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右键点击云端文件就可以看到“下载到本地”,然后选择下载的工作目录就可以了。CG TeamWork是国内用户数最多的管理系统。知识扩展:简单易用,方便拓展简单的界面,中英文的互换,满足了国内大部分公司的需求,并且让客户可以根据自己项目的需求进行页面内容的调整,清晰的交互效果,减少了艺术家等使用者的学习成本。提供深入的技术支持为了让客户更好的使用这的产品,它提供了深入的技术支持以及本地化部署,大大提升生成效率,方便艺术家专注于创作。目前国内用户数最多的产品因为了解,所以这个的产品可以满足国内大部分公司的需求,因此得到了大部分公司的支持和使用,目前我们是国内用户数最多的产品。希望我的回答对你有帮助!

do you think teamwork

Yes,I think so. Indvidual ability admittedly important for one to do his/her work.However,work in a group is more effciency.In the team,people can teach each other and get more information in a short time.There are many good ideas maybe you cann"t think out by yourself. Teamwork spirit is really the key to success.

lt is time for some teamwork怎么分析句子成分?

It is time for some teamwork.It 先行词 作主语,通常口语常用的句型,如: It is time for class . ( it 指时间 )汉语意思是 :是该上课的时间了。那么上面的句子的汉语意思是 :是时候进行一些团队合作了。

my view on teamwork

There is a prevelent idea that the whole culture system is based on humans"teamwork.So we have to accept a truth that more and more work in our daily life need to be done by team work.Setting this conclusion as clue, we can easily know, the team player or your team member has been playing a more and more essential role in the modern scoiety.However, we cannot ignore the contributions of individuals, especially the team leader. In my opinion, team learder is the soul of a team. Actually, the team leader will give the team players or team members the direction when the team player or team members feel puzzled,and give them courage when they lose their heart. Therefore,we can get to know the power of team leader and the power of individual.Of cause, team work has some useful skills.At first, every team player should find their position according to your work,finishing your work efficiently.Secondly, try to know your team members, even their characters, advantages and disadvantages, preparing for anyting out of control.Teamwork is aonther kinds of art,we cannot leave it, so we should learn to appreciate it.

以The Importance of Teamwork和The kind of Friends I like为题,写两篇150字的作文,考试要,急求啊!满

1.In my opinion the teamwork is much important. Whatever duty you are doing, it should not be neglected. Just like only an ant, it is impossible for him to move a piece of pork he has found. So it needs many ants to take the food and move it home. It turns that the coordiation is the strength to complete things. For example, company, if works opinions Teamwork contains many peoples strength, so it is easily to complete everything. Because in a team, members opinions are the same; what"s more wouldn"t just considerate themselves, most of their minds are the public goal. So they will try their best to achieve the goal and help each other. Opposite, it hard for a person to complete a thing without others help. Without teamwork help, single peoples strength is limited .So it is hard for he to do things quickly and efficiently. Generally speaking, everyone need others encourage and help. A person just single one, he just has two hands; it is difficult for him to do well things, though how much effort he has done. Sometimes, just a person"s encourage is also very important, this society is filled with competition, people connection is becoming closer and closer .Evidently, the teamwork is playing an important tutus. It is also prove the team work is important.2.

teamwork in sport also give people give做什么成分?

Teamwork in sport also give people team spirit.意思是:体育比赛中的团队工作给了人们团队精神give做谓语成分。Teamwork主语; in sport介词短语作状语; also give 谓语;people宾语 team spirit.宾语补语。

急求一篇以teamwork spirit 为题的英语作文!!!!

With drastic competitions in society,teamwork spirit is getting more and more important, which can be summarized as follows: First, teamwork spirit can ensure harmonious relationship. If you have teamwork spirit, you will find out more friends.Second, cooperation of the team has more advantage to win in competitions, and cooperation need teamwork spirit . Third, teamwork spirit produces feeling of security.If all of your colleagues have teamwork spirit ,you will be confident to the future of yourself and your group. In conclusion, teamwork spirit is very important to every one and every group, it need be educated continually.



如何打造团队精神 How to build up teamwork spirit

培养团队精神CultivatingTeamworkSpirit ; foster team spirit ; Foster the spirit of teamwork ,有道上的: 怎么培养团队精神How to cultivate team spirit

teamwork spirit是什么意思

teamwork spirit团队合作精神双语对照词典结果:teamwork spirit团队精神;

teamwork or independence相关主题的作文!!!急!!!!!!~~~~

Currently,team work is of great significance in people"s life and study.However every corn has two sides.It has advantages as well as disadvantages. It"s no wonder that some people hold the opinion that team work does more good than harm.First and foremost,in terms of efficiency, with more people,we can finish a specified task more quickly.Besides,via team work, different person"s abilities will be made best use of.Last but not least,we have a chance to improve ourselves while cooperating with others. Nevertheless,critics don"t take it the same way.They claim that team work has more drawbacks.On the one hand,it is difficult for us to divide a work reasonably.On the other hand,if any member of the team doesn"t do his(her) work well,then the whole work will be held back. To sum up,whether team work has more merits or not,it"s depend on what work you are going to do.

teamwork 可数吗


关于“how to improve teamwork”的作文?

Firstly, everyone in the team must have team spirits and be eager to cooperate with other members.Of course, capabilities of members are important too, which must be achieved by training. Therefore, regular training is necessary.As a team leader, your adjustment and arrangement are important.


I prefer team-work than individual work.As a member of a team,I can communicate with mycolleagues.As a team,we have a common objective and in most of time,it is hard for someone to achieve the target alone.If there is a team to work with,we can share the work and each member just responsible for his/her favorite part.This will increase the efficiency of the work.When you work alone,it is unavoidable to meet some problems,then you have to check the relate materials or search the sulotion through the internet.However,things will be changed if there is a team,as a member of team,you can ask your colleagues about the problems,maybe some of them know the way to solve the problem,that means you saved the time to figure it out by yourself.More important,we can share our experience and ideas by each other,during the team working you will find the task becomes easier than you work alone.

On teamwork_团队合作高中英语作文300字

On teamwork_团队合作高中英语作文300字 In China,there is an old saying:Unity is strength,showing the importance of teamwork. As time goes by,there is no doubt that teamwork is more and more significant for us in many parts.No matter what you are doing,such as you are playing basketball or other games,you are participating in the debate competition, you are dealing in class affairs and so forth.It is universally acknowledged that all of these may not be finished better if without teamwork.What"s more, whether you possess a good team spirit or not, which is the general situation as heavy,the spirit of devotion.No matter what we do,I think the thing will be much better if we keep a better teamwork spirit up.There is no denying that not only can greatly improve our work efficiency but also can get true friendship among colleagues in future work through intensifying our teamwork awareness. Therefore how to create a good team?Personally speaking,firstly,we think out clearing team goals.Secondly, we may as well elect a good team leader,who is essential.In this way,he will lead us to struggle and progress much better together.Finally,we should be tolerant and understand when we have a disagreement with each other on the team,in which each of us should hold the spirit of devotion.Most importantly, I believe that as long as making joint efforts,we can create a good team, completing the task more perfect.


Teamwork is a joint action by two or more people or a group, in which each person contributes with different skills and Express his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group in order to achieve common goals.This does not mean that the individual is no longer important; however, it does mean that effective and efficient teamwork goes beyond individual accomplishments. The most effective teamwork is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work towards a common goal.In order for teamwork to succeed one must be a teamplayer. A teamplayer is one who subordinates personal aspirations and works in a coordinated effort with other members of a group, or team, in striving for a common goal. Businesses and other organizations often go to the effort of coordinating team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team rather than as individuals.The forming-storming-norming-performing model takes the team through four stages of team development and maps quite well on to many project management life cycle models, such as initiation - definition - planning - realisation.As teams grow larger, the skills and methods that people require grow as more ideas are expressed freely. Managers must use these to create or maintain a spirit of teamwork change. The intimacy of a small group is lost, and the opportunity for misinformation and disruptive rumors grows.

