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already [ɔ:l"redi]adv.1.已经,已,早已,业已;先前2.[美国口语][放在句末、用于肯定句或祈使句以加强语气,表示强调、紧急、恼怒、不耐烦、惊讶、失望、反感等]马上,这就(已经)[在口语中亦用于一个短语后面表示“不耐烦”]:That"s enough already!(那就够了!)3.[用于否定句、疑问句中表示惊讶、惊异、怀疑、烦躁、悔恨等]难道(已经)例句:1.Already the round sun was setting. (圆圆的太阳已经要落山了。)2.The girl already beached in London. (那姑娘已在伦敦定居了)3.This line has four commands in it already. Let"s crlf. (这一行里已经有四个命令句了,换行吧。)




  already的汉语意思   英 [:lredi] 美 [lrdi]   基本解释   副词:早已,已经; 先前   相关例句   副词   1. Have you eaten your dinner already?   你已经吃饭了吗?   2. I have had lunch already.   我已用过午餐了。   3. She had already gone when I arrived.   我到的.时候她已经走了。   already的词典解释   1. 已经(用already时,英国英语中动词用完成时态,美国英语有时则用一般过去时)   You use already to show that something has happened, or that something had happened before the moment you are referring to. Speakers of British English use already with a verb in a perfect tense, putting it after "have", "has", or "had", or at the end of a clause. Some speakers of American English use already with the simple past tense of the verb instead of a perfect tense.   e.g. They had already voted for him at the first ballot...   在第一次投票选举时,他们已经投票给他了。   e.g. The group has already shed 10,000 jobs...   该集团已经裁去1万个工作岗位。   2. 早已(用于be动词或助动词之后,或一般动词之前,表示强调时可置于句首)   You use already to show that a situation exists at this present moment or that it exists at an earlier time than expected. You use already after the verb "be" or an auxiliary verb, or before a verb if there is no auxiliary. When you want add emphasis, you can put already at the beginning of a sentence.   e.g. The authorities believe those security measures are already paying off...   当局相信那些安全措施已经奏效。   e.g. He was already rich...   他已经很富有了。   already的情景对话   经典对话   A:Can I have your name?   我能有你的名字吗?   B:Why? Don"t you already have one?   为什么?你不是已经有一个了吗?   购物   B:You already have (that/ one of those/ one like that).   你已经有(那个了/一个这种款式了/一个像这样的了)。   A:I know, but another one can"t hurt.   我知道,但是再买一个也没什么。   运输货物   B:From what I"ve heard, you"re already well up in shipping work.   据我所知,你方对运输工作很在行。   A:Yes, we arrange shipments to any part of the world.   是的,我们承揽去世界各地的货物运输。


already的意思:adv. 已经,早已;先前。读音:英 [ɔːlˈredi];美 [ɔːlˈredi] 短语Already understand 已经了解 ; 已经理解Already divorced 已经离婚了 ; 已经离婚Already followed 已经关注此用户Hard already 硬盘已 ; 硬盘已经 ; 硬已经already find 已找到already logged 已经登录Already learning 已经学习扩展资料:词语辨析all ready, alreadyall ready 准备好的(作表语)。如:We were all ready to leave when the telephone rang.already 已经(副词)。如:The plane had already landed before we got to the airport.例句:She"s backpedalled twice already. 她已经两次改变主意了。


一、读音:英 [ɔːl'redi]美 [ɔːl'redi]二、意思是:adv. 已经三、辨析:already, still这两个词意思相近,但already指比预想的时间早, still指比预想的时间长。试比较以下两个句子:The coffee is cold already.咖啡已经凉了。The coffee is still hot.咖啡还热着。四、例句:I've already paid my membership dues.我已经交了我的会员费。扩展资料词汇用法:already的意思是“较早地”“提前”,可表示“比预想发生的时间早”,也可表示“比可能发生的时间早”,含有“想不到某事竟然已经发生了”或“以为某事会晚一些发生”的意味。already一般用于肯定句中。与动词搭配时,静态动词多用一般式,动态动词多用完成式。表示与现在时间相比而已经做过的事,即by this time,须用现在完成时; 表示与过去时间相比而已经做过的事,即by that time,用过去完成时或过去进行时。already不用于一般将来时。



