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Najwajean的《Wannabe》 歌词

歌曲名:Wannabe歌手:Najwajean专辑:Till It BreaksWanna-



Najwajean的《Drive Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive Me歌手:Najwajean专辑:Till It BreaksAsked a girl what she wanted to be,she said baby, cant you see.I wanna be famous, a star on the screen,but you can do something in between.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl that my prospects were good,and she said baby, its understood.Working for peanuts is all very fine,but I can show you a better time.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.I told a girl I can start right away,and she said listen babe I got something to say.I got no car and its breaking my heart,but Ive found a driver and thats a start.Baby you can drive my car.Yes Im gonna be a star.Baby you can drive my car,and baby I love you.Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!Beep beepm beep beep yeah!

Flightless Bird, American Mouth 中英文歌词

Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻)All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)jealous,(充满了妒忌)weeping (回荡着哭泣)or lost you,(还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)grounded (渐渐失落)bleeding (渗着鲜血)or lost you, (还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill (夸张的承诺)stuck going down(不再执着)

Najwajean的《Singing》 歌词

歌曲名:Singing歌手:Najwajean专辑:Till It Breaks「SINGING」作词∶MOMIKEN作曲∶UZ歌∶SPYAIRあんなにも少しの距离の 駅までの短い帰り道も切なくなるくらいに 仆らは ハシャぎすぎていたんだね大人になる为の その时间は 怒りや悲しみもあったけどこれからは嫌でも离れてしまう それぞれ 选んだ梦に向けずっと 握ってた 君と仆が 出会ったキセキの呪文をきっと それが この歌になるからいつでも繋がっていけるさ SINGING oh… oh… oh…思ってみれば お前とも この场所に来なかったら 今でも出会い 笑いあう事さえも なかったのかもな下らない话ばかり重ねて 确実に过ぎ去っていく时间この夜を越える もうひとりの自分不安を越え 成长した自分に会えるきっと 离れても 君と仆は 绊を繋ぐ呪文でどっか 远くの街に居たっていつでも繋がっていれるよ SINGING oh… oh… oh…それは メールじゃなくて カタチじゃなくて ただ 想っていられる流星のような 道を仆らは 歩んでいたんだあの日 感じてた 君と仆の 绊を繋ぐ呪文はずっと これからも响いてくよ仆らは独りじゃないさ SINGING oh… oh… oh…【 おわり 】



有没有一些快节奏的女歌手唱的英文歌.比如rihanna beyonce之类的


《Flightless Bird, American Mout》中文歌词

Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言) I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人) diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻) All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神) wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真) Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字) I cut my long baby hair(我通信斩断我的幼稚) Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失) and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字) Have I found you(我是否找到了你?) Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想) jealous,(充满了妒忌) weeping (回荡着哭泣) or lost you,(还是失去了你?) american mouth(自由的宣言) Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆) Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙) Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝) Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜) curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过) Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我) Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易) thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈) blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河) Have I found you(我是否找到了你?) Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想) grounded (渐渐失落) bleeding (渗着鲜血) or lost you, (还是失去了你?) american mouth(自由的宣言) Big pill (夸张的承诺) stuck going down(不再执着)

《flightless bird,American mouth》中文翻译?


Flightless Bird, American Mouth的中文版歌词

《Flightless Bird, American Mouth》歌手:Iron&Wine所属专辑:The Shepherd"s Dog唱片公司:Sub Pop Records发行时间:2007年09月25日 歌词:I was a quick wet boy 我是一个一贫如洗的人Diving too deep for coins 为了生活苦苦追寻All of your straight blind eyes 城市中充满势利的眼神Wide on my plastic toys 狠狠打量我的天真And when the cops closed the fair 当公平在世上消失I cut my long baby hair 我也痛心割舍我的幼稚Stole me a dog-eared map 唯一的道路也已经迷失And called for you everywhere 而我依然到处追寻着你Have I found you? 可我找到了你?Flightless bird, jealous, weeping 破碎的梦 充满了妒嫉 回荡着哭泣Or lost you? 还是失去了你?American mouth 他们嘴里Big bill looming 硕大毒药咀嚼不止Now I"m a fat house cat 如今我也变得冷漠Cursing my sore blunt tongue 不再喊疼喉咙浪费唾沫Watching the warm poison rats 冷眼观看这些被毒透的家伙Curl through the wide fence cracks 到处招摇过市Kissing on magazine photos 骚首弄姿以耻为乐Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean 无垢灵魂也已经堕落Blood of Christ mountain stream 仁慈善良血流成河Have I found you? 我是否找到了你?Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding 破裂的梦 碎了一地 淌着鲜血Or lost you? 还是失去了你?American mouth 在他们口中Big bill, stuck going down 毒药咽食仍然无休无止

let go and love啥意思


Flightless Bird, American Mouth的歌词

版本一Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻)All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)Then when the cops closed the fair(当世界再无公平二字)I cut my long baby hair(我痛心斩断我的幼稚)Stole me a dog-eared map (唯一的路途也已迷失)and called for you everywhere(到处呼唤你的名字)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)jealous,(充满了妒忌)weeping (回荡着哭泣)or lost you,(还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill looming(都成了泡沫般的回忆)Now I"m a fat house cat(我是一个一无是处的家伙)Nursing my sore blunt tongue(舔着伤口缩回自己的小窝)Watching the warm poison rats (透过与现实的厚厚隔膜)curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心的人一一走过)Pissing on magazine photos(他们搔首弄姿的炫耀自我)Those fishing lures (肮脏的交易)thrown in the cold And clean (如此冰冷清澈)blood of Christ mountain stream(让善良与仁慈血流成河)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (破碎的梦想)grounded (渐渐失落)bleeding (渗着鲜血)or lost you, (还是失去了你?)american mouth(自由的宣言)Big pill (夸张的承诺)stuck going down(不再执着)版本二Flightless Bird, American Mouth(折翼之鸟,美国人所说的梦)I was a quick wet boy(我是个爱哭的孩子)diving too deep for coins(潜到池底寻找硬币)All of your street light eyes(街上冷漠的眼神)wide on my plastic toys(辐射到我塑料的玩具上)Then when the cops closed the fair(当警察关闭了市场)I cut my long baby hair(我剪掉了留长的胎发)Stole me a dog-eared map (偷来一张卷角的地图)and called for you everywhere(无处不在的寻找你)Have I found you(我是否寻到了你?)Flightless bird, (折翼之鸟)jealous,(妒忌)weeping (振翅)or lost you,(还是失去了你?)american mouth(美国人口中的梦)Big pill looming(把致命毒药疯狂咀嚼)Now I"m a fat house cat(如今不再辗转反侧)Nursing my sore blunt tongue(难生激情浪费唾沫)Watching the warm poison rats (穿过与现实的厚厚隔膜)curl through the wide fence cracks(看着恶心之人欢跃而过)Pissing on magazine photos(搔首弄姿以耻为乐)Those fishing lures ,thrown in the cold And clean(所谓糖衣诱惑,刺进冰冷清澈)blood of Christ mountain stream(圣洁之溪彻底沦落)Have I found you(我是否找到了你?)Flightless bird, (折翼之梦)grounded (停歇)bleeding (流血)or lost you, (还是失去了你?)american mouth(美国之口)Big pill (致命毒药)stuck going down(吞咽仍未停歇)版本三Flightless Bird, American Mouth (折翼之 鸟,在美国河口)I was a quick wet boy (我曾是一个爱哭的小男孩)Diving too deep for coins (迷恋硬币的玩乐)All of your street light eyes (你们那如暗如街灯的目光)Wide on my plastic toys (散落在我的塑料玩具上)Then when the cops closed the fair (然后警察们关闭了集市)I cut my long,baby hair (我也剪掉了儿时的长发)Stole me a dog-eared map (偷来一张卷角的旧地图)And called for you everywhere (开始无处不在的寻找你)Have I found you ? (可我找到你了吗?)Flightless bird, jealous, weeping (折翼之鸟,嫉妒,哭泣)Or lost you? (抑或已失去了你)American mouth (美国的河口)Big pill looming (疯狂的掠夺隐约出现)Now I"m a fat house cat (如今我成为一只变胖了的家猫)Nursing my sore blunt tongue (自顾舔着那肿痛而味觉迟钝的舌头)Watching the warm,poison rats (眼看着快被毒死的老鼠)Curl through the wide fence cracks (卷缩着穿过宽栅栏的缝隙)Pissing on magazine photos (在杂志的照片上撒野)Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean (将那些鱼饵扔进冰冷而纯净的)Blood of Christ mountain stream (基督山涧的圣洁里)Have I found you? (寻你千百度,可有果?)Flightless bird,grounded,bleeding (那些折翼的鸟儿,坠地,血流)Or lost you? (或已永失吾之所爱?)American mouth (那美利坚之河口)Big pill(pillaging), stuck going down (愿掠夺伤痛,不再延续...)版本四I was a quick wet boy 我曾是个爱哭的男孩Diving too deep for coins 苦苦积攒着那些硬币All of your street light eyes 而你们冷酷漠然的眼神Wide on my plastic toys 打量着我的塑料玩具And when the cops closed the fair 而警察已关起集市I cut my long baby hair 我剪掉了我幼稚的长发Stole me a dog-eared map 破旧卷角的地图被偷了And called for you everywhere 于是我四处呼唤你的名字Have I found you? 我找到你了吗?Flightless bird, 折翼之鸟,jealous, 充满着妒忌weeping 回荡着哭泣Or lost you? 亦或失去了你,American mouth 美好的梦?Big pill looming 遗失的美好,正渐渐清晰Now I"m a fat house cat 现在的我, 像只肥胖的家猫Nursing my sore blunt tongue 舔着疼痛僵硬的舌头Watching the warm poison rats 看着刚被毒死的老鼠Curl through the wide fence cracks 卷缩着穿过篱笆的缝隙Pissing on magazine photos 唾弃杂志上的照片Those fishing lures 把这些诱惑thrown in the cold and clean 扔进冰冷纯净的Blood of Christ mountain stream 基督山涧深处Have I found you? 我找到你了吗?Flightless bird, 折翼之鸟,brown hair bleeding 棕色的羽翼滴落鲜血Or lost you? 我失去你了吗?American mouth 美好的梦Big pill 遗失的美好stuck going down 一直深深地烙印在心中

