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sofa 发啊~音table,make,face发哎~音




song mo kei ke

make soup怎么读?

没克 搜普 谐音


make a concession是什么意思


"Take a message to" 和"Take message for "怎么区别?

"Take a message to" 和"Take message for "怎么区别? take a message for someone 帮某人留言,留信息(给打电话的人留信息) -May I take a message for you ? -Ok , thank you very much. take a message to someone 带给某人信息(给被找的人留信息) -May I take a message to him. -Yes, Please tell him to call me back. while(($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql))) { echo "{$row["series_name"]}"; } 循环的从查询中取出结果并输出到页面 "兄台"的"台"什么意思 台讳(对人官名的尊称);台坐(敬辞。坐于尊位);台表(敬辞。用于称呼人的字);兄台;台鉴(请对方阅览的敬词);台屏(敬辞。尊称对方的家);台甫(敬辞。旧时用于问人的表字);台安(敬辞。多用于书信结尾,表示对收信人的问候);台候(敬辞。用于问候对方寒暖起居);台席(古以三公取象三台,故称宰相的职位为台席) 台: 台 Tāi 〈名〉 地名。“台州”的简称 [Taizhou prefecture]。唐武德五年(公元622年),改海州为台州,以境内天台山得名,治所在今浙江省临海县。元改为路,明改为府 南发交广东温台。——王安石《和王微之登高斋二首》 台 tái 〈名〉 1,(形声。小篆字形。从口,(以)声。从口,与表示喜悦有一定的联系。本义:喜悦。读(yí)) 2,三台。星名。古代用三台来比喻三公 [one of three stars in Ursa Major;one of the three highest dignitaries of State]。如:台鼎(古代称三公或宰相,意为职位显要);台宿(三台星);台光(三台星光);台阶(三台星亦名泰阶,故称台阶);台斗(比喻宰辅重臣);台司(指三公等宰辅大臣);台臣(指宰辅重臣) 3,鱼名。背上有黑的花纹。后作“鲐” [chub mackerel] 黄台背,以引以翼。——《诗·大雅·行苇》 另见yí 台 台 tái 〈名〉 1,(会意。从至,从之,从高省,与室屋同意。按积土四方高丈曰台,不方者曰观曰阙。本义:用土筑成的方形的高而平的建筑物) 2,同本义 [platform] 台,观四方而高者。——《说文》 可以处台榭。——《礼记·月令》 层台累榭,临高山些!——《楚辞·招魂》 歌台暖响,春光融融。——杜牧《阿房宫赋》 百年多病独登台。——杜甫《登高》 多少楼台烟雨中。——唐·杜牧《江南春绝句》 台阁相向。——唐·李朝威《柳毅传》 守台军士。——《广东军务记》 3,又如:台门(古代诸侯所筑用来了望守卫的土堆高台);台榭(垒土高起的平方地叫台,台上的亭子叫榭);台阁(台榭楼阁);台观(楼台宫观);台下(台榭的下面);台馆(楼台馆阁) 4,通常高于附近区域的平面(地面的或地板的) [stage;terrace]。如:站台;讲台;检阅台;台城(古代守城拒敌的设备);台门(古代天子、诸侯宫室的门。因以土为台基,故称) 5,器物的底座 [stand;support]。如:台盏(一种酒盏,有托盘);砚台;镜台;灯台;船台;锅台;烛台 6,站;单位 [station] 今从宽将贾赦发往台站效力赎罪。——《红楼梦》 7,又如:气象台;电视台 8,敬辞。用于称呼对方或跟对方有关的行为 [term of respectful address in letters,etc.] 台,侍也。——《广雅·释诂一》 仆臣台。——《左传·昭公七年》。服注:“给台下征召也。” 9,又如:台讳(对人官名的尊称);台坐(敬辞。坐于尊位);台表(敬辞。用于称呼人的字);兄台;台鉴(请对方阅览的敬词);台屏(敬辞。尊称对方的家);台甫(敬辞。旧时用于问人的表字);台安(敬辞。多用于书信结尾,表示对收信人的问候);台候(敬辞。用于问候对方寒暖起居);台席(古以三公取象三台,故称宰相的职位为台席) 10,莎草 [nutgrass] 南山有台,北山有莱。——《诗·小雅·南山有台》 11,古代中央官署名 [central office] 尚书初入台为郎中。——《汉官仪》 台谒当以属礼。——清·张廷玉《明史》 12,(台,御史台,作状语)。又如:台垣(高级官署);台辅(高级官署或官位);台臣(台阁之臣,国家的大臣;谏官);台官(官名。汉代以尚书为中台,御史为宪台,后世因此又称尚书或御史为台官);台郎(尚书郎);台省(汉时称尚书为台省。因尚书省的办事处中台在禁省中而得名) 13,台湾省的简称 [Taiwan Province]。如:台胞 14,姓 台 台 tái 〈量〉 1,用于某些机器。 如: 一台车床; 一台拖拉机 2,舞台上一次完整的演出。如: 一台话剧; 两台戏对唱 台 台 tái 〈名〉 1,有光滑平面、由腿或其他支撑物固定起来的像台的家具,用于家庭生活或某种工作 [desk;table]。如:手术台;梳妆台;写字台;台历;台球台;乒乓球台 台 台 tái 〈名〉 1,台风的简称 [typhoon]。 如:请大家注意收听当地广播电台的天气预报,注意防台抗台 另见tāi "what about " 和 "how about" 的用法? What about … 和 how about … 是英语口语中常用的两个省略句型,它们的意思和用法基本相同,常常用在以下场合。例如: 一、向对方提出建议或请求。例如: 1. How about going out for a walk? 出去散散步好吗? 2. What about another cake? 再吃块蛋糕好吗? 二、征询对方的看法或意见。例如: 1、 What about the playing the violin? (你认为)她的小提琴拉的怎么样? 2、 What about the TV play? 那个电视剧怎么样? 三、询问天气或身体等情况。例如: 1、 What about the weather in your home town? 你们家乡的气候如何? 2、 How about your uncle now? You can"t leave him by himself. 你叔叔近来身体好吗?你们不能单独让他生活。 四、寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语。例如: I am from Beijing. What about you? 我是北京人,你呢? 五、对所陈述的情况做出反诘,常给予对方一种暗示。例如: ——My memory is good. I"ve never fotten anything.我的记忆力很好,从不忘记什么。 ——What about that time you left your key to the office at home?那次你将办公室的要是忘在家里算是怎么回事呀? "猎" "区"分别怎么念 谢谢! 猎 猎 liè <动> (形声。从犬,巤(liè)声。本义:打猎,捕捉禽兽) 同本义 [hunt] 猎,放猎逐禽也。——《说文》 不狩不猎,胡瞻尔庭有县貆兮?——《诗·魏风·伐檀》 执弓挟矢以猎。——《礼记·月令》 楚蒍艾猎,字叔敖。——《左传·宣公十一年》 吏所猎也。——《太玄·毅》。注:“捕也。” 将军猎渭城。——唐·王维《观猎》 单于出猎。——《汉书·李广苏建传》 教我猎虫所。——《聊斋志异·促织》 又如:猎火(打猎时焚山以驱兽的火);猎围(猎捕禽兽的围子);猎士(打猎的壮士);猎夫(猎手、猎民、猎者、猎客、猎师、猎徒。猎人);猎食(捕捉或寻找食物;谋食) 搜求,追求 [seek] 猎德而得德。——扬雄《法言·学行》 又如:猎酒(索取酒食);猎精(撷取精华);猎俊(搜求有才智的人) 夺取 [seize] 方将上猎三灵之流,下决醴泉之滋。——《文选·扬雄·羽猎赋》 又如:猎取(夺取);猎鹿(喻夺取天下);猎古调(迅速地拨腿转身) 通“躐”。踩,践踏 [stamp;tread on] 不杀老弱,不猎禾稼。——《荀子·议兵》 越过;掠过 [cross; negotiate; dash; flash] [风]猎蕙草。——宋玉《风赋》 不躐(猎)等也。——《礼记·学记》 用手捋齐 [stroke; *** ooth out with the fingers] 猎缨正襟危坐。——《史记·日者传》 猎捕 lièbǔ [hunt] 捕猎 猎场 lièchǎng [hunting ground (field)] 特指狩猎区 猎狗 liègǒu [hounting dog;hound] 用于追猎的狗,具下垂的大耳朵、深沉的叫声和利用嗅迹跟踪猎物的本领,又称“猎犬” 猎户 lièhù [hunter;hunt *** an] 以打猎为业的人家,也指猎人 环村居者皆猎户。