以teamwork为主题的英语作文 差不多80到100词

teamwork is a normal way of studying, researching, and working in a school or company. sometimes, it can be very effective. people in a team can share work with each other to save time and provide different perspective for resolving the problem. However, this is not the case usually. Most of time, team work can be time-comsuming and disastrous. For example, is this scene familiar to you that the lazy kids doodle around while smart kids doing all the work, but have to share credit with all others. If people have the ability to do something alone, it is better to summon all their confidence and courage to think and work alone.

作文teamwork 结合自己的亲身经历,讲述团队合作的意义

Some people like to work alone while others enjoy teamwork. In my opinion, everyone had better learn to work with others together because teamwork is definitely necessary and important in modern society.有些人喜欢单独工作,而有些人则喜欢团队合作。在我看来,每个人最好学习与他人一起工作,因为团队合作在现代社会是很有必要和重要的。First, working in a team provides a chance for us to communicate with each other. Just as the saying goes, “many hands make light job.” Working in a team, teammates share their ideas with each other, which is helpful to create a better achievement. Second, working in a team is a way to broaden our horizon. Teammates in a team can learn something from each other because they are from different places, owning various experiences and hold different views towards things. Therefore, getting along with other teammates is also a process of increasing our knowledge. Finally, working in a team is also a way to establish our friendship. Teammates in a team have chances to help each other, to solve the problems together, to share the happiness of being successful, which make a great contribution to establishing friendship. Thus, working in a team is one of the most effective ways to extend our personal relationships.首先,在一个团队中工作为我们提供了一个彼此沟通的机会。正如俗话所说,“众人拾柴火焰高。”在一个团队中工作,队友们互相分享他们的想法,这有助于创造更好的成绩。第二,在团队中工作是拓宽我们视野的一个好方式。一个团队的队友可以相互学习因为他们来自不同地方,拥有不同的经验并且对事物有不同的看法。因此,和其他队友相处融洽也是增长见识的过程。最后,团体合作有助于建立友谊。在一个团队的队友们有机会互相帮助,共同解决问题,分享成功的快乐,这些都为建立友谊做出很大的贡献。因此,在团队工作是最有效的扩展个人关系的方法之一。To sum up, to learn to work in a team is really neces

以teamwork为主题的英语作文 差不多80到100词

teamwork is a normal way of studying,researching,and working in a school or company.sometimes,it can be very effective.people in a team can share work with each other to save time and provide different perspective for resolving the problem.However,this is not the case usually.Most of time,team work can be time-comsuming and disastrous.For example,is this scene familiar to you that the lazy kids doodle around while smart kids doing all the work,but have to share credit with all others.If people have the ability to do something alone,it is better to summon all their confidence and courage to think and work alone.

如何理解teamwork ,用英文来解释,面试需要

this is a view in my mind. teamwork means working together,put it in simple terms is that the overall situation,and the spirit of collaboration and the concentrated expression of the spirit of service. Henry Ford ever said:Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress.Working together is success. (这句话是我最喜欢的.希望LZ给分哈!)

如何回答关于teamwork的问题 用英文回答,要好

The teamwork"s advantage and disadvantage Nowadays,almost everyone has taken into the teamwork and teamwork is more and more important than before.Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the teamwork could help people work more harmoniously with their teamers. The advantages are many.Teamwork can gather more useful information; Teamwork makes people put things into their right perspective; Teamwork makes people take things into consideration comprehensively; Different people play the different roles; Teamwork could strong the responsibility of the teamer.These are all the advantages. Different cultures may make teamwork bad; Different individuality may make teamwork bad; Teamwork may increase people"s inertia; One person who has no responsibility could destroy the teamwork; Not share the information liberally to the teamers will affect the quality of the teamwork.These are disadvantages.


teamwork的意思是: 团队合作;协力。英英释义:cooperative work done by a team (especially when it is effective)例句:There are three fundamental principles of teamwork.团队合作有三个基本原则。Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme.团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。Teamwork is required in order to achieve these aims.要达到这些目标需要齐心协力。


teamwork 团队合作 双语对照 词典结果: teamwork[英][u02c8ti:mwu025c:k][美][u02c8timu02ccwu0259:k] n.协力; 配合; 联合作业; 集体工作; 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问


Teamwork,项目任务进度和团队沟通与协作管理软件。Teamwork 简称(TW)是一款基于web且国际领先的项目任务及团队协作管理软件,使用Java语言开发, 集成了任务管理、项目管理、团队管理以及工作日志管理等功能。



teamwork 前加什么形容词比较好?

good teamwork excellent teamworkperfect teamwork这些都是比较常见的


I prefer team-work than individual work. As a member of a team, I can communicate with mycolleagues. As a team, we have a common objective and in most of time, it is hard for someone to achieve the target alone. If there is a team to work with, we can share the work and each member just responsible for his/her favorite part. This will increase the efficiency of the work. When you work alone, it is unavoidable to meet some problems, then you have to check the relate materials or search the sulotion through the internet. However, things will be changed if there is a team, as a member of team, you can ask your colleagues about the your problems, maybe some of them know the metheds to solve the problem, that means you saved the time to figure it out by yourself. and also we can share our experience and ideas with each other, if you work together happily and will find the task becomes easier than you work alone.


I prefer team-work than individual work. As a member of a team, I can communicate with mycolleagues. As a team, we have a common objective and in most of time, it is hard for someone to achieve the target alone. If there is a team to work with, we can share the work and each member just responsible for his/her favorite part. This will increase the efficiency of the work. When you work alone, it is unavoidable to meet some problems, then you have to check the relate materials or search the sulotion through the internet. However, things will be changed if there is a team, as a member of team, you can ask your colleagues about the problems, maybe some of them know the way to solve the problem, that means you saved the time to figure it out by yourself. More important, we can share our experience and ideas by each other, during the team working you will find the task becomes easier than you work alone.


这个问题很难回答。 所谓团队合作,就我的理解是在2方面: 1、专业技能方面。很多同事都是学医学、建筑、工业、机械的,这样本身在不同领域有一定的工作,在做审计时对专业的东西判断比只懂审计的人要准确和敏锐很多,这点也是四大前的地方,各方面人才都有。 2、审计分工方面。不同的人负责有利与工作细分,在信息单对单时,人的判断更准确。比如人的手指,长短不一,但各有优略,也许就是这意思。 这是我的理解,现在发现自己很多东西越来越不懂,做的多了也困惑了,希望高手来说下,很虚心的请教。

team work还是teamwork



cooperation, responsibility, efforts, ambition, honesty, dedication

求几条有关TeamWork的英语谚语和短句 谢谢了!

In football teamwork is even more important than individual skill. 在橄榄球比赛中,全队的配合比个人技术甚至更加重要。Teamwork creates value and success Working togther hard work 团结互助,艰苦奋斗 Teamwork is power teamwork is win 团结就是力量,团结就是胜利


TeamworkI do not like teamwork in most time. Because I think it is hard for the whole team to hold the same view. It is a waste of time to argue with each other then make a compromise. But recently I have really seen the great power of teamwork.Last week we had a play competition. Because of some reasons, we had not decided the play two days before the competition. Our monitor called the actors and actresses who had been decided together. Then they think about every plot together. To my surprise, it seemed that everybody had his or her good idea. They gave up their weekend to practice the play. Finally our team won good marks and were given the opportunity to participate in the final competition.Teamwork is really powerful. No matter learning in school or working in the future, we have to work in a team sometimes. So, try to establish the spirit of teamwork. It will surely help you achieve success




