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American强调民族,即nation/race.America"s强调国家,即state,在两者意思都能讲通的情况下一般用American. 民族和国家意思相近,经常混用,但有所不同. “美国人” = American,因为民族这个概念先于国家建立. “美式英语”= American English,因为语言是人说的,与社会和国家的架构无关. “美国的危机”= America"s crisis,因为危机是国家的危机,不可能是“美国式的”危机.如果说“美国民族的危机”会用别的说法. 总的来说语言是个玩儿经验和概率很多的东西,所以还是要积累.


america读音:英 [əˈmerɪkə]   美 [əˈmerɪkə]  。解释:n.美国;美洲。双语例句:1、South America and Africa separated 200 million years ago. 南美洲和非洲于2亿年前分离。2、South America separated from Africa 200 million years ago. 2亿年前南美洲和非洲分离。3、It"s the fifth time that I"ve been to America. 这是我第五次去美国了。4、He went into a long monologue about life in America. 他开始滔滔不绝地谈起美国的生活。5、In America, presidential elections are held every four years. 美国每四年举行一次总统选举。


america的读音是:英[ə"merɪkə],美[ə"merɪkə]。词汇用法:从习惯上来说,America指“美国”。但从严格意义上来说,America指的是“美洲”,而非“美国”。“美国”是the United States (of America),“美国人”是citizen of the United States (of America);指“美国北部”时,不可用North America来表达,而应该用the North of the United States。词语解释:America,可指“美洲”、“美国”。当指美洲时,译作“亚美利加”,即美洲全称亚美利加洲。当指美国时,译作“美利坚”,即美国全称美利坚合众国。也可指二十世纪七十年代美国民谣摇滚乐团America(亚美利加合唱团)和他们的同名专辑《America》。america的英语例句:1.He"s touring South America at this moment in time.他此刻正在南美旅游观光。2.America has enough firepower in the area to mount sustained air strikes.美国在该地区拥有足够的火力发动持续的空中打击。3.America imports about 190 million pounds of tea a year.美国每年进口大约1.9亿磅茶叶。4.You lived on the farm until you came back to America?你回美国之前一直生活在农场吗?5.Ford never desisted from trying to persuade him to return to America.福特从未停止过劝说他返回美国。6.America won"t countenance any such circumvention of the sanctions.美国不会赞成任何规避制裁的行为。7. His ancestors had come to America from lreland.他的祖先从爱尔兰来到美国。8. Bank of America merged with a rival bank.美国银行和一家竞争银行合并了。9. America is the land of freedom and opportunity.美国是一个拥有自由与机遇的国度。10. New York represents everything that"s great about America.纽约象征着美国伟大的一切。

电脑开机显示american megatrends怎么解决?


Asian Americans是什么人?

Asian Americans亚裔美国人还可以有另外一种说法Ameriasian,实际上就是把American 和Asian组合成了一个词。同理French-Canadians,法裔加拿大人French-American 法裔美国人

划分主谓宾等,急! there were shows like american idol and amerian"s got talented

这是一个倒装句.主语是shows,谓语系动词是were;后面like American idol.....是shows的定语。

Americans consider baseball as an American sport. They often refer to something being “as Ameri..

小题1:An American sport小题2:Because he organized a baseball club and developed 20rules distinguishing baseball fromprevious ball games 小题3:An English gamecalled“rounders” 小题4:The history of American baseball 试题分析:【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了美国棒球的发展史。小题1:An American sport 或 Very important考查同义句表达。根据文章第一段中的Americans consider baseball as an American sport.可知答案;小题2:Because he organized a baseball club and developed 20rules distinguishing baseball fromprevious ball games 根据文章第三段中的The father of baseball was Alexander Cartwright, who organized a baseball club in New York. Cartwright developed 20 rules that distinguished baseball from previous ball games.可提炼出答案;小题3:An English gamecalled“rounders” 根据第二段中的American baseball was most likely based on another English game, which is called “rounders”. Players use a soft ball rater than a hard ball while playing rounders.可知答案;小题4:The history of American baseball 考查文章主旨要义。根据文章第一段提出的问题可知,本文主要讲的是美国棒球的历史。

语法分析:there were shows like American I dol and Americca"s Got talent

there be 句型show在这里是做主语的 名词性 复数like 像……一样 介词引导的短语成分做show的后置定语american idol 美国偶像and 和america"s got talent 美国达人整句话的意思是说,曾有一些类似于美国偶像和美国达人一样的节目/表演/秀(show)


参考答案:没有amerian这个词,应该是拼错了。美国双语对照词典结果:American[英][əˈmerɪkən][美][əˈmɛrɪkən]n.美国人,美洲人; 美国英语; adj.美国的,美洲的; 地道美国式的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.American officials initially refused her a work visa. 美国官员起初拒绝发给她工作签证。


可能是主板电池没电了。还有一种可能就是我亲身经历过的,就是将CPU风扇的电源线错插到机箱风扇的接口。仔细辨别主板上CPU FAN和CHA_FAN插的是否正确。这些都会导致开机出现错误,出现你这种情况,但对电脑没啥坏处。

American 为什么不用零冠词?