——清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》 猎获 lièhuò [capture or kill in hunting;hunt] 通过打猎获得 猎获物 猎获大批野兽 猎具 lièjù [hunting gear;hunting equipment] 打猎的用具 猎猎 lièliè [descriptive of sound of wind] 形容风声或风吹动旗帜等的声音 北风猎猎 猎奇 lièqí [hunt for novelty;seek novelty;itching] 急切地或贪得无厌地搜求新奇和异样的东西 猎枪 lièqiāng [sporting gun]∶滑膛枪的一类,其中也包括枪管长度为762毫米的全密封枪在内 [shotgun;fowling piece;hunting rifle]∶近距离肩射滑膛双管枪。亦称“霰弹枪” 猎区 lièqū [using-ground] 猎物(如猎鸟)常到的地方 猎取 lièqǔ [hunt]∶打猎,猎杀 原始人用粗糙的石器猎取野兽 [pursue;seek]∶力图得到 猎取个人名利 猎犬 lièquǎn [hunting dog;hound] 经过训练,用来帮助打猎的狗。又称“猎狗” 猎人,猎手 lièrén,lièshǒu [hunter] 从事打猎职业的人或指打猎有专长的人 猎兽 lièshòu [beast of chase] 中世纪英国在狩猎地饲养作为打猎对象的动物(如獐、狐、貂) 可作狩猎猎物的哺乳动物 猎物 lièwù [prey]∶为敌人、猎人或野兽所捕获的牺牲者 [game or hunting bag of animals]∶猎取的或作为打猎对象的鸟兽 猎靴 lièxuē [hunting boot] 一种结实的又厚又重的皮靴,常高达膝部,而从脚背至顶的靴面均以条带系紧 猎艳 lièyàn [seek flowery language]∶找寻华美的词汇 猎艳以润色 [hunt for beauties;philander with women]∶追寻女色 猎鹰 lièyīng [falcon;shikra] 印度一种小的鹰(Aipiter badius),有时用于鹰猎 猎逐 lièzhú [hunt and chase] 追赶捕捉 猎逐鸟兽 猎主 lièzhǔ [master] 在狩猎中群犬呼叫时能领导、指挥并且镇得住现场的主要人物 猎 (猎) liè ㄌㄧㄝˋ 捕捉禽兽:~捕。~获。~逐。~取。~奇。狩~。田~。渔~。围~。 打猎的:~人。~户。~狗。~枪。 郑码:QMEK,U:730E,GBK:C1D4 笔画数:11,部首:犭,笔顺编号:35312212511 区 区 ōu <名> 一种中国古代容器。又用为容量单位 [ou,ancient vessel] 齐旧四量:豆、区、釜、钟。——《左传·昭公三年》 古代农民播种时所开的穴或沟称为“区” [pit or furrow]。如:区田(指在田里按一定距离开挖穴,将种子播入其间的一种农作法。便于小范围内深耕细作,集中施肥灌水) 姓氏 我区氏儿也。——唐·柳宗元《童区寄传》 另见qū 区 区 qū <动> (会意。甲骨文字形。从品在匚中。“品”表示许多物品。“匚”(fāng),盛物的器具。本义:收藏) 隐匿 [hide] 区,踦区,藏匿也。——《说文》 吾文君文王作仆区之法。——《左传·昭公七年》 区别 [distinguish] 譬诸草木,区以别矣。——《论语·子张》 又如:区界(区别;界限);区明(区分明晰);区判(区分判别);区详(区分详明) 区 区 qū <名> 区域;地区 [area;district;region] 造我区夏。——张衡《东京赋》。注:“区,域也。” 茂八区而庵谒焉。——左思《蜀都赋》。注:“四方八隅也。” 上下无常穷六区。——《思元赋》 冰天雪海之区。——〔英〕赫胥黎著、严复译《天演论》 又如:区夏(诸夏。中原地区,指中国);区宇(疆土境域);商店区;山区;市区;边区;区外(域外);区宇(境域;天下) 行政区划单位 [administration division]。如:自治区;解放区;市辖区;县辖区。亦指区 *** 所在地。如:他在区里开了三天会 住宅,居住处 [residence;dwelling]。如:区处(居住的地方);区士(守卫在宫外的士兵);区宇(殿宇);区舍(房屋) 特指小屋 [ *** all house] 浮玉之山,北望具区。——《山海经·南山经》 穿北军垒垣以为贾区。——《汉书·胡建传》。颜师古注:“区者,小室之名,若今小庵屋之类耳。” 球场(如草地网球、网球戏、手球或篮球)上划分的区 [court]。如:发球区;后区 人世间 [world]。如:区中(人世间);区中缘(尘世的俗情);区中学(世俗的学问);区内(天下,宇内);区有(天下) 区 区 qū <形> 小,微小 [ *** all] 宋国区区。——《左传·襄公十七年》 区区焉相乐也。——《吕氏春秋·务大》 吾道知处暗,夫处明者不见暗中一物,而处暗者能见明有中区事。——《关尹子》 又如:区区 平庸 [mediacre]。如:区区冗冗(庸庸碌碌);区区庸庸(平庸无能) 另见ōu 区别 qūbié [distinguish;differentiate;difference] 区分;辨别 区别不同情况 区别 qūbié [distinction] 差别;不同之处 固有区别 没有区别 区段 qūduàn [zone] 在一环形地区或一条单一线范围以内的距离 5角票价区段 区分 qūfēn [distinguish]∶划分;区别;辨别;分辨 不到四岁的小孩很难区分昨天和一星期以前这种时间的差别 [handle;treat]∶处理;处置 本院依法区分 区公所 qūgōngsuǒ [local government] 掌管区、地方自治事务的机关 区公所的人几乎认识居住在这儿的每个人 区划 qūhuà [divide into sections;division into districts]∶区别划分 行政区划 [plan]∶亦作“区画”。谋划;筹划 怎么区划,可以两全?——《禅真后史》 区间 qūjiān [part of the normal route (of a bus,etc.)] 某一整体内的一个分段 置信区间 区区 qūqū [trivial;trifling; *** all]∶小;少。形容微不足道 区区之薛。——《战国策·齐策四》 区区之地。——汉·贾谊《新书·过秦论上》 何乃太区区。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》 区区百人。——清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》 区区之数 区区五毛钱 区区小事,何足挂齿 [heart]∶犹方寸。形容人的心 区区之心 [I]∶旧时谦辞,我 区区向往之至。——宋·王安石《答司马谏议书》 (语气不庄重) 此人非他,就是区区 [sincere;cordial]∶诚挚 感君区区怀。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》 区区小事 qūqū-xiǎoshì [trifle;rope yarn]∶无足轻重的小事 [Mickey Mouse]∶无意义的小事 区宇 qūyǔ [area;heaven and eareh] 区域,天地 别一区宇。——《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》 区域 qūyù [region;area;district]∶土地的界划。指地区 区域自治 [limit;scope;range]∶界限;范围 工人运动的区域 瘤体个别之区域出血坏死 区 (区) qū ㄑㄩˉ 分别:~分。~别。 地域:地~。~划。 〔~~〕小,细微:如“~~小事”。 行政区划单位:省级自治~。市辖~。 郑码:HOS,U:533A,GBK:C7F8 笔画数:4,部首:匚,笔顺编号:1345 boroughsanjaksection 区 (区) ōu ㄡˉ 姓。 郑码:HOS,U:533A,GBK:C7F8 笔画数:4,部首:匚,笔顺编号:1345 <table border=0 width=100%是什么 <table border=0 width=100% border表示表格的边框为0 width表示表格的宽度 其实楼主不妨先了解一下,HTML标签 :w3school../tags/index.asp 这个纲站不错 "喜欢"与"爱"究竟如何? 喜欢? 可以喜欢很多人,就像喜欢朋友那样的喜欢! 爱? 爱是唯一的,只能对一个人付出! "live in town"能写成"live in the town"吗? 不能的,,,有the就是特指某个特定的城镇,没有the的话,就是城镇的总称。。 add "G"day","mate"and a heavy aent to everything they say in an attemp to be cool g"day 是good day 的简写(是一种问候), mate 是朋友的意思. 两个词都可以说是俚语, 海盗用的... 一般对话是没有人用这两个词. 这句话的意思是"有人喜欢在说话时用g"day和mate想在别人面前显得酷" "稻秧"是不是"稻苗"? “稻秧”概念范围比“稻苗”大,“稻秧”包含了“稻苗”。稻秧是具有生机的秸杆。

