m just too blind to seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundWhen the world is on your shoulderEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundWe all have our own private warYou know those times when doubt fills your headEveryday I listen to my heartIn times when I can"t seeWhen my faith is nowhere to be foundEveryday I listen to my heartWhen I"m too numb to feelWhen my strength is nowhere to be foundI trust the voice in... Me, in me

The Alan Parsons Project的《The Voice》 歌词

歌曲名:The Voice歌手:The Alan Parsons Project专辑:I RobotCeltic WomanThe voiceI hear your voice on the windAnd I hear you call out my name"Listen, my child," you say to me"I am the voice of your historyBe not afraid, come follow meAnswer my call, and I"ll set you free"I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rainI am the voice of your hunger and painI am the voice that always is calling youI am the voice, I will remainI am the voice in the fields when the summer"s goneThe dance of the leaves when the autumn winds blowNor do I sleep thoughout all the cold winter longI am the force that in springtime will growI am the voice of the past that will always beFilled with my sorrow and blood in my fieldsI am the voice of the future, bring me your peaceBring me your peace, and my wounds, they will healI am the voice in the wind and the pouring rainI am the voice of your hunger and painI am the voice that always is calling youI am the voiceI am the voice of the past that will always beI am the voice of your hunger and painI am the voice of the futureI am the voice, I am the voiceI am the voice, I am the voice

有个客户来自taiwan county ,我想问一下 taiwan country 和taiwan county 的区别是什么?



这是台湾地名的英文:Taiwan(台湾)Hualien(花莲)County(县)。 翻译过来就是“台湾花莲县”

android:scheme和 android:host 有什么用

引用开发文档里边的说明:Each <data> element can specify a URI and a data type (MIME media type). There are separate attributes — scheme, host, port, and path — for each part of the URI:scheme://host:port/pathFor example, in the following URI,content://com.example.project:200/folder/subfolder/etc~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助,谢谢。

be fill with与began with的区别


Android Scheme URL 使用方法

URL Scheme是一种页面内跳转协议,通过定义自己的URL Scheme协议,可以 从一个APP中打开另外一个APP指定的页面,也可以从H5页面中跳转到APP指定的页面(实际上就是从一个浏览器中的一个页面跳转到APP指定页面)。 一个完整的完整的URL Scheme协议格式由scheme、host、port、path和query组成,其结构如下所示: <scheme>://<host>:<port>/<path>?<query> schemeService://Host:8080/path?id=true <a href="schemeService://Host:8080/path?id=true">打开App传入指定参数</a> 先检查一下是否有效 跳转

Android URL Scheme唤醒之门

1、scheme的作用 Android的scheme 是一种页面内跳转协议。通过scheme 可以进行页面跳转,可以是app之间的跳转, 也可以是网页和app之间的跳转。 2、scheme的定义 协议://协议地址/端口/路径/参数 scheme://nade/startapp?data= "123456" 协议:scheme(可以自定义) 协议地址:(可以自定义) 端口:(可以自定义) 路径: 参数: 3、scheme的使用 1、app内使用: /** * scheme跳转 * @param s */ private void schemeJump(String s) { if (!checkScheme(s)) { showToast("页面不存在"); } Intent schemeIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); schemeIntent.setData(Uri.parse(s)); startActivity(schemeIntent); } 2、网页内使用 // h5调用 <a href="scheme://nade/startapp?data=123456">app目标页面</a> 3、app解析处理 Intent intent = getIntent(); if (intent.getData() != null) { Uri uri = intent.getData(); //获取uri链接 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.toString()); //获取协议 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getScheme()); //获取协议链接 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getHost()); //获取端口 LogUtils.d("nade",String.valueOf(uri.getPort())); //获取路径 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getPath()); //获取参数 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getQueryParameter("data")); //获取参数集合 for (String data : uri.getQueryParameters("data")) { LogUtils.d("nade",data); } } /** * 检测scheme链接是否可用 * @param s * @return */ public boolean checkScheme(String s){ PackageManager manager = getPackageManager(); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(Uri.parse(s)); List<ResolveInfo> uris = manager.queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.GET_RESOLVED_FILTER); return uris != null && uris.size() > 0; }