要点如下:1. 当Americsn表示美国人时,一般都是零冠词,比如I"m not American, I"m Canadian.(我不是美国人,我是加拿大人)2. 当American前面加冠词时,它通常是形容词,加the是形容词名词化。另外,后面跟名词。






America的读音是:英[?"mer?k?]。America的读音是:英[?"mer?k?]。America的词语用法是从习惯上来说,America指“美国”。但从严格意义上来说,America指的是“美洲”,而非“美国”。“美国”是the United States (of America),“美国人”是citizen of the United States (of America)。America【近义词】the States(非正式)美国(=the..。一、详尽释义点此查看America的详细内容n.(名词)美国(美利坚合众国the United States of America)美洲(包括北美和南美洲)北美洲西半球南美洲二、英英释义Noun:North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776North America and South America and Central America三、网络解释1. 美洲;美国:地 点:美洲 > 美国(America) > 佛罗里达州(Florida)照片名称:约翰屈伏塔(John Travolta)私人喷射机别墅报导 (美国佛罗里达州)2. America2. 美利坚:西蒙和加芬克(Simon & Garfunkel)组合于60年代后期横扫英美乐坛,其代表作品既有<>(The Sound of Silence)、<>(I Am a Rock)、<>(America)等向美国五六十年代的价值观提出尖锐质疑的歌曲,也有如<四、例句Are you going to America by boat or by plane?你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机?It"s time for us to say "No" to America.是我们对美国说不的时候了。One of his forefathers was an early settler in America.他的祖先之一是美洲的早期移民。There were lots of buffaloes in the North America 100 years ago.100年前,北美有大量的野牛。Maize is widely planted in the America.玉米在美洲广泛种植。五、词汇搭配North America北美洲South America南美洲Middle America美国中部Latin America拉丁美洲United States Of America美利坚合众国(简称美...Central America中美洲(在墨西哥与南...Spanish America西班牙美洲volunteers of Americavoa美国志愿军(1...六、情景对话Football-(美式橄榄球)AmericaB:Wow, American football is more exciting than I thought.哇,美式足球可比我想象的刺激多了。A:You"re inAmerica now, my British friend. We just call it football.我的英国朋友,你现在可是在美国,我们叫它橄榄球。B:Oh, right. So, I can"t quite follow what"s going on…who"s winning?哦,对了。哦,我不知道情况怎么样了,谁赢了?A:The Giants are up by three points because of the field goal they kicked, but the Redskins have the ball and there pretty close to the end zone.因为射门得分,巨人队领先3分。但现在是红人队控球,而且很接近底线区了。B:Wow! What a hit!哇,瞧这球!A:Yeah, he tackled him so hard his helmet came off.是呀,他拼命抢球头盔都掉了。B:Is he ok?他没事吧?America的近义词A:It looks like it, he"s getting up.好像是,他站起来了。B:I guess he hit him too hard; the referee just called a penalty on the home team.我猜他强得太凶,裁判判罚主队。A:The Giants?你是说巨人队?B:Yeah.是呀。A:Well, here we go again.哦,又继续打了。B:What happened? Why did everyone get so quiet?怎么回事?大家都不说话了。A:The Redskin"s quarterback just threw a touchdown pass for seven points. We"re losing again.红人队的四分卫触地板回了7分,我们又输了。七、词语用法从习惯上来说,America指“美国”。但从严格意义上来说,America指的是“美洲”,而非“美国”。“美国”是the United States (of America),“美国人”是citizen of the United States (of America);指“美国北部”时,不可用North America来表达,而应该用the North of the United States;the Americas指“南北美洲”。America的相关临近词American、amenity、Americas、Americao、americate、americaine、Americainrex、America model、America Poems、America forest、America forces点此查看更多关于America的详细信息