taste station make past哪个读音不一样

past不同,它发/a/其它发/ei/ 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Make up和 make up for的区别


请问谁有Jake Gyllenhaal(杰克.吉伦哈尔)所演的全部电影名单(中英文都有)?多谢。


请教英语语法 we can chant and dance around naked with sticks.


contract, engage, take on, recruite 都有雇佣的意思。。具体有什么区别

contract vi.订契约;承包:We contracted with a local clothing firm for 400 shirts a month.我们与当地一家服装公司立约每月订购400件衬衫。主要是词组:contract with engagevt.1. (用诺言、誓言、保证、合同、契约等)约束(自己);约定;许诺;保证;使负有责任(或义务);对(债务等)给以担保:She engaged herself to repay her debt within two months.她答应在两个月内偿还她的债务。2. 租;雇用;聘;得到帮助:to engage a lawyer聘请律师to engage a new secretary新雇一位秘书vi,受聘,受雇,被雇 (in):He engaged in his father"s business.他受雇于他父亲的企业。雇人与受雇,主要用这个,但受雇时, 常用词组: engage in take on(开始)雇用;在某种关系中接受:The supermarket is taking on a few temporary assistants for the Christmas season.这家超市正在招收几名圣诞节期间上班的临时店员。to take on apprentices招收学徒与engage的差别: take on强调动作,而engage强调状态,结果.recruit————指招聘的正规用词。雇用;聘请:Many young peasants were recruited into the coal mining industry.煤炭工业中雇用了很多年轻的农民。They recruited a number of old teachers for the new school.他们给这所新学校聘请了一些老教师。

contract, engage, take on, recruite 都有雇佣的意思。。具体有什么区别


contract, engage, take on, recruite 都有雇佣的意思。。具体有什么区别

contract vi.订契约;承包:We contracted with a local clothing firm for 400 shirts a month.我们与当地一家服装公司立约每月订购400件衬衫。主要是词组:contract with engagevt.1. (用诺言、誓言、保证、合同、契约等)约束(自己);约定;许诺;保证;使负有责任(或义务);对(债务等)给以担保:She engaged herself to repay her debt within two months.她答应在两个月内偿还她的债务。2. 租;雇用;聘;得到帮助:to engage a lawyer聘请律师to engage a new secretary新雇一位秘书vi,受聘,受雇,被雇 (in):He engaged in his father"s business.他受雇于他父亲的企业。雇人与受雇,主要用这个,但受雇时, 常用词组: engage in take on(开始)雇用;在某种关系中接受:The supermarket is taking on a few temporary assistants for the Christmas season.这家超市正在招收几名圣诞节期间上班的临时店员。to take on apprentices招收学徒与engage的差别: take on强调动作,而engage强调状态,结果.recruit————指招聘的正规用词。雇用;聘请:Many young peasants were recruited into the coal mining industry.煤炭工业中雇用了很多年轻的农民。They recruited a number of old teachers for the new school.他们给这所新学校聘请了一些老教师。

求puripara 《make it!》 罗马音

Oshare na ano ko mane suru yori Jibunrashisa ga ichiban desho Heart no kagayaki kanjita nara Risou sagashi ni dekakeyouFueteku omoide zenbu Pakin to hanbunko de Tomodachi complete shiyouMake it! Dokidoki suru toki muteki desho Make up! Kirakira mirai de kimari desho Yume wa mou yume janai Dare datte kanaerareruReady! Ready to go! Paradise!Nigatena koto wo kowagaru yori Tanoshimu kimochi ga daiji desho Hitori ja kokorobosoi koto mo Kizuna ga areba tsuyoku nareruStep wo awaseru aizu Pachin to yubi narashite Tomodachi minna de on the stageMake it! Tokimeku kokoro ga suteki desho Make up! Daisuki ga ima no kotae desho Akogareta sono kimochi Yumemiru tame no ticketReady! Ready to go! Paradise!Akogare wa kitto asu no michishirube Risou no jibun ga soko de matteru Tamerawazu mae ni fumidasou Nagasu ase mo namida mo mina Kirameki ni kawaruMake it! Akirametakunai yume dakara Make up! Akogare no mama ja iya dakaraMake it! Dokidoki suru toki muteki desho Make up! Kirakira mirai de kimari desho Yume wa mou yume janai Dare datte kanaerareruPuriPara! PuriParadise!

take the final exam是什么意思

take the final exam是什么意思意思就是:进行期末考试

Eminem的《Shake That》 歌词

歌曲名:Shake That歌手:Eminem专辑:Interscope Presents: Club BangersShake Thateminem、nate doggShady, AftermathThere she goes shaking that ass on the floorBumpin and grindin that poleThe way she"s grindin that poleI think I"m losing controlGet buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get fuucked upHit the strip club don"t forget once get your dick rubbedGet fucked, get sucked, get wasted, shit facetedPasted, blasted, puke drink up, get a new drinkHit the bathroom sink, throw upWipe your shoe clean, got a routineKnowin still got a few chunks on your shoestringKnowin I was dehydrated till the beat vibratedI was revibed as soon as this Bitch is gyratedAnd hips and licked them lips and that was itI had to get Nate Dogg and his sing some shitTwo to the one from the one to the threeI like good pussy and I like good treesSmoke so much weed you wouldn"t believeAnd I get more ass than a toilet seatThree to the one from the one to the threeI met a bad bitch last night in the DLet me tell you how I made her leave with meConversation and HennesseyI"ve been to the muthafuckin mountain topHeard muthafuckers talk, seen and droppedIf I ain"t got a weapon I"ma pick up a rockAnd when I bust yo ass I"ma continue to rockGetcha ass of the wall with your two left feetIt"s real easy just follow the beatDon"t let that fine girl pass you byyeLook real close cause strobe lights blindWe bout to have a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt)I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strutWanna get it poppin baby step right upSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuckI say everday she be givin it upShake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCome on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meOhh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCome on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meI"m a menace, a dentist, an oral hygentistOpen your mouth for about four or five minutesTake a little bit of this flourideSwish but don"t spit it, swallow and I"ll finishYeah me and Nate d-o double gLooking for a couple bitches with some double d"sPop a little champagne and a couple E"sSlip it in her bubbuly, we finna finna have a partyHave a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (Go head shake your butt)I"m lookin for a girl I can fuck in my hummer truckApple Bottom jeans and a big ol suckSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI want a bitch that sit at the crib with no panties onKnows that she can"t but she won"t say noNow look at this lady all in front of me, sexy as can beTonight I want a slut, will you be mine?I heard you was freaky from a friend of mineI"ma hope you don"t get mad at meBut I told Nate you was a freakHe said he wants a slut, hope you don"t mindI told him that you like it from behindShake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCome on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meOhh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meCome on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for meWe bout" to have a party (turn the music up)Let"s get it started (go ahead shake that butt)I"m lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strutWanna get it poppin baby step right upSome girls they act retardedSome girls are bout it bout itI"m lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuckI say everday she be givin it upThere she goes, shaking that ass on the floorBumpin and grindin that poleThe way she"s grindin that poleI think I"m losing controlGod, come oneI ain"t leavin" without you bitchCome here home with meAmple boy, and his boy, and this boy, and this girlhaha, they callhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8307524