Unity and cooperation among the price is higherUnity is strength, in all aspects need unity. Our family need more united to blossom a more flowery glorious, unity of unavoidable have cooperation.Dazzle beautiful and colorful life, walks in the cooperation is endless. Therefore, we should take the importance of cooperating with the correct knowledge, let the unity cooperation enrich our life, cooperation in all trades and professions is indispensable.In all production department, is through the division and cooperation, its to several large enterprise cooperation. This also is commonplace, no wonder. Such as production a car, a worker can achieve alone? No, but not absolutely denying it. Because more people is through collaboration, you production shell, I production parts, he assembly, and after many person"s cooperation, can better and faster produced in a car.China"s manned spacecraft launch, made China a few count can launch of manned spacecraft countries, Yang liwei"s success. How many people behind solidarity and cooperation, behind success is covered with much failure. Maybe, along with China"s space sector has failed so many. But we still unremitting ground wrestling bottom go to, through cooperation, finally succeeded. If on launch a little mistake, I"m afraid we have welcomed and failure. Visible, cooperation is necessary.Now the world, without cooperation, cooperation became successful springboard. Life has the cooperation will be successful, success is the embodiment of the cooperation. National management, need people"s cooperation, a factory of normal operation also needs the workers cooperation.The dazzle beautiful and colorful, colorful world, everywhere cooperation, once the success of the operation, need doctors and nurses cooperation. The second world war, China, Britain, the United States, Russia and other countries together against Japan, Germany embodies the cooperation of the importance of war.In real life, some surprising thing, some ingrious, need in the life, all impossible oneself production. Therefore, humans live in unity and cooperation in the life, human undoubtedly is happy, but human cooperation have false cooperation.Not only human learning to be cooperative, even the little ants, in found food hind, can cooperate. Put the food move "home" they small figure, could put more than their own many times things handling. Embodies the spirit of unity and cooperation.In life, we must learn to understand the importance of cooperation, cooperation. Make cooperation with us. Today"s China need to work tomorrow"s China need more to cooperation, let us work together to build a bright motherland.Above composition from baidu spaceThe following composition from outstanding composition netsUnity power"Many hands make light work", "unity is strength", "both together do best of all," sufficiently indicated that unity prospers, unity is the reds long march victory crystallization, is to realize the grand goal of the source.Someone once asked: "how philosopher a drop won"t do?" Philosopher replied: "put it on the ocean." This sentence brief words reveals a profound truth: personal leave collective, only solidarity of collective will have boundless strength, whereas if no solidarity, even if there is another big strength will dry up.People all envy stars, star in a team in the role of a large yi! But if leave united team, they will again how? American big-name "basketball giants" rate "bulls" four took the finals champion. People say "flyers" Jordan creates the bulls, Jordan said: "is the bulls player regiment was made for me." Yeah, left the basketball team solidarity, star not only personal ineffective, and even players cannot make.Throughout prodect, any one"s success is inseparable from the collective unity strength. Thirdly, if not trust in the ZhangLiang liu bang, sheet relies on the lone can realize the ambition to assassinate the grand plan? Left cartesian inspiration and doppler rhys bazant common research of scientific and technological achievements, Newton can put forward "Newton"s first law"?Only by a beautiful flowers, dress out beautiful spring, personal only into unity of collective can realize the grand goal.Therefore, a country, a nationality only solidarity, to support oneself forest of to the world, can seek improvement and development. Especially we these as the new century"s successor of teenagers more should learn to unite, such ability based on society. Inherit and develop the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, but also we as descendants obligatory responsibility.

怎么写有关 Teamwork 初中中考英语作文

there is no I in team.



teamwork 和 team working 的区别。


英语单词 teamwork team work 那种写法对?

两种写法都是对的,team work 是一个词组 但是teamwork是一个名词 作为一个整体.


Teamwork I do not like teamwork in most time.Because I think it is hard for the whole team to hold the same view. It is a waste of time to argue with each other then make a compromise.But recently I have really seen the great power of teamwork. Last week we had a play competition.Because of some reasons,we had not decided the play two days before the competition.Our monitor called the actors and actresses who had been decided together.Then they think about every plot together.To my surprise,it seemed that everybody had his or her good idea.They gave up their weekend to practice the play.Finally our team won good marks and were given the opportunity to participate in the final competition. Teamwork is really powerful.No matter learning in school or working in the future,we have to work in a team sometimes.So,try to establish the spirit of teamwork.It will surely help you achieve success

cooperation teamwork这两个意思一样吗

略有区别,前者指一般性的合作,后者侧重于团队合作。cooperation [[ku0259u028a,u0252pu0259"reu026au0283(u0259)n]]基本翻译n. 合作,协作;[劳经] 协力网络释义Cooperation:合作 | 协作 | 协同teamwork [["tiu02d0mwu025cu02d0k]]基本翻译n. 团队合作;协力网络释义Teamwork:团队合作 | 团队精神 | 团队协作

teamwork 的重要性

一、通过团队合作,有利于激发团队成员的学习动力,有助于提高团队的整体能力。  大部分人的心里都有希望他人尊敬自己的欲望,都有不服输的心理。这些心理因素都不知不觉地增强了成员的上进心,使成员都不自觉的要求自己要进步,力争在团队中做到最好,以便赢得其他员工的尊敬。当没有做到最好时,上述的那些心理因素可促进成员之间的竞争,力争与团队最优秀的成员看齐,以此来实现激励功能,有助于提高团队的整体能力。团队成员内部竞争,有一定程度上的激发作用。    二、通过团队合作,可以营造一种工作氛围,使每个队员都有一种归属感,有助于提高团队成员的积极性和效率。  正所谓男女搭配干活不累,先暂且不说男女搭配,即使男男合作,都不会因为一个人在战斗而产生一种孤独感。由于团队具有目标一致性,从而产生了一种整体的归属感。正是这种归属感使得每个成员感到在为团队努力的同时也是在为自己实现目标,与此同时也有其他成员在一起为这个目标而努力,从而激起更强的工作动机。  二、通过团队合作,可以营造一种工作氛围,使每个队员都有一种归属感,有助于提高团队成员的积极性和效率。  正所谓男女搭配干活不累,先暂且不说男女搭配,即使男男合作,都不会因为一个人在战斗而产生一种孤独感。由于团队具有目标一致性,从而产生了一种整体的归属感。正是这种归属感使得每个成员感到在为团队努力的同时也是在为自己实现目标,与此同时也有其他成员在一起为这个目标而努力,从而激起更强的工作动机。


teamwork是不可数名词。网络释义:1、团队合作。(Skill)态度(Attitude)紫郁远近若素精品制作强化组织的核心能力,团队合作(Teamwork)企业文化(Corporate Culture)01培训管理系统的构建。2、团队精神。下载积分:1000内容提示:团队精神团队精神(Teamwork)什么是团队精神所谓团队精神,简单来说就是大局意识、协作精神和服务精神的集中体现。3、团队。001国际质量保证体系认证(目前正在努力冲刺TS16949质量体系)。“TSS-打造高效团队(Teamwork)、快速跟上潮流(Speed)、重视玩家感受(Service)”是公司一贯秉承的经营理念。双语例句:1、By mastering basic principles through teamwork.通过团队合作掌握基本原则。2、The collapse was disastrous, requiring the emergency medical team and good teamwork.倒塌是灾难性的,需要紧急医疗队和良好的团队合作。3、Sometimes speed, skills and teamwork are needed.有时需要速度、技能和团队合作。4、These policies underlie funding requirements that often require teamwork.这些政策是需要团队合作的资金需求的基础。

teamwork怎么读 英语teamwork怎么读

1、teamwork英[u02c8tiu02d0mwu025cu02d0k]美[u02c8tiu02d0mwu025cu02d0rk],n.团队合作; 配合; 协同工作。 2、[例句]Teamwork is a key feature of the training programme.团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。



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proven experience in teamwork 在团队工作的经验

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请问“Dreamweaver”怎么读?拜托了各位 谢谢

Dreamweaver是Dream和weaver的合成词,下面是它们的音标,你把它们合一起来读就可以了:)~~ dream["dri:m],weaver ["wi:v]