the civil rights movement in America

  The Civil Rights Movement in the United States has been a long, primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to all Americans. The movement has had a lasting impact on United States society, in its tactics, the increased social and legal acceptance of civil rights, and in its exposure of the prevalence and cost of racism.  The American Civil Rights movement has been made up of many movements. The term usually refers to the political struggles and reform movements between 1945 and 1970 to end discrimination against African Americans and to end legal racial segregation, especially in the U.S. South.  This article focuses on an earlier phase of the struggle. Two United States Supreme Court decisions—Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), which upheld "separate but equal" racial segregation as constitutional doctrine, and Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) which overturned Plessy— serve as milestones. This was an era of stops and starts, in which some movements, such as Marcus Garvey"s Universal Negro Improvement Association, achieved great success but left little lasting legacy, while others, such as the NAACP"s painstaking legal assault on state-sponsored segregation, achieved modest results in its early years but made steady progress on voter rights and gradually built to a key victory in Brown v. Board of Education.  After the Civil War, the U. S. expanded the legal rights of African Americans. Congress passed, and enough states ratified, an amendment ending slavery in 1865—the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This amendment only outlawed slavery; it did not provide equal rights, nor citizenship. In 1868, the 14th Amendment was ratified by the states, granting African Americans citizenship. Black persons born in the U. S. were extended equal protection under the laws of the Constitution. The 15th Amendment was ratified in (1870), which stated that race could not be used as a condition to deprive men of the ability to vote. During Reconstruction (1865-1877), Northern troops occupied the South. Together with the Freedmen"s Bureau, they tried to administer and enforce the new constitutional amendments. Many black leaders were elected to local and state offices, and others organized community groups.  Reconstruction ended following the Compromise of 1877 between Northern and Southern white elites. In exchange for deciding the contentious Presidential election in favor of Rutherford B. Hayes, supported by Northern states, over his opponent, Samuel J. Tilden, the compromise called for the withdrawal of Northern troops from the South. This followed violence and fraud in southern elections in 1876, which had reduced black voter turnout and enabled Southern white Democrats to regain power in state legislatures across the South. The compromise and withdrawal of Federal troops meant that white Democrats had more freedom to impose and enforce discriminatory practices. Many African Americans responded to the withdrawal of federal troops by leaving the South in what is known as the Kansas Exodus of 1879.  The Radical Republicans, who spearheaded Reconstruction, had attempted to eliminate both governmental and private discrimination by legislation. That effort was largely ended by the Supreme Court"s decision in the Civil Rights Cases, 109 U.S. 3 (1883), in which the Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment did not give Congress power to outlaw racial discrimination by private individuals or businesses.  Segregation  The Supreme Court"s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld state-mandated discrimination in public transportation under the "separate but equal" doctrine. While in the 20th century, the Supreme Court began to overturn state statutes that disfranchised African Americans, as in Guinn v. United States (1915), with Plessy, it upheld segregation that Southern states enforced in nearly every other sphere of public and private life.  As Justice Harlan, the only member of the Court to dissent from the decision, predicted:  If a state can prescribe, as a rule of civil conduct, that whites and blacks shall not travel as passengers in the same railroad coach, why may it not so regulate the use of the streets of its cities and towns as to compel white citizens to keep on one side of a street, and black citizens to keep on the other? Why may it not, upon like grounds, punish whites and blacks who ride together in street cars or in open vehicles on a public road or street? . . . .  The Court soon extended Plessy to uphold segregated schools. In Berea College v. Kentucky, 211 U.S. 45 (1908), the Court upheld a Kentucky statute that barred Berea College, a private institution, from teaching both black and white students in an integrated setting. Many states, particularly in the South, took Plessy and Berea as blanket approval for restrictive laws, generally known as Jim Crow laws, that created second-class status for African-Americans.  In many cities and towns, African-Americans were not allowed to share a taxi with whites or enter a building through the same entrance. They had to drink from separate water fountains, use separate restrooms, attend separate schools, be buried in separate cemeteries and even swear on separate Bibles. They were excluded from restaurants and public libraries. Many parks barred them with signs that read "Negroes and dogs not allowed." One municipal zoo went so far as to list separate visiting hours.  The etiquette of racial segregation was even harsher, particularly in the South. African Americans were expected to step aside to let a white person pass, and black men dared not look any white woman in the eye. Black men and women were addressed as "Tom" or "Jane", but rarely as "Mr." or "Miss" or "Mrs." Whites referred to black men of any age as "boy" and a black woman as "girl"; both often were called by labels such as "nigger" or "colored."  Less formal social segregation in the North began to yield to change.  Jackie Robinson"s Major League Baseball debut, 1947  Jackie Robinson was a sports pioneer of the Civil Rights Movement. Jackie Robinson is most well known for becoming the first African American to play professional sports in the major leagues. He is not often recognized as one of earliest public figures in the Civil Rights Movement. He debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers of Major League Baseball on April 15, 1947. Jackie Robinson"s first major league game came one year before the U.S. Army was integrated, seven years before Brown v. Board of Education, eight years before Rosa Parks, and before Martin Luther King Jr. was leading the Civil Rights Movement. Jackie Robinson stepped into the spotlight before many of the most notable people in the Civil Rights Movement history. Every day he played, he was an example and role model for countless children and youths.  