英语泛读1翻译:young willian skakespeare

young William Shakespeare年轻的威廉-莎士比亚


其实看看歌词就大概……Timor Lyrics帝汶 帝汶岛(马来群岛中一岛)Shakira TIMOR, TIMOR, TIMOR, TIMOR, TIMOR...帝汶,....It"s alright, it"s alright那多好啊,那多好啊Cause the system never fails这体系从来不崩溃The good guys are in power好人拥有权力And the bad guys are in jail坏人关进监狱It"s alright, it"s alright那多好啊,那多好啊Just as long as we can vote只要我们能够投票选举We live in democracy我们活在民主的地方And that"s what we promote这就是我们发展之处Isn"t it? Isn"t it?不是吗?不是吗?Isn"t it? Isn"t it?不是吗?不是吗?It"s alright, it"s alright那多好啊,那多好啊If the news says half the truth 如果新闻有一半是真的Hearing what we want"s 听到那些我们想听到的the secret of eternal youth这就是永远年轻的秘密It"s alright, it"s alright,那多好啊,那多好啊The PLANETS splits in three这个行星分裂成三个世界Cause I"ll keep selling records我仍然可以卖我的唱片And you"ve got your MTV而你可以看你的MTVIf we forget about them don"t worry如果我们忘了他们,不需要担心If they forget about us then hurry但如果他们忘了我们,那就得赶快行动How about the people who don"t matter anymore?那些无足轻重的人们又该怎样East Timor, Timor, Timor东帝汶,帝汶,帝汶It"s alright, it"s alright那多好啊,那多好啊IF they don"t show all on TV如果他们不在电视上说出全部So we won"t really know it所以我们不需要全部知道Just by watching *BC只需要看看电视It"s alright, it"s alright那多好啊,那多好啊For OUR flag we die or kill为了我们的国家我们战死和杀戮As long as we don"t know只要我们不曾明白是非We do it just to pay THE bills我们这么做只是为了付清账单If we forget about them don"t worry如果我们忘了他们,不需要担心If they forget about us then hurry但如果他们忘了我们,那就得赶快行动How about the people who don"t matter anymore?那些无足轻重的人们又该怎样If we forget about them don"t worry如果我们忘了他们,不需要担心If they forget about us then hurry但如果他们忘了我们,那就得赶快行动How about OUR people who don"t matter anymore?我们的人民无足轻重,他们又该怎样East Timor, Timor, Timor东帝汶,帝汶,帝汶WE"LL BE tanning while it"s sunny在太阳下我们的皮肤晒成褐色They"ll risk our hides JUST to make their money他们用我们去冒险只是为了赚钱Now don"t you find that funny?现在你会觉得这个有趣么?If we forget about them如果我们忘了他们,不需要担心If they forget about us then hurry但如果他们忘了我们,那就得赶快行动How about OUR people who don"t matter anymore?我们的人民无足轻重,他们又该怎样If we forget about them don"t worry如果我们忘了他们,不需要担心If they forget about us then hurry但如果他们忘了我们,那就得赶快行动How about those people who don"t matter anymore?那些无足轻重的人们又该怎样East Timor, Timor, Timor东帝汶,帝汶,帝汶East Timor, Timor, Timor东帝汶,帝汶,帝汶East Timor东帝汶



Shakira的《Timor》 歌词

歌曲名:Timor歌手:Shakira专辑:Oral Fixation Vol. 2Shakira - TimorTimor, TimorYale, YaleEast Timor, TimorTimor, TimorTimor, TimorGoing on and on and on and onThis is going on and on and on and on nowSaid it once and say it twiceI want to save your timeSafety, safetyIt"s alright, it"s alright"Cause the system never failsThe good guys are in powerAnd the bad guys are in jailIt"s alright, it"s alrightJust as long as we can voteWe live in democracyAnd that"s what we promoteIsn"t it? Isn"t it?Oooh…Isn"t it? Isn"t it?Oooh…It"s alright, it"s alrightAt least there"s half the truthHearing what we want"sThe secret of eternal youthIt"s alright, it"s alright,The planet"s split in three"Cause I"ll keep on selling recordsAnd you"ve got your MTVIf we forget about "emDon"t worryIf they forget about usThen hurryHow about the people who don"t matter anymore?East TimorTimor, TimorOohAh, ah, ah, ahAh, ah, ah, ahIt"s alright, it"s alrightWe"ll show all on TVSo we won"t really know itJust by watching ???It"s alright, it"s alrightFor a flag we die or killAs long as we don"t know itDo it just to pay the billsIf we forget about "emDon"t worryIf they forget about usThen hurryHow about the people who don"t matter anymore?If we forget about "emDon"t worryIf they forget about usThen hurryHow about the people who don"t matter anymore?East TimorTimor, TimorLet"s keep telling the world it"s sunnyThe risk of hides to make them botherNow don"t you find that funny?If we forget about "emIf they forget about usThen hurryHow about those people who don"t matter anymore?If we forget about "emDon"t worryIf they forget about usThen hurryHow about those people who don"t matter anymore?East TimorTimor, TimorEast TimorTimor, TimorEast Timor制作http://music.baidu.com/song/7997489

Ozum sak,put kolumda jan yok uffff…跪求各位亲解释这句话是什么意思?应该是维吾尔族语来的。。谢谢

我自己好着呢 只是手脚没力气 (是喝完酒以后醉了的人说的话 ) 望采纳


前しか向かねえ横を向いたら涙に気づかれるから远くを睨(にら)んで奥歯 噛み缔めこの道を行こう!おまえと出会いずっとつるんで青春の日々に反抗してた人生にとって大事なことは未来にあると俺たちは知った今が楽しくても永远に続くわけじゃねえしがみつくな前しか向かねえ最後くらいはカッコつけさせてくれ新しい世界にビビってるけどもう後には引けねえ歩いた道 振り向いたって风が吹いてるだけWOW (WOW) WOW (WOW)WOW (WOW) YES! WOW…俺が恋して破れた夜はガキの顷のようにブランコに立ち汚い言叶大声で叫びそばにいてくれたやさしさが染みたどんなつらくたって悲しみが続くわけじゃねえ强く生きようぜ前しか向かねえ别れの时明日を信じようぜおまえがいなくても俺がいなくても一人で生きられる别々の道 进んだって空は繋がってるんだWOW (WOW) WOW (WOW)WOW (WOW) YES! WOW…旅立ちの时思い出は舍てて行け前しか向かねえ最後くらいはカッコつけさせてくれ新しい世界にビビってるけどもう後には引けねえ歩いた道 振り向いたって风が吹いてるだけWOW (WOW) WOW (WOW)WOW (WOW) WOW (WOW)WOW (WOW) WOW (WOW)WOW (WOW) YES! WOW…mae shika mukaneeyoko wo muitaranamida ni kidzukareru kara[Tak/Wat/Mat/Sas] tooku wo nirande[Tak/Wat/Mat/Sas] okuba kamishime[Yok/Koj/Shi/Mat/Yam] kono michi wo yukou![Tak/Wat/Osh/Mat/Sas] omae to deai[Tak/Wat/Osh/Mat/Sas] zutto tsurunde[Tak/Wat/Osh/Mat/Sas] seishun no hibi ni[Tak/Wat/Osh/Mat/Sas] hankou shiteta[Yok/Koj/Shi/Mat/Yam] jinsei ni totte[Yok/Koj/Shi/Mat/Yam] daiji na koto wa[Yok/Koj/Shi/Mat/Yam] mirai ni aru to[Yok/Koj/Shi/Mat/Yam] oretachi wa shitta[Kaw/Kas/Koj/Min/Sud/Wat] ima ga tanoshikute mo[Kaw/Kas/Koj/Min/Sud/Wat] eien ni tsudzuku wake ja nee[Kaw/Kas/Koj/Min/Sud/Wat] shigamitsuku namae shika mukaneesaigo kurai waKAKKO tsukesasete kureatarashii sekai niBIBItteru kedomou ato ni wa hikeneearuita michi furimuitattekaze ga fuiteru dakeWOW (WOW) WOW (WOW)WOW (WOW) YES! WOW...[Yok/Koj/Shi/Mat/Yam] ore ga koi shite[Yok/Koj/Shi/Mat/Yam] yabureta yoru wa[Yok/Koj/Shi/Mat/Yam] GAKI no koro no you ni[Yok/Koj/Shi/Mat/Yam] BURANKO ni tachi[Kaw/Kas/Koj/Min/Sud/Wat] kitanai kotoba[Kaw/Kas/Koj/Min/Sud/Wat] oogoe de sakebi[Kaw/Kas/Koj/Min/Sud/Wat] soba ni ite kureta[Kaw/Kas/Koj/Min/Sud/Wat] yasashisa ga shimita[Tak/Wat/Osh/Mat/Sas] donna tsurakutatte[Tak/Wat/Osh/Mat/Sas] kanashimi ga tsudzuku wake ja nee[Tak/Wat/Osh/Mat/Sas] tsuyoku ikiyou zemae shika mukaneewakare no tokiashita wo shinjiyou zeomae ga inakute moore ga inakute mohitori de ikirarerubetsubetsu no michi susundattesora wa tsunagatterundaWOW (WOW) WOW (WOW)WOW (WOW) YES! WOW...tabidachi no tokiomoide wa sutete yukemae shika mukanee[Wat/Osh/Mat] saigo kurai wa[Tak/Wat/Osh/Mat/Sas] KAKKO tsukesasete kureatarashii sekai niBIBItteru kedomou ato ni wa hikeneearuita michi furimuitattekaze ga fuiteru dakeWOW (WOW) WOW (WOW)WOW (WOW) WOW (WOW)WOW (WOW) WOW (WOW)WOW (WOW) YES! WOW...中文歌词这里有:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2832662133