Scheme这个词语我们可以在Uri使用时见到,有 uri.getScheme() 方法。在android中scheme是一种页面内跳转协议,是一种非常好的实现机制,通过定义自己的scheme协议,可以非常方便跳转app中的各个页面;通过scheme协议,服务器可以定制化告诉App跳转那个页面,可以通过通知栏消息定制化跳转页面,可以通过H5页面跳转页面等。 我们来看看谷歌官方对其data描述:见 还有其filter的描述: 以上两个网址我在关掉代理的情况下上不了,讲的很清晰,我只能搬过来了。 翻译过来就是, <data> 是写在 <intent-filter> 中的,格式可以是数据的类型,或者是一个URI。其格式最终为 <scheme>://<host>:<port>[<path>|<pathPrefix>|<pathPattern>] 这些属性是可选的,但是也有一些是有依赖关系的,比如如果没有设置 scheme ,则其他的URI属性将被忽略,又或是如果 host 没有被设置,那么 port 属性不生效。 通过manifest,应用向系统注册一个URL scheme,该scheme 用于从浏览器或其他应用中启动本应用。通过指定的 URL 字段,可以让应用在被调起后直接打开某些特定页面,比如商品详情页、活动详情页等等。也可以执行某些指定动作,如完成支付等。也可以在应用内通过 html 页来直接调用显示 app 内的某个页面。 我们最常见的应用场景就是别人分享的一个购物优惠,点开后直接进去了京东的客户端或者是淘宝的客户端。 我们设置了上面的 <intent-filter /> 后,其实就可以通过下面的链接打开我们的activity了。 点击后,若手机安装了我们应用便会直接打开。 也可以原生调用: 通过 Intent ,我们能够拿到跳转的参数,便可以进行应用内的业务处理了。 通过scheme跳转是一个很好的方式,不过后来谷歌2015年的I/O大会上提出了一个新方案 Android M 的"App Links"实现详解 ,感兴趣的可以看看。 好了安卓系统自带的就这么简单的集成,不过这种的缺点是,一个Activity要写一个,如果入口多了,要写很多个,工程大了难以管理。下一章将讲解应用内的路由 Arouter

Android 利用scheme协议进行跳转

干货! 从其他APP跳转到自家APP,从APP中接入的三方公司的SDK跳转的自己写的页面,都可以用到这个方法! 第一步,在AndroidManifest.xml中,activity标签下:第二步,在需要发起跳转的地方:第三部,在需要打开的目标页面: 获取到需要的数据(10086) 可以通过获取到的10086,继续进行操作:

plan ,schedule,scheme有什么明显的区别


Android 跨应用间调用: URL Scheme

Android中的自定义的 URL Scheme 是一种页面内跳转协议,也可以被称为 URLRouter ,就是通过类似打开网页的方式去通过路由打开一个Activity,而非直接通过显式Intent方式去进行跳转。这样隐式intent的方法跳转好处如下: 上文已经说过, URL Scheme 是就通过类似打开网页的方式去通过路由打开一个Activity,其协议格式和我们打开网页输入的网址类似。 一个完整的完整的URL Scheme协议格式由scheme、host、port、path和query组成,其结构如下所示: 其中scheme既可以是Android中常见的协议,也可以是我们自定义的协议。Android中常见的协议包括content协议、http协议、file协议等,自定义协议可以使用自定义的字符串,当我们启动第三方的应用时候,多是使用自定义协议。 如下是一个自定义协议的URI: 通过上面的路径 Scheme、Host、port、path、query全部包含: URL Scheme 的使用方法简要言之就是先在manifest中配置能接受Scheme方式启动的activity;当需要调用时,将Scheme协议的URi以Data的形式加入到Intent中,隐式调用该activity。 1). 在AndroidManifest.xml中对<activity >标签增加<intent-filter>设置Scheme 上面的设置中可以看到,MainActivity包含多个<intent-filter>设置,第一个是正常的启动,也就是在应用列表中启动;第二个是通过 URL Scheme 方式启动,其本身也是隐式Intent调用的一种,不同在于添加了<data>属性,定义了其接受 URL Scheme 协议格式为 urlschemel://auth_activity 这里需要说明下, URL Scheme 协议格式中,组成URI的这些属性在<data >标签中都是可选的 ,但存在如下的依赖关系: 当我们将intent对象中的Uri参数与intent-filter中的<data>标签指定的URI格式进行对比时,我们只对比intent-filter的<data>标签指定的部分,例如: 需要注意的是,intent-filter的<data>标签在指定path的值时,可以在里面使用通配符*,起到部分匹配的效果。 2). 使用URL启动Activity 当然可以在网页中调用 或者是在JS中调用 3.)如何判断URL Scheme是否有效 有时候需要把一些辅助性的、较为独立的APP在Home Launcher中隐藏起来,只允许一些特定的APP调用。这个时候,我们可以利用 URL Scheme 协议来做到这一点,设置AndroidManifest.xml中对<activity >标签如下 因为Home Launcher列出的应用图标要求必须有Activity同时满足 上面的配置中有多余的category和data限制存在,所以并不匹配,不会在Home Launcher出现,但是可以使用 URL Scheme 来启动。 这样就可以将一组APP设置一个统一的入口,然后根据实际需要在调用不同子APP,即所谓的 APP业务组件化 , URL Scheme 在其中有着重要的作用,更进一步讨论会在以后的文章中呈现,敬请期待。 参考文献:


Android模块化页面跳转Scheme Github 通过注解实现Uri页面跳转 支持参数自动解析 使用场景: 1、应用内服务端下发uri进行页面跳转 2、通知栏点击,携带uri进行页面跳转 3、其他应用通过uri调起进行页面跳转 注:activity的注解格式:group/path group为各个模块的唯一字符串,不同模块不可重复 接入: 使用姿势: 根build.gradle module依赖: 使用姿势: 场景1:应用内服务端下发uri进行页面跳转 1、在需要支持uri跳转的Activity增加注解@SchemePath("{随意填,唯一字符串}") 2、跳转事件 注:参数支持 uri支持参数,如" scheme://ModuleA/Activity?data=1&time=20200714&hasData=true " Activity的参数增加@SchemeExtra注解,如 场景2:通知栏点击,携带uri进行页面跳转 1、应用首页Activity增加注解@SchemePath("{随意填}") 2、application调用初始化 3、启动页,通知栏点击入口 场景三:其他应用通过uri调起进行页面跳转 1、注册中转activity

Android 利用scheme协议进行跳转

什么是 URL Scheme? 转自: 稍稍记录一下 android中的scheme是一种页面内跳转协议。 通过定义自己的scheme协议,可以非常方便跳转app中的各个页面; 通过scheme协议,服务器可以定制化告诉App跳转到APP内部页面。 之前项目都是我们客户端和服务器端用自定义json串的形式来告诉客户端如何跳转,这种方式要手动解析字段,有点麻烦。然而scheme协议自带字段解析,非常之方便,后面我们就放弃了json解析的方式。 Scheme协议在Android中使用场景 H5跳转到native页面 客户端获取push消息中后,点击消息跳转到APP内部页面 APP根据URL跳转到另外一个APP指定页面 利用scheme协议跳转的一个完整实例 在Mainefest配置文件中配置需要用scheme协议跳转的Activity 模拟从网络中获取scheme协议的url 获取scheme协议参数



Android页面跳转协议_URL Scheme详解

android中的scheme是一种页面内跳转协议,是一种非常好的实现机制,通过定义自己的scheme协议,可以非常方便跳转app中的各个页面;通过scheme协议,服务器可以定制化告诉App跳转那个页面,可以通过通知栏消息定制化跳转页面,可以通过H5页面跳转页面等。 客户端应用可以在服务端注册一个URL Scheme,该Scheme用于从浏览器或其他应用启动本应用。通过指定的URL字段,可以让应用在被调起后直接打开某些特定界面,比如商品详情页,活动详情页等。也可以执行某些特定的动作,如完成支付等。也可以在应用内通过html页来直接调用显示app内的某个界面。综上URL Schema使用场景大致分以下几种: 一个完整的Scheme的协议格式由 scheme、userInfo、host、port、path、query和fragment 组成。结构如下: scheme://是固定的格式。userInfo@ 可以省略,host 是必须的。port 、query 和 fragment 也是可以省略的。 其中scheme既可以是Android已经定义好的协议,也可使用我们自定义的。Android 常见的scheme 协议有:content 、file、http 等。如果我们自定义协议就可以随意使用一些字符串来限定协议。当然最好是有一定含义的字符串。如下面的协议: 首先配置需要跳转的Activity,Mainifest文件配置如下: SchemeActivity 在网页中调用: 运行结果如下: 其他运用方式都基于样例,源码地址: URL_SchemeDemo


(俗话说文章不配图,香味少一半) 该效果是A应用使用scheme方式调起B应用,并且在B应用中获取到A应用传来的信息。 第一种是通过Intent使用类的路径名进行跳转,第二种就是通过scheme方式跳转了。那scheme跳转可以使用在哪些场景下呢?可以有如下场景: scheme使用的Uri的拼接规则,形如 scheme://authority/path?param1&params2 , 这里scheme和authority是必须要有,其余可以没有,params为各个键值对参数。 具体例如: myscheme://domain/path?type=0&content=12345678 。 在被调起的目标Activity中的onCreate方法中,通过 获取整个Uri的内容,然后根据所需截取参数值。 好啦就到这了,最简单是使用教程