variable intent"is already defined in the scope是什么意思

重复定义,说明这个类型的变量已经被定义过了,又进行了重复定义,只需要把前面的定义类型删除就行,比如: String intent = "nextone"; 因为代码中intent被定义过所以这里删除前面的String就不会报错了


even,still,already,yet意思如下:even意思如下:adv. 甚至;更加; 即使;恰巧在…时候adj. 公平的;平坦的; 偶数的;平均的vt. 使平坦;使相等vi. 变平;成为相等still意思如下:adv.仍,仍然;更,还要;静静地;〈诗〉常,不断地adj.不动的,静止的;不狂暴的,温柔的;没有活力的,死气沉沉的n.平静,寂静;剧照;静止摄影;蒸馏器vt.& vi.(使某物)平静下来,安静;〈古〉烧(酒),蒸馏conj.但是;然而already意思如下:adv. 早已,已经;先前yet意思如下:adv. 但是;还;已经;又,再 conj. 然而,但是




already 和yet的区别用法如下:already 和yet都是表示时间的状语副词。都表示“已经”,“尚未”的意思,也都可以用于完成时。但already一般用于肯定句中,而yet一般用于否定句和疑问句中。 eg : I have already finished my homework . 我已经完成我的作业了。 Have you finished your homework yet ? 你已经完成作业了吗? No , I haven"t finished it yet. 不,没完成。(这句可以简略成not yet)

me brother had already gotten in the shower.中gotten的用法

是过去分词形式,get in the shower,进去洗澡的意思。

Her hand was completely cured. 和Her hand has already healed. 区别

completely cured.完全治愈already healed 已经恢复

I have finished my homework already.这个句子对吗

I have finished my homework already 我已经做完作业了。重点词汇释义finished完成了的; 技术高超的; 精湛的; 〈俚〉死了的,完蛋了的; 结束,完成( finish的过去式和过去分词)homework功课; 家庭作业already早已,已经; 先前

my first interviewee was already there什么意思_百度知道?


请问he was already fired和he has already been fired 请问这两句有区别吗?

这两句的时态不一样,具体用哪个要看时间状语. 第一句是一般过去时,时间状语是过去的一个时间点. 第二句是现在完成时,时间状语应该是since+时间.

i already forgotten


C0nneCt:SOCket already in use是什么意思?

socket n. (电源) 插座; (电器上的) 插口,插孔,管座; 托座; 孔穴; 窝; 槽; 臼; Socket already in use 插座已经被使用Connect: v. (使) 连接; 联结; 使…连接; 接通; (使计算机)连接(到互联网或计算机网络) ;

Patcher is already running 什么意思?


我玩美服CF怎么一进就跳patcher is already running.

改玩日服,意思是你这机子不能玩美服 日服可能要代理

The specified address is already in use.这句话是什么意思。


Numerous studies already link the first meal of the day to better classroom. A) performance. B) fun


—China develops so fast. —That"s true. It ______ a lot already. A.changes B.changed C.

D 动词的时态。句意:—中国发展如此迅速。—是呀。它已经发生了很大的变化。表示发生在过去对现在仍有影响的动作。所以,判定为现在完成时。故选D。

解决手机不能设置DeviceOwner权限提示already provisioned问题

解决两个问题: (1)、 adb 如何设置 deviceOwner (2)、设置DeviceOwner权限提示already provisioned问题 客户那里有Gigaset手机,安装我们的产品需要注入DeviceOwner,但是刚恢复默认出厂的Gigaset手机很奇葩,注入权限的提示下面错误,导致不能使用我们的产品 1 、我们用命令查看手机的帐号:adb shell dumpsys account2 、用adb shell pm hide 来禁用上面提供的账号:adb shell pm hide com.qualcomm.simcontacts3 、我们再去查看系统的帐号:adb shell dumpsys account 已经变成0了,所以禁用成功了,然后我们再去给我们的产品设置DeviceOwner权限 4、给我们产品设置DeviceOwner权限,可以是一个添加了系统权限源码环境编译的app,也可以是 普通的三方 app adb shell dpm set-device-owner com.xxxx.xxxxx (packageName)/ + Receive) 顺便说一下禁止device Owner adb shell dpm remove-active-admin (packageName)/ + Receive) 5、查看当前deviceOwner adb shell dumpsys device_policy
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