Flightless Bird, American Mouth 歌词

IRON & WINE - FLIGHTLESS BIRD, AMERICAN MOUTH I was a quick wet boy, diving too deep for coins All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere Have I found you Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth Big pill looming Now I"m a fat house cat Nursing my sore blunt tongue Watching the warm poison rats curl through the wide fence cracks Pissing on magazine photos Those fishing lures thrown in the cold And clean blood of Christ mountain stream Have I found you Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth Big pill stuck going down

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一首法语歌J’ai demandé à la lune的歌词,歌手是 Vox Angeli 。最好有中文翻译。Merci!




sex and city里的歌,就是有歌词:newyork, newyork。。。


NEW YORK LOS ANGELES中文什么意思~ 求回复~谢谢




Facilitator as Coach, Teacher, Trainer, and Mentor

As facilitators, I think most of us will agree that our foremost role is this: to be the “keeper of the process.” Yet from a practical standpoint, we will often be called to edge over slightly into roles better described by terms such as coach, teacher, trainer, and mentor. How you may ask do these roles differ? Let"s take a quick look. Facilitation as it"s normally understood, refers to managing and maintaining a group process. The primary focus of the facilitator is on “how” the process is going in the group. The facilitator will help the group to stick with their ground rules and guidelines that bound the process they have agreed to use to get to some end result. Coaching is typically practiced with individuals, and tends to be bit more directive than facilitation. Coaching focuses on helping individuals get into immediate action, while addressing barriers and support they may need to get moving quickly. Coach usually asks more of the group than pure Facilitation–often challenging the group to produce more or be more. Group Coaching supports individuals who are part of groups with common interests, skills, or issues. While coaching focuses on individuals in the group, the remainder of the group receives indirect benefit from witnessing individuals being coached. Training requires that the trainer have specific knowledge in the subject of the training. The job of the trainer is to impart knowledge or skills to her students using a variety of methods at her disposal. Effective trainers will often employ facilitation and coaching skills. Note that facilitators and coaches don"t necessary have experience in, nor do they focus on, the technical content in which their clients are involved. Teaching tends to be more didactic. In other words, teachers instruct and inform their students, very much like the process I"m using right now. I"m basically telling you what I think and how I see the subject matter before us. Mentoring involves instructing, guiding, coaching someone seeking to master a particular field that you have already mastered. Though mentoring is very “content” focused, it will also often employ teaching, training, and coaching as well. So in summary, for the purposes of clarity, we could say that facilitation and coaching focus more on the “who” and the “how,” where teaching, training, and mentoring focus more on the “what.” Flowing Between Roles Please understand that the roles we defined above are discreet terms that address aspects of a continuum of skills and approaches. Very seldom does anyone adhere to any one individual role, never crossing, even a little, into a related role. For example, a facilitator working with a group who passed up an opportunity to coach an individual seeking to take an action they"ve been stuck on would be doing the individual and the group a great disservice. Assuming first of course that the individual consented to the coaching. We"re suggesting here that knowing and practicing the role of coach, teacher, trainer, or mentor may be appropriate at times, within the context of facilitation. And may in fact substantially increase your effectiveness as a facilitator. For example, a client seeking your services as a facilitator to help improve teamwork in their organization may employ your services to facilitate team-building. To help individuals become better team players, you may need to coach them individually around how their behaviors are impacting the team either pro or con. You may need to “teach” them the attributes of an effective team and team player. You may need to train them in the skills held by good team players. You may need to provide an environment where enough trust is facilitated so that they feel safe sharing their fears that are keeping them from showing up as a more effective team player. So how does one know when to cross into these other roles? First have clarity and understanding with your client on their goals for the group. Second, be attuned to what each situations seems to be calling for and whether or not you feel a natural pull into the shift that you choose. How do you make an effective shift in and out of the role of facilitator? To avoid diluting your function as facilitator, it is important to make transitions into and out of other roles effectively. This is especially true if you make a transition from facilitator to participant/content expert. It can be helpful to actually announce to the group that you are going to make this transition. Then once your input is complete, announce your transition back. Some facilitators have even been known to physically put on different hats when changing roles just to make the transitions visible. You may already be dancing between roles as a facilitator without really thinking about it. And frankly, that"s often the goal. To seamlessly show up in a way that best facilitates the results your client is after. Hopefully gaining clarity about the roles will help you fill in any gaps that may be present. I"m interested in hearing your thoughts on this topic. Action Review the roles above and assess how many of them you play in your work. Would embracing a different mix of these roles improve your effectiveness in any way? If so, how? I"d love to hear what happens for you. If so, please let us know, along with sharing your questions, feedback, and experience on this topic in the comments section below.