Disfranchisement  Main article: Disfranchisement after the Civil War  By the turn of the century, white-dominated Southern legislatures disfranchised nearly all age-eligible African American voters through a combination of statute and constitutional provisions. While requirements applied to all citizens, in practice, they were targeted at blacks and poor whites, and subjectively administered. In addition, opponents of black civil rights used economic reprisals and sometimes violence in the 1880s to discourage blacks from registering to vote.  Mississippi was the first state to have such constitutional provisions, such as poll taxes, literacy tests (which depended on subjective by white registrars), and complicated record keeping to establish residency, litigated before the Supreme Court. In 1898 the Court upheld the state, in Williams v. Mississippi. Other Southern states quickly adopted the "Mississippi plan", and from 1890-1908, ten states adopted new constitutions with provisions to disfranchise most blacks and many poor whites. States continued to disfranchise these groups for decades. Blacks were most adversely affected, as in many states black voter turnout dropped to zero. Poor whites were also disfranchised. In Alabama, for instance, by 1941, 600,000 poor whites had been disfranchised, and 520,000 blacks.[1]  It was not until the 20th century that litigation by African Americans on such provisions began to meet some success before the Supreme Court. In 1915 in Guinn v. United States, the Court declared Oklahoma"s "grandfather law", to be unconstitutional. Although the decision affected all states that used the grandfather clause, state legislatures quickly devised new devices to continue disfranchisement. Each provision or statute had to be litigated separately. One device the Democratic Party began to use more widely in Southern states was the white primary, which served for decades to disfranchise the few blacks who managed to get past barriers of voter registration. Barring blacks from voting in the Democratic Party primaries meant they had no chance to vote in the only competitive contests. White primaries were not struck down by the Supreme Court until Smith v. Allwright in 1944.  Criminal law and lynching  In 1880, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 U.S. 303 (1880) that African Americans could not be excluded from juries. The late 19th century disfranchisement of blacks in the South, however, meant that blacks were routinely barred from jury service, as it was reserved for voters only. This left them at the mercy of a white justice system arrayed against them. In some states, particularly Alabama, the state used the criminal justice system to reestablish a form of peonage in the form of the convict-lease system. The state sentenced black males to years of imprisonment, which they spent working without pay. The state leased prisoners to private employers, such as Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, a subsidiary of United States Steel Corporation, which paid the state for their labor. Because the state made money, the system created incentives for the jailing of more men, who were disproportionately black. It also created a system in which treatment of prisoners received little oversight.  Extra-judicial punishment was even more brutal. During the last decade of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, white vigilantes lynched thousands of black males, sometimes with the overt assistance of state officials, mostly within the South. No whites were charged with crimes in any of those massacres. Whites were, in fact, so confident of their immunity from prosecution for lynching that they not only photographed the victims, but made postcards out of the pictures.  The Ku Klux Klan, which had largely disappeared after a brief violent career in the early years of Reconstruction, reappeared in 1915. It grew mostly in industrializing cities of the South and Midwest that underwent the most rapid growth from 1910-1930. Social instability contributed to racial tensions from severe competition for jobs and housing. People joined KKK groups who were anxious about their place in American society, as cities were rapidly changed by a combination of industrialization, migration of blacks and whites from the rural South, and waves of increased immigration from mostly rural southern and eastern Europe.[2]  Initially the KKK presented itself as another fraternal organization devoted to betterment of its members. The KKK"s revival was inspired in part by the movie Birth of a Nation, which glorified the earlier Klan and dramatized the racist stereotypes concerning blacks of that era. The Klan focused on political mobilization, which allowed it to gain power in states such as Indiana, on a platform that combined racism with anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic and anti-union rhetoric, but also supported lynching. It reached its peak of membership and influence about 1925, declining rapidly afterward as opponents mobilized.[3]  Segregated economic life and education  In addition to excluding blacks from equal participation in many areas of public life, white society also kept blacks in a position of economic subservience or marginality. After widespread losses from disease and financial failures in the late 19th c., black farmers in the South worked in virtual economic bondage as sharecroppers or tenant farmers. Employers and labor unions generally restricted African Americans to the worst paid and least desirable jobs. Because of the lack of steady, well-paid jobs, relatively undistinguished positions, such as those with the Pullman Porter or as hotel doorman, became prestigious positions in black communities.  The Jim Crow system that excluded African-Americans from many areas of economic life led to creation of a vigorous, but stunted economic life within the segregated sphere. Black newspapers sprang up throughout the North, while black owners of insurance and funeral establishments acquired disproportionate influence as both economic and political leaders.  Continuing to see education as the primary route of advancement and critical for the race, many talented blacks went into teaching, which had high respect as a profession. Segregated schools for blacks were underfunded in the South and ran on shortened schedules in rural areas. Despite segregation in Washington, DC, by contrast, as Federal employees, black and white teachers were paid on the same scale. Outstanding black teachers in the North received advanced degrees and taught in highly regarded schools, which trained the next generation of leaders in cities such as Chicago, Washington, and New York.  Education, in fact, w