以why is teamwork very important 为题的英语作文

Whether its two people, a department, or an organization, teams are the means by which great things get done. Unfortunately, not all work groups exhibit teamwork. So, how can our groups develop that sense of community and cohesiveness, or what was Don Shulas secret? When and how does teamwork kick in? The key is effective teamwork training.Our research and experience point to a need for managers to be both willing and able to build and maintain high performing teams. One key to regaining our competitiveness will be how successful managers are in creating the climate for teamwork to grow and develop.We believe it doesnt just happen by accident. Teams work at building spirit and commitment. They talk about how they are doing. They are willing to invest time and money to protect and enhance the basic team fabric and integrity. In a team, people care about each other and are concerned about how their actions and attitudes affect each other.Managers report that they spend from fifty to ninety percent of their efforts on managing individuals. Yes, most managers have little or no knowledge of group dynamics. With CMOEs teamwork training programs, you will discover the inner dimensions and facets of how groups become teams and how group dynamics can be managed. Observing groups at work adds clarity to the very subtle and often subliminal concept of teamwork. It is not magic and there is no secret; it can be explained and put into practice by any manager.Many of our teamwork training activities are instruments that allow participants to observe and unmask the common enemies of teamwork. It helps if we can see more clearly obstacles that all too frequently are created within a team.Team afflictions can be widespread, including: destructive and over-charged competitiveness, individualism, over-inflated egos, personal greed, and technology such as computers that drive us into ourselves and have the potential of isolating us so we can 揹o our own thing.? Seeing the impact of these afflictions on the quality of teamwork is the first step towards creating a more effective team.To learn more about the teamwork training that CMOE has conducted worldwide, contact CMOE at (801)569-3444 or visit their website. 太长了自己选一下吧求采纳

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在css设置,(SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css)小三角的图标是你有下层下拉菜单就会自动产生的,在这里删除(ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenu){background-image: url(SpryMenuBarDown.gif);background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 95% 50%;




1、先打开Dreamweaver,如果你事先有做好的网页源文件,可以的直接点击文件——打开,打开你的网页源文件,如果没有,就点击文件——新建,新建一个新的网页源文件。 2、新建的类型默认就可以了,如果有其它需要,可以自己选择页面类型和布局等等,让点击创建按钮 3、新建好网页之后,在设计页面,点击插入——表单——选择(列表/菜单),这样就可以插入一个可选择的下拉表单了。 4、或者在菜单栏下方有个表单选项的图标,鼠标放上去显示“选择(列表/菜单)”然后点击,也可以插入下拉菜单。5、然后跳出需要输入标签辅助功能属性的界面,ID填写英文或者数字,标签就是你的下拉菜单的对应的数据标题,比如地址,性别等等,这里填写“性别:”,然后点击确定。 6、跳出是否添加表单标签的提示,就选择是,就可以了。 7、这时,下拉菜单插入到页面中了,点击下方的列表值,给你的下拉菜单添加内容。 8、跳出列表值的界面,在项目标签上填写下拉菜单选项,比如我这里要做一个性别选择的下拉菜单,这里就在值和项目标签填写男。 9、接着点击加号,添加新的下面标签和值,都填上女。然后点击确定按钮。 10、点击界面上箭头所指的小图标,选择一个浏览器,点击它,可以在浏览器上看到预览效果。 11、这时会提示是否保存网页文件的更改,选择是,保存一下即可。 12、


而且在有一些时候,会因为一些需要只用到一个多大的表格。这时候就要用到强制固定表格大上这个标签。但是一般情况下,即便是你设置了表格的宽度为某个像素,例如:100px,也不能阻止表格因其单元格文字的过长而变宽。那么必须采取CSS样式的方式来控制。其实也很简单,只要在表格的属性中,加入以下代码:style="table-layout:fixed;word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;" 即可。完整的写法例如:<table width="100px" style="table-layout:fixed;word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;"<tr<tdasdfghjkl;qwertyuiopzxcvbnm,</td</tr<table/另外:如果你是在Dreamweaver的“设计”视图中制作网页,那可是看不出表格固定宽度的效果的,因为文字会自动换行。因此必须要保存页面之后,预览才能观察得到。CSS教程:表格不被撑开的解决办法做一个用户留言列表的时候,用到了表格。用户名为英文字符时,就会把固定宽度的单元格撑开。之前也有遇到过。解决办法:先用noWrap强行令文字不换行,再用style="table-layout:fixed;; word-break: break-all;;border-collapse: collapse"强制表格不撑开,即达到效果。需要注意的是:用了nowrap的单元格设置的宽度要用百分比,不然还是会撑开。我们可以给表头的单元格设置宽度。火狐下还要在td里面嵌套一个div。附:nowrap:一般用在td中禁止自动换行table-layout:auto | fixedauto: 默认值。默认的自动算法。布局将基于各单元格的内容。表格在每一单元格内所有内容读取计算之后才会显示出来fixed:  固定布局的算法。在这种算法中,表格和列的宽度取决于 col对象的宽度总和,假如没有指定,则会取决于第一行每个单元格的宽度。假如表格没有指定宽度( width )属性,则表格被呈递的默认宽度为100% 。word-break:break-all和word-wrap:break-word都是能使其容器如DIV、TD的内容自动换行。word-break : normal | break-all | keep-allword-wrap : normal | break-word它们的区别就在于:1,word-break:break-all例如div宽200px,它的内容就会到200px自动换行,如果该行末端有个英文单词很长(congratulation等),它会把单词截断,变成该行末端为conra(congratulation的前端部分),下一行为tulation(conguatulation)的后端部分了。2,word-wrap:break-word例子与上面一样,但区别就是它会把congratulation整个单词看成一个整体,如果该行末端宽度不够显示整个单词,它会自动把整个单词放到下一行,而不会把单词截断掉的。


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急求Dreamweaver cc版的服务器行为和数据库绑定面板的调出方法!!跪谢!!