为什么“New Orleans”要译成“新奥尔良”,而“New York”就要译成“纽约”而不是“新约克”呢?



new york一般指的是MLB,这个品牌是美国职棒大联盟所授权的一个品牌 MLB一般指的是北美地区最高水平的职业棒球联赛。


开场音乐:coldplay—《clocks》06:22李光洙弹奏音乐:Bernard Park《因为爱》07:05姜gary到达韩流star兔子见面会:《love painting》08:22秀智出现背景音乐:《love never felt so good》12:46刘在石后悔没回秀智短信:missA—《bad girl good girl》14:37秀智队开心的一起散步:《the way you look tonight》21:00两队达到仙游岛:sleeper—《atomic》27:55懵智发现刘在石位置:《what planet is this.》50:10刘在石转呼啦圈666:刘在石&tiger jk《let s dance》51:54秀智转呼啦圈:missA—《hush》54:16大神再转呼啦圈:pendulum—《salt in the wounds》54:52李光洙转33秒呼啦圈:pendulum—《set me on fire》55:55池石镇大叔挑战2秒成功:pendulum—《the island,pt. l》57:20哈哈到李光洙粉丝团:《pooh"s picnic》63:06李光洙找到第二个包:《人民公敌》63:20李光洙又被抢包:Sting—《Saint Agnes and the Burning Train》71:58宋智孝成功抢走李光洙的包:pendulum—《immunize》76:48最后撕姓名条战:hans zimmer—《mombasa》78:13光洙队开始攻击:peter fox—《alles neu》82:00李光洙发现宋智孝:《bangarang》86:24秀智被发现:throw the fight—《these apologies》87:15姜gary被发现:《神探加杰特》98:35下期预告曲目:H.O.T.& 水晶男孩 & G.O.D & NRG—《我可以 20世纪美少年》 (2013年发行的复古歌曲)98:54镜头切换至殷志源:水晶男孩—《男儿之路》 (殷志源是水晶男孩队长)

The art of giving and receiving...

The Art of Giving & Receivingby Linda Mackenzie, C.H.T., Ph.D.(c),To give and receive in balance, or fair exchange, with oneself and others is a Universal Law that brings positive energy into your life which ultimately extends out to the world and perhaps beyond. Giving and receiving happens to us all, every day of our lives, whether we are conscious of it or not. There are many hidden reasons why we give and receive. So it is important to consciously understand the how, what, where, when and why of our own personal reasons. Understanding these patterns points the way to stopping negative experiences, emotions and situations. The way in which one gives and receives can be convoluted with many negative aspects that they may not be aware of. These negative aspects lead to disappointment, unfulfilled feelings, guilt, sadness and other negative emotions, which consequently produce negative energy for the person whom is giving AND the person who is receiving. For example, have you ever received a gift from someone and thought to yourself, "What were they thinking when they got this?" You were disappointed. Despite your "thank you" the giver, whose heart was in the right place, feels your unspoken energy and may even consciously realize that the gift they thought would bring you joy - didn"t. The giver feels sad. A truly intended positive experience has turned into a negative and since we are all energetically connected, this negative energy extends collectively to affect the people around you, the world and the Universe. You can see why it is important for everyone to understand their reasons for giving and receiving. It can transform potential negative situations into positive ones. If someone chooses to be unaware, or continue to give or receive for the "wrong" reasons they will remain in negative emotions and produce negative energy that will follow them throughout their life until realization of what they are doing is perceived by them. In reality, there are no "wrong" reasons or mistakes. There are just growth processes that help one realize spiritual fulfillment. Realizing your spiritual fulfillment is one of the many reasons that we are all here on earth. So the choice becomes merely how long do you want to stay in negativity and maintain the negative aspects in your life? Do you want to take a short road or a long road to being positive, happy and joyful? One of the ways to release negative emotions and the negative aspects of life is through self-realization of why one is doing what they are doing. Once realized, truth will prevail and become your teacher. Truth will not release you until you have learned the lesson and spiritual growth is accomplished. You will repeat the same lesson, although not exactly in the same way, until the lesson is learned. Once the lesson is learned, you will never have to go through that lesson again because the truth becomes a part of you and is no longer denied.Think back in your life, has giving and receiving created negative emotions that have followed you down your path in life? How often was that? Can you discern the reasons? Each person is unique and different. They have their own reasons for the way they give and receive, which is based upon their perception. A person"s perception is just that - only their perception. It is based on their innate abilities and experiences (e.g., family, society, culture, environment, etc.). Since you are unique only you can discern your reasons of giving and receiving and why they may not be producing the positive results you want. Think about the reasons why you give and receive. Look for the primary reason or common denominator. Ask yourself this question, "In most cases why do I give and receive?" Finding your primary reason for giving and receiving is the first step to help you determine if there is a hidden underlying negative cause that could be contributing to the negative results that you are getting. Here are some hints, but remember only you know the real answer.

clay aiken唱的can t take my eyes off you的歌词

歌曲:Can"t Take My Eyes Off You 专辑:Tried & True 歌手:Clay AikenClay Aiken - There"s something "bout the way you look tonight, There"s something "bout the way that I can"t take my eyes off you. There"s something "bout the way your lips invite , Maybe it"s the way that I get nervous when you"re around. And I want you to be mine And if you need a reason why, It"s in the way that you move me, And the way that you tease me The way that I want you tonight, It"s in the way that you hold me, And the way that you know me, When I can"t find the right words to say, You feel it in the way, you feel it in the way. There"s something "bout how you stay on my mind, There"s something "bout the way that I whisper your name when I"m asleep Maybe it"s the look you get in your eyes . Oh baby it"s the way that makes me feel to see you smile. And the reasons they may change But what I"m feeling stays the same. It"s in the way that you move me, And the way that you tease me The way that I want you tonight, It"s in the way that you hold me, And the way that you know me, When I can"t find the right words to say, You feel it in the way, you feel it in the way. I can"t put my fingers on Just what it is that makes me love you, you baby. So don"t ask me to describe, I get all choked up inside, just thinking "bout the way. It"s in the way that you move me, And the way that you tease me The way that I want you tonight, It"s in the way that you hold me, And the way that you know me, When I can"t find the right words to say, You feel it in the way, you feel it in the way. [00:00.59]There"s something "bout the way you look tonight, [00:05.66]There"s something "bout the way that I can"t take my eyes off you. [00:12.66]There"s something "bout the way your lips invite, [00:18.56]Maybe it"s the way that I get nervous when you"re around. [00:26.57]And I want you to be mine [00:31.55]And if you need a reason why, [00:37.86] [00:38.57]It"s in the way that you move me, [00:41.94]And the way that you tease me [00:44.94]The way that I want you tonight, [00:50.82]It"s in the way that you hold me, [00:54.63]And the way that you know me, [00:57.96]When I can"t find the right words to say, [01:02.62]You feel it in the way, you feel it in the way. [01:18.54]There"s something "bout how you stay on my mind, [01:24.99]There"s something "bout the way that I whisper your name when I"m asleep [01:33.12]Maybe it"s the look you get in your eyes. [01:37.61]Oh baby it"s the way that makes me feel to see you smile. [01:45.51]And the reasons they may change [01:50.56]But what I"m feeling stays the same. [01:56.66] [01:57.48]It"s in the way that you move me, [02:01.53]And the way that you tease me [02:04.05]The way that I want you tonight, [02:09.91]It"s in the way that you hold me, [02:13.94]And the way that you know me, [02:17.00]When I can"t find the right words to say, 02:21.66]You feel it in the way, you feel it in the way. [02:37.87]I can"t put my fingers on [02:43.09]Just what it is that makes me love you, you baby. [02:52.22]So don"t ask me to describe, [02:55.61]I get all choked up inside, just thinking "bout the way. [03:04.50]It"s in the way that you move me, [03:07.44]And the way that you tease me [03:10.65]The way that I want you tonight, [03:16.96]It"s in the way that you hold me, [03:20.58]And the way that you know me, [03:23.70] When I can"t find the right words to say, [03:28.47]You feel it in the way, you feel it in the way. [03:44.59]

what she says and dose_____nothing to do with me. A was B were C has D have

选 C.has主语从句作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式固定用法 has nothing to do with sb 与某人无关即What he says and does has nothing to do with me

Neither of the novels which ____popular with us___been translated into Chinese.