the influence of American civil rights movement?


the ambassador of America为什么不对?


American Ambassador to China是什么意思?

American Ambassador to China 美国驻华大使;美国驻中国的大使;美国驻华大使列表例句筛选1.In 1945, Zhou Enlai recommended John Leighton Stuart to be American Ambassadorto China. Zhou took the photo with him in Nanjing.1945年,周恩来推荐司徒雷登担任美国驻华大使。此图为他与周恩来合影于南京。2.In a statement, the American ambassador to China Jon Huntsman said the UnitedStates is displeased by the court"s decision.在一份声明中,一位访华的美国大使乔恩亨兹曼透露美国对这次的法庭判决很不满意。

The salaries of American judges are rather low _ the allowance

D 第一个in comparison with=compared with; 相比之下,是被比较。第二个offered 是指把the allowance 提供给欧洲当地居民。

美国电影用英文怎么说? America film

应该为American filmmovie PS:America只为主格,其意思如下: 1.美洲 2.美国 3.[pl.]南北美洲

American Chestnut

American Chestnut就是American Chestnut

求american eulogy的歌词翻译 greenday的。

17.[American Eulogy]17.美国颂歌(Part I :Mass HysteriaMass Hysteria)(第一部分: 集体歇斯底里)Sing us the song of the century为我们高唱世纪之歌That sings like American eulogy一首美国颂歌The dawn of my love and conspiracy歌唱我之热爱与阴谋的黎明Of forgotten hope and the class of 13关于被遗忘的希望和我们的下一代Tell me a story into that goodnight为我讲述一个故事,陪我晚安Sing us a song for me为我们唱一首歌,为了我Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Red alert is the color of panic红色警报是恐慌的颜色Elevated to the point of static升级到电流的杂讯之中Beating into the hearts of the fanatics跟随狂热分子的心脏跳动And the neighborhood"s a loaded gun闪烁在同胞手中上了膛的枪Idle thought leads to full-throttle screaming懒散的念头导致最高亢的尖叫And the welfare is asphyxiating所谓的福祉令人窒息Mass confusion is all the new rage群众的恐慌是一场新的愤怒And it"s creating a feeding ground它为以歇斯底里为食的人们For the bottom feeders of hysteria创造了寄生之所Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里True sounds of maniacal laughter真实入耳的是疯狂躁动的笑声And the deaf-mute is misleading the choir一个聋哑人瞎指挥着合唱The punch line is a natural disaster最后的点睛之句是一场自然灾难And it"s sung by the unemployed它从无业游民们的嘴里唱出Fight fire with a riot用骚乱与焰火对战The class war is hanging on a wire阶级战争悬于一线Because the martyr is a compulsive liar因为殉难者只是一个一再说谎的人When he said 当他说"It"s just a bunch of niggers throwing gas into the hysteria"“那不过是一群黑鬼,在疯狂地投掷瓦斯而已”Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里There"s a disturbance on the oceanside海边有一阵骚乱They tapped into the reserve他们侵犯了领地The static response is so unclear now而电流现在却如此的嘈杂不清Mayday this is not a test!求救!这不是演习!As the neighborhood burns, American is falling邻墙起火,美国也在坍塌Vigilantes warning you义务警员警告你Calling Christian and Gloria呼唤信徒(Chrisitan基督徒)和荣耀(Gloria)吧 (Part II :Modern World)(第二部分: 现代世界)I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I"m the class of 13我是世界的新一代In the era of dissent反叛的时代A hostage of the soul是灵魂的人质On a strike to pay the rent为拒付租金而罢工The last of the rebels叛逆的最后一代Without a common ground没有常理做根据I"m gonna light a fire我要点起一把火Into the underground让它秘密燃烧在地下I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I am a nation我是一个国家Without bureaucratic ties没有官僚体制的束缚Deny the allegation as it"s written否定一切成文的声明I want to take a ride to the great divide我想驰骋到不一样的地方Beyond the "up to date"“与时俱进”之后And then neo-gentrified就是新一代的中产阶级化The high definition for the low resident底层的居民被高调地定义Where the value of your mind你脑中的价值观Is not held in contempt不会被鄙夷地对待I can hear the sound of我能听到A beating heart一颗跳动的心脏That bleeds beyond a system在体制之上鲜血直流That"s falling apart它四分五裂With money to burn随着即将烧掉的金钱On a minimum wage仅凭着最微薄的收入"Cause I don"t give a shit因为我根本不理会About the modern age这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里I don"t want to live in the modern world我不想生活在这个现代世界Mass Hysteria集体歇斯底里[注:关于class of 13我查到的是...-Who"s the class of "13 in green day"s new album?-Symbolically, the class of 13 refers to the upcoming generation. So it could be either. But Billie came up with the phrase for his son who will graduate from HS in 13.]

歌曲American Idiot(Green Day)的中文翻译

Don"t want to be an American idiot 不想做一个美国傻瓜 Don"t want a nation under the new mania 不想要一个新的狂热下的国家 Can you hear the sound of hysteria 你是否听到了狂野情绪的爆发 The subliminal mind fuck America 人类的原始本能在肆虐这个国家 Welcome to a new kind of tension 欢迎来面对又一个紧张局势 All across the alienation 精神错乱包围了一切 Where everything isn"t meant to be OK 但看起来不是一切尽如人意 Television dreams of tomorrow 媒体在描绘明天的美好 We"re not the ones meant to follow 我们不想和他们一起追随 For that"s enough to argue 因为缺乏充足的理由 Maybe I am the faggot America 也许我是个美国混混 I"m not a part of a redneck agenda 不属于乡巴佬的议事日程 Now every body do the propaganda 现在每个人都在进行着宣传 And sing along to the age of paranoia 执着地向这个偏执狂时代歌唱 Welcome to a new kind of tension 欢迎来面对又一个紧张局势 All across the alienation 精神错乱包围了一切 Where everything isn"t meant to be OK 但看起来不是一切尽如人意 Television dreams of tomorrow 媒体在描绘明天的美好 We"re not the ones meant to follow 我们不想和他们一起追随 For that"s enough to argue 因为缺乏充足的理由 Don"t want to be an American idiot 不想做一个美国傻瓜 One nation controlled by the media 一个被媒体控制了的国家 Information age of hysteria 歇斯底里的信息时代 Calling out to idiot America 产生出美式笨瓜 Welcome to a new kind of tension 欢迎来面对又一个紧张局势 All across the alienation 精神错乱包围了一切 Where everything isn"t meant to be OK 但看起来不是一切尽如人意 Television dreams of tomorrow 媒体在描绘明天的美好 We"re not the ones meant to follow 我们不想和他们一起追随 For that"s enough to argue 因为缺乏充足的理由

The American Art of Cheerleading全篇课文翻译

The American Art of Cheerleading啦啦队的美国艺术


Anna is an American girl.安娜是位美国女孩。American英 [əˈmerɪkən]   美 [əˈmɛrɪkən]  n. 美国人,美洲人;美国英语adj. 美国的,美洲的;地道美国式的