table是表格,<td>...</td>是用于定义一个单元格的其它的看下面哦:标签祥解指令详解 结构 <html> <head> <title>标题<title> </head> <body>..........文件内容.......... </body> </html> 1.文件标题 <title>..........</title> 2.文件更新--<meta> 【1】10秒后自动更新一次 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content=10> 【2】10秒后自动连结到另一文件 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;URL=欲连结文件之URL"> 3.查询用表单--<isindex> 若欲设定查询栏位前的提示文字: <isindex prompt="提示文字"> 4.预设的基准路径--<base> <base href="放置文件的主机之URL"> 版面 1.标题文字 <h#>..........</h#> #=1~6;h1为最大字,h6为最小字 2.字体变化 <font>..........</font> 【1】字体大小 <font size=#>..........</font> #=1~7;数字愈大字也愈大 【2】指定字型 <font face="字型名称">..........</font> 【3】文字颜色 <font color=#rrggbb>..........</font> rr:表红色(red)色码 gg:表绿色(green)色码 bb:表蓝色(blue)色码 3.显示小字体 <small>..........</small> 4.显示大字体 <big>..........</big> 5.粗体字 <b>..........</b> 6.斜体字 <i>..........</i> 7.打字机字体 <tt>..........</tt> 8.底线 <u>..........</u> 9.删除线 <strike>..........</strike> 10.下标字 <sub>..........</sub> 11.上标字 <sup>..........</sup> 12.文字闪烁效果 <blink>..........</blink> 13.换行 <br> 14.分段 <p> 15.文字的对齐方向 <p align="#"> #号可为 left:表向左对齐(预设值) center:表向中对齐 right:表向右对齐 P.S.<p align="#">之后的文字都会以所设的对齐方式显示, 直到出现另一个<p align="#">改变其对齐方向,或遇到 <hr>ⅱ<h#>标签时会自动设回预设的向左对齐。 16.分隔线 <hr> 【1】分隔线的粗细 <hr size=点数> 【2】分隔线的宽度 <hr size=点数或百分比> 【3】分隔线对齐方向 <hr align="#"> #号可为 left:表向左对齐(预设值) center:表向中对齐 right:表向右对齐 【4】分隔线的颜色 <hr color=#rrggbb> 【5】实心分隔线 <hr noshade> 17.向中对齐 <center>..........</center> 18.依原始样式显示 <pre>..........</pre> 19.<body>指令的属性 【1】背景颜色 -- bgcolor <body bgcolor=#rrggbb> 【2】背景图案 -- background <body background="图形文件名"> 【3】设定背景图案不会卷动 -- bgproperties <body bgproperties=fixed> 【4】文件内容文字的颜色 -- text <body text=#rrggbb> 【5】超连结文字颜色 -- link <body link=#rrggbb> 【6】正被选取的超连结文字颜色 -- vlink <body vlink=#rrggbb> 【7】已连结过的超连结文字颜色 -- alink <body alink=#rrggbb> 20.注解 <!--..........-->21.特殊字元表示法 符 号 语 法 < &lt > &gt & &amp " &quot 空白 &nbsp 图片 1.插入图片 <img src="图形文件名"> 2.设定图框 -- border <img src="图形文件名" border=点数> 3.设定图形大小 -- widthⅱheight <img src="图形文件名" width=宽度点数 height=高度点数> 4.设定图形上下左右留空 -- vspaceⅱhspace <img src="图形文件名" vspace=上下留空点数 hspace=左右留空点数> 5.图形附注 <img src="图形文件名" alt="说明文字"> 6.预载图片 <img src="高解析度图形文件名" lowsrc="低解析度图形文件名"> P.S.两个图的图形大小最好一致 7.影像地图(Image Map) <img src="图形文件名" usemap="#图的名称"> <map name="图的名称"> <area shape=形状 coords=区域座标列表 href="连结点之URL"> <area shape=形状 coords=区域座标列表 href="连结点之URL"> <area shape=形状 coords=区域座标列表 href="连结点之URL"> <area shape=形状 coords=区域座标列表 href="连结点之URL"> </map> 【1】定义形状 -- shape shape=rect:矩形 shape=circle:圆形 shape=poly:多边形 【2】定义区域 -- coords a.矩形:必须使用四个数字,前两个数字为左上角座标,后两个数字为右下角座标 例:<area shape=rect coords=100,50,200,75 href="URL"> b.圆形:必须使用三个数字,前两个数字为圆心的座标,最后一个数字为半径长度 例:<area shape=circle coords=85,155,30 href="URL"> c.任意图形(多边形):将图形之每一转折点座标依序填入 例:<area shape=poly coords=232,70,285,70,300,90,250,90,200,78 href="URL"> 表格 1.定义表格 <table>..........</table> 【1】设定边框的厚度 -- border <table border=点数> 【2】设定格线的宽度 -- cellspacing <table cellspacing=点数> 【3】设定资料与格线的距离 -- cellpadding <table cellpadding=点数> 【4】调整表格宽度 -- width <table width=点数或百分比> 【5】调整表格高度 -- height <table height=点数或百分比> 【6】设定表格背景色彩 -- bgcolor <table bgcolor=#rrggbb> 【7】设定表格边框色彩 -- bordercolor <table bordercolor=#rrggbb> 2.显示格线 <table border> 3.表格标题 <caption>..........</caption> 表格标题位置 -- align <caption align="#"> #号可为 top:表标题置于表格上方(预设值) bottom:表标题置于表格下方 4.定义列 <tr> 5.定义栏位 《1》<td>:靠左对齐 《2》<th>:靠中对齐ⅱ粗体 【1】水平位置 -- align <th align="#"> #号可为 left:向左对齐 center:向中对齐 right:向右对齐 【2】垂直位置 -- align <th align="#"> #号可为 top:向上对齐 middle:向中对齐 bottom:向下对齐 【3】栏位宽度 -- width <th width=点数或百分比> 【4】栏位垂直合并 -- rowspan <th rowspan=欲合并栏位数> 【5】栏位横向合并 -- colspan <th colspan=欲合并栏位数> 清单 一、目录式清单 <dir> <li>项目1 <li>项目2 <li>项目3 </dir> P.S.目录式清单每一个项目不能超过20个字元(即10个中文字) 二、选项式清单 <menu> <li>项目1 <li>项目2 <li>项目3 </menu> 三、有序号的清单 <ol> <li>项目1 <li>项目2 <li>项目3 </ol> 【1】序号形式 -- type <ol type=#>或<li type=#> #号可为 A:表以大写英文字母AⅱBⅱCⅱD...做为项目编号 a:表以小写英文字母aⅱbⅱcⅱd...做为项目编号 I:表以大写罗马数字做为项目编号 i:表以小写罗马数字做为项目编号 1:表以阿拉伯数字做为项目编号(预设值) 【2】起始数字 -- start <ol start=欲开始计数的序数> 【3】指定编号 -- value <li value=欲指定的序数> 四、无序号的清单 <ul> <li>项目1 <li>项目2 <li>项目3 </ul> 【1】项目符号形式 -- type <ul type=#>或<li type=#> #号可为 disc:实心圆点(预设值) circle:空心圆点 square:实心方块 【2】原始清单 -- plain <ul plain> 【3】清单排列方式 -- warp 《1》清单垂直排列 <ul warp = vert> 《2》清单水平排列 <ul warp = horiz> 五、定义式清单 <dl> <dt>项目1 <dd>项目1说明 <dt>项目2 <dd>项目2说明 <dt>项目3 <dd>项目3说明 </dl> 紧密排列 -- compact <dl compact> P.S.如此可使<dt>的内容与<dd>的内容在同一行,仅 以数格空白相隔而不换行,但若<dt>的文字超过一 定的长度后,compact的作用就消失了! 表单 一、基本架构 <form action="处理资料用的CGI程式之URL"或"mailto:电子信箱的URL" method="get或post"> .......... .......... .......... </form> 二、输入文件型表单 <form action="URL" method="post"> <input> <input> .......... .......... </form> 【1】栏位类型 -- type <input type=#> #号可为 text:文字输入 password:密码 checkbox:多选钮 radio:单选钮 submit:接受按钮 reset:重设按钮 image:图形钮 hidden:隐藏栏位 【2】栏位名称 -- name <input name="资料栏名"> P.S.若type为submitⅱreset则name不必设定 【3】文件上的预设值 -- value <input value="预设之字串"> 【4】设定栏位的宽度 -- size <input size=字元数> 【5】限制最大输入字串的长度 -- maxlength <input maxlength=字元数> 【6】预设checkbox或radio的初值 -- checked <input type=checkbox checked> <input type=radio checked> 【7】指定图形的URL -- src <input type=image src="图档名"> 【8】图文对齐 -- align <input type=image align="#"> #号可为 top:文字对齐图片之顶端 middle:文字对齐图片之中间 buttom:文字对齐图片之底部 三、选择式表单 <form action="URL" method="post"> <select> <option> <option> .......... .......... </select> </form> A、<select>的属性 【1】栏位名称 -- name <select name="资料栏位名"> 【2】设定显示的选项数 -- size <select size=个数> 【3】多重选项 -- multiple <select multiple> B、<option>的属性 【1】定义选项的传回值 -- value <option value="传回值"> 【2】预先选取的选项 -- selected <option selected> 四、多列输入文字区表单 <form action="URL" method="post"> <textarea> .......... .......... </textarea> </form> 【1】文字区的变数名称 -- name <textarea name=变数名称> 【2】设定文字输入区宽度 -- cols <textarea cols=字元数> 【3】设定文字输入区高度 -- rows <textarea rows=列数> 【4】输入区设定预设字串 <textarea> 预设文字 </textarea> 【5】自动换行与否 -- wrap <textarea wrap=#> #号可为 off:表输入的文字超过栏宽时,不会自动换行(预设值) virtual:表输入的文字在超过栏宽时会自动换行 链接 一、连结至其他文件 <a href="URL">说明文字或图片</a> 二、连结至文件内之某一处(外部连结) 《1》起点 <a href="档名#名称">..........</a> 《2》终点 <a name="名称"> 三、frame的超连结 【1】开启新的浏览器来显示连结文件 -- _blank <a href="URL" target=_blank> 【2】显示连结文件於目前的frame -- _self <a href="URL" target=_self> 【3】以上一层的分割视窗显示连结文件 -- _parent <a href="URL" target=_parent> 【4】以全视窗显示连结文件 -- _top <a href="URL" target=_top> 【5】以特定视窗显示连结文件 --<a href="URL" target="特定视窗名称"> FRAME 一、分割视窗指令 <frameset>..........</frameset> 【1】垂直(上下)分割 -- rows <frameset rows=#> #号可为点数:如欲分割为100,200,300三个视窗,则 <frameset rows=100,200,300>;亦可以*号代表,如<frameset rows=*,500,*> 百分比:如<frameset rows=30%,70%>,各 项总和最好为100% 【2】水平(左右)分割 -- cols <frameset cols=点数或百分比> 二ⅱ指定视窗内容 -- <frame> <frameset cols=30%,70%> <frame> <frame> </frameset> 【1】指定视窗的文件名称 -- src <frame src=HTML档名> 【2】定义视窗的名称 -- name <frame name=视窗名称> 【3】设定文件与上下边框的距离 -- marginheight <frame marginheight=点数> 【4】设定文件与左右边框的距离 -- marginwidth <frame marginwidth=点数> 【5】设定分割视窗卷轴 -- scrolling <frame scrolling=#> #号可为 yes:固定出现卷轴 no:不出现卷轴 auto:自动判断文件大小需不需要卷轴(预设值) 【6】锁住分割视窗的大小 -- noresize <frame noresize>