前面那个are是因为novels是复数,后面的has是指代前面 which引导的整个定语从句

求Till the end-nancy fortin 中文歌词!

This kitten got your tongue tied in knots I see我知道我这只小猫已让你目瞪口呆Spit it out cuz I"m dying for company吐露心声吧,我正与我的伴侣狂欢I notice that you got it我注意到你小鹿乱撞You notice that I want it你也注意到我心情激动You know that I can take it to the next level baby!你知道我能让这一切更加美妙If you want this good sh*t如果你想拥有Sicker than the remix比混音更劲爆的Baby let me blow your mind tonight今夜我就要让你****(这样比较有爆点...)I can"t take it take it take no more我已不能控制自己Never felt like felt like this before从未有过这般奇妙C"mon get me get me on the floor来舞池中拥有我吧DJ whatcha whatcha waitin" for!?DJ你还在等什么?Woah Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Woah Oh Oh Oh(少女呻吟中)Watch me move when I lose when I lose it hard注视着我狂欢时的舞步吧Get you off with the touch dancin" in the dark你黑暗漫舞的触感让我欲罢不能You notice what I"m wearing你注意到我的靓丽I notice when you"re staring我也注意到你的闪亮You know that I can take it to the next level baby你知道我能让这一切更加美妙Hotter than the A-list①比最火辣更火辣Next one on my hit list我的下一个攻陷对象Baby let me blow your mind tonight!今夜我就要让你****I can"t take it take it take no more我已不能控制自己Never felt like felt like this before从未有过这般奇妙C"mon get me get me on the floor来舞池中拥有我吧DJ whatcha whatcha waitin" for!?DJ你还在等什么?Woah Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Woah Oh Oh Oh(少女呻吟中)See the sunlight即使曙光乍现We aint stoppin"我们也不会停下Keep on dancing till the world ends就这样共舞至世界末日If you feel it let it happen让你心灵深处的热情迸发Keep on dancing till the world ends就这样共舞至世界末日Keep on dancing till the world ends就这样共舞至世界末日Keep on dancing till the world ends就这样共舞至世界末日Woah Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Woah Oh Oh Oh(少女呻吟中)See the sunlight即使曙光乍现We aint stoppin"我们也不会停下Keep on dancing till the world ends就这样共舞至世界末日If you feel it let it happen让你心灵深处的热情迸发Keep on dancing till the world ends就这样共舞至世界末日采纳噢^^

both和both and的区别(不都是两者嚒..)

My father and my mother are both from England=Both of my father and my mother are from England[解题过程] both的用法总结 both的用法有两种,它可以和名词、代词连用,也可以和动词连用,在句中作主语、宾语及同位语,也可作定语。现将其用法归结如下: 1)both与名词、代词连用 (1)both+(of) +the/ 物主代词/指示代词+名词,如: ①Both of the cats are asleep. 两只猫都睡着了。 ②I bought both of these bottles in China two years ago. 两年前我在中国买了这一对瓶子。 ③Both of his daughters are doctors. 他的两个女儿都是医生。 (2)both直接修饰名词时,不加of。如: ①Both children won prizes. 两个孩子都得了奖。 【注意】不能说both of children,但可以说 both of the children. ②I"ve got oil on both hands. 我两手都是油。 【注意】不能说both of hands,可说both of my hands。 (3)在人称代词前一定要用both of,不能说 both we或 both us,但可以说us both, them both等。如: ①Both of us like skating. 我们俩都喜欢滑冰。 ②I want both of them. 两个我都要。 2)both与动词连用 当both在句中作主语的同位语时,也可与动词连用,both在句中的位置有以下三种情况: (1)放在是动词be之后。如: ①The children are both lovely. 这两个孩子都很可爱。 ②They are both from Australia. 他们两个都是澳大利亚人。 【注意】在感叹句或简略答语中,both应置于be之前。如: ③How beautiful they both are! 他们俩多漂亮啊! ④----Are you both from Japan? ----Yes, we both are. “你们俩都是日本人吗?”“是的,我们是。” (2)放在行为动词前。如: ①We both like watching TV.我们俩都喜欢看电视。 ②The men both looked French.那两个人看起来都像是法国人。 (3)当谓语动词是由几部分组成时,both要放在第一个助动词后面。 如: ①We have both studied acting. 我们俩都学过演戏。 ②The rooms have both been cleaned. 这两间屋子都已打扫过了。 3)both作代词时,可单独使用,其后不接名词。如: ①The brothers are good at playing basketball. Both will take part in the game.这弟兄俩人篮球打得好,他们俩都将参加比赛。 ②----Which one do you want? ----I"ll take both please. “你要哪一个?”“两个我都要。” 【注意】both与not连用,是部分否定。如: ①Both the doors are not open. 两扇门并不都开着。

both and 和 both of 的区别是什么?

both of both and 之间的区别both of us:我们两个都both he and I:我和他都后者更突出了具体所指的哪两者,前者是概括的eg: Both of us knew it.我们两个都知道这件事Both of them like dancing.他们两人都喜欢跳舞。Both of them speak German.他们俩都讲德语。He asked both of you.他问你们两人。Both audible and visible.视听的听觉的和视觉的both of 的反义词组 :neither neither attractive nor tempting.既不吸引人也不诱惑人的。both and 的反义词组 :neither ..nor都是强调:2者都不...


