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1.表示“安排”、“准备”时为可数名词。如:I"m satisfied with your arrangements.我对你的安排很满意。2.表示“排列”、“整理”,若指排列或整理的动作,则为不可数名词;若指排列或整理的结果,则通常为可数名词。 arrangement的用法 1.表示“安排”、“准备”,注意以下用法: ①通常为可数名词。如: I"m satisfied with your arrangements.我对你的安排很满意。 We could make an arrangement to meet at10 o"clock.我们可以安排在10点钟见面。 We have finished allthe arrangements for the party.我们已完成了晚会的所有准备工作。 有时也用作不可数名词。如: The price of the house is a matterof arrangement.此屋的价格可以商量决定。 ②用于短语 make arrangements,注意其后的有用搭配。如: They are making arrangements for the party.他们在为晚会作准备。 Let"s make arrangements for getting there on time.我们安排一下要准时赶到那儿。 I have to make arrangements to takeyou to Paris.我得安排一下把你带到巴黎去。 I"ll make arrange-ments for someone to meet you at the station.我将安排一个人去车站接你。 We made arrangements with him to meet in a week.我们和他约好一周后见面。 2.表示“排列”、“整理”,若指排列或整理的动作,则为不可数名词;若指排列或整理的结果,则通常为可数名词。如: He suggested arrangement by subject.他建议按学科排列。 That"s a beautiful flower arrangement.那花排列很美。


arrangement[英][u0259u02c8reu026andu0292mu0259nt][美][u0259u02c8rendu0292mu0259nt]n.安排; 排列; 约定; 改编; 例句:The current financial arrangement is also not suitable. 当前的财政制度安排也不合理。


arrangement[英][u0259u02c8reu026andu0292mu0259nt][美][u0259u02c8rendu0292mu0259nt]n.安排; 排列; 约定; 改编; 复数:arrangements例句:1.After all, michael dell already would be controlling shareholder under the currentarrangement. 毕竟,按照目前的安排,迈克尔u2022戴尔已经是公司的控股股东。2.The arrangement was not ideal. 这项安排并不理想。3.The brain is made up of cells in a certain arrangement. 人脑是由细胞按一定的排列方式组成的。


arrangement 英 [u0259"reu026an(d)u0292m(u0259)nt] 美 [u0259"rendu0292mu0259nt] n. 布置;整理;准备The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit.工作人员在紧张忙碌地为该峰会做最后的安排。

寻英文歌曲 开头i can do the……是一个女生唱的

i could be the one

I can do a hondstand 一般现在时 一般过去时 过去进行时 现在完全时

一般现在时i can do a hondstand一般过去时i could do a hondstand过去进行时i was being able to do a hondstand现在完成时i can have done a hondstand

What I can do和What can I do的区别是这样的吗?


i can doit at all病句修改?

固定用法 not all 根本不,一点也不can改为 can"tI can"t do it at all.我根本不会做。

求一首女声英文歌的名字 , 歌词中有" i can do it i can do it"的伤感歌

I can do it watch me now

造句I can(不重复使用动词)20个

I can swimmingI can reading a bookI can singingI can playing basketballI can making a cakeI can listening a songI can sleepingI can speaking English

歌词i can do it是什么歌

歌曲名:Anything For You 歌手:Tasman 专辑:Solace Jake Owen - Anything For You / 杰克·欧文 — 赴汤蹈火 翻译:四叶草 @ GD05 翻译 校对:Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队 Box of Sunshine / 一盒阳光 Bottle of rain / 一瓶雨露 Fistf。

What I can do !是什么意思

What I can do:我应该怎么做;我所能作的 用法: What I can do to save . 我还能拿什么来挽救. What I can do is just to keep it clean and dust it everyday. 我能做的,就是保持它的干净,每天为它打扫灰尘.

用英语介绍你会做的事,用I can这个句型,语言易懂,单词简练。

I can dance.But I can not sing.I can also play the guitar.I can do many things.For example,I can help my mother do the dishes.I can play basketball with my friends.I can clean the house.I can do my homework by mystery.

Ibelieve l can do有无语法错误


in the way / in this way / in no way /no way /in any way /in a way 分别是什么意思啊

in the way 挡道in this way 以这样的方式in no way 绝不no way 没门in any way以任何方式;无论如何in a way 在某种程度上 如有帮助望及时采纳哦O(∩_∩)O~

_ _ _ I can do _ you?怎么做?

what can I do for you

No way Not possible No chance Not at all有什么区别吗?