Around The World (Thank You) 歌词

歌曲名:Around The World (Thank You)歌手:G. Love & Special Sauce专辑:Philadelphonicaround the world (~D.RODGERS mix~)词:MOTSU曲:takashi kimura歌:三木真一朗&川澄绫子Now we gotta start Let"s get move!!Trip to worldYo!here we go unknown wordへと 生まれたばっかりの旅人惯れない足どりもまた爱キョウ キメルとこだけバシッと!So many people in this world 时に中伤とかもないわけじゃないけどツマンナイとこはWarpしてこう 筋だけは通し生きてるThat"s our low!あてのないTripOne way ticker to your soul,let"s go!ブッ飞びつづけ见つけるYour goal爱しあい时代に感じあい さまざまなドラマつくってこうSo many things we wanna try Pop stongの底に隐れてDeep style50亿の愿い 涡卷くWorld きっと谁かに届く Your light息さえつけない 眠れない街瑕も见せずに笑いあって嘘さえSafety ホントがEmpty危ないぐらいwanna shut and break out!Now we gotta start Let"s get move!!Let"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip广い世界に怯えている始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and lunky beatきっと辉くaround the world谁かに届くまで 力强くBrand new wind未来を描く 地图もない爱だって恋だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to Travelin" around the worldInformation 秒速で传わる时代 でもChoiceの仕方がわからないMoney can"t buy my love なんてノンキなヤツにラリア-ト回マニュアルどおりにただ抱き合い 爱がないことに气がつかない窒息する前に叫ぼうぜ Ho!!! In the mednight dream热い想いを 抑えきれずに闻いは空を突き拔けてく最后の90"s 生きてるFull speedNow I know I wanna start to move into the rhythmNow we gotta start Let"s get move!!世界の果てに立ち 裸て感じたい生まれ始めた景色连明日だって 梦だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to Travelin" around the worldLet"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip广い世界に怯えている始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and lunky beatきっと辉くaround the worldTrip to worldYo!here we go unknown wordへと 生まれたばっかりの旅人惯れない足どりもまた爱キョウ キメルとこだけバシッと!So many people in this world 时に中伤とかもないわけじゃないけどツマンナイとこはWarpしてこう 筋だけは通し生きてるThat"s our low!Let"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip广い世界に怯えている始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and lunky beatきっと辉くaround the world世界の果てに立ち 裸て感じたい生まれ始めた景色连明日だって 梦だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to Travelin" around the world...完...

the changing world100字作文?

We are living in a rapidly changing world. Leaders worldwide have to respond immediately to new signs of political situation. Nationwide, economic and political reforms witness daily progress in all walks of life. Changes in science and technology bring about new breakthroughs and new products. In world today changes always take place somehow somewhere.These rapid changes influence us in different ways. Firstly, some changes have great effects on lifestyle and improved living conditions. Secondly, by means of modern machines people work more efficiently and enjoy more leisure hours. Thirdly, access to up to date information enables people to broaden their visions. In a word, changes make people become accustomed to the modern world.Seeing these great changes, we should take a positive attitude. Rapid changes are challenges and opportunities to modern people, because changes colour life and make the world progress day by day. We wish that the new changes would keep brilliant records in human history. Let"s face changes, accept changes and try to make the world change for the better.

plan ,schedule,scheme有什么明显的区别

PLAN, 计划schedule, 时间表,日程表scheme, 计划提纲,方案

be fill with与began with的区别


Android 跨应用间调用: URL Scheme

Android中的自定义的 URL Scheme 是一种页面内跳转协议,也可以被称为 URLRouter ,就是通过类似打开网页的方式去通过路由打开一个Activity,而非直接通过显式Intent方式去进行跳转。这样隐式intent的方法跳转好处如下: 上文已经说过, URL Scheme 是就通过类似打开网页的方式去通过路由打开一个Activity,其协议格式和我们打开网页输入的网址类似。 一个完整的完整的URL Scheme协议格式由scheme、host、port、path和query组成,其结构如下所示: 其中scheme既可以是Android中常见的协议,也可以是我们自定义的协议。Android中常见的协议包括content协议、http协议、file协议等,自定义协议可以使用自定义的字符串,当我们启动第三方的应用时候,多是使用自定义协议。 如下是一个自定义协议的URI: 通过上面的路径 Scheme、Host、port、path、query全部包含: URL Scheme 的使用方法简要言之就是先在manifest中配置能接受Scheme方式启动的activity;当需要调用时,将Scheme协议的URi以Data的形式加入到Intent中,隐式调用该activity。 1). 在AndroidManifest.xml中对<activity >标签增加<intent-filter>设置Scheme 上面的设置中可以看到,MainActivity包含多个<intent-filter>设置,第一个是正常的启动,也就是在应用列表中启动;第二个是通过 URL Scheme 方式启动,其本身也是隐式Intent调用的一种,不同在于添加了<data>属性,定义了其接受 URL Scheme 协议格式为 urlschemel://auth_activity 这里需要说明下, URL Scheme 协议格式中,组成URI的这些属性在<data >标签中都是可选的 ,但存在如下的依赖关系: 当我们将intent对象中的Uri参数与intent-filter中的<data>标签指定的URI格式进行对比时,我们只对比intent-filter的<data>标签指定的部分,例如: 需要注意的是,intent-filter的<data>标签在指定path的值时,可以在里面使用通配符*,起到部分匹配的效果。 2). 使用URL启动Activity 当然可以在网页中调用 或者是在JS中调用 3.)如何判断URL Scheme是否有效 有时候需要把一些辅助性的、较为独立的APP在Home Launcher中隐藏起来,只允许一些特定的APP调用。这个时候,我们可以利用 URL Scheme 协议来做到这一点,设置AndroidManifest.xml中对<activity >标签如下 因为Home Launcher列出的应用图标要求必须有Activity同时满足 上面的配置中有多余的category和data限制存在,所以并不匹配,不会在Home Launcher出现,但是可以使用 URL Scheme 来启动。 这样就可以将一组APP设置一个统一的入口,然后根据实际需要在调用不同子APP,即所谓的 APP业务组件化 , URL Scheme 在其中有着重要的作用,更进一步讨论会在以后的文章中呈现,敬请期待。 参考文献:


原文: android中的scheme是一种页面内跳转协议。 通过定义自己的scheme协议,可以非常方便跳转app中的各个页面; 通过scheme协议,服务器可以定制化告诉App跳转到APP内部页面。 之前项目都是我们客户端和服务器端用自定义json串的形式来告诉客户端如何跳转,这种方式要手动解析字段,有点麻烦。然而scheme协议自带字段解析,非常之方便,后面我们就放弃了json解析的方式。 Scheme协议在Android中使用场景 H5跳转到native页面 客户端获取push消息中后,点击消息跳转到APP内部页面 APP根据URL跳转到另外一个APP指定页面 利用scheme协议跳转的一个完整实例 在Mainefest配置文件中配置需要用scheme协议跳转的Activity 模拟从网络中获取scheme协议的url 获取scheme协议参数


plan是有意念或想法去做什么。 scheme是一个经过精密计算的计划。


  词性和意思不同。  action:n. 行动;活动;功能;战斗;情节。是act的名词形式,通常和take搭配构成词组:take action:采取行动;提出诉讼。只能做名词。  scheme:n. 计划;组合;体制;诡计;vi. 搞阴谋;拟订计划;vt. 计划;策划。  例如:  He insinuated his doubt of this action.  他暗示对这个行动持怀疑态度。  We carefully watched every detail of his action.  我们仔细观察了他动作的每个细节。  Say it with action.  让行动来说话吧。  I regret my bad action.  我悔恨自己的不良行为。  If business success is what you want, than you need to take action.  但是,如果你想取得商业上的成功,那你就必须采取行动。  He set his face against the scheme from the first. (名词)  从一开始他就坚决反对这项计划。  They schemed for the overthrow the government. (动词)  他们阴谋推翻政府。  He had already schemed the work plan this term. (动词)  他已拟定了这个学期的工作计划。

英语应用文写作之留学申请信(Application for Admittance)