American Welding Society是什么意思


American Society of Agronomy是什么意思

American Society of Agronom是“ 美国农学会”的意思。American Society of Agronom 美国农学会短语ASA American Society of Agronomy 美国农学会American Society of Agronomy logo 农学美国社会journal of american society of agronomy 美国农学会志 ; 《美国农学会志》international service in agronomy award of american society of agronomy 美国农艺学学会国际农艺服务奖例句:"Some of the points he makes are very valid. " Fran Pierce is a professor of cropscience at Washington State University and president of the American Society ofAgronomy. “他的某些观点非常有效”,弗兰•皮尔斯是华盛顿州立大学农作物科学的一名教授,也是美国农学会的会长。

american airlines什么意思

美国飞机 应该是

American Airlines是什么意思

American Airlines美国航空公司

duty free americas是什么意思

Duty Free Americas 网络 美洲免税集团; [例句]Duty free and travel retail tobacco sales in Asia were up7.9%, while sales in theAmericas grew by5.6%.亚洲的免税与旅行零售烟草销售额增长了7.9%,而美洲的免税与旅行零售烟草销售额则增长了5.6%。

Felephone of america ploneers中文翻译?


Who can show me some awesome American Slangs? I mean they r very practical as well

gossip girldesperate wife

American culture是什么意思


Center of the American Experiment是什么意思

  Center of the American Experiment的中文翻译  Center of the American Experiment  美国实验中心

Lin Da is a tour guide for a group of American tourists这里为什么用for不用of

of表示所属关系, "属于...所有的"for (表示对象)为了导游是为游客服务的,游客就是导游的服务对象,因此用for.句意: 琳达为一群美Guo游客当导游.

japanese-american internment 什么意思

japanese-american internment日裔美国人拘留如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

Jean Wagner"s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro - American poetry is his insistenc


16. Jean Wagner"s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his

题干的意义是:在美国黑人诗歌研究方面,吉恩·瓦格纳最持久的贡献是他要从宗教方面进行分析也要以现世的参照标准分析那些诗歌的主张。其中,insistence表示“坚定的主张”,后虚拟语气的宾语从句,从句的谓语用“(should) +动词原形”,所以答案是C。

Afro-American 和African-American 的区别?

前一个是美国黑人 后一个是来源于非洲的美国人

African Americans 表示非洲的美国人么?


African American和black American有什么区别啊?

black American是带有歧视的语气

black American和African American各指什么啊?


african american lady 是什么意思

african american lady 非洲裔美国妇女



african american是可数的吗



African-American非洲裔美国人双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 非裔美国人例句:1.Doing the math it took 143 years before african american were supposedly on equal political footing! 掐指一算,非裔美国人获得平等的政治地位用了整整143年!


African-American美 [??fr?k?n???mer?k?n]adj.非洲裔美国人的n.非洲裔美国人非裔美国人;美国黑人;非裔美人复数:African-Americans例句1.African-American Belva Davis was at the forefront of that shift.非洲裔美国Belva戴维斯在这种转变的最前沿。2.African-American children in the North had separate schools; the children of slaves received no schooling.北方的非裔美国人子女有单独的学校;奴隶子女则没有机会受教育。3.Because few mainstream publications have done in-depth features on regular African-American women, .因为主流的媒体们都未曾深入地报道过普通非洲裔美国女性,……。4.Bobo: Yes, he is the first African American to be elected president of the United States.是的,他是第一个非裔美国人当选美国总统。5.Although there are a number of reference works on African American writers, the emphasis tends to be on historical and literary authors.虽然有许多参考书对非洲的美国作家的数量,重点往往是对历史和文学作家。


N-COUNT 非裔美国人;美国黑人African-Americans are black people living in the United States who are descended from families that originally came from Africa.Today African-Americans are 12 percent of the population.如今非裔美国人占总人口的12%。历史上被欧洲殖民者劫运到美国的非洲黑人奴隶的后裔。又称“非洲裔美国人”,属尼格罗人种。1680年有700人,1730年为9万人,1800年为100万人,1978年为2500万人,约占全国人口11%以上,其中三分之二为黑白混血种人。通用英语。主要信基督教和天主教;部分人信犹太教和伊斯兰教等。美国黑人在本国历史上起过重要作用,他们积极参加美国独立战争和反法西斯战争并对发展美国的经济文化也作出了很大贡献。他们同时一直也是美国农业的主要力量;在钢铁工业中黑人工人约占三分之一,在汽车工业中约占半数;在体育方面,黑人的成就更为显著

英语 大学英语6级 African-American 和American-African


什么是 African-American ?









what has affluence brought to American society 怎么翻译,其中brought to 何解


an american couple中文什么意思?

根据我在百度翻译查询的情况:an american couple 一对美国夫妇

为什么在美国的白人公民 不叫:European-American 他们自己就叫做 American

这是以人种来分: 人类有四大人种:亚洲人种(黄种人 Asian)、高加索人种(白种人: 一般称为 Caucasian,或 White)、非洲人种(黑种人 African)、大洋洲人种(棕种人)。

He left school early, and as an adolescent, determined ______ in South American, set off ...

D 试题分析:考查固定搭配。固定搭配be determined to do sth下定决心做某事;make one"s fortune发财;句意:他很早就离开了学校,在年轻的时候就决心在南美去发财,就离开了家。故D正确、点评:固定短语的考查是高考中的重点内容,在高中的学习中平时要多积累固定搭配的用法,考试时只能凭借记忆力来答题,尤其是单项选择很难推出某个搭配的意思,所以平时的积累记忆是尤其重要的。学生可以将常考的全部积累在一起,通过反复的复习,从而达到永久的记忆下来。

american teenager怎么读

american teenage读作:[ə"merikən "ti:neidʒ]american teenage音标:[ə"merikən "ti:neidʒ]中文谐音:额迈瑞肯 踢内脂翻译:美国青少年双语例句:Thus, if we set out, for example, to answer the question" what is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager? 所以,如果我们开始了,例如,回答问题:"周期的快餐消费对于美国青少年健康有什么影响?"