表示不可能的有 No way(比较口语) Impossible,书面口语都行, not a chance 比较口语  Not at all. 有别客气的意思 也有没关系的意思 还有就是有一点也不;完全不的意思

什么wild animals can do many amazing things

SomeSome wild animals can do many amazing things.


: i can do it中的“can”是情态动词,表示“可以,能够”,“it ”是宾语 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,但要与动词原形及其被动语态一起使用,给谓语动词增添情.

i can do homework.有没有错

I can do homework.最好在 homework前加the。译作: 我能做作业。

by no means 和no way什么区别 如题

by no means (ALSO not by any means) not at all: It is by no means certain that we"ll finish the project by June. no way INFORMAL 1 used to tell someone that something is impossible: I"m sorry but there"s no way we can help you. 2 No way!used to say "no" in a forceful way: "Go on,lend me your bike." "No way!"



修改英语病句:she cans doing , i can diong ,too!

1.“she”没有大写,应该改成She 2.形态动词“ can”不能加“s”,应改选用原形“ can” 3.“can”后面跟动词原形,并且少了谓语“it”,应把“doing”改成“do it” 4.主语“ i ”没有大写,应改成“ I ” 5.单词“diong”写错,应改为“doing” 6.“can”后面跟动词原形,并且少了谓语“it”,应把“doing”改成“do it”

I can do it是什么意思?可否被翻译成:“我能做的”



I can do it on my homework怎么组成一句话?

连词成句,I can do my homework on it. 我可以在它上面写我的家庭作业。

i can do it (easy)

1.easily 2.minutes 3.Doing 4.healthy 5.cleaned

i can do it 语法对吗

这个句子是对的,没有语法错误.唯一不足的就是首词没有大写.这个句子是 “主+谓+宾” 结构,主语是 I ,谓语动词是 do ,宾语是 it .“can” 是助动词.

英语作文:I can do it

Tomorrow,there will be a important speech competition in my school.Unfortunately,I have to give a speech.I know,most of the competitors are brilliant. worse still,until now,I haven"t made enough preparations on it. But I believe I can do it well,I will try my best .

by no means 和no way什么区别 如题

by no means (ALSO not by any means) not at all: It is by no means certain that we"ll finish the project by June. no way INFORMAL 1 used to tell someone that something is impossible: I"m sorry but there"s no way we can help you. 2 No way!used to say "no" in a forceful way: "Go on,lend me your bike." "No way!"

造句I can(不重复使用动词)20个

I can swim. I can jump far I can write a novel. I can make dumplings. I can speak English. I can drive a car. I can play the guitar. I can sing English songs I can help you with your English. I can translate it into English. I can understand the article. I can work out the problem. I can answer the question. I can skate. I can dive. I can do this exercise. I can finish it on time. I can dance. I can draw a beautiful picture. I can take photos. I can tell funny stories.

i can do it 语法对吗


unit 2008,business dep grandbuy building of guangzhou 是什么意思

Unit 2008,business dep. grandbuy building of guangzhou.意思是: 广州商业部广百大厦2008单元.dept.是department的缩写,"部门"的意思.

英语I do 和 I can有什么区别,如何正确使用?

Do you speak English? Yes, I do.Can you speak English? Yes, I can.Do you know that man over there? Yes, I do.Can you tell me something about that man over there? Yes, I can. He is the grandfather of my friend, Jole.Do play football? Yes, I do. I play football twice a week.Can you play football? Yes, I can. I have learnt it since I was three.

英语I do 和 I can有什么区别,如何正确使用

Do you speak English?Yes,I do.Can you speak English?Yes,I can.Do you know that man over there?Yes,I do.Can you tell me something about that man over there?Yes,I can.He is the grandfather of my friend,Jole.Do play football?Yes,I do.I play football twice a week.Can you play football?Yes,I can.I have learnt it since I was three.

I can do what I love to do 是不是从句啊?

是的。是what 引导的一个从句,在句子中做宾语

i can do what i can do这句话对吗?

可以。我能做 我可以做的

i can make it和i can do it是什么意思


英语I do 和 I can有什么区别,如何正确使用?