留学和奖学金申请信中须写明下列几点:   (1)写明申请学校和所学专业。   (2)提供申请人的个人资历。   (3)索取申请学校相关的申请表等。   留学申请信   「例一」   Post Office Box 2418   Branch 28-5   Post Code 100081   Beijing,P.R.C.   November 12,1997   The Registrar of Admission   The Graduate School of   the Pennsylvania State University   U.S.A. 16802   Dear Sir:   I am deeply interested in your graduate school in the Department of MechanicalEngineering,and plan to apply for admission for the fall of 1998. My GPA in the university was 3.5,and I plan to take TOEFL and GRE in October and December,1997,respectively.   Please send catalog and application forms to me. I shall be greatly appreciated.   Very truly yours,   Wang Yang   「例二」   Department of Applied Physics   Tsinghua University,100084   Beijing,China   Sept. 11th,1999   RE:Applying for Admittance   Office of Graduate Admissions   Boston University   Massachusetts,U.S.A.   Dear Sir,   I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.   My name is Li Jin,an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics,Tsinghua University(China)。Next year in the summer,I will graduate and get my BS degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field under the instructions of firstue011class professors and in a dynamic academic atmosphere. I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers,an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.   I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms,the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships,a detailed introduction to the School of Physics,and other relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.   I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.   Sincerely yours,   Li Jin   「例三」   English College   Beijing Foreign Language University   Beijing 100083   P.R. China   June 16,1999   Office of Admission   Huntington University   Dear Sir,   Thank you for your letter and the application forms. Enclosed you will find the completed forms and three checks(80 dollars)for the application fee and the first monthue10bs rent for dormitory. The additional 5 dollars will be deposited at your college. I shall appreciate any favorable action you might take in admitting me to your college for the spring semester of 1998. I am most anxious to hear from you soon.   Sincerely yours,   Zhao Pengfei   「例四」   Department of Finance and Econmics   Shanghai Jiaotong University   Shanghai 200043   May 1,1999   Graduate School   Oxford University   London   Dear Sir:   Thank you for your email and kind offer!Definitely,I would like to try to apply for a visa for the winter quarter. I understand that both you and Professor Black have tried very hard to help me with my situation and I appreciate your efforts.   As it is true that nobody really knows why the visa officers refuse certain applicants and allow others,I have been told by several successful visa reapplicants that reapplying with a new Iue01120 with a slightly different offer from the US schools would help. For example,a slight increase in financial aid and so on. I don‘t know whether this is something possible for you to consider for my situation. But I would really appreciate if you could consider some possibilities. I know that I have given you enough trouble and please ignore my request if it is too difficult for you to do. I will simply try my best to get my visa and come to your school.   Thanks!   Sincerely yours,   Liu Liping   「例五」   Department of Electronics   Tianjing University   Tianjing 300005   P.R.China   April 3,1998   Graduate School   University of Alberta   Edmonton,Alberta   Canada   Dear Sir,   Enclosed is my completed application form. I have also requested all my credentiue011als to be forwarded to you. They should reach you shortly. I would like to assure you of my deep intention to attend your Undergraduate School of Business Administration for the spring semester of 1989. I sincerely hope that you will process my application and expedite my papers at your earliest convenience.   Sincerely yours,   Feng Jiming   「例六」   Communication Department   Fudan University   Shanghai 200056   P.R.China   March 23,2001   Graduate School   University of Toronto   Toronto,Ontario   Dear Sir,   I have just received from your office an application form and information for international students. However,I have completed and submitted the same form and paid the $25 admission/evaluation fee before.   Would you please tell me if my application and fee have reached you or if the recent materials were sent to me by mistake?   Thanks for your assistance.   Yours sincerely,   Luan Jinfu   「例七」   Department of Computer   Beijing University   Beijing 100087   P.R. China   1st May,2000   Office of Admission   University of Auckland   Private Bag Auckland   New Zealand   Dear Sir,   I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Beijing University in June next year. I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your university next fall to study applied computer for Ph.D. degree.   I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of your university and any other necessary information,and also a set of application forms for admission. Thank you for your kind assistance.   Sincerely yours,   Wang Feng   「例八」   Department of Applied Mathematics   Wuhan University   Wuhan 430000   P.R. China   March 16,1999   Office of Foreign Admission   University of Waterloo   Waterloo,Ontario   Canada   Dear Admission Officer:   I am×××,the Chinese applicant who desires to pursue my Ph.D. study in your honored program.   I am very sorry to inform you that I presently cannot afford the application fee you demand because of the following reasons:   1ue010The high foreign currency exchange rate,US$1 = 8.9 RMB;   2.My relative low monthly income,about 200 RMB(equal to only $22);   3.The extremely strict limitation in China to obtain foreign currency,esp. U.S. Dollar in near future. According to current foreign currency regulation,only citizens who get visa can have at most $2,000 exchanged.   I got excellent scores on TOEFL(63/62/67,total:640,May,1998)and GRE(V:700,Q:800,A:800,total:2,300,Nov. 5th,1998)。My graduate GPA is 3.7. I sincerely hope you can consider my situation and review my application first.   Thanks a lot. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.   Yours truly,   Fang Lin   「例九」   Department of Chemical Engineering   Tsinghua University   Beijing 100084   China   Jan. 6,1994   Office of Foreign Admission   University of Birmingham   P.O. Box 363   Birmingham B152TT   U.K.ue010   Dear Sir:   I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Chemical Engineering at your institution. My desired date of entrance is fall,1994. Please send me necessary application forms at your early convenience.   If possible,I also wish to obtain a graduate assistantship so that I may support myself and obtain more practical experience while pursuing graduate study.   I obtained my B. E.(Chemical Engineering)in 1989 and M. S.(Chemical Engineering)in 1992 from Tsinghua University. At present,I work as a teacher at the same university.   I have taken the TOEFL and received a score of 607. I am going to take GRE this coming October.   Would you please send me the application forms for admission and financial support?Thank you very much.   Sincerely yours,   Henry Yu

您好,能给我发一下 Kim Joo-hae. 2000. Foreign language listening anxiety这个文章吗?谢谢

Hsiao-fang Cheng. (2004). A comparison of multiple- choice and open- ended response formats for the assessment of listening proficiency in English. Foreign Language Annals, 37, 544-556.Kim, Joo-hae. (2000). Foreign language listening anxiety: a study of Korean students learning English. Unpublished ph. D dissertation Austin: University of Texas.Krashen, S. D. (1982). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. New York: Peargamon Press.Morley. J. (1991). Listening comprehension in second/foreign language instruction. In M. Celcer-Murcia (Ed.). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (pp.143-166). New York: Newbury House.Oxford, R. (1993). Research update on teaching L2 listening. System, 21, 205-21.Richards, J. C. (1985). Listening comprehension: Approach design and procedure. In J.C. Richards, The Context of Language Teaching (pp. 189-207). Cambridge. NY: Cambridge University Press.Rost, M. (1990). Listening in Language Learning. London: Longman.Rost, M. (2002). Teaching and Researching Listening. London: Longman.Rubin, J. A. (1994). Review of second language listening comprehension research. The Modern Language Journal, 78, 199-221.Wolvin. A.D. & Coakley. C.G. (1985). Listening (2nded.). Dubuque. IA: William C. Brown.Ur, Penny. (2000). Teaching Listening Comprehension. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

The most thoroughly studied intellectual in the history of the New World are the ministers and p

本句studied是作定语修饰 intellectuals的。本句主语是intellectuals(原句应该加s)



Corn originated in the New World and thus was


美国中学的advanced courses和AP课有什么不同?