America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies

America and Americans ,美国和美国人这句子我觉得不完整。请问你可以上载完整的句子吗?

为什么American korean都可以加s,Chinese不可以加?


american carnage 什么意思

american carnage 美国屠杀

feeding america是什么意思

feeding america饲养美国双语对照例句:1.The company partners with feeding america, the hunger-relief charity, to helpsupport local food banks. 这家公司还与慈善机构“消除美国饥饿组织(Feeding America)”合作,为当地食品银行提供支持。2.Feeding america said 40% of the people it helps live in families with at leastone working adult. “供养美国”称它所帮助的40%的人群居住在家庭中,至少有一个成年人有工作。3.Millions more americans do not go hungry only because they are so poor theyreceive government food stamps or rely on handouts from food banks such asfeeding america. 而另外数百万美国人没有挨饿,仅仅因为他们处于非常贫穷,能获得美国政府的食品券或依靠“供养美国”(feeding america)这类食品库分发的救济食品度日。


意思 :每个人都可以实现自己的梦想,追求更好,更富裕的生活.The term was first used by James Truslow Adams in his book The Epic of America which was written in 1931.He states:"The American Dream is "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone,with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately,and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it.It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely,but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable,and be recognized by others for what they are,regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position." (p.214-215)In the United States" Declaration of Independence,our founding fathers:"…held certain truths to be self-evident,that all Men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are life,Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Might this sentiment be considered the foundation of the American Dream?Were homesteaders who left the big cities of the east to find happiness and their piece of land in the unknown wilderness pursuing these inalienable Rights?Were the immigrants who came to the United States looking for their bit of life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness,their Dream?And what did the desire of the veteran of World War II - to settle down,to have a home,a car and a family - tell us about this evolving Dream?Is the American Dream attainable by all Americans?Would Martin Luther King feel his Dream was attained?Did Malcolm X realize his Dream?Some say,that the American Dream has become the pursuit of material prosperity - that people work more hours to get bigger cars,fancier homes,the fruits of prosperity for their families - but have less time to enjoy their prosperity.Others say that the American Dream is beyond the grasp of the working poor who must work two jobs to insure their family"s survival.Yet others look toward a new American Dream with less focus on financial gain and more emphasis on living a simple,fulfilling life.Thomas Wolfe said,"…to every man,regardless of his birth,his shining,golden opportunity ….the right to live,to work,to be himself,and to become whatever thing his manhood and his vision can combine to make him."

为什么美国队长翻译为Captain America

类似的是Captain cooker,库克船长一般语法都是把title放在前面,名字放在后面。。。

captain america什么意思

美国队长为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

英文句子翻译 (Out of America"s fascination)

market n.市场,集市,股市;行情,销路 vt.销售bygone a.过去的,昔日的fixture n.[ pl.]固定装置;固定在某位置的人(或物)overstuffed vbl.装填过度(涂油过多);adj.填塞很多的(涂油过多,涂油过多的)bathtub n.澡盆(浴缸,机下浴缸形突出物)chaise n. 轻车马lounge n. 闲逛,休闲室,长沙发v. 闲荡,懒洋洋地躺卧bring back vt. 带回来(使记起,使恢复,吐出)A market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub has grown out of America"s fascination.翻译:昔日那些可以使我们记起轻马车式的长沙发、鼓囊囊的沙发和爪足浴缸的那些家具和设备的风格的集市已经成长超出了美国的魅力之外。

16. My American friend knows my problem because I ( ) my ideas with him.

C change, 变化。意思不符合,排除ABexchange,交换。我的美国朋友知道我的问题,因为我已经和他交换了我的意见。用完成时表达动作的影响。已经交换了意见,所以他知道我的问题。

melting-pot of America是什么意思?



wife的复数为wives,以f或fe结尾的名词变复数是将f或fe变为ves。study的复数为studies.dormitory的复数为dormitories.knife的复数为knives.dish的复数为dishes.half的复数为halves.American作为形容词:美国的;美洲的;作为名词 :美国人;美洲人。复数为Americans.American作名词用时表示"美国人",有单复数之分. 但用作形容词时表示"美国的"就没有单复数之分. 但是,要注意的是Chinese与Japanese作名词用的时候也没有单复数之分.单数变复数的规则:一)1.单数名词加s2.以s, x, sh, ch结尾的,在后面加es3.“以辅音字母+y”结尾的,y变为i,然后再加es4.以o结尾的名词,除有生命的“两人两物”Negro, hero, tomato, potato等少数在后面加es外,一般是在后面直接加s二)名词单数变复数的不规则变化要注意以下几点:1.含man的名词,一般变man为men。如woman→women, policeman→policemen, Englishman→Englishmen。但German→Germans。2.将oo改为ee的有foot→feet, tooth→teeth, goose→geese等。3.复数以en结尾的有child→children, ox→oxen等。4.将ouse改为ice的有mouse→mice, louse→lice(虱子)等。5.单复数同形的有sheep, deer, fish, means, works(工厂), Swiss, Japanese, Chinese等

few american family acquired helicopters是非谓语吗

few american family acquired helicopters是非谓语。1.句子成分:主语、谓语、表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语和同位语一、主语:主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首。但在therebe结构、疑问句(当主语不是疑问词。2.非谓语动词,又叫非限定动词,非谓语动词是指在句子中不是谓语的动词,主要包括不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词),即动词的非谓语形式。非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句子的其他成分 。