AKBoo48以下歌曲的歌词和罗马音 最好有MP3

晕了 - -这么多。。。

艺伎回忆录是不是没有那首take me hand如果有 那在第几分钟


英雄联盟里面kakao是谁 哪个国家的 还有伞皇


求AKB48新单曲《チャンスの顺番》 日文歌词,有罗马音更好~





不是,可口可乐的是coca cola



sakura momok什么意思

sakura momok 樱花幽灵sakura momoko 樱 桃子真情为您解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!


ver.是英语version的缩写,“版本”的意思。short ver.是mv的短版,就是1到2分钟左右的。dance ver.就是mv的舞蹈版本。English ver.是到欧美地区进行表演活动时候而特意演绎的。海外分团JKT48唱的是印尼语版本,SNH48唱的是中国语版本。

It takes some time before 什么意思

这句话是错的,可以这么说:It took some time before/beforehand.之前弄这个东西费了点时间。

200字以上英语作文,题目What make me happy?

There is lot of stuff that makes me happy, such as computer, cards, sports and reading. Computer is a great source for me to learn more stuff and to do more research for my homework. Also, it has the power for me to communicate with my friends when they are far away from me. Of course, there are lots of games to play too. Cards can really cheer me up when I was bored and I can do some calculation with cards such as adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. I also love sports. It can make me healthier and stronger than other people. It can also make me more handsome. It is a fun way to make me happy. Reading can increase my knowledge and grade. The more I read, the better I get. There are also lots of great story and news when I read on books and newspaper. I get to know what is going on in the world and the place around me. Also, when I read novel, I usually imagine I was the character in the books. This means that the story gave me a second life. It was a more fun and exciting life. I love it. There are still lots of stuff in this world that makes me happy, such as family, friends, etc. It was a wonderful world and I was happy about it.

200字以上英语作文,题目What make me happy?

There is lot of stuff that makes me happy, such as computer, cards, sports and reading. Computer is a great source for me to learn more stuff and to do more research for my homework. Also, it has the power for me to communicate with my friends when they are far away from me. Of course, there are lots of games to play too. Cards can really cheer me up when I was bored and I can do some calculation with cards such as adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. I also love sports. It can make me healthier and stronger than other people. It can also make me more handsome. It is a fun way to make me happy. Reading can increase my knowledge and grade. The more I read, the better I get. There are also lots of great story and news when I read on books and newspaper. I get to know what is going on in the world and the place around me. Also, when I read novel, I usually imagine I was the character in the books. This means that the story gave me a second life. It was a more fun and exciting life. I love it. There are still lots of stuff in this world that makes me happy, such as family, friends, etc. It was a wonderful world and I was happy about it.

Akon的 Just A Man 帮忙翻译一下歌词 不要用软件啊!


Akon的《Just A Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Just A Man歌手:Akon专辑:Just A ManJust a man-AkonLyric:蚂蚁滴事nanana~~aaa~~I beat you to the punchlineGirl I love youNow what weWhat we goin"doI mean it reallyWhen I say I love youWhatever todayI will not doCause I hear your prayersLate at night when no one"s listeningPraying I stay the same.I won"t desert youI"m not your exNot trying to hurt youI"m just a manTryin to love youI"m just a manTrying to love you.Your walls are so impossibleI"m tiredAs I"m climbingThey keep on multiplyingEverytime there"s progressWe regressAnd I"m stressedAll I wanna knowIs why you can"t let it go.I"m not your fatherI won"t desert youI"m not your exNot trying to hurt you (oh no)I"m just a manTryin"to love youI"m just a manTrying to love you. I"m not your father I won"t desert you I"m not your ex Not trying to hurt you (oh no) I"m just a man Tryin"to love you I"m just a man Trying to love youCause everything you ever wantIs standing right in front of youEverything you ever needI make sure I put by for youAnd I know you"re scaredAnd I"ve had my days tooLet"s just face this thing together.I"m not your fatherI won"t desert youI"m not your exNot trying to hurt you (no)I"m just a manTryin" love youI"m just a manTrying to love you I"m not your father I won"t desert you I"m not your ex Not trying to hurt you (oh no) I"m just a man Tryin"to love you I"m just a man Trying to love youYeah.HeyYeahGive me that chance babyI wanna love youSaid I wanna love youLet me love you babyLet me love you babyOhhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18234712

下题选哪个?There are five _____ mistakes in this picture.Can you?

There are five _____ mistakes in this picture.Can you find them and win a prize? A.intensive B.deliberate C.planned D.calculated 选【C】 设计好的 plannedadj.计划了的,根据计划的 v.计划,打算,设计( plan的过去式和过去分词 ) intensive adj.加强的,强烈的;[农]精耕细作的;[语]加强语意的;(农业方法)集约的 n.加强器;[语]强义词,强调成份 deliberate adj.故意的;蓄意的;深思熟虑的;慎重的 vt.权衡 vi.熟虑;商讨,2,下题选哪个? There are five _____ mistakes in this picture.Can you find them and win a prize? A.intensive B.deliberate C.planned D.calculated

take part in proverty alleviation对吗?