AP课程可以算作大学课程。假设你学了一年的AP微积分,在年末的时候去考试,如果你考了4分或5分(满分5分),你上大学的话可以抵微积分的学分。不过这是因大学而异。有的大学只接受5分的成绩,有的是4分5分都可以,还有个别大学不承认部分AP成绩。Advanced course只是一种高中课程。假设你去学Advanced Algebra 2,自然要比普通的algebra 2要学得快一些、学得多一些,要更难一些,但是比不上荣誉课程。希望可以帮到你。


我没有时间细看了,不过有个小细节,do i=1,1000 call random_number(a(i))end do !创建一组三维坐标点&fortran备注用 ! 号, 不是 & 号。

the next day与another day有何区别?

the next day和next day的区别是:意思不同,用法不同。一、意思不同next day的意思是:明天。the next day的意思是:第二天。二、用法不同next day表示“明天”,相当于tomorrow,句子中动词的时态应是一般将来时。the next day表示“第二天”,表示紧接在后的那一天,句子中动词的时态通常是一般过去时。示例:We arrived early the next day.我们第二天很早就到达了。day的词语用法:day还可作“时期;时代;寿命”解,常用复数形式,若用单数常须与my,their等物主代词连用。day还有“全盛时期,黄金时代”的意思,是单数名词,不用于复数形式。day间或表示“胜利,竞争,战斗”,是不可数名词,前面接定冠词。Day常用在表示法定的或宗教节日的短语中,其前不加冠词。day可用作量词,a day可表示“每天”。

中国联通fdd lte频段,是band1还是band3?

中国联通LTE FDD频段为:B3,1800MHz

翻译时South Korean应该翻译成南韩还是南朝鲜?

南韩或者韩国 一般称韩国



根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空。(5分) man knife I that class ...

小题1:me小题2:Those小题3:classes小题4:knives小题5:men 试题分析:小题1:句意:妈妈,请帮我找到我的朋友吉姆。结合所给词及语境知,此处填写I的宾格Me。小题2:句意:那些是苹果,这些是橘子。结合所给词及语境知,此处填写that的复数,these的反义词those。小题3:句意:我和迈克在同一个年级,但我们在不同的班级。结合所给词及语境知,此处填写class的复数classes。小题4:句意:桌子里的小刀是谁的?是安的和迪克的。结合所给词及语境知,此处填写knife的复数knives。小题5:句意:这两个人是谁?他们是我们的老师。结合所给词及语境知,此处填写man的复数men。

he ___(enjoy) manths class very much.


女生开,奥迪A3,奔驰ACLASS,mini countryman,甲壳虫各自优点,哪个性价比更高

开这种车反正有钱,,建议MINI MINI最适合女性开


是thenextis,因为the next表示特指的一篇文章,是单数,所以用is.不能用are and

完形填空,more than half a million south korean

原文如下:More than half a million South Korean students in their final year of high school recently took the university entrance examination. Many people consider success on this test the first step toward a good life. But South Korean students say they feel stressed from the pressure.Seventeen-year-old student Lee Jee-woo is not ready yet to take the test. But he has a strong opinion about it. He says, “This test can determine the rest of your life."South Korean high school students spend years studying for the university entrance examination. People say good scores guarantee entrance to a top university and the possibility of a high-paying job. Some say good test results even improve chances for a good marriage in the future.South Korean Students Stressed Over College Entrance ExamThe test is multiple choice, meaning that the student may choose among several possible answers to a question. Some observers say this system does not help the students learn to think for themselves. They also say South Korea is not the only country to use these tests.Jasper Kim is a professor at Seoul"s Ewha Women"s University.“I think you"ll see similar things in China and to a lesser degree in Japan. It became the end all, be all, the standardized test, what you got on it. What it created was a system of teaching to the test. So everyone was geared, in terms of, getting to the right answer … and not knowing why that is the right answer.”Vietnam also is known for its university entrance examination.Professor Kim says this system of learning by memorization produces a lot of stressed students. A recent government study found that South Korean children are the least happy compared to children in 29 other developed countries. Many South Koreans blame educational pressure for this unhappiness.South Korean President Park Geun-hye has promised to reform her country"s educational system. She urges the system to increase creative thinking and reduce student tension.But Jasper Kim does not feel sure that reforms by the top government alone will solve the problem. He says, “The bureaucrats, they can say all they want. But it really starts at home.”Still, getting South Korean parents to ease the pressure on their children might not be so easy. Shin Jeong-yeon says she would like not to put so much pressure on her daughter. But, she says there is a lot of competition, so it is impossible for parents not to do so. For now, all Ms. Shin and other parents can do is hope that the pressure brings good results.And that"s the VOA Learning English Education Report for today.I"m Jeri Watson.Jason Strother and Malte Kollinberg reported this story from Seoul, South Korea. Jeri Watson wrote it for Learning English. Caty Weaver was the editor.