Em的歌drug ballad和white America歌词大意

美国!!哈哈!我们爱你! 有多少人为作为我们这个美丽的国家的公民而感到自豪? 人们誓死保护星条旗下人民的权利 那些为了保护美国政府宣誓维护的言论自由的权利而断了脖子的男人和女人们…… (哟,我希望每个人听听我这首歌的词)...或者听听别人告诉我们的 [阿姆] 我从来就没有梦想过——甚至在以后的一百万年时间里——会有 这么多的干他娘的人,这么多喜欢我的人 他们拥有相同的观点甚至完全一样的信仰 这他妈的就象一支军队跟在我的后面行进 我接触这么多的生活,这么多的愤怒对着 漫无目的的方向,只是这样喷射着喷射着 并且直接通过你的无线电波,播放着播放着 直到它停留在你的脑海中,一天又一天 谁会想到——站在这个镜子前面用过氧化物漂白 我的头发,找一件T恤衫穿—— 我会象现在这样站在RAP的前沿 我怎么能够想象我的语言能够有这样的影响力? 我一定已经和办公室里面的一些人弹奏了几个和弦 因为国会一直告诉我说,我除了制造麻烦什么狗屁都不能制造 现在他们说我正在给政府惹麻烦——老子高兴(你还管得着?!) 我铲起我生命中所有的垃圾(也许是指Em的作品),开始倾倒它 美国白人!我是你们的孩子中的一员 美国白人!小Eric看起来和这一样 美国白人!Erica喜欢我的歌 我去TRL;看我得到多么多的拥抱啊! [阿姆] 看看这些眼睛,亲爱的是兰色的,亲爱的就跟你自己的一模一样 如果他们是棕色的,Shady就败了,Shady坐在货架上 但是Shady很可爱,Shady知道Shady的酒窝会帮助 让美女们晕倒,亲爱的(哦亲爱的!)看看我(专集)的销量 让我们做一下计算——如果我是黑人,我只能售出一半 我不需要从Lincoln高级中学毕业也能算出来 但是我会说唱,所以去他娘的学校,我太不爽了不想要回去 给我麦克风,告诉我那个该死的工作室在哪里 当我还在地下(说唱)时候,因为我是白人,没有一个人拽我 没有一家公司愿意签我,我曾经几乎想要放弃 C他的——直到我遇到Dre,唯一一个对我回头的人 给我一个机会而且在他屁股下点了一把火 帮助他重新回到颠峰,我所赢得的每一个黑人粉丝 几乎同样是他的(粉丝)(与这些粉丝)交换的是他所赢得的白人粉丝 就象见鬼;我们只是交换——坐着看着这一切,哇! 这就像我的肤色开始帮我的忙?它是…… [Chorus][和声] [阿姆] 问题是,我对那些郊区的孩子说唱 否则他们永远不会知道这些语言的存在 否则他们的妈妈可能永远不会‘两次吓尿裤子"(这句引号部分猜测的) 直到我创造这么多操他妈的骚乱! 直着从那显象管(指电视)出来,我直接进入你们的卧室 当孩子们知道我是Dre一手捧出来的,他们激动了 这就是所发生的一切, 他们立即就像吸毒上瘾一样被迷住了 且他们和我联结在一起了,因为我像他们 那就是他们把我的歌词在这个显微镜下放大的原因 像用一个很好的篦子一样寻找,这(指之间的联结)就像这条绳子 等待着噎住你,锁紧你的喉咙 看着我写这些(歌)就像我不喜欢这个(不!) 我所听到的一切就是:歌词,歌词,不时的争议,提案者夜以继日地忙碌 试图尽早地、彻底地阻止我的演唱会 西哈在Harlem永远没有问题,只有在Boston才会有问题 在它(歌)惹到了女孩子们的父亲,他们开始疯狂行动 所以现在我逐渐从这些行动中得到了免役,当他们嘲弄我 表现的就像我是第一个扇*女耳光或者说faggot,屎的说唱歌手! 一直盯(指监视)着我就像我是你们的最亲密的朋友一样 那海报上的孩子,干他妈的发言人现在……

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我办的是bank of america 的 debit card 开通了网上账户 可是那个balance和available balance好迷惑

你看错了吧?available balance总是已存额减去用掉的啊.debit card不是credit card,BOA的debit account一个月管理费也才5-6刀而已.你把消费历史调出来看看.



我的美国的chase银行账户要转账给bank of america的账户通过手机的app可以实现么

手机的app不行的。可以寄checking,可以wire transfer,或者网上搜索clearxchange,是个跨行转钱的网上平台。(没试过,可以自行先研究一下)

paypal账户里的钱能转到我bank of america的美国储蓄卡里吗?

bank of america借记卡如果余额是负数,长期不用的话,会产生滞纳金吗?


上海有没有美国银行(bank of america)?在哪里?

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