这里为什么用browing,而不用to brow,或者to make loans不用making?

have difficulty in doing sth 固定搭配,这里的in省略了borrow sth to do sth 固定搭配

帕斯杰尔纳克 (Pasternak) 《梦魇》的英文翻译

Used to come in the blue Of the glacier, at night, from Tamara. With his wingtips he drew Where the nightmares should boom, where to bar them. Did not sob, nor entwine The denuded, the wounded, the ailing… A stone slab has survived By the Georgian church, at the railings. Hunchback shadows, distressed, Did not dance by the fence of the temple. Soft, about the princess The zurna did not question the lamplight, But the sparks in his hair Were aglitter and bursting phosphorous, And the giant did not hear The dark Caucasus greying for sorrow.从专门收集诗词的英文网站来的,希望采纳,谢谢!

speak English是什么意思

nglish的用法和样例: 例句 He can speak English fluently and accurately. 他能准确流利地说英语。 He can speak English after a fashion. 他多少能讲点英语。 My mother doesn"t speak English. 我母亲不会讲英语。 Where did you learn ...全文2616评论踩浅笑心花无涯LV.132015-11-03

Koch Snowflake

Koch Snowflake is one of the most famous factal. It is built by starting with an equilateral triangle, removing the inner third of each side, building another equilateral triangle at the location where the side was removed, and then repeating the process indefinitely. Let Kn be the Koch Snowflake after n-th iteration. It is obvious that the number of sides of Kn, Nn, is 3*4n. Let"s number the sides clockwisely from the top of Koch Snowflake. Let si,n be the i-th side of Kn. The generation of si,n is defined as the smallest m satifying si,n is a part of the sides of Km. For example, in the above picture, the yellow sides are of generation 0; the blue sides are of generation 1; the red sides are of generation 2. Given a side si,n, your task is to calculate its generation. The input contains several test cases. The first line contains T(T <= 1000), the number of the test cases. The following T lines each contain two numbers, i(1 <= i <= 10^9) and n(0 <= n <= 1000). Your task is to calculate the generation of side si,n. For each test case output the generation of the side.

Snow Flakes 歌词

歌曲名:Snow Flakes歌手:The Ventures专辑:The Ventures Christmas Album岚-Snowflake作词:小川贵史作曲:HYDRANT/编曲:HYDRANT冷めたい雨が今雪に変わる/冰冷的雨珠变成了雪花やけに静かになる街/而你现在又在哪里过着怎样的生活呢君は今どこでどんな风にすごしている/白くなった息を分かる距离で/呼出的气息慢慢变白 那天我们就在这样的距离下あの日同じ景色を见ていた/看着同样的风景ささやかな毎日の中で/在微不足道的每一天里どれだけ君を见つけただろう/我是怎样地找寻着你呵流れる季节が远ざかる前に/在流年的季节逝去之前もう一度会いたい/我还想再见你一次気づかないくらいの优しさとか/无论是我未曾注意到的你的温柔今日の服が似合うとか/还是你搭配得很好看的衣服幸せはきっとそんな风に作られてく/幸福一定就是这样来的吧繋いだ手が暖めていた梦/互相紧牵着的双手曾温暖了我们的梦想ずっと描きだけのまま一人/而现在 却只有我独自一人止めないで溢れてる涙/看着那只描绘了一半的梦 泪水止不住地落下甘い记忆が燃えて落ちる/甜美的回忆燃烧殆尽足迹はやがて白く消されても/即使雪地里的脚印渐渐变白后消失君を忘れない/我也不会忘记你ささやかな毎日の中で/在微不足道的每一天里どれだけ君を见つけただろう/我是怎样地找寻着你呵流れる季节が远ざかる前に/在流年的季节逝去之前もう一度だけ/就让我再一次どんなに梦は儚くでも/无论梦想有多么地短暂无常いつかは消え行く定めでも/即使有一天它最终会消失足迹はやがて白く消されても/即使雪地里的脚印渐渐变白后消失君を忘れない/我也不会忘记你http://music.baidu.com/song/2671283


是可数名词snowflake 英[u02c8snu0259u028afleu026ak]美[u02c8snou028afleu026ak]n. 雪花,雪片;[网络] 雪花; 雪片莲; 雪花栈;[例句]I love you. I make a snowflake.我爱你们。我做了一片雪花。[其他] 复数:snowflakes


snowflake 英[ˈsnəʊfleɪk] 美[ˈsnoʊfleɪk] n. 雪花,雪片; [例句]I love you. I make a snowflake.我爱你们。我做了一片雪花。

flake 在美国俚语里是什么意思啊

俚语意思: 越狱二中:why don"t you cut out all the riddles,snowflake,and just give us to a straight.你干嘛不把话说明点,小白脸. SNOWFLAKE: Derogatory term for a Caucasian. 不要翻译成雪花,这里是白种高加索人的不友好的称呼。 snow是指白人吗,flake俚语中意思为:somewhat eccentric person; an oddball【俚语】 怪癖的人:有些怪癖的人;怪人 。

snokflake 在mysql中用什么类型

snokflake 在mysql中用 bigint 64位长整型


Twitter-Snowflake算法产生的背景相当简单,为了满足Twitter每秒上万条消息的请求,每条消息都必须分配一条唯一的id,这些id还需要一些大致的顺序(方便客户端排序),并且在分布式系统中不同机器产生的id必须不同。各种主键ID生成策略对比,见 常见分布式主键ID生成策略 把 41位的时间前缀 , 10位的节点标识 , 12位的sequence 组合在一起。   除了最高位bit标记为不可用以外,其余三组bit占位均可浮动,看具体的业务需求而定。 默认情况下41bit的时间戳,1970年算起可以支持该算法使用到2038年,10bit的工作机器id可以支持1024台机器,序列号支持1毫秒产生4096个自增序列id 。 Snowflake是Twitter在2010年用Scala语言写的一套主键生成策略,用Thrift对外发布主键生成服务,其中依赖了Twitter内部的Infrastructure,后来Twitter用 Twitter-server 代替了Snowflake,自2012年起就未更新。见 Twitter-Snowflake项目地址(Tags:snowflake-2010)   之前写了一个Java的实现,改自网上一个版本: Twitter的分布式自增ID算法Snowflake实现分析及其Java、Php和Python版 。后来看到当当网的 Sharding-JDBC 分库分表中间件已实现了此算法。就直接在其中添加了一些新特性,已merge。( 具体实现 , 说明文档 )   添加3种IdGenerator实现。 用笔记本(i7-3632QM 2.2GHz 四核八线程)测试了下,每秒生成409万(理论上的峰值),CPU占用率18.5%。






snowflake 是可数名词,除了强调一片雪花时用其单数形式外,多数情况下都是以复数形式出现。

歌曲《little snowflake》的翻译是什么?

Little Snowflake 小雪花 Lyrics:歌词:Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.雪花,雪花,小雪花Little snowflake falling from the sky.小雪花从天空飘落。Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.雪花,雪花,小雪花Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落falling, falling, falling, falling...falling on my head.飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落在我的头上Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.雪花,雪花,小雪花Little snowflake falling from the sky.小雪花从天空飘落。Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.雪花,雪花,小雪花Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落falling, falling, falling, falling...falling on my nose.飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落在我的鼻子上Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.雪花,雪花,小雪花Little snowflake falling from the sky.小雪花从天空飘落。Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.雪花,雪花,小雪花Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落falling, falling, falling, falling...falling in my hand.飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落,飘落在我的手上Falling on my head.飘落在我的头上Falling on my nose.飘落在我的鼻子上Falling in my hand.飘落在我的手上Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake...雪花,雪花,小雪花


首先雪花算法就是生成一个64位的二进制数据,最终转换成长度为19的十进制正整数整型数据 解释一下这64位分别代表什么意思,从左往右。 当然这个算法的强大并不仅仅如此而已,这个算法的时间位、机器位、序列号位都是可以根据不同场景来调整的,那么他们碰撞的几率也随着调整发生改变。 接下来上干货 总体来说算法并不难,思路清晰,其中的牵扯到的知识点就是各个数据间进行位运算,这块知识薄弱的可以去补一补。 一篇文档不仅get到了雪花算法的思想,还发现了就像当初发现随机函数 Random 一样,随机只是在一定范围内随机,唯一只是在某一个时间段唯一。场景是度量算法的尺度,致敬 Twitter 。