1.奥迪:突破科技,启迪未来 2.宝马:Sheer Driving Pleasure(纯粹驾驶乐趣) 3.奔驰:The future of automobiles(汽车的未来) 4.保时捷:There is no substitute(没有替代品) 5.捷豹:Don"t dream it. Drive it!(告别梦想,尽情驰骋) 6.大众:Das Auto 7.讴歌:Ahead(尚前) 8.吉普:There"s only one(唯一之选) 9.福特:Feel the difference(感受非凡) 10.丰田:Today tomorrow Toyota(今天,明天,丰田) 11.现代:Drive your way 12.本田:以人为本,共创未来 1.万科:建筑无限生活 2.保利:和者筑善 3.万达:国际万达,百年企业 4.恒大:中国标准化运营的精品地产领导者 5.中海:诚信卓越,精品永恒 7.龙湖:善待你一生 8.绿地:营造美好生活 9.海航:合筑天地之美 10.富力:富而思进,力创新高 11.碧桂园:给您一个五星级的家 12.华润置地:品质给城市更多改变 1.苹果:Think different(不同凡想) 2.三星:Imagine the Possibilities(无穷想象,无限可能) 3.摩托罗拉手机:Intelligence everywhere(智慧演绎,无处不在)科技以人为本 5.小米:让每个人都能享受科技的乐趣 6.华为:丰富人们的沟通和生活 7.魅族:因梦想而立 8.一加手机:不将就 9.锤子手机:天生骄傲 10.联想:只要你想 11.Sony:Make.Believe 12.东芝:Take TOSHIBA, take the world(拥有东芝,拥有世界) 13.微软:Be What"s Next 14.英特尔:Leap ahead 15.IBM:No business too small, no problem too big(没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题) 16.宏碁:探索无限可能 17.戴尔:The power to do more (激发无限) 18.华硕:华硕品质,坚若磐石 19.松下:A Better Life A Better World 20.惠普:为用户提供最好的产品 21.佳能:Delighting you always (感动常在)"s make things better(让我们做得更好) 23.LG:Life"s good! 24.思科:Welcome to the Human Network 25.西门子:知其道 明其妙 26.美的:原来生活可以更美的 27.海尔:真诚到永远 28.格力空调:好空调,格力造 29.美国艺电:Challenge Everything(挑战一切) 30.科乐美:Born from fun(生来有趣) 31.南梦宫:Fun for the future (玩乐未来) 32.世嘉:Welcome to the next level(欢迎来到下一关) 33.Bowers & Wilkins(音响): Listen and You Will See 34.TCL:创意改变生活 35.乐视:颠覆?全屏实力 36.莱卡相机:My point my view(我的镜头,我的观点) 37.斯沃奇手表:Time is what you make of it (天长地久) 1.耐克:Just do it 2.阿迪达斯:Adidas is all in 3.彪马:Always be yourself(永远保持真我) 4.新百伦:Always in beta 5.Kappa:We Are One 6.锐步:I am what I am (我就是我) 7.特步:非一般的感觉 8.361:多一度热爱 9.安踏:永不止步 10.李宁:一切皆有可能 1.中国移动:移动改变生活 2.中国电信:世界触手可及 3.中国联通:创新,改变世界 4.南方周末:让无力者有力,让悲观者前行 5.环球时报:报道多元世界,解读复杂中国 6.华谊兄弟:引领亚太传媒 7.中华网:网友影响中国 8.网易新闻:有态度的门户 9.搜狐:中国最大的门户网站 10.凤凰网:开创新视野,创造新文化 11.路透社: Know Now(时事我知道) 12.BBC电视台:You make it what is it(你想看什么,我们播什么) 13.Google:Don"t be evil 14.百度搜索:百度一下,你就知道 15.维基百科:The free encyclopedia (维基百科,自由的百科全书) 16.苏宁易购:苏宁易购,为你而省 17.京东商城:多,快,好,省 18.阿里巴巴:天下没有难做的生意 1.肯德基:生活如此多娇 2.麦当劳:I"m loving it (我就喜欢) 3.必胜客:Pizza and more 4.汉堡王:Have it your way 5.可口可乐:Taste the Feeling 6.百事可乐:Live For Now(渴望,就现在) 7.雀巢咖啡:味道好极了 8.麦斯威尔咖啡:Good to the last drop(滴滴香浓,意犹未尽) 9.伊利牛奶:滋养生命活力 10.王老吉:怕上火喝王老吉 11.农夫山泉:我们不生产水,我们只是大自然的搬运工 12.加百得朗姆酒:Together (聚会好朋友) 13.嘉士伯:Probably the best lager in the World(可能是世界上最好的啤酒) 14.乐事:片片刻刻有乐事 15.M&M巧克力:只溶在口,不溶在手 16.益达口香糖:关爱牙齿,更关心你 17.宝洁公司:亲近生活,美化生活 18.飘柔:Start ahead. (Rejoice) (成功之路,从头开始) 19.巴黎欧莱雅:你值得拥有 20.强生:因爱而生 21.多芬:Discover the difference(发现与众不同的美) 22.吉列:The best a man can get 23.博士伦:看见更有远见 1.中粮集团:自然之源,重塑你我 2.宜家:我的家,我的生活 3.敦豪速递(DHL):We move the world.(世界有我,敦豪速递) 4.联合包裹服务公司(Ups): Consider it done. (使命必达) 5.沃尔玛:为顾客节省每一分钱 6.家乐福:开心购物家乐福 1.中国工商银行:您身边的银行,可信赖的银行 2.中国银行:中国银行,全球服务 3.中国建设银行:善建者行 4.招商银行:因您而变 5.交通银行:创新金融服务,提升城市生活 6.中国民生银行:服务大众,情系民生 7.中信银行:承诺于中,至任于信 8.深圳发展银行:专注价值,分享未来 9.浦东发展银行:笃守诚信,创造卓越 10.华夏银行:同为华夏人,共结华夏情 11.广东发展银行:创造卓越,追求超越 12.兴业银行:服务源自真诚 13. Visa卡:Go with Visa 14. 万事达卡:万事皆可达,唯有情无价 1.腾讯:打造精彩在线生活 2.微信:微信,是一个生活方式 3.新浪微博:随时随地,发现新鲜事 4.Twitter:Follow Your Interests. Discover Your World (从世界各地,分享并发现新鲜事物) 5.陌陌:总有新奇在身边 6.天涯社区:天涯一路同行 7.人人网:因为真实,所以精彩 8.豆瓣:汇聚一亿人的生活趣味 9.知乎:与世界分享你的知识、经验和见解 10.百度云:云上的日子,你我共享 11.MONO:用有趣的方式看世界 12.映客:全民直播 1.美拍:每个人都能拍MV 2.秒拍:10秒拍大片 3.美颜相机:把手机变成自拍神器 1.ZAKER:传播价值资讯 2.读读日报:不必读太多,读读就够了 3.今日头条:你关心的才是头条 4.果壳网:科技有意思 5.百度贴吧:上贴吧,找组织 6.猫扑:爱生活,爱猫扑 7.虎扑:可能是最好的篮球网站 8.懂球帝:All for football 9.简书:交流故事,沟通想法 10.One:复杂的世界里,一个就够了 11.片刻:世界很美 而你正好有空 12.时光网:让电影遇见生活 1.网易云音乐:听见好声音 2.QQ音乐:听我想听的 3.酷我音乐:听音乐,用酷我 4.喜马拉雅:听我想听 5.爱奇艺视频:悦享品质 6.优酷:世界都在看 7.PPTV聚力:十年真情,始终相伴 8.迅雷看看:你的随身电影院 9.豆瓣电台:与喜欢的音乐不期而遇。 10.YouTube :Broadcast Yourself 11.熊猫TV:最娱乐的直播平台 12.土豆网:每个人都是生活的导演 13.全民K歌:你其实很会唱歌 14.最右:拯救不开心 15.快手:有点儿意思 16.哔哩哔哩动画:哔哩哔哩~干杯 1. 淘宝:淘!我喜欢! 2. 手机淘宝:随时随地,想淘就淘 3. 天猫:上天猫,就购了 4. 当当网:敢做敢当当 5. 唯品会:一家专门做特卖的网站 6. 1号店:只为更好的生活 7. 有货:来yoho,玩潮流 8. 小红书:全世界的好东西 9. 有范:穿衣用有范,争取不犯二 10. 饿了么:叫外卖,上饿了么 11. 美团:美团一次,美一次 12. 百度外卖:我们想要给你更多 13. 携程旅游:携程在手 说走就走 14. 大众点评:吃喝玩乐,找优惠 15. Airbnb:躺在山海间,睡在人情里 16. Uber 人民优步:你的专属司机 17. 滴滴打车:滴滴一下,马上出发 18. 去哪儿旅行:总有你要的低价 1.支付宝:支付宝,知托付 2.下厨房:唯有美食与爱不可辜负 3.58同城:一个神奇的网站 4.前程无忧:找工作,上前程无忧 5.途牛:要旅游,找途牛 6.面包旅行:与世界分享你的旅行经验 7.蝉游记:发现旅行之美 8.Keep:移动健身教练,只为改变

A round and square table ___ in the shop windows. A. is B. are C. has D. have


1.( )Thank you for___us?A.having B.have C.has have

D 因为是具体行为

both and和both of 之间区别


( )3. A. have B. has C. eats D. ate( )4. A. am B. like C. has D. likes ( )5. A. a B. any C. some D.