Do you speak English? Yes, I do.Can you speak English? Yes, I can.Do you know that man over there? Yes, I do.Can you tell me something about that man over there? Yes, I can. He is the grandfather of my friend, Jole.Do play football? Yes, I do. I play football twice a week.Can you play football? Yes, I can. I have learnt it since I was three.

can you do () i can do括号里应该填什么?

您好,填what。即,Can you do what I can do?分析:what引导宾语从句,译成“…的事情”。

I can du英语作文 60词就行了, 是I can do

At school ,If my classmate is ill,i will ask him to see a doctor.Then,i will take good care of him.i will help him do everything.For example,.I will tell some stories to him.I will buy some beautiful ...

英语作文i,can,do,it,带翻译 。


关于I can do +动词ing


如何解决 you are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this proj


i can do as i can 是什么意思意思


i can do 有语法错误吗


I can do 小学的英语作文(5句话就行了)谢谢

i can do。 i can smile,i can do my homework ,i can play basketball,i can take care of my parents when they are ill,i enjoy everything in my life。 【题目是不是太笼统了,这个题目6级作文都可以啦,感觉小学这些足够了吧】

i can do开头的句子有哪些小学四年级

I can do anything,because i think that i am very clever , For exmaple i can clean the table , i can teach you to read books。

关于I can do +动词ing

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 比如: Ican dance.和Ican do dancing. 这两个句子的意思有区别吗? can +do后,后面跟的动词为什么要加ing?是否是时态的原因,表示是现在进行时呢?谢谢回答 解析: 我看了一下我门老师讲的是 DO + V 表示强调 你所写的后面应该是属于强调吧!不是什么时态 强调谓语是用DO或DID 来强调!

I can do和 I can do it 到底哪句正确???

i can do it 对

The tree,the branches _______are almost bare ,is a very old tree

B the branches of which = whose brances

I can do 小学的英语作文

I can do anything,because i think that i am very clever ,For exmaple i can clean the table ,i can teach you to read books,i can swim ,i can play basketball,i can take good careof myself ,i can do too ...

I can do句型解释,全面一点

1.I是句子的主语,是一个主格形式的人称代词. 2.句子的谓语是can do,是由“情态动词can + 行为动词do”一起构成的. 情态动词是不能单独做谓语的,它必须和行为动词一起做句子的谓语. 3.do在此句中为不及物动词.

i can do it是什么意思

1. 我能做例句:1.If I can do it, you can. 如果我能做到,那你也能。


我只能告诉你 CAN是 能 DO 是做 区别就是 I CAN 是我能 I CAN DO 是我能做 一个是能不能的能力,一个是实际上做与不做的行为。

I can do.可以单作为一个句子或者是一篇短文的题目么?速答谢谢


为什么韩国训练兵都说 i can do

就是口号,一般训练并都说 必胜,I CAN DO

l can do some kung fu.改为否定句?

否定是 I can not do some kung fu.

i can do it什么意思

i can do it我能做的双语对照例句:1.You really think I can do it? 你真的觉得我能做到?2.What are you looking at? I can do it. 你在看什么?我可以的.

I can make it ..I can.. 这是什么歌?

《i can do it》 don"t you dare tell me i"m at the end of the line cause this girl"s not gonna take it this time i"m not just another pretty face gonna change the way the world thinks one of these days i can do it, i can do it i can really make it this time(this time)watch me now i can make it, i can make it i can really take it this time(this time) watch me now i show you what i mean if you wondering how just keep your eyes open and watch me now i can do it, i can do it i can.. i will make it this time don"t take me for another push-over don"t mess around you might be a mush over don"t tell me cause i"m gonna make it i"m not like other girls i don"t have to fake it i can do it, i can do it i can really make it this time(this time)watch me now i can make it, i can make it i can really take it this time(this time) watch me now i show you what i mean if you wondering how just keep your eyes open and watch me now i can do it, i can do it, i can.. i will make it this time i been so bitter chasing a dream but things are never what they seem (never what they seem) will i ever make it, will i ever try... it"s driving me insane.. i can do it, i can do it i can really make it this time(this time)watch me now i can make it, i can make it i can really take it this time(this time) watch me now oooh ooh make it this time i can do it, i can do it, i can i can do it, i can do it,i can, i will make it this time满意请采纳

i can do it是什么意思




what can I do? 和what I can do ?有什么区别?

一个对,一个不对,what can i do对

I can … + do 怎么造句

答案是:这样的句子很多的:IcanplaytheguitarIcanplaybasketballIcancleantheblackboardIcanplaysocceru261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c

I can后面加动词什么形式?