Crystal Kay的《Snowflake》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Snowflake歌手:Crystal Kay专辑:shiningCrystal Kay - Snowflake作词:H.U.B.作曲:CHRIS GARVEY/JOEY CARBONE空を见上げたあなたを见てたとても爱しくてなぜか不安で 消えていきそうで手をつないでいた何も言わずにそのままで强い手のひら感じてるもうどこにも 行かないでねこの爱を私に会わせてくれたすべてに感谢したいの守ると誓うの どんなことが起きても爱し続ける冬のきらめき 透明な风が街を包み込むきっと谁もが やさしい気持ちで梦を见てる顷どうかあなたがこれからも最後の恋であるように月に祈り 星に愿う明日を信じてふたりで生きていたいこのままずっと心を重ねて 世界が终わる日まで爱し続ける谁もがひとつずつ雪の欠片抱いてぬくもりを探すために生まれてきたのね uhこの爱を私に会わせてくれたすべてに感谢したいの守ると誓うの どんなことが起きても爱し続ける爱し続けるおわりhttp://music.b***.com/song/26417396


解决方法: 首先,SnowFlake的末尾12位是序列号,用来记录同一毫秒内产生的不同id,同一毫秒总共可以产生4096个id,每一毫秒的序列号都是从0这个基础序列号开始递增。假设我们的业务系统在单机上的QPS为3w/s,那么其实平均每毫秒只需要产生30个id即可,远没有达到设计的4096,也就是说通常情况下序列号的使用都是处在一个低水位,当发生时钟回拨的时候,这些尚未被使用的序号就可以派上用场了。 因此,可以对给定的基础序列号稍加修改,后面每发生一次时钟回拨就将基础序列号加上指定的步长,例如开始时是从0递增,发生一次时钟回拨后从1024开始递增,再发生一次时钟回拨则从2048递增,这样还能够满足3次的时钟回拨到同一时间点。 改变原来的末尾sequence生成方法: snowflake算法给workerId预留了10位,即workId的取值范围为[0, 1023],事实上实际生产环境不大可能需要部署1024个分布式ID服务,所以:将workerId取值范围缩小为[0, 511],[512, 1023]这个范围的workerId当做备用workerId。workId为0的备用workerId是512,workId为1的备用workerId是513,以此类推……

岚的《Snowflake》 歌词

歌曲:Snowflake歌手:岚作词:小川贵史作曲:HYDRANT编曲:HYDRANT专辑:Happiness-J Storm冷めたい雨が今雪に変わる/冰冷的雨珠变成了雪花やけに静かになる街/而你现在又在哪里过着怎样的生活呢君は今どこでどんな风にすごしている/白くなった息を分かる距离で/呼出的气息慢慢变白 那天我们就在这样的距离下あの日同じ景色を见ていた/看着同样的风景ささやかな毎日の中で/在微不足道的每一天里どれだけ君を见つけただろう/我是怎样地找寻着你呵流れる季节が远ざかる前に/在流年的季节逝去之前もう一度会いたい/我还想再见你一次気づかないくらいの优しさとか/无论是我未曾注意到的你的温柔今日の服が似合うとか/还是你搭配得很好看的衣服幸せはきっとそんな风に作られてく/幸福一定就是这样来的吧繋いだ手が暖めていた梦/互相紧牵着的双手曾温暖了我们的梦想ずっと描きだけのまま一人/而现在 却只有我独自一人止めないで溢れてる涙/看着那只描绘了一半的梦 泪水止不住地落下甘い记忆が燃えて落ちる/甜美的回忆燃烧殆尽足迹はやがて白く消されても/即使雪地里的脚印渐渐变白后消失君を忘れない/我也不会忘记你ささやかな毎日の中で/在微不足道的每一天里どれだけ君を见つけただろう/我是怎样地找寻着你呵流れる季节が远ざかる前に/在流年的季节逝去之前もう一度だけ/就让我再一次どんなに梦は儚くでも/无论梦想有多么地短暂无常いつかは消え行く定めでも/即使有一天它最终会消失足迹はやがて白く消されても/即使雪地里的脚印渐渐变白后消失君を忘れない/我也不会忘记你

snow flake 的意思





snowflakes英 ["snu0259u028afleu026aks] 美 ["snou028afleu026aks] n.雪花,雪片( snowflake的名词复数 )网络雪花; 雪花纷飞; 雪片数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典百度百科百度知道1Snowflakes flutter in the air. 飞雪花了。汉英大词典2Snowflakes are dancing in the air. 雪花在空中飞舞。汉英大词典3In this silvery world, the white snowflakes are my missing and blessing for you.在银白的世界里,那洁白洁白的雪花,是我对你的绵绵思念和祝福。




snowflakes[英]["snu0259u028afleu026aks] [美]["snou028afleu026aks] 生词本简明释义n.雪花,雪片( snowflake的名词复数 )以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义1.N-COUNT雪花A snowflake is one of the soft, white bits of frozen water that fall as snow.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句Like snowflakes, no two examples look exactlyalike.如同雪花,没有哪两次撞击看上去是完全一样的。



Min skal, din skal, vakra. flickrs skal. 什么意思

闵岩山,喧嚣岩山,vakra。 flickrs岩山。

speak 和pronounce的区别

speak 是讲话 强调动作 pronounce是 发音 读 宣判

How to make popcorn综合实践课怎么上

方法如下:1.注重学生兴趣,选择学生乐于参与的主题。“实施素质教育无疑应面向全体学生,而不是少数精英学生;要促进 学生各具特色的全面发展,而不是片面发展,更不是单纯发展应付考试的能力; 要培养学生自主学习2.注重学生的实践,培养学生的能力。 综合实践活动明显的体现了学生的自主性,“学生的主动性愈强,对 教师的要求也越高,愈是要求教师深入研究学生的心理特点和认知水平,研究 各种类型的活动内在的规律。3.注重成果交流,让学生体验成功。 综合实践活动强调活动过程中学生的经历和体验,活动本身以及探索 的结果并不是综合实践活动的主要目标,而活动过程中学生的自我发现与自我 反思是更值得关注的。

英语作文: How to make popcorn 不要太长的

Popcorn made on a stovetop tastes great, and it doesn"t take as much time as you might think.There are 8 steps you should follow.1. Use a heavy-bottom pan with a lid, preferably a lid with holes to allow steam to escape during popping. This keeps the popcorn from being chewy.2. Add 3 tablespoons of vegetable or peanut oil to the pan (or use the amount suggested on your package of popcorn kernels). 3. Turn the heat to medium and add two popcorn kernels to the pan. When those kernels pop, the oil is hot enough to add the rest.4. Add 1/2 cup (or amount suggested on package) of popcorn kernels to the pan and cover. If the lid does not have holes, keep it slightly ajar.5. Gently shake the pan to keep the kernels from burning.6. Keep shaking while the kernels pop. Once the popping slows to a stop, turn off the heat.7. Wait a few seconds for any remaining pops, and then remove the lid.8. Pour the popcorn into a large bowl, add your seasoning of choice, and enjoy!

how to make popcorn英语作文60词

How to make popcorn I like popcorn very much. I learned from my mother how to make popcorn.Now let me show you the ways. First you put the popcorn into the popper. Next, turn on the popper. Wait for several minutes. Then you pour the popcorn into the bowl. And put salt on the popcorn. Finallyyou can eat the popcorn.