The Importance ofNameRecently, it is universally acknowledged that due attention has to be paid to the importance of name. To begin with, a large number of people assert that oneu2019s name can exert profound influence on the success of a person or institution. In addition, some even maintain that the mental health and physical fitness of a person will be influenced or even determined by his or her nameu3002On the contrary, it is the view of a great many people that oneu2019s name is of little significance. I can think of no better illustration than the following ones. “Qiu”uff0c which means “hill”uff0c is the name of Confucius, the greatest thinker, philosopher and educator throughtout history. Likewise, another case in point is Lao Zi, the founder of philosophical and religious Taoism, whose name is “er”uff0c which means “the ear”. These examples effectively clarify that oneu2019s future is only determined by his striving spirit, talent or intelligence rather than some mysterious and superstitious factors such as certain names or lucky numbersu3002As for me, significance should be attached to intelligence, persistence and diligence instead of oneu2019s name. Given all the above arguments, it is high time that we put an end to this undesirable phenomenonu3002

Why is enthusiasm so important in our life?What can we do

拉尔夫 瓦尔多 爱默生曾经说过,“没有热情成就不了伟业”。当一切变得越来越艰难的时候,这是让你坚持下去的动力。当别人对你说你不能够做什么事情的时候,这是让你继续下去的动力,你会发自内心的说,是的,我可以。我们天生就拥有一对明亮天真的大眼,对好奇的事物充满了热情,正如婴儿听到钥匙的声音以及汽车的行驶声音会激动地睁开双眼一样。孩童般的好奇使得充满热情的人们更加年轻。不论他们到底多大。那么,你应该怎样重新激发你孩提般得热情呢?我认为答案就在激情这个单词里面。“Enthusiasm” 这个单词起源于希腊,意思是“里面有神”。什么叫里面有神呢?这是一个爱的归属感。包括爱自己和爱别人。我们不能把眼泪浪费在那些本应该发生而没有发生的事情上,我们应该将眼泪变为在追寻梦想过程中的汗水。

Although the Eiffel Tower ________ to last for 20 years, it is still standing today. A.has d..

D 试题分析:句意:尽管埃菲尔铁塔被设计的初衷是屹立20年,但是今天它依然站立着。设计埃菲尔铁塔是发生在过去的事情,故用一般过去时,且“埃菲尔铁塔”与“设计”之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,选D。

The man there____lots of money B.are C.has D.have

这里的there 不是 存在句型 there be 中的 there, 而是作为副词 状语,可省略;句子就变成The man has lots of money.

__________Class 2__________more boys than Class 5? A.Has;have B.Have;has C.Does;has D.Does;have


Lily’s never been to Hainan, ________ she? B.isn’t C.has D.hasn’

C 本题主要考查的has been to,表示曾经去过某地,同时考查其反意疑问句,因为陈述句中,有never 表示否定句,故后简略问句要用肯定形式,故选C

bottom,ground. land. floor 区别

bottom: 1.the lowest part of sth 底部,最下部2.the lowest surface on the insude of a container(容器内的)底3.the ground below the water in a lake, river, swimming...(湖,河,游泳池等的)底,水底4.the part of sth that is furthest from you, you house... ...的尽头eg. there is a stream at the bottom of the garden花园的尽头有一条小溪ground: 1. the soild surface of the earth地面;地 通常用作the ground2.soil on the surface of the earth 土;土地;土壤 area of land that is used for a particular purpose, activity or sport(特定用途的)场地 area of interest, knowledge or ideas(兴趣,知识,思想的)范围,领域ground常指室外, 地面land: 1.the surface of the earth that is not sea陆地2.(涉及感情或想象)国家,地区 motherland祖国land 强调海陆的对比floor: 1.the surface of a room that you walk on室内的地板,地面2. the bottom surface of a vehicle(车厢内的)底板仔细观察你会发现这些词的侧重点死不一样的,查字典时一定要看英文解释和例句,因为有些时候中文是比较不出来的

The old man has d__ (死)since three years ago

The old man has d__ (死)since three years ago

The old man has d__ (死)since three years ago

dead是形容词,不能人名后面直接加个形容词而没有be动词,has been dead就可以. died是过去式+过去分词,这里有has和since,所以要搭配过去分词,用died.

have been + n. 是什么用法, (thanks a lot)

Good answer!




boundary spanning全部释义和例句>> 边界跨越跨界活动;跨域管理;跨疆界;... ..外取得接触、产生影响的各种实务上的活动, 都可称为跨界活动


ICT测试仪要求每一个电路节点至少有一个测试点。但随着器件集成度增高,功能越来越强,封装越来越小,SMT元件的增多,多层板的使用,PCB板元件密度的增大,要在每一个节点放一根探针变得很困难,为增加测试点,使制造费用增高;同时为开发一个功能强大器件的测试库变得困难,开发周期延长。为此,联合测试组织(JTAG)颁布了IEEE1149.1测试标准。IEEE1149.1定义了一个扫描器件的几个重要特性。首先定义了组成测试访问端口(TAP)的四(五〕个管脚:TDI、TDO、TCK、TMS,(TRST)。测试方式选择(TMS)用来加载控制信息;其次定义了由TAP控制器支持的几种不同测试模式,主要有外测试(EXTEST)、内测试(INTEST)、运行测试(RUNTEST);最后提出了边界扫描语言(Boundary Scan Description Language),BSDL语言描述扫描器件的重要信息,它定义管脚为输入、输出和双向类型,定义了TAP的模式和指令集。具有边界扫描的器件的每个引脚都和一个串行移位寄存器(SSR)的单元相接,称为扫描单元,扫描单元连在一起构成一个移位寄存器链,用来控制和检测器件引脚。其特定的四个管脚用来完成测试任务。将多个扫描器件的扫描链通过他们的TAP连在一起就形成一个连续的边界寄存器链,在链头加TAP信号就可控制和检测所有与链相连器件的管脚。这样的虚拟接触代替了针床夹具对器件每个管脚的物理接触,虚拟访问代替实际物理访问,去掉大量的占用PCB板空间的测试焊盘,减少了PCB和夹具的制造费用。作为一种测试策略,在对PCB板进行可测性设计时,可利用专门软件分析电路网点和具扫描功能的器件,决定怎样有效地放有限数量的测试点,而又不减低测试覆盖率,最经济的减少测试点和测试针。边界扫描技术解决了无法增加测试点的困难,更重要的是它提供了一种简单而且快捷地产生测试图形的方法,利用软件工具可以将BSDL文件转换成测试图形,如Teradyne的Victory,GenRad的Basic Scan和Scan Path Finder。解决编写复杂测试库的困难。用TAP访问口还可实现对如CPLD、FPGA、Flash Memroy的在线编程(In-System Program或On Board Program)。

It is beyond the boundaryes of human knowledge.

It is beyond the boundaries of human knowledge. 它超越了人类知识的界限。用复数表示种类。

impedance boundary是什么意思

impedance boundary阻抗边界双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 阻尼边界词典结果:impedance[英][u026amu02c8pi:dns][美][u026amu02c8pidns]n.阻抗,全电阻; 电阻抗; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Input impedance matching and DC blocking functionality are also available to the designer.

maryhas alreadygonebacktoshanghai对划线部分提问

划线是 Shanghai?Where has Mary already gong back? 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Boy Meets Girl (And Vice Versa) 歌词