有首女的唱的英文歌 高潮是:龙类 i can do oh oh ..i can do ..很多i can do出现

lonely --nana

英语作文:I can do it

Title: I Can Do ItThroughout our lives, we are faced with various challenges and obstacles that may seem daunting at first. However, with determination and a positive mindset, we can overcome any difficulty that comes our way.Believing in ourselves is the first step towards achieving success. When we have confidence in our abilities, we are more likely to take risks and pursue our goals. Even if we encounter setbacks or failures along the way, we should view them as opportunities to learn and grow.Having a can-do attitude is crucial. Instead of doubting ourselves or giving in to self-doubt, we should embrace a mindset of "I can do it." This mindset empowers us to face challenges head-on and find creative solutions. It enables us to push past our comfort zones and strive for personal growth.Moreover, perseverance plays a vital role in achieving our goals. It"s important to remember that success doesn"t come overnight. It requires consistent effort, hard work, and a willingness to overcome obstacles. When faced with difficulties, we must stay resilient and never give up. With each setback, we become stronger and more determined to succeed.Support from others can also make a significant difference in our journey. Surrounding ourselves with positive and encouraging individuals can provide us with the motivation and inspiration we need to keep going. Their belief in us can fuel our own self-belief and push us to achieve even greater heights.In conclusion, the phrase "I can do it" is a powerful affirmation that can shape our mindset and influence our actions. By believing in ourselves, maintaining a positive attitude, and staying persistent, we can conquer challenges and achieve our goals. Let"s embrace our potential, overcome obstacles, and prove to ourselves and others that we have the ability to accomplish anything we set our minds to.

I can du英语作文 初一的 60词就行了,谢谢!写的简单点

I can do 吧

The tree ,the branches _____are almost bare,is a very old one

是 树上的枝干 的 of~明白了吧,不是树里面的枝干~所以是of which

一首英文歌,只记得有一句i can do,男声


我能做到的英语是i can do it 为啥不是i could do it


i can do what i can do这句话对吗

当然不对,很简单的分析一下 to do sth 为动词不定式的用法,中间夹个that肯定不对啊,楼主是不是打错了. 如果没有that就是对的了,分析一下成为 I主语 do 谓语 what I can do宾语 to make more peoole to learn about it宾补.


在英语中,branch 和 stick 并不是同义词。估计你是根据中文的“树枝”和“木条”相对应英文单词提出的这个问题。branch 指树的分枝(区别于“主干”),而 stick 则可以是任何质量的条状型物件。尽管树枝可以做成 a stick,但 stick 无法使人直接与 branch 联系起来。

You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project

git push时候报错 You are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project 分析: 根据报错分析是权限问题 但是git clone 时候可以clone下来 并且用户创建的时候已经添加了对应的组 原因: 新版本的gitLab,master分支默认no-one 选择对应的项目-->seetting-->Repository-->Protected Branches 修改后 再次push 成功! 若是出于安全考虑,不希望dev获取直接修改master的权限,可开启protected branches

题目是“I can do,I can show”的英语手抄报内容

As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air.  Yes, yes, yes, it"s a new day, it"s a different day, and it"s a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life t o a totally unprecedented level!  In your mind"s eye, you can see clearly the things you want to have, the paces you intend to go, the relationships you desire to develop, and the positions you aspire to reach.  You can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream.  You can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes.  You can feel your face is getting red, your heart is beating fast, and your blood is rushing all over your body, to every single corner of your being!

I can do it




I can do it是什么意思



来自“金山词霸”n树枝 分支;支流a branch of a river 河的支流The company"s head office is in the city, but it has branches all over the country. 公司的总部在这个城市,但它的分公司遍布全国各地。(学科的)分科;(语系的)支;族a branch of knowledge 知识的分支 branchvi(常与off连用) 分支Follow the road until it branches. 顺着这条路直走到岔路口。Go straight along and you"ll find the road that branches off to the right.一直向前走你就会见到右边的那条岔道。The bookshop has decided to branch out into selling software and electronic publications.那家书店已经决定扩大经营范围,销售软件和电子出版物。分出来the road branches to the right 向右分岔的路divide expand spread trunk


I can swim.我会游泳。My teacher can speak English.我的老师会说英语。My mother can cook dinners.我妈妈会做饭。My classmate can ride a bike.我的同学会骑自行车。
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