请问South Korea ,USA 和France是什么意思啊?教教我,各位



很多种意思比如 hi man = hi guy, hi youman = humanman = peopleman = guysman = everyoneman = everbodyman = boys.girls. boys and girls........


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 我看外国电影有的字幕上打的是伙计,有的是兄弟,有的是哥们儿~!"man"老师教的是男人的意思~!还有跟女人有时候也说man ,女人不是woman吗? 解析: 参看以下英汉双解 man n.(名词)【复数】 men An *** male human being. 成年男子 A human being regardless of sex or age; a person. 人类,人:不论性别或年龄的人;人 A human being or an *** male human being belonging to a specific occupation, group, nationality, or other category. Often used in bination: 特定类别的人:属于某一特定职业、集团、民族或其它种类的人或成年男子。通常用于复合词当中: a milkman; a congres *** an; a freeman. 牛奶工;议员;自由人 The human race; mankind: 人类种族;全人类: man"s quest for peace. 人类对和平的渴求 Zoology A member of the genus Homo, family Hominidae, order Primates, class Mammalia, characterized by erect posture and an opposable thumb, especially a member of the only extant species, Homo sapiens, distinguished by a highly developed brain, the capacity for abstract reasoning, and the ability to municate by means of anized speech and record information in a variety of symbolic systems. 【动物学】 人种:哺乳纲,灵长目,人科人 属的成员,其特点是直立和具有可相对的拇指,尤指仅存的 智人 种的成员,其显著特点为高度发达的大脑、抽象思维的能力、以及可以通过有组织的语言和由一系列象征符号体系记录下来的信息进行交流的能力 A male human being endowed with qualities, such as strength, considered characteristic of manhood. 男子汉:一个被认为具有男性特征的男子,如具有力量的男人 Theology In Christianity and Judai *** , a being posed of a body and a soul or spirit. 【神学】 身心合一的个体:基督教或犹太教中肉体和灵魂或精神相结合的物体 Informal 【非正式用语】 A hu *** and. 丈夫 A lover or sweetheart. 爱人,情人 Workers. 工人,雇工 Enlisted personnel of the armed forces: 士兵,士卒:军事力量中的正式成员: officers and men. 军官与士兵 A male representative, as of a country or pany: 使节,代表:男性代表人,如某国或某公司的: our man in Tokyo. 我们在东京的代表 A male servant or subordinate. 男仆,男下属 Informal Used as a familiar form of address for a man: 【非正式用语】 家伙:用于称呼某个男人的一种亲切称谓形式: See here, my good man! 看这儿,亲爱的 One who swore allegiance to a lord in the Middle Ages; a vassal. 封臣,家臣:中世纪时宣誓效忠某个主人的人;家臣 Games Any of the pieces used in a board game, such as chess or checkers. 【游戏】 棋子:在棋盘游戏中,如在国际象棋或西洋跳棋中所使用的任何一个子 Nautical A ship. Often used in bination: 【航海】 舰,船:船。通常用于复合词中: a merchantman; a man-of-war. 商船;战舰 Often Man Slang A person or group felt to be in a position of power or authority. Used with the : 常作 Man 【俚语】 头头,老板:被认为是处于权力或权威的人或集团。与the 连用: “Their writing mainly concerns the street life—the pimp, the junky, the forces of drug addiction, exploitation at the hands of ‘the man"”(Black World) “他们的作品主要关心的是街头的生活——老鸨、烟毒者、毒品的泛滥,还有那些大人物的剥削”(黑色世界)及物动词) manned, man.ning, mans To supply with men, as for defense or service: 给…配备人员:给如防务机构或服务机构提供人员: man a ship. 分配船上的船员 To take stations at, as to defend or operate: 担任,操作:工作在如防务或操作岗位上: manned the guns. 配置炮台 To fortify or brace: 振作精神:鼓起勇气来或振作起精神来: manned himself for the battle ahead. 使自己振作以应付眼前的战斗 interj.(感叹词) Used as an expletive to indicate intense feeling: 啊,呀:用作表示强烈感情的感叹词: Man! That was close. 嘿!那儿太近了

出版物中能不能说south korean




upperclassman (学长)西班牙语怎么说 以及学姐

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