歌曲名:Boy Meets Girl (And Vice Versa)歌手:FM Static专辑:Dear DiaryFM Static - Boy Meets Girl (And Visa Versa)There she was,Time stopped when she walked by,She"s an angel of fashion,With her wings flown high,She"s the queen, of everybody"s social scene,You know what I mean?She moves like royalty, in the flesh,Her hair blows perfectly, never messed,Think I have asthma, ‘cause she took my breathe,Away…Let me tell ya…..She moves, just like a rocket,Shooting through the sky, just to make you watch it,And fireworks go off, whenever she comes my wayShe must have been sent, from another planet,To break my concentration,And change, my understanding,‘Cause until now, I thought,That all girls were the same….Now she"s comin" over, what do I do now?Says she loves her Jesus, and she loves herself,Wish I wasn"t wearin" this shirt somehow…It"s too late nowShe moves like royalty, in the flesh,Her hair blows perfectly, never messed,Think I have asthma, ‘cause she took my breathe,Away…Let me tell ya…..She moves, just like a rocket,Shooting through the sky, just to make you watch it,And fireworks go off, whenever she comes my wayShe must have been sent, from another planet,To break my concentration,And change, my understanding,‘Cause until now, I thought,That all girls were the same…

and vice versa是什么意思

and vice versa反之亦然例句You will be benefited by your mother and vice versa. 你会受益于你的母亲,反之亦然。We gossip about them and vice versa. 我们议论他们,他们也议论我们。

and vice versa 与 or vice versa的区别


or vice versa 和 and vice versa有区别么?

or 和and代表的意义不同or 或者的意思and 并且的意思

or vice versa 和 and vice versa有区别么?


elephant regular字体

kjvdlgbjopfjd;vkro[girpekgpiklpiofokeolvkikolrkgilkfkvklejkfkfpekfeiyguigjgutiiogggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggthgkjhssnjhjdnejfhenmnfudncyugfe fnhc,nsjfcmkmfchdmcvnehgvjemdemkgv

好听的歌曲,像take me hand、last of the wilds、clsr、三生树这样的

1.riyo - 樱花の泪,怎么说,寂寞在唱什么歌,难以呼吸,独家说爱婧 - 爱情剧终,放弃爱你思小妞 - 两部曲,转身过后,停在昨天,一点点的蓝,不要爱情了,所谓的生活…2和3日文:rurutia - 迷途的蝴蝶 - 真月潭月姬松隆子 - 梦のしずく - 梦的点滴rurutia - 爱し子よ - ルルティア平原绫香 - 翼をください冈本真夜 - tomorrow - 闪着泪光的决定原曲星村麻衣 ひまわりmink - shalom - おまじない英文:git fresh - blow me a kiss艾薇儿 - big big world stay - tonya mitchellbabyvox - 偶然wonder girls - nobody韩文:哀愿rosstallanma - lubov

no more ,, ,,,not any more,,,的例句

any more例句:(1)I don"t need any more clothes.我不需要更多的衣服了.(2)取决于英式英语还是美式英语,在下面的例句中,英式英语习惯用两个词的any more:I don"t play tennis any more.而现代美式英语则规定在这种情况下应该用一个词的anymore,也就是:I don"t play tennis anymore.两个句子意思都一样,在这里anymore或any more和"nowadays"一样,句子翻译为”我现在(最近)不再打网球了“.no more(1) 可以用于祈使句,命令或标语:No more hunger!直译“不再饥饿”,意译“结束饥饿”.No more joking around!不许再乱开玩笑了!(2) 另外在歌词里有时能见到拿no more当any more来用的,如:I don"t love you no more.意思就是我不再爱你了,但是这种用法不是规范英语.

no more和not anymore的区别


not any more 与no more的区别这2个在用法上有何区别

no=not any(或not a),所以从意思上,not any more=no more. 但是从用法习惯上,还是有一些区别的:not any more常与be、have、do等系动词或助动词连用,一般可以用no more代替。而no more常做宾语或状语、补语等其它句子成份,一般不能用not any more代替。如:Tom used to be a widecat but Tom is not any more. 汤姆以前是一只野猫,但现在不是了。(not any more和be连用)Jerry has not any more food. 杰利没有更多的食物了。(not any more和have连用)Do not any more. 别干了。(not any more和do连用)。以上都可以用no more代替。Tom will say no more. 汤姆什么都不想说了。(no more做宾语)Tom likes it no more. 汤姆不再喜欢它了。(no more做补语)No more sound is heard. 听不见响儿了。(no more做定语 )No more can be done. 什么也做不了了。(no more做主语)以上都不可以用not any more代替。

"rather than vice versa"是什么意思呢?


no more 和 any more 在句中所在的位置,要有例句和说明!

no more可作状语、宾语、定语. 例句:I have no more to say.(宾语) I have no more money with me.(定语) angmore相当于no more用来说明在程度和数量上“不再” 例句:Maria is no more ill.=Maria isn"t ill angmore.

not any more 和 no more 用法 (急)


and vice versa 和or vice versa 的区别

vice versa本身就有也的意思 所以and or都一样 要么就是写错了

no more和 not any more的区别


no more和not any more的区别是什么?

no longer, not any longer, no more, not any more的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同 longer释义:不再。2.not any longer释义:adv.再不。 more释义:也不。4.not any more释义:再也不。二、用法不同 longer用法:不可以做宾语。2.not any longer用法:它一般修饰延续性动词,表示某个动作或状态不再延续下去。 more用法:主要用来表示数量和程度,一般常修饰短暂性动词,指某动作不再重复发生。4.not any more用法:可以做宾语。三、侧重点不同 longer解析:其确切含意为某状态在某个时刻之后不再继续下去了。2.not any longer解析:与no longer含义相同,但是偏向于时间。 more解析:强调程度和次数上不再,作副词表示时间上的“不再”。4.not any more解析:侧重于程度和数量。

电脑出现‘options if your hdd is larger than 1tb’怎么办?

解决这种问题一般要有两个流程:电脑黑屏 “options if your hdd is larger than 1tb解决方法:第一步:重建MBR。(分区表未损坏跳过此步骤)。首先自备一个装有PE系统的U盘,如没有,需要自行百度老毛桃、大白菜、U启动等制作软件下载制作一个启动优盘(阁主自用IT天空的优启通[]),并引导电脑进入PE系统环境。进入PE系统后运行桌面上的DiskGenius磁盘分区工具。依次点击 点击“硬盘 - 重建主引导记录(重建MBR)”菜单项,程序弹出对话框提示,点击“是”选项就可以了。第二步:使用引导修复工具修复受损引导分区。双击运行桌面的系统修复程序,其实就是NTbootAutofix,选择您电脑的引导分区盘符,一般是C 输入字母C 按下回车键即可自动修复当前引导程序,按照界面提示修复后一般即可正常进入系统了。注意事项:遇到这种情况不能一味的重装系统,这确实能解决实际问题,但是要考虑到我们价值上亿的数据呢。所以大家伙千万不能一味的以为硬盘挂了,就把系统给重装了,这种故障通常是引导程序损坏,我们只要进入U盘的PE系统今夕修复即可。

not more/so more/any more/no more的用法 包括意思,区别.

more 在初中英语教材中经常出现,其含义及用法颇为复杂,现将其常见用法归纳如下:   1. 作副词.常放在某些双音节或多音节形容词、副词前构成比较级.如:  This car is more expensive than that one.  2. 作形容词.单独作 many , much 的比较级,意为“更多……”,在句子中通常修饰复数名词或不可数名词,作定语.如:  She has more books than I.  He bought more milk than you.  注意:这种说法可以用 many , much 来表明“多得多”,即“ many more + 可数名词”或“ much more + 不可数名词”.如:  You have many more friends than he has.  3. 相当于形容词.用于“ two ( three…… ) / some / many / a few / a little / any / no…… more + 名词”结构中,意为“又、再、还”,表示数量有所增加.如:  She ate two more oranges.  Would you like some / a little more bread ?  4. 作名词.通常有两种意思和用法:  ( 1 )表示“更多或较多的数量”,在句中多作主语或宾语.如:  There is some milk in the cup. There is more in that one.  ( 2 )表示“额外的数量、另外的一些”,用在数词或 a few , some , any , a little 等之后.如:  Give me a little more.  I"d like to have some more.  注意: more 作名词使用时,实际上是因为 more 后面的名词很明显而省略了,所以这时人们常把它看作名词使用.  5. “ no more = not …… any more ”意为“不再”.如:Time lost will return no more. = Time lost won"t return any more.  6. more and more 常用在名词前,意为“越来越多”.如果用在形容词、副词(双音节或多音节词)前时,也意为“越来越……”.如:  There are more and more buildings in our city.  The little girl is becoming more and more beautiful.  7. more than 相当于 over ,常放在数词前,意为“多于、超过”.如:  I have taught here for more than ( over ) ten years.  8. “ once more = once again ”表示“再一次”.如:  Once more / again, please.  9. more or less 相当于 about ,意为“或多或少,差不多,大约”.如:  — How far is your home from school ? 你家离学校有多远?   — It"s 2 kilometres, more or less. 差不多两公里.