<a href="#" style="color:red">文汇传媒</a>链接颜色为红色<a href="#" style="color:blue">文汇传媒</a>链接颜色为蓝色<a href="#" style="color:#ccc">文汇传媒</a>链接颜色为灰色采用css来实现,style里面不只可以增加颜色、文字大小、行间距、字体样式等等。


一组专门的预定义的类称为伪类,主要用来处理超链接的状态。超链接文字的状态可以通过伪类选择符+样式规则来控制。伪类选择符包括: ① a:link:未访问链接 ② a:visited:已访问链接 ③ a:active:激活时(链接获得焦点时)链接的颜色 ④ a:hover:鼠标移到链接上时 一般a:hover和a:visited链接的状态(颜色、下划线等)应该是相同的。前三者分别对应body元素的link、vlink、alink这三个属性。四个“状态”的先后过程是:a:link ->a:hover ->a:active ->a:visited。另外,a:active不能设置有无下划线(总是有的)。 举例:伪类的常见状态值<style type = “text/css”><!--a:link {color: blue; text-decoration:none;} //未访问:蓝色、无下划线a:active:{color: red; } //激活:红色a:visited {color:purple;text-decoration:none;} //已访问:purple、无下划线a:hover {color: red; text-decoration:underline;} //鼠标移近:红色、下划线--></style>


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 程序设计 >> 其他编程语言 问题描述: 请高手提供dreamwear中标签库各代码的含义 解析: 总类(所有HTML文件都有的) 文件类型 <HTML></HTML> (放在档案的开头与结尾) 文件主题 <TITLE></TITLE> (必须放在「文头」区块内) 文头 <HEAD></HEAD> (描述性资料,像是「主题」) 文体 <BODY></BODY> (文件本体) 结构性定义(由浏览器控制的显示风格) 标题 <H?></H?> (从1到6,有六层选择) 3.0 标题的对齐 <H? ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT></H?> 3.0 区分 <DIV></DIV> 3.0 区分的对齐 <DIV ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER|JUSTIFY></DIV> 引文区块 <BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> (通常会内缩) 强调 <EM></EM> (通常会以斜体显示) 特别强调 <STRONG></STRONG> (通常会以加粗显示) 引文 <CITE></CITE> (通常会以斜体显示) 码 <CODE></CODE> (显示原始码之用) 样本 <SAMP></SAMP> 键盘输入 <KBD></KBD> 变数 <VAR></VAR> 定义 <DFN></DFN> (有些浏览器不提供) 地址 <ADDRESS></ADDRESS> 3.0 大字 <BIG></BIG> 3.0 小字 <SMALL></SMALL> 与外观相关的标签(作者自订的表现方式) 加粗 <B></B> 斜体 <I></I> 3.0 底线 <U></U> (尚有些浏览器不提供) 3.0 删除线 <S></S> (尚有些浏览器不提供) 3.0 下标 <SUB></SUB> 3.0 上标 <SUP></SUP> 打字机体 <TT></TT> (用单空格字型显示) 预定格式 <PRE></PRE> (保留文件中空格的大小) 预定格式的宽度 <PRE WIDTH=?></PRE>(以字元计算) N1.0+ 向中看齐 <CENTER></CENTER> (文字与图片都可以) N1.0 闪耀 <BLINK></BLINK> (有史以来最被嘲弄的标签) N1.0 字体大小 <FONT SIZE=?></FONT>(从1到7) N1.0 改变字体大小 <FONT SIZE=+|-?></FONT> N1.0 基本字体大小 <BASEFONT SIZE=?> (从1到7; 内定为3) N2.0 字体颜色 <FONT COLOR="#$$$$$$"></FONT> 连结与图形 链接 <A HREF="URL"></A> 链接到锚点 <A HREF="URL#***"></A>(如果锚点在另一个档案) <A HREF="#***"></A> (如果锚点目前的档案) N2.0 链接到目的视框 <A HREF="URL" TARGET="***"></A> 设定锚点 <A NAME="***"></A> 图形 <IMG SRC="URL"> 图形看齐方式 <IMG SRC="URL" ALIGN=TOP|BOTTOM|MIDDLE> N1.0 图形看齐方式 <IMG SRC="URL" ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|TEXTTOP|ABSMIDDLE|BASELINE|ABSBOTTOM> 取代文字 <IMG SRC="URL" ALT="***"> (如果没有办法显示图形则显示此文字) 点选图 <IMG SRC="URL" ISMAP> (需要CGI程式) N2.0 点选图 <IMG SRC="URL" USEMAP="URL"> N2.0 地图 <MAP NAME="***"></MAP>(描述地图) N2.0 段落 <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS=",,," HREF="URL"|NOHREF> 3.0 大小 <IMG SRC="URL" WIDTH="?" HEIGHT="?">(以pixels为单位) N1.0 图形边缘 <IMG SRC="URL" BORDER=?> (以pixels为单位) N1.0 图形边缘空间 <IMG SRC="URL" HSPACE=? VSPACE=?> (以pixels为单位) N1.0 低解析度图形 <IMG SRC="URL" LOWSRC="URL"> N1.1 用户端拉 <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="?; URL=URL">(使用端自动更新 ) N2.0 内嵌物件 <EMBED SRC="URL"> (将物件插入页面) N2.0 内嵌物件大小 <EMBED SRC="URL" WIDTH="?" HEIGHT="?"> 分隔 段落 <P> (通常是两个return) 3.0 段落 <P></P> (新定义成容器型标签) 3.0 文字看齐方式 <P ALIGN=LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT></P> 换行 <BR> (一个return) N1.0 文字部份看齐方式<BR CLEAR=LEFT|RIGHT|ALL>(与图形合用时) 横线 <HR> N1.0 横线对齐 <HR ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER> N1.0 横线厚度 <HR SIZE=?> (以pixels为单位) N1.0 横线宽度 <HR WIDTH=?> (以pixels为单位) N1.0 横线比率宽度 <HR WIDTH=%> (以页宽为100%) N1.0 实线 <HR NOSHADE> (没有立体效果) N1.0 不可换行 <NOBR></NOBR> (不换行) N1.0 可换行处 <WBR> (如果需要,可在此断行) 列举 (可以巢状列举) 无次序式列举 <UL><LI></UL> (<LI> 放在每一项前) N1.0 公布式列举 <UL TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE>(定义全部的列举项) <LI TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE>(定义这个及其后的列举项) 有次序式列举 <OL><LI></OL> (<LI> 放在每一项前) N1.0 数标型态 <OL TYPE=A|a|I|i|1> (定义全部的列举项) <LI TYPE=A|a|I|i|1> (定义这个及其后的列举项) N1.0 起始数字 <OL VALUE=?> (定义全部的列举项) <LI VALUE=?> (定义这个及其后的列举项) 定义式列举 <DL><DT><DD></DL>(<DT>项目, <DD>定义) 表单式列举 <MENU><LI></MENU>(<LI> 放在每一项前) 目录式列举 <DIR><LI></DIR> (<LI> 放在每一项前) 背景与颜色 3.0 重复排列的背景 <BODY BACKGROUND="URL"> N1.1+ 背景颜色 <BODY BGCOLOR="#$$$$$$"> (依序为红、绿、蓝) N1.1+ 文字颜色 <BODY TEXT="#$$$$$$"> N1.1+ 连结颜色 <BODY LINK="#$$$$$$"> N1.1+ 看过的连结 <BODY VLINK="#$$$$$$"> N1.1 使用中的连结 <BODY ALINK="#$$$$$$"> 特殊字元(以下标签需用小写) 特别符号 ?; (其中 ? 代表 ISO 8859-1 的编码) < < > > & lt;& gt; 注册商标TM & reg; N1.0+ 注册商标TM & reg; 著作权符号 & copy; N1.0+ 著作权符号 & copy; 表单 (通常需要与CGI程式配合) 定义表单 <FORM ACTION="URL" METHOD=GET|POST></FORM> N2.0 上传档案 <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data></FORM> 输入栏位 <INPUT TYPE="TEXT|PASSWORD|CHECKBOX|RADIO|IMAGE|HIDDEN|SUBMIT|RESET"> 栏位名称 <INPUT NAME="***"> 栏位内定值 <INPUT VALUE="***"> 已选定 <INPUT CHECKED> (适用于checkboxes与 radio boxes) 栏位宽度 <INPUT SIZE=?> (以字元数为单位) 最长字数 <INPUT MAXLENGTH=?> (以字元数为单位) 下拉式选单 <SELECT></SELECT> 下拉式选单名称 <SELECT NAME="***"></SELECT> 选单项目数量 <SELECT SIZE=?></SELECT> 多选式选单 <SELECT MULTIPLE> (多选) 选项 <OPTION> 内定选项 <OPTION SELECTED> 文字输入区 <TEXTAREA ROWS=? COLS=?></textarea> 输入区名称 <TEXTAREA NAME="***"></textarea> N2.0 输入区换行方式 <TEXTAREA WRAP=OFF|VIRTUAL|PHYSICAL></textarea> 表格 3.0 定义表格 <TABLE></TABLE> 3.0 表格框线 <TABLE BORDER></TABLE> (有或没有) N1.1 表格框线 <TABLE BORDER=?></TABLE>(可以设定数值) N1.1 储存格左右留白 <TABLE CELLSPACING=?> N1.1 储存格上下留白 <TABLE CELLPADDING=?> N1.1 表格宽度 <TABLE WIDTH=?> (以pixels为单位) N1.1 宽度比率 <TABLE WIDTH=%> (页宽为100%) 3.0 表格列 <TR></TR> 3.0 表格列内容看齐 <TR ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER VALIGN=TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM> 3.0 储存格 <TD></TD> (须与列并用) 3.0 储存格内容看齐 <TD ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER VALIGN=TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM> 3.0 不换行 <TD NOWRAP> N3.0 储存格背景颜色 <TD BGCOLOR=#$$$$$$> 3.0 储存格横向连接 <TD COLSPAN=?> 3.0 储存格纵向连接 <TD ROWSPAN=?> N1.1 储存格宽度 <TD WIDTH=?> (以pixels为单位) N1.1 储存格宽度比率 <TD WIDTH=%> (页宽为100%) 3.0 表格标题 <TH></TH> (跟<TD>一样,不过会对中并加粗) 3.0 表格标题对齐 <TH ALIGN=LEFT|RIGHT|CENTER VALIGN=TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM> 3.0 表格标题不换行 <TH NOWRAP> 3.0 表格标题占几栏 <TH COLSPAN=?> 3.0 表格标题占几列 <TH ROWSPAN=?> N1.1 表格标题宽度 <TH WIDTH=?> (以pixels为单位) N1.1 表格标题比率宽度<TH WIDTH=%> (页宽为100%) 3.0 表格抬头 <CAPTION></CAPTION> 3.0 表格抬头看齐 <CAPTION ALIGN=TOP|BOTTOM>(在表格之上/之下) 视框 (定义与控制萤幕上的特定区域) N2.0 视框格式总定义 <FRAMESET></FRAMESET> (取代<BODY>) N2.0 视框行长度分配 <FRAMESET ROWS=,,,></FRAMESET>(pixels 或 %) N2.0 视框行长度分配 <FRAMESET ROWS=*></FRAMESET> (* = 相对大小) N2.0 视框栏宽度分配 <FRAMESET COLS=,,,></FRAMESET>(pixels 或 %) N2.0 视框栏宽度分配 <FRAMESET COLS=*></FRAMESET> (* =相对大小) N2.0 定义个别视框 <FRAME> (定义个别视框) N2.0 个别视框内容 <FRAME SRC="URL"> N2.0 个别视框名称 <FRAME NAME="***"|_blank|_self|_parent|_top> N2.0 边缘宽度 <FRAME MARGINWIDTH=?> (「左」与「右」边界) N2.0 边缘高度 <FRAME MARGINHEIGHT=?> (「天顶」与「地底」边界) N2.0 卷动条 <FRAME SCROLLING="YES|NO|AUTO"> N2.0 不可改变大小 <FRAME NORESIZE> N2.0 无视框时的内容 <NOFRAMES></NOFRAMES>(如果浏览器不提供视框功能的话) 杂项 说明 (浏览器不会显示) 档案型态声明 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-IETFDTD HTML 2.0EN"> 3.0 档案型态声明 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-W3ODTD W3 HTML 3.0EN"> 可搜寻 <ISINDEX> (指示可搜寻的索引项) N1.0 提示 <ISINDEX PROMPT="***"> (要求输入的提示文字) 送出搜寻条件 <A HREF="URL?***"></a> (其中的问号不是数字,而是「问号」) 基本档案的URL <BASE HREF="URL"> (必须放在「文头」区段内) N2.0 基本视窗名称 <BASE TARGET="***"> (必须放在「文头」区段内) 相关性 <LINK REV="***" REL="***" HREF="URL"> (必须放在「文头」区段内) 背景资讯 <META> (必须放在「文头」区段内)