lets make popcorn 我们来做爆米花吧

翻译Their efforts can be seen in the awakening in much of industry




Rude Awakening的《Dignity》 歌词

歌曲名:Dignity歌手:Rude Awakening专辑:HeadbutterBullet For My Valentine - DignitySo society just can"t let us bePlease don"t be ashamedWe are not to blameThe future"s ours to takeWe will make mistakesScream this loud and proudWe Will Not Back Down!So let"s go and believe some pressureAnarchy can only make it betterWe can"t we won"t surrenderWe Can"t We Won"t Surrender!We"re not scared "cause we like the dangerReality will only make us strongerWe can"t we won"t surrenderWe Can"t We Won"t Surrender!Don"t tell me where I will lay in your cemeteryDon"t try to silence and bury meDon"t push me "cause I won"t go quietlyI"d rather die with dignityLet them put us downHope we"re not aroundThey pray we go awayBut we"re here to stayTime is on our sideOur two worlds collideThese four words might helpJust go FUCK YOURSELF!So let"s go and believe some pressureAnarchy can only make it betterWe can"t we won"t surrenderWe Can"t We Won"t Surrender!We"re not scared "cause we like the dangerReality will only make us strongerWe can"t we won"t surrenderWe Can"t We Won"t Surrender!Don"t tell me where I will lay in your cemeteryDon"t try to silence and bury meDon"t push me "cause I won"t go quietlyI"d rather die with dignityDIGNITY!Don"t tell me where I will lay in your cemeteryDon"t try to silence and bury meDon"t push me "cause I won"t go quietlyI"d rather die with dignityTell me where are we laying your cemeteryDon"t try to silence and bury meDon"t push me "cause I won"t go quietlyI"d rather die with dignityhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15013391

in for a rude awakening

be in for肯定要经历(或遭受)难免,要遭受(常指坏事): rude awakening突然意识(或了解)到(一种不愉快的情况);(对于现实的)猛然的醒悟;(对于理想或希望的)突然幻灭


《The Awakening》(Kate Chopin)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1XQ0UFmclUnW0CTlCfsa1qA 提取码:t407书名:The Awakening作者:Kate Chopin豆瓣评分:8.8出版社:W. W. Norton & Company出版年份:1994-1-14页数:336内容简介:The second edition of this important canonical text is again based in the 1899 edition. The "Criticism" section has been greatly expanded to include more feminist appraisals, and a chronology has been added.作者简介:Kate Chopin, was born Katherine O"Flaherty in St. Louis on Feburary8,1851, of a prosperous Irish-born merchant father and an aristocratic Creole mother. She studied piano, wrote poetry, and read Dickens, Austen, Goethe, de Stael, and the Brontes. Despite her free spirit--she was once nicknamed the "littlest rebel" for yanking down a Union flag--Kate grew to be a leading social belle, admired for her wit and beauty.In 1870 she married Oscar Chopin. Matrimony did not quell her independence; she dressed unconventionally, took long unchaperoned walks, and smoked cigarettes. In their twelve years of married life, she bore six children, and upon Oscar"s sudden death in 1882 she took over the management of the Chopin family plantation in Natchitoches, Louisana. She turned seriously to writing shortly thereafter, publishing stories in Vogue and Atlantic Monthly. She wrote a novel, At Fault(1890), Bayou Folk, a collection of stories(1894), A Night in Acadie, a second collection (1897), and her masterpiece The Awakening(1899), which aroused a national scandal for its "indecency." Banned by libraries, it even prevented her admission into the St. Louis Fine Arts Club--even though Kate Chopin was famous for her literary salon, which attracted distinguished artists and writers from all over the country.Always sensitive to criticism, Chopin was devastated by the furor that surrounded the publication of The Awakening, and its harsh reception ultimately caused her to stop writing. When she died in 1904, she had been denied the recognition she desperately wanted and richly deserved.

谁有the awakening 的中文翻译啊。。。。谢谢。。。。

the awakening是觉醒的意思

Brave Awakening 歌词

歌曲名:Brave Awakening歌手:Rumer专辑:Boys Dont Cry (Special Edition)Rumer - Brave AwakeningMother, I fear for the laddiesThere ain"t much more coal to go down toThere ain"t much more soul to get round toNot anymoreMother, I hear for the laddiesAin"t much more soul to get round toLessening of companies that are findingThings to bind to it anymoreI"d hate to just realize whyThat company"s getting so shyThe bairns don"t have get togethers "round hereNot anymoreIt"s happening all over the cityTalking "bout going on down toThe town where the money"s just bound toSurely just ease the doorThey"re telling their sisters of whyFeelings that pass them close byAll that they seek is what they"re wanting to keepAnd it"s glistening right there in their eyesOh mother, I fear for the laddiesFather says no one goes down toThe face of some mine no boy of minesGonna be bound to anymoreThe future"s a brave new awakeningHave to no more go back down toBowels of this earth that will take youAway from home and moreHomeHomeHomeWorking in a coal mine...Lyrics compiled by Tony from LK Lyrics Grouphttp://music.baidu.com/song/18038310

new awakening 歌词

歌曲名:new awakening歌手:Mortification专辑:mortificationEradicaion of disobedienceThe lake of fire for the dying soulThe crucifiction brings try remission eternal life the eternal goalChrist descended and took the keysEnthroned majestic at God"s right handThe great commission the chilren of GodYou(r) eyes on Jesus you of faithful wittnessMortificationCHORUSAre you ready to learnRise up people in powerAre you ready to burnWith fire from on highI won"t choose pleasures of sinFor a short timeI won"t betray the sacrificeThat Christ made for meI will not turn awayCHORUSSatan"s name exposes all he is to beReprobate with no authorityThere is only one name by which you may be savedThat"s the name of Jesus ChristYou must realize death is the result of sinSeek God"s forgiveness seek it down withinCHORUShttp://music.baidu.com/song/14111807

the awakening(觉醒) 读后感

The AwakeningKate Chopin has been considered to be a great American female writer and her reputation as major American writer has been on the increase ever since the feminist movement in what hers the awakening has been rediscovered. The novel, with its balance structure, poetic language, super use of symbols, especially its barely connotation has aroused interests of one generation after another.The aim of this thesis is to reinterpret the novel from feminist criticism has gradually become one of the mainstreams in the critical world.This is simply a story about a lonely and desperate housewife who couldn"t bear her boredom and craving for young and pleasant male company, throwing away all the duty and responsibilities of a wife and mother to join her lamentable self-meditating new life. The author seems to make every attempt to justify an affair. Edna flirted outrageously with a few young men and accidentally fell in love with one of them. If awakening means falling in love with somebody else instead of your husband, someone much younger than you are, and finally failing to have the courage of getting a divorce and flying away with your lover, you"d better not wake up. Edna is extremely pathetic. Even though it is no doubted the book is well written and well received. This is by no means a joyful feminism text. I"m sorry for her husband and sorry for Robert. She doesn"t worth it. But still, the book is absolutely worth reading.

the awakening 歌词

歌曲名:the awakening歌手:Giuffria专辑:giuffriaGiuffriaWake up, Wake up.It"s just a dream.It"s just a scary little dream.We all love to sing this song.Everybody loves me.We all love to sing this song.Everybody loves me.Everybody loves me.Everybody loves me.http://music.baidu.com/song/14137972

The Awakening 歌词

歌曲名:The Awakening歌手:Embodiment专辑:Prophecies Of SicknessThe AwakeningFrom 梦境传说(Dreamtale)武汉大学测绘学院:谭导(主撰)、小雄、阿波、TY倾情撰写More that you"ll get, the more will you wantNothing can please you, to cease you to yearnYou reach out for sun, you bore under groundWhat lies there for you?Searching for riches and treasures of oldNothing can please your hunger for goldBurrowing under, reaching for starsBut now you have reached too farNo! What have you doneNow it is time to payFeel your heartBeating in the darkYou"ve invoked the beast beneathNo one can hear your screamNow the spiral is spinning too fastAny second might be your lastYour heart was led by greedFrom your soul the beast will feed具备狂吼咆哮或高亢激昂的嗓音电吉他大量失真的音色再以密集快速的鼓点和低沉有力的贝司填满整个听觉的背景空间构成一种含有高爆发力,快速度,重量感及破坏性等元素的改良式摇滚乐。Once again I feel my heartBeating my lifeblood through my veinsWoe upon thee and thy kindFor thou hast "wakened the slumber of mineHatred shall be my wineFear my meatWith your soul I shall feastFeel your heartBeating in the darkYou"ve invoked the beast beneathNo one can hear your screamNow the spiral is spinning too fastAny second might be your lastYour heart was led by greedFrom your soul the beast will feedYou can feel your heartBeating in the darkYou"ve invoked the beast beneathNo one can hear your screamNow the spiral is spinning too fastAny second might be your lastYour heart was led by greedFrom your soul the beast will feed珞珈山梦境联盟http://music.baidu.com/song/15015365
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