Bow and bow and bow again 的中文是什么?



1、区别1)no longer一般修饰延续性动词,表示动作、状态或时间不再延续;any longer位于句末。2)not…any more一般修饰终止性动词,表示动作发的次数,频率不再延续。其中not用在系动词、助动词、情态动词之后。 2、例句1)He no longer lives here. 他已不在这里住了。 2)I"m no longer a student.我不再是个学生了。 3)The old man does not trarel any more. 这老人已不再旅行了。4)He didn"t cry any more.他哭了好几次,他不再哭了。

no more与any more 的用法和分别

no more= 没有 I have no more clothes food (practically anything) There is no more space for you There is no more clothes....(anything) anymore (it"s one word)=不再 I don"t work there anymore I don"t use this brand of make-up anymore I can"t afford this anymore I can"t take this anymore E any more (o words): 没有 I don"t have any more money Does it help? 参考: me no more= 不再 没有 any more=有没有


There once was a ship that put to seaThe name of the ship wasthe Billy of TeaThewinds blew up, her bow dippeddownOh~Blow, my bully boys, blow (Huh!)Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguin" is doneWe"ll take our leave and goShe"d not been two weeks from shoreWhen down on her a right whale boreThe captain called all hands and sworeHe"d take that whale in tow (Hah!)Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguin" is doneWe"ll take our leave and goDa-da-da-da-da-daDa-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-daDa-da-da-da-da-daDa-da-da-da-da-daBefore the boat had hit the waterThe whale"s tail came up and caught herAll hands to the side, harpooned and fought herWhen she dived down low (Huh!)Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguin" is doneWe"ll take our leave and goNo line was cut, no whale was freed;The Captain"s mind was not of greedBut he belonged to the whaleman"s creed;She took that ship in tow (Huh!)Soon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguin" is doneWe"ll take our leave and goDa-da-da-da-da-daDa-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-daDa-da-da-da-da-daDa-da-da-da-da-daFor forty days, or even moreThe line went slack, then tight once moreAll boats were lost, there were only fourBut still that whale did goSoon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguin" is doneWe"ll take our leave and goAs far as I"ve heard, the fight"s still on;The line"s not cut and the whale"s not goneThe Wellerman makes his regular callTo encourage the Captain, crew, and allSoon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguin" is doneWe"ll take our leave and goSoon may the Wellerman comeTo bring us sugar and tea and rumOne day, when the tonguin" is doneWe"ll take our leave and go


anymore和nomore的区别在于意义和用法。anymore表示不再,通常用于否定句中,表示过去的某种情况不再存在。例如:I dont eat meat anymore。(我不再吃肉了)。而nomore则表示不再,通常用于肯定句中,表示某种情况已经结束或不再存在。例如:I have no more questions。(我没有更多问题了)。在日常生活中,anymore和nomore都是常用的表达方式,但是需要注意它们的用法和语境。

any longer和no longer和any more和no more的区别

  (1) 用作副词表示时间上的“不再”,可用no longer, not…any longer, not…any more:  He knows that he is no longer young. 他知道自己不再年轻。  She could no longer go to school. 她不再能上学了。  This is no longer a distant dream. 这已不再是遥远的梦。  I can"t wait any longer. 我不能再等了。  I am not concerned with that matter any longer. 我不再和这事有关。  You won"t ever see her any more. 你不会再见到她。  I just can"t stand this life any more. 我简直受不了这种生活。  We won"t have any more discussion about it. 我们将不再作更多讨论了。  We don"t live here any more [longer]. / We no longer live here. 我们不住在这里了。  He once knew her, but they are no longer friends. 他过去认识她,但现在不再是朋友了。  no longer 通常位于句中的实意动词之前,动词be、助动词和情态动词之后,有时也可位于句末或句首(用于句首时,其后用倒装语序):  He no longer loves her. / He loves her no longer. / No longer does he love her. 他再也不爱她了。  【注】原来no more 也可表示时间上的“不再”(但要与非延续性动词连用,且位于句末),但在现代英语中,no more 一般不这样用。  (2) 以下各例中的more 和longer 分别为much 和long的比较级,此时两者不可混淆:  There is no more bread. 没有面包了。  The boy doesn"t want any more. 这孩子不想再要了。  This rope is no longer than that one. 这根绳子与那根绳子一样不长。

有首英文歌曲是男的唱的,节奏很慢很伤感,我只记得几句How can you of my love

Love to be love by you是这首吗

BAND sound 当中有咩类型??

前卫金属Progressive Metal 前卫摇滚Progressive Rock 新古典/交响/速弹金属Neo-classical/Symphonic/Epic/Speed Metal 演奏Instrumental 力量/旋律金属Power/Melodic Metal 气氛/歌德/毁灭金属Atmosphere/Gothic/Doom Metal 旋律死亡金属Melodic Death Metal Dream Theater除了确立了前卫金属乐风外,其对于90年代后欧洲重金属乐的发展亦有极大的影响力,前卫金属在欧洲获到广大的支持及发展,其中又以义大利及德国为最,这两个国家可说是欧洲出产前卫金属乐团最主要的国度。至于欧洲的其他国家,包括瑞典、挪威、英国等也都有少量的前卫金属乐团。 而事实上,美系与欧系的前卫金属风格已呈现不同的味道,大体来说,美系乐团偏重乐器技巧和复杂编曲,欧系乐团则能兼具技巧和旋律的流畅性。前卫金属除了典型的Dream Theater样式外,当然也有不同型式的衍生或与其他乐风融合,如极端展现器乐高度技巧性的前卫金属也被称为Technical Metal(技术金属);另外,在Power/Speed Metal中融入前卫金属变拍特色亦是普遍的手法,甚至也有将前卫元素结合Gothic/Doom Metal的乐团。 参考: koprogmetal/ Heavy Metal Heavy Metal or Metal is loud and fast Blues/Acid Rock without the Blues. It is aggressive menacing Hard Rock. Though Metal is often crass and juvenile its high speed riffage and soloing is often technically demanding on its musici. Metal has subdivided and mutated so often during its almost 30 years of existence that it is largely an umbrella term now. Bands whose sounds were influential (or derivative ) and big enough to typify the entire genre are AC/DC Black Sabbath Iron Maiden and Metallica. Similar Styles: Funk Metal Death Metal Industrial Metal Grindcore Hair Metal Doom Metal Nu Metal Hard Rock Black Metal Rap Core Thrash Guitar Rock


We can not let him in. 我们不能让他进来。



no more和not anymore的区别举例并且说明

他们的意思完全相同.翻译成汉语都是 不再怎么样.no more / not...any more表示再也不重复过去反复发生的动作时,常用于过去时或将来时的句子中.如:Now she wasn"t afraid any more.现在她再也不害怕了.唯一的区别就是:位置区别 no more一般置于行为动词后.not...any more常置于句末
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