Dreamweaver 如何制作活动菜单条效果

在自己的网页中加一些元素在Dreamweaer 中实现自动隐藏窗口功能效果,具体怎么做呢?大家就和我一起来制作吧!第1步:制作菜单外貌在Dreamweaer 中新建一个文件,绘制一个层,在该层中插入一个表格(如图1),对该表格进行修饰,然后加入菜单项并建立各项的超链接,为了去掉超链接的下划线,可以编辑超链接的CSS样式,在CSS样式面板中通过CSS选择器将“Link”和“Hover”的“Decoration(装饰)”均设置为 “None(无)”,将“Hover”的“Color(颜色)”设置为红色,最后将设置好的样式应用到各个菜单条中(可按“F12”键预览效果)。第2步:设计菜单的动态效果1、选定层面,当鼠标变成“十”字形时按住左键将层面拖动到页面右上角(使整个菜单条完全露出但上边缘正好靠拢页面上边界),在窗口菜单中打开时间线面板,选定层面将其拖动到时间线上,Dreamweaer会自动产生一个长度为15帧的动画对象,拖动该动画对象的最后一个关键帧到第30帧,将其长度设置为30帧。然后在第15帧处单击右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“添加关键帧”选项插入一个关键帧,并将层面拖动到适当位置(如图2)。在时间线窗口中的第15帧处再次单击右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“添加动作”,为该帧添加一个交互行为,Dreamweaer将自动打开行为面板。单击行为面板中的“+”按钮,从弹出的菜单中选择“Timeline/Stop Timeline”,打开“Stop Timeline”对话框,选择“Timeline1”后单击“确定”按钮关闭该对话框。交互行为的事件为“onFrame15”,动作为“Stop Timeline”,这样当时间线运行到第15帧时,动画将停止播放,这样就实现了菜单条弹回的功能。2、用同样的方法在时间线的第30帧处也添加一个“Stop Timeline”的交互行为,这样就实现了菜单弹出的功能。添加了这两个交互行为后,在时间线窗口的相应帧上面都出现了一个蓝色方块,它代表一个交互行为。选择“自动播放和循环”复选框,使动画能够自动循环播放(如图3)。3、现在还要设置一个行为让时间线停止后能继续播放。我的设想是这样的:在一般状态下菜单条弹回但仅保留下方的“校园大观”字样,而菜单条再次弹出和弹回则由鼠标是否经过了菜单条上的“校园大观”来控制。如此可以这样继续进行:选定菜单条中的“校园大观”(要确保该字样的超链接地址为“#”,即空链接)字样,单击行为面板中的“+”按钮,在弹出的菜单中选择“Timeline/Play Timeline”,在接着弹出的对话框中选择“Timeline1”后单击确定按钮,这时行为面板中将增加一个行为,在其“Events”下拉列表中选择“onMouseOver”事件,表示当鼠标处于该字样上方时播放动画(如图4)。一个活动菜单条制作完成了。可以按“F12”键预览其效果。





Dreamweaver java脚本关键字

不是很清楚你问的是什么 在JSP中<% %>之间都是JAVA的内容啊~~如果说是关键字的话,都是JAVA的关键字。Java的关键字有:abstract default if private this boolean do implements protected throw break double import public throws byte else instanceof return transient case extends int short try catch final interface static void char finally long strictfp volatile class float native super while const for new switch continue goto package synchronized 具体有什么用途的话,随便找本Java基础的书都有啊。


1.先建立一个名为"漂浮.js"的JS文件,代码为: var no = 8 ;var oTime = new Date();var lastTime = oTime.getTime();var x_sin, x_point, y_point;var x_length, x_increased, y_increased;var i, body_width = 932, body_height = 538;var lastTime = 0;var fallInterval = 2.4;x_sin = new Array();x_point = new Array();y_point = new Array();x_length = new Array();x_increased = new Array();y_increased = new Array();var oBody = document.body;var d=document;/*body_width = oBody.clientWidth;body_height = oBody.clientHeight;*/for (i = 0; i < no; ++ i) { snowFlakeImgNo = Math.round(Math.random()*(snowflake.length-1)); x_sin[i] = 0; x_point[i] = Math.random()*(body_width-250)+100; y_point[i] = Math.random()*body_height; x_length[i] = Math.random()*20;// x_increased[i] = 0.02 + Math.random()/10;// y_increased[i] = 0.7 + Math.random(); x_increased[i] = 0.08 + Math.random()/5; y_increased[i] = 2.7 + Math.random()*2; d.write("<div id="snowFlakeDiv_"+ i +"" style="position:absolute; z-index:11; visibility:visible; top: 15px; left: 215px;"><img src="" + snowflake[snowFlakeImgNo] + "" border="0" id="snowImg_"+ i +""></div>");}function snowFlakeFloat() { var now = new Date(); var second = now.getTime(); var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop; var snowflakeDiv_0 = d.getElementById("snowFlakeDiv_0"); var snowflakeDiv_1 = d.getElementById("snowFlakeDiv_1"); var snowflakeDiv_2 = d.getElementById("snowFlakeDiv_2"); var snowflakeDiv_3 = d.getElementById("snowFlakeDiv_3"); var snowflakeDiv_4 = d.getElementById("snowFlakeDiv_4"); var snowflakeDiv_5 = d.getElementById("snowFlakeDiv_5"); var snowflakeDiv_6 = d.getElementById("snowFlakeDiv_6"); var snowflakeDiv_7 = d.getElementById("snowFlakeDiv_7"); for (i = 0; i < no; i++) { if (y_point[i] >= 0) { y_point[i] += y_increased[i]; } if (y_point[i] > scrollTop + body_height - 10 || y_point[i] < scrollTop || y_point[i] < 0) { // 移出窗口,或在等待队列 if ((second - lastTime) / 1000 > fallInterval) { // 从队列中下落 snowFlakeImgNo = Math.round(Math.random()*(snowflake.length-1)); if (document.getElementById("snowImg_"+i)) { document.getElementById("snowImg_"+i).src = snowflake[snowFlakeImgNo]; } x_point[i] = Math.random()*(body_width-x_length[i]-250) + 100; y_point[i] = scrollTop; x_increased[i] = 0.05 + Math.random()/2; y_increased[i] = 2.7 + Math.random()/2;// x_increased[i] = 0.05;// y_increased[i] = 2.7; body_width = oBody.clientWidth; body_height = oBody.clientHeight; lastTime = second; }else { y_point[i] = -50; } } x_sin[i] += x_increased[i]; eval("snowflakeDiv_"+i).style.pixelTop = y_point[i]; eval("snowflakeDiv_"+i).style.pixelLeft = x_point[i] + x_length[i]*Math.sin(x_sin[i]); }}window.setInterval("snowFlakeFloat()",100); 2. 在你需要的页面链接代码文件:<SCRIPT language=javascript src="漂浮.js"></SCRIPT> 3. 加入图片, 代码为: <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>//我这只加了三张图片,其实你还可以多加几种图片,图片文件一般小。var snowflake = new Array(); snowflake[0] ="float1.gif";//图片一snowflake[1] ="float2.gif";//图片二snowflake[2] ="float3.gif";//图片三</SCRIPT> 呵呵,做好这几步,一个漂亮的漂浮就搞定了。




最多人还是学这个Dreamweaver可以用front page








在布局工具栏中,“标准模式”、“扩展模式”、“布局模式”,这三个要选择“标准模式”才可以插入表格有以下三种视图种类:代码视图,可以看到基础的HTML代码设计视图,文档看起来与它在浏览器中的外观非常相似拆分视图,同时显示代码视图对象面板默认包含6个嵌板: Characters(字符)、Common(常用对象)、Forms(表单对象)、Frames(框架对象)、Head(头部元素)和 Invisibles(不可见元素)。可以修改面板中的任何对象,或创建自己的对象。二、 Common(常用对象嵌板)对象面板中的常用对象嵌板包含最常用的对象 : Image(图像按钮)把一幅图像插入文档中光标所在处。单击图像按钮,Select Image Source(选择图像源文件)对话框出现,从中可以选择要插入的图像文件。 Rollover(轮换图像按钮)提示你指定用于定义轮换图像的两个图像文件。当鼠标指针掠过轮换图像时会换显另一幅图像。 Table(表格按钮)把一张表格插入文档中光标所在处。 Tabular Data(表格化数据按钮)把表格插入文档中光标所在处,并用来自其它文件(如从Microsoft Excel 中导出的含有分隔符的文本文件)的表格数据填充。 HR(水平线)在文档中光标所在处插入水平线。 Navigation Bar(导航栏按钮)插入一组用于站点导航的图像。 Layer(层按钮)创建层。单击该按钮,然后将鼠标指针移动到文档窗口中拖动,即可定义层的大小和位置。在默认情况下,Dreamweaver创建的层由DIV标记定义。使用属性检查器选择不同标签,或改变层参数的默认设置。 Line Break(断行符按钮)在文档中光标所在处插入断行符() 。可以通过按Shift+Enter 插入断行符。 E-Mail Link(e-mail链接按钮)在文档中光标所在处插入e-mail链接。 Date(日期按钮)在文档中光标所在处插入日期。单击该按钮,Insert Date(插入日期)对话框出现。在该对话框中可以指定一个日期格式,并可指示Dreamweaver是否在你每次保存文件时都应该更新日期。 Flash(插入Flash动画按钮)使用OBJECT和EMBED标记,在文档中光标所在处插入Flash动画。Select File(选择文件)对话框出现,在该对话框中可以选择一个动画文件。CODEBASE、 CLASS ID和 PLUGINSPAGE属性已经为Flash动画预置了适当的值,用属性检查器为所插入的动画指定其它属性值。 Shockwave(插入Shockwave动画按钮)在文档中光标所在处使用OBJECT and EMBED标记插入Shockwave 动画。在此情况下, CODEBASE、 CLASS ID和 PLUGINSPAGE属性已经为Shockwave动画预置了适当的值。Select File对话框出现,在该对话框中可以选择一个动画文件。也可以使用属性检查器来指定动画文件。 Generator(插入Generator对象按钮)在文档中光标所在处插入Generator对象。 Fireworks HTML(插入Fireworks HTML按钮)在文档中光标所在处插入 Fireworks生成的HTML文档和图像。 Applet(插入Java小程序按钮)在文档中光标所在处插入Java小程序。只有在浏览器中查看时Java小程序才出现。Select File对话框出现,在该对话框中可以指定包含小程序代码的文件。用属性检查器指定Java小程序的其它属性。 ActiveX (插入ActiveX控件按钮)在文档中光标所在处插入ActiveX控件。用属性检查器指定源文件和ActiveX控件的其它属性。 Plugin(插入插件按钮)使用EMBED标记在文档中光标所在处插入一个文件,该文件需要Netscape插件来回放。Select File对话框出现,在该对话框中可以指定源文件。


因为你没用对!!! 试试这段代码! <embed src="" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="true"></embed>




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